University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 7-30-1915 Carlsbad Current, 07-30-1915 Carlsbad Printing Co. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news Recommended Citation Carlsbad Printing Co.. "Carlsbad Current, 07-30-1915." (1915). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/cb_current_news/261 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Carlsbad Current, 1896-1918 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. iff (ftartafcih Current TWENTY-THIR- YEAR. CARLSBAD. NEW MEXICO, FRIDAY, JULY SO, 191$. NUMBER Ml grand jury empaneled to Investigate BASE BALL GAME. a a the catastrophe. State's Attorney ni nn mn nxrnM Sunday afternoon at 8:30, tlia nnn Hoy lie prepared a county grand jury play inquiry. Coroner HnlTman selected a Rnswetl and Carlsbad hall team Jury to look into the cause of the ed a close, exciting and ly far the CO. B ENCAMPMENT 11 best game seen é' l..tl,. II,. nnlie. .rra.l.J nfll- - at Fireman's park utiibAbu ,m" 5 rers of the Eastland, and Health the T""";. contest Carlsbad seeur- - Comm.w.i.cr airanged to purify the i ,Knrly mm disease might lie spreud one run wmrn was me oniy one liwrforfe. PASSENGERS ON EASTLAND fled they were removed again to un- - ,v t ,,..,., 0f i0 muny bodies in PUBLIC UTILITIES IMPROVE- MOST SUCCESSFUL ENCAMP. SUFFER AWFUL AGONY nenasing esianusnmenia io the wtieam. tire contest. MENTS, i MENT IN STATE. AS VESSEL room for others waiting outside",In, Arrangements were made to exam The game was won by the ability The Public Company will SINKS. ambulances. ine th. sunken vessel to determine the "f the home .Plo-- io out class their Utilities Company, Fort y. Two Strong, Drapit Living Ladder Saves Two Women. undenting causes of the accident. "m.e on,y one error D,n ""e spend a considerable sum on improv- Report That Carlsbad Could "Dutch t stop, letting ing the electric light and power plant Pinned Down by Jam of Movable Ar-(Id- One man wii peen to cling to a "The Eastland was the crank of the roller, short Not Muster Thirty. spike In the side of the wharf, while lakes and as far as I knew the only ' T' this season. The directora met Mon- Eight. and Mass of Hodiea They ro"J"lrlí by',,t l"1'. - day night and decided to make the Aro Born to Death. two women and three children stepp- - crank on the lakes," said W. J. Wood, '" lllllint-- iirHulliUII lijr llflu- ed up his body as on a ladder to naval architect, who was called by the ing several hard chances like a vet-- following improvements: Raise the' The armory was the scene of much dnra and strengthen it at lower MORE THAN 900 CORPSES ARE safety. He fell exhausted in the river owners in l'.iOH to correct faults In eran. the activity from tt::t0 a. m., Mondar install a new and larger K i- FOUND. as the last one or me rive reacnea tne boat. The feature of the gune was thi plant, morning, July L'tith, when Company Whether he was lost couid pitching of Pheigler, who hud the terator, and rebuild the transmission "II" boys began to gather for annual the pier. ' -- not tie learned. Roswell players entirely v. line of six miles into Carlsbad. encampment, until eight o'clock when Chicago, July 24. Moro than 1.000 MR. BUCK COWDEN DIES AT ABI- in- - pitching a no-h- and no run The raising of the dam will autos donated by public-spirite- d persons, possibly 1,300, most of them Instances of heroism were numerous LENE, TEXAS. fame. the ' took the rescued passengers to the first to be pulled off U.e .n some crcaae the power materially. ( The citizens conveyed the entire company Women and children, wore drowned floats News reached Midland morn- will to w " this time. strengthening of the dam add to the rifle range live miles west of today within few feet of land by ing that Mr. Ruck Ciden, who has Although White was touched up the safety and reliability of the ser-- a town. v . for the capsixing of the steel steamer , , . several brothers, and forty-tw- I ' cousins other number of clean hits, they were vice. Installing a new generator will The company, strong.went Eastland a. it was about to leave its " ho,ur. w" relatives In Midland, aicd Those to land had sunk or in Abilene so scattered the homo playera could increase the capacity of the plant into caniD in true military- ntvla- with wharf In the Chicago river with 25,000 last night. He had been m very poor 1 1 l . : i i : . i . i i i: : . d not score again. nruuiiuing vne vrennminniun une win me mars ami stripes nying over head-conse- rve relaUve. and friends of of the V"J .th,e halth a good while Company "Inngt""canal lock sat' Import, and his death was This makes the games between current as the new line will quarters tent, with Capt. Wm. W. the Western Electric for J'l.. not unexpected. The funeral will take two teams six to two In fivnr carry a vniiago oi iwmw a agairmi ncan, in command an excursion across Lake Michigan. ,n AbilBm thue Z".taoti'eunmL AmnM- -' VlM """rrow, attended of Roswell, but the last two whs o '.1(10 volts at present. The high vol I.ieuts. Fred M. West and Aud. F shut-ou- t for Carlsbad. tage line will carry the current with l.usk and thirty-nin- e enlihted men, reamves. mr. I owaen a very much less loss than the present 2:100 make up the company. Sergt. Den- minutes after It began to ís I nrominent citizen , the T'rtif Chlii of A.iilrne and well volts line. The three phase syntem nis Burns, of the regular army, re was cleared known here, and The Reporter joins i will be used which also increases ported at camp Monday a ThTi' ' Shortly after the water ... ...... .. ..... fternoon. ' m ..- f fi i::'": were on '""Vunit f.inn.L- ... ym- - I the efllciency very materially. having been sent by the Ijutantlien- - killed, while other estimates ran as iers i""" rLllLllTLn UAfJ rll rr , the '"""'"ll.l" of tí Eastland's l'"'y l" "'e m.i rowinii leiaiives juiy ULIllLll I LU INHIl IMLLUi The cost of thexe Improvements will eial to act as instructor for the camn. u..u oniin i.... .u... j be lurge. Dr. F. F. Doepp and Judgo Wm. W. Dean, Jr., is in rugulur at- - with llames. Divera were hurried Mr. Cowile.i will In. reniemiiered S. I. Roberts were mude a eoiiiiiullee tendance at the camp, being recog- 2,600 passenger were aboard vas by all the nl, lime SIIOOTINC AT PLAINS. TEXAS. than into under-wate- r suits. A bridge was nconle of this to prepure tho estiniutc of the cuxl nized as ('apt. "Itiliie" and a hitlf During day mora re-- the vessel. the thun formed betweenth pier and tha cap- rounly as a good cllhen while 1 or the Improvements decided upon, stewed kitten is ciiinp mascot. 700 bodies wore taken from the river siding her.i in the nineties nil ( From our Knowles Correspondent) sized ship. of whom Their n.n.irt will he nimio in u ii,it TaiL'ct practice is on e of the prin-cip- lu hull of the overturned steam- will much regret and the gained to his death. .. ..time. The increase in demand for features of tho encampment, open with As the divers entrance , er, whose sides were cut - i onsnieranie excitement prevailed l : ili)lt Blu )ow,.r ur(tCi Thoukii with company drills in the afternoon. the hull the Situe of dut- jü move f.. - gas flames to admit divers. Several THANKS TO CLASS OF 191.1. mm n iii.it- at Plains, county seat H ,,, ' oí:thl, ,,unl u,(1 nu.Pt it tlc air. The following list of culls which persons were alive f.om '"r l"e lime ieing irom me rive, io county, Wennes--: ,,, taken the morgues. - ) oakum, lexas, lust t r link Ulllt it ls ,0l,t nillll8 are oliserved will indiculo how tha cabins of the ship after it luid lain the exUinporizcd Tvare- To abide in the hearts and affections .'i.v, i.ic caused ny a whu csalc . ."n. ,nprovements a little abeaii of tune. nine is occupied hours, n'""'-- ' wnuicsaie .ui...M.i.n i...,i. i f r i I no on its side in tho river four - snooting. liicis can scarcely ie j.; A appointed gen-- : he .ive.- iniown open and bod- - WJ K0.rtH was First cull lor reveille, 3:00 a m. but the :i00 persons said to be in tha wr. ,hf moHt cnn' M. Fes- - ar lu.o in rows on the (loors. ntllment P.iconaiiien ai mis time, mil irom vru nmnBirer to succeed R. Reveille, 5:10. a. m. dead. es Mta,,,Kn du?,n(r th VP the .In I a wo the hulk are wa- - . of can gather, main en v.ho retired July 1st and went Assembly, f.: I :.. u. in. searchlights to- Scores of pit sent take nirom the H,PnM n ,hjs jf(1 , b Under the glare of an tressur.
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