CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 12 Ordinance of 1787 and the Settlement of the Northwest 4797

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CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 12 Ordinance of 1787 and the Settlement of the Northwest 4797 5292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE APRIL 12 Ordinance of 1787 and the settlement of the Northwest 4797. Also, petition of the International Artificial Limb Territory; to the Committee on the Library. Co., New York City, concerning the manufacture of artificial By Mr. CULKIN: Joint resolution <H. J. Res. 648) pro­ limbs by the Government; to the Committee on Labor. posing an amendment to the Constitution of the United 4798. Also, petition of the John N. Eschen Co., Inc., arti­ States relative to taxes on certain income; to the Committee ficial limbs, New York City, concerning the manufacture of on the Judiciary. artificial limbs by the Government; to the Committee on By Mr. MURDOCK of Arizona: Joint resolution (H. J. Labor. Res. 649) authorizing the issuance of a special stamp com­ 4799. Also, petition of the American Federation of State, memorating the four hundredth anniversary of the coming County, and Municipal Employees, Buffalo Local No. 103, of the first white man, Fray Marcos de Niza, into the south­ Buffalo, N. Y., concerning the May bill <H. R. 9604) ; to the western part of the United States; to the Committee on the Committee on Military Affairs. Post Office and Post Roads. 4800. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the State of New York, with reference to Federal licensing of PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS business enterprises; to the Committee on Patents. 4801. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private bills and resolutions State of New York, concerning the national defense, by the were introduced and severally referred as follows: enlargement of the United States Navy and otherwise im­ By Mr. CROWE: A bill (H. R. 10230) granting a pension prove the national defense; to the Committee on Naval to Charity Cooper; to the Committee on Pensions. Affairs. By Mr. CULKIN: A bill <H. R. 10231) granting an increase 4802. By Mr. LAMNECK: Petition submitted by Murray D. of pension to Estella Sheley; to the Committee on Invalid Lincoln, secretary, Ohio Farm Bureau Federation, Colum­ Pensions. bus, Ohio, and adopted by the Burley Tobacco Growers at By Mr. HULL: A bill (H. R. 10232) for the relief of Alexan­ their meeting at Louisville, Ky., urging the House to concur der W. Grinsel; to the Committee on Claims. in the Senate bill, passed March 11, providing for a refer­ By Mr. O'CONNELL of Montana: A bill <H. R. 10233) for endum for Burley quotas for the 1938 crop; to the Com­ the relief of William Boyer; to the Committee on Claims. mittee on Agriculture. By Mr. O'CONNELL of Rhode Island: A bill (H. R. 10234) 4803. By Mr. MERRI'IT: Resolution of the supervisors' for the relief of Robert Stockman; to the Committee on council of the Works Progress Administration adult educa­ Claims. tion program of the Board of Education of New York City, By Mr. O'TOOLE: A bill (H. R. 10235) for the relief of that the members of the supervisors council unanimously Antonio Di Mieri; to the Committee on Immigration and urge that there be no curtailment or cessation of work which Naturalization. is contemplated; to the Committee on Appropriations. By Mr. PETERSON of Florida: A bill <H. R. 10236) to 4804. By Mr. PFEIFER: Petition of the American Federa­ provide for the determination of the right of John H. tion of State, County, 1:!-nd Municipal Employees, Buffalo Lawrence to an annuity on account of total disability under Local, No. 103, Buffalo, N. Y., concerning the May bill <H. R. the civil-service ·retirement laws; to the Committee on the 9604); to the Committee on Military Affairs. Civil Service. 4805. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of t.he By Mr. THOMASON of Texas: A bill (H. R.10237) for the State of New York, New York City, concerning improve­ relief of Martin N. Lettunich; to the Committee on Claims. ment of our national defense; to the Committee on Military Affairs. PETITIONS, ETC. 4806. Also, petition of the International Artificial Limb Co., New York City, concerning the manufacture of artificial Under clause 1 of. rule XXII, petitions and papers were limbs by the Government; to the Committee on Labor. laid on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows: 4807. Also, petition of the Chamber of Commerce of the 4790. By Mr. BARRY: Resolution of the Elmhurst Heights State of New York, New York City, concerning the Federal Taxpayers' Association, Winfield, Long Island, N. Y., en­ licensing bill; to the Committee on the Judiciary. dorsing Congressman BARRY's bills to give relief to the owners 4808. Also, petition of the United Limb & Brace Co., of homes mortgaged to the Home Owners' Loan Corporation; New York City, concerning the manufacture of artificial to the Committee on Banking and Currency. limbs by the Government; to the Committee on Labor. 4791. By Mr. CURLEY: Petition of the International Arti­ 4809. By Mi-. SHANLEY: Petition of Harry Fraser, of ficial Limb Co., opposing the manufacture of artificial limbs . West Haven, Conn., regarding the anti-American activities by the United States Government shops; to the Committee of the German-American people in the German Bund camps ·on Labor. in America; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. 4792. Also, petition of the American Legion, Bronx County, 4810. By Mr. SNELL: Petition of the Ladies Catholic opposing the Coffee-Pepper bill;- to the Committee on Benevolent Association, Massena,· N. Y., urging congressional Education. action toward eliminating low, mean, cruel, vulgar, and ob­ 4793. By Mr. HOUSTON: Petition of 200 businessmen and scene literature; to the Committee on Education. others of Augusta, Kans., urging the passage of House bill 4811. By Mr. THURSTON: Petition of citizens of Clarke 4199, known as the General Welfare Act; to the Committee and Wayne Counties, Iowa, urging favorable action on on Ways and Means. House bill 4797, which provides assistance for adult crippled 4794. By Mr. LUTHER A. JOHNSON: Memorial of H. C. persons unable. to support themselves; to the Committee on Ireland, of Teague, Tex., favoring House bills 190, 2690, Ways and Means. 9224, and 9946; to the committee on the Post Office and Post Roads. 4795. Also, petition of the Navarro County Agricultural Association, R. P. Garrett, secretary, Corsicana, Tex., urg­ HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing legislation to impose processing tax to enable cotton TUESDAY, APRIL 12, 1938 farmers to receive parity prices for 1938 crop; to the Com­ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. mittee on Agriculture. The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Montgomery, D. D., 4796. By Mr. KEOGH: Petition of the United Limb & Brace Co., New York City, conceming the manufacture of offered the following prayer: artificial limbs by the Government; to the Committee on Our Father in Heaven, we come to Thee with gratitude in Labor. our hearts and words of praise upon our lips. We thank 1938 CO-NGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 5293 Thee for the light of another day and for the blessings it Mr. SNELL. Mr. Speaker, this is somewhat of a surprise brings from Thee. We pray that our energies may be used to me, but I am very pleased to extend my happiest felicita­ in giving happiness and in doing good; be Thou our beacon tions to my personal · friend the distinguished presiding light and our anchor in every time of need. Nothing can officer of this House and wish him not only a most happy lessen the value and the dignity of our station so long as birthday but many of them. The poSition of Speaker is a brotherhood, the religion of love and devotion endure. As great one. I believe it is one of the most important positions we approach Calvary, with its solemn shadow, we pray that in the entire Federal Government, and one that commands the babble of selfishness and self-interest may be clipped the respect of the American people. No man carries a greater away, and God forbid that we should glory save 1n its cross. burden than the Speaker of the House. The present occu­ 0 Heavenly Father, enable us to be brave and of good cheer. pant of the chair has in every way measured up to the high Teach us that home is made dear and precious by its mem-. standard former Speakers have set, and he has proved him­ aries and the inspirations of its fireside. Our President, our self worthy of the confidence the House has placed in him. Speaker, the leaders, together with all the Members of the I am very pleased, on behalf of the minority and myself, to Congress, spare not the richest blessings of Thy holy hand add my congratulations and wish him many happy returns upon them. Through Christ. Amen. of the day. [Applause,] The Journal of the proceedings of yesterday was read and The SPEAKER. The present occupant of the chair would approved. feel that he would appear unappreciative of the very cordial and complimentary things that have been said about him and SUNDRY MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT his services by the gentleman from Texas and the gentleman · Sundry messages in writing from the President of the from New York if he failed to express his very great and United States were communicated to the House by Mr. heartfelt appreciation of those generous sentiments. I should Latta, one of his secretaries. be deeply gratified if I could find it in my heart to believe that I had a tithe of the excellent qualities that have been EXTENSION OF REMARKS attributed to me by my friends. The only thing I somehow Mr. FITZPATRICK. Mr.
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