Mr J Buck of the Old Estate House Had
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MINUTES OF A MEETING OF WOMERSLEY PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN THE COURTYARD, WOMERSLEY ON MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2016 AT 7PM. Present: Cllr L Barker, Cllr R Crossland, Cllr P Hindle and Cllr M Whittles (Chair). In Attendance: District Cllr D White, Sue Coles (Clerk). 101601 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES Cllr G Ring. It was RESOLVED to accept apologies received. 101602 Public Forum There was one member of the public present. No questions were raised. 101603 STREETLIGHTS Mr J Buck of The Old Estate House had been invited to the meeting in order that Members can discuss the streetlight on Bell’s corner with him and resolve a suitable way forward. Unfortunately, Mr Bell did not attend and therefore this item could not be discussed fully. 101605 MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETINGS It was RESOLVED: that the Minutes of the meeting held on the 3rd October 2016, Minute numbers 091601 to 091619 be approved. 101606 COUNCIL TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM: a) The Chairman reported the following: 1 The salt bin near streetlight pole LP46 still needs to be filled by Highways. 2. Complainants have been received regarding a caravan on Station Road parked in a highways layby and is plugged into an electric supply and appears to be lived in. 3. A number of complaints had been received about dog fouling on the cricket field. It was RESOLVED: that the Clerk report the salt bin and the caravan to NYCC Highways and an article is o be placed in the newsletter to warn that if residents continue to allow fouling then the dogs will be banned from the field. b) County Councillor – no report received. c) District Councillor D White had nothing to report. d) Police – no report or circular. The Clerk will try again to join the routine mailing circulars. 101607 FINANCE REPORTS a) List of accounts for payment Cheque Date No. Payee Reason £ £ £ Playground 31.10.16 001013 RoSPA Inspection 70.00 14.00 84.00 Pest control 31.10.16 001014 Backhouse Oct/Nov/Dec 139.05 27.81 166.86 31.10.16 001015 SA Coles Clerk 282.30 282.30 Adams Ground Mowing ** Maintenance Includes a 2nd cut 31.10.16 001016 on Cow Lane. 883.77 883.77 Total Payments 1375.12 41.81 1416.93 b. Current Balance of the Community Account £16,871.55 as at 14th October 2016. c. Payment requests received after the agenda Cheque Date No. Payee Reason £ £ £ 31.10.16 001017 Viking Canon cartridges 57.51 11.50 69.01 Minutes of Womersley Parish Council page 254 Agreed and signed at the meeting of 28th November 2016 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF WOMERSLEY PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN THE COURTYARD, WOMERSLEY ON MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2016 AT 7PM. d. Income received a total, if any, to be given at the meeting. None received. It was RESOLVED to approve payments listed as above and note income. That Cheque 001016 is given to Cllr Crossland and for a meeting with Mr Cundall on site be arranged to discuss the contract. The clerk was asked to circulate the RoSPA report to all Councillors. 101608 GRASS MOWING CONTRACT The contractor has been contacted regarding his costs and invoicing the Clerk informed the meeting that Mr Cundall has cut Cow Lane again. It was agreed that the standard of his work was good. Mr Cundall has forwarded his costs for 14 cuts for the cemetery in 2017/18 as discussed with Cllr Whittles to bring the Cemetery up to a better standard has been received. It was noted that the contractor is regularly invoicing for the striming over 7 payments rather than 2 per year. It was RESOLVED: In order to reduce the confusion on works and invoicing that Cllrs’ Crossland and Hindle will meet with Mr Cundall. It was RESOLVED: To suspend standing orders for the following items to be discussed. 101604 DEFIBRILLATOR Mr C Smart from the Yorkshire Ambulance Service attend the meeting at 7.30pm to discuss the potential purchase of an Intelligent Public Access Defibrillator Device (defibrillator). He advised that Kirk Smeaton have installed a defibrillator in his village. The defibrillator can be used by anyone in an emergency in an attempt to restart a heart if someone has a heart attack. Rural villages are difficult for the ambulance service to get to in time to save a life. The defibrillator is located in a locked cabinet and can be used by anyone over the age of 12 and the training provided improves confidence. Ideally for Womersley Parish one machine should be located at either end of the village due to it being over 600 metres long. Ideally no longer that 3 minutes should elapse between the patient collapsing and the use of the defibrillator. The UK has one of the highest survival rate. If the delay is 9 minutes, then the chances of survival drops to 10%. The device plugs into a mains electric supply (electrician needed to fit) and has a heating element which costs £6 per year. If the cabinet is green the device is working and it turns red if not. The cost is likely to be around £1,700 but it was agreed that possible funding sources are British Heart Foundation and Start a heart 24/7 Rotherham. The Chair Cllr Whittles thanked Mr Chris Smart for attending the meeting and it was RESOLVED: that Cllr Barker will explore funding sources and the Clerk is to place an advert in the newsletter asking for possible donations from residents. It was RESOLVED: to resume the meeting. 101609 BUDGETS AND BANK RECONCILIATIONS a) Budget comparison report to 31.10.16 was circulated and discussed along with a suggested budget comparison for 2017/18. It was noted that there was a figure of £4,500 for fencing the cricket field and this should be reallocated or placed in reserves. b) Bank reconciliation to 14.10.16 was noted. It was RESOLVED: to approve budget 2016/17 and the reconciliation report. The precept will be discussed at the next meeting. 101610 APPOINTMENT OF INTERNAL AUDITOR The council is required to appoint an internal auditor and from a small list on YLCA files the Clerk made contact with Mr Andrew Bosman from the Doncaster area who would charge £100. Members asked that Mr Bosman came to a meeting to meet with them before any appointment was made. Minutes of Womersley Parish Council page 255 Agreed and signed at the meeting of 28th November 2016 MINUTES OF A MEETING OF WOMERSLEY PARISH COUNCIL HELD IN THE COURTYARD, WOMERSLEY ON MONDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2016 AT 7PM. 101611 RESIGNATION OF COUNCILLOR J DAVIE. Councillor Jack Davie has resigned from the parish council and the Clerk has advised Selby District Council accordingly. The notice of election has been placed on the notice board and Selby DC will advise the Council after the 11th November as to whether an election will be called or if the Council can co-opt a new Councillor to fill the vacancy. The Chairman Cllr Whittles will arrange for a card to be sent to Mr Davie. 101612 COUNCIL TO RECEIVE REPORTS FROM: a) Darrington Quarry. A meeting was held last week and the restoration is going well. b) Haworth Estates –Harworth Estates have created a new site entrance opposite the Blue Lagoon to enable them to carry out drainage works. Cllr Barker advised that this action hadn’t been mentioned before and there was no mention in any planning application. She has been advised that it is for the importation of soil and Harworth advise it was just in case the other site access couldn’t be used. Cllr Barker pointed out to Harworth that there would be no wheel washing facilities at this new end and this was a concern that the parish had not been advised. Quad bikes were using the site and K9 Security had been called to investigate this. The Blue Lagoon was horrendous since the soil had been brought onto the site and the split drains still need repairing. The soil enhancer is black and the Lagoon water has been turned the same. A copy letter from JF Scott & Son (Womersley) Limited to Mr C Warren has been received by the Parish Council concerning the current impact the site is having on their land. c) Monaghan Mushrooms – Cllr Whittles has contacted the company about the timings of the early hours i.e. 5.40am on Sunday. The Manager is checking up on his contractors and will advise her accordingly. He has offered to come to speak with the Parish council if requested to do so. d) Any other representatives – CEF; Area Committee etc. – no report available. e) Burial Board – nothing to report. 101613 PLANNING a) Planning applications received: 2016/1238/ATD Mr & Mrs Lapish Manor Farm Prior notification for the 8/41/142/PA Main Street change of use of steel Womersley portal framed Doncaster agricultural building to South Yorkshire 2No. dwellings at Land DN6 9AY to the north The Clerk had contacted the officer at Selby DC regarding the planning application who had forwarded the relative legislation The Town & Country Planning (GPD) order 2015 and advised that consultations had been made with properties but agreed to send further advise notes out to nearly neighbours. The officer had noted the inaccuracies in the application. b) Planning applications received after the agenda has been issued – none. c) Planning decisions received: none. It was RESOLVED: that the Manor Farm application be brought back to the meeting next month. 101614 WEBSITE An update will be given on training, website and transparency grant fund.