Farmers' Perceptions, Production and Productivity Constraints
HORTSCIENCE 50(1):36–43. 2015. There are varied preferences and needs by end users for crop cultivars. For instance, for industrial starch production, sweetpotato cul- Farmers’ Perceptions, Production and tivars are required to have high dry matter content, whereas cultivars for human con- Productivity Constraints, Preferences, sumption should have other traits such as attractive skin and flesh color, good cooking and Breeding Priorities of Sweetpotato quality, and high b-carotene, among others. Sweetpotato cultivars intended for animal feed should have high protein content (Lebot, in Rwanda 2009). Therefore, sweetpotato breeding should Rukundo Placide1, Hussein Shimelis, and Mark Laing involve the needs of stakeholders in the de- African Centre for Crop Improvement, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Private veloping of new cultivars and new agricultural technologies to meet their diverse requirements Bag X01, Scottsville 3209, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa (Atlin et al., 2001; Rees et al., 2003). Daphrose Gahakwa Agricultural technologies developed through participatory research have a greater chance of Rwanda Agriculture Board (RAB), P.O. Box 5016, Kigali-Rwanda adoption and diffusion by farmers because they Additional index words. breeding priorities, farmers’ preferences, production constraints, are developed in response to local constraints sweetpotato and meet end users’ needs and preferences (Ashby and Lilja, 2004). Various research Abstract. The role of farmers and their production constraints and preferences are approaches have been reported in participatory important for sweetpotato breeding and adoption of cultivars and agronomic production breeding of new crop cultivars, including con- packages. The objective of this study was to assess farmers’ perception, production sultative approaches, collaborative approaches, constraints, preferences, and breeding priorities of sweetpotato in selected agro-ecologies collegial approaches, and farmer experimenta- of Rwanda.
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