COVER STORY: ARTISTS’ VIEWS OF CHRIST, P. 20 FRIENDS CAN MAKE YOU, P. 14 SING ABOUT CHRISTMAS, P. 11 The New Era Magazine rtists Volume 32, Number 12 paint their December 2002 AA testimonies of Christ in “Images of Official monthly publication Christ,” p. 20. for youth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Editorial Offices: New Era 50 E. North Temple Salt Lake City, UT 84150-3225 E-mail address: cur-editorial-newera

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Cover: Simeon was promised that he would see the Savior in his 14 28 lifetime. The promise was fulfilled when the Holy Child was presented at the . See “Images of Christ” on p. 20.

Cover art and photography: (front), Greg Olson, (back), © PhotoDisc 1995.


The First Presidency The Message: Christmas Mystery 26 Gordon B. Hinckley Maja Lorenz Thomas S. Monson Unseen Service 4 James E. Faust We never found out who made our Elder L. Tom Perry The Quorum of the Twelve The greatest satisfaction is not what you Christmas wonderful. Boyd K. Packer L. Tom Perry do for yourself but what you give to others. David B. Haight Neal A. Maxwell Track Suit 28 Russell M. Nelson Venita Helton Dallin H. Oaks 10% Tithing= M. Russell Ballard A mother’s love was in every stitch of Joseph B. Wirthlin Richard G. Scott 100% Blessings 7 that bright orange track suit. Robert D. Hales Jeffrey R. Holland Jennifer M. Severino Henry B. Eyring In paying tithing, I gain the promised Editor blessings from the Lord. A Mother’s Testimony 32 Dennis B. Neuenschwander Lucy Mack Smith Advisers The Prophet Joseph’s mother bore J. Kent Jolley New Era Classic: witness to the truth her son taught. W. Rolfe Kerr His Gift to the World 8 Stephen A. West Curriculum Department Elder Mark E. Petersen Idea List: Administrators God’s Christmas gift to us is His Managing Director Ronald L. Knighton divine Son, the greatest Gift of all time. Great Gift Ideas 35 Editorial Director Gifts from the heart are far more Richard M. Romney valuable than anything you can buy. Graphics Director In Tune: Allan R. Loyborg Editorial Staff Arise and Sing This Managing Editor Of All Things 36 Larry Hiller Christmas Morn 11 Assistant Managing Editor Marvin K. Gardner and Vanja Y. Watkins Janet Thomas Associate Editor Are You Still Here? 38 Laury Livsey Elder Gary J. Coleman Editorial Associates Six Elders Singing 12 The answer can open the doors to all the Shanna Ghaznavi Joshua DeMoux Matthew Baker blessings of the gospel, now and forever. Editorial Intern Christmas Eve was saved as we sang Arianne Baadsgaard hymns that told of our Savior’s love. Design Staff The Extra Smile 41 Magazine Graphics Manager M. M. Kawasaki Art Director How I Know: Bryan Lee Shaw Sweet Solutions 42 Senior Designer How I Found the Truth 14 Sarah Eastley Brent Christison Erin Marshall Colleen Hinckley A small, sweet gift changed everything. Friends can either make or break you. Printing Director Kay W. Briggs The right ones helped me find the truth. Distribution Director New Era Index 2002 45 (Subscriptions) Q&A: Kris T. Christensen Questions and Answers 16 We’ve Got Mail 50 © 2002 by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All It seems as if everyone in my ward rights reserved. Periodicals Postage Paid at Salt Lake City, Utah, and at belongs to a perfect family. My parents Poem: additional mailing offices. are divorced, and I don’t feel like I fit in. U.S. subscription rate $8.00 yearly, in Christus 51 advance. Non-U.S. subscription rate is Is there anything I can do to feel better, the U.S. equivalent in local currency. Deborah L. Williams THE NEW ERA (ISSN 0164-5285) is and how can I strengthen my family? published monthly by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 50 East North Temple, Salt Lake City, Photo of the Month 51 Utah 84150-3225. Sixty days’ notice New Era Poster: required for a change of address. Aldo Rebechi Include address label from a recent issue. Changes cannot be made unless Out of Small Things 19 old address, as well as new one, is Everything in the New Era may be copied for included. Unsolicited manuscripts are welcomed, but no responsibility is incidental, noncommercial Church or home assumed for them. Sufficient postage Images of Christ 20 and self-addressed envelope must LDS artists express their testimonies use unless otherwise indicated. Other uses accompany all manuscripts. of Christ in art. require permission of the copyright owner. Canada Post Information Publication Agreement #40017431 POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Distribution Services, Church Magazines, P. O. Box 26368, Salt Lake City, Utah 84126-0368.


The greatest satisfaction in life comes from what we do for others.

ears ago, when our family YYwas living in Massachusetts, we had our home in the little country town of Weston, about 13 miles west of Boston. It was a very quaint, sophisticated community with many picturesque, winding country roads lined time on the ski with hand-fashioned rock walls. The slopes. Being an avid skier in small business section was completely New England is not unusual, but what deserted by 9:00 P.M. each evening. Yet this boy did with his talent is unusual. He for all its quaintness, Weston had its was an expert skier and loved the sport. problems, especially with many of the In fact, he was an instructor and spent high school and junior high students even his spare time teaching others to who used drugs and brought liquor into ski. You could regularly see him coming the town where alcohol was illegal. down the mountainside very close to one However, I would like to tell you about of his pupils, who was oftentimes years one Weston High School student who older than he. They would start slowly By Elder L. Tom Perry was too busily engaged in other pursuits but gather speed as they made graceful Of the Quorum to become involved with drugs or turns down the slope, all the time of the Twelve alcohol. This young man spent a lot of carrying on a conversation, laughing,

4 T HE N EW E RA Illustrated by Sam Lawlor SERVICESERVICE

enjoying the invigor- ating air and the sparkling sunshine. Observers would take note and follow the pair with their eyes until they reached the bottom, regarding them as just two more skiers having a great time. What the onlookers did not realize was that one of the skiers was blind. This young Weston High School student was teaching the blind to ski. He did it free of charge. When he first had the idea, he discussed it with others and was advised by all to forget it. He was told over and

D ECEMBER 2002 5 he Savior restored TT sight to the blind and gave hope to the hopeless. Unselfish service has been a part of His gospel from the very beginning.

over that it would simply be impossible. write a manual on teaching the blind to But this young man had witnessed the ski. He possessed then, and I am sure he hopelessness of some of the blind people still does, the confidence which comes and wanted to share with them one of with success. But more importantly, he the pleasures of his life. He wanted them has developed lasting friendships and has to have a feeling of accomplishment and learned how to love and share through success. He wished to give them a new worthwhile service. dimension to their lives. He wanted them It is an eternal truth that the greatest to feel that they were real, whole satisfaction we find in this life is not that individuals. He really cared. He cared which is done for self but that which is enough to devote the time necessary to given for the benefit of another. develop a rapport of love, encourage- Service has been a part of gospel ment, and understanding with these teachings from the very beginning. From people to help them build faith in Adam to the present, we have been themselves and in their own abilities. encouraged to serve our fellowmen. I Gradually mutual friendships blossomed. had the privilege of witnessing a real These blind people placed their trust fulfillment of Paul’s counsel to the in this young man. He was their friend. Galatians when he instructed them, “by He was the only one they would permit love serve one another” (Gal. 5:13). to put on their boots and snap them into As this young man from Weston found their bindings. In their training, he said fulfillment in his service to the blind, so that helping them develop an attitude of each of us can find the rewarding trust and faith in themselves was the satisfaction which comes when we “by important thing. After that, the technique love serve one another.” would come easily. May God bless all of us with the desire The last I heard, he had been to find the true joy of service. NE successful in teaching 13 blind people to ski and was in the process of teaching Originally printed in the March 1983 more. He had even been requested to New Era.

6 T HE N EW E RA 110%0% TITHING= 1100%00%

Somehow, obedience on whole first year I earned my own income. Then one day I had a realization. A the installment plan just sales representative came to our house. He explained that I could pay for an didn’t seem right. appliance on an installment plan— receiving the item now and paying for it believed the words of the prophet later. As he spoke, a question entered my Malachi when he said that the Lord mind: “Does the Lord give blessings on I pours out blessings to those who an installment plan?” I The next day in my institute class, a pay tithing (see Mal. 3:10). I had no problem believing that. But when it verse of scripture we discussed answered came to actually paying my tithing, I had my question: “I, the Lord, am bound trouble. when ye do what I say; but when ye do On payday I would set aside money not what I say, ye have no promise” (D&C for tithing. However, my payday often 82:10). came in the middle of the week, and Every commandment brings when I needed money later in the week blessings—and always in full. But we I would “borrow” money from my must keep the commandment, not just tithing. I always told myself I would plan to keep it. That night I prayed for replace the money and give my tithing forgiveness for paying my tithes in such a to the bishop on Sunday, but this plan lazy manner. didn’t work. Usually I was unable to Now that I am paying my tithing return the money, so I would plan to pay faithfully, my life seems better. And I have the tithing I owed from my next found that I am happier living on 90 paycheck. I tried to do this, but then percent of my money with the Lord’s very little would be left of my paycheck! blessings than I ever was living on 100 Things went on like this for almost the By Jennifer M. Severino percent of my money without them. NE

Photography by Kelly Larsen D ECEMBER 2002 7 N EW E RA C LASSIC His

Gtoift theWorld Think of the great blessings that came from that one birth. No wonder the angels sang for joy.

ore than 2,000 years ago, a “He shall be great, and shall be young woman named Mary called the Son of the Highest,” Gabriel lived in the little village of said. He would become a king and Nazareth in Palestine. We know reign over the house of Israel forever. nothing of her immediate family But He also would be the divine MMexcept that she was engaged to marry Redeemer of the world. Joseph, a descendant of King David. Mary did not understand and said, Much to her surprise, she was visited “How shall this be?” The angel explained By Elder one day by the angel Gabriel, who came that it would all come about Mark E. Petersen from the presence of God. He greeted miraculously by the power of the Holy (1900–84) her with: “Hail, thou that art highly Ghost (see Luke 1:26–35).The angel also favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed visited Joseph, to whom she was art thou among women. engaged. He was understanding. She, is name “And when she saw him, she was therefore, would be the virgin mother was to be troubled at his saying,” and wondered of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. H Jesus, for what kind of greeting that was. The As the time came near for the birth of HHe would save angel then told her that she had found Jesus, Mary and Joseph had to travel to the souls of all favor with God and had been chosen to Bethlehem, another hamlet in Palestine. who would be the mother of His Only Begotten Son. They wanted to stay at the inn, where accept Him. The babe would be born of her through the child could be born, but there was the power of the Holy Ghost, the angel no room for them. Others also had explained, and would be holy Himself. His come to Bethlehem for the taxing of the name was to be Jesus, for He would save people at the command of the the souls of all who would accept Him. government. They arrived earlier than

8 T HE N EW E RA Photography by John Rees. Painting The Birth of Jesus by Carl Heinrich Bloch D ECEMBER 2002 9 We can learn patience, devotion, and faithfulness such as Mary had. And like her Son we can follow the true gospel principles, being in the world but not of the world. Mary offered her gift also—the gift of nurturing and rearing the Son of God from infancy to manhood. What hours and days and months of care, what years of devoted service! Through this first Christmas, and the birth of Jesus the Messiah, we can adopt in our own lives the traits that made Jesus great. We can be kind and thoughtful. We can be honest and fair to others. Mary and Joseph and took up all the Mercy can be an important part of accommodations. character. And then there is purity. He Since the birth of Jesus was near, the taught, “Blessed are the pure in heart: hrist would couple found refuge in a cave or stable, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8). where Mary brought forth her child. Each of us can be clean and pure in all provide There were no cribs or other we do. Sheer cleanliness! There is C the plan conveniences. The little infant was placed nothing to compare to it. Cfor our salvation. in a manger to sleep. Through Him we can enjoy the He would give This was the first Christmas. There dearest of our associates forever. We His life that we were no tinseled Christmas trees, no can have eternal families. We may be might rise from family gatherings, no children at play. But sealed to our parents and be a part of the grave and there were carols, the greatest ever sung. their loving circle eternally. Isn’t that a have a happy life The angels of heaven joined in a great priceless gift? It, too, comes from that in the eternities, chorus rejoicing at the birth of God’s Son. first Christmas. forever. Who Now the redemption of the world could And when, through our holy form of could give more? take place. Salvation could come to all matrimony, we are blessed with mankind. Death would be overcome, for children of our own, they too shall be this little child, when He became a man, ours always. What could we desire more would bring about the Resurrection. All than that? It is part of the blessing we mankind could then live again. receive through Mary’s Son who was Christmas gifts? There were none at born on that first Christmas night. Is it that time. The Wise Men came later with any wonder that the angels sang for joy their offerings. over this marvelous event? But God now gave His gift to the These are true Christmas gifts. These world—that of His Only Begotten Son. are blessings that come from that first And this divine Son by His very birth on holy night. earth gave Himself as the greatest Gift They may be ours if we truly of all time. remember the meaning of Gabriel’s He would provide the plan for our greeting to Mary. They may be ours if we salvation. He would give His life that we become a part of the saving mission of might rise from the grave and have a her Son—and God’s—the Creator, happy life in the eternities, forever. Who Redeemer, and Savior of all. NE could give more? What a gift this was! Think what it Originally printed in the December means to us! 1983 New Era.

10 T HE N EW E RA Painting Christ in Gethsemane by Harry Anderson I N T UNE ARISEARISE & SING TTHHIISS CCHHRRIISSTTMMAASS MMOORRNN Words by Marvin K. Gardner Joyfully = 58–66 Music by Vanja Y. Watkins C O mf g g 6 C O C C Y C O g : Y C C O Y C ! 5 C O C O C C O C C O 8 3 C C C C C C C O C C O 1. A - rise and sing this Christ - mas morn, (2. Come) cel - e - brate His won - d’rous birth, f (3. Our) Coun - sel - lor, our migh - ty God, C O # C O C O Y C T C O C O C O Y C O 86 C O C O : C O C O g g g g g Y C C C Y C ! 3 C C C C O C O C C C C O C C C O Y C O Y C O C O Forun-to us a Child is born, Al - le - lu - ia! For Christ shall gov - ern all the earth, Our Fa - ther, our re - deem - ing Lord, O Y C O O # C O C O C g C T C O C O C C O C C C O C O g g g g f g gg Y C C C C Y CC O ! 3 C 4 2 C Y C O C O C Y C O Y C O C O C C C C C O C CC C T Y C C O Y C O And raise your prais - es un - to heav’n, Al - le - lu - ia! With heart and mind and strength pro - claim: Come wor - ship Christ, the Prince of Peace,

C O C C C YOC Y C g # C O C O C CC T C h h 1 Y C Y C O f g g g g YY CC O C C Y C O Y C Y C C O C C Y C C O Y C ! C O Y C O Y C T C O C Y C O C (X) C O C Y CC O Forun-to us a Son is giv’n, Al - le - lu - ia! For Won - der - ful shall be His name, May our re - joic - ing nev - er cease,

# C O C O O Y B O C O O C O O C O C CC O CC O rit., last time Interlude between verses g g 5 4 O O : ! O C 2 C O C O C O C CC O C C C O C C O C C 1 C O C C O C C C Al - le - lu - ia!C O 2. Come mf 3. Our

1 O Y C C O Y C C # C O C O C g C O C O T C O 5 1 C O C O C O : C 5 C O Based on Isaiah 9:6 Copyright © 2002 by Vanja Y. Watkins and Marvin K. Gardner. All rights reserved. This song may be copied for incidental, noncommercial home and church use. This notice must be included on each copy made.

Illustrated by Dilleen Marsh D ECEMBER 2002 11 12 T HE N EW E RA SIINNGGllNNGG EEL SS S We were out of LDDEERR partridges and turtledoves, so we gave what we had.

t was our first Christmas away from Our first stop was at the home of a home. Elders Heemeyer, Bright, Kehoe, e had member whose daughter and two Schulze, Westover, and I had gathered WWleft our grandchildren were investigating the I families behind, atI one apartment to share Christmas. We Church. They buzzed us into their building, had decided that spending Christmas but we still had and we began to sing. Granted, we weren’t together as a missionary district might make the Spirit with us, the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, but for six it easier to be away from home. and that was elders we sounded pretty good. We shared It was 5:30 on Christmas Eve, and we something we our program with the family. Before we left, were all a little down. Many of our could share they said that our “gift” was the best they investigators wouldn’t meet with us, and had ever received. with others. finding new investigators was tough. We soon found ourselves at a different We were running into the same apartment presenting the same message to response. “Visit after Christmas,” another family. At every stop, our enthusiasm they all said. and joy grew. We kept hearing the same After talking for a short time, Elder response. “This is the best gift ever. You really Schulze suggested we go caroling to our brought the Christmas spirit.” investigators and some less-active We learned many things that Christmas members. We all felt it was a great idea. Eve. Even though our message was simple, it We made up a quick program. Two hymns brought joy into the lives of those we visited, and a spiritual thought. We concluded with and it also lifted our spirits. That night I came one last hymn and a prayer. The total to better understand the true meaning of program was short, perhaps 20 minutes, Christmas—that sharing and serving others is but we were pleased with it. what Christ’s ministry is all about. Before we left, we knelt for prayer. Then We also realized that home isn’t so far we set out into the cold night on the south away when you are in the service of others side of . by Joshua DeMoux and of your Savior. NE


It had been there all along. I just needed to look in the right places and have the right friends.

aking y testimony didn’t come to me things I could have done. It helped me seminary by way of a great revelation or see what I was doing, and that I was TT was one of MM by some overpowering, getting nowhere in life. I still desperately the best things I indescribable feeling. I always thought I wanted to find out if the Church was ever did—that, would have to experience one of those really true. and things like things to know the Church was true. Later in the year, I became best going to girls’ I was struggling with my testimony friends with a girl in my ward. My friend camp. I began to between my eighth- and ninth-grade played a major part in helping me find really seek the years. My parents had always taught me myself. Over the summer we went to truth instead of the right things, and I had been riding on Especially for Youth and girls’ camp. I expecting it to be their testimonies. At this time, doubts began really seeking the truth instead of handed to me on a started to accumulate in my mind, and expecting it to be handed to me on a silver platter. questions I couldn’t answer found their silver platter. I was able to share my way to the surface. testimony with friends at EFY. Ordinarily Hanging around friends who didn’t I wasn’t the strong one. I didn’t even obey the commandments made it harder know I had it in me. It was then I knew I for me to find the truth. As I struggled had known all along the truthfulness of through the year, I lost the sense of who the Church. I was and what was important. I was Friends can either make or break you, aggravated all the time. I only wanted to and I found that out. I merely had to find be around my friends. My life was myself and start living the principles plagued with wrong decisions and their Heavenly Father had laid out for me to consequences. I was praying and reading follow. my scriptures, but I didn’t seem to be So it wasn’t some big, shocking getting an answer when I asked if the conviction, it was merely a look inside Church was true. myself and a calm assurance that The I don’t know exactly what happened Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day to me, but I finally realized my lifestyle Saints is the only true church. My life is was not good. An awful sense of guilt so much better because I made the rushed through me as I realized how decision to follow the Lord. many people were affected by my In recent years, my testimony has only actions. However, I couldn’t seem to get strengthened. I have come to rely on the away from my friends. When I hit high Lord for everything. There are still trials school, things didn’t get much better. ahead, but I know I can face them if I By Erin Marshall Taking seminary was one of the best have faith and trust in the Lord. NE

14 T HE N EW E RA Illustrated by Paul Mann D ECEMBER 2002 15 Q UESTIONS & A NSWERS QQ&&AA “It seems as if everyone in my ward belongs to a perfect family. My parents are divorced, and I don’t feel like I fit in. Is there anything I can do to feel better, and how can I strengthen my family?”


Every month we get a stack of letters Nobody’s family is You may not have a perfect responding to the question in Q&A. perfect, even though earthly family, but you have a wonderful Father in Heaven Rarely do we get as many responses as it may seem that way. we did to this question. And most of the who loves you very much. responses started the same: “I know You also have a kind and Don’t get discouraged amazing Brother, Jesus Christ, exactly how you feel.” Apparently you are about things that are who died for you. They will not alone in feeling like the only one who out of your control. always be there for you. doesn’t belong to a perfect family. We’re only expected Jana Neuffer, 16 “No doubt everyone would like to be Bonn, Germany part of a perfect family and live in perfect to do our best. harmony in a perfect home,” said Elder I know how you feel. My family isn’t Marion D. Hanks, an emeritus member of Help plan and carry together either. It is hard going to church, the Seventy. “Yet no one is or does, since out family home and it feels like you’re the only one there no one of us is yet perfect” (New Era, evening and family who doesn’t have a “family.” Just because June 1991, 4). prayer. your parents don’t love each other doesn’t mean they don’t love you. Make it a goal Elder Hanks, whose father died when to get married in the temple and to give Elder Hanks was young, also grew up in a Always look for ways your kids what you didn’t have. single-parent home. He learned how to to serve your family Bryce Adams, 15 deal with the challenges of a nontraditional members. Oakley, home and gives good advice for anyone in a similar situation: Your strength can I used to feel like I was the “Those whose families are not what help your family only one with real, difficult problems with my family and we wish they were can be thankful to through hard times. parents who through God’s gift have that all my friends had per- given us life, and we can do everything fect lives. It may seem that others are not going through we can do to minimize conflict and trials with their family when enhance harmony in our homes. they may be going through greater trials Some small miracles occur where there than you might suppose. just doesn’t appear much probability Bethany Watterson, 17 that one young person can make Kihei, Hawaii

16 T HE N EW E RA Photography by Craig Dimond. Posed by model D ECEMBER 2002 17 NN EWEE RA RR EADERS

a difference” (New Era, June 1991, 8). I felt the same way when my Every family has challenges, whether parents were divorced. Try you can see them or not. Many of the kids to be optimistic in everything in those “perfect” families secretly you do. Keep in mind all of the blessings Heavenly Father compare their families unfavorably with has given you. I promise, other families. It’s just not helpful to over time, as your testimony compare your family to others. Instead, grows, you will feel a lot better. look for ways to strengthen the family you David Manuele, 15 are in now, and prepare for the family you Milford, Utah will one day have. We are only expected to do our best. I too live in a ward where Elder Richard G. Scott of the Quorum of it seems as if every family the Twelve says, “Living a pattern of life is perfect, and I feel like I as close as possible to the ideal will don’t fit in because my parents are divorced. Don’t provide much happiness, great forget that Heavenly Father satisfaction, and impressive growth while and Jesus Christ love you, here on earth regardless of your current and in their eyes you always fit in as a life circumstances” (Ensign, May 2001, 7). trengthening son or daughter of God. Tr y not to get discouraged about “ families is Alisha Roper, 16 circumstances beyond your control. Mesa, Arizona Start strengthening your family by SSour sacred strengthening yourself. Set an example duty as parents, A couple of years ago my for your parents, brothers, and sisters by children, extended parents divorced, and I felt attending your church meetings and family members, the same way. Talk about your feelings to people you activities. Read your scriptures and pray leaders, teachers, are close to. Strengthen your daily. Look for ways to serve your family, and individual family by helping your busy and try to be a peacemaker in the home. members of the single parent with your Your strength will help your family get Church” (Ensign, siblings, family home evenings, and through hard times. May 1999, 32). chores. Members of your ward Encourage your family to participate in understand more than you realize. church and family activities together. Lisa Visker, 17 When you are with family members, —Elder Roseville, California point out their strengths instead of Robert D. Hales criticizing their weaknesses. Of the Quorum of Remember, you also have an extended the Twelve WHAT DO YOU THINK? family and a ward family to lean on. When Send us your answer to the question you feel discouraged, turn to your Heavenly below, along with your name, age, Father. He understands your situation and and where you are from. Please will help comfort you. Even if your include a snapshot of yourself that is circumstances are not peaceful, you can still 1 1/2 by 2 inches (4 by 5 cm) or larger. find inner peace. NE Q&A, New Era 50 East North Temple Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 QUESTION For Christmas I have always bought my brother a gift from the store. This year I want to give him something more personal and meaningful. What are some less tangible gifts I might give my Answers are intended for help and brother for Christmas? perspective, not as pronouncements of Church doctrine. Please respond by February 1, 2003.


“. . . proceedeth that which is great.” (D&C 64:33.)

Painting by Simon Dewey. Idea by Carmen Loveland D ECEMBER 2002 19 ImagesImages ofof Christ Christ

e each have a mental picture WW of what we think the Savior looks like. But if we painted pictures of

Him, they would all be different. We

don’t really know what He looks like, but

we can come to know His perfect love

for us and draw closer to Him as we

celebrate His birth.

Some of the paintings of the Savior in

this article will be familiar to you. Others

will be new. These Latter-day Saint artists

have used paintbrushes to express their

testimonies and love for the Savior.

Although you might not be able to paint

beautiful pictures of the Savior, you can

resolve to have His image in your

countenances (see Alma 5:14).

Christ Healing the Man with “Then saith [Jesus] to the man, Stretch forth thine hand. the Withered Hand And he stretched [his hand] forth; and it was restored by Robert Barrett whole, like as the other” (Matthew 12:13).

20 T HE N EW E RA Robert Barrett Simon Dewey Robert Barrett Simon Dewey Beside Still Waters have always felt that the art is a can boldly bear my witness to the truth by Simon Dewey reflection of what the artist believes. as the Spirit has borne witness to me. I My testimony has been personally know that Jesus lives and is my II II “Behold, I am Jesus Christ, strengthened as I have had the Redeemer. I know that His Father is mine the Son of God. I am the opportunity to portray events in the life also and hears me when I call upon Him, life and the light of the of the Savior and the history of the with gratitude for daily help and with a world” (D&C 11:28). Restoration. I know that He lives and that penitent heart. Some have asked whether I His work is divine. have had a vision or similar spiritual How do I embody my feelings about manifestation that forms the basis for my that? You have to find a way to get the depiction of the Son of God. My eyes have feelings of your heart out on your never seen, nor my ears heard, yet in my canvas. heart I know, and it is enough.

D ECEMBER 2002 21 That Ye May Know “Arise and come forth unto me, . . . that ye may know that I am the God of Israel” by Gary Kapp (3 Nephi 11:14).

GaryGary KappKapp DerekDerek HegstedHegsted don’t remember ever not having a feel no better peace than when I testimony of Jesus Christ, but it am bearing witness of Christ IIwasn’t until I arrived in the mission IIthrough a paintbrush. The ability field that I began a serious study of His to speak my feelings is not one of my life, especially in the . At strong points. But a gracious that time, I truly began to feel the Heavenly Father has blessed me with burning in my heart that comes from a the ability to bear a witness of my sure knowledge that Jesus is the Savior of Savior. In reflecting on my testimony the world and the Son of God. and the effects of the arts in my life, I All of my life I have wanted to give as hope to have shown all brothers and Journey’s End much of my time and talent as possible sisters of Christ that I know Jesus is by Derek Hegsted to sharing my testimony through art. I the Christ and that He lives. sincerely hope my love for the Savior is evident in my art and that it will “Come unto me in my kingdom; somehow strengthen the testimonies of and with me ye shall find rest” those who view it. (3 Nephi 28:3).

22 T HE N EW E RA Simeon Reverencing the Christ Child by Greg Olsen

Simeon “blessed God, and said, . . . mine eyes have seen thy salvation” (Luke 2:28–30).

GregGreg OlsenOlsen JudithJudith MehrMehr ust as a light set up on a hill serves know that Jesus Christ is my as a beacon to weary travelers, so Savior and my Lord. I know J Jesus Christ stands as a shining I He is the Son of our Heavenly J I Woman Touching the Hem example to all the world, showing us a Father. I think of Him as the one who better way to peace and happiness. His gave His life and sacrificed Himself for my of the Savior’s Garment light illuminates the path of life, leading sins so that I might be resurrected and by Judith Mehr us along the straight and narrow way. live with God and my family after I die. Those who press on, with their gaze The most ever-present thing about my fixed upon the light of Christ, have their testimony now is that I feel His presence “Daughter, thy faith hath own lights kindled within. He is real, and in my life daily. I can never deny His made thee whole; go in yes, He lives! existence and His supreme love for me. I peace” (Mark 5:34). love Him with all of my heart.

D ECEMBER 2002 23 In Remembrance of Me “This is my body which is given for you: this do in remembrance of me” (Luke 22:19). by Walter Rane

WWalteralter RaneRane DelDel ParsonParson do not know what He hrist is my hero. I looks like, of course, so I love to read about IIdo not attempt to make CCHim and His life. Him look the same each time It is humbling to try to I paint Him. Every painting portray Him in art. portrays a different event in My art has been Christ’s life and is an attempt greatly influenced by the to express a different aspect guidance given in my of the Savior’s personality. patriarchal blessing. It I know my efforts are very gave direction for my inadequate, but it is work. Early in my career, nevertheless an honor to try my wife and young and capture, in some small daughter were in a car way, some of the greatness of accident. At that time I our Savior, and to express, felt as if the Holy Ghost perhaps, a glimmer of His showered me with personality and express a comfort and God’s love. feeling that may touch This love is what I try to Prayer at Gethsemane by someone. express in my paintings of the Savior. “For, behold, the Lord your Redeemer suffered death in the flesh; wherefore he suffered the pain of all men, that all men might repent and come unto him” (D&C 18:11).

24 T HE N EW E RA Christ Laments over Jerusalem “O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, . . . Ye shall not see me, until the time come when ye shall say, Blessed is he that cometh by Gary Smith in the name of the Lord” (Luke 13:34–35).

GaryGary SmithSmith MinervaMinerva TeichertTeichert y mother (1888–1976)(1888–1976) instilled have a testimony of the gospel. MMwithin me Goodness, it’s the first thing in a faith in the Lord my life” (Interview by Robert Jesus Christ at an II Conrad and Frederick Teichert, Feb. early age. When I 6, 1974). heard the gospel The Lord does open doors when and joined the we knock. Sometimes the door we Church at age 25, it had been seeking isn’t the one that’s was like finding the opened, but the right door is usually missing piece of a the one that swings wide before us, puzzle. Today, I still even tho’ we may not recognize it carry with me that until afterward (Letter to her faith I had as a boy. daughter Laurie Teichert Eastwood). But now with wisdom, maturity, and experience that faith takes on a Rescue of the Lost Lamb, deeper and more by Minerva Teichert profound understanding of our Savior’s life and “I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd giveth his mission. life for the sheep” (John 10:11).

D ECEMBER 2002 25 Christmas

fter a long and hard divorce, my mother standing beside the phone. When mother decided to move our I asked who had called, she slowly e were AA family from Germany to the repeated the message she had heard. I still United States—the home she’d left many quickly grabbed her, and we opened the Wadjusting years ago when she married my father. front door. Outside were five big bags W Even though my brothers and I were filled with presents. Each was carefully to a new country and culture. So excited, it was a difficult time for us. We wrapped and had a tag. had to adjust to a new home and to a I hurriedly woke my brothers, and imagine our different country and culture. with great excitement we opened the surprise when we Soon we found a house, and my bags and placed the gifts under the tree. got a phone call brothers and I started school. We had Long after going to bed, each of us from an elf. moved to Massachusetts, where we wondered who might have called and left attended a small ward. The members the bags on our doorstep. My mother welcomed us warmly, and we quickly didn’t go to bed for a long time. She just made many good friends. sat in the living room and looked at the Things weren’t going too badly, but my Christmas tree with all its lights and the mother hadn’t been able to find a job as presents lying beneath it. quickly as we had hoped. My older Christmas day came. We got up and brother was serving a mission, and opened our presents, which were all Christmas was coming closer, so money carefully selected to match our interests was tight. My younger brothers and I and needs. It was the nicest Christmas knew we wouldn’t be getting many I’ve ever had. presents that year. I often saw my mother We still don’t know who gave us the sitting in her room, thinking of how to wonderful gifts, and we decided to pay the bills and still have enough to buy stop trying to figure it out. But I presents and make this a wonderful will never forget that Christmas, Christmas. My brothers and I tried to not only because of the convince her that we didn’t need any presents, but because of the presents. But she knew we were just lesson I learned. We are all trying to make things easier and that we saved because of Jesus would be disappointed if we didn’t get Christ’s great love for us. anything at all. He was born and died for Christmas Eve came, and we each had each of us, and too often a couple of presents under the tree. we forget the true meaning Mother was completing the final of Christmas. That year I preparations when the phone rang. She was reminded of the love answered it. All she heard was, “An elf the Savior has for each of us from the North Pole has left something and that he wants us to love and for you at the front door.” Then the line serve one another. I am so grateful was dead. for the Christlike example of our By Maja Lorenz I stepped out of my room and saw my secret friend. NE

26 T HE N EW E RA Illustrated by Steve Kropp MYSTMYSTEERYRY

D ECEMBER 2002 27 28 T HE N EW E RA Can a guy in bright aul’s coach Paul said he didn’t worry much about told all the being poor. Sure, he and his sister wore orange outrun what P runners they hand-me-downs, and they didn’t often he’s wearing? Paul Pneeded to wear a have the money to go to movies, but his track suit to the mom always made sure they had enough decided to try. tryout. No suit, no to eat. “The Lord will provide,” she always said, and Paul believed her. tryout. Everything was fine until seventh grade, when Paul decided to try out for the track team. At the meeting, the coach lder Paul Christianson came announced that everyone had to wear a from snowy Chicago to our track suit to the tryouts, which would be Ehome in Slidell, Louisiana. He held in two weeks. No suit, no tryout. Egrinned a lot as he taught my husband Paul’s heart sank. He didn’t have a track gospel discussions, but one day he suit, and he knew his mom didn’t have revealed that he missed his mom. She’d the money to buy one. Hesitantly, he been dead for two years, he said. He’d asked her if they could borrow from his gone on a mission because of her. mission fund. Paul’s dad had died when he and his She smiled and shook her head. “Son, little sister were young. His mom went to we’ve put that money away for a special work at a small factory across town, purpose. If we remember the Lord first, working the evening shift. Despite her He’ll take care of everything we really meager salary, she managed to set aside a need.” Paul wondered if the Lord took few dollars every week for Paul’s mission. By Venita Helton care of track suits.

Illustrated by Richard Hull D ECEMBER 2002 29 30 T HE N EW E RA Since she was so insistent that he track suit he’d ever seen in his life. The very time he exercise faith, he ran track in a pair of school colors were red and silver. No way touched it, cutoff jeans every day after school. He would anyone believe this suit was red. E he knew his worried about what he’d wear when the He gulped. His mom looked at him out E mom had given big day arrived. of shining, worried eyes. “Do you like it, him a gift much His mom worried, too. She mentioned son?” she whispered. greater than a the problem to her supervisor at work, “I . . . like it more than anything,” he track suit. who managed to scrounge up some fabric said, and then he hugged her tight. He from home. Every night as Paul’s mom kissed her cold cheek and then went to rode the bus across the long miles to their try on his orange track suit. apartment, she hand-sewed a track suit to Paul told us everyone laughed at him surprise her son. when he walked onto the track that The tryouts approached, and Paul ran afternoon. He almost fled back to the and ran. His mom sewed and sewed. On locker room, but then he remembered the night before the tryouts she sat in the his mother’s small, cold hands and the bus, putting the last few stitches into the anxious look in her eyes. He pictured her track suit. It began to snow, and the bus walking across town through the snow, grew cold. The tired woman fell asleep clutching the suit she’d made on the bus. with the track suit cradled in her lap. His cheeks bright red, he put his head She woke up when the bus pulled into down, toed the chalk line, and when the terminal. It was one o’clock in the the starting pistol cracked he ran like morning. The bus driver hadn’t noticed her the wind. He didn’t pay attention to the in the back of the bus. He said he was sorry other runners—all he could think of was she’d missed her stop because no more getting off that track as fast as he could. buses would run that night. She got off and Someone in the crowd yelled, “It’s a began to walk home through the snow. bird, it’s a plane, it’s a jet-powered She walked all night, and finally arrived jack-o-lantern!” Everyone laughed again. at the apartment at 7:00 A.M.Her children Paul said he felt as if he’d been shot. were getting ready for school. With a weary He leaned into the final turn, knees smile, she drew Paul into her arms and pumping, elbows like pistons. He heard kissed him. someone coming up behind him. In a final “Tryouts are today, aren’t they, son?” burst of speed he lunged over the finish she asked. line and kept running straight to the He nodded and looked at his feet. locker room. “I decided not to try out,” he said. Later he learned that he’d set the fastest “Not try out? After all the running you’ve time in the 440 in school history. He’d not done?” only made the track team; he would soon He told us he didn’t have the heart to become one of its star runners. The coach remind her that he couldn’t try out without provided him a red and silver track suit a track suit. She’d feel bad that she hadn’t emblazoned with the school name. He been able to afford one. Maybe she’d feel wore it with pride for three years. bad that the Lord hadn’t provided, after all. But folded into the bottom of the “Shut your eyes and hold out your battered old suitcase he carried on his hands,” she said. mission was a bright orange track suit. His heart leaped in sudden hope. Had Every time he touched it, he felt his she been able to get him a suit after all? mom’s small, cold hands again and knew Holding his breath, he squeezed his eyes she’d given him a gift much greater than a shut and held out his hands. He felt her track suit. She’d given him the gift of faith place something soft and flimsy in them. in the Lord’s ability to provide what he He opened his eyes. really needed. She’d given him the faith There in his hands was a polyester track to eventually serve a mission. suit. A bright-orange polyester track suit. And maybe, just maybe, she’d given him a The orangest, brightest, most electrifying little extra speed. NE

Illustrated by Richard Hull. Photography by PhotoDisc and Christina Larsen D ECEMBER 2002 31 earning from Joseph About four years after the LL First Vision, the angel Moroni appeared to young Joseph several times, telling him about the book written on gold plates and preparing him for the work that lay ahead. Lucy Mack Smith tells how her 18- year-old prophet-son shared the wondrous news of the uring Book of Mormon and the our Restoration with the Smith evening family. DD By sunset . . . , we were all conversations, seated, and Joseph Joseph would commenced telling us the great occasionally . . . and glorious things which God describe the had manifested to him. . . . ancient He proceeded to relate inhabitants of [the . . . particulars American] concerning the work continent . . . as if which he was appointed he had spent his to do, and we received whole life among them joyfully. . . . them. From this time forth, Joseph continued to receive instructions from the Lord, and we continued to get the children together every evening for the purpose of listening while he gave us a relation of the same. I presume our family presented an aspect as singular as any that ever lived upon the face of the earth—all seated in a circle, father, mother, sons and daughters, and giving the most By Lucy Mack Smith profound attention to a boy, eighteen (1775–1856) years of age, who had never read the

32 T HE N EW E RA Illustrated by Glen S. Hopkinson D ECEMBER 2002 33 be imagined. He would describe the ancient inhabitants of [the American] continent, their dress, mode of traveling, and the animals upon which they rode; their cities, their buildings, with every particular; their mode of warfare; and also their religious worship. This he would do with as much ease, seemingly, as if he had spent his whole life among them.

A mother’s witness Writing of the traumatic experience of seeing her murdered sons, Joseph and Hyrum, Lucy Mack Smith bore fervent and powerful witness of Joseph’s prophetic mission. After the [bodies of Joseph and Hyrum] were washed and dressed in their burial clothes, we were allowed to see them. I had for a long time braced every nerve, roused every energy of my soul and called upon God to strengthen me, but when I entered the room . . . , it was too much; I sank back, crying to the Lord in the agony of my soul, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken this family!” A voice replied, “I have taken them to myself, that they might have rest.” As I looked upon their peaceful, smiling countenances, I seemed almost to hear them say, “Mother, weep not for us, we have overcome the world by love; we carried to them the gospel, that their souls might be saved; they slew us for our testimony, and thus placed us beyond their power; their ascendancy is for a moment, ours is an eternal triumph.” This much I will say, that the testimony s I looked Bible through in his life: he seemed much less inclined to the perusal of which I have given is true, and will stand upon forever; and the same will be my their books than any of the rest of our AA children, but far more given to testimony in the day of God Almighty, peaceful, smiling meditation and deep study. when I shall meet them, concerning countenances, I whom I have testified, before angels, and seemed almost to We were now confirmed in the opinion that God was about to bring to the spirits of the just made perfect, hear them say, before archangels and seraphims, “Mother, weep light something upon which we could stay our minds, or that would give us a cherubims and gods; where the brief not for us, we authority of the unjust man will shrink to have overcome more perfect knowledge of the plan of salvation and the redemption of the nothingness before him who is the Lord the world by of lords, and God of gods; and where the love; we carried human family. This caused us greatly to rejoice, the sweetest union and righteousness of the just shall exalt them them the gospel, in the scale, wherein God weigheth the that their souls happiness pervaded our house, and hearts of men. NE might be saved; tranquility reigned in our midst. During our evening conversations, . . . ours is an From Lucy Mack Smith, History of eternal triumph.” Joseph would occasionally give us some of the most amusing recitals that could Joseph Smith, 82–83, 324–28.

Painting Joseph and Hyrum Smith Standing by River by Theodore Gorka 34 T HE N EW E RA I DEA L IST PRPRIICCELEELESSSS GGIIFFTSTS

family in your ward so the parents can ifts from the heart are far more enjoy an outing to a Christmas concert, valuable than anything you go to the temple, or spend time together. could ever buy. They often take GG ✵ Read the Christmas story to a younger more energy, thought, and sacrifice, so brother or sister, and teach them about they mean more to both the giver and the Savior (see Luke 2). the receiver. Here are some ideas for ✵ If you’ve saved some money by giving priceless gifts you can give this free gifts this Christmas, you can pay a Christmas. generous fast offering next month. NE ✵ Give the gift of yourself to your family and loved ones. Spend the day doing kind things for your parents and siblings. You could make breakfast, help wrap and deliver presents, or clean up after dinner. ✵ Gather or decorate 24 ornaments for your Christmas tree and place them in a basket under the tree. Every day you give service to someone in the 24 days before Christmas, put an ornament on the tree. ✵ Give your parents a break. Spend some time looking after your younger brothers and sisters during the Christmas holiday. ✵ Volunteer at a local food bank or shelter, or help with some other worthy cause. ✵ Visit someone who is sick or elderly. Ask him or her to tell you about a past Christmas. ✵ Express your love and gratitude for the Savior in your prayers. ✵ Christmas is a time for peace. Try to resolve differences with someone you don’t get along with very well. ✵ You can also encourage peace by not quarreling with your siblings. Try to treat your family as well as you possibly can. ✵ Write a letter to your parents thanking them for the things they have done for you. ✵ Write letters to full-time missionaries from your ward to encourage them and to let them know you remember them in your prayers. ✵ Make your brother’s or sister’s bed. Leave a note that says an “elf” did it. ✵ Baby-sit for free for a

Photography by Steve Bunderson D ECEMBER 2002 35 O F A LL T HINGS


n December 23, 1905, 100 years after the Prophet Joseph Smith’s birth, the OOChurch dedicated a memorial at his birthplace in Sharon, Vermont. In 1884, all that was left of the Smith family’s small home was a hearthstone and a decaying foundation. The Church rebuilt a memorial home around the hearthstone. A large monument was also built. The monument, a shaft of Vermont granite, was the tallest polished granite ADAD shaft in America at that time. It still stands FELIZFELIZ today, 38-and-a-half feet high—one foot VIDVID for each year of the Prophet’s life. NANA At the dedicatory service for the he seminary students monument, President Joseph F. Smith, of the Juárez Academy Joseph Smith’s nephew, left a blessing: in northern Mexico “Peace be with you, and unto this place, TT unto this monument, and unto all who come to visit it . . .” (Proceedings, 26). made a plan to help the missionaries in their area to spread the gospel during Christmas. Three hundred fifty students each contributed a brightly wrapped Book of Mormon, that included their testimonies, for the missionaries to give to their investigators in the Colonia Juárez and Colonia Dublán stakes.

LEADERSHIP TIP earing your testimony to your quorum or class members is a good BBway to bless their lives and strengthen their testimonies, as well as your own. Being a leader means more than organizing and delegating. It means being an example of faithfulness and obedience, as well.

36 T HE N EW E RA CHRISTMAS ACTIVITY IDEAS ❋ Gather a group of family members and friends to go Christmas caroling. ❋ If there are small children in your home or neighborhood, help them retell the story of Jesus’ birth with each child playing a part. Invite friends and neighbors. ❋ Learn how to say “Merry Christmas” in a few languages. ❋ Check out videos from your meetinghouse library about the life of the Savior. ❋ Read the accounts of the birth of the Savior in the New Testament and Book of Mormon with your family. ❋ Make and send Christmas cards to loved ones and those who might be lonely at this time of year, like missionaries or widows in your ward.

“Each of us is an innkeeper who decides if there is room for Jesus!” (Ensign, Nov. 1992, 66) —Elder Neal A. Maxwell Of the Quorum of the OUR COVENANTS Twelve very member has made a covenant to do works of kindness as the Savior would do. So any call to bear EE witness and to care for others is not a request for extra service; it is a blessing designed by a loving Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ. They have provided such calls as well as other settings, sometimes without a formal call, all for the same purpose. Each is a chance to prove what blessings flow from being a covenant people, and each is an opportunity for which you agreed to be accountable” (Ensign, Nov. 1996, 31). — Elder Henry B. Eyring Of the Quorum of the Twelve


For two hours I waited Joseph was confused about the different religions in his community, but the patiently outside the scriptures led him to ask God what he should do (see JS–H 1:5–16). In answer Tabernacle. But could I to his prayer, God the Father and Jesus get in? Christ appeared to him. Through this and other experiences, Joseph Smith was called as a prophet, like unto Moses and early 30 years ago I desired to other biblical prophets. Because Joseph attend a general conference of saw and talked with the Savior, his work NNthe Church and drove 14 hours was to restore the truth about the great to be in Salt Lake City for the conference. plan of God and the divine mission of I entered Temple Square at 8:00 A.M., our Lord. I know that Joseph Smith is a where the line outside door number 10 prophet of God. was all the way across Temple Square and The Prophet Joseph received authority halfway down the south side of the By Elder to teach the gospel and bring forth Assembly Hall. I was nearly 300 feet from Gary J. Coleman additional scripture. He was commanded my goal. The usher called out that the Of the Seventy to translate writings of ancient prophets Tabernacle was full. People dropped out from The Book of Mormon: Another of line, and I inched forward. Testament of Jesus Christ. The Book of At five minutes before 10:00 I was the Mormon prophets also knew about the only person standing in front of my plan of salvation and the sacred mission chosen door. The door opened, and the of Jesus Christ. The appearance of the usher said, “Are you still here?” He closed resurrected Christ to the ancient people the door, and my heart sank. As the choir of the Americas is recorded in this sacred began to sing the opening hymn at 10:00 book. He taught them His gospel and sharp, the door opened one more time, established His Church among them. I and the usher beckoned me inside. He know the Book of Mormon is another placed me on half a seat and behind a testament of the divinity of Jesus Christ. post, but a welcome seat it was! I was God has promised that the Holy Ghost able to sustain the Lord’s chosen leaders will testify to each of us that sacred and hear their counsel that special day. truths have been restored and that Joseph Smith was called by God to be a The Prophet Joseph special witness of Christ and His gospel. In the latter days, God has continued We may come to know the truth of all His pattern for revealing truth. He chose things God has revealed through the a young man named Joseph Smith to power of the Holy Ghost (see Moro. learn about the eternal plan of salvation. 10:5).

38 T HE N EW E RA Photography by Jed Clark D ECEMBER 2002 39 Millions of converts to this Church initially accepted the truths proclaimed he Holy by our missionaries in the first Ghost will discussion. They then opened their guide us to hearts to all the discussions taught by the TT missionaries. They were invited to be others who seek baptized, confirmed, become the true gospel. “fellowcitizens with the saints,” (see Eph. The Lord has 2:19–20) and continue on the gospel said, “I will be path to additional sacred covenants made with you; and in in the temple. whatsoever place ye shall proclaim All my friends are on missions! my name an A young adult was seen near an effectual door institute of religion building, and he was shall be opened asked if he had LDS friends. He unto you, that responded, “Yes, and they are all on they may receive missions for the Mormon Church!” He was invited to be taught the gospel. He my word” (D&C joined the Church. And one year later he 112:19). was serving his own mission for the Lord. A nonmember father whose son was serving a mission was asked, “Will you be baptized on Father’s Day?” He was baptized, with four former bishops of his family in attendance. Promptings from the Holy Ghost will also guide us to others who seek the true gospel. The Lord has said, “I will be with you; and in whatsoever place ye shall proclaim my name an effectual door shall be opened unto you, that they may receive my word” (D&C 112:19). beautiful experience. Before I was a member of this Church, The Lord will provide a way I asked God, the Eternal Father, in A few years ago I drove to Temple fervent prayer, about the truths of the Square in Salt Lake City to meet an Restoration. I know today, even as I knew acquaintance of the missionaries. Their that day, that hour, that moment 39 years guest did not keep the appointment. My ago, by the power of the Holy Ghost, that response to the missionaries was, “The the principles and doctrines of the Lord will provide someone for us to Restoration of the gospel are true. God teach.” In less than two to three minutes, lives. Jesus is the Christ. Joseph Smith two adult men walked through the front was the prophet of the Restoration of the door of the North Visitors’ Center and true gospel. The Book of Mormon is a directly up to us. They spoke Spanish, record of holy prophets and another and we did not! We assured them the testament of the living Christ, who stands best we could that someone would be at the head of this Church. President able to help them. In moments, the only Gordon B. Hinckley is the Lord’s prophet Spanish-speaking sister missionaries in for our day. He and 14 other Apostles are the entire mission arrived at the visitors’ special witnesses of Christ in the only center because they felt impressed to true Church on the earth. I pray that all come there that morning! of us will be able to answer the question Over a period of several weeks the “Are you still here?” and enter through missionary discussions were taught to the proper door to all the blessings of those men, and they asked to be the gospel, now and forever. baptized. The Lord was true to His word. “An effectual door” was opened in the Adapted from an April 2000 general very moment it was needed for this conference address.


“I think “And of course you’re Sister Roberts and going to get up on time your cat have really for seminary tomorrow, bonded.” right? Or do you need “But I don’t have me to help you?” a cat.”

“Sure it’s nice to get a gift. But it’s from my ex-girlfriend. It’s an I-don’t-care package.”

Ryan Stoker

Ryan Stoker

Val Chadwick Bagley

D ECEMBER 2002 41 SweetSweet

and games. But what made it even Sweet or tart? Which is better than that was the candy we the best way to deal with exchanged with our friends. As we went from class to class, our stacks of a bad situation? goodies grew and we found out who liked us enough to put us on their gift list. You could tell who the really popular kids were by their enormous piles of candy. Someone like Megan thought n the morning of the last day of would have to bring an extra bag to anything school before the Christmas carry everything. She certainly didn’t other than holidays, I had the strangest need anything from me. simply ignoring thought pop into my head. I was tying bows I was confident I would have a her was worth around bunches of gourmet candy canes respectable pile of sweets myself. I was a try. How could to give to my friends when my mind said, nowhere near being part of the popular I make the best “You should give one of these to Megan*.” crowd, but it was a big school, and I had a of this sticky What a crazy idea! Megan, a very large group of friends. However, because popular girl in my English class, was I was one of the few Latter-day Saints in situation? terribly mean. In addition to the rude the school, I really stood out. Anyone things she said to me, she and her friends who stands out too much in middle were always giggling and pointing in my school becomes a target for teasing, so, direction. She made me feel horrible. unfortunately, I had as many Why should I give Christmas candy to tormentors as I had friends. someone like that? It is sometimes really tough to Today was always the best day of the know how to deal with people who whole year at Valley Middle School. Like pick on you. I had long ago decided the last day of school in June, schoolwork that the best way was just to ignore would be pushed aside in favor of movies them. But sometimes this just didn’t seem to work. Earlier that school By Sarah Eastley * Name has been changed. year, two girls in my science class had

42 T HE N EW E RA Photography by Alan and Regan Bailey/Rubberball Productions and by Kelly Larsen. Posed by models 43 hurt me so much with their cruel needed to approach Megan. When I called her name, words that I finally burst and fired get rid of she turned and looked very surprised that similar cruel words right back at them. the sour I was speaking to her. This landed me in detention, and I taste whenever “Here, this is for you.” I held out spent a miserable afternoon picking we met in class the candy. up trash. Worse than the actual or in the halls. She looked at me very suspiciously. punishment was how horrible I felt I could tell she was trying to figure out I felt the Lord inside. I knew my actions weren’t what the trick was. I knew she thought Christlike, and that hurt me more than gave me a sweet I was trying to do something mean anyone’s awful words ever could. After answer to my because she knew she’d never done that, I stuck like glue to my old policy prayers. anything nice to me. So I smiled and of keeping silent and expressionless, said, “Merry Christmas,” hoping she hoping people would get bored with would trust me just a little bit. me. But Megan still hadn’t given up She took the candy. When I turned to trying to have fun at my expense, and walk away, and it was clear that there were I had been wondering recently if there no strings attached, she said, “Thank you.” were something more I could do I wish I could say Megan and I became besides just turning the other cheek. friends after that. We didn’t. But she left Looking down at the candy canes in me alone the rest of the school year, and my backpack, I realized that the Spirit her eyes lost that hard, malicious glint had just given me a solution to my when she looked at me. dilemma. I thought of Matthew 5:44, in I like to hope I gave her more than the Sermon on the Mount, where just candy that Christmas. I hope that’s Christ says, “Love your enemies, bless what happened, but maybe it didn’t. them that curse you, do good to them Maybe she never thought about it that hate you.” again. But I was changed for life “Well,” I thought, “it’s worth a after that simple exchange. I was try.” Even though the thought of filled with the joy of having done doing such an unusual thing what Jesus would have done. The scared me, I told myself it gift I gave her paled in couldn’t make the situation comparison to the gift I any worse. received—a taste of charity, the I almost chickened out. It was pure love of Christ, a feeling the very end of the class period sweeter than all the Christmas before I had the guts to candy in the school. NE


BEHAVIOR Carving a character, Larry Hiller, Crookston, Kendall A Q&A, Oct 16 Aug 20 Fare enough, Sep 32 BELIEF Challenge to become, the, Dallin H. Cycles (p), Arianne Baadsgaard, AARONIC PRIESTHOOD Be true, Caroline H. Benzley, Oaks, Aug 12 Sep 51 Upon you my fellow servants, May 40 CHANGE Gordon B. Hinckley, May 4 Q&A, Jun 16 Friends at last, Amber Wade, Aug 26 Bind on thy sandals, Howard W. How can you know?, Colleen Idea list, Aug 11 Hunter, May 12 Atwood Riley, Jun 26 CHARITY Your friend the bishop, Henry B Bennett, Matt He will never let you down, D Eyring, Oct 10 What great brothers do, Oct 14 Jeffrey R. Holland, Sep 4 Sacrament service, Matthew Baker, Benson, Ezra Taft CHASTITY DANCE Oct 20 Of the most worth, Jul 46 Gospel and romantic love, the, Everyone but me, Patricia Reece Q&A, Nov 16 Benzley, Caroline H. Bruce C. Hafen, Feb 10 Roper, Apr 14 ACHIEVEMENT Evaluate your style, Jan 28 Q&A, Aug 16 DANGER Double duty, Arianne Missionaries on board, Feb 36 CHILDREN Watch out!, Adelson Parrella, Baadsgaard,Nov 28 Be grateful, Mar 36 Thanks, Candace, Catherine Jul 10 ADDICTION Be prayerful, Apr 36 Loveland, Mar 32 DATING Don’t bet your life, Shanna Be true, May 40 CHOICE AND ACCOUNTABILITY Everyone but me, Patricia Reece Ghaznavi, Feb 26 Be clean, Jul 12 Which way are you facing?, Russell Roper, Apr 14 See no evil, Oct 34 Walking in remembrance, Jul 20 M. Nelson, Mar 4 Q&A, Apr 16 ADVERSITY Be smart, Aug 30 CHOICES Live for the future, Spencer W. Dusti’s plan, Andrea Nixon, Jan 46 Be humble, Sep 36 Crisis at the crossroads, Thomas S. Kimball, Nov 10 When life gets tough, John B. Berry, Lily Monson, Nov. 4 DAUGHTERS OF GOD Dickson, Feb 44 Lightning (p), Apr 51 CHRISTMAS Live for the future, Spencer W. Amorím, Athos M. Be clean, Caroline H. Benzley, Jul 12 His gift to the world, Mark E. Kimball, Nov 10 Why obey?, Nov 44 Be grateful, Caroline H. Benzley, Petersen, Dec 8 DEATH, COPING WITH Angel unaware, Jana Pope, Aug 46 Mar 36 Arise and sing this Christmas morn Enduring example, an, Claudio R. ANIMALS Be humble, Caroline H. Benzley, (s), Marvin K. Gardner and M. Costa, Sep 8 Tr ue friends, Monte J. Brough, Sep 36 Vanja Y. Watkins, Dec 11 Tear and a rose, a, Patricia Reece Nov 36 Be prayerful, Caroline H. Benzley, Six elders singing, Joshua DeMoux, Roper, Nov 26 ANSWERS Apr 36 Dec 12 Decide to decide, Ralph W. Hardy Jr., Q&A, Jul 16 Be smart, Caroline H. Benzley, Aug 30 Christmas mystery, Maja Lorenz, Apr 26 Are you on the Lord’s side?, Stephen A. Be true, Caroline H. Benzley, May 40 Dec 26 DECISION MAKING West, Sep 12 Bind on thy sandals, Howard W. Track suit, the, Venita Helton, Decisions, decisions, L. Tom Perry, Are you still here?, Gary J. Coleman, Hunter, May 12 Dec 28 Jan 40 Dec 38 BISHOP Idea list, Dec 35 Which way are you facing?, Russell Arise and sing this Christmas morn Three centavos, Joel B. Macariola, Sweet solutions, Sarah Eastley, M. Nelson, Mar 4 (s), Marvin K. Gardner and Jan 38 Dec 42 Decide to decide, Ralph W. Hardy Vanja Y. Watkins, Dec 11 Your friend the bishop, Henry B. Cold feet, warm heart, R. John Walker, Jr., Apr 26 Ashton, Marvin J. Eyring, Oct 10 Feb 42 Crisis at the crossroads, Thomas S. Friends forever, Jan 8 BLESSINGS Coleman, Gary J. Monson, Nov. 4 Askham, Lisa Rae Warner Why obey?, Athos M. Amorím, Are you still here? Dec 38 Decisions, decisions, L. Tom Perry, Time’s page (p), Jan 51 Nov 44 COMFORT Jan 40 ATONEMENT BODY PIERCING Be prayerful, Caroline H. Benzley, DeFord, Sally He will never let you down, Jeffrey Be clean, Caroline H. Benzley, Apr 36 In that holy place (s), Mar 10 R. Holland, Sep 4 Jul 12 Lost and found, Raquel Wood, Dellenbach, Robert K. AUSTRALIA BOOK OF MORMON May 26 Hour of conversion, Jun 40 Shining bright, Janet Thomas, In the Lord’s way, Boyd K. Packer, Sweet comfort, Wendy Kathryn DeMoux, Joshua Feb 32 Jun 36 Bouton, Nov 39 Six elders singing, Dec 12 Hour of conversion, Robert K. Coming home, Jessica McAdam, DENMARK Dellenbach, Jun 40 Mar 46 Three faces of faith, Laury Livsey, More precious than gold, Sep 20 COMPASSION Mar 20 Finding Mr. Chan, Michael D. Call, Flowers of mercy, Dennis B. Fare enough, Kendall Crookston, B Sep 42 Neuenschwander, Apr 10 Sep 32 BRAZIL CONFESSION DEPRESSION Baadsgaard, Arianne Coming home, Jessica McAdam, See no evil, Oct 34 Q&A, Jan 24 Cycles (p), Sep 51 Mar 46 CONVERSION Rising above the blues, Shanna Double duty, Nov 28 Enduring example, an, Claudio R. Three faces of faith, Laury Livsey, Ghaznavi, Apr 30 Baker, Matthew M. Costa, Sep 8 Mar 20 DESENSITIZATION Sacrament service, Oct 20 BROTHERHOOD Remarkable feeling, a, F. Melvin Watch out!, Adelson Parrella, Baking a difference, Judy Kay W. Frome, What great brothers do, Matt Hammond, Jun 38 Jul 10 Nov 13 Bennett, Oct 14 Hour of conversion, Robert K. DETERMINATION BASEBALL BROTHER OF JARED Dellenbach, Jun 40 One step ahead, Janet Thomas, What great brothers do, Matt Reach out and climb, Dallin H. Tonga: true to the faith, Janet Nov 20 Bennett, Oct 14 Oaks, Apr 42 Thomas, Jul 28 Dickson, John B. Beat of a different drum, the, Brough, Monte J. Stop for an answer, Joshua Snow When life gets tough, Feb 44 Timothy O’Hara, Mar 12 Tr ue friends, Nov 36 Hansen, Aug 10 DISABILITIES, COPING WITH BEAUTY Challenge to become, the, Dallin Angel unaware, Jana Pope, Aug 46 Becoming beautiful, Kersten H. Oaks, Aug 12 One step ahead, Janet Thomas, Campbell, Apr 46 Taking my own advice, Benjamin Nov 20 Mirror image, Julie K. Kennard, C. Tyau, Oct 8 DISCOURAGEMENT Jul 34 C COURAGE Decide to decide, Ralph W. Hardy BECOME Idea list, Jun 44 Jr., Apr 26 Challenge to become, the, Dallin Call, Michael D. COVENANT Rising above the blues, Shanna H. Oaks, Aug 12 Finding Mr. Chan, Sep 42 In Abraham’s footsteps, F. Melvin Ghaznavi, Apr 30 Becoming beautiful, Kersten Campbell, Campbell, Kersten Hammond, Sep 46 DIVERSITY Apr 46 Becoming beautiful, Apr 46 Stars of India, Larry Hiller, Feb 20

D ECEMBER 2002 45 DIVINE NATURE FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS A new tradition, Apr 20 Remarkable feeling, a, F. Melvin When life gets tough, John B. Idea list, Oct 40 Rising above the blues, Apr 30 Hammond, Jun 38 Dickson, Feb 44 Fare enough, Kendall Crookston, Preparation days, May 28 Few simple lessons, a, Boyd K. What you are meant to be, Sep 32 Testimony zeal in New Zealand, Packer, Aug 4 Margaret D. Nadauld, Oct 42 FASTING Jun 20 Are you on the Lord’s side?, Stephen Don’t bet your life, Shanna Three faces of faith, Laury Livsey, God will make a way, Gordon B. A. West, Sep 12 Ghaznavi, Feb 26 Mar 20 Hinckley, Jan 4 Hour of conversion, Robert K. Double duty, Arianne Baadsgaard, Real fast, the, Esther Hansen, GOSPEL Dellenbach, Jun 40 Nov 28 May 11 Be true, Caroline H. Benzley, Howard, F. Burton DOUBTS FAST OFFERINGS May 40 A question of time, Jul 38 Q&A, Jun 16 Fare enough, Kendall Crookston, Gospel and romantic love, the, How can you know?, Colleen Duncan, Shallin Sep 32 Bruce C. Hafen, Feb 10 Atwood Riley, Jun 26 Speaking of miracles, Jul 44 Faust, James E. GRATITUDE How I found the truth, Erin Dusti’s plan, Andrea Nixon, Jan 46 Ten things to know before you go, Be grateful, Caroline H. Benzley, Marshall, Dec 14 DUTY TO GOD Jul 9 Mar 36 How lovely was my morning, Duty to God, Jan 13 FEAR GRIEF Julianne Pratt, May 8 In Abraham’s footsteps, F. Melvin God will make a way, Gordon B. Tear and a rose, a, Patricia Reece How you can know, Robert D. Hammond, Sep 46 Hinckley, Jan 4 Roper, Nov 26 Hales, Aug 40 Few simple lessons, a, Boyd K. Packer, GUIDANCE HUMILITY Aug 4 Be prayerful, Caroline H. Benzley, Be humble, Caroline H. Benzley, Finding Mr. Chan, Michael D. Call, Apr 36 Sep 36 Sep 42 Hunter, Howard W. E First Presidency, the Bind on thy sandals, May 12 Special witnesses, Jun 4 Eastley, Sarah Flowers of mercy, Dennis B. Sweet solutions, Dec 42 Neuenschwander, Apr 10 H EDUCATION FOR THE STRENGTH OF YOUTH Be smart, Caroline H. Benzley, Extra strength, Bryant Staples, HABITS I Aug 30 Jan 10 Idea list, Aug 11 Idea list, Nov 9 Just for you, Jan 12 Hafen, Bruce C. I am but a lad, Neal A. Maxwell, ENDURANCE Stronger than ever, Jan 20 Gospel and romantic love, the, Feb 4 Formula for success, Earl M. Hitting a high note, Maggie Feb 10 I knew He cared, Carol B. Thomas, Monson, Nov 32 Olauson, Aug 34 Hales, Robert D. Jun 39 Enduring example, an, Claudio R. FORGIVENESS How you can know, Aug 40 IDAHO M. Costa, Sep 8 Prayer for a thief, Tiffany Koch, Hammond, F. Melvin Roadside service, Jim Harrison, ETERNAL LIFE Apr 24 A remarkable feeling, Jun 38 Sep 40 Crisis at the crossroads, Thomas S. Few simple lessons, a, Boyd K. In Abraham’s footsteps, Sep 46 IDEA LIST Monson, Nov. 4 Packer, Aug 4 HANGING OUT Fighting pride, Feb 15 Evaluate your style, Caroline H. Formula for success, Earl M. Monson, Q&A, Apr 16 Tuning in, Mar 15 Benzley, Jan 28 Nov 32 Hansen, Esther Testimony courage, Jun 44 Everyone but me, Patricia Reece Roper, Freckles, Amanda Thomas, Oct 24 Real fast, the, May 11 More than silence, Jul 9 Apr 14 Friends at last, Amber Wade, Aug 26 Hansen, Joshua Snow Breaking bad habits, Aug 11 EVIL Friends forever, Marvin J. Ashton, Jan 3 Stop for an answer, Aug 10 Home improvement, Oct 40 You can’t pet a rattlesnake, David FRIENDSHIP HAPPINESS Learning matters, Nov 9 E. Sorensen, May 44 Friends forever, Marvin J. Ashton, Q&A, Jan 24 Great gift ideas, Dec 35 EXAMPLE Jan 3 They’re not really happy, Glen L. Images of Christ, Dec 20 The beat of a different drum, Q&A, Mar 15 Pace, Mar 28 INDIA Timothy O’Hara, Mar 12 Coming home, Jessica McAdam, Rising above the blues, Shanna Stars of India, Larry Hiller, Feb 20 Thanks, Candace, Catherine Mar 46 Ghaznavi, Apr 30 In Abraham’s footsteps, F. Melvin Loveland, Mar 32 Noticing Sarah, Alison Tanner, Hardy, Ralph W. Jr. Hammond, Sep 46 Noticing Sarah, Alison Tanner, Apr 9 Decide to decide, Apr 26 In that holy place (s), Sally DeFord, Apr 9 Q&A, Aug 16 Harkey, Kristi Ann Mar 10 Enduring example, an Claudio R. Friends at last, Amber Wade, Gratitude (p), May 51 In the Lord’s way, Boyd K. Packer, M. Costa, Sep 8 Aug 26 Harrison, Jim Jun 36 What great brothers do, Matt Angel unaware, Jana Pope, Aug 46 Roadside service, Sep 40 IN TUNE Bennett, Oct 14 Tr ue friends, Monte J. Brough, He will never let you down, Jeffrey In that holy place (s), Sally Freckles, Amanda Thomas, Oct 24 Nov 36 R. Holland, Sep 4 DeFord, Mar 10 EXTRA SMILE, THE Progress times two, Anita Schiller, HEAVENLY FATHER My testimony (s), Jan Pinborough Jan 37, Feb 39, Mar 35, Apr 35, Nov 40 Sweet comfort, Wendy Kathryn and Kenneth Plain, Jun 14 May 43, Jun 45, Jul 37, Aug 37, Frome, Judy Kay W. Bouton, Nov 39 Arise and sing this Christmas morn Sep 45, Oct 41, Nov 35, Dec 41 Baking a difference, Nov 13 Helton, Venita (s), Marvin K. Gardner and Eyring, Henry B. FUTURE Track suit, the, Dec 28 Vanja Y. Watkins, Dec 11 Your friend the bishop, Oct 10 Q&A, May 16 HERITAGE INFLUENCE Crisis at the crossroads, Thomas S. Missionaries on board, Caroline H. Freckles, Amanda Thomas, Oct 24 Monson, Nov 4 Benzley, Feb 36 INTERVIEW Idea list, Nov 9 Hiller, Larry Your friend the bishop, Henry B. Live for the future, Spencer W. Stars of India, Feb 20 Eyring, Oct 10 F Kimball, Nov 10 Carving a character, Aug 20 Hinckley, Gordon B. FAITH God will make a way, Jan 4 God will make a way, Gordon B. Upon you my fellow servants, Hinckley, Jan 4 May 4 J The real fast, Esther Hansen, G Forget yourself and go, Oct 4 May 11 His gift to the world, Mark E. Petersen, JESUS CHRIST How you can know, Robert D. GAMBLING Dec 8 New Era Poster, Jan 27 Hales, Aug 40 Don’t bet your life, Shanna Hitting a high note, Maggie Olauson, Out of this world, Holly K. Crisis at the crossroads, Thomas S. Ghaznavi, Feb 26 Aug 34 Simmons, Mar 26 Monson, Nov. 4 Gardner, Marvin K. and Vanja Y. Watkins HMONG To be healed, Richard G. Scott, FAMILY Arise and sing this Christmas morn A new tradition, Shanna Apr 4 Friends forever, Marvin J. Ashton, (s), Dec 11 Ghaznavi, Apr 20 New Era Poster, Apr 19 Jan 8 GENERAL CONFERENCE Holland, Jeffrey R. Upon you my fellow servants, Idea list, Oct 40 Idea list, Mar 15 He will never let you down, Sep 4 Gordon B. Hinckley, May 4 Q&A, Dec 16 Ghaznavi, Shanna HOLY GHOST Lead them to safety, M. Russell Don’t bet your life, Feb 26 You can’t pet a rattlesnake, David Ballard, May 34 E. Sorensen, May 44

46 T HE N EW E RA Special witnesses, The First LOYALTY Coming home, Jessica McAdam, His gift to the world, Mark E. Presidency, Jun 4 Tr ue friends, Monte J. Brough, Mar 46 Petersen, Dec 8 New Era Poster, Jun 19 Nov 36 Remarkable feeling, a, F. Melvin NEW ERA POSTER Your prized possession, Jun 30 Hammond, Jun 38 My peace I give unto you, Jan 27 I knew He cared, Carol B. Thomas, Ten things to know before you go, It’s great except for . . . , Feb 19 Jun 39 James E. Faust, Jul 9 Pop to the top, Mar 16 Carving a character, Larry Hiller, New Era Poster, Jul 19 When the son arose, Apr 19 Aug 20 M Of the most worth, Ezra Taft Set your sights, May 19 He will never let you down, Jeffrey Benson, Jul 46 Without a doubt, Jun 19 R. Holland, Sep 4 Manion, Becky Finding Mr. Chan, Michael D. Call, Search and rescue, Jul 19 What great brothers do, Matt No one will know, Feb 8 Sep 42 Questions? Answers, Aug 19 Bennett, Oct 14 MARRIAGE Forget yourself and go, Gordon B. Are you a missing person?, Sep 19 Voice of His servants, the, Oct 26 Becoming beautiful, Kersten Hinckley, Oct 4 Don’t try bending the rules, Oct 19 His gift to the world, Mark E. Campbell, Apr 46 Someone’s angel, Benjamin Inner beauty, Nov 19 Petersen, Dec 8 Marshall, Erin Ireland, Oct 46 Out of small things, Dec 19 Images of Christ, Dec 20 How I found the truth, Dec 14 MISSIONARIES, SISTERS NEW JERSEY JOSEPH SMITH Maxwell, Neal A. Forget yourself and go, Gordon B. McKenzie’s big idea, Laury Livsey, How lovely was my morning, I am but a lad, Feb 4 Hinckley, Oct 4 Sep 28 Julianne Pratt, May 8 McAdam, Jessica Missionaries on board, Caroline H. New tradition, a, Shanna Mother’s testimony, a, Lucy Mack Coming home, Mar 46 Benzley, Feb 36 Ghaznavi, Apr 20 Smith, Dec 32 McKenzie’s big idea, Laury Livsey, MODESTY NEW ZEALAND Are you still here? Gary J. Sep 28 Evaluate your style, Caroline H. Testimony zeal in New Zealand, Coleman, Dec 38 MEDIA Benzley, Jan 28 Shanna Ghaznavi, Jun 20 JUDGMENT Be clean, Caroline H. Benzley, Monson, Earl M. Nixon, Andrea Challenge to become, the, Dallin Jul 12 Formula for success, Nov 32 Dusti’s plan, Jan 46 H. Oaks, Aug 12 MEMBER MISSIONARY Monson, Thomas S. No bolt of lightning, Mandy L. Q&A, Aug 16 Crisis at the crossroads, Nov 4 Miller, Jun 7 MESSAGE, THE MORALITY No one will know, Becky Manion, I am but a lad, Neal A. Maxwell, Be clean, Caroline H. Benzley, Feb 8 Feb 4 Jul 12 Noticing Sarah, Alison Tanner, Apr 9 K Which way are you facing?, Russell More precious than gold, Sep 20 M. Nelson, Mar 4 Mother’s testimony, a, Lucy Mack Kennard, Julie K. To be healed, Richard G. Scott, Smith, Dec 32 Mirror image, Jul 34 Apr 4 MOTHERHOOD Kimball, Spencer W. Special witnesses, The First What you are meant to be, O Will a man rob God?, Mar 42 Presidency, Jun 4 Margaret D. Nadauld, Oct 42 Live for the future, Nov 10 Ten things to know before you go, MOVIES Oaks, Dallin H. KINDNESS James E. Faust, Jul 4 No one wll know, Becky Manion, Reach out and climb, Apr 42 Cold feet, warm heart, R. John Few simple lessons, a, Boyd K. Feb 8 Challenge to become, the, Aug 12 Walker, Feb 42 Packer, Aug 4 New Era Poster, Feb 19 OBEDIENCE KNOWLEDGE He will never let you down, Jeffrey Walking out, Dane R. Rowley, Be humble, Caroline H. Benzley, How can you know?, Colleen R. Holland, Sep 4 Sep 26 Sep 36 Atwood Riley, Jun 26 Crisis at the crossroads, Thomas S. MUSIC (see also IN TUNE) Don’t try bending the rules, Oct 19 Be smart, Caroline H. Benzley, Monson, Nov. 4 New Era Poster, Feb 19 Live for the future, Spencer W. Aug 30 Unseen service, L. Tom Perry, Dec 4 Beat of a different drum, the, Kimball, Nov 10 Idea list, Nov 9 Miller, Mandy L. Timothy O’Hara, Mar 12 Why obey?, Athos M. Amorím, Live for the future, Spencer W. No bolt of lightning, Jun 7 Out of this world, Holly K. Nov 44 Kimball, Nov 10 MINNESOTA Simmons, Mar 26 OBSTACLES Koch, Tiffany New tradition, a, Shanna Ghaznavi, Hitting a high note, Maggie Reach out and climb, Dallin H. Prayer for a thief, Apr 24 Apr 20 Olauson, Aug 34 Oaks, Apr 42 MIRACLES MUTUAL ACTIVITIES OF ALL THINGS Three centavos, Joel B. Macariola, Just for you, Jan 12 Feb 40, Mar 40, Apr 40, May 38, Jan 38 Mutual friends, Jan 22 Jun 34, Jul 42, Aug 38, Sep 34, Speaking of miracles, Shallin Oct 32, Nov 47 , Dec 36 L Duncan, Jul 44 Of the most worth, Ezra Taft Fare enough, Kendall Crookston, Benson, Jul 46 Lead them to safety, M. Russell Sep 32 O’Hara, Timothy Ballard, May 34 Finding Mr. Chan, Michael D. Call, N Beat of a different drum, the, Lee, Harold B. Sep 42 Mar 12 When your heart tells you things Mirror image, Julie K. Kennard, Nadauld, Margaret D. Olauson, Maggie your mind does not know, Jun 46 Jul 34 What you are meant to be, Oct 42 Hitting a high note, Aug 34 Livsey, Laury MISSION NAUVOO OLYMPICS Three faces of faith, Mar 20 What you are meant to be, The Nauvoo Temple: cornerstones Shining bright, Janet Thomas, McKenzie’s big idea, Sep 28 Margaret D. Nadauld, Oct 42 of faith, Ann Whiting Orton, Feb 32 Lloyd, Jolee Kay MISSIONARY PREPARATION May 20 On a slippery slope, Brittany Russell, Floating along (p), Jun 51 Three centavos, Joel B. Macariola, Nauvoo dedication, Aug 28 Jan 34 LONELINESS Jan 38 Nelson, Russell M. One step ahead, Janet Thomas, Sweet comfort, Wendy Kathryn Q&A, Feb 16 Which way are you facing?, Mar 4 Nov 20 Bouton, Nov 39 Missionaries on board, Caroline H. Neuenschwander, Dennis B. ORDINANCE Lorenz, Maja Benzley, Feb 36 Flowers of mercy, Apr 10 Sacrament service, Matthew Baker, Christmas mystery, Dec 26 Preparation days, Shanna NEW ERA CLASSIC Oct 20 Lost and found, Raquel Wood, May 26 Ghaznavi, May 28 Friends forever, Marvin J. Ashton, Orton, Ann Whiting LOVE Ten things to know before you go, Jan 8 The Nauvoo Temple: cornerstones Gospel and romantic love, the, James E. Faust, Jul 9 Will a man rob God?, Spencer W. of faith, May 20 Bruce C. Hafen, Feb 10 Of the most worth, Ezra Taft Kimball, Mar 42 Out of this world, Holly K. Everyone but me, Patricia Reece Benson, Jul 46 Bind on thy sandals, Howard W. Simmons, Mar 26 Roper, Apr 14 Forget yourself and go, Gordon B. Hunter, May 12 OVERCOMING CHALLENGES Freckles, Amanda Thomas, Oct 24 Hinckley, Oct 4 When your heart tells you things One step ahead, Janet Thomas, Sweet comfort, Wendy Kathryn One step ahead, Janet Thomas, your mind does not know, Nov 20 Bouton, Nov 3 Nov 20 Harold B. Lee, Jun 46 Track suit, the, Venita Helton, MISSIONARY WORK Of the most worth, Ezra Taft Dec 28 Beat of a different drum, the, Benson, Jul 46 Loveland, Catherine Timothy O’Hara, Mar 12 Live for the future, Spencer W. Thanks, Candace, Mar 32 Q&A, Mar 15 Kimball, Nov 10

D ECEMBER 2002 47 Loving still (p), Holly Jo Weston, P Oct 51 Q S Christus (p), Deborah L. Williams, Pace, Glen L. Dec 51 QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS SACRAMENT They’re not really happy, Mar 28 PERSONAL REVELATION Feeling sad, Jan 24 Sacrament service, Matthew Baker, Packer, Boyd K. How lovely was my morning, Mission decision, Feb 16 Oct 20 In the Lord’s way, Jun 36 Julianne Pratt, May 8 Sharing the gospel, Mar 16 Baking a difference, Judy Kay W. Few simple lessons, a, Aug 4 Pinborough, Jan, and Plain, Kenneth Hanging out, Apr 16 Frome, Nov 13 Parrella, Adelson My testimony (s), Jun 14 Patriarchal blessing, May 16 SACRIFICE Watch out!, Jul 10 Plain, Kenneth, and Pinborough, Jan Testimony, Jun 16 Be smart, Caroline H. Benzley, PATIENCE My testimony (s), Jun 14 Prayer, Jul 16 Aug 30 Reach out and climb, Dallin H. Pope, Jana Friendship, Aug 16 SAFETY Oaks, Apr 42 Angel unaware, Aug 46 Dating, Sep 16 Spiritual bonfires of testimony, PATRIARCHAL BLESSING PORNOGRAPHY Behavior, Oct 16 Joseph B. Wirthlin, Jun 8 Q&A, May 16 Three faces of faith, Laury Livsey, Priesthood, Nov 16 Schiller, Anita PEACE Mar 20 Divorce, Dec 16 Progress times two, Nov 40 New Era Poster, Jan 27 See no evil, Oct 34 Question of time, a, F. Burton Howard, Scott, Richard G. Out of this world, Holly K. POTENTIAL Jul 38 To be healed, Apr 4 Simmons, Mar 26 I am but a lad, Neal A. Maxwell, QUORUM UNITY SCRIPTURES Becoming beautiful, Kersten Feb 4 Q&A, Oct 16 New Era Poster, Aug 19 Campbell, Apr 46 New Era Poster, Mar 16 Sacrament service, Matthew Baker, More precious than gold, Sep 20 Formula for success, Earl M. Pratt, Julianne Oct 20 SCRIPTURE LIFELINE Monson, Nov 32 How lovely was my morning, May 8 Thanks, Candace, Catherine PEER PRESSURE PRAYER Loveland, Mar 32 They’re not really happy, Glen L. Thanks, Candace, Catherine SCRIPTURE STUDY Pace, Mar 28 Loveland, Mar 32 More precious than gold, Sep 20 Walking out, Dane R. Rowley, Prayer for a thief, Tiffany Koch, R SCULPTURE Sep 26 Apr 24 Carving a character, Larry Hiller, RATIONALIZING Perry, L. Tom Be prayerful, Caroline H. Benzley, Aug 20 Don’t try bending the rules, Oct 19 Decisions, decisions, Jan 40 Apr 36 See no evil, Oct 34 Reach out and climb, Dallin H. Unseen service, Dec 4 Lost and found, Raquel Wood, Segler, Tearese Oaks, Apr 42 PERSPECTIVE May 26 Your friend (p), Aug 51 REACTIVATION Which way are you facing?, Russell In the Lord’s way, Boyd K. Packer, SELF CONTROL Lead them to safety, M. Russell M. Nelson, Mar 4 Jun 36 Q&A, Aug 16 Ballard, May 34 PERSONAL PROGRESS Q&A, Jul 16 SELF WORTH Someone’s angel, Benjamin Double duty, Arianne Stop for an answer, Joshua Snow Mirror image, Julie K. Kennard, Ireland, Oct 46 Baadsgaard, Nov 28 Hansen, Aug 10 Jul 34 READER’S GUIDE Progress times two, Anita Schiller, Friends at last, Amber Wade, SERVICE Jan 49, Feb 49, Mar 49, Apr 49, Jun Nov 40 Aug 26 Dusti’s plan, Andrea Nixon, Jan 46 49, Jul 49, Aug 49, Sep 49, Oct 49 PERSONAL REVELATION Finding Mr. Chan, Michael D. Call, Bind on thy sandals, Howard W. Real fast, the, Esther Hansen, No bolt of lightning, Mandy L. Sep 42 Hunter, May 12 May 11 Miller, Jun 7 Someone’s angel, Benjamin Tonga: true to the faith, Janet Remarkable feeling, a, F. Melvin When your heart tells you things Ireland, Oct 46 Thomas, Jul 28 Hammond, Jun 38 your mind does not know, PREPARATION McKenzie’s big idea, Laury Livsey, REMEMBERING Harold B. Lee, Jun 46 I am but a lad, Neal A. Maxwell, Sep 28 Walking in remembrance, Caroline Petersen, Mark E. Feb 4 Roadside service, Jim Harrison, H. Benzley, Jul 20 His gift to the world, Dec 8 Idea list, Mar 15 Sep 40 REPENTANCE PHOTO OF THE MONTH Q&A, Nov 16 Sacrament service, Matthew Baker, When life gets tough, John B. Derek Israelsen, Jan 51 Preparation days, Shanna Oct 20 Dickson, Feb 44 V. Elisabeth Westwood, Feb 51 Ghaznavi, May 28 Baking a difference, Judy Kay W. See no evil, Oct 34 Laird Roberts, Mar 51 PRIESTHOOD Frome, Nov 13 RESOURCE GUIDES Lane V. Erickson, Apr 51 Duty to God, Jan 13 Progress times two, Anita Schiller, May 48, Nov 48 Christine Spencer, May 51 Upon you my fellow servants, Nov 40 RESPECT Elizabeth Gartner, Jun 51 Gordon B. Hinckley, May 4 Unseen service, L. Tom Perry, Dec 4 Q&A, Oct 16 Niel Hayes, Jul 51 Bind on thy sandals, Howard W. Severino, Jennifer M. RESPONSIBILITY Kevin Shaw, Aug 51 Hunter, May 12 Ten percent tithing equals one Bind on thy sandals, Howard W. Marjorie Huff, Sep 51 In Abraham’s footsteps, F. Melvin hundred percent blessings, Hunter, May 12 Lana Leishman, Oct 51 Hammond, Sep 46 Dec 7 Q&A, Nov 16 Lane V. Erickson, Nov 51 Forget yourself and go, Gordon B. Service with a twist, Aaron Tolson Jul 26 RESURRECTION Aldo Rebechi, Dec 51 Hinckley, Oct 4 Shining bright, Janet Thomas, Feb 32 New Era Poster, Apr 19 PIONEERS Q&A, Nov 16 Simmons, Holly REVERENCE Walking In remembrance, PRIESTHOOD BLESSINGS Out of this world, Mar 26 Idea list, Jul 9 Caroline H. Benzley, Jul 20 To be healed, Richard G. Scott, SISTERS Q&A, Oct 16 PLANNING Apr 4 Freckles, Amanda Thomas, Oct 24 Riley, Colleen Atwood Be smart, Caroline H. Benzley, PRIDE Six elders singing, Joshua DeMoux, How can you know?, Jun 26 Aug 30 Idea list, Feb 15 Dec 12 Rising above the blues, Shanna POETRY PRINCIPLES SKIING Ghaznavi, Apr 30 Time’s page (p), Lisa Rae Warner Q&A, Apr 16 On a slippery slope, Brittany Roadside service, Jim Harrison, Askham, Jan 51 PRIORITIES Russell, Jan 34 Sep 40 Child’s Imagination, a, (p), Kimberly Question of time, a, F. Burton Shining bright, Janet Thomas, ROMANCE Webb, Feb 51 Howard, Jul 38 Feb 32 Gospel and romantic love, the, I eat the rain (p), Lauri Ferrin PROFANITY Unseen service, L. Tom Perry, Dec 4 Bruce C. Hafen, Feb 10 Smith, Mar 51 On a slippery slope, Brittany Smith, Lucy Mack Roper, Patricia Reece Lightning (p), Lily Berry, Apr 51 Russell, Jan 34 Mother’s testimony, a, Dec 32 Everyone but me, Apr 14 Gratitude (p), Kristi Ann Harkey, Progress times two, Anita Schiller, Smith, Lauri Ferrin Tear and a rose, a, Nov 26 May 51 Nov 40 I eat the rain (p), Mar 51 Rowley, Dane R Floating along (p), Jolee Kay Lloyd, PROPHET Someone’s angel, Benjamin Ireland, Walking out, Sep 26 Jun 51 Be grateful, Caroline H. Benzley, Oct 46 Russell, Brittany Taste summer (p), Callie Taggart, Mar 36 SONG (see also MUSIC) On a slippery slope, Jan 34 Jul 51 Special witnesses, The First My testimony (s), Jan Pinborough Your friend (p), Te arese Segler, Presidency, Jun 4 and Kenneth Plain, Jun 14 Aug 51 How you can know, Robert D. Sorensen, David E. Cycles (p), Arianne Baadsgaard, Hales, Aug 40 You can’t pet a rattlesnake, May 44 Sep 51 The voice of His servants, Oct 26 Speaking of miracles, Shallin Duncan, Jul 44

48 T HE N EW E RA Special witnesses, The First No bolt of lightning, Mandy L. Forget yourself and go, Gordon B. Presidency, Jun 4 Miller, Jun 7 U Hinckley, Oct 4 Spiritual bonfires of testimony, Spiritual bonfires of testimony, WORLDLINESS Joseph B. Wirthlin, Jun 8 Joseph B. Wirthlin, Jun 8 Unseen service, L. Tom Perry, Dec 4 They’re not really happy, Glen L. SPIRITUAL GIFTS My testimony (s), Jan Pinborough Upon you my fellow servants, Gordon Pace, Mar 28 Formula for success, Earl M. and Kenneth Plain, Jun 14 B. Hinckley, May 4 WORTHINESS Monson, Nov 32 Q&A, Jun 16 See no evil, Oct 34 SPIRITUAL GROWTH New Era Poster, Jun 19 Q&A, Nov 16 A few simple lessons, Boyd K. Testimony zeal in New Zealand, WYOMING Packer, Aug 4 Shanna Ghaznavi, Jun 20 Walking in remembrance, Caroline SPIRITUALITY How can you know?, Colleen V H. Benzley, Jul 20 New Era Poster, Mar 16 Atwood Riley, Jun 26 One step ahead, Janet Thomas, VALUE PROJECTS STANDARDS Your prized possession, Jun 30 Nov 20 Baking a difference, Judy Kay W. Stronger than ever, Jan 20 I knew He cared, Carol B. Thomas, Frome, Nov 13 Staples, Bryant Jun 39 Double duty, Arianne Baadsgaard, Extra strength, Jan 10 Hour of conversion, Robert K. Nov 28 Stars of India, Larry Hiller, Feb 20 Dellenbach, Jun 40 Progress times two, Anita Schiller, Stop for an answer, Joshua Snow Idea list, Jun 44 Y Nov 40 Hansen, Aug 10 Of the most worth, Ezra Taft VIRTUE Stronger than ever, Jan 20 Benson, Jul 46 You can’t pet a rattlesnake, David E. What you are meant to be, Sweet comfort, Wendy Kathryn Stop for an answer, Joshua Snow Sorensen, May 44 Margaret D. Nadauld, Oct 42 Bouton, Nov 39 Hansen, Aug 10 YOUNG MEN Voice of His servants, the, Oct 26 Sweet solutions, Sarah Eastley, How you can know, Robert D. Duty to God, Jan 13 Dec 42 Hales, Aug 40 YOUNG WOMEN SYMPATHY Taking my own advice, Benjamin C. Making progress, Jan 16 Flowers of mercy, Dennis B. Tyau, Oct 8 Your friend the bishop, Henry B. Neuenschwander, Apr 10 Voice of His servants, Oct 26 Eyring, Oct 10 Tear and a rose, a, Patricia Reece How I found the truth, Erin W Your prized possession, Jun 30 Roper, Nov 26 Marshall, Dec 14 Wade, Amber Testimony zeal in New Zealand, Friends at last, Aug 26 Shanna Ghaznavi, Jun 20 Walker, R. John Thanks, Candace, Catherine Cold feet, warm heart, Feb 42 Loveland, Mar 32 Walking in remembrance, Caroline T They’re not really happy, Glen L. H. Benzley, Jul 20 Pace, Mar 28 Walking out, Dane R. Rowley, Sep 26 Taggart, Callie Thomas, Amanda Watch out!, Adelson Parrella, Jul 10 Taste summer (p), Jul 51 Freckles, Oct 24 Watkins, Vanja Y. and Marvin K. Gardner Taking my own advice, Benjamin Thomas, Carol B. Arise and Sing This Christmas Morn C. Tyau, Oct 8 I knew He cared, Jun 39 (s), Dec 11 TALENT Thomas, Janet Webb, Kimberly Formula for success, Earl M. Shining bright, Feb 32 Child’s imagination, a, (p), Feb 51 Monson, Nov 32 Tonga: true to the faith, Jul 28 West, Stephen A. Tanner, Alison One step ahead, Nov 20 Are you on the Lord’s side?, Sep 12 Noticing Sarah, Apr 9 Three centavos, Joel B. Macariola, Weston, Holly Jo TATTOOS Jan 38 Loving still (p), Oct 51 Be clean, Caroline H. Benzley, Three faces of faith, Laury Livsey, WE’VE GOT MAIL Jul 12 Mar 20 Jan 50, Feb 50, Mar 50, Apr 50, May Tear and a rose, a, Patricia Reece TIME MANAGEMENT 50, Jun 50, Jul 50, Aug 50, Sep 50, Roper, Nov 26 Question of time, a, F. Burton Oct 50, Nov 50, Dec 50 TELEVISION Howard, Jul 38 What great brothers do, Matt Bennett, Question of time, a, F. Burton Time’s page (p), Lisa Rae Warner Oct 14 Howard, Jul 38 Askham, Jan 51 What you are meant to be, TEMPLE TITHING Margaret D. Nadauld, Oct 42 In that holy place (s), Sally Will a man rob God?, Spencer W. When life gets tough, John B. DeFord, Mar 10 Kimball, Mar 42 Dickson, Feb 44 New Era Poster, May 19 Ten percent tithing equals one When your heart tells you things The Nauvoo Temple: cornerstones hundred percent blessings, your mind does not know, Harold of faith, Ann Whiting Orton, Jennifer M. Severino, Dec 7 B. Lee, Jun 46 May 20 To be healed, Richard G. Scott, Apr 4 Which way are you facing?, Russell M. Speaking of miracles, Shallin Tolson, Aaron J. Nelson, Mar 4 Duncan, Jul 44 Service with a twist, Jul 26 Why obey?, Athos M. Amorím, Nov 44 Nauvoo dedication, Aug 28 TONGA Will a man rob God?, Spencer W. TEMPLE MARRIAGE Tonga: true to the faith, Janet Kimball, Mar 42 Live for the future, Spencer W. Thomas, Jul 28 Williams, Deborah L. Kimball, Nov 10 Track suit, the, Venita Helton, Dec 28 Christus (p), Dec 51 TEMPTATION TRADITION Wirthlin, Joseph B. On a slippery slope, Brittany A new tradition, Shanna Ghaznavi, Spiritual bonfires of testimony, Russell, Jan 34 Apr 20 Jun 8 No one will know, Becky Manion, TRAGEDY WITNESSES Feb 8 Flowers of mercy, Dennis B. Special witnesses, The First Decide to decide, Ralph W. Hardy Neuenschwander, Apr 10 Presidency, Jun 4 Jr., Apr 26 TRUST WOMANHOOD You can’t pet a rattlesnake. David I am but a lad, Neal A. Maxwell, What you are meant to be, E. Sorensen, May 44 Feb 4 Margaret D. Nadauld, Oct 42 Are you on the Lord’s side?, Stephen To be healed, Richard G. Scott, Wood, Raquel A. West, Sep 12 Apr 4 Lost and found, May 26 Ten percent tithing equals one TRUTH WORD OF WISDOM hundred percent blessings, Jennifer Be true, Caroline H. Benzley, Be clean, Caroline H. Benzley M. Severino, Dec 7 May 40 Jul 12 Ten things to know before you go, Tyau, Benjamin C. WORDS OF THE PROPHET James E. Faust, Jul 9 Taking my own advice, Oct 8 God will make a way, Gordon B. TESTIMONY Key to Abbreviations: Hinckley, Jan 4 How lovely was my morning, Upon you my fellow servants, (p) poetry Julianne Pratt, May 8 Gordon B. Hinckley, May 4 (s) song


“Each issue helps me know that I’m not the only one going Better understanding New outlook In my grade, there are many pranks and through that This year I entered 10th grade in high mean things that people do to other school. My greatest fear had been that I students. I always get kind of mad when particular wouldn’t fit in or make any friends. I have these things happened to my friends or me. been praying every night for our Heavenly Then I found out that some of these people problem” Father to send some comfort or guidance. who were doing the mean things have lost When I read “Angel Unaware” in the August loved ones or their parents are divorced. 2002 New Era, my prayers were answered. Thank you for putting the story “Prayer for a I entered high school with a new attitude. Thief” (April 2002) in the New Era. That Instead of worrying about how many people story helped me realize some things about will like me and be my friend, I will be excited others. I think it’s great you put in articles to befriend as many people as I can— and stories that help people. especially those who might need a friend. Emily Jackson Who knows, maybe I will end up being Addis Ababa, Ethiopia someone’s angel. Heidi Leigh Wilcken Mesa, Arizona (via e-mail) Condoning? I was deeply upset by “Prayer for a Thief” (April 2002). I felt like the article condoned the Familiar faces thief’s evil act of putting lives in danger and Thank you very much for the article you taking what wasn’t his. There are so many ways had on the ward in High Wycombe, England to get help, and the man chose to steal at the (Aug. 2002). I was flipping through the New point of threatening lives. What brought him to Era at a friend’s house, and I happened to commit these acts were his decisions. Yes, the open to that article. It was great to see familiar girl was right in forgiving him for what he did faces. My father is in the military, and I move and moving on with her life. But she was not around a lot. I previously went to the ward in right in making the thief seem like he was a High Wycombe. It was great to see everyone victim. Our society keeps making excuses for again, even if it was through a magazine. the predators who commit heinous acts upon Rachel Bennion innocent people, and it made me angry that Vicenza, Italy (via e-mail) you would put an article in the Church’s magazine for teenagers making evil seem like Correction a matter of circumstance. The picture we ran in Of All Things in the Holly Anderson August 2002 issue is of George Albert Smith, Phelan, California eighth president of the Church. We should have run a photo of George A. Smith (1817–1875) of Hope and inspiration Zion’s Camp. We apologize for the mistake and This magazine always has topics that I any confusion it may have caused. need for that month. It’s like you know what I’m going through. Every time I get the magazine it has a story that is identical to We love hearing from you. Write us at something that happened in my life. Each New Era issue helps me know that I’m not the only We’ve Got Mail one going through that particular problem. 50 E. North Temple The stories give me hope and inspiration. It’s Salt Lake City, Utah 84150 great to know about people my age and be Or e-mail us at able to read about them. [email protected] Monica De Haan Submissions may be edited for length Othello, Washington (via e-mail) and clarity.


Christus By Deborah L. Williams

To see Him look on us, His arms outstretched, Waiting for us to Come unto Him; To be encircled in His love, To feel His wounds, To be redeemed.

By Aldo Rebechi D ECEMBER 2002 51 ” atter-day Some of the “ paintings of the Savior in this article will be familiar to you. Others will be These new. L Saint artists have used paintbrushes to express their testimonies and love for the Savior. See “Images of Christ,” p. 20.

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