Reported 5 abduction: S I questions for S i, (See page 3) UIMH 122 MEITHEAMH — JUNE 1997

THE British Prime Minister, , made his first major speech on the Six Counties in Belfast on May 16, ruling out British withdrawal and burying the British 's previous policy of a united by consent. On his first visit to the Six Counties as British Prime Minister he made it absolutely clear that British rule was going to continue. He offered a meeting of British negotiate cease-fire terms but would discuss government officials with the Provisional' whether the Provisional were "ready to give political organisation without a ceasefire but up violence". delighted the unionists by stating "I believe A reference to "cross-border in the United Kingdom. I value the Union .. " was even qualified by Tony . my agenda is not a . . . none Blair by saying that "if such arrangements of us in this hall today, even the youngest, is were real ly threatening to unionists we would likely to see Northern Irelandasanything but not negotiate them". He also called on the a part of the United Kingdom. That is the administration to change Articles 2 reality, because the consent principle is now and 3 of the 193 7 constitution which contain almost universally accepted." a "paper claim" to jurisdiction over the 32 suggested on the BBC that counties. This would be a sign of their support one passage could have been lifted directly for the principle of consent', he said. from the Unionist Party manifesto. Thus the only constitutional change Blair continued: "A political settlement is referred to in his speech was the demand that not a slippery slope to a united Ireland. The the 26 Counties drop Articles 2 and 3 before Government will not be persuaders for unity. any settlement. The wagons do not need to be drawn up in This would mean that nationalists in the a circle." Six Counties could be disowned by the Dublin Tony Blair's "principle of consent" is the government in so far as they could and would unionist veto by which 18% of the people of become British citizens in every sense. Ireland (the unionists) are given the say by The message from Tony Blair is clear and the British government over the wishes of has been predicted by Republican Sinn Fein the other 82%. It is therefore anathema to since the start of this process: a partitionist Irish Republicans and democrats. settlement is the only conceivable outcome • Like his Tory predecessor , the new British prime minister, Tony Blair, is Blair's offer for his officials to meet the of the so-called all-party talks. a Unionist committed to securing British rule in Ireland. Provisional is conditional on their military The alternative peace process based on a organisation continuing their de facto British withdrawal must now be promoted by ceasefire for the Westminster and 26-County all Irish people and friends of Ireland abroad general elections. According to the British as the real path to a lasting and just solution Think before you vote Provo Prime Minister the meeting would not to Ireland's English problem. IN VIEW of the second kidnapping and what sincere Republican-minded people want." interrogation of a faithful Republican in Belfast by Speaking on Radio Ulster's Talkback the Provos, Republican Sinn Fein called on May programme on May 28 Provisional councillor in 28 for all Republican-minded people in the Belfast, , said that their councillors constituencies concerned in the 26 Counties "to would not rule out performing the royalist duties Commemoration consider long and deeply before they vote for of Lord Mayor of that city if they were elected to BODENSTOWN Provisional candidates on June 6." the post. The most recent abduction lasting 24 hours These duties were listed as toasting the British occurred on May 20-21 (Seepage 3 inside). "Even Queen at official dinners; attending Remembrance JUNE 15, 1997 as voting took place in the Six-County local Day ceremonies and greeting members ol the Assemble 2.30pm, Sallins, Co Kildare elections and Provo representatives were talking British Royal Family visiting Belfast. Oration: Mick McManus, Fermanagh to British ofTicials a Republican rejecting any In reaction Ruairi 6 Bradaigh, President, Buses leave: "internal settlement' under British-rule was being Republican Sinn Fein said that "this statement by Dublin, Virgin Megastore, 1.30pm, £3 held and interrogated by the new Broy Harriers," Alex Maskey shows a further deterioration by the Gakvay, Eyre Square, 9.30am, £5 in advance, Tel. 091 -525977 the statement added. Provisional as they depart further from their Limerick, contact Joe Lynch, Tel. 061-31 1457 "In view of these developments Republican roots. Clare, contact Martin Calligan, Tel. 065-53105 Sinn Fein urges would-be Provo voters to think , Crescent Quay, Wexford town, 10.30am long and hard about where the current process is "As the pace of their absorption into the Other areas: contact your SAOIRSE paper sellers or tel Dublin Theobald Wolfe Tone leading. British systems quickens, Republicans are entitled 872 9747. "Will it mean former Republicans using force to ask how long will it be before they are NOTE: Those attending Bodenstown from the West on June 15 should take the exit marked against their own community in the interests of a indistinguishable - not from the SDLP - but from Kilcock/Naas, drive through Kilcock village and turn right over the motorway to Sallins. reformed British rule in Ireland? Surely this is not the Alliance Party?" SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 Belfastman remanded at secret session of Sligo court Intimidation of Harryville churchgoers escalates A BELFAST man appeared before a special centre on May 10 when a in camera session of the Sligo sitting of Sligo District Court in the 26 Counties bomb in a red Proton car was District Court. Only Moyna's ONCE again innocent church-goers had to run on May 17 charged with possession of 2.28 defused by the . lawyer, Peter Brady, was the gauntlet of fascist Orange mobs as the 200- kilograms of Semtex explosives in Belfast seven The vehicle contained a allowed into the court, while strong protesters tried to charge through British days previously. quantity of Semtex explosive, the 26-County police ringed the police lines to the Catholic church, at Harryville a timing unit, a battery and a courthouse. Ballymena, Co Antrim on Saturday, May 24. Gerard Michael Moyna The Criminal Law Act has One observer asked detonator which had exploded Tempera GUtred as the loyalist Ingots hurled bottles, stones had been held for 48 hours been described as the "dregs of •whatever happened to justice under the Offences Against the Sunningdale" as it was prematurely. The car had been paint bombs and other missiles in the direction of Our Lady's hijacked in Andersonstown at being seen to be done?". Church. Water service workers who had been operating in the area State Act by the 26-County introduced by the 26-County Another said that even in the Special Branch in Sligo after State in return for the Council 6pm and was discovered at were forced to tlee as their van was set ablaze. 7.10pm in College Avenue. non-jury Special Court in having being discharged from of Ireland' advisory body Green Street, Dublin, members The rioters then charged towards a mechanical digger pushing which never came into being. Gerard Moyna denied the it down an embankment and attacked a lorry carrying stones Sligo General Hospital on of the public and relatives could The 26-County law has charge. He was remanded in Thursday, May 15. attend and sit in the public Their voracious appetite also included break ing up water mains remained on the statute bok custody to the next sitting of On the expiry of that 48- gallery. leaving many homes on the estate without water In contrast to ever since to be used against Sligo District Court on Friday, RUC treatment of nationalists, no plastic bullets were fired during hour period he was again It was also suggested that Irish people. May 23. the riot by the British police arrested and charged with the banning of the public from The charge is being linked In an unprecedented move Former rugby international and DUP Councillor Davy Tweed offences contrary to Section 3 the court may have been for the by the 26-County Special at that second hearing, was there to cheer on the ()range mob The protest in now in its of the Explosives Substances benefit of "shy" British Crown Branch and the British Crown members of his family and ninth month Act 1883, as substituted by Forces personnel attending the Forces in briefings to the media members of the public were Section 4 of the Criminal Law hearing. Act of 1976. to an incident in Belfast city refused entry to what was an A baby girl for Roisin 1981 hunger-strikers ROISIN McAliskey was Finally given leave by a vindictive British system to enter hospital on Friday, May 23. She was released on conditional honoured in New York bail to Whittington Hospital, North , IN A message to the Cumann na Saoirse (Irish where the staff reported that she was in a severely Freedom Committee) rally held outside the weakened condition, due to asthma attacks in a British Consulate, New York on May 3 to mark Victorian dungeon-like cell in Holloway prison, the 16th anniversary of the 1981 , London. Republican Sinn Fein sent greetings to On Monday, May 26 she gave buth to a baby gili weighing those gathered to honour the H-BIock hunger SIba 1302 and mothei and baby arc reported to be doing well. Her strikers of 1980-81. The message continued: mothei Bemadettc and hei partner, Sean McCotter arc allowed access Despite womes OVd the health ot' mothei and bain, friends say she gamed a little ueight due to SUperioi hospital food and "At its height 33 Prisoners "The 1980-81 hunger proper medical tieatment of War were on hunger strike in strikers were an important 1980, including three women landmark in Irish revolutionary from Armagh jail. We remember history in that they politicised H-Block escaper them all today for the courage and awakened an entire and sacrifice but the ten generation of young Irish remanded Republican prisoners who gave people, at home and abroad, to LONG Kesh escapei Dermot McNally (39) a fatha of two who their lives in 1981 hold an the evil that is British colonial was arrestc ! >uni\ police a1 ln-> home in Sligo in the last everlasting place in our hearts. rule in Ireland. ueck of April waj remanded in custody t>>i two weeks when he "The hunger strikes also appeared at Dublin dislnct conn on 1 huisdav. May 1. State "The intervention of focused international attention solicitor Liam Mulholland said McNalK who is being sought by prisoner-candidates has a long on the plight of the people of the British on 14 extradition warrant iking an application and honourable history in Irish British-occupied Ireland. Let for bail on Mas 13 McNallv who \ present in the court for just us remain true to their memory politics. The successful election two minutes was iciuanded m eustods to May 15 On that date by remaining true to their of hunger-strikers June 12 u.: the hearing "I the extradition case in Fermanagh South Tyrone objectives: a British withdrawal and Kieran Doherty in Cavan/ from Ireland and Irish national Monaghan and of H-Block independence. They did not Two Irish political prisoners prisoner Paddy Agnew in count the cost and stood in 4 Louth during 1981 secured direct line of succession to the • Bobby Sands — hunger strike remembered in New York to be transferred massive world-wide publicity men and women of Easter on 16th anniversary. TWO Provisional prisoners arc to be Iran! from pnsonsin for the prisoners. Week 1916. Britain to prisons m the Si\ Counties 1 )ann\ McNamcc and Liam "Sixteen years later it is a "Republican Sinn Fein McCotta are expected to be transferred shortl) to Maghsbeny matter of regret that the stands in the same direct line of County Limerick man sentenced prison in County Antrim There has been concern about the health nationalist parties in Mid- succession and remains the only PAUL Quinn (24) was sentenced to six months for refusing to of the two men who have been held in Special Secure Units' Ulster did not follow the lead political organisation in Ireland account for his movements on June 7, 1996, the day Special (SSUs) since then involvement in the attempted escape from Branchman Gerry McCabe was shot dead in Limerick. Quinn of Republican Sinn Fein who challenging Britain's rightt o rule Whitemoor prison in 1994. stated publicly that it would here and calling from Patnckswell, Co Limerick was arrested by the 26-County not stand in opposition to unapologetically for a British police and taken to Henry Street barracks. When asked where he Koisin McAliskey, currently withdrawal and a New Ireland. was on June 6/7/8, 1997 Detective N Deenihan said that Quinn Fury over DUP death threat suffering inhuman and Heir Bill (Victory to the refused to answer. In a reserved judgement from an earlier sitting GAA members and nationalists throughout Occupied Ireland are vindictive treatment in a British Irish people!)," the message Judge Michael O'Reilly convicted him under Section 52 of the furious at the latest in a stream of outbursts from one of Paisleys jail. concluded. Offences Against the State Act and sentenced him to the maxi- foot-soldiers, Willie McCrea. After losing his seat to the mum six months Provisional in Mid-Ulster. McCrea said nationalists " will have a I would like to join Republican Sinn Fein price to pay". A GAA member in Deny who refused to be named said, "people are naturally frightened, especially after what Ba mhaith liom bheith i mo bhall de Sinn OUR AIMS happened with Sean Brown's murder. A lot of people would believe Fein Poblachtach that Rev McCrea's words uould represent a veiled thrc For a full British withdrawal from Ireland ... The establishment of a US Congress debate on Ainm true 32-County FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC SOCIALIST seven Irish deportees Seoladh REPUBLIC... The establishment of MEMBERS of the US House of Representatives a new all-Ireland parliament debated the cases of seven Irishmen living in the completely outside the present US who are facing deportation to Britisn partitionist set-up, to oversee the Occupied Ireland. running of the new neutral non-aligned Ten members of the House opposed deportation during Ireland . . . Special (Men debate on the cases against the men including Tyron Send to: native Bnan Pea: tlv awarded political as} u Fora full OUR HISTORY by a New York. he Teach Daithi 6 Conaill The decision to grant political asylum is being appealed ) ^ British Formed immi ratlO a 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 in 1905 ... We are the oldest Immigration and Naturals the ^ ", 'l0f Teil: 01-872 9747; Facs: 01-872 9757. the US Justice Department The various members of the Ho e-mail: saoirse(2> or Representatives highlighted individual aspects ot ea^ ^ [email protected] including the fa. ind children or contact your local paper seller for lacing deportai; details British partitioned^oZZ the SAOIRSE July edition

— I published 3/7/1997 SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 Murder of GAA official: no concessions to sectarian gangsters A PROMINENT Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) official was killed by a loyalist death squad in County on May 13. Sean Brown (61), chairman of the Wolfe Tone Gaelic Football Club in Bellaghy, County Derry, was locking up the club premises on his own after a meeting. He was a father of six children.

It is believed he was sympathy to the family and abducted as he was locking the colleagues of Sean Brown. gates. A shot was fired at the gates, possibly during a struggle "Similarly we deplore the between Brown and his several recent sectarian murders attackers. An hour after the in the Six Occupied Counties abduction Sean Brown's body and the many sectarian attacks was found beside a burning car including the destruction of near Randalstown, County churches and church property. • Sean Brown Antrim, ten miles away. He had "But GAA members must situation and show by their been shot dead. not in the face of such killings steadfastness and dignity that In a statement on May 13 back down or make any they will uphold the best Ruairi 6 Bradaigh, President, concessions to such attacks and traditions of their Association. Republican Sinn Fein said: those responsible for them - That service for well over a • The remains of Sean Brown's burnt-out Ford Sierra at Randalstown, Co Antrim, beside "Republican Sinn Fein while at all times keeping the century has been an inspiration which his body was found with gunshot wounds to the head. deplores the sectarian murder lines open to those not of their to Irish people at home and of the chairman of the Bellaghy must not be allowed to deflect their ideals. them when their officials and national and Gaelic tradition. abroad. them from their noble work "Irish people and members are threatened and Wolfe Tones GAA club in Co "They must remain calm "Sectarian gangsters with Derry and expresses sincere among the community or to sportsmen and women killed in the name of an outdated and vigilant in the current British Intelligence backing cause them to compromise on throughout the world stand by colonialism." Nationalist vote increases as British Labour take power Reported Belfast THE combined Provisional/SDLP vote in the Ulster seat from the sitting (30.86%).In Britain, the Labour Westminster election in the Six Occupied unionist representative William Party led by Tony Blair had a Counties on May 1 reached 40.2% of the votes McCrea of the DUP by a landslide victory, winning 418 abduction: cast, the highest ever, yet this translated into their margin of 1,883 votes. seats of a total of 659. taking only five out of the 18 seats (ie 28% of the The only other change was The Tories lost half their seats). the win by the Ulster Unionist MPs, winning only 165 while questions for candidate, William Thompson, the Liberal Democrats got 46 This is because of the first- As expected Gerry Adams in the newly-created West candidates elected. past-the-post system of voting (Provisional) won back the Tyrone constituency. With Gerry Adams in the British system and also West Belfast seat from Joe only 34.9% of the vote, One of Blair's first moves the result of the policy of Hendron of the SDLP with a Thompson, the only unionist was to appoint Marjorie 'Mo' THE Belfast Irish News reported on its front page favouring the unionists in the majority of 7,909 votes, while candidate, won by a margin of Mowlam as direct ruler for the on May 22 that the Provisionals military drawing up of constituency his colleague Martin I,r61 votes ahead of SDLP Six Occupied Counties, to organisation had abducted and interrogated a boundaries in the Six Counties. McGuinness won the Mid- (32.1%) and the Provisionals succeed Patrick Mayhew. member of the IRA led by the Continuity Army Council in west Belfast. The unnamed man was of the British forces, as the new Stepping-stone to Westminster later released. According to the Broy Harriers, against members This statement was issued following the May stepping-stone on the road to a Continuity IRA of their own community? meaningless as a result." source said all the organisation's "Will they repress genuine meeting of Comhairle Uladh (Ulster Executive) "The change in electoral the British parliament. members "were accounted for". Republicans who according to of Republican Sinn Fein in Monaghan: boundaries - as Republican Sinn "It is all very reminiscent Fein noted at the time - of de Valera's weaving and A statement on May 22 their public statements, seek a 'The Provisional from Republican Sinn Fein said: New Ireland and reject the 26- unwise to proceed on such an undoubtedly assisted Provo political manoeuvring from Movement would be mistaken assumption. candidates. This was seen in 1923 to 1927 as he made his "If true, a front page report in County State as a basis for a to regard the results in the today's (Thursday , 22 May permanent settlement? Will "There is no doubt as to West Belfast, in Mid-Ulster and way towards accepting the 26- Westminster election in the Six the Provos' long-term intention in West Tyrone. County parliament. 1997) Irish Sews regarding the they coerce those who reject Occupied Counties as a abduction of a Republican totally the Westminster to accept the British "Gerry Adams's wishing "However the nationally- mandate to further their design parliament. Marjorie Mowlam well in her minded people will not be taken indicate that as the Provisionals parliament and believe the of moving gradually towards move even closer to the British British government has no right (Belfast) on April 2 reported appointment (May 3) must for granted if the looming taking seats in the British their plans to attend the Palace surely be the first time ever a change by the Provos from parliament they appear to be whatever to rule in Ireland? parliament. willing to act for the British of Westminster 'frequently political leader claiming revolution to constitutionalism "As the outlines of the 'Such action would mean government in that they are which it regarded as 'an Republican credentials has in the Six Occupied Counties proposed [internal settlement' acceptance by them of the doing the British Army's work important shift in policy". welcomed a British Supremo or takes place, even gradually. become clearer are they British government's claim to for them. prepared to force an updated ", on May Viceroy to Ireland. rule and exercise sovereignty 5, described their move to open "Such action is merely "There will always be "Republican Sinn Fein has British rule on and jurisdiction in Ireland. The no desire to aggravate the community? And does Gerry offices for their new MPs at 'another small step on the road those who reject British rule 127,000 people who voted for Westminster thus: 'The party's to full participation' at politically and even those who situation and wants such Adams and his organisation them did not endorse that and actions to halt here and now. approve of such action? policy of seems Westminster (Irish News actively resist it. That is the it would be politically very lesson of Irish history." Gerry Adams in his recent book "These are serious set to become virtually editorial April 2), a further stated that such ideological questions which require differences cannot be resolved answers. People are entitled to other than by political means. know where they stand before Human Rights Watch hits "It is fair to ask him physical action in support of publicly now if the Provos arc the alleged peace process getting ready to act in support develops any further." out at British police (RUC) THE respected international body Human Rights Watch, founded out of the 'Helsinki Accord' 1978 squads and the British and the US, Human Rights and whose brief is to monitor human rights abuses police and has called for an Watch condemned the by states across the world, has condemned the inquiry into the death of political test oath Feud fear nationalist solicitor Pat introduced by Margaret British paramilitary police (RUC) for their behaviour during the Drumcree stand-off in July Finucane. The report also Thatcher for 1989 local 1996 and their eagerness to use plastic bullets calls for a more vigorous council elections in the Six indiscriminately against nationalists. examination of pro-British Counties. as IRA death squad killings and the They described it as an The report To Serve up illegal road blocks, which banning of plastic bullets. "undemocratic" restriction Without Favour, Policing "resulted in the effective Human Rights Watch on free and fair elections. Human Rights and submission of state also called for the closure of Republican Sinn Fein Accountability, was authorities to the threat of Castlereagh interrogation candidates, and three sitting abducts published on May 28. unionist violence/' the centre and for the video and councillors among them, The British police used report states. audio-taping of British refused to take the oath and excessive force against police interrogations in the were not allowed to stand peaceful nationalist Human Rights Watch Six Counties. for election. They were gunman demonstrators on the said it was also concerned In an earlier report, and similarly barrcd from the Six- Garvaghy Road while failing with reports of collusion alone of human rights County elections in 1994 and 1997. • Irish News story, May 22, 1997. to stop loyalists from setting between loyalist death bodies in Ireland, England SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 'Die you Fenian bastard': victim Orangemen to march by death squad victim's home of loyalist murder-gang dies THE in County Derry has She expressed her disgust announced it intends to push ahead with its THE nationalist victim of a sectarian loyalist at the RUC and questioned why planned march through the village of Bellaghy assault on April 27 died at Belfast's Royal they changed their initial on June 22 next. Victoria Hospital on Thursday, May 10. Father- statement, which said it was a If the parade follows its traditional route it will mean it will of-two Robert Hamill (25) endured monstrous clash between "rival gangs". have to pass the Castle Street home of GAA victim Scan Brown beatings in a horror attack by a gang of 30 Later the RUC maintained they who was gunned down by a pro-British death squad in early loyalists when he and three relatives were set could not aid Robert Hamill May. upon by the fascist mob as they were making their because they "were under The supremacist Orange Order have never been known for way home from a dance in Portadown, County attack". The family also want their sensitivity. After the massacre of five people outside Sean Armagh. the RUC to suspend the Graham bookmakers in Belfast's lower Ormeau Road in 1992 the paramilitary police members one thing, Catholics. There are Orange Order were content to march through the area chanting According to an who were in the Land Rover eyewitness Robert Hamill boys attacked up there their sectarian slogans and boasting "five-nil" about the killings. that night. whose partner Caroline is regularly. Some are lucky expecting their third child in enough to get away, some Nationalists throughout Pobail a lorgfeinrialiu July, received a constant stream don't." Occupied Ireland live in terror of blows and kicks from the The dead man's sister, of an unending stream of attacks BA CHEART go mbeadh cumhacht ag eagraisi phobail chun a mob who then "danced on" him Diane, told a press conference some of them causing death as gcuid seirbhisi shoisialta a chur in eagar de reir leabhar nua seolta and said "Die, you Fenian on May 13 that the family the British and their loyalist le deanai. Ta an leabhar, Integrating the Social Economy foilsithc bastard" as his body was pinned wanted "a separate body set up allies continue their ag F6ram um Comhaontas i gComhair Obair, grupa forbaitha to the ground at the junction of totally independent of the expansionist terror campaign to phobal ata suite in iar-thuaiscart lar Atha Cliath. Molann an leabhar Thomas Street and Market police to investigate what gain a stranglehold on the Six dreamanna 'fiontair s6isialta' chun usaid a dheanamh d'airgead Street. happened to Robert and why Counties. The Provisionals deontaithe 6 rialtas na 26 Condae. Diiirt urlabhrai de chuid an A cousin who asked not to the RUC didn't get involved." handed them an opportune gift grupa go bhfuil go leor taithi agus saineolas ag leibheal an phobal. be named accused the British The family had little faith in the with a mindless 'peace Diadh ar ndiadh ta an teachtaireacht EIRE NUA ag sroichint an police (RUC) of allowing the so-called 'Independent process'. Meanwhile Garda phobal. attack to occur unhampered, Commission for Police Proiseas Siochana (the Provo "The police could have done Complaints' an Police) hold back nationalist Six-County Republicans condemn more. They stood by and inquiry, and Diane Hamill said youths who are trying to defend watched. I am not politically "What is the point of the RUC their neighbourhoods from Provisional councillor motivated but they said they British and loyalist attacks. investigating themselves?" PROVISIONAL Shannon Town Commissioner Mike McKee has could not control that crowd. At a sitting of a special court Her brother died because been condemned by northern Republicans, forced out of their One plastic bullet would have the RUC sat in a nearby jeep in Lurgan, Co Armagh on broken up the crowd." He said Sunday, May 11, fiveme n were homes in 1969 and settled in Shannon, for saying at a meeting of and did nothing to disperse the the Town Commissioners that if the Provisionals call another attacks on nationalists in the mob kicking her brother to remanded to magistrates court on June 4 ceasefire and return to peace and a settlement in ' town had become regular death. "If they had got out of • Robert Hamill, pictured he would enter I pact with Fiannii 1 ail Republican Sinn loin in the jeep and put their gun up charged with the murder of weekend occurrences. "You will with one of his two sons. Shannon has been given this document McKcc supports an to the air and shot a bullet in Robert Hamill. A sixth man was get them running about up the his side and held his airways internal settlement "The hunger strikers gave their lives fora 32- the air... if they'd gone up to charged with murder on May town any Friday or Saturday open he would have been home County Ireland not lianna Fail Mark 2," said one Republican in my brother and turned him on 12. night. They are only looking for today." Shannon.

SAT. MAY 17 Bellas! man Gerard Michael Movna appeared before a special sitting of Sligo District Court in the 2(> Counties on May 17 oharged undet the 1976 Criminal Law Jurisdiction Act with | of 2 2S kilograms of Semtex explosives in Belfast seven days previously. SUN. MAY IS Around 200 hundred Apprentice Boys scuffled with the British police (RUC) at Dunloy, Co Antrim after their parade was diverted away from the mainU-nationalist town. TUES. MAY 20 Two Provisional prisoners — MON. APRIL 28: Two guns were found in Danny McNamee and Liam McCotter are Maghaberry jail after INLA prisoners took a expected to be transferred shortly from pnsons warder hostage in protest at a decision to move in Britain to Maghabem pnson in County loyalist 'King Rat' to the INLA Antrim block in Long Kesh. WED. MAY 21: Following elections to TUES.AVED. APRIL 29/30: Relatives visiting councils m the- Six Occupied Counties unionists Provisional prisoners in Long Kesh had to had to lost control of Belfast Cm Council as well as endure physical and verbal abuse from the mob Cookstown and Strabane. Co Tyrone District of 100 loyalist protesters demonstrating in the Councils prison car-park against the recent punitive The number of council scats won were as "security" clamp-down following the failed follows (1994 results in brackets): UUP. 186 tunnel escape attempt by the Provisionals. (187); SD1 P 11') (121); DUP, 92 (1 THURS. MAY 1: The Labour Party in Britain Provisionals. 74 (43); Alliance. 41 (37); PUP, 6; were returned with a landslide victory, winning UDP.4; others 56. 418 of the total of 659 seats. Just 165 were returned for the Conservative Party. The THURS. MAY 22: The Belfast Irish News combined nationalist vote in the Westminster reported on its front page that the Provisionals election in the Six Occupied Counties on Mas 1 military organisation had abducted and reached 40.2° b of the votes cast, the highest ever, interrogated a member of the IRA led by the yet tins translated into their taking OfU) live out Continuity Army Council in west Belfast. LM of the is scats (ie 28% of the scats) Gerry Adams •A British-backed death squadfiredsix shots through this nuidwofa house in Archvaleunnamed man was later released. According to the newspaper a Continuity IRA source said all of the Provisionals won back the West Belfast Park, in the tarnmoney area of Newtownabbey, north of Belfast!on y MayTZrroX narroni seat from Joe Heiuiron of the SDLP while his missing a pregnant woman. ' } the organisation's members "were accounted tor colleague Martin McGuinness won the Mid- him FRI. MAY 23: Roisin McAliskey was nnaH) death squad as he was locking up the club given conditional bail by the Bntish to enter the UlstCI from the sitting unionist SAT. MAY 10: A Protestant man, Ivan r representative William Medea of UK I >i Heatherington upon and beaten in a premises on his own after a meeting. He was a W hittington Hospital, North London. Long Kesh escaper Dermol McNalK I beating in Derry. He had been visiting lather of six children Gerard Moyna was remanded in blig° father of two who was arrested by 2u County friends in the Fountain and was returning to his WED. MAY 14: Loyalists attempted to kill a District Court until June 20 next. police at Ins home- in Sligo in the last week of home in the Waterside alter midnight when he nationalist taxi-driver in Milford, County SAT. MAY 24: Once again innocent church-goer April was remanded in custody for two weeks was attacked by a group of Catholics at Spencer Armagh as he was delivering a food order to a had to run the gauntlet of fascist Orange mobs as when he appeared at Dublin district court. Road, who kicked and punched him leaving him house on Monaghan Street in Milford. The order 200 loyalist protesters tried to charge throuu SAT. MAY 3: There are now 256,000 people with severe head injuries. turned out to be a hoax and when he returned to British' police lines to the Catholic churc unemployed in the 26 Counties. SUN. MAY 11: A car bomb found at College his car he was confronted by a masked man who Harry vtlle, Ballymena, Co Antnm. The lova u SUN. MAY 5: An elderly couple were beaten up Avenue, near King Street in Belfast was defused tried to shoot him but the gun jammed hurled bottles/stones, paint bombs and om by members of a British-backed death squad in by British Crown Forces. A i u VllCr ££ththee eveninevenin8> aa ^lle^llerr contactecontacted ththe missiles in the direction of Our Lad\ s Lnu. the bedroom of their home in the Bloomfield area MON. MAY 12: A loyalist pro-British death A-2-B taxi office and askekdd ffor a car to be sent to Water service workers who had been op. of east Belfast squad sprayed the nationalist home of a pregnant the same address. However the base operator in the area were forced to flee as their van was WED. MAY 7: A north Belfast family, who mother of two with gunfire at Archdale Park, Who knew the house, did not recognise the caller ablaze. include seven children, narrowly escaped injury Carnmoney, near Glengormley on the northern and didn t send out a car. SUN. MAY 25 The Bntish-backed loya when a British-backed death squad placed a bomb outskirts of Belfast after failing to break down 7he "T^er °f P60^ out of wo* in the squad, the Loyalist Action Force planteC under their car in the Bawnmore Estate. the door. ied Counties is 64 800 containing Powergel explosive, in Dun THURS. MAY H: I ather-of-two Robert I iamill A British police (RUC) reservist based in 4: tOadozen h Louth It was defused and no one was (25), the nationalist victim of a sectarian loyalist County Down was convicted of taking part in a ? ^P — The I,VI- claimed the attack on M.a> "V s and supporters of Republican Sinn L assault on April 27 died at Belfast's Royal Victoria loyalist protest during last summer's disturbances there would be n warning *r| wer Hospital having endured monstrous beatings in a over Drumcree. In a statement the RUC said the Fein, includinNatg Vice-PrcsidenOnal TreaSUrer Counct Marvllo Warr J d Bemadette Retllv and her five cruwrc horror attack by a gang of 30 loyalists when he man had "appeared recently at the local UO'NriK Neill, Bundora' H n' in County. ' Donegal an'd Decla<*n targetted by a British-backed loyalist deai H and three relatives were set upon by the fascist magistrates court charged with public order Curneen Ard Chomhairle membe^NortLeta when a masked man used a baseball ban mob as they were making their way home from a & offences. He was found guilty and fined." No 2 C Unt> SpeCia Branch the living-room window ot their n dance in Portadown, . mention was made of the nature of the offences THTOS MAY K ? ' ' Wyndham Street in north Belfast. It is m ^ FRI. MAY 9: The INLA shot dead a British TUES. MAY 13: A prominent Gaelic Athletic IHURS. MAY 15: Councillor Joe O'Neill was attack on their house since the Drumu<* policeman (RUC) in Belfast Darren Bradshaw A"t and hen|d/r *£• °ffenc" A^Inst ^ * * Association (GAA) official, Sean Brown (61) m Sh b °ff" ] , L cavebirtl was drinking in the Parliament Bar in Belfast chairman of the Wolfe Tone Gaelic Football Club tf * city centre when the INLA men came in and shot in Bellaghy, County Derry, was killed by a loyalist MON. MAY 26 Rois.n McAliskej g to a baby girl weighing 51bs 13oz andmoui baby were reported to be doing *eli SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 Raids, arrest of councillor and damaging newspaper references..

UP to a dozen homes of members and supporters of Republican Sinn Fein in and this material also will no police barracks while some not impede its work but North Leitrim were raided by 26-County Special doubt be handed over to the carried pointed rather will strengthen our Branch on May 13-14 last. Occupation Forces north of and pejorative references to members' resolve to the Border. his situation which can only continue working for a have been "leaked" by the democratic Ireland based on In the case of Man In all cases lists of On Thursday, May 15, Special Branch. national, proxincial and local Ward, Vice-President, names and addresses and came the arrest under the In a statement self-determination free of papers relating to a recent particularly telephone Offences Against the State Republican Sinn Fein British rule." conference of Republican numbers used in the course Act of Bundoran Councillor President Ruairi 6 Bradaigh Sinn Fein in the Guildhall, of the organisation's work JoeO'Neill. said: Councillor O'Neill was Deny were seized. No doubt were also seized. In released without charge on copies of these will make pursuance of the This Republican Sinn "This harassment and Saturday, May 17, having their way to the British collaborationist policy of Fein public representative attempted disruption of been held for the full 48 Crown Forces (RUC). the Dublin administration Joe O'Neill was being held in Sligo Republican Sinn Fein will hours under the OASA. Family targeted PDs 'a twice in a week A NORTH Belfast I just froze. After last week's so scared. She keeps saying throwback to nationalist family were attack, I couldn't sleep and that 'someone is coming to get me quietly asleep in their was why I was still awake so mammy' ". Wyndham Street home late," Bernadette Reilly said. In Derry City's Waterside Victorian times' when a baseball bat- Speaking of her worry for area a mother and her four-year- her children she said "Lauren old daughter were forced to flee wielding thug smashed THE policies and attitudes of the leader of the Mary" approach to the social and Paul could have been their home on Monday, May towards the less well off problems of the community. the living-room window seriously hurt as the glass 27. Sharon Ferguson and her in society is a throwback to the times of the British "Her proposed treatment at 4am on Sunday showered their quilt. I feel very daughter Natasha were sitting Queen Victoria, the Limerick Branch of of teenage mothers and morning, May 25. nervous and don't feel safe in the house in the Clooney area Republican Sinn Fein said on May 24. suggestions of the State Mother-of-five, Bemadette living here. I haven't been able when two masked men armed withdrawing allowance is a Reilly told how she heard a loud to eat anything since it with batons burst in shouting Joe Lynch, Ard Chomhairle backward step and will only bang and rushed from her happened." "get out, you Fenian bastard". member said people are shocked "The fact is people want help to penalise innocent kitchen to find her living room Bernadette Reilly has been by the awful disregard PD's to work but the reality is that children. window smashed and a masked living in the area for six years Her father and brother had show for the plight of those less there is no real work available "It is now obvious that the man fleeing with a baseball bat and claims their was never any been beaten in sectarian attacks fortunate, from job seekers to for the vast majority of people Progressive Democrats do not in his hand. hassle until Drumcree last July. and her windows had been unmarried mothers. who are unemployed. They are cherish all the children of the Just two days earlier, two "Since then we have had no smashed on several occasions. not scrounging off the system: "Not content with attacking nation equally . . . only those of her children narrowly peace," she said. Both her Sharon Ferguson said her they are the victims of the the long-term unemployed, the lucky enough to have parents escaped injury when they were children suffer from nervous greatest concern was for her polices advocated by the likes leader of the PD's now has who own a house, hold down showered with glass as their attacks. "Lauren can't sleep daughter who keeps asking of the Progressive Democrats anymore. She is nervous and is unmarried mothers in her two jobs and vote for right-wing bedroom window was "Mammy, what's Fenian who have an "I'm All Right wetting the bed because she is sights. Thatcherite policies." smashed. "I was so afraid, that scum?". London meeting's support for Nationalist taxi-man's lucky escape Josephine Hayden LOYALISTS attempted to kill a nationalist taxi- driver in Milford, County Armagh on May 14. AT A packed meeting of the Republican Forum Westminster. Republican Sinn "A nine-county Ulster par- The incident happened around lam when the in London on May 10 addressed by Irish and Fein recognises, however, that liament in the context of a Brit- taxi-driver was delivering a food order to a house English Republicans it was unanimously agreed attendance at Westminster ish withdrawal has generated on Monaghan Street in Milford. changes Irish Republicans into favourable responses in the The order turned out to be a hoax and there was no response to send solidarity greetings to Republican POW British constitutional national- unionist community which is in Limerick prison, Josephine Hayden. ists. fearful of being dominated by from the house. When he returned to his car he was confronted by a masked man who tried to shoot him but the gun jammed. The meeting sent its sup- greetings to Roisin McAliskey, "None of the parties in the Dublin rule. Instead of examin- then still incarcerated in elections this year North or ing this proposal the Dublin The taxi-driver jumped out of the car and struggled with the port in her "continuing struggle gunman who broke free and escaped. against the inhumane conditions Holloway prison. South of the Border are cam- administration seeks to en- under which she is incarcerated Held at the London Welsh paigning for an end to British trench British rule and is thereby perpetuating conflict in and for the self-determination, Centre, the meeting was ad- rule," he said. "Only Republi- Nationalist home sprayed the Six Counties. unification and national libera- dressed by Ruairi 6g 6 can Sinn Fein and the Republi- tion of your country, Ireland. Bradaigh, national publicity can Movement of which it is The meeting was also ad- with death squad gunfire Your struggle is our struggle." officer, republican Sinn Fein part has a stated policy, EIRE dressed by Brian Higgins of the A LOYALIST pro-British death squad sprayed The meeting also sent and editor of SAOIRSE. In is NUA, which would cater for all Republican Forum in Britain speech he said that the majorities and minorities on the who pointed out that recent a nationalist home with gunfire on the northern Westminster election results island in the event of British polls showed increased sup- outskirts of Belfast after failing to break down would not change anything as withdrawal. A constituent as- port for an end to the British the door on May 12. Imeachtai regards British policy towards sembly based on a single 32- monarchy: 37% support in The occupant of the house, a pregnant mother of two, was her first and oldest colony. county election would provide England, over 50% support in taken to hospital suffering from shock after the attack. The attack "The new British Direct Ruler, a new constitution for the and more than 41% started when a car was hijacked by masked men in the Rathcoole Majorie Mowlam, gave a clear whole island. A four-province support in . Other speak- area before the assault on the house at Archdale Park, Carnmoney, TONY RUANE indication of this on April 17 federation and local self-deter- ers were Kevin McQuillan of near Glengonnley shortly after 10pm. COMMEMORATION last when she confirmed that mination within the context of the IRSP, Brendan O'Neill of The loyalist gunmen first attempted to sledge-hammer their SUNDAY, JUNE 22 the 'Bipartisan' policy on Ire- national self-determination is the Irish Freedom Movement way into the house, presumably to kill the occupants. However the way out of the impasse in and a community activist from land would continue under a they were unable to break the door and instead fired shots at the Assemble: Labour administration in the occupied Six Counties. north Belfast. Main gates, house. At least six shots went through the living-room window. Carlow Cemetery The woman escaped injury by diving on to the settee when the 3pm shooting started. Her two children were asleep upstairs. REPUBLICAN SINN FEIN YOUTH CONFERENCE XTlAQQA SATURDAY, JULY 5 Republican Scouts are being 2pm CALGACH CONFERENCE reorganised and we would HALL like to hear from past and BUTCHERS'STREET present scouts who are DERRYCITY interested in the progress of For further details telephone this reorganisation. Please apply to: Dublin 872 9747 Secretary c/o 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 and all enquiries will be dealt with immediately. Ruairi 6g 6 Bradaigh speaking at the Republican Forum, London, on May 10. SAOIRSE Meitheamh June 1997 Crown Forces launch vicious attack on Belfast couple MI5 spy recruitment help his neighbour "when this A CROWN Forces contingent consisting of RIR campaign was gunned down by the UFF UDR man came out of nowhere soldiers and paramilitary police - 21 in all - British-backed death-squad in and hit him again." THE British secret intelligence gathering launched a vicious attack on a nationalist couple 1994 Two others who witnessed organisation, MI5, placed recruitment adverts in as they were returning home from a party in the A neighbour, John the event, Tony Murphy (30) two British newspapers on May 21, 22 and 24. early hours of Saturday morning, April 26. McLoughlin (28), with some and Colum Meabh (25) said of Hie advert, placed in and Times newspapers Philip O'Neill (32) from the O'Neill said. other men, tried to intervene the attack, "It began to look like was headlined 'Intelligence. Use it to create waves and prevent Short Strand was walking with He then addressed one of when they saw the attack. "We a game of ring-a-rosie with us repercussions ' This is the first time that MIS has publicly his girlfriend towards the policemen, "You know my saw the police and the UDR in the middle and 21 of them advertised for recruits. Clandeboye in east Belfast father was killed by the UFF. I laying into them so we went surrounding us. No-one wanted The adveri says applicants should have "three to four yu when they were met by a want to make a complaint. All up to try and separate them. I to fight, we just wanted to go." of work experience and a good honours degree" and that its agen British foot-patrol. "They hell broke loose with a woman was hit with a baton and fell to Philip O'Neill later received currently include "marketing executives, teachers, fund-raiser started yelling 'This is the UVF police officer beating up my the ground. I don't remember three staples to a head wound overseas aid workers, academics and journalists" It goes on to sa;, on patrol, get out of my road' girlfriend." He went to the aid much after that," John and John McLoughlin was il is •'keen tO recruit people from ethnic minorities or with and then a IJDR soldier started of his girlfriend when he was McLoughlin said. At this point treated for a broken arm and disabilities I lowcver you do need to be a British citizen to apply". calling my girlfriend names like Philip O'Neill who was lying facial injuries in Dundonald's M15's motives fof iccruiting "ethnic minorities" is probably ! 1 hit over the head with a baton. slut and whore'," Philip Philip O'Neill's father, Harry on the ground got up to try and Ulster hospital. less benevolent than a desire to offer "equal opportunities" and 1 may reflect a concern to blend in better with social groups which could be potentially 'disloyal1 to the British State. Anti-drugs rally in Ballymun The advert concludes with a warning to potential applicants to "try and avoid telling your friends about your application, ON May 12 a large because discretion is a serious part of working for the Security crowd attended the Service". second anti-drugs rally organised by Ballymun Residents Against intelligence. Drugs. The venue was Ballymun Shopping Centre. In the heart of this massive high rise unemployment black spot, guest speaker from nearby Finglas, comedian Brendan O'Carroll supported the work of the committee, and in his message to the young people of the area called on them to be vigilant against drugs. Three local drug pushers were asked to come to the rally M J " • • »•*» •»> <•->-*— *»"••-» and sign an agreement to stop drug-pushing. Two of them did so, one did not, so the flat of Use it to create waves drug-pusher Hughie O'Neill revent repercussions. was marched on. Uniformed 26-Countv police protected his flat, while at the same time having let him deal openly and kill the young people of Ballymun for the past ten British newspaper advert for MI 5. years. • Comedian Brendan O'Carroll had a serious message for young people in Ballymun: be In a sinister development vigilant against drugs. local Workers' Partv them not to advertise the rally. to cheap stunts like this with Tom Ryan thanked the crowd Death squad bombers representative Sean 0 6 Cionnaith runs a totally the assistance of the local cops for coming out in the bad Cionnaith, in conjunction with ineffective anti-drugs group to block people power in action. weather, and promised more the police, circulated a letter to himself comprising of about Local resident and such action against drug dealers attack town local business premises asking live members and has to resort Republican Sinn Fein member in the future. THE County Louth town of Dundalk was the scene of the latest show of strength by the pro- British death squads who planted a bomb in the RUC chief retains power town on Sunday, May 25. At 10.50am 26-County police received a warning from the death squads via the media that a device had been planted in the over Orange marches town and another in the car-park at Dublin Airport. After an extensive search of the Dundalk area, 26-County police and troops THE British government has announced it will to human rights abuses in the finally found a package left beside a wall in an alleyway. prepare legislation to give the Parades Six Occupied Counties. Civil a case to a British court first, The device, said to contain Powergel explosive and pacKca Commission the power to set conditions on liberties bodies in Ireland said while still retaining the right to into a flask with an alarm clock covered by a plastic bag, was parades. the decision would have to be go to Strasbourg. detonated in a controlled explosion by 26-County personnel. After judged on the impact it has on Britain and the 26 Counties an exhaustive search of Dublin Airport 26-County authorities This legislation will not be routing of parades will be taken the ground relating to the use of are the only States in the declared the alert to be a hoax. in place in time tor this year's by the recently-created Parades shoot-to-kill policies, plastic European Union who have not loyalist marching season, Commission, headed by Alistair The (LVF) claimed responsibility bullets and repressive laws such incorporated the European on May 26 for planting the Dundalk device. They threatened meaning that this year's Orange Graham. as Provisions Convention on Human Rights more "no warning" attacks in the future. parades will again be overseen The new British Act into their domestic law. It is no by the head of the British police govern merit announced on May At present people in the Six coincidence that these two (RUC) as it has in previous 14 that it plans to incorporate Counties have to take a case to States also maintain the greatest years Tins legislation, the European Convention on the European Court of Human amount of repressive legislation Protestant man badly announced at the opening of the Human Rights into British law. Rights in Strasbourg, France on their statute books of any new British parliament, will Britain has the worst human which is extremely costly and European country. Human beaten in Derry implement the rights record in Europe, having takes an average of six years to rights lawyers have maintained A PROTESTANT man was set upon and beaten recommendations of the North been found in breach of the obtain a judgement. If the that the potentially repressive in a sectarian beating in Derry on May 10. Ivan Report on parades When the convention more than 40 times. convention was incorporated in powers of the 26 Counties Heatherington had been visiting friends in the law is enacted, decisions on the Most of these breaches related actually exceed those of Britain. British law a person could take Fountain and was returning to his home in the Waterside after midnight when he was attacked Death squad murder bid by a group of Catholics at Spencer Road, who A NORTH Belfast family narrowly escaped annihilation kicked and punched him leaving him with severe on discovery. loyalists move to gain ground when a British-hacked death squad placed a bomb under "I'm definitely going to head injuries. their car in the Bawnmore Estate on Wednesday, May 7. and strengthen their grip Witnesses to the attack claimed one of the man's assailan consider leaving here after this, throughout Occupied Ireland The nationalist father of not only for my sake, but my Gary McMichael of the UDP, the returned to kick him again after the mam assault had ended. AS seven who declined to be named school today because it was a family's as well," the shocked MI5-controlled mouthpiece for approached the unconscious man, his accomplice told him to s said the British police (RUC), teacher training day," he said. father said. "I've lived in this the death squads insulted the or he would kill his victim "That's the idea, said the attaa who obviously have contact with Scores of families had to be area all my life, but now I want intelligence of the nationalist according to the win, the death squads, had warned him evacuated to an adjacent out." population by saying of the Six men have been charged so far by the British p°lice ( two weeks previously that community centre early on This is the latest in a series attack "In the absence of a claim with the attempt to kill Ivan Heatherington. The three latest loyalists were targeting him. The Wednesday when neighbours of of incidents designed to force of responsibility by the CLMC, man regularly uses his car to the family spotted two men arrested appeared at Limavady magistrates court on May U nationalists out of Bawnmore then we must assume that the on u transport his children to school. placing a bomb under the car. and other areas of the Six ceasefire of the CLMC remains were remanded in custody to Derry magistrates court ^ "Luckilv the kids were off The death squad assailants fled Counties as the pro-British intact". •* Uherington's condition after the attack was serious, b" improved slightly SAO1RSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 The intellectuals and the journalists

cheep out of the intellectuals about IMeo-Colonial Ireland this: any approach on the matter Part nine of a series of articles dealing with the realities of tended to bring a furious response about the ban on Playboy magazine or Ireland's position in the world. It is our contention that, some matter of similar significance. while the Six-County area is obviously a colonial THE JOURNALISTS possession of England, the 26-County 'Republic' is also There was a close connection still in lame measure a colonial society, despite the between the literary elite and another removal of many of the physical colonising institutions. group of people who made their living from words: the journalists. There was even a good deal of dual membership. ONE of the surest indicators that a society is neo-colonial Journalists also ideally should act is that it has an elite of intellectuals and journalists that is as a public conscience, but in the focused on a point outside its territory. colonial situation their freedom of action tends to be curtailed. galloped their various hobby-horses. A young person starting a career ANGLO-IRISH in journalism often would have the LITERATURE There were two main streams in this elite. The first was of people of ambition of one day working for a In the early years of the Saorstat London tabloid, where wages and Protestant Ascendancy background, there evolved a peculiar hybrid called benefits were sky-high compared with mostly only partially reconciled to the 'Anglo-Irish Literature', which anything available in Ireland. An older loss of status that the foundation of consisted of a body of literature journalist might have another concern; the Free State had caused them. The written in Ireland for publication in that one day he or she might be out of other consisted of persons who had England, and primarily for circulation work and be obliged to emigrate to grown up in police barracks. These too in that country. England and seek employment there. Anglo-Irish literature was largely had been reared in hostile isolation Some also might wish to emulate the creation of one man, an English from Irish society, and brought up to the career of Fergal Keane, son of the literary agent called Edward Garnett. have a jaundiced view of everything actor Eamon Keane, who began work Before the days of television people Irish coupled with an admiration for as a journalist on the , read a lot more than they do nowadays, the English; who always knew best moved on to , then to and in particular there were plenty of and did things the right way. RTE and finally to the BBC and who monthly and weekly magazines on Eventually this group founded recently received the Order of the sale, usually containing a few short their own magazine. The Bell, stories as well as other material. British Empire. (Even Tony O'Reilly dedicated to narcissistic mutual hasn't got one of those!) Ireland's Own is the last surviving admiration coupled with disdain for, remnant of this once extensive fleet of and despair at, Irish society in general. publications. So, journalists preferred to join the • The poet William Butler Yeats, part of an elite in the 26 Counties London-based journalists' union and which was focused on a point outside Irish society. There existed in England similar An intellegensia, it is said, is a also had to be careful what they wrote. publications, which had of course nation's conscience. As far as that goes, What actually happened was that the much wider circulation and could pay An examination of old files of Irish GENERAL SYNOPSIS the Anglo-Irish literary' establishment English had too much on their minds more for contributions Here is where national and provincial newspapers The Australian poet (and was very much a one-tune band. The to be interested in reading about the Garnett came in he talent-scouted will reveal sports pages given over to republican) Les Murray recently said: only issue within Ireland that they defects of Irish society. Irish magazines and selected individual masses of purple prose describing the "The entire cultural elite in Australia Several well-known writers writers and secured them introductions showed any interest in was the activities of a usually underachieving is violently anti-Australian." He added actually went to England to concoct to London publishers. It was natural accusation, repeated ad nauseum, that local soccer team, with Gaelic games that they took nothing seriously unless propaganda for the British 'Ministry that he preferred to promote the Saorstat, in alliance with the very much in second place. Reporting it came from London or New York. of Information'. The poet Patrick individuals whose views he found Catholic Church, was persecuting soccer was and is a marketable skill One can well believe it: it is a typical Kavanagh in desperation approached sympathetic, and the writers he lechers. outside Ireland, reporting GAA is not. example of the state of any culture the British Embassy and offered his discovered' tended to share his own One stop,', invented by Ms Honor Also, journalists had to watch what under colonialism and neo-colonialism. services as a spy: naively unaware that rather cynical outlook on life and were Traoey and circulated thereafter by her they wrote about national questions, In India also Indian-born writers the British had all the spies they also, ver\ often, womanisers. associates, will suffice as a typical because of the existence of black lists. like VS Naipaul and Salman Rushdie example of the sort of stuff they came needed prepared to work for them for are wideK disliked as painting a false When he was in charge of RTE, nothing. THE LITERARY ELITE out with. She asserted that throughout Conor Cruise O'Brien admitted portrait of their native land. But those After the war ended the old In Ireland nobody could have made Ireland groups of Catholic priests keeping a black list of persons who writers do not care: they do not depend pattern of cultural dependency soon a living out of writing for Irish regularly patrolled the country lanes had written things he thought anti- on India for their livelihood, they write revived, and continues to this day albeit magazines, but it was possible to do armed with walking sticks, poking the British, and when later on he was made for the Anglo-American publishing with signs of decline. so by writing for English ones. Thus hedgerows on search of courting editor of the London Observer he market. there evolved a strange closed literary couples. straight away fired Mary Holland, a Any writer or journalist harbouring elite, mostly writers of short stories, Under the Saorstat of course one columnist who had just written an a grudge about Ireland and the Irish who were the habitues of certain bars group alone were consistently article sympathetic towards the can readily find space to air grievances THE BALTIC and restaurants in the Grafton Street persecuted from the day the state was inhabitants of Bogside: whom he in London right-wing publications, STATES area of Dublin founded: the Republicans. For them described as "...eon-men and con- whose editors seem to assume that In the three Baltic States the They wrote mainly for London there were special laws, special courts, women." hatred of Ireland implies love of national languages w ere widely spoken special prisons and indeed the Special England. periodicals, in which they also More recently, the spectacle of but had been repressed under Tsarism reviewed each others' books and Branch. But it was impossible to get a Though writers of fiction tend and were undeveloped. The writers some of the country's best-paid publicity-wise to hold the high ground journalists scouring the jungles of and intellectuals saw it as their duty among the intelligencia it is interesting to build up a national literature. They South America in search of the to note that of Irish winners absconded Bishop Casey illustrates supported themselves mostly by of the Nobel Prize for Literature two journalism and by translation work. £14,8OO what sort of thing the owners of OUl were dramatists and two were poets newspapers consider important. In each State efforts w ere made to make and no novelist is included. world literature available in the A chairdego leir THE REPTILE FUND national language. In Estonia the government established the 'Looming It is known that the British Secret THE HISTORIANS Library', which organised the As you can see by the above figure the debt on Service maintains a special account, Parallel to Anglo-Irish fiction runs translation of foreign books into Teach DaithiO Conaillremains substantially high. known as the Reptile Fund, used to the stream of "revisionist' historians Estonian and which actually survived suborn journalists. Corrupt journalists We therefore appeal once again to loyal members who write books about Ireland's past right through the Soviet era. are identified and put on retainer: they and supporters to help us in our task of clearing for English publishers. A random Intellectuals also took part in are expected to plant articles and bogus example of this kind of writing would public life, especially as diplomats. the outstanding debt. 'Letters to the Editor' in periodicals be Ireland This Century written by The Lithuanian ambassador in in support of British policies, as well Tony Gray, a former Irish Times Moscow from 1920 to 1938 was Jurgis Every little helps so we welcome all as false stories about England's journalist, and published by the Baltrusaitis who was a distinguished contributions which will be gratefully received enemies. They can also earn bonuses London firm of Warner Books in 1994. poet and the translator of Yeats and by handing over any interesting things and acknowledged. Our sincere thanks to all who The most interesting thing about this Wilde into Lithuanian The last they come across in their work; have contributed in the past. book is the index, and the number of Lithuanian premier, Vincas Kreve, was especially potential blackmail references in it to various topics. a poet and dramatist and an expert on information. CATHLEEN KNOWLES For example the Black and Tans Caucasian languages. Cisteoir, get three references, the Gaelic Athletic Association gets two, the In the Saorstat there has been only Teach DaithiO Conaill THE WAR ERA 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 Guildford Four get three. But in one example of an intellectual becoming The period of the Second World contrast there is Divorce (15), active in public affairs: Conor Cruise War was to be remembered with horror Censorship (14), Contraception (17) O'Brien. The consequences are too DAITH'I 6 CONAILL MEMORIAL by the Dublin intellcgencia as a time Bobby Sands gets two entries while a well known to need repeating here: if when Ireland was cut off from the Mr Alan Paton, who was prosecuted he is typical of the rest, then we should BUILDING FUND world" and shut up m "Plato's cave". for obscenitv merits three. be thankful thev remained aloof. SAOIRSE — Meitheamh / June 1997 Veterans honoured at 1997 Testimonial Dinner

Joe Dillon, US Honoree, with Mary Ward, Republican Sinn Fein Vice-President.

— Irish Republican Prisoners' Dependants Fund, organised a most enjoyable Testimonial Dinner and tribute to five Republican veterans for a lifetime of service in Dublin on May 16. The Honorees are pictured above (left to right) John Joe Ruane (Gahvay); Joe Dillon (Boston); Des Cox (Armagh); Tom Concannon (Dublin); Mick Fitzgibbon (Cork): and Peig King of CABHAIR. All proceeds from the Testimonial Brochure and Dinner went to the prisoners dependants fund.

• Tom Concannon, Leinster Honoree, with Republican Sinn Fein Ard-RunaiCathleen Knowles.

• Mick Fitzgibbon, Munster Honoree, being presented with Dilscacht by Republican Sinn Fein Ard-Runai Lita NiChathmhaoii CORRECTION CABHAIR Irish Republican Prisoners Dependants Fund have asked us to point out that the profile of I lister Honoree Deasun Mae Coiligh (Des Cox) in the 1997 Testimonial Brochure should have read: • Republican Sinn Fein President Ruairi 6 Brddaigh "The two Goodwins, Martin, Owens and Carson were • Des Cox, Ulster Honoree, being congratulated by presents John Joe Ruane, Honoree, with a Pddraig O Baoighill, Monaghan. sentenced to five years." specially inscribed limited edition of his book Dilscacht, The publish* is regret that it was incorrectly stated that on the life and times ofComdt General . Kevin Carson was released. rhe number ot excluded people is growing' rural Ireland's infrastructure is IN A briefing document for the 26-County general election economic or social power, the Conference of Religious in Ireland (COR1) stated that being allowed to deteriorate - schools, roads, post offices, railways, • has reai choice on whether to side by side with the '' economy sits a stay in rural Ireland or leave, substantial proportion of the population who are not gaining healthcare facilities; • direct farm subsidies in 1996 was (b) Policies are developed in an from all the boom and bloom. over £6,000 per person employed in integrated interdisciplinary way and Their analysis am! proposals are a off. The resulting polarisation creates farming but this figure hides the fact the urban/rural divide is reduced; refreshing alternative to the economic a deeply divided society which is that most of this agricultural support (c) The environment is respected COntcnSUI in and 'inherently unstable'. is going to a relatively small minority and protected; coincide to a large degree with Pointing out some facts CORI of large farmers. (d) Ireland plays a significant part Republican Sinn l'cm\sSAOLNUA- states that in working to eliminate exclusion and A New Way (if Life document. • 34% of people iri the 26 Counties ALTERNATIVE divisions throughout the world. Slamming the Leinster House have income below the poverty line CORI maintains that it should be VISION a priority for the new 26-County politicians for their decisions in the in 1997,an increase of 4% on the figure CORI believes that an alternative past 20 years, COR] maintains that in 1987; administration to eliminate poverty vision of Ireland should guide policy in five years and provide meaningful they have led to the emergence of a • unemployment fell by just 400 and decision-making which would see work for all who seek it within the two-tier society in the 26 counties. in the past year, and there are now Ireland "populated by substantial 'The conspicuous consumption of 14.(100 more people jobless than in numbers of vibrant communities in same period of time. some is in stark contrast to those who 1990; which Under this proposal for a basic income for all (see SAOIRSE, May have to hide basic food from their • of the employed, 151,400 have (a) everyone children so that there will be sufficient part-time jobs and 73% of these part- 1997) 75-80% of the people would • has sufficient income to live life be better off than they are now while to last the week." time workers are women; with basic dignity, has meaningful work Like the US and other western • 33,000 familiesare on the waiting the other 20-25% would be less well and adequate accommodation, off than at present. The fundamental societies the 26-County State has list for housing, a substantial increase • has the right to participate in reached a point "where we have so since 1992; issue remains that people are poor developing self, the community and because they do not have money and structured ourselves that the better oft • there is a two-tier healthcare the wider society, need never encounter those who are system; this needs to be tackled in a direct • participates in shaping the manner. poor." • methods of school funding place decisions that effect him/her, The key problem is the widening those in poor areas at a clear • CORI can be contacted at • Women are more likely to have • is respected for the fact'that she/ Milltown Park, Dublin 6. Tel Dublin badly-paid part-time jobs in in gap between the poor and the better disadvantage; he is a person and not on the basis of 269 7799. 26 Counties. SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 Brits expose Border residents to death DOES anyone remember how in the not too distant past, a controversial little group in a controversial town complained about the A serious escalation of ill-health in the area controversial hi-tech British army equipment? Do you remember that little group headed by controversial Armagh GP Dr Mary Allen, being invited to Cloghoge, ? Cloghoge residents who were gravely concerned, wondered whether their bright Dr Mary Allen formed the new checkpoint (well CARE group (Campaign equipped) would do them any Against Radiation Emissions). harm. Dr Allen and Co spread The people of that small the bad news but thanks to town could not help but notice certain SDLP councillors at that the serious escalation of ill- time residents were encouraged health in the area. In an area of to ignore the doctor's warnings. roughly 2,500 people there was Now. throe years later, that a phenomenal and inexplicable same community group have rise in brain haemorrhages invited Dr Allen and Co back (approximately ten times the again to Cloghoge, but this time national average), leukaemia and they weren't curious about the brain tumours. There was a possible effects of the Hrits1 hi- general pattern of ill-health, a tech surveillance gear, this time fact later verified by the Six- they were feeling them. County Southern Health Actually the first campaign Board. For example, against this highly suspect depression, sleeplessness. equipment was born around the chronic fatigue and headaches mid-eighties, after British were becoming increasingly troops seized masses of common. farmland, and occupied many Incidentally these same hilltops around the South symptoms were and still are Armagh area in order to erect noticed by the protesting spy posts enabling them to women atGreenham Common, survey the whole Armagh to this day many experts claim border area and well into the 26 that the women were being Counties "zapped by equipment of a • Threat to people's health a British Crown Forces spy-post in the centre of , Co Armagh similar nature to that being used There are now 1 < purpose- this very real threat. in South Armagh. horrific examples of illness and problem". In his own words to mind). Perhaps they now built Brit surveillance towers, At the latest public meeting two massive fortified The spy posts in South death in their localities. John Fee was "not convinced" realise that Irish people are an in Cloghoge, doctors and prompting Dr Allen to reply even lower priority and they permanent checkpoints, plus Armagh are fitted with hi-tech scientists (biophysicists and five joint British trmy/RUC surveillance/communications Dr Allen confirmed at the 'Will you be convinced when can expect even less epidemiologists) supported meeting that, indeed, Cloghoge we have all been affected and consideration. barracks in the South Armagh equipment, composed of infra- and agreed with the local area alone All equipped with red, microwave, radar, heat- was beginning to experience the the graveyards are bursting at The mobilisation of the people's analysis, and side-effects from which the seams?" people around this common pulse-emitting equipment The seeking and oscillator sympathised with their surveillance equipment is also equipment. Crossmaglen had already being issue is however something concerns regarding effects on suffering and called for public carried, and used on remote From what scientists have Thankfully, in spite of the which the SDLP in the area are health from the British army's representatives on both sides roads and on helicopters. told the CARE group, it SDLP's negligence, there was a obviously uncomfortable with. equipment. of the Border to help establish appears thai some of the wholehearted approval of the It seems that a ground-level Farmers soon noticed an A nursing sister who a proper monitoring system of equipment delivers pulsed proposed motion. To their campaign, free from increase in ill-health and a high resides in the Cloghoge area told illness and deaths along the microwaves. There was and siill credit the people of South bureaucracy and prepared to rate of abortions among animals the gathering that official Armagh Louth Monaghan area. is a problem in Crossmaglen Armagh have largely sat up and challenge the establishment just grazing beneath the spy posts figures pointed to a 25% Interestingly there was an dating back to the first acknowledged the threat that isn't their scene. Perhaps that Unfortunately efforts to raise increase in breast cancers, a angry exchange at this point installation of the British spy Brit-sponsored pollution poses is why throughout the years awareness of the threat were figure far exceeding the rate for between Dr Allen and SDLP equipment there - sadly, to their well-being. they have defended the spy ignored by the then the rest of the Six Counties. Councillor John Fee (locally although not surprisingly, other No doubt many are aware posts. establishment and any real renowned anti-Republican and movement soon fizzled out. areas in South Armagh like of the British state's appalling One CARE activist Local people, including Brit apologist), who said that record of protecting its own expressed the SDLP's cynical Then in 1990 at the request Cloghoge and Forkhill are now politicians across the board, he would assist any campaign citizens and troops (Sellafield stance by asking "What's in it of the people of Crossmaglen, having to sit up and confront reinforced this opinion, citing "if he thought there was a and Gulf War svndrome spring for them?" . Trilateral Commission plans to carve the world into three administrative units ON THE morning of September 11, 1996 John To the layman on the when they bought the European Union dominated Fitzgerald and Peter Sutherland. Bruton made an address to the joint street, the phrases uttered by country's first fledgling from Brussels. North and South Garret Fitzgerald, John Houses of Congress and Senate. such people is forked tongue parliament for a sack of gold. America which is dominated by Bruton's former mentor is listed dialect for stripping civil The entire Irish Parliament in State-sponsored terrorism and Washington and the Far east as the Deputy Chairman of the As the speech was nearing liberties and reducing nations 1800 committed parliamentary overthrow ing the Governments which is dominated by Tokyo. European wing of the Trilateral its end, Mr Bruton decided to you live in to the status of a suicide and voted en masse to Commission. Another old of the other countries not Brussels, Washington and go global, and using a peculiar mini province lorded over by join the act of Union with protege of Garret the Good, favourable to Washington's Tokyo are in turn answerable form of speech and wording that global banks and unelected England. to the Trilateral Commission. , was formally interests is not really terrorism is becoming ever more common bureaucrats. The origins o\" our present Presently the only fly in the a member of the secret at all. currency in Euro political last dissolving ' sovereign Slate" ointment to the Trilateralist organisation in the late 1970s Finally, , who circles, Bruton talked about PRE-1916 can be traced back to a secret plans is the one billion strong until she was forced to resign "Ireland's responsibilities to the was acting in his capacity as Sadly for the 26 Counties, organisation formed shortly Arab world who won't play ball when her membership was wider world". John Bruton later the then President of the by the end of next year its alter the end of the Second and isolationist China, a made public in Ireland. went on to say "If the United European Union, asked politicians will have given away World War called the Trilateral superpower in its own right. By So now you know what Nations had not been created Congress to work together with their currency along with Commission. The organisation accident, or perhaps by design Mary Robinson, John Bruton in 1946 in San Francisco, we Europe to build a structure for whatever else is demanded of was set up and funded by the their biggest stumbling block in and others mean when they would have had to invent it peace in the world. The them by their European same international bankers who the past in their quest for global speak in woolly global terms. today because we must have a structure he talked about was masters. Our tiny little country financed all the warring sides in power was the USSR, a The sad aspect of these means of making rules, which polite parlance fora global army will have been reduced to its both World Wars, including the superpower which revelations is that thousands of allow us to share the world and possible global police force. pre-1916 status — a colony Communists and the Nazis. people of influence in Ireland together". Unusually, none of the extracts conveniently collapsed in the ruled by foreigners. mid 1980s. are aware of the controlled plan Such laudable sentiments were mentioned in the Irish The Trilateralists plan was of power. were later joined by a call for media at the time. A curious Ironically future simple: to unite the world's As a final footnote the "Global rules against terrorism, omission. generations of Irish school IRISH children will read in their most influential industrialists, MEMBERS Trilateral Commission has a terrorism which exploits the Without being too harsh to history books that such an oil cartels, bankers, media Interestingly there is an long-range plan to "pacify" the freedom of the media". Was this John Bruton. he is merely outrageous change was achieved barons and politicians under one Irish dimension to these Six Counties. After all, what about curtailing the freedom of articulating the ideology without firing a single shot. All umbrella cabal and to use the machinations. Secret secret all pervasive controlling the press? "Ireland strongly practised daily by such modern that was needed was money mass concentration of power documents obtained by this organisation wants armed rebels supports the United States day leaders as Mary Robinson, The history teacher may also and wealth to carve the world paper reveal that the 1993 spoiling their frontierless efforts to create world rules to who frequently speaks on lofty point out to them that the into three administrative units. membership list of the Trilateral paradise? combat terrorism." Again, topics such s the "Global Ethic" British managed to pull off the The fruits of this ambitious Commission reveals a number analysis of this quotation could and "International — Tom same stunt centuries earlier scheme is the modern dav of Irish members: Garret Prenderville lead one to the conclusion that Partnership". SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 10 Thatcherite management Irish Life lock out workers company run by fat cats only have offered redundancies to TACTICS Conor McCarthy showed his THREE hundred and twenty Irish Life workers, interested in lining their own those who will not be able to This is the type of bully- true dictatorial qualities at the members of the MSF union, have been locked pockets? out of their jobs in Dublin's Lower Abbey Street cope with the new job. boy tactics we have recent company AGM where When this dispute is over experienced since the he treated staff and Their attitude to stall is to since February 6. Below an Irish Life worker on shareholders with contempt by lock them out till they starve. the picket line in Dublin city centre outlines the Irish Life will get rid of these introduction of 'Thatcherite people at no cost. As one Management' by Jean Wood, not allowing many questions The result of the recent workers' case: regional manager put it "when supported by the board of Irish which they wished to ask. binding arbitration from the Employer Labour Conference Three hundred and twenty about the dispute is the lack of is very disappointing from the Personal Financial Advisers any great media coverage. workers' point of view. The (PFAs) have been locked out Recently over 500 MSF only difference between this since February 6 last when Irish workers had a protest march to and a Labour Relations Life proposed implementation Dail Eireann. They were Officer's document of two of changes in our work practices ignored by the media. Who is months ago is £1,000. Most without comment. When PFAs pulling the stnngs? workers have lost twice this refused they were suspended Irish Life keep saying that amount during the last eight without pay on the grounds of the PFAs have turned down a weeks in pay and commissions. 'serious misconduct' £2 million compensation deal. The most disappointing This has angered our The actual compensation thing is that all the new work members greatly as serious offered by the Labour Relations practices which were rejected misconduct in the financial Commission to the PFAs is by us are still there. Now we industry means fraud or £500,000. Originally Irish Life must work them because of the embezzlement. offered £200,000. Look at this binding agreement. PFAs are very against the bonus paid to four The assurances given to us disappointed at their indoor Irish Life executives recently: by ICTU now sound very colleagues, members of the £1.2 million. hollow. Even their promise that same union, who continue to Despite being 16 weeks in we would be first to hear the pass our pickets, despite a the street our members were result was untrue. RTE news request for their support still strong and more united announced the result two hours Another group who have let than ever. Existing on £55 per before we were officially us down are the MSF sales week dispute pay from our informed managers, work colleagues union we have so far been whose jobs have been cut by refused the dole even though we 50% In fact sightings of these have been locked out. Generally we fed betrayed managers have been so rare over The proposed changes to and let down. What hope is the last 16 weeks they must there for industrial peace in our work are so drastic that we • Irish Life workers in Dublin's Lower Abbey Street during their 16-week lock-out by now qualify to go on the Irish Life with 320 will be facing a totally new job. management. endangered species list! If Irish Life dealt with us disappointed workers feeling they go back to work we will Life. What lasting job security What is very worrying honestly and fairly they should they were conned going back sweat them out of the job." Chairman of Irish Life can be expected from a to work? Jail threat to striking workers TWO workers at the Montupet car components dispute, the fitters refused to plant in west Belfast have been threatened with touch the machinery until a imprisonment for appearing in a picket line health and safety check had towards the end of May. been carried out. They were sacked on the spot and this If this happens it will be and Electrical Union led to a mass walkout. the first time striking (AEEU). workers have been After a ballot of the Following a threat of imprisoned in Occupied plant workers, a series of legal action the union Ireland since 1944. That half-day strikes, a work to (AEEU) backed down and action led to a walkout from rule and an overtime ban was claimed the ballot had been other companies in Belfast decided on from April 10. improperly called, a claim resulting in the release of the denied by the men. five men. After their return to The dispute dates back work, two of the fitters were Over 20 workers have to last October, when the asked to operate the since been sacked. 270 hourly-paid staff machinery. Montupet's managing rejected a miserly pay offer Realising the machinery director, Georges Senninger, and called in their union, the had been operated by has ruled out any hope of re- Amalgamated Engineering management during the instatement. • Montupet workers on picket outside the plant gates in west Belfast. Orange Order spurns CABHAIR Hume talk The Central Committee of CABHAIR (Irish Republican Prisoners' Dependants Fund) are IT SEEMS there is no end to the spiral of Drumcree stand-offs as we approach another once again appealing for funds so that we can Orange marching season. put on his continue to support all our prisoners in Portlaoise usual Euro-rose-tinted glasses on May 15 and Limerick jails and also support the families announcing he had achieved a significant of the prisoners. breakthrough following a meeting with Orange This time of the year is always difficult for Grand Master Robert Saulters. fund-raising and we appeal to all Republican Sinn Fein cumainn, our friends and supporters to He promised to bring both the Garvaghy Residents make a special effort during this time for the and the Orange Order to a meeting, chaired by himself. "It is prisoners. a positive development and a definite sign of progress," We would like to hear from anyone who would said Hume. form a fund-raising committee in their own area. However, on the following day, May 20, John Hume All those interested please contact CABHAIR was somewhat perplexed. "I am confused," said he to the and help and guidance will be forthcoming. fact that the Orange Fuhrer Robert Saulters w ould not meet Write to the Republican Prisoners: Hand-painted framed handkerchiefs made by with Breandan Mac Cionnaith because of his prison record. Portlaoise Prison, Portlaoise, Co Laois / Republican prisoners are now available, price £50 Josephine Hayden, Limerick Women's Prison, each. A statement from the Grand Lodge of Ireland said "kWe IMulgravc Street, Limerick. Anyone willing to make contributions to wish to pursue the path of peace," but refused point blank SEND them greetings, letters, etc and support CABHAIR CABHAIR should send them to meet any residents who had a record of militant Irish Republican Prisoners Dependants [ und in its work CABHAIR, Teach Daithi O Conaill nationalism, accusing the Provisional of manipulating for political prisoners. Cuimhnigh ar iad siiid uilig ata faoi residents groups. As Republican Sinn Fein has consistently jghlas ar son saoirse na hFireann. 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 claimed, an accommodation with tyranny only entrenches -.. "~~^"^^^^^^^^^" j that tyrannv. SAOIRSE — Meitheamh / June 1997 The thorn of the British presence remains' HlGHLY-successful launches of Dilseacht — The entity of Ireland", Unionists in was a slave owner); Lincoln story of Comdt-General Tom Maguire and the their perversity deny this fact. fought for six counties (the Second (All -Ireland) Ddil by Ruairi 6 Bradaigh Fitzgerald and O'Brien Confederate States); rightly he •were held in Mayo, Roscommon and Galway "fully accepted and solemnly denied their attempt to secede. during May. At the occasion in Galway on May 6 declared that there would be no The Irish people have the same General Maguire's son, Dr Sean Maguire of change in the status of right and obligation to strive made the address which is printed here. Northern Ireland until the and if necessary to take up arms Also below is part of the address made at the majority of the people of to recover the integrity of the Mayo launch in Castlebar on May 3 by veteran Northern Ireland desired a Irish Nation. change in that status". This It may even be argued that Mayo Republican Seam us 6 Mongain, Du declaration was ultra vires. The the USA of the 1860s was not IThuama. right of self determination does a nation but it aspired to be a In his speech Dr Sean Maguire said: The geologists give us estimates of how long Ireland is an island. Physically the island of Ireland is one unit. Politically the territory of Ireland is one unit and was always regarded as such until 1920. The right of the people of Ireland to self-determination and to the integrity of the island of Ireland are inalienable, both are God given. Democracy does whole national territory was a mainstream of American not enter the equation. No "legal right". It is more, it is an Society' even though they can majority can alienate the right inalienable right. still be identified as the white of the Irish people to sell- What Republicans find Anglo Saxon Protestants. determination. That right can particularly invidious is the fact There is but one solution only be extinguished by the that they are being forced to to the "Irish Problem", namely annihilation of the Irish people. support Articles 2 and 3 which unconditional British they do not acknowledge. The Democracy is a withdrawal. All other solutions entity now referred to as the have been tried and failed. The convenient system for the is an ersatz regulation of affairs, but no so-called peace process has creation of John A Costello and failed because its foundations majority can make wrong right. de Valera and no matter what is Democrats will always labour were wrong. It strove to alienate said or written is not the the inalienable. When the under the Barrabas clause, he is Republic declared by Pearse and the one the people chose1 British withdraw the people of 1 • Dr Sean Maguire, speaking at the Roscommon launch o/ Dilseacht on May 2. his comrades in 1916 and freely this island will be in a position The Ireland Act I'M ' ratified by the Irish people in to sort out their own differences elicited a protest from de Valera away. Each generation holds the not dePend on the whim of the nation and has become one, but British or any other 1918. There is one Irish as the Americans did in 1776 The Downing Street integrity of the Nation as a the principle was right. Republic as there is but one true and the Unionist population government. The actions of Fitzgerald Declaration of 1993 was sacred trust to pass on to the God. will be in a position to take their The people of France, and O'Brien are unacceptable accepted by Reynolds 1 .veil by suceeding generations. Any rightful and honourable place in centuries ago drove the English as are the actions of the political Even the 1920 Act his ideas of democracy he had generation which does not pass acknowledges that there were the Irish nation. not the right to do so on the the Nation in an enhanced out of their country and parties who support them. All Ireland matters. There is no There is no solution other condition to their succeeding asserted the integrity of the Even the Free State In the Downing Street irredentism involved in the than withdrawal uncondit- generation have failed in their USA. Th« American Civil War Supreme Court such as it is Declaration 199 \ and the rightful claim to the integrity ionally. Pearse's words were trust and are remiss. was not about (Lincoln declared that the claim to the Framework Document 1995 of the whole island whether the prophetic "They think that The Free State the participants determined "to lory Party and Fitzgerald and they have pacified Ireland, they Constitution of 1937 contains overcome the legacy of O'Brien agree or not. have purchased one half and 1 Articles 2 and 3 which lay claim history' . Those who through Following Washington's intimidated the other. The fools, to the territory of the intact ignorance or otherwise ignore defeat of the British in 1776 the fools they have left us our island of Ireland; even that the legacy or lessons of history there was a Unionist element Fenian dead, while Ireland holds insincere juggler Eamon de are doomed to the repetition of in the USA. Some of them these graves, Ireland unlree Valera could not wriggle out of the mistakes of history refused to recognise the USA shall never be at peace". These that one. At each stage since 1969 and returned to England, some words are frightening but none the Free State representatives The Sunningdale migrated to the West Indies to the less true. The peace process gave away more and more of Agreement 1973 acknowledges remain under British Rule. A might have pacified Ireland pro the fact that the Six Counties the rights of the Irish people 1 third section remained in the US tern but the thorn of the British which were not theirs to give "are part of the geographical Seamas (') Mongain (ar chle) igCaisledn an Bharraigh. and were included in the presence still remains. Caint Sheamais Ui Mhongain i gCaislean an Bharraigh ^>eamas~t) Mongain spolcFin English and in Irish' the life of his young brother TeelTng Column, trained here in Tuairisc Bheatha an Thomais, Liam Maguidhir, a at the Mayo launch of Dilseacht on May 3:. Sean, executed by the forces of the mountains of North Mayo. Commandant-General Tom glaoigh amach na tionontai sa the vassal state in Tuam. He commanded the cover-fire Maguire Teaehta an Dara Dail staile in aghaidh an Chaipttn This is a superbly written Barry's fight against the same The title of this well- party in the destruction of de Phoblacht na hEireann uilig, Boycott. and thoroughly researched enemy in the same War of produced book is Dilseacht and Derrylin RUC barracks, and the oglach a throid go croga ar son Ce'rbh ionadh mar sin an account of a remarkable man, Independence at Crossbarry in this more than anything else spectacular Arborfield raid in saoirse na hEireann agus a tirghra agus fuath an ansmachta Tom Maguire, a brave soldier, Cork. his courage, his ability as a England and was Chief-of-StaiT d'fhan dilis da mhoid don a bheith fostaithe go daingean i and a man to whom keeping Tom's day-long battle with fighter for freedom - is the after escaping from the Curragh Phoblacht dlisteanach go geroi Tom 6g agus Chlann laith with his people only thirty Volunteers armed dominant quality of camp with Daithi 0 Conaill. bhfuair se has naois a aon is a Mhaguidhir go leir. Agus ba e a transcended all temptations with shotguns and a few rifles Commandant-General Tom The campaign, including the chead bliain. fhearacht eheana e ag clainn towards self-aggrandisement, against six hundred trained Maguire. And who better to ambush at Jonesborough when Ba de shiolrach oirdhearc Christina Ni Fhtne an cailin a political or otherwise. soldiers armed with rifles, write this fine account than a three RUC men were wounded Tomas Maguidhir. Sheas claim bhi se le posadh i 1924. As a fighter for Ireland's Lewis machine guns and fine freedom fighter of a later and one killed was highly Mhaguidhiran ibd ina bhfearann freedom he stands in the first grenades is a tale that will thrill generation who has remained reminiscent of the 1920-21 War duchais Fear Manach naghaidh Bhi aithne agam ar Thomas rank of Irish heroes down patriotic young Irish people faithful to the lawful Republic of Independence. Normanach agus Sasanach ar ar feadh ceathracha bliain, through the centuries since time down the generations and of the 32 Counties of Ireland Ruairi therefore was feadh cheithre gcead go kith thugainn chairt air gach uair da began. 6 Neill, 6 Domnall and inspire them in their efforts to and refuses to desert our uniquely qualified to write this bliain. dteinn thri Chrois. Ach bhi his own illustrious ancestor of free their land from shore to oppressed brethren in the Six book. In it he describes how Dibriodh amach as an eolas agam air, ar a chliu agus ar whom the poet wrote shore from the blighting grasp Occupied Counties. Tom gave his authority to those talanih sinsearach in ndiaidh a chalmacht 6 thainig ann dom. Maguire, the chief of hosts of the English invader. Ruairi himself was also a who stood faithful to the bhriseadh Chinn tSaile ach bhi Mar son is da bhri sin silim go siadag troid aris i gCath Rules the mighty men of There have been other fine guerrilla fighter in the campaign Republic in 1969 and 1986 bhfuil me in innmhe leirmheas Manach fighters through the years who against the occupying forces in when others defected to the two Eachroma i 1691 faoina eolasach a thabhairt ar an leabair vassal states of the 26 Counties dTaoiseach Cuchonnacht seo Dilseacht. At home munificent in have succumbed to self interest the north from 1956 to '62. As and the Six. Maguidhir ina aghaidh arm presents or the blandishment of cunning was also our chairman Dan Leigh me thrid e 6 thus Liam Oraistc. The noblest chiefs in politicians but Tom, throughout Hoban. They too attacked RUC Dilseacht is indeed a fitting deireadh le speis agus le hospitality. his long life remained faithful barracks, blew up British title to this life story of Nuair a thainig scaipeadh taitneamh agus ni mor dhom a Commandant-General Tom agus fan orthu ina dhiadh sin ra go bhfuil se ionmholta thama Thus the bard 6 Dugain in to the oath he took as a TD of installations and engaged in Maguire of the Western lonnaigh cuid acu sa gCrois i beartai as a bheaichte, as an the twelfth century-. Ruairi 6 the independent Republic of 32 bloody battles and ambushes Command of the IRA and gCondae Mhaigh Eo. D'eirigh taighde curamach ata ina bttun Kradaigh in his book Dilseacht Counties established by the with the forces of the Crown, longest living faithful survivor duine sinsearach le Tom amach as a stit agus as chomh soleite has now produced a modern overwhelming vote of the sleeping in dug-outs or in the few friendly houses in the of the Second Dail of the 32 le Humbert i 1798 agus throid i is ata se. Ta moladh mor ag and much-needed account of a people of all Ireland - to unfriendly territory of County . ngach cath go dti Beal Atha na gabhail do Ruairi 6 Bradaigh ar Maguire hero of our own uphold that Republic in arms Fermanagh and other districts Muc. Bhi athair agus uncail a shon. ^ntury. The story of the fight against all enemies, foreign or Pronnadh an onoir mhor of the North. Thomais i dtus eadhnaiochta i on Partry hills is one of high domestic, even at the cost of orcn an leabhar seo, Dilseacht (Ar lean an tnhi seo gCogadh na Tallin agus be athair chugainn.) heroism equalled only bv Tom his own life or as it happened Ruairi was OC of the le Ruairi 6 Bradaigh a sheoladh. SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 12 NATIONAL correctness" of a large founded on unemployment administration lacks any portion of the so-called and relative poverty. An imaginative freedom as they GRAVES "Vancouver "Irish" whenever inter-generational rut may remain prejudiced against anything of Ireland's well emerge. However, as any critical examination of ASSOCIATION particular scenario is they are officially part of the the formation of their neo- mooted; and especially system they're likely to colony. CEREMONY when it refers to that conform to the assumptions The Republican Achara imposed, universally- of the State which has Movement has no such I would appreciate if you condemned partition of that relegated them. Therefore hang-ups and it has would publish in your next respected nation. But this they are ultimately geared identified suspected issue the National Graves with the ideals of capitalism sources of error and acted Association (Teo) but not with the legitimate accordingly in order to draft means of acquiring wealth. commemoration at the NUA and EIRE NUA. Republican Plot in Glasne\in Drug dealing may well Both policy documents Cemetery on Sunday, June provide an avenue towards display imaginative thinking 8 to mark the 75th profiteering. The dealer and are designed to be anniversary of the knows that a market exists, enacted within the context Volunteers executed, or and where one doesn't, of a British withdrawal. killed in action during the then like a normal These documents deal with Civil War. Those attending businessman the dealer will the 'root causes' of Ireland's should meet at the main gate seek to foster one. plight. of the cemetery at 2.45pm. William Burroughs says Republican Sinn Fein This commemoration will of heroin: "Junk is the ideal have outlined the basic be held at the Republican product. The ultimate platform upon which people Plot in the main cemetery merchandise. No sales talk can empower themselves (the one taken over by the necessary. The client will and have greater input into Military) not at our 1916 Plot crawl through a sewer and the decisions affecting their in St Paul's. beg to but. The junk lives. We look forward to a Unannounced electoral pact between the Provisionals and Fianna Fail. merchant does not sell his Unlike our opponents, good attendance to show product to the consumer, he Republican Sinn Fein's of an unannounced election Ruairi 6 Bradaigh branded sells his consumer to his disapproval of the sinister FlANNA pact between the policies were not drafted in the Provisionals as the product. He does not action in the take-over of the Provisionals and Fianna Fail northern wing of Fianna crayon. They are a real Plot purchased for the FAIL/ in Shannon and Clare. Fail; well it appears their improve and simplify his alternative. interment of Republican People are being advised northern wing has spread to merchandise. He degrades PAUL FINN Volunteers as well as PROVO privately to vote Fianna Fail Clare. and simplifies his client." Waterford honouring our dead. and ignore any other And now they have Those who are The usual Sunday ELECTION candidates of like mind. taken to policing Belfast with disadvantaged by the MINIMUM Tours of the Historic Graves PACT Now, being a resident of the RUC as we can see with bourgeois State are further will take place each Sunday Shannon and a Republican the abduction of a man in hindered by the parasitic WAGE FOR from June to the end of A chara I think Clare people of west Belfast. activities of'death pushers'. I am writing after some Republican persuasion WORKERS August. Their betrayal is bad Working class housing soul searching — as a should be made aware of enough but it is how little MNiCHEARNAIG estates are not the hot-beds A chara committed Republican and Fianna Fail credentials on their price was that is On Monday, May 12 last, National Graves the national question and of revolutionary politics as former resident of the Six humiliating. Fianna Fail leader Bertie Association Counties who lived there hope your paper will make envisaged by optimistic Ahern called for the 74 Dame Street until we were burned out in them aware of it in its next UNREPENTANT socialists. Class antagonism Dublin 2 the early 1970s — to inform issue. SHANNON exists alright. But not along introduction of a minimum your paper and its readers I believe your President, REPUBLICAN the lines of revolutionary wage for workers and stated SERVILE politics as those most vocal that if returned to power property-based. As such consummately abject, involved everyone are those who feel the State after the General Election, ABASEMENT the criminal must be seen servile abasement to the concerned much time, effort is not doing enough to Fianna Fail would implement somewhat as an "illegitimate wishes of Ireland's still and money, including protect their legitimate same. OF capitalist" (ie someone that implacable enemy on the innumerable trips to Ireland, interests. However, in November has used techniques or part of Mayo County etc to meet with respective It must be remembered 1989, when he was the State MAYO methods of acquiring wealth Council boggles the mind representatives of the Irish that the Carsonists in minister for Labour, Bertie not deemed appropriate by GOUNTY and assaults one's Film Industry and other Leinster House and Ahern stated that the the rest of society). sensibilities. associated parties. elsewhere propagated and Leinster House COUNCIL If by some poetic act of For some reason over Indeed the illegitimate imbedded the values which administration would not A chara justice these miscreants this recent while there has capitalist can be a major are presently being support the EU "Social While pottering around were themselves banished developed an inordinate burden to the bourgeois bastardised by the flip-side Charter" on a minimum wage outside 1 often catch myself from Paddy's green amount of procrastination State and may well create a to materialism. for workers because "it humming or try ing to recall shamrock shore for their and indecisiveness on the State within a State or a city would scare off foreign within a city. As was the case If you forward self the words of some old Irish perfidious act of betrayal of past of the Irish side. Which aggrandisement, careerism investors". tune or other. I remember those earlier unfortunates, considering the topicality, with the Mafia in Chicago in Could Mr Ahern explain the 1950s. and usury capital as the well the other day going over so innocent of malice timing and nature of the pillars of your social system, why foreign investors those two grand ones towards anyone else and in subject is to say the least Those who find then you must take would not now be "scared Hurrah for the men of the whose memory the Killala puzzling indeed and in the themselves excluded from or responsibility for the off'? Or is it that Fianna Fail U est and The Boys from the Memorial was erected, what light of what has happened discriminated by the reinterpretation of those have enough home-grown , the latter with foreign land would be in Killala leaves one to bourgeois State will values in deprived areas. investors and can afford to its proud line . .. don't show pleased to extend a hand of ponder the extent of this invariably find new ways of Law and order crack downs disregard the foreign ones? the white feather wherever welcome to them? I can't sickening desire to gratify empowering themselves. such as Dochas (for drug- JOHNHORAN you go. think of any so lacking in its every insulting wish or For example, during dealing) or carcus (for joy- PRO Then I went in the house, own self respect which caprice of past masters and feudal times in Continental riding) will never get you Comhairle Ceantair Atha sal down and read what would deign to do so. may now inhibit the Irish Europe the Jews found anywhere. Cliath themselves excluded from those ingratiating amadans While still reflecting on Film Board, also other The 26-County Republican Sinn Fein on the Mayo County this sorry business it occurs related avenues of public the social elite of the day. Council had done regarding to me that this year was to information. Yet Jews and other the "Famine Memorial" in have seen the TV showing At the expense, it should groupings found new ways Letters to the Editor Killala. What a downer! of a four-part documentary be added, and the alienation of attaining power and What a kick in the head for The Voyage of the of goodwill on the part of influence through the should be €ts short me, the proud son of a father Naparime, by Great North Ireland's real friends. money they made from as possible and written from Ballaghadereen, Productions in association TOM PHILLIPS merchant shipping. Roscommon, and on the with several other film Chase, BC The illegitimate or typed in double- mother's side, Ballyhaunis, companies, both national Canada capitalist works on a similar spacing on one side Co Mayo. Two of the and international, inclusive vein as he or she is derided hardest hit famine-ravished of the Irish Film Board. A by society, but is ultimately of the page counties of those sad and This documentary was able to buy influence. sombre days. to deal with the Irish Famine REAL Capitalism and modern Never would 1 have and the arrival of its ALTERNATIVE technology sideline Postal address: 223 Parnell believed that hallowed spot wretched refugees at Grosse significant sections of Street, Dublin 1. Letters could have spawned such lie, Quebec between 1X45 NEEDED society as people become a retardation to Finance capital may also be faxed to craven-heartedness. and 1X52. I know for a Acluira and the accumulation of Although galling enough. positive fact that the "Great It is obvious to all wealth. Dublin 872 9757 Pve gotten somewhat used North" people have been comers that the vast Those discarded by the or by e-mail to to the simpering two-faced working on this project for majority of crime throughout bourgeois State may form a platitudinously "political over five years. It has capitalist society is dynasty of deprivation, [email protected] SAOIRSE— Meitheamh /June 1997 13

"They shall never sound in slavery!" Oft in the Stilly Night

Oft in the stilly night Ere slumber's chains have bound me, Thus sighing, look through the waves of time, Fond memory brings the light For the long-faded glories they cover. Part 12 — Thomas Moore Of other days around me. The smiles, the tears of boyhood years Thomas Moore was born in Dublin in 1779, son The words of love then spoken, of a prosperous grocer. Brought up a Catholic, Sarah Curran The eyes that shone, now dimmed and gone, he became a Protestant in order to enter Trinity The cheerful hearts now broken. College to study law. She is far from the land where her young hero sleeps, And lovers around her are sighing: Chorus: Thus in the stilly night At TCD he became friendly with , towards But coldly she turns from their gaze and weeps. Ere slumber's chain has bound me whom he maintained an affectionate memory all his life, but he For her heart in his grave is lying. Fond memory brings the light was himself too frivolous a character to be capable of useful political Of other days around me. activity. He was a very talented versifier, and his sentimental She sings the wild songs of her dear native plains, ballads, written to be sung to piano accompaniment, were popular Every note which he loved awaking; When I remember all and brought him in a large income. He moved to London where he Ah! Little they think, who delight in her strains, The friends so linked together, took up the lifestyle of a Regency 'buck'. In 1822 he retired to a How the heart of her minstrel is breaking. I've seen around me fall, remote part of Wiltshire where he died 30 years later. Much of his Like leaves in wmtery weather life was taken up with the writing of a gigantic verse epic set in He had lived for his love, for his country he died, I feel like one who treads alone Persia, a country he had never visited They were all that to life had entwined him; Some banquet hall deserted Moore s Melodies were popular throughout the last century, Nor soon shall the tears of his country be dried, Whose lights are fled, whose garlands dead but are rarely heard of now. Though technically superb, they yet Nor long will his love stay behind him. And all but he departed. have a strange flimsiness about them. One commentator said that he had taken the wild harp of Erin and made it into a musical box. Oh! Make her a grave where the sunbeams rest Forget Not The Field Moore was even the target of a cruel practical joke played on him When they promise a glorious morrow: by Father Francis Mahoney ('Father Prout'), who translated a They'll shine o'er her sleep, like a smile from the West, Forget not the field where they perished, selection of his poetry into Latin, published it as the work of a From her own loved island of sorrow. The truest, the last of the brave, little-known Roman poet and accused Moore of having translated All gone, and the bright hope we cherished the poems into English and passed them off as his own. (After the execution of Robert Emmet, Sarah Curran went to Gone with them: quenched in the grave! Moore's few ballads on patriotic themes have stood the test of live in Italy) time best. His style, too, contributed to the Irish ballad tradition. O! Could we from death but recover The Minstrel Boy Those hearts as they bounded before, Let Erin Remember In the face of High Heaven to fight over The Minstrel Boy to the war is gone, That combat for freedom once more! Let Erin remember the days of old, In the ranks of death you'll find him, Ere her faithless sons betrayed her. His father's sword he has girded on Could the chain for one instant be riven, When Malachy wore the collar of gold And his wild harp slung behind him: Which tyranny flung round us then, That he won from the proud invader "Land of song" said the warrior bard, O! 'Tis not in Man nor in Heaven, When her kings with standards of green unfurled "Though all the world betray thee, To let Tyranny bind it again! Led the Red Branch Knights to danger "One sword at least thy right shall guard, Ere the emerald gem of the Western World "One faithful harp shall praise thee". But 'tis past, and tho' blazoned in story Was set in the crown of a stranger. The name of our victor may be, The Minstrel fell: but the foeman's chain Accursed is the march of that glory, On Lough Ncagh's hanks as the fisherman strtyi Could not bring that proud soul under, Which treads o'er the hearts of the free. In the clear cold eve declining. The harp he loved ne'er spoke again He sees the round towers of other dayi For he tore its chords asunder, Far dearer the grave or the prison In the waters neath him shining. and said: "No chains shall sully thee. Ilium d by one patriot name, Thus shall memory often in dreams sublime "Thou soul of love and bravery! Than the trophies of all who have risen Catch a glimpse of the tlavs lliat are over, "Thy songs were made for the pure and free On Liberty's ruins to fame!

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Cormac 6 Grdda £5.99 The French Revolution and the Irish Struggle 65p Pens, headbands, badges, keyrings, lighters: The Last Post, Dublin edition NGA "-00 SINN FEIN POBLACHTACH Policy Documents: Brits Out pens and keyringsjighters £1.00 Under Contract With The Enemy Kevin Boland £4.95 Towards a Peaceful Ireland 40p for p&p Brits Out headbands and metal badge £2.00 The Trial of the IRA Five . . . Tom Cox £15.00 £ 00 England get out of Ireland badges 50p The Man from God Knows Where, Thomas Russell 1769- EIRE NUA -A New Democracy 1- 70 Spirit of Freedom metal badges £2.00 1803 -Denis Carroll *9.00 SAOL NUA - A New Way of Life P 14 SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 BODENSTOWN: IRA-GHQ REORGANISED ON JUNE 23, 1947 Republicans gathered again in the assembly field at Sallins, Co YEARS Kildare. It was Bodenstown AGO Sunday. Frank Driver of Ballymore Eustace,Co Kildare gave the oration. He was a veteran Republican who at the age of 12 had been a Sinn Fein tally-clerk in the 1918 general election. In 1922 he was the youngest Republican internee in the New bridge Prison at 16 years. Grave of Theobald Wolfe Tone in Bodenstown Churchyard, Sallins, Co Kildare. The old monument was blown up by the UVFin 1969. Again interned without trial at the Curragh in the In point of fact Conway continued his ERA to the Cause. NEW ARMY COUNCIL early 1940s and from 1957 to '59 he was a most In the matter of the bakery trade, his sister loveable character. activity until September 1950 when he joined ELECTED the Cistercian Order at New Mellifont, Collon, and their aunt operated a confectionery business In the forties and fifties he showed his Back in 1947, however, as soon as enough Co Louth as a lay brother, Brother Maolmhuire. at Main St, Longford known as Murray's Cafe devotion to the - he was a resident prison sentences had run out the new Executive Coogan met him over 20 years later when he from the 1930s right in to the 1950s. Known as "of an Irish-speaking hut 1942-45 - and was told him he was "first attracted to the IRA by "Tot" Magan she was captain of the local St Ita's met and elected a new Army Council. Bell notes most popular and affectionately regarded by the the dedication and religious fervour he saw in its Camogie Club and was active in Gaelic circles. that Fleming was ignored and Willie McGuinness youth above all". leaders. It matched his own religious feelings and Similarly, Tony had fluent Irish, having moved from OC Dublin Unit to Chief-of-Staff, Bell says that the "traditional oration" made him see the IRA as something noble and studied under Mairtin 6 Cadhain in the Sean 6 Neill became Adjutant-General and delivered by this dedicated Republican signified pure". university of the Curragh. Coogan says that many Conway stayed on GHQ. that "the Republicans were back in business". people he interviewed told him they believed He continues: "Jack Finlay became a full- "Most important was the Army report, read FORMIDABLE FIGURE Magan belonged in the Church with such people time organiser at a minuscule wage under orders to the crowd, the first public sign that the IRA as Conway. to travel through the country appointing local still existed. He goes on: "The formidable figure of the This should not be surprising to close COs and contacting sympathisers. Sean Sheehy "Despite the obstacles, the cynicism, the 1930s (when he was sentenced to death by the observers of the Movement. Liam Pilkington of took over as CO of Dublin and once more the residue of suspicion and doubt, despite the Free State) is no more. He is a low-sized, greying Sligo GOC Third Western Division IRA 1921- centre of the net was in place." enforced recess after the Ardee Bar arrests, the man with sincerity and decency radiating from 23 went on to become a Catholic priest in While the Celtic Congress, a purely cultural IRA did exist There was a legitimate Executive, blue, kindly eyes, from his weather-beaten, Monmouthshire, Wales while remaining a faithful body forging links between Ireland, Scotland, an Army Council, a GHQ, and even a paid disciplined face and his warm, strong handshake". Republican to the end. Two other Republican Wales, Brittany, Cornwall and the Isle of Mann, organiser to knit up the ravelled ends of the He told Coogan he was "very hopeful of the soldiers of the same period also took the same met in Dublin on June 23-24, 1947 the wider national network." reforms and the renewal of the Church set in course. circle of Republican support was acquainted Tony Magan and Micksie Conway were the train by Vatican EL Driving back to Dublin after with the re-organisation of the IRA. first and most important men to be released in interviewing him, my abiding impression was that A member of the Teeling Column on active it would be difficult to meet a more sincere man," service in South Fermanagh in 1956, Joe Daly of The previous years' renewed coercion had on expiration of sentence failed to quench the flame that would guide yet following the ArdeeBar~aTrest»-«C-th£_previous Coogan concludes. Garlow Cross, Navan, Co Meath joined Micksie Conway in New Mellifont as a lay brother in the another generation to struggle for the freedom of March. Magan, on the other hand "was willing to Ireland. helpTbtrt lie was trying to~puTTogether a bakery Bell notes that they "immediately began (More next month. Refs. The Secret Army business at the same time," Bell records. picking up the loose ends. Conway was already by J Bowyer Bell and The IRA by TP Coogan.) Tony Magan, of whom we shall hear a lot Another Republican activist and Curraoh considering giving up revolutionary politics for Correction. May 1997 instalment: Goertz's more, was a Co Meath farmer who made his internee of the 1950s, Michael Joe O'Keeffe of the Church. He seemed intent on building up the "vain attempt to leave Ireland in a sailing boat mark on the Republican Movement. He sold his Mullagh, Co Clare went on to minister as a priest IRA before he withdrew into a monastery." in the autumn of 1941." farm and eventually gave all his time and money in the southern United States. Niall Plunkett Sean Mac Diarmada O'Boyle remembered in Kiltyclogher commemorated THE Sean Mac Diarmada commemoration took ON SUNDAY, May 11, Republicans gathered in place in Kiltyclogher, Co Leitrim on Sunday, May Knocknadruce, Hollywood, Co Wicklow to commemorate 4. Despite the incessant rain, the turnout was the fearless Republican Niall Plunkett O'Boyle, who was the largest for many years. shot by Free State forces in 1923. The people marched behind administration and forces from the National Flag and a piper the Six Occupied Counties; (2) The commemoration 1922. to the centre of the village the release of all political Closing the oration where an imposing memorial to prisoners and (3) the people of was chaired by Des Dalton. the executed 1916 leader and Co A decade of the rosary was Saoirse Breatnach asked Ireland discussing their Leitrim native stands. country's future as a unit. said by Kitty Hawkins, Republicans to enquire into Declan Curneen, Ard their hearts and minds and The National Anthem Kildare. Chomhairle, Sinn Fein brought the ceremonies to an The oration was then prepare themselves for Poblachtach, chaired the end. 1 given by Saoirse Breatnach what is to come. proceedings Wreaths were laid Sean Mac Diarmada who reminded those She said if Niall Plunkett on behalf of Leitrim Comhairlc present of the heroic war O'Boyle were alive today he Ceantair, Republican Sinn lcm O'Boyle led against the could warn us of the new by John M Branlcy and on behalf of ComhairteChonnachi Margaret O Dell Black and Tans. Broy Harriers in the making, THE death off Margaret 6 Dell of Alexandra Parade, who have chosen the by Michael Kennedy. A laurel Niall Plunkett O'Boyle, wreath was laid on behalf of the Glasgow deprived the Irish population in that city of a like so many dedicated men constitutional road which leadership by Jim Mannion. dedicated lady w ho was involved in every Gaelic organisation and women of his time was has failed nationalists like Seamus McGowan recited a for over forty years. fully committed to a 32- Robert Hamill who died on decade of the Rosary in Irish County Irish Republic. This May 10 as a result of A lifelong Republican she husband Sean 6 Dell for five and the Proclamation was read was uncompromising in her years during the late forties. led to his joining Sinn Fein injuries received from by Thomas Kelly. The principles of Irish freedom up Cathleen Knowles, Ard-Runai, in Burtonport, Co Donegal loyalists while onlooking statement from the leadership until the very end. She often represented Sinn Fein and then on to his local unit RUC sat watching from was read by Con Darcy. attended the Wolfe Tone Poblachtach at the removal. The of the IRA. their armoured jeeps. Cllr Joe O'Neill delivered a Commemoration In funeral Mass on Monday was rousing oration. During it he Bodenstown and only last year celebrated by an tAthair Seamas "Let us learn from visited relation in Knockatallon O Siadhail, Arranmore, Co history and know that we appealed to those now caught Niall, a great man of up in the constitutional trap to and Monaghan. Donegal who was a friend of vision knew that spirit alone have not left the path of turn their back on Westminster She was for many years Margaret's when he administered chairperson of the Patrick in Glasgow, During the course of 1 was not enough to defeat revolutionary action As Irish and return to the path of Margaret O Dell Republicans under the Pearse branch of the Gaelic a moving ceremony, an tAthair the British and Free State Republicanism. Sean Mac League in Glasgow and was O Siadhail said "that she had a stated, "was an Irish institution forces And so he travelled guidance of Republican Diarmada fought and died for present when they held their great love of the Irish language, from which evolved many Irish to Scotland where he Sinn Fein and other bodies an Ireland free from shore to centenary celebrations in 1995. was not keen on history being organisations in the city. A great It was this branch that Padraig rewritten, a great capacity for procured arms for the IRA. of the Republican shore of English rule. The organiser, she was a strong Movement, we have the acceptance of anything less was Pearse visited on two occasions friendship and was character, who was not afraid to During the Civil War, for at the start of the century and uncompromising in her defend her principles of freedom. right to resist British rule in a betrayal of all those who he was very impressed by the his taking the Republican suffered and died in pursuit of principles". A true patriot her exploits will our country." progress of the Gaelic League in At the graveside in never be forgotten in Glasgow." stance he was jailed in that aim. Scotland. Newbridge where he Deans grange Cemetery Padraig Rinne se comhbhron le na He stated the three Margaret's remains were O Baoighill delivered an oration dearthair Seamas O Donghaile, escaped along with 160 The Last Post and demands of the Republican brought home to Ireland on in which he praised her love of le teaghlach a deirfiura, muintir other volunteers in the Amhran na bhFiann were Movement; (1) a public Sunday, May 25 to St Joseph's country and her commitment to Ui Dhochtaraigh agus le na famous tunnel in October played by Johnny Gilraine. declaration by the British Church, Glasthulc, Co Dublin, an an Ireland Gaelic and free. gaolta go leir. Solas na government to withdraw their area where she lived with her "Her house in Glasgow," he bFhlaitheas da hanam uasal. — Meitheamh /June 1997 15

have Most Favoured Nation status. When the Swiss were pursued, the To get Most Favoured Nation status, British sabotaged the efforts to humble Fenian Notes a country must have a good record on the Swiss. The British motive was human rights. clear. It wanted to build its economy By our Washington Correspondent If the US overlooks Tienemen through loans from Switzerland. Square slaughter and other Chinese The US State Department worked repression, do you think they will go HEN atrocities arc with the British against the interest of organisation. after the Brits, I am sure you see the the US Government which became perpetrated upon a civilian Mid and the CIA have made a picture. distorted. Survivors of the holocaust populace and good people W campaign that portrays British rights And if there is resistance, such as were denied their assets by British [choose to remain silent that negation violation, abuse, torture and murder as in the Six Counties, little publicity is design and US acquiescence. I of civilised behaviour must be exposed acceptable to the US public as intended given to State terrorism, but massive HE moneyed interest in Britain ! i the most vociferous terms and no- n by London and Washington. condemnation is heaped on the victims won the day against the war's one's feelings should be spared. For close to 30 years the Irish for resisting. victims. By the way, it was a It happened during World War II T American Community (IAC) has When there is abuse, it is a human British Labour Government. So to and is happening, as we know, in Criticised how the US has responded, their concerns about torture in ihe responsibility to condemn. It is the those who think Labour is different, Ireland today, ami has recurred in or better, no1 responded to the north of Ireland, but they lack the clout test of a moral nation and the US to let this be a lesson. Ireland, since the first British invasion. campaign of abuse perpetrated by the to get the US to force the Brits to stop. date has failed that test despite our British abuse has gone unanswered In a situation where a foreign power Bnlish in Ireland. The message is diluted by fraternal best efforts. Volumes of documentation because they have had their way with occupies another nation, two classes ["here has been virtual official infighting over areas of responsibility, have gone to the US Secretary of State the world that they fight world of people evolve, collaborators and silence m the US and that has egos and emphasis on the wrong issues. and they gather dust. terrorism in Ireland and their repression [tasters. perpetuated a British self- While individual Congressmen gave a The British knew how to play the is excused. Should a State be allowed An obvious example of this rmhtcousness sympathetic ear, Congress as a whole US Government because of their to use torture at its will? occurred in France dining the Second HE US government has been was not warm to Irish issues other traditional tight-knit relationship Those who do not accept the World War, as well as other nations. well aware of the machin- than lip service. between the US State Department and British presence in Ireland have been An obvious, but less criticised example T ations of the British since day the British Foreign Office. Because of subjected to inhuman treatment. A is the situation in the north of Ireland one though they have feigned MASTER this inbreeding on foreign affairs, the political dissident, Jacob Timmerman, in 1997. ignorance. America was supplied with MANIPULATORS US will never attack the British. of Argentina asked US officials: It is the resistance that will use voluminous concrete evidence which The British are master British and US Intelligence "Would you allow agents of a any means to purge its country of a they chose to ignore. America believed, manipulators and proved this in their agencies share information. The Brits legitimate government like Israel's to foreign intrude! and necessarily wrongly, that it must support the convincing portrayal of fighting could not have won the war in torture someone if they thought he had embracing physical force as an option. British (iovcinnient which seeks peace. terrorism in Ireland and sometimes Argentina without US spy planes. information that could save people's Collaborators are those who accept At no time during the past 30 years things got out of hand and they Sensory deprivation, such as that used lives?" the imposed regime of the occupation or in any previous era did the USA employed heavy-handed methods in the Six Counties is a joint venture The official answered, "Yes," and choose to work within it contemplate any type of moral which had to be overlooked. with the CIA who have had observers Timmerman said; "No, you cannot There is in the Six Counties a third intervention, and used the lame excuse The US leaders and media in Ireland. start down that road. There is no class, which foi lack ol B bcttei name, that it was an internal "United accepted this and gave the British free The Irish in America need to put stopping." they are leaners those who lean Kingdom" matter. run. If some people are mistreated themselves in a position of strength Britain has taken that ominous road toward the group on the momenta I heie was no groundswell of because of a greater good than all the on a one issue demand for a British over the bounds of decent humanity. ascent. support on behalf of those victims o\' abuse is tolerated. The truth has no withdrawal. The wishy-washy issues The use of cruelty can never be people are caughi in the atrocit) in the north of Ireland. role to play. of peace processes and MacBride confined so it must be resisted. Those middle, and they usuall) are on I Internal matters of other nations Worthwhile leaders in Britain, Principles can only weaken a who do not resist become part of the particular side hut retain a flexibility arc never an issue with various US Ireland and the US should have community that loses focus on these silent partners of criminal activity. This is not an admirable iiait, bui administrations and only is utilised sounded the alarm on what was issues. All the oppression of Britain is understandable when the society lives when the 1 fS docs not want to become transpiring in the Six Counties. The IAC is just not up to the task. utilised to deny the Irish people the in fear, involved, Such is the ease in Ireland. Silencing by the US on British Concentration has gone wrong and they right to self-determination, the British The Central Intelligence Agency atrocities just made it easier for the looked to as the leader. used torture so that intcuugalurs SOCIETY BASED (CIA) has assisted rebel groups in British to continue. And remember, T his column has repeatedlv woulU get answers to support their ON FEAR overthrowing legally existing the US knew of the atrocities all along, emphasised that Kennedy means official picture of a terrorist Hume and I Iume means peace process conspiracy by the Republican Ihe north of Ireland i • I •octet} government! and has bolstered and that is tragic. Movement. based on fear such as thai portrayed in dictatorships in a selective fashion The continuing British campaign which is partition. The US, knowing full well all GeorgeOrwelIs 1984 Pcopl without any moral oversight. in the Six Counties is not only an Irish ILL the fools who accept British activity, has chosen the to live m fear because neighboui The CIA taughi techniques of tragedy, it is one for western the 'peace process' wake up and realise it is hardline response of silence. The US has now and inform 5T1 othcH, intentional!) and mental toiiuic to more than live latin civilisation. The Irish people were W or no line. grasped the "peace" process to show in some instances, inadvertcnthj Aiueiican securiU forces while publicly abandoned by right-thinking people If you read the papers, many, far "concern". Peace process/partition hi a society such as the Six condemning the practices. not thinking right. The British must with some guarantees to nationalists Counties, one who makes The CIA put out a manual on be held accountable, but only the too many, are talking as if the election is the acceptable condition within the accommodation with the enemj torture fbf chosen agents stating they Republican Movement has done so. of the Labour Government is going to status quo. collaborator and the occupying powei do not endorse them, but wants friends The British feel no political make a difference. Labour is only a The abuse of the British has not caricatures these accommodato U) know of their existence and the pressure to withdraw nor will they Brit with another name, but still a Brit, been rectified. There must be "heroes" who work in the system ind piopei way tous e them. terminate their brutal policies because when it comes to the crunch. For example, look at the issue retribution. The satisfaction can only do not use "violence 1 he occup) mg The CIA worked with British of silence when there should be rage. today of Nazi gold. It's not a new issue. be a 32-Ciounty Ireland, the "Peace" power has bribed them in some \\a\ Intelligence in perfecting torture and The US silence is deafening and behind 1(1 It was raised after World War II, by process partitionists want us to sell out national destiny. Irish Republicans were some of the the silences it offers many excuses Washington, but discouraged by the believe two of Six and 26 atory specimens The CIA has which are part of the sham. The public face ol the occup; British who were aware of the Swiss Counties with an open Border is the had to admit before Congress of this Look at China which has a brutal one of inflated compassion toward the control of the Nazi gold, but wanted answer type of appalling activity. human rights policy, and Israel. Are conquered people subjugated to a to let the Swiss off the hook. — Peadar Mac Fhinin fawning media and savvy intelligence Irish American groups have raised they punished by the US? No, they

people in Ireland and in the United States. Westmeath. Mollie O'Donnell In the 1992 Dinner Comhbhron MAHER, Deepest sympathy is extended to Moll and Martin Maher, Journal, Jim Mooney, a KORAN, Sincere sympathy is extended Kilbeggan on th- i retired Newark fire captain se, on the Murphy . in Matter, who summed up Mollie thus: the? Fran Kerry ; died recently From Republican Sinn THE death took place on April 23 last in The charity of her private , leath. Middletown, New Jersey, USA, of Roscommon : life would fill many pages. It FORAN. D ' ,..; . • .• nd ! I native, Mollie O'Donnell Murphy. She was 92. to John Koran anil! .... ; I gCuimhne is correct to conclude that us mother. From RUANS) Tony <)ih Anniversary. In her life has been one of the Tralee Cumann of Republican Sinn pioudand loving memory of Tony :• ; County Armagh in the late Born Mars'O'Donnell in giving and sharing". Honorary Life Vice-President jairypoint. County 1950s. RYAN, Deepest sympathy u extended : oblachtach, who died on June 13, Mollie's husband Peter to Michael Ryan on the death of his aunt . Roscommon she emigrated She played a leading role Mary From Republican Sin md nemberi of the Linn Mell l died in 1968. °tlie United States in 1922, in the Newark St Patrick's She is survived by her Limerick .in, Dublin. ™g in Glen Ridge and n RUANE, Tony - 6th Anniversary. In Day Parade Committee for son, John, who runs a bus •I the death of hi loving and sad men !•.; Newark before moving to over 50 years. In 1962 she • Molly O'Donnell company in Middletown, From the Republican Movement, husband of tin late Bridi who died Middletown ten years ago. Murphy June 13, 1991 Always ran red I served as Deputy Grand and with whom she lived; : In 1931 she married Peter SHEEHY, Sincere sympathy to Markie /ing daughters Nuaia and I-'i • Marshall, leading 70 her brother Patrick Walsh and family on the death on April !\-law James and granddaughters Mur the Giblin Association and Phy, a Labour leader contingents and 25,000 O'Donnell, Roscommon; her 27 of her father Donal Sheehy, Tralee. Joan and Laura. Go ndeana Dia trocaire the John F Cryan From Republican Sinn Fein, Co and former County Armagh marchers on Broad Street in sister Kathleen Regan, Association. taehc footballer. ' Newark. Linscroft, Middletown; and In October 1992 Mollie Described by the Irish her nine grandchildren, two Beannachtai O'Donnell Murphy was the Peter was organising Echo (New York) as "the step-grand children and 21 HAYDEN, Birthday greetings to Josephine Hayden. POW. Limerick nurl recipient of the Irish jail. From Mick llegarty, POW, Portlaoise jail »ng and Gaelic football inspiring matriarch of the great-grand children. HAYDEN, Have a Dice birthday Josephine, POW, Limerick jail. warns in New Jersey in 1946 New Jersey Irish Freedom Medal at the From your comrades in Portlaoise [ail, annual dinner organised by WALLACE, Happy birthday to Dicky Wallace, POW and Josephine ^Molliebecame involved community" Mollie was a After funeral services in Ilayden, POW, Limerick jail. From Republican Sinn Fe-in, Limerick. SAOIRSE of New Jersey. "charitable work Among member, among others of Middletown, her funeral WALLACE, Happy birthday Dicky. From Patsy and family. Presenting her with the WAI.LACK, Happy birthday Dicky. Angela and family. Limerick. „ countless fund-raising the Roscommon Society of Mass was held at Sacred WALLACE, Birthday greetings to my husband Dicky Wallace, medal, veteran Irish- Portlaoise POW. From Amy. Michael, Richard and Orla. eents she organised was New York, the Ancient Heart Church in the American leader the late WALLACE, Buirthday greetings to Dicky, Portlaoise jail. From Tiny, Cnovation of thc Order of Hibernians, the Vailsbury, Newark. Interment Nora and family. chLu praised WALLACE, Have I nice birthday, Dicky, Love Mam, brothers and «|ldhood pansh church in Gaelic Athletic Club, the was in the Gate of Heaven sisters. her role in alleviating some aiymoum and the building Gaelic League, the Irish Feis, Cemetery, East Hanover. WALLACE, happy birthday, Dicky. From all your cousins in W'eston, of the suffering of the Jjqieiick orachurchinMullabawn. the United Irish Institute, 16 SAOIRSE — Meitheamh /June 1997 VOTE OR NOT TO

HAT is the question, Democratic Left, Rusty Guns die. John Bruton claims to have shows he really does have a show them, really shake them it a stroke. Place it in a box and whether it is nobler in Under the Table; Labour, work a sense of humour. sense of humour. "Up the up. But they seem cool enough all is cured. Tthe mind to abstain from with us to stay unemployed; is a Republican. Dick Spring Provos an' !" to me. Not quite a Canary It's for Peace (PICE) Westminster than to take one's The , This is calls on people to vote Sinn he is quoted as saying or words Wharf type of reaction to them. It's for freedom. seat in Leinster House. Oh! recycled paper, please use again Fein (Well, his Da was an IRA to that effect. Nobody's Now again here in the Free It's for an end to cursed spite that politicians for appropriate purpose. man according to ). laughing anymore except Tony State we have the opportunity unemployment. were born to set things right! You can take the man out of the Blair and his unionist friends. to free Ireland, wipe out ND after the election This philosophical turn of It has been a culture clash bog but you can't get rid of the unemployment, control remember all is not lost. mind has been brought about over the past few weeks of crap, etc. Peace we are told is I am being asked to make a hepatitis infection, stop AThink of all those by a not inconsiderable amount electoral furore. Everybody is spelt P...R...I...C...E by choice. But there are so many. I marriage breakdown and 'take pieces of paper and remember of soul searching on my part. everything and everything is removing the R. The actual cost am being asked to cast my vote. our rightful place among the the advice of the Green Party. I've read all the literature — true. Alex Maskey can toast the is cheap. In fact, a total bargain. Three or four weeks ago during nations of the earth'. Re-cycle and use for Fianna Fail. The Republican Queen of England and AKE it now — pay later. the English election fiasco in the appropriate purpose. Figure it Party; Sinn Fein, A New commemorate the heroes who Bruton again insists he Six Counties I was asked to vote It's quite simple, all we out for yourself. Good Luck. Opportunity for Peace; Fine fired the shots on Bloody Thas a sense of humour. to free Ireland. We'll teach the have to do is vote. Gael, Give 'em the Lash!; Sundav. Mrs McCole didn't Dick Spring speaking in Derry Brits a lesson I was told. We'll' Take a piece of paper. Give — MacCool international conference on Fein described as "the leader Hartley, Provo Sinn Fein Nationalists should "migrate": of nationalist Ireland" [see the Famine hosted by the councillor on Belfast city government at Dublin Castle below]. Both Bruton and the council, AP/RN, May 15,1997. Provos should get "contact recently, goes as follows: "It pro-British economist WHAT Should guarantee entrance to would be all too easy to with " reality . . . AN ECONOMIST with the 'Northern Ireland another 'commemoration', eh, develop an exaggerated Economic Research Centre' (NIERC), a British You can accuse me of Tom? rhetoric of blame, a callow think-tank for their Irish colony has claimed that being a hypocrite but Mr Adams said his descent into easy THEY hypocrisy is one component meeting with the Fianna sentimentality, in which we he was "suffering from flu" when he asserted of politics. Sometimes, Fail leader had been a "very that the 88,000 jobs gained in occupied Ireland can all wallow luxuriantly, as hypocrisy is important to good" one and hinted that he vicarious victims of the in the last 25 years went to nationalists. would like to see Mr Ahern SAID ensure that things are Famine, rather than as its His claim was widely used by unionists to prove an alleged achieved. lead the next government. beneficiaries. The one bias against the unionist population. Most of the posts taken by — Colm Keaveney, a — Irish Times, May 15, million dead left few nationalists however are badly paid part-time jobs. The great Doctor According to nationalist member of the Free State 1997. descendants. The bulk of of Economics has also claimed that unemployment among sources in the peace process, Labour Party in Galway East, Tanaiste Dick Spring Famine victims' descendants nationalists was caused by a "lack of migration to other countries however, for a ceasefire to be , May 14, 1997. With insisted: "No Irish are not in Ireland but and regions". called there would first have that attitude, our Colm is government can have contact scattered across the globe. It In a research paper published in 1990, Dr Gudgin states "thus to be contacts at a destined for Leinster House... with Sinn Fein unless there is also too facile to blame one possibility for policy-makers in Northern Ireland is to "significant" level between The GAA runs to the is another IRA ceasefire — every modern Irish ill, from effectively an end to the encourage further outmigration from Northern Ireland." Dr Gudgin officials of the British heart of things in Bellaghy, schizophrenia to alcoholism, violence, an end to the war." has consistently denied a link between nationalist unemployment government and Sinn Fein . The taking and killing of on the Famine, degenerating and discrimination and has blamed a high birth-rate and lack of . . Republican sources said Sean Brown as he locked up — Irish News, May 16, into a maudlin culture of 1997. emigration for their plight. In a letter to the Belfast Irish News Sinn Fein was examining the premises after another complaint." . . . Tony Blair and his dated December 1, 1994, Dr Gudgin urged nationalists to vacate the legal position on function will touch an — The Phoenix, May 23, extraordinarily raw nerve in new Conservative Party . . . the Six Counties: opening offices for the new 1997. the community. In Bellaghy, — Pathetic News, RTE "It is clear that people must thus migrate to gain employment MPs at Westminster. The The road to Leinster the GAA is not a part of the Radio One, May 17, 1997. House is the trail of tears. Jhey have had to do from the Republic," he said. It is party's policy of community; the community went over to in HIM II'II III il I IM IIII^IWIK'M ilhiiiljlimi for migration never included — Pathetic News, RTE abstentionism seems set to is a part of the GAA- Westminster and, using his Radio One, May 24, 1997. members of the unionist populationT^SpqWiaau&Jiowever, believe become virtually —Irish Times, May 14, actor's voice for Gerry that all our people have a right to stay in IrelandwTt The Famine should be Adams as during the TV and commemorated in a way work. Irish Times, May 5, John Bruton is nothing radio censorship, took the "that would have respect for 1997. less than a national disaster. Oath of Allegiance to Queen those people who died due to Champion of the oppressed Des In a speech to Irish —Michael MacDonncha, Elizabeth II. a political situation which business people in London, ex-editor ofAP/RN, writing in — Pathetic News. was basically the export of Wilson undergoes surgery he (John Bruton) detailed that paper on May 15, 1997. However, the food from Ireland over to seven reasons why the Irish Two years ago (March 30, reiteraterated last night that England, under armed FR DES Wilson, outspoken opponent of British imperialism and 1995) that same paper the Government's position a man who has spent his life in the service of the downtrodden economy was performing so guard," he said. well. Reason number fivewa s described Bruton as a was that there would be no — Singer Liam O members of our society is recovering at home after undergoing "representative of nationalist "routine contact" with Sinn what sources describe as major surgery in the Mater hospital in the fact that we have "a very Maonlai, singer with the Ireland" and, last year Fein "but that a meeting may Hothouse Flowers quoted in Belfast at the end of April. SAOIRSE would like to take this honourable public service" (February 8, 1996), Michael be organised with officials to opportunity to wish Des a full and speedy recovery. and "a sound legal system". Irish Times, May 28, 1997. MacDonncha referred to Fine discuss matters that might Lord Alderdice He added that both of Gael as being part of lead to an imminent these were inherited at the yesterday said that the "nationalist Ireland". Poor ceasefire." ceasefire called by the RUC member convicted formation of the State and John Bruton — "nationalist" — Irish Times, Mav 17, were part of the legacy from Combined Loyalist Military one minute, "national disaster" 1997. Command "barely exists". our "contact with Britain". the next — what does he have to Reading some of over loyalist protest do to stay on good terms with Loyalist paramilitaries — The Minister Avril Doyle's have killed two Catholics, A BRITISH police (RUC) reservist based in County Down has business section. May 11, 1997. that other Leinster House party? speeches on the Famine, one been convicted of taking part in a loyalist protest during last seriously injured a third and The man that describes several (Provisional) Sinn Fein can see where this line is carried out a series of bomb summer's disturbances over Drumcree. In a statement issued on hundred years of British is no longer the party of coming from. One May 12 the RUC said the man had "appeared recently at the local attacks in the past two colonial rule in Ireland as protest and resistance, it is extraordinary passage, months. magistrates court charged with public order offences. He was found "contact with Britain " is the the part}' of change. contained in a revisionist guilty and lined:'' No mention was made of the exact nature of the — Irish Times, May 28, same man that Provisional Sinn — Tom 'Poppy Day' tract she delivered to an 1997. offences. Don't sellout to British LEINSTER IRISH FREEDOM HOUSE. OF THE REPUBLICAN MOVEMENT agents in 26 Cos.

Buy Ireland £1 o.OO Ainm. . Other EC countries £11.00 Seoladh Rest of Europe £12.00 World (airmail) £16.00 SAOIRSE ISSN 0791 - 0002 US edition $28.00 SAOIRSE - Irish Freedom (Available from PO Box 1912, Point Pleasant 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1 New Jersey, 08742, USA, e-mail: Teil: 872 9747; Facs: 872 9757 every e-mail: [email protected] [email protected]) month! ElectionCandidates i DBanned Published by Republican SINN FKIN Pobtacbtach: Teach DAithi 6 ConaiU, 223 Parnell Street, Dublin 1. F6n: 872 9747; FAX: 872 9757. e-mail [email protected] or saoirse Printed by Lithographic Printers I td