THE LONDON GAZETTE, 27 JANUARY, 1928. 611 OEDEE of the MINISTER of the County Boroughs of Barnsley, Eother- AGEIC'ultuee and FISHEBIES
THE LONDON GAZETTE, 27 JANUARY, 1928. 611 OEDEE OF THE MINISTER OF The county boroughs of Barnsley, Eother- AGEIC'ULTUEE AND FISHEBIES. ham, and Doncaster; (DATED 25TH JANUARY, 1928.) The borough of Pontefract; The petty sessional divisions of Lower FOOT-AND-MOUTH DISEASE (INFECTED Strafforth and Tickhill, Upper Strafforth and AEEAS) OEDEE OF 1928 (No. 15) Tickhill (except the parishes of Bradfield. Stocksbridge, and the detached part of the parish of Ecclesfield), and Upper Osgoldcross The Minister of Agriculture and Fisheries, (except the parishes of Huntwick with Poulby bj virtue and in exercise of the powers vested and Nostell, West Hardwick, Purston Jaglin in him under the Diseases of Animals Acts, r Featherstone, Glass Houghton, Castlefordr 1894 to 1927, and of every other power Whitwood, Allerton Bywater, Ferry Fryston enabling him in this behalf, hereby orders as and Knottingley); and the parishes of follows:— Tankersley, Worsborough, Hoy land Nether, Extension of Foot-and-Mouth Disease Wombwell, Billingley, Darfield, Little Hough- Infected Area. ton, Great Houghton, Cudworth, Brierley, 1. The Foot-and-Mouth Disease (Infected Shaffcon, South Hiendley, Womersley, Little Areas) Order of 1928 (No. 7) shall be read and Smeaton, Walden Stubbs, Whitley, Balne, have effect as if the Area described in the Heck, Pollington, and Snaith and Cowick. Schedule to this Order were substituted for In the county of Derby. the Foot-and-Mouth Disease Infected Area No. 5 described in the Schedule to that Order. The parishes of Beighton, Killamarsh and Whit well. Revocation. 2. Article 2 (1) of the Foot-and-Mouth In the county of Nottingham.
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