The Ingham County News, Wednesday, February 10, 1965 - Page A-2
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' ' '' Sprineport Eind\H"Y ( I \ I Springport, Uieh. I i I ',' \ I *Winner of 5 major awards in the 1964 Michigan Press association newspaper excellence contest t Volume No. 106, No. 6 4 Sections - 24 Regular Pages Plus 24 Tabloid Pages Wednesday, February 10, 1965 10$ per copy Tax Deadline Ingham taxpayers are running out o! time, Deadline for paying Swimming county and school taxes Is Feb Pool Job ruary 15. All township and city ti·easurers wlll be open for a busy week end and Monday. In Mason City Treasurer Doris Austin wlll be at the city hall all day Sat urday. Alter the 15th a 4 per Will Start March 1 cent penalty wlll be assessed, Mason Is to have Its swim mlng wlll be housed In a building 100 pool as planned, windows. Doors at each end will teet long by 74 feet wide, This open Into an area which in the The board of education Tues building of attractive design wlll day night adopted a resolution to future may be developed Into a join the senior high school build patio. award contracts In the amount of ing on thG east side, just east There will be a covered walk ~227,545 contingent upon a gift of the gymnasium, along the side or the buildtl'rg•· · Architects of $151000 which school officials The pool bullding will have a with a 10 foot overhang to pr<•• said has been offered by the seating capacity of approximate Mason city coWJcll. Vide light control for the pool. ly 300 persons around the pool. In addition to the pool building, Are Picked The board made several mlnor These seats will be added at a changes In the design of the later time, there wlll be some additional Ingham supervisors authorized pool, none of which, however, locker room space, including an the architectural firm of Frank There will be 6 swimming lanes additional girls' locker room, will change the beauty or use of In the po~l and It will be equip & Stein of Lansing to start the the facility, The pool building also w!Il preliminary study work on reno ped with one one meter diving Contracts are expected to be house a small lobby, office and vating the old county jail fac!llty board, with another to be added storage room. let In about a week, with the for county office use. later. The depth at the deep end Most immndlate use of the pool, prospect that war!\ on the pool of the pool will be 9 feet, 8 W111 start at least by March 1, Is to teach every youngster going The Initial part of the project l11ches and that at the shallow through the Mason school system ¥· Chandler Nauts, superinten end 3 feet, 6 inches, will be a study of the changes dent of schools, said, how to swim. necessary for moving some The south wall will have ap , The pool Itself will be 42 Also planned are life saving county offices Into the structure, proximately 66 feet of thermo feet wide by 75 feet long and classes, adult classes and Inter pane glass with 7 feet, 4 Inch scholastic competitive swimming meets, The pool Is expected to be open the year around, Mr. Nauts said. Mason first began to discuss a new pool 3 or 4 years ago, but realization came about through the efforts of a pool committee i formed by citizens about 2 years 1 ago, This committee was head(:.:! ,. by John O'Brien, attorney. .. In August 1964 voters went to." the polls and approved a bond Issue of $200 1000 for building the pool. Architects went to work then and drawings and speclfl- · cations were completed and ap proved In December 1964, Printing Firm Takes Partner The com merP.Ial printing de partmem of the Ingham County has been formed into a o ,-o -o-m ·p pa-pa separate company and a new . partner. has joiMrl the !!rm. The' reorganization Is effective as of February l, FOUR YEARS AGO, Mason Band Director George Murthum was looking for The partnership which will op potential tuba players. Alex Decess, now 16, was willing to give it a try and erate as Mason Printing Co, here he is shown with the horn that is almost as big as he is. Alex will play Itwas rea II y a water wonderland for youngsters is composed of Richard and Jim Brown, owners of The Ingham his Double B tuba in the annual winter band concert at the school auditorium Land in Mason this week as a 11 spring 11 thaw turned ice an County N<Jws, and Sheldon Bib next Wednesday night, February 17. The program, featuring a seventh grade and snow into rivers and lakes. These pictures show bins, who has been foremen at Ahoy! the News for 4 years, band, an 8th and 9th grade band and the senior band, wi II begin at 8 p.m. Steve and Donnie Babcock and Mark and Bruce Wise Bibbins wlll manage the new The event is free of charge. afloat in the Barnes street neighborhood. (See other company at 428 S, Jefferson, Ma son. The company does a full flood picture on Page A-12.) line of printing including sheet fed offset and letterpress and offers a complete typesetting and Mason Voters Face Dansville artwork service. Dog Case The News wlll continue to pub lish at the new Ash street plant. School Monday Election Is Robbed Tuesday Mason electors will go to the tlmated cost $75,000.00, includ- Mason's now famous dog case polls Monday to pick 6 council lng site, Units Share Ingham county Sheriff's of Is due to come to trW in jus nominees for the April 5 ballot PROPOSAL NO. 2. fleers are investigating a break tice court before Judge Roy w. from the field of 12 who filed The City Hall and fire depart- Sales Tax In at the Dansv!lle Agricultural Adams on Thursday, February petitions, ment shall be moved to the for- school in Dansvllle. 18, It will be a jury trial. Local units of government re In addition voters will be faced mer Al Rice Chevrolet building The case revolves around a dog ceived their share of the Ing with an advisory ballot which will with the north portion of the Vincent Carlen, shop Instruc named Bull, owned by W!Wam give 3 project plans and their es- building leveled and a new Clty tor at the school discovered the ham county sales tax diversion. Parsons, a Mason business man, tlmated prices. The plans will Hall constructed in Its place, breakln as he arrived at the County Treasurer HarrySpen The complainant In the case Is ny had the checks in the mail provide city hall space and a Estimated cost $120,000.00 school Tuesday morning and no Rev. E.L. SUtcliffe, pastor of the flrebarn. Including site. ticed a window had been broken, for the quarter ending December Mason Methodist church, 31, 1964, so that they were re In the race for the 3 council seats which wlll be vacant the PROPOSAL NO. 3, ceived February 5. Investigation showed a desk had The minister charges that Par The fourth quarter payments 12 candidates are: A new City Hall and Fire De- been forced open with a chisel Muk v. Crawford, Ingham partmf:!nt building shall be con sons• dog trespassed upon his are based on $2.10 per 1960 and from $15 to $20 in bills and property in what the minister census figure, which represents a ·~ounty road commission employe structed on a site to be selec silver taken. and president of the road com- {ed and purchased, Estimated claims Is a violation ot Mason's 17 cent increase over the same dog quarantine ordinance. period In 1963. mission local. cost $1W,OOO.OO including site. The sheriff's report also stated Charles A. DeLand, Olds- The city hall ballot will be that a wrestling mat valued at The county's total amounted to . used by the council to gain the The case has been before the $442,995,00. mo:,b:!!i;!;le~em.:::...p.,..lo~y"'e-..!:::~= about $90 was slashed with a sentiment of Mason residents so public for several weeks, Par Local units and the amounts Nels C, Ferriby, salesman and as to enable the council to move knife as was also a stage curtain, sons was arrested when the com they wlll receive are: former councilman. and that a telephone cord James R, Frew, executive with in the direction most favorable to plaint was filed and has been free Townships: extension phone near the office under $25 bond since that time, Alaiedon, $4,347 .00; Aurelius, Dancer department stores, the people, according to council of the superintendent was severed $3,454.50; Bunker Hill, John A. Hamlin, Mason post- spokesmen. and hinges were removed from a office clerk, There is nothing binding in the Parsons resides at 515 W. Ash $2,698,50; Delhi, $17,354.40; Ing door leading to a special educa street and the minister lives at Melrose W. Hudson, employed vote, tion room. ham, $1 1 866.90; Lansing, 610 Hall boulevard. $22,684.20; Leroy, $2,354,10; at Wyeth Laboratories Inc, Leslie, $2,574.60; L o c k e, David G. MacLean, president $2,459.10; Meridian, $28,984.20; of Mason Junior Chamber of Onondaga, $3,439.80; Stock Commerce and microbiologist bridge, $2,862.30; Vevay, with the state department of ag Teachers Converge riculture.