U.S. Church Seen Us Hope for Imperhed I. America REGISTER

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U.S. Church Seen Us Hope for Imperhed I. America REGISTER U.S. Church Seen us Hope For ImperHed I. America Time is running out in Latin America, and the Church in the United States appears to be the only Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations power at the moment that can prevent a takeover by the ContenU Copyright by the Catholic Press Society. Inc.. 1962 — Permission to Reproduce, Except Communists or halt Protestants from making inroads On*Articles Otherwise Marked, Given After 12 H.” Friday Following Issue into an area that has such a long Catholic heritage. Latin America can use 200,000 priests right now. Father Edward O’Reilly Cassi-' dy of the Miasionary Society of work ia Latin America. To St. James the Apostle stressed date, he said, he expects to these conditions in an inter­ gain (be volnnteer services of DENVER CATHaiC view at the ResUter. mote than IS priests. There is a “ fantastic” need j The Missionary Society of St. I James the Apostle was founded ;by Cardinal Richard Cushing, . Archbishop of Boston, in 1958 ' to aid the Church in Latin America. REGISTER Father Cassidy became in­ terested in Latin America while VOL. LVI. No. 27. THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1962 DENVER, COLORADO on a vacation trip to Mexico before he was ordained. Ckilditui Invito You He was ordahved when he was in his Ms for the Diocese of Reno and has retained his in­ terest in Latin America. He Adoption Week Feb. 18-23 made a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Guadalupe near The Infant of Prague Mexico City when he was serv­ Nursery, 2790 W. 33rd ave­ ing* in Las Vegas, Nev. nue, Denver, is activdy Below the tiima of Juan Diego participating with the Den­ that bears the image of Our ver Department of Public Lady of Guadalupe, Father Cas­ Welfare and other welfare sidy offered Hass in the Basil­ organizations in Adoption ica at the shrine. He asked Our Lady of Guadalupe to guide him Week, Feb. 18 to Feb. 23. in deciding whether or not he The Catholic nursery has was to work in Latin America. 42 tots available for adop­ Bev. Edward OTleiUy Cassidy Our Lady answered, “ Yes.” tion, in clu d in g m an y of Historic Cfcoyonno Certhodroi He returned to the States and Spanish ■ American and St. Mary’s CathedraL Cheyenne, Wyo., has tion In the Cathedral, at the coet of $250,6M for more priests in Latin Amer- hgter received permission from other minority origins. ka, be warned. This fact can- Bishop Robert J. Dwyer of been remodeled extensively in preparation for and under the direction of Bishop Hutert M. not be overstressed. He has re-1 Reno to serve in Latin America. The opportunity to apply the 75th anniversary of the diocese Wednesday, Newell, Involved nepr altars, marble facing of turned to the U.S. after more After joining the Society of for the adoption of these Feb. 21. Built In 1908 of Wyoming gray sand­ the walls of the sanctuary, and the construction than the three years’ service St. James, Father Cassidy was children offers a rare and stone, the Cathedral is rated an excellent ex­ Of an extensive addition at the rear of the among Inca Indians in Pern. sent to Bolivia first for further, eminent invitation for Colo­ ample of English Gothic architecture. Bishop structure with new sacristy facilities and a His goal is to help recruit preparation, and then eventually rado families to share in a James J. Keane, third Ordinary of the dio­ large meeting room. New pews, lights, public priests for Latin America. he began working in Curahuasi, truly Christ-like service to cese, was responsible for raising the $1M,0M address system, and a complete decoration of (or constructing the historic editice. Renova­ the building completed the renovation. Irish-bom Father Cassidy Peru. the less fortunate mem^rs is visiting as many Bishops When there, be organised of our communities. as he can in the U B . seeking S t Patrick’s Day parades. Older children are also avail­ priests who will volnnteer ter (Tam to Pope 2 — Column?) able for adoption at St. Clara’s Cheyenne Diocese to Mark orphanage, 3800 W. 29th AVfe- nue; Queen of Heaven orphan­ age, 4825 Federal Boulevard; Mt. St. Vincent Home, W. 42nd 75th Anniversary Feb. 21 Student Retreats Slated Avenue and Lowell Boulevard; and the Good Shepherd Home, Dignitaries of Church and laity will join in a Solemn Pon the diocese from 1912 to 1951, a East Louisiana and South Colo­ tifical Mass to mark the 7Sth total of 39 years. rado Boulevard. State, led by Archbishop In Over 40 Locations anniversary of the Diocese of Bishop Hubert M. NeweU, Miss Kathleen Price of the Urban J. Vehr of Denver, Cheyenne in St. Mary’s Cathe a former priest of the Denver The annual retreats for Cath­ students, in almost 30 parishes. Catholic Charities Office at 1665 eight members of the Hier­ dral, Wednesday, Feb. 21, at Archdiocese, has been Bishop olic students in public high “ All Catholic students in public Looking for a Home Grant Street (AC. 2-3825) is 10:30 a.m. of Cheyenne since 1951. He in charge of the Catholic par­ archy, Wyoming’s two Uni­ schools will be held Monday, high schools are urged to attend was made Coadjutor of the “I need somebody to love me,” say the expressions of these Five Bishops have guided the March 12, iit more than 40 lo­ these retreats,” said Father Ro­ ticipation in the Adoption ted States Senators, Joseph J. diocese in 1947. The Diocese three winsome children, Keith, Judy, and Jean. They receive diocese In its 75-year history. cations in the Denver metropoli­ bert Syrianey, pastor of Our Week program. She is prepared Hickey and Gale McGee, Gov. of Cheyenne is a suffragan love and care at the Infant of Prague Nursery while they are tan area. Lady of Fatima parish, Lake­ to supply all details concerning Jack Gage, Mayor Bill Nation, The longest administration was see of the metropolitan prov­ waiting to bring happiness into the lives of some couple fortn- In order to make it convenient w ood and associate director of the children who are available and a host of Monsignori, priests that of Bishop Patrick A. Mc­ ince of Denver. Catholics nate enough to adopt them. for youths to attend the retreats, Catholic Youth organizations in for adoption and the procedures religious, and members of the Govern, who was Ordinary of number 48J100 in a population all paridMi ib the Denver area the archdiocese. to be followed in adopting a <d »ao OOP child. are being asked to cooperate In Preparations lor Ike re- The gathering, which will be Feb. 18-23 was designated as providing sites for either senior treala are being made by the one of the most colorful In the Adoption Week in the city in an or junior highs school students. archdiocesaa Confraternity of Jr. Chamber fo Install history of the diocese, will also official proclamation from May­ Expect 1,000 at Mass Christian Doctrine under the mark the completion of the For Samian or Richard Batterton. , According to preliminary direction of the R t Rev. Mon­ renovation of the Cathedral plans, retreats for senior high signor Gregory Smith, P.A., Daniel McNellis Feb. 23 CfffzMB Sana Issua after 18 months of work and students will be held in 14 par­ V.G., pastor of St. Francis de Plans for the program got un Marking Nuns' Jubilee the expenditure of more than Daniel R. McNellis, newly he was an outstanding athlete, ishes, and those for junior high Sales’ parish, Denver. dey way the past fall when a a $250,000. elected president of the Denver earning all-parochial recogni­ lay committee of prominent Sisters in the archdiocese have Officers of the newly formed A capacity throng, of 1,000 Archbishop Vehr will preside Junior Chamber of Commerce, tion in football. Denver citizens met to consider been invited to the Mass. CYO in the archdiocese are co­ persons is expected to fill tj>e at the Jubilee Mass, which will will be installed in this pdst at He received a B.A. degree in the problem of finding new operating with Monsignor Smith Cmtoto at Halgfctf be offered by Auxiliary Bishop the organization’s annual meet­ education upon graduation from homes for children of minority Cathedral, the mother church St Jude Burse in making the arrangements. Climaxing the sesquicenten- David M. Maloney. Bishop New­ ing Friday, Feb. 23. the University of Denver in 1952. groups — children who remain of the Archdiocese of Denver, Members of the CCD will handle niai ceremonies will be a din­ ell will deliver the sermon. Mr. McNellis, a member of in orphanages despite long wait­ Receives $71 registrations and will be on hand for the Solemn Pontifical Mass ner at Loretto Heights College Notre Dame parish, is training ing lists of eager adoptive par­ Members of the Hierarchy Five contributors this past Thursday, Feb. 15, at 4 p.m., lor members of the Hierarchy, to assist students attending the coordinator of the Public Ser­ ents. , who will grace the occasion in­ week gave a total of $71 to r ^ e retreats. marking the 150th anniversary clergy, and Brothers. vice Company of Colorado. He Mrs. Doris Dore, child wel­ clude Bishop Bernard J. Sulli­ the St. Jude Burse for the edu­ of the founding of the Sisters A group of 36 Loretto Sisters Mass will be offered at noon and his ,wife, Bonnie, are the fare supervisor, is handling li­ van, S.J., retired Bishop of cation of future priests to $5,- of Loretto in 1812 at Nerinckx, are to p l ^ n t the cantata “We in each parish for studenis at­ parents of five children.
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