Glass Technology" Plansee Session Session "Laser Applications"

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Glass Technology

ftO "*S9<1 C8C) TIB/UB Hannover E 11th S Conference

G together with 86 Annual Meeting of the DGG ICG Annual Meeting Trend Seminar "Glass Technology" Plansee Session Session "Laser Applications"

Maastricht, The Netherlands 3-6 June 2012


National Committee German Society Netherlands' of Glass Glass Industry Technology CONTENTS

11th ESG Conference & 86. GLASTECHNISCHE TAGUNG ICG Annual Meeting, Glass Trend Seminar, Plansee Session, Session "Laser Applications"


L. L. Hench Emeritus Professor University of Florida, USA Bioactive : From Concept to Clinic, a 45th Year Celebration

SESSION 1 S. 28 - 35

Batch, melting & sintering processes

R. Conradt Institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites, RWTH University, Aachen, Germany How to overcome the chemical constraints of glass melting

W. Jatmiko, R. Conrad Institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Experimental assessment of batch melting behavior

M. Lindig Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. KG, Lohr am Main, Germany Sorg Batch Handling Concept - updated report and future development

R. Conradt Institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Assessment of batch melting behavior - trying to close the gap between lab and industrial scale

C. Pust1, M. Rohmann1, S.-R. Kahl2 1Rheinkalk GmbH, Wulfrath, Germany 2Ardagh Glass Dongen B.V., Dongen, The Netherlands Decrepitation of Dolomite from batch blankets in glass furnaces

1 R. Clasen Chair of Powder Technology of Glass and Ceramics, Saarland University, Saarbriicken, Germany The preparation of glasses via a sintering route - state of the art and perspectives

S. Reinsch, R. Muller, D. Erfurt, C. Goedecke BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany Processing and sinter-crystallization of alkaline earth silicate glass powders

J.O. Torres1, B. Halbedel2 institute of Materials Technology, llmenau University of Egineering, llmenau, Germany department of Inorganic-Nonmetallic Materials, llmenau University of Engineering, llmenau, Germany Numerical study of the effectiveness of an electromagnetic mixer in the glass melt homogenization process

S E S S I O N 2 S. 36 - 43

Plansee Session: Refractory metals for the glass industry

B. Kleinpass Plansee SE, Reutte, Austria Molybdenum and Tungsten: material properties and application in the glass making

M. Dunkl Dunkl Consulting, Meerbusch, Germany Vision of a "green" glass melting furnace

H. Traxler, J. Januschewsky, R. J6rg, M. Sulik, M. Kathrein, R. Holzknecht Plansee SE, Reutte, Austria Phase Identifiaction of oxidation protective layers for Molybdenum

M.C. Bolitz1, R. Volkl1, H. Traxler2, R. Holzknecht2, U. Glatzel1 1 University of Bayreuth, Chair of Metals and Alloys, Bayreuth, Germany 2Plansee SE, Reutte, Austria Corrosion of Molybdenum electrodes in silicate melts

H. Larcher, R. Holzknecht Plansee SE, Reutte, Austria MoZr02 - A new material for GME

2 L. Biennek1, R. Holzknecht2 1JSJ Jodeit GmbH, , Gemany 2Plansee SE, Reutte, Austria GTR experiences and insights

R. Meuleman Invensys Operations Management, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands Smart Thyristor control of power supply on electric boosting systems provides potential energy savings

E. Muijsenberg, T. Krobot, M. Muijsenberg Glass Service Inc., Vsetin, Czech Republic Optimal positions of Molybdenum electrodes

SESSION 3 S. 44-51

TC 10 - Optical properties of glass

C. Anderson Saint-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France Optical properties and characterization of glass and glass coated products

C. Anderson Saint-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France Low emissivity and solar control products for building applications: A review of their functionality and thermal performance

H.R. Wilson1, A. Nilsson1, J. Bretschneider2, T. Hofmann3, M. Hutchins4, J. Jonsson1, C. Kermel1,1. Marenne1, A. Roos5, P. van Nijnatten6 1Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems, Freiburg, Germany 2Pilkington Deutschland AG, Weiherhammer, Germany 3Centrosolar Glas GmbH & Co. KG, Furth, Germany 4Sonnergy Ltd, Abington, Oxon, United Kingdom 5Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden 6OMT Solutions BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Transmittance of patterned "solar glass" panes - results of a measurement round robin by ICG-TC10

M. Hutchins1, N. Kilbey1, P.A. van Nijnatten2, C. Anderson3, A. Roos4 1Sonnergy Ltd, Abington, Oxon, United Kingdom 2OMT Solutions BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands 3St.-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France "Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden Measurement of angle-dependent optical properties of coated glass products - results of an International laboratory inter-comparison by ICG-TC10

3 P.A. van Nijnatten, J. de Wolf, I. Schoofs, S. Timmermans, M. Dominicus-van den Acker OMT Solutions, Eindhoven, The Netherlands State-of-the-Art in optical characterization of coated glass products

K. Seneschal-Merz, B. Unger, I. Feldmann, M. Bucker BAM Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing, Berlin, Germany Development of durable transparent enamel colors for the manufacture of decorated glass panels for applications outdoor

A. Masuno, H. Inoue, Y. Watanabe Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan Structural-relaxation-induced high refractive indices of Bai-„CaxTi20s glasses prepared by containerless processing

A.M. Efimov1, P.A. van Nijnatten2 1 National Research University ITMO, St.-Petersburg, Russia 2OMT Solutions BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Predicting the optical absorption of window glass at annealing and melting temperatures: problems and prospects

SESSION 4 S. 52 - 59

Glass fibre & glass colour

A. Jorns1,1. Hooftman2 1GlassFibreEurope, Brussels, Belgium 2Lanxess NV, Kallo, Belgium Life cycle assessment of CFGF - continuous filament glass fibre products

P. Gu, J. Watson, J. Meng, H. Li Fiber Glass Science and Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Corrosion resistance of E-glass fibers - boron factor

O, Prokhorenko Laboratory of Glass Properties, LLC, St.-Petersburg, Russia Modular model of fiber drawing process

H. Li, D. Eng, C. Tang, P. Westbrook Fiber Glass Sience and Technology, Pittsburgh, PA, USA Low dielectic glass fibers development - new PCB base materials

E. Aydin Sisecam, Glass Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey Using volcanic glass (perlite) heals the everlasting durability problem in amber

4 H. SesigOr, F. Akmaz Sisecam, Glass Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey Parameters affecting the color formation of olive green glass

S. Karlsson1, B. Jonson1, L Wondraczek2

1School of Engineering - Glass Group, Linnaeus University, Vflxjo, Sweden institute of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Niirnberg, Erlangen, Germany Copper colouration of the surface of float glass by ion exchange

A. Simo, K. Rademann Institute of Chemistry, Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany Copper and silver in glasses

S E S S I O N 5 S. 60 - 65

Laser applications

P.-E. Martin Lasea, Angleur, Belgium Examples of glass laser micromachining applications

H.-P. Wunde Time-Bandwidth Products AG, Zurich, Switzerland Precision glass processing with picosecond lasers

M. Lentjes 4JET Technologies GmbH, Alsdorf, Germany Laser drilling of heat-strengthened glass

H. Gebauer, L. Richter, U. Stute Laser Zentrum Hannover, Hannover, Germany Improvement of energy efficiency for glass tube fusing

K. Du, P. Shi, X. He EdgeWave GmbH, Wurselen, Germany Precision glass processing with short pulse lasers and ultra short pulse lasers

J. Bliedther, H. Miiller, T. Schmidt Gunter-Kohler-lnstitut fur Fugetechnik und Werkstoffprufung GmbH, Jena, Germany Hot processing of glass through laser beam joining and cutting

A. Wienkamp Cerion GmbH, Minden, Germany Laser processing of flat glass - innovative technology replaces sand blasting

5 K. Poting Athena Engineering & Construction, Erkrath, Germany LASER polishing of grinded glasses


MSE Career Workshop MatWerk

(No abstracts available.)

S E S S I O N 7 S. 66 - 75

Glass Trend Seminar - Heat transfer & heat energy

H. van Limpt, A. Habraken, M. van Kersbergen, R. Beerkens, P. van Santen CelSian Glass & Solar B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Energy efficient glass production: furnace design, energy monitoring and energy balances

P.G. Martin Invensys Operations Management, Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands Improving the profitability of glass production through operational decision support

A.F.J.A. Habraken, M. Rongen CelSian Glass & Solar B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Performance optimization of electrical boosting in a U-flame container glass furnace

N. Rozendaal Optimum, Arnhem, The Netherlands Heat recovery from flue gases in glass industry

A. Mola1, J. Schep2, M. Rollini3 'Stara Glass, Genova, Italy 20-l Manufacturing Netherlands B.V., Schiedam, The Netherlands 30-l Manufacturing Italy SpA, Origgio, Italy Experiences of hybrid regenerative - recuperative heat exchanger systems for glass furnaces

6 D. Dacko International Quality Service, Support and Solution, Gdansk, Poland Energy recycling from glass melting processes using new available techniques - heat recovery, batch chemical activation, granulating, batch and cullet preheating - A comparison study

A. Monteforte, D. Dacko, P. Piccolo, F. Zatti Area Impianti SpA, Padova, Italy Energy savings and energy production from glass furnace

L. Onsel, Z.EItutar, S.Ozel Ucar Sisecam, Glass Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey A modeling analysis of gas velocities with respect to furnace performance

SESSION 8 S. 76 - 82

Refractories & raw materials

P. Simurka, R. Klement, J. Sedlaced, J. Kraxner Institute of Inorganic Chemistry of Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia Corrosion of refractories used in a melting process of industrially produced glass

R. Bei1, K. Santowski2, C. Majcenovic2 1RHI Glas GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany 2RHI AG, Technology Centre, Leoben, Austria Refractories for extreme condition in the tops layers of regenerator checker works

M. Dunkl Dunkl Consulting, Meerbusch, Germany Quality of refractory materials and glass quality

R. Weigand, A.-K. ROssel Institute of Ceramic, Glass and Construction Materials, TU Bergakademie Freiberg, Freiberg, Germany Minimization of the interaction between refractory and glass melt - possible savings in the glass industry

D. Lechevalier1, O. Citti1, M. Gaubil2 1Saint-Gobain SEFPRO, Northborough R&D Center, Nothborough, MA, USA 2Saint-Gobain CREE, Cavaillon, France Design of high efficiency regenerator packing

7 R. O'Conner, S. Cook Rio Tinto, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom The changing demands for refined borates in solar and display glass applications

N. McDonald1, M. Pinon2 Verallia SA, Courbevoie, France 2Saint-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France Melting and life cycle impact of alternative raw materials

R. Falcone1, S. Hreglich, P. Bertuzzi2, P. Ercole2, L. Ramon2 1Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, Venice-Murano, Italy 2Sasil SpA, Brusnengo, Italy Reuse of slags and flying ashes from MWI as industrial reagent and secondary raw materials

SESSION 9 S. 83 - 90

Chemical durability & glass properties

J. Matsuoka, T. Kimura, T. Sugawara, S. Yoshida The University of Shiga Prefecture, Hikone, Shiga, Japan Thermal diffusivity of sodium borate glasses around the glass transition temperature

H. Takebe, T. Kobatake, A. Saitoh Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan Dissolution behavior of SnO-P205-B203 glasses in water

P. Djambazov, A. Prange, R. Conradt Institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composited, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Initial stages in the aqueous corrosion process of sodalime, borosilicate and aluminosilicate glasses

L. Hupa, S. Fagerlund Process Chemistry Centre, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland Durability of silicate glasses in aqueous solutions

M. Dathe, H. Roggendorf Institute of Physics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany Dissolution behavior of sodium silicate glasses for the manufacture of soluble glass

8 A. Roula, N. Boubata Fac. Sci. & Technol., PNR-ANDRU-LIME, Jijel Universiy, Jijel, Algeria Predicting the oxides melts glass forming ability

N. Mascaraque, A. Duran, F. Mufloz Ceramic and Glass Institute (CSIC), Madrid, Spain Synthesis and electrical conductivity of lithium phosphorus oxynitride glasses

H. Inoue, K. Makihara, Y. Watanabe, A. Masuno Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan The structure and physical properties of R203-AI203-Si02 (R = Y or La) glasses

SESSION 10 S. 91 - 97

Surface treatment

P. Maillet1, A. Gilet2 Verallia SA, Courbevoie, France 2Saint-Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France Combining slipping / anti-slipping compounds to increase glass scratch resistance

L. Zhang, A. Kasper, A. Prange, R. Conradt Institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Flame sprayed window glass coatings on the concrete substrate: the effect of water glass as an intermediate bonding layer

M. Eberstein1, J. Schilm1, U. Partsch1, A. Waltinger2, C. Kretzschmar1 1Frauenhofer Institut fur Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, Dresden Germany 2Roth & Rau, Hohenstein-Ernstthal, Germany Kinetic phenomena during the solar cell contact formation of glass containing silver pastes

A. Flejszar1, G. Helsch1, K. Wermbter2, P. Hinz2, J. Deubener1 institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Techology, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany 2Glas Plus Beschichtungs GmbH & Co. KG, Mainz, Germany Effect of single layer thickness on structural, electrical and optical properties of Sb:Sn02 films

9 R. Meszaros1, L. Wondraczek1, B. Merlel, M. Wild2 11nstitute of Glass and Ceramic, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany 2lnterpane Glasgesellschaft mbH, Plattling, Germany Highly resistant multi-layer coatings for heat / solar management in architecture

K.H. Nielsen1, S. Koynow2, S. Carney3, E. Hultstein3, L. Wondraczek1 institute of Glass and Ceramic, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany 2Walter Schottky Institute, Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany 3Linde AG, Unterschleissheim, Germany Alternative approach towards cost-effective low-reflectivity coatings on glass

D. Petri, R. Clasen Chair of Powder Technology of Glass and Ceramics, Saarland University, Saarbrucken, Germany Fabrication of solar selective TiO,Ny films with silica based binder

G. Helsch1, J. Deubener1,2 institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany 2Energie-Forschungszentrum Niedersachsen (EFZN), Goslar, Germany Bifunctional solar coatings: antireflective and self cleaning

SESSION 11 S. 98 - 105

TC 26 - Vibrations and structure of glass

H.-J. Hoffmann Institute of Materials Science and Technology Vitreous Materials, University of Technology, Berlin, Germany Melting and glass transformation as a mixing process

L. Pedesseau, S. Ispas, W. Kob Laboratoire Charles Coulomb, University Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France Static and dynamic properties of sodium-borosilicate liquids and glasses: insight from ab inition simulations

G.S. Henderson1, D.R. Neuville2 department of Geology, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada 2Geochimie & Cosmochimie, IPGP-CNRS, Paris Sorbonne Cite, Paris, France An In-situ high temperature Raman Spectroscopy study of alkali-germanate glasses

10 A. Pasquarello, L. Giacomazzi, M. Kibalchenko, C. Massobrio, J.R. Yates Chaire de Simulation a I'Echelle Atomique (CSEA), Lausanne, Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique Federate de Lausanne (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland First-principles instigation of chemical disorder in Vitreous GeSe2

G. Simon1, B. Hehlen2 1Laboratoire de Dynamique, Interactions et Reactivite (LADIR), UMR 7075 Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie Paris 6 and CNRS, Paris, France 2Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (LCC), UMR 5587, Univ. Montpellier 2 and CNRS, Montpellier, France Vibrations of vitreous silica seen by Hyper-Raman Scattering

N.M. Vedishcheva1, A.C. Wright2 institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russia 2J.J. Thomson Physical Laboratory, University of Reading, Whiteknights, Reading, United Kingdom Intermediate-range order and the nature of chemical bonds in M20-B203 (M = Li, Na, K, Rb & Cs) glasses

A.C. Wright1, R.N. Sinclair1, C.E. Stone1, J.L. Shaw1, S.A. Feller2, N.M. Vedishcheva3, H.E. Fischer4 1J.J. Thomson Physical Laboratory, University of Reading, Reading, United Kingdom 2Physics Department, Coe College, Cedar Rapids, IA, USA institute of Silicate Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, St.-Petersburg, Russia 4lnstitut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France A neutron diffraction study of rubidium and caesium borate glasses

R. Falcone, S. Hreglich, B. Profil, N. Favaro Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, Venice-Murano, Italy Substitution of arsenic oxide by sulfates in the artistic soda-lime-silica "" glass produced in Murano (Venice, Italy)


ESG/DGG Student Workshop "Clear as Glass 2012" Senior Talks

(No abstracts available.)

11 SESSION 13 S. 106 - 114

TC 21 - Furnace design & furnace operation

R. Conradt Institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Reaction kinetics of particulate matter - a description frame for the batch-to- melt conversation

M. Lindig Nikolaus Sorg GmbH & Co. KG, Lohr am Main, Germany Modeling study for all electric glass melting furnaces

E. H.P.H. Muijsenberg Glass Service Inc. Vsetin, Czech Republic How reliable and validated simulation tools can help to improve glass melting efficiency and productivity

M. Polak, L. Nemec Institute of Chemical Technology Prague, Faculty of Chemical Technology, Laboratory of Inorganic Materials, Prague, Czech Republic The influence of the glass melting parameters on the space utilization of a glass melting tank

G. Kang PPG Industries, Inc., Glass Business and Discovery Center, Cheswick, PA, USA E-boost for an E-glass furnace throughput expansion

P. van Santen1, L. Huisman2 1CelSian Glass & Solar B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands 2lpcos b.v., Boxtel, The Netherlands Model predictive control for container glass furnace operation

A.M. Lankhorst, L. Thielen, D. Hegen CelSian Glass & Solar B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Proper radiative heat transfer modeling fro combustion space and glass melt including batch blanket

U. Liidtke1, S. Soubeih1, B. Halbedel2 1Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Department of Electrothermal Energy Conversion, llmenau University of Technology, llmenau, Germany 2Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Department of Inorganic-Nonmetallic Materials, llmenau University of Technology, llmenau, Germany Numerical simulation of induced alterations of flow patterns within glass melts using external Lorentz forces

12 SESSION 14 S. 115 - 121

Glass forming

T. Rouxel LARMAUR, ERL CNRS 6274, Universite de Rennes, Rennes, France Thermodynamics of viscous flow and elasticity of glass forming liquids in the glass transition range

M. Cousin Verallia SA, Courbevoie, France Modeling of forming of glass containers: comparison between simulations and measured profiles

G. Bergmann, H. Muller-Simon, N.H. Lober, K. Kessler Research Association of the Germany Glass Industry (HVG), Offenbach, Germany Changes of the glass temperature between feeder channel and blank; HVG/IGF/AiF-Nr. 16547 N; HVG/IGF/AiF-Nr. 15223 N

A. Omieczynski, W. Seidensticker Heye International GmbH, Obernkirchen, Germany HIPERFORM - Innovations in hot end technology

M. Hyre Emhart Glass Research, Windsor, CT, USA Viscoelastic modeling of forming defects

M. Kilo1, J. Kallendrusch2, V. Sinhoff2, 1Frauenhofer-lnstitutfurSilicatforschung ISC, Wiirzburg, Germany 2lngeneric GmbH, Aachen, Germany Thermal drawing of optical glasses for microoptics

K Kyrgyzbaev, A. Rosin, T. Gerdes, M. Willert-Porada Chair of Material Processing, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany Influence of temperature on the thickness of ultra-thin glass films

P. Moreau1,2, D. Montoya1,2, D. Lochegnies1,2, J. Lagneau3, C. Kermel3, J.M. Carpentier3, H. Vivier4 1PRES Universite Lille Nord de France, Lille, France 2UVHC, TEMPO, Valenciennes, France 3BCRC, Mons, Belgium 4Sogelub® Special Lubricants, Marquain, Belgium Analysis of the thermal capacities of lubricants to improve the manufacture of flint glass perfume bottles

13 SESSION 15 S. 122 - 129

Glass ceramics

B. Cela1'2, S.M. Gross1, D. Federmann1, H.-R. Zerfass1, R. Conradt2 1Forschungszentrum Julich GmbH, Central Technology Division, Julich, Germany, institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany Multilayer glass-ceramic sealants for high temperature applications

J. Wiemert, C. Bocker, C. Riissel Otto-Schott-lnstitute, Jena University, Jena, Germany Nano crystallization of strontium fluoride in oxyfluoride glass-ceramics

M. Patschger, W. Wisniewski, C. Riissel Otto-Schott-lnstitute, Jena University, Jena, Germany Piezoelectric properties and microstructure characterization of oriented Sr2TiSi20g crystals in glass-ceramics

A. Gawronski, C. Riissel Otto-Schott-lnstitute, Jena University, Jena, Germany High-strength glass ceramics containing spinel

A.R. Allu1A. Goel2, J.M.F. Ferreira1 department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA Rare-earth containing glass-ceramic sealants for solid oxide fuel cells

G. Gao, S. Reibstein, E. Spiecker, L. Wondraczek Institute of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany Broadband NIR photoluminescence from Ni2+-doped nanocrystalline Ba-AI titanate glass ceramics

A. Schusser1, N. Maier2, A. Prange1, R. Conradt1 institute of Mineral Engineering, Department of Glass and Ceramic Composites, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany 2Ceramic Fuel Cells GmbH, Heinsberg, Germany Developing a long-term stable glass-ceramic solder as sealing material for SOFC stacks

M. Wendel, R. Clasen Chair of Powder Technology of Glass and Ceramics, Saarland University, Saarbriicken, Germany Laser ablation and processing of nanoscaled powder

14 SESSION 16 S. 130 - 136

TC 06 - Mechanical Properties / Glass strength

G.S. Glaesemann Corning Incorporated, Corning, NY, USA The strength of thin fusion drawn glass sheets

K. Hayashi, J. Endo, S. Akiba, T. Nakashima Asahi Glass Co., Ltd. Research Centre, Kanagawa, Japan Novel damage-resistant glass for display cover

P. Warren NSG , Lathom, United Kingdom Solar power - Implications for glass strength

L. Wondraczek Institute of Glass and Cermics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany Towards ultrastrong glasses

M. Wannassi1,2, Y. Chen1,2, F. Monnoyer1,2, D. Lochegnies1,2 1PRES Universite Lille Nord de France, Lille, France 2UVHC, TEMPO, Valenciennes, France Thermal glass tempering process assessment by numerical and experimental investigations

Y. Chen12, D. Lochegnies12, J. Anton3, H. Aben3, R. Langlais4 1PRES Universite Lille Nord de France, Lille, France 2UVHC, TEMPO, Valenciennes, France 3Tallinn University of Technology, Tallinn, Estonia 4PRELCO, Riviere du Loup, Quebec, Canada Influence of the process parameters on the inhomogeneity of residual stresses in tempered glass plates

G. Lubitz Vetroconsult, Biilach, Switzerland Possibilities for increasing container glass strength

H. Katte ilis GmbH, Erlangen, Germany Objective measurement of residual stresses in real time

15 SESSION 17 S. 137 - 144

Glass Trend Seminar - Sensors & measurements

T. Struppert, A. Heft, B. Griinler Innovent e.V., Departement of Surface Engineering, Jena, Germany Spectroscopic measurements of Si-doped propane-air flames in the pyrolytic deposition process of thin Si02 layers on glass at atmospheric pressure

H. Muller-Simon Research Association of the Germany Glass Industry (HVG), Offenbach, Germany Development of a sulfur-sensitive sensor for application in the tin bath and the protective atmosphere of float chambers; HVG/IGF/AiF-Nr. 15986 BG

P. Laimbock, Read-Ox & Consultancy B.V., Valkenswaard, The Netherlands In-line oxygen sensors for the glass melt and the tin bath

P.A. van Nijnatten, J. de Wolf OMT Solutions BV, Eindhoven, The Netherlands A new tool for measuring daylight and solar energy properties of patterned and diffuse glass

P. Boehm, B. Fleischmann Research Association of the Germany Glass Industry (HVG), Offenbach, Germany Application of LIBS on glass specific problems (Report on a HVG self-funded project)

M. Krauss1, M. Kilo1, M. Gremmelspacher2, T. Rist2, R. Kubler2 1Fraunhofer-lnstitut fur Silicatforschung ISC, Wurzburg, Germany 2Fraunhofer-lnstitutfur Werkstoffmechanik IWM, Freiburg, Germany Pyrometric in-line temperature measurement for bending of glass

J. Muller1, M. Oran2, T. Okyar3, J. Chmelaf1 1Glass Service Inc., Vsetin, Czech Republic 2Sisecam, Glass Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey 3Sisecam, Trakya Cam Mersin Plant, Mersin, Turkey Automatic batch position control by Expert System ES III

A. Matthias1, N. Raicevic2, J. Deubener1, D. Kip2 institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany, department of Electrical Engineering, Helmut Schmidt University Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany The use of Swanepoel method for the characterisation of sol-gel derived thin films on glasses

16 SESSION 18 S. 145 - 151

Glass structure

T. Seuthe1, M. Grehn2, A. Mermillod-Blondin3, A. Rosenfeld3, H.-J. Eichler2, J. Bonse4, M. Eberstein1 1Fraunhofer Institut fur Keramische Technologien und Systeme IKTS, Dresden, Germany 2Technische Universitat, Berlin, Germany 3Max-Born-lnstitut, Berlin, Germany 4Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -priifung (BAM), Berlin, Germany Effects of single-pulse femtosecond laser irradiation on the structure of silicate glasses

N. Karpukhina1, R.V. Law2, R.G. Hill1 1Dental Physical Sciences, Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom department of Chemistry, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom A multinuclear MAS NMR study of the short range structure of glasses in anorthite-fluorite-phosphorus pentoxide system

S. Kruger, H. Bornhoft, J. Deubener Institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany Viscosity and glass forming ability in the system Si02-Na20-S03

L. Ortmann Schott Solar Wafer GmbH, Jena, Germany Characterisation and formation of crystalline and amorphous point defects in fused silica

A. Takada1, S. Feller2, M. Affatigato2 1Asahi Glass Co. Ltd., Yokohama, Japan 2Physics Department, Coe College, NE Cedar Rapids, IA, USA Structural modeling of sodium borate by computer simulation

E. Zelazowska1, E. Rysiakiewicz-Pasek2, M. Borczuch-Laczka3 institute of Ceramics and Building Materials, Division of Glass and Building Materials in Cracow, Krakow, Poland institute of Physics, Wroclaw University of Technology, Wroclaw, Poland 3Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland Organic - inorganic hybrid materials doped with (Sm1* Tb3+, Lu3+) Rare Earth and Lithium ions

17 Q. Zheng12, M. Potuzak2, J.C. Mauro2, M.M. Smedskjaer2, A.J. Ellison2, R.E. Youngman2, Y. Yue1 1Section of Chemistry, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark 2Science and Technology Division, Corning Incorporated, Coming, NY, USA Structure-property relationships and the mixed network former effect in boroaluminosilicate glasses

S. Reibstein S. L. Wondraczek , Krolikowski, Institute of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany Pressure effects on glass heterogeneity

SESSION 19 S. 152 - 159

TC 14 - Gases in glass & fining

D. Koepsel1, J. Buckett2, M.-H. Chopinet3, M. Gaber4, J. Klouzek5, S. Maurina6, L. Nemec5, M. Oran7, N. Yoshida8 1Schott AG, Research and Technology Development, Mainz, Germany 2NSG Pilkington, Lathom, United Kingdom 3St.Gobain Recherche, Aubervilliers, France 4Bundesanstalt fur Materialforschung und -priifung (BAM), Berlin, Germany institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czech Republic 6Stazione Sperimentale del Vetro, Venice-Murano, Italy 7Sisecam, Glass Research Centre, Istanbul, Turkey BNippon Electric Glass Co. Ltd., Otsu, Shiga, Japan Gases in glass (melts): Activities of ICG-TC14 in last years

K. Oda, AGC Glass Company Sibu, Tokyo, Japan Upspring conditions of fining glass melts in a glass tank furnace

D. Koepsel Schott AG, Research and Technology Development, Mainz, Germany Modeling of fining and refining of glass melts with focus on methods influencing the pressure within the molten glass

O.R. Hofmann Fachhochschule Jena, Fachbereich GW7 Physik, Jena, Germany Fining a viscous fluid by electromagnetic force

N. Yoshida, A. Takagi, M. Kawaguchi, T. Futagami Co., Ltd., Otsu, Shiga, Japan The fining mechanism of chlorine in borosilicate glass

18 M.J. van Kersbergen, M. Rongen, T. Sanders, A.J. Faber CelSian Glass & Solar B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Mass spectrometry for evolved gas analysis of glasses

M. Lepke1, P. Fielitz1, G. Borchardt1, G.H. Frischat2 1Technische Universitat Clausthal, Institut fur Metallurgie, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany 2Technische Universitat Clausthal, Institut fur Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany Oxygen, aluminum and silicon self-diffusion in aluminosilicate glasses

SESSION 20 S. 160 - 166

TC 13 - Environment & combustion

S. Slade NSG Pilkington, Lathom, United Kingdom An introduction to the work of TC13, with reference to practical studies and recent environmental legislation

C. Heymann, glass global consulting GmbH, Dusseldorf, Germany 3 years of experience with NOx minimisation by stoichiometric manipulation of end-port furnaces

A. Monteforte, D. Dacko, P. Piccolo, F. Zatti Area Impianti SpA, Padova, Italy Flexible NOx reduction methods in flue gas from glass furnaces

H. Kobayashi1, W. Sarmiento-Darkin1, R. Beerkens2, M. van Kersbergen2, 1Praxair, Inc., Danbury, CT, USA 2CelSian Glass & Solar B.V., Eindhoven, The Netherlands Reduction of alkali vapor volatilization and particulates emissions from oxy- fuel fired glass melting furnaces by furnace design improvements

J. Leicher, A. Giese Gaswarme-lnstitute.V., Essen, Essen, Germany Simulation of oxy-fuel combustion in glass melting furnaces

B. Fleischmann Research Association of the Germany Glass Industry (HVG), Offenbach, Germany Spectrometry measurements of flames in the combustion chamber of glass furnaces

Y. Joumani, R. Tsiava, B. Leroux, L. Jarry Air Liquide, Versailles, France The flame shape mastered with ALGLASS FC VM technology

19 P. Vojtech FlammaTec Ltd., Vsetin, Czech Republic Practical application results of new Flammatec flex gas burner in float and container glass

S E S S I O N 21 S. 167 - 174

Special glasses

E. Molieres1, F. Angeli1, P. Jollivet1, D. de Ligny2, G. Panczer2, A. Soleilhavoup3, T. Charpentier3, O. Majerus4, D. Caurant4, P. Barboux4 1CEA, DEN, LCLT, Bagnols-sur-Ceze, France 2LPCML, Villeurbanne, France 3CEA, DSM, LSDRM, Gif-sur-Yvette, France 4LCMCP-ENSCP, Chimie Paristech-CNRS, Paris, France Structural investigation of lanthanum enriched borosilicate glasses and their alteration layers

O. Prokhorenko Laboratory of Glass Properties, LLC, St.- Petersburg, Russia Finding optimal glass formulas

A. Barascu1, K. Klingner2, D. Enke1, T. Rainer3, F. Syrowatka4, H.Roggendorf5 1Universitat Leipzig, Institut fur Technische Chemie, Leipzig, Germany 2GNF Gesellschaft zur Forderung der naturwissenschaftlich-technischen Forschung in Berlin-Adlershof e. V., Benin, Germany 3Boraident GmbH, Halle, Germany "interdisciplinary Scientific Centre of Materials Research, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany institute of Physics, Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany Oriented pore systems by deformation of phase separating sodium borosilicate glasses

E. Regnier1, O. Delattre1, J. Renard1, R. Torrecillas1, S. Poissonnet2, R. Podor3, J. Ravaux3, S. Schuller1 1CEAEA, DEN, DTCD, SECM, LDMC, Bagnols-sur-Ceze, France 2CEAEA, DEN, DMN, SRMP, Gif-sur-Yvette, France 3ICSM Marcoule, Bagnols-sur-Ceze, France Crystallization study in model HLW nuclear glass

A. Herrmann, A. Gawronski, C. Russel Otto-Schott-lnstitute, Jena University, Jeny, Germany Rare earth doped alumo-silicate-glasses as potential high power laser materials

20 A. Saberi, Z. Negahdari, T. Gerdes, M. Willert-Porada Chair of Materials Processing, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany Effect of crucible materials and microwave re-heating on optical properties of Gold Ruby BaO-glasses

G. Tricot, P. Rajbhandari UCCS-CS (Unite de Catalyse et de Chimie du Solide), USTL-ENSCL, Universite de Lille 1, Villeneuve d'Ascq, France Impact of doping on the thermal stability of low-Tg phosphate glasses

A. Heft, B. Grunler, T. Heinze Innovente.V., Departement of Surface Engineering, Jena, Germany Novel laminated glasses with photochromic functionalized polysaccharides

S ESS 10 N 22 S. 175 - 181


M. Dubiel, M. Stiebing, J. Haug Institute of Physics, Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg, Halle, Germany Nucleation and growth of Ag-Au nanoparticles by ion exchange processes

A. Saitoh, S. Anan, H. Takebe Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Ehime University, Matsuyama, Ehime, Japan Thermal properties and crystallization behavior in ZnO-SnO-P2Os glasses

W. Wisniewski, C.A. Baptista, C. Russel Otto-Schott-lnstitute, Jena University, Jena, Germany Orientation of surface crystallized cordierite studied by Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD)

P. Quiroz, B. Halbedel Fakultat Maschinenbau, Institut fur Werkstofftechnik, Fachgebiet Anorganisch- Nichtmetallische Werkstoffe, Technische Universitat llmenau, llmenau, Germany Kinetic study of crystallization titanium substituted barium hexaferrite in a glassy matrix of the system BaO-Fe203-Ti02-B203

C. Bocker, M. Michaelis, C. Russel Otto-Schott-lnstitute, Jena University, Jena, Germany The crystallization of barium zinc silicate in glass-ceramics studied in-situ by electron microscopy

A. de Pablos-Martin, F. Murioz, A.Duran, M.J. Pascual Institute de Ceramica y Vidrio (ICV-CSIC), Madrid, Spain influence of the mixed alkali effect on the nano-crystallisation of LaF3 containing glasses

21 A. Saberi, M. Willert-Porada Chair of Materials Processing, University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany Predicting feasibility of phase separation and crystallization path in glasses by means of computational thermodynamics

A.R. Allu1, A. Goel2, D.U. Tulyaganov3, M.J. Pascual4, N.M. Washton2, J. M.F. Ferreira1 department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA ^urin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan ^Institute de Ceramics y Vidrio (CSIC), Madrid, Spain Sintering and devitrification properties of glasses along gehlenite -akermanite join

SESSION 23 S. 182 • 189

Mechanical & diverse properties of glass

D. Moncke12, L. Wondraczek1, E. I. Kamitsos2, D. Palles2, N. Zacharias3, M. Kaparou3,4, M. Papageorgiou4,5, A. Oikonomou6 11nstitute of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany theoretical and Physical Chemistry Institute, National Hellenic Research Foundation, Athens, Greece laboratory of Archaeometry, Dept. of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management, University of Peloponnese, Kalamata, Greece institute of Materials Science, N.C.S.R. Demokritos, Attiki, Greece department of History and Archaeology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Hissia, Athens department of Materials Science and Engineering, The University of loannina, loannina, Greece Examination of greek archaeological glasses from the mycenaean to roman period by Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy

Y. Yue Section of Chemistry, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark Response of mechanical properties of glasses to their chemical, thermal and mechanical histories

S. Striepe1, J. Deubener1, N. Da2, L. Wondraczek2, S. Sirotkin2 institute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany institute of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany Mechanical properties of sulfophosphate-glasses

22 S. Cramm1, J. Deubener1, S. Dultz2, H. Behrens2 11nstitute of Non-Metallic Materials, Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal- Zellerfeld, Germany 2lnstitute of Mineralogy, Leibniz University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany Surficial alterations and mechanical properties of commercial soda-lime-silica glasses after long term corrosion in saline environments

1 A. Winterstein1, K. Tanaka2, D. Mencke1, L.Wondraczek 11nstitute of Glass and Ceramics, Department of Materials Science, University of Erlangen-Nurnberg, Erlangen, Germany 2Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan Magnetooptical properties of Mn2+-containing glasses

T. Wilantewicz1, J. Vamer2 1Corning, Inc.Coming, NY, USA 2lnamori School of Engineering, NYS College of Ceramics, Alfred University, Alfred, NY, USA The relationship between glass composition and crack initiation

A. M. Efimov, A.I. Ignatiev, N.V. Nikonorov, E.S. Postnikov, National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics, and , St.-Petersburg, Russia UV-VIS spectroscopic manifestations of silver in photo-thermo-refractive glass matrices

B. Ruffle1'2, M. Foret1'2, C. Weigel12, R. Vacher12 1Universite Montpellier 2, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221, Montpellier, France, 2CNRS, Laboratoire Charles Coulomb UMR 5221, Montpellier, France Anomalous temperature-hardening of the elastic modulus in vitreous silica

S E S S I O N 24 S. 190 - 197

Biomedical applications

S. Fagerlund, L. Hupa, M. Hupa Process Chemistry Centre, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland Initial dissolution rate of sixteen glasses with potential for medical applications

N. Kanwal1,1. Abrahams1, N. Karpukhina2 1School of Biological and Chemical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom 2Dental Physical Sciences, Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom Structure and solubility behavior of zinc containing metaphosphate to invert phosphate glasses

23 J. Massera, S. Fagerlund, L. Hupa, M. Hupa Process Chemistry Centre, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland Crystallization behavior of commercial bioactive glasses and its impact on bioactivity

D.S. Brauer1, T. Kasuga2 1Unit of Dental Physical Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom department of Frontier Materials, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan Phosphate invert glasses with improved processing

L. Varila1, T. Lehtonen2, J. Tuominen2, L. Hupa1 1 Process Chemistry Centre, Abo Akademi University, Turku, Finland 2Vivoxid Ltd. Turku, Finland Influence of lactic acid on dissolution of low silica glasses in acidic and buffered solutions

C. Ritzberger, M. Schweiger, V.M. Rheinberger, W. Holand Ivoclar Vivadent AG, Forschung und Entwicklung, Schaan, Liechtenstein Glass-ceramics as veneering materials for high strength sintered ceramics

S. Kapoor2, A. Goel12, R.R. Rajagopal2, M.J. Pascual3, H.-W. Kim45, J.M.F. Ferreira2 1 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal 3lnstituto de Ceramica y Vidrio (CSIC), Madrid, Spain department of Nanobiomedical Science and WCU Research Centre, Dankook University, South Korea institute of Tissue Regeneration Engineering (ITREN), Dankook University, Cheonan, South Korea Alkali-free bioactive glasses for bone tissue engineering: A preliminary investigation

I. Kansal1, A. Goel2, D.U. Tulyaganov1,3, J.M.F. Ferreira1 department of Ceramics and Glass Engineering, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal 2Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, USA ^urin Polytechnic University in Tashkent, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Fluoride containing bioactive glass-ceramics for bone regeneration


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