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Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers

11-8-1902 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 11-08-1902 T. Hughes

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- SLSaaaar.iraaaaaanr.Bamsr W 7KS.BK. ... .BBBBI mansnBSaai ammr4r ssnansmn. v . f --4 WeekttiMpll;: i ifN tm 8, 1902. NUMBER 00 OLUME 1 ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER

A. MIbh Is on Hat Wednesday evening Is Hod Men's woll, to W. 13. Coleman, for L500. He team was finally stopped nnd strange In the sum of ? 105.50 against Lulu Pearl Wean the sick night, nnd nil Rod Men nro enrnestly has bought a well on tho Plains, cast to say tho wagon and hones found un C. do linen in the district court of this today. requested to bo present nt their wig- of bore, nnd will hereafter rnugo his injured. comity. Tho suit wus to get money Invitation. bav been extended taf Dr, Swopo wns called out to tho wam. Business of much Importance cnttlo near tho Hat much. from dofondnnt ho had collected on the gun club at Trinidad, Albuquerque. Topics demnndfl their presence. I). D. Titus, brothor-lh-la- of W. It. Mtmbres to attend A. L. Foster, the somo notes turned ovor to him for col- Territorial Raton and Watroun to take part In tba Miss Jonnlo llaylls left hero for Allison and living on tho old Nlomoyor well known cattleman, who wns suffer- lection by thu plaintiff, and which Mr. Williams, Ariz., whero sho will accept place, In the Florence district, hits' ing from a case of blood poisoning In linen refused to turn In. big live nnd clay pigeon shoot til bo by IiIb WHITE OAKS. Mexico. Ho was accompanied n position an saleslady In tho dry been appointed to tench tho Lookout the hand and arm, caused from having C. G. Watson left thin afternoon for riven by tho locnl gun club on Thanka- - corpse or two wife ind Mrs. K. O. Ascarnte as far as goods dopaitmcnt of M. Oelzmnn'a big school, filling tho vacancy mndo by the helped to dress a a week Chhnshn, Okla., to get his wife, who nd It Ih thought moat of tJK ago. ,.vngi From the Englo. El Paso. store. departure of Mrs. W. A. Stevens. Tho doctor icturncd the next ,mB 1)Ccn visiting there. c1uUh w1 accc)t, glvlnK a griind bringing Ur InnifH Morris Is In from the mines, Mrs. David Ames, after spending n Mrs. W. F. Kuchenbecker nnd her flic scouring mill has closed down day. his pntlent with him. Hy, Mrs. H. J. Ryan was on the sick list of H,)0rt ror tho markHtncn. treatmen- - Mr. will bo hro liild u,i with a criipkil bond. Jim Ih month on n visit to Mr. and MrB. J. father, Mr. W. H. Young, who have until next spring after hnving washed careful Foster t0(,fty. (j RQ nRano nsy,ura )0ard wJ npet im-- Galla- able to return In i fow days much i opened cn-prov- getting nut Homo good coal. Shryock, nt Tularosa returned last been spending ncvernl weeks In something over 1.200,000 ponndo of Mrs. a. A. JoncB yesterday tonu)rrow and will let tho supply ed every re-- Tho American Placer compnny Ib week. tin, Mo., with relntlves and friends, re- wool. Tho fall dip of wool In tho val- and with chnnco of ,, a mno. Huo found several trncls cUhcr then or Thursday. now refitting innchlnory to begin work Tho annual bazaar of tho W I. A. turned homo early In the week. ley Is too light to warrant n fnll cam- C0,V,!T' ' 8,,mU n"KKta of gold in a duck which A A Maionoy and John Uuraott left 1' rlduy W Wat--, I on Hh placer holding In Jlcnrllla. will ho held on tho l!lth and llth of W. A. Krenmer has accepted a posi- paign. Moreover, tho quality of It Is last, whllo J. aldcmar wna bclnK prepared for the dinner tM n,ornnR overland after votlBK for din-pin- g reporter, Tho Eagle MlnlnK & Improvement November at tho Hlo Gran do hotel. tion with J. M. Carman, taking tho qulto Inferior bccaiiBO of the heavy dron, a printer nnd was tai,It)( ,) BVeral of tho nuggets woro Vort stanton where they will loak company Is worliliiK all tho man nt 'ho Tula association, for tho m..flv Im- placo of Stewart Hrown on tho dcllv-i.r- v necessary during the past season. bumuiiiK "it mu ' me nuiii.u (,f fair size, site win endcttvor to una some of the plastering ami paint- fence, talking over nfter Old Alio that they hnvo room for nntl provements they nro continually mak- wniron. Mr. Hrown filling tho The Sunday school picnic, given last houfo business out w,Cro the duck was raised nnd see ing to bo dono on tho government saal-- little things nro humming up there ing on park, arc entitled to the placo made vacant by the resignation Saturday under tho direction of Allen matters with Mrs. Connelly, tho rand- - f tncro Ifl ttny mininB prospects In that being their standing tnilum built there. This looks good. greatest patronage of our citizens. of MIsb May Plnney. C. Heard, was one of tho biggest and lady, on tho other side, his vicinity Four new firemen came down yester Albu-niinrmi- n or Alb-jquo- r Will Smith wax hurt nt tho mine. From tho Progress, Quail Herron enmo In from most enjoyable events In the Juvenile pencil accidentally fell out his hand r p Meyers, the mayor of day from will run out of Mr. un. Raton and Tho accident wnH caused by tho cnK Harry llnlley enmo up from '.SI Paso nnd Is visiting with hlo many calendar of Carlsbad. Tho picnic was Into the ynrd Inside. Wnldron WttH hcr vesterdnv for a short Vegas. Jump over for Las dropping unto tho chnlr, which was to ottend business mnttera at Mcsllla trlontla herd. Ho snjB It wan all n held nt tho Fuoss farm; near Otis, and dertook to the fence the lhne conferring with his partner In tho Jack Elliot, the Santa Fo roadmaw- - closed, without signaling to thu en- Park. mistake about him going to San Fran- was participated In by n number of pencil, and ns he bounded Into tho nlr imr,iwnre business, J. O. Wagner. ter, returned this afternoon froaa top or ncau on me drum-projectln- g gineer. On Inst Thursday evening, Mlsss An cisco to enter the service of Undo "brown-ups,- " ns well as about 150 chil- tie strucu tne nis j K l.nwrence, tho hardware Wugon Mound. of tho kitchen shed yestor-an- d Hob Furguson arrived horo from nie Freemnn was given a recoptlon at Sam ns a naval endet. John Golino dren. rafter mcr from ncnvcr ftrrVed hero C. L. Doran, Inapectar. was back heavily to tho the potoce Mineral do Oro, Mexico, Hob Is an her home by her friendB, ns she leaves did. however. The Cnrlsbnd Current nnd Hoswell knocKed ,,ny 0WnnK from Albuquerquo. returned this afternoon from a trip to enmo In ground. Ho nroBO. placed his hand. . - engineer nml linn been engaged in UiIr for a trip through tho south. Mliw J. H. Owens, tho contractor, Journal have been Incorporated under MrH. ,,l(,h nnil Mrs. M. Weiss- Trinidad, whero ho Invest I gated upon his head, and finding It was bleed-- , the occuiintion since leaving hero flvo Freemnn has been a college student frnm Mnnill. Hn reports Work nt the title of the Emerson Publishing ,,, nf.t.rnoon for i.ft auona postofflco there, tho poateaaater, progressing ing. Immediately sought Dr. Rexford J. t. yenrs nso. Hob Bays he wants to be and is very popular among tuom, hence Moqul nnd St. Mlcheals company, with a capital stock of $0,000. for viu Miller, having shot himself accident way. n . under the stars and stripes end will iccoptlon which was gotten up by nicely. While hero he ordered a large The Incorporators nro J. L. Emerson, across the The doctor found . ri.tnmmi from the . . ally last Thursday. Miss May Locke. shingles from Ros-wel- l, deep scalp wound that required thren v, , n find employment here. Heulnh Scogglns, Hassle quantity of redwood of Cnrlsbad; C. C. KmcrBon, of oanta Fe wan la naw-I- the Misses wna who anslutant postmaster, was maxiug stitches. Mr. Wnldron able to re yes-torda- y Nabours and Colin Isaacs. Contractor Kennoy, nnd and A. J. Emerson, of Fountain, Frank Manzanares, Jr., returned charge of tho office, which wan-- DEMINQ. rsomo six cars of Emur-Bo- n turn to work but suffered much for Things arc looking rather bright for preparations to have Colo. Tho latter Is father of the from his two weoks' overland be all right. Michaels qulto awhile. found to tho foot bnll boys and to the lovers of material freighted out to St. Hros., nnd woll known In Carlsbad, trip down lit Guadalupe county and Georgo Is Albu- Headlight. Arnot hero from From the the game. Mr. Miller, who Is conchlng and Moqul. whero ho onco filled the Baptist pulpit that vicinity on sheep business. querque. Gleason to Dem-in- g ROSWELL. Mrs. Will returned tho tenm, has been asked by a number 'The danco glvn In tho uuti and was principal of tho public Isaac Hacharach nnd wlfo aro con Misa Anna Frazler, who has been. a very pleasant with proved quite n after visit of people if wo were going to havo nny hall Thursdny evening schools. templating a trip to Germany to see staying nt the Ladies' homo, left today And in and numuer m From tho Register. relatives friends CIUcuro games hero this year. Our home peo- (tnrliil success. A largo their relatives and enjoy a trip abroad. for Riverside, Cat. points. wero present to When tho postofflco rccclptB hero other eastern ple havo not enjoyed seeing n game ladles and gentlemen HILL3BORO. They will leavo about tho middle, of Mm. J. F. Sullivan received a tek- - Brick masons have about completed evening's reach $10,000 n year, Roswoll will get since Christmas, 18011. Mr. Miller has, take part In tho rosuviues. tnls month. grnm morning Baying her I story new Allison furnished, nnd it free city delivery, it will soon reach this that the first of tho therefore, taken up the matter of ar- Excellont music was From tho Advocate. John linker left this nftcrnoon for band, thu mining roan who left dwelling houso next door to Odd Fel Friday morning before that point, probably by the close of ranging three games to bo played on was woll Into Mrs. will leave In a day El Paso to meet a gentleman interest about two weeks ago, waa killed lows' hall on Silver avenue. This John Kasscr this year. tho home Held. The teams which aro It terminated. or so New York city. ed in mining. There Is another deal Thursday by tho Yaqui Indiana building will materially np gave a very for C. W. Haynes received 1,200 young at add to the most likely to come nre the Santa Fo Minn Mnrcella Rlsdon Mm. L. Her on. Sunqul, Ho waji young Mlsss Ella noblnson, rainbow trout and 100 young black i Mexico. en route fraai penranee to that section of tho street Indians, pleasant Hallowe'en pnrty to her Ground will be broken about tho 10th Indians, Albuquerque and the had ring nnd Mrs. Drummdnd, all of King bass from the government hatcheries Ortiz to look at some minea' in the when completed. In- rriends InBt evening. A danco waB of tfc f tho 15(Mon as Vegas Normal. The Santa Fe ston, visited Hlllsboro. reiIcton country, and It is supposed that he waa J. A. Mahoney has a force of men and later excollert nt Washington and placed them In one,, dians have already written for a gamo at the opera house Rynn tuts week from mill at Tecolotc, and then look out for ambushed by tho Indiana, who have employed erecting another building to were served to me inig John returned of his fish ponds. nnd they have been asked to appear at refreshments Tlerra Hluncn, whero ho haB been un- a boom In that country been making troublo in Mexico for sev- be used for offices making two nt company present. Tho ovonlng was Tho work of gathering apples at Mr. Hon. Springer left last night college next Saturday, November of Dr. Reals. Ho wns y Frank la the assom- - der tho caro Hagcrman's big waa prac-ttcall- eral months. Mrs. Sullivan a alater present in course of construction. The nninvnhlv by- the merry J. J. orchard 8. Definite answer in expected. , mused much benefited by t&c trip. for a trip up tho road to Gua Holmes, of thta city, and la left building la being erected on Spruco was oeiyiu mv finished Inst Friday, and tho bingo and It quite laic recently received n Harry W. Kelly and wlfo returned with six children to support. Mr, Sul- street. In tho renr of tho postorneo dispersed. W. C. Kendall men who wero engaged In the work FARMINGTON. party batch of rock bass from Undo Sam. this afternoon from their extended livan was well kRpwa here, and leaves Tho benefit ball tendered tho young M. R. met with a vory wero In town Saturday cashing their Kelly Mrs. Johnson Ho planted them Ih a smnll lake trip east. Mr. has been all over many friendB. He waa quite prominent. ladles of the basket ball team at the painful Thursday afternoon. has pay checks. gone From tho Times. accident near his house on his Yanch. TMo small the' east, and has been a number In tho Red Men" order, having baea opera house by Manager James E. somo clothes the glass A. M. Richardson, who underwent Lot Kelly In L. up to. Du While washing Jioy very expectant. weeks. Mrs. ftclly met Mr. great sachem In tho oWeflriColorada. Initio was well attended and greatly Mrs. L. Thomas went she was using broke, end la a surgical operation for strangulated rango to be gone for several weeks. washboard Mrs. E. F. Pearson, of tho Mamie Chicago. whllo residing there". It la not yet mijoyed by all In attendance, Tho fingers on ono hnnU nnd hernia, as mentioned In the Register - three of her Hon. Joshun Raynolds left this after- wfth jt9-mai- young ladles ore deservedly ;:jpular Mrs. M, McCrnken and little daugh- bndly cut. Richmond mine, returned this week two weeks ago, continues to Improve, known what will bo done the two on tho other wero i noon for El Y'aso on business. on ter, Hazel, returned from their Illinois get- nfter an absence of several weeks. She to of his many whether they will, be fMptaeV and the hop proved their ability to They wero dressed and the lady Is greatly tho satisfaction Dr. J. M. Hernandez left this after- In a charming manner. visit, accompanied by Miss Kntlo very was accompnnied by Mr. Cannon, of friends. hero for Interment or not. tertaln most ting along nicely, but will have noon for La Luesta, to Fulgcn-cl- a Voucher. Lawrence, Mass. Mr Cannon will iAinginoor, old tlmo attend In precinct C4 thla morning there little uso of her hands for a few days. Goorco the Bacn, who is very III. CHLORIDE. Mrs. Sarah Kroegor, sister of the leave in a short time for Socorro, sheep who operated In Now came near being a ratal affray. Anuutor 3rower, Miss cora Stern loft this nftcrnoon late Percy Starr, returned to her homo SANTA FE. where ho will take a course nt the no.irly twenty-flv- o years Ulibarri and Secundlnp Romerov got Mexico for will attend, In From the Sierra County Advocate. nt Sllverton, after a visit of three School of Mines. a years for Trinidad, where sho Into an argument, and 90PH a huaiber nnd muvsd !o Colorado few tho capacity of bridesmaid, a swell C. !I. Lnldlaw paid Chloride a short weeks with friends and relatives. From tho New Moxlcan. Trim week John Knsser, manager of ago, Is hero fiom Nopcsta, Colo., stop- of fellows were pummellng Amador. Kennedy Oxpecls to wedding Wedpesdny, visit ono day this week. Mrs. William Hutler. with little son, Mrs. Allan G. tho Hlllsboro Gola Mining & Milling ping At tne Shelby. Just what thu altercation waa about or N. Auxiliary Bishop J. B. nrrlv-0- 1 George Gibbons, a practical mining Lyndnll, left for a few weeks' visit leave in a fow days for Hlllsboro, company, purchased from C. H.!"Cn Mrs. Harry fa. Waltors, who suffer- Pltnval how it came to tako the turn It did. with her mother, Mrs. 13. I,. Hill, M., whero she will visit Mrs. W. 8. tills afternoon from Santa Fo and Anyway, Amador man. Is looking over the Apache min nnd 25,000 shares of stock In tho Ready ed n stroke of parala Inst spring and cannot lo learned. Hopewell. was met by a number of fatber-lnda- How. ing district. other friends nt l.n Vcta, Colo. Pay mines. Mr. Larson was ono of Im- at the station got furious at his hns reenvflred very slowly, In not - W. M. brought uu po Mrs. Pedro Perca. of ncrnallllo, wlfo local Catholic clergy. Bishop Plt waaw- Humors of rice, old shoes, married. Johnson somo tho original owners In these mines, proving satisfactorily In honlth, nnd the J. Santos E8uuibeL,na:Lal4.ih say. no. tntocs last week that he had raised on of a former delegate to congress, nr hlmpelf nval will leave tomorrow for Chaporito hoihu somo say The well and Mr. Kasscr conB.uors vory Mr. Wnltorfl GXpelitu Id take iior to tho going to shoot him. Ho went his ranch and that were the equal of rlvcd In the city last night and Is a parish nnd other points whero ho will home known citizen and cattleman, Henry fortunate In securing Mr. Larson's sanitarium nt Battle Uwk, Midi., In and got a Winchester rifle and wont oa Myers, and Miss Lephlew, both of any mountain potatoes we hnvo ever guest at tho sanitnrium. stock, hnVts confirmation services for the a fow weeks for trentm9Ut. tho warpnth, but bis wlfo followed hlav Fulrvlow, N. M. seen. Ho planted .V . pounds of seed Clara, tho little daughter of Superln D, Mlllori L, M, tiejit two weeks. 8. Sly ct ftl, owners J. H. Cecil waa In town rOfiently nnd succeeded In getting the gun away 1 forty-tw- nnd Mrs. H. O. Uursum, of the A mill, machine drills, ,500 foot tun nnd hnrvested sacks after tendent of the Log Cabin mine on TlorrA lllnn-cn- , p5rt-- Mrs. Fellpo Corcns made complaint penitentiary, who been from Stegmnn, whero lie and his i from ::r yiztzzz uhrrttcrctry sayin nel, 750 feet In depth, when they get using from them nil fall. territorial has aro steadily developing M- -t prop- against her husband today on the 111, Is greatly Improved crs. Aldrlch and Porter, havo let the hcr father's life, This happened about under tho old shaft for the Silver Mon- B. S. Dustln has purchased the old seriously nnd erty. They aro now drifting on the itrour'l of threutoiilng her life yester- T. C. Uryan rnnch her complete recovery is expected contract for an arteslnn well on their' 7:30 thin mnHilllg. ument mine. near Frnltlnnd, and 125-foo- t level nnd aro taking Out good day evening. Felipe got full of tangle land, to Mr. Shirk, who got p very 111 Mr. Trumhath and Messrs. moved there with his family the first within a short time. At noon, Ittfrinet thrVrl Waa aV Thomas ore. This property has produced some- largo flow for Mr. Bruce 870 foot and caino horn? and stnrtcd to iit Rogers and D. 8. Stanley hero of tho week. Solicitor Gonornl E. L. nartlett ex at feet. scrap which a number iuYnig4 Iji; but arrived thing like 125,000 In tho past, and It Is Mr. Cedl snld all lond In wl,,l his wire with u club anu got out from Hrltlsh Columbia. They In Flvo miles of tho new Navajo ditch pects to leavo for Knnsns City, Kas tho that' no nnu was hurt. In precinct' 5 lltlei arc expected to soon regain Ita old time portion of tho valloy whero hls !:nifo wu B"'"E to cut out a the employ of Oliver Mining com- hns boon cross sectioned nnd surveyed about tho middle of next week. Ho artesian morning, Rociendof Martinez Luia the record ns an ore producer. I and will bo ten days In order water can bo had. has been taken up, souvenir from tho face of life beloved Ortiz, two rowdy "tried pany. by General Superintendent of Irrlgn absent about spouse n 'unlonista, to nwalt-In- g town Is being off for watch tiinrm. Sho rna to Hon Georgo Hutler, and now rendy for to nttend to somo legal business nnd a slto laid at prevent the polls opening Ennls Chrysanthemum Show. Stcgman. C. and son havo n neighbor with tho children nnd Is and need SAN MARCIAL. Immcdlato construction work. his attention there. J. Hale talc very abusive language. They were ar- Ennls, Texas, Nov. 5. One of tho en up two sections. nfrald to roturu home. James, who for the past year Pnpors recently received from Au- largest chrysanthemum shows over rested nnd put In Jail, whste they From the Hee. nnd Springfield, Illinois, contain Mr. nnd Mrs. Nathan Jaffa left for lived on tho Grlllln rnnch on tho upper burn held in tho southwest opened hero to-da- would hnvo remained had sjit O. A. In city New York City, whero they will attend Spednl Correspondence. Mrs. Emily Conroy was on tho sick Snn Juan, died recently nt Ulnnco of notices of tho denth this of Miss Tho show will continuo through Larrnzola got an order front tho dis- Mary 13. Tho fun- tho wedding of Mrs. Jnffn's brother, Vegas. N. M.. 1. Hon. Jef-- list the first of tho week. consumption, from which ho hns been Harbeo last month. tho remainder of tho week nnd an ela- Las Nov. trict court for their release. Uhay then bus-bnn- d Leo J. rtrauss, nnd Mr. JnfTa's cousin,! Mny'. 1. Olndney Joined her n long sufferer. eral services at her homo in Auburn cov- fouon Rnynolds returned yesterday enmo back nnd behaved borate program of entertainment Miss Ella Jaffa, which took placo themselves. In tho Indlnn Territory this week. Tho snfo deposit boxes In tho First were largely nttended nnd tho pall day nrrnnged by tho from IiIb trip to Knnsns City, In East Ins Vegas all was orderly. A ering has been vernier 2. Mr. Jaffa's placo as Some energetic work Is being dono National bank vault are n convenience bearers woro members of her class. promoters affair. cushlerj whero hu wns n couplo of days, fow "compliments'' iwero thrown of tho Is being back by thu and 1 high school wns dismiss- ol the Citizen. Nut'onnl bank Superintendent D. E. passed ladles children connected no ono with vnluablo papers should Tho Auburn Cain nnd forth, but no damage w&s done. v filled by J. Jaffa, Booro-- j with tho Catholic church to mako without. Tho boxes aro rented for 3 ed tho day of tho funornl. DEMING. hit brother. J. through last evening en route south In tary nnd of tho Lincoln Trad-- i their coming fair a grand success. per year, nro absolutely flro nnd bur Rev. W, A. Cooper hns boon granted treasuicr his private car., . ing company. On return from) Merchant s. O. lianna and Engineer glnr proof, nnd In fact a guardian for a month's leavo of absence nnd will From tho Herald. their a. H. Whltson left yesterdny cvo-Ne- W. n. Fisher spent and In courso of days for an York City. Mr. Jaffa will taka tho ,la From tho Herald. Wednesday I your estate. leavo the ten Tho Diamond A compnny mndo a nK for homo nt Albuquerque, Thursdny nt Hoscdale. Tho camp Is trip through tho and thirty-secon- d degree, Scottish Rlto, In P. i. Waring Jerry Sams, wife and daughter. Brrs. Mrs. William Qrnlinin, two daugh extended north shipment of over 1,000 cnttlo to Hnk-orsflel- returned last evenlntr lively. Martin company finishing Masonry, at Wichita, Kas. Ida Gossett, arrived Thursday The has n ters nnd son, John, departed for enst to solicit money to aid in Cab, this week, to pasture for from bin trip to Rocky Ford, Colo., after gang of miners nt work and In every tho now Methodist church which Is noon. They nro father, whero they will resldo this win- beef. LAS VEGAS. where ho took his mother. mother and direction tho noise of development Is now being built. Ho will Chicago. sister of Mrs. J. O, Barnes, ter so ns to enable tho younger mem- visit, Owing to sickness Mrs. Sarah Stew- Jnnies Wndo enmo In yesterdny eve- and will lienrd. For the tlrst time In tho his- bers of tho family to St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver nnd ning from his trip to Kansas City. resldo West Of town nenr Bethel, attend school. Mr. art has closed down her restaurant Two frorrt tory of Martin mine water many Inrgor Letters cf Short Paragraph Frank Mitchell, who will be reman-brre- d the has Graham will keep bachelor's hall. other of tho cities. a the Gavin building for a week or Hon. Frnnk Springer returned yes- nnd Is cnndl-dat- e Up tho Country. ns being hero somo been encountered, It bollcvod A. W. Shldlcr, who formerly lived H, D. Fergusson, democratic two. terday evening from his trip to Spring- time ao, pumping machinery will bo needed to dolegnto to congress, spoke Sj.ednl Correspondence. buying steers, hm Jusf. 1,Q9& hare, whllo engaged In tearing down for Francis J. Cooper, boii of Mr. and er. received roduco tho tlow. Politically, tho peo- Friday night tho court house. Tho ones twos, bought of parties an old building In Diunngo tho othor at Mrs. F. M. Cooper, Ib suffering from Las Vegas, N. SL, Nov. 3. Georgo No. 7 last ovenliiR enmo in with two and near ple of tho enmp are going to back cer- room was well filled, ns thu band had here, and they been turned, day, unearthed what Is presumed to bo Inflammation of the left eyo and Is un- B. Young has seemed the niaiidgorshlp engines nnd fourteen curs, one of the have oa hltu enndldntes almost to tho extent of played somo In plaza and pnEtures nenr tain n counterfeiter's .den, as n quantity of for time tho der tho enre of a physician. of one of EI Paso'B lurgo cn"ndy fuc- -' largest trains seen recently on the Amarlllo. tho votes cast, whllo less fnvored ones In of the court houso. Judge N. v. Willlo Caldwell, S year spurious coins wore discovered socrot front Nows from John Galvln nt tho Cali- tone, and Ill leave tuu City. Mrs, road tho old sect will hardly bo In tho running. H. was dhnlrman and Col. G of Mr. and Caldwolf, ed therein. Iaughlin fornia Soldiers' homo Is to tho offect Y i) u nr. wilt have as soon ns she can C. M. Monro left this afternoon for Mrs. who vers W. Khucbel first made a short Bpeech moving ncroa that hp has undergone n serious surgi- pack her goods. Denver, on a business trip, lit- - will bo the country In wagons, LAS CRUCC8. In ho announced his candidacy was run over by heavlly'toaded GALLUP. which cal operation nnd Is well. Ho may Jlrs. Ei'aicnlu Valeria Is sick with gono a week. a in-- . for treasurer and collector. Ho waB fob gon on Thursdny morning tho Citizen. spend thu rest of his days in Califor- erysliilns. Mrs. J. J. Schmidt returned last ovo- - of last w From lowod by Mr. Fergusson, who spoke out nenr Mr. Pitt's, aawi had : Mrs, Willie Jorrell, of Moronel, Arlr... nia. Tho othor four of tho street cars nlng rroni her sojourn of soverul wr-ek- s for some time. His speech was full of broken, which has i viHitlug atid sisters, tho Miss llcatriz Cunlffo loft for Denver, Whllo hunting recently with Clar- have arrived, all six now being here In Denver and other points. caused the mte la her mother Inuendoa, and was a mlBhty effort to low much pain. Colo., on a MrH, ence Dennett and Davo Weaver, young The Methodist congregations woro H. S. bnllabury, wlfo son, Missed Archibald. visit to her sister, support tho cause of democracy. and Dick Hnndloy, who waa Armljo, Jr., loft for Janos, John H. Rlloy. Charloy Amont wounded lils left fore- largo yesterday to hear tho new min- George, friends of Chris Chrlstunsen, hero lar Nestor somo tlmo aprlng, laj finger and powder burned his chin by ister Rev. A. O. Goyor, who enmo hero of this city, passed through hero yes- last and who a CARLSBAD. In law of C. the accidental discharge of his gun. from Lafayette, Iml, Tho congregation terday evening from their homo In brother J. """tnhr la very dangerously ill frnflUsil From tho Argus. Tho dance given by Manager E. Is extraordinarily well pleased with Whltowutor, Wis., en route to Albu- with Jas. In Abilene, MMtaV Levi Strauss &Co's Mrs. Charles W. Greeno, who hns Irvine tho opera houso ror tho1 bene- Rev, (1 oyer's ability, and pay splendid querque. fever where be has at school. copper riveted overalls been hero a couplo of weeks on a visit fit of the basket' ball team waa highly compliments to his tioquenco and abil- Miss Nellie Wells, who boon nttend has Otis Parker was to her two sona, loft for El Paso, where enjoyed by the large crowd that at- ity for presenting tho gospel In an In- quite ill, Is now reported InstUatir hilled rv "tut considerable rtmtly whllo using a t par. .VMiMlefW she will visit her daughters, Mesdames tended. Refreshment! were atrved by teresting and forcoful way. bettor, Bl"hga at J Is, New Mexico. He - Spencer and Miller. tho young ladles of the team, Juan L. Trujlllo, Ilfelil's warehouse Charles Lewis, who hae been up had IkINkvsw i laid U. his car when bo a Henry Robb has sold bis ranch, 100 A Diamond A team got away from wanac'jr at Santa Hoaa, returned to- a couple of months with sickness, Is - O.ead from nn electric acres, on Loan Arroyo, to J. J. Hager- Its hitching post and went dawn Sli- day after a visit here with hla family. again able to be about. phone wires had come hi for 92,200, and has removed his ver avenue a holtor rate, Ho will mako arrangements his Tho cavalry troopers so- ma at ikeltr for will give a alternating current tieep to a range In Eddy county. He colliding with John A. Deemer'a grand family at Santa Row and' they will cial hop Friday night raspers an ar The t er wires. Parker waa will again live In Carlsbad. stand, a Mexican's fruit stand and the move thero soon. also adopted rules and by knrs last or far a wholesale ,Hm Holt mm sold kla (mavoa porch of the Cattage roeailag house V. O. Kllhberg, as aaManee for night at their meeting and haa aiaae eenwty ranch, Ave ntlea north of Roa- - and doing coaaiaarabto dam . The Andres Sena, has beea glvesfJudgment their orgnnjaatlaa more solid. aeaiiltje far The Tsha AsBBBBkanssssBJl ffasaXtissi rial district Is planned, time syr swi vbjm m, a most pleasant was enjoyed NEW YORK LETTER. but this It anntwffnvvVf IT WAS HALLOWE'EN. evenlug San Diego 6:20 p. ro., arrlvo 8an Pran- Is not to ho a It will tn by all. cisco It: 10 p. m. on Wednesday. And erected on Cedar street by tho Mutual cMmt staff Uftlnff on the same tlnio for each and every l.lfo Insurance company, next to Its IrHTehMMHlBit Charles O. Hopping entertained a other day (luring the week. Tnu cast Dm ElieliM Nut Th4ij-C-hI if tail building there, nnd In order not to WHtNuratHi(nls. Hiw Hm Night W Spurt by tin number of his friends nt his home at liound dally schedule will he nbout as Interfere with tho light nnd nlr nf tho THE KEELEY 700 South Arno street, last evening. A ica: at present." It will ho only MSTtTIITF. very delightful evening was enjoyed Mlskes short roads. structure thrco or latter StHcfly 1tttW Jikirs in Territorial Mitrifiiit. P. II. Mudgo enmo down from Las .11 by all present. four stories high. Tho now building, wlaht, III those Vegas Saturday night. which Ih rognrdod iih a Hort of Innova- iVTOMOEILES INTERESTEI IN RACE. turned their Htock over to Lexington, You Know What You Are Taking Tho family of Plicmnn A. J. Lylo, of tion In thcHo days when scarcely any- TNINIS MOVED IN ALL DIRECTIONS, thing except nro erected Klnrald & Co., sutlers of Halt hake. When you tako Grove's Tasteless Chill San Mnrclnl, have moved to Hlucon. They made two other trips with goods Tonic, formula plainly Snnta Po Water Service Mnn W. J. l.i .III.. ..III. lit l.n" n l.r..1.l..' Iw.lln.l" because tho is e JaWnd light loads. New York. Ncvotnbcr 1. Next Tues- , "n.T'1-- " " ". ' t Salt Uke and for more than a year printed on every bottle showing It Hannn, came up from the south this tv r T.T'kb I r i that isiti tit iiu ivr iai i jj wwHiH I ltnllowc'cn, with nil Its agreeable day voles will lio cast and New York- madu homo nt Salt Lake and taste-les- s Much Interest Is manifested by alt' thulr Is nlmply Iron and qulnlno In a mornliur. ers, nnd Iho entire country, for all wnnagod a ttorc. Hut they cn mo imck and disagreeable features, has passed, Ko pay; Passenger train No. 22 wnH thirty tuinoh IlistH Uvrn In the propon 11 on fori. , form. cure; no 50c. In , i frelgnt- - nro inter cctcd the result of Now ,,i 4 In t" an for hix years woro but the offectfl are still with us, many o minutes Into this morning on necoMit .... 1 m ia iv ua ii York clcitlono, .il know wcthor tho nil ill? ruiui iitiiiiiiui cth across tho plnins, making trips to Played Qsme. QREASZ of slow engine. Ht. I.otils in 1001 and also In the pro of which were not visible. Listless , Km.. e Ktnto Is to drift Into Denver, Salt I.ako and Santa Fe. I Kd. lo laying socialism, jected run next year of 1,000 miles. llegular nnd Irregular pollco wcro In It was a generally disgusted crowd Wood for everythine Brukcinati Halo off for ii b tin--, republicans claim, or ho gobbled They afterwords become govern- dnys. mo put In For only obstacle seems evidence on nil streets, but they did thnt returned from tho nail grounds thirty will tne tlmo up hy trusts, as Iho retort. the latter the ment mall contractors nnd contractors that runs on wheels, jj democrats to be in the finding of a stiltahlo not molest the crowdn of innsqucrnd-cr- s yesterday afternoon after witnessing tusticnting nt Sulphur springs. Tho election Is now near enough for for beef supplied for tho nnny at the alleged I Prcd Cunahel now comfortably course. A run I am hern to Chicago, n unless property wan being de- the contest between tho Everywhere. is lo 'tho usual hlascil predictions of victory, fiontler posts. Later they hauled in distance of about 1,200 miles, Is beini; stroyed. and team, 'i ho cated as chief clerk Superintendent registration grain to In the Indian Territory I. L. office and the has furnished trip to Montreal hnH forts Many signs have been taken from gamo waa listless and of little Interest. Mad by STANDARD Oil. CO, Hlbbard's at Wlnslow. talked of, and a Mexico. Tho brother was on tho prophets a hauls for their several suggested, but will and New their usunl placcu nnd placed In front Now Mexican. Work was begun yesterday by a partisan been tho latter not plains continuously from 1853 to largo i lalniR. Tho Indications nro be taken probably on nccount of tha tho of Bnolhcr., gtorc, ,,,c,.clo rBcUB artorn lorco of men placing now boilers not Tory clear, as the decrcaso Is about 1871 Tho Albuquerque guards will not ward Wilder, treasurer of the Santa in tho engine room of the Alvarado. fioor roads and steep grndes. There telegraph poles, and boxes, tin cans Pe, as giving the following opinion the name In democratic and republican preju- and nil kinds of rubbish uro arranged drill Tuesday night on nccount of their Tno Btcnm wrecker returned to Las Is every evidence hero that the The Best Prescription for Malaria, about tho proponed Kansas City de- Vegas strongholds. Where the democrat u dice which was so rampant against In an artistic manner throughout tho hall being used for voting. from Waldo, where It elded In Chills and fever Is n liottio of Grove's pot. cloaring up n And most hope Is in tho heavy falling tho "devil" machines a few months 6treet. nmall mix up on tho oa of the registration up Statu, In Tasteless Chill Tonic. It Is simply The New Time Card. "1 believe thnt theie will be a now main line. the ago, Is gradually lessened. Ono ren-so- n Por Hallowe'en tho night was very Iron nnd qulntno In a tastlcss form. No The Topclsn Stnto Journal In com- depot, hut Just when nnd where nrc Wright Lnwhan tho sections which tho republicans Is on account of tho vigilance quiet, many crowds vcr busy throw- has asked for anil upon up that cure; no pay. Price, 50c. menting on tho new fall and winter still rather problematical. They seem received a lay off const rolling pluralities to of tho police reckless driving through ing corn, cnrrylng away gates and ob- from duty at tho overcome tho usual democratic vota time card, says: to bo getting Into quite a snarl about Southern Pacific; ofllce, Denting. Thin the streets is not so common and tho Is In structing porches, hut they did not get T. H. Whlttod, of Denver, the Mnuy of the Important changes men- It. aumu u numn u uvn R IB 111 HVO in New York City. chil- unruly. uuiui, IirSl Vacation a DONOtl of running down o. pedestrians and city looking after J. J. Henry's Inter- tioned In tlio clrculnr are of Interest to but 1 am not nble to say what they years. Tho managers of lllrd S. CoIur'B A some fifteen young men dren Is, consequently, Icbs frequent. ests. band of men nnd of course It Is part would prefer in tho way of a site, it campaign do not like the Idea which seemed to cherish tho Idea of terrify- truvellnn Paul Worrall, formerly night cashier of railroad men to be seems to me personally that this site - the republicans, even at this late day ing peneeful citizen, who of tho business at tho local Harvey houso lunch conn- A largo number o. friends gathered the remained In them all. aro a few would certainly havo to bo abandoned, are Industrlouly spreading through tho blood- Interested Thcro tor, but now nctlng draughtsman for family 317 Atlantic within doors, by mysterious nnd pub- - State ho Is a "munslcd" candidate. at the residence, which will be news to the general The spneo here Is altogether too limit- iho Santa Po short cut, was an Albu that avonuo, this afternoon to attend tho curdling Indian war dnnccn. Tho pro-seale- d lic. ted. The tracks ore getting all snarl As a matter of fact Mr. Color has whoops and yells were enough to querque visitor yesterdny. ThU (Ifrnatnro U on every bot of tho Rcnulne funeral services of tho lato Mrs, P. M. Por one thing tho Santa Po hns fixed ed up now. They ought to have a placo 11. - some very important financial frighten tho most composed nnd fear- P. Hansen, division superintend- Laxative BromoQuiniiie ratou McClosky. The body will be shipped Its schedule so that California tourists where tho passenger and freight tracks Harvey system, arguments In the speeches which ho day less; but fortunately they traveled fast 0nt of tho houso with the remedy that mm n colli la oti tonight to its last resting place nt can Btop over at Albuquerque long would not havo to cross each other. cou- has made, and no one Is better pre- o and were of dur- headquarters nt La Juntn, spent n Pn., tho deceased'n cnlldhood these serenades short enough to Inspect the new Alvarndo You see, thcro aro a number of freight plo pared to discuss the money question Alabama Synod. ation. of days at San Marclal with his homo. Tho son and daughter will ac- hotel, with Uh wonderful collection of trains going nlong hero right now. It bugged good hnga than he, occupying as ho docs an office Sheffield, Oct. .11. Tho Alabama evening a bunch de- friends and some of company It. Late in the bail Indian village. seems to me thnt out on belt Homo in one of the largest banking estab- synod meeting, which will bo In ses- Indian curios, nnd Its the quail. livered a large wagon loaded with const will where would be place. The through trains for tho tha natural W. C. Hagcn, who Is connected In a ( lishments in Wall street. sion hero until next Tuesday, has at- Will O. Tabor pnd family, of Edison, boxes to u prominent plncc, nnd were very al- make the following stops at Albuquer- Then they could have tho passenger confidential capacity with tho Pennsyl- Aaent tho patent and not tracted Presbyterians from all parts of Ar- running down the street like cannon Ohio, nro gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. que: business all clear of the freight trnckh vania Development company; together pleasurcalilo fact that tho the state. This evening tho opening Gtlmnn, on street. balls, when they ran Into another General thur South Walter No. 1, arrive at Albuquerque 7:15 p. and could bring all the freight busi- Manager W. o. Hopewell and cost of living in New York, as else- sermon will bo preached, followed by In Albu- bunch of follows, who made n grab for Chief Mr. Tabor expects to loctto m p. in. ness in this wny. Now, understand, Engineer A. G. Kennedy, where, has steadily Increased during the roll call and tho election of mod- querque. the runners. Supposing they wore lavo 8:15 of tho Santa No. 2, arrive Albuquerque 10:40 a. this is not official, but that Is the wny Po railway, left Saturday mor- the past two years, much complaint Is erator. The regular huslncsa of the cops, thcro was n grand scattering. Central m., leave 11:00 a. m. the matter appears to me." ning overland for tho coal Holds own- being made about tho habit of both meeting) Including tho discussion of N. 13. Stevens, traveling representa One of the favorltos was enpt tired and No. 7, arrive Albuquerque 10 p. ed by company In southern largo ai.d small tradesmen raising board reports and the consideration of for Montezuma Pudding & they to his rescue. They the Snnta tive tho returned leave p, m. RAILROAD NOTES. Pe county. prices on tho slightest pretext. Tho the church work In all Ita branches, Loan company, Is In tho city for tho found on returning thnt the supposed in., U:i5 No. 4, arrive Albuquerque 11:59 p, G. W. Martin, tho popular western caurc for the Increase Is often remov- bo celc-brate- y will begun tomorrow and concluded election. cops woro only another gnng of Sana Fe Architect Charles P. Whit-tlcsc- contln-n- o m., leave 12:09 a. ni. ngent of tho Prlsco system, headquar- ed, but the prices of tho edible Monday. nnd, well they hnd to bo socia- west morn- man No. 8, arrive 6:45 p. in., arrived from the this ters at Denver, makes the following1 high. For instance, tho tomato Arthur N. Lord, a newspaper of ble ami pay for the drinks. ing. crop year ago wan poor, Ohio, spent yesterday In the lr.vo 7:30 p. m. announcement: Commencing Novem- a and prices Divorces Granted. Hamilton, Thcro Is many an nngry man In our Tho railroad well at Chaves Is down wcro city and night for Los Angeles. The schedule for the dally California ber 1, the Prlsco system will Inaugu- of the canned article increased. In the district court this mornlnr; left last land this morning, who Is mourning or 300 feet and a good body of water has Thin summer tho crop waa exception- Virginia Hoywood was granted a limited for Important points Is an- rate regular winter through Bleeping A. Prank, Algodoncs smelter otherwise for his departed' sign, gate been tapped. Hoy-woo- d J. tho follows: car between City anil ally good, but tho housewife Is still from her husband, Richard or porch which was spirited away in nounced as service Kansas man, was a passenger for Uto little 3 Chicago at 8:00 p. The laborers in the Topeka store compelled to pay famine prices for the on the grounds of desertion and the night. No. will leave Jacksonville, Pla. Tills car will run smelter camp this morning. m.; Lay. n. m.; Newton. house havo received a raise. They via Frisco system from Kansas City to tomatoes. In nearly every artlelo of cruelty. A crowd of small hoys wero caught Kansas s:iu La Junta, 10:35 p. in.; Al wore getting $1.25 a day, but are now Birmingham, via tho feed It Is the same story. Another Etta Graves was granted a divorro Judge S. Crollott went to Bernalillo pushing over a small shed beforo the 2:00 ii. in.: then Southern buquerque, 11:00 a. nnd arrlvo at getting $1.40. railway to factor In the increased cost of living from Frank E. Graves on tho grounds Poll-tic- s in.; Jacksonville. this morning for a couple of days. officer who arrived on the scene could - Judge Henry L. Waldo, solicitor of is higher was Los Angalcs, 2:10 p. sn., and San Pran- Saturday was the last day of the Cal- here tho rents. Notwith- of desertion and cruelty. She Is his mission. prevent it, but tho fate of living In a the Santa Po railway for New Mexico, standing the Immense, amount of build-Jg- , given tho control and custody of the place was upon elbco, 11:10 p. ro. Should train arrive ifornia colonist rates, and the Santa small them, nnd they pas- - visited Santa Pa during tho past week deslra-hi- e W. McClelland, bookkeeper for at Point Richmond after midnight, Po and Rock island aro lioth enjoying the demand for house and minor child. W. woro recognized. The officer notified on legal business, G loin I. may lcmoin In sleeper until one of biggest rushes of passenger apartments is exceptionally great Dachcchl & left last night for them if tho building was not re- seniors thc that Sav. Tho Prlsco completed tho laying of During and rents are up in proportion. Many ELECTION FIGURES. New York to attend to important busi- placed by tomorrow they would all be mornlUK and arrlvo in Prancisco business in their history. thu 8:00 a. rails into Marshall, Oklu., Friday night averaged, according economies must bo practiced this win- ness matters. arrested. He stole back around that on boat duo at in. week the rush has The Vote Which Waa Recorded In the 4 San 9:30 and operated tho flrct train Into that passenger olftclals, ter, if the people of limited means are section In about a half hour and found No. will leave Prancisco to Santa Pc about Different Counties at the Hold Up at Santa Rita. a. m.; Los Angeles, G:25 p. m.; and ar city on tho Denver, Enid & Gulf exten 1,500 passengers a iay, or a total of set along with any degree of pros-perft- them working and swcutlng, as if they Election of 1900. Shortly after 7 o'clock October 30, N. rive at Albuquerque at 11:59 p. in.; La sion. over 10,000 week. At colon- were getting 50 cents an hour, replac- lor the thc As a matter of Interest for political C. Booth, leaser at Santa Rita, while Newton, 9:25 p. m.; JT. McLaughlin, of Albuquerque, a It la plain to bo seen that the time ing tap building. In an hour it was in Junta, 11:47 a. in.; ist rates this means an Income of about prophets and for comparison, tho vote coming from the company's office with City, 2:41 a. m., and Chicago, former county commissioner of Santn $300,000 la act far distant whoa Brooklyn will same coudltlon as before Its tum- Kansas for that class of business of tho different counties In 1900 Is returns amounting to about $70, was the Pe county, and now treasurer of the alone. eestals more Inhabitants than Man- bling experience. 2:15 p.m. herewith given: held up and robbed near the school Santa Pc Central railway, was at San- A. M. Brown, the general passenger hattan. The latter is mora and more A Joko on ono of the ever alert off- A DOLLARS. ta Po on business. becoming Iten. Dem. hoiiHo by a man with u gun, either Win LOST MILLION ngent for the PI the workshop of the city. ism vm icers Is always enjoyed by the boys. A u ne 1.4S0 chester or shot gun, who ordered him ino aama ro laying pipe ByBtcai at E, ja80( ls 8en,tlng out neat People will do busiacts In Manhattan, Hcrnallllo 3.332 gay wcro being shadowed by a Reading Railway Suffors from the Coal Chnves 337 CCS to remove his coat and place money bunch from a spring iu jtinmieiuu. i no line ly printed cards giving the new time hut havo their homes In Brooklyn, ColfUK 1,134 1.191 fly cop they stopped him nnd quickly Strike. will be about four miles long nnd when 9IK 01K thereon. Sheriff Goodell was on the table for tho Golden State limited. Bronx, Staten Island, Queens and the lxnu Anil a wire; banging doors and The September statoment of earn give Krtdy !!& 376 ground soon after and doing all In his stretched completed will all tho water they Only twenty-eigh- t auburbs of New Jersey. will 1.137 Reading Railway company hours from El Paso The latter Grant : and yelling down tho street they flew, ings of the need engine purposes, Tho water , Uundnlupn COI CIS power to ascertain tho culprit. 'or to Kansas City; thirty-eight- and a halt probably enjoy an fmmonse expansion tho cop made a dash after them. Ho and of the Heading Coal and Iron com Is finest quality. i.incnin i.j iiii of tho Hours to St. Louis; forty-tw- and a aa a result of tho Pennsylvania 445 287 pany gross de- - tunnel McKlnloy TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY hit tho wire, and saying many things combined shows a Prank S. Gannon, third vlco presi- ,1(lllri, ,, pro-are- Mom l.UH 1,(00 hnlf tn ..hiPni.n scheme. At the present rato of Quinine crease of $2,G45,0OG, compared with - k.v.iv Otero IKS CI7 Take Laxative Bromo Tablets. that wero far from celestial, tho air dent of the Southern railway, has ten- ,... tn Nw Yrk. Alt rnn in ,.. the next federal census will ahow lilu Arribn l.tar. 1.207 All money If It was full of blue In vicinity. 1901. The coal and iron company re company. I druggists tho streaks his dorcd his resignation to tho C Iks San 21' 490 115,-31- necUou Rrcftt ock ,Hland Mew York to a city of considerably Juan wee ceipts for the month wero only f wh . Han Mliruel 2.M 2,271 falls to cure. E. W. a rove's signature Tho celebrating lasted until tho Mr. Gannon's resignation was filed HV8t,.m. TralnH iav,. R, ,,nBft stare than 4,800,090 Inhabitants. Ko 1,312 nga'not $2,304,213 a year ago. The Bantu l.Ces Is an the box; 25c. fcmall hours, when the evil spirits held some tlmo ago, when ho started on a cagt , am, g p Lleateaaat Governor Woodruff la re- Sierra 8S6 RM net loss was $1,009,337. Rt 3.,0 m 1,418 1,1G3 an open air meeting and told of the uoani. , - Socorro MATTERS. inp io uiu i. fellort(!1 tha, srVpvin soma sponsible for the only lion mot of tho Tnon 9HS 927 OFFICIAL experiences and doings of the night. This Is the most striking Illustration The Gallup Republican says: The ,,avu 719 7f) fnw frftm Brn. on ftu&paignt and It U a bright one. Union of tho loss of profits by tbe coal carry first time In the history or tho Santa VulcndU 1.786 124 Homestead entries for the month: HALLOWE'EN SOCIALS. thc Arjzona nm, Now Mexico Inmndary CM democrats all over the ing roads since the strike liegan. In ,, . .,, atlas that Total acres, 5,008; total fees, 4)325; to Fo Pacific railroad she paid taxes on',,-- for of HIirvvine a stale are deserting the candidate and Totnl .21,U7 17,875 tho months of July, August and Sep- was In year 1901. tal commissions, (202. Mis3 Loebs, cunrmlng her road bed the railroad line from Naco via Bisbce and statferm. Mr. Woodruff says: "At the Berth a and tember, tho Reading companies lost In Rodey tops the Cough end Works Off the Pinal homestead entries for tho popular young society lady, entertain- This is the direct efforts of Mr. Clifton Into New Mexico to reach tho "present rato of desertion Mr. Color gross $7,323,903. Of this amount the McKinley coun- Cold. month: Total acres, 2,001; total com- a most delightful and tho republicans of Gallup and Durango coal fields. It is will save good grounds after election ed her friends in coal company was responsible for a re ty. Laxative Drcmo Qulnlno Tablets missions, $75. manner at Miss Heimbcck's studio In said that there Is ample capital ready ssesce suit for abandonment duction of about $0,000,000. The net W. Andrews, cure a cold In ono day. No euro; no Land sold during the month: Total tho Commercial club building last Senator H. of Sierra for tho construction of the road. Tho democratic party." increase for the same period was county, republican the pay. Price, 25 cents. acres, 335; amount received, $418.35. night. As a Hallowe'en function it was candldato for tho new road as surveyed previously will New York Is dally becoming more council Socorro coun complete In all from and Sierra pass through Alma and within seven for the opportunities opened to R. J. Turnbull, president of the Man its appointments. The It Is estimated that with tho May Albuquerque Survey Authorized. hall was beautifully Illuminated from ties, and president of tho miles of Graham and seven miles of people and old ones, too to uelito Oil company, spout yesterday in Tho general land office has author- and June losses and those of tho month Eastern and Santa Po Central rail- - tho suspended Chinese lanterns and Mogollon. fierfect themselves In certain trades tho city and left last night for Mcftin- ized Surveyor General Morgan O.Llew- tho Reading earnings have contracted ways, left for the south and will vote weird and ghostly Mrs. - Ben Williams, special agent for tho ssad professions. A new trade school ley county to tako active control of tho ellyn contract for the survey of inthe half year approximately $10,000,- tomorrow at Hlllsbcro. to let Rose Berry, clad in garments most be- Santa Pc, Is In the city. far girls is to be opeaed In a few days company's workings there. Refugio Colony grant. 000. George W. Andrews, former travel the fitting witches, told of D. A. Shope, ere uader tho direction of Prof. Mary to the fortunes ing passenger agent Rock Island Supcnlntcadent of Friend of McKmley County. merry gay Hallowo'cncrs. tMO,000 SEHIND. of the bridges buildings Woolman, of Columbia university. Free Prof. Charles T. Nicholson, principal the and at Fort Worth, later representing tho and on the Wlnslow Hon. Thos. Hughes, of the Albuquer Dancing, music and a general gooA h instruction in sowing, drawing, husl-se- e of the Second ward school, Is In re- company Colorado Springs as agent, division of the Santa Pe Pacific, In que Daily Citlxen, Is the nominee of produced gay at Santa Fe Earnings Continue to Fall at formB, etc., will be gives. ceipt of a letter giving an account of time a and mirthful pas- tho city. 1901 ban Just been appointed traveling tbo republicans of Bernalillo and Mc mosphere as hours flitted by. Off from Record. Mc-Nal- ly Although no leader of Tammany hall the accidental breaking of his son, Rus- the senger agent of Pacific Coast com Division Superintendent J. F. Klnloy counties for memlur of the ter- Dainty and punch were earnings for the ver got nut In such a sensational way sell's, leg. The young man fell from refreshments Santa Pe statement of pany, with headquarters henttle, and F. M. Clough, superintend- ritorial council. Mr. Hu&hcB has been served. As hour drew near to 13 come up to expecta- at aa did Lcwlr. Nixon, who aald that he tho wood houso loft at Mr. Nicholson's the September did not Wash. ent of bridges and buildings on the Rio a member of tho territorial legislature when the ghosts and witches hut, everything considered, is not had to quit to save bis self respect, old home In Indiana, where tho young tions, President Cnssatt and the officers of Grando division, arrived from tho for Buveral terms and has always play hither nnd thither, the gay party discouraging. , Tammany has just honored him, aa It man is visiting with his grandparents. tho Pennsylvania havo completed tho south this morning. worked hard and faithfully for his con wended their way homeward, making Following Is a statement of has other leaders at the past, by hang' detailed budget for 1903 and it comprehends the Annual or trip passes or other forms, stituents and the welfare of tha entire Dr. P. A. Jones has returned from a many a window rattle with corn, gates expenses, etc., for tho month has; his portrait larger than life. In a earnings, expenditure of 18.000,000 for at free transportation will not bo hon- territory. He Is a true and tried friend two weeks' business trip In interest of worn carried from tho old gate post, and for thrco months better aaasplcaeus j.lucc In the wigwam in of 8epembcr tho ments, exclusive of tho work to be ored on tho "Golden State Limited" of McKinley county, and to his ability eastern capitalists to tho Montezuma and IA was at a very lata hour when all September 30: Wast Fourteenth street. The portrait ended done on the proposed Now York ter- trains on tho El Paso & Northeastern and faithful work the people of Gallup mining district, Sonora county, Mexico. tho merry masqueradcrs wero dream- Month nf Sent. 1902 1901 Inc. la attracting considerable attention 6.141.070 G.01I.230 12S,(i39 A largo portion sum system and tho Rock Island system, can thank themselves that they live He reports thhat the largo copper min- ing peaceful dreams of an enjoyable OroKS earnings.. t minals. of this and is unite nf hla retirement, Mr. Oiior. uxpensrs.. .i.iyu.iiw z.Biu.isa smj.sui will bo spent In elevation and In according to nn official notice Issued In a new county and not obliged to tra ing camp in tho world. He also says Hallowe'en. Net cnrnfnsa .... l.B50.3i0 track Nixes seems to he not displeased at 108.190 by President Charles B. Eddy of tho vel 150 tulles two or thrco times a year that Douglas will be ono of tho largest Tnxea, rentals .. liia.812 15.702 track Improvements. the compliment thus paid him. mcomu i nun op, S.OU3.001 2C7.270 8. T. Park, lato division master me first named company, to transact business at tho county seat smelting ca.nps in the south. Two Ye wytchea bydde thco attendo yo Av. op. 7,953. 7.W0.21 11.87 Another will soon be added mile.... chanic California di Sunday G. II. No. 9 In many ways Mr. Hughes i nro courso of con- - frolye eve. Clad Throe momnH of tho Southern morning when Sun other has large smolters in of goblyns on Hallow pnillns 30. to the lose list observed here. Gallup Ht'lit. vision of tho Santa Fo, with headquar- was crossing a bridge nbout thrco dsay. S, Day," will proved himself a friend of and structlon at that place. thysolfo In tbco garbe of a ghost and OroM earning.. H.KMJ.i! $H.71.fW120.7t0 Mesaber "German spyr- - Opor. iixlK'IlKi'H.. ,1H.3T.T K.4U.4S0 736.870 ters In San Bernardino, Is now travel- miles from Flnley It ran on a steer that McKinley county. Don t forget to give entcryng thee realms of departed -- a celebrated for the aret time, when Which Is WhichT Net earnings .... u,i,wi u,.ih,u.; ing for the Chicago Steel company. had tried to cross tho bridge when Its societies of New him a vote next Tuesday. McKinley ytB whyspcr In thco eare of guardyan Taxi', rental .. 6S3.IH7 MH.607 D4,Ti the United German County Republican. A couplo of opposing candidates for Income from ou. 4.SI3.418 fi.7U.KM Sri.Xtt Ho has his headquarters in tho "windy legs had shipped through between tho 100 of gateway these words: "MyBtc.'y and 100.14 Tsrk comprisis srere than Gor Av. on. 7,9K.(M 7,43.U In sitftl-cle- nt congress wero riding along tho road Death" thou wylt gayn admyttanco." mile.... city," and has several states his ter ties. The force of the blow was atari organlsatieas, will be represented Decrease. and child aro In PIONEER OF PLAINS. during tho campaign to meet a joint In response to tho aliovo summons ritory. His wife to cut the Bteer Into small pieces ia Mbdtsua Square Oarden by 30.000 UYS CHENEY STOCK. D. C visiting with rela- appointment at a back country seat, e THE Washington, and to damage tho cow catcher bo that aFtunbera ef the aHled bodies. Tho day J. N. Irwin Dead He Freighted to New twenty-fiv- whlto clad goblins nsscm and It was dry, hot and dusty. At tha bled Gold Avenue hotel last tives. It had to be taken off. W ha celebrated is memory of tho Mexico Years Ago. at the Santa Fe Owners of Frisco Stoca "lose Cooley, of foot of a hill they caino upon a pleas evening, tho guests of Misses Coral W. II. superintendent the A railroad howling club has Just torsMMa atoaeera of what has !een J. N. Irwin, of tho Irwin Bros. Com- cool-lookin- g Holdings. ' sad ant, house with a woman flickering Out Santa Fo water servlco west of Albu besu organized among the office men QeraMM-Amerlcan- u company, and Ella Clycc. In the dim, sBtrHHtad by to mission died at his homo in sitting In the shade. They pulled up Tho following statement was Issutd querque has resigned. Mr. Cooley has of tho several railroad offices in El V light of candles tho ghostly shades tfc progress of the UaMed States Kansas City of Ilrlght's disease. He at tho gate, saluted the lady, and the from tho office of tho St. Louis and San had headquarters In Wlnslow and has Paso. Tho officers are H. A. Carpenter, very was 85 years greeted each other. Branches of au Xew Yark city ta a winner In a old and la tho '60s was a democratic candidate said: Prancisco In New York Friday: been In tho sorvlco for somo time. Ho president; G. C. Moyser, vlco presid- At- tumn leaves artistically arranged gave JsBtusrtaeH litigation involving millions freighter, making many trips from Ii. F. Yoakum and James Campbell, Albu- Bruce-Forbe- "Madam, can wo got a drink hero?" a woodsy appearance to tho rooms is well known and popular from ent, V, O. LowIb, secretary; R. at dstfars of dock property, the title chison, Kaasae, to Salt Lake. Later of St. Louis, have purchased tho St querque position Mlnott, cap- H'4 "Air you a democrat or a republl where music, games and dancing kept west. Tho vacated treasurer; O. 8. to traced back to the Doagan Irwin and his brother, Dick, hold beef Louis & San Francisco holdings of tho by Cooley goes to D, A. Shope, sup- Is to twenty-on- e can?" tho spooks in a high statu of glco till Mr. tain. Tho club limited of which granted to the and stall contracts wltb the govern- am a democrat, madam, and my trustees of tho Cheney estate of Bos erintendent of bridges and buildings, members and among them are made trips "i after tho magic hour of midnight. In a ',fh all of the land between hiss asd ment and to Denver, Salt friend, hero Is a republican." ton. 11. P. Cheney, who Is one of tho with headquarters at Wlnslow. somo very good bowlers. : Pe, N, M. secluded alcove a prophetess foretold holdings, Mar waiar, awt, Justice aHecklar has Lake and Hasta called woman to some trustees, retains his personal G, T. Nicholson, passenger traffic A brief telegram in the Dallas Now went partner- "John," tho the future to Inquisitive spirits. A most two decisions upholdls the la 1867 Mr. Irwin into one inside, "there's two gents hero which aro largo. managcr of tho Atchison, Topeka 'ft announced tho death of General ship brother-in-la- to- enjoyable featuro wbb tho cutting of .right to water, frost property with his and wants a Bring out a tin Neither Mr. Yoakum, who Is presl Santa Fe, Bends a postal card to The Manager P. S. Blodgett, of the Lake from that drink. tho great cake, at tho banquet table, usee uader water. The Hmt gether they started Atchison with full of liquor tumbler of water." dent of the company, nor Mr. Camp Citlxen, stating that tho dally service railway, at his home In Cleve- freighting wagons bound and a containing twenty magic gifts of for 8hore daaylag the aaallcatlas of the a Hals nf National bell would diccuss tonight tho slgnlHc or the California limited will be re- land, Ohio. He has been nerlously 111 I City, At Rocky Ridge, Bulletin. tune. er Ice company for aa ia for 8aK Lake asce of the sale of the Cheney stock. sumed Sunday, November 16. "As tke for weeks past, and his daughter) Wyo,, waa by sosie restrain the city frost their tral ttopped sol Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Wysong, of Rock' new time card is not ready, exact Mrs, W. W; Billot, of Roswell, waa on alters under tke command of Gen. Al vllle, Ind who been spending A delightful social event was tha CHANCE THE SITE. Ahead water laad that have by ures casnet lie given. Following Is summoned to his bedside two weeks , assWlsBSaB asst Hallowe'en social given ike Misses " sssnavvsww aydaer Jossaton, then on their S4MB)e weeks In city recuperating, fffty-aln- sjsw w sari tke Wilde sUves Hla Oalnian approximate schedule; No, 3 west ago. He waa about e years yorty-SBOoa- 1 a-a-y Merekcad at tkelr residence oh Htwtk Mward weea d to ae Mormon outbreak koaie, rail-rea- - 4 aassrsM save returned to their Indlaaa City 8; IB a. m., Monday; d ' - I . . NU. 1 - ,1 . i . i Bread way evening. A large suss AWut Kansas City Daaat. leave Kansas old, ami his restitatlos as as able m. . I S uMM, ae pcwvbbjh cuir.inuea laetr last ' i were present The Kaosaa City Joursal anotes Kd arlve 'Lea AaaaJe 2:10 p. m., arrive sMi was national. , is Mm asNBfr'Jjssrsay as far as rort urldaer sad rlbe for Tke Cltlses. ber 9t their frelnds sad Fort Atkinson, and a believer In advor-tilin-g Morgan democrat. 1 believe in tho should havo Intlmnto knowledge of to tho extent of about $80,000 a greatness of this country, I am not for tho present systems of tho territory PAlNh'S year, who tins been hero with hln wife Mr. Hrynn, and I bollevo that Theodore nnd tho possibilities offered for further for tho pORt two weeks, left today for Pretty Hoosovclt Is one of tho grandest men works. The Increased permanency to til Paso. Ho Is out west for hla wife's this country has ever produced. (Ap- tho system by reason of tho new aque- Celery Com. und RHEUMATISM plause.) 1 believe In expansion and duct soon to bo built wns outlined to hcnlth. tho retention of tho Philippines. If Mr. Hodcy nnd tho IminciiB.ty of tho Manes Permantnt C .res in ' I n. in Children expansion Is not democratic doctrlno structure portrnyed. wiftertne; " ' " We Some people hare been rl tt ivns., where n"e M4Jn' 5efore then Thomas Jefferson waa not a dem- Tho dclognto counted his trip to ACUTE AND CHRONIC, i 1 4i.. biinuay birth of the last owe my four hot- Chronic and Complicated rom wIll will be ocrat. If expansion was not democrat-Ic- , I.nko Avolon n plensnnt nnd very In- aumiHH eho remain. Sister Serlna MOTHER'S FRIEND. If you had the S ties ef what aro wo doing here In New structive one, und from bin visit New to pictures of our children, you could see at Cases of Rheumatism MUSCULAR, MERCURIAL, Mexico today, and why Is this country Mexico will bo given Increased promi- Sib'SKSSiS a that the last one from an ache or pain, and have vegas. fiance not tho orlglnnl thirteen colonies? Tho nence In Irrigation matters. Carlsbad forgotten a las H healthiest, prettiest and long aince the joya of painless democratic party has Invariably favor-c- d Argus. IT GIVES MEW TO ARTICULAR AND finest-lookin- g ofthem all. LIFE H3LFLCS existence. They are at the mercy of every Special Correspondence, up Mr. Hrynn near- My wife thinks Mother's expansion until ill wind, and their misery is aggravated i.n3 Vegas, N. M., Nov. 2. Thero 1 1 am In AND CRIPPLED MEN AND Friend Is the greatest ly defeated It. say that favor THE CLIFFORD CASE. INFLAMMATORY. by exposure to cold or sudden changes is wuro Bnf0 blowers In town Friday re- and of expansion; I am In favor of tho the temperature. Thev become walking nldit n- - .1 tlin ftnfn In tlin brick nlr- - grandest WOMEN. remedy in the tention of tho Philippines nnd the Called This Morning and Continued barometers and most accurate In wenther predictions, the increasing pains in of Ilrowue, Mnnznn-muscle- s chatnlired vault world for expec- building of tho Nicaragua canal. Until 4 O'clock This and joints foretelling the approaching storm or the coming of bad nrcR & Cu ,,.nrs witness to their hUIII. upon Professor Edward 15. Phelps, tant .Bothers."-Writte- n Honest old Dnvo Culbcrtson, Afternoon. M.D. weather. It fs from these constant sufferers that the great army of rheumatic w"nH by profos- - Tho Jol, ccrtnlnly dono by a Ken- being asked what ho thought of thh The preliminary hearing of tho case IL.l)., has given to his profession P, cnppies is recruueu. " uui, oy uic inceuuv puma uu ff.R8onnIl,( ,, thcro n,UBt bnvo been charged mur- positive and permanent euro for become so stiffened and bent tucky Attorncy-a- t question of expansion and retention of William Clifford, with all the ioints 'nt least three In tho gang. They got In degree, forma of rheumatism from which so they are at compelled to give Bowling Qreen, Ky. Law. replied: der tho third tho result of that last nothing for their trouble, and If they It, already expend Dunning, many suffor In thu autumn season. To up or hobble about on crutches, Gentlemen! About a. ytar ago X "Why, dam wo'vo tho death of Leonard who had gained entrance to tho tiafo they wns run over by a cnrrlago driven by tho theumntlc, this truth should provci i Nobody ever outlived Rheumatism; was attacked by acute Rhoumatlssa edl" would 'iiive gotten only a small amount real- encouraging and comforting. am the disease never loosens its grip or In rny shouldero, arms und logs below MOTS Tho people of the United States Clifford, wns called this morning, hav Men the knee. I could not ratio my arm of change, some bills receivable and a ize that we havo already expanded. ing been postponed from Inst Thurs- womnn suffering Intense agonies from leaves of its own accord, but must be my to comb hair. Doctors prescribe fow patters which would have availed hs Dew n dlsenso driven out by intelligent and persist- prevents nine-tent- of the Who Is tho tlemocrnt that, If Mr. day. that irequontly stiffens tho for mo for ovor two months without litem nothing. away Manila, would complaining H. L. Dun Joints, cripples tho limbs and treatment through the blood, for mo any B. B. FR1EHD suffering Incident to child ey had snlleil from Thu witness, readers ent fflvlnfr relief. I saw 8. gained some time dur- Its quite re- Kheumatism of every variety and form decided to try It. Entrance was birth. 1 becoming1 mothers havo been willing to havo born tho ning, nsked to have tho case continued victims helpless, can be advortleed and ing night by removing one of tho to activity, vigor it caused by nn over acid condition of Immediately I commenced Its uee X the disposition and temper remain unruffled shnmo nnd disgrace of taking down from Inst Thursday until this morning, stored and health. If the blood, and the deposit in muscles, folt bettor, and remarked to my panes of glass high up on the sldo of throughout the ordeal, because this relax- thnt Hag where It had once been plant- ut ho failed to appear and tho catic rnlno s Celery Compound ho used rar joints nnd nerves of corrosive poisons mother that Z waa glad I had at last tho rear wool houso, they standing on ing', penetrating liniment relieves the ed' (Applnuse.) was sot for I o'clock this afternoon. a few weeks. Thero Is every reason X particles, found some relief. continued lta a wagon to reach tho window. Only usual distress. A good-natur- ed mother Tho time Is coming when wo need a Two witnesses for tho defendant, why sufTcrcrs should pin their faMb. and gritty and it is these Z uso am entirely well. will good-natur- lit-tl- and one glass wns removed, it being largo Is pretty sure to have a child. great deal partisanship and n o who hnd mode special arrangements to this best of racdlclnos. Your friend irritating sub3tnuces that produce the always feel deeply Interested in less the enough to admit n man's body. Thoy The patient Is kept in a strong, healthy being nn appear mor'Mng, gnvo nnd neighbor havo used with sec-ces- s; inflammation, swelling and pains, success of S. 8. B. since It did ma a moro statesmanship. If to this their it which last as long as the blood rcmatus much Tours truly, next drew out the staple in tho iron condition, which the child also Inherits. expansionist makes mo a republican, testimony, as It would bo impossible tho honest physician Is prescrib in this sour and acid state. MRS. AXIOM HORTOIT. tovoied fireproof door which lea-I- s Mother's Friend takes a wife through the then I nm a republlcnn. 1 come boforo for them to appear this afternoon. ing it every day In cases where all To cure Rheumatism permanently all Twelfth Street. from tho wool houso to the building crisis quickly and almost painlessly. H you not asking your votes ob a repub S. C. Hcrry, who was one of tho oc- - other monns havo failed, and they are the blood must he punned nnd invig- proper, und then raised tho glass win- assists In her rapid recovery, and wards lican or democrat, except In so far as cupanta of tho carrlago at tho ttmo It delighted with the happy results. Way orated, and no other remedy docs this so well or so promptly ns 8. S. S. It dow In the rear private olllco, admit- off the dangers that so often frllow de Is concerned. Elect mo, If passed over tho boy, stated that ho did hesitate, or doubt tho powers, vlrtaea livery. statehood refreshes and restores to the thin acid blood its nourishing and health sus- ting thorn to tho renr of tho brick you will, nnd I will discharge my du- not know they had run over anyono nnd efficacy of tho medicine that la taining nroncrtics. And when stronsr. rich blood is again circulating through vault. They had previously broken Sold by drugzUti tor SI a bottle ties as hcrotoforo. until told of It afterward, nnd that thoy curing thousands today? It Is yout the bodv the acid poisons and irritating matter are washed out of the muscles intn thn t.n Vecan carrlnco works nnd THE BRADPIELD REGULATOR CO, wero going no faster than other car- only hopo; your safety aBd life de nnu joiiua, anuuicuai usui. once and tools ATLANTA. OA. which woro coming nnd going, pend upon use. Pierce, FeJ-ge- r, i tto tn.un aonio rrowbars other SON'S DEATH. riages 'ts Utile and Rheumatism is a thing of the which they left behind. They brought Send (or our frea Illustrated book wrltian It seemed as If they wcro In a block Tenn., onco helpless and la a crit past. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable eipreitljr (or expectant mother. ' j In a largo Iron shaft cn which were Father Passed Remains on His Way to nnd nil wero traveling nt about the ical condition from rheumatism, writes medicine nnd docs not derange the n couple of big cog wheels, which was This City. samo speed. He said ho noticed tho thus: stomach like the strong mineral with Normal colors, and n largo used ns a battering rani against the the Fred llr.r.lon, of Piatt City, Mo., who carriage slow up, but supposed thero "I had rheumatism bo bed that I remedies, but builds vp the general crowd wns present. Sherbet nnd cako fee-- brick vault. Picks, hatchets and nrrlved In tho city .last night to take was a Jam of wagons. Ho statod that could not walk, and could not bear Jj) health, increases the appetite ana wore used against wcro served as rofrcsbinonts and a no outcry or any nolso which would havo my legs moved; I off en tboaajbt digestion. other Instruments charge or tho body of his son, pnssed tones un the morry evening was spent. eon-mence- - . - . tho walls until nn entrance largo remains, which had beon shipped mnko them know anyone had been run tho dtscBBo would kill me. I d gcnernl tho u" n" get body Thomns Hurko, chairman of night, nt Dcrnnllllo. over had been henrd. taking Pal no's Celery Cent-- sufferer will receive helpful advice JV" tho grievance committee of Broth- last 'f' the Tho deceased, John Hnnlon, died nt Pedro Garcia, who was driving a pound; I used two bottles and ham Ironri.hysician.crf.SereaiHr Write..fully.bout S"";?mra,;mc5ambe;he erhood of Locomotive Firemen, was loutcharg. his In tho Highlands yester wagon during tho fair, testified thnt not had the slightest symptoms ef tZ IS hero Friday in with tho residence movo wns to lift tho heavy snfoty de- consultation day and tho remains wero at onco pre ho wns coming to the city nnd had rheumatism since. I wish I could tell local lodge to see If everything In nil posit Iron caso off the safe and put it pared for Interment and shipped to his seen tho boy run In front of tho horses, tho wholo wfcrld tho good your medi- CERRILLOO CULLINGS. LAS VEGAS LACONICS. right nnd If boys any com- on the lloor. Then thoy took liquid the have homo In Plutt City last night. knocked down and run ovor. Ho stat- cine has dnno mo. My mother, who n'.tro-glycerln- plaint to present nt tho general meet- Capital of which was banked In Ho was a member of tho A. O. u. V ed that tho horses wero not running, had rheumatism for years, waa cured Smelter Furnace Started Rlshworth Short Paragraphs from the ing to bo hold nt Topeka, November Miguel County, with soup, making cups around tho and National Order of Machinists, but nn tho trot, and thnt the boy dash- by Palno'a Celery Compound after Be- Injured Other Notes. San 10 Thu boys nro door, to which van attached a long satisfied hero, and which orders accompanied tho remains ed out of tne gnte and ran right Into ing n fow bottles. Sho can ran now From tho Register. Special Correspondence. except n frivolous fuse. The shot took off tho thin steel few kicks, they to tho depot. tho horses; thnt It would havo been like a child and says she feels tea Mrs. Richard Green received tho sad l.ns Vegas, N. M.. Oct. 31. Tho Hal- hnvo no grievance. Mr. pull- veneer of tho front door, blowing off Hurke mokes Mr. only been In tho city Impossible for any driver to havo yeara younger. I could tell yo of k news, a few duys ago, hor every Honion had that mother lowe'en party given by the Christian tho combination attachment nnd knobs. a trip over tho lines two months two weeks, but had not Improved any ed up tho horses nnd avoided tho acci tlozen or moro poople who were caret in quite sick and that, on account of and lives In St, Joo. was n dangerous Endeavor society of the Presbyterian , A hole wns drilled In tho top and n sec beforo his death. dent. He said that It by Palno'a Celery Coraponad." her great aijo, thero Is little hope of Mrs. Taylor Storm, or'u chnrK c "ff',whlch the whoso husband His father had left Piatt City boforo place and tho wagons which woro go her recovery. church to tho Epworth league of the "prong is employed C. 1). Doucher's uoor nnu wreciiou mc nine, imi wmcu at arrived ho received the telegram announcing lng and coming formed a jam there, Thomas Drown nnd Sec- - DaptUt church last nlgnt In tho Sun-- j and President did not open the door. Evidently thoy Inst night from Edna, Kansas, his son's death and know nothing of It He saw the hoy get up and run Into the rotary S. E. Maltland, of Smoltor will the ,ay school room or tho Presbyterian ran out 0f charges then, or else were mnko hor home here. until ho nrrlved horo and was Inform houpc, but as to whether thero was itromailn rnprrlaUr VOR Til MOMW company, wore nero MUONOMY, from Trinluaii church was one of tho most notable frightened away, as they wcro unsuc J. D. W. Vcoder and E. C. do llnca tho body had beon shipped. Ho anyone at the gate or on tho porch Thrjr are fur IHIMK Pennsylvania, first of tho week, to went Miguel ed that ran bo naail t mafca anything ItHan the hocial events of thnt nature which has In getting to the insldo of the uow.n to San yesterday City evening. he waa not ccrtnln. Itrlatit boi K nn up. ccfsful will return to Piatt this anil nittr. Diierlion see tho smelter start Mr. Maltland been given for some time. Thero was safe, which was a .Iall burglar proof evening to try and win a fow of the Tho hearing of tho caso will bo con (lyril frrri'ffe. diamond DyeU Monday evening, Tlrown A lington, vt. returned Mr. n large crowd out to partake of tho about five feet high. Tho shots de votes back Delegate Hodcy look there Mrs. R. A. Moore, formerly a rest tlnucd this afternoon at o'closck. ivma'nlng for n couple of weeks to hospitality and enjoy tho merriment. stroyed tho safe's usefulness entirely Saturday night from tho democrats. dent of Albuquerque, passed through A. M. nergoro, ono of Santa Fo coun-ty'- look after business Interests here. Tho room was decorated with pump nnd damaged somo of the book's, the Clnrles Doll loft yesterday evening the city this morning en route from ono of the best musicians of this terri- was quite badly staunch republicans, is In tho city, V. S. Hishworth kins, cabbages, corn nnd entire damage being aliout $700. for Santa Fo to look at an offer made her homo nt Los Angeles to canton, tory. Resides hla artlatlcal and cfcu In a inlxup with hln Tho city school board will meet to injured Inst week nnd Miss Verity ndded to tho No one heard tho shots nnd there Is him thero by Cartwrlght, the grocer Mo., whore sho will visit with relatives nlcal attainments B. W. Blbo poflseeaea fine driving tenm. He wont into tho wolrdnesB by reciting somo "spooky" Ho will return If the outlook Is not fa for a month. night at tho high school building. unquestioned commercial ability. Ma absolutely no clue. Stlnglo stable between tho horacB to wntor pieces. Tho float- vorablo and mako a business deal here. Attorney John H. left last name connected with the 8. Blbo Srm crowd bobbed nfter son of them and In somo way one of them was ing apples, entered guessing contests, Ho was formerly with Stearns. Clarence Dragolo, the little night for Belon. Ho will return to Is a guarantee of noncat deallBaa. Be9 It is tho general sentiment around kicked tho race stnrtled nnd jumped against .him throw hooks for In fish pond, Charles Lowls, who has been sick Mike Dragole, waa in night. has hosts of Is perbBP the blt5s tho town that Dclcgalo Rodey's speech soverely T, friends. and throwing him and tho bucket against being way since tho middle of September, by a horso yesterday and In Santa Fo Watch Inspector S. most Albuquer that tho partners were chos- last night wns next to unanswerable by last wounu popular .nan west of tho other horso. This started them en for tho refreshments, which were Is now convalescent. Jured. Dr. Connor dressed the Vann has gono south on a watch in que. In choosing him for their aaiessor both to Jumping and kicking, nnd when the democrats. Ho straddled nothing spcctlr.g tour. apples, nuts and popcorn. wns open ques J. N. Jameson, tho Santa Fo painter, Welnzlrl Is enjoying a tho cltlzons of Valencia county ahowei William got out of tho way he found but frank and on nil Mrs. John Tho Citizen acknowledges compli- It was lato when tho fun makers left Ho to opponent, left yesterday nftchnoon for nltton. aunt. Miss Minnlo Ro-- their appreciation te the maafM his legs woro Injured so that ho lions. wns kind his visit from her mentary to tho street that for home nnd great Is deserved For-gusso- Hon. Jerry Leahy passed through tickets Elks' credit but showed explicitly that Mr. n ble, of Rush City, Minn. qualities of the gentleman aid attaat. would have to go on crutches for a at Paso, November 10 to Iff. by those who had tho social In charge. had presented three bills to hero yesterday afternoon cn route fnlr El to reward htm for what he lias done AT short time. E. O. Mngruder Is hero from Pnrls, home to Raton from a trip to Albu NOT PfcMPCWATS, F. H. Huey and 0. D. Richardson, great num- copper tho congress for the location of a post at thepnst for tho party. Tho The furnace at melter Mo., and will tnko a position at Good-all'- s querquc. two bright young men uf Kingman morning and iMImquorquc, in addition to which he ber of votes cast for Ben. W. Blbo la a htarted up on Mondny drug store tho of tho month. Names Were Used Con Kansas, arrived Saturday night and ox- - smoothly, flrt helped Hodcy on his bill. If Fergus Their Without compliment to tho gentleman, and all everything Is now running Wnlto Davis, who Is tho present clerk, SWIFT CANINES. sent and Authority. ppct tP lpcnto permanently In Albu- no- son presented three bills und Mr. his friends rejoice In walking through the works wo will lcavo for Guadnlupo county, whero querque. la his success. Tho Itodcy one, who did the most work for Allniquorquo, N. M Aug. 20. pcoplo of Valencia county bo ticed thai the yard Is woll filled with ho will up a en- En Route to the St. Louis Coursing can proud tako homestead and the post going to Albuquerque? it is To the Chairman of tho Democratic of having as one ore, and Superintendent Hyde Inform- gage In other business. Meeting. DISTRICT COURT. of their officers ono of would bo Hobson's choice, so vote for statehood Couuty Central Committee, Albu- the foremost men of this territory e. ed us that tho lead furnace C. A. Shnlor and H. H. Hartserlnk, A number of running dogs passed can bo made and the only man who can get state querque, N. M. This morning tho caso of Credad Ar-mi- jo man who would do honor a in. started as toon as It the two gentlemon who have beon here through tbo city Saturday night on to ticket nlBo tho outlook hood, Mr. Hodcy. Dear Sir: I notice by tho papcrn do naca et al vs. Adolph Harsch nny great city of the Union. ready. He stated that from Wnupur, Wis., trying to make their way to St. Louis to contest for Ic good from present appear- Deleguto D. S. Hodoy and W. E. Mar that at tho democratic convention held was called for trial and plaintiff dis and thnt, somo dlckar on Montoya-Macste- s tin, his popular Interpreter, nccom the American Waterloo cup, which Is In tho city of Albuquerque, October missed bill of complaint, a stipula- APACHES ances, they will be able to run steadily mining property, left today for Chica- the BUFFERING. panlcd by Hons. Charles A. opless and under supervision of tho American 25, 1002, I was named as a member of being into from now on. On being asked as to go, having been unsuccessful in bring- coursing tion entered that thero J. S. Duncan, on tho beinted No. 1 board. tho democratic central committee. I should be no liability on Through Their Own Deelre tho amount of oro being received ho ing a deal. gentlemen this tho bond. The ae They about Tho of afternoon for San Miquel, where they Tho races begin on tho Sth of No hereby notify you thnt my nnmo was caso has been pending for moro are Tee Laay te Weric said: "The amount of custom oro com fered 100 a month for tho privilege than of held a big meeting last night. vember, which will give tho dogs sov used without my consent or consulting ten years, and Involved controversy ing In Is fnlrly good and wo arc ship making Investigations on tho claims, a Sergeant A. a. Pcnn passed taroog Mr. nnd Mrs. W. G. Hnydou returned oral days rest before the contest. my wishes In tho matter, and I hereby ovor the right to tho exclusive use of ping somo coppor oro from our mine finding out tho supply, etc., dogs tho city this morning on his way freaa watir but Friday evening from their stay in Mis The were tnkon from thu train request that it bo taken off tho commit- tho word "Coyote" as a mark. on tho Pecos, and this output will In tho local parties who control trade tho Apache reservation, the sourl, whero they Visited their old horo and exercised up and down tho tee, as I am n republican. The case of tho Colorado National crease as tho work advances." In this claims did not care to do business on platform. fa Arizona, to Washington, D. C. He eaya thoy aro In home, and Mr. Hay don told about tho MODESTO MONTOYA. flank vs. Jesus Ma. Castillo, adminis- tho Apaches nro on connection ho stated that thnt plan. Among thoso havo a that the verge et tho oro they can get hopelesB condition of tho democratic that national Witness: trator, was heard upon motion, and bock tho market for all Mrs. H. S. Vnn Patten entertained a reputation woro Great Sacramento starvation, thnt in the hllla they of a grado thnt will pay for treatment party und its Missouri disciples In Now S. CROLLOTT. plaintiff required to proceed nnd closo arc attempting to subsist on cacttta ha number of friends last night at bridge lllid, twice winner of tho John Grace-- nnd give tho miner a profit, either cop Mexico. all proofs within ninety days. its natural state. This in spite of the whist. Refreshments wcro served nnd cup, owned by, Ed Walsh, of Sacramcn Albuquerque, N. M Oct. 27. Los-so- per lend. This should Induce tho W. D. Twltcholl shipped a cotnplcto in Swltzer, Pembroke & Co. vs. r tho govornmont or a pleasant evening wns spent by tho to; Rural Artist and Roman Athlete To tho Chairman of tho Democratic fact that Issuea proplo who have small mines, which mining outfit to his propc-rf- near & Lewlnson, the plaintiff's attach- rntlons every ten days. fortunate ones present. Uridgo Is a both with good records, owned by J. H Count: Central Commltteo, Albu- These ratle havo been idle for years, to work them Gloriota, and went down today to push ment was dismissed. nro about two-third- s now gnmo for tho city, but is very pop Hoscttor, of Sun Aolls, a querque, N. M. that are ngnln nnd sell tho ore to the company development work on his prospects, Francisco; In tho caso of Rosenwald Bros. vs. to n soldier. Sergeant naya ular In England and tho cast. runner with many victories, owned by Dear 8lr I see by tho papers that I Ponn that making a profit, for themselves which ho thinks are unusually lino. Santos Ortiz nn order was made that tho Indians are Buffering thus H. C. Kankln left this afternoon for Geo. Malcolm, Francisco, nominated for tho olllco of simply be Increasing activity of the Mrs. Joshua Hay nobis gnvo a most of San who havo been defendant show cause why a receiver causo thoy aro so nnd the I.nwronco, Kns., where ho goes to bury accompanied by tho party on tho trip; assessor In tho democratic mass meet- shiftless, laiy aael camp. delightful party to fifty of her lady should not bo appointed pending fore- Improvident. Tho range Is good n brother, who died a few months lllaclc Coon, Pat Mularkey, Cloud ing held October 25 Jn tho city of Al- and friends Friday afternoon, nt hor beau- closure of a chattel mortgage. thero is plenty game. There Is no NOTES. ngo in tho Philippines Hurst nnd Charlum Trout, owned by buquerque, without my consent or INDIAN SCHOOL tiful homo on National avenuo. d moro reason they Mrs, J. C. Montgomery, who enmo Charlton, of San Frnnclsco. without consulting my wIbIios In tho Safe Robbers Captured. that should Buffer ouchro wus tho game played John than nny tlmo In tho past. They government In hero with her two children a year ago Tho dogs wero porfect beauties mutter. I hereby notify you nd tho are Colonel Tinker, a and thero were five prlso winners. .Mrs. and Pen Williams, special agent for the too lazy to hunt, down, gamble upector, spent tho past two In from Chnmito, Kns., died last evening for qualifications they woro of Bernalillo county that I sit aa4 weeks J. A. Lalluo took tho first prize, Miss athletic democrats Santa Fo with headquarters at La thu government to feed spccllng tho various parts of tho at D o'clock of tuborculoBls. She hnd a perfect. Their muscles on tho legs do not want to run for said office on them. If the Jenotto Hlchley tho second, Mrs. E. H. Junta, arrived from tho west Inst night Ibsulng of beef Is discontinued Serg- Ho for tho Navajo sinter with her during her la- -t hours wer prominent nnd hard ns rocks snld ticket, and hereby request that school. stnrtod res Shaw tho third, nnd Mrs. Howell on passenger train No. 8 nnd Is laying Ponn will bo evening. Her husband hna been notified and tho euro Is In tho ship you my nnmo therefrom. eant thinks thero trouble. orvatlon Inst His wlfo ro Glvens tho fourth. Mrs. Wllllnm J. Great ox'rclsed take over In tho city on account of tho de tho Alvarado hotel during remains will bo shipped to her former mcnt that they will not loso for tho JOSE VIDAL MORA. mains nt Mills was tho consolation winner. De- layed trains. Mr. Williams Is en route Bronco Busting a Pastime. homo nt Chanuto, contest. his nbsencc. licious refreshments wcro nnd from Sun Francisco to Canon City, Tho nowslioys, with their ever active Collins Is Judgment rendered on tho verdict of served Considerable Interest Is being taken VISITS LAKE AVALON. Superintendent entertain tho decorations wcro yellow, flow- Colo., and has with him one W, E. minds, have hit upon a new Idea. tho jury In tho caso of .Tones vs. Chns, tho dog In coming ovent lng Ins mother and slstor. Mrs. Smith ers being chrysanthemums. by fanclern thu Delegate Rodey Makes a Brief Inspec- Huruhnin, who Is suupected of having Ilronco busting fs tho now issue wMett from Lngunn, N. M., Is also a guest of Springer, In favor of defendants. This as tho entries nro from good kennels Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Marcus and Mrs. tion of the Irrigation System. robbed a safe at Canon City of $:M0. occupies tho gray matter of their Superintendent and Mrs. Collins. caso was tried in November, 1901, to nnd Waterloo cug Is greatly do An- - J. Undo loft Saturday afternoon on the During hlu hero week, Dele- Tho was committed last cranium. If a new thought doea mat One of tho most pleasant events of recover 175,000 for legal services per sired by all tho owners of fast dogs. visit last No. 2 for to tho wed- Hodoy, company with F. G, gust and Hurnham mudo good his tnora at ioa8 OBce took plaeo last evening formed by A. A. Jones In tho Dawson Trinidad attend gate in a wek tftor tho season l capo until lately, when he caso und tho Jury decided he was not ding of Miss Ethel Moses, known here, Believes In Expansion. Tracy, gont-rn- manager of tho Pecos Just wasnro invred from the oraanfawtlea. A when Superintendent nnd Mrs. Collins located 8nn by Mr, Wil- - to Joseph Urackman, of Now Yoik A few tlays ago Judge A. 11. Fall Irrigation company; E. II. Homan, of nt Francisco club with a lunch department employes of the entitled to anything. - ontertnlned tho clty, Tho wedding leglslntlvo candi- Hams. This Is another of Mr. Wli- many social features was in tho Manuel Mnnzanarcs, of Puerto Clto; will tnko placa with Governor Otero and W. A. Hawk Nogul, republican wbb their school. Tho entertainment - llnms' good cntches, - Weduodday and promises to br- quite City au date, nnd I . O. Fullun. made a trip to suit for a whllo, but these ne form of n Hallowo'cn party and all Severlnq llaca, of Sapello, and l'rlml- Ins, nppcarcd beforo a Silver a society event. Lnku A vulon for nn Inspection of tho am especially ambittoue and Boemed to enjoy thomselves very toro Kscudero, of Las Vegas, camo in dienco. Hoth Messrs. Fall and Haw HON. BEN. W. BIBO. Donald llrowno, a son of E. L. legislative Irrigation reservoir, returning by tho havo something now that le latereswsMj. much. yesterday on No. 2 from a campaign kins are cnndldntos for tho Browne, had tho mlsfortnno Friday to following of way of tho Pecos rlvor lltimo. This be- A Few Words About Newly Elected und fascinating. They gave their Beat . Tho diphtheria epidemic has left us tour in tno Interest of thu republican council. Tho extract the get his left arm broken Just below the prove ing tho first opportunity Deleguto of Valencia County. exhibition uf daredevil riding ea QeM wo havo not had a ease for two ticket. Judgo Fall's speech will inter Assessor and elbow, Since Iluffiilo Hill was here tho Hodoy has over hud to acquaint him- Hon. Hen. W. Ulbo, tho nowly elect- avenue Monday night. 'Bach aewabea weeks. Amos Ktino and wife returned Inst esling reading: evening from their extended trip at boys havo been playing at lassoing. Mr. Chairman, Ladles, Gentlemen self with tho Irrigation facilities of tl.3 ed assessor of Valencia county, is must his ability te ride' aha)" MANIFESTS UNNECESSARY. Tyro City, N. Y. Amos says ho put on Yesterday a largo boy roped yoiwn; and Fellow Citizens of Grant County valley, ho was anxious to ulvo as much widely known as a genial, Intelligent vicious, pitching and outlaw breaeea twonty pounds whllo away, but twenty llrowno, und In falling ho struck hit' I have como beforo you often in tho tlmu to them ns possible. Man- and broad-minde- d clf.lzen Mr. Blbo which aro used by tho carriers i de Mexican Law Personal Article May pounds added to a man of hla slxo elbow on a rock, snapping It. This past as a county, and havo asked votes ager Tracy pointed' out tho features came first to New Mexico in 1SS0 and livering Tho Dally Citizen to the r ft Into the Free Zene. means but little. sport la too rough for even yout g of democrats. Heretofore I have stood and oxplaiucd the Important points of located Ic Albuquerque. Later on he llgent reading pubile ef Albuq flat-foote- he The law which was passed by the Charles Springer went up to Dawsom Americans, and should bo forbidden at d upon the democratic plat- tho system, and tho Impression made became a member of the 8. Ulbo Mer- What will the neat awe ef Mexican eeagrcss last May went into last night, where he will attend the school, where It Is practiced dally. form. I waa bora a democrat, I was upon Mr. Rodey waa one calling forth cantile company, which haa four Im- actlvo body ts beyond ear abHty effect Nevfwber 1 relative te imperta sale of, the Horeeaoe pasture, which Tho Hitllowe'en social Friday night, bora In the great state of Kentucky. I expressions of surprise of the aagal mense stores aad docs probably the say. tkw ef tvrtieltta Into tho free suae. Ua will be made by W. K. Gortaer as com given by the young men of the Normal knew noth'ing but democracy from my tude and admiration for the complete beat bueiaeea ta the county. Dualap serUwy may take peraeMl wlatoaer. The Mle la made in a parH to the young ladles and the faculty, cradle to the time I cast My fkat vote. sees and beaelt ef this system, lrrl Bea. W. Vibe rVceivcd bis education F. la la the tereen slow. artlctes net, to exceed 910 la value tio auK ot tae suture, which m a was a mist prettotjreed Kueceaa. Vli-- i As 1 have grown older, fellew eKlzens, gatlon la bow one ef tae ehlef public in the uBivereHjr of Cologue, Uenaaay, wHhewt kavtog a sMRlfeat by alanMy large ee, ea4 Mr. eflagr has caasid mandolin club furnished nuelo and I have come to believe that partisan questions before the Aaserlean people aBd graduated there with great heaors, Jamea WHsoa, el "JlmmmBjmav Wei-Unit- ! te tee evetew house m4 HVhaS Uaratfclil luff! TaMrt ilS Ift lag nose a4 erecklaole furalsked ship la net ae much. I am net a e and congress, and It J Important that Mr. Bibo apeaka Buently five er ate dlf-fere- st navy, Is snaewt a ufe M Arthur Heard, a ereeemy an freaa amusemeaU. The hall wae eeeerateu republican I Mi a Jehn T. New Mexico's delegate w congreea laaguaaee, aud la coaaldered as city atudytoc eeadMaaB1 tlgw f company, bust-- , CLECTION. 126; Hons. 153; commissioner, second for several wicks, was v.oday ablo to RAILROAD NOTES. vclopment were on SAN MIGUEL In district, Oallegos, 128; Pate, 150; com- - be down town nets trip over the line tho last few i D. 13. Cain, Correspondent Gives Re- mlselonor, third district, Hogors, 134; Prof. Halaplmis, tho Pecos power Ocnnrnl Superintendent duys. Our Regular passed through tho Up Till Yesterday (line, 144; treasurer, Kugenlo Romero, plant engineer nnd managor, returned of tho Santa 'Fe, The large well drill, nlno miles south A CHANCE IN A LIFE TIME turn to Paso. was up W Afternoon. 125; Henlgno Romero, 152; assessor, thin afternoon to Santa Fo. Tho fron city Inst night cri routo El of here, started again under KfouIIipI, 120; Chaves, 158; probate rliln ftnnt hn noiintv commissioners NUht Switchman J. O. King unforlu Wilson, of Pittsburg, Pa. Special Correspondence. yarns K. Flfo, been keeping book to Invest on tho ground floor with owners, In a developed frco milting Judge, Haca, 15 7; Petia, 150; superin- is assured, as It has passed Its first' mitely fell from nn engino in uio who has Jjib Vc?KF. .V. M., Nov ho Imll-cntloii- n hng gold mine that has produced, and has expended on It tendent of tchools, Qulntana, 120; reading and tho commissioners nre In (last night and severely Injured his been transferred to the Torrance fire tho lime of mailing thin Injury Is not serl-o- r at (lallngos, 152; representatives, Cole-m,i- favor of the introduction of cheap pow-- - knrc. Although the store. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS . the that, has to fur ' up completed n from "iitnt 123; (lullcrrur.. 123; Romero, In tho cou) y Swllchmnn King will bo laid Tho carpenters have mttt- - 'h ireclncts, twenty-liv- e In development on tho ledgo nnd n complete flvestamp mill, with all Ixrcn r' 120; Ortlr., 149; Jlmiuor., 155; I.uroro, Tho Tccoloto reduction mill people several weeks. largo powder and bunk house and aro of fh t').,i the entire republican now working on n large water other necessary mnchlnoiy ready to run. 156; surveyor, Frcsuuez. 124; Rice, will soon hnvo u nmnll amount of J. miner, ni" uccmnmuuiu tank. Ozark is not a prospect, n mlno that has produced. Wo will be circled from the flag recently Tho engineer corps, Major Tho but ticket 155. This makes a clean sweep for, slock to dlspos of In tho city. They . gentleman who succeeded under are placing 100,000 shares of dotolopmcnt stock nt 25o per shnro, cap- with lOf'ucctl majorities. down li't tho In this precinct, excopt deslro tho local Interests to show some Day Ticket Clark J. A. Courtney nt the John Halcomb, have arrived and will ital stock 1,000,000 aharcs, (par value $1 ench), fully paid and tlnket has earrVd n number unionists put The fttatun Hodcy. faith In tho mill and have snvod soni" local station, wer.t to ban Mnrclal last be Immediately In the field. to further develop nnd put tho property on a paying basis. if nnd mime of the largest purpose. night to finish preparations toward A property lying near tho Ozark, with nowhere as good a showing Precinct 64 I took for them for that The Dest Remedy for Diarrhoea. development, to York syndicate pnrlnrH nn yet to tie heard from anil ' - v and very little sold hut week a'Now Hodcy, lfvi; Fergusson, 82; Spless, Mrs. II. v. tircen roiurnou mis ai- niuvms n" uimnj " w years ago, whllo nt Martins-burg- , par It will be Impoaslblo to got an exact Ticket Clerk Cnrpenter is doing "Some ror 5200,000. The Ozark wilt pay dividends and be worth inaldt of entire-1C9- ; ternoon from Denver. NlRht 1 money before some time tomorrow, Ho- Travel north Is blocked hero W. V., was taken with cholora six rronths. This Is the best Investment for tho that has ever count cnni iiriititmi f'ni ii. o. linil nnd doublo duty In th? meantime. to Investing public. county by an Incrcas-w- i (lallegos, 97; Duncnn, 168; Olnoy, l:o morbus, which was followed by diar- been offered the dcy will B't th' Capt. K O AiiHten returned this after- Joint accncles shortly will estab :o loso oppoitunlty. It wllPnovor como again. heavy running every- 91; sherirr, Romrro, 170; Dudolph, 91; rhoea. Tho doctor's medicine did ma not this majority, his noon from up tho road on No. 1. lished by the southwestern railroads in Far further partloulars, prospectus, report on mlno, references, etc.. Vegas being probate clerk, .Tiirninlllo, 107; Sena, no good. 1 was advised to get a bot- where except In LaHt Las eastern 1 MIsecs Nora and Mary Crlmmlng nr New York. Hoston and other aJdrcss, 1 99; commissioner, second district, Oal- - tle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholira tmo of the surprises. It looks now like this afternoon from Aurora, III., cities, nnd also In tho principal Kuro- carry county liy 32G any legos, 174; Pate, 93; commissioner, rlv'd and Diarrhoea Remedy, which I did, no will tho and will spend another winter here pean capitals, for th purpose or turn- way, though may lie cut down a third district, Rogers., 1V3; Olso, 93; and It cured mo sound and well. O. A. this U1 ing the tldo of Ita.iilgrntloii Into tho OZARK GOLD MINING & MILLING CO., - 172; Hen-- inHl 1""0 "uni m"" f'- whin ttomo of tho larger fusion treasurer. Kugcnlo Romero, i move, says Tlmcn, Morris, Knibroovllle, Pa. Sold by all I II - ,, HUT llllllH'. southwest. This the got In. Tlie Dmiinn, nauiiiuir II 1ml druggists. MOSCOW, IDAHO, jircrlncts their rcturtiH ev-- 1 aggressive competition 102: Chaves. 101:' nrobnt? liifiL'a. llacn! Ramon Arngon. who camo in last Involves an of Un renulillran Icisintlvc - roads, which Pcnn, 91; superintendent of "om i.a junio, icu uns imn- with tho northwestern HE STftUCK IT RICH. t'fkct MPf inq almost noHltlvn. and while c"'l? carrying the greater propor- JE39 schoolB. (Julntnna, 173; Oal gos. 94; noon ror Aiumiiiermm ami raso. have been tho fuslonlsts aro making claims rur bound Immigrants for sev- An American With No Experience Uut reprcpcntnf.ves. Coleman. 103; Cutler-- Miss Josio l.opcz left this afternoon tion of west company n largo part of the county ticket, the ' of Grit Won Out Down coal fields of Trinidad. Orando Land was also held .11- - for Santa Fo for a few days sojourn, eral years. Plenty managers nothing re.. 103; Romero. 104; Ortiz, 101; Within sixty days It Is said contracts H. U. Mudgc, Trpubllcan concede Vice I'resl.lent .lohtuou. of the Reports havo been persistently cir- in Old Mexico. and of Topeka; II. L. tnaj"-'.t- y miner., 101; I.ucero, 101; Surveyor.' building 205 miles and expect to pull the of tho some tinio past that 13. H. will bo let for the of Waldo and H. E. Twltcholl, of 104; Rico, 103. This gives ' & Western pasned through hero culated for According to a report m the Mexican lelniwl DValnm East ticket through. to resign tho " V ' 1'H afternoon In a private car en route Iliiiilninn was about Herald, the great buccobh of Richard , r" ... UnVa Vegas; R. J. Paten, of Santa Fo will give Spless the straight republicans this precinct t , .... s...... -N Guadalupe county t(' ho Canyon and tho coast on presidency of tho Southern Pacific an has won a for l Ul.lll till,) l. from mnjorltlos ranging from 58 to Grand Wallace, American, ,ll and E. Wilder, of Topeka, were elect and Dnncan a majority of 350. nnd Ito- various persons havo been M. The Hock Island lino from uucrai, j a pleasuro trip. road, and tune In tho mines of Oaxnca that road? BiiyH, j03 which connects with tho South ed directors. Tho officers elected wore doy HOO, so a telegram from there named as Ins probable successor. .Mr. like a x'alry talc, he has $500,000 Kas.. Up to 5. but nt El Paso. Texas, runs and that nssures their election. Precinct. f yP.j daclrc a aooa complexion use llarrlmnn gavo n r.utctUB to all tlieso gold for his rich Zapoto mlno In the ern Pncllle If. U. Mudgo president and E. Wlldor pre- Itodoy, 89; Fergusson, 54; Spless, Mokl a puru It acts Rosa, and tho proposed 2 o'clock this afternoon seventeen Tea, nerD drink. to-'n- by Issuing a statement to or cap. thiotigh Santa secretary and treasurer. ' rumors Ocntlnn district, ttn.l n company cincts had sent In their returns and 81; 'lallegos, 61; Duncan, 82; Olnoy, on tho liver end makes the skin smooth would be glad line from Pueblo to Snntu Rosn will be The election of officers of tho East- -- tho effect that while he itnllstn havo a fabulously rich mine. republican majority u,..rliT ii,minr 7- itiwininli r.R anil clear, tiures BicK nuuuaciiu. Oi; connecting link In tho Rock Island they return a r,rtc- relieved of tho onerous duties wont the ern Hallway company of Now Mexico - Mon,,v rofnndpil If It docs not to be The story goes that Wallaco Pa- twenty-ftv- up In probate tarainUlo M, Sena, j , system between Colorado and tho "Vegas. Is ftom the hundrods. clerk. i.l, f yo WrU) t() w l ooUer &,aw sponsll.llltles of tho position down Into Mexico not very long r.go wns held at Las This the majorities commlssloher, second dalle- - cific coast. Following aro republican d'strlct. i0 nuffalo, N. Y.. for free samples. J there Is no Immediate probability of with a capital of $30,000, and with company which will bulb! the Santa Fo Hodcy, gos, 83; Patu, 01; i 11 The Hock Island nscs tho tracks of froai tho seventeen precincts: commissioner, third o'HSutly & Co., and U. Urlggs any change at prehcnl. There nre in- Amorlcnn pluck put It Into the Zapoto cut off from the Peeos Valley division Mierlff, Rogers, 85; 00; trons-;co- . tho Denver & Rio Orando between 351; 8pks, 174: Duncan. 01; district, Oiso. surmountable dllllcuUlcs In tho way of Ho know nothing of mining and to Rio Puereo station on tho Atlantic Kugcnlo r; mine. Colorado Springs and Pueblo, nnd Olcefao Homcro, 208; probate clerk. uror. itomoro. Henlgno' his doing so nt thin time. made light of by tho miners for & Pacific division. Tho olllrers elected I BIG ROCK IGLAND ENGINES. whs from Pueblo to Jaratnlllo. 154 ; county commissioner, Homoro, 58; usscssor, Ksauibcl, 81; developments nro looked Judgment. when the line Santa wero: President. E. P. Ripley; first Sensational his plant, and lack of I 1b MY; Chnvcii, 00; probate Judge, Haca. 83; . Rosa, N. M.. Is finished, It under second district. Kamon Oallegos. comlnn West to Hits Goldet: State for at the session of the Interstate com- Ho set to work In earnest, but ns ho. vice president, 13. D. Kennn; second county commissioner, third district, Puna, 61; superintendent of schools,! Chicago on No- stood tbnt tho Rock Island will lay ts lce president, Paul Morton; third vice . Limited. merce commission in sunk on the mlno ho had nothing but Kugcnlo Ho-nr.r- Hi ntnna 81; Oallegos 01 ropresen- own tracks from Colorado Springs to AV. lingers. 205; treasurer, Two tnoro of th0 nlonaicr compound vember 0. when tho western roads will to go on. His money wont president, J. Kendrlck, all of Chica- , , indications 185; assessor. Ksqulbol. 2fi; MIUVl-H- Vvl.lUIIIIIIl. Ill Om, - making - Puohlo. go; secretary and treasurer, E. Wlldor, llmlncz' nglnc8 which the Haldwln U.como- hnvo to show why they nro gradually with each day and no bonan- 181; superintend-cn- t lomoro. fcJ; 04;I C3 of Topeka; assistant secretary, L. C. probate Judge, Haen, Ortl, Philadelphia has been lower rates on live stock from points 7n n0 wns down to his last dollar IS COMPLETED. J. , CEAL 149; repre- I o. 61 : irvoyor. reac, cz 83; Doming, Now York; sec-irtnr- y, of schools, Qutntnna. ;,,cc, fop ime on west of tho Missouri liver than they nnd the last daj'n work that ho was of assistant 01. s gives entire ticket to E. Las Vegas: sentatives, the three republicans have th aro mnkliu; from points east of tbo able to do. It looked os though luck Rock Island Applies to 1st Its Bond? R. Twltcholl. of straight republicans H. W. majorities over threo fuslonlsts of 39"; snys tho Topeka State Journal. They river. 'Ibis discrimination against was ngalnst him, anil ho wns "broke." and Stccko. assistant treasurer, Gardner; ussussor, Frcsqucx. 20. Tho seventeen Short Paragraphs. up abovo ordinary engines, Chicago Is being practiced by all the dollar's worth of work nt The Hock Irlnml railroad ban ap general counsel, Victor Morawetz, both tower the The last D. , 02. 33. 20, Chicago-Missour- of New York; general solicitor, E. precincts arc bb follows: The Santa Fo repair gang did splen and attracted considerable attention. i river lines except the tho end of tbo last day, however, plied to the New York stock exchange 20, 41, 11, 7, 15, 5 Konna; comptroller, D. L. Gallup; gen-200- 29. 9. 17. 50, 58, 01. did work at tho bridge at Thornton, They are equipped with four pairB of Santn Fe, which makes a lower rate brought forth a chunk of the whlto to list $67,863,000 t per cent bonds of j H. C. all of and A. hlch wns burned out. They construct- - drivers, and weigh close to ninety tons east of tho Missouri. 'I ho Santa Fe metal. Tho bonanza of tho Zapote und $17,197,800 preferred stock tral auditor, Whitehead, precincts returns - x !4. Chicago. Besides tho abovo ed a bridge 250 feet long nnd twenty- ench. Tho Santa Fo has held the rec-ni- was named in the complaint, but It has mine had been fctnick nnd was a end ? o.' common stock. This fren El Macho. Colonla Arriba, Howe, feet high exclusively out of rail- - or,i engines In part of tho been Informed by the commission that suro enough. market tho successful ot for i,B this cuiminaticn j Tlie Santn Fo railway repair crow Saa Jose, San Miguel and Puerto Clto prob- - bo from the no He sold road ties. country, but tbeso engines nre Its name would stricken Mr. Wallace did more. tho big reorganization plan which did good work In repairing the bridge neighborhood report 200 ma- , -- r 1) f and Ouadalnpo county Spless and Dun-- to be Investigated. a company of Ameri- l)H.rt.1,l I . ,.,.1a t'm ...Wnnmw V. lirn. that In Inrger than tlie Santa Fe's pralrlo list of roads tho property to I I l'I llll. Ill I,. ..VI '.i, V..' .rtl which wns burned last county and 11. 1,1, '.r " Thornton jority for tho entire ticket, can. tho candidates for council, havetypc engines, although not so largo as W. .1. Hanna, tho busy water service can capitalists a chott time ago for the r....ii v..n ..v...,.i.l ... nnll9 a im.B. j Monday, A temporary brldgu 250 feet aeo for Hodcy, wh!ch practically division, visited United ar-- , mado a splendid raco. In. Tuciimcarl j tj,0 decapods, which were tokon man of 'ibo Rio Grande sum mentioned and left for the and tho other western capl.allsts ,()1K high county. Pe-co- a nnd twonty.,,x focl was con. tho republicans tho Spless got a majority of 44. Duncan a on mountains, nnd the local yards last night. ranged majorities out for use the States. jttuctetl entirely out of railroad ties. breaks about oven, tho majority of 42. In Santa Rosa Spless w,ch hold the world's record for size, Santa Fo Watch Inspector S. T. To carry the deal through the Rock In favor of A Co. nnd H II Hrlgp A. Cr. ranging from ono to thrco got a majority of 30 nnd Duncan 34. new engines will bo taken on down Vaiin, Sr., returned this morning from O'niellv Island people created two corpora-- tui di- tbc republicans. C. S. Onderdonk left last night for to Kl Paso "dead." and will bo put Into r,n extended trip on the Rio Grande nos--, t'ons. One was tho Chicago. Rock Isl .great deal of r0 .mbw', Hlnn.l lillxcr. under a Ihero has been a Denver, nftor a sojourn In htB old possibly on tho now vision. chron-- ! i.nd & Pacific Railroad company, nn county, Burvco there, Itlvo guarantee. It will cure ncratchlng done In tho and cap-Itu- home town of soveral weeks. Golden State limited. C. M. Wood, traveling passenger l. end other blood poisons. If vou , Iowa corporation with $125,000,000 l 264 straight Vegas, with her Mra. Christian Sellman returned last trnirtc agent for the 'Frisco with head- havo eruptions or sores on your body, stock and $75,000,000 4 per cent Et Iir demo- republican votes, 150 straight night on the belated train from her Jumped on a Ten Penny Nail. quarters at Doming, Is In the city look or aro nalo. wci.k or run down, It Is bonds, Tho wan the Rock Island Inde-peade- other Kodol nt money 31 three daughter of N. Powell I you need, wo cratic, unionists and trip to Albuquerque. The llttlo J. ing H. 8 Interests. Just wnat . , reiunu company of New Jersey, with a cnpltul 742 votes you aro no sa -- " 60 conta am republicans out of Major Flint nnd John Booth will Jumped on an Inverted rake made of h. Ei. Johnson! vice president of the " lr.ntlon of $150,000,000, of which $54. Dyspepsia Curt-- good en- iUcl,y te a,lu cast. la beginning to get back to leave tomorrow morning for tho coun- ten penny nails, and thrust ono nail Norfolk & Western railroad, accom- - "' 000.000 Is preferred and $90,000,000 straight. politics again and voting try about Morn, where they will restl- - tirely through hor foot and a second punted by hlu wife and a party of common. Digests what you ca Jdany of tho precincts carried by tho ate for a few days. ono bnlf way through. Chamberlain's friends, passed, through the city last END OF THE SEASON. Under tho plnn as put through tho preparation gavo Hodcy This contains all of tho fuslonlsts from 20 to 25. P. P. Dcorlng and George West have Pain Halm was promptly applied and evening In private car on route west. stockholders of tho old Chicago. Hock dlgestantii and dicsU all kinds of A special disap- Citrus Fruit Shipments Did Not Meet m malorltv from 15 to 20. gono to Pecos to look after some de' five minutes later tho pain had The Ij. F. D.. Pool, Walker and Lock Island & Pacific Railway company con. fo(id. ltglvcslnstantrclief and never chair-- ex- Expectations. telegram to tho Record from tho velopments In tho mining lino. peared and no more suffering wns & Carroll outfits turned loose three trol the new Hock Uland company and ? L 2,1" republican cen days tho child was Citrus fruit shipments from south of tho territorial W. C. Held left yesterday evening perienced. In threo train loads of cattlo a few days ago on ll ncw ,.t0(:lt IsIaml company control" u says Rodcy will carry wearing shoo as usual and with ern California via tho Santa Fo and stomachs can take It. By luso many tral committee on tho Delated train ror itoswon to her account of their Inability to get cars. un new lowa corporation. 1 uo siock dyspeptics C.G0O C.000, and Is Southern Pacific for tho season of 1902 thousands of havo been tho territory from to attend to some business matters. absolutely no discomfort. Mr. Powell Tho stock wns held at Riverside for v.iU be listed ut once nnd miliums of cltto more, ended Friday night. The total number cured nftcro.verythlntf fulled. Is the urospccts aro for ovoi and The Infantry company will have an a well known merchant of Forkland, five days and the animals began to dollars which hnvo been tied up In the unequalled for tho stomach. Child-fcchc- congress and Is antiseptic and of carB shipped from San Bornardlno Mr. Itodoy'n to olcctlon of officers ThurBdny night nt Va. Pain Holm an show signs of .distress on account of for months wero released to- - rcn vf 1th weak stomachs thrive on It. by tho Santa Fe aggregated 8.074. Last statehood for Now Mexico is .assurca their armory on the west Bldo to elect J heals such Injuries without maturation lack of feed. 'I'he managers decided (.nv Firat dose relieves. A diet unnecessary. one-thir- d night's tonight's freight will swell Following are tho scattering notes captain and any vacancies which and In tho tlmo required by to wait no longer for cars and let the and pro,-eanct- nbout 8,085. en tho returns frcfln tho outlying may occur In tho lieutenants. Captain tho usual treatment. For sale by all the number to AN OLD ENGINEER. M cattlo drift. Fu officials at point state Our BttiBoh triyfclt Da Costa will make a final Inspection druggiste. Santa this rrrpnml only by E.O. InWitt AOo., GhlcaM rapuuil-cum- ' shipment has fallen John McCurdy Has Clean Slate for , $1 . Dppcrtown Independent beforo ho retires as captain. Joints Like Rusty Hinges that tho season's The buttle ooatalastH time tbuMc. alaa. com WELLS DENIES IT. short of the estimate mado by the Fifty-fou- r Years. elect assessor; Sam Pate, In tho suit of tho San Miguel Nation-Han- k are amonj tho consequences of rheu- freight department men nt tho begin- Ago slHioaer:' Anolonlo Sena, probate ct nl vs. Moses E. Dangotal. a Acquire Los matism. The sufferer enn movo knees In tlie Hallway for October, tin' Santa Fe Not Trying to ning year by 3,500 loadB. R. B. Rice, surveyor. suit to partition tho Horseshoo pasture and elbows, but tbo effort makes him of tho car It "Inspector" suys, among "things audi clerk: Angeles Traction Company. Is Pacific Los Alamos Seven to fourteen ma in Colfax county, and for which par wlnco. He rejoices when a good ruli-- stated that the Southern other things," that John McCurdy, of republican ticket. Gcnornl Manager Wells, of tho Santa hauled an cqunl amount of freight, It J.irkson, Mich., has been a locomotive jority straight tition W. H. Oortner, C. J. Oavln nnd railway denied the story lilug with Perry Davis' Painkiller Six to eight lndepon.1 com Fo Pacific has brings being customary to divide tho traffic Ltigincman for more than llfty-fo- Joya Larga M. M. Dawson were appointed Hint tlm Snnln Vt In nliotlt to acotllrc drives the stiffness out nnd tho majority. they between tho two roads. The freight of- years. OAVEATB, TRADE MARKS, mi ronntilican missioners, and reported that Angeles Trac- freedom of motion back. No wonder AND seventy-tw- o In- - the properties of tho Los COPYRIGHTS OE8IONS. Seventy to were to do fairly to all par- In ficials of that route also overestimated fohn McCurdy, ho snys, Is runnlnn flalllnns tumble bo tion company, which would give It an our grandfathers licllovod heartily Band four bllifM direct to Wnthlnrta, itcnnnrioni rmnibllcan majority. concerned. 'Tho court then order- is tho crop. ou engluo on the Michigan Central nt lime, com ich, Drurr criro. ties "Tho this beneficent liniment. There htci V. MkHil IlUtC - thirty-fou- r entrunco to San Pedro. Ho said: grand toal for the numbor age Mf aM ttM U I. 0et. rrtUata- 'sapcllo Thirty to Indo ed tlie land sold and appointed W. E. but one Painkiller, Perry Davis'. Thus the the of 75; that ho began working try mtmnmat mtM. AUmt t uUlwiapt Fo Is not intending to acquire U rtlMft JtL Amtoiox atvtlf-- rnmilillcan majority. to makn the sale. The sale Santa o of cars shipped east from southern for the road in 1848, and has continued tmn4 ll ,.in Oortner t railways in tills territory. At alrty-on- o thirty-eigh- t electric California amounts to about 17,400 111 an uninterrupted nt., mm, tMwtn um s. a, Hoclada i to was mado lust Friday and has jiut FROM TORRANCE. trm of service mi nt. vttkMi tesun i 1 have no knowledge that such a something rati imUI tut. du Jt indanoniinnt rcnubllenn majority. boon approved by the court. Charles least cars and the shortage like Ho Is one of tho company's most trust votes move is in contemplation, nnd I believe 7.000 cars. San. Bernrdlno Sun. er, M..iiin itodoy ly seven Springer & Co. bought In the pasture Work Commenced on Santa Fe Cen employes, nnd makes his run as en INVINTIVE republican county Uc that I would know If such were the gineer of the mall on tho middle divis ami IsMlependcnt for 120,000. tral Other Paragraphs. Do not Expect Miracles. twonty-soven- . case." ion as regularly as any man on the l;J liv ton to Tucumcarl had a fine rain there Sat Special Correspondence If cold, long neglected, or Improp- forty-fiv- e a Thlrty-llv- o to road. Next March he will have been San Ignaclo urday nlvsht, which has mado tho It to nny drug- Torrance, Nov. 3. Work started this erly treated has clutched you by the rciiuullcan majority, Cut this out nud take in tho employ of tho Michigan Central iaatanendent hearts of everybody In tho neighbor- Chamber- morning on onil of tho Fo you cannot shuko It loose In a get a free sample of this Santn throat, fifty-fiv- e Forty-fou- r straight repub gist end years. Railroad men consider Tccoloto hood glad. railway. William Mulligan, day, but you can stop Its progress and lain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, the Central 1:1s record nothing short of mnrvolous, lican. The temperature record election day Invlgor- - contractor, moved In here evening In a reasonable time get rid of It al- by twenty-Be- v best phyblc. Thoy cleanso and last Ho began working for road as San Patricio Itodey wuh maximum, 02; minimum, 2G; you Lung tho republican county ate the stomacn, Improve tho appetite from Blsbce, Arizona, where he has together, If use Allen's carpenter; a month later was promot :n and lndepundont menn, 44. The mean humidity was largo Is nothing ond regulato the bowels. Regular size been at work on a contract of tho Bnlsam. There like this cd to fireman; a year and n throe to four. 38. City Copper company half later majority Indo 26c per box. Queen and he honest remedy for tho bronchitis, was mado engineer on freight trains Hot Snrlngs Fifteen Rosenthal Bros, are today moving outfit is asthma, and affections of majority. has a perfect railroad and other the air nnd nlno months later was promote-- ! wminnt remibllcan Into their new flno Btore room ':i tho Subscribe for the Daily Citizen. doing flno work. His brother, J. M passsagc. KttBitm Fifty-eigh- t Independent to engineer on passenger. Ho has oc and sohn Ixm VIkIIIb rearly completed Coors building on Mulligan, hero tonight n,nukllfan malorlty. Notice of Special Master's Sale. will arrive from cupied this responsible position for tokereber good crops Sixth street and Lincoln. Kennedy nnd will start to work Imme- TRACK LAYING RESUMED. Keaierovlllo Seven straight repub Judgo II. L. Waldo and Col. R. U. Territory of New Moxlco. In tho DIs, moro than fifty years, In which hu has are grekm. County. diately on his arrival. He also has a on 20,000 ridden 2,000,000 i trlct Court of Ucrnallllo Work the Dawson Branch of the made trips, majority. Twltcholl loft this afternoon for Santa very large and complete outfit. Sold everywhere. meet-lug- s George K. Neher, plaintiff, vs. Ambro Rock Island Will Be Puahcd. miles In a cab and hauled, approxi Fe, where thoy will hold somo Tor-rnnc- Andrews, manager of tho o 1903 Annual FRF.E. la tho official votes of tbo Fq lo Armljo and Anita Armljo, de Frank Track laying on tho Dawson branch mately, 4,000,000 pnssengors, In all Following In tho Interest of tho Santa was on business trip to In tho two towns of fondants. store, a of tho Kl Paso extension of tho Rock these years, when a single fault of fear predicts railroad. Corona yesterday. He reports every- Betreit. Mr. und Mrs. W. E. Martin, who Notice Is hereby given that tho un Island system has been resumed after memory or lapse of Judgment at any 'W 111 major body getting ready for the big .iv et the townB by were arretted yesterday for larceny of dersigned, special master, duly ap a delay on account of bridges not being time would mean disaster, It Is said a vote total of 151, over clothing Jewelry from pointed for tbnt purpose will In pursu rendy. The end of the track is now that no passenger on his train has over Ity, Kettlw Eoine and the Wnter was struck In tho company coming forty majority given Fcr of Thomas Callahan, wore nnco of tho decree of the district court about thlrtV miles from Tucumcarl. All been killed or Injured, nnd that he has the residence well, and It Is said to bo first class, eC YEARS' In Baat Lan Vegas. today released upon the returning of of tho county of Hernalillo aforesaid, material for tho track has not arrived never been responsible for an accident EXPERIENCE vutuion It Is quito 11 convenience for our city, 29. goods tho payment of niiiilu and entered on tho first day of as yet, but Is being shipped at the rate of any kind, nnd has never cost the Praolnct the stolen and ns beforo our bo shipped 345; flplcss Is employo December, 1900, In the above entitled water had to of several car loads a day. Fencing of company a cent. His record Is abso ltadey, 38B: FerguBson. tho costs. Mr. Martin an trom Alamogordo. Captain Gavin do 911- - tluncan. 376: Ol of tho transfer company and has rea-- l cause, sell ut public auction to the the right of way has been commenced. lutely clean. In other words he has n.itnu ' serves great credit for his good work M7? sheriff. Romero, 377; Hu ron to congratulate himself on getting highest bidder for cash at tho front worked for moro than half a century . J. AV. Records, master mechanic for A Violent of Croup Cured. Mrjmi, clerk, Jaramlllo, c.ff easily. door ot tho court house of the county Attack In us exciting nnd responsible a post ant! nrabato ho the Santa Fo Central lino, Is In tho winter an Infant child of mine mat - D,m .iru- - commissioner, second Dr. A. Melvlllo Tullcy, who has been of Bernalillo aforesaid, nt Albuqucr-a- t "Uist Hon ns man can be placed In and has Tu- El-d- mm De- city for tho dny. Ho will leave for had croup In a violent form." says error, Oaltegoa, 380; Pate. 351; com Montezuma hotel at tho springs quo, on Monday, tho first day of liovor mado nn DCBIONB fHstrlct. the Evan-golls- t, . 399; 10 cumcarl In tho morning. John W. Rogers, a Christian IimOmmm-- third district, Rogers, fer tho past two weeks with his wife, j comber, 1902, nt about o'clock COPVRieHTB Ac. Romero, following described 1'. Alexander and W. E. Hagan, ol!lc of Fllley, Mo. "I gavo her a few ANNUAL MEETINGS HELD. AnrAn icimltiif n tUieh mid dmrrfi'tlnn may (Hue, treasurer, Kugonlo niece und physician, died last night at a. m., tho CMrkir iMcertiilii our i,iiiliui fret) nfntlicr mi ials of the company, spout a day In Cough Remedy .tHVMiltun -- assessor, to Lot seven doees of Chamberlain's UtriubaUr iwlwitablo. Romero. 343; 11 o'clock from tuberculosis. Tho do icnl estato, wit: number Directors and In TIixnOlKiok 1,11 iu- nnlicao Torrance last week. and In a short tlmo all danger was past Offlcera Elected 1'Atcnta 368; Chaves, 369; probate ecu soil was 40 years of age and was a teen In block number fifteen of tho of trill frra. tililt Humry (urcurlnir iui"iiit. KffVMtM, W. A. Bayer and J. E. Saint, both and the child recovered." This romedy tho Santa Fe rnuuu taken iriMiuiili Muuii .U U'CvlTS mu; wealthy resident of New York City. Now Moxlco Town Company addition Railway Company. trtrlat nntUt, wliliout charge, In U lodge, Baca, JH' J''ib, connected with tho Pennsylvania Do- not only cures croup.but when given as aeheols. Qutntana, 378; Oal"' Mrs. Tullcy is a cousin of Mrs. J. O. to tho town (now city) of Albuqucrquo Tho annun meeting of tho symptoms appear, will of stockholders Scientific representatives, Coleman, Sliermnn, of this city. The remains as designated nnd described upon tho sooii as first of tho New Moxlco Town company Vgoa; prevent tho attack. It contains no wub A liandanmnlr lllnitratalflir.mwrcklf. f Jirtt rlr. OmMwrff. 376; Romero, 370; will !u shipped east. map und pint made by M. J. Muck, C. It:& iHd yesterday morning rmallim of anr Irnttso Journal, Tcrnu, M 413' Just a Cough cplum or harmful substance and at tho First Soldi)? ail ritirxlralcra. 312; Lucero, 378; W. M. Boll, the shoe man, who is E., and fllod In tho olllco of tho prov other National hank in tetri SU; Ortiz. that gets your lungs soro and weak may given nn confidently to a baby Santa Fe. Tho eld Wtmiiucz. 338! KICO, mnking an effort to locate a shoe fac- bate clerk and recorder of bo were arverr, and paves the way for pneumonia or salo by all drugglnts. directors elected as follows: H r&.rm.wart&r"ii ropubllcar.i ou tae tory In city, Is expected to Bernalillo county, on tho 29th day of as to an adult. For U. H tbo this return consumption, or both. Acker'a Eno-llt-h Mudgo, of Topeka, Kas.; II. L. Wal- exeept mi-- sev- December, 1882. Raid salo Is mado for Lau Vegas Saturday with his wife from hU Ramady will atop tho cough In a ROCK ISLAND PROJECT. do, H. K. Twltcholl. F. C. Fox and F A CO., Knqulvel and luce, sur eral weeks sojourn at a big ranch in tho purpose of carrying Into effect the day and heal your lungs. It will cure A. Manzanaros, of Kaat Las Vesaa; JL 5EBUKUN3AME tho southern part of tho torrltory. The decree In partition In tho abovo entit- consumption, aathma, broachltlo and Plan to Connect Pueblo With Santa J. Palen, J; II. Vaughn and R. O. Oort- all and Positive- MM! :WIJIC MaMMtATORY committee appointed by the board of led cause and upon confirmation of tareat Iubr trouble. Reaa, N. M. ner, of Santa Fe, and W. B. Jam fen, at will be Into ly guaranteed, and noaay refunded If saya by mall or tradu to draw up plans for a factory said salo tho purchaser let Tho Oazetto that Colorado Chicago. The oSlccra elected were, H. MB poMQsalon promise sold, Hot aatiaied. WrKe to w for free aaaa-pl- c out- :: DuaeM, 11; and. look Into tho watte r of a site will tho of the W. H. Hooker Co., Buffalo, N. Springs, Colo., la to havo another u. Mudge president aal BJ.WM4er sec- S, HUBBKLL, 'Rswra, Rh report upon Mr. Bell's return. T. Y. J. H. O'Ploily & Co., a&a B. H. let to the Pacific coast, as well as the retary and treasurer, jwramiiio, Mra. J, W. Heath, who has bceu sick , . Special Master. ft new road which will tap tho laneBM The annual laeetlng of the Rio write tor tenM. r awStNMI Wk. Brlfl Ca ITM'ITM avert Cew.

1 1 , , 't - ' tV 1 i ' . i1 - .ll O !

i-. - , X . . . . 7t, afcjv", :.4alBBaaaaiiaaaaaW. Ow. dltf.- t. tSjBSJafefgiV kMBBaat . 'Sunt "rrtrsns could bo Imagined. tCOf Among the tenants of tho new suspended during good behavior. Le , i been had U for recent I FOR THE' WOMEN. Drying prRparntloiifi simp not been the fslfAflffflAlH Muffs and boas come In for a largo building will be the St. Paul and Santa Grand Pratt, charged with murder, !"pn'1 ',cn,h of n 8 of l,lu,(1 s,,,,e8 on dry calarru i they dry nr tho to Vioi IIYXrrrNIA ef- companies, Jin'- filiate of attention this winter. Fur Fe railroad and probably was acquitted, and the bond of Thomas which ndhcro to tho mtiabrnuo nndliV - Marshal Foraker, Mr. McKeehan's lntt j I I W , Wlfl fect will not lie popular for Indoor tho Alton railroad company. Longncrc, charged with the of pose, causing n more but was a enjoy murder far serious trt tl m fmployer, quiet and And Indigestion, the most common ts IHtn-Sii- wear, se- w tlio d Whit IN rt FlikiifNtft unless ennlno effects are The new building probably will be man nnmed Carson at Portales, was ordinary for t of catarrh. Avc.l... nhlc little meeting that filled Its mis- of mankind, can be cured by the lected. Tho Indoor muff may seem a seventeen stories In height und will be declared forfeited. .The bond was for lug Inhalant, fumes, niuofco.i a i u sion of reunril nml i?nml nr. am! uso that which use of Hostctter'a Stomach Bitters. It Yirk paradox, luit It Is not. It Ih really one a modern structure. It will bo $5,000 and ten residents of Portales "V1 Hlod by those present to Mr. McKee- - An Wiring. hium. s Cronui I u'url,n a J . hns a record of Hfty years of such ce-nln- ,1 of tho requisites of a fashionable planned especially for largo cor- nre responsible. Longncro Is supposed w lt!nvo dlsap-po.n- the nnd will cntfirrli or coldi.i f u i .n.1 w"' tonsht for Nogales cures back of R and will not t so occupy bo In - outfit. In fact fashionable porations which arc to It. to Canada. easily and pleartiuilly. A triid sisro will bo t0 ,nl0 "l the dutlps of his new posj- u now. If you, aro a sufferer FALL AND WINTER STYLES. have they become tlint tho Kiiest of a mailed lor hi cfiiM. au drnggim sell Uio unn ns unineso inspector. from these complnlntf. or Intsmnla, A policeman's Testimony. 50c. giro, Kly fitt Kl , - box party who dnres go without her Beautiful Clear Skies. llrotbcrs, Warren KY. Mr. McKcohnn and wife were ten- Nervousness or Gentral Deslllty, be 1 lei bl no n .1. N. Pnttorson, night pnllccmnn of Tho Ualm cures without pain, not muff, have some other striking novelty exerts direct Influence on dos oered a silver tea Bet as a token of sure to try It, OUr private stamp to bowels, purify- , la., I or rnno sneezing. It spread itself . , New York. NoV. 7. The old saylnic to compensate for Its omlRslon. Ijirrfe tho llvor nnd k'dnoys, writes, "Last winter had romcilirnnfo Mr Hortnn over tho nock of'iho bottle. excccdli.ifly ing orgnns, a bad cold on my lungs over nn Irritated and surface, "J," n that there Is nothing new under tho ,'1wc1r muffa are now and and strengthening these and tried nt lnKim1UodlfttolythopahTfulli.llnmmntlon.l.Mo.oro "'i l'roseiitntlon speech dainty. There Ih no danger of their and maintaining them In a normal con- least hnlf a dozen advertised cough ln bohnlf of tho sun must be relegated to tho list of With Kly's Croom lltihu you nro nruiod friends. He spoke of HOSTETTErS cvcr ,,CC01nlnK common ,ICCftUHe of dition of henlth; thus removing n com- medicines and had treatment from .AtantKiuaf Catarrh and nnv F4er, Mr McKeehan's ability and Integrity obsolete phrnses at least as far as their cost, henco their great favor mon cnuso of yellow, mothy, greasy two physicians without getting any It. 11. Thomas, general mnnagfr of ns nn oilleer and worth as a friend and tho fashions ot me coming- - winter aru'nmong fashion's elite. Crushed and skin, and more or legs of pimples, benefit. A friend recommended Foley's tho Consolidated Mining & Smelting nld that It was with deep regret that STOMACH BITTERS concerned, for everything In tho gor- - j withered roses of all colors nro em-geoi- blotches and blackheads. 50c at Cos- Honey and Tnr and two thirds of n bot- company Ccrrlllos, nnd Mrs. McKeehnn wns to of returned Inst 'Mr. soon tnlns work where tho work Is so dif- nrrny of Henson's advanco ployed with velvet foliage representing mopolitan I'hnrmnry, II. I'.uppe. tle cured mo. I consider It tho grcntest n to leave the city. the from flying business trip ferent. Our Homes comes to all who fashions now on exhibit In Gotham's leaves In all stages of development and cough ond lung medicine In the world." Chicago, spent last night In tho city Mrs. McKeehan will not go to No-gale- s I Foley's Honey stops reads its columns ns a means of grace, ultra-smar- t shops Is new. decay. ovenlng nothing lu nnd rar nivays Alvnrado Pharmacy. with For daintier visiting with family and loft this her husband tonight, but nc work Is tho cough and heals the lungs. Itefusc 1 its pn';!s arc full of Iho that Indeed there Is novelty for every- - or more deslrnble than the blush-pin- k o morning for li In business hendqiiartcrs will nve this evening for her old substitutes, Alvnrado Pharmacy. yearn r.ccomvl.iih 1 qach m nth. which helpn one ami with tho novelty nro com- - and embedded In mnsses of chit-I- d T. J. Helm, who has for several home n Ohio to with lose, at Corrlllos. Tho Ccrrlllos smelter, visit relatives n and our work-- 'licauty, been general ngont of tho Denver & Mr. f mtthi encoura i nod exquisite taste and For fon or lace or mnrabout feathers, It Is Startling, But which has been shut down several until McKeehan can secure n homo r True. (Iran In is rs to el uoie and moi Interested two or three seasons' there has been a possession to be prized by any "If every one knew what a grand Rio ilo railroad Santa Fe, it niontliH whllo Improvements nnd for them at Nogales. undersigned, resigned post I'l wn i elf racrlflie (.lid self de- exerted to put pastel tints and man. mcdlclno Dr. King's New Life Pills Is," has thnt were being made, la now running ii' .), 11. In A Liberal nial. As every paper U Instructive "fade" shades In tho forefront of I Whllo almost anyono with tion. Dnvls, who tins been full Mr. says the Offer. tho natural writes D. H. Turner. Dcmpaytown, Pa., blast. Thomas that nnd inipresstvp In every lino ot work popularity, but these efforts have met 'taste mid a talent for "manipulating" charge of tho depot office of that road only The uiu'erslgncd will give a free "you'd sell nil you havo In u day. Two thing that will keep the smelter rnr-rlflc- In Snutn appointed the self of some of our heroic with comparatively llttlo until this things to make ends meet can repro-yea-r. use new man Fe, has been acting from running stendlly In tho futuie mmplo of Chamberlain's Stomach and weeks' tins made a of agent. women thnt arc now in Cuba leading Now It Is decided that not only duco fashion's fanclcB at moderate me." Infallible for constipation, stom- will bo a break down. Liver Tablets to any one wanting a re Bto-loac- men nnd women out of darkness Into will the pale tints be a la mode, but cost, tho woman who would have 25e all drug llabio remedy for disorders of tho ach and liver troubles. at He Could Hardly Qet Up. tho light of our Savior; a grent deal of white, a new "shade" known ns chalk-- ! things as they appear In tho shops Curnd of Piles After 40 Years. biliousness or constipation. This stores. Duffy Ashley, 111., the money that Is being used to build white, Is to bo tho quintessence of .must needs have a fortune to satisfy P. II. of writes, Mr. C. Haney, of Geneva, Ohio, had Is a new remedy and a good ono. All 1 parsonages and homes for our preach- smartness. her wishes. Tno Inventors of modes Tho Chicago Great Western bnB or- "This Is to certify that have taken tho p ics rr foiiy yenro. Doctors anil druggists. two Foley's Kidney ers, nlfo tho boxes sent out to needy Of course stylo has Its strong are wise In own generation, but dered from tho Hrooks branch of the bottles of Cure and dollars could do him no lasting good.i this thrlr helped any preachers Is self denial money given points nnd its wenk ones. Arguments wickedly disconcerting to others, inas- American locomotive works twenty It has me more thnn other HeWltt's AVItci Hazil Salve cured him i GERMAN COUNTS. I many by our tlthors. ndvnucod against Its adaptability to much us the couptnnt struggle to look now passenger locomotives and ns medicine. tried advertised permanently. Invaluable for cuts. remedies, none of them gnvo me Two Were Here Yesterday But Were Wo havo In qycry society more or untovornhlo utmosphorlc conditions smart In gnrmentn of even quite com- many freight, for delivery In .January but burrs, bnilses, sprains, lacoratlons, ec- any relief. My drugglBt recommended Urknown. less tlthors. The first week In October are convincingly off set by Uiimq Fash- paratively youthful ago is as constant- and February zema, tetter salt rheum, and all other Foley's Kidney Cure ant! It has cured wns set apart by our home mission ion's disciples with response ly ninrrqd by the Insidious Introduction skin diseases. Look for tho name Do- - Two German counts woro visitors for the that Luck In I society for a week of prayer o Thirteen. n:e. Before commencing Its use wns a In Albuqilerquo universal it Is "delightfully cleanablc," and of up details which no process Witt on the nnckne- e- ..II others nro short tlmo yesterday. - Uy sending 13 miles Win. Splrcy, of In Ftich n shape that I could hardly ' a and self denial, pu- society hero ob "shows absolutely no trace of having of disintegration or overhauling In I cheap, woithlcss counterfc Un. .1. 11. Aftcr extended tour of Mexico Walton Furnace, Vt got a box of get up when onco down." Alvnrado served the week of prayer. At tho come under the Influence of the clean- older pouscrutous can conceal from the O'Reilly & Co.; H. H. Biiggs & Co. tlioy Were wending their way to too Hucklen's Arnica Salve, 'that wholly Pharmacy. I close of tho It we found .quite a lib-- er's art." Initiated. . n const thenco to Japan. Gentlemen vcf cured n horrible Fever Soro on his leg. o - oral sum given, heard $omu yery One of tho fovorlto wraps of mid- There are nil sorts of belts, collnrs, Miss Hayeo Dead. bearing titles are usually fond Of noto- Nothing else could. Positively cures The Cincinnati Enquirer snys: "It r'cty. and special pains to make leaflets and papers read on winter Is the gracuftil, loose paletot Jabots and cascades of chiffon or lace MIhs Anna Hayes, a young lady who , take llrulscs, Felons, Ulcers, Eruptions, has been announced, with authority thcmsolves gentlc-fo- r the free kindergarten work, also tho chalk-whlt- o cloth to sinarton n bodlco when vulnern-- ! with her mother, were In the city , known, but these of with a lustrous the Rolls, Rums, Corns nnd Piles. Only that Mr. E. P. Cost Is to resign ns work done among the Chinese in San design Is bio spotn begins to show signs of wenr, a year or more, died this noon .it men were simply tourists who were finish. This comfortable 25c. Guaranteed by all druggists. freight traffic mrinnger of tho Rig Four Francisco and Lon Angeles. Wo havo but It Is scarcely possible to n tho St. Joseph sanitarium. Tho body . traveling to hrnnden their experience, nnd voluminous and tends Itself Itself convert and Is to bo succeeded by George H a gwM working society of twenty mem- Inst frock says: crew will bo taken back to the homo In Illl- - They visited the Indian curio rooms, admirably to the rich treatment and scacon's Into one of this Tho Holbrook Argus The Ingalls, ron of tho president of tho bers and nineteen tlthors. When tho year's modes. 8 nols in the morning. There will bo a purchasing some Navajo blankets, luxurious materluls which distinguish or No, Saturday had considerable road. It Is whispered now that tho res- report of our last year's work was Among In applique ef- short religious servlco held at Under- which they Intend to uso for steamer the wraps of this season. the novelties t'oublo with hoboes. Four or five tried ignation Mr. Cost was presented we encouraged havo set rings of taker Borders parlors at 7:30 tomor- robes. A very valuable Gorman shawl read felt and For smartness and originality there fects are popular, these are noth- hard to cot out of town but were nil Inst Monday, to take effect at once, cut on tho new year's Work strength ing more stop-po- row morning. Rev. Herman J. Powell waa left behind, being presented to Is certainly nothing to excel these or less than tho tiny brass put off after the train had been nnd that it followed a stormy Inter- ened by faith, bollovlng God will lead cloaks. They show tho designs circles or any size preferred, for thnt a couple of times. Conductor Mil will have charge of tho services. the Indian blanket weaver. A rnro latest view. Mr. Ingalls takes the title of present great us more Into tho light of our duties in trimming including fancy stitch-IncB- , mattcr-Mis- ed bo much In fancy work, lor had to work ono of the;.i over a of value could not have general freight agent. No matter how long you havo had in our city. Wo distributed many leaf embroideries, appliques, and covered with silk threads to match the little. been appreciated more than was this the the cough; If It already develop- lets, papers, Bibles, clothing and mon-e- v lake, and the Immaculate background color of the gown and sowed on In hasn't shawl by tho weaver and lover of blan- Asleep Amid Flames. One Minute Cough Cure ed Into consumption, Dr. Woods' Nor- kets. In charity work. Our weekly pray- of the materials afforded an oxccell-en- t groups to outline fancy designs, or to only cough Rreaklng Into a blazing home, some fs the harmless cu.'c that way Pino Syrup wll cure It. The Identity of the distinguished gen er meetings havo been a great spirit- opportunity of showing off the rich break the monotony of a solid laec gives quick relief. coughs, colds, firemen lately dragged tho sleeping Cure tlemen wns learned from of ual uplift, and we still continue them materials employed In tho process of trimming. They nre nlso stitched down croup, wltooplng cough, Mineral Survey Ordered. hits their from death. Fancied security, bronchitis, conveisntlon In addressing each with tho thought that giving Is tho ornamentation. both sides of the opening of bodices pneumonia, grippe, all A mineral survey wos of tho other and donth near. It's that way when you asthma, la and ordered In their native tongue. cnly way to spiritual living. Women who do not take well to tno nnd ribbons laced through In corselet throat, chest ond lung troubles. I got Guadalupe placer In tho Red River God Intends that the choicest tl 'ng's design. M AUDIO neglect coughs and colds. Don't do It. Many prominent people have learn- idea of white gowns could not do bet- OKIFF1N. says Fen-ne- r, mining district, Tnos county. Tho Dr. King's Now Discovery for Con soaked by rain, Gertruddo E. ed by experience that more enjoyment of this world shall enrich the llv of tor than duplicate their effect In more Munclc, Ind., nnd a se- claimant is E. Hamblen, and In- sumption gives perfect protection contracted the Is secured by traveling In seclusion his children. For To the Public. I were Doputy United desirable colors. Instance take against all Throat, Chest and Lung vere cold and cough. fulled rapidly; structions sent to thnn be subjected MRS. M. E. AMES, mid-winte- Allow mo to say a few words In prnlso Mc-Kea- rather to the curious one of tho r frocks In white suf- lost 48 ll-.- My druggist recommend States Mineral Surveyor William Second Vlco Prcalulent'of the Woman's Troubles. Keep It nenr, and avoid eyes and emlmrrasslng questions of .j-- . wool crepe. Is Clicked Irnns- - of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I can of .. ji v...... The shirt fering, death and doctor's bills. A ed One Minute Cough Cure. Tho first Taos. tho inquisitive public. uun:c .Mission.,...' nocieiy or aiuuq 'jer- vcrseiy, irom nnu inrcugii iccommcnd It with tho utmost confid- bottle brought relief; several cured que. mwuf'uvm good work for me stops a late cough, persistent Sixty tho groups of' tuc'kBiro" ence. It has done me, I am to my weignt, 148 For over Years. alternated use and most stubborn, Harmless ani bncu old old well remedy. Hives are a terrible torment to the with bands of iacc. throimh ! nnrt wl" ,l tho 8tuno for otncrs I had An and tried WorrH Destroyer. Russia tasting, Its guaranteed to satisfy lbs. One Minute Cough Cure cuts the Mrs. Wlnslrw's Soothing Syrup has llttlo folks, and to some cider ones. which gleams silken lining. n vur' wvo cough and cold and fear-th- e nice the At 50c $1.00. phlegm, relieves the cough nt once, been used for over sixty yeara by Easily cured. Dnun's Ointment never White's Cream. Vermifuge, not only 1 v,'ou,(1 Kot Pneumonia, but after by all druggists. Price and bottom there. nro three simple 'cl draws out lnfinmtiintlon, cures croup. millions of mothers for their children fails. InutniiL relief, pcimanent cure. kills worms, hut removes tho mucus mcdl-pine- d free. ronnd-and-roun- d tno "cconil dose of this Trial bottles tuck' aid 'these arelnkln An Idenl remedy for children. J. H. while teething with perfect succoss. At any drug store, 50 cents. nnd slime, In which they build their 1 fo,t gums, with tho narrowest of blnck P'0 better, three bottles of It U. superintendent of con- & U. Hrlggs & Co. It soothes tho child, soften the nests; brings, quickly, healthy T. Walsh, O'Rollly Co.; H. allays pain, nnd it end a sntln bands, prwluranblr for tho sake cured my cold and tho pains In my at all cures wind colic, FROM MESILLA PARK. body worms struction of the Orient, has arrived Is tho best remedy for diarrhoea. Is condition of tho where of contrast, for they could hardly lin chest disappeared entirely. I am most Snn Angela, nnd will look nftcr con H. A. Sims leu VWnslow for St cannot exist; 25c at Cosmopolitan lespoctfully yours for health, Hnlnli 8. pleasant tc tho taste. Sold by drug- Foot Ball Game Other Athletic Sports prove the beauty of the gown. structlon of tho road north from that Louis to accept a' position with the 111 gists ln every part of the world. rharmncy, B. Ruppe. Meyers, (II Thirty-sevent- h St., Wheel- - at College. The bloiiso Is tucked and outlines n place, which Is to commenco this week . inols Central. Mrk. Sims will rcmnln Twenty-fiv- e cents a bottle. Its value o W, Va. For sale by all druggists. loose Kton effect! irirf oppIlqued.lnS. Tho first twenty-fiv- e miles of grading at Wlnslow to dlsfioso of her stock of is Incalculable. Bo sure and ask for Special Correspondence. , Fred Raymcr. .formerly of this city, with cream colored Russian lneo and lot to N. Kurz. Mr. Walsh millinery, wlilch she will also re- Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup, and Mesllln Park, N. M Nov. C Con- now playing ball with' tho Loft Angelea TUCUMCARI have been nfter finished with a yoko of dotted chiffon. work In Texas Is to bo move to St. Louis. take no other kind. siderable Interest has been aroused tram In California state league, Is states that the o the There Is tho faintest suspicion of a From the Pathfinder, pushed from now on. Entertained at the Alvarado. during the Inst few days duo to tho back lu the game again, and in two glrdlo If you advis- black satin whero tho Jacket Deputy sheriff Logan, from Dnlhart. arc bilious and seeking A most delightful social affair of the fact that final arrangements have been genies played recently la 909 (ay In el- - Anxious Moments. ers, ends. Tho sleeves tit tight to the wnH town, attending to tho ship-bo- week was tho luncheon given by Mrs. mndo with the Santa Fe Indian foot San Francisco, led teams in h'tt branching out voluminously from cattle, Some of tho most anxious hours of a Tako DclWtt's Little Early Risers, ball team to appear on tho h'th. ting and fielded hla1 position, perfectly, mint of sonio mother's life aro those when the llttlo R. P. Hnll to a number of her lady this point and narrowing again nt Mr8. Nova Wonger. of Gainesville, Just before going to bed. af- The basket ball management have accepting nil of tho fifteen. chances ha the, ones of tho household have the croup. friends at the Alvarado yesterday wrist where they nro gathorod into Vexns. daughter of Judge Is You will find on tho morrow, announced thnt tho Albuquerque High had nt second base w.thout an error Fourshee, There Is no other medicine so effective ternoon. Covers woro laid for four graduated bnnils of the lace. j.ere visiting relatives nnd friends. You arc rid of your Borrow teen. Chrysanthemums nnd maiden School basket ball team will bo here on He is thu field manager and. captain novel feuturo of In this terrible malady ns Foley's all; Just enough snld. ThnnkBglvlug. news The these sleeves Harry R. Nenl has purchased the Ice That's hnlr form were arranged In nn nitls-ti- c The has awak- of the team. Honey and Tnr. It Is a household fav- f Is all applique of the Russian lace nml mill Btnrncn luialnPftR nt Xr These famous pills do nto gripe, ened Interest In practice which haB for and lung troubles, and manner. The luncheon served wns which almost covers tho puffed por Yrung and will In tho supply orite throat move the bowels gently and ensu boon practically uon est for the past Hundreds of fiver, saved .every year future as It contains no opiates or other of tho choice foods that aro to be tion, or the top part at least, being wid- the town with nil the Ice nnd cold stor- cleansing the ller. Their tonic effect found In plenty In two or three weeks. by having Dr. Thoman' Electric O.l In poisons It enn lie safely given. Alvurn-d- o the larder at the est at tho elbow and growing narrow age necessary- - gives strength to tho glands, prevent- The Athletic board aro endeavoring ho house Just when It la needed. Cures luxuries Pharmacy, Alvarado. Tho entertaining and en near tho wrist-ban- d to fit in with the A dance was given at the home ot ing a return of tho disorder. J. H. Joyublo feature was made complete by to nrrnngo other foot ball games and croup, henls burns, cuto, wounds of ev proportions ot tho cuff. (Steer, threo miles north of town. Danc- Advice was received at the Hurling O'Reilly & Co.; B. H. Brlggs & Co. the cougenlal conversation, which ren- a game with the Albuqilerquo Indians ery nort. , Such a gown could not be otherwise ing wns the main feature of tho even- o nil closo will be played on the home grounds ton St. Louis ofllco of tho death of J Passenger Engineer G. W. Parks, ders friends. RAILROAD NOTES. that bewitching, no matter what tho ing. All who were present report hav- For-giisso- some tlmo during the next three or W. Cothen, of Gnlcsburg, III., aged 85 who, with his family, has been spend- Those present were Mrs. H. B. color selected us long ns the material ing had a delightful time. Mr. Cothen enmo to the Uurlington Mrs. J. H. Wroth, Mrs. C. C. four weeks. ing a couple of months In southern sas-f-tng- er was soft and pliable. In blue, Italian Tho son of M. II. Ooldenberg. Michigan Hull, Mrs. I), A. Macpherson, From newspaper reports It Is learn CnrI Reed is again on duty at a little fiom tho Central when the California, returned home this morn- MrsJ. H red, dull green or blege, trjmmod with who was so unforunnto as to get a leg road wns building west from Aurora Kuhns, Mrs. W. J. Johnson, Mrs. Wal- ed that there arc two or threo teams brakenian, having retired from ing. Mrs. Parks nnd children will his medical the snmo lace, or an Imitation of Rus- broken by the fulling of n pipe at tho He was agent Galesburg from 1856 ter Connoll, Mrs. J. Munn, Mrs. J. C. organizing In Albuquerque nnd nutlet- - studies at the Wlnslow at In California some weeks longer. hospital being. sian, the effect would' bo striking and town woll last week, Is recovering ns lS'JO. baldrldge, E. pate games with the Agricultural col for the time to Ben Wllllnms, tho efficient special of Mrs. N. Stevens, Mrs. J. pretty. rapidly as could bo expected. Uorradulle, Mrs. G. V. Crosby. lege. If theso games aro played It will Robert Barry, who was filling tho po- Winter for thu'iw,Xork woman of Physicians Prescribe It fleer for tho Santa Fe, enme down soon bo over nnd all nvnllablo dates sition of agent at Canyon Diablo for from La Inst night will Stom-nc- fashion Is simply nsyriotrytn for a con Best Liniment on Earth. Many broad minded physlclana pre- Junta and tako Energy nil gone? Headache? h taken. a while, Is again In Wlnslow and at an part in tltiual round of gayettes, for are I. M. McMnny, Greenville. Texas, scribe Foley's Honoy nnd Tnr, as they active tho running down of out of order? Simply a caso of tor- Tho nttendaneo Is still Increasing work around the railroad offices there thcro safe got In morning muslcnles, writes, Nov. 2, 1000: "I hnd rheuma- have nover found so safo and reliable the blowers that their work pid liver. Burdock Blood Bitters will anil the Is now 180, Trainmaster E, J. Gibson, of the afternoon calls, at enrollment Tho drives, nnd reception, tism Inst winter, was down in bed six a remedy for throat and lung troubles tho local ticket ofllco night before niBkc a now man or woman of you. statement made ot beginning Wlnslow division, Is in the city visit- matinees live Inst. the of ning dinners, dunces, theatres and weeks; tried everything, but. got no as this great medicine. Alvarado the yenr that this will be a record ing with his family and observlB a gavo me a part of a THE COCHISE DISTRICT. conditions of balls, and it recmlres More than mero idlcf, till friend Pharmacy. A Thanksgiving Dinner. breaking year In the matter of attend this end of his, division. Snow Liniment. I The Snntn Fo ambition and an elongated purse to bottle of llallnrd's Heavy eating is usually tho first Is Rapidly Coming to the Front as a nnco Is going to hold good. California limited got two more It CAR HAS RETURNED. trains will resume keep up with tho "push," as they say j "d It and bottles. cnuso of Indigestion. Repeated attacks Mining Region. their dally schedulo - A. lU 111. , I any rheu- W. iren ot Arlt., writes, on Noveml. r in the much criticized "Smart Set." cured mo and haven't felt Exhibit of Products of the Pecos Vsl Inflame the mucous membranes lining Tho Blsbeo, Arizona, Minor has the mien, This will glvo the I Snow "I wish to report thnt Foley's Kidney a Fe Light colors In conjunction with fur nintlsm slnco. can recommend ley Much Attention stomach, exposes tho following brlof but forcible summnry Sort three through overland Attracted the nerves of tho Cur hns cured u kid- dally. three-quarte- r to bo tho best liniment on Co-(hls- terrlblo enso of trrhis 'aroused for ninny of the . liniment Through the East. stomach, producing a swelling nfter concerning tho grent copper belt of o rhoumnt-Hl- o ney and bladder trouble two doc- - A. N. h for rhoumatlsm." For ris-tig- that Tumor, the new agent coats worn at some of these tnshlona-t- Tho car containing exhibits of tho eating, heartburn, headache, sour s county, Arizona, which Includes ticket neuralgic pains, rub In toro hodglveiinp." Alvarado Pharmacy at the local affairs. Hut oven hero there Is 'c, sciatic or products of tho Pecos valley returned nnd finally catarrh of tho stomach. Bi6bee: station, and wife, havo Mallard's Snow Liniment, you will not moved their household goods up "something white, for the nmaitost ot to Roswcll. The car was taken through Kodol relieves tho Inflammation, pro- Cochlso county, in tho southeast Charles Johnson, the popular road from ' I Bllfrcr ,0"3- - but w,!l 1,0 Brntlfled with a San Mnic'nl and will In these coats aro supplemented with Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Illi tects tho nerves nnd cures the ca- corner of Arlzonn, Is rapidly advanc- master of the Sentn Fo, nnd Miss icsldo tho speedy and effcctlvo cine. 25c, 50c Hll. DliiBdule house on the Highlands. raised applications In white cloth, the nois and attracted n vist amount of at tarrh. Kodol cures Indigestion, dys-popsl- ing to tho front rank as a mining dis- ma A. Lundln wero recently 'l n Cosmopolitan Pharmacy, married Mrb. M. G. Colburn, "fruit" designs, such as bunches rf nt tention. A. B. Page and Thomas Jones, all stomach troubles by cleans- trict. Its copper mines nro showing In Wlnslow. The Wllllnms wife of tho local Kuppo. band turned Wells.Fargo depot grape, cherries, etc.. Iielnc at tho ino-'n- - who wore In charge, woro overwhelm ing and sweetening glands the Inrgest copper oro deposits that r ut In forco to agent, arrived tho of tho welcome the hnppy con lust nlsht from mnnt a very special and very fashlona- cd with questions at every stopping Htomnch. J. 11, O'Reilly & Co.; II. H. I.ave over been found In any part of pic on their return to place, Cretcent Iowa. Mr. NEW OFFICES FOR SANTA FE. that and Mrs. go bio fancy, place . Brlggb & Co. the world. The copper belt has beer, Cilburn will to house- keeping ut 230 There wns n tlmo when these rich A $2,000,000 Building to Ee Erected In demonstrated now to be almost three A Startling Surprise. North Walter street. embroideries and heavy effects were Chicago. There Is no cough medicine so popti A. L. Allen, of Chicago, Is at Santa to four miles In width, and Is easily Very fow could bellove In looking nt regarded as elegancies to be worn only building will bo lur us Foley's Honey nnd Tnr. it con- Fo III tho Interest of the contemphted traced for ilxteen miles of tho A. T. Hoadley, a healthy, rcbust black- A Dangerous Month. A modern olllce north Is by married women, but this year every corner of tains no opiates or poisons and never railroad to connect tho Santa Fo rail (International boundary line and for smith cf Tllden, Intl., thnt for ton yoars This the mo'ith of coughs, colds erected at tho northeast and ono Is youthful, us provided for by Michigan boulevards by falls to cure. Alvnrado Pharmacy. way with tho Cochlti district. A corps several miles across that lino Into Mex- he suffered such toitures from Rheu- nruto cutarih. Do you catch cold .lackson and easily? Find Mndamu La Mow an thcro Is very company, a now of surveyors Is now lu tho field and ico. About eighty now claims havo matism ns few could onduro and Hvo. yourseir hoarse, with a tho Standard Olllce WILL FIND A HOME. tickling In your little indeed that Is too handsomo" for concern Incorporated In Springfield, preliminary lines aro being run. Tho been staked out on this copper belt But n wonderful change followed his throat and an annoy- It ing cough at night you tho debutante of today. Bnys a Chicago disputed Tho structuro Masonic Lodge Agreed to Look After a line, Is expected, will bo twonty during the month past. Tho greater taking Electric Bitters. "Twi bottles Then, should alwayn have Bnl-lard- o miles In length wholly cured I handy, a bottle 's Already novelties aro arriving for . will cost 12.000,000 and will bo occu-th- Young Boy Charged With three und will start number of tbeso now locations wero me," ha wiltes, "end of . from n point hnvo twinge In Horehound Syrup. A. horso show which will soon tako pled by nt least two railroad compa-pluee- Larceny. a short distance above stuked out nenr the Mexican Hue, south not felt a over n year." J. Ander- son. 35 1 Wost A specially striking gown Is nles, one or more steel companies, and There wns an unusual cane In tho Thornton. of Solomon springs, Tho locators of They regdlato tho Kidneys, purify the Fifth St., Salt Lake City, , wrlti a: "Wo uso made of cremo fntltck. silk of heavy ja number of other largo corporations, Fifth district court nt Roswell on Sat sonio of theso woro Otto Gelsenhoffer, blood and euro Rheumatism, Neurr'-gla- Ballard's Horehound TIJK Syrup for cotiglm nnd colds, gfves quality elaborately embroidered In it will bo rendy for occupancy May 1, unlay. Thomas Harris, who Is biu 14 C. L. Beekwlth. L. Overlook, Dutch Nervousness, lniprovo dlgeutlon It GATA hc-nu- shaded yellow topazes jjmdo over a ' years old. was charged with having fifth Baker ot nl. Several claims woro ulso and glvo perfect Tiy thorn. Immcdlnto relief. Wo know its tha and ji::Ai.isr. T1 4!iirw jT7 best remedy flame-colore- for d chiffon uklrt, Tho waist' I taken $2,GB0, all of which, except the cum: turn rtnked out most of the Copper Queen Only Mc nt all drug stores. these troubles. I wrH !- Jit"- I thlti to iniluco Is embroidered nt the yoko and top ofl Wh Ic tllP 50 cents, was returned. Tho enso hud mid Blsbeo West. othar people to try this I Home Mission Paper. pleasant the sleovcn nnd has a canary colored of suffering from " ou been referred to Hon. G. A. Richardson and cWcloct remedy,' 25c, Foley's Honoy nnd Tar for coughs A beautiful little paper styled "Our 50c and jl 00 at Cosmopolitan Phirma-cy- , belt Over this gow,, which is tor Investigation nnd he reported to J MpiC rsatln . r rtt'',V"to' and colds; reliable, Homos," published at Nashville, Tenn. B. Rupi:e. for an ovonlng affair, will be tho court tho boy hnd run away tried and tested, Intended KffSffirKpepia Talatt taken after eating will that sufo and Alvnrado by the Woman's Homo Mission Tox-ns- , sure. Pharmacy. socle o worn a coat of whlto silk. Over it is digest your food perfectly and freo from his homo nt Mineral Wells, ty, . costing only 60 cents por year, Is L. C Ward well's hark line,' fitted n loose, but complete cont of you from all tho disagreeable symp-laco- on account of "too much step moth- lit U CilulKllli HQ la- - MJ; Remembered Them, (lirtn.fs llffi.-- . Friends ono of tho links that Is Instrumental which wns or- - toms of Indigestion and dyspepsia. Eat started last Monday, Is run- The silk coat in edged with er." v- -rr. A fow B. . Intimate friends of Fred In iriiqnieMynnior'Noi. rua .. ..-- J opening up personal communica- ning regularly every now 1 wIho and tho long laco stoles which Judgo McMillan said tho enso waa McKeehan mot dy n4 f "J"1'"8 in tho United States tions with other societies aro Mil ri 11 ilium ii rnnvBBionin mm nfc n sldo ot aro properly ono for a reformatory and not that scat ha, down either the front ltYS? marshal's ofllco last night for tho pur- tered all over tho land, giving every so- Jtied 'noy wMSS prison. Ho dents of both thu north and aawWi (Hi In at intervals by brooches of SS&A for a asked tho Masonic pose of giving . K ..111. tA . . . . . U "S ftiirl ...... ifA that gentleman a llttlo ciety an Insight to be- ll.l.n111 t cikt lWi. tfm hi....! tho work that Is us r 1 paste net filigree. Nothing more lodge of Koswoll to find the boy a home - wtv mwiiiuiii iutiwiv"i iv In hi niv vnjr. mm utrvwem in in old write to us for a free sample. W. H. fr0 fwl WJ emeU. Largo po, 60 criiU it send off tho way of n smoker. Tho ing accomplished In cities, hamlets, Mountain Road extravagantly or wore beautiful Co., Buffalo, N. Y. H. nnd this was agreed to. Sentence was was not andiftkfsiM SceotMt rich Hooker J. nffalr quite what, It might havo mining campB nnd the remote mouu- - street. postago must bo hopelessly deferred seemed to Improve somewhat after nor Their religion Is If tho Increased receipts of tho depart- THE FARMER FAIL "Tho common sense Is ono million Ave hundred thousand therein, for tho purpose arrival hero and only tho day bcfori of a common fellow." In of satisfying ment nro absorbed In needlessly high docs the city-ma- tho art line dollars ($1,600,000.00) and shall be di- HUGHES & McCREIOHT, In health Jtwt sj and her death It was remarked sho they draw or tending to satisfy Bald indebtedness Publishers. salaries on tho rnpldly extending rurnl he fails commonly from the name cauae, that salaries, draw checks, draw vided Into fifteen thousand shares of " " seemed to bo doing well. But on Sun- crowda of fun, and paint tho town red. par by said decree decreed. routes stomach trouble." The farm is a day tho value of one hundred dollars Subscription Rates. wholesome place to live; morning tho end camo so peace In tho lino of benovolcnco thoy ' Tho premises the fanner's fully, comfert each to bo Bold aro situated Illy Citizen, pur year $C00 Mfe is a healthy life ; but no external ad so quietly, nnd eo unexpectedly tho nmictod and afflict tho comforta- ANNUAL OUTPUT OF FICTION. a lady Dated this 27th day of September, In tho county of Valoncla, territory of Wochly Citizen, per your 2.00 vantage can overcome the effects of a that sitting Jn tho room thought ble. Don't pay any old debts and let muz. From S0OO to 10,000 novels yenrly ap- diseased stomach. When Biimo Now Moxlco, and as the stomach lor tlmo that Mrs. Lindsay was all tho now ones get old aa 11. described follows: pear the world over. Thev nro lint n allied fast as A. McMILLEN, A BIG TORTOISE. and its . J only sleeping. Socorro Chieftain. llicy can. It Is against tholr Tho deacrlptlon, and particular A ' Interest FRANK A. HUBBELL, ...... 1 mI.Ih . .... share of tho great organs. of diges mis imiuu..$.. i earth's stream of . to pay prlnclplo boundaries du uiiusuui ntni'iuiui v 11,11 and against their prin- M. W. FLOURNOY, of tbu property to be Bold port to In ,rln, " nro tho largest "lnro, 1 NORTH HOMESTAKC MINE. ccntly from this London the ciple to pay Interest. Thoy contract J. C. BALDRIDGE, under this Judgment, so far as II Jnnn a half-lhoiiB- tho form or a very largo vo tortoise contributes round ensc(1) u,e food Work on debts and build hopes. Many samo can bo "52 1,1 This Property at White Oakr. other W. H. GILLENWATER, ascertained from tho weighing moro than 000 pounds. saH,nn,1 'Si'". There nro n couple eaten is imper-th- o provisions Will Be Actively Commenced aro contained In tho by Directors. complaint and the deeds therein re- "Hntlrcd In India, In , digested Hoson Transcript. Exports who!of letters Indln fectly laws, but ns wo informed you, It Is ferred to in as follows: turning to verso In assimilated, at Once. a have soon this tortoise stato that ltj8tl" prefenenco toi " secret society, but If yours Report of All those lots, plocoa In nml 11,6 Louis Q. Drockwny and John G. Fos truly. the Condition and parcels of has lived nbout 40u yrars. and Us "rose, as primitive Vordlc days, niC: Smltts, tho detective, of tho Montezuma Savings, Innd situated In County wrlloa tor. heavy stockholders In tho North can roveal aay Loan and tho of Valen- npl?ndfd condition upon arriving In Tnlcott Williams In tho Itovlow 2ur"ltion reluUs moro you snail bo enlightened. Building Association of Albuquerque, cia and tho Territory of Now KovIowb. Homestnke mine, have arrived at Mexico gives every Tho Arab world dc-wl- Boston Indication that ltof has Haifa physical ll Now Moxlco, at tho close of buslnoss as follows: Tho southwest quarter "altering scores; In Egypt', White Oaks from their homo In Lynn RODEY'S of continue to live for a great many three to bllky. CAMPAIGN TOUR. September 30, 1002. tho northwest quarter of twen- - In Massachusetts. They have announced section years yet. This monstrous species of!'1'0 yearly; Syrln, n fow dozen., Dr. Tierce's ty-on- nnd tho ' tho Intention of tho company to begin, Held Resources. south half of the north tcstndlnata measures sixty-fou- r Inches Strange works they nro. Tho fiction Golden McHcal Rouclng Meetings In Half Dozen wont at once, mere is ricli Real estate loans $66,000.00 east quarter, and south half of tho across tho of tho bnel;, 01 ino l ack to tho plain- - active Countler. curvnttire and "ns diseases of the oro nt tho bottom of the old thaft Stock loans 770.00 northwest quarter, and tuo northwest when Its lo;;s nro Its sl,oi!0" who sit In tho curving Dolegato II. H. Rodcy W. Mar- quarter outstretched and m" stomach and which Is 1,070 fet deep nnd a now nnd E. Accounts receivable 708.23 of tho aouthenst quarter in sev- - rl"K of listeners In plnco, shaft tin, of Fe, neck extended th head reaches tho market other organs of Santa who has accomnanlcd Advanced members 425.07 flection twenty In Township six, north ,n,0R ! has been started In ore from tho sun crnl feet from the ground, Walter j tol""K nB ns Hnmmu llnbbl digestion and him on his campaign tour throughout of rango two, cast of Now Moxlco I face, ny connecting now Is nml nK now ns the Arnblnn Nights In nutrition, tho shaft tho territory Rothschild ol London encased In and with one, during the past two $07,903.00 meridian In Now Mexico Territory. 1110 ,1IU'ds of u enables the per tho old the old works will bo collecting rnr specimens of tortoise, child. Japaneso flctlcn weeks, passed through Raton yestor containing ono hundred nnd flfty-Hcto- n 3 supplied with good nlr. Lslbllltlet. nnd this is one nniong n hundred that. naaslns from the Intermediate Chin- - !!!! day en route to Las Vegns. whore thoy acres and thirty-si- x hundredths of nn l.-- Ii;,'Su .i...... 1. I flu ft rilKini.nn t 11 I1n,l.. ... I .. . I HSMIIllllUlOIl Loan fund .$42,980.56 iii-u- - mi iiiiii ny won - ...... vw tu tin addressed a republican rally last night, acre, also tho following In "inu bl'iu r, h. mumi uiiiuuuu inu q( food It Indian Paper Suspended, Undivided profits . land tho European j t 6.077.4C titer of Hyde Park. They arc added to j novel. In Northwest Indln builds un the The Cherokee nero was a great crowd at tno Raton Ann do Sandoval y Manznnnres Grant, A InTTl , I ...... I . . i Advocate, the only Guaranty fund . 3,190.58 his private museum at, but ho ifl ImL'nnui body with round flesh and colid muscle. newspnpor depot and Mr. Rodoy addressed a very beginning nt a point whero the section day, over printed for tho Indians Rescrvo fund . 2,420.77 has given somo specimens to public nils tho street whero tho monthly ten l)r rler-e'- u enthusiastic meeting In a well recolv-c- d linen between "I bottle of Golden In tho Indian language, has suspended Individual sundries 280.27 sections twenty and zoologlcnl oxhlblts numberH of tho Inst romnuco como Discovery ami ftcvrrnl vmlfi of Ilia and eloquent speech. twnnty-on- o In township throughout London 'ricninnt 1'clltu n year ajjo UiU umlng. and publication. It had boon printed nt Uncompleted loans 4,494.40 six, north, fresh from thv press. One which nave hail ulncc," Mr. Rodey's cnmpalgn tour has range two cast. had tio trouble with ImKccitloii Tahlequah. Indian Territory, In tho been Duo banks nnd checks Intersects tho south a prodigious rogue a dozen years ago wnies .Mr v. T Tiionintnn. of Tnvii.riil a continual ovation and it might boundary lino of do 0IRL8 IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS. . Ilroailwnter Co., Montnua. "Wordi (Ml till Cherokee strip, for post fifty be the Ann Sandoval n 1...... I. I ...... a. r ... n r .. la r the years cash and cash Ifnrrlnrl ...iil...... :, n iiuiu uiiuuiju nro-- , uuusiui i n wt uic rcuri, j i firm ui- - said a continued convincing oration. and Manznnnres Grant, thence running For n ccniurj nnit a nan anei tilO, , . . feredim m much nml It neemed that the doctors and prior to that time It was published Items on hnnd 8,453.86 8 f tn "ll880-Turkls- h The largest and most po west seventeen hundred twenty-si- x public schools Were established illi coul.l lome no Rood I Kol Jown In welElit to at New Echota, Georgia, whero it was enthusiastic and wnr. a past In vor- - one hmnlteil mui twenty-fiv- e twntiJ. nml wa litical meetings hold were at- and eighty-on- e hundred (1,720.81) decade India I In those America, girls were not admitted to , , not able m w.rk at now i nearly established 1830. Lack of fundr. $67,903.90 tlon, na In Arabic, lu tended by Messrs. Rodoy nnd Martin foot, nlong said south boundary them at all; In the latter part of the tnUlngj one hnmitd mui ity ami can do a &y, wort and pntronngo Is tho cause of discon Territory of Now Mexico, County of of said plnco tho talo on nlil " the farm I have recommended your tnotl- - nt the towns of Lincoln. Nognl, Alnmo-gordo- , Ana do Snndovnl and Manznnarcn eighteenth century they wore allowed.the ,"o"0,yt, cine to M.verI. and .hall ahvayn have a goal tinuance. The nowspnpir hud lwen Bernalillo ss. ' 3 CBl Worhl f-- Ur. Santa Itosa, Puerto do Luna nnd Grant to tho right of vny of the Now to attend from April to October, tho . .P.Snm,.,..'. of thn " fierce and hlmeLlne. printed principally at the expense of I, W. H. Glllenwntor, secretary of n" wor'118' 18 coming to government, Clayton during tho week. Mexico and Southern Pacific Railway months when only the little boys were , The sole motive for substitution is to the Cherokee which own tho nbovo named association, do sol Company; 10 ' world : Tho chnncoB for republican thenco north, ton degrcea in attendance, a cheaper a ,,al over. permit the dealer to makeithe little more ed Its own plant and ofllco building, success emnly uwenr that and and taIy throughout tho which Messrs, tho abovo statement and ono minute cast along tho loss competent teacher was eninloved nml Sna,n ''Ctweon them, Issue profit paid by the sale of less mcntori. The circulation of Its last Issue was section Is true to tho best of my knowledge east Rodcy and Mnttin traveled havo great- - side of sold right of way, hun- - les 200. Tho was fourteen After iho girls were given this ox- T' " ,ll,r'..u,c thoreforea no substitute for" Golden than editor a full ly and belief. mrger portion. blood Increased nnd are becoming better dred and nineteen nnd ten traordlnary privilege of education the - Cherokee. Wlm tho death of W. II. GILLENWATER, I t""rfltlPO. Wrtrlit'a wetiicai Discovery- right along and In (1,419.10) r r Hin...w 'Tw.ata w DLMWUIIilltni,i;en tnnlmnrlni. I. Advocate fact Indicate a great feet; thoncc south. "fathers" of tho vnrlous towns began lit the tho Cherokee language olghty-flv- o fiction, prints COO volumes republican victory. occrotary. degrees and two minutes concerning themselves within tho a year; wo find It ns publos, but will soon be forgotten, ns It Is not Scandinavian Europe as many another name Tho Rodey meeting at Las Vegar, Subscribed nnd sworn to beforo mo, cast, oloven hundred and sixty-si- x amount of learning thnt tho girls moro, for tho papyrus creed of Egypt. taught In tho public schools of that centering for publication at Copenhag- was a hlg affair nnd ono that will mnko this, tho first dny of October, 1902. feet to a post; thenco north, ton de- might properly acquire, says the Wo Tact Is ono of tho o r tribe. grees en. Jtussla supplies, on nn average, evidences votes for tho entire republican tlckot W. MOORE CLAYTON. nnd ten minutes east, five hun- man a Homo Companion. On noble fifty-on- o tho re year by nature. It does not always nro from Rodey to the county surveyor. Notary Public. dred nnd foot to n post: old Now year, from E00 to 1000. Its New Mexico Goats Win. cords of one England town coed from tho wise, tho learned, tho thenco olghty-fou- r degrees, Is vast millions nro unlettered, but tho Mrs. M. Armour, of Kingston, N. M thirteen actually entered this bit of report rich, the exalted, nor is it denied tin e, BODY OF GIRL FOUND. Legal Notice. minutes east, nlno thirty-si- x appetite of Its small educated classes, took two prizes for Angorn goats In hundred and frcm tho nnnual town "school meet Tact Is the expression of a right heart, In and twenty-flv- o u social conditions nnd tho absence of the Natlonnl Llvo Stock Show in Kan tho District Court of tho County of ing.:" "It Is tho sense of tho meeting and though It deal orten with scorning Mystery That Calls for an Investlga Bernalillo, (936.25) feet to a post on libraries and newspapers stimulate sns City last week. D. C. Taylor, of Territory of Now Moxlco. tho west that the girls should not bo taught the trlvlnlhlet. Its victories aro as real, Its tion by El Haso Autnorltlei. M. Flotimoy, bank or tbu Rio Grnndo; thonco boiiUi, reading. When tho copyrights on Push- Lake Valley, N. M., took ono first prize W. plaintiff, vs. J. C. back part of tho arithmetic power for good as great, ns any other 17 twonty-thre- o degrees eight kin's poems expired the first twelve and made the record sale of tho show, Miss Kate Graham, years of age Osgood, defendnut; No. 5774. minutes human attribute. The ninn or woman was found dead on the banks of Tho nbovo named defendant Is here east, nlong tho west bank of the Rio KINO months saw 183 editions nnd a circula- selling the buck Aztec to tho CORN IS IN HIS GLORY. with tact has an Instrument of won Rio by Grande, eight hundred and ninety-si- x tion of 2.000,000 cupies. English A. Kemble, of Muscntlno, Iowa, for Grande Just above the Illsbeo at 3 notified that he has been sued by All over Whnt derful versatility. Tact will win when (S9P) foot to a post; thenco six tho country tho frost has poot Is llkly to have this compliment? $1,400. o'clock this afternoon, says the ElPnso tho abovo named plaintiff in tho nbovo Bouth. hold oft to an unusually nrgument, entreaty, and brute forc-- j degrees, thirty-fou- r minutes cast, along lato date. In Each lessor tonfcuo In Europe hns Its News. named cause; said defendant Is further tho south a very good will not avail. tho west bnnk of tho Rio Grande, nlno cotton crop has hundreds or two of novels, but BIG MONEY IN ONIONS. Miss Graham ami her mother room notified that the object of snld suit 1b the hundred nnd twenty-Bl- x nnd seventy maiureu, and In tho north tho corn has editions aro small. A at 312 Texas street. Tho daughter left to recover tho sum of $2,776.37 with In come sale of S000 to SLAUGHTER (920.70) to post to perfection In fine shape, so 10,000 copies Is HEREFOR08. Santa Fe Valley Farmers Should Pay thero yesterday afternoon about 2 terest from April 1, 1900, and $300.00 feet a tho limit of success nt tho Intersection of Bouth bound- mat tne prices aro gradually declining for a new Hungarian More Attention to Onion Raising. o'clock, leaving no word as to whore arbitrator's fees ns provided In a cer- the novel. ary Man-zannr- to something like old times. Tho great Pecos Valley Cattle Win Prlxea at Prof. C. J. Crandall, tho superintend, sho was going. Hor mother returned tain award described in tho complaint; lino of the Ana do Saudovnl y corn crop will bo a blessing to tho Kana.a City Stock Show. ent of tho government Indian school nbout 5 o'clock, but know nothing as defendant Is further notified Grant; thenco west along the EDITORIAL NOTES. Last week, thnt bis south lioiindary lino whole country. It will enable tho at Kansas Qlty, tho royal near Santa Fc, informs tho Now Mexi to why nor whoro tho daughter had property has been attached and that of snld grant, cattle show held Its nnnual exhibit and gone. oloven hundred nnd sixty-eigh- t and farmers to grently Incrcaso tho sunnlv A can that during the season Just closed She spoke yesterdny morning unless ho enters bis nppcnrnne In correspondent nt Las Vegas In sale, which was ono at- twenty (1,168.20) and the quality of domestic animals, of tho best 11,000 pounds of onions of a first class about having to go to Las Cruccs to at said cause on or beforo 22d day feet sists that Mr. Fergttsson is In favor of tended nnd most important tho of to tho place of beginning, containing muter and provisions of all event of quality were raised by pupils of tho tend court. No ono accompanied her November, 1902, Judgment ren- es. will bo o that town for the military post. an nlnoty-thre- one-hal- f This tho kind over held. As mentioned three-fourth- area of and Kinds. The new corn Is just now o in school upon a plat of ground s when she loft tho rooming house. dered ngalnst lilm by default and his is raise, in his speech hero Mr. For- - Inst lBBUe of the Carlsbad Argus, acres, magnetic variation, twelve de- ginning to reach tho market, nnd gusson tho of nn acre In extent. This The body was found by Deputy Shor property sold to satisfy the samo; de said that ho was for Albuquer-qu- o Slaughter grees tnlrty abould soon make its good Influence farm sent a big herd of would bo at the rato of 14,000 pounds iff Ryncrson, who telephoned to tho minutes tnst on all for tho military post. He was Hersfords to fendant is further notified Jhat A. B. courses. Another pleco of land, begin felt. The present exorbitant prices t'.o exhibition, under to tho aero and at tho price at which city. He could not at once dccldo McMllicn, Is merely talking for votes nt Las Ve charge of whoso postofllco address ning at tho northwest corner of for butter and eggs ought Harry Hamilton and George onions sell In Santa Fo, the product of whether this was a caso of suicide or Albuquerque, frac before gas. M. Slaughter. Now Mexico, Is tho at tional section nineteen, In towiiBhlp long to bo relieved by n plentiful In their classes the an acre cultivated In onions would re- murder. Thero wore bruises on tho As a political leader "Col." Wm. M. torney for plaintiff. six, rango two supply from tho Pecos Valley animals made almost a turn tho very neat sum of $916.50 per tody. north east, on the south Interior of Kansas and norgor, of Santa Fo, Is a signal WM. E. DAME, boundary of Ana y Missouri. failure. clean sweep, as follows: nnnum. The cost of preparation, seed Miss Graham had lived In El Paso the do Sandoval Ho has lost out on everything that ho IJest fifteen Clerk of Said Court. Manzanarcs Grant, thenco north nine aulmnls, fnt stock, any ing and cultivating tho onion crop on slnco she was 2 years of age. A. D. has undertaken during past McMILLEN, hundred and forty-seve- n engTTshschools. tho four age, first prize. an acre Is comparatively speaking (947) feet to years. He is a hoodoo, and has been Attorney for Plaintiff. n post; thenco south Bovcnty-fau- r de- years Best twenty feeding animals, 1 year small. This is a practical Illustration Notice of Special Master's Sale. Forty ago there was nothing kicked clear out of tho republican grees fifty minutes east, twonty-fou- r In England and under 2, first prize; second, Wil- of what can bo done lu the Santa Fe Territory of Now Mexico. In the Dis SPECIAL MASTER'S resembling our public party In county. SALF.. hundred one-hun- - Santa Fe liam M. Wadded, Midland. valley In vegeta- trict Court of Bernalillo County. and eighty and fifty schools, 'j hen, nbout 1870, Is raising cereals and (No. 1105.) tho "board This the banner republican year 1 Gcorgo Ambro- - dredtha (2,480.50) feet to a post: Bchcols" Best twenty feeders, under year, bles and Santa Fo truck gnrdenors K. Neher, plaintiff, vs. were established by of in this territory. In county thonco south eighty-fiv- e degrees act this there first. L. S. ranch, Tascosa, Texas, (also should hoed this. Professor Crandall sio Armljo nnd Anita Armljo, de- In the District Court of tho Second west, Parliament". This was a decided step is less opposition any previous ton hundred nnd nincly-nln- o (1.099) than at a Slnughter ranch); second, Nebraska says he has plenty of onions to fendants. Judicial District, Valencia County, In advance but otlll left much to bo election. Mr. Fergusson will get that feet to tho west Bide tho right not Land & Feeding company; third, L. S. him during tho and Bprlng Notico Is hereby given that the un Territory of New Moxlco. of of done, the board schools attracting 800 votes In this county. last winter way of tho Now Mexico nnd There will ranch Shorthorns. and until tho now crop comes In next dersigned, special master, duly ap- Charles E. Newcomer, receiver Now Southern pupils from tho lowest bo nbout 4.800 votes In county Pacific Railroad Company; ranks of tho cast tho And second prize for best twenty year, although on an average pointed for that purpose will In pursu- Moxlco Savings Bank nnd Trust thence population ony. A bill has now next Tuesday. there aro south ten degrees nnd ono been feeders, over 2 and under 3 years. about 400 persons who aro dally fur ance of the decree of tho district court Company, complnlnnntB, vs. James mlnuto introduced In Parliament which has Everything tho republican party has of tho county of Bernalillo aforesaid, Sanchez, ct nl., defendants. west, atong tho west sldo ot tho said for object nished with board at tho government its the placing of the entire undertaken In tho last six years In the Coffee Lost. mado and on tho day of Whereas, In a decreo rendered In right of way, two hundred and six public Indian school. entered first (200) school system of tho country nation, or In this territory, has been Hamburg, Nov. 3. Advices received Dccomber, 1900, In tho nbovo entitled tho abovo entitled cause and filed In feet to a point on tho south under a single boundary lino or management. This has success. Aro tho voters of a repub hero from Guatemala say 200,000 hun- Charles Thayer Married. cause, sell at public auction to the tho district clerk's office Juno 14, 1902, tho Ana do Sandoval given to y thirty-fou- r rise an exceedingly vindictive lic In tho habit of turning down and dredweights of this year's coffee crop Charles L. Thayer, formerly of highest bidder for cash at tho front it was ordered adjudged and decreed Manzanarcs arnnt, hun- light between tho various punishing dred and fifty-on- e nnd seventy religious tho elements and means of was lost as a result of tho eruption of Santa Fo and Albuquerquo, nov of Na-cosa- oor ot tno court house of tho county that tho complainants had n first lien domonlnatlons, tho or success? tho volcano, Santa Marin. of aforesaid, nt Albuquer- on the premises hereinafter described (3,451.70) feet to tho place Sonora, and Mls:i Margaret Bernalillo of beginning, dissenters, taking one side, and the That dispatch from San Marcial war, Dalley, quo, on Monday, tho first day of De- to secure tho paymont of tho indebted- containing an area of of Fort Worth, were married thirty-seve- membera of the established church the correct. Several pcoplo have assured M. E. Porter went north this morn- by Judge cember, 1902, tho following described ness by said decree found to bo duo n and forty other, Ellis, of El Paso. They loft (37.40) acres, magnetic So bitter has the contest be- The Citizen that Mr. Fergusson was ing In tho Interest of tho International estate, Lot seven- the complainants from Nicolas San-che- s variation for Mexico. Magistrate Ellis also real towlt: number J. twolvo come that tho main Issue has almost correctly quoted In tho dispatch. The Correspondence schools. Ho expects teen In block fifteen of tho and Coslana M. Sanction, degrees and thirty minutes cast married Charles E. Fischer, of Now number deceas on courses. been lost sight of. gentleman talks too much on both to bo absent from tho city about ten Now Moxlco Town Company addition ed, of whom said James Sanction Is tho nil Mexico and Mrs. E. Dusenbcrg', of San W. sides of various questions. days. Francisco. to the town (now city) of Albuquerquo only surviving heir, the sum of princi E. DAME, THE TRUSTS. If tho people of Gallup give a demo as designated and described upon tho pal and interest, threo thousand four Special Master. Tho cratic majority. It will bo notification OFFICIAL MATTERS. IN map mado by M. Mack, C. hundred and forty-eigh- t New York Evening Post has re- MARRIES JAIL. and plat J. dollars and TRUSTEE'S SALE. forty-fou- r to tho republican mombers of tho leg 'E., ofllco pro- sixty cents ($3,448.00), ceived from professors of Money for School Fund Probate nnd filed In tho of tho with interest islature that Gallup does not want the Clerk Trinidad Girl True to Sweetheart, Who and of at tho rato of twelvo per per an economics and kindred subjects In col- Appointed Certificate Filed. bate clerk recorder cent WherenB, Bertha Robortson and B lege territorial minors' hospital. Will Plead Self Defense In county, on tho 29th day of num from tho dato of this docrce, wllh east of Chicago replies to four Land Commissioner A. A. has Bernalillo C. Robertson, husband. In and for n. Now Mexico's coal production al Keen Shooting. Is ten per questions propounded by It. Twenty-v- u December, 1882. Said salo made for cent additional of tho amount gold out turned Into tho territorial treasury tho certain deed of trust, dated Septom-bo- r thlrty-thre- o ready exceeds Its and silver Samuel T. Jacobs nnd Miss Amelia purpose of carrying Into effect the found duo as attorney out of of tho profes- sum of $7,020.75 which will bo placed tho fees; thnt tho 9th, 1901, nnd recorded in book 10, put and ten years henco It will equal Dundy wore married In parlor of In In tho abovo entit- said defendnnt, pay sors say that In their opinion the to tho credit of tho school fund. Tho tho decreo partition Jnmcs Sanchcs, T. I)., pago 177, records .of Bernalillo powers the production of all other minerals Sheriff Clark's apartments nt tho coun nnd upon confirmation of the somo to plaintiff, of congrtgB to control or re- money li is been received from leases led cause tho Charles E. county, Now Mexico, conveyed to combined. ty jail, Trinidad, Colo., Thursday. Tho said salo purchaser will bo let Into Nowcomor, of Now tho strain trusts have not been exhausted grunted or school com- tho receiver tho Mexi undorBlgncd, as trustee, tho following If Gnllup goes democratic next Tues- lands for the ceremony was by co Savings by tho Sherman law. Twenty- - three ing yesr. performed Rov. Hull, the possession of tho premises sold. Bank and Trust company described real estate situate in tho o day tho bright opportunity of that pastor I out of forty-tw- favor amendments to of tho Methodist Episcopal T. S. HUBBELL, within thirty days after tho entry of Pfllltllv nf llnrnnlllln anil tnri-llnt-- .f town to a i' euro the territorial miners' South, and was by Special ...... fl lllflcvn.nni nitil t nn.An I .. ' . the constitution to give congress ad- Clerk Appointed. church witnessed Master. l....r,.....,v miiu utntu i un mut in XNOW MCXlCO, tOWlt will go glimmering. Probate Forty-on- o hospital rolntlvcs and friends. (luyuium lini;l ditional power. out of forty-turc- o Governor Otero has appointed Fred- iicuiiiii in mien inai tno The northeast quarter of section fif Tho people of this city generally get 1'iie brldo is 19 years of age nnd NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING promises or so favor tho reduction of repeal of erick W. Myers, of Gnllup, clerk of the much thereof as may teen (15) In township ten (10) north, together on questions affecting tho circumstances surrounding tills, tho bo sufflcltno to rnlso datles on articles whose production in the probate court anil record tho amount duo of tango threo (3) east, of Now Moxlco public Voto for Itodey. most af- Of the Stockholders of the Montezuma, by this country hi welfare er for McKlnloy county to till va- Important event in her lifo, said decreo aforesaid, prlclpal, In Meridian and containing controlled by monopol- and statehood, and tho ono hundred ies, Twenty-fou- r Vote for Itodey fected here visibly. Jacobs Is 25 years Savings, Loan and Building As- terest nnd atomoy roes nnd cost out of thlrty-niu- o cancy caused by tho resignation of D. tho and sixty (160) acres. you will ndd another star to adorn tho of ago and will havo to faco tho charge of suit In this caso, bo sold by nnd un- favor the appointment of n tariff com- C. Hussell. sociation of Albuquerque, Said deed of trust being mado to bo-eu- American flag. of murder at tho next term of tho dis der direction of W. E. Dnmo, Is mission to prer-ar- changes New Mexico. who tho payment of a certain promls-uor- y for the proposes mnko petrified In- - Arizona to Certificate Filed. trict court. As a shift boss In tho appointed Bpeclnl master for that pur noto therein 'for consideration of congress. Hu at Notico Is hereby given that a meet- described fifteen trees a great feature of exhibit Certificate of articles of Incorpora- gallvlllo coal rtllnc, ho shot and killed pose, at tho front door of tho post- - hundred ($1,500.00) cul- ing of tho stockholders of tho Monte- dollars, payable to tho SL World's fair. The tion havo boon filed with tho territor- Mexican miner ho claims In self olllco In tho city of Albuquerquo in tho 11. Bingham PENNY POSTAGE. Savings, Building as- 8. ono year after dato ture and growth of petrified forests Is ial secretary by tho Modoc Gold Min- defense about two months ago. De zuma Loan end county of Bcrnnllllo, public A dlspulcli at auction with Intorost at tho rato or 9 per cont from Washington says: said to bo very profitable, but tho crop ing company, Incorporated under tho spite tho chnrgo resting against him sociation will bo hold at tho office of to the highest bidder for cash, Brat per Albu-quorqu- annum, which nolo with "Postmaster General Pnyno will dis- a long maturing. Muntly, long gnld association in tho city of o giving Interest is tlmo laws of Texas with hendquarters at Miss his life sweetheart, four weeks public notico of tho from September 9, 1902, will hereinaf- cuss, It Is understood, in his forthcom- Circuits hnvo found tho remains marry lilm on tho 10th dny of Novem- tlmo, Tho Houston. Tnos Is named ns the prlncl. decided to on tho day that terms and place of salo and of ter mentioned amount to $1,530.00. ing report, tho prospects of post-aw- e. Macedonian soldlcrH, killed pal placu Mio npoplnted ber, 1902, nt 2 o'clock in tho aftornoon tbu property of a lot of of business In Now Mexico beforo tho commission to bo hold by advertise- Whereas. Tho said noto Is puBt duo, Postal revenues are nov, so largo In !s38 I), C. In battle of Chneronoln. C. II. of alleged of said day. ment In somo newspaper the anil llorry, of Tres Pipdras, is tho tho crlmo. published in together with Interest and un- the nominal deficit of denart- - Is making n of agont. Tho object of said meeting Is to voto accrued ' tho Tho sultan JtiBt now lot tho city of Albuquerquo; and that up paid; tt ia disappearing, at leaHt upon tho corpses, but THE ART CLUB. upon tho proposition to Incrcaso tho on much fresher Macedonian such salo ho make, execute nnd de- Now, thoroforo, At tho request of l1 wmcii u is regularly much In PECULIARLY SAO DEATH. capital stock of said association from tho tho is not bo Interested New Secret Society Organised Alms liver to purchaser a good and suf- legal holder of tho said noto, and by Mr, Payne will ascribe uomo- - $1,000,000.00 to $1,500,000.00. ficient deed conveyance them. Mrs. A. H. Lindsay Leaves a Husband and Purpost c. of for the virtue of tho terms and conditions of ningld. er mo credit for tuts improved) daya of deliberation A copy of tho proposed amendment promises sold; and After several and Three Small Children to promo uald deed of trust I do hereby give no- awlg to the Wadden regulations, congress at Uorlln Societies and clubs for tho Is as follows: Whereas, Said James the tuberculosis Mourn Her Loss. tion of general wolfnro, brotherhood, Sanches has tice, that for tho purpose ot paying j jr wmca puuiieatious without a bona ciime to tho conclusion that thus far "Bo It resolved by the stockholders failed to pay any part of said sum ad- jaWe Rev. and Mrs. Alexander H. Lindsay, religious principles aro being formed mild note, Interest thereon, costs and , j' a4ricriptlpn list havo been exclud-tw- a cure and ho sanitarium ot tho Montezuma Savings, Loan and judged to bo paid by him tho cumato of Flemlngsburg, Kentucky, In no- to said cost of executing this trust, Including the prlvilego of tho meth- nr'lvod every day, but thoro comes to our Building association In a meeting duly second method aro the only successful Socorro about six wcoks ago, expect- Charles E. Newcomer, receiver of said legal compensation to tho trustee and Im latM. consump- tice in a secret manner, the news of called and assembled that the articles Now Moxlco ods of treating and curing ing to remain here Indefinitely if tho Savings Bank and Trust his reasonable attorney's fees, as pro- . Hr. Payne will toll or tho organization of a unique and pecu- of Incorporation of said association company other changes tion. That moans that New Mexico climate should prove of Albuquorque. vided In said deed of trust, I will, on to to be beneficial liar chill within tho boundary lines of be amended by striking out the second deslraftl will contlnuo to lie the haven of re- to Mrs. Now tho undersigned, thcrcforo. by Saturday, 29, 1902, Lindsay's health. Only about our citjr. paragraph of said of incorpor- November at the ilta) service. Ono of these fuge for those seeklBg netHh. ago articles tho authority vested In mo by tho said p. r three Months the lady became af- The Art club Is name of hour ot 12:30 o'clock m. of said day ailtHM to ia the substitution word Bible furnlshe a striking the this ation, which reads as fallows: 'The decree will, on the 8th day of Novem- The flicted with tho dread dlstaso consump- now orcanlzatlon formed by flvo young at the front uoor of tho court cause in aaatftrw for leather in Instance of the word's rhw from very authorised capital of the association ber, at the front door of the postoMce tion. The faaatly almost Immediately gentlemen of city, A. so- s Old Albuquerquo, N. M., sell the roal high estate. Te the bulk of the secret is one million dolla.-- ($l,ee.000.00) in the city of Albuauerque nt the hour low to went to Arlsoaa for tho beaeats that ciety, it is, and different from other estate herebefore described at public late. t mm Itagllsti apeaking folks it hw mema Might nnd shall be divided Into tea thousand ef 10 o'clock in the forenoon ef snld te highest he derived from the climate secret seetetlea, not a name la revealed par ene hun- auction the and best bidder the Mkhmv the book ef beeka, In ChMteer'a day was soon shares of the value ef dny ser for sale and sell the premises for there, bat It found that still and very few e its principle can be deUara each,' nnd inserting eash te pair said indebtedness, K beok whatavar. er scroll. dred in herelsaner described to the hlnhest PlMkM bUbjI amWIUkamJLamtl nukt ar another ehuae was necessary sad the learned. Bvt ft few cntiaht wKh ew fedewlag: vuww nmni npviiBg Tracts Mm vere MM atrtiaht hawe the s4aee thereof the The bidder fsr cash nil the right, title and P. M Socorro. The ear at the htfhals may Intereet yee. of J. BUUM, Trustee. authorised ea4Ul the asteeiatte Intereet of the saM James Baaehea Dated Oeteeer 12, 1M4. CORRESPONDENCE. a simple George Crlna, second prise bron Hyde Kxplorlng Expedition, prlso WHY PALE. FOREIGN uernoN. oho buslinK wu blanket t!",,,.v. 60.00 STAY V. (I. Ulnke, third ptlso broncho llydo Kxplorlnit Expedition, prlio 8ah Moo" Want a Omall Boy to Albuquerque r 4H4Mtal STATEMENT busting pottery 10.00 "Zh Pp f O. mnnaacr I.ns Cruccs Agricultural College, prize cattle.. HMO Earn "Many Caah." Honeatly AiMWr Thl. J. Miller. prlxc tlioit 60.00 A pity to sec pale girls stay foot ball team Tile Hlks. nmt A curiosity In the form of a letter worn reprcaentatlve Win Wctherell, four prises Indian 1. Mm. .11. H. linker, lirnt prlio enr- - Is not tho ot a men 60.00 rlngo 30.00 pale and dull when it is so easy came to The Citizen office a few days of AlbuquerqMe more convinc- relay Wniihbiirn, prlso citizen -- Helix Mnrtlne.,flrst prlso base Imll Mrs. I. Ii. second 2o.j nso, and since then It lias trnnsplred ing than the doubtful utteinncea of Territorial Kiitno l'OOO.W carriage. to set Scott's Emulsion. Twenty Second Annual Hoy McDonald, second prlso base thnt the same smart Individual sent people IlvltiR everywhere else In th Imll 600.0) TOTAij 2,Mt6.00 tho name character of request to other 160.MI One of the best things union? Head thlHi Oct. i89 M. Tlimnim. nrlso mlnernl exhibit. nar- Closed 1902. newspapers, Encloeed In n Ions, 1 n, Wood, em Fair Which OTHER DISBULSHMKNTS. deer, ,l W. C. Wood, (W. C. Scott's Emulsion is to row envelopo with a strip of bright red ployed In tho Fo railroad shopa) 60.0 ticket taker 15.00 Santa T. H. Morrln. salary ...... $ It lengthways was n I herewith submits an Itemized statement of the American Trottlmt Association, Commercial Club, room for Invited give rtc:i blood to pale girls. erosnlnK sheet of residence, 720 South Hroadwayy, says:1 The excciitivo committee 25.15 RUlHlS ,, ..... is. 00 pnper, note size, with d membership dcllcntc rice the When on a visit to Fall River. Maa., receipts ami disbursement!! of tho Twenty-secon- Annual New Mexico Ter- ..... 22.40 Southwestern Brewery A lco Co., Tickets, livers nnd tas:" lfl.60 of words of Znh Snh Moo, Shang-hal- , I Kidney Pills had Including of subscribers whose subscriptions have been Wbltthend A Hour, olllcers badues 1S.50 Ice for soldiers The rcsuit regular doses "Store learned that Doan'a ritorial fair, list company, James T. Johnson, hnck for guests 4.00 In Chinese city HtrnbridKo I.llhoBnipli drnynge..., of China, Merchant been a household necessity In that paid: posters nnd haimers w.oo Edward Mctlulre. 26 Scott's Emulsion b an in top. right of K. H. Htreet, salary July and Aug- (label Armljo, special pollco ...... CurloB" nt the To tho for yenrs, Naturally when a pcr4n 12).00 11 Hfeld A Co., muslin 6.15 llin riwl ust .. rrnrc.n tmr nnlv ill this superscription were n number of has backache themselvea and friends, RECEIPTS. I'oMtnKo stamps , 60,60 Whitney Co,, tucks 12.2!) Mann Saddlery Co., work on ban- f it... 1.1 1 1 ii... ehnrnctcro which our llternry nnd ping acquaintances and relatives continual- Express clinritcs and drayiiRc 2.35 WUIUl Ul 111C UIUUU iURI 111 IIIU SUBSCRIPTIONS T. H. Mirrrln, salary ,. 60.00 ners . .. pong editor was unnble to decipher ly Insist thnt n particular remedy shall Co., 44.07 Di lllcboeh .'i Co.. bill board space, Olobe PrintitiK banners M 6.( of Chong Lee, bo tried, you nt least consent to 1901 .$ 29.32 J. W. Mnllcttc. 15.00 A. II. Ilarkiey, Hosts.. 1M.O) H.inta He, N. nppctitc but in the good looks without the asslstniieo take ll.iliiiice on blind from fnlr 15.0) decorntlmt C, bonnl epnee, First National UnnK 250. 01 O, W, HtrotiK A Hons Mrs. I,. Homers, costumes 130,60 Tamme, bill lis the South Second street wushee. a courso of tho treatment. I itaed I HVld 15.UJ Vegas . 6."5 uul bright manners which Alviirado Hotel Ilros W. I.. Ttlmble, charnes 2.ffl body of tho contains n re Doan's Kidney Pills and they stopped (1. ino.o) Ortiz A Co 15.00 paid , M.25 Itecord Publishing Co., paid for ad The letter K. Neher 10.O) . 11 space, - JoHi'pli 150.O) Jnrra Urucury Co... P. Clmrb-M- tnklnK enre of horsu,., 4.00 II. Herrlnger, bill bonnl charm of per- niwci ibn tho fniinwintr ndvertisemotit nn ngnrnvatcd attack of Imrkache. only. lliirnett 10.00 M 5.00 ire tne real I 160.W) May A. Williams, Rotekeeper...... 15.00, Hilton, N. ' t . 1 1 , ...... n .. .1 t,n ti'lit.!, tin, I In fhjfe Ornhain Ilros Charles W. 111 , 1HV w..nrin nf mnnvM ...v., ...... ... 150.0) D. 10.O.I A. Courtney, 15.00 St. John Hill Posting Co., bill 110 HlKUriCU II1U pUpi'l UI1U HUH Hunk of Comnicrco J. Itankiu J. ticket seller :cct health. 1 KM..W W. Y. Walton 10.O) E. CuuntnKhnm, umpire, salary board space at Trinidad, Colo.... 5.06 bill be sent, to Znh Snh Moo nt Shnng-- pnst. When cnre vt t I brought of A. A. Unilit 11. space H, loo.oi 1). II. Cams 10.00 expenses 12R.25 Itogcr P. Co., bill board n Kid- - H. Hturgcs ID. ("I and v...... G.50 lint. Thn ounlnt Kngllah !h nmuoldR with mo dozen boxes of Doan's II. .lotion & Co 100.00 into Dleckmann .James Poyns. Bntekeeper 5.00 ai El Paso, Texis J. 10.0) Sen.l for Free fimple. J lorn; ex-- Otitckel A Hot ho 100.IH) Coney Island Hestaurant .... 11. J. Edwards, ticket taker, mid- Vigil II. P. Co.. bill board space at ami the "much much" characteristic, ncy Pills before they were eo PcKUl) 10.00 , 15.(0 BocoriD. N. M 6.05 4 1 Peirl St , N. Y, (lolden Hub' Dry (loads Co 75.01 J. II. way COTT & IIOWNE, C!e!ta.. "I youth to sell my Chinese tenslvcly known In California, as at OrunsfeM Ilros 76.00 W. C. lliitman 10.00 Henry Cunlrfe, ticket tnker, mid Navajo Hill, bill board space at wnnt smart .. Knnz 75.(1) Mann Haddlery Co lo.o) way Demlng, N M 2.00 curios. If catch much much busi- present. 1 have not the slightest heal t. 10-- six weeks, on their way to Durango he Kc 75.UO A. mid- - Wlnslow It. P. Co., bill boanl 1 Mucin t ill fllnml J. Itlehanls John Dultmnn. ticket taker, 4.0) If some Am- tr.tlon In publicly stating that know H. Ituynntds GO.rj) T. Y. Muynnrd IV. ri wnv 15.(0 space nt Wlnslow, Ariz.. and Salt I.ako. Mr. Harwell Is com ness he earn ninny cash. II. , 10.00 P. from experience ns well as observation HouthweMcrn Hrcwery GO. 01 .1. U Hell A uo H. W. Courtney, ticket tnker, mid- HlaRstnrr H. Co.. bill boanl piling through maps of the route erican stamps send me for package , 60.00 10.00 way , 12.00 space nt Flagstaff. Ariz 2.60 remedy absolutely Weinman Thelln Ilros In- I free. Znh thot this can be de 1.. (Irande 10.OI McllbarKey, Expense of advertising car, over which he Is going, and uparlni postage, send samples W. Trimble & Co 60.00 Charles A. U ticket seller. I77.M pended upon in all cases of kidney, Hlmon HUtii 6J.O0 Htoward A Vorbes 10.00 Ktniul 15.0) cluding board of men In Sah Moo, Shanghai, Cnlna. Shanghai, 10. (O Ki.inn II. H. Knight, salary on advertis- neither tlma nor expense making liitney Company bO.OO Ham Keu Onlilcii llule Dry Ooods Co,, decor- ro complaint causing backache, lumbage i:. I'oHt ft Co 60.00 II. Dunbar 10.00 marshals 9.2S ing car l'fl. the survey permanent nnd adaptable China." J. 10.O) ations for H. adver- The" other symptoms which follow In the I'lcslier Kt Itosenwnld 60,00 T. A. Whltten A. Culler, labor on urounds.. 7.30 T. Morrln, services with grading. letter came addressed to "The 10.00 ofllce, ;ru).rj to Immediate 1 - Kelly Ac Co 60.00 K. It. HotellliiR M. McGiilnuess, labor on Rrounds 11.00 tising car and in 111 iuii twmuj- Oross. 10.O) liny McDonald, services Septem- Daily Citizen, Albuquerque, N. M." wiisu mill iHuvHivm Win. Mrlntoxh ,,, 60.00 It. W. D. Ilryan Crux Dominion s, Inbnr on urounds 1.40 , , 60.00 Kd Clrunsfeld 10.0.1 4.00 ber nnd October, stenographer A 111 ...... , 1. t. n ...... nnee." '. A. Iluhbcll A. Dnrcln, labor on grounds 101.001 muiviu nun iiiu iiaoiu in iiiu itinu which proves that the fame of this McOllllvrav (Iron Wl.dO K. W. Dodson I't.O) J. Montoyn. labor on grounds 4.25 and clerk ..... even to Just such emphatic endorsement is W. II. (Slllcnwnter 60.00 (1. i:. Ilrewer 10.00 C. P Armljo, nn Rrounds 2.25 Jerry Drlscoll, services with ad- lined l) ror maintaining a nuisanco in great moral dally has reached labor CO.Ct) I plentiful in Albuquerque. Call at tne .. 11, Putney 50.0) II. II. Welller A Co 10.OI T. Drown, decorating revlewlnR vertising car .. ...1 ., t.)n. rtt Dm I .ia Antrnlou lntlplmr tho Orient. Tho letter will be kept on 60.00 M. HiTRcr 10.O) 5.00 Jerry Drlscoll, services at hall be- Alvnrado Pharmacy and ask what their Nellie Drlncoll stand 69.00 published Illo In office, nnd if some American J. Knrbcr & Co 40.00 Wm. Hart I0.OI Wm. IJorcbert. exhibit clerk 20.00 fore, nfter and during house, instead of O'llcllly, as this customers report. Minnie Carroll 411.0) John Cornetto 10.O) H. W. CamplKll. tlckit taker, mld-W(.- y C. A. Hudson, brushes, paste and yesterday. There had been several boy wants "many cash" he can call .16.00 . 10.00 sIkiis zd.71 snlo by all 60 A. Kabcr Columbus Hotel 1C.60 - For dealers. Price 1(1,0) Saddlery Co., nrm 6.65 ncignnorn nnu (unci- and read the letter for IiIb own lirockmelcr Cox 35.0) W V. Kiitrello A C .i... Carl llnlman, scrvlca bure.iu In- Mann numbers complaints irom cents. Fostcr-MIHinr- n Co., Bufalo. N. II. Illelil & Co S6.0) Klrster llms 10.00 6.00 Democrat Publishing Co., adver- police a . formation cnt parties. The aro keeping V., I.lx & Mntsenbnchcr .".5.0) Win. (Inciting A Co.-- 10.OI RnRer Oatlln, service bureau In- tising nnd printing solo agents for the United States. Hlevo Hailing .56.00 K. O. (tarda A C 10.0) formation , .... 1.50 U H. Trimble, rent tor part of fair closo watch on tho place, and If it Is Remember the name Doan s and take C. . ..' 10.O) In- grounds ,, ,., 125.00 Building. lllancbnnl Meat & Supply Co.... a.'lO A. Iluilson O. Oatlln, service bureau not cleaned up another flno will be Im Lordcburg's New Sshool 23 A. HubbH :6.0) J. M. Moore,: 10.0(1 1.D0 J. C, llaldrldge, lumber for hall.... 28.07 no substitute. J. formation The new public school building In "- II. IttlplKl .. 26. 0 W. V Wotvfn 10.O) h. Ortlx, service bureau Informa- John A. l.ce, lumber for soldiers... 44.3: posed. ---- - ,,T' 11 - K II. Men. E. V. ChniCes 10.00 tion 2.60 Wells-Farg- o Kxpress Co., express ordsburg Is one of the finest in Now T. H. llubtiell 25.00 H. 11. Kent 10.O) Clyde llnlman, bureau In- charges ).00 by being by a body was service Hub-be- of Flowers. Mexico. The building Is built of hit train. His Darby A. Day 26.0) Mutual Auto. Te'.cphonc Co, 10.0) formation Expenses secretary nnd T. S. ll Battle Millinery Co 25. (0 J I, Hrooks 10.00 to El Paso 32.0) Tucson, A. T Nov. 1. flcstn pressed brick, trimmed with elegant cut In two at tho waist and his Hotter It. HehollcnberRer. service bureau - The H. Heiijamln & Co r..oo D. A. lllttner 10.00 nfnrmnllnn 1.75 Expenses secretnry and O, N. Mar- season is up in Sonora. One of the building stone nnd handsomely finish- badly mangled. The accident O. A. Mlitison fi Co. 25.00 J. f' l.utliy IO.jw j itnthmnnn, service bureau ron to m I'aso 1S.0 Kan Jose Market 26.00 Oakry CllrTonl 10.00 infiiriniitloii CM Expenses secretnry and E. W. greatest of these Is to bo the carnival ed innlde. It Is furnished with the best happened at the west end of tho yards to.o) w p 10.O) II. II. HrlKKH & Co 25.0) u. it. nnwiey O llearrup, ssrvlce bureau Infor- unites to rota at. Oitaymns, on which work has been school furniture, single desks, teach- - nearly opposite the briquette plant. J. C. Ilaldrlde y.voo J. W. Edwards 10.00 mation 1.00 Expenses secretary and W. li. day. II. K. Kox 25.00 W. K. Duma 10.O) C. E. liurR. coal nil, dniyitKc and Trimble to Pueblo nnd Denver... 93.00 started already, with tho expectation rs' dosha, globes, maps charts, slate He had been here during the Albuucriio Hardware Co., 25.00 Kmll Kleinwort 10.00 books, bureau Information ...... 2.00 Western t'lilon Tel. Co., messago gorge As it nnd was considerably Intoxicated, and AL-- - 67.24) of having the most is affair blackboards, library cases, etc. Hall Lcnnianl 2S.00 A, Itnniero , 10.00 Kamim Montoyn, special nlllcer.... K.00 service money Imperial Ivuindry 25.00 K. J. Aluer lo.oo Htenhen .Inramllln, roplnu streets.. 1.75 Postal Telegraph Co., messages over known In Mexico. Ona of the stands toduy It cost the district about alter spending what little he ,. 12.1 m. I''arr 25.01 John Tuxcber 10.0) It. W Mcduinness, labor at ball.. 12.00 nnd service features Is to bo a battle of tlowerfi $0,000, nnd with the exception of a few had with h!m, It la presumed ho start K. I.. Washburn , 25.00 Jesus Hotnero 10.O) William Mcciulnncss, nlKht E. McElroy, part expenses l.ns go Hereunion At (llllette 25.0) It. Ilnllonin 10.O) 22.60 Vegas band , 25.00 much on the stylo of the Roman carnl minor bills It Is paid for. ed to home, and when ho reached Allioiiierille Houn. & Vault, Co.. 25.00 C. K. Nuwcomer 10.00 76.0) Lawrence Dry, for services of was laying Hirst ItcRlincnt band, services ,vi val, participated In by the townspeople the west yards he cither A. J. ltnhertsnn 26.00 J. A. fikliincr John llnrrndnlln, horso lilro... 6.00 boys band ARIZONA"? GOVERNOR. on or knocked off by Millnl A Kakln 25.IW Wallace Heiucldcn 10.00 F .1. Wilson, steers 125.0) T. H. Morrln, snlary 6o.'io and visitors generally. the track the Ilnrnch HottlliiK Works 26.00 Alejnndro Hnndovnl 10.O F J. Wilson, broncos 125.01 Frank Webb, special police passing train. When tho pieces of the Jnmes MeCorrlrtnu 25.01 Wm. Chaplin 10.0) 11. 11 nhcn. ticket taker, midway. 13.6i) 1 11. ilarlon, special police BELEN BREVITIES. He Sends in His Annual Heport with mnngled remains wero picked up and John A. Leo 25.00 Thou. R Keleher 5.00 p, Arrese. nasturr.Ro for Indian F. 1.. Myers, agent, chnrges on Recommepdatlons. A. Hordcrs 25.00 Itallrond Itextiiuniut 5.01 horses 36.40 horse 28. 40 Special Correspondence his clothing examined there was found doorce W Htuhb" 25.00 K H. 6.00 W. W. Stronc. Montezuma nnd J. Stuecltel, services exhibits 34.00 ij-i- M Knv o Thn Inrntlne The annual report of tho governor of person tho fragment 1'. J. Otero 25,00 Francis Crosnan 6.01 (iieen lloat O.lfi F. Ij. Myers, tlcset, account l'enri on his broken Mike Mnndell 25.00 It. WcHtcrfeld A Itro... W. 8. Ilurke. senlces ndvertlslnR.. 6).0) Want 18.D0 engineers, who have been working on Arizona was received at tho Interior of a whiskey bottle, tw raxo-- 3, S Crystal Co 25,(H 6.0) - lee Theo. Meunstermnnn Whtlney Co.. nails 30 Paid for Indian race nn street 10,2! the Santa Fo cut off for the past seven department the other day. It Is a vol- In money and an c.i'.or for Cl o K. A. Mlem 25.01 Harry !. I,et Htewnrt A Vorhes. tickets. bndRcs Message to San Mnrclal cents Mnshrur & Dli-tial- l 25. IK) E. II. CrlHty r.iK) nlll 33 00 Itev. Itobert Ilenlson, account months, arc now nearly tnrougn wun mlnous document, with Interesting Joseph Hreffcrle. Meyers-Abe- Co nroRrams 5,00 l 25.01 Edwnrd Visit E, J. Post A Co.. rope, nnlls and damage to reviewing stand (.heir work. Mr. Stewart's party are data and statistics regarding Arizona. Camo from Jenny Lin At-- J. A. Hummers , ri.oi A, Morel 5.00 powder 43.20 Hill Hoard Publishing Co., adver- n here '. Hoi I,una , 26.00 K, Toinel A Ilro 5.00 p. t). Wards, room rent for Pearl.. 6.00 tising nnd subscription , 22.25 nearly through at the Rio Puerco and n his annual report to the secretary of tansas. Home time during tho early; Aiihoii & llnlman 25.00 E. II. Hooth M. Hteve. buildlnR troushs and I .as Vecas Otitic within a few miles tho governor renews ills T. 26.01! HroH 6.01'" He Mr. Wallace's are interior, tho pnrt or jagt ycar and until recently had J. Curran HallliiK outhouses 29.00 Santa New Mexican - Charles MiiiiHard 25.01 A. E. W. Iker M. McOulnness, ground keeper.... 12.00 Charles White, stenographer 2s!ou of Helen. plea for statehood and makes the roi- uecn working at Gibson. Ho waa about Charles Helncl. 20.00 A. KlelKCher Pinning Mill, Charles Quler, charge baso ball r. v. twn IX en - Albiinueriiuo band Prannh 1 whn waflka lowing recommendations: That, under 143 years had no money, ex- Hcbwari man & With 20.00 M. c. NVttleton 6.W wecg 10.01 " " : , , , old. He stnnd 17.00 grounds ruir Lands-Hansbroug- H. Vann Ai Hon 20.O) I.. T. Delaney ' Myers-Ab- Co., cigars 6. Pnld four men to lend horses In started ovcrianu ior"""vuoioraao, uuciucu tho now h act, the cvpt about $3 coming to him at Clark- - K. W. for soldiers Spencer 20.00 It. A. Sleyster 5.M) F, Morrln. salary 50.00 parade ..f-J- enough or Wells-Pant- o t. that New Mexico was good for claims Arizona for government aid villa, and his remains were interred Kxprcxs Vi 20.00 Helix II. Lester n, Wnshburn. costumes 2.00 Albuquerque Advertiser Iaim AtiKelcH Itestnurnnt 16.(0 A. J. Mitchell "' Italian Hand, services six days.... 300.00 S. E. Newcomer, stationery 7.70 him and returned to Delen. From hero In Irrigation bo fairly and carefully by the county, his funeral taking place A. J. Maloy 15.00 Tims. N. Wllkemoi a. w Hestaurant, account ... Xlnmlnlnno n V . in-- 1 Krel Harvey, bonnl of Umnlrc Itallroad n, I 1tin1 U IU and. ttlnnv.. . w considered and extended so as to Monday. H H, Newcomer 15.00 E. I.. Mcdlcr 5.00 Cunningham 13.60 Pearl Wnnl HIIBUniVUl. Arthur Kveritt 16.0) M. OurKora Albunuernue Cltlxen. ndvertlslnir McSpnddcu-Sprlngc- r Transfer Co., pects to put in several monuis on u augurato In the territory tho first of The coroner's Inquest Is given be I. . Kempenlch 15,0) D. l.enclon 6.00 nnd printing 177.60 drayngo J ranch southwest from there. tho great Irrigation systems under that low: Wm. Klekn , ,, lS.ftl O. Dlnxdalo " a n oueroue Htreet mil way uo., Gross. Kelly A Co. two water kegs I). II. IJontrlsht 15.00 It. Hanehex 6.0) whitewashing and brushes 5.60 Charles Quler. blackboard 5'.oo H. L. Uozcman, of Leavenworth, net; action to rejuvenate the depleted Wo. thn undersigned Justice ot th W. W. Strong 16.0H H. Hurkhart W. A Co., drnynge, linn nrtrtnliiml heflll m-- D. " Electric Light Co.. search He its 1. Trimble Van thn linbltlnn nt forest area; increase in Indian school peace and Jury, who sat upon the Welller Co 15.00 C. M. Honiker ' 68 60 floats and hacks J m .aw ... . , a, . ,... nnd current ...1. gov-l(lU!- H. (J. Pratt A Co.. 15.00 H. 11. McKeehan O. A. Mntson A Co.. base iial s. Postage stamps 2).W miner, at 1110 ucien roller iiiiiib. ivii allowancea; increase In salary of held this 27th day of October, J. 15.(0 Wells-Harg- o II. Wroth I'rniik (iarlmrt S' Hags nnd stntlonory 40.65 Express Co., cxpreBS Ham Owings, the formei Incumbent, re ernor; Increase In appropriation for 1002. on body of E. Johnson, ionna Metealf A Strauss 15.00 Henry Yanow charges , 1 25 the 2'"' Onkey CllrTonl, cnrrlnRO for In 2G, '.n W. II. Ilabn 15.00 II. Dliieher Kllests 32.00 Expense of secretnry, account trip signed, and family, have moved to AI rIzoua national guard; proposition to n Precinct No. .1, October 1902. T. J. Tophnm s 15.0) vltl Cin- (1. J. J. Sheridan Ij llnndera Americana, ndvertls Kansas City, Denver nnd buqucrquc. Improve tho Colorado river and con- tho county of McKlnley. territory of W. Hone 15.00 C. A. IlottRer ing and printing "5.00 cinnati , 150.00 Itnnenwnld HroB 15.01 Mr. yesterday struct a levee from Yuma to the Mexi- J. E. Elder B- - Heaven, wood for camp llres. ix.75 P. H. McCnunii, salary secretary.. 600.00 and Mrs. John Becker New Mexico, find that deceased cauie It. W. Hopkins , 15. t0 Vajo ,'ti ' - - (irndl Frank . nrockmeler. base ball 17.50 Expense El I'aso, Huhbell, If alt celebrated the twenty-fift- h anniversary can line to prevent cerflow of cultl- to his death by' being run over by a 15.00 Mrs. C. O. Armljo C. A. Hudson, paint nnd painting.. 1. nnd Hughes, account base ball.. 75.01 H. W7 Clnnrv 16. C0 Oemocrnt FubllHilnir Co.. nnrn O A. Matson A Co., stationery.... 1.00 of their marriage. They wore rccip atcd land by tho annual freshets, ap freight train between the hours of 0 p. McHpiiddcn-Hprlngc- r Trans. Co... 15.0) TOTAL .15.001.32 Hutrelle, 8. Heaven board 50 W. V. for tabic 'w lents of some very beautiful gifts. propriations for purchasing sites for m. and 10:30 p. m., October 20, 1002. J. 15.(0 E. J. Post A Co.. marking not nnd W. T. Woodward, work nt fair 2,60 Carl A. Hunlng, a nephew of Mrs erecting public buildings in Arizona while on way to Clarkvllle, Ncv CONCESSIONS AND I'iIIVILEQEJI. lirilHIl 4B grounds his 1 1. A. Mcltne. clerk of track 25.00 Cinyles Emerson, work at fair Louts Hunlng, of Los Lunas, and for cities. The report places the total tax Mexico. Wo further find that no blami M. so.oo grounds 1.00 Marlines, dancing prlvlleRc,.. Peres Hawley, shooting gallery. 20 00 Haca, speclnl police COO property 30,- - merry-go-roun- merly an employe of Mr. Becker, who able of the territory at can oe attacneu to any one Miss M. It. I.. (Inrclii, tialmlstry... 25.0) A. Dldler, d and Thomns McMlll n, marshal In N. W. Alger, carpenter work at ninnur James McOulre. welnrwurst 15,00 60 0) charge of grounds 25.00 hall has spent the past three years In Ger 08J.17S. than himself, as per evidence, deceas MlKtiel Dumn. bar 220.0) Jo,eph Huckmnn, Nplndln 4o!(i0 Tlerney. services nt 25.00 J. H. Alger, carpenter work nt hall ' stnnd... note, many, has decided to again take up his ed being solely accountable. Hrel M. Chllson, canes, rubber T. Sunders, button pictures tn ri c. E. Hurg. In ehnrgc bureau of Hank of Commerce, account WILL EXPOSE MINING FRAUDS. balls anil lint badges 75.01 T. Walker, Jewelry 'spindle 0 oi Information and stand 40.00 base ball, Hughes A O'HIclly K &H residence In the land of sunshine. Ho T. C. DI8HON, A Wynkoop, program 314!60 10.00 A. Maloy. coal oil Huberts nml Net receipts queen's voting contest ' Hlake. services grand stnnd.. J. was accompanied by his brido nnd ar Justice of the Peace, precinct No. 4, score curt! 120.00 J. M. Triijlllo, Jewelry splndlo hi in K. W. Iinltes. omce. advertising 1.. H. Whittlesey, account model Postorfice Inspector Is Investigating H. II. King, peanuts, popcorn nnd P. Snlaxar, Jewelry spindle ''0 0) C!,r. mlilwny nnd grounds 80.M for eagle ,, 10.00 rived in Belen the latter part of the McKlnley County, New Mexico. oranges 1C5.00 13.50 Klelmrd account of Fake Arizona Mines. J. Connors, big wheel ., liw'oo f'' Ouderklrk, midway ticket tnker Wetherell, week. He takes up his old position In Promoters Jury J. O. Jordon, Chas. Bennlng, John T. Cnrnes, lemonade lE.oo M. Cose. Illusions nnd mlnaturn James Smith, special pollco nnd nt A paralleling produc (lenrgc Harris, doll 16.60 gnte 20.00 sensation that Chas. Bog- - rack railway 48.35 Mr. Becker s establishment, and their rm ! I 1 it A. E. Jones, John Schwartz, . . tn a ntn nla itHAiln n Iih . Nssh, Walker ft Malouc, midway Abe Erewlmnn. feather (lowers... 10 (0 w- - MclJiURhlln, special pollco .ftU.01U.lUI...... vu 'J oviiirwiHLmi iiu,ii,uiauvii vrt i - (1. total - uoin now ann oiu, exicnu 10 Tflolllo attractions Mt.66 Revedann. Jewelry spindle in' 00 nt ''all 1S.00 (IltANU TOTAL DIHI1UI18K- irienus, Governor Murphy before ho went out b10' "' Edgar Williams, souvenir badge's. 25.o) A. 11. Nichols, Jewelry spindle.... Edwnnl McOuire, quarter stretch MHKT8 lii,4( them their heartiest congratulations Kdgnr Williams, 6.00 A office, denouncing mining cushions Garcia Dlax. Jewelry splndlo.... 10. 0) , w . . . . of certain J;- - J. Miller, . . t . v r . m & and best wishes. DELAYED TRAINt. pineapple Juice 26.00 C. It. Tyne, selling wire work.... 2 60! t frauds, Is promised when E. L. McKee, It. A. Nichols, knife rack... 25.00 Manuel Pnrjas, Jewelry spindle.. 5.01 ne.bAr'llULAllUlN. Miss Frances Graves, of Alhuqtier- - i Ilradfonl A Co.. shell novelties.. 30.0) II. B. Knight, percentage pool United States postofflco Inspector for Held Mrs. Patterson, lunch 10.00 privilege Ilalanco on hand .$ 39.32: Totnl pttrsi's paid horsemen $ 2,365.00 que, spent Sunday hce, tho guest of All Trains from East atTherMem 80.60 4,!K6,00 of City, (lies C. Moiik, Hindoo Illusions 28.70 Tntnl suiiHerlntlons Total other nurses and nrlies. --6.w her slBter, Miss Kathryne Graves the district Kansas suit on Account Burrwd Mrldfje. worns Howe s log show 50.00 TOTAL fe., Total conrcsBlons 1,967.60 Total disbursements other than against t. M s nnd Information certain sharks Electric Polyscope Co, , 25, 00 Kntrnnco from horsemen 432,60 above, ns per itemlied statement 6,519.10 No time since the big washout which i Kntrnnco fves ropliiK contest...... 70.O) Cash on hand 6T.01S J. G. Chaves, claim agent for tho who aro preying on the pebplo of the summer, ENTRANCE FEES ROPING AND BRONCHO BUSTING (late nml Krnnil stand receipts.... 3,911.60 country, occurred on the Oallsteo last I 4.6i) Santa Fo railroad was at Las Cruccs especially Missouri and Kan M. , ,, Itecelved account bike rack has traffic on tho New Mexico dlvlsloa. Iyba 6.(0 M. O. Vaunrr 6.00 itecelved from baseball committee 126.74 adjusting claims for tho company. 8as, on the reputation of Arizona (.'lay Mrannnlffnl 5,00 A. Klehna 5 0) of the Santa Fe been tied up so tightly Martinet mines. McKeo has been in Arizona ii. 6.00 Tom Crowo 6.01 TOTAI .111,536.16 TOTAL $11,536. 11 as it was last night and Is tody. Tk J. W. Milliard 6.0) W. 5,00 Injured Husband Runs Two men out personally Investigating vnrfous K. l'lnti-r- Plntero frauds J. fi.o) J. K. Carrol 6 0) V. McCANNA, Town burning of bridge No. 714, which spans U 11. Milton P. Secretary. J. II. O'HKILLY. President. of that have been rcpouod to tho govern 6.00 A. C. Kylu 6.00 high a broad arroyo " few miles this side K. n. Illako .. 6.00 1 The above statement examined nnd found to be correct. There was another touch of life mcnt and declares that he bus Infor Oeorco Miller 5.00 ot little station or Thornton, Is the TOTAL 1 70,O) C. V. MKVKI18. In tho Southern Pacific depot. A ccr motion that will send severnl the It. H. I'UTNKV. rausc. Passenger No. 1 frost the north GATE AND GRAND STAND RECEIPTS. KHANi; MeKKK, tain pair of drummers after causing "promoters" to tho penitentiary. He family, came camu near running Into the burnlBg Tuesday , ,$ 363.60 Wednesday 182.60 Audltlnir Committee. troublo In a here a few refuses to divulgo nupies, however, for Wtilnrmlsy 37,76 , bridge about 5:30 last evening and It Thursday 300,00 days ago and found the husband In fear that some may attempt to escape. Thursday I.204.611 Krlilay M7.00 was only by prompt action and the ap- Krhlay , 577.25 Haturdny , business here. They immediately io 25 SANTA FE CENTRAL RAILWAY. ROAD TO FARMINQTON. He Is responsible for tho statement Baturdny 341.60 Benson tickets 128,60 started In to talk about the old trou plication of emergency brakes, that Hon antu ami rear of stand 82.00 that residents of Arizona are In nowise prop- Tupwlny 10B.2R bio and to crow over what thoy had great loss of life and damage of TOTAL $3,831.60 Thlrty-Nln- e connected with any of tho frauds Into Work on Mllea of Grade The Chances for the Building of a Rail erty was avoided. No. 1 backed up to ENTRANCE FEES ACCOUNT HORSE done. Tho Injured husband, of course which he is probing. RACES. from Torrance Northweat Com- road Improving. soon heard of their talk and this morn Thornton nnd telegraphed the news of Oeorire H. Knstnbrook $ 15.00 W. O. Reynolds ir.,00 The charge to be brought against the 11. menced on Never before In tho history of San go to tho dlenster to UiIh elty. A large crew c iwi 45.0) J. I. Krnnk 15.00 Saturday. inR tho drummers had to tho manipulators is the uso of tho malls V. O. Iluynnlds ., , ,,. ;o,oo W. L. Trimble 30.00 r . . 1 1 1 r . ... 1.1 Juun county were the prospects no Southern Pacific depot and purchase of workmen was organized and Imme (J. D. Haldwln 15,00 (leowo a. iiiako ::.::::.;:::;:::::::: i ",u,"a" i,uo' ""-- . for tho sale of worthless mining , fs; nnd get out of town. It waB diately dispatched to the scene. Pas Joseph Harnett 35,00 y. L. Trinibio 12.60 Paso, Texas, commenced work last good for the Immedlnto buildlnc of a tickets stocks, In each Instance they have it. II. Oreenleaf 26,00 Harvey SCO scngcr train No. 8, which arrived from IVnrson n 1""" Interesting sight to the the extravagant language In J. I. Frank W.oo T. a. i.ucero .. tIso Saturday on the grade of the Santa Ke rallm,l V.rmln.lnn. ., .nv., Ih II.... used most west last night, and No. 2, which U II. Milton 7.60 It. W, lie Neffo h0 forccfJ ihi!m t0 mly tnel the description of what they call their tho J. C. Mltcholl 7.50 A, L. Marcelien 7' Central railway Irom Torrance north-wes- t. lltr When ho got them to tho tick arrived from the west this morning. V. A. Hheppnnl tickets. mines, and In most Instances the 7,50 O. L. Kent Truo, for twenty years, our people picked up a poker wero held here until 12:30 this L. II. Milton ,,, 7,60 A, L. Marcelles Thoy started with 100 teams et window ho stove "mines" are mcro prospects with little after John IVnrson ,,,, 7,50 noon, A. L. Murcellcs 6.w and 150 men. Thoy have a contract to have honed in vain and listened to tho that was lying handy and stood back A. K Mnrrelles 5,00 or no marketable values. In a few 1 , of them and told them to purchase Passenger trains Noa. mil 7 from II. iilrch ,,,,,, 6I.C0 TOTAI 432.60 grade thirty-nin- e miles, which they will .irmrniv ,.rn.,i.i.i..B ..f i.n.i cases tho stock companies havo not tickets, with which command they the north, duo to arrive here hut RECEIPTS FROM OTHER promoters, only to bo In oven taken the trouble of providing SOURCES. push to completion very speedily, as It disappointed wero mighty glad to comply. After night, and tho limited, No. 3, also from Received from base hall commit ho end. Tho conditions now, however, tboinselves with prospects. It Is ro- - tee. , Is very easy work uud there is no they had bought their tickets, he then the north, due to arrive this morning, f 125.74 vabtly different capital garded as quite likely that tho expose Received from Ttt. K. Illckev. no- - heavy aro reliable mado them got on tho train and stood wero held at Thornton. & count blku 4.50 grading whatever and scarcely by tho government will hnve nn Imme ruck has become interested, doflnitc survey guard outside where ho could watch Tho fire was extinguished this any bridging, On tho northern end, carefully made, tho resources pos dlate and unpleasant effect on many TOTAL , ,...$ 130,34 Q It A.Nil TOTAL nBCKIPTH $11,536.10 and them until the train pulled out. El Is being cribbed up to that It Is peesl-bi- o from Vi south, thlrty-nlu- o miles worthy mining enterprises In tnnt tor Santa slble revenues commuted to a mini Paso Herald. for the delayed trains from th I rltory, Tho bo DISBURSEMENTS of grade are completed. This was tho mum, and In two Instances the com ultimato effect win north to arrive hero late this after I hardest and heaviest portion of the pany formed and alsiut ready to be Vetern Locomotive. what Governor Murphy aimed at In his Purses paid horsemen-Harv- ey II. Iilrch noon. Pearson 60,00 W. O. Reynolds 'mmw ,,ne' aml trom tno eiul ot 11 t0 Tor" gin actlvo operations, ono from the Old No. 1. called tho "Tea Kettlo, proclamation of denunciation that of I, . 11. Milton GO. 00 J. I. Frunk wioo ranco It Is light work. Tho construe- - north, tho other from tho cast which pulls tho Naco train, has quit Inspiring greater confidence In eastern Watery rave. A, I.ucero .. 7.50 L. II, Milton T, .... 1 Inventors when fnm J. I. Frank 135.0U A. L. Marcelles ;5 tlon of tho necessary bridges along That tho Boston Coal and Fuel a history. Tho oldest spinster u.uj themselves noston, Nov. 4. The United FruH C. II. Lewis , .ai jnnn lvamon ? fil tlifi linn InriTf. nml nmall Itny lti.oll vn. company havo taken earnest hold Arizona was chewing her Infantile torn protected from sharks. , company's steamer, Admiral Baaipeo., Joseph Harnett 30,00 II. Iilrch 136.00 a, u MiirSnhil i"R n tr some time, ami most of tho of tho Durango-Cllfto- project, there when old No. 1 was built, Sho has which arrived today, reports G0.0) J- EDWARD JOHNSON KILLED, J. I. Frank . - ,;,f','r'ink.."r ".".."!!! noloo bridges are ready for tho tics ami the Is no denying, nml It la furthermore been towed to tho scrap pllo a dozen collided with tho ihree-msate- d J. I. Frank S0.UO 135.00 A. I.. track. There aro three camps of grail knbwn (bat theso people do things, times, but when Bomo new fanglcd on er, Charley Buokl, bound frees 1 O. II, Kttithronk Mnrcelles Returning Heme In an Intoxicated Con W. L. Trlmbln 60.00 (I. II. Kstubrnok lHO.oj crs a few miles south of Moriarlty, On the other hand, the Santa Fo Ceu- - glno broko down, they would fish up vllle. N. V.. for Beaten. Hf Os ON O. I). Haldwln 0.O1 Joseph Harnett . dltion Is Run Over and Killed. flfty-tlire-o 1, rusty 2 V. A. HhVpinirtt 83.60 O. II. Kstubrnok lic'm inlleB south from Santa Fo, tral ('Obstruction company have a old No, nil her Joints, roll her lightship ut o'clock this ieKnt.fl H. W. I Neffo 37.60 w. L. Trimbio .,,.... o.o) but their work will bo completed dur-- corps of surveyors, twelvo In number, on muln track, and away sho would A few days ago Tho Citizen publish sunk Cmjttein C. tho schooner and J. Mitchell 7.50 Y '.I.'5,W pull cd n dispatch from Gallup, giving mmmf it. A, lllnko 112.60 J. C. Mitchell Inn the coming week, and" then the sev under direction of a competent man, go. In trying to start, sho can't Huntiey, of Jonesport. e.;eea, Wt C. K. King . 37.60 Button ft Llttlo 30.00 oral camps will bo moved south to Join now on tho ground and havo a line tho hat off your head, but when sue briefly the nuws that a miner Ultner Huntley, and tw qmmm tf the H. II. Orw) 37. W Orant Hoyil ... 10.00 ..... Vlullltrat, fnrni,s old named Edward Johnson, had becu run ' w. 1. Trlmblo ll,6i) llrtu rallnfr Thn staked out, both aa to height and gets stretched out she Is a swift Bucki. Norman tomvmmj'm , Until' W, A. W.OO over killed. Tho particulars are Hheppnnl TOTAL ,.. , ,K,C96.oo , putting down of ties and laying of the course, from Albuqueraite to within a thing and when retired from service aud Beard, were drowned, " i " V OTHER PURSK8 PAID. track will commence between tho first few mllea of the mouth of Largo ran- - Is to bo hoped tuo company win st-c-p as follows, taken from the Gallup Re own publican: Joseph Blbo, mm aWMTsl Clay McOonnHisI, first prlio rop-- W. Platero, third prlae roplna 50,o) uud flftuentk of December, aud may he yon. Within two weekB tho party will hor In a llttlo round house of her sl etflgi ., ,. S60.00A. O. Kyle, fourth prlM roplnv.... 60,00 so on of In I good done. Blsbeo Ro- - f Ed Johnson, miliar at Ctarkvillo, was merchants of Bi t .log - commenced the first tha be Farmlngtoii, where they will for the tho has ' J. R. Carroll, second prlso rop- Mert Waancr, Rrsl prise broncho ' night. v. i city last !; ing 100.00 Inwthu; , 1W.9B mouth, make their headqunrters for probably vlow. , UB ' 's" I ' wn ro'1' as fclt it !(.:.... nnl his teolli chattered 'old soldiers. I.ut they havo not for and now tho third meeting with this night In tho auditorium havo been According to tho latest returns and IPUqiirrUC tVffKllJ he hurried home. Ho surprltod gotten tho homo of her sister, Mrs. Coovcr, mr" Ellin how to appear on parade, and accident, tho parents and relatives ell attended and the members aro with fow exceptions, they aro official, even more thnn no anticipated. may thoy long and prosper, in Kansas city. Tho deceased loft A- live and havo tho heartfelt sympathy of tholr taking much Interest In organiza will bo thirty-si- x HUGHES ft MeCHLMGHT, Publishers. tho thero republicans and lbuquerque iBBt spring and went U let tin hco them nil again In 1902 In the many twenty-nin- e -- - i friends. Portalos Herald. tion. democrats, Including Ara- Dropped Dead. city by the (loldcn Gate. Mexico with, her mother, whero thoy Subscription Rates. William .1. Fountain, familiarly pahoe county, In tho houso, nnd twon-t)tw- o visited a son ana AMERICAN! HAD BEST OF IT. Death of Mrs. be Ivy. brother. Later they Dally Citizen, per year tG.OO known as "Uncle Hill, dropped dend A STRANGE BEING. democrats and fourteen republi- went to Kansas City, thoy This n'ternoon Cado Solvy, special In where havo Weekly Citizen, per year 2.00 from heart disease In tho grocery do-- 1 Figures Show Its Atendance was 585,. cans the senate. been visiting officer i,f the coast lines of the past threo months. or rortor-Ewui-i a atoro on He was Nervous and Was Absorbed 801 More tho the Santa Senator Newell, republican, In tho paitment Than National. In About a month ago MIbs Nellie become Mind Fe, who hero on offlclnl duties, re Twenty-fourt- h OFFICIAL MATTERS. Sat m lny nftornoon at 5:30 o'clock. With Reading. In point of attendance on tho games district, will undoubted, seriously III and B. 11, Booth, ceived a telegram that his mother, ly bo ns a brother Mr. Fountain wns about to ninko a A mnn with keen, restless oyca, long of tho major leagues last season, tho unseated there can only bo and proprietor of' tho Socond street Railroad mull service will he estab- Mrs. K. J. Solvy, died at Point Rich- thirty-fiv- e purchase, when without any warning. hair, and whoso uvcry movement Indi- American senators. This would give tailor shop, was 10 to league had all tho best of it, mond, Cnl., morning 8 called to the bIck bed. lished on November from French In-- this at o'clock. ono ho fell to the lloor. IIIh death was 1 cated a nervous temperament, put up and had no poor the democrats mnjorlty on Joint She continued to Colfax county, ten mllos, over really cities, as wus Tho deceased was 03 years of age, and sink and this morn- Dawson. stuntanoous. Ho had boon complain-- for the night at ono of Albuquerque's tho ballot, with tho Arapnhoo members ing tho end camo. Dawson railway. The service will case with the National league at lenves three sons and ono daughter to She was aliout 20 the lug for several with trouble in large rooming houses a day or so since. Philadelphia of the house. Tho house being repub- years old and well known six times a weok. diB und Hoston. mourn her death, Mr. Solvy will leavo may in this city, be the region of his heart. Tho body waH Ills mind scorns completely absorbed lican unseat tho cntlro Arapahoe having taught In The smnllest nttendnnco wns at tho for California tonight. delegation, the city 3chools for a removed undertaking OHtahllsh- - with on charges of fraud In the Amendment of Articles, to the mind rending, thought transfer- league games In Philadelphia, whore number of years. of Clarence Ullery, ence dis- city. Thlh would give tho republicans .lames Sutherland. Harry F. Smith, incut and Judge nnd psychic Influences, Ho for several seasons tho bnnncr crowds ELEN VOTE. Miss Knthcrlno Wilson, who wns a l.on, the coroner. summoned, coursed long, a mnjorlty on Joint ballot and defeat warm Albeit D. Garnett and Rohort Kellahln, who earnestly and eloquently had been seen. The St. Louis club friend of tho deceased, received doomed Inquest unnecessary. A Few Independents n Solid Toller. On the other hand tho demo- dirtrtorn of the Poeos Valley Lumber tin Hob on these subjects before retiring. The drew the smnllest number of people to Prevent tho sad news by telegraph this fore- well Register. clerk snld, showing to Republican Vote. crats are claiming fraud In Huerfonii noon. company, with headquarters at Hos-we- after him his n home eerlca at Philadelphia, wuiio The telegram stated that the nnd Las Anlmns counties and they will body llled with th sec- room: "That man Is so wrought up tho largest attendance- - was In the same Special Correspondence. would bo burled nt Kansas City. haw territorial Money and Politics. contest tho election of tho republican retary ninondnionts of their articles of on thought transference thnt he Is on city, whore Hoston drew 74,000 peoplo Helen, N. M Nov. 4. Votes polled Simple I suppose tho correct way members of thoso counties. Incorporation designating an Increase the verge of Insnnlty." at tho American games. In precinct 2, Helen, show nn Increase RODEY'S CONGRATULATIONS. to go Into politics Is to go In with a li. to About midnight the clerk was roused The clubs supposed to give out the of eleven over those polled In 1900, re capital stock from 120.000 fSS.noo. barrel of money? A Few divided as above Into shares of ?U)0 from bis dozing by a call from his correct nttendanco wero those at Phil- sulting as follows: DEATH OF VEST. Telegrams from Pleased Poli- Wl3c It Is not much how ono Fer-gusso- each. bo friend of the soul power. Said he: adelphia, Pittsburg, Washington, Bos- For delegate, H. S. Rodcy, 137; ticians. goes in, but how ono comes out. Co mo "This room Is so full of thought waves ton Amorlcnns, Clevelnnd and Detroit. 7. Member of council, J. F Son of the Missouri Senator Dies In Fnrinlnuton Conerniiintini!H tw. out with a barrel of money, and you Land Office Business. nnd they cross and conflict with ono At Now York the crowds wero esti- Chavez, 137; Mollns, 5. Member of Wathlngton. gusson'B majority in San Juan county mny be sure you are a successful poli- Homestead Kntrles Isabel Mnes of another in such n way that I can not mated, and usually high. Tho Hoston house of representatives, Dalles, 13S; Washington, JVov. C George cui iiown to 3!. tician. Boston Transcript. Vest, Interpret them, nnd they annoy ono-llft- 137; 1; G. I). Piuos Wills, lfiO acres In Valeucla nnd leaguo gave out at least moro Sanchez, Tellcs, Sanchez, Jr., son and prlvnto secretary of Sen-nto- r K. n. SELLERS. nppeitl I county; James King, of Springer, 1G0 BRUTAL EXHIBITION. to me so that cannot sleep. than wns present. Brooklyn did the County commissioner, second district, Vest, Df Missouri, died nt tho Col- acres in Mora county. Do you think I had better drive them same. Tho St. Louis clubs swelled the Jaramlllo, 135; Chavez, I; third dis umbia hotel this morning between the Snnta Fe Congratulations on viinr F'nal Homestead Kntrles Manuel A Bull Fight at Juarez Witnessed by out or move tho bed to another pnrt of nttendnnco nt least 10 per cent. Cin- trict. Garcia, 137; Chavez. A 8herlff, hours of 3 nnd 0 o'clock. He went to signal victory and unnreccdnntoii mn. Archlbeque. of Puerto de l.una. 100 Disgusted Crowd. tho loom and out of their sphere of In- cinnati often swelled, especlnlly with Haca, 137 ; Jesus Luna, 5. Assessor, tho hotel at C o'clock ycaterdny after- Jorlty. W. E. MARTIN. acres In Guadalupe county: Margaret' Thorn was another brutal exhibition fluence?" tho crowds present. Hlbo, 137; Xaniora, 5. Superintendent noon and was seen Inst by tho clerk nt 1C0 clerK. It at- of schools, 138; C. .1 M. Spratt, of Wagon Mound, acres of how bull lights .re not given, over The thinking would be the The following; shows the totnl Sanchez, Sauclioz, 5. o'clock this morning, when ho nsked Phoenix I congratulate you. Arl-zon- n In Mora county. In Juarez Sunday afternoon nnd as easier, advised that they movo tho bed. tendance of both leagues: Probute Judge, Chavez, 137; Salazar, C. for Ice water. Ho complnlned of feel, closo, but probably democratic by n I was Hallegos, 137; III. tldlinl flint H'rtilm iwttt a viol nirtijl Ittl This done nnd evidently bad tho Amerlcnn leaguo attendance. .2,172,721 Probate clerk, Salas, 5. lug When tho clerk next called a few hundred or less. moiiiii inv.iv. tit; is fvrwi DI4iV.u ((uii j at Conetsted Entry Decided. attendance, mostly visitors. Four! desired effect, for nothing inoro was National league uttendance. .l,GSt5,923 Surveyo., Marmon. 137; Pratt, 5. the room, soon after 0 o'clock, ho found N. O. MURPHY. The contest of Luther M. Shely bulls were killed and two horsea wero seen or hoard of tho man of psychic Treasurer, Sol. Luna, 14S. Vest dead. against Felipe Haca, over homestead so badly Injured that they had to be power till morning, when the clerk In favor of American league 585,801 Thero wns no democratic ticket In Dr. Fredoilck II. Moreart, of the Guthrlo I congratulate you nnd ontry No. G.lCti, was decided Monday. slain. I thankfully saw him depart. the field, tho Independents endorsing Emergency hospital, was called aud your people. Looks bad for delegate The land Involved adjoins Santa Rosa The poor horses wero so feeble that Prisoners Sentenced. Mr. FergusBon. said thnt Vest expired not later than and tho legislature In Oklahoma. and Is rapidly growing in value. It was when they entered tho ring they could Royally Bred Jeiaeys. In tho district court nt Roswell, 5 o'clock. Tho Immediate cause of D. E. FLYNN. Harry Alexander, held that the homestead entry was hardly stand nnd n Mexican had to Glecklor's dairy has Just received a Tonn, Indlciod for larceny of monoy assistant to W. II. death was convulsions duo to acute couple Hopewell, general manager fraudulent In Inception us within three run behind one or two of them with r. of tho finest bred young Jerseys from a saloon, was convicted and sen- of the gastritis. East Las Vegas Congratulations. months Haca sold the land to tho o whip to make them even move. Th., of tho Klnlock herd or Dr. Still, of tenced to ninety days In Jail. Ho was Santa Fe Ccntrnl, is In tho city. Vest wns about 12 years "old. Ho Thirty-thre- e precincts heard from. Improvement company and it horses were olthor purposely starved Klrksvllle. Mo. Tho bull Gucnon Lad allowed credit, tor tho time ho has been leaves a widow and children. Your majority will ho 500 In San Is by DISTRICT COUR, Miguel county was added to the town site of Santa to save the price of feed, as their doom j ith the imported champion show locked up awaiting trial aud will havo and tho entire repub- or twenty-seve- n Rosa. Tho holding was In favor of - bull tho Islnnd of Jersey, 1901, days to lican ticket elected. pur- j serve. Roman Tho court morning was PRESIDENTIAL TRIP. was already known, or they were district this ,. p. Shely and cancellation of the entry rec- chased from some party who had Guonon Lad .14,422 Imp. Ho was or Guillen plended guilty to with engaged in trying the case of Herbert o. BLOOD. tho Golden President Roosevelt Visit South, ommended. starved them to death through Inabili- Lad strain on both sides, Intent to klu nnd was given two yenrs Dtonz, trustee in bankruptcy of Brady Will tho llrst prize over island in Prcsott-tHtirr-nh for New Mexico. ty to get the forage to help them bus-- ! winners the the ponttcntiary. Charles McKenzte (c Eaklu, against Mattle L. Enkln, to ern a;id Western States. Capital Custodian Commission. for mnny years. Ills dam Is baronltti was sentenced to two years for obtain- Rceult fiiiArlzona on delegate In doubt. capital custodian commission inin life. subject certain propcity standing In Washington, Nov. C. President takVotTlclnl The of Inglcsldo, tested to make twcnty-flv- o ing money under fnlso pretenses. It will ballot to determine. met In Santa Fe on Mondav In The light was revolting beyond the the name of the defendant, to tho pay Roosevelt will leavo hero next Monday recnlar poundc butter in ono weok nnd Is to James Foster and Henry Anderson one JOR MORRISON. monthly session its office In cap ordinary nnd many of the Americans ment ot debts of Hrndy & Eaklu, und at midnight nnd will not return to at the be entered In St. Louis Exposition con- year In tho penitentiary, nnd John itol building. Routine was left before It was over. Tho bulls P tho husband of Mntttu L. Eaktn. The Washington until after tho reception Guthrie business test 1904. The heifer Ardcn's Ruby Is Sheridan nine months In Jail. Congratulations. Too closo transacted and accounts wore upprov. pnrently had no more llfo than the enso has once before been tried and re tr Governor Luko Wright, of Tennes- to tell In Oklahoma. by tho Duke of Ardcn of tho justly see, paid. were given poor horses, und only ono of then; versed by tho supremo court, and the at Memphis, November 19. He M. cd and Instructions famous Pedro strain, first prize winner Nusbaum-Rutledg- C. CADE. to the janitor in charge of the building showed the least bit of fight. contest Is now over tho property, j will be present at tho dedication of Republican at world's fair anil slro of twenty-seve- n It ha3 Just been nnnounced that on Chairman. Improvements The fighters wero also very clumsy, winch plaintiff claims to no uie prop the chnmber of commerce building in to make all necessary dnughters over eighteen pounds in Sundny afternoon, September 28, nt prepare building and had to make several thrusts to erty of Mr. Eakln, while the defend- Now York on Tuesday and Tuesday and to the nnd Bovcn days. She is out of Lorno's Ruby 2:30 o'clock In the nfternoon, holding end the life of the animals. El Paso ants clnlrii It as the separate property night will mako a speech nt tho cham- PHILIP DEAD. grounds for tho of the sessions of the well known St. Tor- Simon Nusbaum, of Santa Fe, of legislative assembly. Tho com- - Herald. of Mrs. Eakin, acquired from her hus ber of commerco dinner. Tho next the mentor strain. Wo trust that this may and Dora Rogers Rudledge, wero unit- Son of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Foraker .mission recently purchased a sufficient band when he was financially In. eood day he will go west nnd south. Tho INCIDENTS OF THH WAfl. be only the beginning of Interest In ed In wedlock by Rev, W. A. Cooper, standing. exact Itinerary has not been announc- Died Early This Morning, length of lire hose with nozzles com- choice stock In this territory, and Mr. of St. John's Methodist Eplscopnl plete purpose using Yesterday tho court tried the case of ed, but it is believed thnt ho contem The passing away of Philip 8, Hi fur the of the same Interestelng Features of the Recent G. Gieckler Is to be complimented In his church, Santa Fe. Tho ceremony took upon any part building from David Taylor versus Jose L. Porea, plates a bear hunt In one of the south- nker, the 5 year old son of UnltcA of the the A. R. Encampment. selections. place at the parsonage and was pri- Is sufll- - sherifT, n silt brought In 1892 for un- ern states beforo going to Memphis, Stntes Marshal C. M. Forakor, this fire plugs outside. Thero also A telegram from Washington to the vate. Tho couple wero by attended lawful attachment of flvo raco horses t pon his return ho will atop In Wash- morning, about 1 o'clock, has brought fire hose In the building to bo Globo-Dcmoer- .dent St. Louis has tho fol- Intemperance and Women. Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Dockweller, of ington only In C. valued at $5,000. Tho horses wore at ono day, as ho accepted n feeling of sorrow to Albuquerque used on each lloor case of necessity. lowing regarding Gen. 3. A. Carr, and London, Nov. Tho proceedings Tesuquo, who aro Ultimate friends. tached as tho property of George M. an invitation to attend tho Union Lea-gu- u generally. will be with by his many of Mio annual conference of tho Wo- rend Interest Miles, proprietor of tho old Armtjo club banquet In Philadelphia on Tho little fellow was sick for some Land Commission. New Moxlco friends: men's Union of tho church of England DEATH'S DOINGS. commission house, when he failed In business. November 22. tlmo with a cold that developed into Tho United States land One of tho most Interesting features Temperance Society, which commen- held Its regular monthly meeting Mon-jfj- f Tho case has been pending so long pneumonia, resulting In his untimely (J A. R. encampment ced today with Mrs. Temple, tho 8. P. Paine. to tho old that all trace of plaintiff who hailed NEW EXECUTIVE OFFICE. denth. The family have tho deep day and transncto.l routine business soldier arc the anecdotes and personal society's president, presiding, promises S. P. Paine, 20 years of age, died nt commission aleo o: Jcred tho selcc his room on North., street, yes- from Emporia, Kan., seems to have of the whole community. Ino Incidents of the war. At the reunion to attrnct wide attention owing to the Second Roosevelt Occupies 50,000 of grnzlng in 3 been lost, and defendants moved to President New The funeral will take place from the tlon of acres land of the Thirteenth army corps In Sher- fact thnt the alleged growing intemper- terday nfternoon labout o clock, of - (.ismlss the enso on legnl presumption Business Offices. Forakor residence tomorrow morning ill.- I uua iiuuj in vmiiua t.iiu jui.j man tent, October it, Gen. Kugcne A. ance among women has been chosen tuberculosis. The deceased had only charged appropri- of plaintiff's death. Tho court, how-ove- r, Washington, I). Irosl-den- at 10 o'clock nnd the services will be counties to be to the Carr of the regular army was made ns the main theme for discussion. Tho recently come to Albuquerque from C. Nov. C t public buildings heard the evidence, nnd therein Roosevelt today began trans- conducted by Rev. Powell, Interment ation of lauds for at chairman. In Introducing tho first conference will discuss nt length the Jackson, Mich. He leaves a wife nnd tho tho capital. three children at his found the Issues for the defendant. action of buslhess In the new execu- In the family lot in Falrvlew cemc speaker, ex-Go- Joseph Fifer, of Illi- points brought out In Viscount Peel's former residence. land commission wns tive olllces adjoining tcry. The territorial nois, and now n member of tho inter- address to the Women's union, some Tho remains wero taken charge of by tho White house. Bcslon. LETTER LIST. A few finishing nlso In It approved a number state commerce commission, General months since, nt the close of tho work O. W. Strong & Soils' nnd communica- touches still remain to of for sections. Tho com-niisrlo- by fum-ll- y bo put upon tho building, Inter-lo- r RAILROAD OFFICERS.. leae& schml Cnrr said: of the royal commission on tho licens- tion was made telegraph to his Following but the is the list of re- of-Pe- having hnd the appeal case of lottors Is practically completed nnd tho c needs no ing lnws. Tho bishop of London, Sir in Jackson. maining uncalled for In tho postofllco vs. Trujlllo, as to tho prior "Private Joe introduction. force has been A Party Arrived Here This Morning Uarreras Tho old soldiers know him. Ho Thomas Harlow (physician to the at Albuquerque, Now Mexico, for the Installed. right to lease tho scbool section In tho Mrs. Mattle Norman. 8, 1902: The president was In his office early from the, West. to tho Thirty-thir- d Illinois, king) nnd Dr. Draughwalte nro among week ending November .vicinity of de In Guada-lup- o Mrs. M. Norman, aged 23 but before he reached the public rccep following distinguished Puerto l.una, called school regiment,' tho persons of note who have promised Mattle Ladles' List. Tho officials county tho 'normal years, tlon room It was well filled visit- ppdor consideration for died of tuberculosis at tho St. Geor-Harne- with of tho Santa Fe coast lines arrived in they started out ns u regiment of to address tho conference. Brown. Mrs Bottle North, Mrs tt. mouth, decided to action and Joseph Hospital yesterday ors. city Inst, morning a sustain the school tenchors. Charles P. Hovoy nfternoon. Mary P gla W the night nnd this of .and Commissioner A. A. Keen in Deutschland Resumes Service. Mrs. Norman came to Albuquerque Jtn-Padly- The president, however, was kept nnd are located iu their prlvnto cars was tho principal of school be Horton, Mrs E Dona Ose-nl- e Do the and Hamburg, C, Tho busy with Secretary Cortclyou Gen- holding that tae lease should given - Nov. Deutschland about a month ago with her husband, until side tracked near tho Alvarado: I came eolonel. Ho was a typ- lia . notol.ltalw.,1 the first Hnmburg-Ainei'Icn- u n.n.nnn nrln.1 of the lino re- but the climatic change did not im- tho arrival about 10:30, almost simul- ernl Manager Arthur J. Wells, Genernl leal LIpplncott was lleuten- - Jonson, Mrs Aollce Reol, Ana Prodarts same. scholar. sumed her regular sailings today, with prove Tho were taneously, of Attorney General Knox Superintendent Sheppard. Superin- rignt to tno nnt colono( am, uft0nvar(l8 HCcretary her health. remains Morning, Mrs Clara do Captain H. Uarends, tho oldest captain shipped to Louisville, Ky., former Col. Clayton McMlchncl, postmaster of tendent of Machinery G. R. Joughlns MRS. E. A. CAHOON. lot stnto of Illinois, but there were not Martinez, Mrs LtbrtRcId, Mrs J Sum-d- a DEATH OF in the company's employ, In com-mnn- d. borne of the deceased, fur Interment. Philadelphia, and the members of the and I. L. Hlbbnrd, the popular heavy- enough school fill up tho mervlliQ I teachers to Slnco last April tho big ship civil dorvice commission. weight superintendent ut the Winslow Occurred at Roswell and Was a Shock regiment and they hnd to recruit from McUohel. Mrs Wnltzln, Mrs Llzzlf has been undergoing repairs as the Foundation Stone Laid. The president greeted thqm togeth- division. Thoy wll stay over In tho Moth. Mrs G H Williams, Mar-Miller- , to Friend. others not quite so learned. 'Prlvuto Kingston, Ont.. Nov. C. Tho founda Mis er and with result of losing her rudder. Mrs Ellen garct Colonel McMlchael, had city today and tomorrow and meet Pled, Friday, October 24, 1S02, nt Joe' will now make his speech, and you tion stono of the George M. Grant Me extended consultation with members General Superintendent Ripley, enrao," Men's List. of the 3:48 p". in., Mabel Howell Cahoon, be- enn Judge from which class ho Golf at Atlantic City. morial hall was laid today with Inter of tho commission, Atchison, who will may Armljo, Joso L Meyer, O arrive from tho east loved wife of E. A. Cahoon, cashier of Time hnvo silvered "Prlvato Atlnntlc City, N. J.. Nov. C The esting ceromonles, Sir Sundford Flem Tho president Colonel tomorrow morning. AiiEurcz, Jenoro Murquez, Thomas expressed to the FliBt National bank of Roswell, Joe's" hair, but time has made no Im fall golf tournament of tho Country ing presided over tho exercises aud the McMlchael gratification over re- Mr. seen by Allen, David Montollu, Junn N the WellsiWas a Citizen rc; aged 2$ years, 11 months nnd 24 days, press on his energy or his splendid club nt Atlantic City opened today un- principal nddrcss was delivered by sults of tho election, saying next porter morning Brown. R M Martinez, Daniel that , this nnd said that tho after a lingering illness of nearly five vigor. Ills wonderful eloquence thrill- der auspicious conditions. The tourna- Hon. George W. Ross. to New YorJi the principal Interest present meeting was for no special It was by Brown, James O'Neal, C D months. Mrs. Cuhoon was born at ed his hearers, and decided ment continues through tho remainder wns In the. Koystonn state; j purpose, ns It wns only one of tho Inci- was n Here From Socorro County. Burelu. Juuu E Oakes, Henry Snelilng, Cnl., October 29. 1873, Her tno auiiieuco tnnt rnvato joo of the week. Tho Atlantic City cup, Tho members of the civil sorvlcn dental meetings which occasionally oe-- - The following prominent Socorro Bcckelhymer, Char-Porte- r, Fred father, Major M. Howell, now treasurer whole school house of teachers com- won In 1900 by Waltor J. Travis, and commission would not state ttic nature ur while olrlnlals of aro county republicans came up from So- lie (2) Pholan & MeFar- - the the road county, movod to oineu Inter by Flndlay S. Douglas, will bo Inspcc-lie- n. and collector of this morning Buster, John laud Jf their business, but It Is holleved cut on their periodical tour of Roswoll with his family in 1SS7. She Next on tho program to speak was contested for and there aro also . corro this and are transact Hint charges of tho violation of civil ing legal In city. Hon. Bryson, Eugeuo Rugg, D F wbb a successful teacher In the public Genernl Carr, and uftor ho hnd related number of other cups and prizes. business the service laws In Pennsylvania was dis- A bran Ahcytia, Hon. Alexander, Carlisle, Hugh Belly, Chas W schools of Roswell for some time; the the many deeds of tho gallant Thir- Silas cussed. R. E. CAVETTE. - Ohio Valley Medics. nnd Sheriff C, Hlacklngton. Cbultz, Terry M Roberts, B W only photograph taken of tho original teenth corps, he noticed In tho nudi- F. Mr. Evnnsvllle, Ind., Nov. C. hun- Aboytln, who on re- Christian, John lloybal, C A public school building and tho scholars enco Sergennt Rowley of the First Three ran tho straight Of El Paso Lyceum Bureau Fame Gam- dred eminent physicians nnd surgeons publican ticket nt the recent election Dawson, Bert R Rivera,, Carlos L PROVED INNOCENT as n group Includes her picture as one Infantry, and began to remember cam- bled Away His Funds. paigns In Texas before tho war. uro In Kvnnsvlllo for the annual meet- for treasurer of Socorro county, said Edwards, J M Stevi':ison, Jnmos of the teachers, standing among tho Boston Man Falsely Mur- said; "Sergeant, do ing of the Ohio Vnlloy Medical asso this morning: "Tho Socorro county KdwardB, Harvey U Accused of Tho story told of tho confidence children, by whom she was greutly Genernl Carr gnmo you remember tho two bear cubs we ciation. A two days' program has election was very closo. Hoth bIiIps Ourulo, Nabor ttanchez, Nicolas dering a Woman. worked by R. E. Cnvctto, repre- loved, She wns married April 2C, 1SU4, Ourty, Moruglldo senting himself as mannger El had that time we started out from been arranged, calling for papers, ad claim small majorities and tho election John Sanchez, Boston, Nov. (i. The gold watch of of the to Edward A, Cahoon, at Merced, Cal. Paso Lyceum Jiureau, was pub- Fort Cobb?" dresses and discussions covering n Is likely to bo contested as to legality. Gutierrez, Aitfres Shoulds, Win Clara Morton, the McLean hospital do- which Three children have been ltorn to them Jackson, Isaac Scott, Ernest. lished In Tho Citizen several days ago, , Sergeant Rowley, blushing like wide range of subjects of interest und It Ih claimed thut fraudulent votes mestic, who wns killed on Saturday, Kntht-rlne- aged 7; Louise, ugod 5, Koehler, S J Senn, Antonio has been by Setters received bwcot sixteen, stood up and said: "Vcs, importnuco to tho medical profession. wero cast." und for whoso murder Allan C. Mason, confirmed and little baby Mabel, only 11 weokH Kelly, Thoa S Trcndwny, H C (2) from different parties. 1 The president of the society nnd the Is charged, has Boston ago, of mother's general, don't know what became of been found in a ef at tho time tho Death In Oregon. Lusan, Margarlto Woodhull, T T , A letter from Dr. Frank O. Terrell, con them " Whereupon, nnother old presiding ofllccr at tho convention is pawnshop and tho police aro searching Heath, i.irs, Cahoou wns perfectly Ky. Miss Phllbrlck, teacher of tho kin Moncla, Juan Worthlngton. J P tho Iccturor who was to appear hero ns - soldier In audience spoke out nnd Dr. Frnzler, of Marlon, for thu negro who Is said to havo sold bcIoub and rational for three weeks be- the dergnrten, has received the sad notice Persons caning tor above named tho first of the courso, was said: "Well. I know, when thoy enmo tno It. attraction fore her death, und up to the Tucaduy Scab Sheep. of the death of her uncle, letters will pleaBo Bay "Advortlsed," received by Prof. Douglas back to tho post, they ato up all my Pblletus Chief of, Police Watts does not con-ce- John Walker Itefore her death, was apparently get- M. W. Stono, the sheep Inspector for Harvey Phllbrlck, of Mcdford, Oro. Mr. and give trie dnto of publication. who Is n closo friend of Mr. TorrelL sugar.' U. the belief that tho negro mur- ting better Her death was a terrible Chaves county and Ernest Johnson, of Phllbrlck through war with W. HOPKINS Postmaster. Ho was through misman- Tho soldiers of the old army oro served the dered Clara Morton and that Mason is stated that it shock to all and particularly to her Hope, sheep Inspector for Eddy coun Wisconsin was agement Cavettu to fond of greeting Gen. Eugene Can. Ho voiumccm und later Innocent. that failed mako husbnud anil loving friends who ty, Friday four-- COLORADO ELECTION. Ca-vet- to the filond, When returned Inst from a grnilunted from tho University of Mich As thero hnvo been n number of the courso a success, Aud that had watched aud hoped for her ilnat has alwnys been tholr weeks' county. Thoy Iguu. Remington visited Genernl tour of Lincoln After practicing us civil engineer Legislature May Defeat Senator Tel- cases in this city in which tho ns manager of tho El Paso Lect- racovery.Roswell Register. Freijerle found a grent ileal of scab among tho for years ho was to bought ot Curr's camp nt Pino Ridge, ho said: "l several elected the ler and Elect Republican principal has been described as u ne- ure Bureau, hud six courses sheep 'and hud from CiO.UuO to 70,000 chair of civil engineering In Unl St, Lyceum Bureau, prised His Wife. was'well entertained and taken caro the Senator. gro, Chief Watts considered this uew tho Lorila and head dipped "according to Hoylo,'' verslty of Iowa. In 1887 ho removed gavo hla note for part of tho sum duo A story is old of a Pennsylvania far-tu- of. General Carr is an accomplished Denver, Nov. 0. Acordlng to the phaso of thu Wavorly affair as very Im- which mcuns thnt u good job was done to Louisiana, whero he remained until them. Mr, Torrull ho who wore his old suit uutll every soldier uud a culturod gentleman, but lutest returns, tho entire state ticket portant. Ho said today: stated that In each case. Roswell Register. a few weeks of death, when he thought Cavette, In good faith was tired of t, and his estimable his whole rnlnd is absorbed in 'bacon his elected Is republican by roajorltlea "This let's Mason out ot it altogeth- acted 6m wont to Oregon, hoping to benefit his and would refund money. But then irtfe was almost ashamed of the bus-ttfcl- forage' meat for his men. hny for ranging from 0,000 to 7,000, with the er." the and Serious Accident. health, A wife is doubted by many, It he had .man who. had been Inside It so his horses." nnd threo children Hur exception of Mrs. Helen M. Grcenfeli, The chief said he was using every this for Rolln Horen, youngest son of Mr. and vivo tho deceased. body was In good would havo Vng. Out one. day he went to town to Genernl Carr marched with his post, Mrs, The democrat, who appears to ho elocted resource of tho pollco department to acted faith ho Iloren, who works for his father taken to Iowa for interment. mado an explanation as to the reason aeM'hM produce, and vybllo there he Ransom of St, Louis, parade day. He out on the ranch, started out Tuesday by about 2,tti0. In the candidates for locate tho negro and expressed confid- congress, 5 ence of the failure of tho course or at least to buy a uew suit aud, happy Is one of their medal of honor men, afternoon to fix a wind mill. His horse Choral Union Concert. Bhafroth, democrat, has that ho would be caught within forty-eigh- communicated to effect. aarpnse kiim. flo he bun- - they gave him three cheers when away him, In plurality, Hogg, republican, 3,221 t hours. that ti and ran with threw him and Tho Albuquerque Choral Union IU A letter received from a party In El a salt into the wagon and left ranks, the regular army back and Brooks, rep'iI'cau, 641. he tho Jured his and hips severely. Med give Its first concert December 10, If Ca-vett- Paso who wan acquainted with e, sent no betcr soldier to tuo civil war leal aid was summoned once, present plans NELLIE at and It tho of tho directors are Leglststure May fra Republican. Mitt tOOTH. stated that Cavette lost consid- as tic hurried than General Carr, Ue Thirteenth la hoped that nothing will re out. y,iwiat serious carried Deaver, Nov. 6. The sltuatie Jn erable money gamhUag while In Albu-querqu- tmi at ,v bridge over a elected him president of their corps Aa the Injuries too painful Har Death Occurred at Kansas City suit. are to The llrst appearance of the chorus reference to the legislative tleket M had t have checks cash- g sf tie wacoa and far the ensuing year. brlag home, he la Hogh Mamnig. and siaa out at the will bo strictly a coacert. There are confusing. Returns last night aad to- Thla ed la order te get out of town, Tha V' HMtW. sm t)ss4sod 014 post the Missouri com thlrtv-lv- e M. Ransom aad liad rasieh, miles from town. now about fifty voleea la the charaa, day re- The many frlaada of the bereaved , reacaed for man4cry attracted attention parade have Increased the number ef truth la that ha waa ,aat for the maaay Jmsi It will ha remembered that two call under the direction ot Mr, Walker, aad publican members ot both houses aad family will be grieved to leara of tha aad worked far that aad, havlag aa by maroatag, uniform aad swat-tag- da7 draa bava been removed from this are makiag rapid progress. Tha s aa a result Talbw'i fata haaga la tha death ef Mia Nellie Baath, which a thought at paktow the Taaalakt 3rlw'W Tiy have beta fasaHf 4mU wRhla year, whieh attrntla mr hf the last are hald vach Tuasdar balaaaa. euro at 1:10 a'eWek Mia maraiac at Vtllsv a gs)oaaag,