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7-30-1915 Carlsbad Current, 07-30-1915 Carlsbad Printing Co.

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grand jury empaneled to Investigate BASE BALL GAME. a a the catastrophe. State's Attorney ni nn mn nxrnM Sunday afternoon at 8:30, tlia nnn Hoy lie prepared a county grand jury play inquiry. Coroner HnlTman selected a Rnswetl and Carlsbad hall team Jury to look into the cause of the ed a close, exciting and ly far the CO. B ENCAMPMENT 11 best game seen é',. II,. nnlie. .rra.l.J nfll- - at Fireman's park utiibAbu ,m" 5 rers of the Eastland, and Health the T""";. contest Carlsbad seeur- - airanged to purify the i ,Knrly mm disease might lie spreud one run wmrn was me oniy one liwrforfe. PASSENGERS ON EASTLAND fled they were removed again to un- - ,v t ,,..,., 0f i0 muny bodies in PUBLIC UTILITIES IMPROVE- MOST SUCCESSFUL ENCAMP. SUFFER AWFUL AGONY nenasing esianusnmenia io the wtieam. tire contest. MENTS, i MENT IN STATE. . AS VESSEL room for others waiting outside",In, Arrangements were made to exam The game was won by the ability The Public Company will SINKS. ambulances. ine th. sunken vessel to determine the "f the home .Plo-- io out class their Utilities Company, Fort y. Two Strong, Drapit Living Ladder Saves Two Women. undenting causes of the accident. "m.e on,y one error D,n ""e spend a considerable sum on improv- Report That Carlsbad Could "Dutch t stop, letting ing the electric light and power plant Pinned Down by Jam of Movable Ar-(Id- One man wii peen to cling to a "The Eastland was the crank of the roller, short Not Muster Thirty. spike In the side of the wharf, while lakes and as far as I knew the only ' T' this season. The directora met Mon- Eight. and Mass of Hodiea They ro"J"lrlí by',,t l"1'. - day night and decided to make the Aro Born to Death. two women and three children stepp- - crank on the lakes," said W. J. Wood, '" lllllint-- iirHulliUII lijr llflu- ed up his body as on a ladder to naval architect, who was called by the ing several hard chances like a vet-- following improvements: Raise the' The armory was the scene of much dnra and strengthen it at lower MORE THAN 900 CORPSES ARE safety. He fell exhausted in the river owners in l'.iOH to correct faults In eran. the activity from tt::t0 a. m., Mondar install a new and larger K i- FOUND. as the last one or me rive reacnea tne boat. The feature of the gune was thi plant, morning, July L'tith, when Company Whether he was lost couid pitching of Pheigler, who hud the terator, and rebuild the transmission "II" boys began to gather for annual the pier. ' -- not tie learned. Roswell players entirely v. line of six miles into Carlsbad. encampment, until eight o'clock when Chicago, July 24. Moro than 1.000 MR. BUCK COWDEN DIES AT ABI- in- - pitching a no-h- and no run The raising of the dam will autos donated by public-spirite- d persons, possibly 1,300, most of them Instances of heroism were numerous LENE, TEXAS. fame. the ' took the rescued passengers to the first to be pulled off U.e .n some crcaae the power materially. ( The citizens conveyed the entire company Women and children, wore drowned floats News reached Midland morn- will to w " this time. strengthening of the dam add to the rifle range live miles west of today within few feet of land by ing that Mr. Ruck Ciden, who has Although White was touched up the safety and reliability of the ser-- a town. v . for the capsixing of the steel steamer , , . several brothers, and forty-tw- I ' cousins other number of clean hits, they were vice. Installing a new generator will The company, strong.went Eastland a. it was about to leave its " ho,ur. w" relatives In Midland, aicd Those to land had sunk or in Abilene so scattered the homo playera could increase the capacity of the plant into caniD in true military- ntvla- with wharf In the Chicago river with 25,000 last night. He had been m very poor 1 1 l . : i i : . i . i i i: : . . d not score again. nruuiiuing vne vrennminniun une win me mars ami stripes nying over head-conse- rve relaUve. and friends of of the V"J .th,e halth a good while Company "Inngt""canal lock sat' Import, and his death was This makes the games between current as the new line will quarters tent, with Capt. Wm. W. the Western Electric for J'l.. not unexpected. The funeral will take two teams six to two In fivnr carry a vniiago oi iwmw a agairmi ncan, in command an excursion across Lake Michigan. ,n AbilBm thue Z".taoti'eunmL AmnM- -' VlM """rrow, attended of Roswell, but the last two whs o '.1(10 volts at present. The high vol I.ieuts. Fred M. West and Aud. F shut-ou- t for Carlsbad. tage line will carry the current with l.usk and thirty-nin- e enlihted men, reamves. mr. I owaen a very much less loss than the present 2:100 make up the company. Sergt. Den- minutes after It began to ís I nrominent citizen , the T'rtif Chlii of A.iilrne and well volts line. The three phase syntem nis Burns, of the regular army, re was cleared known here, and The Reporter joins i will be used which also increases ported at camp Monday a ThTi' ' Shortly after the water ...... fternoon. ' m ..- f fi i::'": were on '""Vunit f.inn.L- ... ym- - I the efllciency very materially. having been sent by the Ijutantlien- - killed, while other estimates ran as iers i""" rLllLllTLn UAfJ rll rr , the '"""'"ll.l" of tí Eastland's l'"'y l" "'e m.i rowinii leiaiives juiy ULIllLll I LU INHIl IMLLUi The cost of thexe Improvements will eial to act as instructor for the camn. u..u oniin i.... .u... j be lurge. Dr. F. F. Doepp and Judgo Wm. W. Dean, Jr., is in rugulur at- - with llames. Divera were hurried Mr. Cowile.i will In. reniemiiered S. I. Roberts were mude a eoiiiiiullee tendance at the camp, being recog- 2,600 passenger were aboard vas by all the nl, lime SIIOOTINC AT PLAINS. TEXAS. than into under-wate- r suits. A bridge was nconle of this to prepure tho estiniutc of the cuxl nized as ('apt. "Itiliie" and a hitlf During day mora re-- the vessel. the thun formed betweenth pier and tha cap- rounly as a good cllhen while 1 or the Improvements decided upon, stewed kitten is ciiinp mascot. 700 bodies wore taken from the river siding her.i in the nineties nil ( From our Knowles Correspondent) sized ship. of whom Their n.n.irt will he nimio in u ii,it TaiL'ct practice is on e of the prin-cip- lu hull of the overturned steam- will much regret and the gained to his death. .. ..time. The increase in demand for features of tho encampment, open with As the divers entrance , er, whose sides were cut - i onsnieranie excitement prevailed l : ili)lt Blu )ow,.r ur(tCi Thoukii with company drills in the afternoon. the hull the Situe of dut- jü move f.. . - gas flames to admit divers. Several THANKS TO CLASS OF 191.1. mm n at Plains, county seat H ,,, ' oí:thl, ,,unl u,(1 nu.Pt it tlc air. The following list of culls which persons were alive '"r l"e lime ieing irom me rive, io county, Wennes--: ,,, taken the morgues. - ) oakum, lexas, lust t r link Ulllt it ls ,0l,t nillll8 are oliserved will indiculo how tha cabins of the ship after it luid lain the exUinporizcd Tvare- To abide in the hearts and affections .'i.v, i.ic caused ny a whu csalc . ."n. ,nprovements a little abeaii of tune. nine is occupied hours, n'""'-- ' wnuicsaie .ui...M.i.n i...,i. i f r i I no on its side in tho river four - snooting. liicis can scarcely ie j.; A appointed gen-- : he .ive.- iniown open and bod- - WJ K0.rtH was First cull lor reveille, 3:00 a m. but the :i00 persons said to be in tha wr. ,hf moHt cnn' M. Fes- - ar lu.o in rows on the (loors. ntllment P.iconaiiien ai mis time, mil irom vru nmnBirer to succeed R. Reveille, 5:10. a. m. dead. es Mta,,,Kn du?,n(r th VP the .In I a wo the hulk are wa- - . of can gather, main en v.ho retired July 1st and went Assembly, f.: I :.. u. in. searchlights to- Scores of pit sent take nirom the H,PnM n ,hjs jf(1 , b Under the glare of an tressur. i".". ' to t .Mr. uoherts is a young i liegulur morning setting up exer ter we.e ,u.u. ...u w. ei, , ,,,, am, , union. night scores of men worked in the .cvii., the momorM of our J;0ller of Yoakum deputred man that has grown up with tho bus-- cises for ten minutes follow as were me imi uui nini.iiai, . . ,L- i i .i . this hull of vessoi to remove the bod . lasen, lo ...... i.i,,,.-r- i w - j ...s , ; the n .t.. llin wnmnn ,i. .ui uiit-- iinvo.iiiv iu'im urn iui iu .u uui niiu fi.ini.. I nes:-;- starting at tho bottom tliiee semlily. iea. The steamer lay on the bottom , ,." ",,n released from the respunsiliilities in making an arrest for some mis- mess, starling ul the l.ottom three .Mi ss, .r.:l., a. in. river, one side protruding like and i.urdens of humanity, i of the crushed to death in the is a grate demeanor, at the Carlisle ranch neár years ago when he completed bis First call for target 0.1.'), a. m. a monument to the hundreds It had burned and lul anticipation to us all. town, and on tnry Iroquois New Year's Eve sev- their arrival there, studies at the New Mexico Military Practice or drill, ii:t.i, a. m. I Theater You, and each you, drowned. ago. of the graduat- got out of the ear, and found a you..g Institute in the spring of 101 J. Ho Assenihlv, Ci:'Jo, u. m. eral years ing class of made by Ray The cause o fthe capsizing had not From River Renuscitated. lüll.have our hearts inn the name of sitting on has learned the business by careful Recull, I t :.:. u. ni. Few Taken glad have further endeared yoursel- gallery, who without provocation, been determined tonight but Federal Efforts to resuscitate those taken the application to details. Mess, 12, noon. officer conducting ves to us. by saying again, in no un- (Ray) opened fire on officers, R. K. city and stale were was unsuccessful ex-ce- nt the The directors appointed First call for drill, l:2.'i, p. m. from the river certain accents, you breaking both of Sheriff investigation lo determine whether in two instances. that loved our Keller's Wilkvnson as bookkeeper to be in Assembly, I ::0, p. in. or three It departed son, Leslie, In his shooting d the ship was top heavy rum mury ...... , ,i,i lifetime, arms, und tho tor thrnuit charge o fthe ofllce. Ho has filled the Recall. 'J::i0, p. m. designing, improperly bullusted or ii,,i and that yon now treasure his mem- the stomach The doctor, howevur, letne-- The whole pitv W4H SOOM in Pon. ory. position temporarily since the First call for retreat. !i:lll n. m. was poorly handled in warp ng from terniltjon. vrord f the accident manage to get to Keller's side. H'.d f c. Thompson lust spring. Mr. Assembly, 5:15 p. m. We found your gun. .i i the wharf. spreud rapidly and to the thousands footprints at his secured Keller's nnd shot Kuv u,'iik.,nu..n m r Hiu l..i acimut. Retreat. 5:15, p. m. Marine architects asserted that the 'lrpady grave (they were as the footprints of. through the breast, and then managed in Carlsbad or nt..r th, wharf other angels unts Iniiiiediiii.'lv followed by "tn the Eastland was faulty in dsslgn. that . to us). We found the 13 beau- - to crawl back to the car, pulled off ulso voted a bonus low- 0 'd were a,ldd. l he Clark The directors colors" at which call the flag is the Iod deck had lieen lemoved ne tiful emblems placed upon his grave, his shirt, and then laid down und nf ÍÜó.OO to Robert llunsick as a by (itiard. stnel bridge near the whari was by loving ered the this tiikmiT place cause of the tendency of the ship collapse. hands. That he lived such died. It seems there was nothing recognition of his excellent work while of Spangled Runner" crowded until it threatened to a lifo as to "The Star play, to lst and also pointed to the pos- had to be cleared by the thus command the loveM against Ruy and public opinion is rewinding the generator burned nut ed bv tne hand in regimental ramp. un- Streets sibility that the ship had been allow movement of rrsieci, esieem anti irienosnip or surh to the effect that he was deranged ,v lightning in April, iii .t. It will Mess, 15 nil p. m. fiolice to the as youwho knew evenly, or inhUlliciently ballasted. Ihe Business men sent their him best, brings and is reported to be dying. be remembered thut during the storms TnHoo. K: l'i. p. m. Eastland used water ballast so that it to help io us. nis parents, a Joy we cannot o in the spring lightning .lid some daiii-ug- Taps. p. m. automobiles and molor trucks describe so you could pump out some on entering carry away the dead. that ess now under- - Christian & Co.. INSTANCE. In the improvements now un- (i.iiiril is maintained the investigu-tor- the injured and thrnu.'h shallow lake haibors, and s One warehouse soon was filled with der contemplation the latest a. pi. un 'i"ht only from retreat to reville, tho working on a tliemy the are that bodies, and other dead wese taken to ices to proieci wic a ii. i ft'ii. I.nitii. hiiiwl'.,! t.v it enrnorul nnil ballast tHnk we. v. mm, lilli.l, and the Regiment Armory, mile .systems uguinst lightning will be in- - ,,V(, nr;villl ,,f ,, .,r, mveilie of the Second ,( rushing of piissi ngt i to one side wuy. stalled. in die morning and lowered at re-- u to roll over. a the decks caused Thompson was With the improvements the Public t t i.COll wo- Mayor William Hale ( ( - Under misty skie nin, Utilities onipuiiy are making, nr ,,. K in San Francisco and Chief of Police Tnp principallv in extender! men and childicn wcr.uiU .heii wuy Ihhud will have extra good service. wi1! pro- C. ('. was also of town. bo- and a malí nn.blem - to the rivei wharf early t luy to I II Ilcalv . . . . out A. M. HOYK...... Acting l -e sen...... o,a bablv be work"il out the last dav of Ave large lake sUa.mvi with but Mnvor Moorno o - city signs "ii eneiininmet.t ii'- -l ntt'.' Ws nindo mirth in a trip to Michigan City. The request that the -- A NICE - ANDERSON SANITARIUM. Chicago riourning. on pui.lic build-- i 'villi blank amm'iio'ion. The ramp steamer Eastland, brought to ' Imis I ;, n named "'pr.h Ch.ireh" in -- i ings were placed at hnlf mas and .n.n .n nn.uiiliiK. 1.. Tuylor ewoml ii i. many Pisces "vere diuped w ith mo "n-in- Mrs. Q. of ruine i.iiee of r.ini. f'hurch, formi r tory career, was the lirst to be load ...l-ii- liuHcbal! games were "stptt-- d BRICK of CREAM to the sanitarium :i- -t Sat'inlay for i.r the eompapv. ed. "'.licul treatment. She is doing nice ,iM is t'ie nrincipul diversion Rain began to fall as the wharf and festivities largely ceased. POR I) I N N I: R While those on land were disoosiin SUNDAY ly. nf tin. en. on. Solee 5nl games being superintendent lifted the gangplanks ,'M on I'row of Malaga came to nulled off ilnilv nt flrsl w.lh n nick the Eustland, declaring that the of the deud, injured ami rn'e'l, the MAKES A PLEASING DESERT from tlie y it 1. it i urn Monday suffering with I. unidle for tl'i but until Captain Government limit of 2,l00 passengers divers in the henn nf he sMi'ken ves- THESE HOT SUMMER DAYS. sel sent up an i'lm st cor. t.uu stream Ills i v.', which was burl while he was Church rnme nt iiml donated a base- - had been reached. White dresses motorcycle by a grass hull along of corpses fmm "' ."''f'ged decks. Q riding bis burr nutPl to the cnmp.inv. peeped from rain coats the 'Phone No. flying up and striking him in the eye. The following Is n list of the en- - shore rails, as those aboard waved First it wa i a iraMy dressed girl in teens, ' "l caught AND IT WILL BE THERE John Angel of l.ukewood came to iist ! men uitndint Ine encampment: good-by- e to on shore wailing her win ben .,, friends Wedms.lay I, I, ...l- i. I,. u Sergt. Roose- a pile nf chuirs and a cabin the Anderson sanituiiuin to bord tha steamer Theodore with infected hands. "'Ml ('..Minn Sergt. velt and other vessels. wall. Next is was a boy gathered 'n.. from the lifeless arms nf a father Mrs. Rule bus been snlTerim all Will Miller. Seri't. Then the passengers swarmed to the is fill- Sergt. ship aa who had clung to his offspring even The Eddy Drug week with her old trouble but tt'irlshnri. left aide of the the other Store ing some toduy. "old. Fiob'V. Pert't. steamers drew up the river towards in death. Then followed an old wo- better man, who had gone aboard the ship M.r f,,'1i the wharf. A tug was hitched to the FINEST ICE CREAM IN TOWN '"ornonil. Eastland, ropes were ordered cast to watch her grandchildren or a little Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Forehand were n'Ooien. engines began girl with bare legs and bootees with Drugs Sundries Fountain in from the ranch on Hluck river yes- - Chirle fVoier. í'nnoriil. off and the steamer's to Drinks I Poller TorTelfiir í'ornornl. hum. Tha Eastland had not budged. gay ribbons, sodden against the lace terduy. This Is the first time Mrs. tr,.l.H the heavilv laden shin wav. of her holiday gown. Forehand hits been In town for quito Pnul Mel oi'"lh"" rlicifer. Among Desd. a while, owing tn the feeble health of fl'irvln Sl.lilll Col. ered aidewlse, leaning towards the Bahy Uvea Mnjiel'in. lurch was so startling A thrill passed through the crowd as her mother, Mrs. Lockhart, who is1 P'l.ert Teilf ' river. The very rlentii; H'M An.lermiM fonroe' that mfcny passengers joined the large word came from the stewner that a H7 yeurs obi and the family are baby had been found alive among unxious thut she has every comfort mn.ll Wm Iv Pruno' h Cliiv Beck. concourse already on the river side of girl lt(,..irli Vi e, the dead of the ship. The child was they can give her in her declining .lol.e ii Itrown, decks. r':l-i- Jfielc Tt a stateroom, years. "iiwtirj i'rnv"!! l"ocan The ship never heeled back. discovered ia starboard '...-rel- .. slowly steadily towards where she had been held from the stand. OTIS SCHOOL CONTRACT LET. o l ?'"t..h r:... IVslcr. turned but its M:ir." ilmn I 'I Is, port side. Children clutched the skirts water by a chair Jnmmed against the Mnv we all meet him In the bright. Tom Milcbiner returned Tuesd iy fin muii..n I T'o Hiirr'son. Ho' bur.. nut mothers. The whole curfco was im- - berth. The baby only hulf awaken-pe- l beuutifii. hereafter, and we will then The following bids were opened from bis rest and visit with his father 'Iii'f of lino I el tn, 1. .1, tin M.-- led towards the sinking side. Wa- - ed ss it was carried tn lund. Its tell him again, how you in the midst lust Satunbiy evening for the cieclii.n Captain Mitchincr and the boys at f ellllll. Turn V I I ben. begun to enter the lower pott mother could not be found, of your huppy reunion, did not for of an udilition to the Otis school Oro tirando, New Mexico. He reports elm Illlber N'e. ter on, Volt 1'i't I holes. The ropes snapped off the piles Two women were found alive in get him. With loving gruteful heurls house: a very pleasant slay and spoke, of Arthur Va""., P111..I Pi-i- 's. vessel was tied. the protruding we re now and ever, your friends, U. S. Hamilton, $1.878.20. in vicinity. Pter M.'.'b"' Will to which the another stateroom on henvy ruins that k;miih. N'utt, Slow, Remorseless Roll Seals Fate, side of the Eastland, but that ended D. C. GRANTHAM. Wallace I'ond, K.SHri.fiB. Slimlincl;, Millón For nearly five mintes the ship the hopes that any number had MRS. D. G. GRANTHAM. Witt & Walker, $2,220.20. A curd received from John A. May' T?.., before It flnully dived under caped death in the denth-trnn- . There The contract was not signed un aa nnd .loe Livingston stated tbev were' lK Mi AT FM AMPMENT. the swift current which, owing to were still 800 persons in the hold .mi., i.een narr win reutrn to ner we go to press, hut will be by leuving Sun Fruí cisco on the 2ilrd for afternoon the route from the drainage canal system, flows from when these three persons were taken at Ix.vington tomorrow. Muy morrow night. Denver and expected to arrive in to the encampment .'rounds fw the lake. During the mighty turning out alive, and the explorers of the Geer, her sister, will accompany her p Curlsbud the first of next week. miles west was one strli..? nf n.itos of the ship with its cargo of humanity, hull said they were all dead, ror n extended visit. furl llrainurd, tho base ball player. decorated with flags nnd pennniits. j l gone out lifeboats, chairs and other equipment. Work of tagging the bodies of 'be 7? '. 7., ' wus culled home by a message from Mrs. Milton Smith returned last ''nut 2 people must ave on the decks slipped down the sloping dead and placing them in accessible Nib Jnnee to town Wednesday i, r,i., i . '.... Saturday from her tour of the wes- - from town and joined (he Company n docks, crushing the passengers to--, places for identification proceeded all a choice lot of melons. Two doxen oí i.. . knn.. i.,.i .i. tern coost. She and Mrs. Ahrenbeck 'which Is 42 strong. The citixens of long w. course In showing wards the rising water. day and night Tabulation became so the blue coated variety that are the business and he bid T enjoyed the Various stopping places. Carlsbad took this inviting. tha urlabud Then there was a plunge with a nisi confusing it was decided to take all red meated and very They team adieu) ant Monday morning. Mrs. Smith visited with her relatives . tne company ineir appreciation. ef air escaping from the holds, mingl- - bodies to the Second Regiment arm- were grown on his home place west and uncle and aunt, and Mrs, Ahren The bovs were very enthusiastic and crying of children and shrieks nf the canal. These melons averaged there, the ha in buttle pulled off between ed with ory so that those who were lookinc The Morning Auction Bridge club beck with a sister of women and the ship was on the for lost friends and relatives couid no pounds each and brought a very five and six o'clock was witnessed by sum. only one of met with Mrs. Jackson Thursday bottom of the river. view all the victims in one place. iinut This is the morning. Four nlavlng. The Merry Matrons met Wednesday a large number. The ladies currjed p. m., first batch of peo- - many of the dry farmers or gardeneia tables Punch with Mrs. Shannon, rakes and pies, salads and bread, an At 9:35 the Identification was slow. Scenes at aa served through out the morning. forenoon After pie were admitted to the armory and the morcues were affecting. Mothers that are producing bountifully. Mr. m isr ear a spending several hours with fancy abundance of choice barbecued meat began effcrle identify Uie ' Jones basmo st anything you care to r"' "m- - masing nign score following ladies served and pickles wss provided and Un gal- they to fell across the biers of children whom . work the were groups of dead. It was announced they had sent away a few hours before see on hU place. Melons will soon be .. I. .,' """" with a two course luncheon! Meadam-s- s lons of ths finest cream was donated. would be admitted In groups of on was expected plentiful in the Valley. rM'ly,mi th Cunningham, Alberta, Hatfleld, Mil- The picnle supper was arranged on a thay what to lie a day of i tfJi'K." playing were twenty-fiv- e. More ttt'O Dudlos pleasure. A num- table made of planks and was than Men had to aummon all Mesdames Richards, Braden. ler, and Miss Ines Hatflold. at were then in the armoiy and soma their stoical qualities to retain their R. C. Barnes left Wednesday for. Buje, ber of the members were prevented forty feet long. Company B had first they believed 300 D. ranch, ho Í.hrtV,,!t UU,?:...Mc,' lLm.7 well-fille- d and of the offlciaU said eompoaore at they made their way th. Il.rk.v where will nurcn from being present. places at the table the wsbb, over-looke- or 400 bodies ilill were In the through rows of corpses looking for spend a few weeks drilling wells. He visitors were not d for there EaMlaMJ. missing children now Misses Howell,'".. '''.Sikes, Hsrklesa and Tardue, Misses and was room and abundance for all. of the or wives. thinks he will drill five welis. the hostess, Mrs. Charles Pearl an Instead cf relative of tlettuii, most Yet amid all the horror and heart- At lesst as many as three. The ranch Jsckson. Nellie Smith of Otia left for Hope Company B Is coming In from of the first siuad aiinute I to the ar- ache officers of the various city de- ia about 20 miles from town on liluck in the Perdue car last Sunday morn- today. The boys will have mory consisted twilnly of the curious partments attended to pressing duties river. Miss Janle Kindul accompanied Mr. ing and reached that place In time a sham battle or two on their wsy and Coroner Hoffman through of disposing of the dead and Injur- and Mrs. Walter Glover to their home. for Sunday school. But did they at- home. Who ssys that Carlsbad can't megaphone cried out that he would ed, tracing the missing Inquiring In- S. Webster who was brought to the going last Sunday. She expects to tend? They spent ths day In Hope have an encampment? arrest "In the name of decency" any to the eause of the disaster jind ruard- - Eddy County Hospital last week, be away ten or twelve days. While and vicinity and ssw some fine or- one who entered the armory without Ing against disease from sunken bod Thursday, night, suffering with his there she expects to enjoy some good chards and brought home 100 pounds gins, celebration, returned reason other than the aaUafacUon of ies snd the carrying of corpses up the eyes, is not improving last, ll being , rides over the hills in other words, of choice fruit that only cost them since the morbid curiosity. river toward the eanal locks. fesred now that he will loose hui play "cow girl". Who knows but she cent a pound. Mrs. Smith, who has with them. They s.ste thsy were As fast as the bodies were identl- - Federal Judge Landls ordered sight. may uee a "lariat" while away? been visiting her brother, Ed,. Scog- - horns In time for chuica thst evening. jar --v.rqiwn. ....

hundred willing hands to roteas Uliu. HOW HER FRIENDS ft Quest drew up the ropa quickly, warned by a mar of anxlnni volees deaeend, let- HER Then he roinmeneed to HARDLYJCNOW ting hlnia.-l- l lo i hand over hand, al- The BLACK BOX ways with one ew upon thnt length, ItVVill By E. PHILLIPS of rupe thai swung below, fluddenly. OPPENIIEIM lit- PayYoutoVVait TLU Not Boiler Km ss he rem hrd Ihe neeond floor a kt Vtt Author iifMr. Grt of Mtmt tle cry from the crowd warned him " Vunishv,! Bariea, Vmitt ti Cit .." -- The Mrs, of what had happened. Tongues of engrr." The Liuhtrd H'qy.'rfc flam curling out from the blaring Circnstaicci. building had rauyht the rope, which AMI SKK TIIK- - being through not a Novliril Itom MW motion ittama nf ike earn nm fmxlurril r the was burned dmen Houtton, Tetas. la in lnterwrtn Imvb.I i lint I lu aivil Itk feet away from him. He dearended plMMueraptu liua Um aaoiloaiminvpicture ptoductloa..t New Scries "EIGHT" FRANKLINS letter from this city, Mr. S. C. Burton a little farther and pained In mid- : air. write u follow "I think It U my duty .V A shout from the crowd reached o tell you what your medicine, Cardul, 8TNOPBI8...... NEW SitiiEBAKER SIXES and FOl'RS M.iu jut, inn aanm ay, ne ex- him. the woman's tonic, has done lor ma. . plained, "that I her thi rabien! "fry the rabien!" Banfi.ri )in-t- rrlttiln..init f sin The -- III K- - I wu down tick with womanly trouble, Un v . i I.I. Inula IImlfat In ta,.,- - u ., jum uieamme at the preai-n- t moniunl- -a Ha glanred round. Heven or eight I M tin- - n.ur.l. t r nf ! hiél, will ind my mother advised Mveral M. In tata iho receive and aay. nnd almunt level with biin, diHerenl Irh'a lait uiidi-mtnti- iifi- - m herever la Inilili-n- . telegraph EIGHT CYLINDER KING reatmenta, but they didn't aeem to do trun h an.l .Ir .in Htruairl ltd ,i my... ilia was a dotihle row of wires. tiTi.niH iiiiwiit rriifltiHl. In a 1.1,1, Lu Would o-- i lili I rr,it.-Hii..- AHhli-tK'h'- to know what aiu AltnoHt as he anw them Ihe ropa below ne any food. I lingered along lor three In eur-l- n In I . nn anthri,r...l hm pi.. irt.,n ui,, a I telling her?" hi tn burned through snd fell to thn four I . - i hk- x months, and tar three weeks. Ina litl.unian i rmi.ti., half I.u.r The ina n eyea, ground. nwung I,, ahlvired. His as He a little towarda ras in bed, aa sick I couldn't baar tot n.ati. hv tlnv In a r.Miin l.av.. , ai'a.i.i.-.- l n..iM-r.- 1,1. r-- Uix.-a- though faarliiati-d- Qtih.d Ibu little Ihe alii of the honae, punned hlmaelf y tin., Well Known OLDS.MOBILE, & in one to walk across the floor. .1mni'.n,1a turn from u luv. lv liiHtrument. vlgorouely away from It with his feet, Eights l ours l a pur of iirii,l..n. My husband advised me to try Cardul, -- "I hnn,lr l.i 1. ni. i,ip,', thr. ; am laying thla, Craig." tjuekt and at (he fartbent point of the out- lie woman's tonic I have take two m.t.-- hIkii.-.- tv ilir. iti. rnial.lf-- IiiiikIh. nn oonilnui-d- . Craig la én my AMI TIIK I here and ward swing Jumped. Ills hnnda grap- of am ' r tun. ft, an llii'liti tin. I..I.IV i.r l, pownr. vl..i Mttlrs Cardul, reeling tine, gained luí lai NH'. nn hla whv i.i lie la aiding wlthiu a few pled the telegraph wlree aafely. Even 15 pounds snd do all of my housework. prlwm. ta- I fur thi- - ntnr.iei nf feet or nie and III not leave U,u In tenae ho a llttlej DODGE val. I. that moment heard Unrivalvcd til. lt..H lltr.Mti, anI a Mint ltila, room until h your Priends hardly knaw me, I am so well." In lili im ni l.aiir and tnnni. lila haa told me lirre sob of relief from Ihe people below. II you suiter bom any of the ailments linn). eiiKprn-- t I'm the pnireor' alioula. Ki-t-- up your ruiiruge. I.e Hand over hand he made hla war ALSO A I.I KIOCK OF vnli--l trap ral ti. I r- ni.-- l fr.nti uora. You H to common to women, allow the the T.'tnli tn l,tpn..'la. Itito ahall lie free lu an hour." tn the nenreat po'" nnd slipped don't -- ral ennfe. eanllf trouble I..n. tmt when '."i vi arrtvi he Un,I. Hint The lruin.l man looked auy from to the ground. The rrowd Immediate- to become chraalc. Begin taking .n, I.,.!!, I SWINEHART and MICHLIN l.tfrti. lit... .lt.iii....itre the lualruiueiit Into Queal a lavo. TIRES Cardul y. It la purely vegetable, tie lt, .. ... i tor Krnrli. whu ly purged around bltn. tlaa itv ered lll Thorn aa a jtiomenlary fllrker of to ingredients acting In a gentle, itl. eeaM. "Where la the man who rnme down natural aoitifthiurf that might lime puamd for way on the weakened womanly constitu- before me?" he nuked a byntander. SIXTH INSTALLMENT courage In ble tone.. "Talking to the pollm in " r tion. You run rio risk In trying Cardul. the rar "Mr. Uust," in. unlit, "you are a over yonder," waa tho hoarae reply, "jy"i:r"'' It - - has been helping weak women back to r.- THE UNSEEN TERROR. fiiiiliriiil man, bin ili- are liuuia to "Say. guvnor, you only Juat mad aealth and strength lor more than SO your pownr. Vou tan leur my ImiKne thnt!" rears. It will At ft help you. all dealers. CHAPTE1 XIV. out tun my niuiiih, but you rauuot ( pi. .In d hlH way through th force me to apeak." BVito tor Ch.ll.non. Mf In A. U1M' crowd to where Craig was speaking Uvlory Iff., Oum.nouea, ... ft With a little of deapalr Queal liaind a Utile for- - ' feature farther eagerly tn He stopped I V-- a abort CiailaMal (HI Qui al turned awnv - wjtnl in hie chair, lila gaze b. let w taa--a from the luatru- caino and alnopi-- down. He aa near mi-n- l which anddnilv to tinve atore rotiretitrateil enough to hi ar the former's words. la you ho 0iireniHhe. and ""That here are wrong, "Mr. Frnnrh. you nnw the man roma I. Hiked square Craig. Tli at la where you a lula-tak- the vli a of make down thn ropen and swing on the ca- Jn very roofa and tangled tai t f telephone a few minuten you will blea? That wan Quent, Banford (Jueat, ANNUAL Irea lo where the Mghla of larger be ti lling inu ull the acere! of your i. MEETIN6 the man who eacai-e.- l from the Tombs New York fceart." flared nr ngulnal the aky. priion. II ran't have got aav yet." Kroin hla attic rhnmln-- r tae roar of Craig ahivered. drew bnt-- a Utile Qiteal drew off hla ront, turned It the cllv a few hkit-k- waa al- In hla rbulr. tried to r.ait and fell OH aay mil and replaced It awlflly. He THE NEMUS SHOPS ways in bin m a He tin I forgotten taik again OF coolly picked up a bat someone had In thnae honra of aollliidH to "My tioiK" bo tried. "I.euve inn Inat In the rrowd pulled It for hla own mtfety He tbonght alonei" and over 99 ABl fir hla eyc-n-. He within a few onlv of l.enora. 11m pauaed onee more "When you have told nn- the truth." feet of h.-r- CrulK eaw ih-- . QuwHt and the Innpector little li.atrnmeiit. ui.Rwereil swlflly, "and you will fixM Ki were talking. KXI'KKT ll AMCS it PLOWMEN "I.imora. where are yon?" he tell me all I want lo know In a few ",uav, boya. Fnnford CJileat la In "I have lak. n a lodging In the lulniiti a. . Yonr eyeliilH are get- tha - rrowd hoiiii-- InTf lle'a the who Hervanla1 I a-- In ting a Unit- Cialg Hon't rlub atlll hiding, - Jiimped on tin- linea. A bun-die- d hoping thnt Cral! may rome bern. I Koiiii lhliw hl- h Ih like aleep la rahle 3C dnllara hla National Farmtrt' Unhn Renders U" am very anxlniia alamt you." coming over you. Yon mm. my will for arreat!" Queat turned tnriiintly away. selfiih Service to Agriculture, HUH no repl! Qneat drew a rbatr hue yours by the throat." ri Men were running about In all up to the window and at m It b CraJg Hhnok hla hi ad. A very weak dlrectiuoa there lor him. folded arma looking down Into thn tulle of triumph fllrkoriil for a mo- B) hi n et. fliiddcjily he apratig to hla ment at the of bla lipa. OUR Peter Rndford. CHAPTER XV. PUBLIC FORUM feet. The Itialriimeni iiilered-the- re "Your torture rbatnher trlrk won't w Th National rtn.-r- t'tilnn III aa a ineaHnge al Inat! He took it rk on nie!" be exclaimed "Vou . " The ptofi-HHo- hnlil It annual ,m i,ii,i .M,ii li, down lili a little clioke of relief. ran never awting round In his ,., cIiiit nnd gie.'tivi q w It Ii no IX on an.. "I don't know where I I The whole of emntlni.a ii't me Peter Radtord ltl,i.r viinn. am. am iiipria.-, III roniiil n.ii t ymr ni I aa outaldn llie garage 'i I alr.ndy lo hunt apent Ih but ulau u lilt In dlaapuolnt-- On "tl.u k to tr.n Soil With Wall hen lit. hi v li Ii h in t t , I In the man fan., in. vVhui Wall Strf 'a !,. i, ii as front In hind The 'llanda' but at thai Street whihh good hunlni-H- Vim i nioiiii',,1 "No Itewa of Craig" lw turn iilnmimii Win i, n,:i n.n I eld me I aa I lu re iih a in elemenl. h i naked. tincofiKiiiHia until ( brtrk t.. the oll in ., In i got raig. rejilliKl. i',., b.-i- t. 'I lili he Tlmt "hancin nil. ,i rivr t.y,.iy ;illll liiunil u, f I now In of trilled In Iho lilu," -- am aa - thiuniichtnre in to be I If), . r in Anii t..-.- i hIi. expn-hHl'ii- t "He came lo tin- Hei vanla' lull, ui.l r.,n.iet wn il.l ,,n,i,i. ami bou ultli- r ioiii with t.o window en--i pt iá.. of Ms e.iea aa he alared where have ,.,a,.,I t.i.-i....(,.- ,l hn Ih lo-a- f I aa waiting for h in. My have driiiik hrut.rh ale: in Inner ,tl. t,.n Kky light, which I ran not reach I can towiird the lurk'a out, lln-ri- i In. cornl.rcii.l molnmcH ,.,, an, I "la thla ( thotiuh The i e waa burned to anil nnd ,, ,, r ( in rm.i'vr i.nlri.ili ii iiotblng- - liinr tiothliig .No one auoilicr trio of yours?" -r i - li'- iliai'lllhli vli.-- aj-r- , the ground IiihI entlv ditva nun I more r not lo uliiin. ,u aa hurt tin-- no on , nlithl aaved hla In.!. Hug Hi ea mur me. , (iui-Hi- Itn n re II Ol hHHIII.x oiKiinl. utlmi. born In Urn P.-;- t Ih.-- too, hl life and the bri.te gave away kll.lWH ho to h I. .am mil hi la inuln il i a do r. wh.i h turned henrf nnu lue ,(, tirite I. , , I l ti ,., of Iiuh nr. aprain Innianilv i h h . K to the police li.i lo make my es- muir aliar .i i r (iil ti ring ni , nui until ni.t-i- lorked BKIlHl 1). Vllit om innata monh .rally It cape aa beat I I aln.i,t.l t Iim n. I the door c e n rotil.l." mm. h u r .n in-- i., ,,.,-e- t kIh.Ih amine eupty. yet linn y that I Utile puff the problema i.f li!.. p lip t nlli-i- l Hlali-- mid of amolie. There e The profeaHor lai tho e In hit vim i h Han am being watch, d ull Hut time I am wat a Kd table mmi the log arrnHe ihr to g. .t l ti'icr vlahly. mik with wr In 1,1,1, terrlft. d!" Of heat of whlth both men were hi in ..l,,,,, I. t U t - courted the r hunki-i- luí- a. i hi. tin- - un.,, "Thla la of ,o ban. t nnrloua. iu InaiirTeiuble." he derlared. pit Mr (Jtieat drew the liiHtrunu-ti- towarda Ikn Minea Sitlurtlny h fli t A - t "I hore noon limn h.t li. httlr burka to tin- ktiininitr aim are the at arone a i Imrua of warn have hail no ahavlng water; my spent invoh-i-,1- . him the iiidiitiliKhl nltlilK of hlH yomli it hiM Ing tlii-tit- rotlee na ihiihh i,lu koIiik in .roir.rh liatilml for uptifr I Int'ieaaltig moiuentnilly In uidrliiKahlu; ran find mfflltiKH i'N IwriNiiK I have venr meaance," be algiinled. anil oi lonallv ilnwn he runiiikinii v a inaikH'ltiK nyHtaiu, p nothing. I u - Mi'lllng mair, rural i I have a oat Important lec- kan Hit- tiKlit nrt nf ntiifr In him tu n.aki- - a im.1 liuhlin-a- , "lie Inave! um ttihltg for Ci!j5. nian Hip nrllv. moni-y- ture lo prepare I omrliilM or tniiHi Through hi I alii.14 rem-.- i and rauiiot find any ..f Hi.' luriti' tniH hh orKiinlnllntiM t,t Aiiirrlr II ih in you khi I, of the not i a I aub-Jeot- ." ii-iitlii- aerluiluirnl .K,.ltl,MI and long. made upon tha ""' '"i v"v ff rulaoil on thn farm anü ivalil awfii in. nie a .cuge every ttoi rii-i- ha on Ha work of plirh liuv ilioii milk tin' or a lop Die hoK aa miaJIi u and then." tlif) run wurlil aud U4iirratloii it, Queat smoked In ran Iiinliii'xa ni ami out. 4ueat agnin took up hla vigil Ii, alienee for a m I In- - fnrin. ru look Hipm Tim Karmrra' l men I niuilli' ami loyu' wnm of th.. hoiI to aa.ut ami from of the win. In I i . r In. One more ""i1"'" Hi" Imikii'ium "Any proft-aaor?- iiKririiiiutM Wall la tillen i.f l.rliiK i . mnll for me, bo In In- - . or Sinct i.utc, e. aae-- the i.ariow tit., t wlib Im ii,alili "iiiiin inn cvcrMluiiK from a V M to a n. (ho of naked abruptly. - f var i'riiiiiiirtiii,, niuiirrl Uri-au- i Uliaiin- iil'a-- ' I I r aoh roiiHiani of r by. arm II Mill,. Ipii, r .iie Then IrM to tiinni-- loa n.. in bifor fviry (arm-- in Una The prnfi-ano- opened a Ixml in a Iu. hI Iwmki r 1. I. hink.-- n.r'iai.i iiailnn. stiddecly be found liluiHelf grlpplug drawrr and nil to a to lunl to a tr.rri liinl to I. Jul t Without orfhtiii.ti, u th,. bunded him a telegram. r faini. m ihii wliitlow hIII "" I'l'i'li'H'l nil to ii fiiim.-- .,n,-- . nmU nellhi-- thn In a iiioii thrill - ml like n hi'lp llu vi- In. I . "Only lioiihi- .In. nlii-ii- t n..i n,,r ip,.d exTlli-uii-iit- . thla!" Hun liulll, n ji,Mt hh un-tii- l It. of ruie Hln vigil waa - aran.ianre .on by otlu-- Qiii-h- I (il.-l- Hi., ii i..ii,i-I,- ,, - . and thn.UKti opeiied It nml iiioii. I. luí i rti I.. i.iiiM- ih,. ,rii-- turn. rewanlt-- al bill. The for whom read It through. v ihr und atfti-inuli- anta Ih mm,, i,, h .'.l th.. M, i all Uuiikh It wa from Ihe i,., .iwr ur! i. (,,,. UBM. he v a waiting na ih r. ' Qneat aherllt of a email . tn, . i a i i l ki-li.- , In in-- Hem! ".i ,n;ii,n a a. k o' -' i town Cot. or a r linn I hi- glum-- liv UI M...I . Tin- - nos Mriil, iti mil .v in,, f iiovi-rimi- it In fnrmrra of t .e I tilu-- Kliilnn "Tho men u Impilreil for itre both li- - fnrthiU lo the rlvh! ami to The Ain. ri. an fiirini r n i t. li'i m iimii, , ' the left . II. u 'Ii i'litrllniiii m,, fri)1 j here. Th. .. aol.l - :il.. .."il ir n.r. tin I i an automobile 'Mi- I.irtli-- - tiler Ihe club. He t'.riicd ha k " " ' ""i i" h'iuiiii tnl Inn I a- I; . hi- ;.i.i-- un nt ,., ,, ,.)MH . v,,'rii. ii,,.,, i,er , " '" i ending proit-eda- in i I to II',,- liitl v , h I M,; , thn lo m iiviiiii ilir in i' i'i h.K .r. 'Iii. ,i '.i rn ' ln lir iti la 1 nt i a- I,, '.'. SI. all I ' Mil- - l, it. r i,i,,..'t - ITn ratal- III. It.. HlK :ill ll ' 1 worked iirf lien ,,!, In ,,.. l I'll. nil i a I.I, 1. 1 Q : I 'ailM-- ,, , ,, in lor it , i.t'i.I. tl,,. a, I'l.nlil it:,- ' ,,, ,, , ,,,. '..'.' li.iii. o-- i -- for . "I mu i., ', i;:icl:." Hi iiali-- ii'tfm,, ' . ' . . - .hi air. i II ,f ii.nii i. " "i in:.! y ri, i i. Tli.'V " . i "I.. .. t ,1 - lira. I'- Am, n, i, v ,,, i ' I.. .it I. I. ' ni,, ii ,,,.,( a it,, in.- '' " r nteri Hiliig, pro-I- - e. lie nil,' I for t I 'II opened " I' ' Hiali j in f i . - ' ... i. ' : t I 111. u..i!i..i. are ' I i.r ivl. hi a " " ' ' I . ' III rn luí t , "" '" " t h. ni... mu Tl fs n nil-- 111 ii :. . i I n'.l,vi 1. m, K -- i" I. K tr r t t! v t.-...- I., ti,.,.. ', M , rim 1 Ley k:llid V ,,i ,,. ii. ' ' tin ... h. vi .1 I, . I, t the ' :" i in I, , I,, 'h ll'.J ' , "ll:"' i.u ci uld be. it ,, gossips ' r a 1) i , ' haw F:;rf:;L ' , , ji.n. ,., , ' '" "1;l 1 n i ,1 , i . : 1, iv, r, i, ' ' ' ' o ', . . ha. ' t ..t ' "' . wl1'1' 'I'I' I l'- I I. -- I . ,1 11., r'r. hcb. i -- i In a ...i i i d to bin i, f h :!l "l i i. I i ;; :, to ,,-.- v York. I'll: . V h "- - - i ., , - r!b ' "t I" 'I If IU'1 MI.V I'., i.l.ii-l- With r:-- ,.. t'..i ' " tlii'r ,. ai s i si aaSt 1. t , I V.. - ' - II !a-- . I lir,-- , tit li ne. 7 w ""i la lv 'r l.'h, ..I, .,ii:,tn:a- nniinl m.ivni Huihi Malla, I ll i ""' I' ..ii pro. I 111 '. U" lc-- l r.,tikv. 'i'' ' ' ii In n a i lit . I,.! c lai- v t'lu! l.' null i.v I. a' ,h ..T ,..f. an tine, i 1,1,1,-,.:- ,,, ,,, ll t ... f''"f." froivnlng, "J it i,t it ciKti u ti Li, II, , , lf. vim il in l.i In Ip II i Ik nn if h ihuihI und lililí, and ' "' Hi" i , .11., ll" withoui having i,, i, i,,,, 111 I, II..-- He n eli-p- f'l'-i.- "i, ,r.,i ,k 'w aliould ,' the with I ru:iv fe j that Ki; ; b t t,, ()i ,ro U a ii.-- . I rein, m,,i r un. t.i iim,,.. It , Ihe I'hlnn '' taut f,,ets'.i,s ioilo..i.l l tju.hl I at the l,lli i,. ,t ,.;:y t He thlllgS f"ii n jury In-- li - 'Tliroiu-- th- - ad of In I'll- It In door to your r'sht." . ' "llll ould not 1. j,.,, FATTY'S II..- r of ('illinium he tr ilir.r.., '"ilia: a arreat n.lii! these lin n und bring iheiii,).ba, k Ah r ne a i b I.) (.u-ji- here. a J' ifta lit run iiiiivlhiu, Nov nit tlottti ihal , ,it ihalr .ear iiijH.-ll- klnl g.i i.hjIIi li i ihe uiuuaKi-r- " then aud al U),r, rn anil of humuesa ni'mu tin uall for Craig" inarrulinu i aivini.l tin. in til., i.f liiilimirv talk- ,'u. t.t i l. iI I "té c III VI (K vl I) HKINK.H woincn mu n, and h. door an fiilly. "I agree h you II r A -- moHt I'l'litim niul dit.M-i.Hiu,- m ing liter with the pi.,.le lni.-- Ciaur h- 'í.'vVi-- f . arW. 1 ', - .vi llInlihiH, in where had lent ordered, t7v tho irot.-HHo- r U t . Vs'-ti;. . - declared. lolormi.-- ii.aiiue of Int., Inlwci-- in.lui. hi.-- ra th- H ",1 recommend and byaicrio run tinniant million ar f of the U'j, any 1,1,1, - '' coure will n In I'Ublli- In. nnd the people la ll i r'-i- ir In IiIh Inaure. the afTiilra. for lnn the low. n 1 tha furtivo, my n,u arberShop to auc. n of craK!"' itanip. ttiurky atnn,. h.T of mUun en hiiHiinH nn Inlerchanae leivlüej lis; tit of the trapped crliu- - In "I caniiul i romlan you thnt you nvrlui.a imlille Uiouilit ci.iniiu.iliiu h. or the people can Inal "Mount will B I Those 8taire, Craig." ver huvo Crulg here It bri-v- rt-- i t )! only rule when the publlr aghln," Queat illiards I'nUtlt'itl a. under " tin you want wltn nie"Crni pliaerv-- l d fcrlmly. " tanda Away will, tli.K-.-f- ruther fitiiry tílhg biiaa and lire hlrh (he pur air of Interpret al.cil volunto. Quent threw opt n tlio door King era ' will bo hia home." irulh nd thi. auiiHliltii. of undi-mlniii- who uimi.un evil apirita Irom "I'lrai of all," t replied, "j aud rlosed It agsln at oure. net conn rot's iKK.mir vr to au III ihelr l wIIh and looae to "Tha place Ins choke to d.uth. rl..n llivin want lo know ,,,t win have done' la on fire," he annoiin" d Quest upon , stepped off the cars at Cp-t- Wn have too many the citare of the people with mv urieny. yourelf logetht-r- nan, Bethel Fverything Nr and dale. self erM'olnted hh.Uikih. iho girl hom you "run a little hvfore noou Interiirvlrr of Inilumry lio In lh name of "Mv Country.'' curried off irom We aliall have all we ran do to nt thul morning Tba are lu tho profeaor'a gar- sheriff i,,Ht him at depot Capa lila of sraplin the fundatupulal age." out of thla." the and greet, Craig ed him (ordlally but with obvious sur- prtnrlplra oi buainraa aud who at beat Craig ahonk his bead. turned to the door, bul atar prise. can only tranalxte (oailp and add FARMERS ATTENTION! "I know nothing about her." rtd bark a I moat linniedialely. "Bay. Mr. Queat," ha exclaimed, rolor lo arnaallonal etorlro. No bual-nea- "8b locked you In The atalre are golug!" heahrleked. aa thn garage," they turned away. "I know ran eland upon rrmr Quent timed, m-- "It la the kitchen Hint Is fire. the.e men and tnlshi Cane. Mllo Maie, Frlerlta, runt "and for ire. on We are wanted on your R.M.THORNE ruL-- a or Indian sre cut oil! We charge, but I Hht roim. No Industry Corn, When arrived I found the garage rannnt gel down!" thought can HiHvo Alfalfa Seed. Variable I'lanla, open, Queat was on you'll ikiIH nm for saying uiHin niltundereundiiis. door l.enora goue and you s bis hand and kneea. ao you public-- opinion graded arrlimaled Herd. fugitive." fumbling that were In noma trouble fit la inure powerful under hla trucklebed. He yourself." IMUKTAKIR Iban a Kins a avord. Standard Varilles lienllilerment atruggled for a mo pulled out a crude form of fire en- cape, Quest'nodded. W'lirn prcjiidire. euaplrlon and Lowest nient with blank a a rough eort of eradla with a Prices terror in t raig "I'm out that-ca- me rlaa haired prnall, poer gravllnlri rope attached. of out yeater IJCENHEI) Kf DAI.MEB day. Iho moment my Identl-lie- lulu Ilia hatula of Mm eak. for Ssnd for Catalog "How do you know "Know how to uae this?" he snked car la d T that she locked and Ked Telrphene thrive upon me In the Craig quickly. Uallagher and his mato tur ulknalun aud garage?" "llore, catch hold. I'ut every alaieamrn alrkt-- upuu queat mm led, your arms loalde arrested acrap of evldenc elrlfv. United Seed & Fruit Co. el retched out his right thla atrap." agalnat me goes." Tln reninty lien e llttiliialli-- aru ami ma long fingere Vard by yard, swinging 'i n Hie played aoft s little In "VIL, here's the garage uiigd!i-iuai,-l- e HOSW KLL, ly lili the pocket the air. Craig madu ble deerent. ind tha oiia aud N. M. ireleaa. When man who bought thn itu ha an Ived yi he atreet there were a car." tba sheriff tin re's liael BEING SUOYVU ,T-- TUE A1RD0ME SEE IT AIBO0ÜE tncar at WEDNESDAY BEING SHOWN AT TU A1ZDQXM

ia.Zk.,',A4Jat ali Sir

i 1' "TV-- 1

unconscious, since scrap. FU I'RAIKIK IMMiS VS. BF.F.F AM) that MUTTON. can 'tell you bal timo bo saw mo taut. Urina Birla along, French the dogs enoutrh and burrjrl" Five prairie destroy Here's Another Silo Year grass sheep; twonty-flv- e Quest hung up the receiver to support a " owns a si In might hp happy, this la si hi waa good. . The farmer who lo for Insoector" French as ," c A... "r.7. m.o'Ki i ilion ui iwumy-iiv- minion piitirivi year. A gives readers, than hi word. In a surpris The Farmers Mail Ureezi seldom advire lo its 0 better dogs, and II if tire out for yourseit wny II believes In long and dreary enteren room. reporting results rather than printing ingly abort time he tne ,,.,. prini. j,tp ri.liiit are no Joke things filled with theories, but in this rase the paper belieea it a duty tonowca oy ana i.cnoia. ; to I ho stockmen of Arizona and N't". to urge its friends toward silo building. Itwiwas gave them a hand each, hut Mexico and why the United State You remember, pel haps, how vc pleaded with you In August, 191 M, Into l.eiiora's iyes Hint he looked. government is hard after their little when things were rather dry and dusty nut here, to plant luto matur- I mustn't atop to hear your story. brown scalps. ing crops anil get ready to mnko silage? Kememhcr how many of 2 n l.enora," Qireat said "You're sale Scicntilic prairie IK scalp-huntin- ycu followed that reminder, and how you wrote us about H hundreds cf am ...... 3 s'1 - that's the great thin." is the rhonen cnlling? of Mr. J. U. you in the spring nf 1914 1 Remember how we helped to get (ced "Found her In nu empty house. Crick of the U. S. Iliolog-ifa-l Survey,; and feed together? nH recently been In í -- 3 FTench reported, "out Grayson avenue Wn0 Alliuuerue Well, it isn't dry weather this year. You had rain enough. Whut 1 . --.- rK .0 way. Now, .Mr. Quest rinn'l Mfil In .a tu ame. oihiiimi you ought to do now right away is to follow tho methodi of others young mul- I come the ofllclul over you too much men to hcirin war on tho have succeeded. The Karnicr Mail and llreeze doesn't present uny 1 b in- - you re titudes of prairie dogs which are other plans. Its sob) hope is to ray a word now uud then that may If you'll kindly remember 'V- but juring about 'J't.llUtl acres of range loss. 7 an escaped prisoner " save its friends from on the Kurt Wingata ilivinlon of the Therefore, we now the building of silos. Ordinarily we would 4 was a knock at door A urire r r There the Munano National Forest. Mr. ('rick advise any kind of a tilo, but thdi year is a wet year. With present f V, young man entered In chauffeur's liv is working in with Sup- conditions we do not believe it pit silos for Kansas. We doubt whether ery, with hla bead atill bauilsged. ervisor 4. K. Mullen of the Forest there is a spot in the state dry enough now to serve as a pioper site for Quest motioned him to come In. Service, and before snow flies he a pit silo. The earth is soaked u long way down. A pit silo would 'I'll Just repeat my story of that hopes to muke room for more rattle almost certainly be disappointing. morning, Mr. French," Quest said "We and less prairie dogs in this particular I'ut up a good silo -i- tnve, metal, concrete, or metal lath and have went out to find Macdougal, and suc part of the Fort Winirale country. it ready fur the late stuff you are planting. You will need this feed ceeded, aa you know. Just aa I was Similar crews are already t we-l- on before the fields are green airain. It Away; You Know You Daron't Uh It" rnmmen-eena- 3 "Put starting for home those two mugs the Cuadalupe division i. ... Animo Save the on I'age of the issue of June 2'i on Tage H in issue of July Kcnd these pieces over again. In the road. It's for you to say what l- The thoughts formed themeelvea set upon me. You know how I made National Forest, in southern New and the H-- Mexico, Then figure on a silo. You'll not regret it. It's simply a matter of iar It can bo Identlllod." mechanically In mind. r eyes my escape. They went off In my au- and on the Sitgr hr Korest in business protection. Quest drew a sigh of relief. sought the ball which had come rraab tomobile and aold It In llethel. I ar eastern Ari.ona. Mr. Crick's work Is appl.c- . i:.wK!.cal Farmers Mail and Ilreer.o, July 1(1, HH'i. mino, rlKht enough," ho de- Ing Into room. There was life them myself this ttioro-Ing- . - "That's the rested there science In the concrete. Accurate "Now (or men." onco more In pulsea. Hhe found sheriff who will bear clared. the ber Here's the knowledge of Just when, what, and I you some- pencil In I "Hay, want to tell a scrap of paper and a her out what aay, alao that they striven how a prairie dog will eat, Co. trembling fingers my and Just PecosValley Lumber thing," ths sheriff begun dubiously. pocket. With she at the place In automobile." how much and what kind of poison it thugs. Tbey held out hand. "Thesa two aro real am'l wrote a few words: Inspector French his takes to kill him. Is all taken advan-tak- e going to take It lying down." "Police headquarters. I am Banford "Mr. Quest," be aald, "I reckon we'll of. A crew of five men go out "Wher aro thrrr Quest de- Queat'o assistant, abducted and Im- have to withdrew tho case against over the dog-town- s on sa'V res, manded. prisoned here In the room where the you. No hard feelings, I hope?" carefully placing one tablehpoonful of s EXAMPLE OF GOOD FARMING or cultivated crop, because the soil "In the worat saloon here," the sher- ball has fallen. Help! I am goiug Nona at all," Quest replied prompt pujsen at tuch ml.abited I; . ' -- ' and needs considerable cultivation after iff replied. "They've been there pret- mad!" ly, taking his hand. vvoiking liem ,i supply wujoii which Showing the Effect of Crop Rotation being in alfalfa for a long period of special mixing tr- k ty well all night, drinking, and they're She twisted the paper, looked One.t .iiuui in.nn the threahotn carries a fr lire- -' on Yield. years. After the row crop shoubl there again thla morning, hard at IL around the room vainly for atrlng, and ,h .hurisr ..m hi. t.num. Paring the poisoned irrain. l.wrv A certain farmer north of Artesiu come a small grain crop such as wheat They've got firearms, and though t finally tore a thin piece of ribbon rs leave the house The former doK t'wn over three times, harvested his nal crop a short time (mts or barley. Small grains shoubl intervals of several which yielded about lof. ImihIicIm ain't exactly a nervous man, air. from her bosom, She tied the mes turned round to wave his adleux. l months. The "go ,P ,,Hntcd in tho full whenever pos. oats to acre. , sage round the ball, set her teeth and an elderly guy out here," first work is with strychnined wheat of the When slide so that they mill mature eurly Quest" "There's ' or outs, una gets h; per grown in manner u is a very be me," Quest Inter- It at empty skylight. The shouted, to want to generally mis and can harvested before any in. "You leave It to threw the he "seems ivime cent or the dose, the second work is prolltalile crop. .Many ritnmrs are sects as the green bug and grasshop- my waa ill and ' rupted. "This la Job and I want brat time ahe not success In" with the same muteriiil und generally satisfied with nuts when they yield per, appear to destroy tho crop. If f. tc take the men myself. the ball came back. The second time Quest leaned forward and aaw the gets most of the survivors. The third from 50 to tiO bushels per acre. If the farmer has some manure to apply You'll never do It," the sheriff da-- , It passed through the center of the professor. work is with the deadly carbon bisul- - a very close account is kept of the to tbo ground it ought to lie applied dared. opening. 8he hen'd ! V-t- the sound "My dear Quest," he exclaimed, at phide gas and generally gets all tho cost of producing an acre of outs the on the grain stubble und plowed under. con- k here," Quest explained, "it portion of tho glass outside, heard It he wrung his band, "my heartiest rest. It is quite necessary to get grower will find but a very small The next year it ought to be in a t let you and your men go in, there rumble down the roof. A few seconds gratulations! Aa you know, I always them all, so thai the work once done' net return from a field of outs yielding cultivated crop, if possible, or another fit) s will be a free fight, and as likely as of breathless silence! Her heart at believed your Innocence. I am dotfght is done for good, or at least until the at tho ruto of bushels. The ques-dog- tea p.iiiHd .in inn.i doj.t o i tu HiiiH you will kill une. If not both ot most stopped beating. Had It rested ed It has been proved." have liad time to move in from tiun immediately arises us to bow this a nurse crop together with ulfalfu. not that high men. I want them alive." In soma ledge or fallen Into tho street The professor sank wearily Into an surrounding regions. The cost of the farmer obtained such a yield of Four years is long enough to leave a the or why is overage "Well, It's your show," the sheriff below? Then sho heard the boy's easy chair. work per aero is carefully correlated oats, it that the lield in ulfalfu. In many localities, yield over the country is so low. There even periods stopping a disrepu- volco: "I will a whisky and one with the value uf the result, und is shorter are advocated. admitted, htfore take little low enough to be paid within re a number of answers to these Now Is the time to plan for your looking building. "Thla Is "Oeel Here's tho ball como back of your cigars, Quest," he for a table the excellent very few years by tho increase in the questions. Oats and likewise other work for next year. Plow up thnt aaloon." again!" aid. "I must ask you to bear with carrying capacity of the range. small grains have always been con- - purt nf your field where the alfalfa "Well," Quest decided. "I'm going A new light shone Into tho room. ma If I seem upset. After moro than Ncientiftc precautions are used to sidereu as seconuury in importance, stand is poor or that is badly infested) In, and I'm going In unarmed. Vow Sho seemed to bo breathing a different twenty years' service from one whom reduce to a minimum the loss of wild while alfalfa has been the favored with Johnson grass, and other weeds. can bring your men la later. If ) cad atmosphere tho atmosphere of hopo. I have always treatad aa a friend this birds and game occasioned by scat- crop. These crops are generally plunt-e- d Diversify your crops iiy starting at for help or If you hear any Sha listened no longer with horror udden separation, to a man of my tering the poison. The quuntity of on the poorer soils with very lit crop rotation. for a creaking upon tho stairs. She poisoned grain placed at each hole is tle preparation of the soil and seed As soon as the farmer reduces hi well to propo- "You're asking for trouble," Uto walked backwards and forwards until I carefully limited to the quantity which bed prior to plunting. It is methods to a purely business sheriff warned blm. ahe waa oxhauated. . . . Curiously on the Bveraget the dogs will clean remember that one crop is Just as ini- - sition so that he can carry , on bio "I've got to do thla my own way," enough, when tho ond came aha waa up. Where possible, the . ...u or gi'uln porlant as tne inner ami snouiu re-i- s work at a profit then more livestock is can be This Quest Instated. "Stand by now." aaleep, crouched upon the bed and selected with a view lo choosing ceive the same treatment. It true obtained for bis farm. nm-- bcncliciul alfalfa bus been our most ini- is primarily a stock country owing; pushed open door of the aa- dreaming wildly. She sprang up to those kinds which the t that lie the will not course, portant crop heretofore, but with the to the suituble natural conditions, ami were men drink- find Inspector French, with a police- tiative lords eul. if loon. There a dozen ulfalfu is the must e iherein lies our greatest, possibilities standing upon tho it is impossible to uvoi.i iiiiyiiig present prices ing around th bar and lu the cen- man behind him, Inula. crop that the furiner cun grow. for u successful iigricult lire. Hed ter of them (iallagher and his threshold Mr. emphasizes the fuel A number of fu l iners have llgured the J. W. KSDRR. to Crick thut mato. Quest walked right up to the "Inspector!" she cried, rtiihtng in the long run, itrtillciitl poisoning cost of raising a ton of ulfulfu ami Fildy County Agi iciiltui Ht, I two men. wards hi in. "Mr. French! Uh. thank can only serve us nn uid to luituiC. plii'-int- r it on hoard the car to be ('. S. Ic part incut nl' Agriculture. "Uallagher." he said, "you're my God Nature s plume dog killers are hawks from $7.50 to $14.50. It can readily be prisoner Are you coming quietly?" Her feelings carried her away. She und owls, and tiie public must Iciun seen thnt the ulfalfu grower is losing Oallugher'a mute, who was half threw herself at bis feet. She was to recognize this fuel, ur ' oirace money when he hauls hay to the cur l THIN III SIM.I.F. SI'tlllNFtX I m ny swung fired wild laughing and crying Jid talking Inco- their woik by allowing i to in- - m,d sells it for $7."li as he bus n srnrmii'S drunk, lound and a ail-lu- l herently, all at the same time. Tho crease. Henelii-ui- l b.i-.v- l "11111 owis Ioiiil' this season. There are wnv ' l I pie who bought tho ahot lu Quest'a direction. The result -- . .s crop can ne imple mixture of Inn kt hoitt batk, was a general stampede. Ited Galla Inspector assisted her to a chnlr. cost nothing; poisii iiiiu' in which this same in'ei coiihiiIc rubly. lieiie'teinl hHW k- - a: I inns) pioliint le iiv crop glycerine, etc., known as Adlcr-1-k- gher alone remained moitoiilch. "Say, what's all I litas mimii?" he de- nir rotaii'in 'rlin . i stiipiised at the INSTANT i;ltcct 'tie-to- owls work nielit und day, anil und feeding to live stock. are dangerously silent, hu held a l manded. I -- I and J vl si vein- - out: noisoiiinir wmks olilv when Fvuei linen1 liuvt hown elusive. of a .sIN'i.l.K SI'i li INI- I.. This rem-ed- y of Hhe told hi in ber story. Incoherent- kJ u within a few luches Quest is an npi ialion to carry that ulfulfu is worth from is so compleie a bowel cleanser ly. In broken phrases. French listened ther appi il'lv forehead. .rv 1 u: n on, He lie l hawks anil owls cover to $:i(l.llll when pastured by hoi's. A - that it - ii ed in i ully in nppen-d- i, with puzxli-- frown. I I "If my nunilier's up," he ctclulmcd the whole country; poisoning covers dry hay it U at buisi wmtb the above ii- - i .. s on' !i II up-p- was on ferociously, "It won't be you to Uka Then he realized that she only restricted iiiea.--. lint huwk.s when included in a ration ai,. I lower l.uui l and I'! SI'I l I.M nervous breakdown d I I me." the point of a ami owl;, cuni'iit keep down limine falteiiini' lance steers, lambs at I. i dete- - alino-- t ANY CASK of In I "I think It will," Quest answered. and no condition for Intei rosailons dogs when even nun 01 oy with a sheep. If the funnel goes into the enlist i pi 1. ni, e"ir at- gas.-- stomiicb, away." "That'll do." lie said. "I'll tule car gun shouts them on al e.veiy business of f I ng live lock it - NK MIN'I'TK ai'ti-- ou tal e it the Tut that ' ' i ll OCCll-MU- i. a'ce--ni- y rui-- e cmp- - , (lallaghcr hesitated. Quest's Influ- of you for h time, tonng in 'lilelf is iitiiy otic llint he other i'i.-- i unible ai,d pit - out. Tho ence over liltn wus Indomitable. nsk .muí n few ipiesiious l.i t on Vy buvtk. the M...1 ubil only one than alfalfa, in nnlei Hint he iuikIi'. ... i'l a. v . - ;iMIII-ii- . - . t I t It away," repealed firm- men are searching tin In lu'i owl. till- glial Wllll'll lie. :t nil ion f.t pui o- - 'Tut Quest III til. 111 im'ihI. I.eiue the I l pre-et- it out I'll pel cent CI rt- -l 1 It ly. "You know you daren't use It. and I will be ' 'i. .i 'on run Imite Ii.iiiii I" tit ii o ISs.1 NI I. I I ., li i ta up, ourself nw " ot the ill liloiie. In 'lulling the pl.inleil ii'lalfa. Your account's pretty full as it tear I "elm cii nuwK win lics laiceiy on Ill I'll! la tllttlt be n.el.i-.-- U." mice, le ing . gophei s, anil .nukes fat niel ,i.,.lld need III f. din.'. What i! ' n w pian Gallagher's From out The !!'( tei 'i. ho was . i I hand wavered Ilia! is tin- luí na - be I I'l leliil, etrn .n ceil - II il I nil: il ni of ntlil InniiKitig li' ' otiifortalde side rntne the shoot the rhetiff ;.c due- - vi J ne. ;t 11 li 11 pick del In .In Ibis be lii'i-- ' il if I'l EXCURSIONS way nl iug I ' i ' his men, struggling to light their easy ihali a. one of his up a ci'ichii,. 'p u ,i nil a ''i'u ' In through the little crowd who were best cigars. lit l.t down his I be liii'ln, n'lii Suive) at Washing hi, getieial schi'tiie of i'atinii c rushing for safety. Suddenly Quest paper. He turned In the window. A ton "i y on .1 Hin t r w ill gbniiy The inan ll at nil ed ti e lo , i,i i,, backed, Jerked the pistol up with hie lnre, au'iiiiiulille stood In th" I .uní. I, any pi It- 11 11. g to ui f oat - tu lie iii-- i e slat ti In I pi rlKht elliow, and with utmost the sain) street outside, from which the oecu-piuil- In. y pi.iiiie il toe pi, .pel rntati :' lli s was ii'led ..i the pen. nil Hid lb,, be I s of hit i a' c : movement struck lted tiulliiKlier un- bud presumably Just "Inspectorl" She Cried, Rushlny To- I..1IIIU..I lol in pi II,.-- . - harti-no- Oil till This lainl wn- in alfnll'a ve:"- der the Jaw. Hie mail went over ed. He towards the door, wards Him, ei tie j joining oats with a crash. Ills , who had which was opened, however, before ho fine. Ad the ln' in I lie old nl ful til giouml wn. a ' ' staggering about, cursing vicious- wus halfway across the room. Thn age. Is somewhat trying. I do not nl-- i it .Nil 1 l.S. been Mill of oats that did not follow ill fill I'll uid ly, fired wild shot nt Quest, clear slipped from bis fingers. It was lude, HS you perceive, Mr. Quest, 10 I VIKS t)N F. FA UK. another Ihe yield was around In mi-I- ii - to Hie u n( aw cd fell Quest, who stood there, fol- the horrible suspicion you seem to Milliiiil I'Uiiher und stock- who a, and torwurd. Knnford .."i. licre. What effect did the alfalfa by liuvo of Craig." man, 01 , bus pUITII- - 1 I II I - N III CliO VNIl S N "I've done him!" the man shouted. lowed the sheriff of llolliul, two formed .iciun. in. mu.', have? I ly plowing under alfalfa ll Inspect., r re- ,1 i ll olic-lwli- l li. lu.ciCnt ill tilU I It' NI -l II "Get up. Hed! I've done him, all country policemen and Hid Gallagher "All the same." the a li il ill il , is lul.led to the soil and thai FM'OSITIONS. . . I in- 1 oinpuiiy's thor- - rlgbtl Finish your drink. We'll gut and his n nt io. heavily handcuffed. marked IhollghtfllllV, '(otlieiiiie bo Is 1...1 i.i.a at is what is neeileii in our soil. In ud lUIK'll, 11 lllllvS ."spei I t lir-i- 'in tii l.els of tills!" "Bay, aren't you wanted down yon- still lit large cniniiiiiled I hose iiu.iileis iu,; iieleiiHil lütion to humus our soils need tumuli-un- d ei out I I. T10U,UU0. sale In Notemlter Sud- stole those Vh:il Is tour mi,.wl ui ,licKloll, lor thorough lull. Many mi Xiiuut 'lit Ho uimteadily over Quest. der, Mr. Quest?" tho man inquired. anil Jewels mole cultiva' I brut illU IllOllcltV In I.UOWII us thu uid :th In S..i I run, .i o tin its It theory about the Jewels, Mr. Quest?" farmers have been and are using the denly the latter sprung up, seined it "That's all right now," Quest told sec-- 1 ngeb-- . I ' II consists of M No and San liego and return nt hi sprawling up I en't bad time to frume one l"" acid phosphate fertilizer. doubt by the lc and n liltn "I'm ringlim Ins French . ,. U i""""' JUU0 I. I i. .'in. 1. I II I . . ll.lll-- llllini contains luud is beiielil bul ire Quent by Vet n- t riiniiioioKist... t n but what this of some The gun fe!l from his hand. myself. You'd belter stand the ol llioioiigliiueil llvieloid cutllu. 'lias the soils need,, g busy looking il is not what 'lonri-- on picked It up anil held it firmly out.cov-erln- oilier fellows there and keep your been keeping me too Is one ol tne biggest lunili duals Mini inct l Tickets sale anil the economy of its use is some- M!i wus on Ills after myself. However," be Milled, suM-lu- l ui! list lo September .Huh. both men. lialliiRlier eve on Red Gnllugber and bis mate." In.idc in tins tuition tor neiv-libo- i times Ueitiiiiiulile. Thu s of I I 1 I "It's time something was ibme" mal Iiuui let i nilier .1 . are knees, groping (or bis own wnupou. "I guess Mr. Quest Is all rK'V." tbo nun, Ills. this fanner thai raised the "big" out. Quest-directe- 1,0k a mai;iilf Ing glass frota I I l "(let hantli'tirfs on them," d Hherirf "We're rliiiUuK up lie lie li icy stling of while faces oil will the Intervened. t all try to raise outs next year i lip m bis pocket and examlnisl very ly tins iitiicu is conceded lo bu one. of tliu Ituiltid Sti liter Tourist the sheriff, who wdtli his men headquarters ourselves, anyway." lllal il is the object of tills Ullli'le liikels nu sale dally until Sep. the whole of the front of the ato, Iiiicsl in thu Mole Thu Schui butler - had at luit succeeded In forcing bit Tho plalii-- i lolhes man did as he was to briefly inform those that are con- teiuher .'liittl. Final return limit "N i ..'s'li of llfcgcr prints." h t onipuny has u suuiding olfir of la0 ,g ,mt.s jy into the saloon. told. Quest took up tint rcc.-l- r fit'tii u.,nllllinr ,. f this lb toiler .11 si. Kansas Cily f'iN.mi, person who it u iw. 1N1..1 pi .s esseu-ed- . e e "Tho oened ne...! iimimiuh, i, i. full, just whut aru f his telephone Instrument and aiiautod iv,,. luengo -'. :itl, St. I.ouls $ITá0. While buie clu.sing up the deu yl.-li-- i pslo, probably wore gloves." till if KOI are to be expect-- 1 Crouching In her chair, her the phototelcame. Mr. r.disun lliul ho inteudud lor furl her litformatioii cull S.tnt4 be- 1, He fitted tbo combination and swung uted v, Ollice. terror stricken face supported "Police station No. cent'nt." ha i ,, le Ticket open door. Ho stood for a tu luiiku l'oit Stockton bis future, .lutimi it is 11 better nrac ber hands, 1 her eyi-- said "III rough to Mr. Fn-i- li s of- the there U,,J tween .inora, . ,""m! W."U,J '"""'y C. Ati NT inomeia spi-e- iiless. Something In bis "";" '" "" tico to follow the utfullu with a row T. JOHNSON. F , filled with hopeless misery, gazed at fice. If you please. Mr. Quest v ... aw, the liispeelor's at- m B....II un itt; " it u. dumb Instrument uton the tahlo. want to speak to him. Yos, Hun-for- d attitude uttracted the tention. Her last gleam of hope seemed to bo Quest. No nerd to get ex"lted! The (iiiines cunty riinch of Schur-buue- r "What la It, Mr. Quest?" he asked passing. Her little friend was silent. , , . All right I'm through, am I .' & I'.disun wus puicbused recent eagerly. more her weary fingers spelled . . . Hello, Inspector?" ly by J. K. Oublin. It is loculed iivar Once Quest drew breath. Kxaclly THE NEW MEXICO STATE UNIVERSITY out a final, despslrlng message. A rare expression of Joy suddenly a little Seminole und is suid to be one of the facing In spot the Jew- in "What has happened to you? I am transfigured Quest's fare. lie wss blm, the where best properties tliut section, Thu AT ALnUQL'F.UQl'K els hud been, was a smull black box. of money involved in the dual waiting to hear all the time. Has Craig gazing downwaid into the 111 t lo mir- uniount hi ought luble und re- wits $20000. Tho runch cover 40 17 1 you wheie I am? I am afraid!" ror. Ha It to the or OPKNS MONDAY. Al (1ST II. told ."iU luiul. moved the lid. Inside was a sheet of teclions of 1915-191- was still no reply. Her heai "You've found l.enora, then. In- FOIt TIIE 6 ( OI.LF.fyK YKAIt. There quickly Utile lower on her folded spector?" he exclaimed. "!;ully for pnper, which he unfolded. ssnk a to- by -- Thcv ull three read the few llueo Bryant A Klkin Uros., of this place, The State University la YOUR Institution: maintained the slate to arma. Ken the luxury of tears seemed you! . . What do I In an? What gether: have purcbused 1100 hood of twoy ear-ol- d serve you and your children. Us atandard aro high; Ita credit are denied her. Kear, the fear which dwelt I any! Y'ou forget that I am a against Inherited run- heifora from stockmen in King accepted at all tho great American colleges. Whether your aun or dau- with day and night, had her la man, French. No end of 'Titled the her ning of the ages, you have no chanca. County. They were trailed through ghter la ust entering high school; whether college work Is, to be de. grip. Suddenly aha leaped, cream here you haven't bad time on year In It ia your duly 1NFOU.M Its I will Take compassion upon you. to tho Elkin runch without loss of a lermlned thla or the future. to ing, fron ber placo. Bpllntera ot to look at. I aeo you silting there, head. VOI HSKI.F NOW about your home slato university, lis fine equipment Cn I right of your glass fell all around her. Her first and l.enora and la lira looking as cok In the bund drawer and the opportunities and advantage II offer for broad and practical thought waa ot sho though you had thoni on the rack. You desk." Will Manning, nf the lleatley ranch education. wild release; signatura gazed upwarda at tho broken rana. oan drop that, French. I've got Red Underneath appeared the south of Midlund, bus sold '.'." Iit-u- of ot thu "Hands." Quest moved like one TOTAL ANNUAL FAITASi: I OK SI I MINT. $11 . Then very faintly from tbo street bo-lo-w Gallagher and hla mate, got them fino Hereford rows, with the calves pulled Wrls-to- n, today book Ask University News; heard tho shout of a boy 'a here with the sheriff of Rethel. The; In a dream toihls cabinet and thrown in, at $75 around. Will Write for illustrated W. for tho tho open right hand drawer. He turned Monahans, wus purchaser, monthly magaxlne mailed free on request. auigry voloo: want off v.lth my a i o and told It. tha of tha around and fuced two num. Delivery of tho lot hus already bsen Address DAVID H. 1IOYD, President. "You've dona It now, Jimmy I Tout Wo'va got that Also, In less than tha other In his hand wss .Mrs itheloh tldl't made. University of New Mexico, ft Ono pitcher, alnt you? Lost It five minutes my chauffeur will be Albuquerque, N. M. tbat'g what you've gona and denci' bora. Ilo's been lying In a farnibuuaa necklace! ITO UU t'ONTINUKU.I Christian 4 Co INSURANCE. SEC IT at AIRD0ME WEDNESDAY BEING SHOWN AT THE AIED0ME BEE IT at AIBDOMB WEDNEtgAJ 7 m r - t '"1' a.

(Eh? (íarlabaii CEurrmi POIJUCA.L NEWS. Renewed Interest lu lb uatloua. WILSON PLAINLY WARNS RnU F. N. M., Juiy 27. The kUta guard, do to tbe discovery, or keeu commission i.fcs fixed August BETTER tax U I NOTHING 1 rssltxatlon. ratber. tbsl must ibe a. H. Mallan. Kditor sad Mum li.. .U f á L. - .. .. i .. n Ilia Last Nou Make Mandatory the " WHEN YOU ARE HOT AND TIRED THAN OTFICIAL Hit end in the tax matter. Volunteer """ Observance oí humanity PAI'ER EDDY COUNTY . ii k (iin uf war. ahnuld b fuaivid anil haiiui in g sab; i .u..imat, vmci win i..m m . Upon the High coi.i norm: or Carlsbad, N. M Friday, July SO. 191S ' d.llcienry in the toUl valuation nec- - kepi alive. Tbe position of tbt guard eaa. BLUE RIBBON easary lor the puposos of the mala, be mlnuuileriood by tbe mm WashingUi.i, Jul; 23. Following I PABST F.XOHT HL'HSl KIIT10N HA1K.H. i.u t.un I a Utile matter or forty ,.,.,,. thu official Us.' of the latest Aim. lean k . 1 of Th tbr institution U not BEER . l. . 8C HLITZ One year in advanre 1.110 ill: mv i nol to (ien.iuny. legardtng subma- or f minium iieiween tnrin w win.. II inlirnl tat anil ehul II unirh. tn in 1 lie- - rine which wa delivered Six month advanre 1.00 amount. he oplimiHlic expert .1 . warfara, io ORDER A CASE TODAY. Delivered to your home from-- Three month, in advance ... .1.0 clare the shortage will be in the U .III VW NllUllllvil " II llultl ITUH1IIII the foreign ulflce at llcrlin today by Sample copie, 6 cent. neighborhood of eighty million of ukhi tbe system or ibe iienHionel. For Ambasnadul' tiearil: No subscription taken unless paid dollar and the pessemistic bunch in- - mure Ibao a generation Ibe organised The Secretary of State to Ambata-do- r BARFIELD'S BUFFET Ill Washington advance. himU that It will lie mure than on milltln of Hie state w In a falae Gerard, July 21 IVli: Phone 19. hundred million, and Home of them You are instructed to deliver tex- - lamltlnu AinmI fur Ita upport wa following - Subscribers are notified that the think it will exceed that amount by tually the not to the minis- mmmmmmmmmm mxmmmmm mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I lie mllllHry i 4 many i very made lo pirlt of tbe ter of foreign . date after their name the only million. There little affairs: ' Botirt they will receive, anj the Cur- real cotiKolation for the tax payer youth of the land. Im! thnl plrit waa The note of the imperial German German government that certain ves- - rent will not le nent after the dati' in either opinion. ml itlven freí wok Itefor the civil government dated the 8th of July, els be designated and agreed upon POSITION AND n now ao marked, an fur instanre, "Juhn The proposal to call an extra wnr the law rtnltted Independent idl5. has received the careful consid- - which shall be freo on the seas Smith I 11 shows that the sub- of legislature i not meeting era t kin of the government of illegally prencribed. The very agree- - Jan the nil Hart i.riritiiixntliiti, armed and the scription nf John Smith expiren Jan with any enthusiastic approval. It I Uniud States and it regrets to be ment would by implication, lubjcct' ry t, IW10, and will he discontinued argued that the legislature i no (rood eillH H The lalllll Itself waa obliged to say that it haa found it other vessel to illegal attacks and at that dale unlesx paid f r another anyway, and that it would be cheaper - Ihnl la. tbe late super very unsatisfactory, because it fail to would Ixa a curtailment and therefore ESS year. to have llursum, Spies et al, meet rMnii nut rigid, and regiment meet the real differences between the an abandonment of the principles lor two governments, government and and present their proponed measure , ,.. permitted lu work out Ihelr own and Indicates no which this contend, have crowned the efforts of humbeds way in which the accepted principles which, in times of calmer counsel people ADVERTISING KATr.S. heappToval J - of young who have secured a rúJSR m- -l, " of law and humanity may be applied every nation would concede as of A. H. ('. Courses In STEN- I'er inch of column, run of paper andit ww '""""X training. e-- r" '"" and. aa in grave in 15c. per inner! ion. of the irovernor fnen a few day ! n"iToua the matter controversy but course. OGRAPHY. noOKKKKJ'ING. COURT rule, were ready field propose on contrary, arrange. I 3caa. Time contract and regular ad aion of that leifixlature might be to lake the at the Contend for Freedom of the REPORTING. ACCOUNTANCY. a menta The government United 12 I 2c per Insertion. worth the price. The average citizen Hie nil of Ihelr Malea In lf11 Hut In for a partial suspension ofthose of tha RANKING. SECRETARIAL 8TUIU gov- - s Local notice plain face type pel of thi laU ha had enough of that ibe reurtnnlxallon of the mlllll whlrb principles which virtually set them States and the imperial Oerman i(.-- COMMERCIAL TEACHING, legmiature. ,. ,. . asida. eminent ara contending for the same line, ftc. per innertion. .., . mm pxPERT COACHING FOR CIVIL Report at democratic activitie con trr iti'H ntivi i,i w, im w One Point of Agreement. great object, hava long stood togeth- - local notice black face type pel to and mor uxn dlwl service A SPECIALTY. No vaca- - line, 10c per insertion. tinue to come to the capital from a lnli mire The government of tha United or in urging the very principle, upon ona Sis aresiona weekly. Sis No local notii'e received by mail in number of countie. It aeema that pllne and it control t'ltlmaiely the States note with satisfaction that tha. which tha government of the United months will complete a single course aerted or communication ordering ad the people of the tate are very will- nrcnnliusl in It I came under national Imperial government recognizes with- - State now solemnly insists. They are nPrri Instructions, thorough coarsea! vertiement answered unlet accom- ing to lixten to proponed change, par- control, and today It la ImpoMllil to out rewrvation tha validity of the both contending for the freedom of mMÍrr upm,nl, gr.dUalea plnced by cash, for thirty word or ticularly in legislative official. They principles insisted upon In the several the sea. The government of the , panied rhlnk of It a other than a alandlng , ce,rBl pdUona. Fall term opens ( 25 cent and Ove cent for ever) have probably heard of that little Ren-at- e communications which this govern-- United States will continue to contend army The government and ibe peo- grptrmBrr fih aix word additional. All local notice, journal ahulTling matter and do ment has addressed to the imeprial for that freedom, from whatever quar- - lhe v,ont Accredited Com. must be paid for when ordered or the) not care about taking any chance ple xhnnlil provide for making tbe German government with reirard to ter violated, without comprcinise and u'f..i i. .. o....k i will not he inerted. with a republican legmlature. guard nn liiniliuiHin wbtrb will arouao its announcement of a war ion and at any coU It invites the practical , hooi una Mru,on rf.d,Bt MÍ b, New Mexico in receiving Rome aplen-di- d the Hplrlt of the man behind gun tha of submarine against mer-- of the imperial German correspondence. Latalogut on tbe wner, ti. advertising from the United Stat- cnanimen on ins nign sea the prln- - government at tin lime - Kl 1'mku route by way oí Queen win hi Kdellly. -- I The government. and In!, it... i k. k!..k I pmrn..1 ... I...... j lu,i- the Lranscun- - es It ha been known ..f. ins iiiptii irmm miw i m, .L.&na( nmj aiiuiiipumi iiiubi, iiu kiiin la 100 mile ahorler for and cargo mer-- be strik- - ...... I a I. .. . L. .... I.I.. I.u for Rome time that the government the character of a great common object niul MlltTIIUM WUIini...... I til.,, HIV luuhv Twmj.nil i , . . n,L ...... ALBUQUERQUE BUSINESS COLLEGE ; wa up ' cnantman must nrst tie ingly and effectively mhievi.l. the Mesialero reservation through looking the PÍTiTn location ascertained of . """""" e before h" Ifa-luaU- o New a dnger.ina niilsanr she can lawfully beseixed and Would Act As Common Friend. county. The route ha ?f '11 Me. ' ilhave Uueen destroyed, and that the live of non - The imperial German nont The Sneclal School by Speclaliet. . the rltli often Ixx In guvef the added uuttlity of iming rea íium - nnie rHi peiiy "ii i UBIIIR-'""'vfiein un nimm nn urn q . . . combatants may in no case be put in expresses the hope thu- - this ol.ject hiiow and storms for six month uf the "nJ hf- -' val the Albuquerque, N. M. officer in case of trouble with any row" 'v'" '" jeopardy utile the vessel resists or may be in some meusuro uccon.ulish-- 1 year that prevail on the northern i foreign nation, which, of i lllcmen rliilw Arme.1 prívale ao seeks to escape after being summoned ed evenbe fore the prese, il wui onds , .. itself, ...... - to l ' ror bel- - can ot r ' something se cct in the way of telle liml xupiinnxeil. nut in lo suumii io examination; a It he. inc govrr:iitn.rt tne t u. i i . o . j -.n rt of reUliat.on i. per . an United State not only feel, o.mgd "j 9 tie" un rontT"r." tlmt " -- med ,be .Men,, of a.,.r,mlH- there are w"er be wlfl'loi "C , , M,,e,.H mark of the P . .. í- rt beyond the law, and the defense to ns st upon it. by whoi..over v.o- - jTun"i' R,n"?! v.H,U..d thoxe while the weath- - j... rltle Hu- wllb s men. , , w fe, and they will make f . pl.nd,nr "j n"tJ f . ,ct reUli(lt0 . pd or d (fc tiie.r r was g.M,d by he yueen route. Now 1 t"",r,r U o" - ""e there. J. S. Parrot, of WichU iM.h)M (f )e fl ,""1? on that it is illegal ; non f iu UW11 cituenx. ut H also between (arlxbud and .1.1 the with the that the road I, mrtn(,l preiM,lUM, cnou, re.,.Hi,le.l tnoveii . a prom policy Keenly llappointlng. deeply interested in .c'.ag ;. mude Portion Carlsbad thM plains being put condition tne J" "d n experienced is in wlh tw) up.,0.,np.minuU. rupi(, flre Wn renlure of inllli.iry pre.areliic. The government of the UnitedStates piui tlcab:B ociwiei Die belli j'1Hlr,y hand. ' ints , Mr. I however keenly disappointed to -,- hoM, w" bl Mor ...'"l úr.7. .,en1Mm.t,,'r.J lói",, f lM to .ml he war de,..rt ment themnelvc. u it., re. at (",,lke " move wj(h , , flnd the Oerman gov-- , any to . h Mi, iPtM(mitu,d .1, Iv ae- - i ln' ''"P"' time act a. the ommot. t.iend on this ruuil ,, . tlll w,h the orirnnl sort , 0 uueen ami to .onnicui.g .... ernment reirards lln.lf .. in lsi'tra H. tnav lii .11 . . iltii.i-i- t.i 11111 11 il n Kl I'ano with lliipe und Artesiu. A Rev. Mr. -- ho .l greatly axx-ste.- l tne Roswell T T exempt from the obligation to way, Beachamp passed through cross- - ' ampie tiHKht lie built on the lliittery in xecunng greater nannnai erTH hi iiw observe thene principle, even where In (he m t .m tin rv arlxbad from lxvinirton enroute for ings of the Dark canyou by putting axiixtanre ' tiiuc ' from the governrient tliun ma tor- - eo.uiir.v' defenxe Here at loa! the neutral ve.els are concerndj by which this ,oti ii'rr. nt ii upon the Queen, Tuesday, lie is holding a down concrete a loot wide and a the iy of voltinter butu-na- get. The of prepanHlnewi iloea not dgiire h,t j ""Heve the policy and prac 'onz and un.irol.rii Irii'm'-r.i- i' bcts t cn camp meeting at the Queen schoi I -- iwl - - " "- New M.xfco Mil tice 01 me gnvei iinifiii 01 vireat the people and m.-- nr u ct' ui Ise houne. Kev. Mr. Gage and Kev. 1 wlll-e- try Institute nri J. lent 1 1.1k fur Srilirnll. mill MULu l . . .. .V.iru laiti.y... 11. sue.....usen a institution tain to lie in the prent war with re I tilled Mates and I he peni.t tnd gov. N. S. Webb were to assist him in thin "r " nstio.iaiit, h varn to neutral commerra. ernmrnt of the German nuiiun impns meeting, but Rev. Mr. Gaga is ill, and t,ii 1 111111. . iiuiiiig nun suiiacv. neo ine roisy ,i.u ...... u,...-,- r imiiiic playground ami The imperisl vovc nment will reallv il to press very solemnly Uuon the mi- - Itev. Mr. Webb left this f.. should be plMxtered wilh concret wk so' rvi reut iuu piers are am only well put understand that the government of , perial governtnenl Hit necessity for Texico, so he will have to hold the a to make a smooth surface for the ...... nuilxi'il. the United Stales isnnnl Ine a acrupulnu ohservance of neutral meeting alone. Rev. ! vrry but even oteti rowiled, "paiy disru" Mr. Beachamp wheel. Ily tin nu t I....I the load "M policy of the government of Great rights in - is ",l,ve '"'". n to siiwls' are being arl uHin In aouie this critical ntsttrr. Friend- well and ably known in that vicinity could be made everlasting and a road ,t,"n M'""r Britain wilh regard the neutral trade ship itself prompts it to say to n e und will nodou bt hold iku. m....i ,,..u..r ifl r. . a Uiuil line from Koswell to Inrue ril lex Veliiiie will Imp kepi out successful .ur kivinglnn. except with the government llself , imperisl government that repltitimi meeting, IMir. .Should a good road be made or Hie xireoiM el nmri for play during and that It must retard the "ouduel by the commanders of German ... , 1... .i iu ..r i'... .ii....i o naal VU IIITII tlj till' Ml mail.,, eenatu Iiii.ii. .mil Un iiinierinil prolil of other belligerent governments a i vessels nf in f l. NEW AI T( LINE. art ixnlravenllnn f Mr. Pullen, ha lieen giving the and the Korent Service more tlutn luilf f'l . . r . t till lull nuHllixl iilH.viiiti In hi' streets Irrrvelanl to any discuasioa with the those righla must he regarded by Ine .1.1 i.v 11.. I. loiiuwu.g .rom ine i.vnigion Carlsbad Spring water a thorough u...... i imp, rinl German fntt-rnmen- t of whsi government Hie Uu.ler shows to what tine couii- - sill lie 11IT rbllilrcii iu llie iMiniry of l'itinú Maivs.ttr in test auto' I'luhMii.g:. the i'oiitiiieiil, lor1.:. uie ixtenl government regards and fur stomach trouble. Ha hat tiy in developing belwtci, A I'anO - - this as gtave .they affect American eitiwn. a de lieen keeping Mext'iilero ruiite would be fiiunil too i '"" '""'- ''- " ...!uxtinMc vinlnllim ol the rlgnlt. liberately unfriendly. bachelor quarter in the .ml tbe norlbi'iii uf I.Uily . Hull luuiiid when I he ljuei ii slue canty: lime no iiiiiivroiiiiil mi wiellisl lu and by house at the springs for two wel and snow l(. li. I'upper, traveliiig for of American cltisenship .gc.u I Inhu-beiiit- month or less, when he route in di y and punxlble. I une, Mireetx Km rli.r yuiiuuxieo Din) nsvnl rnmmsnders. Illegsl and b cama here he the Kl Puiiu lime was in uui liitie Vernon Mlddleton while helping wi'.h wa very feeble, - - Hi. man acts, hosever. JuMiAable Ihey but after being here i'ity this wee and made he Leader and tun Te wbeu ibe) ur tne gost at the ranch, took a up At a recent meeting of the exe- may be thought to He again! an ea- - hurt his lame ramping trip to the moun a pleaHanl alio r r'f na data allotted ilierhauuti ankle over, by ste"!r on e t: if-- lain snendinir a week th. nM Rl- - and 111 ini.L' committee m tii lemy ho. Is belii't. d iu have acted in cutive on the new mail and paxsengnr daily ' j that rolled from under him. He was ing Bull falls, gained pounds ttjutut'iu- - and six New Mexico educalioiml J 'ontravePlion nf law and humanity. ... ., .. . . " the roul Irtim U 'aso, via iloue jiiui Af-- M..u. ...:.i. ...l:i..wi-n- e ...... - War abwwhi( tbe Engllxb ibat tbe manifestly Indefenal'il lien Ihiy uui wi.ii i'.e Ko.un i.ui uuu ne left mis week iion it. Albuiiieiiue, It huh deleinii.i- v.4ui ere ".iiina for iu tvviiigton n managed to get back to Hi O'Choa. New , whine Ins-de- or I uut I deprive neulrsln f their s nnowl. camti. Mexico, thinking he is ed 10 .0 ine s m...a. mi. a i. . Ma(a lllltl ihey have now 4lM) lo.itliii lairue helped him get iiiic ... . ihey father to into the a well man. contention iieM ..o.iiih .. m.e ,u1Ml , , VaiKy and with by the uiiiu wlib His uniakei. A baMe.w'Kr' rlirhls. narlirulnrly rn .. lpi,0g tu. hack and he came to town Tuesday. n col win. i.i... ilo ,,.,. I viniste ine 01 lite usen. the .w ol, tiw 'lllni( ne belve xluire ol lie burdeu falls upnu Ibe rinia A physician put the ankle in place convention-- . If a belligerent cannot retaliate . . . . . J. J. lWmU r,utrneH .... Mm.Hnw iiig Ibe pat two or tnt. wl .,mi,e Uwm to sfH-ur- a ... stay hi bosurs, aud by the Irony uf fata ! ' by lii.l.bng li e cimteslh of the xlnlc against an enemy without tniuring tne .Lt, nee"" ,.Ph..n haT" ? -to making Mi ,.untrM,.t wui.h tog.ther with the niilTrugeUes are uuw tailed . ound oral. ,11.1.1 ialn.n in the pi ing., expiv.ts and paid post U0 live nf neutral, as well as their 1 "utches. that are quite itislvnd .f imriiig l ie enliven- - I, ,. j Io 11.11 ke kimmI uii ihelr linden Uiat property, humanity, . well as justice latter'. Ford. a m.y .,jorj . km,rt to ,. .. v7, in moving around the errib'e I'.M-i- ".iMH'l I t il 11 and a due regard for d,..,,,.- - hous. time with mud accZt tion. hiKii in the late U1 niB ,ully mtough mud car ser- lie) and will ilu tuuu s wuek. ' 'l" on of th. power, should on ia interi Med m the n. al colli. l. V.B j he plan being to leave Kl I'aso neutral dictate that tne renasco. Ed. and O. W. Holle-CN- - practice he discontinued. If Christian Co.. JlsI .1 tin y .lie iiileiesled in the un- i tIB niorning le.ching Arlenla the nr. KtM h U'ke also accompanied them. CAESAR, 0AO BUILDER.. slnteil in it would in such circum-- nual inleiHin.ilaMlic lui.k meet ut tli. 'i.y r, u. Hie al lei in.011 leaving tnere J. ' Ule univeixity and it in uoomhI ....,, v ..,,1 lx)vinton t'IIKN I sushi (nuk an eastward rid stances constitute an umintdonaoto .fu.r .tiid siablMd tii. Hauls of Hums, offense agninst the sovereignty of the that the oratorical contest be held at y i ,,'ciock st luglil, alter a snort " an meet, now WI..I Hi. Clint thing h. did neutral nation affected. the name time the track .top sama so as fr.-- l I11111H1? heie to return night Tu iu.ik. them Recognises New (ondttiona. an eiUil'linlieil annual event al liie to Ai DUI lie -- teach tenia attain in lime 10' llirieM. tlie apu' s load government of Ihe University and for which special rales Atari on irgular tune b o'clock in the And liburty riiitml'' The '.ml delates re untile on Hie railroads. At the morning reaching Kl u No li. Uu In and liuilt n,l roads is not unmindful of the extraordinary i'aso al o'clock by or of same time there will be proposed the same evening. Tlml's vital nld Caesar did condition created thi war n. liinil inusual and a in the radical alterations of circum-- j stale i bus the Kl I'aso Times printed I mm in in- l'wHr pul th. hmi stance and method 01 atUca pro sanes of annual contests music, the would reach the Itl I morning there 11m - 'anri lirust, duced y tlu- u.ic of struments!, vocal, individual, chorus Islington people at ) o'clock tbut Out to mssr ..- - tii h. Irr Iral jof naval warfare whlcn nations and glee club events, in which all if they cared to sit UD that late Tl.ut llnmnn nil. was liest tlx if .4 :...... I . I ... ltn. . . the1 wo-i- d t ' CTHMHN 111 l ' Wlii.1 it. it di In j Im.'" :tJ in Viet" IIIO HiaiV II1VIUMI III ur I'liuiii i. iiiH 11 rut Liiiiiu in nial he nis. Iliem gladf Jinrlii ipatü Music is taught now in morning muking it t hours or more II. cam. (lieu lamls amkl. when the ruitn 01 irturnt lie sinmI rusil In plai-- tit bad-- . t ional law were formuLitod. and it 1 practically all of the high school of earlier than any other papet we now 'I'Iih. wli.t ad .'asmar did . every al- the slate, as a regular course for receive, besides the of ready to make reasonable convenience lowance for these naval and unex- vhii'h credits are given. The annual quick train-po- i of I K Uulll tallón byth mail and I swid ronil. fn.m hill hill aspect ca; bul it nesting of the school music associa- punsvnger. Thi wuurtTiiave a close i:ihI ni.i.l. fruit, tale In vals pected of war al tion i proponed Io be held at the He int. a smmI nniit. niifvnieiil cannot connrnt Io abate any essential second in the Koswell Ktening New people Univemily, thu bringing together which give the lutest new Till nld Hum. sol all the huí. or fundsmentsl rights of its at earliest II. tulil Hi. flits tn tiuv at hums, cir- ach spring at a time immediately be dale we now receive. from because of a mere alteration of Ihe road Ilu. Id riiHitn their ruts to rid cumstance. The rights of neutrsls fore the I'niversity commencement ,,11 r.i i'aso 10 Aitesia is almost perfect c rMds ie,i ui in Rnm- s- in of war based upon people, a great body of high school Student In uuw mill well iumI.iI. al. wlini lime are Th.l uld .'srMtr did not upon expediency, and the prin- In contests uf state wide interest along M ,he road Artesiu to Uving-thre- e . ciples are Immutable, It is the du.y dintim t lines of school endeavor. , gtHnl I bowg anv tuan suuld make l.sif j, and sull made IK obligation belHirersnt to find Allajiiueroli business inlerests hava I....,- -. ..11 .... i;...u u.k... . k- .- I I'll, renter ut lb. m.ii. land of to provide "". "'" Where a III mm. and Set.l dot. a way to adapt the new circumjlancts 2 handsome prixe for fr, Uvinglor. on to bioncho touch- - v , ,,,w,v.. ,.p ttJ&miMlW h musical content, and .hould the A,, to them. nC ,h, Nalior.u ll.ghay is in flue if s. 11. ... Can Conduct War Humanely. ajroject receive the approval of the condition ol the Plains f .id. 4. ai ni i.verty ...ui.t I The of two months la Your state teachers association it i likely roads. ta " out and build snnd mada events the past Bathroom iumt have clearly indicated that it is pos- - that a valuable piano will be ons of Mr. Tupper stated they intend-- 1 uk" M that Cm' Eichansw, sihle and practicable conduct such Ja nisi prises offered to the school r(j on cylinder, 7 passenger to Liht At Night? putting submarine operation a hava char-- , wringing ne winning cnorus or gtaa make daily trips Including Sun-- , aUM, imperial j Club I or scoring the highest number Ha FATHER' METHOD. lacterited the activity of tha If not, wouldn't vou appreciate and nut nn two ear if uuirv., navy German within tha war t f point in the various musical con-- . Thi sound like business to we plains W",í:N.'"'hV '"" th?ui lh the convenience ot string, instead tj.Hli UUI on . tone in substantial accord with tha of and viy one .hould lend his ,,. c with ... accepted practices of regulated war tropmg for 1 awitcK in the efforts to push a proposition ,Jr,,0 ,i,. dat that: .The rrneh h. n.v.r Mr far. The whole world has looked k,or falling into the bathtub? I would mean so much to the welfare of. Timas fi.raisn town dun t bother hint, with Interest and increasing - H satisfac Qusy county ha committed an un- our county and feel that they will. 00 elevar hok AJl-ÑlteJ- ud oouo- tion at tha demonstration of that pos. LIt fiardonabl ln by forming a Taxpay-- 1 This will not cut off the Carlsbad T?,h,lD h,m ou h,' - The In., Utility by tha German naval com ea lnru Tha unhnlv hnnrh mrm mi...... líale inlfirl I. frtr ü ' '"! they Tralíórmer-'.- . saying manders. It is manifestly possible, that favoritism ahould be cut years, but will only give our people rpnoiinn onts mar rsll Nsmur "Nsh. therefor, to lift the tyhole practice ,; '.v'V wut tuat wnu are cnron.c sootner ina mucn iuicivr ruuis inru. nioor, ' of submarine war above the criticism Rivei"omtf all night" and tas dodgers are to be deprived of And as soon as is established w It s "Nsm-.r- " plain to dsd. ' it which it has aroused and remove th adds but tetv ita a month their "personal liberty," and forced want to extend with their assistance doasn'i km on who know chief cause of offense. your to to pay out money tn help support th and routs through ..K,, h '""" suiturai fad lirfitf Ail. The trans-forme- r' shorteat bet ' Must Disavow I.usitania Art. (government that might srre.t them to the east louclunt a rail road. o'ümTlmtU!. In view of th admission of illegal! lWit by the General roblasry . orV" Electric ior that AM. .lock should ' 'K Th. ih.Vrs ...d. bul .ha.4 it y made by tha imperial government Company and will lair a w rwin.erva ior niiuon; inai m i.ti'tnuii, An' read '.m as Ihev look when it pleaded the right of retalia lifetimej the LDISON MAZDA Im It i n.t.ii.iu pealed -- land assessed at tru value: R. Ohnemua and hi help Cachan. tion in defense of its acts, and in lamp is renewable anywhere that merchant and money lenders and canned last week in three) days, WAN. for view of the manifest possibility of a few cents. .The device fits m up t the "lick log" with the 1,000 can of choice peaches, Iwside I PIIKT asv that "war hell." "th. grast conforming to the established rules of any lamp socket. white. Any fool fan see that thi: 600 pound of dried peso he. Mr. " naval warfare, the government of th scheme will lead Ut a larger Uhnemu ha a fin vineyurd, also, The ln IninosslMe Io b. fntslven:" I'nlled Stales cannot believe that th Can you afford to be without valuation and a lower tax rate,aeedand connected with his hom placa and V.l I tan lo,. Iwtund It. at It. wml. thi And still nnd blur is h.av-- n imperial government will longer modern convenience f would injure tb business of the land - on ran hardly estimate th ndiuber from disavowing r. by showing frain the wanton art .shark to the prospective of pound of grape that ar now 1 NO s I not how nubly nature form 'of its nsval commander ia sinking rurthaser il.s true valuation of th and will soon be rip. If h cannot mt.r il war' red I ue.m 11 .h, iuitanis or from offerine- - reuara- - ana. 11 im ning seeps going, nntn- - sell tne grape fresh h will can trU. l nf Ik. .hiI,.. II.. f .. Ing but law shitting cititens will come them. In two week, more , he Klber- - ,. who mad. ,. r,h..u.a. nd l.. to stay, and a fellow could not peaches be ready '..M here ita will for market, p.Xm-- . mad. batti. i.h Ilea destruction of human 4if by an 4ai a snm at a pears oiurer wunnui tnen you will see all the Indie busy illegal acl. an investigation oeing men. 1 ne canning, a well a the packers work. rrMtK life 1,. lot-- . I not ih. lif. of pn Th. .t.enm... a . k. ini.t THE d.- PUBLIC itepuu'ican are an unit we crn - Ing in th various orchard. Then will Abbreviated br rt pnain breath. wn, not indifferent to the friendly UTILITIES CO. rvend upon to head o (T thi mov- e.- be a time ""n gd to visit the valley nd 'r.u' spirit in which it is made, rannot C- - J'.ulitce UeniiH'rst. especially Carlsbad, ,'' 'c' ' , th Hcai tiful. ."'hJArVi,o..... p A.....nd.r. cept th. suggv.Uon of lb. imperial WATER LIGHTS TELEPHONE r t t i T th Moanlaine. Pour Foot Kia In Rirtr. DIES SUDDENLY. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Guiley anf to jilitftr The four foot ns that came down il daughter, Joscjhine, who Di Mr. and Mrs. Tom Pendleton and th I'ecoa, and reached Carlsnad Wed- Mrs. Phoeb Alice Hart, aged 10 been spending two weeks will CARLSBAD LOCAL ITEMS baby girl, Mrs. Regan Middleton and nesday was causeo, by the heavy rains years, died suddenly yesterday morn- Gurlev s parents, and brother, her two girls stopped over In Carlsbad on the head water. Tne lain fell ing with epilepsy of th heart. Mrs. and Mrs. Hansen, and F.fctl Haw Saturday night while enrout toQueen through thia tection has not been gen- Hart is the mother of Miss Vera Hart, left Tuesday. They are tourinr tsa Hj good apwiid a few wes-t- ti SewwetH k imnwinP They are trying out their new Over- eral, though raina hav fallen the well known art instructor. west and will r "imii land car desiring to see if it would in few places, especially on the Mrs. has been feeble during the coast and view the expsMtosssi W. T. Cook of takewood wat In Iowa AN ALL NIGHT Hart KWra) DANCE. walk up those hills without th aid mountains. 80 far this week no good the entire summer, hut sine the rain and return to their home In Monday on business. of pair of mules, While there showers hav fallen near town, thougn Orange, New York City. About two has seemed decidedly better. Yester- score people in four they will visit In Dog canyon with th clouds look heavy and the wea- day morning before her death, she Elmer Klethley wat down from large rara motored to th Coad ranch Mrs. Pendleton's parents, Mr. and ther has been cooler. Lake wood Wednesday. Monday evening, seemed stronger and mora cheerful Mr. and Mrs. Albritton und srllatt where the Coad boya Mrs. Bass and her two sisters, Mrs. than usual, had eaten her breakfast daughter. Miss Elisabeth, left for tfirtss Dick and M. Coad proved them- Hugh M. Mex- J. Dolph Shatturk and Mrs. Johnie Ste- Gag, of Hope, New with her daughter and Mrs. Boyd, jok- ranch Tuesday morning by anto. Misa Mona Heard la upending a few selves ideal hosts. The ranch is thir- ico, Mr, wart. Mra. Middleton and th girls the hustling banker and stock ed and freely. A neighbor ba- Albritton and daughter have a days with laa Woodard. ty miles from town, but that ia a few dealer, spent Wednesday in Carlsbad. talked will have a number of relatives to by came in and she petted the child home here in tow- sine)bs miles when the weather ia fine, this He atatea the new school building is their stop with and th children will get to and said. "I wish 1 could hear the barbecue the X T rainb about tltes Snook Gordon and Dare Gordon Hay and time, when you can run down nPAHMialni, n i ial U mnA tiniia twill at be with grandmother Middleton. W rhild she was of July. Mr. 4m apent Tuesday In town. there in an hour, find a good aupper lie completed in dear talk", as growing 'ith Alhritrcn ram are glad to note that Mrs. Middleton time for the school a little deaf in late years. After last Suturday. awaiting your coming, th doers wax- to start In September. The 6 per George Williams was a visitor at has very good health at this time, breakfast she insisted on helping do n - ed and the music urging you to has- especially cent bonds voted to build this new Taul Gray's ranch last Sunday. sine her return to the the dishes. Miss Hurt went into the The New State Cafe will b ten or you will miss a number. Punch mountaina. structure was sold to the highest oper . was served during evening bidder, being bought yard to look after the water that was ed to the public August 1st, unih-- r the and by Keller Bros., being turned into it. Mrs. Miss Zenobia Miller Is spending the supper eight o'clock ta- Denver, Hart after the management of Mesdutnes B. after at the W. G. Woemer came In from Know-le- s of Colo., at a premium of helping Mrs. Boyd I. week with the Misses Hubbards. ble was frequented when lfiO.OO. with the dishes and C N. Walker. Both ladies arw. Just the Sunday in his Chalmers car. He the amount of the face of went into room and guests felt inclined Various ladies the bonds lieing $7,2!0 and amount the hath closed exp.'iiinced rooks. Reguli.r meexs. was accompanied by M. Willhoit and the 3.1 Dave McCollaum 0 the 1st A and latched the door as she disliked rents. Two meali- - favored th party with selections dur- daughter, Miss Brownie, and niece, paid being $7,400.00. a tiny, frotas ranch, was in town Tuesday. for the ladies to worry over her. Af- 1I:H0 a. m until 2 p. m., ing the evening. After a good break- Miss Ada Willhoit. They came to do nnd frotes ter being in there a few minutes, .1:30 p. m.. until 7 p rn. fast at six o'clock A. M., Tuesday, th some shopping on account of the low S. D. Stennis, attorney for Joyc- Short or- C. R. Helm of Malaga left for Kun-a- dancers to town. Miss Hart came in and not seeing ders a specialty from fi a. tu 10 returned , prices on dry goods prevailing at pres- e- Pruit company, received a wire yes her mother, ta II; City yesterday on a business tiip. Those attending from town were the asked where she was. and from 2 p. m. until ÍI p, m. Vtm ent inCarlshad. leaving for hum terday from Supreme Court Clerk Not being able to get into the room, Mi Simons, Grace, Mildred and Sena dis- solicit your patronage. Adv. Tuesday morning. that the judgment of the she went outside and looked in and Naloma Wallls of Loving spent two Julia Cooke, Katherine Flnlay, Mona court In Joyce-Pru- it o trict the case of thinking she looked strange, oh Wul-li- a. Heard, Hernadin Stella Campbell, tore Shooting Gallery days with her aiater, Miss Elsie and "Uncle Joe" Graham, his son, Geor- vs. Paul De Witt has been , ConteisX. Guetner and Mrs. Nichols; Messrs. the screen and entered through the To any man or boy no ge, and a nephew, Oscar Graham, from thia being the second affirmation of window and her nutlnasa, Flnlay, Mines, Green, Barber, and case being mother was in a the highest score will Post. Texas, who Is spending the the it ud on renort of the sitting position with her head resting receive a yM Beetle Wilson has moved his family I.usk, Carl Livingston, McKim, Wal- special al- Stetson hat. Twenty-fiv- e cents summer on the Graham ranch, also master. Chas. II. Jones, on on her left hand against wall, for Into residence vacated by Jack ler. Billy Nichols, and J. M. and Kick leged error conduit-- the five shots. As soon as f0 cards the Chester Shepperd, son of the post- continued while i and she was dead. This was a terri- arc. Moor. Coad. Lovington, ing th sal taken up prize will be awarded. master at a relative of ble shock to her only rhild who was a Kodak th Grahams, came in Tuesday morn- devoted daughter. Every and finishing at John Higglna has recently treated TO COAST. child knows the Star Pharmacy. TRIP THE ing from the ranch near Lovington miss marietta iiudiuurgn, who has "mother" as Miss Hart endearingly wife to new Mary R. Graham i himself and Saon Misses Elisa and and returned the same afternoon ac- been attending th Ngir.ial at Silver; called her, in I.ovington in Carlsbad for her school work she Miss Ruth Dnugherty is enjoyinsp runabout. of arrived companied by the Misses Elixa and City, arrived Saturday fictnoon. She. frequently referred to "mother". Sunday afternoon from an extended Mary R. Graham. The yuung ladies carne near being delayed by the high a twelve day visit in Pecos. She ana) Chicago Is in Carls- Mrs. Phoele Alice Hart was the Miss Miaa Guetner of trip to th Pacific coast. Th young) were just reutrning from the coast water of the Rio Grande valley. Those daughter Lucile Johnson are th guet bad, the truest of her uncle, Dr. and ladies started on thia tour about three of Benjamin Miller and wife. of Miss Kirkley. Mrs. KirVley ant where they spent several weeks at that tarried In Silver City were de as in Ohio, in infancy sr. Mrs. ago. They week liorn removed i wmp per IWpp. weeks spent th first the expositions. layea rot uhjs or to Indiana, muff siMTr, imt, in San Francisco, seeing every nook I tci "io. and later to Harrison Inrinsnn, for a visit with her pss. spent of th county, Missouri, where she lived with Mother Fenton the first and corner of the exposition grouno, me summer Thurs- - cntt. i, rsormal closed j week with friend, Mrs. George Little five jcar old Alice Nichols. her father, caring for her two young- - l- ilfi her visited Catilena island and related ony wees ann rony-iw- o siu-- Otis. in tasi i or tills, has Keen the guest of Gladv er brothers after her mother's death. Pendleton of many interesting things about both . Christian 4 Co., Insurance, dents took the examinations Friday Carder, since d While in San Francisco they last Saturday. The She was sixteen when her mother died places. Saturday. The Domestic Science i n L. C. wus 'tie girls have had a fine time plwvwig, and lived with her father, Dr. Miller, Mown Ion of Monument heard W. J. Bryan lecture on the . ' class served ic cream and delicious and seeing the Mary James, so unfrr-.- in Carlsbad Wednesday loading out peace question, to an audience of picture, at the Riuf and cared for the home and the little Mr. m.i home made candy to th institute a Garden. tiinute'y fell and crui-lii- her I. t'4. with freight for that town. 5.000. Forty minutes before time for! brothers until she married Mr. Hart number of time, and John Lewis sent . n in December, IH!t".i. Her was shoulder and broke her right ama, M.r Bryan to begin his address, peo-- ! I father over a crate of his fine peaches which Quince In in phy-- and got many other bruisis, is grwf-inil- lv Born, Wedne..Juy July 2Hth. a Hsu-ghl- pie were being turned away, and about latherman came Friduy well known Missouri, being a ! was appreciated and much enjoyed, from his ranch and spent a day sician and a minister, wining strength in the injur- to Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Kiley. many vent away as were aamilt- -' in Methodist fo as Other courtesies were mentioned but H ed limbs. She walks and town getting hi car repaired. Mr. and Mrs. one i out sit Mother and babe doing well. ed. From here they saw Los An- -' Hart child wbs born the body was very busy most of the was accompanied on the uturn trip by our Mist Hart, who has been on the porch and helps herself Jtirt a, gelc and all the places of interest. s before, time, anda the weather was warm, ; Asbury Moore who spent lust week in- little. The shoulder m .iif It be Kitt- I St, Barnideno and long Beach, in the public as art cartoonist and -' Mrs. Jordon was reported on the ' they thought rest would be better in Carlsbad. Mr. and Mr. Moore are structor for the denf and dumb, and ing stronger and the writ.t is hIíkIi'It cluded, iney spent tour days nere ai sick list the first of the week with lur usrm man so-:- anairs, spending rest of larirer but is being d by rul and four days in San Diego. They the the summit at a teacher in our public schools in New mhut but is improving nov. "O the Leutherman Mrs. James is very much rn-rn- u fev. spent in Mex- ranch. Mexico, since they came here seven or several hours the New o raged by u visit lr n. hei ico building, Arthur Linn returned Monday from eight years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hart sinter, T. C. Webb, of Peoples, left state looking over the brothers-in-law- the last the trin by car, with George Adams The , John Plowman were happily married for fifteen years Mrs. t'yrtis Jumes, who iu resides in, New York where he will home papers and talking with Miss ' week for and Robt. Jones. They wore in El nd John Queen, both of Maliiira. spent Mr. the r City. buy fall stock of goods. Klauder, but did not get to see Mr. when Hart was culled to his home the Paso, in Carlsbad. look-wer- e Reed as he was not In at time. Touson Tempe, and Yuma and Saturduy They were beyond where his companion hustened that by way 'mr as well pleused over rain Co.. INSURANCE. Mrs. Johnie F. Forehand They speak in glowing terms of t returning of Santa Fe the as if in her quiet way to join him. She Christian Mr. and and In tbey saw the long horns grating on children were town fruits um especially the fl. Roswell. Arthur left the boys leaves a sister older than her in and the thre in Tucson and came on the grassy turf already Wednesday from Black river. ers. Miss Mary R. Graham will re- the train as his Gilman City, Mo two brothers, one in turn to State University in August. vacation was limited. Missouri, and one in California. Mrs. ClassitiedAdvertiscraepfs I A. Aichey came Irom the south Miss Ruth Galton to her They expect to make the trin by o in Hart became Christian Scientist reutrned Mrs. John Tipton four children .Saturday eveniag from a two home last Friday after a very plea- auto. They spent Monday In Carls- and '"t twenty years ago when she became' FOR SALE. The Metropolitan ho- of Clovis, stopped over Monda v niirht months visit wlin his daughter, Mrs. a believer by being healed. The body bad, the guest of Mrs. MacArthur. romplctt . t will sant visit at the Glover ranch. in Barstow,!J- Milln, of Murstow, Texas, where tel, furnished r "i ll Carlsbad on her way to was taken to Thome's undertaking the nnd lease the hotel ,,"l r,n1, wi'h his grrnid-o- f furniture from SOCIAL DANCE. Teres, while here she was the guest '" " " parlors where it was embalmed and one to five vears, mldre Essie Jones came in from her home rMldren. by which he is fain-wa- s Mrs. Mary Kircher. Mrs. Tipton "Dad", Miss Hartwi II take the body starling METROPOLITAN HOTEL, on Knrky Wednesday and is visiting - i'larly known, on a pension Miss Annie Ar- hee. one of "Dad" retired a tonurht, to Missouri for enterment in t 'urlxbad, N. VL cousin, Gladys Jor.cs. Wednesday evening a very pleasant m,,re forty-fiv- e with her Archee's girls. She is going to y"r ol fa-- 1 dance was given by Miss Josephine let nil" the Fairview cemetery where her the children visit with her sister. Mrs. locomotive engineer. He and buried. Miss Kit McKenney from his ranch mar Tracy home in Huerta, V"" ther mother are For wiidtn.g mil mhi at her l.a just; Jim Miller, at Barstnw until school was enioute to Koawell where he has will tonight be irttiig Miv was in town Tuesduy. He a quick get up where even on Hart have and will J. W. AtiderMir. F.Mwrir't the Point affair, opens. Mrs. Tipton will reutrn in a three dwelling houses rented. He alone only thoughts is ram medical a delightifsl time. They danced for the kind and ihuri h or phone fn in for treatment. had few weeks to her home in Clovis. resided here for a number of years beautiful flowers from her various to selected music on the Victrola. in the early nineties while running friends and the Woman's club, that ' Johnnie Stewart and Ralph Thayer Those present were Misses Althea between i fin r"4-li- tn BIRTHDAY PARTY. here aad Pecos, being the will cheer her and help her to make LOST. Gobi watch, en e. came down from Queen Monday even- Harris, June Medario of Abilene, Tex- first to run on this line. Although works, leather '.fot'. If fono. I, in - .. the long, sad journey a shorter one. ing and spent a few days town. as. Julia Cook, of Abilene, Chris- lluJ' - .Pan.- i.. ... U. pliu-i- e return to KiUtiril Purdy ui4 Ber-nide- Margaret The Current joins the host of friends tian, Mona Henrd, Linnie Jones, Sadie Wheeler was three W(? Vrry ,nd .,ive, and school through val- receive reward. W. B. Sylvester, six miles south, ad Effie Campbell and the years old last Saturday. July 24th, children the who has been so very ill for the past ley in extending sympathy to the hostess. Miss Josephine Tracy, Messrs J'"' Vírr " r""hJof tuning Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Glider, one son sorrowing daughter Poll SALE. One gts.l milk w, reported some to- Kin-- , Msrgaret hsd to and relatives. o few weeks, is better Hovd Green. Jack limes, Frank content H, tw itle daughter, who now with heifer calf. day. j herself with a few remembrances such ,, ,. . del. Arthur O'Quina. Will Shadderick. ,,vj(iH hv .,lH(t ( Brrived .n Mrs. L. E. Warren uiid the two MUS. FANNIE HAIR!) Carl Livingston, Frank, Bob and I.ouis as a gold necklace, ring dishes story ',ir(ii,1,d last Friday evening for n younger children Inez aim Lois, are B. A. and W. G. rosary, prsve- - SH OO in vi-- ,, Christmas Bradley, of Dallas, Texas. The young a hook. it wi,n nÍK MrH ! H,,.r fam,v spendin gthis week in Maiuga and Allium i the place .hat ) u can y thur will leave for Santa Fe in the people are sure this was one of the money, from f.randpa Khome. simpers K. ,,BV Thpy Ros-wel- ,re milkinir tlu. Loving. In Mulugii is visiting fhi clieupest irood.t the MacArthur car, going by way of l. and a ,. sbr her nertu'n ry. best dances they have had the plea- lew oiner ittjcsh sucn as ,,..:. - .;.,., Many grade fans nnd Mrs. V. heel r serv. ister Mrs. John Reed, and her moth things of the liieoisi sure of attending. rmlU. ,iy f Ar,psl Mr (iri,,,.r er, Mrs. .1. W. Donuld .on, ol Loving. Through low prices ure n.Hile to wmlo. J'1, 'í"" I"""""' .Wl,n is well known in the vnlley i.t ore MiuliiniM oi the highest type nre sold Fred Montgomery was in town Fri- the good things W( ,, ,, , k AN OLD TIMER RETURNS. tin with th, t A I and bold. day night from his home in Queen, that go with it. prices that startle wiak To.,'ereSadie,M..r.wl(,, They are leaving todiiv for S both poor ui.d ru H; staying in few days and returning garet a larp cake three pink mC thii chance a Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Sswver, of vth h,ltI(1 jn K, WMlt. mre thing one- U Monday. candles the dining room wa, decorM-1- , ,,ir ,w On to a time hit' it, Iredell. Texas have been srtending a vj t immv uf For he that finds Allison's Store, Saw-- . ed in pink, and lovely plate souvenirs 'ul)d ,,own rVver, few week inth e vallev. Mra. up th; Will lil.-.-- Ins liirever more Mrs. Viola Belle has been employed of sweet neas marked the places for i slurs yer was Mrs. Atnnro KHIgore and Is 0 F. ' . t Mrs J. l.l.lON. aa teacher of the primary department me.l pi nrrs. nr., mmmons, Walter Craft. Puth and Jim M H v w ,,,, ,wo ,ittU American school morder n in Suiiih of Springs !!" I. in the Spanish at and while here tr-- fiimilv had a re- i?"? 0hInemu" sons of Van Horn. Texas, here San "I i arrived Jos. union at Will Simmons ranch. ;,"d. ""?.?,? 1" Friday evening visit with liberta the for., Do you want to quit funning noil, Mrs. Charley Ward and her baby, KLte her muter Mrs. J D. Kackley, and Misa Mabel Thayer cam down on Mugfle. '"VElsie and Catherine, Will convert your farm into Kunsu fity Wayne, spending time she was family. Mrs. Wyles duughtcrs, Ed-we- sev- the rental property, and have u monthly th mail car Friday and spent th ranch. Mrs. Sawyrr is Cook. Margarite and Laura Breeding. and Rosa Lee, have been here days in Carlsbad getting dental here at Clyde Duncan, income? If so, send a complete Ui eral Mrs. Ward's grandmother making her Grandpa Wheeler and cume. Mr. Wylie will come Inter in Peaches work done. Craft. scription of your farm to tin rrent crandmnther to the baby. Mr. their ear and take the family home. Realty Company, Reserve I'ii Mrs. Sawver touring lilmru Epwnrth league meeting next Sun- and ae the Mr. Wednes- Kansas City, Missouri, who hnvi: country in go James Little returi.eo NEXT WEEK WE WILL day evening. Subject: "The Promise their rar and and day from an Miss Mabel Austin reutrned to her number of clients with good come when they choose. Mr. Sawyer afternoon extended trip home Wednesday afternoon coming by imoum of Protection." bob Dow, leadar. Ev- through Missouri and Katsus on bus. HAVE (HOICK properties to exchunge 1. r ii i ikuI.'i! Is a farmer and has way of El Paso where she visited a FRl'IT eryone invited. retired other iness and pleasure. He heavy farms. 'i Jul I fa l in his home town yield repoits ac- interests that rains and much los., in not living able few duys with friends and was PRICES TO SLIT OV. Mr. Lovejoy, well known in and an Income. While hee Mrs. Saw- companied home by Mrs. Cyrus James to harvest and thresh the small grain. .1 Your application to make final t U around Carlsbad, has been very ill far ver disposed of hrr home In the moun- who was waiting for a chanca to visit MILES .SO LUI EAST tains to Ralph Shatturk. The prop- her son, Horace and wife, and her niado out free at this office. the last two weeks and no improve- Mr. Forke while fishing the other OF erty is known as Soldier Springs, IfiO Mrs. Mary James, who waa in- TOWN. ment reported. day landed a 17 2 lb. rat fish. sister, acres of deeded land with a good jured by a fall over a month ago. If you MUST swear, cull lit thn Nu They accom- Sil- office and do it legully. Nnlitry G. R. and sun, spring of water. were Will Purdy and two or three men Miss Austin graduated from th rent Mrs. Brainard little panied on ys in. Guy Reed, Jr., arrived yesterday for thia trip by a nephew, P. were opening a bale of led springs ver City Normal and has received a ulw. T. Ijiswell. and a niece. Mrs. Sadie Wednesday when the pole that held number of lovely remembrances. She a few dav'a visit with her daughter, Stoveall. On way Green Bros. EDDY GROVE CAMP W. O. W Mr. J. W. Knorr. their back they the springs down broke, and threw is the one graduate from Eddy county went by way of Roswell as Mrs. Mr. Purdy backward into the air, this term, and her many friends has- PHONE 45 O. Meets first Thursday night Sawyer lived Lake Wm. W. Dean, Jr., is upending the at Arthur for a over John Wells, hurting and bruiting ten to congratulate her. The next month at W. O. W. Hall. Vwitia number years ex- At- week with his father, dpt. Wm. W. of and they were him ronslderable. However, he is in order is a life certificate which she sovereigns and members urged to Dean, In encampment. 11c has a uni- pecting to stop there for a few days. able to move around today. hopes to get when she has had the tend. A. R. O'QUINN. Cle.ti form and Is on of the number of yeara of experience it re- BOB HAMBLEN, . U. bos. Notary at Current office. quires. Mrs. Ollle Thayer, Miaa Eula, Wal- Bryan spent Monday SUNDAY 8CH(K)L (LASS PICNIC. Never Before has Mudgett hat failed to show ter E., and Florence, in up in Carlsbad and on investigation ah and children Saxon aix and the we find he has cast his with returned to th ranch Tuesday. Mrs. Tom Kindel eniertalned her lot th class of girls Monday afternoon at our Silver City Normal force and has de- Lets us figure your bills 'Phone 66 m ti l : . - 1 1 I her home west of losrii. Th girls cided to attend th Normal school rars. pievens was ijuiie m an during th coming year, making week at her home, th Rightway ho- brought lunch and they enjoyed it ther tel, is much Improved and able in picnic style in the re ol grassy yard. a first class pedagog of himself. Good JUST A WORD but for Bryan, let us you to look after her Interests at present. They were surprised with a freeier CANDY LINE hear from olien. of delicious apricot cream that Mrs. Lake-woo- Why Kindel is famous for making, and var- Little Susana Pearman, of Not Keep Carlsbad Misses MaLel Mudgett ELhel Ryan, hat been spending a few days ) Cludyk Bush and Paltie Witt, came ious kinds of ri'keii. Mu. ic and games Been so Complete were enjoyed until eight o'clock, when with her little friend, Marie Grider, money in Carlsbad in from Silver City bunday, wheie at th Hay's home. Th little girls they hav attended tnc Normal for Mr. Albritton drove oul in his Over- WE RUN LUMBER land and took the girls for a drive were close friends while th family A YARD th past aix weeks. lived in And Lumber Yard Only and left them each al i own door. NEW LINE OF ltkrwood. She returned to If that place Inesday. Mrs. A. F. Snow and little daugntsr Those enjoying the treat were Elisa- We are complete in Lumhri, Lime, Lath. Omenl, Platter, Posts. Virginia, departed for their home In beth Albritton, Helen Hamilton, Lu- Shingles, Sah, Doom, Screen anJ Uoohng cila and Mary lee, Ida Pearl Do your swearing at the Current Dmi California, Missouri, after a very omce. NUTAKl ALWAYS IN. -- Try - feasant visit with her son and fm-l- y, Morris and Erma Perrj. Ramer's Box Í F. G. Snow. Mr. Ogle from Black river an un- Hit Him Both Ways. Miss Irene and Eva Campbell from cle of Miss Ola Mae Ogle spent Wed- Goods A uinu wm liiKiK.d wlilj pltkiiig a Carlsbad Lumber Co. Oklahoma City, are visit. ng with their nesday in town. pocket ami pleuiletl tiiilliy. OLD CROVCS STAND Bill Jones anú Kil-go- r aunts, Mrs. Mrs. RECEIVED The cue eiii lo I lie Jury, however on Rocky. They expected to Mr. and Mrs. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. JUST For Prompt and Courteous Tiratmrnt at and Hie verdict wus imt guilty. return to Carlsbad toaay. Tipton and Miss Robbie Itowden No Hill Tiki l Small ti,.l ...(I... ..,,.,...... b.. .,u. II...... v.... nor oo spent this w . . on a camping expe- .. KP.IU ,,., i f,, The railroad company Is removing dition to various points along the All On Ice don't leave IIjIh n.iilt wltlioiit a tullí th fence from th park near the de- river and expected to spend a few wii ;unr .mil hinr. ii' jour own tun Thone 66 . Let us figure your bills pot, Great hopes are entertained that duys in the mountains. fessloii you are II thief. II) till) vel'dli I this park will be made one of the o of the Jm )uu uiu a Hurl"-Lond- on prettiest spots in and around town. Christian A Co., INSURANCE. The Sweet Shop Tit lilts. i" - H " V - t

belonging, or at- 10.00 School No. 29 27.00 purpose of this selection, the coal tenanres thereunto at'HN M. JOYCE. PraaiHent A. C. HEARD, J. F. JOYCE; Vice Pres bounty District ... boun- No. .10 20.00 of the aaid bane land. tached thereto. . M COOKR, CstMer Vic Pres W. A. CRAIG, Am i Ceshiar W. A. Mora, wild animal Srhool District quality hand at Carlsbad, New 2.00 .School No. 31. 24.43 The purpone of thin notice I to al- Witness my ty District - Mexico, the day of July, 3. A. Kinlcy, wild animal noun- - Srhool District No. 32 7l.7t low all persons claiming the land ad thin llih ty 88.00 Srhool No. 88 32.70 versely, desiring to snow ii io re A. I)., 1915. . District or 1,1 The Tirst National Itanh ill, A. McColluin, wild animal Carlsbad School District 840.00 mineral ' character, an opportunity ..i.tirinr.V rhle-fin- n. npctiai,...'.. .. 10.00 TOTAL ÍIK.iann Ate tn mich location or bounty - .. m. p aim.sii.i. M. I.. Thorn, wild animul boun- Amount apportioned per pupil, 11.00 select! with the local nlflrers, for . - ...... -...- . . L'l-t- I TT I'lv'-i.e- ...... m en- - iv ti II. UNITtD STATtS DEPOSIICRV ty 8.00 W. A. ., land district in wnicn me lamí .tuur. wr nt n Albert Aren, wild animal boun- Co. Sutuo. iupt. uate. nt the limit nllli-- atore niu, MKN'T. therein, ty 2.00 and to establi h their Interest K. A. Llndley and W. H. Kim-lierli- thereof, on or To Clayton Miller, wild animal Chriiitian A Co., Insurance. or the mineral character partner duintr businesa BlhECTOhS 2.00 before August nn. 101B. n JOYCE L. S. CP sO buunty under the firm name of Lindity A jOhN ' PATTON, i (I. i first-clas- EMMETT A J. CHAArOKD A. C rlE ARO ii t llHrtHhom, wild animal A JKRSKY COW, for Kimberlin and sometimes under bounty 00 Register. G M. r.OOKF C ARENCE BFl '. J. F. JOYCE 2 ñnr i llopedale Knnch. the traiie name of The Sugar S. A. wild animal boun- - a.uuiat w. b. WU.SOV. liowl: . tv 22.00 NOTICE OK MEKTINO OK COUNTY Hy order of the District Court in 'rXHH'SSlONKUS' I'KIK Ki:i)l(.K. ed 10.00 I. K. Tnvlor, wild animal boun- - HOARD OF FINANCE the followinir numbered and entitled ( 12 10 8.00 arUliiid Current, pritilin ty . of you . It in necessary the " I"-- H. medical ervi- - W. Shattuck, wild animal . Whereas. that tlf. I I HKMKMIIKKKI. that i n l!.e - I'litc. ! Automobile Insurance - "'.tilled that on the lUlh day of May. 35.00, bouiitv 40.00 County Hoard of Finance hold a meet- i.h f July A I... I'l'i. tie said 1915, A. K. Morden, as plaint.ff, filed -- .lit M. A. 30.1(0 A. C. Co., lnB. notice is hereby Kiven that ,rf I.M.nty Coniini.ioix ( Nyincver. iniikmif man Shelby wild animal - mt you an t efeiidanta in the fcurrt n 7.H0 Ild you ever tnp to think that In Hoard will convene at the Commission- anainst In ' . . hoillitv 34.00 ( Kddy ( ounty. New at í.iiiily. New Mexico, niel ""i, iimi Office In the Court se at 'istrtcl ourt of Lia-iU- -- W. II. Merebaiit, Hilary rr0.0il II. I. Itmden, wild animal boun- - your automobile you have ers l HfhHioii. at wbi. h km ci'.il A. M., on the .""'i'- nu1"íl"?rVd We-de- Carlnbad, at 10 o'clock 'V,'0 r? Davis, witness Justice ty 32.00 ' i...... ii...,,!, t,rv In. ut 1915. --- on the Docket of ih pence court ó.xo A. .1. Crawford, wild animal 1 A TEN GALLON TANK OK CAS- - 31nt day of July. to transact of the may lawfully come wherein plaintiff claims that there Is K. M. Kearney. Hilary 2."i0.U0 bounty 192.00 OI.INK. such business as vi, m before said Board. luc hlm K,f,v (50.()0) Dollars with . I t orn- - S. Crawford, wild Mi C W chairman. inlay Pratt Hardware 'I animal 2 A CARBURETOR THAT LEAKS here-- . interest from May 1st, 19ir,. and pany, supplies I.'i.'l bounty . 2'.1 00 All banks in Eddy County are Mr. W. II Woudwell, Commissioner S OILY KA(.S. by notified that they may file with to become due him from you, the amn I A. I'oore, advanced l..r2 CarKhad Ice Company, Ice 27.00 t'n.m Dnlricl No. " tash Finance, on or before of Three Hundred and Mfty ($.150.00) i Cnniiiiii-.liiiii-- 'iH T. en- - I the Board of Mr Wrlutii r Hurry Carder, ronntable fee" II. J. Ilolton, Htampa and 4 ELECTRIC WIRES WHICH IF Dollars, for rent on certain prerninea aup. 88.42 said date, their wnt'.si propos.U to .ym No. 2. Star I'barmacy, clruif" and velopea CROSSED WILL A to- - to you In Carlnbad. Eddy t'Ktnct 1 START receive public monks na denc.nit. lsed i 0 W. H. Woodwell, aervicea 10.00 be-ter- A. U O'tjinnn, counly clerk. 'l"" KIKE an to nay in- - County. New Mexico, said lease ' I. K. KMliiek. printinir fi.00 Caniiibell Uro., balance on Rcther with,t It wrh moved lV Mr. Wmidwell, such mon- -, dated March 1st, 1H1B Uiat on .. 84.00 5 AN KNC.INR STARTED DY on daily balaiiL.s of inf carried Itiuim llros.. nuppliea .. court house contract ... 2400.00 M 1915, plain-nu- ..i,nded by Mr Wnirht. and tea a of 3 ccr: per an-- 1 10th day of May. said , K. Adams, wilncsa fees Misn M. C. Wood, teni.(jiiiphic ELECTRIC SPARK. at rate pr Mialthe folbiwin renolution be adopt-- J pursuant to the provisions of tiff caused an attachment to he issued 2.50 Hervicea 61.42 be-- v. A 67 Session of in said cause, whereby property uoy n. ana oep KvtniniMnn Co., FAN FORCING CAS VAPORS Chapter of the Uws HKSOMJTION. wniier, naiary Typiv'ilr HACK ON KMilNE AND m..i. 101.; mnA aairl nrn. lonirinir to you him been attached: vwllKUKAS. It appeam from the utv hire 800.00 coupon book 7.00 on the lsth Hy of May, 1915, B.00 DASH. pósala will be opened and considered that -- nimeMsmenl roll for l!U4. .1. Alison, clenninc (uilt heinR made to anpear to the Court A v vf.)1ed . at such meeting of the Board. 't , "tn-r- are H.0W or proper-- Kutrene Serna, witne feea, J. LIlliV OCNTY ROAD BOARD And every automobile service of process cannot lie mad 'lui Irada 1.30 that day C. W. BEEMAN, that Ir.i.ii-- under "Unknown Ownerii", V. Court MKETINIi. opnn the defendants within the Stat 1!I.0 re beinit burned from above Chairman, W. V. Diiiik'herity, labor The followinir accountn were paid Eddy County Board of Finance, of New Mexico, it wee ordered ly the- print- - causes? r l:t.Ki:M the mailer han been j Lakewiaal I'rnirreaa, by the Kddy County Road Hoard at that publics ion be made of 69.75 ' retened to K. K. Scott, din- - init it meetliiK held Juna 10, lUlS. PROTECT YOURSELF BY SECUR NOTICE OF SALE OF SCHOOL procesa as required by Chapter 58, ri'inv n to Town of Carlsbad, aprinkl- - .jt nvniey, for auKireitliona, Present: BONDS. i Laws of 1913, of the State of New comli-m- 10Í.00 I NO A POLICY WITHOUT t iieaiiK by which thin ii Inir R. M. Thnrne, chairman. Notice Is hereby jriven that the dir. Mexico, II. A. Nymeyer. services 303.07 DELAY FROM un-Ed- dy mir cnrredeil. and (. R. Hrainard and F. L. Dcarhnrne, ectors of 3chool No. 1. of , You are further notified that It. A. cash advanc- District if all the property of Nymeyer, membern of board. rub-- 1 you appear and answer th x suit VI'KKl.AS, 5.00 county, New Mexico, have fmini y listed in I he name, of ed .. . J. II. Harvey, clerk of Hoard. a Ib of said dis- - "chment. on or before the 4th the vs Valley Lumber Company W. F. mitted Uval oUia t'r lisa- - it would result in an Tecos District No. 1. Mcllvain ; , of September, 1915, iudrment will .iwner, 50.29 thct, al a special lei.Lon cUed and t'.niieHhc in valuation, and irreater tax coal T. Calvanl, for labor 1157.50 bold purpose, question rendered airalnst you by default, a cloth-e- n for that the vl'eclH'Ilhl Owen McCliiy casket and W. Ii. Hrown, blucksmithinx In aum $1.800 prayed for. and your property sold to 20.00 of issuing bond the of t: , lieiefore OHIll'.ltKI that the anil repair 35.30 to build and lurnih school house satisfy the same. of the ' .1 K. K. Soil be taken up T. J. Stairner, Justice Kiiilay I'rntt Hardware Com- in said district; that majority of You are further notified that S. D. a tncelinir of the peace fees IO18 tennis. Jr.. is the attorney for th ii. ciiiihidered at r,r..oo pany, hardware 13.00 J.M. DILLARD the electora votlnir voted in favor of i.. I,., l.i.l.l on Auiriist 24th. and K. M. Hall. Ilowern V. K. Little, labor 413.83 Board of plintifT and that his business and :10.0o ATTOKNEY and said issue; and that 'said '"k-i- ill padien may be W. A. I'oore, auto hire John Dewhirst, labor 61.50 Directors has issued the bonds of post office address ia Carlnbad, New , jtiilor lol'i.lll) COUNSEIOH-AT-I.A- i r.H,Mli nieelinif, and bids or Carl Cordon, Peoples Mercantile Company, ..M Jl.i-- Ut In lh Btnnimt mexico. tuny te., received by the Hoard A. II. O'ljuiiin, nalary 22:5.00 labor 10.00 NoUry Public Carlnbad, N. M. upon. WITNESS my hand and seal of this .Ir l.r0.00 t and voted a upply I be name of all property J. W. Armstrong, aalary PccoM Valley Lumber Company Notice is further (riven that on the Court, this L'lth day of July, 1915. ., itnd K. Armstrong, aalary 375.00 lumber 10.04 1615, purmant (SEAL) A. R. O'QUINN. ini.i - 31st day of Aura, i' iiirlbei ORDEKKII that a ropy M. C. Stewart, ervicoa on Un- Witt & Walker, material 23.11 to said election ami the action of said County Clark. t ii'Milulioii lie published in the trirt court 109.90 Carlsbad Lumber Co., mater- Hoard of Directors, 1, W. II. Mer I "SUbad Cnmoit fur four week. M. C. Stewart, nalary 675.00 ial 9.82 J. G. Osburn W. B. Roblnaoa chant, as County Treasurer, of aaid ' - NOTICE. hi ri.iiiiiii the Hoard adjourned. M. C. Stewart, hoarding? I'ria- (eo. Truitt, repaint 1.60 county, will sell to th hhmt bidder, i: W. IIKKMAN. onern 221.50 Lakewood Lumber Co., mater- t Osburn & Robinson cash, my offko in Carlsbad. New No. 291. for at IN THE PROBATE ED- Vu si Chairman. M. C. Stewart, exiiennca 301.84 ial 37.60 LAWYERS Mexico, said bonds in the sura of f COURTÍ i com DY COUNTY, NEW MEXICO. A It D'yiUNN. M. C. Stewart, nervira on Robertn-Dearborn- e not less than 90 Hardware Hull BMf. Carlabad, N. M. for ES- County Clerk. nussionern 30.00 Company, anxiirnee, labor.. 45.00 ninety cents on the- dollar, to IN THE MATTER OF THE - Jnw TATE OF HOMER Worrell ManufacturinK Co aup- Joyce Pruit Company, aup- - interest at the rata-o-f 6 per cent per F. PARR, 70.00 DECEASED. LIST Or' CLAIMS. I plien pliea 12.51 annum, payable said - Notice la hereby iriven Maud i.isl iliiins paid by the Hoard Town of Carlnbad, R. L. Halley, assiimee, labor.... 60.011 bonds to be in denomination of $100 that if 42.00 NOTICE. IT. Parr, Administratrix of th- - eatat Counly Commii.Kioners of Kddy lii(r Nate Roberta, labor 10.00 .. each, dated July 1, 1915, and due not HIHH.-- of Homer F. Parr, deceased, having '4inlv. New Mexico, nince the Illth J. W. Koliertn. witnenn feen 8.00 C. Cirandi. labor 63.75 less than twenty year nor mor Utan L'.l.l.. ll.iunilal l.nur.l. 032187. ttmmmm .1 1. 1 at mnA ataMmB. filed in this court her first am) final 1iy of Ainil. l'Mri . ..i.i,, Ci.milu ....,...., ...... HobvTtn-Oearborn- e Hardware lki.l- - alia. ' ' 30.00 Department of report of her of A Wood . $170110 inir Coleman Company, material 10.70 the Interior, Unitetl, M. íh, c,,ur-- f district at administration aaid epciii"-- Land Office, N ,d and petition dis- I. W Knoll, lalaiy Sri.OO .1. I''. I'ulbrifbt. viewing road .? !!?! Kirat National Hank of Carla Stutes Roswoll, any time after ten years: and that estate, a for her i M M., July II, 1915. charge a administratr x of aaid es- . I I service 105.00 The lloslon Store, niipplie I. ud not InM account! 470.15 bids will be received on said bond', at 'il. I Notice ia hereby iriven on the tate, the hearing of the earn ha m .V Cecil, expenses 1:11100 l'raiik II. Richards, justice of National Hank of Carlnbad that said office until 12 o'clock m on said 112.70 day of June, been fixed by th court for the 10th i. I.. ley. cotiitele wolk .M tiu tlie peace feen not, (old account I 1191.01 Auiruat 31. 1915 A. I)., 1915. the Santa Pe Pacific Rail- - day of Auirust, 1913, at 10 o'clock V 'Iteeliiltl. eXpeilsIM 19.70 W. S. linker, justice of tlio Joyce-Prui- t, Company anniicnco Bidders should deposit th turn of 41.75 road Company, made application A. M., at the court room of aaid' w tl Kieiii, . iliiry and expen peltre fees Inline 541.30 at 1200.00 with said Treasurer to snow la- - Office Ros- - in che Court House Carlsbad. At1., iVI.:i'J I". K. Little, team and the United Stales at good faith, which amount will be re court at ao.O'! ; well, New Mexico, to select Eddy County, New Mexico, and all t A N'.'iii'-v.'- r nuliiry ir.SS.i'.'i bur TOTAL t:il70 2i under the' turned to unsuccessful bidders. feen 80.90 oí npru -- i person interested in said estate ar Illt Ulion Mel lllc hour Com .lint linker, ciuiliible nn tin, r."n, i.i mal. non; Hated: CarlsDad, iNew Mexico, jiy 29.7:! to-w- : ' hereby notified then and thur to ap- pilliy. ilfi.! curt:iltiK 1 ..' W. A. I'oore. cii-- b advanced llistrkl No. 2. tne rnllowinir desrrilied land Z'i, 1015. What is soiitiose.l to I th 1.1, W If. MERCHANT. pear and show cause, if any they lot' t II un h, o ilmiwliile hire milU'l'. C. (elwiller, cnnstillHO Ii. R. Hritiniiril, expense ac- VP 17.05 i the Sr. 4 of sc-"- on 3ii. in unsui-- nave, why the saH report should not :ji.l 'I Liu,. n.ivn enl on fees count $ 9 95 l Treasurer. , 21 be ad- 'JwVU.I P, C. C.el.willer. coliHtalile DiHiley & Muncy. assitnie, lu- - veyed Township South of Rantre 20 Bv F. II. RYAN. settled and atl.iv.ed ind said nn.lii.i 20.3X r a v a. . i ekn l nA disrh.iiifcil. r II .'. W M. - fees bor luid account) I2H.00 r.asr jv .n. r. more pantcuiany nepuiy. juiy íj a.u ministratrix It,i... bullion- MAUDE II. 1 1 .".:! constiibln lescril.e.l by mt ten and bounds a t PARR. .e l i .11 I' (iel.willei, T. A. Kay. , labor (Id L M.39 i.i-w- n : r, ."si0. .u.i.-iiLn- a Administratrix of the Estate of V 'I Men I1.111I. deputy fees acoiiiil I h;io ta iiuiows mm II ir r.i etr,t a i. 4. i.l Homer F. ST I K". P. C I let wilier. coiiHtiilile .liil-- labor 294.15 n' tioint wl.icli liears W. SALE Parr, Deceased. : ii! i fee- .lol'i- Hook, lit I "il- 500.00 distance from the established In the District Court, County, .1 W.ill I. ; ml 111:1 20 Wll ; 7'i.lHI 1 1 accepted II. Mnl.lrmv. iiiIiiin lluii' ,iul - Cordin a ni aro land corner of Townships 22 New Mexico. ,; r,;, 23 S.. 20 21 K. N. M. No. 21 78. Department of the Interior, United p. '. . cifislable and Ifuiit'es and 1 I i llctwiller, ciiiupaiiy. null ei nil s 1 i M '.il.i' y tu 1- Stati-- IJtnd (Hike, Roswell, New fees .. 1.7". W. S. Medcitlf. repairs PI.S5 - which said coi ner is a limestone C. F. Ilarr, Plaintiff, II. ritim v. Mexico, June 2(1 1915. '.ni mi .1 W. Knurr, salaiy iii.d ex- - Hemp I. Company, ma- - 5x1ñxl0 ins nl'ove set, V1 I 11 y is nil 120.17 niul marked "S. 'K.. 21 K n- - Kuircne F. Hurdwlck & Gústenla R. Notice hereby piven that th :, on pcli-c- s leiiitl II nil' "2 mi í s- M,"l "vi- Shite of New Mexico, under the pro- loe Ictlil l I l r 2.00 Rili-y- 3lliloi) -- 3 - -- NW. Ilitr.lwi'ik. Defundanu. I i; :,n un ni. inl. I'l i. II. labor "" s'' "" tin. II. Ill'" ne 10.110 ti WHEREAS, by of a final visions of the Acts of Conirresa ap- - On .1 It Willi.. I. Illlflpletfl l.iiiitbfi- t'umpany iniiler-ui- l fucf; with notches on each eib'e; virtue M ' lil Hope 1SII8 I'.-- ill' P" '"' r.7 'l with a inoii.'il ,.f .tone 2 ft. base decree rendered and entered in the! proved June 21. and June 20, In 'ii i; M Tboriif, fuiieiitl . 47 t .1.1, I r."'l..l. '"'el lü.OO iiil I I hiifl. above styled and numbered cause on 1910, nnd the acts supplementary mi Nate Ii.. labor lo - ft. South of r. s i,i l;l in beils. day May, A- D., 1915, the and amendatory has filed in i'Ii". I M. I i.iniil.l, liohlinu in- - ; un Chains Ih I9lh of - thereto, ' V. 11 C. II. hiociier, laimr Vil' .'' illi 1. .:inl"' 2. ni Set no- -' i! lour? 5 above defendants found to bel this office selection lints for the fol Mile-- I'.ruiMiiil ( oriiiri Hardware a feet in. weri j lowing b't- i I ill- - ilium.. 12 inches pmurd inUfbted to the plaintitt in tlio aum doscnlird lauda: 'uni on. hwl'luilt I o.. iissiu nee . labor '..iiu io the v .1,1 c "inpiiy - l No. 6240. No. 1.. I' hi' 7.1'1 ail-ba- on nun, I. n of 'ü:''"u; and 0322R3. K, IM .p.esl S'uliotuil Hunk of d, stem nl nrn- ' ' I I securing1 NW 4 Sec. in nit . 10. 2'. l 1 I ni,, nn, of stone feet Lima WHECEAS. a mnrtiriiKe 27; NE See. 28 T. II. Meivllllllt. co'ict cosi n si rni-- biboi l ubi J X ' and ,, M M 1. r nuiciu-úiies- pruinise. 20 S. R. 37 M. 1'iiiM" 'cn. I ( v .'.'ii 17 - feel around nost for id upon the E.. N. Mer. b20 acres. 1. I' Mi.- i lit .. I n -- I Nuiii' ll.iiik of l'u,'l- hirh . '.11 v ! S ill in. 0 ci.rn.-- of '.ere inaftcr ilesci ibed wan loreclosed List No. 147. Serial No. 032287. II y S. Wnllei , e penses is. account) . 470.10 'his Serin locution , M M it .siiMii e, bii.l, not,, lol.l ' I limn in. , I 'ill.ilil preiuines ordered sold to All of Sec. 35 T. S. It. 30 N. S' l'iHin-- s.t i v I. We-.tei- M.-la- l rmii.kf,l "1v Cm. Scrip I.oc." It E., N r.n ir. .MamifacluiiriK t. s V S. ilKins .".'.". .00 r....i. v.v 'HiitiNty ta id imle anu, i. .tier, t.iu acres. .t llul-ii- Ityiin. Mtluiy . i o., mulct ml 309.00 I II ,v S M. Happ, liileie.l Kioi.i il.,.' F f! the uiulerHiuiied whs No. II14H. Serin! No. 0322S8. ,l I I' Cimpei, sitbiry 2"."ii II M. la.-- . assiunee, labor loo no ....ce lint bill.llM e yjl . k I t . ii .e by said court, appointed All of Sec. 11 T. g. ill S. Km. II. b.iiiluik' 2"0 em. mi i. n V. W. lilito ii" sui'i iee 22 R. 30 E., A II, ca.-- h adH'ic- chni. peciu. i i lo still said premises N. M. Mer. Ii 10 acres. jr, nú i ml- l.iv.-i- Stul'le. nulo bile, IJ.iiii $2095. 1J is dMiaet T"TAI. ''ml tu "''-1- t,m thereof! No. 11140. No. .d fci. pie- - liy ll.iiiils Coinpiii y, Thence from said corner North P"'hur Serial 032289. ; "! I'nu'ie pi.iiil 17.!'". on East I' toiivevuiux ef the same and rert, S Sec. 12 T. 22 S. R. 30 E N. hi, !. 4 iiu clolbes Dislrii l No. 3. tu approval. tr.N ' 2 HO .Dito To the NK corner of crip lb couit .or I'ls Mer. 3;!0 acres. i C. I ruinl . this . pu-l- nl C. K. 15. 7 5 iv I rritic-i- 'ii. labor 0 fe- -t j NOW. I, J. M. Dillard,. List No. . iki ,il Wilder, buliliiiir 1..MI location, which is a post theu't'.r. liiro. Serli.) No. 032290. I Ib.nier iniut W. Ürown, repairs .. 19.111, ",H"'U4' H & initt.-iin- l i. lone ins. in dium. firmtv set. "ulv, "usuid. hereby, All of Sec. l;l T. 22 S. R. 30 E.. N. .si. Wiilbu-- Pond, and I 61.75 t) N. M.iuin, stale Ireit .nier. c,:.. :'.o It. ilineiniis. repairs 1 foot in 'he ground, mi stnnv L'IV l,ul',lc nu'"'1' ,l"t 0,1 lhe ',,ln M. Mer. 1. 10 acres. ,.. selling bun. Is .ITf.ild labor E. l ittle, inlior 2100 l!'U, the hour - I'iniiiid. with a stdne!'1")' oíepleiiiLer. at . ui.m, Wiillit't- A- Pond, mnlcrbil and 311 mound of s(rui No 032291. Vilt:llt,.-alili- y M. N. Cm r.iivhnni, labor 00 clock A. M. Uie Vhll "'! evpe" 31.95 4 feel bus... 3 feet hich arniind ,"' it' o ut south front All of See. 14 T. 2 S. R. 30 E.. .1 Hiiivt-y- . " N. CM 2i.l II office work - ,l"ur "f " ?ourl L,,dy, M. Mer. l 'I'litu ne. tliii. 15.00 post, for NE comer of this serin hu0.11f 10 arres. medical ser i; .lii v. Pi uit Co.. assiifiiee. labor :W.:ii Mexico. 1 will firoceedi It. Créenlo, M f location, marked "NE. Cor. ' N'w, List No. tlN4. Serial No. 032290. i i: limine, ulli.c fuiliil lire - '"".H ICCM II Roberts Hardware fácil., SW. ' lPul'1,c "l,,,t,"" 'Khet' Ixtts 9. 10. 11. :: I supplli -- II. ..05 Scrip. I.oc." lnf 12. 13, 14, IB. 10, 3 Til lin, i n., material 39.15 ,. for cash, the following Cinieiil. piinliiit' X' Thence si on boundary ''est bid'r .2 Sec. 3 T. 21 S. R. Hal iiiii'l Coinpuii), North " 34 E N M. 'I'ttrUbii.j I I'. 1! . 19.02 lundi. 'uncut, pnrluttf l'". I'i 'l E. Tuckei. material from sni.l corner. (.lescriUd and promise situate Mer. 40 acres. i mil'plies . vV. II V... sit' ny OH Rol.."-'- Deirborne llanlware k,w' ír,w ,'M.cxAco' .'.!'., . .. 20.00 To the NW. corner of this .crtp uu"11v' Vu"w,t; List No. filftB. Serial No. - I A I .... supplies on ! 032297. 1 t ti- -l iliii y ':.'.- Co., labor 20. S !?.vc' U' I Walker, assignee, Incut inn. which Is a post 0 feet - SE 4 SW 4 Sec. aulary us j.inilur t.'.l'O 1 19 T. 22 S rI . I S00 Oil "'.ii HeiiKf. Co., niuterial . tllc ' 'imiily letk i; Cailsbad l.nniliei long o inches In diam.. firmly '; V ?' .A'"i "I1 the piU E.. N. M. Mer. 40 - ii, i; i, wiiit itiiiiiini iiouniy mi J ''' acres ' W Ileeiean, Mila'V and ex- TOT VI. $342.71 i oí i 4 uf ue" .1 4.00 set H ins. the round, on'"' f Pn.rests or coutests i ! W. Iliikin, wild iiniiinil bounty I .f against any UMM TiiTAL "K i iil'NTV sr.2us.0ii t " .., ...... -- , pt wild illiimal stony irroiimi. with a moui-.- or or uM r sm.h hr0(.tun, - .Inst ice tt niliy W. Id email, cath a.lvanc- J. II. HARVEY. stone 4 feet base. 3 feet highi10?' in this office i Clock. S duung the period of oub- - aronnd i.ot for NW. corner of t 'U.niei.cii'g at the corner of hereof or anv mi lotion at tim. thr this scrip location, marked "u '"r "i '. ' "' after before final certificate VI SCHOOL APPORTIONMENT. "7feut' lo vne a.fTnana, "W. Cor. Scrip Loe." fiicinR i EMMETT C M Mlrh.r.1. i ' PATTON, 1r,,W l Uinisl.-n- . VI l'rs.lilnt W. II. Merchant. Treasurer of Eddy iji S, Seven Rivers to corner oi a R ll.u. l'.l.lpr t In. l"f p..Jnv.5 Register. I. J S l.ut-l.- Coill'tv. Thence from sni.l corner South ,rm l 01 conveyod I'V deed oi Hear Su : Acconlini to law, I here record in Hook 27, paire Mil deed record on West boundary NOTICE FOR D by make the follow in j apportionment o0 on jlt .(, sw ,.(1,.ef f (j, .rn of Kddy County, New Mexico, to which PUBLICATION. A A I general ' NATIONAL BAN KOFC RLS of ho school funds location, which 1. a pot 0 feet '.' , .ine "lor,, o:.4Kl 1 J.""! . I School District No. $110.00 u,ff outí-!"'"- Seven Rivers, 020521 lomr 0 ins. in diam.. firmtv set k ? 3 35.00 'W' u,ul Ka,,t 400 thvnc N- - 8r Department ( ) I School District No. 1 foot In the prnund wltli fli of the Interior, United Postal Savings ' United States Depository School District No. 4 3X00 pinund 3 ',r' U!t fi"5 .lt',ence South 77 State Und Office H. n. I. oUito. I of tone 4 feet base at RoswelL , lllKM-l.'- l.ltt..l.B.. M.I.tlB. School District N.I. 5 B5.00 i . i :( East iii'4 ft. to whit sand stone New Mexico, 22, Ika-e- J- N X. I t....t ki..k cm June 1915. l.ll"i"ll.. rt 30.00 n 4"w1" Vi" ou,n 8ev School District No. cr. of this scrip mark- - tl,'nlc f1ro NOTICE ia hereby given thai School District No. 7 IHfl.OO edSW. Cor. Scrip toe." facing' ' forth ft. o sand Robert W. Hardin, of Queen, N. M, Sclnl rt No. 8 351.00 who, on Nov. 28. 100H mnA rw oi . ' - 11)00. $ ' No. 10 130.00 . - i r i- tonwood tree in a row of four bears mada Oriir - - -n.l kAA'i School District i i- i ...iifi.-'- ir or-'.-- r.nsvi . i, n c tl 10 '.uu en School District No. II 67.00 on South bo.i-.l- it , Soft ft. thence East 160 ft. to tries. Serial Nus. 054m and 020521 12 112.00 hit thence SW 4 School District No. 20.00 To the place ,.f as!". sand stone 4"x8"xl2" for SE SW 4, See. I 19. M I ES CHEERFULLY GIVEN No. 23 00 South 274 ft. to north bank South NW 4 2 UITK.RESCK H RMSIIED ES'I'I School District U ...i. heretofore lesciibed i and NE N NW 4 No. 14 M R0.00 sub-- Rivers; thence along th North Sec. 30, Township 21-e- Wind of repair work don prompt dy. Perwinal supervision of School District This scrip location however Is i l'vn ! All School District No. 16 2H.00 f m. ail work riilrunl.d tu my care. lect to adlustment to th subdi visional ''MLÍ. Souíh í"velV Kiv'v! NLorth n. r. meriuian, naa nied notice of School District No. 10 78H.00 llnna r ih. nnl.ll', rhon . '! 30 taut 200 ft.', thenc North 04 intention to make Final Flv Year No. 70.00 inten-L1- t 174 fU to section lin School District U tended on this township. The 5' the Proof, to establish claim to th .A U. S. Hamilton School District No. 18 2H.0O Hon of this serin location Is to have between sections 8 and : thence above described, before A. R. O'Qulnn. School District No. 20 42.00 within Its boundaries, what is known north of said section lin between Clerk of th ProbaU Court of Eddy School District No. 21 00.00 "Cement tank, and improvements section 8 and 9 to th S Southeast County, New Mexico, : as at Carlsbad, N. CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER School District No. 22 90.00 immediately surrounding the same", corner of th N 2 of th NE 4 M., on Aug. 6, 1915. mmmmmmmm mmmmm School DUtrict No. 23 151 00 and if on extension of the public sur- of said section 8; thenc west along th Claimant names as witnesses! h School District No. 21 OH.lrt veys, the above description Is found S. Una of said N 2 of the NE 4 John R. Mean, Joseph T. Plowman, School District No. 25 61.00 be erroneous Is be of section 8, 1320 ft. to th plac of R. y, aÜ MEXICO. Phoa 124. to it to amended Walter Shattuck, Jess Mag-b- CARLSBAD, NEW School District No. 20 42.00 so as to Include within its boundaries beginning, containing 218 acres mor of Queen, N. M. School District No. 27 115.00 the said Improvements. or loss all in T. 20 8. R. 20 East EMMETT PATTON, 11 School DUtrict No, 28 96.00 N. M. P. M. together with appur-- 2 SO r. "Z WW u The selector hereby waives for th July Rag-late-

J COUNTY nent, ahall, without loinir your (iOYERNMENT Wll I. 1AKE DErV SIX MILLION NEWS ITEMSl! jyr",nr!u f the Lurrnt hM tpialitiex and your (rlorintia Nil E Ad'lUN I.N MEN LOST DURING. iHili-t- l I to com out on the pul us, up individuality, blend in a hiphei unit, MEXICO. i to date, hj if he dun t rame out and form a European fraternity, even and m-- c Ui, and try to irt t orne of tBSOLUTELY aa Normandy, Ilrittuny, liurirwiily, Di'pnrtmenl m RELIABLE NEWS our weultn, wi w;ll aimply Slate Annopnrra ,'lcp THE FIRST YEAR OF IN kctp .t. Lorraine, Alance, nil the Krenrh lleing ! WAR EUROPE GATHERED BY THE LIVE The Miuiund mcrclmnu I'lannca and Will 'laaeat are wukmir blended into fiance. A day .Sixinj Nalutr Not Indicated.. WIRES OF THE CUR- up to t'.u importance of uiidinR the will rmiii when war xhnll xecnt RENT. piaiiK trade, and arc uniecinn tj un- lM?tween Turix and London, heard of land tne Washington, July 2h. privm, lo trade of between l'pterluiru nnd llcrlin m n. -- oí thia Hcction, Camena, the I'nilro Malta in plaiiniiHf Eipiratlon Twelve Months Mere Than 5G0 Vessels, In-- KNUWI.ES hottLr, nm twecn Rouen and Amienx, bctw;;n l.o.-lo- delinlle atep dreams. to have tiu Ui.1 of it. iot they have n and I'hil.nieipiiiu. ailh riMpitt in road whim will be and that it will In-- taken Finds Germans Still There aeema to be but very little the wiy beat A luy will come wnen hu lleta and ciuJng 120 War in trc coui.tiy. wnei. ine ik 'bomba xhall be replaced waa authoritatively announce?' excitement in town tice the ItifT meet-in- jf by ballots, , rolled down aoiid. today al the alalr department luat by the iniivciaul xullrngta uf the ,ieo-pl- e. cloned. Nay (he no augiiralinn uf the niir lo Holding Belgium. Ships, Stiiea, ynunit cowman about by the ucieil n, i anu--i I he Sunk. II. II. Dunairnn the Magnolia oil on of a pursued wax forty mifea nnilli we.l. purciius-le- d aovercign given. kitiK. wua on hut reitular trip of in- 'lent xctia.o, whiih xhall J unto hinmell a new lii.neiy lum.eiy ,be to Europe what Mexico l ily, duly 17, ( ÍÍ) cmjriee spection on the plains lust week. Ine piirhumenl ix to Nera and in the futuiv. wi'n lier-mun- t'rtix, July l:o, by i x,,.w din-tri- ramble aome, '.o Englnnd, what ia W. t'uudcll of the l.ovitiKton e the diet to ie (lixt yenr or the wnr tr.x p. Victory win lili the Hervían J. no more broom tuiln for him when he Orlenna, July 2d.) oiuliti.mxi, In Chat t wn a IiuiIiichh in Know- - what the legislante ix 1t)NION.-Tl- m rinsing review arum nflcr live dayx or nghlliitf, caller wiinta to huiiifwhere. Vtu muxt capital today border on Um and Iva laKt week iro to A day will come n desper- rexult Unit ntuud out ihe Auairhinx were rniilcl. o iiiiiii-- i in ne in cannon xhall be ate. Thousnnda of the hungry Juke Kller wax nut amona the boya ...... wdiii ... exhibited in our win- ruiultii-i.- t Ijr U Interesting ii .i.. i,.i., ..', ....!. museums, der libout the alu cia .sciu, hlnc at lu the uien while ticruiuu and Aua the other day. juxt keeping hu aurle ' aa an instrument of torture for Uila Una.--. '" ' ia food which is not i bea-nx- One of the most iiiHirtnnt ti'liiu tronpa Uud Wet (lie UiikxIiioi. A eye open in now, and men xhall mm vet that l.l.iiiiiihlc - lor harirnina cows and! . . .. . merchants t., la tlx minima- lu which l.nic'ul JntTrc, victory hi KruHiilk mux announced by culvea. u;.!i. t. i,. xui h things could be. tj,(. p,,,,,,, hux pulled money. ym. the Freía t uiiiiiiiiikIit. aloppod th I lie Auxilian i... wriii, iciit on Aug. trader, oil xeveral horxe "A day will come when we xhnll Mix. (coiKm Miller han been quite dcalx in the Inst few duya. Of course Cenenil Uorimin tirite toward I'arlx at I lie out and on Auk --Ii Hie cruinii uruiy Uli xick see those two immense Krnupx, the (ioniile' de ne null.fvir.e duitnir the paxt week. he ia trading for what the fifty eet. The nuwni of (ienernl Mil. ken iler llelicrul Von Hindi'liblHg ilefeilleil Dave Duurfherty of Midland was a there ia in I'nited Slates of America nnd the million di lUir ii, . i'n ii. it. I'nited Stntcx Intion when he -- ra'i army In retaking I'rxciuyxl and nil". I her Itunxliiu I otic lu a lull lie at xhort time visitor in town a day or of 'Europe, in fuco of cut. cd t!ie city a, Mrx. C. (i. Stilea had two fine white each other, extending not been followed bv on ,'f' IicmlwrK, lu tin llclii. ami fon-lui- i T ii i.l.rri; which In led three duya. two aito. hand to hand Ismh new face cowa killed by lightning the other over the ocean, exchanging money. Yeatenlnv, mobs nr women, retreat nt the exnr'e nriity liuck I.IHIVUIU wax burned l.y the (icrinnnx (iout xeemx to be the popular edi- day of their pro- Juxt wext town, when there ducía, their commerce, paraded the badene-inarki'- tx to the border U hIno uoiahle. In part on the duy Mint the J n ble here for the pa at week perhapa their induatrv aireéis h.oli,,,. Itotb are puliese wax scarcely a I cloud in night. their art. their genitix, clearing the and puativ ahupa, imti they beroea In their reaiiectlv coiintric. bliaknde or 'J "liiiiluu waa beguu The ome tired of chicken and cream M. ix V. Wright planting a fU'ld, earth, colonizing deserta and anndinr tvere dispersed by Micam:. nl wat The war to dulo, aa ehnwn by coo IiIih kude mux Uiiuiilnliiitl more thnu in cane thia time, and xnyx from The traveling men attain took In the at it i.a,ating creation under the eve of the fire hose. aerratlve estimate compiled from Hie umuilu I'alngtau aurrcn just the tight time to do plant- - ll'iu town hint the Creator. tn'tteral Villein il.,il a. w ri beat available reporta, una caused a dcnil!. week. a:ni judtrinu ly their lug. t ott'f be- Saya he wouldn give a man you I appeal. puta oii.cris we ylxti-i-re- t f a irood humor, we iiicitied to To French, English, loaa Ilia bvlMfc-ercut- oí I govern uic 'enil.i lo vurloua mure Two lata after the n ni ii two cetilx lo inxurc hint a crop. (.crmanx, ouy on H . lieve they made a '. Runaiana, Slav. Europeunx, cn.ii ti oi i Minn. ( ,.)-- nl . Ui.UI uii.vcd to It.iril.'iim the battle or "i!iin Several wind milla are in the. course nor H. Smith, the prnxTieaaivc fainter, Americana what hnve we to do to Herrera, his tafT, ami a numi nr the Murne wax tin. u few honra of erection nt thia time, which were from the south of ua, waa in town hasten the coming, of the grent day? ot inner (itinera a. ii'Viiitiii; . -- Kunxluu tr.M..M wrecked during the bad t .sv. xii. In the other day, xuppiic.s. xlorm "Love one another." mut ml on the aHmi i hairea. ... , after they claim they ure pyllig l.cuiln rii, the capital of (iilleln. l.lack-xmith- pu.Ung The Hugo eoncrntinn !Tmi...i The American n I' ra nk Willhoil the "itlluue " of the emiiiiti'e ia. Iti I i h mid them up to xluy, tiiix Mntex unable to rclii-v- I the eic Itntlxli triHipa neema to be kept liu.y, juxt of Europe const it nt,. t,e he nf (ierniuns I Kulumily suya, trust a niuger, and vision, .starving cd the In mine were forced to a xince Ihe but with Ihe gcnnrul Mexicans id -' ltm reirnt tain. ,.ou left, trust him a of cans, in.ri- ret rent tin fur na Ihe Alxue. Evcnln of A bunch of proapcilors here from tire (punter murder that is today being done by all hough i! l thiol ..inda off an inch, and he will a mile the lending ilnllnra, it . the next few tiny m lliclmliil Ihe lioni Cent nil 'l exua o take mitionx of that ronlineni, because llllliot liny foul. n.ii.rf t..r lund that croa-in- g - (TeriniTiii I xtre'eh, and double you ix it nppciira a bmLr way oil or other necexHltics uardm,- nl i'1 llheiina by Ihe will ii I lie .(.'i.iinieiit iur thir pur- - fioin fruit ion. because nf th glory some times local are loduy it look a us if scaicily ami m,, v uiiT the liikliiii T.P n tjeiilinii xiiimiit-rln- po, K.iioiic were fur- the et tnini of the ,opeii (o conviction, along duplicate ther from such n money V t of the ItililKh crnücrá"TvTMiiriiTr. Mr. wise from the of ua, wna coil' ion situation. n imII , all jdaceai ...ui, tinea. lit any time in its i . y, il nf busin.s. i li.s,,. Tin . it Critmy muí llnwiie On the mime day In town lint Sniiii'l.i.. a load nnd ale y alter About the next feature of lull rent is a fearful price I hit Europe ia pay- full of rum,,!, t'i.- the l!illjiji nttucketl ITxeiiiyal of pcuchea, for wintel uae. ii ,,f,nii.r ap. on Ihe plums, will be the l.nvingtnn ing for the privilege of enjoying pioa.-- of Villa ai d .i,,aia f. nes and limk .liirimlnv Jim Merrill la xhapiiiir up liia har. and ' picnic, which will about August kingly rule. then' has bu n i'tni y Hrltlxh triH.pK from lii.lln were laud veater to beam culling maixe and 't n'lm Ittth, nnd continue about three duya. It mny be that tb niel ami tin- - lighting in the aid mi s , meetl ed from inue-iM.ti- cane for the farmer who have been at .MiirHelllia oti The usual large crowd ia expected ami neceaxnry wnr will open the eycx nig ot ri prcseiitiit fs nl Hi, f., re F ilia-pu- fortunute enough not to be hit with 'pt. I'd mid Were Itlimedliitely since they never have mude a fuiluie of the European miis-o- a to cutuin's was held the hml. Ihe neces- t.ilut .i.,, SJ- - hid tu the imhiIiwiiiiI ilefore in harveating tin int"restiug program, sity nf xwattiiig u pcai The melon crop waa an badly number of crown- inr relief nmf iele, In i, wits IXI their nrrlvul m their ilintlniitlon the folkx need have no fearx about lieing ed headx. It may be that the bloe.l Hiieil tn the goviM.meiit .mi to t1(. aired by the hail that it in a mic buxi-nex- luid a I of Ant entertained, if you hnve any x of the millimis being people nr the I ,1 lie about there beinir any irreal number sncnliced lit thia int. Slaiei Tl one, you no , wcrp. which roHiiltl In t!ie Uelirlnii with uny will mahc lime will be an incentive finally to peal, which will b, i of them thia aeuaon. The melon crop in attending the picnic, a change fin einni. nt nun mi fr.nn ilmt city to linx miatake for in governmental form that ashiiigtnn. snvs in pint; alwnya been ao aucceaaful here, I Oot ml Two k Int. r lM.iiil.nril you will be certain to find hem tight will make such atrocious crimes "A committee l ri .lit' the t Ii ii t it will be a k'ieut .enlii.c Ih t liar, from the Sania Fe wext to the in Hut cii'i residents of llictit of Anlerp iihii. The llelitlnn to the lover of the future. the nut look Misen ('it., , a,ipeuK . T. aoiith, and some from aero.,., the la tint encouraging. In the government ,1 I. Kovci mucin rellillilii-- HI IKtelnl for Doc Coburn ia making hia I. Kevolul mus re m f th teirulur linex. not of freipient I iiImmh ii wick mid Iheti reunited to round in thia aection, looking occurrence in Europe. mcil Stat f. "iiel and I" for Three new cara, all In a line, thru Thoae peoplea hnve tioi. nt, Lclia llnvre. I'n e. elthl h . ir Inter trouldexotne mola'a. been xo lung 'f of Inlflgll nle ti- town, wext Inst Saturday, don t bear ground between in xi ..i the licrilimm cplnrisl ('temí ('. I., iioiich. one of the ranch boya Ihe nether millstnnea n r l lent r iei itv nt the i ka of haul times to u.,, if of monarchy they have Mexicans w i Mein hIV the Hi hil triH.pN iKCtiphil from the north woat of ua, wua a visi- carina become pa- ui'iiini' iii,,-- ll- - --a thc-c'- xo much money for carx, there tient and xubmiaaive look ) " Ypriw. uud u in the day. and upon hardshits pic'.ah.-- i dexpi'inte Imlth hnd he tor town other must be aome cash Icl'l in the a. rung migration bum-- to American shorex as diliiuis nf want i'i nilli-- ulnl x Vlxtiilu .lack Teairue took u of . eun mi the river, tiernuiii aa ynutiif box, for maintenance. No? leiu-e- ( their onlv hope of fiituie relief. annltH iikiii Ihe nllhtl linea west boiitnl atiroiila to ai The principal thing of on El I'uao El I'naii inlertat Times. W! i'" - Yprei. inn) M. ii, eoiitlnued for a in where they just ix po- the pinina at thia time getting In the Mexiian ( nli-l- ' Hi it rnnto by Aiimri.sjii l'rcxx week ii ml then killed know they will draic down at Icaat f eir in ssession of gruan, ground, acrex ol it, Aiixtt and Liabibtiaa. diirerelii-e- I ( ' a hundred a month, jual ua cany, u nillsl nliipn ei n ii in (1ENFRAL I U The Ccrmnii nperntltm In Ituaxln and they arc going to um ciixonuhle An la u Id, Il ioerllK. Tilt IIKItll. mere trille. aaael snlnelhlnt; y.ei a xery shmt tim coi.-'. mi hnd h.i n a lengthx get y I I i . niiiline def. n'e.l after to what they lire aficr think beliuiL's in ,,ii In m i x ami mn,- tlim i .(ii (.lux I im-u- dead, ii bought Mi- I, cumlit e woiimhal nd luí I i Chnrlie Hardin f. A. .in ei, .ir ten Uii.vh' le before Wmnnw must be worth something. Si ' nrlsnncrx, muí .re ñon ller's buiTL'y luat week alow Sinor, xniuethinu nf t.iiira w hu ll niheis I'uni. Worse. i, ' Hl.,l. I ex, J,, in. Hum ships, iTiiIhci--x h íe'a too lia Cermiin whli hnd lieen Ktil iinii.i vahe. iH'Inn-- a lo tluyii medicines : I Of these iiImiiii I .'ii ucre war vísasela. for ('. A. ajnre he driea a Saxon NePher nne nr hate " "I he,. In Louis Coleman, the infant . tinned fon lm unter nt the otcnlnn rancher, la ipfte Hl-I- iieople with mm '. ,' I I ' f, Tlii oiitNtiiuiliiii! rcauiia mi Inn. I are Six. wan in alie in n,,ei wlihiitn n Ihi i of the wnr Innr? by Hint time clven a town other day, and ays bllltt not lie There hl, been li ton- ,,' these I.ei Slilea went to I.iwii clon luat be u.iilhl .tillisl nil asset i.i.ii ..f, CkmI Ni had to have something to put on i - cniiiil uf theiiiclve The Kill : x tvniihl i ami shops and d Tin. greater llclgiiim I Siiliirdiiy don't know what for. Neither lialillll.v with, ml in :"' f. .ii. purt nl iiii.Iit I the table, no they muid all l , In ml hi pul luir be lii t H .,1,1 ..--- . den. i.m rnlliiu the ii ocemi and he waa looking hia axaet l(. ii of Th. the nun ..I i.r i 01 ninny iif'.er "bout" feet under the table. cnlh'il liability It unnlf Mdjnceiit wuteiK. nvcrtonk nnd aiink ix supply of watei - .'...-i- . (rrniiiny huí been which xuppoaed to be atruiidid Frank Misar was in town, from then be debt, while an lia,el ultima .'I driven from the inure Ilmn a m ore of tin r. nnllle ahltw the 'ess tlious.'iniN lile... ,. there. High Lonesome ramn llabllllv won h wealth or . lifliiil oi f..., fnrinl i ln,t Satuiday, biimer; beloiiirlnit to the if Holm nllled neiiln! Hob Extea the enterprising xtock-mn- n .'.iti,lies III A purl .if I Hiriliinolloa la a barrel nf ical gua, of which, proa'llv - e'f the lu the after ineiTi- and imlns', . iieriiniiiv before he waa tlnnlly run who does . IHixa.-salo- I busicas u'ioiil ten All s v.. ii x nf he nil!. '.I there iippenred to be a shorluge. asset whnt ihluk own l irnnpa. down i. ml nlT InIiiiiiI. milea went ua, florea hate eer h . ilctroiiil '.xo of waa in town lust which-state- la w I'nrlM or Frunce nuil Ituaalu The antirce of information llnbllit.t hut otheis think ton . are In Friday-- cnil.-In'ir- y ui i nn 1,1 In the Mliiatlc he Kurlvnihe and aer yc.. .ust ua busy aa a In arm. II the r 11 ' that the Allies would in! owe What your HaMIIHcs ure depend acceptable. HKtel.n riiiii tnaipa. ernl niixllhiry performed aim merc.ant. A cruler Ilerlin by June first, mu,t huve been upon your ua-.- u irlp of Alance Iiiim liecii líasela lull your i til ken Imi- Ovvr.-'e- t is out on the "Fresh lenml, I, llnr dnlle They. loo. em to the ..hirat of a doubtful nuluie. for the appear-un-- e .vnril from , . lire ib'iH'iid iipun ymir llnbibiies bv the f i tnm lu I Lull 11 É.4.. M M.t m road a,. the a. n.i. ta. he nv I'nmmitti i i muni, i ,, they ure further from that I i x "r parta , will iiu.l -- n, Therefnre un naaet la n In ulnl 11 oerics limi s an, t Am.n of i fhp lf hp he e hard to catch, if he otit'iigi fori igi era) U"'", 0 MUg base '.him they were at the In ginning - i Inblllly la an asset.- aa well h i r piixaeMXinna hive lieen loxt eri-ti- t ia nhle to ,1" eni..jh .ble hoilicd Life. as Mexna n 'In ul )i, ettlMl down to hold their of the war, and their having the tier-man- a by IhiiIi xhlea. men of itoie.. who may be coiinl ry. for the winter month. oi! J.iti cut otf from uny supplies in be- Vurloua I -- il . 1 pnaxeaxlnna of (crina willine to i I foi ll own inter-eat- from Nov II. wheu Oer- eir ing felt by themselves (the Abies) ny Imh-i- i the have tukeii I.) the forctni of who cun tell what time may bung 1 the llllh Rail roa. I oiits urrn in the air, forth? Even unto ourselves, being In ti'ül ix - tu n triHi. are In of of courae .'.civ ,ilv xperu- ((.. , ccd into uncullcil for tiouiiie, by a tij of Aiiirlnti territory. lalinr in llu-i- r mn n Is ax to what iiiiihil ioua spiritx. The oillalmiilimt nl en are: route it wit' take- - .mi advice ia, juxt Tcxu.a, We Repeat wait, Iilcn lluidin went to luxt That We Are Oeiiiimi nnd Angl ian iner. nniilo nnd you'" ate. Sntiinlay unending tu liiisiuesx of (iialium and Kov ahlip:ui lina Ihm.ii driven Pcvlcr. and the ir.ien-s- t to hinikclf. Suya he ix from nil ihu iHtter'a wife, coming open hciix went to Spur. Texaa, bui k some day, Merchants lnt week, visiting the boy'a fiither, Wi very much regret to see a Ocrmiiu nnd Aiiatriun wnr vexaela a week thul for or two, nnd again return ( x bnvlnu a totul dliplni of apprnx , inin.l cr f the coi respondent have emeul he.-e- for they c'nim thi ix the only Inuitely Z'lT.mio I. hiive Imhii k i fi tly failed to conic through with inn de court rv I l ev have trnyial found. U.iii part of the dope neceaauiy to WE SELL ICE I). (Ii ii nee reporta the l.uniean Wnr vexnela of the nllled iiiitt.uia l. mil. c u coiiiity paper all it should lie. roinl nx beieir rapidly comnleteil. bc-ic- The Dni.'t you ever huve any doubt it c T uatlim a tnlul of uppr.-Illliilel- Til MEANS WE ARE KEEN trnide which ia being built, is fif,m for there ure mote or the Ullt ALL THE IIIMNLss WE I N tuna h.ive Ueli nent CAN GET. :'( lo two to six feet lij.flk, the low nlaci s peop ml. rested tl.aii you have , : an,.' thai we value you the bo'loiii in I , . ax a cual r. and -n t y Pe c:t lienor if tu .1 iilul iidver-M-f- i' there ttc . in of you lire fan 'I lie ! pun ol the mid brie.- - it ,,1'OW f wi" lieilllilll ;ii liii'li .valer own i I Vim "" """ ' elf. i voiu pailictiliii pail 1. 1 .7. u lh in Ihe aeu level. IH.R o F 1 1 I v 1 eta V.rlli leliiulu and it lio-.'- you ,i h'i.i si:ull lin; mokl i; si 1.. I h'll Mil wl in, . in I hila. 'vii "I t'.l nth. n I'ev mi., ..te- Mule in cas;ni.;il!y. II i f I !' ' l ;i,l We nr.- I0''epl fur un ii ill hill IhrnUKb due f. e c i'!i . te; on In..' i ot lei's old hi, Milled hecaii,c , b.'iiidli 'ni f-- t'o' M nin, I W i .t W I I i',i- . III e llol .lllll lllnl the Si lliil inri t I. HI tinli.ilM, " u. ' " it oil l.'in.-- oí I loy- - hn w5!ii and thrum-h- . .1 ...... , - linr.. buyer, fi.un I...' ' o.i-.-- ' ,l i lili-- , - (HTIiiiiuy la cut oír Ii '.he of .' ,,,1 t,,1: p.l. f I'll- pi. ,,n,- - icl Jiidiii- as n, you imli:e the world. "' ; " llis. Hml Inn'. nlhcr incrchanla. i: I 'V'1' ,, ,. ,. ., f iiltiird In lie ; , i i 'a.- l., I. .; I at hit nil y or I n - on or II..' I in-- ai .,! i..' ml ii '. H partial. li the purl ..'i in a" i. . - . ( ' I . V; .. ,.. ,., i . .. : . I la co-il- l Ice. Aud it i , lo Ihe I i ni n I .,f to- - n " np fiHtiii-l- fnr pare Mlilii.r T5?J . dr- ' in. n , ir't If not a tuxlmmr all I tell, nl I hiix i . In t lii- Mill. a i. i: V -- M- ,1 .' 1.. j . - .. ' m . .... Tle I.:..l;,s v I.,. i ,, ',, till; li hunoli-'l- f ? Vj ,.', n.ililUill'llic ol of tea i I'-- I'i ir nin et i.iil hii e I, , . (I l In- - ll aela vliii; iia ihe nl led mid I ii. the of il'ii ii in, rr . ,,, ,,. , (leiilril iiiiii.uia lirio- - i" t ,,i t I CARLSBAD si..i the h. - .1 ,1 ICE t FACTORY The h k In ir lu lid- - of the 'n.-i- ! I. - milliner C.. ml i..l ... c ni.ii t i when ,.. he , I.UmI.ii.Im c. l.p C'lliiurd liner hIHi Hie losa of Ph.. Iii Ii y Ail.l--- ' a ' n- - i ee i ' TIIONE.'.HA. AMiorlntlon. iini"'i.r in iiuvx en. j(, f( ii i n i il. Omre Ihiin il hiiudied Atneiiiun if.-- vim- -' I'll re 'e I vi ..lew I,, ('.,. ,,, I'olKs OIMI.AI. MM KIN of I'lnnl iig .'oil. n, I'.it a rcipieal upon Ihe ;ul KS. I.IIMAMH (IIIKAT one tie", ii'i.l not the ol' it ,. com iiaMii ii im life of in cun'l s.e vthat llu-- Ii mi. i;ir. live von li. Uli.l of the Lulled Hlulea thul an fl ic whnt pri ii. M.ll lll w.jl , with it. for lii'i-l.un- l says we . lleca. In a, i Ha Hiey iuii:hi iiieii.ii-- mini for ea upiiinal I hnve the respiit nf u fair de, I u iiud.-- fir ilxmiide. re inf. hip it in be iiiiule "III de Aim mía, he Ulilcl III It il :: It n ponnl''. l aiu .ipp,'..! m Muffed Viólala r. ' .' h rule. any rnit v.c ,ne lief f,, t. fir Yf'imr lb i'i u- - t.UM'll.' ic Alltf. 'J liellllllll tlimpa i If el'ia I.i'iui.i mid Ixiitim iiii" le est and In ilicin t lit i r Mexieii 'ayll ,eiiini.g ul poWi'llesa o In- I.': -- I bun. 'It nf foii-e- '. ! f I LiiXeml.iirii. mid i ei inuiiy uní l.- -l III I'm, In In the Shetland lh r e I ate sell in Ihe in;. o y winter there in call. if I , do . I, h i o w I, 1, waa llu'litiiig ri'Sllllliig ll.llmened voiu eyes n,.,,i k To M, w! n wo ! t tin linn The Club l' It ' ti o Win v free pnxaiiKe Ihroiiuh llelirluiu to the M'teie In he all Livery II,-- lit t bem. Oil pi Un Kreltch rnmtler Thla wua refuaid loaa or uní n.v men. d I. wiiuinlnl um) -- a, o. in., ii in'iiin la, I in da v. , , .S.,,., .ulna We si 11 ammui it inn i'i ,n. Hie llpllile.l are kceninc our I. -- In I',.' 1'nlteil S'l:it,.. aud two duya Intel (rciit llrliiiln dla The lieritillll iiriill a ini' lT lil'.ts i niel'nl bi-- the count y h eve oni n for news lema f nin ti e ; and Feed St, to win llti.iiuii,! ,,.y , put. hoi to Crrmuiiy no iiltlmntiim de f.K In Cuat I'niaslii h,., ,.ir and dla Sllill I'l'O. ble lorn., for diex. but it nei'ms th'V have closed t aUntinii . uiunilliiK Hint the neiitrullty of lleh .'ill led n iinuv nf vital jiro "dv Williams the poimhii nlliig up like a clam, mid if we no ret, tve 1 cnwimin frnm Ciiine. cnumy. Xlis. foic-mi- ig tiuiii be ninlnlnincd The iiltininliiiii Ihirtl.iiia. lluiilu driviiiu If huí k well no xa y, Th i; was vi. I i i, senl f'nili Mi'l. wn rejected, mid fon-- Inln Ita ii waa in this irntv visiting IllU. id. ( ju t lieriiimi oh te. r.ti.ry The mnrket for cnttle deals uppenr ilv prior m Hu t i.'iiut iiijt I'.illl-- h with his family. l.y ( l.leue. On the xnine day On Ihe aeu ii xlgnnlly to be ? a re-n- I'rel aiiimroii rather slugi'ish. wnt'x muttei The folk seem army, ami the n Wllaon Ixxued a neiitrullty prof-- ilclciii.-.- l the A .ll.uiiienue Journal put mn b.V lllltll Ii .. ,. .... ieiit i,iiii;iii aipiiidmn which row worth a xm'i'l nnd , . fl.l.e. - j fortune to be throwing a lit, (iter the lii unan ... i ... . lun t Ion wna tlclorloiix off Tille, eiignge-nien- t everybotlv Thla mnxt wni'ii.ur to sell some, slibmiiliiie iUi'sti(in, ami the Insulta The fnllowliiK day anw Ihe dei luri tiaik pln.e nlT Ik hi thing, hut the Inverx i ii nu, vinu the I'll lid seemx tu be they cluim the laiier nmcni hux yion by Ureal Itrltiiln of a atnle of war lieruinii crulxera iHimbnnletl nmcw'hnt xlugHah wnke up, do xomething! heaped on I'ncle Sum if the Journal allh (ierinuiiy, ami two dnya Inter the llmili'iMHil uud m arlHimiigh. and the can see be Mr. Cooper F anything to uauio.l, we Qermana entered Ucire aa the r'rencu (Icruinn nrmorel ertilaer llliiia her waa the Paxo Tlmca would like to hear it, and if they WATSON & THE CLOTHES I'KolU.EM VOLVED Invaded aoulheru Alxace. sunk In Ihe North aea by n xectlon of wax working the town want to go want to go SMITH, AT LAST. the day, In over and try Theae evauta were (pilckly fnllowial the llrlllsh tleel Her-m- other the Interest of hix Why Huy operulliig there. them out take to it. Prop.. Thexe Sluuidy HaniOI.-Ihiwn- a? by an arfinuntlon on the part of Italy n aiihmurlnea paper, ii. I nt the xame H working liecnme exieclnlly ac- to have of ber neutrality, by an In tive lu the mail carried to the plainx Auatiinn the winter nnuithx. xliiklnf by thnt route lliix, I'NITED STATES OF El ROl'E. I'll furnlxh you a alrictly vaalon of Hervía and by Ihe aendlii ninny wamhipx if couixe, would FINE RIGS ANO mad and merchantmen. not affect in meaxure Suit, all wool aud by .May Carlsbad tht Uaxt. but mado u Japan of an ultlmattiui to (iermnny On '3 Italy deeinred eatab-lihl.mei- In atyle war on to the plainx people to be ruL out of In hix paxt advocacy of the it at the ullowing prlcee, Thla bud to do with the Auntrln Hungary PROMPT HU (crinan after huTliig a route to the county seat it would of the United Slatex of Eur- SERVICE 111 for Cw.,1 and I'anla. of Klmx how, of which Tablil- early In the month the triple be but liltle xhort of a calamity. ope, Andrew Carnegie hai been but IU NothlnR like them ever la u wna the port alllan-- e trenty. The declaration of A. C. ihinn of Muy. "ickax. has following the line of argument laid 17.5(1 aeen in Carbibad. Ry Auk IT the flrxt llrltlah expedí war waa quickly followed by ra hi. on been in Knowlex pinspe ri'nir for the dnwn by theirre at French writer, 19U You muxt aee them ut tlnnary entupleiial Ita Victor Hugo, OPPOSITE RIGHTWAÍ HOTEL HAT force had land tne itniinn coant ell lea by Vnatrlnn naxt week, looking for soim thini: lt-te- r niuny yuurx ago. Vic- AND CLOTHES llosi ll Inc In Km lice, and on that day there neroplnm The Itnllan anny k than th.-- tnve in thai an turn. tor Hugo wrote: atnn 'Ptiom 78. lieiran alao fierce battle on the .Indar nenma the border Into AttRtrla, wllo Mrx. C. fi. .Milea and xon Nav and "A day will come when you, France Your application for final proof ' Ku,xia you, you, - bet wee u the Auetrtuu and Borvlau Trliaite aud Trent aa objvctlvea., went lo latum In thin new ear Italy tier- made out free of charge ut thia attciiiiing big "'any". all you nation of the conti- - ofllce. tht iniiiiK there iat lliing all your flliiig puprrx. LOVING LOCALS. AMONG STOCKMEN. V.. T. Carter with a party of P"oi- - nertlve land buyen spent Monday In OUR AIM Mr. Moody received a ear load of I .nvlnir " m . - ... t if . (rood, registered bulls thin week and Mr. and Mm. J. K. inn, or nouiion, ha taken them at the Osborne pent. Texas, are on nn extended visit to their aon, II. I. Hill, and wife. in upending week l.ce Keller the The younir fulk with a sprinkling IS TO CONDUCT with hi sister. Mr. Luther Thomas, nf older ones, enlnyed a'jl --ess T. C. HORNE well known a Miss lieulah Keller, dance at the home of Mr. Mugridge THE MOST RELIABLE who now reitldea In Malaxa. taut Friday evening. Mr. liartlctt went up to lansiiao Charlev Grammar the angora goat Sunday to nee the home folk return-n- g DRUG STORE man from Walnut, was taking life Tuesday. easy seeing the movies at the Roof Charlea Pardue and Mis Naoma Carden Wednesday night. Wallia motored to Carlsbad Tuesday. IN THIS LOCALITY. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Hill and Mr. and Fj George I). Hill motored to tailsliad Reductions H. Harden Hosed a deal with Mrs. II. the reputation Wonderful prefer bunch of fine Hera- - Wednesday evening when they were We B Williams buying a absolutely ford heifers. Mr. Harden and Amos most charmingly entertained by Mr. ol being an Reeves also bought seven head of and Mrs. Scott Etter with a six dependable Drag Store, DuringThisLastWeek registered Hereford bulls from P. o'clock dinner. rather than a cheap ones Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Tucker, Mr. Moody. The cattle ara being driven of being the brat rather to the plains country, starting out and Mrs. Oscar Weaver spent Sun-wit- h thm Wednesday. .day In Orla with Mrs. Walter Stone. than the largest. i Mr. i art Mmun came in irom wns Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lusk. Mr. and Sunday to spend a few hours with Mrs. Will Kenton, Miss Fenton, friends. CORNER DRUG STOR E Richard lwl. and Rh Richards were C. I.. White spent 8unday In Carls $7ZH in town Mondar making the trip In bad with friends. 1U2 Deal to All" to the Lusk car. While here Joe Lusk A number of the younger set are Our Motto: "A Square bought six or seven head of registered rehearsing; a play "At the nd of the bulla which he will drive to his ranch , Rainbow , that they expect to put thL wpk. on in the near future. DANCE. Buys your unrestricted choice of Mr. and Mrs. Kile and daughter of Miss Nettie Smith entertained a ; score of her friends at her home last Mrs. John Cantrell and Grace Jones Scillngi Oklahoma, spent several days - in from Cantrell ranch Mon- - in living. Mr. Kile came to look Friday night with game and dane- g- -y came the our entire stock of SILK en day, did came aborning, spent the after some land interests In this ht ing. Mrs. kiiti voods played th In Carlsbad and returned to cinity. Mr. Kile and family will visit piano and Julian Smith and Jack Far violin. . . . 2 the ranch Tuesday, taklntr out an In Phoenix. Arizona, atso the expoal-extr- a rell taking turns p.aying the DRESSES values up to and riding skirt. Grace before returning to their home, The rooms were large and cool and saddle tlont go. declares she Is having a fine time, Is' Miss Martin who has been teaching the dancers seemed in no haste to bun The styles shown in these dresses are the in no hurry to come to town, but now In art".".., the past term Is spend-th- Two tables played progreasivé the melons are rloe wonder if inir the summer with her father on the co. Two kinds of cake and delicious newest and best for 1915. jshe won't be cutting her visit frm. cream was served. Those enjoyin. I! Claud Jenkins went up to the city the evening were: Misses Norma i Thursday, and Thelma Allierts, Georgia ad Hel- Mr. and Mrs. Rom Holt came in '"""J'1''"1 Dishman, Harriet ranch sixty The finest peaches seen In several en Wallace, Winnie yesterday from their Vuughn, Lorena Powell, Mubel lli.rts. miles east. Vears are being sold at 1c. per pound. consequence an nouseseepera arc horn, the hostess. Miss Nettie Smith, in Tom Wood; Mensra. KV1:RY ONK, Needless to Dr. Black. Rea- busy canning and preserving. Htrttie and Mrs. this mention Tuesday. R. Harden. Charley Bly-Ih- a and have Mr. Williams of Malaga wn In town Cal Merchant, Wtlker, gan Middleton, came to town McCollum. Clav Beckett. Jack choice sel- of our been trading and buying stock and Wednesday. season's the merits W. E. Rose went up to Carlsbad Fei rell, Cluyton Wyman, Charlie Witt, looking after business. They made anil and Monday to transar! business. Charley Rurey, Uean Smith. ection. the trip in the B. Harden car o -- Shirtwaists clothing depart- Monument J. E. Perry left Thursday mnrninir were accompanied to Mrs. C. Evans of Portales a sister Thursday by H. A. Christmas. for Son Angelo, Texas, where he will (icorgette dime-liter- . II. M. Chilcoato, was a visitor with Crepe, however, we o visit with his Mr. Perry ts of ment, her brother for a few days this week. ft:.. ' Ares was down from his ranch to go from there to Sil"er City. Crepe de Chine, all Mr. Wilson Prowel who some days Mrs. Evans and her husband, Piof. might you ITuWliay In his car and was accom- having from tiie remind Riggs. was in got some needles from a sand Evans, just returned a n d Linen panied by Mrs. who bio noiinul at Silver City. Swiss clean-FS- T, need of dental work. Mr. and Mrs. Imrr in his eye and who has been at that it is the Kigga are looking after the Aras' the sanitarium. Is very much improved to a k e expected week. . IU. Cecil and wife of Aitesu, Waists ni ranch on Chance. and is home this Carlsbao. neat EST and Ist Mrs. Oscar Weaver was a Carimbad are spending a few days in room for Fall visitor Wednesday. Mr. Cecil is the horticulturist of that more Mrs. Dnbne, and four sons, Trom division, and has a half aeetion of i II I Mr. Trnvlor of Artesia wn, mingl- - snappiFST line to nnnr thn I'.i wv in Carlsbad this' orilutrd that is uniform and loaded apparel, your choice n,l -- l.lle hre visited with Mrs. Inir with friends Wednesday. .I. pi.-Va- b- .vitn line apples. Howard Gallon near Dark Canyon Mr. Furl who hn - In l rent'-nei- $1.35 and up. be found. Well. i Loving for sev"-"- months, n to his home in Texas Thurnday. U. G. Williams, who spena over ft Mrs. T. H. Bingham, of Monument,, Mrs. L. W. Arthur who has been year in Spanish Honduras, Central Drop in and we'll engineer in who has been her nephew, C. on a visit to her mother In Calif.. America, as an electric expected to- W. Beeman, of Millaca, the lust week, for the past three weeks. returned to and ice plant is home Odd Lot quote the lowest ' White spent Wednesday night with Mrj. J. her home in Loving Thursday. morrow having returned to the United Pennv. Mrs. Bingham is also an i a States about a month ago and has VV i s t to $1.75 you have I. his a s prices aunt of' Mrs. Penny. Her son. littlo. MALAGA ITEMS. spent the timesin ce with mother Tom, was with her. She left for herj in Dexter, Mo. He also visited hi Choice at Mt. Pleasant, Texaa. The 50c. heard. home yesterday with Mr. MacArthur an(1 n brother Mf Mr, t, tfow,r r,. climate nf that country did not agree i his car. turned from Cnrlsbnd last week Frl- - ' with Me. Williama having become i),iv. where thev had been attendin- - which caused Mrs. Hm inflicted with malaria tast Fridnv e'erpoon is. ;tnP t,.n(.hr. institute, him to leave. .horn. Mrs. Walter Pendleton, Misses; fr Mrs. C. R. Helm drove ti Georgia Mabel Hartshorn and Witt, farlsrnd Inst Saturday returairg the Miss Ora Manning of Knowles re- 10c. lot of Para- Monument and a ,,. Per Yard Entire Kate Gathing of n(iv. turned from Silver City Saturday, al- mo-- m. i young lady teacher from Artesln 1 T. P. Bin-ha- from T.nvinon y i T. so two cousins from Texas who have HALF PRICE. l usk ranch and .-- ,,, Voiles, sols tored to the Dolph Cpturdsv morning to visit hr been attending the Normal returned Mr. Onlph la do- - enoyed supper. tr, Vrs Mnttie Beeman and her with her. Mis- - tulvy Manning of I Have a fresh one to lug a lot of improving, building a new npni,PW p w i f.miiy. Crepes and isaues í Ptnnn Elk City, and Ollie Manning of Dal mifl P n 17 the HOI "H HT- m Urn mifNiril t tT..1 - f..m PabwaII las. They were met here by Mist up to . . 2()c. finish the summer. J nml buviiiir a new car. Wonder whs T i ..., h.. t,n vli.tin- - at the William Manning. Values ' Ore's brother. Earnest The 0 Black home the nast week, left for her ac- - party left Monday for Knowles J. J. McMillan, wife and two chll- no ),, Mnednv evenlnir. companied by Mies Bella Perry. f Iren anil Miss Heulun neiu arnvrn Wilma Howard came down f Sunday to spend a few weeks with frnm I,vn- - the lnt of weeV and f Henry Robb and family. All the mem hn llpn visiting friends here for a bers of the family are here now ano , ,i.,v. f are enjoying a reunion. Miss Roin McKeen came home Sntnrdny f is returning rrom silver i iiy wntre "win to spend Sunday with the -- f she attended the normal. felt's at home. He is working on a HORNE ranch and looks as though the ranch j.C. f Bill Ward and dnunhter Mrs. her fare agreed with, him. Cut t Mrs. Buford Polk, were passengers Sidney P. Hostler is back from his fto Queen Wednesday. Mrs. Polk hns trin to California and is busy once J f 'employed a governess to look after his place west of Malaga. more on "CARLSHAD S BEST STORE" f ithp children. Mrs. Ward will be at .1. L. WiMiama is improving his store .the ranch for a week or two. Miss n- with a eoat of paint. Glass f "i1di- fresh Mvrlle Ward i with her aunt, Mrs. ' Sarles and William Gerlach are do-- f M. Livingston. r.. the work Mrs. R. D. Bruce and son, Harry, i r. - W. A. Forehand, wife and the In Carlsbad this week visiting! twor HAVE YOU 8EEN THE NEW cMMren and Mis Ora Beech motored . relatives and friends. ML.. Franc I.lvmgstnn. of lUm- - te Carlsbad Wednesday. R. P. ftrure and C H. Billings I I -- st Sunday Mrs. C. U. Jaea, "COSMA" CUT GLA8S IN liMr- - ' ; ' " drove to last Monday. AN KXtlilNii Miiiiiiu Jimts ado Ada Gordon ilton. Texan, ia vUiUair a uncle and , . ylsbad i;..,.i ...... , t arnv-- , ion, 4,, Knu u. wwm. , 12 with Dallas Jones a enwifftur. Hunt. Mrs. Monran uvingaton, .in,. nunaniB DILLE Y'S WINDOW? . l M . helwern Saturday. expresses her near ineuit101111 lasi munuajr. nsoinay. mr. nunon irom ,"irw er was for the liordon ra .i I. at th mouth of inir last She iiarisnaa nd I ocloch vreu " . ,. Tl...v murnud Wed- - self as well pleased wsih the "Huful" I ovlnir took in his car returning M " " of Guadalupes evening, r.,iulh ,l..'in- - ' I l.v and has asked for an Unsion of J. W. MeCoriaum the the same COME IN ASK "r: r ,,k. vns in town Tuesday on business. Miss Bertie Beeman took her aunt, TIIE PRICE i.l Mrs. Bingham, to F. E. home d to (he d..r, .li " , ....ttii.g with the youa o the Little YOU WILL BE SURPRISED aciuiiinted Bit! Arnold of Lakewood was In for a visit. week shaking Car--. v-- town last Thursday C. P. Fardue came down from i ... a .. , , . in ...i.:, i - iitii nini. iiriHima iiniiiKiiiii y,.!. hi... by the n.-- a...i - (l.uncl w aa head mar for Joyce-l- l uit ; with olü rnen.i. Isbad Monday to visit at the Clyde uu.,l threw it Bk'U'lit u" ...... j ...... n.l n Egbert home. '" .il . anil...Mt. ...migues ano m.i- - . o.. ary roHia, r."U '..-- Wil-'wi- "n He' Dr. Toep,, left last night for hi. " l,.K,w.n.. .1.... , V...I...... M,s. M;, I.. ll till that position, again. (J,. ..fill r.H.n. i.ei i ...... ,.,,,. ,n hri;,. family bv n'ar Tecos i.v amo. i.e .s- - Mr. and Mrs. Thomas (Snooks) .l, ,n. nn-- .s hi. here ,nd a. U enleie.. ... , will -c- to m.trn tonight. He went with Gordon, are very proud of a nine ... Mr tl.mal ts 1 . . .. ti I.. I. I I.MIV III '"''"'."..III.' l.'lllill .' m ' ' ". rr U H. H. k- wno a baby boy, born Friday night, DILLEY thI, ine Hine.. - ...... lo.n.g th left furl .1 .... introduction to the neoiie of it Unriier spent lew aayi in pound ,1 ,k .. kiioh. sr... i n.ii.,. ,.;Sunday inrn- - Curlsbad and vicinity, for he has piov town this week. .Inly 2Mrd. The young man Is being .,v. s,. it h- - Joyously welcomed by the entire fam- - ...It it. " r . him,,.f worthy ,rl the position w I... - - ' J. O. Stetson family from the tlrvi... l .;....."cr ;'; o h lung tilled. a"d tin. vi.n' l bl icciic n" - t side of New Mexico, are spend- - ants. JEWELER ...lie - and his .loor, a- I w.ilt.iily. Mr. and Mrs. J. .'. Eve.elt - - - Ing week In town gettmg dental ii 'il the two rr, .d ,..... i uLt fium east Mrs. A. Lovd. mothe rof Mrs. Feilx y aa.i .'l looked after, and trading gen- - Christian It Co.. Insurance.,....i!. r.,ury T....i,es.see and have one of ine Miller, and her hruther, Frank Iid, y by on the li.ii ....i the iivii.uphuhia specie, lii.hnmn Pi are here surprised her coming k....L Is lm- - rs. V ,ZZ ouicted duwn i.4 .dr. i red's Mr. Everett's heailn and hi Tuesday'i train frem the souin. W. A. Meadow of Midland has sold re-- cause o re .or a... .. l..V.. to swell and ItM.kai large proving every day. His moiner Miller hart joice, n. fMlt ,p,.,ion t0 w.p. Cow BREAD MADE AT THE MODEL MARKET BAKER? not seen moiner lor , . ,,,. li inllanm.. but he is )uiiie.l to her home last iiik.u. had . her louruen of ,hU ,ow e..J ..mi U. - .1 v av- .... n... eon.., veara. ami auer ine io. w ni - Rai'sdule A Jimes have recently íü í Buck, and Mrs Glover returning to who has taen trainloadt of cattle from . ly .an Nannie Beers glad by three ... QUALITY BREAD IS PRINTED mother and sister-in-la- her home, her life was the vest. ? LT U'lh her aged mother. ' Mrs Beer, of the Carlsbad Bakety, a visit from her The Scharbaner Cattle 4 Land Co.. May. - canea 10 lv sold to II. T. O'Neal 10 ON EVERY WRAPPER 01 .1. Welti, ana family left since the last of kev N S. y- ring. R. C. Phillipa of Roswell nephew ef head of stock mares and three stal mm lions, BREAD. DO NT BE DECEIVED The next show of the Midland Coun- . . . ,. ! , 111 BY ANY 0TTIER WRAPPER, always on uu y, n. k . n,. - ty Fair and Fat Stock As.wlaHon, ...g,Hl ..r sleep.n. and car. ii Will September 21 25. Pre- Mr Webb not open until' September; some that be held to BUT a. in. their lllo,loll n Boh Hamblen made a trip to the miums offered for various .xhlblta DEMAND TIIE GENUINE jLe a rest and plea- - have had their vaca reui.n Tue.d.y to erect a i" 1. Mi:." by l,.r! Thayer ranch will total tnOOA end a big attendance ARTICLE. aure trip of thl. n.o as ne u.nas ,... m.rfa a boat of 'monument over the grave of Mr. ia expected. Plana for the exhibition - ('- t... ' I. it and iiiiui .u ."i now In the making. , ...... arul a tireiicn- - iriem county are ... hardest- and-- best In the - and talk ni I SSIon wora war. , ; . . ... ,..... FRESH (L'tng a Methods inmuur arid otv ..preinr i.l' BARBECUE DAILY l church etrcle. She ta an " "r 1V...1L A The biggest cattle transaction re- - In church in rf to .. """.Vií,, 1 . m Á.VTt. - - 1 . A ta'well known evry ita 11. I ... I 1.1 m. ni .lUlliai, wx.vw. . ..a. I I I - . wnii IA ftnininlr O I C n I IU r. n arm .ia. luuuwu , . . . i a- - cornea ner. in aom. uma waa cun- Thone 82. ... - ... S.l.iP. her list since her sojourn V IT '. " (summated this week when the firm or r.i-n.a my "-- "" With t a ".ami mi .i K. ,h.t mlil ,,. wh, te ViS-- hi father. nML. Whlta who ranch 4R miles y 7,7 t h. bakery. While enroute ehe will east of here, sold 1100 steers to Hugh wmm --- ; Rod-er- w .. a .i veu a. U la with rerreU the Wesley Bible a. of Fort Worth, for 170.000 j.k nii kn w luin ufir .in . .bhu, a .'.';rmiiv orower i.ra. t class accepted the resignation of Mrs. .The rattle were three and MODEL MARKET -- mat -- h ihem a and Mrs...... n unrs BAKERY ,""!"V..JL"V Beera. as secretary, but were for-- 1 olds. Delivery was begun Monday, JHWAtli VMS túnate In galling Mrs. Chapman, late . when 850 steers were shipped from 'PHONE 82. A INSURANCE. of Oriental, to accept sue Place, lOirvin to rort woiin (ViXiaa ft C- - INSURANCE. Christian Co.