Otto Tolonen, Curriculum vitae June 2008

“Otto Tolonen lets us experience something of the magic with which the legendary Andres Segovia in his days filled the concert halls allover the world…He belongs to the very few musicians, whose personality is completely reflected by their instrument.” (Thomas Hitzemann – Osnabruck Zeitung)

Otto Tolonen, born in 1980, has studied music since he was five. After the first few years learning the piano his instrument has been the guitar, which he first studied with Andrzej Wilkus at the Espoo Music Institute. He continued his music studies at the Sibelius Academy (Helsinki) as a student of Timo Korhonen and Jukka Savijoki. He got his soloist diploma from the Sibelius Academy with the maximum points in 2005 and received his master’s degree in 2008. In 2001-2002 Otto studied in Weimar, , at Hochschule für Musik ”Franz Liszt” with Thomas Müller-Pering and four summers with legendary Oscar Ghiglia at "Accademia Musicale Chigiana" in Siena, Italy, where he was awarded a diploma of honour (Diploma di Merito) in three consecutive years.

Otto Tolonen is one of the most successful Finnish classical guitarists. He has seen competitions as a possibility to make progress in his career. Since 1995 he has won prizes and awards in 16 international competitions, e.g. –competition in Rome, Jyväskylä guitar competition, Los Angeles Stotsenberg competition, Johann Kaspar Mertz competition in Bratislava, Templin competition in Berlin, international guitar competitions in New Castle, Australia and Tychy, Poland.

Otto has given recitals both in Finland and in many countries around the world. He has performed in the Northern America in Nashville Virtuoso Showcase concert series, in Cincinnati and on a Sibelius Academy tour to Michigan, Milwaukee and Illinois. In the Southern America he has had concerts in Manuel de Falla museum in Alta Gracia, Argentina and at Belo Horizonte guitar festival in Brazil. He has performed extensively in Scandinavia, the Baltic countries (e.g. Saint Christopher festival, Vilnius) and especially in Central Europe (Paris, Berlin, Brussels, Amsterdam, the Hague, Münster, Bamberg, Weimar, Bratislava, Vienna, Rust, Rome, Pescara, Esztergom among others)

The repertoire of Otto Tolonen spans music from the renaissance lute works to the present day newest music. In addition to solo and chamber music works the famous guitar concertos also belong to his repertoire. He has performed as a soloist for instance with Finnish Radio Symphony Orchestra, Jyväskylä Sinfonia, Sibelius Academy Symphony Orchestra and Polish AUKSO Chamber Orchestra.

Tolonen works intensively with contemporary music. He has won great international acclaim for his performances of guitar works by and is a sought-after interpreter of Henze’s music. His repertoire includes works also by Finnish present-day composers like , Riikka Talvitie, Pehr Henrik Nordgren, Jyrki Linjama and Jarkko Hartikainen. He has ordered and premiered several pieces both in Finland and abroad.

Guitar music is implemented comprehensively in Otto Tolonen’s activities: in addition to performing and teaching he works closely with composers and guitar builders. He has given master courses in Germany, Italy, United States and Brazil. In Finland he teaches at the Espoo Music Institute and at Helsingin Suomalainen Yhteiskoulu School.

”His technique is just excellent, his sense for sound, for subtle colours and his instinct for expressive dynamics, tension, dimension and drama in the music could be described as rare and quite unique.” (Thomas Müller-Pering)

”This talent radiates great maturity and absolute mastery on the stage.” (Thomas Nytsch – Fränkischer Tag)

”An uncompromising young man” (Colin Cooper – Cassical Guitar)