Grange Farm Asparagus & Seasonal Produce Asparagus season begins in May - be the first to try our first harvested asparagus. Potatoes available all year round. Fulham Lane, Womersley, DN6 9BW Look out for the signs at the end of the drive. Rob Haigh - 07789000630

STAPLETON DANCE & FITNESS STUDIO Bankwood Road, Stapleton, Pontefract, WF8 3DE Tel: 07900 856702 / 07789 084699 / 07729 191104 Email: [email protected] IDTA & UKA Registered ZUMBA FITNESS! MON 7.45pm - 8.45pm / THURS 8.10pm - 9.00pm ------LEGS, BUMS & TUMS: MON 9:30am - 10:30am / FRI 9:30am - 10:30am DANCERCISE: MON 10:30am - 11:30am KEEP FIT: MON 12:15pm - 1:15pm KETTLERCISE: MON 6:45pm - 7:45pm BEGINNERS BALLROOM: TUES 7:30pm - 8:30pm PILATES: TUES 7:30pm - 8:30pm / WED 9:30am - 10:30am PIYO: THURS 6:45pm - 7:45pm SALSA CLASS: THURS 6:45pm - 7:45pm ADVANCED BALLROOM: FRI 7:30pm - 9:00pm KETTLEBELLS: SAT 9:30am - 10:30am PRIVATE TUITION AVAILABLE

Ballroom, Latin American, Classical/Modern Sequence, Salsa, Wedding Dances

20 Womersley Parish Magazine

Photo by Ray Harrison

February 2021 Church of St Martin


We don’t have a special service for children but families with children are very welcome at all services. We have a selection of “activity bags” to help keep young children occupied! Additional services for feast days and other events will be advertised in the magazine and on church notice boards.

For the services of a priest

To arrange a Baptism, Wedding, Funeral, for Spiritual Comfort, Holy Unction, Confession or any other reason please contact one of the Church wardens.

Prayers for those in need Prayers will be said for anyone in need through sickness, bereavement, loneliness, hardship. Whatever the problem there is no need to face it alone. For prayers, a visit, or a phone call place your request in one of the sealed boxes in church, requests may be anonymous.

Alternatively telephone a churchwarden or any PCC member’

People in the church family

Lay pastoral minister Hilary Speak 01977 607385

Church warden Tom Precious 01977 705389

Church warden and Business secretary Joyce Woodall 01977 790127

PCC member and Treasurer Barbara Greaves 01977 621905

PCC member and Minutes secretary Tina Evans 01977 620212

PCC member and Electoral role officer Joan Slater 01977 621772

PCC member and Health and Safety officer Rachel Hattersley 01977 621354

PCC member Judith Cooke 01302 701116

PCC member and Deputy treasurer Joyce Fielden 01977 706146

PCC member Ann Wainwright 01302 784626

Safeguarding officer (Non PCC member) Janet Young 01977 676247

Organist Timothy M Freemantle Mus.M(Cantab) Mus.B. ARCO

2 REVISED Bus Timetables Arriva service No 409 - to Pontefract

Monday to Friday Doncaster 06:20 06:50 08:45 10:45 12:45 14:45 17:05 Womersley (Main St) 07:12 09:41 11:41 13:41 15:41 18:05 Pontefract 07:33 10:03 12:03 14:03 16:03 18:23

Saturday Doncaster 08:45 10:45 12:45 14:45 16:45 Womersley 07:37 09:41 11:41 13:41 15:41 17:41 Pontefract 07:58 10:03 12:03 14:03 16:03 18:00

Arriva service No 409 - Pontefract to Doncaster

Monday to Friday Pontefract 09:45 11:45 13:45 15:45 17:45 Womersley 10:06 12:06 14:06 16:08 Doncaster 06:40 08:55 11:09 13:09 15:09 17:14

Saturday Pontefract --- 09:45 11:45 13:45 15:45 17:45 Womersley 10:06 12:06 14:06 16:06 Doncaster 09:09 11:09 13:09 15:09 17:09 Sunday - No service Supermobile library is currently not running Venues Times Eggborough - Weeland Road near Horse & Jockey 10.30am - 12.30pm Kirk Smeaton - Shoulder of Mutton 2.00pm - 4.00pm

19 12 Parish Council

9 14 Village Hall

100 Club

January winners 1st - Geoffrey Saddler 2nd - Gerard Rigg 3rd - Stuart Evison 4th - Jane Allchurch

We are contacting number holders for 2021-22 renewal. Due to Covid this will be via email or letter, including full instructions for payment. More numbers are available for new residents, or existing participants, email [email protected] - £20 per annum for each number, and monthly cash prizes from £40.00 down to £15.00. As they say "you have to be in it, to win it!" All profits toward are new hall fund.

New Hall progress The plans are now on the SDC planning website under 'View applications on public access'. The reference number is 2020/1191/FULM and parishioners can register to make comments on the application. All supporting comments would be very helpful.

New Trustees As we get nearer to having planning permission, any members of the community who would like to be involved with this exciting project, can be co-opted, we can add two additional trustees outside of an annual meeting. If you think you can help, please speak to any of the trustees below.

Due to Covid we are unable to have any public meetings or fund raisers.

Trustees 2021-21 Roy Crossland 620184 [email protected] Paul White 620268 [email protected] Jacci White 620268 Amanda Denny [email protected]

7 Community Information

Councils Council - Civic Centre, Doncaster Road, Selby, YO8 9FT Tel: 01757 705101 - Emergencies: 01757 706291 Out of hours emergencies: 01977 663425 Website: North County Council - County Hall, Northallerton, DL7 8AL Customer services: 08458 727374 or email [email protected] Whitley ward councillor

North Yorkshire County Councillor John McCartney - 01977 662558 email: [email protected] Address: 15 Hawthorn Garth, Kellington, Goole, DN14 0PB MP Nigel Adams - 01937 838088 or write to: House of Commons, London SW1A 0AA. email: [email protected] Hospitals / Hospice The Mid Yorkshire Hospitals NHS Trust (Pinderfields, Pontefract, Dewsbury) Mid Yorkshire - All Hospitals 0844 8118110 or 01924 541000 Doncaster Royal Infirmary 01302 366666 The Prince of Wales Hospice 01977 708868 Doctors Knottingley - Ashgrove surgery 01977 673141 Eggborough / Whitley Bridge 01977 663295 Askern - Lakeside surgery 01302 700212 Ferrybridge Medical centre 01977 664141 GP out of hours service 111 (NHS direct) Police Police - emergencies 999 Police - non emergencies 101 Crime stoppers (anonymous) 0800 555111 Useful numbers To report anti social behavior 101 Yorkshire water customer services 0845 1242424 Yorkshire water verify caller identity 0800 1387878 Citizens advice bureau - Selby 0844 4111444 Arriva bus services 0871 200 22 33 Waste recycling helpline 01757 705101 Dog Warden 01757 705101 Household Waste collection 01757 705101

16 Parish Council

Parish Precept 2021/22 request to Selby District Council.

As a result of the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic Selby District Council has already seen an increase in Council Tax Support claims and a reduction in their collection rate, both of which reduce its income. SDC anticipate that the impact of Covid-19 will continue into 2021/22 but cannot foresee what that will mean for individual households. The Parish Council has been notified that SDC have already reduced our Precept by 0.2% to cover these costs and the Parish Council has therefore kept its increase to 0.6% which totals £1.03 per property per annum.The total precept request to SDC is £24,250.00.

Potential closure of Parish field to dog walkers. 99% of the people who walk dogs in the village, pick up their dogs’ poo, and we thank you for your diligence in doing this, however a small minority are STILL allowing their dogs to foul the pavement, and the parish field. WHAT BIT OF PICK UP YOUR DOG'S POO, DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? This has to stop, not only is it a disgusting thing to do in this day and age, particularly when there are free poo bags at two locations in the village, but you are also bringing all dog owners into disrepute. The fine for this is £1000, residents are watching out for you as they are fed up of picking YOUR DOG'S POO

If this doesn't stop, the logical conclusion of this, is that the Parish Council may have to ban dogs from the Parish Field, which no-one wants. If you see anyone allowing their dog to foul the pavement and not clearing it up, please report this to the parish clerk [email protected] or Selby Council. Photographs of the incident to identify the offender are useful evidence or ring 01757 292225.

Census - The next Census will be in March and residents will receive an access code in the post. More information at

Next Meeting The next meeting of the Parish Council will be on the 22nd February 2021 and will be held virtually

5 KNAVESMIRE BUILDING CONTRACTORS For all Building, Joinery & Plumbing Work Valley Road Darrington 07899 792377 07899 792388 01977 704942

Kevin Parkinson - Home Maintainance 35 Years Experience

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18 Church of St Martin

Services and Events

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic the church is open for private prayer between 11am and noon every Sunday. The situation is reviewed each week, please check the notice board on the gate for a date when the normal service of Eucharist, at 11am on Sundays, resumes.

Happy New Year to all readers. 2020 may not have been a very good year for anyone but we are here with opportunities for new beginnings. Businesses have suffered, social life has disappeared and for some so has work and education bringing frustration, poverty and fear for the future. May we be kind to our friends and neighbours, obeying the rules and working together to bring this pandemic to an end and rebuilding a better future.

The future of the parish

Fr. Peter Clapham is on placement at St. Edmund’s Kellington and St. Martin’s Womersley from 1st January until the end of March. This was not a good start for Fr. Peter for after his first service on 3rd January came the latest restrictions, however Fr Peter is available, in church, on Sundays, during the hour for private prayer. Beyond March is unknown, April is a mystery,

3 10 Parish Council

11 DONE AND DUSTED Domestic Cleaning Service

Local, friendly and reliable,

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Flexible hours to suit your requirements

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References available on request

Top Cattery Luxury Accomodation For Your pet Heated Pens & Chalets Cats £6.50 per day - Small Pets £2.00 per day including food & Insurance Tel 01977 662608 Inspection Welcome you are only minutes away

8 Church of St Martins

A letter from the ex-Vicar and Wife Dear Friends, Thank you so much for the generosity of your farewell gift to Sue and I. For those who weren’t able to be in church at the presentation, we have been given two pictures of Antarctica painted by Falcon Scott. One original, and one limited edition print. Both beautifully framed and with lovely messages on the back. (Falcon Scott is the grandson of Captain Scott of Antarctica, and the son of Sir Peter Scott of Slimbridge Wildfowl Trust and black-and-white tv fame. Falcon was one of the expedition leaders on our trip.)

The pictures now hang in our bedroom and remind us of the Time Before Covid – a once-in-a-lifetime adventure and the years of having the privilege of being associated with St Martin’s Church and parish. We do hope that the friendships we have made over the last decade will continue for many more years.

We were immensely touched by your generosity to us, we look forward to an occasional return to St Martin’s and hope that you will continue to support your parish church in the future, once we go from BC to AD (After Disease).

With our thanks and continued prayers,

Fr Andrew & Sue

13 Due to Covid restrictions The Courtyard is currently closed, however Tasty ready meals are being delivered to your door every Saturday For a look at the weekly menu, visit tel : 01977 621190 email : [email protected] Park Lane Womersley DN6 9BH

6 Community Page/Cridling Stubbs

Are you aware we have a new Farm Shop and Butcher at Stubbs Walden? The Ranch is on Grove Road, on the left as you drive towards Stubb Walden, open 9.00am - 5.00pm, selling local produce. Ring 07966 135777 or search The Ranch Farm Shop on Facebook. delivery for those shielding can be arranged

Stubbs Walden now have a defibrillator situated at the North Crossing thanks to donations from the Parish, Selby District Council, Network Rail, and D B French. Congratulations to those who have organized the provision of this life saving equipment and to all those who have contributed to the cost. Cridling Stubbs Email - [email protected] Facebook – The Village Hall Cridling Stubbs No pop up Bakery until next year. We regret to say that due to the present situation with the transmission rate of Covid, we have decided to turn off our ovens until next year, when we can be sure everyone will be safe. New notice board at the Hall. Please keep an eye on the notice board, new events are being organised all the time, if you have something you think may be of interest to the community, please contact either the parish council or a member of the Cridling Stubbs Committee. Hire of the hall - unfortunately during these unusual times bookings for the hall have been suspended. Committee and Trustees – Ian Philips, Sue Wilkie, Tina Farmer, Karen Lilley, Hayley Keyall-Hudson.

Womersley Parish Magazine To publish articles, information or to advertise, please contact editors: Barbara Greaves 01977 621905 or Paul White 01977 620268. Publication deadline for copy is the 20th for all months except December when no copy is needed and January which is the 10th. Please note: All information in this magazine is provided in good faith. We cannot accept liability for loss or damage caused by error or omission from advertisements or content. If you do find an error then please contact one of the editors. We reserve the right to edit all submissions.

15 Church of St Martin

Years mind February please pray for the souls of 1st Andrew James Wainwright 18th Dennis Midgely 3rd Alban Henry Wellington ✞ Bill Ballard 5th Edna Gardom 19th Mildred Lawn 7th Beatrice Helen Young Marjorie Mortimer Lily (Lee) Pilkington Margaret Chambers 8th Norah Chapman Frederick Richard Symonds Audrey Mary Wragg George Foster Margery Frost 20th Frank Moore Arthur Edwards Hey ✞ Mary Iris Whitles Joyce Pal Ruth Scott Olive Fozzard John Branford Pickersgill 12th John Laycock 23rd John Noble 14th Nellie Raven 25th Jennifer Spink Rose Ethel Dickinson 26th William Miles David Keith Gerald Butler Sam Smith 15th Edwina MacDonald 28th Margaret Jane Russell Foster Etty Dyson Heather Leary 17th William Thompson George Foster Anne Bates

Parish Registers The Departed 26th November 2020 Gerald Clough May he rest in peace and rise in glory

4 Parish Council

Bankwood Road to Little Smeaton footpath Closure

Sadly this path has had to be closed due to the mindless vandalism of the footbridge at Oak Plantation. County Council have indicated that the repair could be well into the summer, and the replacement cost will have to compete against other repairs in the county. This is particularly galling as this is the only footpath walk out of the village, and has been heavily used during lockdown, many residents having used this walk as releif from being stuck inside. In order to apply pressure for repair, please contact your North Yorkshire councillor, John McCartney, details below, or email [email protected] and express your concern. the more residents express their wish for the route to be restored, the better. If anyone has any knowledge of who might have destroyed this bridge, the Parish Council would like to hear from you.

Defribulator - The PC are aware of the red light on the box, the paddles are fully charged, we are awaiting a new part from the manufacturer

List of Councillors and their contact details. Mrs Margaret Whittles - Chair Tel: 01977 621473 [email protected] Mrs Liz Barker -Vice-Chair Tel: 01977 621692 [email protected] Mr Roy Crossland Tel: 01977 620184 [email protected] Mr Paul White Tel: 01977 620268 [email protected] Mrs Jenny Teal [email protected] Parish Clerk Ms Sue Coles - 2 Field View Cottages, Purston, Pontefract WF7 5LL. Tel: 01977 799729 Website: Email: [email protected] District & County Cllr John McCartney Tel: 01977 662558 [email protected] Womersley Joint Burial Authority Clerk: Mrs F M A Farman. Three Greens. The Green. Gateforth. Selby. YO8 9LF. Tel: 01757 228325. E-mail: [email protected]