Whitley Parish Council

1. The meeting was opened at 7.00 pm by the Vice Chair Cllr Walton.

2. Open Public Forum(OPF) 14 th January 2020

2.1. There being no members of the public present at the meeting the public forum was closed by the Vice Chair. Minutes of the Whitley Parish Council Meeting held on 14 th January 2020 at Whitley and Eggborough Primary School Annex Building Ref 11/20

3. Present: Cllr Walton, Cllr Blackburn, Cllr Cole, Cllr White, Cllr Woodhead, Cllr Broadbent, and Clerk to the Council J Hunter.

4. Apologies for absence:

4.1. Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Humphrey in whose absence Cllr Walton assumed the role of Chair.

5. Disclosure of Interest:

5.1. There were no disclosures of interest from any member of the Council.

6. Minutes of the meeting on 14 th January 2020 of Whitley Parish Council.

6.1. Cllr White pointed out some minor adjustments to the wording; section 2.2 should read “Coal Authority” not “Coal Board”; and “Whitfield Lane” should read “Whitefield Lane”; section 7.2 the phrase “would prove to be unsuccessful” should read “was unlikely to be unsuccessful”; section 10.2 the cheque no 22438 should be shown as made payable to “Kellington and Whitley Church”; section 13.1 correction to the spelling of curb which should be kerb.

6.2. The Clerk made manual amendments to the minutes to give effect to these minor adjustments and the Council agreed that the minutes as amended of the Whitley Parish Council meeting held on 19 th November 2019 are a true record and accordingly were signed by the Chair Cllr Walton.

7. Opening matters for information and action as required:

7.1. Gale Common Extraction Proposal: The Clerk briefed the meeting on his conversation with County and North County (SDC&NYC) Cllr John McCartney. On 21 st January at the end of the Planning Committee Meeting the matter of a potential site visit by members of the committee to the Gale Common Ash Disposal site is to be discussed. It has been proposed that the committee following their visit to Went Edge Quarry on Tuesday 4 th February are bused to Gale Common to view not only the extraction site but also the proposed route of the HGVs. One representative of those local Parish Councils affect by the application, including Womersley and Whitley, will also be invited to join the committee during the visit. Although the representative will not be permitted to raise any objections or concerns in respect of the application they will be free to point out any key features about which the committee should be aware when making their decision; such as width of Whitefield Lane, proximity of the local school, visibility of the A19 at its junction with Whitefield Lane etc. The Clerk advised the Councillors that following the committee meeting on 21 st January he would be informed of the arrangements of timings of the site visit. Councillors agreed that a member of the Parish Council should be in attendance and this would be established once further details of the proposed visit are obtained.

The various activities of the Gale Common Action Group were discussed by the Council; the background of its formation, its relationship with the Parish Council, actions taken to date and details and timing of meetings held by the group since its formation. It was noted that during an Action Group meeting on 4 th December at which 5 members of the Parish Council were present the underwriting from Parish funds of expenditure by the Action Group was discussed with an indication from Cllr Humphrey that a budget of £500 could be made available to support the community campaign. It was also noted that costs incurred to date include printing of leaflets for mail drop, and three protest banners.

Cllr White suggested that in the interests of the financial accountability of public funds and the provision of an appropriate audit trail that minutes of the meeting on the 4 th December should be presented to the Parish Council providing details of the various actions and undertakings discussed during the session.

Cllr Broadbent advised that the requirement for urgent action was necessitated given what was then understood to be the imminent convening of the Planning Committee meeting to consider the planning application scheduled for late January 2020. It was important that the Gale Common Action Group were able to engage with as many as possible within the local community that would be impacted by the proposals to raise awareness and encourage articulation of objection to both North Yorkshire County Council and the offices of the Selby District MP Nigel Adams.


Cllr Broadbent to prepare minutes of the Gale Common Action Group meeting. Discussion and voting on a budget allocation to the Gale Common Action Group to be added as an agenda item in the next Council meeting on 25 th February 2020.

Councillors further reflected on issues emerging from the proposal and the consequential impact on the community.

Given the approvals on the Kellingley colliery waste management project, the proposed development of the Eggborough Power Station site coupled with the Gale Common Extraction project the anticipated number of HGV’s using junction 34 will be over 600 per day.

It is understood from information supplied by SDC&NYC Cllr John McCartney that the Eggborough Power Station industrial development application will include the installation of an additional junction roundabout on the M62 to the East of junction 34, it was considered ironic given that EP UK Ltd have previously asserted that a junction on the M62 to facilitate the Ash removal was rejected by Highways.

Questions were raised concerning the technical report on the current level of air quality presented within the planning application and how relevant such figures were based as they are upon existing traffic flow. The critical value would be the air quality following the additional traffic movements of 300 HGV’s per day on the A19.

Cllr White suggested that an approach for advice and guidance be made to the Council’s planning consultant.

Some disappointment was expressed in the failure of the local newspapers to engage with the campaign. It was noted that despite invitations directed to reporters to attend the various public meetings to date there has no press coverage. Notwithstanding the Action Group will continue to seek interest from reporters. It was conjectured that the potential aggregate selling value of the ash on the site would generate up to £250 million over the 25 years given the estimated quantity of recoverable material. The market was substantial, not necessarily within the local region, but throughout Yorkshire and beyond; a market that it is likely would be accessed via the A1.

Cllr Broadbent questioned whether the Council should seek further guidance from the Council’s planning consultant on how the technical elements of the planning applications could be challenged. Cllr Woodhead advised that he was in contact with a campaign group in Wiltshire who are now 3 years into the opposition of the new road network planned to pass Stonehenge and would seek some insight and guidance on lessons this group has learned in objecting to issues of a technical nature.


Approaches be made to KVA planning consultants (the Councils planning consultant) to establish if she can provide further guidance and advice.

7.2. All Saints Church: The Clerk informed the meeting that he had been in email contact with both the Church Commissioners of and the Church of England Diocese of Leeds to establish the current status of the proposal and to advise of the intention of the Parish to lodge a claim for refund of amounts contributed to the Church building works. At present an individual has sought leave to appeal the decision of the Church Commissioners which has now been passed to the Privy Council for ruling and consequently further action had been suspended until the matter has been decided. However, in relation to the funds the Leeds Diocese has requested details of signed contracts and paperwork in connection with the contributions made so that the Parish claim may be investigated.

Cllr Broadbent provided some background history into the fund raising that was initiated in support of the All Saints Church some 15 years ago. About 2004 The Parochial Church Council for the Parish indicated that they were considering closure of the Church which prompted the formation of a community group to respond to this announcement either to lobby for the continuation of the Church or in the event of closure to explore potential of acquisition. The group pursued fund raising activities to provide resources to support their investigation into the various options in the assessment of future of the church. Whitley Parish Council contributed to this fund. The outcome of the PCC deliberations was to continue to provide ministry in the community and put on hold any suspension or curtailment of church services. The group in support of the PCC allocated a proportion of the funds raised in contributing to the upkeep of the church building paying for the provision of walls and fencing. It was noted that the amount of the contribution was not made to the church but paid directly to the building contractors.

Action: Clerk to review the council archives, minutes etc to uncover any further information in connection with the Whitley Parish contributions. The matter to be carried forward and included as an agenda item in the next Parish meeting.

7.3. Gale Common Motor Cross: The Clerk updated the council on the current status of the planning application which is to be presented to the planning committee on 4 th March 2020. Objections and comments should be submitted to the planning officers by 17 th February to allow enough time to produce their report on the proposal to inform the committee’s decision process. The application requests approve for cycle meetings every Sunday and every other Saturday and Wednesday. The Clerk tabled a draft response to the application for consideration of the Parish Council. The draft was approved subject to the addition of comments covering the unapproved expansion of the track to the adjacent farmers field, the impact of the extra HGV lorries that will pass Whitefield Lane if the Gale Common Extraction application is approved, the volume of cars and mobile homes parked on the grass verge on Whitefield Lane.

Action: Clerk to finalise comments to the planning application and submit to the Selby Planning. Clerk to download copy of Gale Common Motor Cross Ltd accounts from Companies House.

7.4. Over 80’s Christmas Gifts: Cllr Walton reported that Christmas hampers had been distributed to 18 pensioners in the village and provided a full set of receipts to the Clerk. Cllr White suggested that in the next Parish newsletter a comment could be included encouraging residents to notify the Council of any pensioners reaching their 80 th birthday.

7.5. Village Tree Planting: The Clerk advised that this was an agenda item requested by Cllr Humphrey. Cllr White explained, that prompted by a resident from the village, the council have been requested to consider initiation of a village tree planting project. The notion being that the Parish Council would invest in a quantity of a variety of trees and invite residents to plant a tree in their garden. In addition, trees could be planted in the open spaces throughout the village. The project would need costing and the logistics of distribution and timing of planning would need to be planned.

Action: Clerk to add an agenda item to the next meeting to consider the implementation of the project.

7.6. Portable PA for outdoor events: Cllr Cole summarised the circumstances leading to the purchase by Cllr Humphrey of a PA system. In order to ensure the success of the Christmas tree lighting celebration Cllr Cole and Cllr Humphrey meet during late November to discuss the event. To supplement the mulled wine, cookies and hot chocolate provided by the pub they concluded that the provision of song sheets, sweets and lanterns would add to the festivities. Cllr Humphrey also made available a PA system to facilitate the vicars address to those attending and to play music. Cllr Humphrey is requesting the Council reimburse him for the cost of the equipment and adopt the PA system as a asset of the Parish that will be used in support of community events that will be organised from time to time in the future.

The Council debated the merits of ownership of a PA system and concluded that the proposal be carried forward to next month’s meeting for consideration.

8. Correspondence received: The Clerk summarised details of correspondence received by email and post.

8.1. Selby District Council have commissioned a survey to examine the future provision of playing pitches and outdoor sports facilities. The survey is seeking information on the current provision of outdoor facilities.

8.2. Selby District Council have notified of the roll out of wheelie bins to replace the recycle boxes. The roll out is scheduled to be completed over the next 10 weeks.

8.3. A notification of a county wide competition entitled the “Greatest Yorkshire Veg Off” that may be of interest to the Allotment Association. Action: copy of the email to be forwarded to Cllr Cole,

8.4. Selby District Council are objecting to the removal by BT of the phones in the district.

8.5. Eggborough Parish Clerk is requesting details of the source of the wheelie bin stickers. Action: Cllr White to provide details of the supplier.

8.6. Southern CEF meeting to be held at Carlton Methodist Church at 6.00pm covering the Selby District Disability Forum.

8.7. A letter from Kellington and Whitley Church thanking the Parish Council for their recent donation.

8.8. A flyer from the Disability Action Group encouraging residents to be considerate of the needs of the disabled being considerate in the driving and parking of cars, the clearing of dog litter, overgrown hedges and positioning of wheelie bin and recycle boxes.

9. Planning matters: The Clerk provided a summary of the planning applications for the month for review and consideration by the Council.

9.1. 2019/0815/OUT Outline planning permission has been granted to Mr & Mrs Johnson concerning erection of 4 detached bungalows on land off Larth Close

10. Council Finance & Administration:

10.1. RFO Report as at 14 th January 2020:

Bank/Account Income since 1 st Expenditure Of which is Current Notes/Comment April 2019 since 1 st 106 Balance April 2019 expenditure

Santander Deposit 332.81 1,000.00 Nil 72,807.26 Interest paid monthly Santander Current 13,730.19 11,639.17 2,574.00 2,573.62 No interest Account (Cash Book) Total Bank 75,380.08 Balances Less following funds: Protected 106 3 x Play areas/ROS and the 50,230.45 funds Tree Lines. Other protected A19, 2,644.65 funds Defibrillator fund 69.60 2,714.25 Total Protected 52,944.70 funds Legal Action and Complaints against the Council. Future Development and Facility Provision –Buildings. 12,401.40 PC Reserve Funds Future Development and Facility Provision – ROS. Future Development and Facility Provision -Nature Reserve. Unexpected/unforeseeable expenditure. Total protected/reserve 65,346.10 funds Balance: Unprotected Current account balance + Includes cheques funds available to 106 Funds available to 10,034.78 payable in 10.2 the Council transfer

10.2. Accounts payable: The following payments were approved for settlement by cheque.

Cheque No. Payable to: Amount: £ 22441 John White – purchase of Tulips 5.00 22442 Salary of Clerk to the Council 575.98 22443 HMRC – PAYE 144.00

10.3. Accounts Payable retrospectively:

Cheque No. Payable to: Amount: £ 22440 Signtext – HGV Banner 48.48

10.4. Precept for 2020/21: The precept request form for 2020/21 was completed requesting a precept sum of £9,000 as agreed in the meeting of Parish Council meeting of 19 th November 2019 minute item 10/19 10.4 and signed by Cllr Walton, countersigned by J Hunter in his capacity as Responsible Financial Officer.

11. Recreational Open Space in Whitley:

11.1. ROS and Play Areas: The Clerk summarised details of the alternative quotes obtained for the repair work recommended within the HAG’s inspection report. Four suppliers where approached; one advised that repair would be uneconomic and it would be better to renew the equipment; one required to inspect the areas at a cost of £149 before they would provide a quote; one would only work on their own equipment; one quoted £12,400. The Clerk concluded from his various conversations with suppliers that the cost of repair is considerable being in the magnitude of £12,000 to £14,000. The Councillors considered the range of options from managed repair or renewal over a period of years. The obligation to maintain the safety of the facilities was fully recognised but it was also noted that the inspection report classified the associated risks as low.

Given the costs involved and the importance of the decision it was suggested that the matter would be better managed by a sub-committee charged with the task of investigating the alternatives providing costings and recommendations.

Action: Agenda item be added to next month’s Parish Council meeting to consider appointment of a sub-committee.

11.2. Parks and Verges:

11.2.1. Review of grass cutting: The Clerk presented details of a quote from an alternative ground maintenance contractor George Fillingham. Price of a single cut of Daffodil Park was £180 which compares with a quote of £192 from Bedford Mowing.

The importance of the timely and regular cut of Daffodil Field was stressed with the commencement of the new season anticipated to be during April.

The current waterlogged state of the Park was also noted with speculation on the source of the problem including run off from Whitley Farm Close, mining subsidence to the increasing levels of rainfall.

Action: Clerk to obtain and pursue customer references from George Fillingham.

11.2.2. Nature Park maintenance: The Clerk outlined details of recommendation from George Fillingham regarding the management of the pathways in the nature reserve. The bracken encroaching on the pathways be sprayed within distance of 2 metres either side to open up the space, and the wild roses alongside the pathway be cut back. This would be at a one-off cost of £350. Thereafter, the cut of the paths would be included in the cost of the cut of Daffodil Park. It was noted Bedford Mowing were invited to provide an alternative quote and recommendations but failed to attend.

11.2.3. Community Payback: Cllr White notified the meeting that the community payback team would be in attendance this coming weekend on Sunday 19 th January 2020 and restated his request for Councillors support to share the management of the team. Cllr Cole made an undertaking to accompany Cllr White as he meets the team to given further insight into the process of liaison with the payback working party and their supervisors.

11.3. Replacement of bench on Whitefield Lane and Litter Bins: The Clerk informed the Council that he has approached Micky Horrigan who has agreed to install the bench and deal with the litter bin on Learning Lane. Commencement of the installation of the bench will be dependent on the weather conditions particularly as the current level of rainfall would inhibit the setting of cement. It may need to be left into early spring before the weather clears.

11.4. Rosslyn Vacant Property: The Clerk reported that despite requests for an update from the Selby District Council’s planning enforcement officer there has been no further communication. The Clerk advised that he would continue to press for some response.

11.5. A19 Resurfacing: The Clerk advised that he had received confirmation from Highways department that the “slurry sealing” of the pavements would be actioned at some time in the new financial year 2020/21 although no date for commencement could be specified.

12. A19 Safety matters:

12.1. Speed Camera: Cllr White provided a summary of his meeting accompanied by Cllr Humphrey with a member of Highways concerning the purchase and deployment of Vehicle Activated Signs (VAS). The VAS scheme permits any Parish Council to purchase up to 2 VAS that can be located at any number of sites within the respective parish. The cost of each sign is £2,500 with fittings priced at £200 each.

Cllr White proposed, based upon recommendations from Highways that initially a single sign is purchased with accompanying fittings for location at two sites on the A19; one at All Saints Close the other at Silver Street. Every two to three months the sign would be positioned alternately at All Saints Close and Silver Street picking up both entrances to the village. Subject to successful deployment and improved speeding results another sign could be purchased to providing extended coverage.

Action: Acquisition of the VAS sign be included for consideration as an agenda item at the next meeting of the Parish Council.

13. A.O.B.

13.1. Cllr Blackburn advised that the light on the no 1 lamppost on Whitefield Lane is still not working. Action Clerk to chase up repair with Highways Department.

13.2. Cllr White on behalf of the Council extended thanks to Mr Slater who has cleaned the Whitley sign at the northern entrance of the village.

14. Confirm the date, time and place of next meeting:

14.1. Next Parish Council Meeting: Tuesday 25 th February 2020 at 7pm Whitley and Eggborough CP School.

15. Meeting Closed: 9.13 pm.