University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 11-8-1902 Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 11-08-1902 T. Hughes Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news Recommended Citation Hughes, T.. "Albuquerque Weekly Citizen, 11-08-1902." (1902). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_citizen_news/435 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Citizen, 1891-1906 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 4 MWfeiitUwW - SLSaaaar.iraaaaaanr.Bamsr W 7KS.BK. ... .BBBBI mansnBSaai ammr4r ssnansmn. v . f --4 WeekttiMpll;: i ifN tm 8, 1902. NUMBER 00 OLUME 1 ALBUQUERQUE. NEW MEXICO, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER A. MIbh Is on Hat Wednesday evening Is Hod Men's woll, to W. 13. Coleman, for L500. He team was finally stopped nnd strange In the sum of ? 105.50 against Lulu Pearl Wean the sick night, nnd nil Rod Men nro enrnestly has bought a well on tho Plains, cast to say tho wagon and hones found un C. do linen in the district court of this today. requested to bo present nt their wig- of bore, nnd will hereafter rnugo his injured. comity. Tho suit wus to get money Invitation. bav been extended taf Dr, Swopo wns called out to tho wam. Business of much Importance cnttlo near tho Hat much. from dofondnnt ho had collected on the gun club at Trinidad, Albuquerque. Topics demnndfl their presence. I). D. Titus, brothor-lh-la- of W. It. Mtmbres to attend A. L. Foster, the somo notes turned ovor to him for col- Territorial Raton and Watroun to take part In tba Miss Jonnlo llaylls left hero for Allison and living on tho old Nlomoyor well known cattleman, who wns suffer- lection by thu plaintiff, and which Mr. Williams, Ariz., whero sho will accept place, In the Florence district, hits' ing from a case of blood poisoning In linen refused to turn In. big live nnd clay pigeon shoot til bo by IiIb WHITE OAKS. Mexico. Ho was accompanied n position an saleslady In tho dry been appointed to tench tho Lookout the hand and arm, caused from having C. G. Watson left thin afternoon for riven by tho locnl gun club on Thanka- - corpse or two wife ind Mrs. K. O. Ascarnte as far as goods dopaitmcnt of M. Oelzmnn'a big school, filling tho vacancy mndo by the helped to dress a a week Chhnshn, Okla., to get his wife, who nd It Ih thought moat of tJK ago. ,.vngi From the Englo. El Paso. store. departure of Mrs. W. A. Stevens. Tho doctor icturncd the next ,mB 1)Ccn visiting there. c1uUh w1 accc)t, glvlnK a griind bringing Ur InnifH Morris Is In from the mines, Mrs. David Ames, after spending n Mrs. W. F. Kuchenbecker nnd her flic scouring mill has closed down day. his pntlent with him. Hy, Mrs. H. J. Ryan was on the sick list of H,)0rt ror tho markHtncn. treatmen- - Mr. will bo hro liild u,i with a criipkil bond. Jim Ih month on n visit to Mr. and MrB. J. father, Mr. W. H. Young, who have until next spring after hnving washed careful Foster t0(,fty. (j RQ nRano nsy,ura )0ard wJ npet im-- Galla- able to return In i fow days much i opened cn-prov- getting nut Homo good coal. Shryock, nt Tularosa returned last been spending ncvernl weeks In something over 1.200,000 ponndo of Mrs. a. A. JoncB yesterday tonu)rrow and will let tho supply ed every re-- Tho American Placer compnny Ib week. tin, Mo., with relntlves and friends, re- wool. Tho fall dip of wool In tho val- and with chnnco of ,, a mno. Huo found several trncls cUhcr then or Thursday. now refitting innchlnory to begin work Tho annual bazaar of tho W I. A. turned homo early In the week. ley Is too light to warrant n fnll cam- C0,V,!T' ' 8,,mU n"KKta of gold in a duck which A A Maionoy and John Uuraott left 1' rlduy W Wat--, I on Hh placer holding In Jlcnrllla. will ho held on tho l!lth and llth of W. A. Krenmer has accepted a posi- paign. Moreover, tho quality of It Is last, whllo J. aldcmar wna bclnK prepared for the dinner tM n,ornnR overland after votlBK for din-pin- g reporter, Tho Eagle MlnlnK & Improvement November at tho Hlo Gran do hotel. tion with J. M. Carman, taking tho qulto Inferior bccaiiBO of the heavy dron, a printer nnd was tai,It)( ,) BVeral of tho nuggets woro Vort stanton where they will loak company Is worliliiK all tho man nt 'ho Tula association, for tho m..flv Im- placo of Stewart Hrown on tho dcllv-i.r- v necessary during the past season. bumuiiiK "it mu ' me nuiii.u (,f fair size, site win endcttvor to una some of the plastering ami paint- fence, talking over nfter Old Alio that they hnvo room for nntl provements they nro continually mak- wniron. Mr. Hrown filling tho The Sunday school picnic, given last houfo business out w,Cro the duck was raised nnd see ing to bo dono on tho government saal-- little things nro humming up there ing on park, arc entitled to the placo made vacant by the resignation Saturday under tho direction of Allen matters with Mrs. Connelly, tho rand- - f tncro Ifl ttny mininB prospects In that being their standing tnilum built there. This looks good. greatest patronage of our citizens. of MIsb May Plnney. C. Heard, was one of tho biggest and lady, on tho other side, his vicinity Four new firemen came down yester Albu-niinrmi- n or Alb-jquo- r Will Smith wax hurt nt tho mine. From tho Progress, Quail Herron enmo In from most enjoyable events In the Juvenile pencil accidentally fell out his hand r p Meyers, the mayor of day from will run out of Mr. un. Raton and Tho accident wnH caused by tho cnK Harry llnlley enmo up from '.SI Paso nnd Is visiting with hlo many calendar of Carlsbad. Tho picnic was Into the ynrd Inside. Wnldron WttH hcr vesterdnv for a short Vegas. Jump over for Las dropping unto tho chnlr, which was to ottend business mnttera at Mcsllla trlontla herd. Ho snjB It wan all n held nt tho Fuoss farm; near Otis, and dertook to the fence the lhne conferring with his partner In tho Jack Elliot, the Santa Fo roadmaw- - closed, without signaling to thu en- Park. mistake about him going to San Fran- was participated In by n number of pencil, and ns he bounded Into tho nlr imr,iwnre business, J. O. Wagner. ter, returned this afternoon froaa top or ncau on me drum-projectln- g gineer. On Inst Thursday evening, Mlsss An cisco to enter the service of Undo "brown-ups,- " ns well as about 150 chil- tie strucu tne nis j K l.nwrence, tho hardware Wugon Mound. of tho kitchen shed yestor-an- d Hob Furguson arrived horo from nie Freemnn was given a recoptlon at Sam ns a naval endet. John Golino dren. rafter mcr from ncnvcr ftrrVed hero C. L. Doran, Inapectar. was back heavily to tho the potoce Mineral do Oro, Mexico, Hob Is an her home by her friendB, ns she leaves did. however. The Cnrlsbnd Current nnd Hoswell knocKed ,,ny 0WnnK from Albuquerquo. returned this afternoon from a trip to enmo In ground. Ho nroBO. placed his hand. - engineer nml linn been engaged in UiIr for a trip through tho south. Mliw J. H. Owens, tho contractor, Journal have been Incorporated under MrH. ,,l(,h nnil Mrs. M. Weiss- Trinidad, whero ho Invest I gated upon his head, and finding It was bleed-- , the occuiintion since leaving hero flvo Freemnn has been a college student frnm Mnnill. Hn reports Work nt the title of the Emerson Publishing ,,, nf.t.rnoon for i.ft auona postofflco there, tho poateaaater, progressing ing. Immediately sought Dr. Rexford J. t. yenrs nso. Hob Bays he wants to be and is very popular among tuom, hence Moqul nnd St. Mlcheals company, with a capital stock of $0,000. for viu Miller, having shot himself accident way. n . under the stars and stripes end will iccoptlon which was gotten up by nicely. While hero he ordered a large The Incorporators nro J. L. Emerson, across the The doctor found . ri.tnmmi from the . ally last Thursday. Miss May Locke. shingles from Ros-wel- l, deep scalp wound that required thren v, , n find employment here. Heulnh Scogglns, Hassle quantity of redwood of Cnrlsbad; C. C. KmcrBon, of oanta Fe wan la naw-I- the Misses wna who anslutant postmaster, was maxiug stitches. Mr. Wnldron able to re yes-torda- y Nabours and Colin Isaacs. Contractor Kennoy, nnd and A. J. Emerson, of Fountain, Frank Manzanares, Jr., returned charge of tho office, which wan-- DEMINQ. rsomo six cars of Emur-Bo- n turn to work but suffered much for Things arc looking rather bright for preparations to have Colo. Tho latter Is father of the from his two weoks' overland be all right. Michaels qulto awhile. found to tho foot bnll boys and to the lovers of material freighted out to St. Hros., nnd woll known In Carlsbad, trip down lit Guadalupe county and Georgo Is Albu- Headlight. Arnot hero from From the the game.
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