RED BANK RECxISTER limid Wukly, Enured at Second-Cliia. Mittet at tha Fool- VOLUME LI, NO. 32. omen at Rid B«nk. N. J.. und.r th« Aot of Mireb I. I17H. RED BANK, N. J., "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1929. $1.50 PER FEAR PAGES 1 TO 12.

CHABLES BENNETT'S VENDUE. in the budget for lights on the street3 NEW MEN IN AN OLD FIRM MIDDLETOWrS BUSINESS. In Question AN AERO CLUB BANQUET. THE HOUSER POOR CASE A DAW ACROSS THE RIVER INSPECTION OF TROOP. VandorburR Farmer Will Sell Out to A resident of Hllleklo near Nave- sink, told about the need of lights Take Position at Holmdol. THE 1929 BUDOET TASSEI) ON MOTION PICTrUES OF LIND- .M[I)I)M<;TOMrN TCMVNfilHP WTIX CONFERENCE ON THE tBOJECT FKDERAL OFFICERS TO BE AT THREE FABTNERS JOIN WITH on Atlantic avenue and the need of Charles A. Benriptt of Vanderburg 1'IHST HEADING. repairing Chestnut nvenviG -^h* mat- BEIIGH'S TO I'll.. TO JiV SHOWN IWT IMSlTTlcn 11OAKD IlICM) JLAST.WEElt. BED BANK FEBRtAllY 11TII. will havo a sale, of his live stock, EDWARD S. ALLAIRE. ter of lights waa referred tc tho crupa fend farm Implements on Tnurs- An Increase of $10,580 In Amount to lighting committee and thp matter of Tho Banquet AVI) I 'he Held Lnti* In n«t the Township Officials Expect to Adtllson Sanborn, Who In lh« I-oader iK Contest tn End the Same day of next week. Tho auction will The New Men Are Burton T. Dorc- r .Night—Inter-Troop l'ulu. TIUIIIM to lniiB, Hubert M. Furrow and Rob- I.So Iiii l by Taxation—Committee repairing Atlantic avenue- was turned February—It Mill bo a Oft-Tugutli- Culli'ct thn jvii>nry Later l rum tbe ot tho Pro|io»i'd Mlvor Improve- bo a Inrgo one and; it will start In to Fight to Keep FFlngini v at FalFll over to Mi. Bay. <\r Meeting Uillr Talks ov thp PnM firnndclilldrpii *— Another 1'ublln ment, Much Eiicouriiginl l>y a Bo- l>o Orgunlzod—ItaNlietbali Team tho morning and probably take up ert G. Mncdonaid—Now Concern llcfouted by Fort Hancock. Hturts In Business on Friday. View Crossing. A request was made that a light and Future of the Clu!>, Discussion About the Mutter. cent Ofllclal Conference. nearly all day. A caterer will be on IJU placed oh Monmoutb avenue, near Addjson Sanborn of niver Plazn, the grounds. Wnltcr D. Fields of The cowniiiilp committee of the The Bctl Banlf ncro club will Tho cjucijtion of who ahould pay Pieparationo uro being made by •On Friday of this week the Edward Navc-slnk. Commltteeman Carl Grofl- ht who lias boon lomllni; a movement tho lied Bank cavalry troop for tho Colt's Neck will bo tho auctioneer. S. Allaire real estate und insurance township of Mlddletown passed tbe Vij'r'Z"'sihXca'thht"hT'h&d" Inve'sTl" " « banquet the last week in Feb. ?7f>0 to Mrs. Supnn Truex for tho to have a dam built across Hie river annual federal Inspection on Feb- Mr. Bennett will move to tho Daniel neency will havo three new partners first i^diui; of the township budget r;d (>:l8 m!]Ucr ,&sl' [v^' . iruory 'fo r member— s o'••f th- e organiza'-- hoard of John Houanr of Mlddletown nt noil Bank, above Cooper'H bridge. ruary 11th. A regular army ofllcer P. Schcnck farm at Holmdel to act an In tho concern, which Is an Incor- of expenses lent Thursday night The '^ he btc! been told by a reprt-SL-ntatlve tion nnd their friend.;. J'lana for the towiiFhip has beon temporarily net-' RtatOB that ho la much encouraged an and hi** utaff will malto the inspec- superintendent of this place and of porated company. Mr. Allaire has amount to be inlut-d by taxation Is I of the electric company that on nc- party worn formulated at laat tied. The township of Mlilclletown. (ho result of a conference which ho tion. Dm Ing tbe dny the-armory and two other farms recently bought by for some time been desirous of shed- 5,104,'J75.4fj, whteh is an Increase of count of peculiar condition* It would mooting. Sr IX. Bakt;r. a representa- through the Inwnship conimtttnot hn« and Assemblyman Thomas M. Gop-tho c(|ulpnicnt will bo'Inspected and Ecrnon S. Prentice of Rumaon. Tho ding somo of the i oapon.tibllltii?.s of J10.5hO.3O ever Iiist year's tux le.venuo coat 4-100 to put up the light. Mr. tive of tho Standard Oil enmiiaiiy, tnkoti ros|)onniblllty for the debt. lUit elll held laat week with tho chairman at night there will be a review of farm now occupied by Mr. Bennett lo his business and of having mot c of $£7,705.19. Tl.o Increases arc all Gu.:-.slr,j.'iir Et»ld the committee could ill address tho banquet, nnd J\\OW a tlio township olllriala have not given, of tho auao board ot comroevco and owned by his father, Jamoa Bennett most *;;r.tlrely due to demuitds for irn- motion picture ill in ot Ooi.m^l up hope of making tho nine grand- the troop mounted, Tho ceremony timo for the enjoyments of life. Tho not afford to spend that much money 1 navigation. Mr. Sanborn atatos that at night is open to tho public. of Marlboro. buulncsa was established by his fath- prGVUnerils and inctoastd pufollc ser- for oiie light, but thnt an attempt Charlrs l-Iiidberph'u tour of tin rhildren of Mr. Houuer pay tho bill for Inn bonrcPln thn pnHt and also fof the chairman of this board favored Inspection night will mark tho clos- er, Edward S. Allaire, in 1R73. The vice. would he made to make conditions United States Mr. Baker wns fonn nn appropriation by the legislature Among tho appropriation increases er.iy a lieutonant in the United .Stales i tlio futuii1. Mr. IIou:;*u' pa.'iflc-d his ing of a contest for new members. first olllco of this real estate and In- safer by placing- a- reflector light yat 1 to build the dam and that as a pre- Tho troop lint) been divided Into surance bualricss was at the home of arc $1,700 for police, $],250 fur fire this point. army ,.nnd ho now'pivo.s lefturr ^ on C'.'lh birthday lar.fe week. liminary atop tho board would recom- FRIENDS MEET IN PERU. the lubrication of airplane "inotorrf. Mrs. Truex conducts a prlvatd teams In tlie contest. Tho trooper tho elder Allaire on the north side, oX "•'jTicport WD,H brought In on tlie as- 1 mend tho passage of a bill by the who obtains tlie most members will East Front street. In lS73','wiien tbe 'for"ii'j'i>tK,'$i,o66 for I»or.r and $2r>(j lor sessments for sidewalks on tlie north- In his travels lm JJOPS Uy nil plain . home nenr Acbury Park for aged and legislature for n survey of tho river. receive a nllver cup. Tho officers of TWO RED BANK FLYERS HAVE Allulrc real estate and Insurance the townnhlp library. Tho total fire ern end of Applegatc -street. The as-Mr. linker Hjiokn to the Red" Hnnk indigent persons. Mora than tw.» Mr. Sanborn states that the bill will the troop will give a dinner for the business was sfarted, all the insur- appiupriation Is $33,209, as against club mtinibci-a last Fnltritary. year:! aj;'* Mr. Houser wna sent to AN ACCIDENTAL MEETING. | sessment commissioners were Wil- parry an appropriation ot 510,000 for members 7 a wetli. Fora tlni'i rlonir both Hirtoa of the river and and Arthur Capcn. ISunU Flying Field last \ear. house on the cast side of Broad street, prtsent number of flro companies tion of a stretch in front of George banquet on tliy financial uonditiun | the townnhip paid the "board and for many persona whose lands-would be Walter Wlpprqcht, a Texas aviator which building Is now occupied by iihould not ho increased and that. If and civic work of thVolub, and thn I a timo tho grandchildren paid the Fifteen mombora of the troop are who wan employed laat Bummer as Day's property. Mr. Day refused to flooded by tho creation of tho lulio, faking Instructions in Indoor polo the American Stores company. Sub- any increase wero made the new club's future prospects. A similar board, but for tho part tbe bljll have signed In favor at tho project. n pilot at the JJted Bank Alrvicw fly- allow sidewalks to be laid there be- playing from Lieut, Robert Llnfon. sequently tbe business was moved to company or companies should not re- cause it would be necessary to tuki; banquet waa held about n year QR"O went unpaid until it has tun up to Ho says that tho signers own up- ing Hold, and George R. Johnson, a the second floor of tho John B. Ber-ceive any part of tho township fire at. the Smoke Shop and many of the about. $700.. _ Instructions! will ba given Monday member of a Long Branch photo- out some Irees to do so. Mr. San. 1 wards of 78,000 foot along the river nights after drills. Inter-troop polo gen building on the.west side of money until after tlie budget was predictions then made have bccniru Mrs. Truex threatened to suo tho i on both Bides and that ho had found graphing firm and an Alrvlew aerial born stated that the township com- teams will bo organized. Broad street, now owned by Albert made up tho following year. Another mittee should put down tho side- realities.. Thomas S. Field, Jr., will township for the money due to her very llltlo opposition to tho measure, photographer, met recently at Lima, 3. Miller. The agency moved to its resolution W;IG passed to the feffact head tlio banquet committee nnd tho for tiie board of Mr. IIouBor, Th? Most of tho opposition to tho project, The troop basketball team played Pcru^ Tho men wevo In Peru on walks nnd make Mr. Day pay for lt;i drat game of the season Thursday present location in the George Hance that t he township committee would them. The committeemen said they other memberi; of Iho committee will tmvnfehlp ofllcialH took tho attlUid-. he said, came from owners of pus- widely different missions. They knew Patterson building on the west side not'; the fire appropriation be named next \Vednesdny night. Hint it was nut up to. them but up tu turo lands nenr T'lntnn Falls, whose night nt Fort Hancock and was de-each other through their connections would give consideration to this mat- feated by the score of 82 to 17. Fort of Broad litrcet March 25th. 190(5, unlor;:; the people showed at a refcr- ter at a later meeting. Tlicodoro 1>. Mooi-c, Red riank dis- tlio nine grandchildren of Mr. Hous- landa would bo Hooded if the lake ot the Red Bank Hying field, but their where it baa remained continuously eiulurii that they wanted such an in- Hnneock has one.of the best basket- Special ollicors to servo without trict iiupcrintendtMit of the Jersey or tn pay the bill. The grandchildren wore formed. Ho thought this oppo- meeting in Peru waa accidental. ever since. Central power «nd li^iil. company, nro Clinton II. WllleU, Eilwaru Wil- sition would bo lai-Rcly decreased ball tarna in this section. Two. of the salaries anil members of the township playorij have boon stars on the court Mr. Johnson waa connected with Tho budget will come up .for a polirn fornn wero appointed, for and John Sanfor?!, a chnulTeur''"oi' Ictt, Cornelius Willett, Ilurltui.' I* when thnso owners were shown tho py Tho present Kdward R. Allaire Ilcd Hfiult and Now York, are nrw Hr-mlrickson, Anita K, Dlnkolncrg, 1 1 l OnO o IH HahnHh , whho n New York concern and lie con- hearing ata spuclal meeting Thursday the ensuing year. The special of- Increased value of their uplands by fol several joined his father in the real estate night, Fi'liniiiry "71 li. It will probably inqrnbcrH of the club. Louis Hcni- Penelope Kilert, Grace Francis, Lou- reason of their frontage on tho lake. NFI u member of tho Went Point buu- tracted to do tfomo a-erlnl nurvey ficers are Robert T. Foster, Geoigc lcotba.ll team, and tho other la An- and insurance business in 1SD0. He receive its final reading at that time. drlcks or tho Koyport Aero-niarlnn ise Hendrickson nnd Norman Pad- mapping for them in Peru. His work had previously been employed with Mott, Charles Poole, J, M. Johnson, gela, wVio was a member of the waa to make mapa by aerial photo- l£rtw:iril Hou^liVon, who Is postmas- Jr., Joseph Suspeoskl, William J, Klein corporal ion will join the club dock. CHANGE IN BROKERS. famou3 Celtics. Tho Red Bank lino- the Homo insurance company of New ter of Lincroft and a Justice of the at its next meeting. graphy of the Interior of Peru along York, his service with the company Cole, W. W. Miller, William Lovejoy, , Tho township committco met last' up comprised Charles Oakerson and tho Amazon river. Mr. Johnson's em- peace. pre3cnted a petition with 21) Lester Thome, Kdward S, Banks Thursday night ami Mrs. Truox waa John McClaln forwards, Frank Kais- beginning In 1888, on his graduation signatures for the appointment of It. J. Farkell Now Connected WHli ployers arranged with tho Peruvian from the Red Bank public school. and Theodore Schreibcr. The mem-WONT XWN F0K FKKKIIOLDKK. present with her lawyer, Mr. Potter. 1 er center and William Dowlen and James T. Sodon of Lilacrof t as u. con- J. I . Bcnknrd & Co. government for Mr. Johnson to teach On entering his father's business he bers of the fire polico force aro Al- The lawyer briefly reviewed the Btat- Henry Fix guards. Substitutes wero aerial photography to government stable. Mr. Boughton stated that Mr. bert E. Longford, James C. Marvin. Thonuis IJ. Day Has no Aspirations ns of thn case from hia client's view- Kalph J. Parltell of Broad street, Percy McDonald, Gerald Kadenbach. employees In return for tho use of retained his connection with the Sodon was well qualided for the of- Home insurance company. In 1911 1 Edward Neff, George Blckens~niurAl -.Along This-Line. point nnd he wound up by asking -Who hns been local representative of Morrisi LcbofT and llano Keoslcr. government airplanes. It 'was while lici raid that Lincroft needed the pro- bert Bickens. whether tho township wndd pay tho tho Btock brokerage firm-of Pnrlicr, engaged In tills work that Mr. John- he completed his 25th year of asso- tecVion"'ai'fordcd by having a con- A report was published in several : ciation with the' Home insurance Permission waa granted to the papers that Thomas B. Bay of Kist board' bill for Mr. Houser In the fu- McElroy & Co. of New York, ]i»; yon met his former Red Bank friend stable. Tho petition was fdod for con- ture. He said Mrs. Truex fully be- WITH T1IK HI-MS. company and in token of bis service sideration. Sculthorpe realty company, to lay anHbui'K would bo a candidate for transferred his connection to ilir at Ijlma. > of a quarter of a century he was ac- water mains on the streets of its de- the Itejniblican nomination for free- lieved that the township would pay brokerage firm of J. P. Benkard & Secretary of Now Yurie Lodgo Millies Mr. Wipprccht after leaving Ked Thomas 1J. Day, who Is township velopment near Leonardo, whieh in the 1)111 because the boarder had been Co., members of the New York corded a. large guld medal, with the holder'at tho prinuiry election rt.'xt II Visit IIlMf. Dank became chief pilot of the Inter- inscription that it was. given to him director of public works and .super- known as Atlantic. Highlands Har- Juno. Thitj .ropyrt is not true, Mr. sent to tho home by the order of the -etook exchange, tho chango becoming state airways corporation at Chicago. visor of township roads, sent to the dens.' Water will be provided by thn overseer of the poor. Ho ealdthat effectlvo Friday of thin wnok. Wllllnm T. PIllllljlM, past In recognition of 25 years of contin- Day, who is supervisor of l'oads and Later ho "became connected with nj uous representation of the Home In- commitloonien a lotted which had municipal water plant of Atlantic director of public works of Middl If tho township did not intend to pay Mr. Parkcll will retain tho suite of I'lilor of tlio New York lodge corporation which conducts airplane j been mailed to him by the state pub- Highlands. The township commilten tho 'bill In the future Mrs. Truex : rooms In tho front of the second Horn nnd (he present secretary^ surance' company of New York. Hia town township, utattiij tliat he lias nger service routes In South; name Is "also inscribed In the olllcial eommlsslon. The letter will ask the Sculthorpo company to not at any time considered becoming would deliver Mr, Houaer at tlm of tho Whltlleld building im l-Jron lodge, paid a fraternal vli 'lea. Ho wan sent 'to TPeru and related to the ' railroad crossing at have hydrants put on tho streets in home of Chester Henry of Bclford, street, opposite Monmouth street, m • l:od Ijnuk lodge last Thursday night. roster of the insuranco\ company, a candidate for freeholder and that Mr. Johnson happened to bo bio first along with others wlio had continu- Fair View. The New York and Long question. he cannot imagine how the story the- present overseer of tho poor. in addition to his present holdin;.; lu Mi'. Phillips has been Identified olll- passenger after arriving there. branch railroad company has been will have a largo reception room in t:lally with the Now York lodge for ously represented the company ,25 A resolution was passed expressing started. Mr. Day states that he will Turning to William E. Foster, th« Mr. Johnson expects to finish his years. Mr. Allaire last year com- trying to obtain permission to place tho sympathy of the committeemen run for re-election as road super- township counsel, Albert N. Bunyon, tho rear of tho building on tho same many years. Ho Is a meniberof. the- WSrK in Peru and to return to Red flashlight signals at' this crossing, iloor. nrund "loilgo ritualistic committee pleted his 40,lh year in tho Insurance for the. family of the late George C visor. Ho says that his choice lor tht» chairman of the townBhlp com- ' Bank this year. During the world and real estate business. Under the The committee has refused to grant, Henry of Belford. Mr. Henry was freeholder Is Frank Scott of Fair mlttec, asked what would happen If . • Tho reception room will bo linked Mr. Phillips told tho Red Bank Elks war Mr. Johnson taught aerial photo- permission for this to be done bo- with the main offices by direct tele- of tho founding of the order and ho new arrangement Mr. Allaire will prominent In public life In Middle- View, provided that frflr. Scott will con- Mr. Henry delivered Mr. Houaer at graphy In tho United States army. continue as head of tho Allaire real crtuse of the fear that the company town township and at one time hi- sent to run. Mr. Scott was until re- the homo of any ono of the grand- phones and prlvato messenger oer traced Its growth through Its Gi years Mr. Johnson Is one of three men would not retain the flagman at the vlco and ticker Information will bo of existence to tho present time. estate and insurance''company. represented Monmouth county in the cently supervisor oC roads of Mon- children. Mr. Foster replied that this fvom whom Commander Richard crossing if the lights were put up. II state assembly. mouth county. Previous to holding rnmilta would "probably be bail tor available in tho reception room an Charles WclWiU.-ikt of Perth Amboy, Byrd, who l;i now in tlio Antarctic throo of tho new members of hail been stilted that the compuny well as In tta^Mf VW 8' slate vico president, told of the line 1 w py Mr. Grossinger reported that he this position lie waa supervisor of the township. Ho said the best regions, selected the aerial photo* tho Edward S. Allaire agency are had J ordered by the state utili- had Invefitipated the matter of hav- roads of Middlntown township. Many course for the committee to follow lKSiA Is work by tlie 1)18.district In grapher for his present expedition. graduates of the Ked Bank high the ritualistic contests. At tho close ties commission t6 put up lights at ing hydrants placed at East Keuns- of his friends have importuned bin was to pay the board bill and assume Tho choice did not fall on Mr. John- school. Burton T. Doremus, after his the crossing and in order to clear up burg1 and that he had found the to run for frc-clioldety. but ho has responsibility for Buch bills In tho fu- BED BANKER CONVICTED. of tho meeting a supper waa served son, but on another of the three can- graduation from the Red Bank in tho grill room. Edward O'Brien this matter Mr. Day got first-hand water pressure to be insufficient to not yet made any statement as to ture, even though tho grandchildren didates for the place. schools, took a course in engineering might well be able to do this. Mr. Henry Coy Given Two Years for of Runison, tenor soloist, song several information. make hydrants practical. The Ideal whether ho will do so or hot. The at. Cornell university. He was with The letter from Beach water company provides wa ter members of the county board of free- Foster then went on to explain how lloubory and Receiving Goods. selections,, accompanied on tho piano the Fairbanks-Mor3c' company o£ Mr. Day to the b^uStanley Farrar. Elmer Shelly dl- FOB WAI/TEK B. CONNOR. committee contained a report made for East Keansburg. holders whose terms expire this year it would be possible by legal action Henry Coy, a Red Bank colored Bcloit, Wisconsin, for a tlmo and he by an inspector of tho public utilities are Harry G. Borden and Borden A. to got back for the tofrnshlp from e\i rendered vocal selections. ' afterward for four years was with Henry Pulsch of Port Monmoulh man, 42 yeara old, was convicted at A Testimonial Dinner for a Doughty commission as to conditions at the was appointed township fire warden. Jeffrey. the grandchildren the money which tho General Motors company. For 1 Freehold last week on charges of On Thursday night, February I4th, Old-Timo Fireman. crossing in question. This report did Besides holding this position, Mr. the township taxpayers would Havo robbery and receiving stolen goods. the Red Bank Elks lodge will re- the past three years he has been asso- not recommend flashlights at the to expend for tho maintenance of Mr. ciated with his father, Newton Dore- Pulsch is chief of the township fire "THE GOOD OLD REGISTER." Coy was accused of entering tlie ceive an ofilelal visit from R. L. Von- A testimonial dinner will bo given crossing but did state that either a department. Ifousor. Mr. Foster read a letter , Mindori, district deputy of the central Monday night, February 18th, nt tho mus, in Mr. Doremus's various enter- premises of Howard Hilbbs on River flagman or flashlights would be satis- The committee meeting; was very Former Residents Now in Vermont which had been written by Mr. Wall- street and taking some auto tirofi. district. Molly Pitcher Grill on Riverside ave- prises. Young Mr. Doremus Is secre- factory. The report recommended ing and which showed that Mr, Wall- nue at Red Bank for Walter B. Con-tary of tho Red Bank board of real- largely attended and it did not ad- Bead About Old Homo Folks. Hubbs found the lock on his garage that there be an overhcad'crossinp journ until nearly midnight ing had ordortiil Mr. Houser tent to broken. Thinking ho mlnht catch iln- DAIBY SOCIAL CXUB OFFICERS. nor by tjio Micldletown township ilro tors, vlco presitlent of tho Red-Bank at this placu. The township cuuut iL- : • M. G. Smith ut East Bethel, Ver- Mrs, Trucx's home. thief he got a revolve;- and hid In his department. Mr. Connor has just Land and Loan company, secretary tce passed a resolution that it would mont, a former resident of this sec- automobile. Ho said Coy soon ap- Election Held by Employees of the- finlshod 25 years or service as pres- of the Riverside Gardens apartment do everything in its power to have TO FLAY CHESS AT NEW YORK. tion, in renewing his subscription Thero jwas a long discussion about peared and picked up the tiros. Af- Puritan Dairy. ident of the firemen's relief associa- corporation, and treasurer of the' the flagman retained at the crossing to The Red Bank Register snys the matter. It was brought out that tion of Middletown township. It is In Shrewsbury Holding company. This was taken to mean that no per- Ked Bank Men Havo Accepted u his family finds timo to read the last March Judgo Stelnbnch had Is- ter a long chasQ he caught Coy .iiut Tho Puritan dairy social club is sued an order that each of tho grand- hold him until tho police arrived. Coy appreciation of this work that the Hubert M. Farrow's folks moved mission would bo granted to put up Challenge For February. "good old Register" every week In tho nnmo of an organization formed firemen arc giving tho dinner. They children should pay $1 a week for mado a complcto denial of tho to Red Bank In 1914. Two years flashlights. Henry C. McLean, who The Red Bank chess club has ac-spite of the fact that they have born by tho employees of the dnlry, which wanted to elect Mr. Connor presi ncted as spokesman for tho Fair very busy of late ^ottinp: settled after the hoard of'Mr. Houser. This would charges. Ho claimed ho waa merely Is located, at Shrewsbury. Olllccra later Hubert graduated from tho Rod cepted a challenge to meet the Crest- hiive-^yielded S9 a week, of which suiu pnssing Hubbs'o placo nt the tlmo. dent of the association for another Bank high school. Ho. took a two- View residenls who want tho flagman a firebug had set fire to their burtid woro chosen laat week. They are term, but ho declined this honor, wood chess club of Westchester, New $2 was to be applied to tho board duo After tho verdict was announced year course in the University of Penn- retained, thanked tlie committeemen York, during February. The con- and destroyed them. In the fire thcir Daniel W Martin president, Irving stating that he thought it was timo for their action. herd of twelve Guernseys, two of for the pusljinil $7 waa to bo tiffed. Judgo Stelnbach sentenced Coy to Rlchter vico president, John Egan sylvania. Then he went with the tests will bo played at the city of- for the present. It was stated that two 'j-cara In stato prison. for someone else to take over the Dupont do Nemours company, and them registered,, wero destroyed. secretary nnd Raymond Stcarnn duties. Although Mr, Connor has William Lovejoy said the Central fice of one of Jic New York club Clinlon B. Willett, ono of tho grand- treasurer. Tho club has about 25 after that with the New York and railroad company had placed a flash- members. Last year the Crestwood children, had evinced a deep- interest ^ lived for several years at the Elks New Jersey telephone company. Since HANDLING LARGE I'l^ANES. members and meets Thursday nights. home at Red Bank, ho has retained light signal at the Thompson avenue club defeated the Red Bankers twice AIRPLANE MI&HANIG HURT. In tho matter and had contributed The purpOMe of tile club la to provide May 1st- he has been connected with crossing at ICast Keansburg, but that at New York. considerably for the support of Mr. hla interest in the fire relief associ- the Doremus real estate company. m Vernon Treat In Gi'tdiig Hxperlencc pleasant tlmeu for the members. The ation of Mlddletown township and in thn signal was covered with canvas The Red Bank club mot Innt wnek Houser but that tho other grand" In That I.I110 at Detroit. club Is contemplating holding a ball Robert G. Macdonald is a son of He Had a Short Fall Hut It Brufco children after paying their- propor- the fire company of Navcalnlt. He and waa not used. Mr. Lovejoy also at Alford Schaffer'a real estate ofllce His Anklo. Vernon Ti-oat of Anbury Pnrlt, n baa been a member of the Nave- the late Robert G. Macdonald and a mado a complaint about tho con-on Broad street and the 'members tionate slmro for a few weeks had nephew of Mr. Allaire. He graduated dition of Ohio avenue at East Keons- played another lap on • their club Lars Olsen of River Plaza, a me- ceased to make further payments. former Instructor tn aviation at the sink fire, company thirty years. chanic at the Airview flying field, ia Red Bank Alrvicw Hying field, is HospUnl Auxiliary. Meeting. from the Red Bank high school in bui-K. Thomas S. Roberts, tho nciing tournament. The names of the lead- According to the court ordor tho 1019, and then spent three years at township clerk, was directed to send ing contestants and the number of able to be about on crutches after money from tho grnndchildran was to spending two weeks at llu; Ford air- Tho regular'meeting of tho Red having broken a bone in hia ankle plane- plant at Detroit to acquire ex- Card Tarty at Atlantic Highlands. tho New York university, taking u o. letter to the railroad company games they have won nnd lost are: be turned over to th<> township over- Dank auxiliary of tho Spring Luke special accounting coarse. Since then while working nt the UyUu; Held, tie perience in handling largo Ford tn- hospital will be held next Monday af- The Altar and Rosary society of about the light at that crossing. The Lost seer of the poor. At the tlmo appli- he has been associated with his un-complaint about Ohio avenue was re- was repairing the roof of tho han-cation for the court ordor was mado motorod nlrshlps. Mr. Treat Is em- ternoon at tho Woman's clubhouse St. Agncs'a church of Atlantic High- Bcnjntnln VnnVlict . o gar when tho ladder on which he ployed by tho Fltcalrn flying corpor- lands will hold a prc-Lentcn 'card cle, Herbert W. Hill, head of Hie cer- ferred to Mr. Day. Walter T. 1'ilRrem , on Brood street. Lenten sewing fni- tified accounting firm of Hill, Bieth Willlnm I.. 1-ViKuaoi was standing- slipped from under him S25t was duo to Mrs. Truex for bade ation as nn airmail pilot between the hospital will begin atthc meet- party Monday night. February 11th, James W. Kelly of Newark, who and he Cell to the ground. He ex- board. at St. Agnes'a school auditorium. & McMahon of New York. owns a summer residence at Ideal Chp/rica Croft Hadley nlrport nt New Brunau'lok. Ing. Clajgncc Fillet . ,.. pects to be able to use his ankle in Mr. Foster stated that when it be- Now Jersey, nnd Florida. Whllo at Prizes will be awarded and refresh- Thero will be no change in the of- Beach at East Keansburg, asked the I.con Heussillc, Jr., about three weeks, ments will he served. Mrs. John Hal- fice force of the new concern, and committeemen to adopt a building R',3 came apparent that tho grandchil- Detroit lie will pilot a Inrgo Fort! Magistrate's Court Edwin L. Bccknuin i dren wt'to no4*going to keep up the plnne over one of tho Ford passenger for Monmuuth county All com- Icrnn la chairman of the committee the three, employees of Mr. Allaire code, or to establish a building «>ne in charge of the affair. will .continue with tho new Jlrm, Working For n CIUIIIHMIKP. payments, he mado application for routes. Mr. Treat Is a incinhci of plaints promptly Investigated, Bad nt Ideal Beach. .Ho said that on a William Hurdlng Flics to Florida: nceounta and chocks collected. Day Joseph Winifred Aul, who has been lot 25 feet wide, adjoining his sum- Thn newly organized fhh and $;un ii.ili.M-j to bo Issued tn summon- the tho Red Rank noro club. 4 ^rnmlehtldri'n' Into court to show and nlnlit service. Just'lco Elmer CI Pug Foods, Loading Brands. ofllco manager for Mr. Allaire for mer residence, two small bungalows Wllllnm Barclay Hardin^nf Rum- club of West, ll.'d Hunk will ( \Wilnrli;ht. A Patterson nvenuo (near thirty yearn, will continue in that son left last week via the^alr route causu why they should not he cited New Jewelry for Old. I'load ;;lreet). Shrewsbury. N. ,1.. tele Old Trusty foods. Old Mother Hub- were being built and that t: s crowd- of a trout rod on the co-operative Havo your old, antiquated, discard- bard, Kosc's. Bonempal, Perfection, capacity. Miss Mazle P. Meredith, ing of bulkllnxu on small lots Im- for Palm Beach, Floiidn, where he In contempt of court for having Ift- phono 4 AIM Broad street, Red plan next mon'.M, Tho club will uao novt'd the court order. Mr. Foatev ed Jewelry mado Into fashion's late.-s* rnnl;. by appointment only.—Advcr Spratt's foody, Gnlnes foods, etc. daughter of the lute. John Meredith, paired the value of neaTby property. expects to spend two weeks. He mado. the money to help buy a lot, for a creations Our special ile.tlgntng anil Ooro-Meato,.wholesale-ami retail. Full who has been In Mr. Allaire's oflice the trip hi his Waco airplane. The sukl iliat tho nppliention for such ac- remounting department can remodel ihiemcnl. Mr. Kolly wanted, action taken to clubhouse sito. At. tho !nh ( lino of dog sweaters, blankets, etc. nineteen years as confidential clerk, plane was overhauled and tuned up tion h.'ul not boon granted yi)t but your old-fa-shloiieil Jewelry Into Uu Dogs boarded, heated kennels, largo prevent more building of this kind. meetings ;uc> at thr Urdu p, Chiropodist. will retain that position. Miss Anna Mr. Kelly's remark's were reinforced at the Alrvicw Hying field before th« Unit ho Moped It would bo later. Ho daintiest of brooches, lavallerr), flex- Dr. Frances .Oiuke Cosier will Individual yards. Orders delivered. trip. of Union lire company. advi.-io.l tin: committee to pay tho ible t)i-acelets, weildlng bundd, dlnficr DO^H called for. Woodholm Kennel Gould, daughter of Mrs. Anna Gould by Mr. Lovejoy, who said ho -would rings or many other articles. The ninltn appointinr-ntn by tclophono In of Long Branch, will remain as the hoard bill, stating Hint It was a rca- come to you when needed. Telephone Food Supply Co., Oceanport, phone circulate a petition for such action U-Oriv^-It. cost Is very reasonable, ljot us anh 1-ong Branch 322(1 —Advertisement. office stenographer. to he taken. The committeemen said . This Happens Only Onco ' nonaljlo charge and logully duo to lOntontown 1IM-M. Imtwnon 8:()D V M : Rent a car—drive it yourself. [Itiu- mlt samples nnil. akvtche.t of what In a long time: Modern, up-to-dato f on, Kam!x and other curs. You payMrs. Truex. He suld ho hr-llovcd it can bo done for »ou. No obligation nucl lO.OH P. M. —Advertisement. they would give consideration to thn t'uko Salo matter when tho ..petitlon was pre-home, six rooms and bath, glass en- ly tlio mihi, hour or day. J'Jst 111:-' would ho II'.HK expensive In tlm end of course. Ye Gem Shoppe, (19 Hrorul f closed porch, screened open pordi, owning tmu youmolf- only ch^ii fbr Iho towu.-;hlp to do this than to ntreet, Red Bank.—Advertisement. Vor Sale. by River Plaza Community club Sat- Tlio Art Kraft Slioppe Hoda Water, all flavor^, malt bov- urdny, February 2<1, nt 0:00 A. M., at Is.havlnK Its annual February sale. porte coehero, fireplace, liar lu-ood anil l)ottcr becraj^o wo take euro n.-ik a light lit tho courts wllh Mm. oruges and distilled water, BenJ. II Truex store, Broad street, Reil Bank. Extraordinary value for quality I'Addison Sanborn of River Plaza Hoots, artistic decorations through- your truublrs. Tho Long Cranch True*, lli' said there would bo op* Motill Wwithnrstrlps merchandise All the beautiful out, gas, water, electricity, lu>t air Ij-Iirivo, ,*;.")M I-iroJKitvay, next ta CIlV pnrtunlty Inter to gi-t thn money for (.•itite. 11 North l'ii«li:(! aveiiuo. Ivc i,r phone L'M.'l Mon- .'.'Mi.-if.Kitory for the pre.iotit. rihe re- Every Wedmsduy Night Ordom Being Talcvn Highlands, N. J., phone 322-J.—Adver- Trinity Lutheran church of Red ATr. Kanbonn said that a promise-had phone Red Bank '2 -VX). --Adwrtlse- Is Vlctqr night nt Tustlnn's. Mon for chleU ittarter. A3k ua aijout It. ment. _ mouth f-o m (!D,, V Uroad i.treot, lied lillcd Hint this would hn mulafurtory. mouth street, near Bronil street tisement. Wank on Wednesday, Fehruary Olh, not been ltcpt \o Imve a drain ind'le Hank, Open 7:"H t-> 8:00 Wedncsdnv In tin: MU'anltmt* tho township nil- < Balrd. Davlson fc Co., 1(1 West Front in tho Episcopal parish house. Sup- 1 1 Radios, rolls, orthophonlc victiola.i, on Oeorge tstropt^ Jle complained Justice of tho lVure. evening.-- Ad vt?r' i • 'iiMMit. t hurlti. ;!, ll(Tor ^ making (Uiothiir pay- utreet, Roil Uanlc.—Advertisement. Fourth Annual Ball, per nerved fiom 5:30 to 8:00 P. M. nbout th's condition of a gutter at Criminal and civil ca.-^a given rccordB nnd pre-eminent nmUes ot benefit of Red Bank fire department, Tickets, $1.00.—Advertisement. ment, will rmli'nvnr to >?nt tho money uprlfrht and grand pianos. Bring tins tho intornontton of Hubhnrd nvonuo ptompt anil careful attention. OHUm t'oinlmr whkh thoy say should rightfully be fnntliy tonight. AdvcitlacmenL Typewriter II<'ii(].|iiurJorM. at Rmoko Shop Tavern, Wednesday. open from 70(1 A. M. until I).Oft P. 41. February t>! !i ['iibiic -inle of Typewriters rented, bought and February Oth, M20. Music by Smoke and Foster street. Mr. Sanborn fiald i paid by tho grandchildren, Top Soil, Fill Dirt, that Churli'.i Tlrcnker hnd had a ilnlly except Sunday. Gilbert M, cult! f.irt i'nm' hliK.:ry, tool.*', sold. TrubinV T)S Broad street, Ucd Shop Tavern Orchestra. Admission, grading of nil kinds, also roadway Keith. 2 Wallace street. Ked Haul', U-.i> n»n.t;u' favnx, Money to I.nan Bank.—Advertisement. ono dollar.— Advertisement, atrnet light put up at hi5) own ex- hnv, TO in. i on first mo.uuiKe on approved real built; Lakowoou Band, washed gra- next to Western Union.—Advertise- ,IT'' liaMwlt on Ma- Money lo loan vel, ulug, cinders, bluo stone. Prices pense at the corner of West Front ment. ' ^ nrur I-'ir:'!u)hl.- Advcr- estate In Red Rank and vicinity Trl-Montlily Hance, Miisquerado Dance, reasonable. Howard G. Rosovelt ntreet and George street and that halupan i nn firrjt mortKuiio <»n npproveit r^a! Citizens Building and I,onn Associa- L 1 ti.iorr.ciU. Port-ail Peck IU'. company, Port-all- nupplccj Uiver Plu;:a Community phono 10B3. Red Bank,—Advcrtiac- tho township should take over ami Kudio Hepalr Man. fotnto In Hod IVmk anil vicinity, tion, enro .Second National Bank and I'eek. N. J.. Snumlay,»February Si), tnenL Daniel flancock,.cx\icrl radio repair-. fJlfzcfia UitlltlUtK aad LItaly. fif:« Choi Ar- r Monmouth Radio For appointment ., i riiiit Co., Ked Jiurdi. -Advflrtlfloiwnl ( Dr. Dunn. Burgeon Chiropodist. Ira, Refreshments and Tick-' Cow Mrmuro lor Sale. Mrt'Day. , p eta, f>0 cents.—Advertisement. phone Red Bank 2R12, or call at Cl-A ,',,,'„,.. ;••:; w _ Homo 2:0U until 11:00 dally Sci: Mli-rlluk, About 25 to 30 carloads of cow ma- 1 nn li:'i.-nirnt, SavM Tlmo und I'nnmy. tho most ecomftnlcai disinfectant. nure, with short straw bedding, from V*\\i\ Po.Hten of Naves in K enm- Wli'lln-atrcet. Red nnnlt.-Advertist- | '"'"- ";'"' " ^ ••'I Nutlnnal Hunk building PhoiM ment. I.t.-t nil "Uiiit your runs; olity $2 for '.'li'A Uoil Bank -Advertisement. Bahil, D.-IVIHOII & Co., 10 West street. Itadlo. pur own dairy. Inquire 12. A- 1*.plftinod about the condition of the Well Uottc\! —Ailvertlacment. \\ Stromborg-Cnrlaon and R. C. A. Feiron, 109 Chestnut avenue, Irvlng- road between Nave!dnk and Chape! Any quantity, doliveiiul. »*.ri Srcoml iitti'ttt. Phono Ucd llanfr 15IS,—-Ad« ton, N. J.—Advfrtlseincnt. . First JVIortgngtt Mont-y I'limon mid Hnrvlro cinipleto A. C. power uota. $77 to Hill. This matter way rcfererd to to loan on Red Bank real eslnle avenue, l.oiif;' liranch, jilumo l!(iS-J,-- the b You Oof. Ynwr «>3.V-Advertineinont. .^ Tninut'1.'; for Indigestion and gaii.-- mont • ' until your automobile goes dead, The need of strtict Ughtn on Keri- commission required. Address Fiisl NVvv Huns tor Old. for "T n My Attvtt <»'"f- Ailvcvtlwmcnl. '• . . . Havo your Ignition checked at D. A tucliy avenue, Dakota nvenun nnd Mortgage, drawer M. Hunk.—Ail- Have von i- ruru phampoocrt nt ment. TVtloy-ii For T> pi>\vrltor» Diinco JohnBon Co- 8, 15-17 Mechanic street, Ohio avenue at East Kcansburg wan vertl:cniont. I.uin'j), nn Wbito fitrqot. Plieno ifnd Ailing machines. 17 Broal Ton-Payment 1'lan. by Atlantic township fire Company phono 3C0, Hod Bank,— Advei'tiso- npolun of. Albert K. Uuhyon, chair- f.ank lo'.-t- Ailvn vi^cnu'iit- Tnxirdnort I'or lltrtt. ^rwpl IV;* B'tnl:-Advert Inemcnl. No. 1, nt Colt's Neck uchoolhouse. Have You pot Ymir Tickets Hulls $'-'- "ill up. ut JinnnlncfB, 01, man of tho towr.fiilp itl for "Take My Advice",?—Advertise- P, T. sU*#ti I'liijiil rtlifti't. upatnlra, Red Bank.— Friday, Febiimry 1st. Music by "Take My Advice."— Advertisement, —AdvultlaoHwnl, i "lake My Advice."—Advertisement. Atlvui'liticnicnL Guodc'a orchestra.—Ailvevliaeioent. Ny Advice."—AUvci'tlaomont staled that provtaioa haa been niivdo jncnU I. Page *f wo RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 30, 1929. POt-ND FISHING ENDS. IUVEK PLAZA NEWS, tr.aking final arrangement!) for .'> tut sale which they will hold Satuid;iy fishermen Now Flannlng fur Club £vt>nts Briny Entertainment at the Truox store on Uroad sircut AUCTION SALE Supply of Poles. the Mid winter Season. at Ilcd Bank. Pound fishing fllonji the North .lel- Mra./Wllllam Harkenberger. who — m • ««> Is a Itcfure-recitaliot, w«a the gues TIKTON FAI4.S NEWS. _OF- spy coast Is over unty the middle of . \ March. Tlie pound men have removed of honor at a reception given, by Mrs, Henry C. llecklem. her slatGV-in-law George WKhry tu Build a Die Chick Ihoit nets and are now planning to on House on His Turin. \mit their spring supply.,of polca. 1 he last Thursday afternoon. Members of i cost of poles each year amounts to the Woman's club of Rtver Plaza George Wlthey will build a* laisu 19 Horses and Mules, Harness, I many thousnnd dollars. Most of ti^em wore present, Mrs, Harkc.nbersei chicken houso on hla '{arm on ihc i are hickory and oak and come'from gave a talk on music and played SMX- Eatontown road. The foundation and 1 North Cnrolina, where they coat be- ophone selections. A delightful after- first floor of the building aro up. Mr. tween . $2i> and $30 each on the noon was spent. VVithey owns the farm formerly, oc- Trucks, Etc. . ground. With the coat of transput*- Forty persons attended a soi.iat cupied by J. Hull Mcl-ean, who IH • I talion the expense for poies for each meeting held by the Community club now living In Florida. -, 4 - « — , , «, l x A i_ o l 'pound Is over $1,000. It requires 35 Tuesday night of last week and yot • Patrick McCuo has returned fion, lots of laughs out of a one-act sketclv Cuba, where ho tipent several wei.'ko Corner or Stratford and Mokes Avenue, Asbury rark, pu[CS fo, a poumj. They arc between entitled "What Ails Maria Jenksr' tn'••CDnipany"wtth-ii~NeW"lYoi'k Tola- "~ "~ ------., 73"^iTcI^Vi7iVety *^oct* 2oiig; "" '•"• : The sketch was performed by Mrs tivc. Mr: McCue reports havlnjj had New Jersey, «•—-* —— Garwood Dube, Mrs. George Kaney a delightful time.. County Legion Men Meet. and Mlas Anna Paasch and the ren- E. H. Ehlngcr Is Improving from The Monmouth county American dition was very creditable. Games, his sickness and he Is now able to THURSDAY, JANUARY 31st, 1929, legion executive committee met at nk Crawford spent part of last v.'tck with bis uncle, Thomas Coo- ney of Shrewsbury, who is confined Machinery j to the house with sickness. William G. Pullum of New York, On the K. H. Kelly Farm, on road from Crawford's whu recently bought tho Campbell and Lcffcrson farms. Is having- some Corner to Everett, N. J., IV2 miles north of Holmdel, of til.; old outbuildings torn down on tlie Leffcrson property. In' the spring Neighbors will KNOW ho expects to make a big lot of im- TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 5th, 1929, ploi-enients on both farms. Mr. Pul- at 10:00 O'CIock A. M. lutn has been spending much of his time here of late. () The undersigned, about to give up farming, will sell_ to the highest 'ihc foundation and- part. qf^thft without being bidder, the following property: Team of grey hSlses, 8 years'old; brown' framework of Charles Hagerman's mare, 10 years old; grey horse. 10 ycars'old. The grey team weighs 3.300 1new house on the Freehold road are __uid__wlll work anywhjire: alLjiro. exceptionally good farm horses, Six >uj\. Mr, Hagerman is single, now, young cows, all will freshen in Muruti; S farm wagons, 2 grain drills. 3 •j'!.M'- is said that his house.wont Planet Jr. riding cultivators, 2 Case riding plows, four-horao disc, 80-tooth .be. .n bachelor's hall after ho moves wooden frame harrow, three-section iron harrow, I sets of farm harness, j in it. " power corn sheller, 1925 Ford (ruck, Fordson tractor, Oliver walking plow, I 't'bf congregation of '.he Reformed walking cultivators. McCormick mower, binder." McCormick side delivery i rh;:ich will hold a prayer meeting hay rake, three-row riding weeder. Paris green duster. A harrow, box tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. body, Hoovef potato digger. Asplnwall potato planter, horse clipping ma-1 -Russell Hculitt. Next Wednesday chine, three-row marker, hay forks, 00 angle fence posts, hay knife, plat-, night's meeting will be at the newly form scales. 40 potato barrels, tractor hitch for farm wagon. Meeker , l oi.-ircleled, home of Mr. and Mrs. smoothing harrow, bag truck. 5 brood sows, boar. 75 chickens, 400 bushels Jo'/t'Ph Lefferson. of com, 17 Ions of baVd hay. forks, hoes, shovels, and articles too niimcr.' Walter Shellacki is showing steady! OUB to mention: 3 pair good hay shelvings, A ton? loose hoy. Kitchen, 'ii'ii-rovenicnf^at the Red BanK hos-' bedroom and dining room furniture. : pita', from the injuries he received in a fall. He lias been getting bet- I TERMS:—All sums of fifty dollars and under, cash: on all sums over' trt ever since blood provided l»y his - fifty dollars, a credit of seven months will be given on bankable note with ; sjn. John Shellacki, was transfused approved security. 5r/,, discouni for cash over fifty dollars. ' : int't hi3 body. Mi.ny. residents of this place at- RAYMOND McCUE. it'iuicd I lie funeral of Mrs. Martin McCue of I,onpr Branch last week. GEORGIH. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. Z\]:* McCue was a native of this j place and her maiden nam» was I ALEX. McCLEES, Inside Clerk. Miry Stapleton. She was a siater of I JACK JONES, Outside Clerk. tho late John Stapleton of Colt's Neck. .. CATERER OS THE GROUNDS. - Th!mc]t! Lo John Kelly nnd family of Roselle spent Sunday of last week with Mrt. brand new car fromibeginniiigto end. It offers bis ear 1 performance produced-by,m ]>if», new L-head engine, Price* t't'xiiulup.S. o. b.factory,phisdcliicrychargcii; Bumper* At Vanderburg, N. J. Charles Kelly. ntul rear fctutrr fZutirrlti regular equipment, at. xlipht extra coat* Mrs. Joseph Eustace and son Rob- accurately balanced rotatinR parts, new and silent (Virrk OuUlmul-Vantiac. tlrlivcrvd jinVcs— they includo foicejt ert have recovered from severe colds. internal four-wheel brakes, Hotchkiss drive and mnny handling charges. Ccnrral Motors Time Pay ment Plan available Hs to h- oolcl arc >1 fnllnwi: Tja m Hark hnrsM, Miss Kloreucc Eustace, a teacher In addi tional mechanical features of equally high quality. al minimum rale* »n.l ? >-tai- oc! learn; team blar ; iiorBe*. »inK!" Mack i:orl«. ." CUR of the Kew York public schools,, bay horse. year? old, freshT i in r'flbniary; Guernsey eov was home several days last week clut In frmben . yenrs old: Helstc n fd», ir«>li .'"MrOrmiEk [ j to sickness. • •. h»y (ccld«r. I ni:.[ liiliOr Mrs. Charles Falcone' has returned Jir(r plnwj. J | •sr plo««. from a stay with Brooklyn friends. • In.-!. J Itoel . '.? ?-burs i tl ' "'I Mr. and Mrs. John Henry Hylin oarl < | Mr. nnd Mrs. John B, Brady, Mrs. T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc '.!' potato bodies. II bur •f\! Hjl] t double hnrnpns. net distributor. Kmpire | Mrs. John K. Rrqdy Is ablo to be 1 11 663 Broadway, Long Branch. 1205 Main St., 'Asbury Park, N. J. Eiiiif'drill." , " n pi;. :!•.<•. John ; mark«t waeon, about after having been sick with a M'l'nrmii " bav • hilv Phone 2168. Phono 1611. Brintjl'.nne. . llOD ill« 3 Bhovel. pfjLuto fork, 2 I slight attack of grip. ; Mr. nnd Mis. Raymond McCue at- s.hnr.f whifflefrccs, 5 ion li.Ir rn'ot ind tvilrlcr. tended the funeral of Mr. McCue's JOE LEVY T. F. Morford Motor Car Co., Inc; N.. 1 polulo plnot«r. ?. two- I ft mi t. Mis. Martin McCue . of Long 31 East Main Street, Freehold. 107 Main Street Avon. lurrow; hoi: rnrli, fapninc mill, turnip ! Branch, Inr.t Wednesday morning. stfet harrow. M«eker harrow, fprliliirr Doris . McCue has recovered from diitribut,i>!-. v iheh int' bay knifi . bsatn and t>ea scn]«j. crnve] body. ^ ; bronchitis. ,.hor-.r "!,; il« two-bor^^ neckyol.-e. ?. buijrsy polr<. tr'lck, 60.r ,1. ti bors» . rhain i William Warneker, head mechanic TJ (.".' ami utensil,, ji. t nt H. ii. Zobcl's automobile showroom Int Red Bank, was home from;work two days last week with a cold. ABOUT 200 BUSHELS OF CORN. i: ( Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mauser of THE snli «:;li. W 'a"ih »t 1 lie rnnclu»i« 1 I':f •;.- do 1 a !•« : for nil purchases' Jiftr ev»n Ijong Branch were recent visitor* Of ' Mr. and Mrs. John Long. Sr. Bernard A. Hickey is improving from an attack of grip. He was con- CHARLES A. BENNETT. fined to his bed most of last week. Mrs. Hickey in also sick". » WALTKR FIELDS. Auctioneer/ Mrs. Patrick Carton, Sr.. was con- ALEX. I.. McCLEES, Clerk. fined to her bed part of last week with a heavy cold.. Patrick Carton, Jr., who is employed on the Hauler estata nt Little Silver, was unablo to work hist Wi'dnrsdny due to a heavy NOTICE OF SETILtMENT OF ACCOUNT cold, iii.c daughter Patricia is also I'^tHtc of .loicptiine <;. WoififrV. (]pccape:f. PONT N'oLicL- \\ hereby tivrft that ll]« uccuunu on the 5kl; lift. of th* tultacrlbfi-?. rxicutor* of—th* esta'# Pile Sufferers Mi.-a. Mildred .Snirfen has been sub- r>r aald (leireaBeJ, ^vill flue audited and italcd by the Hurrocate of v^tie Cnuntj- nf Mor- stitute teacher at the River street tnnuth ir.ti reported.J}fr ttltlrmuit ia tiif ilroiiatu Court el e^M ^injniT. on Ttmrstlty, Ih* seventh da* of IVbi^uarr. A. I>. 1P-J. at vhkh time Rppllration wiJl hf made fo" '.he allowance of commission* unil counsel fen. Dated Ueccmbn C", A, I). 192?, HORTOS H. (.AHR1SON. BIG Rivcraldc Helchn. Red Bank. N. J. hardt's Hcm-Roid, a linrmli^s trio- DonoTliy n. GARI:IHOX, let, is KU.-irantccrl to quickly anil Finding a Job. Hivenid? HelsliU. Reii Bani;, N. .1 safely b.-.nish any form of I'iln mis- Liiko LonglioRtl In The B.C(rifter try or lnoi.ty buckr- -United- Chrni- talko to over KS.OUfi peoiilo'- cvciy itls niul flru'gflsiy tvtrywhen.' sell >vcek.—Atlvirtiaemcnt. it with this £usrai,tco. RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 30, 1929. Page Thre« ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS NEWS. Six Hundred PrrnniiH Attended Ma- sonic AHROcIation Kniirtnliunout. STORE OPENS 8:00 A. M., CLOSES 6:00 P. M. SATURDAY OPEN UNTIL 9:00 P. M. . (Tb* Hen Uank lietflftur can be bouifbi aacb wceU in Atlantic Highland* at thtf • lorei of wlllloro UflT and N Brown.) Over 600 persons attended tho en- TO-MORROW tertainment and dance given Friday night In the high school auditorium toy, tho Masonic association of that STARTS ARYSALE Lower place. It wan tho Ural affair given by the association and tho prolits amounted to about $200. The enter- tainment consisted of n sketch en- titled "Ten O'clock In the Mornlns' Your and depicted a E'°up oJ! theatrical PLEASE! folks rehearsing on the sta^c of a LONGDISTANCE theater, Robert Coleman was stage Carry all amoll purclmnes manager and Chuonce ^leding v/tis property man. Others who took part with you duo to tho low were Miss Ruby Hartcorn, Miss prices and tho hundreds Helen,Swnnson and Clarence Burdge, — AT THE — who gave vocal selections; William of articles to bo sold at TELEPHONE Crlpps, who played a piano, a har- $1.00. Wo ask your co- monica and a drum at tho same time! Marlon Helwlg, who gave a toe operation to prevent de- dance; Mlaa Dorothy Sceley, who livery confusion and pos- gave recitations; and Mae Klotz, who RATES gave a Spanish dance. Imitations-of sible disappointment birds and animals were given by Mr. king Co. Hedlng. After the entertainment dancing was enjoyed, wltli musio by WE THANK YOU an elghtrpleco orchestra. .THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY Start February 1,1929 , Sterling Stryker of Hillside, form- erly of this place, was a visitor In NO C. O. D. NO'MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS. town last week. Ho has been on the BETTER HURRY. pitching staff of tho Buffalo baseball IT WILL BK IMPOSSIBLE TO m'l'UC.-Vn: .V.VV <)!' OIK $1.00 ARTICLES AND WHEN ALL AltE team, but during the coming year he SOLD NO MOltK CAN ISK HAD. ONLY ONi; OK JiAC'H AICTICLE TO A CUSTOMER! will play with Reading. Joseph Bender has sold a Chrysler '(COMMENCING February 1, day rates coach to William Lloyd, prescription clerk In Anton Ides's drug store. VneSetto ^ will be reduced for long distance calls to Mayor and Mrs. John R. Snedeker •will leave this week on a three nCustmtr points from 130 to 1,500 miles distant. months' trip to the Pacific coast. Norman Conover, James McLa-u^h- lln and Edward P, Mason have Joined The reductions apply to station-to«station tho Varsity club. At the last meeting of the com- (number) calls and in equal or greater amount missioners the budget of expenses for 1929 passed its first reading. This to person-to-person calls. JThey range from 5c. year the amount to be raised by tax- ation Is $47,013.04, as against 534,- to 25c. and cut the cost of middle distance calls 011.00 for Inst year. Tho appropri- ations this year anrfount to $79,813.01. as much as 13%. Ijnst year's appropriations amounted to $06,576M4. J COSTUMER This is the third time long distance rates have Rev. H>-Plercc Simpson of New JMonmouth preached Sunday night at Walnut finish, on been reduced within little more than two years. tho union .service n,t the Methodist hard wood; strongly church. Next Sunday night a union made/ * The reductions are in keeping with the funda- :.seiryjcvo will bo held at the Central END TABLE T3aptlBt church and the sermon will mental policy of the Bell System to furnish the bo preached by Rev. Thomas Thom- 100 of these &st The union services are under Mnhoguny finish, sturdy best possible telephone service at the least cost the direction of thd men's club. construction. You judge Normfcn Paddock is sick with tho vnluo. to the user. paeumonla. His wife has been kept indoors witli grip. ieOifcsttji t i A large number of tickets have been sold for the card party to be LCIR c I" r held on Friday night of this week at St. Agnes's auditorium for tho bene- Funoui -Qu«lily Br.nJ' 4-l'iraj l"r fit of St. Agnes'H church of this pluce putly fini.htd,- An oinoiiiiii I-'fcrl and It. Mary'H church of Now Mon- nor tpoili Ihe

HIGHLANDS NEWS. Methodist Boll Call Tomorrow— House Damaged by Fire. (The Red Bank Itegistcr can be bought CARPET -fl eftch week in Highlands nt Itedle'd drug • tore, and at Joseph Stamen's store.) SWEEPERS FOOT STOOLS Everything is in readiness for the (i Covorfid . In volour, mo- Only 100 of these.- annual roll (fail 6f tho Muthodist hair and tapestries; ma- church tomorrow. Rev. William R. One to a customer. Blackman of Long Branch will be hogany finish logs. the principal speaker at the aftrr- noon session. A, luncheon will .bo served at 5:15 o'clock and at 6:15 o'clock there will bo a program of music. The principal speaker at the night session will be Rev. Thomas H. is motordoirfs landslide Hicks of Camden, a former pastor of the Methodist church here. Charles Foster underwent an oper- Three-Piece Jacquard Suite ation at the Long Branch hospital Choice of colors. Won't misjudge this Suite with verdict by actiial ballot last week. John Matthews, who -has some of the chenp made Suites you sisn .JuUrrtiwd, been sick with pneumonia u.t the made up for special sale purposes. Th<-.-:r. aro our. same hospital, is Improving. Mrs. regular high-grade stock Suites. f.000,000 Super-Six William tforcross has returned home from tlie Long Branch hospital, whore silo has been a patient several lead the overwhelming vote weeks. A calendar sociable was held last CARD TABLES In more than 5,000 Hudson- Thursday night at the Methodist church and was largely attended. Good-looking, well made, Essex salesrooms all motordom Calendars for the coming year were is voting, "I like it" —of the distributed. atrongly braced. The young men's Christian associa- Greater Hudson, and of Essex , tion will attend tho Atlantic Hl^h- the Cliallengef." lands-Leonardo baskr;tljall~gaiiio on Friday night of this week at At- Thousands arc seeing and in- lantic Highlands. CLOTHES The work of laying sewers is pro- spectingthese beautiful new cars. gressing steadily. The job on Shrews- HAMPERS bury avenue will probably bo com- These splint hampers Thousands are riding. Thou- pleted this week. sands arc experiencing the per- are completo with Frank Parker has recovered from lid. 1 formance of greater power and pneumonia and is- around again. Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Millor have smoothness, the efficiency of moved from Miller street to Mrs. Florence Ro,bert3on's house on North new type double action 4-whcel street. * brakes, the greater riding and A dmall houso occupied by Syl- steering ease, and the even greater vnnus Liming was badly dama^c.l by flic early Friday morning. '1 he Four-Piece Bedroom Suite economy of these cars. quick response of (lie firemen to thi> alarm nnd their elllciont work- saved Walnut Sultn with Konuni^ lin-'l draw.-r'. l >iv-i And on just such ballots as tho dwelling from destruction. Mr. proof, with niahoguny . linoil chilTciuln1; ill I.!:-,•! Liming, who lived _alone In tho house, pieces. shown at the left theyareperson-',. i escaped through a window. Tho. lnct that William Lawrence wns on duty ally marking and depositing the at the flrphouse when the alarm waa mightiest verdict of favorable sounded saved, considerable time in Betting the .truck to the lire. Mr. SNOW SHOVEL opinion ever authentically ex- Lawrence formerly wn:i on duty in pressed for a motor car—And the daytime, but on tho recommen- Metal shovel with wood ;)§ dation of Mnyor George W. Hardy imiidli>. Only lot) of. that opinion is almost unanimous. bla hours at. (ho llreliousc were thrsc. ehnnged and he now goes to-Wiiik See the*e cars for yourself ar the nearest 1 nt one'o'clock in'tho morning. It Hudson-EMe * Salesroom—and vote was Mr. Hardy's opinion Hint ft grout your own ticket. deal of time could be savod In re- Seven Ewer model* from $695 un at factory! sponding to a llro by having Mr. CARD TABLE fourteen Greater Hudson models Mom Lawroncn nn duty nt night when 11095 UD at factory. most of tho llremen am asloop. CHAIRS Miss Reva Nelmnrk is contlncd to Sturdy built. A ant of tho houso wltli grip. four to u custoincr for Joseph Lois, who Is employed on your brldk'o ytL Kach ills ilrairbridgc,. ban;..been,, xket/t in- doors with sick. ens. Tho Women's Democratic club will KENWOOIT MOTOR SALES CO, INC hold a card party February 21nr at the Liona clubrooms. LAMP and SEE OUR 116 MONMOUTH STREET Phone 1319 RED BANK, N. J WINDOWS FOR If you wanted a job would you SHADE Three-Piece Fibrq Suites-• Jfj SHOWROOM OPEN EVENINGS. print 7,500 circulars telling all about Parchment ah ado, OTHER $1.00 It nr)d distribute them nmong 7,500 Close woven,, with :iu(.> :;|in>r homes? You would not. It would with metnl lamp tnko orders during tlv.'d thin; tl.i.v.l i :'ii'l u<:;-'- '•:' SPECIALS I base. 39 coat too much Hi tlino nnd money, 1 to culora of your'chuii >'• ' . WIBO men get the same results by classified advertising in The Regis- ter.—Advertisement. Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY .80, 1929. North Pole fame delivered hia lc< versal wish. Red Batik,"having aeon 1 THE RED BANK REGISTER. turc at'Red Bank. A gathering tha! and heard and liked the commandci, SHOWERED* BY FRIENDS. taxed Bed Bank's largest thcatci wltPwiah for hfs successful, return JOHN H. COOK. Kdltir. heard his rein^rUs and saw the pi harder than moat of the lest of the GEORGE 0. HANCE. Ai»ocl»t« Edilor. tures of his exploits, despito the faci world. GIFTS FOR MISS MURIEL FOS- THOMAS IRVING BROWN, that the price of admlBslon was mucl (Town TaUc continued on page 16.) TER OF TINTON TAIXS. Publisher and Buiinna Mrtager. larger than is charged for most th ater amusements In this town. O, Shn Is Kngagnd to bo Married to Subicrlptlan Prlcen On« «>r that occasion Commander Byrd Sunday Movie Fight. George Stevens and liar Friends SI* months made a member of the Atii'o club 0! Long Branch's light over Sunday Gave Many Presents to Her at a Tbr« month! nod Bank, and ho promised that ii movies has stirred up the churches Party I-nst Saturday Night. Tel«phoa«i: IS. he ever returned from his prospeefiv of Asbury Park. Sunday night Rev. About fifty persons attended a 1300. trip to the South Pole he would comi F. A. DcMaris, pastor of the First to Hcd Bank and tell the folks hen "shower" Saturday night for Miss Sale Methodist church of Asbury Park, Muriel Foster, daughter of Albert WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 30, 1925al. l about It. preached in St. Luke's church nt Foster, who lives near Tinton Falls, Lonp.Branch. 'Ha. urged ..-that the on the road between that place and Making Commander Byrd a mem- ! TOWN TALK. fight against Sunday movies in Long Shrewsbury. Wany of the guests wore ber of the Aero club was not merel Branch be aided, by tho closing of Iho from Long Island, where the Foster ' -'-•;/•--"-- -at the a perfunctory act. It was an expre^ picture theaters at Asbury Park. Pe- family formerly lived. Mr. Foster Red Bank's Water Works slon of a real depth of feeling, bot' titions have been signed by hun-bought the William I. Conover farm ' • , .• • on thp part of the club and on th dreds of residents of Long Branch a few- years ago and since moving and Its Notable Success. part of the celebrated explorer. Prob asking-tho-authorities to permit Sun- there he has been very successful in Every resident of Red Bank has ably no man who is not a rcsiilcn! day shows. truck farming.. The engagement of reason to shake hands with himself of. Monmouth county has mor Miss Foster to George Stevens was or herodf after reading the annual friends here and more persons gen announced_a/8hort time ago. Mr. ulnely Interested In him than Com Found Dead In Meadow. report of the Red Bank water depart- Stevens has lived at the Foster homo ! ment for the past year. The report mander Byrcl. He had many friend The body of Andrew J. Newcomb several years. acquaintances befor e shows Increased profits, increased and personal of Westburg, Long Island, who left t Kraft The wedding "will take place soon. production and decreased operating he delivered his lecture here and hehome several wedRs ago for a walk, Mr. Stevens has rented the Cornell expenses. What the report docs not had many more friends after the lec-was found in the meadows near Lau- farm of 82 acres south of Tinton Bhowbut what Is generally known is ture. rence Harbor last week. The body Falls and he and hia-bride will start that Red Bank public-owned water • • • * was frozen. Mr. Newcomb formerly housekeeping there. Mr. Foster will will begin costa the consumer less and is of bet.^, Today he is at the Bottom of th* lived at Matawan and when he Wust e the land for truck.farming. The ter quality than that sold by corpor- World, close to the fringe of th( home his family thought perhapi ho Cornell family will continue to Hv<* ations. . ' South Pole. Some of the mono} had gone to Matawan for a visit. No on the farm and they will occupy • • • which he made from hia lecture ai trace of him was found until the dis-part of the house. Hcd Bank helped to put him thore. covery of his body last week. Ho was 4-. Every resident of Red Bank has ,,,..,, ,. ... . , '2 year a old. ? The usual features were enjoyed at reason to shake hands with himself, He divided the profits with the Aero tho shower and everyone had a de- or herself over thin result because It club. Daily his journeys n.nd ndven lightful time. The guests were unan- Is a victory for intelligent public opln- tures are printed in the big nationa imous in wishing a happy married Ion. Time and again efforts have been newspapers. There is something al- Bus Garage Rob bod. life for the bride-to-be and the made to persuade the people' of thin most uncanny in the thought tha The Rollo bus company's garage at groom-to-be. Miss Foster received town to sell their water works and] fro™ the^vast^ trackleae^unexplorcd Keyport was entered by thieves early many line sifts. buy water from a corporation. Borne icy regions of the Antarctic conti- Sunday morning. About $80 was tak- of' these arguments appeared plauBi- nent he is able by means of the rail rn from the safe and the thieves then If you wanted a job would you ble when set forth by the skillful to keep in touch with a world ima left in a Lincoln sedan owned by pi int 7,500 circulars telling all about lawyers employed by watnr com- customed to such dangers aa he James Rollo, president of the com-it; and distribute them among 7,500 panies. But on every occasion the encountering. pany. A watchman was at the gar-homes? You would not. It woulc * * * ; age all nigrht but the thieves made cost too much in time and mone' Our customers know they will find good values and find good, common sense of the people their entrance mid getaway without Wise men ^et the same results b' prevented this from being done. To- The average man is lost in wonder classified advertising in «*fhe Regli day the people of Red Bank are reap- at the intrepid spirit of Commander attracting his attention. ter.—Advertisement. them in the very selections they have long desired. ing their reward In the form of theByrd and his companions. Some per- best and cheapest-water supply in sona may even go so far as to call the state. these explorers fools. There is great danger and small profit In such ex- You will find every item marked at our regular price in plain • • • plorations—small profits, indeed, us It has truly been said that the peo-compared with those of tho average figures and all you have to do is to deduct ple get exactly the kind of govern- successful business man. Aloro than SERVICE ment they deserve. If-they vote away likely there -will be a deficit, rather their rights and their heritage, as MEASURED than a profit, if he returns from tho NOT BY they sometimes do, tho result cannot adventure alive. History shows that be otherwise than calamitous. The thin is the reward cf the average COLD report on the condition of the water explorer. - BUT BY TWENTY PER CENT. works is an example showing how THE the people benefit by exercising com- GOLDEN mon sense and by seciiringr freedom From,the standpoint of fame the RULE I of f of any merchandise you desire. from corporation-, domination. The reward is equally meager. It does not extension of public ownership of pub- begin to compare with the returns lic utilities along other lines would to a successful general, a successful tiring equal advantages- It noons politician, a successful prize fighter, You have been waiting, for this sale. Here is your chance. " strange that this fact Is not more a baseball home-run hitter or generally realized when there ia such merchant urinco. There ia hard, dull, hc Gol(len The sooner you come the better selections you will find. a noteworthy example right in ourdreary monotony, as well as extreme No Lines T midst "of the benefits of pifisllc owner- danger, in the ^quest which Com- f\£ C j^ greater than ship of a town's water'supply. mander Byrd has undertaken. What, then, is the spirit which animates Ui Creed denominational 'men of his kind to take such great lines, for ffoe Golden Rule" is a Middletown Officials risks when there is so little to expect in the wayof-glory, fame or profit? ,s>reat principle of Christianity and Railroad Crossings. 1 • • • that transcends. secular theo- The township committee of Mid- The only answer seems to bo "joy- ries and differences. dletown township did the right thing ful labor." Despite all the hardshipy, - last week in taking action to pre-despite all the dangers, despite all the As a Member of the Order of vent the railroad company from plac- lack of returns, there is in overcom- the Golden Rule, our service The Art Kraft Shoppe ing flashlight signals at the crossing ing all'of these hostile elements ;L at Fair View. The committee had joy to"'"a certain type of mankind moots the reqxiirenrents of all, roaBon to believe that if the signals which is almost unknown to the.aver- were put up the flagman at the cross- age man. Tho ordinary human bcinj. and does not recognize any 75 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N. J. £ Ing" would be removed. In tho ab-finds it difficult to understand this denominational boundary. The sence of a written iron bound agree- and impossible to experience it in the • ment with the railroad company that ordinary pursuits of life. But men modem funeral director, like the flagman would be retained the like Commander Byrd are necessary, the-modern physician, serves coramitteemen took the only logical for without such hardy pioneers of course. It was the course that they thought and action the world would all humanity. were asked to take by the people of still be submerged in the Dark Ages. Fair View, and the first duty of the officials is to these people and not to the railroad company. I The number of such men is so few that the loss of any one of them ALBERT WWORDENJr makes a gap and a retardation of FUNERAL DIRECTOR truly anti-knock motor fuel In this day when corporations are science and progress is the result. getting pretty much everything they That Commander Byrd and his men ask from national; slate, county and may return safe "and sound and suc- ' municipal governments, it is refresh- cessful.. In their quest will be a uni- ; ing to find an instance when public 'officials have backbone and nerve enough to say 1'No" to a corporation is being sold demand. The railroad company, In asking for permission to put up flash- light signals at Fair View, claimed O R D -BREAKING to be very considerate of the safety of the traveling public, but if the ; railroad really meant what it said. why does it hot afford better protec- Special Six "»OO" Sedan except at a premium tion at tho Tramp Hollow crossing, • which is only one block away from $13 69 the Fair View crossing? Delivered fully equipped VI ^ * • • ; EVERY MOTORIST is familiar with the and through lack of standardized meth- There has never been a serious ac- i cident at the Fair View cro33in£, but j "" "knock" or "ping" which comes in a ods of measuring, many fuels arc claimed everyone remembers the horrlbk J gasoline motor under strain. This to be "anti-knock," when they are only tragedy of last spring, when two lied j Bank women were killed at Tramp i "knock" is, strictly speaking-, a fuel partially so. e- . Hollow. This Is only one of a nuni- j "knock," and is noticeable particularly Initsresearch laboratories, theStandard ber of tragedies which have occurred ; ^in motors with high compression and there. Scores of children have to pass( Oil Company of-Ncw Jersey has de- over this crossing on their way to motors fouled with carbon. and from school. The only protec- veloped a method of rating the "knock" tion is a warning bell and that this Some gasolines "knock" more than of fuels. These scientific tests show con. 1 is Inadequate is proved by the num- others. But all gasolines have a tend- clusively that only a few motor fuels ber of accidents which have occurred there. ency to "knock" as the cpmpr

• - . • • • raised in the motor. • If flashlight signals arc such great Of these genuine "anti-knock" fuels, things as tho railroad company The majority of cars today are built to the very best is ESSO, rightly called claims them to bo, why doesn't it ark in 1{$3Q — from Che foW WASH T*«k iGrflTEON Motor for permission to put up these sig- operate satisfactorily on a gasoline like "the Giant Power Fuel." It is made 1 nals at the Tramp Hollow crossing? ERE'S one sure way to make your In the air, this type of motor is winning "Standard,"' that is scientifically re- and sold by the Standard Oil Company Undoubtedly the township committee fined and properly proportioned! would grant .permission for This. H motoring more cleiightful in 1929 the honors. A ttvm-ignitioii, high com- of New Jersey. •••• Even better, why doesn't tho railroad —driye a Nash "400", the car with the pression, valve-in-head motor carried However, there is an extra degree of We guarantee ESSO to be a genuine company place a flagman at this Twin-Ignition Motor! Lindbergh to Paris, Byrd over the Pole, crossing? A still better plan would driving satisfaction in using an "anti- More power... greater, smoother speed "anti-knock" fuel, with other qualities be to make a tunnel under the bracks Goebel to Hawaii. knock" fuel, especially in a high com- ... remarkable economy of operation— which make it, in our opinion, the best forroad travel. The road on udth Now, for the firsttime , Nash makes this . sides of the crossing elopes snarlv these are new advantages now offered .pression motor, or in one that is car- motor fuel obtainable anywhere at any upward towards the crossing. Nat- more efficient, more economical motor by Nash Twin-Ignition performance.! ' honized from long usage. price. ural conditions favor a tunnel. Tho design available to every motorist. ', cost would not be large. In the development of this remarkable Ask your nearest Nash dealer to give But such a fuel must be a genuine "anti- Thousands of motorists arc now using ' * * « new motor, Nash has combined three you a Nash "400" .to drive. Compare knock" fuel, and no such fuels are being ESSO, finding that while they pay great principles of motor design—twiii- fhe>ailroad company has made a what we say about the Twin-Ignition ?old, except at a slight advance over slightly more per gallon for this fuel, long and unsuccessful struggle to put ignition, bi%b compression, and vahe-'m- over aomething on Ihe Fair View motor, with what tie Twin-Ignition the price of gasoline. • they get an extra engine performance, peoplo that they did not want. The bead. motor says to you! This- is obvious, since genuine, "anti- never before experienced. welfare of the public hafi been served ; • i .., by the outcome and now would be an B Sedan, from $870 to $2302, 8 Cgupcj, C.nbrlolets, Vjctoriiil Irnm $970 to $2362, delivered. Itiiock" fuels are compounds of high appropriate time for (lie 'township Try ESSO once ind experience ths committee to fake tho offensive and grade gasoline with other products, extra driving satisfaction it gives. For make the railroad company improve which eliminate the "knocking" tend- sale everywhere atlthe Silver ESSO conditions at the Tramp Hollow encies of the gasoline, and such prod-, crossing. Moro tragedies are almost Pumps with the ESSO Globes. certain to occur, if this is not don the World in Motor Car Value tfcts cost more to make. There han been n large lose of life IBIPOBTAMT «40O' TEATIIRES-3"O already at this crossing and'there OTBEK an HAS There is nongovernmental standard Twin-Ignition motor should be no more. Almninum alloy pistons Bijur centralized » Longer wheelbases .against which the "anti-knock" quality 1 * • • 12 AtrcrafMfpe spark (Imvr Struts) chassis lubrication One-piece Salon New double drop frame of fuels can be measured.' As a result, The real remedy for those danger- plugs Electric clocks. fenders ous crossings would bo n tunnel for High compression Torstonnl vibration dear vision front highway traffic, under tho Tramp -HondailJe 4fid Lcyrtjo? .,, tlampcr . •EiteriorWietalware '•• HolloW crossing and an overhead shock absorbers •World's steering chrome) plated over, pillar posts road'-bridge at Fair View. These aro (exclmtivt Nub mutmting) nickel I / Nash Special Design sso 7-bearlng crankshaft the ultimate things which...the M1U- Salon Bodies , UMUOW trami pms) ' Short turning radius front and rear dletown township committee should bumpers THE GIANT POWER FUEL always, keep in mind in tneir deal- Inge with the railroad company. coils more does more SNEDEKER NASH worth more Commander Byrd ancL Hit Red Bank Friends. 170 Monmouth Street Phone 2537 It WO8 jutt about "a ynar ago that {Commander Richard li. Byrd of STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW JERSEY RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY BO', 1929. HIUDOIO CONTRACT. Freehold Bos1 Honored. Samuel Fooaancr. of Freehold, a ^ »»»••<>•»»»••<>»»»•»•••••••••»•»•«•»»••»•»>•*»•»«»» Jcwoocflieucj Owen Janette Huffman of Bradley Beach, who will N OEDER to open as many new accounts as pos- leave shortly for Mexico, where sh? sible during our February Sale, we announce will work as a missionary. I The woman's guild of St. James's this amazing offer! Choice of a high grade, all Episcopal church will have a public cotton, roll edge mattress or a full-coil type springy luncheon tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. William A. Tilton's. The luncheon at only $9.85! Here's real sleeping comfort at the was scheduled to be held last ThursT lowest price ever! day but it was postponed on account of tho death of Miss Sara Elizabeth Open an Account Here Tomorro^v ! in the prices of the NIvison. The. Presbyterian Gleaners society will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Read. A study 'of tho' life of Christ will be taken up tonight at a praver meeting at the Presbyterian church. Rev. Leroy Y. Dillener, pastor of the DEGE E ROTHERS 5ENIDR church, will conduct tho second of a series of four lectures on temptations next Sunday morning. "Jesus's Temp- tation to Avoid Suffering" will be the WHEN THE NEW Dodge Brothers Six was mediate benefit of every economy due to ubject for Mr. Dillcner'a sermon. more efficient manufacturing methods, Rev. J. J. Messier conducted the anpounced, at the beginning of the new funeral of Randolph. Thompson of lower overhead costs and savings effected Long Branch yesterday afternoon at year, at prices so low as to overshadow Mr. Thompson's late home. by the great unified purchasing power of The Methodist ladles' aid society •A any previous Dodge Brothers accomplish' will meet tomorrow afternoon at Mrs. ment, its universal public acceptance Chrysler Motors.. Arthur Taylor's. William Taylor of this place is do- marked a new peak of popularity evciftfor ing some painting work for John J. Yes! f§e!<»C!iivity«? Yes I Not only are these savings now passed on Dean of Tinton Falls. Dodge Brothers cars. ,Re.v. George II. Home, pastor ot a to the public in the form of much lower Brooklyn Advent church, preached Reliability? Oh ^cs! Sunday morning and night, at the Public recognition was quickly Iranslatcd prices of all Dodge Brothers Senior models, Eatontown Advent church. but the cars themselves have been made The Sons nnd Daughters of Llberty Tone Quality? You Bet! into an unprecedented sales volume with lodga celebrated its 36th anniversary still better. Monday night witli a pot-luck aup- HE .new'1929 Fada 16 A. C. all electric receiver with an attendant increase in manufacturing per.. Several of the lodge members attended a meeting last Friday at Tpush pull power amplifier, single illuminated dial, seven efficiency and economy which now favor- Examine the Dodge Brothers Senior in Seabrlght of the past, councilors' as- tubes and rectifier, phonograph attachment jacks, dynamic sociation of Sons and Daughters of ably affects its companion car —the Dodge your most critical mood. Scrutinize each Liberty lodges in Monmouth and speaker outlet. Has all the most desirable features-you Brothers Senior—and permits substantial Ocean counties. could want in radio. small detail. Be most exacting in ydur^in- The ladies' auxiliary of the fire de- reductions in the prices of all Dodge pnrtlfient wjll serve the annual ex- spection. For once you have subjected the empt, firemen's banquet at tho mu- Brothers Senior models. nicipal building March 13th. An im- Chrysler-built Dodge Brothers Senior to pel tunt meeting of the auxiliary will bo held 'Thursday night, February The new lower prices at which the Dodge your most diligent and careful inspection "Hi-. hc SchcnckS. Thompson Co. of Brothers Senior henceforth will be sold you are certain to realize that never before .Red Bank has started work or. luilldlng tho new overhead railroad are directly traceable to the established has a car so large, so handsome and so fine bridge on Tinton nvenue. B. D. WolcottV Sons, dealers In Chrysler policy of giving the public im- been available at so low a price. aeed3 and fertilizers, have stalled preparations for their spring busi- ness.. Tho Presbyterian Reapers will NEW LOWER PRICES: NOW »1195 to »1595, F.O.B. DETROIT make plans for a play when tlioy meet Friday night at the manse. The meeting will start at half-past seven o'clock. Miss Norma Stothart of South ISaioatona.:.. Is . sfaj'ine; witlv ilisa Frank Van Syckle Sarah H. Nivison. Mr. *nd—Mrs. Arthur Davis of JOHN H. BURNS, Mgr. < 149-151 W. Front "Str- South Itiver were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bennett. . \ Telephone 1296. Carl Whltchurst and family enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Romayne Cook Branch ol Torlh Amboy. - ind children of Bloomfleld Sunday J SG Tho railroad station was uroitc.i into Wist week and the telephone pay 77-79 Broad St., A Phone 270 Red Bank; N. J. station was robbed. It Is not knowr jl- . I.... how mucji money wns taken. . REP BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 30, 192&.

. ANCIENT SHOP TO GO. SHERIFF'S SALE. B? virtue oi a writ of n. fn. to m« di- THE MARTIN GRIFFIN SALE rteud, Uiuid out of th* Monmouth County I Fix Clocks T.lephon. Ill It Will be Torn Sown to Make Room GEO. B. BROWN & CO. Copimon PU»t Court of th« 6t«t» of Now E.UblWied 1854 For a New Building. Janey, will bt «pond to ••!• »t public Fifty year*' mid tho bett MECHANIC STREET PBOFEBTV vtndut, on HonlUy. th« 18th day of i'eli- equipped clucb repair tiiap in tho county• The arrangements for the purchase REAL ESTATE, LOANS & INSURANCE ruirr, 1080, betwttn til* hour! of 12:00 BOUGHT IN BY HUM. U BBOAD STREET. RED BANK, N. J.o'clock and BiOO o'clock (at 3 o'clock, «««c- ALEXANDER D COOPER | by Edward Von Kattengell of the ern lUndorJ tlmi), in th. afternoon of F. F. COLEMAft The Property Waa Formerly Owned property of Mro. May F. Hugg on Telephone 88L •aid day, at the Oourt Uouat in the Bor- ' IS Itoctor Place, Red linnli, N. J. by Edward J. Rollly and Has Been Maple'avenue and of Susan A. Ryder ough of Freehold, County of Monmoutli. Phono '-'OH. I 58-64 BROAD STREET RED BANK, N ji | New Jeno. to eatlify a jud»ment of laid the Subject of Much Litigation on Gold street wero completed last Court amounting to approximately 1871.00. Burins the Fast Few You*. week. The two properties form an All the defendant'! right, title and in- L-shaped piece of land, tho tw'olots terett in »nd to the following i The sheriff sale of the property of joining each other in the rear. The All that eerUIn lot, tract'or parcel of WINDSTORM INSURANCE | Martin Griffin on Mechanic stroet, land and premiBel iltuate, lying and bein* Mrs. Ryder lot has a frontage of 30i£ In the Borough of Red Dank. In the County which was postponed on Monday of feet on Gold street and it is 62 of Momouth and State of Now Jmeey, A Good Coverage at Very Low Rates, ¥ last week, camo up again at Freehol feet deep. Mr. Von Kaftongell P8'1* UEUINHINO at tba point of Interac- : on Monday of this week. The prop tion of the aoutherly line of We.t Bergtn FARMS 12,300 for this lot. Tho Mrs. Hugs place (formerly called Beach atreet), with erty was bid In by Martin Griffin al lot has 43 feet frontage on Maple ave- the winterly line of Willow itreet; thence $9,725, which was the price he bid last Country Homes BED BANK 1746 nue and Is 145 feet deep. The price A Community of Character M) eoutherly along the westerly line of I'HO.VE I.ACKAWANNA 1510 week, but on which bid of last week of this property was $12,000. Willow etceet. and hundr.4 l\tty-«vc fnit. he refused to make the payment at mor« or leie. to lande of now or formerly Shore Estates An old shop building Is on the Golil LOOKING BACK Who has regretted homo ownership? Root and Dlbben; thence (S) westerly twenty per cent as set forth In thi along the northerly Una of Boot and Dlb- conditions of sale. At last Ifonday'i etreet lot and this will be torn down Not the man who has bought in a proven community—whera ,ben land, fifty, f.ett thenee (8)' northerly All Farms ot INSURANCE sale the Bheriff announced thai This shop was built upwards of fifty comfort, privacy and prestige have been carefully cultivated. parallel with Willow etreet, aeventy.tlvt* years ago. Mr. Von Kattengell will For there values arc ever Increasing, and the advantages of a feet, mote or leaa. to the Bbuthwent corner Stato Highway . unless the purchaser gave «. cer of landa conveyed to George Jllci Majors HUGH GETTY, INC., tifled check or cash of twenty per put up a building on this lot as an home aro apparent and appreciated by every member of tho and wife to'John Varcurello et tt!» by tlced Eatontown, N.I. Phono 17S cent of the amount of his bid theannex to his automobile building on family. dated June 24, 1925, and recorded in the Monmouth street,- which extends Monmouth County Clerk e Office In Dpok property would Immediately be put May we talk over our property— 1900, pages' 462; thence (41 easterly twen- up again at auction. When the sale through to Gold street. The Mrs as a sound personal Investment? ty-five feet along tho aoutherly line vt the came off only two bids were made, Hugg house Is in flne condition with Varcurello lande to the aoutheaat corner BUILDERS all improvements. "Mr. Von Katten- thereof; thence <5> northerly along the LEWIS &'HAGERMAN Thomas N. Doreraus bid 16,300, which eaaterly line of the Varcurello lands, eighty was the amount of the claim of hisgell intends to move this house to a Tuller Construction Co. feet to the northeast corner thereof at n client. Mr. Griffin Immediately bid new location and will then build a point In the eoutherly lino of Wcit Iitravn 359 West 26th St., 18 Mechanic St., flne automobile show room on this place; thence (8) eaaterly along the south- $9,725, -which covered all other claims Red Bank 2440. erly line of West Bergen place, twenty-Hvo New York City. Bank, N. J. against the property. As soon as thelot. feet to tho point or place of liEGINNINd Mrs. Hugg has arranged to buy a at the southwest corner' of West Bergen Lumber. lot on the north side of McLaren place and Willow street. street and to build a houso on this Subiect however, to a right of way over Millwork, ! twenty per cent of hia bid. Tho con-lot. The lot Is on the Rue tract and four-foot etrlp adjoining the Varcurello 1 dltlonu of the sale recited that the lande on the east and to a atrip eight feet the price was $2,000. The house will wide extending from Willow etreet wester- MONEY TO LOAN deed" for the property would be given bo built by Harold A. Hendrlckson, ly, both of which are more particularly Building Supplies i In thirty days, at which time the re- described In the above mentioned deed from who is preparing the plans for the RECEIVER'S SALE Maiora to Varcurollo et ate, and fuither maining eighty per cent of the prio house. - •uhject to all the covenants regarding said and Hardware. $1,000 to $1,000,000 bid must be paid. right of way as expressed In said deed. Mr. Griffin had Mra. Mary Wooster RAZING OLD LANDMARK. FEBRUARY 4th, 1929, Intended to be a part of the same lam! ' Sutton as his lawyer and after the jnd premises conveyed to the Bald Geotve Jllea Majors by doed from Poter McClcen on First Mortgage. sheriff had concluded reading the The East View Hotel at Highlands Is AT 2:00 P. M. and wife, ilntcil April 28, mtt. nm\. re. TRY SOL1DON ; terms of the sale she made a number Being Torn Down. corded In the Monmouth County Clork't) of objections on various grounds. Th' (On the Premises.) Offlce in Book 1085 of Deeds, page 2, etc. For Walls and Ceilings. sheriff, however, went ahead with the Seised as the property of George G. Mn- WHITE-PACH, Inc. • The old East yiew hotel at High [orfl. taken in execution at the suit of A[- I sale, as above stated. It Is probable lands, a landmark at that place, it 'red S. Spenney and to be sold by Stronger, Lighter, RED BANK. Telephone 2100. [ that the case will be carried by Mr.being razed. The , property was One-family homes located HARRY N. JOHNSON.Shcrlft. Permanent. bought a short time ago by Emanuel Dated January 8, 1020. ' Griffin to the court of chancery and Howard S. Higliinaon, Attorney. perhaps also to the court of errors Rosenbaum and Francis Downs o( (68 I.) >28.r.f> RED BANK, N. J. Highlands. It is on a hill near tin at the Seashore having and appeals. Monmouth County Surrogate'* Office. Highlands railroad station. In th» matter of the estate of Uurion LOTS BOUGHT FOB HOMES. For some time past there has been every modern improvement Cecil Downing, deceased. agitation for a now bridge across the Notice to creditors to present' claims Si" Quackenbush & Nevius against estate. Three River Lots Sold by the Feok Shrewsbury river at this point to re- —this sale is Pursuant to the order of Joseph I.. Don- [ Sales Company. lieve the summer traffic congestion. nhay. Surrogate of the County of Moll- , We Specialize ia State officials have informed resi- mouth, made on tho twelfth day of Jnnu- ' BUILDERS The Peck Sales agency of Red iry, 1020, on the application of Mechanics dents of Hlghlandsthat a new bridge Trint Company of New Jersey, a ale nesu. We will design and construct for you or estimate Bank has sold three properties dur- will be built. It Is said that the new AN OPPORTUNITY ior of tho estate of Burton Cecil Downlne. Second ing the past week. Two of the lots structure will be higher than the deceased, notice Is hereby glvon to tho upon your own plans. are on the Gateway trapt at Atlantic !l editors of »nld deceased to exhibit to tho present bridge and for this reason a mbscrlber. Bole executor HB aforesaid, their Mortgage Examples of our construction nrn open fir your inspection at Highlands. One of these lots was number of people bellevo that the for Homeseekers or Investors. debts and demands nitalnst tho sold w- "BUTTONWOOD AT SHimVSniJRY." bought by Wilfred J. Kenyon for Highlands end of a new bridge will itoto, under oath, within six months from $1,700. This lot is on Belvldere road .PROPERTY AT the date of tho aforesaid order, or they for which wo aro General Agents. be on the East View property. ivlll ba forever barred of their actions Loans. ,\ • Tcls. 2037 or 21G1-J Bed Bank. and Mr. Kenyon bought the lot for a therefor against the aaid subscriber. [ home site. The East View hotel is a long Norwood Avenue and Norwood Place, . NEVIDS F A. three-story frame Btructuro, It en- Dated Freehold. N. J.. January 12. 1020. j Charles R. Snyder of Passalc also MECHANICS TRUST CO. OF N. J, | joyed Its most prosperous days when 021 West 8th St.. Dayonne. N. J. ' Applications Given I bought a lot on this tract. Mr. Sny-horse racing was popular at the old LONG BRANCH, N. J. Applegate. Stevens, Foster, Leonard der's lot is on Hillside drive, close to Monmouth park track at Eatontown. ft Keuasllle, Att'ys, M Immediate Attention the corner of Ocean boulevard. Mr. Red Dank, K. J., For a number of years it was oper- ISSERMAN & ISSERMAN C. WALLACE VAIL Proctors, ISnytter, like Mr. Kenyon, will build a ated by Martin Gerbrach, who after- home on his lot. The price of Mr.ward built the Martin house at High- Solicitors for Receiver. Reoelvor. Finding a Job.' A Local, Friendly Kenyon's lot was .$2,000. lands. Mr. Gerbrach died several 24 Coinmerco St^ MilJBroad St., Have you read tho Want Advertise- ments in The Reglater this woclt?, The other sale made by the Feck years ago. Harry Brown and Wil- Newark, N. J. Newark, N. J. Organization company was a plot of two lots at Maybo there, is jufrt. the job adver- Allaire & Son Agency _ liam Hewitt conducted the hotel for tised that you aro looking (or.—Ad- Rumson Shores on the Black Point several years. Of late years the hotel vertisement road. These two lots were bought has been used principally as a room Riverside Mortgage ABE PLEASED .TO.ANNOUNCE THAI by -Bertha A. Pederson- of Hoboken ing house for summer'visitors. for $1,700 and a home will be built ,^o«**«*««~>->^^:^:-:">^:^">M-«»ttM-x^ & Finance Corporation BURTON T. DOREMUS on the plot. RUMSON LOTS SOLD. Broad St. Nat'l Bnnlt Dldjj.. Continuous ' TWO RUMSON LOTS SOU). MATINEE Red Bank, N. .". HUBERT M. FARROW Brothers Buy Two Lots at Parmly Performanca They' Had lUs«n HMS Twenty IT ears Park—To Build for Investment. 2:45. ROBERT G. MACDONALD t SATUKDAY I by the Former Owners. Hobort and Franols Breltenbach of -CORP.. EVENING and A great many years ago the late Rumson have bought two lots on the HAVE THIS DAY BECOME ASSOCIATED WITH Johh S. Applegate and Benjamin cast side of Park avenue in Parmly 7 & 9. SUNDAY. SIIEHirrs SALE. John) Parker, In the settlement of anPark. They paid $1,000 each for the Ily virtue ..f a writ ,,f ||. fa, to nin ill. estate, bought two lots on Went lots. Otto Breltenbach, father of the IMII-II. l.ituiiil mil ,,r Uio Court uf Chan- purchasers of the lots, will begin eery of I III! Stain of N,.w .IC1»e rerun, Iran, ,„• |,,ircel.i „, ,,,„,, 60 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. joined the Parmly lands. Lost week gardlng the property he anticipates am promise:,, liercnmrier parlii-uhrly lie- the two lota were bought by Edgar a brisk solo of lots this spring. BcrlWil.' (.idialc, IVIIM' mi heiur I,, th. FEBKUABV FIKST. 1930. It's Different-It's Life-Like-It's Human! of Sl,n.w,>,,,rv, la II,,. (:,,,,,,ty_of ' J. and Ella Morgan for $1,200.; Mr. Nunnimill; '.iiul JKtnio nt K™ .loraey: ' and Mrs. Morgan In turn sold' the Want Agent Retained. two lots to their spn and his wife, . ISelnir No. II im n limn, ami nilrvcy of Charles W. and Kathryn Morgan Lester G. Allen of Allenwood has nlni-lj-.lhii.-c 77,100 acr,: ir.-"n-t imuli! by Al- appealed to the board of freeholders fred WnlllnK -Pnnuary n 1MU The new owners have moved a houso UECJINNINi; in a . t.-iln- or itonc iilnnli'il on the two lots and after making asking them to use their influence in In the mnitiiwe!-! cm, r of Il.-itry II. Con- some changes and improvements to having a station agent maintained overn lot No. 1:1; i!ii'hci> (1| ninth six,ly- by the Pennsylvania railroad at Al- four ili-uri'i!:' anil Iwnl y-:V,ur miliu'c.H west, the building they will make their four chain, to III., southeast corner of I.o| ' home there. lenwood. The railroad has applied No. 1,,; tn.'iii'i; CM north twcnty-flvc lie. . HOWARD FREY or permission to discontinue the Kiei-a anil thirty-six liiinulvi west fifing chains anil acvsntoen links I,, a htiikc ot TWO HOUSES AND LOTS SOLD. gent. WITH , alone; thence. Cl) niirth sixty.f,mr ilerrre.i SAjNITARY PLUMBER R anil twi'iitj'-funr ininut!':, i^ant four lUrilns Howard G. Rosevelt Was the Buyer t,i the imrlllivi'st i.|,,-|.,.r of lot No 'l,V 74 Monmouth Street Red Bank. N. J. tionco (41 MHitn iwi-nij-Jfivi- ili.Krots nml —One Already Resold. tlllrly-nlx inlnu;,.., ,.,,..t (if(,,,,v tluUna mill noviMitui-i, linl.s lo t|,,. i,|,,,.t. ,,f l,,,L.|,,n|i,j, Howard G. Hosevelt lias bought Liititnliiini: nix-ncri'.i ami Kiivcii-liumlrciUlij STEAM and HOT WATER FITTING two houses and lots from Howard S. of an tii-i-t-. and Lorctta Hlgglnson for $9,000. The SECOND TKAC'I': Gutters, Leaders and Tin Roofing property is .on the north side of West "All that ri'rtiiin l,,t. or [runt nf wooillim-I Bergen place, opposite the Red Bank ILLS situate ii> imiil 'I'uiM.^liin n! Khri-walmry on tho wtst mile ,,f (hi- i,,,,,| l.-aillin- from public school athletic field and ad- Jomea Domcler',, Hotel to Dnijamiu Klnr'a j joins the Seaboard ice company lands. store, DOROTHY HEGINNINd nt n ntnltr or ntimc pliuitcil Each lot has a frontage of 45 feet In tho niiutliwcit corner nt a lot uf w,)0,|. FIRELESS on West Bergen place and each let \MU\ now i.v formerly Ili-nry V,'. Cimovcr. is a trifle over 126 feet deep. ' A six- thence (1) :;,iu,l, 'iixl v-fun,- ,l,./.rfcH nml twenty.four iniuiil,., v.,-i four' clinlim tu room house is on each lot. tho Houtheiint ciirnir ,,r a lot No. 11 on a GasRang Mr. Rosevelt bought the two prop- map of nini'tv-tlirr,' 771100 urrci niaik- liv erties as an investment. Ho has al- KAIIl Alfr,-,1 Wullinil IIHIU,; •!„.„,.,. (2) ,,nrti, twonty-nvc ili'urru.i ami thirty.six mill- COOKS with tic GAS TUiOT) OFFl ready sold one of the houses and litca wi'.-t fifteen rhriin.i ami iii-veiltri-ii lots. The buyer was Frank P. lilllia to a Btal.-i- or .- n.,,,•; th.-nc,- (S) jirrlh NEW YORK'S slxty.fnui- il.-itr.-..-. <..,.(%'-four ,lc!.-reiM ami six rooms and a bathroom, and ia or distant point. twenty-four minutes eat twtilve chains In provided with modern Improvements. the northweit eurner or the .•ifori,sai,l .Tohn 1. Thomi,ii.M's lot No. 10: Ilieuc- (4) noiith Mr and Mrs. Busse.bought the houso twcilty-nvi* ilecrees ami thirty-.ix minute;* for their own occupancy and will inftt t,, the iwin-e of 1,, rinnini:. Contnlu- Intf ciKhtoen aere We. Guard Your move there this week. Mr. and Mrs. ilrfiitliIntf Khs eof nil (Irfiitlis of mi nrr.'. Dobroff will move to White street. 1 J'-OIJKTIII •rllACI1: THE ONLY Ab'Ab o niill ththat t |i-:i.'|i't tor p:irrrl of Innd mill Iin-miscs ailnnli! In naiil 'I'uwiohii): Hard to Do Things. SHOWING HKdlNNlNt; lit a v(a!;o or dtnae plnlitnl Some things are hard to do if you BDRDGEflSONS in t-Iio poii.liwc t, corner of lli'iijainin t;. There Are Many Sharpers Who Li,c Awake Nights K<> at them In a hard way. An easy lOH5".DIST»KCt IN THIS While's lot No. 4; II e.- 111 smitli aixty- way to do them is to advertise thern dlx (k-Kri't':! twi'iily-fonr iniMilr", wtvit four Scheming How (p Gef Their Hands o'ntPcople's Money in The Register's Want Department. MOVING _5T0Mul 'ttnilna to the i-iiutl'i ..• .1 - i-.n li.-i- Nr;. By using Luke Lonffhcad'a columns VICINITY 10: thence (•!) nortii li.-.-my-livi, iletrroc.i you can find tenants, sell property, thirty-iii.i mtriut t:. iv.^t fill'.ii i-halns and VOL'll MONEY IN'VKSTI It IV (}( K , OF thirteen llllkH 10 n -ilal r iilone; lll.'nco .•(•cure help, eet a job lota of (31 ninth f i^ly-fui,.' .1.;:,,.,.. tv-.-nty-fuiir ithcr things" that might be hard if FIRST minuteii emt four eluiii' to I lie tiortlnve.t Guaranteed First Mortgage Bonds done in some other way.—Advertise- co ner of |nl No. f ; tl,, nr,: I I) :,o,i;|, t„•,.„. ment. ty.llve lthiily-.i\ mihiil'':; nut (if. IS GIJ.MtDKD AUA1NST l.OSM AM) I \I;\S COOI) NATIONAL'S t.-cn shiilin an d I hia l.-.-n In.I., t,, ||M. ,,|,1L.B- INTKKEST A:\ \\ I.J. !, < of beninniiiK. .nntaiainr :,,\ acre:! VITAPHONE tccetiliuillu i Keir.i'd ml tin- f Ilni,la|i Hold. , Over Half a Million Npv Held By Banks "TUEEE'S NO PLACE LIKE HOME" InK Company. InIn,, . i.l., lal.. i, in ,.,,.cu,.cu-- lliilli i lit thth e .'niill of ManM - \. |-n;,|io, j-.iar- » 4 ' dian oi Sicomlo V.i,,lli. and to l,o f.,;,l DENOMINATIONS $100—$500-i-$1000 When built or re-modeled by » 4 • ft « ' >y . UM'.V.\-V !(. .UIKHW1K• Kti f-^irthwr 'Information Viion Jteijuosi) TALKING PICTURE • Pnlcd January 2 l:'. l'...: i Walter Taylor, Carhart Construction Co., Inc. (10B I.) rc.aa Monmoufch Title and Mortgage BUILDERS YOU YOU Guaranty Co. 40 Mechanic Street, , 27 Gnrfleld Avenue, BumsteaflslforrriSyrup Bed Bank, N. J. 416 MAIN STREET ASBURY PARK, N. J. Atlantic Ulchlnndv, N. J. "To rlillllrrn nn mim-l of mi-rrr." lVlirr* Phono for estimates. MOVIETONE VAUDEVILLE .«! «' ,.,^-"r< C.v:|r'"* "i"1 fiiormima SEE HEAR si 1 l.'ASro.MN. i. c.alal,,, faU ,Io.fc Freehold Toms River Mt. Holly lied Bank ttm 1 1 ^tlantlo Highlands 210 «TT n'.'r. ^.'"n 'b.., ,-,,.:'" " "-"•""•" •»»»»••>•»#«#«•»••••»<'»*»*>**.' IM. C, A, Voorutis. H. _„ 1'UI_UI(IBI_> KED BANK KEG1STEK, JANUARY 80, 1929. OJL.D 0YCUST8 MEET. publicity his church has received. The lawn In front of the church has Keyport Woman uml Jame-fib-re Man been ruined and llkcwlne tho_ hedge. Recall Old Tlini-H. In an interview tho other day Ithc rector declared when asked if H Good Roofing Memories of bygono days when didn't appear as if two lights and MILLER'S cycling waa in vogue were revived trees and the varnish, on the door "The Kind That Lasts" Hardware Co. Monday when two well-known bl were responsible for the vision, said cyclists of 35 years oyo met for theIt might bo so, except for tho f;ict For all types of roofs 33 W. Front St., first time, though Bcpur-tcd by res-that when lights were turned out the R.d B»nk, N. J. idence by only elj^ileen miles. effect was more striking. The rector Mrs. William Mason of Keypnit says his most recent supposition is Monmouth Roofing' Co. and H. A. Edwards o( Jameabiirf, that the two lighthouse beacons Johnn-Manville Approved Rooferi wore the former cycling enthusiasts shining out toward the ocean und up 12 MASON PL. BOLSTER, who met for the Hrst timo In more Into the bay, somehow cross or re- Phone 390 KEANSBURC, than a decade. Mrs. Mason, wlio IU flect In a way to strike the t-hurcl: a young girt of llftoon, had enteieil door, although ho sees no evidence RADIO a hundred-mile run from Newark to of that. Aabury Park, brokf down near Pat- craon nnd. Eilwurda.Jn.|i_ti_lnit.iin.Ilifl Mrs. Tloaa Fayntcr bus rccovcreil same run came to her rescue anil re- from grip. -- - paired her wheel which enabled the Domlnlck Fuel, Sr., has recovered then Miss Julia Curtki to finish the from sickness. "hundred" to Asbury Park. Charles ROSH has accepted a jio This act waa- tho beginning of aHitlon in the pninting department of Cfiroer ag a cyclinL that brought un- the Central railroad at l-llzabc-thport. risual fame to Miss Curtis. She" v/irn Miss Irene Stokes of Ideal Bench a participant In numerous runs con- has been on tho sick list, Puritan Dairy Milk is particularly, rich I* 4 ducted by cycle, club.y all over tin: Mr. arid Mrs. Edward Hermann are Spending' the '"Food Dollar" Metropolitan urea ami she and herthe parents of a daughter. 3ia|er, Miss. MelidHa. CuitiH, fioon be- Dr. and Mrs. C. A. Palmer arc in every, element that makes milk so bene- ( came riders of unusunl endurance. sojourning In Florida. • Wisely and Profitably I Mrs. Mason attributoa this comi,lo- Eugene Knowles has recovered tion of the first "century" as respon- from grip. ficial. It contain-Tal! the v.itantmes in full sible for future contests. EklwardH, Tho Winter Unit of St. Mark's 1 The, purchasing power of your dollar depends on where you do your too, waa well-known an a century Episcopal church will hold a card buying—especially is this true in the buying of Foods and Household Neces- rider and received numerous troulue- party tonight In the Keansburg civic for endurance runs. association building. proportion<; and the lime., and minerals Mrs. John Martin is improving at sities. Hundrcfls of Thousands of HiyacJj&pj^^ ." • ''! the Long Branch hospital. : have learned from experience that they can make their dollars go further by I'ollceman Acquitted. Mr. and Mrs. James Haley h;ivc •that 'are so essential for the goocl health Daniel Gouldy, a member of thereturned from a visit at Brooklyn. trading in their Neighborhood d§£0 Store. Have you? Wherever Our i Neptune City police force thirteen Miss Mary Santn Lucia entertained ! years, wan ncquitteil by a jury, at a number of friends at a blrthdaj of you ap.c? your children. Stores are located they are known as Economy Centers, Where Quality Freehold last week on a charge or" party last Thursday night. Counts—First, Last and Always. selling liquor. Tim evidence apralnst Thomas J. Gilriiour has returned him was supplied by two private de- from a trip West. tectives employed hy the prosoeutoi-'H It Pays lo Trade Regularly Where Quality Counts ! . office. The detective testified to hav- John B. and Thomas W. Collins ; Ing bought a quart of whiskey from William Randolph and Horace G. I Oouldy. The policeman made a com- Smith have returned from a hunting j1 plcte denial and ^ave evidence to (rip In the South. "A PURITAN DAIRY PRODUCT 1 show he wan not horne>al the time Mrs. Henry Ackerman has been un- Big Flour Special This Week! j the detectives claimed to havo der tho care of a doctor. IS A PURE PRODUCT" | bought the liquor. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Morrisey have gone to Florida. Sergeant Theodore Klot:-;, who Is 24-tb C Grand Dragon Kosigns. attending.the state pollco school ol Arthur H. Bell of Bdmar, yrand instruction at Trenton, spent thu bag dragon of tho Ku Klux Klan in Newweek-end with his family.; Finest Family Jersey, has resigned from that olllcc. Tile Catholic Daughters of Amer- POFI Flour 95 According to Hiram W. Evana, head ica will hold a card party at the of tho Klan in the nation said the home of Mrs. Frank Johnson on Feb- ID /ilghcst grudo family flour milled. resignation was voluntary. Hugh lcel- ruary 12th. Phone ly of Dover, grand dragon of New The Oenddlne Thompson unit of Red Bank 2030. Reg. 9c Gold Seal Quaker or Fancy Calif. Hampshire and Vermont, has been Women's Kepubllcan club will nrert cent?'to this state to talco charge of jat the homo of Mrs. William Ralph Long Stem Mother's Rolled Seedless the Klan affairs until a successor to on February 7th. Bell ia elected. _ Several people from her attended Oats the Silver tea held at the Mlddletown Macaroni Raisins KEANSBUUG NEWS. Baptist parsonage last Wednesday pkgs pkg8 c afternoon. Tho social hour was in i Borough Council Votes on Street tho form of a "Cootie" party and Ihst 2 15 | Signs and ravlnrr. prize was won by Mrs. Lois Wolff I (The Rurl Uank Ueslater can be boughl The hostesses of tho tea were Mrs. ' eoch week in Keanatnirir at the Btor« o( Thomas K. Compton and Mrs. WaHei I Luula VollBnd, N. Sanlu Lucia. Phillip Walling. Reg 15c <®W Ptire Jellies • 2 tumblers ' Uullcr and Cliiirlcs VOKBI. I An ordinance" providing for tiro Luis A. Compton and her grand- C purchase of street signs and for amother, Mrs. John A. Sjmpson, will . 4 cakes 25 fund lo finance the project was in-celebrate their birthdays*'tomorrow. s troduced at an adjourned meeting of tho borough council last "week. This fund amounts to $3,500. The or- American Toilet Tissue 3 big rolls 23c dinance provide- that tills fund shall be expended over a period of four years. Tho signs will bo placed along 3 cakes 2Qc the moat prominent thoroughfares Camay Toilet Soap Drat, and Inter on the installation will take place gradually through the Sutlsfylni; Millions of I'nifU'ulur Coffno Drinkers Yearly—Quality Counts! borough. The ordinance passed on firwt and second readings. An ordinance providing for an in- b crease in salaries of the members of tho police department was passed. Cofiee 39c First-year men will receive $4.11 per day; second year men $5 per day, An extraordinary Mend—Every "Cup" Delicious! third year men $5.48 per day and .all superior officers will receive $200 per Victor Blend Coffee tb 35c I High Art Coffee lfc tin 49c year more than the maximum of the regular police officers. Tlie policemen were granted the above rates by the Del Monte Big voters at the election last November. Paradise Island Another ordinance that was passed can on first and second readings pro- OSCO Finest vides for the improving pf several • Extra funey ripe Hawaiian Fincapplu In heavy KUgur ayrup. A delightful, healthful fruit for every meal. thoroughfares/ Tho amount appro prlated for this work totaln $120,000 for the paving of Centor street fron I'rincess Jellies _._.". 3 tumblers 2pc i Large fancy Calif. Prunes .._, ,._2 IDs 25c Can- avenue to Rruitan nvenue, liai- Host Cli'iuieil ('urrantK - _ - 3 pkR*> 2fi(> I Itub Roy l'nlo Dry Ginger Ale . IS botsUSc itan avenue from Center street to dSCO Htliirnl Olives 1 bots2r)c I • 4SCD chm Sauoo.- _bot 25c Beachway avenue, Beachway avenue from Carr avenue to Raritan avenue dSCO Whlto Distilled Vinegar 3 bots 25c I I'rtnnlng's Bread _s Butter Flokles __; : jar 25c The ordinance also provides for the .SuiiilNO Toniiilii Ketchup 3 beta 25c ; 1'u o Tender Peas 2 cans 23c laying of, gutters, curbs and side- dSCD Breakfast Farina 3 pkgsKc I Fnrmdalo Crushed Corn 2 cans 25c walks as well as atoi;m drains. The 2 cans 25c coat of the improvement will be I'lllsbnr.v rmioiiko Flour - 2 pUgs 25n i Sinltlilleld's Apple Sauce assessed against the properties bene- Buckwheat ..-....- • 3 pkssZBo -Horse Shoe Bed Salmon can 25c fited. liincalte Flour : 3 pkgs25c i I'ure Vanilla Extract botlSo,26o A meeting was held one night last Iiijflioy Wheat Cereal .—. _—% pkgs 25c QSCQ Tomato Catsup big botlSc week between tho borough council flSCD Sliced readies 2 cans 25o I fISCO Spices (Whole or Ground) can 7o and a committee representing" the Keansburg civic association. This oi- ganlzation has been agitating thu Hansen's (Six Flavors) Reg. 19c tb building of a borough ball and on several occasions the matter has been s y til, ftV{_._ • • pkg C brought up at council,meetings, with- Junket 12c Sugared Dates -15 out any action being taken, tho ;is- soclation being unwilling to state its plan'until a meeting could bo ar- P. & G. Naphtha Delicious Juicy Washes Clothes Clean ranged for this particular purpose. At the meeting last week, former Soap Smyrna Figs Rinso Mayor James P. Mahcr presented-a proposition to build a hull at..a..ens! Some rlay noon you're Koins to drive n incitr.tIny* . . . its sinrst'.onic Balan pkg c pkg8 C of $13,000. The building would be 1 cakes •10x00 feet of hollow tile construction New All-Anirrir.'in. Anil vrhct a iiloriuiiii ... IIN <;-.M-'.I I-;, liudcr hr:ivill bo! 75x100. Tho plans and specifications • Quick submitted by the former mayor +' * '*• To he iip-l;i-t!n-r!!iriirti" c:i tile Plibjoct Cook shows that tho Hint floor- would con- or Regular tain four ofllres.- The twn rear rooms What a rcvolsilion in brilliant ^rrform-1, of auUiniobi!;-.-. . . . lo l.t-nv.• \. IiatV-tvitat lolled Oats 3 -* 20c would provide quarters for-tho police V i;!ii"inni car.-i iire. lidnj; r!i<"«l ... . ancc. In-silioolhiicHS . ; . in SI!:TM ". . . department and the other for tho \r.:i iritis! h:\\:- full' ::i ion on llio public health nurse. The two front in (layhitiR fhiiiifn^ of pare. In t h:- ;:: t ' y rooms would provide an ofllco for the provided by' i-ls-HquraMcss ii^ 1'-, •;.: i- Specials in Our Meat Markets for End of the Week! borough clerk and the tax collector. CTpanilinp four-wlirol braUrs. f.r l!:c Tho entire second floor would be used . / + for tho council meetings. No action power producRtl by a bif;. p:r.oct'.i. '. iU-Pl ,-ri-r. ;iir,t,,',n:r,. i. ,.-• 7 ciipjinc . . . with ilsilynamirally biiliinri'il, . FINEST CORN-FED BEEF! was taken on the proposition. • liirfrti in U;t ,,-i,..-. The school budget which will be counler-\vri;li!c(l rmnksliaft - . . -il* ,-,,,„. ( '.-, -". r(,:U.- Choice Cuts Chuck Roast^^lb. 29c Best Cut Rib Roasts .....tb. 35c vote* upon at the school election on cxcliitivr. puli'iilcd rubbrr < ::• !:i<-".c 1 February 13th provides $30,000 for Boneless Pot Roast lb. 32c Lean Boiling Beef tb. 20c current oxpenscs; $l,r,ou for building and grounds und $500 for repairs. The ' •." T. F.'Morford Motor Car Co., Inc. members of tho board of education, Selected Beef Liver tb. 22c j Lean Soup Meat .*....ft. 20c whose terrrjai,expire are Edward T. Compton, jjacob L. Frenchman and 21 Mechanic Street, Red Bank. Fresh Jersey Pork Loins lb. 25c Lean Jersey Fresh Hams tb. 27c Fred J. Troncry. It is understood (VVholii or Half) that they will be candidates for re- JOSEPH RASSAS McBRIDE MOTOR CO. Delicious Apple Sauce Long Cut Sour Krout .tb. 8c cloct,fon. 663 Broadway, Long Branch. 1205 Main St., Asbury t'ntU, N. J» Tho board nt Its last mooting puascd n resolution to notify the Ked "' Pliune 2168. I'limiB 1GU. Selected Lamb Liver, lb. 25c | Delicious Pork Pack ...% tb. 18c Dank board of education that (he Keutisbui'R bom-el of odurallon would JOE LEVY - ;-: - j y jyjorjr0l.j "Motor C^ai Co., Inc! '"" ' Legs Lamb Lean Stewing Lamb OSCO Sliced Bacon not be responsible for tuition in ,.x. cess of svn for the fiaeal year. n» thr 31 East Main Street, : Freehold. 107 M^in Street,' Avon. lb. 39c tb. 18c Mklillctown township school has been cleslRnnted as tho ofilclnl high .school Lambs' Liver Cooked Corned Beef Sliced Dried Beef for the borough of Ki-aiiHhuig. lb. 25c V_ ib. 15c y4 tb. 20c Nino applications are said lo hiive been tiled for appointment an post. rinwa of ALL FRESH-KILLED FOWL lb. 40c master of Knansburg I\1IM Margin el rynni. MOI in* Opclykc. acting post master, has Weil an application. Others who. l:avc made application? nrr Walter TCun- TASTY RELISHES! dolph, Jacob L. Frenchman. Homy L. Ackermnn, Chester J. Bonman Creamed Cheese Sweet Mixed Pickles Potato Salad Oeorge Klni; John J. Hurt, Mrs. •lb. 18c ft. 25c lb. 18c _ Grace .Teaser., .wife of former Post- master niclmnl-Jpsiicr. und Ttlcliaru" Vlnrenr-ricklril Trenery. Pigs' Feet Dainty Meats Tribe Vaat crowih" stlli continue to visit 9 Oz. Jar 23c Keansburg to view-thr vision on the Jar 2i5c Jar 23c door of Kt Ann'? Catholic cliurch. ltev. Thomas A Kearney" rector nf hsEOcaoi:. fhelf prlto »f)cctlv» ^n Store. In Red Bank -nd Vklnlly. the church is not pleased with (ho BY KLA RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 30,1929. years she had suffered with heart sickness of two months.' Ho waa 71 An epidemic of measles, which had disease. She was 04 years old and years old and was born near Fair been rampant at Little Stiver, broke YEARS AGO IN RED BANK, had alwaya lived in Holmdrl town- View cemetery. Mr. VanScholck lelt out again. Five of James Lanti'a WHITE DIAMOND ship. For 28 years she had been w a widow and two children. ohlldren and Ove of Patrick FiU- HAPPENINGS OF OLD IN ANp member of tho Keyport' Methodist Mrs. Sarah Matthews, widow of roorrls's children were laid up. Other LIGHT, BRAND victims were Jessie and Andrew AROUND OUIl HOME TOWN. church. Her 1daughtcr, Miss LizzW Ambrose Matthews, died at the homo Murphy, was a' teacher iu the Scobcy- of her son, George Matthews of East Bowman, Lottie Quackenbush anil Incidents Cullfeffifrom TUe Keglstoi vlllc public school. Red Bank. She was 66 years old and Mrs. J. W. Campbell. Mrs, Ely, who FOR YOUR HOME! ol the Last Week In Jamiar.v An attempt was made to burn tho had lived at Red Bank nearly all her was about 75 years old and who waa schoolhouse at Highlands. A tire was life. She left nine children, Mm the mother-in-law of George M. NATIONAL MAZDA LAMPS MAYONNAISE Twenty Years Ago, Thirty Years Quackenbush, was also laid up with Affu and Forty Yearn Afu. discovered near the cold air duct, but Thomas Ryan #t Jamesburg, Mrs. A. A perfectly emulsified ouali- it was put out by shoveling dill A. Platt of Philadelphia, tors. August the disease. * »• i, ty product—clean,, delicious Forty Years,Affo. through the windows and than KufTenbcrger and Mrs. F. E. Flatt of Jennie Worthley, the six-year-old ALIEN ELECTRIC SHOP and wholesome. The tomato growers of Shrews- shoveling it on tho flames. A lot of New York, Charles Matthews and daughter of Cyrenlus Worthley, wlio bury, MJddleiown, Eatontown, At- shavings and other inflammablo ma- Jcsso Matthews of Colorado, and lived between Red Bank and Little 63 Broad Street. Red Bank, N. J. r. Made from strictly fiosh eg£o, lantic anil Holmdcl townships met terial had been put in tho collar and Ambrose, Forman and George Mat- pure oil and highest qradc ma- at the- Globe hotel and formed an or- set on fire. thews of Red Bank. (Continued on next page.) terials. ganization. The farmers claimed that Charles Rlkcr, a wheelwright who Mrs. Hannah H. Vanderveer, wife Contains no filler to thicken. they were getting only $8 pel ton for had been employed by_ William 'i'. of Benjamin W. Vandervecr of tomatoes at the canning factories Castlcr of Middletown. died very Shrewsbury, died of paralysis after —H&«- tio oily taste, - and that they-could not -raise enough BHtMenlyofpffeumonra. His wife HffU; having beenunconsciousi nearlya IT'S DIFFERENT. tomatoes per acre to make this price been in poor health for some time week. She was. 63 years old and left pay them a profit. In South Jersey and was so overcome with tho shock three children, Misses Ella and Maria Packed In Half Hint, 1'int. tomato growers were receiving S:3 of her husband's death that she died Vanderveetv*nd Robert Vanderveer. Quart and Gallon Jars. tier ton and in Maryland they v/ero almost immediately afterward. George Morris ot Eatontown died CRANBURY N ) receiving only $4.00 per ton. On ac- Mr. a'nd Mrs. B. D. Hunt of Colt's of stomach trouble at tho age of six- KEEP IMA COOL P On' salo at fiivst class stores.. count of this competition the can- Neck celebrated the 35th anniversary ty years. He had held several town- WEIGHT 3'A 02 neries of Monmoutli county refused of their marriage with a big party. ship offices In Eatontown township. to make coiftracts for more than SS Motor Truck Service One of the principal diversions of the He left four children, Misses Emma J. S. Silvers & Bro. Company per ton. It waa stated /that the cvcnlnj* was a dialogue, entitled "The E. and Margaret B. Morris, John Sola Manufacturer* canneries of E. C. Hazard. John VV. Bashful Cousin." by. Minnie and Llz- Morris and William Hatfleld Morris. Stout and James Broadmeadow paid zio..Rfiffci, Sadie Statesh- and John John L. Moon> died at Bclford af- HIGHTSTOWN, N. J. $40,000 to the tomato growers of Read. Eastern Monmoutli county in 18SS. ter' a sickness of a very few days, The growers appointed a committee; Dr. Walter S. Whitmore's horse He was 67 years old and had lived and Supply Company consisting of Rorden Hancc, Jacob and wagon was taken from its tieing at Belford 35 years. Ho left a widow Shutts, J. Stilwell Grover, Frank place on Broad street while he was and four children, they bolng Mrs. Byram and George Nivison to call on making a call. Tljc party taking the Mary Wolford of Belford, Mr: RED BANK, NEW JERSEY. the canners and try to get higher rig amashod the wagon to pieces and lei Scott of Atlantic Highland prices, but their efforts were futile. had afterward tied the horse to u gene Moon of Brooklyn and ; i Jeddo-Highland Coal saves while it burns—be- ; post on Bridge avenue. Moon. Yard: 1 HERBERT ST. Office: 170 MONMOUTH ST. A great revival took place in the Mis. Jessie Hemlrlckson, wife of Mrs. Anna Maria Eastmond' of i cause it lasts longer, gives more heat with less j '•Methodist churches of Red Bank. Samuel T. Heiidrickson, Jr., of East Port Monmouth died of pneumonia TELEPHONE 1812. TELEPHONE 2174. Meetings -were held almost every Front street, died of pneumonia at at tile age of 83 years after a sick- '• ash. Try it ! i night and once a week an all-day ser- the ago of 2G years. She left a hus- ness of two weeks. Sho left eight 1 vice was held. These all-day meet- band but no children. Her only oth- children. Mrs, M. A. Waters and ings began at six o'clock in the morn- er surviving relative was an aunt in Rufus, John and Thomas Eaatmond ing and ended at nine o'clock at Brooklyn. of Port Monmouth, Henry Eastmond All kinds of Machinery, including Cranes, night. Over thirty converts WIMM Several residents of Rumson Bluff, of Harmony, Mrs. Ada Scott of made at Grace church and nearly as near Seabriglit, received notices from Keansburg, Mrs. Flora Evans of Steam Shovels, Graders, Pumps, etc., Over- many at the First Methodist church. White Caps. Sonic of them were no- Mount Vernon and Mrs. Stella War- Special services with a number of tified to leave the neighborhood and ner of Newark. hauled and Re-Built. converts were also held in the Bap- others were threatened with whip- Mrs. Emma Finley, daughter of tist and Presbyterian churches. In pings and all kinds of punishment. William Mason of Naveslnk, died in many of the churches in the villages The collections in St. James's New, York a few days after an op- Blacksmith and Machine Shop work of all round about Red Bank similar re- church of Red Bank were audited eration for cancer. She was 33 years ligious activities were carried on. and stated to Have been $7,019.37 for old and left a husband, but no chil- description. COAL The Red Bank and Mlddletown the year 1888. The expenses of the dren. —and— turnpike was sold at sheriff's sale at church were $0,086.08. Mrs. Emellne Danser, wife of Jos- the suit of Joseph T. Field, who had William H. Mlnton of Fair Haven eph Danger of Colt's Neck, died very Electric and Acetylene Welding. loaned $2,000 to the turnpike com- died of consumption. He was U*i suddenly \>t heart disease. She left pany. The road was bought in by years old and was a son of Joel Min- three children, Mra. John Conover William W. Conovcr, Jr., for a new ton. His wife had died six months and Charles and George Danser, all Pipe up to 14" cut to specifications. set of >,men, for the amount of Mr. previously. of Colt's Neck. Field's claim. The new owners of John VanKiik of Highlands lost Mrs. Annie H. Hcyer, wife of Wit- the company were William W. Con- four line ducks and a drake which Ham H. Heyer of Hazlet, died of Contractors' Supplies and Contractors' over, Jr., Charles E. Conovcv, John were shot by gunners who went over FUEL OIL West, Charles H. Morford, Henry pneumonia after a few days' sick- his lands. Taylor, James H. Peters and John S. ness. She left four children, two boys Equipment for Rent. Hondrickson. These were the larg- Edward Smith rented the William and two girls. est of the original stockholders of V. Conover Shore farm, near Apple- Hugh B. Conover, Infant of son the turnpike or their heirs. gate's lauding, for the year 188Q for William B. Conover of Mlddletown Parts and Service for G. M. C. and Mack Price may get business, but quality holds it. $100. township, died very suddenly from A new artesian .well to supply Frederick Cohnorgan of Scobey- infantile diseases. Trucks. water for Red Bank wag put down villi! sold his farm at that place to Henry Holmes was building a big 228 feet when water was struck. Tlio Frederick Miller of the Phalanx. barn on the Michael Taylor farm at water came up to within nine Tunis Mollcr, a blacksmith of Leon- Holmdei, which he had recently We also maintain a department at 170 Mon- feet of the ourface of the ground, urdville, returned home after a fdu'r bought. Several carloads of brick The water was supposed • to come months' trip to Europe. wero bought for the foundation and mouth Street for the repair of light cars. from an underground stream from Elizabeth Johnson of Fair Haven a lot of Mr. Holmes's neighbors made tho muuntalhs in the northern part died of Bright's'disease at tho age up a carting bee and hauled the 9 of New Jersey or from the Alleghany of 61 years. brick from the station to his farm. Estimates for Overhauling given. range. At a depth of 200 .feet the Among those at the bee were John well drill went through a great deal Thirty Years Ago. M. Ely, Eugene Ely, William C. Ely, S. S. THOMPSON, President. HIKE. I DAVIS of drift wood. The water was found A great many deaths occurred in Edward Armstrong, Edward Taylor, Telephone 103 in a stratum of clear' whito sand. and nenr Red Bank during the last Sidney Bray, Thomas Coohcy, Jona- A Good Dace to Trade. Mrs. Mary E. Murphy, widow of week in January. George W. Van- than Holnies, John S. Holmes, Dan- William Spafford, died in Holmdei Schoick of Maple avenue died from iel- Smock, James Taylor, W. A, Ma- a complication of diseases after a gee, Elwood Magee and John Taylor. •»»»•»»•••»•»»»»•»»»«»»••••»•»•»»»••••••••«•«»••»» township ol pneumonia." For many

f OVERCOAT THURSDAY, JAN. 31st, we ar^ going to put over our biggest event of the year. 81 Overcoats —Kuppenheimer, Michaels Stern, and other famous makes to be sold regardless of former prices. Every coat absolutely guaranteed. - MODELS- — FABRICS - -VALUES- Single and Double-Breasted Box Blue Chinchillas Single and Double-Breasted Tube Blue Broadcloths S30 S35 840 Chesterfields Fancy Cheviots Ulsters Meltons $45 and SPECIAL SPECIAL Heavy AH-Wool Woolen Underwear, SWEATERS Shirts and Drawers—

That formerly sold up to HALF $5.00 each. PRICE J. KRIDEL 95/ -Red Bank- HED BANK REGISTER, JAN U AltY SO, Nlnn Ico yacht club. Other officers wore ^ f fl f . f Hill 0 « Q «»»»<»» Thomas L. Hubbard, Irving Hance, YEARS AGO IN RED MNK Henry N. Supp, Georgo W. Taylor, Charles E. Burd, Captain Charles E: (Continued from last page.) Throckmorton, Augustus Havlland, Edward and Daniel Auny and Samuel Silver, wan badly burned by the up-W. Morford. "Take My Advice" setting of a lamp. Jennie's father Mloa Alice Brown, a colored woman and mother wcro also badly burned who had been employed by Mrs, A COMEDY on the hands while trying to put out Jamoo Clayton of Bridge avenue tho flrc. Tho girl's hair and eye-more than thirty years, wandered brows wero burnod off and the right frnnj.the'houec In a fit of temporary Auspices of Presbyterian Men's Brotherhood Hide or her face, her right ear and jjnaahity and .her""dfowri6a body was both hands wore also badly burned. found In tho river near Coopers A barn, carriage houso find cow bridge. house on the farm of Hlchard Bor- John Christian Soffel of Llncroft don, of LHtlo Silver Point were de- sold his milk route at Red Bank to St. James'High School stroyed by flro with all their con- Howard Tindall. Mr. Soffelhad been Today, we call your attention to our Kitchen tents, Tho articles burnod included in the milk business 23, years. He Equipment. Many work- hours, each day you threo sleighs, a farm wagon, buggy, was eighty years old und his health hay, straw and grain, farm tools and was poor and this was his reason spend there and those hours can be much more a lot of household goods that had for selling the buslneps. ' , been atored in tho barn. The total pleasant if your kitchen is modernly equipped. Friday, February 8th 1081 was about 53,500. Peter Robinson of Rod Bank fell while walking on Wharf avenue and Make a survey of your kitchen furniture today and Charles Doughty of Shrewsbury struck hia head against the.curbing. if additions or replacements are necessary, see us. township, who had recently died, left He was stunned and a long gash was a will dividing oil his property made In his head. He was picked up We have a large variety of kitchen furniture of DANCING AFTER THE PLAY equally amoni; his children, Nathan, by two men and conveyed to his every good description. Benjamin, Charles, Joseph, John L., "home. -Wltb- Robert E., William B. und Maria Doujfhty, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Worth- Albert L. Ivins of Red Bank won See our Housefurnishings Department for the ley, Mrs. Matilda Parker and Mrs.a pig in a shooting match at Mor- little articles for the kitchen. Emily S. Wilson. ganvlUs and he tied with two other "Reg." Schury and His Orchestra Wellington Emery and Richard shooters In a match for another pig. WyckofT of Oceanic were raGlng on He sold the pig he won and the oth- Valloy Drive with James O'Blerno er plgj was divided among the three and Fred Conoyer, also of Oceanic, men. ^ TICKETS, - - $1.0ti when the front oxlo of Emery'd A supper was given at Thomas G, wagon broke and the two men Were Cowles's at Hazlet in celebration of On Sale at Red Bank Book Stiiro or Member* of the Brotherhood. thrown out. They escaped serious in- Mr. Cowles's birthday. Among the Jury but were very badly bruised. guest3i was Mrs. Cowles's mother, TAKE MY ADVICE AND DONT MISS IT ! ALL tOOAt CAST. Bronaon Butler of Montrose, nnar who had observed her 91th birthday Holmdel, broke tho kingbolt of hln two daya previously. WWIWWMIIWIIWMIIIIWHWWIIHHIMMWIIli Wagon and the horse raced toward Harry McKelvey of Navcsink died homo •with part of the wagon but ;t oficonsumptlon at the age of 43 years •«•••«««< •never reached there. After a daya after a sickness of two years. He searching tho horae was found eating left a widow and three children. He grass at tho sido of the road a long was a former sexton of the Nave- distance from ita home. slnk Methodist church. MARINE ENGINES OVERHAULED AND John Reddlngton of Belford was John S. Applegate, Jr., of Red Bank, who had been appointed pros- Porcelain Toy Tables, very badly cut on the head while S0.75 — $7.50 RE-BUILT. BOATS REPAIRED, PAINTED Bawlng wood with a portable saw- ecutor of Monmouth county after the mill at George- Morford'a at New resignation of Henry M. Nevius, Wan DINNERWARE. appointed prosecutor for a full term With Drop Leaves, Monmouth. Tho wound was mode 515.00 IflO-Pc. English Decorated Torcelain, . »18.00 to $29.75 AND ALTERED. by beinp utruck on the head by a of five years. A space and labor saver. JOJM'c ..Johnson's Knclish White and Gold, 850.05 piece of wood which bounded from Rev. T. A, Bookman resigned as Unfinished Tables, • $47.50 — $85.00 KIIHY. Johnson's Kngllsh Blue- Willow, ..--—- —^-$85.00 the saw. pastor of the Red Bank Reformetl $4.00 — $1.50 MARINE RAILWAY SERVICE. John Garvcy of Naveslnk "won a church, the resignation to take place SCALES. box of cigars from Edward E. at once. Mr. Beekman stated that he had accepted a call to Ttosondnle,, With Drop leaves, Detccto Bathroom Scales, Burdiro of Locust Point on a wood $0.30 $11.50 Estimates Given. . rlinpplrih' bet as to who coukl cut the New York, most cordwood in a week. OJnrvoy; The horse of Alex Burlelgh of Uiinnished Gateleg Tobies, Baby Scale with Basket, cut 17'!i cords of wood and Burdfte Beech street broke loose from a lie- ¥9.00 — $9.50 70fl cut 17 '/j cords. post and ran away, The wagon col- Winfleld. Mrs. Peter laik- ing bee. A bet was mode as to which, er, Smile, Emma and Frank Luker, man had the biggest porker and Mr. 10 Broad Street Red Bank, N. J. &£ery$)rop9hint Miss r.rnce Wilson and Mrs. William Hlnteimann won by two pounds. , • • • • Mount. Mr. and Mrs. Albert 6.-Millor of ' John IT. Rcott of Headdcn's Corner Irving place celebrated the four- wau aand-bagficd while gulny liontu teenth anniversary of their ninrrlii^n from lied Bank. He was found, lying by a party to a large number of rel- If water harteen used to adulterate unconscious along the road with all atives nnd friends. paint, you have no way of detecting his money missing. Mrn. Anna Vldvard Router, mother Threo chickens nnd 2O0 pounds of of Mrs. James E. Dpgman and Mrs. it in advance. But once you have eels wero stolen from Herbert Sny- George A. Steele, died at her home at dor's home at Fair Haven while hi Long Branch after a long sickness. used that kind of paint you,will was nway from home on Sunday af- Henry J,' Bray bought the Odell know, because it will crack and peel ternoon. farm near Eatontown for $4,000. The A horse owned by Frank Polhemus farm contnlried 25 acres with a gooil and chip. You can avoid paint- of Naveslnk died suddenly. The mate house and the usual outbuildings; to the horse had died two weeks pre- Arthur Hulse of Mount street, who REDUCE YOUR FUEL COSTS and-water if you buy ,, .:, viously und the team was valued at had been employed Dtjvoral years by $250.' ' ' • Jfamcs Fltzgibbbns as -a plumber, James Mahoncy, son of Patrick started in business 'for himself. Mahoney of Oceanic, was home on a Mrs. John McPeak wan elected u short furlough from his duties as a Pocahontas and Mrs. Charles. Dixon se sailor on the criser Cih'olnnati. Wenonah of Naramatta degree of MI33 Emma Orleman, daughter of Pocahontas of Rumson. Jlwca ' Daniel Leahy'B leg was amputated Jacob Orleman of Belford, was mar- ried to Albert Morris, son of William at the Long Branch hospital. Mr. water free •Morris, Sr., also of Belford. Leahy was a resident of Colt's Neck A bedroom set, which was dis- and was In his 83d year. posed of in Robert Hance & Sons' Peder J. Gisleson's house on Leigh- store, went to Mrs. Mary Louise Hen- ton avenue, near River street, WU3 bought by Mrs. Cecilia Wolfe of Me- drlckson of Mlddlctown. : Berton Allaire, daughter of Rich- chanic street for $1,600. ard Allaire of Fair Haven, celebrated Daniel Champlln. father of Charles You run no risk whatever if you her ninth birthday with a party to K. Champltn of Red Bank, Injured about 25 sroung friends. his leg. and was taken to a Trenton make sure the name, LUCAS, is on John Maxson of Chapel Hill was hospital for treatment. the paint you buy. badly bruised on the head by belli,; •William O'Brltm of Rod Bank and PS Anthracite thrown but of his wagon when his George A. Steele of Eatontown we'nf horeo ran awoy. to Florida and Cuba on a business Since May, 1927, there has been available a trade-marked Ask us for further information John S. Holmes of Holmdel broke and pleasure trip. about Lucas water-free paints. his leer and spralnnd hismnklo by a Miss Stella May Talmago, daugh- Anthracite Coal of the finest quality. The producers of this coal fall from his stoop when ho had an ter of John S. Talmago of Highlands, . conceived the idea of identifying it for the protection of consum- attack of vertigo. died of consumption at the ago of Georgo Vlx's houso rit Fair Havon seventeen years. • ers and dealera by means of sprinkling through each carload sev- Robert Hance & Sons was broken Into.. In it, tho.i.hleves were Theodore West and Harry West of eral thousand cardboard discs of a bright orange, color. Each frightened away by dogs beloro any- Blast Uceanic opened a new fish mar- disc bears the name of the colliery where the coal is produced. 13 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. thing WIIB stolen. ket in Phil Kuhl's building on Front Mrs. Carrie S. White, widow of street. . • , Henry C, White of Little Silver, was Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Coy, wife of We are pleased to announce that this splendid coal, identi- PUBLIC NOTICE. . • • • appointed administratrix of her hus-Edward Coy of Fair Haven, died BE IT RESOLVED, That the> UuilKet of the year 192D M Introduced lifi.ftpumved band's estate. from a tumor at the ago of 62 years. fied, guaranteed and certified as it is for your absolute protection at ttia Tax Uuilgel of the yeiir 1U2U for the Townuhlp of Mlilaletowh' and that tile urni put first resiling n» ft TwOidltiance, Jacob Johnson of Belford cut hie John Carpenter ind Samuel Hen- and satisfaction, will be exclusively handled from our yards for And be it furth«r resolved that the lurni bo la(J over for a hearing to a special head severely while chopping; wood, drloltPon of Fair Haven went to meeting of the Township Committed tq bit held un Thursday evening, February 7, 1D2D. by the axe catching in n clothes Florida to spend several weeks. this territory. The experience of this coal in other communities at which time ill persons interouU'il will he K HeeelpU Tux :_ - 11,000.00 P.nOO.ClO boarded with Miss Rehcccn Patter- i. Poll Tax „ --. 600,110 COO.00 son fur ten yen in. Ench of tho two II pays to advertise In The Register, Ice Company 6. Fire Wardan _ -.._... ",6.00 25,0(1 0. Interest - - 500.00 500.00 women wan sick onlv a vciv short 7. Coils on Tin. l.iena :.l - 760,00 7SO.0II time. . fl. DulMIng permits -„ - - 00,00 180,00 27 BRIDGE AVENUE RED BANK Amount to lie raiseiPby tnxte : I04.I7C45' Hlclmrd Muchmorc o( Port Mon- mouth defeated Gilbert Weeden, Sr., . , * ir.1.300.45 1136.8C5.21 of the snmo place in a series of Jtanien ' AITHOTR1ATI0N8. N General Government! • • • of checkers for the championship of AdmlnTairnllnii ami KX.TIIIIVI- » 14,'JOO.OO I I).600.00 Port Monmouth. Mr. Wooden had Assessment and Cullectlnn of Taxes 6,400.00 D,400.OH boon tlu! nolmowledped chaniplon- artdrefuvn JJcaltli Work ,..„ „,„/..,-„„. ..,_-.._...... __..; H.SOO.OO 1,006.00 ship-flf Pott Monmtituh. Jlr. Wcodeii" l.lphli " ' - 10.000.00 8.000.00 - Sumlwy; February 3d I'inir S.000,00 2,000.00 had been the acknowledged chairt- Fireini'li : ll.J50.0fl 10.000.00 plnn checker plnyer of ^drt Mon- Tickets Good te Newark. ih.a.:ik : l.ooooo ... 7110.00 mouth for Mime tlmo. SPECIAL TRAIN LEAVES l~in.-rjf.-nry No'r*t, 4 20.000,00 I2.782.4* RED DANK 8:5fl A M |r.i|i!(itMiieni tVrtinentPf for Reads 15.000,00 15.000.00 John Wlinlen. a ilolnidel farmer, t,' He. 4.200.011- 2.1100.00 was clubbed lo inBenslbllity by a" MIDDLETOWN :..!• :0: A M. PREROGATIVE COURT OF NEW JERSEY rntlnll ivlll at ttmt tlmu bo mmle tttf (nt i.iwinhlp I.ilirarj ,4.000,00 • 8.750.00 Itotuniltm lonve NVM York WPM l!;irf St IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY. thiitlt enuitnlilo nnil just. man who rnlled nt hip hmiBO and Notice of Settlement. •.l!,,w,Mu-,,.,,f e,,imuh«|,nn nnil mumel (••<. Kiinils, Maliiteimnei iin'1 new w.irll 43,SOS.00 4S.30:1.00 HM5 P. M. I.ll.fily St. U:00 1'. M. New- TO JOHN I'llIU.U' MAItTIN: The olijet-t of suid suit U tn i.l.lfiiu n asked for dlrnetionb to the home of 1 NnlVro i) h liy Hint II.. Dnleil Noworli, N. J., Jl.nnary 8. IW. Misti.oa Oertlfraf of Tnx Sale ,. 760,00 750.00 ark, Droud St., \i :U6 I . M. By virtue i>r un urilri ni tin? Court nt ilecVce of divorce, iliasoliinu 111'- mm rum- Ir.ien-.?. 12,000,00 7,.100.00 another Holmdel farmer. After tictwcT. yun niu) the aiiiil iH'Uiium r. >f thi! nilui-r ,.,• a, ,. ..-tutor of llio HDKMTY UNION TRU8T COMf *M¥i Tot further luruiniDtuin secure lian'dbill Clinnccry uf Ni'u .Irrsfy, minli! on the il,iy ,u,,l tr-!. 1 Interest deficit ., ' 4.841.00 S.r.61.71 knocking Mr. Wlinloo uncnnnclou;, M Tlrlcei (Mice. of ttic linte luf, in » rrrtalu ruiiM- Dined January U>. ltl':'.i. i,•lit of Allaust I' . Moll Ily K. A. I'llUUBN. Trl|»t Offlo'f. Ileficlfnl JilicelUtieoul Rerenueii, 1926 - None 1.890.90 whoreiit Ji'siie Om.k Mnrtir. \i lii'titlniit'r, BRABI.EY M. lUlllKll. I •• will l,u muliliiil mill st. Hood, I.nlttrty A Cumnlull, tho man broke Into the house but NewurK, N. 1. . llcfleil flrini Receipt, T's». 11122 None ' 35.71 OTHER KXC.lilialON. MARCH :i :ir,il you. .Inhli I'lilDii' Mjirlln. nrt ileroml- Kolicilor of (Vtitumri ! li I lie I ami ri'imrinl lor sett' ir Imp. KartlfUalt for Ilooi! Improvenivnl ....!.' Nuno , , ?,o- Neptune high school boy, "has* i>ren I*cm£ Branch, and George C. Clny of tngn, Slight Fires, Births, Mar- indefinitely postponed. The postpone- I.akowood. Tho marriage took place Battery Service WOOL SWEATERS | riages nnd Deaths—Other Items. ment was planted at the- request of In Brooklyn January 8th. Call Koantburg G5-L-4 In red and green, dark blue and grey. "William Brooks, who conducted v. John It. Phillips, counsel for the ac- grocery gtoro at Freehold, died at Ih cused man. Srabrt—ISattlffan. Wo recharge and repair all Highest quality. Fast color*. Hiss Mary Seabet of Newark and makes. Michelln .Tires Spring Lake hospital last Wednesday Need More Money. Reg. Sale Sale of bladder trouble. lie lenves i Bernard RattlRan of Kennsburg wore and Auto Accessories. SI.5(1 16 inches $2.50 52.25 Neptune township voters will be married nt tho latter place laat Sat- A Task For An 8 Inches $1.75 brother in Pittsburg" and two sister; asked to approve an additional bond TTTVTfTTTTTTfTTffTfTTTT 10 Inches $2.00 $1.75 18 Inches ' $2.75 . $2.50 urday week by Rev. Thomas A. at New York. issuo for $35,000 nt tho school ('lec- 1* Inches $2.25 $2.00 20 Inches $3.00 $2.75 A sui'priso-shower was plvnn foi Kearney. Mr. HatUgan is employed tion next month. The llrat appro- on the Keansburg Beacon, Expert. Miss Gladys Pitt of Freehold la:t priation was $100,000, but the islze wctfk at the home of Air?. Frank school needed cannot be built for It'o Dealers Klect. Best Place When you consider tlie amount of WOODHOLM KENNEL FOOD SUPPLY GO. Haywar'd. Sliss Pitt is engaged to that figure- Charles R. Shelly of Asbury Park —in— detail and the responsibilities which OCEANPORT •Raymond Robinson of Adelphia. has been elected president of the William A. Totlil of Adelphla cited War Veteran Dead. North Jersey shore ice association. Monmouth County mt)Bt bo assumed by tho Executor V Saturday night work following1 liarlflfl 10. licnnelt of Keyport tiled Lester Wcller, Jr., of Aabury Park is you will realize 1B a'task for Telephone Long Branch 3220- V< stroke of paralysis, lie was eighty last Thursday of consumption..whicl . secretary- and Sanford C. Flint of As- to Buy a Good an expert Appoint tho Broad Street years old urn] leaves one daughter 1 esultetl from being- garbed in the I tniry parit jg treasurer,/ Mrs. John J. Robinson: National Bnnlt your Executor—It battles in. tho war and was wounded j jobberies at Kcnnsburg. has tho experience, resources and Bainbrul^rc J. Davis, an assistant 1 cashier of the Citizens national hank and passed on the day tho Armistice Several robberies have been com- USED CAR facilities to handle your estate with was signed. jnitted recently at Keansburg. MOLLY PITCHER of Long Branch, has been elected Amonp; tho plnoes robbed were Wil- the utmost cITlclency and caro. Con- president of tho New Joraey safe tie Foxes rie.ntlfui. liam Pease's butclicr shop, Maurice R. L. SAXE sult us freely. posit association. Hunters report thnt foxes aro .Siegal'a dry goods store and Daniel Seagirt residents are protesting numerous throughout the county. Wilson's lunch room. HUDSON & ESSEX DEALER ...GRILL... against the motion nf the Pennsyl- Two wore recently killed at Mana- (Next to City Hall) vania railroad in making the utatioi l»pan and a parly which hunted near War PlReonH Win rrlzes. Riverside Asrenue, Red Bank. at that place a one-man station dur- IVariningdale last Wednesday started Ton pigeons from,Fort Monmouth Broadway, ing- the winter. 3 foxes although- they failed to won eighteen prizes at the allow held James Cartwrfprht of Freehold, -who at Harrisburj?, Pennsylvania. At n • kill any. Long Branch N. J. recently bought the V. Perrinc Pit Madison Square Garden the aamu tender house on the Atlolphia road is Severn Nose Weed. birds won seven first, three seconu Phono 327. Special Lunches, 85c. having it remodeled and will make Charles D. Flamnier, Jr., nf T-on^' and two third prizes. Open Evening! and Sundays. BROAD STREET HATIONAI BANK i( hiH home. Branch was taken lo the hospital at Red Banlc.N.J. A la Carte Service Miss Lillian Anderson of Freehold hat place Sunday of last week suf- (Continued on next page.) saldcl Saturday for South America to 'erjn£ from a continual bleeding of visit hnr brother, Cecil Anderson, he nose. Two blood transfusions who has a responsible position in were siven bim which improved his Dinner de Luxe, $2.00. that country. :ondltion. George.W. Green of Neptune d\c(. Tests tii Iflremanshlp. Special Attention to Card Parties. last week at tho hdmc of his daugh- Boy scouts of the county who de- ter, Mrs. F,. M. Morriij of Baltimore. irc to pass tests for the merit hadn't Private Dining Rooms. Me was 57 years old and also leaves or firenmnship may do so by apply- a widow. u^ nt fire headqiiiirters at Asbury The Molly Pitcher Hotel will open Clarence Briggs, who has been *ark anytime^ during the day. The early in May. manager of the. Guaranteed meat ests will be given by the oHiccr in market at Freehold, has been trans- liarge. A Great Food Sale ferred to the company's store at I->cy- FREDERICK C. LUTKIN, port. N"« "Work; (Joes to .lull. This week marks the beginning of our GREAT FEBRUARY FOOD SALE ! Harry Brady of Keyport was r;on~ •. l ' Manager. Mrs. Mary Stevenson,, at KeyporL ienccrt to sixty days in the county sailed recently on the steamer Fran- jail, by rtccorckr, Truax of T>onK This is your opportunity to purchase fine foods at prices that meet your fondest conia for a trip around the. world. Branch last week. Brady went to She will be «one about six months. tho city luiH and asked to be sent tu desire for economy. Mrs. Martin MrHuo of JjOhg jail because'ho said he could not find Branch died Sunday of last week. At. ,vork. her funeral on Wednesday sovernl priests., from'this section took part. To Train at I'ninp Dix. Mrs. Charles Spires of Keyport fell Sonic of the units of the Hew Jer- WHITE HOUSE EVAPORATED on tiie ice. lust week and broke some iey national guarii will train at Camp CIGARETTES bones in her left wrist. She was treat- Dix next summer inytead of nt Sea- ed at the Matawan hospital. girt. At Camp Dix tlie troops will MILK Alton Geran, son of Mrs. Eliza- ave more facilities for demonstrat- •Ivapornted milk from tho heart of Wisconsin's famous dulrjlnnd. beth Goran of Matawan, who re-ing what they know about war prob- Fur onlio bulling and dessert maklng...... ndds delight to your cup cently joined tho statn troopers, is lems. of coffee. • Carton of 10 Packages, _. A_ stationed at Washington. InrltKhurg Man Tic ml. handsome The Monmouih county firemen's as- Kcuhen Ilavilarul of Olavksibiu'R LUCKY STRIKE, OLD GOLD, CHESTERFIELD, sociation now has on tin roll r>2 iire lied at. the Mercer hospital at Tren- tall cans full-size companies, 151 (ttiegutc« and 21 ton last, week at. the ago of sixty 25c PIEDMONT, SWEET CAPORAL OR CAMEL. chiefs. rs. tie went to the hospital with Artery Hovered. expectation of being operated on. Warming Horace Williamson of Farmingdaie A widow and three children survive severed an artery in lijg wrist • last him. • ,- MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE 1b. can 45c Pad- week when hia hand wont through njured on Train. thfi Rlass door of an auto truck hr. Mrs. Wary B. Pumyea of Allontown was helping push. His brother llaroM 'ell while on a train last Wednesday QUAKER MAID BEANS cans 25c The Sign of a made a tourniquet and stopped Urn she was leaving: for Florida.. The Wcxtinghouse Dealer flow of blood until a doctor could be rain had just left Trenton. Mrs, a reached. 'umyea wustaken from the train nt SUNSWEET PRUNES 2-Ib. pkg. 19c Was on llescno Ship. 'hiladelphUi and removed to a l'.os- Westinghouse Albert. I,iilcnr,_son of Mrs. Alhort Hal. C- Luker of Wanaoiassa, is quarter- Died in Florida. ION A PEAS, CORN or TOMATOES 3 cans 28c Warming Pad master "on tho steamship America Mrs. • Mary Beecroft, widow of which rescued the crew of tho Flor- Charles A. Doccrolt of Asbury Park, to ida in a gale last week. Luker is ENCORE SPAGHETTI 3 cans 25c Buy from one of these Electrification 24 and has been following the sea Dealers i since he was sixtenn. Donfc Want Annexation. APPLESAUCE A&P. Brand cans 25c Several residents of tho Frenna'i COULD NOT sention of Matawan township n.tterv.1- KEYPORT: tl a meeting last week at which tin- P&GSOAP White Naphtha 7 bars 25c Jersey Central Power & Light Co proposition of annexing Freneau to Matawan borough was discuso^d. SLEEP NIGHTS •-•!•• MATAWAN: t Moat of. tho. Froneau resj/iontu ni ,:> opposed to annexation. August Kattner, 146 Main St. Helped by Lydia E. Pink- Faririer Honored. ham's Vegetable Compound Lofty Quality at Low Prices RED BANK: William J Clnytnn*oVWtehoUl was one of the fourteen' men on whoin Use this listing of grocery values to check your, pantry supplies. Your A&P Store offers these famous Jersey Central Power & Light Co was conferred the honorary decree Fairhaven Jlasfl —"I am taking brands foods and household needs bearing the well-known labels of integrity at prices that speak Allen's Electric Shop, G3 Broad-St of master fanner during the Potm L\dia Pinkliam's Vegetable Com- ! C. U. Ennis, 1G White Street. sylvanta aiate. farmers' produce. sho*\ pound during tlio for themselves. • Only two othcil New Jersey men it ( han^o of Life. ceived the degree. Wlien I fcftlnerv- Alto All Public Service Offices. OUM and run-down Injuries Causo Deatli. my husband. Rets HOUSEHOLD NEEDS. BREAKFAST SUGGESTIONS. DanlcVVanNote of Ocoanporr died me a. bottlo right J|cre lire foods to correct tlio imlirultlifiil habit of "going without PUBLIC NOTICEr - , . at the Hazard hospital at Lbn? an ly. It; ia a t-lnuning nnd laundry needs aro sometimes overlooked. "VVliy not Notice in hereby Given that tho fnlluwiiiK Budget and "fa* Ordinance were ap- breakfast" those tempting fooils make tbe morning meal a wcl- proved by the UoroUKh of lied Bank. County of Monrnouth. Kranoli Thursday. His 'death fol yn it lielp to mo put In n biippl.v to assure uhvays mtvlng on hand tho things you como treat. Jj A hearinff on the Budget and Tax Onliiinnee will bo lielil at the UoroUBh1 Hall, Kcl ,tot-vpfl injuries ho received to hi and 1 think that IK'Cd? Bank, New Jersey, on February tlli, r.tllii, nt. 8 o'clock'I1. M., at which time and place shoulder in two falls recently. lie if other jicoj-lo objections to said Uudjiet HUI\ Tax Ordinance uT the Uoiouffh of J(«d Hunk for the Sliced Bacon—Sunnyfield Brand V^ 1b. pkg. 19c 1 was 83 years old and leaves twn son-, Would only inUo. . year 19-V may be pnsentH ly ;uiy taxpayer of mid Boruuitli. it when they feel Old Dutch Cleanser ..,2 cans 15c LOCAL BUDGET OK BOROUGH OF RED BANK, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, 'lMfidgTft for Church. nil run-ilown nnd FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1929. Pledges amounting "to $16,489 for Washing Soda—Novite or A&H 2 pkgs. 15c Holland Rusk pkg. 15c This Budget Shall Constitute the Tax Ordinance, . <• the annual budget, of' tho Asbim tike it n* the diicetiona BTV, they \\o\i\d find it a AN ORDINANCE RELATING .TO TAXES VOll THE YEAH 192y; Park M«lhuili»t church were nmde Pure Maple Syrup—A&P Brand jug 25c HE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the Hortnigh of Rekfil Ammonia—A&P Brand 32-oz. bottle 23c Amount of Surplus IIu $ S.43G.77 Vutohcr Budly Cut. J ANTICIPATED Milliam Kill, a butcher at Luii" ington Street, l'aiihavcii," Camay Soap ...3 cakes 25c Kellogg's Corn Flakes :.: pkg. 8c Surplus Revenue Appi'oprinteit . . ? 3.350.37 MiscelUneout Revenues Anticipated: Hecker's Farina large pkg. 24c Franchise _ V.100.DO fi.800.00 Pacific Crepe Toilet Paper 3 rolls 15c Groat KccclpU -.600.00 Uerk'i Utfic". Licenses l.'JOO.OO llooo.oo Clerk's Otlitt], Fines i;oop.oo » 50.00 Post Bran Flakes pkg. 12c ^lert'.V OiTi-:c. Senui- Conn. ..-..;..... ion.on ]5o:oo Double Tip Matches ...2 boxes 9c Clerk'.-, fitiiee. Sou-frr Kt-fuml 3(10.0(1 'J 7 5.00 Comet Brown Rice Flakes .....pltp. 15c Clerk's OitV-e. Fulilic Nurte i.r.uo.oo 1.000.00 Clerk's |Jojjr Clerk's Office. Lib noo.oo ii 00.00 Searches 1:00.00 1 IM! Tax | soo.oo 800.00 CANNED FOODS. Interest find t>^t 5,000.00 4,650.00 Interest on It.-nik Ac >\ 1,000.0(1 1,BOO.00 i Canned foods nro rich In vlhiniln-cdntont. Intern! ou A^.-.-MNi ', ^.OOO.Ol) Water Depart me•.! i '^.OOO.OO •J.OOO.OTI , DESSERTS. Amount to he Ilai'nl liy 2 3 0,1 r» n. n 0 207.453.00 Pears—Thank You Brand .P. largest canl9c Top <>T " Kooli meal with a sweet. A&I' linn a complete assortment for you to chooso from. Red Salmon tall can\27c General Ailn»iiii->l:aLui- n:n| K\< .-iliv. ..% $ 8.5,10.00 PrintniL' mi'l A<\\ u. Li-Kj^ 1.000,00 1.000.00 Minute Tapioca pkg. 13c Peaches—Yellow Cling, Iona large can" 15c 1 ~. 000. fin 10,000.00 n.Mi.iik'*. Hail •I.AOOHUt •i.oob.oo Ass ess nirti!. JI ml t <' •!!"<• t ion of '1 n.\c Streets, Highways, Sewci*: i My-T-Fine Dessert 3 pkgs. 25c Blue Peter Sardines 2 cans 25c Stronts -. 27.700,00 27.700.0(1 Sower* Jll.000.00 10.000.00 tiprinkling ,...:..-? 4.500.00 Pure Fruit Preserves 16 oz. jar 25c , Corned Beef Hash—Prudence Brand can 27c • -Citrliat,'*.' : iM.onn.oo 14.0011.00 17,500 00 Kmerpom-y Note I'.'-'l, ytr»ets ; U.000.00 All 5c Pkg. Candies 3 for 10c Del Monte Crushed Pineapple No. 2 can 19c Preaervitlion of Life and I'roperty: Pulice -1*. ('00.110 . .I'olirc Tciuiun I'lnA ..,.,.-.„.;; ,.,. Canned Fruits Assorted Varieties" 3 8 oz. cans 25c 1 ire 1^.100.00 M. B. C, Household Cookies pkg. 21c Health nnd Charities: ru>nrd of, Mt-alth n.000,(10 1\.000.00 ; l'liblu' Kur»c ' ri..ino.(iii S.000 00 ' Pnur : b. 500.01) 8.250.(Ml D«bl Service: _ mkets Puymt-nt nf Bon'la ...:. • I2M 14.700 f'ft Grandmother's Bread PjiymPnt of*"lVnmJs, Ik-firtcru-y Ndt«, Payment of Interest. Dufkiency Jscts C.I fio.tni Jresh/rem the LAUNDRY Grandmother's Bread is ninde of the finest. Ingredients inter of I en H.>mlt H'.ift(".00 RYE, Seeded or Seedless Loaf, 10c Tnymcn! ol Notf. nml baited by mnstcr-baliers— Grandmother's Bread Is Mitcellnncoua: 1PLEECY blankets of soft, fluffy woolliness—colon RAISIN Loaf, 10c POO 0 0 noo.oo ; r brightened—unshrunken—you, too, will be de- 100% WHOLE WHEAT Loaf, 10c Librae f ooo.oo Hghtcd>vi0li.0'l ' Docks nnd Parks 1,500 00 ° OOL'.OO ! ll JC 1 6 t These low prices are effective the week of January 28th to, February 2nd !

NOTK:— AT.tir 'rrvrnup from 'Jnx.un Dnnf, ?200.00; to he ilser! fnr paytnfr.t cf l Red Bank Steam Laundry claim* toy lf» l'>' dug.* to rhcep. domestic snJmalE or poultry, imr-unnl to tr* ' provivinnji i of ChnpUr 145, V. L: 1UJ2. :., " / 02 WHITE ST. PHONE 1659.

1 , ' ' \VM. H. R. WHITE. - ' • ' . . May of. AMV K. iilUNN, Clerk. •:.'." MIMUl Tbe Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. REP BANK BEGISTER, JANUARY 30, 1929. Page Eleven -. IU( HAICI) ,J. MAKTIN, BRIEF ITEMS OF NEWS. TITLE SEARCHING, AND ABSTRACTS, _- e»_Bro»d_Slr«it, Paont 431. ^ (Continued from last page.) FISOH1JK 4 CitOWXf.L, *"~" LAW OFFICES, A faicwoll parts' was given al so BROAD STREET, RED BANK, N. !„ Union Beach a few nights ago for Ti.|ephnji»_Hfil_ Ilanti map. NOW RENTING Mlsacn Rebecca Johnson and Fran- "WlLLIA~M~MAflH»iWS1 M, 1>T~" Era. Ear, Hi,,, and rhroM, ces Patterson, who have entered ome«. III (cirinet • Steond National Buk Mount Slnftl hospital at New York Bullaini. ph.,ii» dSa as student nurses. Beiiiienet ebon* U6. JIIlco n.iur!- U:I1O lo 11:00 A. M.'t »|M H Freehold House Sold. 9:01 I*. M,, and hy nppntntment. Samuel Clayton and son of West WILLIAM A HOHHINU, •• Farms have bought tho property on Real E.tal. Urok.i Broad street at Freehold owned and v.LlniJin Pluce. ItKU UANK, N. J. occupied by Mr«. Hachel E. Layton. QU1NN, PARSONa 4 DOREMUS, COUNSKl.LOIta A'! LAW. Mrs< Layton will live with hor daugh- ivhltfteld HulMlnE, IUI) Bnlk. ter ett Hlghtstown. Ijlin J Uuinii. rh«i),:or« 1). ?mnot§, Thnmm H DnrrmiK Young Woman's Death. ALSTON BhEKMAN, Mra. Virginia R. Smith, wife of . COUNSKI.1.UII HI LAW. Joseph Smith of Neptune City, died OIHre^ II) H nmi I St., J1EO BANK. N. J, at the Spring Lake hospital last U'EOKUE D. COOPEK; • ' Wednesday of pneumonia. She was CIVIL KNCINEEIL H years old and besides her husband Suecaiior . to Caare* Coop«r, C E, ' _.uveu ono son. PatU'raan llulutnia. .' HEP BANK. N. J. UEOKGE K. ALLEN, Jr., C E., •nil .','inv Store> at Monasquan. GEORGE F. RANDOLPH, C. E. - Tho Roycr realty, corporation of iMVIL KNIJINKKIIS AND SUI1VKYORS, Perth Amboy has started work on a The most popular BO llnind S|rfvt. lleovt,,ti375 at tlufactory. Bumpers txtra Long Branch Man Dead. Ellsha G. VanDyke7 of Long Branch TUDEBAKER, builder of champions, in- died Thursday after a long sickness A^HRYSLER popularity is due not That is why die speed, the dash, tha onstrated by traveling 25,000 milci in less than at tho ngo of 72 yoars. Ho was a troduce! thi griattst motor car tvtr buihtend.„ 23,000 minutes. painter and la survived by a widow V-« only to the public acceptance of stamina you find in Chrysler can and two brothers. scarcely be equaled, much less »ur«. Sslid at its prici. Priced still lower, yet pro- The new Commanders are lower—and look lower Chrysler originality in style arid parsed, in cars costing even as much still. They ride more comfortably—they arc roomier Boy Flays Over Radio. beauty, but to the acclaim of the Tiding an even greater measureuf every clement that Raymond Fllan of Freehold, eleven as a thousand dollars more. owdeThe Commander the first truly great motor ' —their power reaches new heights of silken smooth- years old, made his first radio ap. freshness of Chrysler, engineering and poarance over station WCAP at As- performance. Car of moderate price. ness. The new Commanders are Studebakers—and : bury Park last week when ho five | a violin solo. j champions. There areno finercredentials than these. All ChrylUr tngints are provided with counter- NewChtyjIrr "75"—WVc body stylet priced from The racy, youthful »tyle of The Commander in- Chrysler engineers bring to the task • BallbtaringtpringthackUt'»hydraulic siockabsirk- ; I'olice Cant Use Cars. wtiihttd 7-btaring crankshafts. An expensive ^;5>5 io $.')•!'•• K •.•»•' <•' vlir " ^1 / /'. H'ir* whall terpreu the speed, the power, the trustworthiness, trttt nm-sKatUrablt windshield > » adjustable*front ! forbidden to drlvo their own caps to feature, but one that provides an almost iuered- ibl' engine smoothness and remarkable long life. originality and the same enterprise tftris. /ill f. !<•« /• "• !>• factory. wfciehits gtifrnt ptttltceuar so dnunittcilly^dem*« aaJ tteaing wiet! r fdiublt drop Jramt, and from work and to ride or drive ^i any car-While in uniform except in | the line of duty. 39 Studtbaker-Ertkitu Modtk-f835 to $2575 at tho Facton Capital Increased. The Asbury Park trust company has Increased its stock $300,000, ANDY'S GARAGE THO^AS H. MCKNIGHT bringing the total capital to $750,000. Corner M«plo Avenue »nd Weil Front Street, Red Bnnlt, N. S. The shares will bo issued at $"00 •&> Phone Red Bank 2124. each. 29 East Front Street, Red Bank. Two New Jetties. t. Tel. Long Brunch 204 Tho Bradley Beach commissioners 45-53 Broadway, Phone 705 'are planning to construct two mora jetties to protect tho beach front at Uwtplac*. Pace Twelve EED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 30, 1929. PUBLIC SALE OF LANDS, MABKET MEN'S ELECTION. wan. Mr. Roach lived at Jersey City the Keyport road near this placo las By virtus of an order of thi Orphans' but ho was a formor resident of Mat- week. Both cars wero damaged, bu Court of tlio County u' Monmouth matfttm llcctimbtt snli. 11)88, th« lubaorlliw, «d. FIRST CHURCH OF North Shore Grbwers' Association awan and Everett. no one was hurl. mlnUtrutrlx uf nil Mid »In*tal«jT tn« KOOIIM, LANGENDORFS Holds Third Annual Meeting. Dr. and Mrs. William P. Thompson William Ryan of Lakewood Is VIBK- oh«:t«li mid ,0«4it< of Emlllo J, Kuner, CHRIST, SCIENTIST of New York spent the week-end at Ing Mr. and Mrs. Michael McQrail. doccu»c<1, will, on the 2Bth dn» of FobrJ- GARAGE The North shore market growers' ory, ltl^U, nt two o'clook in tho afternoon, this place. ' * Mr. McGrail is confined to his home Hell lit public VMillue, upon the primlim, association held Its third annual Lady Mary Heath and Captain C with grip and stomach trouble. nil the vimt aide of Wuohlnoton itreot. In meeting at Farmlngdale recently. the llurouxh of Rumtoli, County ol Mori- LINCROFT, N. J. j j.-^icivises Sunday 11 .A. M.. B P. M. W Lancaster, noted English llyoru James T. Ketchara was elected pres- BLUE RIBB°N mnuth uml Stoto of Now Jonein AM thn', Sunaay-Sclmpl—9:30 A. M. ident. John Henry Morris vice prca- lost their bcaring3 Sunday^ morning MIDDLBTOWN VILI^VGE NEWS. traov of lnnd and promlnea >ltuat«, lyinij Wednesday Evening Testimonial while on their way to tho Alrvlew anil lielng iii thu riorouifh of Bumion, in Expert Auto Repairing! i.lcnt, Howard Slocum treasurer and Iho County of Moiunoulh. «nrl Bt»t» of BIcetiiiEa—8 P. M. Elvln F. Morrta secretary. The as- flying field at Red, Bank and they The Death ol Ebon Fortcr Morford— i Better Now Jecacy. at OeoBiiic, ana which on. ,n and Towing. ' Heading Room—Wednesdays and sociation was organized to give the landed in a field on Brookdalo farm. Church Meeting. mnp entitled n map of valuable property at SulUidays tiuin 2:30 to 4;30 V. M. members a market place along the Sunday afternoon Lady Heath and J'nrt Wuahlhirtoii. Slimwabury towhuhlti, Tel. Middletown 44S-F-23. J The DUblia !i cordially Invited to Captain Lancaster gave a demonstra- Ebon Porter Morford of Brooklyn Monmouth County, Now J»r«ey, filed in the •shure other than the one at Asbuiy tion at the Red Bank flying Held of died Sunday, He was well "known Monmouth County Clork'l offlej Juno S7, One Mile From Red Bank. J attend the services and visit .hi? f Park. They purchased a tract ol' in this section and he, had a number 1863, by Franklin Mead, n» a map of reo. fte;uiine Room. " f land In Neptune township and a mar- tho plane In which they were flying. onl. In known and deniirnated a> lot Ho. Edward Boughton has taken, the of relatives hero. From tho time he 41, frontlnn on Washington, atrent, ami ••§••••••••••»••>•»»••»• ket was established. The first two had been a boy Mr. Morford had been **& lielhic.'n KeC'wlStfreiit »nd nit and 110 years the association paid dividends liUb-agency for tho Electro-Lux feet deep on both ald». Iloumied north by vacuum cleaner. blind, due to an accident. He estab- lot 9H, on nald m«Pi emit by WaihlpKtan of nix per cent and last year it paid lished a factpj:y.rfi at Brooklyn -whero nlroct, "nouth by land formerly ownnd «•/ eight per cent. Its property is val- ^v^^*^ Midwinter und woul by lot No. 40 •« only blind persons were employed ued at $50,000. HOLSIDEL NEWS. and In various other ways he was of shown on said map. . large service to persons who were %&£*£•"*&% Bolnc intended a» thj name land and A Shipment of Horses Arrives Here blind. iir.-n.locn described in n deed made br Ed. Another Airport. mund Wilnon to «nld Emllle 3. KuP'r. A $3,000,000 corporation is boinp From tho Middle West. A congregational meeting -will bo dated Mny 3, 1800, nnd recorded In tn« formed to construct, equip and oper- Daniel S. Ely returned homo last held at tho Reformed church Tues- Monraouth County Olcrk'» odlco to 8»k • 4H!) of Dettdrt. puuea 108, otc, on May at ate nn airport on tho property west j Thursday from Ohio and other parts day night, February 12th, to consldor 18110, frum which deed nld deioriptlon I* of Asbury Park which was recently of the Middle West, where he bought a plan to engage a clergyman to act acquired for that purpose. A syndi-( horses for the sales and exchange as pastor of that church and of. the *"'"'"' BEBTIIA H. KUPBB, Admlniitratrliti eatc of New York brokers have the stables of the William C. Ely estate. Holmdel Reformed church. Tho Dntod Kumnori. N, J.. January SStli, 182B. stock issue. The airport will be lo- Somo of the horses which Mr. L'ly Holmdel congregation will hold a ALSTON IIEEKMAN, Attorney, cated on a tract of about three acres. bought arrived here early last wsek, meeting Friday night, February 15th, Rwlillank, Now Jertoy. but most of them got here Saturday. to consider the same mattel". Monmoutb County Surrogated OBIce, _ • LINCROFT NEWS. Michael McGrail is back at work aX Tho work of re-decoratlng the In- In tho mnttcr of tbs cuttite of Eleunor U. Brookdalo farm at Llncroft after terior of tho Baptist church is well PUbrliw, (leceaucri. • Library Station to bo Moved—Noted having been laid up a month with under way and tho building already Notice to creditors, to present clalmii iiEiilnst cBtnte. Aviators Land at Brookdale. sickness. shows a greatly improved appear- PurButint to the order of Joseph L. Don* •The houses on the Daniel P. ance. nhny, surrotnto ot tho county of Mon» The Llncroft station of the Middle- mouth, made on tho fourth day of January, town township circulating library Schenck farm, which are occupied by Miss Barbara Dcckcrt has recov- %%p3 1020, on tho application of Second National will be removed from Edward Bough- Mrs. Maida Manzell and John -Sal- ered from a heavy cold. Hunk nnd Tiunt Company of Bed -BOIIK. ton's Five Corners' tearoom tomor- mon, will bo torn down. Tho farm Rey. Luke M. Blekkney Bpent yes- New JuVaey, nole executor of the estate ol 50 NOW ^150 was recently bought by, Bcrnon S. Elonnor H. Dlsbrow, d«08B»ed, notice i» row. Aa; yefe no. suitable place haa terday at Princeton. Ho was accom- hereby Blven to the credltorB of BBld de- been fqjfnd for the station. Prentice of Rumson. panied by Rev. H. Pierce Simpson of coiiied to exhibit to the Bubmrlbor, execu- Mr. and Mrs. James Hammond New Monmouth and Rev. Thomas G.. tor as aforonld, their,debts Mid dtmandH Vincent Powers of Belmont Park, innlnst the »ald estate, under oath, within New York, visited friends here last have recovered from their sickness. Thomas of Leonardo. nix months from tho date of the nforeuiild Introduce yourself to fiWnSfiPHPg beauty Thursday. Most of the children who have been Postmaster John N. Hlilycr Is con- ordtfr, or they will bo forever barred of and wear! Twenty-nvo residents signed a pe- sick with colds have recovered und fined to the bed with sickness. His their notions therefor against the sold »u»« the school attendance shows a de- condition was serious Monday, but he tition last week to have James T. cided improvement. Dated Freehold, N. 3. January 4, 10ZP, An opportunity here to buy ffflPSfo'PB Sodon, Jr., appointed,, a Monmouth has since shown improvement. 8ECOND-NAWONAI. BANK county constable. The petition was Automobiles owned and driven by Virginia and Helen Davis, daugh- AND TRUST CO., . first quality stockings—but a "day or so submitted to the township committee Harold Holmes of this place and ters of Lee Davis, are under the care Red Sank, N. I. ago selling for $2.50—at one dollar saving by Edward Boughton and it was re- Henry TUton of Matawan collided on of a doctor for heavy colds. It pays to advertise In The Register. ferred to tho police committee. Mr. per pair! Sodon last year was a special oilicer without pay, but he was not re-ap- Style 984—exquisite all pure silk1 chiffon pointed this year. Mrs. Joseph Mertz Is much inv has been discontinued by makers. At proved from her recent sickness. Her this sp'ecial price you can choose it in all daughter, Mrs. Katharine Mauser of new shades for day and evening wear. Keyport, who-has been staying with her, has returned home. All sizes, too. But limited quantities. Joseph Vincent of Brookdalo farm has bought a Chrysler coach. For Immediate Clearance! Miss Mary Kelly of New York and William O'Brien of Jersey City were recent visitors of Bernard Kelly and family. James Toop and ^Walter Bennett students at the public school, were on the sick list last week with heavy •colds. Thomas Rowe, son of James Rowe. spent part of last week with his par- ents. Thomas is a student at-tho Tome school, Maryland. Bernard Kelly attended tho fun- eral last week of Edward Roach at AND NOW! St. Joseph's Catholic church, Mata

•••^•••^•••••••••••JM-****^*^*^^ •—That Great Once-a*-Year Event Tusting's

Asbury Par r

One Event That Has For Many Years Been Eagerly Awaited by all Monmouth County. One Event That Is Store-Wide In Its Scope• . • ...• • .- o Unifor> m In Its Discount In instances where general discounts of twenty per cent, or over are in effect, they will remain and no extra discount given

f T Important Factors Thursday Only MODEL 46 — U8C3 7 Y A.C.tubcsaml Ireclify- " In Which Some of the Many Reasons for ing tube. Lcdstubcs,$li3 Y the Tremendous Popularity of This An- In readiness the World's Largest Re- T nual Steinbach Discount Sale Are Enu- sort Pepartment Store...'..for its greatest MODEL F-2—Electro- Y On Bargain Dynarmc speaker—§31 ready to plug in t merated. ONE-DAY sale of the year. T All of Steinbachs high grade, sea- Square-Sale ... .'S.yStt.can enjoy..Kttl radio Reception.— the sonable merchandise is included. THe last one of these sweeping dis- Y count events was on January 31st, rumbling of the drums, the deep voice of a tuba, A uniform discount of- Twenty Per-. the woody sound of the clarinet—all the tones and cent taken from already low prices. 1928 and the next one will not be voices of a full orchestra dearly— at a moderate price. held until January, 1930. Every item Listen to the Atwatcr Kent all-clectric Mod^l 46 Selections . are replete.....tho early RAYON here. Only an Atwalcr Kent Electro-Dynamic can give choosing is advisable. in the store...... with a few entirely necessary exceptions. takes a re- you tone like that. Only Atwatcr Kent can give you Mail and phone orders will be filled LINGERIE suet quality so economically. And only we can give in the order received. duction of twenty percent. And, that you the benefit of our years of experience in selling means NEW, QUALITY MERCH- Hoover Cleaners for trade reasons and installing fine radjo, r • ANDISE. Merchandise that bears „ must be excepted from the event. the Steinbach stamp of approval, Easy Terms The Furniture Sale...... and other which represents fifty-nine years of events where discounts are 20% or ; greater....not subjected to this event. honest merchandising. A.One-day-a-Year sale....and Thurs- Surely, every thrift shopper will de- 14.MonmoMtb.Street 8Re< day is the last one until January, clare Thursday a shopping holiday. a 1930. •Wfe MuMlson Avenue V.nry 1'ark Compile a list of the things needed. Stores Open Wrdnr«liiy anil Siiluulay Hycniiig-i . -: Much new advance,Spring merchan- Come early and make selections • dise is here.....and, of course, it is included. while assortments are complete.


\ • •' -•(--«-•-'• ANK REGISTER. Mtud W»«kJy, KnUrsd u gaunl-UUM Mittn «l tb« Put- VOLUME LI, NO. 32. offle* •> R«d Bulk. H. I. aiiju tbf tut of M«rcb a. IB7S. RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY/JANUARY 30, 1929. $1.50 PER YEAR PAGES 13 TO 24,

rurjxs- RADIO CONCERT. ST. JAMES BOY SCOUTS. TALKS ON SCHOOL TOPICS, GOLD CUP RACE HERE. Classical end Modem Musto Broad BIG DREDGING CONTRACT. HOLMDEL'S POSSIBILITIES. Arthur Leavy and Francis Little NOTED FLIERSATAIRVIEW MADE $5,000 INKVEDAYS cast From VVJBI of Bed Bank, Were Elected Scribes Last Week. 8EBIES OF MEETINGS BY COUNTRY'S FASTEST BOATS TO SHREWSBURY lUVJSlt LOW WEALTHY MEN ABB LOOKING 1LX1NU STUNTS BY NOTED VISI- MARTIN NILI/S QUICK PROFIT A program of classical and modern "The boy scout troop of St. JamcB's ICNT-TEACHKRS. BE AT BED BANK. music was broadcast Friday after- IiANDS TO BE FELLED IN. FOR qOUNTRY ESTATES. church met last Wednesday night TORS FROM . IN REAL ESTATE TURNOVER. noon from station WJBl.of1 Red and Arthur I.eavy and Francis Little The Meetings Will Be Held Ones a Event of National Importance to beBank by the pupils of Miss Grace Fifty Acres of Islands ana Flats ot They Have Obtained Options on were elected ecrlbo and assistant Lady Mary Heath and Captain W. N. He nought George Rfldgent'a ; Month Until Vacation—Tho First Held on the Shrewsbury Blver Au- Malchow. Those who took part were Btunoon to be Converted Into High Nbio Farms and Ono Sale ta on scribe respectively. Thoso who passed Lancaster Flew to Red Bank Sun- den's Corner Property for $12,800 Meeting Will Bo Held Next Week Bust 24tu and 25th, In Conjuctlon Helen Ides, Frances Carhart, Inez land for Besldence SlU?s—About tho Vcrgo of Being Consummated tho tenderfoot scout tests at the day—Building Work I Ins Been nnd Sold It Flvo Days Later to Mid Will Be About "Thrift." , With Yucht Club Regatta. Lawyer, Ruth Wagner, Mama Reuck- SCO Building Lots to bo Created. .—Pleasant Valley Greatly Excited. meotlng are Paul Hemschoot, Porter Started on Airview's New Hangar. 1'rlt* Errath for J 17,600. The parent-teachers' association of Through the efforts 'of the lied haus, Raschelle Madanaky, Pauline An Island development In the Tfio Holmdel Pleasant Valley Is Toomey, Daniel Ahern, William Lady Mary Heath of England, who Ono of tho quickest turns In *«al tho Red Bank, publlo schools will, Bank yacht club the most Important Ingalls, Evelyn Mattson, Fannie and Shrewsbury river at Rumson, Involv- excited over the prospect of becom- Spenco and Edward Plcolle. The was sent to this country several estato at a big profit In this locality moot at the high sobool next Tues- speed boat race In America will He Essie Rosen, Elsie Button, Vivian ing the largest riparian fill over un- ing a settlement of rich men's coun- troop ia planning to enter the flro by months ago aa ftrepresentativ e of an took place within the past week. Sday afternoon. Tha'subjoet of the llolak on I Announcement that tho raca would entire river frontage of the Rumson mer homes on the Rumson road, each flying Held Sunday afternoon. b0 111 nt Rea The plot has a frontaga of 150 hrltt as to Money," an i Edwin C. ho Bank was made laat FIREMAN'S LEG BROKEN, Shores development, which Is bound- bought three farms near Holmdel. A CHAMBER OFISMERCE. Lady Heath holds the altitude rec- w ot 'cot on the King's Highway and 000 111an* principal of tha Rort Bank I °ok 'ho Now York motorboat ed by Black Point road and the Ave- large number of improvements nnd ord of 18,000 feet for light planes. Sho feet on the Fair Vlow road. It Is di- an nue of the Two Rivers in Rumson. ubllc schools, will give an iddress °w by Comraodoro Charles F. ADRIAN WOODWARD HURT IN repairs are now under way on all ofTRADE COMMITTEE DECIDES also holds a record for the longest rectly" across the King's Highway " as to Energy." Members Chapman, hoad of tho racing com- The eastern terminus of tho fill will these places. On top of this has solo flight made by a woman pilot *rom Edward O'Flaherty's store. On AN UNUSUAL ACCIDENT. - thi high school graduatindti g clasl s m'salo>lon of tho American Power Boat be Island road and tho western corns anothor development which has ON SEVERAL MATTERS. This flight was 8,000 miles from Capo- he plot Is a two story building, oc- '111 be guests of honor and there association. The decision to hold the terminus will be the Avenuo of thoHolmdol vastly Interested. William town, Africa, to London. She wa3 the cupied on the first floor by a store race hero was made at a dinner giv- Be Wai Injured at Belief Flrchoute Two Rivers at the site of the Hobo- H. Hlntelmann, a Rumson real estate To Conduct a Prize Business Essay flrst licensed woman pilot in England. of the American Stores company, and '111 be luoembly singing. A ques- Last Friday a> tho Fire Apparatus tion hoit bail been arranged foi par-en recently at tho Lotus club at New ken or Rumson club. From these dealer who has a large clientele Contest>-Publlo W1U Be Invited to Captain Lancaster holds many rec- with living apartments on the sec- York by Gerald Holbrook, commo- Was Leaving tho Building—Taken two points, the fill will extend out among wealthy New York business Use Publlo Parking Ground—Dol- ords established In Europe, Including ond floor. The storo rents at tho nta «nil teiichere. to tho Bed Bank Hospital. into the river approximately 1,500 men with country homes In Mon- lar Day Sales. Jhf) emoclatlon will meet again dore of the Red Bank club. Commo- a record flght In a light plane of present tlmo for $35 per month but t dore Chapman and Commodores Still Adrian Woodward, son of Jobn V. feet The northern bouqdary of themouth county, has taken options on 17,400 mjles from England to Tas- when tho preBent lease expires the |lSho latter pnrt of February to celc- fill will reach close to the main chan- The Internal trade committee of and Eldrldgo,. who aro members ot Woodward of East Wcstslde avenue, nine farmB, comprising more than tho Red Bank chamber of commerce mania, an island south of . renewal of the lease calls for a mn- Hljrftt* 'Roundora' Day," which Is in nel of the river. 1,000 acres, In tho Holmdel valley. (,jjJj:eco(fnUlon. of the 32d anniversary the American Power Boat associa- Red Bank, received^ broken left leg met Monday night and did a lot of The British fliers flew to Alrvlnw tal.of $50 per month. pjpf thn national congress of parent- tion, were guests. Others present and other Injuries last Friday after- A deep water channel will separate Those options were taken for a business. The full committee con- from tho Newark airport. They mis- Last week Mr. Rodgers «o!d tha ; ^IteachorB' assnelatlons. A pageant trom the Red Bank club besides Mr, noon In an accident at Relief lire- the mainland from tho (111 and an-period of thirty days. Mr. Hlntel- sisting of J. H. G. Dannenhauer, took Lewis S. Thompson's largo coun property to Martin Nlll of Alston 'iSintitled 'Gift Bearers" will be-pre- Holbrook wore William T. Brown, house. He Is at the Red Bank hos- other similar' deep water channel will mann, In taking these options, is act- James T. Clayton, J. T. Cooper. Pet- try home at LIricioft for tho Rumson lourt at Red-Bank for $123S0U"JFIve !. .Ssenlnd ami money derived from cer- secretary of the club; Carl Schwen- pital. The broken bone has not yet divide the nil In two parts, providing ing for men of large means who aro er Forbes, Philip T. Jlannlne, Harry country club while they wero on .their -Hys later Mr. Nlll had an offer of . falaln."Wttwrw of.thoexerclses "will bo ker, tho club's treasurer; Jay Dun-been reset, as It will have to under- four long sections of water front desirous of obtaining country estates. Kohn, Jacob Kirscbbaum, William way to Airview and they landed In a •17,000 for tho property from Fritz pa sent as a birthday gift to tho latlon- can, Thomas Field, Jr., Thomas go certain treatment' before this In lots. Ornamental bridges will give No cash was paid for tho options but Miller and Mlllard J. Tetley waa field on Mr. Thompson's farm. They Errath, who keeps a delicatessen Crows, Robert Linton, Georga GHUR done. Mr. Woodward's 21st birthday access to the various parts of thetho owners of the various farms present remained only to get their bearings storo on tho west aide of Broad i\ Woodward fell on tho floor, with his In their exhibit at tho "Own Your but they are familiar with the faces grounds more popular. Work on building the new hangar made by tho Detroit yacht club. Inft leg broken between tho knee and and with tho cars. Dahlgren. "; will address the meeting on the ob- Home Show" ot MadiBon Squaro Gar- Stops wore taken to form tho com- at Airview. was started. laat week by esults of school athletics. the hip and with cutB on his right den, Now York. Tho Peck Agency the Schenck S. Thompson company, Charles Kelly waa appointed ta ^ct. and results or scnoo.rnrs leg. Ho was picked up and taken to When one of these cars of such mittee Into a Better Business Bu- represent tho post on tho county le- .William J. .Helm, principal of the * was an exhibitor there last year with largo import to Holmdel valley poss- reau. Tho bureau will adopt a code who have tho contract for tho foun- M|Ba Amer|ca vu succeasful uetond the hospital In the town ambulance. its Country Club Estates development, dation and floor. Tho building will gion executive committee. ot Some idea of the force with which es through tho village speculation of business ethics covering such sub- It was reported that tho post hadl fhemeX ^school "tan? wm '« "» Harmsworth Internationa, formerly tho McCormack golf course, goes on apace a3 to which farm in jects as misleading advertlsl'.g and bo 80x80 feet and it is expected to be challongo trophy and possessor of tho his leg was jammed between tho ap- on the King's Highway Just across completed in about three weeks. Tho paid all its bills and had a balanes play. pi'eaeiit spood boat record of 02,8 tho valley is to undergo inspection by unfair trade tending, to lnjuto the paratus and the door was shown by Cooper's.bridge, "This tract "now lathe wealthy innmtca ol the car. When present hangar will be converted Into in the treasury. Art and muslo will bo tho prlnol- miles an hour .Others who expeot tn the battered appearance of the mud mercantllo community. Members of Tho outsido of the post rooms are pp.l objects of discussion at the May about two-thirds sold, with all Im-the car returns on tho homeward trip the chamber will be asked to sub-an administration building with of- enter are A. F. Masury with Run- guard on the flre engine. provements virtually completed. fices and a class room for student draped in mourning on account ot mooting at the high school uymna- ning Wild and Walter Chrysler, who renewed speculation takes place. scribe to tho code. There waa no flre last Friday af There has not been a Sunday for pilots. Tho building will be fitted for the death of John H. Kelly, slum. The head of the art i«will enter Miss-Frolic. The Rumson Shores development la A method .for hearing complaints The committee in charge of the muslo departments of all the Red ternoon: The summons which called more than three-quarters Bold. Im- several months past that rich folks of wrong practices will also bo ar-use aa a showroom. . There Is a possibility there will be out Mr. Woodward and the other fire- have not made stops at Holmdel to program of the ball to be held by the Bank publlo schools will givt short an entry by Mlsa. Betty Carstalrs of provements thore Include graded ranged. Some recent coruplalnto as Qeorg? Jacobs, a department of legion In March will meet l.•,' party for association members at house and the profits derived will be from a'coneern, under an arrange- tice and, Mr. LaBoyteaux in buying a new student in aviation at the fly- duced to two miles. Endurance Is as used to defray part of the rost of, ment whereby each boy Is to pay for 'or holiday shopping. The next meeting of the Po»t Will her home In May. an Important factor as speed In the farms in the Holmdel valley has di- A sub-committee was appointed to ing field. He was a pilot In the Ca- the class's educational trip to Wash- his Instrument at the rate of $U a rected attention to that part of the be he.ld Monday night, February 11th, The meetings and social events of race, judging from tho 1927 contest Investigate the feasibility of adopt- nadian air corps during the war. Ho Refreshments and a social tlma jvera lngton In May. The largest oart of week. Lessons In playing the Instru- country for rich men's country es- has been out of the flying game since the organization are arranged by tho In which only two boats finished the trip's expenses. are expected to ing a plan for the use of trading enjoyed after the last meeting. ; program, committee, which Is. made ments will be given by Capt Mc- taten. Tho valloy to one of tho most tho war and ho Is learning modern Tho mombora of tho Rod - Bank be derived from tills source. Mem- Kenzio of Newark each Friday af- stamps and tu ascertain Wmtlier up ot the president of tho iiosoola- yacht club are jubilant over tholr picturesque and fertile sections in tho such a plan Is desired by the merch- pilots' work. Addison Congdon o] bers of the St. Vincent DePaul so- ternoon after school hours and each East, with a wealth of stories and Rumson, an engineer employed by AUTO SHOW IN MABCH. tlon and Mlsa Emma Lafetra Miss success In bringing tho race to Redciety will be ushers. ,. | boy will pay fifty cents per Icsedn. ant members of the chamber. A Doris Deneii, MIBS Abbie Strickland, Bank. In conjunction with tho big legends about colonial and Revolu- sub-committee was also appointed to Jesse Howland of Seabrlght, is an- Tho east is composed of Mary! The boys are Andrew DIFontl, An- tionary war times. All this has a big other new student at Airview. Dates Set Last Night by AntomeblM Mrs.. Robert C. Brown. Mr. Baker, event tho club will hold a two-day Grause, John Carton, Robert Clif- thony Trufolo, Gasper DeMalo, Jua- work out a plan for a Dollar Day Mrs. Upson, William H. Helm. Mrs. | regatta, which promises to bo the big- attraction for men of the type who sale to be held on Thursday, Friday Dealers' Association. ford, Catherine Massey, Margaret\ ior Sanborn, Benjamin Pulendrano, ar,o looking for country estates. Es^ Herman Asendorf and Mrs. Thomas | gest water carnival over held on theSalmon, Bornadcttc Kmmons, George and Saturday, February 28th and The annual exhibit of tha Mon- August Delveccl, Joseph Paoluccl, daily are they interested in tho March 1st and 2d. : LUTHERAN CHURCH SUPPER. Lowls. Shrewsbury river. The club held sev- Martin, Julia Conroy, Joseph Laur- John Caprlone, Patrick Arnone, Rus- famous Pleasant Valley near Holm mouth county automobile dealers' as- eral regattas last summer and ono of lno, David Wallace, Arthur Leavy sell Jordon, Sandy Trufolo, Joseph del village. Thla romantic country- It Will be Given at Trinity Parish sociation will be held this year from CHAMPION WYANDOTTES. the feature events was a Now York and William McGrath. Sharabba, Everett Anderson, An- side Is said to have acquired Its name HIS HAT IS IN THE KING. House Next Week. March Oth to March 16th at tha Red to Red Bank outboard motor race. Bank armory. The dates were set at Robert Clifford of Staten island, thony Vaccarell, Angelo Gelso, Vcr- from a remark made by George The ladles' aid society of the Red Many Prlics Won by tho Birds of This raco attracted country-wldo in- who la coaching the players, will done" Arnono, Joseph DlPontl, Mon- Washington while ho was riding E. Donald Sterner a Candidate for a meeting of ths association last Charles D. Cleveland. terest and was a means of carrying Bank Lutheran church will have night at Long Branch. The open- take a part in the play whlcn waB' daytlno Gerono, William Cannavo. through it on horseback. According State Senator. x' roast beef supper next Wednesday the name of;£ted Bank and theoriginally given to George <4ulgley. Ing and closing nights wllPfce on Sat- Charles D. Cleveland of Eatontown George Gentile and Anthony Marns- to the story George Washington Assemblyman E. Donald Sterner night at Trinity parish house on Shrewsbury river through news- George was hurt recently while play- clo. Only a few of the boys-have stopped his horse to admire the urday. Maurice Schwarta of Red has won tho right to tho title of tho papers and motion picture films to of Belmar is the flrst candidate to West Front street Supper will be Bank was chosen manager of tha champion Whlto Wyandotte breeder ing basketball with the high school had experience In playing musical in- ocenery and remarked to a compan- ttftrVed from half-past five to eight nil parts of tho country. team and he Is confined to his home throw hia hat Into the ring for ther show. It Is the sixth consecutive ttma of, tho East for tho current soason by struments. ion that "this is surely a very pleas- Republican nomination for stale sen- o'clock. The profits of the supper Flvo mombors of tho Rod Bank with water on the knee. ant valley." he has held this position. Further ar- the prizes ho won at tho recent Madi- ator for Monmouth county. He made will be put into the church's building rangements for the exhibit will b» son Squaro Garden poultry show at yacht club have formod a syndicato to finance tho construction of a speed JONATHAN H. JONES'S SALE. the announcement yesterday, follow- fund. held at tho next meeting of tha as- New York and at other shows. Mr. MAKING GOOD AT NEW YOBli. The farms on which options have ing a statement made by 9 lator boat to be entered In the gold cup been taken aro owned by William H. Mrs. John Hanscn Is chairman of sociation on Tuesday night, February Cleveland has exhibited his birds ex- Things Quickly Disposed of at Atlim- William A. Stevens Hhat he/ would tho supper committee and her assist- lath, at Rod Bank.^ tensively this season and they have raco. Under the gold cup rules tho Alfred Labreoque Is Promoted' to a Ely, John L. Ely, Trevonlan Bennett, boats must exceed 26 feet In length, tlco Township Vendue. not be a candidate for re-< jctlon. ants are Mrs. Henry Franz, Mrs. T. made an exceptional record. At tho Fine Position. DeWltt Smock, Joseph Holmes, Dan- Now that Senator Stevens has ef- must weigh over 2,000 pounds and i, Jonathan H. Jones, who recently iel Taylor, John C. Schenck, Hen- R. Kunze, Mrs. Thomas Meade, Mrs, TO GIVE UP TWO STORKS. largest production show of tho sea- Alfred Labrecquc, son of Herman faced himself from the rcnntorlal Fred Wllman, Mrs. Harold A. Hen- son at Vineland, Mr. Cleveland's must be powered with an engine with sold his farm in Atlantic township, drlclc P. Co,nover, Chrineyonce S. a displacement of not over 025 cubic Labrecque of Campbell's Junction, IF near Holmdel, to William H. LeBoy- picture it Is expected that several drickson, Mrs. Gust Ornberg, Mrs. J. Charles H. Ennis Will Use Smnilor birds won tho prize for the best dis- Holmes, George Schanck and Charted other candidates will fihtfir the flplrt, lnchoo. Tho boat will bo of tho hyth- e latest graduate of the Middle, teaux of Rumson, had an auction of H. Cimovcr. One Halo aeems likely Albert VnnSeholk, Jr., Mrs. John Ja- Quarters For Ills Business. play In tho production classes. The town township high school at Leon- including Assemblyman Thomas M. cobs, Mrs. Mulu Hanson and Mrs. Pe- world's greatest show was at Madi- droplano typo as tho rules permit tho his livo stock, crops and farm ma- to eventuate within a few d«ys use of this type of cralt for tho flrst ardo to win distinction In tho bus- Gopslll of Red Bank and Mayor terson. Charles H. Ennla, who occupies son. Squaro Garden, and there Mr. chinery last Wednesday. Despite In tho Holmdel valley section. Negoti- four stores in Mrs. E. R. Whits'a time. iness world. Ho has been employed stormy weather there was a good at- W. Warren Barbour of Rumson. The church was organized at Red 'I Cleveland's stock was adjudged tho by tho stock brokerage firm of Fen- ations are also under way for tho sale However, none of these potential storo building on Whlto street for th» 1 best display in the exhibition classes. Tentative arrangements have been tendance and things sold well. Wal- of Luther Schenck's farm of 190 Bank a little more than a year ago 1 nor & Beane for some tlmo and he candidates has Issued any statement. and Rev. Paul Trltschlcr is tho pas-sale of electrical supplies, bicycles, j At the recent Maryland atnto show made to buy a Packard gold cup en- ter D. Fields of Colt's Neck was thoacres on tho Pleasant Valley road to tt'imku and various other articles, gine which will cost about $6,000. The hao juot been promoted to tho po-auctioneer. A total of 420 articles Mr. Sterner states that among tor. S Mr. Cleveland won prizes for tho best sition of order dork. It Is a very Ford Johnson of Bumson. ' will niovo all his goods In the two \ display and for tho best male bird. exact coat of tho boat Is not known was struck off in six hours, or In Thia property is used as a Btock other things ho will have planka in stores he occupies nenrost to Broad but it will bo between $10,000 and rosponslblo post and Mr. Labrecque other words In 360 minutes. This waa his platform for ending the pollution WANT MAIL DELIVERY. J A prize for tho best display Indl- is one of the youngest persons to fill farm and negotiations are under way street. He will give up tha other \ catos tho championship, or greatest $15,000. " ; at the rate of more than one ar-to sell it for $40,000, including the of the Monmouth coast by New. York two stores this week. Mr. Ennls will it He graduated from the high ticle a minute and tho sale Is Bald garbage, for state aid for build] g Petition for Carrier Service) at Fair • number of points In the variety. It Some Idea of tho elaborate arrange- school two years ago. Ho Is a broth- stock. Tho price is based on $32,000 drop soveral lines of goods he now j Is the prize most covoted by brooders. ments which will be made for the to havo been one of the most rapid for tho farm and $8,000 for the stock. jetties, breakwaters, etc., for tho im- Haven Signed by 500 Perwns. haiullcB and enlarge his stock of er of Theodore Labrecque, who waa ever run off in Atlantic township. provement of the Manasquan • river, 1 Mr. Cleveland's win at Madison regatta la ahown by the fact that fif-recently made a partner in the law If tho sale goes through^ it is probable Mail delivery will probably bo merchandise in other lines. Tbo 3 Squaro Garden signalizes the flrst ty rooms havo been reserved In Red Mr. Jones will remain on the farm that Mr. Schenck will remain on thefor state aid for tho Rarlta.i and stock: he Is unable to get In tha two firm of Qulnn, Parsons &, Doremus Sandy Hook Bayshoro sections and established at Fair Haven shortly. award of best display for a New Jcr- Bank hotels for tho officials and com- of Red Bank, which he sold and ho will act as su-farm as superintendent. Tho house Postmaster Fred F. Dennis and Con- storea he will put In a storehouse 1 sey White Wyandotto breeder for amissioners of tho regatta. It is esti- perintendent for Mr. LaBoyteauJc. , and outbuildings on the placo are for state aid for agriculture. Mr. gressman Harold G. Hoffman havo | until ho needs It I number of years. mated that at least 60,000 visitors among tho oldest in Holmdel town- Sterner states that he will Introduce CONTEST FOR JEWISH CLUB. a bill soon for a soldiers' home. Ho been working on the proposition for will come to Rod Bank to seo tho A KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS SHOW- ship. They go back to early colonial some time and the matter Is nowRed Bank Actor In New York Shonr, races and that there will bo Beveral times. Tho prlco would not bo con-recently introduced a bill for tho A Prlzo W1U be Given For tho Best Btate to appropriate $50,000 for a In tho hands bt. tho poatolllci -auth- Hnrry Welsh of Mechanlo straot, RADIOS AND BATTERIES. hundred yachts and boats on the riv- Profits From Performances nt Carl- sidered as good value for tho farm orities nt Washington for Investiga- er Races aro being arranged among Essay on Abraham Lincoln. In tho days beforo tho world war, new sea wall at East Kcansburg. Red Bank, has one of the leading ton Theater For Charity. tion. A petition with 500 names will comedy rolea In the musical show , Georgo F. Wilson Addressed the Ex-cruisers and yachts of tho largo yacht Tho Red Bank Young Judaea cir- when agriculture waa having palmy This will cover half tho cost of build- bo submitted to tho poatofllne de- changltos Last Thursday. clubs In tho metropolitan area. i From March 4th to March 8th In-days, but In the present depressed ing tho wall and East Kcansburg "Boom Boom," which opened Monday cle met Monday night nt the syna- will have to raise the other iwilf. partment, together with a letter night at the Qaslno theater at Yfow (Seorge F. Wilson, proprietor of gogue and arranged for an essay con- clusive part of the profits derived condition of farm lands tho figure is from the borough officials, request- from chows at tho Carlton theater considered a good, fair one. York. Th:; show played last week at, WllBon's radio and battery store on GET FIRST FORD SUBURBAN. test on the life of Abraham Lincoln ing mail delivery. Mail is now bo-Newark. In commenting on ths per* Maple nvonuo, wan the principal Tho club's next meotlng will bo onwill go to tho Red Bank Knights of Metal Weatherstrips ing delivered In tho western part of Pythias lodge for charity work. The In addition to the wealthy men for for your homo will savo you 25% of I formattce on tho opening night soma speaker at last weeks Exchange club Mount-English C'oinpnny Is a Big Lincoln's birthday and a prize will whom Mr. Hlntelmann Is acting thore the borough by tho Red Bank post- 1 New Yprlc critics said that Mr. Wels)} Distributor of This Typo of Car. be awarded at that tlmo for tho best lodge realizes its profit from tickets your fuel bill and savo your doctor cfflci* -. ••• meeting. Ho explained the difference sold hy Ha mombors. Harry Mela- aro said to be other rich men With bills, All work guaranteed for the was the hit of the show, i between, the automobile, and radio Many. Nathan Wllkln will- be the their eyes on Holmdel farms. Tho life of your windows and doors. Tho Mount-English company of contest judge. Mlgs.Rose Klatsky, di- trlch Is chairman of tho show com- battery and told some of the com-Red Bank last week sales of tho farms bought by Mr.Monmouth Metal Weatherstrip Co.. Tho Art Kraft Shoppo Dont received the rector of the"club, Is planning for mittee. This is the second year the phono Red Bank 1400 for estlmalcn. plaints ho received from radio fans. first now Ford suburban to bo do- lodge has raised money for charily Prentice and Mr. LaBoyleuux were IH having its annual February anlc the February Giilo un Kolvlnutora. ths About twenty members attonded the many other activities tho coming mado by William S. Hancock of Red —Advertisement^ Extraordinary value for quality latoBt innovation In oloetrlo rofrigor> llvercd to a New Jersey dealor. The season. work In this way. < merchandise. All the bcuutlful mooting. Ralston W. Watcrbury will r.cil Bank company Is the biggest Bank, and according to all accounts Valentino Greeting Cards. fitor.'i; Uirpo ntworlmont, eewy forms. have charge of next week's entertain- things you admired und alwnyii Groat uiviiuts. Refrigeration En« distributor of suburban body FordB Mr. Hancock has prospective pur- Full of humor, ,ap|>riipriate senti- wftntod ynu can now (jet nt special ment program. Want to Buy Red Bank Young Men and Men chasers for other Holmdel farms, al- Klnccrhir Co., B Moimumth etreot, in tho state. The suburban delivered old prints or pictures by Currier & of this vicinity aro invited Saturday ments, place cards, talllnH, table cov- prices duiini; the month of February. K. 75 Branil ' Valentine's Day. car shown recently at tho New York roads, winter scenes, ships; also Phil Seamon's final closing out sale of usual well selected large aaaortment street, Red Bunk.—Advertisement. at either one of our stures, Trubln's, Itlonoy to Luan Dan Cupid gives us a chance on automobile show. views of American eitics, early maps; winter ovei-coata and suits. Over 00O Valentine's Duy. on HIM mortpaco on approved roal February 14th to have a party with good prices paid. Wrlto Harry Shaw garments on salo at one-quarter and Dan Cupid given us a chance on Art Kraft Shoppo, Red Bank.—Ad- Teller's tor Valentines. ralnln In Itcil Bunk and Violfltty, exquisite decorations. Wo have the Nowmnn, 164 North Parkway, East one-third off. Many ut half and less. vertisement ^ • If you never fiend u card any other decorations, placo cards, nut CUPB, Tetley's for Valentines. February 11th to havo a party with Ciri/.pi.M BnlUUnc mullAjan AcsoollN If you nover send a card any other Orange, N, J.—Advertisement. 632 Cookman avenuo, Asbury Parlc. exqulfllto decorations. Wo havo the Erary Wednesday Night day indlw year aend otia Valontlnu's tion, euro Hicorid National Bank Ms tally cards and everything for a suc- dny In tho year send ono Valentine's —Advcrtlsemont decoialiono, i»nvp cauls, nut cups, day. Wo havo those for bwtiethearta, Truat Co, lle.a Bunk.—Advettlaement cessful party. Totley'a, 17 Broad is Victor night at TuatlnH's. Mon- mothers, fathers, funny ones, Ray strcat. Red Bank^-Adverilssuiont- day. We luiyo those for sweethearts, Opened Today. + .j*rx™zrt*~-~-rrr. » tally cards and everything for a suc- mouth . street near Broad street matftcr&c JaUtcti&r. funny • ones.; cay .. The New, York Barber Shop at No. Notice, cessful party. Tetley's, IT Broad Radios, rolls, orthophonlc vlctrolas, ones—just tho kind that says what .Slothcr's Hi'lpcr. ones—jtiBt the kind that Bays wnnt 14G Monmouth street. In the Llbovsky Wost Side Employment Agency, lo- streot, Red Bank.—Advertisement records and pre-eminent makes of you wish to'say. Tetley's 17 Broad Helluhlo matron wlolifti. position faonoy to Loan you wish to say. Tetley's 17 Broad store, opened this morning. Courte- cated at 288 Shrowebury avenue, will upright and grand pianoa Bring thii street, Red Bank.—Advertisement. carlnt,' for chllUrun aftarnoom Ana on first mortgage on approved real street, Red Bank— Advertisement. ous, quick and efficient service is con- be ready February 1st, to servo the Tho Roso Shop, Inc., 73 Broad family tonight—Advertisement evening. Adiln-iti !.. 'A., 'J& Mount :otuto in Rod Dank and vicinity. -— *> 11» stantly practiced at this new barber public. It Is our aim to please by Comlnfi' fcoon. Citizens Building and Loan Associa- street. Dresses at ono-half their titled, nr phono Q1M, Hod Hunk.—iAil" We have still a fow of dnr high shop.' Michael Gentile, proprietor- Riving: reliable service. When In need original prices. Wo are sacrificing Typowrltor Headquarters. Houdihl's brother and successor, vertffl''jnent. ' i tion, care Second National Bank and priced felt and vclour hats which wo Advertisement. of domestic help or labor call Red Trust Co., Red Bank.—Advertisement some of our best models to make Typewriters rented, bought and Hardcen, world's Kreutest living Il- aro closing out lor £2.05. Tho Roue a > * —. Bank 2716. Mrs. J. M. Jonoa aw\ P. room for our largo ntock of Southern «old. Trubln's, B8 Broad street, Rod lusionist, In n mhin of .lny.itojli'ii, In- Uo You lloiiil Theittr'. .!,-•. •. .'•• "t ^ - • • Shop, Inc., 73 Broad street.—Adver- FourUi Annual Ball, L. Jones, agonts.—Advertisement. and Spring costumes that nre coming Bank.—Advertisement. ' cluding creatlona willed him by tlii! Tho' flooiiKlnd advortlnoJiiantB U» Dine Sundays nt Tho Cozy Corner. tisement. • __ benefit of Red Bank flro department, in ovory day.—Advertisement. Great Houdlnl. Hunting Theater, Tha noglBtor contain worth.wWfc*^ • $1.00 plate; choice steaku, oliup.i, at Smolto Shop Tavern, Wednesday, For Jersey Chickens, Readers, Attention! February lltli, 12th nnd 13th.~Ad- portunltloa for everybooy^ chicken, lamb, etc.; home-mado puu- Havo You tint Your Tickets February fltli, 1020. Music by Smoko fowl, sauuogo and prime meats, visit Totley's For •Typewriters Do not fail to read Leon's column. vertisement. •liftoniont. '^^^^_ try. 41 Monmouth street, phone Rod for "Tnlto My Advice"?—Advertise- Shop Tavern Orchestra. Admission, Clayton's Market, 10 Whlto. street.— and addinc_ machines. 17' Broad Wonderful information for tho house- Bank 1886>-Advertlsement. meat one dollar^—Advertisement Advertisement. etteet. Red Bank.—AdverUsomenU wife.—Advertisement, "Take My Advice."—Advertisement. "Take My Advloo,' Page Fourteen, RED BANK REGISTER^ JANUARY 30,1929. Holdmel and he, insisted that his ctl DEATH OF A KJjTIKEU ACTOR. A MOVING PICTURE PROJECT. TALK BY DR. HELEN 0HBM>M. PRESERVING OLD RELICS obrated visitor should have suppe DEATH OF JOHN H, KELLY HIT BY A FAILING BEA?il. with him and spend the night at h Charles r, Kelly Wis » Victim Last DEATH OF IRS, ASSEUN, FiwnWIn C Moyan, Harry Qo}& and Sho Addressed Last Week'* Hetttnf home. The Fighting Man from Tre: YOUNG BED BANK BUSINESS* Week of Appendicitis. Faiquate Tortora Interested in it 'of the Shrewsbury R«adlng C|t|b. DANIEL T. SCHENCK FARM M ton accepted the invitation. After SHE WAS A CARPET WEAVE LEROY DENNETT INJURED IN A PROVED BDT NOT CHANGED, hearty country meal the two men dls MAN DIED SATURDAY. Charlea P. Gregg, a retired actor AT BELFORO. Franklin Carmine Moyan ot Red ''Dr. Helen V. Gibson, who lavtalt- cuBsed the topics of the day and ai whose stags name was Charles P. Bank says he la Interested in produc- ing friends at Red Bank, spoke on Kelly, died last Thursday, night at ing talking moving picture plays her experiences while working*lh a Bernon S. Prentlee ranged'th's boxing and wrestlln; He Was 39 Years Old and Was thi For Forty Years She Carried on This Middlotown Yaunj Man Wai Hurt matches for the morrow. Owner of the Automobile Supp . tho Long Branch hospital following Business at Her Home—She Died written by Theresa Tortora of hospital in India last week at a meeu the Old-Tims Features, Even to th an. operation for appendicitis. Mr. Naples, Italy. Mr. Moyan atateo that While Falling Down » Building at Ing of the Shrewsbury reading 'olubV Cr»U W« Moturoj on. the "" " The next morning the Flghtlrt Firm of Kelly ts Company—Fun Very Suddenly From Heart Disease Coifs Nock With a Tractor—Slmll Man. from Trenton ate breakfas era! Yesterday Morning. Kelly had made his home tho past Last Friday Nlgnt. tha writer Is a professor of physics The meeting was held at Mies Ella L, of s Wosonhouse- four-years at the Union hotel on and literature at Naples university. Fractured and Elba Broken. VanDerveer's on South street. A»-' A score- or more of meu are «tn- with Rolof Schenck and the: John H. Kelly, proprietor of the ou- watched Mr. Schenck made prepar Wharf avenue. He was stricken Mrs. Hannah Aenclln, widow o He says that associated with him Leroy Bennett of Mlddletown vll- other meeting or tho club will \>» held ployed In improving and repaltlni tomnblla miprlly firm Of Kolly & com suddenly last- Wednesday, onr Charles O. Asselln,died suddenly !ai In the project of producing tha plays this afternoon at Mrs. Ada B. tin, th« house and outbuildings on th> atlons for the day's work. The'firsl pany on East Front street, died S 1«S' restlved e. frtcturad okull, four thing which Mr. Schenck did was ti and vva» taken to th« .hospital t'YI'lay evening at her home at Be! are Henry Gold ot Fair Haven and broken ribs and other Injuries in a few's at Eatontown and the program Daniel P. Sohenck farm at Holnide! urday afternoon at his home oi Wednesday night He had enjoyed ford. She was talking to her daugl an* If the -weather permits they will pick up a plow, tuck it under hi Pasquale Tortora of Red Bank, the peculiar accident at Colt's Neck last will be given over to current events. Bridge avenue. 'He was 89 years ol age. For two days and throe nights will occur In March. ing1 my recent boreaveraent caused by trand theater, will open a music years ago. He loaves a widow, Mrs are well acquainted with the family tudio next Monday In rooms on the nted Monday night at the house by day at the Age of 69 Years. all passengers wore life bolts. Heavy the death of my beloved wlfo. readily realize why tho pictures of lecond floor of the former Second na- lie Catholic Daughters of America, Lillian Thompson, and several broth- seas broke over tho vessel and at one WOMAN'S CLUB EVENTS. Kenneth Weatherbts. Mrs; Margaret B. Allen, wife of ers and sisters. Ho was a member •Advertisement. Union victories made a special ap- ional bank building at Broad and Tho funeral of Mr. Kelly was held itephen H. Allen of Oakland street, time water was over ankle deep In peal to the old-time Schencks and Vallace streets. In addition to teach- esterday morning at St; James's of the Masonic lodge of Brldgeton Ills stateroom. Annual Concert at the High School led Sunday at the age of 69 years. and the Brotherhood of Locomotive IN MEMORIAM. ' ••• •why some member of the family took ing instrumental music he will, give hurch. The church was filled. Amcr- William does not speak English but on Tuesday, February 19th. In lovlnir niemory of Arthur' Ohtpnlnff Her death waa due to a general Engineers. He was employed by the the trouble to paper the interior of lessons In voice culture for radio and can Legion members formed a miK breakdown; Mrs. Allen .was born at Is anxious to receive instructions. The annual concert of the Red Clapp, who pasted away February 4th. IBlv the wagonhouse with these stirring oncert programs. •,ary escort for the funeral procos- railroad' thirty years. Tho funeral Holmdel. 'She-was the daughter of His father at one time was employed Bank Woman's club, -will ba held RESOLUTIONS. scenes. The picture! are on the ion from, the house to the church. he late Richard A. Bray. She had was held Tuesday afternoon at the In the fruit store of the late Louis The rooms are being fitted up for house and was in chargo of Rev. J, Tuesday night, February 19th, at the WHEREAS, on Janunry 21. 1029, Oti In _ wails like wallpaper. There is not a eflned studio work and in a short 'he escort consisted of a firing squad leon a resident of Red Bank forty ?rate on Broad Btret and he will be high school. Those who will take Hli Almighty Frovldenae. thought 11 b«it " square Inch of vacant space. Some of Ime a'studlo pipe organ will be in, pf ten members, two buglers, two cars and was a member of the Bed J. Messier of Katontown and Rev. emembered by many Red Bankers part aro holding rehearsals Tuesday to rsmovn from our midifc t\it belovM the pictures are faded and somewhat ailed for lessons and practice. At olor bearers and two cqlor guards. lank Baptist church many years, D. Rhca Coffman ot Long Branch. as the cheerful "Frank" who waa at and Friday nights. Bister, finrah E. Nivlsnn. A 'fnfmbflt Of damaged, but moat of thjsm are In a Burial waa made at Woodbine cem- Fidelity Council, Sona and Dausht«r» of resent pupils having access to an of- A solemn high mass of requiem Besides her husband Mrs. Allen \ho store sevoral years. Liberty. >lnu its bfelnnlne. tbartfon b*" good state of preservation. as chanted. .Rev. John B. McClos- etery at Wast Lone Branch. Tho club's music appreciation class, an for practice «nd lessons may r9 leaves a son, Harold S. Allen, who William has relatives at Asbury with Miss Sara E. Armstrong as It , :ey was celebrant, Rev. Edward J. s engaged in the electrical business ItESOr/VED. Th.t whU> «• mourn ca» Mr. Prentlco places a high valuo eive Instructions by special arrange- 'ark and Boston but he thinks Red chairman, had Mrs. William Hnxlten- lots and turret thtt wa stuH •« h»r fe* ment. Special courses will be given lell wao deacon and Rev. Robert ,t Red Bank; a sister, Miss Elisa- on the battle scenes and he Intends Maron of Now Monmouth was sub- AGED HIGHLANDS MAN DEAD. lank will be good enough for him. berger, a locturc-rccltallst, for a more on «arth, .w«, the ofltaeta and'xoste* to preserve them. He will have a • pupils in playing for motion plc- icth Bray of Rod Bank, and a broth*. gueat last Wednesday. Mrs. Victor b«ri. do h«rtbj extend to th» family ttw ure programs and church music. : "eacon. Burial was mads: at Moun^ r, Jasper Bray of East Orange. The heartfelt sympathy ia thU, toe hoot of coating of transparent varnish placed Hivet cemetery. At the cemetery, the; Samuel Burdge Was a Resident MBS. OARBAHAN DEAD. King will be In charge of the meet- their srrat "trouble. on the walls and this will protect Prof. LaRSs has been organist In uneral will be held at half-past three '.•:•• There Sixty Yean. ing of the class this afternoon. ring squad fired three volleys over I'clock this afternoon at the house. TILUE MARTIN. the pictures against the ravaging ef- ome of the leading theaters In the Sho Died of, Heart Trouble and The executive board of the club has MARY VANBHUNT, last and Middle West. For many ho grave and the buglers sounded v. Archibald H. Sutphln of River Samuel Burdge, a resident of High- ANNIE SlcOEE, fects of time and insects. In having taps." . V Bright'*' Disease Sunday Night. been Invited to attend a birthday Attest:- this dono Mr. Prentice is following ears he was organist of the First tza will conduct the service. Bur* lands sixty years, died Friday at the ial will ha made at Fair View ceme- home of his daughter, MrsvUatlle party which will be held, by the "'ETTA W. SMITH. Becordliig Saoretarr. a general policy of retaining all the Methodist church of Red Bank. Pre- The bearers were John P. Gaul and Mrs. Chailotto Qarralitm, wlfe'of Young Woman's club next Monday old-fashioned features of the farm :ous to his re-engagement at the 'imothy Hounihan of the St. Vincent ery.- • ••<• • Davis of that place,: at the age of SI 'Eugene L. Garrahan of Fair Haven, years. Mr. Burdge was the first chief evening at quarter after eight so far as it is possible to do so. The itrand theater he was organist in >ePaul society, Timothy Holland and lied of heart trouble and Brlghl's- o'clock. ne of the prominent playhouses in of police of Highlands. For a num- . Schenck family Is one of the oldest bhn Casey of the Elks' and the AN EATONTOWN FUNERAL. disease Sunday night at the home of On Friday, afternoon ot this week WANT in Monmouth county and from earl- 'hlcago. 'nights of Columbus lodges and ber of years he was a commission Mr. and Mrs. William H. Carhart, merchant dealing In clams and fish. the club meeting will be in charge Too Lute Foi Ciasufieatios. iest colonial times the farm now —: o ' e» harles Kelly and Ralph Sacco of tho "3r., of Rumsbn road, Little Silver. Hiss Sarah E. Nlviaon Was Burled Besides Mrs. Davis ho leaves two oth- of the legislative committee of tho •WANTED, small or znodlum alee farm; pre- owned by Mr. Prentice had been in merlcan Legion. There were a large ho had been in poor health n. lonD 'RECOVERS FROM INFLUENZA. From the Presbyterian Church. er daughters, Mra. Minnie Crawford g club, of which Mrs. A. E, Russell ferably on a t>aved road; muat ba good the family. umber of floral tributes. ime but was only confined to her Is chairman. Tho topic will be "Local noil and have fair bulldtnea ; prefer location The funeral of Miss Sarah Eliza- and Mrs. Hannah. Cedars. Mr. Burdge between Eatontown and Freehold, or within The change of ownership and the he Fihe Sisters, Though Old In ied a few daya. IsBues" and the speaker will be rail I in or six miles of Bed Bank. Stott al| !th.Nlvison of Eatontown was held was a member of the Highlands Mrs. Garrahan was bom in Penn- work under way at the old Schenck Tears, Are Young In Spirit. iIERCHANT'S SUDDEN DEATH. Methodist church. Tho funeral was Goorgo Murdoch, secretary of the particular!. Addraaa L. Bl,, drawer M, homestead have revived many storieB ast Thursday afternoon at the Eat- lylvanla and she was In her 79th Red Bank chamber of commerce Red Bank. Among thoso taken sick.wjth in- ntown Presbyterian church. Rev. held Sunday afternoon at the Metho- _ abou£ the early colonial Schencks.' !»muel Etkins Conducted n Store on dist church and waa In charge of rear. She sold her house and lot at Tho executive board ot tho club SIX-ROOM homo for rent: bath, all fas* The family emigrated to this comv uenza during the epidemic of thai' jcroy T. Dillcner, pastor of the ''air Haven two months ago and went - provementa;, earnse. Also flva»rooni isease this winter wcreMiBB Amelia Monmouth Street Thirty Years. hurch, and Rev. Dwlght L. Parsons Rev. Walter S. R. Powell. Burial was will meet next Monday morning. Apartment, bsth, htntcd, all . Imprere* • try from Holland. Holmdel Is vlcli made at All Saints' cemetery at c. live with Mr. and Mrs: Csrhart. It is expected that a number of merits: Proansot avenue and Vtehtnn with legends about them, especially ike, aged 97 years, and Miss Hacliel Samuel Ktklna, a Monmouth street if Little Silver conducted the serv- Her husband ia her only immediate street. Call hs!rtt Schenck. He was the father of Mrs. oublc. He appeared to be in good DIED m IjEER 69TH YEAH. loon at two o'clock at the Carhart Saturday. omen are hale and hearty despite ealth until shortly before his death ompanicd on the organ by Mrs. Clif- atools: munt be aold before Februirr lHb. William C. Ely, from whom Mr. ome. Rev. Harry J. Eright, pastor The Young Woman's club will hold Katain'a-Fharmaey. IS Broad itrtlt. ft«d Prentice bought the farm. It is said oir advanced years and their sick- nd he waa able to bo at his store ord Browcr, The Sons and Daugh- ens this winder from which they Sirs. David W. Smith of MIddietown if the Fair Haven Methodist church, a valentine dance the second week Bank.* ' . of Mr. Schenck that he could hold irly Wednesday night. He boarded ers of Liberty lodge ot. Fair .Haven SODA FOUNTAIN—Modern sanlUrr. flni have now fuljy recovered, was the Township Died Sunday. nd Rev. Lowls Case of the Little Sli- In February! Mlsa Norma Francis, •- an apple or a potato in his right •ith JosepJphh BraB y of WWest Front onducted their burial service at the class A-l soda fountain for aalai bargain first they hav'e^ftad In a long time. hurch. Mrs. Charlotte C. Smith, wife of er Methodist church will have Miss Helen Tuthlll, Mlsa Leigh De- for quick buyer. Kataln'o Pharmacy, SB hand and squeeze It so hard as to rcct and he retired shortly after harge of tho service. Burial wilt be gavro, Miss Nancy Mix and Miss Broad atreet, Red Bank.* reduce it'to a pulp and extract ail One of their hobbies Is raising chick- David W. Smith, died at her home on ens. Each of them has a wire-en- e went homo from his store. A Burial was made in the Shrcws- made at Evergreen cemetery at Little Gladys Schneider comprlBo the dance LOST nt railroad etatlon laat Thursday the Juico from it. Some of the,older w minutes later Mrs. Bray was ury .Presbyterian cemetery. Tho the state highway, between Middlo- morn.linar. lined kid glove, rleht hand. closed chickenyard and a few chick- town and Centerville, Sunday at the "liver. committee. Flans are being made Returt n to 7Q West Front atraet* or phoaa residents of Holmdel say they have :tracted to Mr. Etkins's room by 'carers were Charles D. Corlles, Leo to send a delegation to the Junior S2-R, Red Bunk.* often seen Mr. Schenck perform this ens. Except during their sickness T age of 68 years. Death vvas due to the aged sisters have done all the roans. She found him in a critical anSeholek> Percy Dangler, Joseph VICTIM OF HEART TROUBLE. conference at Woodbrldgo Saturday, feat. mdltton and ahc called a doctor, a complication of diseases. Mrs. HOUSE for rent: tbt room and bath, all work of looking after their poultry. . Winning, Carl Whltchurst and Smith was born in that part of the February 2nd. improvements; good location: wat na« ut Mr. Etkins died before tho phy- Thomas Catchpole. Urs. Parker A. Dnldn of Broad Street BOtmbie._ Phone 82-H, Red Bank.* But it Is of Eoloff Schenck, one ician came, Mr. Etkins had spent county and was tho daughter of Dun- of tho earlier members of the family, can and Mary Curtis Poole. At ono Died Suddenly Saturday. BED BANK GIRL SURPRISED. FOR" SALE, fur coat with hut* iqulrral BUILniNG AND LOAN CONTEST. lost of Wednesday evening with his 1EABRIGHT BESUJENT DEAD. collar and euffa; perfect oondmon, PTM« that the greatest legends of strength laughter, Mlsa Rose Etkins of New time her husband conducted a black- Mrs. Clara Dakln, wlfo of ParUor tltally new; coit JSOO, sell for J100, Phone are told. He must have been a man r smith shop at Red. The funeral will A Parly Was Given Monday Night Eatonloffn 1P2-J. ut e een a man About 1,000 Shares Obtained by Rum- ork, who had come to Red Bank , Dakln of Broad street, died sud- of enormous strength to leave such 'Irs. rctor Nelson Had Lived at That be held this afternoon at the house for Mary, Grauso of Irving Place. PAINTING and paper hanging. We admit son-Seabright Organization. i visit her father and Mr. and Mrs. enly Saturday afternoon of heart wa have tha beat paper banging eerrltt a wealth of atorlos. about himself. 'ax Mindlin of Wallace street. riace 45 Years. "and will bo conducted by Rev. Luke rouble. Mrs. Dakln had been in poor Miss Mary Grausc, daughter of M. Bleakney, pastor of tho Middle- In Monmouth eountjr—ao do doiena of 6«r Some of these, stories are plainly About 1,000 shares were secured in Mr. Etkins was 71 years old. He Mrs. Sarah Nelson of Seabrlght, loaith a long time but she was ablo Ocorgo Grause of Irving place, a satisfied customers, Boyea Fainting 6«rv« exaggerations, but mixed with the a contest conducted between two. ad been in this country over 35 town Baptist church. Burial will bo o bo about her home until Saturday. member of the cast of "Shivers," tee. phone 812-M. Rum"on. Idow of Peter Nelson, died of heart made at Green Grove cemetery at fabulous elements In these talcs must teams of the Scabrlght-Rumson sars. He first settled nt Brooklyn, iseaso Sunday night In her 62d Mrs. Dakin was born at Quebec which will be given tomorrow by the ANNESB School ol Music; exptrt Inatrm. be a great deal of truth. There is no building and loan association. The Keyport. tion vn violin, mandolin, sultar. uk-et«lf, here ho conducted a small 'grocery ear. Shb was born in and nd she waa sixty years old. She graduating class of St. Jarne^'a high ateel sultar) banjo, aaxaphone, clarlattt one who can tell these stories more teams held a dinner last week at Ihe ore. Ho moved to Red Bank 32 ame to this country when she was a ,'U3 a resident of Red Bank more school, was surprised by a- party of Instrumenta sold and repaired. 47 Waefe« entertalngly than .William R. Craw- Garfleld-Grant hotel nt Long Brnnch. ars ago and about two years later ung woman. For the past 48 years MRS. EUAN'S FUNERAL. han twenty years ago and she then friends Monday night when she re- IngEon atreet. Red Bank, phoita 1751. ford, one of the oldest residents of Those present were .Tnmes P. Bruce, s opened a store for the sale of tie had been a resident of Soabrlght. loved to New York. Sho at one tlmo turned home from play practice at SHOE J1EPAIH1N0; flrat claaa workman. Holmdel. A favorlto talc of Mr. Frances M. Baxter, Mellon F. Kittcll . slilp; hard-sewn work apeeialty. llfld ;cn's furnishings at his home on Irs. Nelson leaves two daughters Former Resident of Bed Bank Burled ved at Freehold. She moved back to tho school. It was Mary's birthday Bank Shoe nopafrlnnr Co., nnl to MlllsVa Crawford's is that of a. meeting and Harry N. Johnson, members of and the party guests engaged in Hardware Store, 39 w«st Front street, itai aiding road. Ho Inter moved his nd a son, they being Miss Nelsje Last Thursday. ted Bank with her husband last June. which Is said to have taken place tho winning team; Charles L. Pres- 3mc and store to Oaltland street Jolson, who lives at home; and Mrs. r. Dakln is manager ot the Buick dancing, singing and games. A Bank. I between Ttoloff Schenck and a man ley, John Storor, .7. Ehvood Harvey id then to the Supp building on George Gasklll and William A. Nel- The funeral of Mrs. Annie T. Egan, lotor car company of New York cilj>. luncheon was served, a feature, bf FOltTBENT] now- nVproof garage near who was known as the righting Man nnd James A. Ryan, members ol the onmouth street. Six years ago he son of Red Bank. The funeral will widow of Patrick H. Egan of Long The funeral was held yesterday af- vrtilch was a. largo birthday cakef Broad atreet. Call it-«3 Wallace street. of Trenton. losing team; Raymond Fary -jnu oved to the store's present site oni be held at two o'clock tomorrow af- Branch, was held at her. lato homo ternoon at her late homo. Rev. Rob- Mary received many gifts. According to this tale, the Fight- Kenneth D. Adams, auditors' of the EXCEPTIONAL opportunity for young; wan onmouth street in-a building owned ternoon at the house and will bo In last Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Egan ert . MacKellar of Trinity church over twenty years of aga to asalat la 1 was 67 years old and was born at Those at the party were Mrs. ing Man of Trenton had the repu- association, and George E. Jt-nkinaon, j by Mrs. Hubert Farrow and Kenneth charge of Rev, Samuel R Latham. breached the sermon. Burial was at Grause, Misses Mao Feency, Helen old established retail store Saturday after- tation of being the strongest man in Jr., solicitor. The last report of the • M. Wyckoff. ' Burial will be made at Evergreen Red Bank. Two of her daughters, Fair View cemetery. The bearers noona and Gvanlnpa nrfth possibility ef Mossey and Mary Egan, James steady position. Addnsa Young' Jlaai, the state nnd the champion wrestler association in October shows as.iets cemetery at Little Silver. Misses Jennie and Helen Egan, are were Sheriff Harry N. Johnson and drawer M. Bed Batik. and boxer of New Jersey. Roloff: ot $178,'J3d.33. Mr. Etkins's wife, who was Miss school teachers at Red Bank. Mre. Grnndin V. Johnson, both of High- Fceney, Jr., Bernard Hannekan and Hotia Mindlin before her marriage, Egan also leaves two other daugh- George Grause of Red Bank; George FOIl SALE, lots on cut aide of Madlion Schenck never had any bnnt.for pro-' -—-—•••-«• lands, and four members of Mr. Gill of near Middletown, William avenue; ilae 40x150. For partleulara died April 11th, 192G. Surviving him ters, Miss Mary Egan and Mrs. Wal- phone Red Bank 1029.R. fesslonal sports, but he liked to en- ' "BRIDGE IMHTY MED AT THE AGE OF 91. Dakin'a offlco force from New York. Warnclccr of Everett aria Mlsa Mar- gage in friendly-bouts and wrestling _J ' besides his daughter Rose, are two tfcr A. Clark, and two song, George THINKING of painting your home, tbla other children, joseph-Etkins of As- K and Joseph C. Egan. Tho bearers garet Noonart Of Elbcron. aprtnsrT Call Boyce Tainting Strviaa. matches. Tho fame ol his strength It Was Given nt Asbury Park for Miss Louisa Colo Taught School For- spread to Trenton. At that particu- bury Park and Miss Jessie- Etkins ty Years at New York. at the funeral were Thomas Beatty, DIED AT AGE OF SS TEAB8. Before going to Miss Grauso'o home Phona 312-M. RumiDn, N. J. Praotltal In- | Mrs. Barbara Ilcjer of Red Bank. of New York. Tho funeral was held the party guests attended a basket- terior atnd exterior palnterej axpart parar lar time the Fighting Man of Tren- Miss Edward Travcrs, Charles White, John hnliffora. -•:• " 1""AIZ""I""^ ' Louisa Cole, who Jived with ball game at Keyport between the ton had vanquisheq d all his profes-p j _ Mrs, Mcrvin Krancis of A'sbury Bates, Joseph Schwark and Frank Richard MeCormlck Hod Lived at TtEEyiECE leather Ilvlrlg room aull* Thursday afternoon at Albert W. ner nlece_ Miss Mary CoIo of At|an. St. James school team and the bas- sional rivals and ho. waa sighing for Park, formerly of Red Bank, gave a Helles. Uolmdel All His Life. for_sa!e. cheap. Phona Rumaon S88. Worden's undertaking establishment. tle Highlands, died last Thursday at ketball squad of tha Koyport public more worlds to conquer. He had bridge-luncheon party Thursday af- UOOSTEUS for Bile; Rhode Island Bad -Nathan Witkln of tho •Congregation tho agc „. 91 yearA Death wa/dui Richard MeCormlck, who made his school. rooitan. J. 0. Warden, 14S Michan4o heard of Roloff Schenck and his tre- ternoon at her. home for Mrs. Bar- street. R»d Bank. B'Nal Israel conducted the service t0 „„, deblntJ, Mias Co)o was Bod Bank Infant Dead. home with Peter Maher of Holmdel, mendous strength and It occurred to I tern Heyer of Red Bank, who spent Burial was made in\theiJewish cem-i „„„.-»!... •-- •-••— -- • - him ththatt lli e clcouldd enhanch e hhii s repu- ' part of last week with Mrs. Francis. ntery nt Swimming I river, near Lln- very active for her age and retained Gladys E. Holbroolt, aged flvo died Sunday morning at the sge of LARGE OWL AT NtJTSWAMP. croft. the use of all her faculties until a weeks, daughter of J. Olln and Viola 85 years. Death was duo to general FUUNITUItE and household goojl tation by making a trip to Holmdel Prizes wcro won by Mrs. Heyer and aala: Beautiful furniture of twa «s. and vanquishing Mr. Schenck. Mrs. Bertha Daniels. The luncheon i short time before her death. She G. Holbrook of Washington street, debility and It followed a sickness Frank Fary Shot the Bird and Thom- HENRY G. LOEB DIES. had lived at Atlantic Highlands two died early. Saturday morning. The of a month, as Hanklns Will Have It Mounted. tates: Halnea Amploo aleetrlo playar, ,—The stoty Roes that the Fighting was served at ono o'clock. The tables i piano and radio with other musical Man from Trenton arrived at the were decorated with Valentine; years. For forty years she was a funeral was held Saturday afternoon, Mr. MeCormlck was born at Holm- Frank Fary of the Nutswamp road Father of Mrs. Louis G. Davidson teacher at the Grove street school at and was conducted by Rqv. Benjamin del and he had always lived there. in Middletown township was awak- Instruments: living room, dining rook Schenck homestead early in Ihe even- favors. Other guests besides those and bedroom aultes; Oriental ruga, ing and that ho made known his de- mentioned were Mrs. Lewis Hong, Died Thursday. New York. The body was taken by F. Hhoads. Burial was made at He Is survived by two daughters ened early last Saturday morning by A. M. Postcn & Son to. the home of Fair View cemetery. Mr. Holbrook is dealts. bookcases, lampa. srandfathat'i sire to engage Mr. Schenck in box- Mra. W. Mscdonald, Mrs. Floyd Jfef-' Henry G. Loeb of Now York city, who live at New York. They are the clamor of chickens roosting In a another niece, Mlsa Ethel Colo of employed as a clerk at the Bed Bank Mrs. John Langdon and Miss Agnes tree near his house. A largo owl was clocks, hooked ruga, dresaera, ahlltlon. ing and wrestling. Mr. Schenck re- frey, Mrs. Wilbert Spraguc and Mrs. ] a> frequent visitor in Red Bank at lira, kitchen cablnala, storaa, ward- plied thnt he would be Rind to nc- New York. The funeral wa3 held postofflce. MeCormlck. Mr. MeCormlck'Ji wife causing the trouble and as Mr. Fary Raymond Ewlng. 'he home of his daughter, Mrs. Louis thorn Saturday and burial was made robe closets, trunks, harness, shot commodate. tho visitor, but as it was — «i» i t» i 0. Davidson of Leroy place, died died three years ago. The funeral looked out of hla bedroom window he at Woodlawn cemetery. Ebon r. Morford Dead. ' of Mr. MeCormlck was held this saw the owl attacking one of tho gum. offlca furnitura. doors, ahattera, growing late and supper was about y 6 jg 3iknes s otof sev etc. Bed Bank Auction House, It ready he thought it beat to wait until BARN DANCE AT FAIR VIEW. ! t^.^?"™^. ™™™ ^ Eben P. Morford died Sunday at niornlns at Bt Gabriel's church at chickens. Mr. Fary got his shot gun eral months. He was 65 years old. his home at Brooklyn' after a long Bradevelt, of which ho was a mem- Monmouth street. Wa bur and sell the next day to hold the contests. He For many years Mr. Loeb was asso- WILLIAM E. CURLEY DEAD. and killed the owl before It could get everything. Phone 1D8«. ntplained to the Fighting Man from The rroflts Will be Used to Buy Coal sickness. The funeral was held yes- ber. Burial was made in the church away with a chicken It had in Its For tho Firemen. ciated with a New York leather goods cemetery. Trenton that he was a believer in firm and much of his time was spent He Established the * First Steam terday. Mr. Morford was managing claws. the old adage of "business before director of. the Industrial home for OKKICE ASSISTANT wanted; yoWl, l.iy The ladies'auxiliary of the Head-1 in the Southern states, I.aundry at Freehold. The owl had a wing spread of four with knowledge of typewriting or book- pleasure" and that he would not have den's Corner Fire Company has made ] Besides His--daughter •• mentioned the blind. His wife and daughter, Keyport Woman Dead. feet seven Inches. It was said to be keeping preferred. Write atatlna salarr tlriio to contest against the visitor a pledge to provide ten tone of coal I above, he la survived by his widow, William E.Curley of Freehold dlod Mrs. J. H. Wallace, survive him. Ho Mrs. Harriet Davison'of Keyport the largest owl of Its kind ever killed w Mdn until the afternoon of the next day, for the fire company. To raise money Saturday of heart trouble after be- was a cousin, of Mrs. James C. Hen- died Friday at her home on Atlantic In Middletown township. Mr. Fary CT^TiaT^ •"* "' " Mrs. Bella Kann Loeb. and by a son, ing In • fulling health for a long time., e after he had finished his farm work. to help pay for the coal the auxiliary Leo Loeb of Atlanta, Georgia. Tlirqp drlck and i s welll known here. street following a long illness. Mrs. gave the bird to Thomas Hanklns, a LAIiGE unfurnlaheil room for rent; steam The Fighting Man from Trenton He was seventy years old and wajj heated J access to bath: meala optional. will hold a barn dance at the flre- sisters iand a brother also survive Davlson is survived by her husband, neighbor, and Mr. Hanklns will have 101 Broad atreet, phone Bed Bank 8644*; said this arrangement satisfied him house Friday night, February jntli. him. born at East Freehold. In 1&82 he Charles R. Davison, and two sons, arifl he Baked for directions to the established tho first steam laundry it mounted by a taxfdermlst. •DINNERS, luntheona. arumoon His. Tho auxiliary has been very aolivr Aged Woman's Death. Gordon and Charles, Jr. Funeral ser- »' eji» . ' ; brld«e naiUat. Op.n Boor CoIlM Bhoo! nearest hotel where he could spend The funeral ocrvico waa held Sun- at Freehold and conducted It until 1 in helping tho firemen. Recently the day morning at the Washington Mrs . Josephine Conover of Free- vices wore held from her home on Coming Soon. Broad, at Hardlne road, Bad Bant t)i« night Roloff Schenck would not society bought shades and chairs lor 1900. Later he bought Geor/;<- Bai- hold, widow of Judge J. C.ircnce Monday afternoon. Rev. F. T. B. Key- lloudlnl's brother and successor, listen to this proposal, He ordered Heights Chapel, 15«th street ond Am- ley's wholesale tobacco business and made and repaired, llnol««o> the flrehouee nnd coats and boots for sterdam avenue, New York. Mr. Loeb Conover, died Friday night. Sho had riolda and Rev. F. B. Whltaker of- Hardeon, world's greatest living II- laid; cemented or loose: stovea mad fur- one of his farmhands to stable 'ind the firemen's i use. A continued H several years. He leaves luajonlBt, In a mase of mysteries, in- electric ••.•as n. member of the United Brothers n widow, who was Miss Elizabeth been suffering from heart trouble ficiated. Interment wan In Cedar- naces repaired and Installed. Also handy feed the homo used by the Fighting radio outfit has rcci/ntly' b'cen in- 1 find grip. She was 84 years old and cluding creations willed him by the jobs' done. George McQuem. 17 Westaldt) Mun from Trenton In driving to rani of the •^ Malmonldcs Benevolent Stftploton of Colt's Neck. U doom lond ord.ri aim »«lr quaint er.t. wjirk. brio's., • doak, »nd bulk- tllmjr,, eQntr«slln_r Jtr J_*b.bfnB don*._ H, rears' New York City _p»rlence; N.w out board. Prlvold. 138 Klvenlds ava-• dry tub, .leotrlelty, newly Jecoraud: atedi bath, _a_i »l»trl.ltjrs a>.iy »n» hrads. EM Soring street, ebons Hit, Bogdangylc, Unlon_B-ach P. 0., N. J.» Yor^ k.. UniversitJnlveraity trainedtrained,, seekseaks. -permanenpermanent nuenue., pbonpbone lielted BanBank 118,. "Ice Ugbt airy room,: fin. river view; jenloncs: also garan, Prl«« mcilirtM. 1 I Bank. 8 ANNIVERSARY OF MONMOUTHS ffl,*, ^'Sy^ ^.''''!"!!!'"' ROOMS and me all, Vnclutlin'c speciaTctilck^ position. Beply to. 8. S,~ , drawe• r M-- , Be- d BOOMS for rent, furnished three-room• »J l2g-.. Th# r_nj ,na Loin Co., ,3 Mt. jharlei Brenktr, (Of West Front, _E38, It will be done right If your ear ts en dinner* Wednesdays and Sundays. "an*. ,, .i apartment, all Improvements; suitable ffoor <£__£. Btreet, Red Dank. . . TBOTECtlVB ASSOCIATION. ) "»«»T Srfsho.^B^KJU'SJ wa«bed at tbe Boro Buaiw. Ine- waab Reasonable weekly rntes. VanDervecr'n, 35 LAUNDR»AUNDRY wor^ k wantented t* o• d* o a• ' t shome. . .. . ;' It,.!.ll»h» t! L_..-ll.-.-~-housekeepingpngI .:- :centrall- entrall_ , II y__ l__^a_;Jlocatedlocated-:: rets>. FOL'ftBD HKfJT. newly decoratsd ove-rocm n atand. Charlei A. ionga, expert wa-her. ?OR SALEn«iw~flvBVroom""blrie: l la fuifruitt andd - trutrack fafarmingi ; LARGE furnishfurnished roor m ffor rent; steBm street. Fair Haven, N. J. -ihono Bed bath, gas, electricity and every e«nv,nl> ^ tt. A3»«on Wo. Ce.«bmUd — &r&hR\***»\$SSl laid out and planted i old gropndB Bhrewiburyi ohrlstlao family offors prlvaU .state, greenhouse, flowers, .bruba, heated; suitable for ono or two gentle. | Bank 10B2. ence; also garage. Pries moderate. Charlat With B Feast _Wrt WednesOBy Hishluid,, N. J,, phon, 980 Atlantlo Hteta- Improved and beaut.!fled. Tre*s and and can furnish excellent refsrencss. Ad*' rnes. 6 Spring street. Red Bank. Brenker. 107 West Front atrsat. Hlvor Night at Keyport. | !•;»!•. ffuests dellgbtfol, horn* llf#i 4«lle!oos dre«a A. C. Bodo, 51? Esat Front itreet, Pl»_. phone Red Bank 1907, phrubbtjry ipra>«d and ornned. Ad- /ood; large, warm rooms. Op.n all Bed Bank. h it—, I AIRKDAM5 .puppls, (or saJ«) | ; onle; connus ho MON MOUTH uuuntr raai t4uu#, ' vice slfldly 0{ran. tl. Butterbach, for•j.ati oMlnJoH.°not°wT _o_™"»S._d.,fmi, furnished, fo« r winteS r or™M%ll all »_. FIfty-flve momberi of "On-I slrol b»»lcs Chl.f I.Tttl. Elk! ytar- Sllt&beth powtrs, ptjon» 14DC, euppll.4 of all natl-tnalltln, for (II I *•>•. kluh. privily, if dnlre4l esntral, ri>Uiid; every uludern Imbrovsment: ideal properties. bu«ln_9« r>rop_rt.*« faaipfY mouth counly protective associatioilatlonn boabust of br«, be»bast of wlnnsrs AtlantiAtantioc box 282, Fair Haven, N. J., pboo* Rid Bank. ' klndi .of. work, steclallilng in firm' block' fro' m Broad" street• • . Phon— o Z217-n, location. Apply Mrs. liamlin, Catherine «itci. farms, dwetllngi. A IIo« to Ihla l N ; r ll 1 1 C tl Red Bank.* uflle* will bring full oarttauiar* £ak«?'t and some invited _i_«ts enjoyed a ?' ','n S«k.' ° old " M.^i'"' .3B °"B °F Red Bank Z042-I. bands. _.Wrlte or eall at S. Bergsr's Asen. • treet. Fair Haven. N. J., phone Red Bank banquet at Barltan Inn at Keyport 4_."<>rd,'iV<>• _t»i. ".'.«_? R.d _.,_: ey, 88 West street. New York Oity. oSon BOOM for rent; nicely furnished, cozy 1862-R. letlty omee. Catnph_lVi Junation OeUord Rector 8MB room, all conveniences; two minutes to N J. Phona Keanibura tO2-M lsat Wednesday. The feaat was in PORTABLE booth 619 feat for; (our It B1TSSAU. remover of daad FARM PRODUCE. BED BANK Employment Agency anil station. Apply at 131 Brdge avenue. Bed PIVE-ROOM EnglUb~ biTn^aTuw. with celflbration of the eighth anniversary.1 wimlowi: Just the thins for hot do* Phone Red Bank 2JUQ- W. CADBAQE (or sale, cut b? tb* barrel or NursesNurses ' Refflstrv, 4& BlverafdBlverafde avsnue, Bank.* - •pace for roorai on tecond floor, Holland rf-tb*-M«ool»ttoB.---Th«-M»,ool»tloii--{t«ttd...-At.DlrtBi«»>«1 Boat Worki. <_dMASON con tractor. e*t!metes 'Cheerfully by. the), with. rpots..(in,.. Any; Mrs*-L._-Battersb7,-proprietorrsLBttsbit , -CoarteCt * age. 84 Wallace street, phon. Bed Bank 60_t. tlla bftth, Qreptaeo. iraa, #ftUi*. «t«ie* eiven. Eugene Soyer, 89 Hadion ave- quantity to sutt customer: alio flrat olsia oua service, efllelent help;- references In. TWO nOOMS and kitchenette Kparlmcut (riolty, BtreeU an_ tid«w_Ik.> maionriT -ui-orsutad|fw the jmiw»Mrt jff ' , w. grir__'»_-. _« nue, Red Bank, phone 1467. Gretn Mountain potatoes, aJeo cornataikfc veatlgated. Practical and trained on call. or three-room apartment, furnished or ttruoture; 80il_5, (Clberoa Park, off Nor- B 8ALE hy tha hundred. Vanderveer VanDorn. Telephone Bed Bank 1482. unfurnished, all modern improvements. 84 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. wood avafttle. Elberon, N J. Convenl«nt of law anand ord«r and Its member-11 cc,n,nnna,a,rr.. jjouourr c/ci«c/ci«;; onona twtwo oyd oydss H»».MI!e rosd. Bed Bsnk. Ridge road, Rumson. N.J.* tprmi. Other buiiaingi undtr «4natracttaiu •hii p It madde up Chieflhiflyy off residents FulmaFl r motort . CaCn be ntcn att Dlk Dlckmin''i CARPENTER work wanted. AU kinds AGENTS wanted to sell our new spring FOR SALE, seven rooms, bath; $5,600. SOD for sal., thirty j«_s old. Thomaa H. tin _ of AHe* Ann tires*_s direct from oar Pi'one 1SO*.R, Red Bank. of Mlddletown' township, Holmdel Bo»t Work.. WUrt avenue. Red Bsnk, ' of jobbing attended to by an ex* Gnat, bomsBtead, on Evcrstt road. on. all Improvement-; garage. Re an on for CHOICE LIST of properties tor ult ot and a half miles from Red Bank. Jobs _• factory. Liberal commission. Writ* Bel- REAL KTATE FOR RENT. selling, owner desires farming and will town;hlp, Marlboro town»hlp Mate- *OTOOjmEESj"..byjHto birch, m... perl-Dsed carpenter. V/rlta or phon* mar DreiB Co,, Seventh avenue. Belraar, make offer for farm. Phone Christensen. rent. Elizabeth D. Uobba, r«aj »uti» Marvin. 25 Harding road. Red Bank. Grant, R. I) 1. rteil Bsnk. HALF of double house to rent; six big Little Silver, N. J^ phono Red Bank 741. ^an townahlp. Rarltan township and wood,|.Urel, holly andm.ny othrt different 301.Rums on, ward lane. Phone 2108, BARRED ROCK pullets for ssle. now Isr-SALESMAN wanted: must have Initiative rooms, newjy decorated. Reasonable. LOTS for vale. 40.126. faolng WUmort Keyport. It numbers among itumem- Jdndss will ie!l cheap on account ol clear- inff: bred for laying! 12.00 aDlece. Alio Apply between 2:00 ami 4.00 P. M. _t 42 Park, Uiddletown. hl_rN location |2C0 barthlD many constables and special Iw.a P<«» °f land: from 25 cants to »l aever*il cockerels for tale. Fred ' DieU, and ability to sell stock; commission Throckmorton avenue; Red Bank. BUNGALOWS for sale; four, five and each, phone Red Bank 2262.M. BOVCE Palntinsf Service: eitlmates chear- half st mile below River -Flaza school, basis. Be^ply by letter stating quailflca- six rooms; down payments $200, JJpllCe OfflClalB Who Berve . WtttlOUt >datlr ,d> M. GM.IIB, NulBWat—. road, seo- APARTMENT for rent, .four rooms and VALUABLE! business property for salat ; fully glveo; priotlcni workman, fine In- phone Bed Bank 2084-R. tlona to II If., drawer M. Bed Bank.* e*l«rl«». ond farm on left wett of River'Flaza terior work and paper hang ins a specialty. POSITION bath, with heat. Robert Cameron, cor- $300 and $600. Balance same as-rent. lot on corner of West ITont • treat and CMcken was. the principal dl«h. ac_o__ Firit class material, all work guaranteed, BALED alfalfa and heavy elover mixed h«y For particulars apply to George B. Maple avenue, on which la located two Telephone 812-M.' Rumsoru for eoyiB, of the betUr kind. See It. sure buildings. Is ta«r«by offered for aale. served aatt the feast. Peter 0. Wei-SAXAPHONE for sate,. B,Hat »opr»no; Just Hance & Davis, phon. 103, Red Bank. contracting work: pruning trees, caring for • . Brown 6 Co., 12 Broad atreet. Red Apply to J. Trafford Allen, 60 RWsrlldt) idt f th i rebuilt and reflnlihed; illver slat.d. Al- NOTICE to trappers—More none*' for flowers, general gardening, etc. Address tnff from $25 to $50. Efeat furnished in , mouth atreet, phono Red Bank D52. Red Bank 864-M._ , le, boautlfully marked, year old. M your laundry work and aave on.' third ttis J.. plione 20-M. home liveable, sanitary and safe. Prices as Borne. Inquire. E, A. Crozler/ Pearl Btreet, I IDEAL country borne, corner location, for ovlc. Union nnd Brook avenues. bill. Phone Red Bank 1607 Charles Bran FOR SALE, twenty loads manure, chicken low as |25. Future upkeep economical. , .F.flkJHaven, phono Bed Bank 1082. j sale; about one acra. well landscaped; HOUSE for sale at Sllverwhlts Garden*, Union l«r. proprUtor. mfctiuro, straw mixed. B. Schlafke, Rlv- Patterns and estimates cheerfully fur- HALF of double bouse, corner Shrewsbury eight-room colonial house, remodeled and aeven rooms and tbreo bath roorai, all „ _ (urnltura. W. esnr*i>n« o> I''OR SAtiE. well rotted stable manure in TVFEWIUTKIt headquarters. Typewriter* nlsbed free. Phone us. Red Bank 8610.1 .venue and Oakland atreet; six rooim. redecorated; two-car garage; will sell for Improvements: new copper screens, new tb» itocks ot.uiod furnlturs and erdala-avenue, Shrewsbury township, phone awningi. electrio refrigerator, two-car _«• any quantity: will deliver. M. V. Brown, rented, bought and told. Trubln's, 68 Red Bank I28-W.* ' Victor Meljl Works. 66 Prospect avenue, wa,t_. gas, electricity and toUet; rent «87 512.E00 to eettle estate, worth 820.000. nous, furnishings In th. itw; Buy ooi 2« Wharf avenue. Bed Hank, phone 37. Rroad street, Red Bank. nesr East Front Btreet. . | . Apply Mrs. James p. Bennett, Seeing Is believing. J. Prothero, 31 Mon- rage attached. Cheap, easy terms. E. K tent, of boats outrlnht, or jell on commH per montn Dangler, 12 Garden road. Red Bank. •Ion. H. Rob.rU/Co.. Inc. Stats BARGAIN^—Fines automatic winter front, SHARABBA'S Barber Shop. 5 Hechanlo MONEY to loan on second mortgage real : 287 Spring street. Red Bank. mouth street, phone Bed Bank 052. Bisnwar (on, mil. nortb\o( R«d Bank' extra tire rack and rim for Chrysler 70: street, phone Red Bank 284-M- Die AUTOMOBILES. estate' one or two' year monthly pay. i I.-IUK-IIOOM modern apartment for rent,, GOOD eight-room houje. nil. modern 1m- THREE ACRES, about two miles south of Fhoti. R«4 Bunk 8>7). . \ _ coat S40, will sell for 115. Alljn drat tlnctly personal service. mont clan. Hllblanil. Financ. Corpora- V.irnl.hfrt or unfurnished. Inquire at 2S provements; Bteara heat; \t 51x200: Red Bank, fronting good road, high level FO|1D_ON for-sale; reconditioned nnd re*tion, 85 First avemie, Atlantio Ufgblands, v«.a- a...* _^_ w*< „«.*_. ..-.*»•_.—» -'--» — — - —_-1 ground in good locality. No buildings. Sell CANARY blrda and gold flsfo for ssle. W. class condition. Telephone Red Bank RED BANK Window Cleaning Co. We • -•• • •"•" "'""- ll.Ooo cash required; price 181^00. J. B. painted. S. P. Conover & Bro.. McCor- U.3. Drummond place, or phone 184-, Red Han it Prothero, 81 Monmoutb street, phone Bed 68,000. Address P. O. Box 045, Red now bays a full Una of cunnrj blrdi aid 1330-J. ' • make a specialty of cleaning, rlndowt of mick*Dec-lng, W&llls and Bolen's tractor LODGE, roor m for rent. Daatrable room Bank. •old n.h; also bird and Osli suppllss. w. MAHOGANY Vlctrola, with recorde, for stores, office* and private reiiaences. H*t«i sales and service, Wickatunk, K* J.. phone IF YOU wanted a Job would you' print availabll e for aae secondd andd C Courtb Bmnk 952- w K.nn.dr * Son,, tl Broad street, R*l salo cheap! library table, two Perfection rensonoble, fl&tinftictipn guaranteed. 43 0 Holmdel, , r - 7.S0O circulars' telling nil about It and Thursday nights of each tnout-. Al FOR SALE—Dunffalow of four rooms and Bsnk. Waahlnmton -treet. Red Bank, phono -H1 ft distribute them among 7,600 homes? You at the office of Slgmund Eianer Co. Apply bath; all modern! improvements; lot HIGHWAY property of;out en_ t_r««- . oil heaters and porcelain top for kitchen tlOKl> and rebuilt trucks for #al« various would not.. It would'cost too much in table. Telephone 1810, Red Bank. MONEY to loan, bond nnd raortuagej 1st- FOR RENT stores, offices. Hats, bouses 50x137; earaee; price $3,700, $300 down, quarters acres, suitable for refresh* TOP SOIL, fill dirt, grading ot all kind.. 2d and 3d, or will buy mortuBgea; rea- makei of from onr to five tona capacity time and money. Wise men set the same $25 a month. John B. Prothero, at Mon- •Its roadwaye built; Lakawood eand. FURNITURE for sale: mahogany gateleg dold with B_ar_ntee. A. Veenatrs. Whit* reiulta by classified advertising In * Tbe apartments: improved; all locations, luit ment stand or gas station; fiv«« #onable discount. Al*o make building loaui off Broad street, at 12 Mecbanio street. mouth Btreet, phone Red Bank BES. waebtd gravel, llag, cinders, blue atone. extension table, mahogany sideboard, to responsible builders. E. Wolf, Mon- tn !k distributor, 277 Corlle* _«*nne. Aw* Register. - room house with electrio, tiro-ear ga« Ptloes roaionible. Howard O. Roaavalt mahogany secretary, mahogany four poster hurv Park. N J Land & Loan Co. . ' SOUTH STREET, good elarht-roora house, phone .1688. Bed Bank. bedstead, mahogany cheat of drawers, wal- mouth nvenue, corner 11th street. Lake- WE LOAN money on .borne furniture with- steam heat; all modern Improvements; rase. About 400 feet highway front- wood, N. J.. phone Laktfwood 1461. MOTOR truck for sale, 2Vt-ton capacity; out removal In snms from 525 to $800. FOR BENT. Branch avenue. Little Silver, fcOR SALE, adding machinal, deaka, eatei. nut dresser, fibre rccd suite, medicine cab- very little used. Kissel make. Hermari bungalow of six roos_ and bath: two- oak floors, breakfast nook, eara_e; for sale age. Bargain price only $3,780. Met* tipowrltire. nllns oablneti. Everything inet, Icebox, tables, drain, pillows, etc.: EXPERT automobile washer now In churn* Repayable monthly, lawful interest, prompt car caragc: chicken coop; lot 72x250. $15,000. Rent April 1st, $100. John 1 of the wash stand at the Boro Buittra. Ritzau, KiverdaJe avenue, pbone Red Bank service. Write, phone or call. Industrial ritt'It. Lamson, 8 West Main street, for the offlca. Calf Aabury tUO Butler . best condition; prices half. 155 Mechanic 2240-W. Convenient to station; immediate posses- Prothero, 81 Monmouth street, phone Bed Office Equlpmtnt Co., 417 Bond street. street, Red Bank. Call Red Bank 810 Inc., Globe Court and Mechanic" street Loan Society, Inc. 175 Smltb street, sion. Call Kemp, Little Silver. Bank 062. Freehold, N. J. Get your ca.r washed while in towa Serv- STAR coupe for aale, 6125: Brood order.. Perth Amboy. N. J.. phone 1961. TOR SALE. Stewart horse clipping m«- mornings for afternoon appointments.* icu ulltl »™T finished * BUSINESS CORNER. 70x100, with Urge ehlnel and parts. Clippers nhnrpcncil. F"0li~SAI'E. a number of White Leghorn C. Packer, phone 120 Seabright. MONEY to loan on mortgage; low rates, j reasonable. store and apartment for tale; both FOR SALE, at Fair Haven; atx-voom boused •attraction guaranteed. B. A. Hlckey. WILLIAM V DIETRICH, plumbing. beaT TWipTOli Maxwell truck, hand-made rack Send your raort«a_e problems to us. No streets paved; sood' location: $lfcOOO. and White Rock pullets, first class stock, ing and tinning. Pumps and windmilli charge for our service. Louis Rose, 156 all improvements (gas excepted^; hot Everatt_N.wJ.,_ph_ne laOa-W, Red Dank. now laying: also a number of White LOR. body 0xGx4',_ ; h'otd Tudrrr In good cou- Aaburv Patlc 6O43-RR. or Terms arranged. Price reduced |7r00O, water heat, garage, hen house, grapes, sup* repaired. Auent for Muster enrburetnr ilitiim. . Also Jer»ey and Holstoin eows for _lt__!____l'___?I_[: I John Prothero, 31 Monmouth ptreet, pi pies and peaches; ons oxtra (ot. WUl »*U WAtt. PAiPBR—On raqueet I wllfaair and liorn and White Rock cockerels. Lady coel saving device- Ills any furnace, 42 sale, good milkers, WUlowbraok Farm, your own agent. «how a Una of aplendld will POPLTB. CI- White-Todd Estate, phone Rumson 481, Lelghton avenue. Red Bank. Pho_e' SMALL, bunsalowr witbT^Itting room and Red Bank 952. at cost if sold this month; wUl take lot , Everett road. Red Bank, phone Middle- bedroom, arid an attendant In cbarse,l as part payment, and will take mortgog* tlraaU cost of hanging and jrutrantee hltrh RumBon road, Rumson, N. J. 1864. 6 \*™2*Redavenue. Re d toknk ' RIVERSIDE. HEIGHTS, new houie. all claae workmanship. Boyea Palntlne Serv- town 1318-F«2. for an aged, chronic, convalescent or SB modern improvements; garatr_: trnnd lM; for part. Apply Eden B. Ewing. MoCarttt Ice. phon« C12-M, Rugnon. FORD COUPE, 1926, like new. This car incurable gentlernan. Tray service. Wil- DESIRABLE houses for ront in flood loca- avenue, Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 1897. liams Nursing Home, Cburab street and tions in Red Bank: moderate rents. Ap- Hullatid heat; i'l.bOO, $1,000 cash, balance CIDER (or sale: York state iweet cfder, bv BUSINESS NOTICES. LANDSCAPE cardoner, grading, should run a year without. _, penny ex- as rent. John B. Prothero, SI Mon mouth LOTS on Pinckney road for iale: flva bsaq- pense; two good spares; unusual oppor- Pair Raven road. Fair Haven. Pbone Bed ply at the office of Slemund Eisner Co., or Ballon or >urrel. Benlnmlr.' H. Crate. 14 trucking, treo moving, top *oll, Bcnk 849. •• telephone Red Hank. 11011. ^^ street, phone Red Bank 952. tuful lots at Sllverwhite Gardens,. on« Korth Bridge avenue. Red Bank, phone Rail SHREWSBURY Hand Laundry, phone Red manure. 8ee mo about specimen trees. tunity. Sell pr trade for suburban light YAW. HAVEN bungalow for sale, between of the (Ineat and fastest growlsa sections Bunk 1<85. ' . Hani; 2611. Culled for and delivered. truck or roadster with steel pick up body. SEWING machines; any make of sewing . STORE and apartment for rent: good loca^ In Red Bank. Buy now and earn neat Lnrg* blue spruce and pines; also a Alain road and rivet; five rooms, bath, BUY automobils Insurance In five-million, Wet wash, rou_rb dry, thrifty and fln- Charles Grant. Everett, N. J., phono Mld- machines repaired at ibort notice. Re- I tion for butcher, hardware or drug Btore, all modern Improvements; garage, price years Increase. Or will build to suit, dollar company .ndoraed by Stats Grange lal.ed. Hcasonable price. ^ fine lot of maples, from three dletown 796-F-S1. pairs, parts, olla, etc.. Hemstitching a | Rent reasonable. 377 Drummond avenue. ¥5,000. Terms arranged. J. Prothero, SI Make a start now for a borne next year. and Farm Bureau, and save 20 to 80%.CONtRACTOnSandbuifdera." When you to ten Inches in diameter. Alfred San- specialty. Singer Sewing Machine Com- » Red Bank. ____^ Monmouth atreet. phone Red Bank 052. Address P. O. Bo» 446, Red Bank.- FORD 1026 coupe: alio 1926 Ford Tu- *' 744 MMonmouth .treet, Bed Bank, I fAItM for rent. Inquire George Wilkln.. Ferd R. Moeller Co., West Long Branch. nro thinking- of having work done, by der, Seven-Bridge road, Portaupeck. one 1B77. SYCAMORE AVENUE lot, 100x200. fo- N. J. day or contract, consult Earlinff, Johnion dor sedan, sacrifice 583; also Star , Tenth BVenue. Belmar, N. J., or FOR SALE, 115.000; nine-room dwell- N\ JM pbone Long Branch 2075. NOTICE to Trappers.—I pay the highest' phone Eatontown 10S-W. sale; ideal section, adjoining the fines J"OR SALE, Lion hot water heater and & Froke. We have our own lumber yard. roadster, $35. Charles bresser, Red home on the avenue. Priced reasonable. ing, bath, garage, In good resident!*! pricea for all kinds of raw furs. Jacob • SMALL FARM for ront. four miles .due utra heavy S0-_allon bollor; Ilka new: LET'S TALK about sigria now. Moyan Bank _Onr_nt Co.. 33 t_ist Front street, John Prothero. 31 Monmouth stratt, phone section of Red Bonk; convenient to »26. eoit 180. 80 Mechanio atnet, Red SIBH CO., manufacturers of commercial BOARDING/ modern tmpraremenla, bet Becker. S7« Shrewsbury avenue. Bed west of Ked Bank Hsu sixty acres, Bix- Red Rank 952. Bank, phone 16S8-W. _^ „„„,,,, a ncarfe'sved road. Bar- schools and shopping district. Apply Bank. '_ ____ out-door and all typei of electric nlirno. and cold running water, centrally lo- phone 1416, Bed Bank. room b rn: BEAUTIFUL* home near station, for sale flPELESB beatert completely installed Higg h clanscla, , lowoslwoso t prlccprlc i nnndd reliabilityy. cated, rates reasonable. Hudson Home, A FIREPROOF steeateel garaggaragi:—B*ue Buyy y»ty»ir : g«'_ainn to right party; lmnj__itmnig^ e ppoasesaion, P. O. Box 410. Red Bank. 131 Hudson avenue, phone Red Bank, tf41, two acres ' lawn, good house, three-cai anywhere. 198 to 1160. Pipe furnace 116 OklOaklandd streettt , phonh o liliedd BBankk FORD chassis for pale; motor In A-l shape. own instead of continuing to pay rent in- { Theron McCampbell, HolrnW. N. J. earaee; owner leaving town, will take •Itlmates; host guarantee. Termi. Stovei, 2481-J.* HOWARD VVHJTKC 61 PortUnU road, definitelfiitl y t o your neighborihb . SmslSll l cashh , LOW RENT—ThreENTTh e hhouses , AArcola heat; $18,000 for quick sale. A good home foi nniti. beaten stocked. Catalogue price". Highlands, N. J., house mover, founda* Edward Acker, New Monmouth. N. J.* • payments, balance monthly. Gives .you . Rumson road; furnished. $30 per month. commuter*. Prothero, 31 £1 on mouth street, MAPLE AVENUE. Red Bank, good seven* Drop card or phone! repreaentatlve will tipns built. .'Phone Highlands 1279-R. roam house, all modern improvements; WE BUILD Better Homca; duality CHEVROLET coupe for Baier"l9_4 model; greater comfort and increases tha value of c Packer phone 120 Seabright. phone Rod Bank 052. ' ideal location; a good 511.000 buy. John call, C. Merrltt, authorized branch Kal- CHIMNEY sweeping. William V. Dlete> good rubber, new battery: good runninst 1 amaBoo Stove Co., 404 Newark' avenue, and service. *A Goode, carpenter s-Ts-Ml.e '' t'T'Vl!'" """"'' TV" HOUSE orSeven7ooms for'renTat Holm- WASHINGTC^STREETThouse. near Fron Prothero. 31 Monmoulb street, phone Bed rich. 42 Lelghton avenue. Red Bank. condition :'price ?3O. First houae on White a r Mt d b ed F r street, six rooms; all modern improve Bank 95_. Bradley Beach, N- J., phone 2020-R- nnd builder. All kinds of jobbing at- Phone U64 road, Shrewsbury, N, J.* SparticularL f,,,^'s^^ phon. o»"'' H.v, -Victor°,r"'p'_. Redf1 Ban. l k •' Al. Avi_del. ?onjroa O d from Holmdel to Keyport. 2CI0. 65 Prospect avenue, nur East MA»_»_II mentis; garage; good lob; $5,500, $500 cash RED BANK bungalow for sale, corner lot. tended to. 118 Pearl street, lied AUCTION EER—Georae H. Roberta Co.. FOR SALE, 1024 Dodge touring, excellent MatttW E. Farrin_ton. B. D.. No, 1, motor, tlrea. upholstering and curtains; Front street. _.^i_ required. J. B. prothero, 31 Slonmoutb good location, five rooms, bath, all Im- BABY CHIOKa for Bale; White _t«- Hank, phone lias-J.' Ino*. auotloD speclalUu. phons Red Bank DESIRABLE house for rent; all modern street- phone Red Bank 952. 2871. will exchange for a late model motorcycle. provements ; rents 155 monthly; price •. horn and Barred Bock ehleks from 67 Cypress street, Long Branch, one block conveniences and located on oonee of the HOUSE of six rooms and bath for sale $6,200; easy terms. J. B. Prothero, 81 CURCHIN'S for real ait. Curchln's barber EXCHANGE—Fifteen-room bouse, im- I d Bk itbl f two, three and four-year-old hena. HIGHEST prices paid for fclfklBdi of .!>"_ down J-ckaon Btreet.* .. best streets In Red Bank; suitable for a hot wate_ r heat, witihh extra lot; sarage, Monmouth street, phone Red Bank 957. shop Is tbe place where art means some- provements; double corner, located small family; moderate rent Apply at the i hj— • ho~uae;" fruit "trees' and "nne" Vhade Libert discount on early orders. Irv- poultry. Jacob Decker, 278 Slirewsbury thing. For real proof try us once, and DOUBLE HOUSE, BrWcV^venue"~n"ear avonua, Red Bank, or phon* 1680* W. Bad nt Atlantic Highland-, N. J.; will ex- offlw of Sernund Eisner Co., or telephone,. tr_e_. prlce tfi500. property sold high school; _ix rooms each side] runted ing t. Owen. Marlboro, N. J. rhonc then you will always. This also applies REAL ESTATE WANTED. Bk to ladies and children. Second National change my equity of 13.000 aa pay- Red Bank 1100. ; ,, | bby FebruarFebruary 15th15th.. AA reareall bargainbargain.. EEd for S1.08O'yearly; out-of-town owner will Holrodel 14-W. OLD KLUORS resurfaced Ilk. new. Lat bank building. Red Bank:. Upstairs, WANTED, one or two acres pf Isnd w}th DESIRABLE office (or rent in tho Eisner HayesH . 41 ChurcChhh streettt . FaiFir HHarei. sell for $10,500. $3,000 cash. Call Proth- us Rive you an efltlmaU for returfaemg . five-room bouse; eood condition; near ment on small form, about two acres, building. Apply at the offlce of Sigmunrt phone Red Dank 406. ero, Red Bank 96_. ____ MEW FLOORS mad* perfect at ttn&U cm: Headden's Corner and Highway. State rear Bed Bank. What have you to Eisner Co,, or telephone Red Bank HOP ——— your old floors by machine, which we hav. Have your new floors finished by a floor prico and condition. Address W. O., draw- FOR SALE or rent; new bungalow, al SIX-ROOM cottaeo with batb, alMrnprove- recently added to our equipment. Pbooe machine lu tbe flrat place— It saves money offer. Merritt ft. Lamson, 8 West FOB ItENT. unfurnished _bc-ro_na j>out«. improvements;. also desirable building ments; owner leaving town; lot 50x180; farm, Newman Springs roud, drat liouae er M, Bed Bank. all improvements! corner Main and Bat- lota; terms. Palmer avenue. Keansburg ^yt_of_brldge, Phone B __BankJ5l__.M. Union B. Blckels, Red Bank. _^ In tho end. Phone Ralph C. Slokela. Red Main street. Freehold, N. J. price $6,500. W. A. Hopping, 8 Undeu '•LAVI'ON B. OLAUK BK.. j_tto. of ff ^kf^ estlmate. PLACE your farm or any acreage you mny tin roads Call Red Bank 522-W. Gateway. George Pike, phone Middle town place. Red Bank, phone S97.* SvELl. KO'ftKD' grain inaiiuro for unit, any have in my Bpring listing of farms. 798-J.* pence, borough of R.d Bank. N. J., BAR wa*hTng"my~7pe6ialty. 1 .uarunui FOH RENT, new small bungalow on Mon- PLOT of ground. 100x150 feetT'tdu. lo- quantity: delivered. Alno fine manure County of Monnjouth. Civil actions >nd Prompt attention. Martha Ilellcrmon, TRUCK wanted; small dump truck; must roe avenue; gas, water, electricity; rent WILL SACRIFICE bungalow of five room* nultabie for polo fields, self greens, etc. you a satisfactory fob. Let ma prove Bsrent, 38 Washington Btreet, Rumson, N. catlon: paved street; pries $3,000. Re- criminal cases heard and d.tennlDsa. tl my ability. Charles A. Jones, ' pert auto, fee In good condition and reasonable forreasonable. Apply Mrs. H. C. Hance, 101 and bath, lot 50x200 feet, with garage member good lots ore Bcarcc. W. A. Hop- «5 Second, avenue. Long Branch, phono White streJt.Reil Bsnk. J.. phone Kum3on 464. cash. Edward Carney, Eatontown, N. J., mobile washer at Boro Busses, Inc., Globe 1 Rivers id e avenue. Red Bank, phoue 582. fine, homelike place; cither for tin invest- ping, 8 Linden place, Red Bank, phone 897. "Long Branch 208-J. VICTOR METAL WORKS, quality -work- Court snd Meohrmlo Btreet Red Bank. phone 10-F.-21 .* FARM "for rent from March 1st; small ment or a home. Ed/ Hayes, 44 Church ATTENTION. Poultrymcn—Tho latest conl h Rd Bk 495 ATTRACTIVE bungalow near RedMBank for manship! reasonable^ prices. Call us for HEMSTITCHING. Mexican, gold, silver, EMPLOYMENT. t BEETS wanted by .th.thee ton aiTonVe*. farm near Atlantic Highlands; houae, . street. Fair Haven, phone Red Bank 495. Bale; five rooma. breakfast nook, bntfa, burning brooder stoves on tho market general tinsmith work, cornice leaders, gut. M. V.. Brawn. 24 Wharf avenue. Red barn and outbuildines: Buitabla for truck- ara now on our store. Como In etc.. buttons, . pinking, plaiting, em- V B 24 Whrf Rd COLONIAL house, six rooms and bath lot 50x150; two-car garage; $6,000. U 0 • ters, Bkyllcht*, furnaces, metal ceilings, broidery, trimmings and novelties. Mas- STENOGRAPHER wanted; experienced In Bank, phono 27, i ing; with pasture, orchnrd and a fine loca- .ground consisting of one acre, with ap- Martha Hellcrman. phone Rumson 464, and look them over. Fred D. Wlkoff. Co.. atee) garages. 15 Prospect avenue, phone querade suits for hire, fha Handy Shop, shorthand and typing; writo giving ex- less f ie'. • tion for stand. W. H. Gibson, Locuit Bed Bank. - WANTEp—Second-hand pipelesa furnaceUrnB ; ples, pears, peaches, plums and qulncei STUCCO hunBalow*Vn""Niit«w_mp road, tor Rod Dunk 3619. 16 Brond street. Red Bank. perience and full particulars. Addrcso state condition^ site'and priceirlpp,. M. vV! . Point. N. J. , berries of all l(in_3; chicken bouse and ga- HE-CLEANED brkks for »ale. »12 ptr II PI Acme, draper M, Red Bank. sale; eeven roomi, all mprovements; hot all pap_r._a, patntlns an<3 aeoorat* MONEY to >oan on first bond And mort- Brown, 24 Wharf avenue, Red Bank, phone FOR RENT, bungalow on Monroe avenue, rage: good terms. Ed. Hayes, 44 Church water heat; lot 100 feet front, 180 feet thousand delivered. William Mcors. Rum- Ins: see G. A. 'Millar, Church and Come* gage on Improved real «state worth BOY wanted to deliver packages on blcyola: 27. - five n>om9, all improvements; $82 perBtraet. Fair _H_ven. phone Red Bank _95 aon. N. J. deep; garage. Apply Louis Kaczuba, Nut* ton JtrretB. Delford. Thlbaufi wall paper. double the amount loaned. Alston Seek one who can work all day; sixteen yesra VACANCY In private house on river; con- month. Apply Willam W. Cook. 38 Drum- TWO corner lots, 50x100, for sale at Illver Hwamp ronti. River Plaza, Red Bank. rOULTRlfMBN—Genuine aeml-aojld but- EHtimnt.^ cheerfully given. Poitofllce ad- man, attorney. 10 Broad strte* Red Bank or over. Clayton's Market, 10 Whit- venient location for couple or lady d«- mond avenue, phone 1731-J, Red Bank. Plaza. Apply Sophie Baron, box 21 FOR SALE, Bcrifen place, aeven roonisi termllk In the Yullow Barrel. Dnlrd, B»- drejtp BelTord. box 66. Phono Keans- street. Red Banl_T ' slrlnar comforts of a good home. Refer- FARM~f thirty ncrea for rent'; buildings, Colt's Neck. N. J.» vtaon and Co., phone Red^Bank^lf-J; burn '••tiW ______TYPEWRITER headquarters, Typewriteri all modern Improvements; lot 5O_2OO; rented, bought and eold. IVubin's. £8 EXPERIENCED stenographer and typist ences required. ;Phooq Rod B*nk 580-R.or stocked; near, Entontown. Address 'I., HOUSE for Bale, six rooms, with all mod- U PH. . s iGRINQ and raflnUhlnsc of all Proad atreet. Red Bank. g&rage. For sale. 1)0.500, for rent ti& TINE pcat'moia for"baby~cblcks for rnilf. r vvlsucs position; real estate or contract- address R.__A., drawer M; Red BBiik.*. drawer M. Red Bank.* ern improvements and one car garage. per month. J. B. Prothero, 81 Monmoath BaJrd, Davlion & Co.; phono 1174, Red kimt- >f furniture. l rank Howard, 66 Ihfc • work preferred: Phone Middletovm 1 1 Hnrri.' • avenue. Red Bank, phone 2081. MRS. CAGLB'S prlvato laundry, always at BOSTON TERRIERT'IIV stud;"Masholu UNFURNISHED apartment of five rooms, Price Tcaaonable; $3,400, 262 Bridge ave- 5 -_? ' .phone Red Bank 052. Bank. your service* 183 West Bcrgen place, Bashful Bobble, son Champion Masholu some improvements; electrio light; rent nue, Red Bank." DEVELOPMENT"of eighty-flvo aorw'for PLANT GROWERS and nuMerymen: Nl- PAININGG,, paper hanging and decorattndecorattnss! in rear. Phone Red Dank 2085. reasonable. Apply 11 Oakland street, cor- i ervici e andd firsfitt clasl s vtorkk guar Benroat; datk seat, perfoct white mark- _ _ ... FARMS—Are you in the market to buy a sale, littiated on two very good avenue*; trophotks and Floranlil In convenient g CEMENT blocks, sidewalks and mason AUTOMOBILE salesmen; experienced Inirs: beautiful bead, short screw tail. By ner_WesWt t streettt . ReRdd Bank.Bk* ^ __ farm? You will find a very completi everything but oewer avnliable; good high alced packagei. Balrd, Davlson & Co.,anteeante d i.stfmatei.sfmess cheerfullhfllyy jrjrlven, Roxey & Wallmtf, phonh e BBed BBank 16801680. work: also roekfaee. Peter CePontl, 245 men, wanted at once; i_u6b now nppoihtments only. Black Oak Kennel, 126 HSUSE for rent on Wharf avenue, eight list (over 250 farms) advertised In net ground, not too flat. John B. Protbero, phone Red Bank U74. Wl Shrewsbury avenue. Bed Bank. Phone Red opening", unlimited territory. Won- Ocean boulevard. Atlantic Highlands, it. J. I roornB;""$26 "per "month. Inquire' Theo. Sunday's New York Heratd-Tribune. 31 Monmouth street, pbone Red Bank 952, CUSTOM hatching, baby chicks, citnl and SUPERIOR Window Cleaning Co., phon« Honk 1508. , •- tlorful proposition for salesmen Trilling BICYCLE wateded, Mittablitable for boy oof dore Wilson, 2B Wharf avenue. Red Bank* oil burning brooder stovea, new and used, Red Bank 2478-W. Day and nIffht serv- years. Call Red Dank 1076-M.* ice. Ott-o Nladermayer, managen THE HIGHEST prices paid for all klndi to "step on it," Apply In perion to FOR KENT; the River flaza Communitj for sal.. C. Jl. B.njamln, Vnndorbun, of rnw furs nnd also for llvo cMcltoni. WANTED, broody hens; will rent or buy;I o.ubhousfl for private parties, dances or K. J., phon«_Freehold ___-__?• l_ON_y to loan on bond and mortaage, Joe Baker. 230 Mechanic street, pbone Red Ed. vonKaUengetl, Marmon and Olds- extra price paid In February and March. meetings of any kind; nice dining room CUSTOM lawine done: also locust posts A] 1; to A. _ Ivlni, Regliter building, Bank 2809. china and silver: also kitchen. Apply IO R*d ank. imoblltj .distributor. Monmouth street, Chtrlea D. Cleveland, Eatontown, N. J. and flr«wood for sale reasonable. Chnrles 6 at Maple arenus-. Red Bank, Charles 11 re tike r, chairman of executive Eannttt. on the Hendrlckeon place, oppo- MONEY to loan on first mortgage on well- board. West Front etreet. River Pla__ aita'Mldfliotown postofflce, phono Middle- ORIENTAL and dotocitio ruga onfl LANDSCAPE gardener. Pr_nl__ in R_d Bank and vlcla- N J.. phone Red Bank 1601. _ by experienced ment spraying, lay- tty up to sixty per cent of-value. John, town 788-M. earpat* shampootd and dry cloaned. GERMAN GIRL with six years' experience Prothero, 31 Monmoutb, street, phone Red FOURTEEN vacant housed and apartment- OLD-ANTIQUE al»l«h. 1808. for ssle; el- Old oarpeta made Into, rugi. Bag Ing out of grounds, large or smalt. vmnti position: seneral.housework, cook B*nk 952,- , for rent at price* ranging from $36 ptr Three Hundred Homes so locust potts, six feet to aeven feet Advice given as to what, wben and or lady's maid. Apply George Etc In, Gheat- month and upwards. P. F. Kennedy, •ib lonH. six inches to twelve Inches circum- ruga woven. or _ postal FIVE-PASSENGER sedan wanted; 1928 East Front street. Red Bank, phone 20M bow to plant T. H. Stilts. 17 Harri- nut Grove. Eatontown. N. J.* model, coit not to exceed 9500, Includ- ference', large corncrlli and dry oak Are- card will bring our trunk to your ( RIVERSIDE GARDENS apartment, a-F.. •wood by the load. H. Paul Richardson, son avenue t«_ Bank, phono 1901. WANTED—U_I« to take orders for tail- ing finance charsreB. Reply.Auto Wanted, for Only One Cent. door. Monmouth Carpet Glean) _g ored crepe de chine underwear; sold di- drawer M. Red Bank.' four rooms, furnished or unfurnished. | South Eatontowni__J__r. 0. Bo» 280.* rect from-our factory. Full line of samples Telephone Red Bank 2631.* Company, telephone Uoomootb Oeacb MONEY to loan: Z have 14.000 to loan on Where In there an advertlolng valuo bottor than BED E. power cultivator for Bale; will plow, S26n*J. , William Qrosa, proprietor. IF IT'S real estate you want we have it. supplied. Our agents earn from ?2O to HOUSE on State highway at Fair Vipw for alie. harrow, cultivate, cut hay and mow Dema rest ft Krahnort. Phone Red Bank $30 a, week. For information c_l) or write • jflrst band and mort_rage. In Red Sank. rent, Thomas S. Field. Red Bank.iphoor \ this? An advertleement of thirty words will bo 82D-M, or Eatontown S7-R. Main flUce, Silk Underwear Company, 706 Main street. Larger and smaller amounts. James A, e lawn.. Also all kinds of belt work. Dem- 1 • i placed In The Register's claselflod columns for twen- onltraled! catalogs. Sold by H. A. Coopsr. Q. ESCHI7LBACH & SON, 1S5 Weat 158 South street, E_tontown; branch Asbury Park, M. J. Phone As bury Park Curley, real' estate. 6 Elm place, Red 861. By como re avenue, Shrewsbury, N. J. 3146, _____ Bunk, phone 2363.* • SIX-ROOM house on Kim place for', rant; I Bid,Bank. N. J.. State r_g____ Front street. Red Bank, phon* 1870 : all improvements; two-car garage: Im*' ty-flvo cents and this advertisement will be carried JIIG SAW for aale. foofoott motionion:: good con- Auto Kccesiorlea and mlcanttfng. DWELLINGS, garasBB. Jobbing, etc. If SALESMAN wanted to represent us In the mediate possession: ?&5 PPr month. Many into 7,500 homes—a costof only ono cent for 300 ditiondii ; prici e resjonablcbl . AddrcsB J. aa.. 'lilK OVER HEAD door, for garages, fac- you wlsb work done ritelit md at the Jersey shore territory. Phone *TO Kear- LOST AND FOUND. others. James A. Curley. 6 Elm place. Red lorltri, wa^ehou«es, ttc.i, any ftie. unj right price, call Ufllpb D. SlckeU, McLsreD ney, for detail;!. Western Oil Company. homes. draweer M. RRed BBnnk. * : _____ *tropt. Itel Bank. LOST, Saturday/January 12th, between Bank, phone 23G8.» Ton 3ALE, ten-piectenpiece walnut dllilnu suite, opening. Let us call and >xnla!n. Moti- MEN wanted to cut cord wood, by the Chnpe) Hill and Leonardo, leather ban AP'AR~fM"EN7I'~for r>nt.. four ro^m7 and • slmujt new: alsl o boilbl , springig" «ni«nll m«l m«-l mouth nnd Ocean counties repmientattv* l'HB A1H-WAY CLEANEK topreaentnttve cord., Oakland Greenhouses, Red Bank- marked H B. W., contRlningr child's ap- bath, steam heat furnished, hot water i You couldn't carry a mesoago Into this number of tresa. Phone 6<7-M. Rod Hank.1 Italph It. Sickeli. Red Bank. __ in this locality is n. J. Pellow, 130 Cen-Kverftt road, Lincroft. N. J. parel end personal articles. Finder com- all year: Has stove, tubs and all improve- ter avPiiUB, Atlantic HltihlnndB. The Air* homes In any other way at a coat of 100 or moro FOR SALE—A few choice White Leghorn PAIKTF.HS and floor finisheri. Entimiitcs DERL lady wanted to take'charge of municate with Mr. Baker, Leonardo post- ments. All llaht rooms." Inquire 10 DrUm- cheerfully given, any type of paint work. Way Is fully described in Good House* 1 office. Reward. mond place, Red Bank. times aa much. mala blrda. one snd two ytari o d. Am Alto new or old floor reflntihed by mu-Iccpplnst and Saturday Eveninc Post adver- house, two in family; no waihing . or •Skint orders for chicks; March delivery. ch inf. Satisfaction gunranteed. Inquire ttaement. ironing. D. 0 Quaehenbuih, 36 Hudson MAN'S right hand biick _auntl«t fur-lined FOR RENT, showroom and •ervlce station J(. U Roach. Red Dunk. R. V. D. No. 1, avenue. Tied Hunk.* . glove lost in vicinity.of Broad and Front on Wain street. Inquire K. Peterson, GO Is It a house or an apartment you are looking for? Crozlcr & Son. Pearl street, Fair HaVen. THE. COMMUNITY Window and House ______I__d______—-— phone Red Bank 1082. Jl AN wiintrd to moke himself generally stre_ta*or Carlton theater. Reward if re- Main street, Mutawan. N. J. Do you need help or want a Jon? Have you eome- Cleanl.ur Service does -mult John, too; UHcfu] around a reitaurant; no hnr^Jwork. turned to Hesae's, 8 West Front street. TWO nix-ronm unfiirniahed housoe. goud WHITE Leghorn chicks, rroni three-year- MONEY— S50 to f800 quickly and con-working by the hour or by day. Write to Red Bank. . old hens mated to U50-c_» iiediurecd fidentially loaned on household fumitory .1. II. Hlckn, or call at 100 Llndea place. Ju»t tha place for nn tJn MI cumbered middle locati two furiiislieiill l apartm-nisti , one thln? to sell or do you jvant to buy soma second- coekerela. C. R. Benjamin, Vanderbum, or note*. No embiraielng InTeitlgatiotia Red Bank.* a_«tl lf_*ft who profers a (rood'home in pref- RING LOST, Eastern Star emblem inlaid six rooms nil improvementB, $60 per! hand article? Or havo you lost or found combining? erence to hliih v?iiBC_i. If interested call ip monthh ; three-rooh m furnishefihd d apartmenttt, K. J.. phone Freehold 108-K-2.* N*> bonuses ot fee*. LAwfullntereit onl* C. L. QUANT. Kverstt. f. J., oarpenUr In ruby; Tost Thursday afternoon bd- rHSSSING MACHINE for inlc. complete Two years or left- to repay loin. Globe P*rion any day bfforc l!00 P. M. Aik fortweetwenn pitofflcpoitofflce andW Woolworth store or nt.?am heated, J2*> ver month. Rent, by and builder; all work guarantied: ehartt Mr. Grover. Rohde'j Jtc_t«urant, Atlantic month or yenr. ill-Branch avenue, phone When you want anything the cheapest and quick- with boiler; guaranteed good working piuanee Company.,, room 81. 13 Br6«d •o» rc-J-UAble. Hornet, garages, porch en- " i. N. J.» SSecond d NtiNational l bankbk , or on Meohinlo condition. Ralph Sacco, 172 Monmoutb • trctt Red Unnk; paana- 707, A_burF ctaaures, poultry house-, etc AtterBtlous < fiprinaprina «lr««t«.. R-wardar. . AnnaAnna- 1014. Red Bnnlc. tat e and rspafri. "Rcabury Park, ouildingi, blue prints .furnished! prices ^ ___ Shrewsbury; five rooms and bath, with i*tr«et. phone Red Bank 213.* Long Branch, Ked, Bank and Newark rensonnbte; all work guaranteed. A. Q.COLLECTOR wanted to take care of col-LOST Saturday between Seabright and garage; $3u per month. Apply 11. Wilson, l'OR DAY-OLD CURS .«« Jo!>n VanDrunl. flolf. phone lied Bank 8.26-M, ,. lections In Monmouth' county ; muit be Red Sank, quilted horse blanket. White road, Upper Broad street, Shrewj- Bunnybank Poultry Farm. Sycamore end New York; llgltt and heavy hauN able to furnish small bond; good comraU- Charles E.-Burd1. Red Bank.* bury, N. avenue, near Little Silver station, or phono Ing. Phone Atlantic Highlands 240. JOSEPH L KNlQllT. auetlonaer. ottr sioh. 05 Broad street. Red Dank, room P.* FITCH FtllTneck piece lout Tu«aday after- GARAGE for rent. Apply to Daniel P. lted Bank <<8-lt. twenty yean' ezpsrUncs selling MIDDLE! AGED colored woman wishes po- noon either on Broad atreet, Reekie** Schanck, Oceanport avenue. Little Silver, HOT BED for sale. Alii) fruit farm fur WK BUY furniture, or sell on commission. sition fu helper; no objections to COUII- place, Maple avenue or Oakland street. N. _J. : - - - - ffppdi at auction. I ael) anythlos any- try, p Worthlry street, Red Hank." Finder re (.urn to 39 Oakland street, Red rent or sale. Inqulra of Johnson, i Port Let un turn those odd pieces Into money where. Pbone Red Dank 727.W. rbli HENT In Rumson. four ronms, «il WonmoulhMonmouth,. N. JJ.. ._ _ 1 j f,,r you. Our truck will call for them, _TKNOGn,\PHKK, femnlp. wanted; must Bank. _ lie ward. "__ conveniences for light housckeepini:, $25 FURNITURE worth »sT6,~wiil aeli't'o tlio ' We are tin largeit house of I*, kind in the live li> or ncfir Hcd Hank on but line. L.fuf-linvtl Rlove. Fridai y *"iii*_ht,"iin per month. ' Ainu half of double hou«e, Hunt party for »60: on-nor leaving for i state. George II, Roberts si (Jo.. Inn;, Stain| BARTO N~CHAM" UKRrA7N7^c^t7_ct_altnJ Arl p*ir California. Telephone '(unison (70, ask' for) hlahway. near Bed Bank, pbone Bed Bank| btllldon jobblnn eipeclally. 161 Boutn rcc, WBRPH fxpeettfi, »tc.»,tQ Stcno_rrBphcr. fttrert. WUl finder mail 'n_nie to Box, 182, month. 11 G MnrUia Jicllcrnian. _huue •trett. Bed Bank, phoaa 1Q16-W. drawer M. UcJ 11 ink,* UcJ DunUT JtcwarJ will-bo aent,* Uunnon 101, ^ " JPage Sixteen RED BANK REGISTER. JANUARY 30,1929. county. All this happened before tlifc THE RED BANK REGISTER. world war. The war changed lots of things and while it did not change REAI> "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT" IN NEXT WEEK'S REGISTER 1 JOHN H. COOK. Editor. . " chickens It did change the methods GEORGE C. HANCE, AmocUt. Editor. of the poultrymen. THOMAS IRVING BROWN. • ,' • * BEST fiQON ! Publlihtr and Builn«»i M»n»»«r. Before the war there was profit SHOW Our Screen; Subscription . „ and fame in raising chickens for ap- HUNTING THEATRE On. xe.r Z •-U 80 pearance's sake. After the war a S\% month - ]• win Speak. Tbm moatbB >iu more practlc&l-mlndsd generation in- IN itiated on chickens for utility pur- THE HOUSE OF HITS. ~Teltphone.l— B«d B«nk 13. poses only, or in other words on TOWN. BED BANK TJ5L. 688. 800 It! Heal It! RED BANK. Bid Bank 1300. chickens that would produce the EAST FRONT STREET, largest number of eggs or the larg- TELEPHONE 31. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1929.est amount of chicken moat Thero Is a big difference, as any exper- Today—One Day Onlj TOWN TALK. ienced poultrymen will attest, be- tween utility chickens and attric LAST TIMES TODAY! (Continued from page 4.) tlva looking chickens. .These two Scones In things seldom go together, so far us I A Worthy Testimonial poultry is concerned. As the demand This Picture Are in v GEORGE SIDNEY and JEAN HERSHOIT for utility chickens Increased, the to a Worthy Old-Timer. demand for good looking chickens de- Techni-Color. ff Tho fire companies of Mlddletown creased and poultry shows almost BRAV "GIVE AND TAKE'' township are paying a well deserved passed out of existence. tribute to Walter B. Connor In hold- •mill iv. «UA M«1 AA*% Mwtn *UA ML —AND— Ing a testimonial dinner for him. For •, • • See the Bathing Beauty thirty years Mr. Connor has be«n a During the past few months a member of the Navesink fire com-change has been noticed. Poultry Contest in Natural pany and for 25 years ho was pres- shows of tho old-time typo are com- VAUDEVILLE ident of the firemen's relief associa- ing back. They probably will never Color. tion of Mlddletown township. He regain their former popularity so far could still bo president of the associ- as fancy birds are concerned, but Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 31st, Feb. 1st, 2d ation if ha wanted to, but he declined there Is a possibility that these shows may be more useful than their pre- Story 0 a College Hero, .' re-election. Although Mr. Connor now decessors If the utility features of the Jiv*s at Red Bank and is steward poultry business are judiciously making his way In tho —of-the-Hlkd'-homerhe -imUH a-nwm- =; world. Charles Morton —ON THE STAGE— Till* ber of the Navcslnk company. mixed with tho beauty department features. Egg-laying contests with ia cast as tho College , prizes for the owners of the most "Big Shot" It is not as a nreman but aa a base- productive birds, and contests with ;'' ball player that most Red Bankers prizes for the owners of the best tf MORTON remember Walter Connor. Many a table birds, would seem to be as ap- MIDNIGHT TAXI time ha brought woe to Red Bank propriate as awarding prlzos to the —ALSO— SAUV PHIPPS with his batting and fielding ability ownera of the best looking birds. Tlio while playing on the Naveslnk ball main difference is that egg laying 3 Short Subjects % :RItJLM/ICDO*!41D WITH i . team. Those were the times when contests must be carried on over a mRJ3IUQ0JK£ baseball was played for the sport of greater length of time than tho dur- COMEDY NEWS CARTOON the thing and thera were few pro- ation of a poultry show. , • ]M ,, ANTONIO MORENO fessionals. Later Mr. Connor became * • • an umpire and was the squarest and THURS., FRI., JAN. 31st, FEB. 1st fairest arbiter of the diamond that It is not because of any lack of poultry raisers that the old Mon- HEIENE COSTELLO this section ever knew. 3 Ex-Muslccteers Re-Capture ;. • • • mouth county poultry association A ROBERT AGNEW passed out of existence There are MYFNA LOY-WILLIAM RUSSHL Not only the Mlddletown township far more poultry farmers, in Mon- Wine, Woman and Song. firemen but everyhody else In this mouth county today than thero worn BWCTIO »V «*IH*POUi section should wiah for a successful In the palmiest poultry association .testimonial for Mr. Connor. He is adays. Probably there are 500 per- • SAMMY COHEN A Warner Bros. Producttonf doughty old-timer of whom there are sons exclusively engaged in poultry all too few. No matter how big or farming today in Monmouth county, how successful a function it may be, to say nothing of farmers who raise JACK PENNICK — IVAN LINOW the testimonial dinner wont be a bit fowls as a side line and to say noth- more than Mr. Connor deserves. It ing of town and village residents is good to have ouch things to bring who have flocks In tholr backyarils. In an uproarious laugh-test among tho Models back memories of old-timerB who played the gamo square and who hit * • • and Scultors of <3ay Parco ! the ball hard. They were worthy Poultry and dairy farming arc foemen and they are worthy of bo-about the only two branches of agri- ling remembered as an.examplo for culture hereabouts that have not .present day youths. been badly shaken by the farm de- pression which set in at the close of -o-o-o-o-o-o- the world war. These farm occupa- tions have gained groqnd instead of The Standard Oil Fight losing. If the poultrymen of this sec- tion decide to revivo their association and Public Rights. and their shows, they will probably A biff battle 1B taking plnno be- find even mora support than was tho tween John D. Rockefeller, Jr., and case In the old days. The merchants of Colonel Robert T. Stewart for con-this locality were always liberal with trol of the Indiana branch of the gifts of merchandise and cash for Standard oil company. Some of tho the shows. Here's hoping that the dally newspapers, posing as cham- old-time poultry shows will come pions of morality end rightoouoncso back to Red Bank with all embrac- A and all that sort of thing, are calling ing features, including utility poul- on public opinion to line up on $io try as well &a fancy stock. side of young Rockefeller. They claim that* such public support for John -o-o-o-o-o-o- ;D., Jr., would be a powerful factor in ousting the wicked Col. Stewart. Boasting of Prosperity N • • • With Millions Jobless. • Just what good public opinion Wintertime unemployment is now ; would do for young Rockefeller is very apparent. Many men are out hard to understand, since only stock- of work, as is evident from reports The Picture With 1,000 Laughs! holders in the Indiana branch of thefrom employment agencies as well as D Standard oil company aro permitted from the evidence of one's own eyes. to vote. Even if public opinion could The wolves of want are at the doors And.T.hisfFeatui'e Is on the Same Bill—And It's a Knock-Out influence the result it, is still more of soms of the jobless breadwinners. difficult to understand why the public The queerest thing about this situa- should be Interested in the outcome. tion Is that it is accompanied by re A ftevue of Songs, Steps and Mysticology. What will the public gain in this con- ports of nation-wide prosperity. Ap- test, no.matter who wins tlie-vlctory Company of Eight. - parently, If thesereporta are to be H.B. Warner itr this-battl» of financial giants? believed, the owners of Big Business A REAL NOVELTY I • • * are piling up profits as never before- In His Finest Role Since "Sorr'ell 6VSoii" About the only thing of which the • e a —IN— public can be sure is that if the fight In by-gone times when there was CLARK & O'NEIL DIAZ & POWERS is expensive the public will have to about prosperity there was •«lflXN MADE WOMAN" "pay the freight," as the saying goes, no such army of unemployed as there .;.'.: • . —With— ANOTHER BIO LAUGHING HIT ! ; Apparently the fight is going to beIs today. Under such circumstances expensive, for according to the news- the question which naturally enters papers the price of Standard oil stock every thoughtful person's mind U GRINDELL & ESTHER In jumping up, due to the desire of whether It would not be better to LEATRSCE JOY each side to increase its voting have a little less ballyhoo about pros- ' ana JOHN BOLES and SEENA OWEN and MAX DAVIDSON COMEDY NEWS EVENTS strength by buying up stock. The perity, and a little more considera- JEANETTK LOFI'. 1 cause of righteousness may prevail tion for those who are Jobless and if John D. Rockefeller wins out, o,r who have nothing or next to nothing. Don't Miss This Show—It's One of the Season's Best I EIGHTH EPISODE, "THE jMYSJTERY RIDER" the reverse may be true if Colonel • • • Stewart wins out, but in either event the public: wont be one whit better Until very recent years unemploy- SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 2nd off. No matter who wins, the coot of ment was almost unknown to any Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 4th, 5th, 6th the contest will probably be added to considerable degree in this section. . the price of oil and gasoline, which The promise was made by political BULE-A-MTNUTE MELODRAMA OP NEW YORK NIGHT UFE! the people will have to pay. orators on the stump that unemploy- JACK LONDON'S ment would never happen again; • • • that measures would be taken'to pre- The thing which should interest vent it. But nothing has happened Dolores Costello M "TENDERLOIN" tho public ID not who will win this to prevent it again. The problem Is "SMOKE BELLEW" so-called Titanic battle, but' why ei- still here. In a land of plenty, with A Tale of the Alaskan Gold Rush with CONRAD NAGEL, Mitchell Lewis, Dan Wolheim ther of these men should have the many persons so immensely wealthy power to cause such a struggle. that they Jmvs difficulty in Investing with CON WAY TEARLE and BARBARA BEDFORD i Neither of these men put in thetheir money, thero actually are per- ground the kerosene or the gasoline sons willing and able to work who ' Screaming Comedy Bin Impressions of or the other products which the are denied tho right to earn a live- 12th Episode of Standard oil company sells. These lihood because of a lack of Jobs. "TARZAN, the Mighty" Pre-Release Kinograms things were created by the Almighty, '•\ • • • DOLORES.COSTELLO J Just as the very air which mankind CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE, 2:30—lliOO F. M. As\ jgi " e February 11th, 12th and lBtfi.—Ad- (NOT ONE—BUT MANY.) *"IRST NATIONAL packed full of exhibition cages and vertisement. ' L H A R D E E N—World's Greatest Living Illusionist. funcy birds. It was a great ewnt (OTHER PICTURES) VITAPHONE In the Ufa of the town and of the The Register's motto—"A paper |n k every home."—Advertisement. BED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY-30, PEBSONAI» A SCOTCH CELEBRATION. BIG EATONTOWN BANQUET. TO BUY GOLD FOOTBALLS. Mr. and Mra. William I* Ferguoon. The Firemen Had it Party Lsot Week at th» Municipal Bulldlnr. . Jr., of Conover Lan« In MlddUtown BOBBIE BUBO'S BIRTHDAY OB- HONEY RAISED AT SHOWS AT township, near Bad Bulk, l»tt lout Leon's The Eatontown fire department en- Thursday by autotnoblly' tor Call- SERVED LAST FRIDAY. tertained Us ladles' auxiliary and HUNTING THEATER. " fornla, where they expect to remain Eighty Reildenta of Bed Bank and members of the Eatontown borough until April. . ' council lust Wednesday. night at a The Hi-Y Club of the Red Bank High CARLTON Vicinity Gathered at the Holly ' /Mrs. Lillian Reamer hu moved banquet and sociable at the munici- School Hade $160 and WU1 Buy from Bergen place to tba. apartmtnt Pitcher Grill—A Permanent Scotch Seventeen Gold Miniature Footballs Column* "THE HOUSE OF TALKING PICTUBES" Society to be Formed. pal building. Nearly 100 persons wore In Mra. L. B. Hyer's bulldlos on Mon- present. \ For Gridiron Stars and Coaches. mouth street. " More than eighty Scotch residents The benefit shows held last Wednes- Three Performances Daily—2:30, 6:45 nnd »:0O P. M. .Saturdays and Holiday! Continuous. 1 Mrs. victoria SuUenger and Ulises Benjamin VanKeuren was toast- and descendants of Scotch families of master and Daniel S. and William E. day and Thursday nights at the ' Mario and Beetle Jolmnon, Norm*. Red Bank and vicinity made merry Hunting tlioatei- fur llio Red Bank Frauds, uabel Smock mi Lean D«- Morris and O. Edward Smock nar- last Friday night on the birthday of rated the growth of Eatontown's fire high school football Insignia fund gavre went to Hoboken last week Scotland's former national pout, netted $160. The money will be used A MESSAGE and attended a performance of department from the time it was LAST TIMES TO-DAY! Bobble Burns. The Molly Pitcherformed to the present day. Frank to buy gold miniature footballs for CHrlstoiiher Morley'r play entitled grill was-tho scene of tho celebration. the members of tho team and tho "After Dark." J. Kutcher of Eatontown, a former Joseph O. P. Kennedy of Harding captain of the Newark fire depart- coaches. Seventeen footballs wit! be TOMEN! r naiv. Paul Trlt«oh]l(r, paitor of the road was toastmaster. Mrs- William bought and the amount realized from ' Rod Bank Lutheran church, was ment, gave an Interesting talk. Other Hanley, Mra. Isobel MacGregor and speakers were Ray H. Stillman, Har- the shows will be sufficient to pay for called to Philadelphia suddenly last Mrs. Joseph and Mrs. John A. Ken- them. week by the death of hla father. ry Truox, Spencer Patterson, Fred S Are men as particular about nedy were hostesses. Morris, Mrs. Earl Hathaway, Mrs. The shows were held under the di- MIH Leola Robinson, a, teacher at , Mr. Kennedy wolcomed the guests VILMA BANKY Benjamin VanKeuren and Wesley rection of the Hl-Y girls' club of the their personal appearance as (he Red Bank high school, epent the and a toast to the president of the —IN— Week-end with her brother and als- Watklns. All the speeches praised high school. Tickets were sold by women? • United States was proposed by Wai"the work of the (adles' auxiliary. pupils and prizes for the largest ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ira B. Rob-lace B, Rankln. A dinner was served, inson oMrvlngton. Mr. Stillman presented a past number of tickets Bold were won by comprising fruit cocktail, cream of Pletro Marasclo, Joseph Rosatl nnd .Miss Jane.tte H. Smock of Broad tomato soup, celery, olives, roast chief's badge to Spencer Patterson, Statistics show that women- Btrnet is attending the School of Ed- an ex-chlef of the fire department. A Howard Gage. Members of the Hl-Y turkey, cranberry sauce, sweet pota- club acted as ushers at the show and patronize the dry cleaner ucation at New York university. The toes, white potatoes, green peas, hot past chief's gold uniform ornaments wore given, to Mr. Patterson by Fred they also sold Sowers In the theater much more than men. "The Awakening" dfihool has an enrollment of 3,872 and rolls, lettuce salad. Ice cream, cake a fWiIty of 17H. Morris. lobby. Tho members of the club are —WITH— and ooffeo. Tha dinner tables were Marjorlo Worthley, Thelma Mustoe, Mia:; Madeline Roy of Clifton epent attractively decorated with potted Earl Jollne sang several solos and Cecilo Dlxon, Ruth Parker, Grace Although clothes do not the week-end with Miss Bertha Con- plants and cut flowera donated by W. he was accompanied on the piano by Partrlck, Vivian Layton, Dorothy make the man, still it has a fad of East Front street. ' - W. Kennedy & Sons. Hackett's or- Wilbur Gardner. Two absentees were Gibbons, Miriam Durham and Marion LOUIS WOLHEIM Axel Orn'berg of Carman place hati chestra played old Scotch tunes noticed. They were Mayor Leslie D. Diets. great deal to do with his suc- taken a position as sales manager during the feast, after which bou- Seeley, who was on a business trip to for the Seacoaet engineering; c6ni- tonnleres of heather were given tu Boston, and Councilman Jumeo E. At each lierformance the pupib cess by improving his per- pany of Asbury Park, agents for the the.guests. Attractive souvenir pro- .Hathaway, who was kept home by sang thclrfffrm&.S'ia.ter song and gave sonal appearance. Welubaoh electric refrigerator. He grams were distributed, bearing a sickness. a number of school cheers. William Sound and Movietone Acts was formerly employed by ff. Hen-picture of Robert Burns, Firth, WJlilam Greenwood, Grandin drlckson & Co., agents for the Gen- Hammell and James LaBau, cheer Looking at it from the angle eral Electric refrigerator. Mayor WHllamH. R. White was a A LOG CABIN FABTY. leaders, directed tho singing and guest of honor and he opened tho Mr. and Mro, Henry Scott' and choering from the stage. Edward of personal appearance, when after-dinner speaking. Ho said the It Wai Held Thursday Night at Slat Jacoubs, Harvey Thompson and Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Jan. 31st, Feb. 1st, 2d daughter and Mrs. Konjo of Jersey Scotch people wore among the first a business man leaves for his City, epent Sunday with Mra. Car thews's Place at Colt's Neck. James Turnock, dressed in football settlers of this locality and they had uniforms, gave a short sketch.' Sev- office, he always makes sure . Ijara Hoyer of Worthley street. played a big part In building up Red A party was held Thursday night The Picture That Is Now Breaking All Records at the Capitol, N. Y. , Miss Lydla F. Ovena of Bergen eral employees at the theater also that he is wearing clean lin- Bank. He praised them for being at Matthews's log cabin at Colt's took part. place will leave Saturday on one of Neck by Edwin Rlordan; Henry Cai- hard workers and thrifty and com- Acknowledgements have been sent en, that his face is clean the Clyde line steamships for Florida. mended them for their ever willing- ney, Joseph Hamernick and Stanley She will remain for a time at Miami Kingston. Dancing was the prin- by the Hl-Y club to the Lions, Ro- shaven, etc. Does if occur ness to co-operate in movements for tary and Exchange clubs for their SEE—HEAR! and. she will visit various other their community's betterment. The cipal pastime. Banjo music was given to him when he puts on his places In the state. by Daniel Mack, Jr., and music was support and to Thomas Head, W. W. mayor's speech was freely applauded Kennedy &. Sons,' the Honey Bee 1 Mrs. F. E. Rose of New York William H. Walto recited "To the Im- also provided by a vlctrola. At mid suit that it is soiled or shabby formerly of Red Bank, left last night Bandwichcs, coffee and cake flower ahop a,nd the Floralhurst shop mortal Memory." Wellington W for their generous contributions of looking?, Thursday on the steamship Reliance Kennedy, Sr., told a story entitled "A were served. JOHN lor a crlse to tho West Indies. Mrs. flowers. A testimonial of apprecia- Scotchman's Dream," and Mr. and -Those present were Mr. and Mrs.tion will be passed by the high scl'ool HOBO cxpcctB to return about Marcl Mrs. Matthew W. Orclg of Shrews-, To the young man seeking a lot. Thomas McGulro, Jr., Mr. and, Mrs.pupils at chapel exercises next week bury entertained with songs and recl- Joseph Rotler, Misses Maryanna and will be sent to Tony Hunting position, or in line for pro- Waynard Applcgatc, son of How-tatlons. Mr. and Mrs. Greig were ac- Rlordan, Agnes Carney, Dora Hamer- arld^hls staff at the theater. ard Applcgate of Lelghton avenue, companied on the piano By Mrs. Ar-nick, Ruth and Caroline Roller, motion—what would your GIL-, BERT underwent a minor operation last thur White. Helen and Muriel Read, Catherine prospective employer think week at the Long Branch hospital. Dancing of Scotch reels and lancers Now, Margaret Bennett, Dorothy To Broadcast a Sermon. He was a patient at tho hospital live ' of you if you entered his of- were enjoyed after tho dinner tables Mahcr, Alice Hamernick and Sadie Rev. John W. Tower of Rumson GRETA days. Waynard Is one of Rod Bank's had been cleared away. Joseph Ken- Mack, Francis and Walter Bennett, will broadcast a sermon Friday af- fice with a suit baggy at the fastest Ice skaters and ho has taken nedy added still more life to the par- Fred Welch, William Rellly, ffiugen ternoon at four o'clock from station part In many races at Rod Bank ty by a special song and dance act Elgrlm, Jacob Mack and William WJBI. Tho topic will be '!Your God knees and elbows and cov- Point Pleasant and other parts ol Mrs. F. A. Hoy 6f Rumson appeared DcBmond. —Personal Property." ered with stains. Don't you Monmouth county,, He Is employed GAR BO In a Highlander's costume and exe- as a plumbW by Howard Frcy of cuted tho Highland fling and ..the think it would affect his Monmouth stret. . <• sword dance. She was accompanied judgment of you -IN— Mrs? Lemuel Longatreet has- re- on the violin by her husband. Mrs turned home after having spent ten Hoy Is well known as a Scotch dancer PUBLIC SALE days with her mother, Mrs.' William and she has porformed in England —OF— You wouldn't think of paying JC,.Rogers,Qf tiong Branch, who was for the Prince of "Wales. Scotch songs confined to bed with sickness. were given by John Bruce and Peter someone n visit in a shabby Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rogers and Forbes and old-time . Scotch stories soiled suit—then, why not daughter Helen of Long Branch wero were related by Wallace Rankln and Dairy Cattle, Horses, Hogs Sunday visitors of Mrs. Ella Herman Mrs. Isobel MacGregor. take the same attitude about of Monmouth street your wearing apparel iri "Reuben Applegato of Monmoutli Others at tho party were Mr. and and Farm Machinery "A Woman ^ street Is able to bo out after having Mrs. Thomas Paul, Mr. nnd Mrs. J business. been laid up In bed a week with grip. B. Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Morri- AT HOLMDEL, N. J., His daughter, Miss Alice' Applegato son, Mr. and Mrs. Myron V. Brown of PoekaUHl, New York, spent last Mr. and Mrs. Charier) E. Hammcll Located on Pleasant Valley Road, West of Village of ON YOUR MARK. week at Red Bank with him, Mr. and Mrs, Harry Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Fischer of Hotel Went- Mrs. William MacAdam, Mr. and Mrs. Holmdel, N. J., Letting your appearance slip worth at New York was a guest on William Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- is like taking a standing start Friday and Saturday of her aonliam Hnnlcy, Mr. and Mre. John Mel- Bradley M: Fischer of Caro court. vln, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dcy, Mr. anil THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 14th, 1929,in a hundred yard dash. You of Affairs" Mrs. Alfred Griffiths, Mr. and Mn at 10:00 O'clock A. BL Hugh Carton of Leigh ton avenuq Frank T. Edington, Mr. and Mrs. niay win, but you're racing Is confined to his bed with sickness. Jamc3 Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Well- The following will be offered at public sale, to the highest bidder: under a heavy handicap. With SOUND Joseph Eschelbach and his daugh- ington W. Kennedy, Jr., Mr. and Mra ter-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Eechclbach Fred W. Conovor, Mr. and Mrs. Les- HORSES—Two brood mares bred by LePlerre DeTanville, government of West Front street, left yesterday ter H. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Henry stallion; bay horse, ten years old; bay horse, eight years old; bay horse, Our dry. cleaning service can to spend several days with friends at Wood, Mr. and Mrs. Llewellyn K twelve years old; bay horse, eleven years old; roan mare, nino years old; Lewis Stone, Hobart Bosworth, Astoria, Long Island. Mr. Eaehd- Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Alexander J. black marc, six years old. help you keep right up in bach spent last week with Mr. and McCoach, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ket- front. Good appearance Mrfl. John Gorman of Asbury Park. COWS—Holsteln, seven years old, fresh February 12th; Holstoin, six tel, Mr. and Mrs. John Wilson, Mrs. years old, fresh February 12th; Holsteln-Jersoy, second calf, fresh; black starts you off right—it helps Tbomas Brockhurst of Wallace Wallace B. nankin, Mrs. William II. heifer, coming fresh soon; red cow, second calf; cow, two and one-hnlf John Mack Brown, Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. street Is confined to his bed with Waltc, Mrs. Joseph Bray, Mrs. Mar-years old. you all the way through. And sickness. ., garet Searl, Mrs, .Tonrphino Layton, ' PIGS—Eight pigs, nine week3 old; two sows, ono year old, coming good appearance is exactly / Thomas Mnade of West." Front. Mrs. Mary Hughes, Mrs. J. Allcock duo to farrow in the spring; red boar, nine months old. From Michael Aden's Greatest Novel, ' street 13 Improved cnough'^rom and Mlsaos Agnes Hagerty, Edith and WAGONS—Three farm wagons, narrow tread; farm wagon, wide what you buy—when you mumpn and a severe «old to be able Charlotte Watto, Roberta Melvln, tread; farm wagon, Iron wheels, low body; farm wagon, low wooden wheel; send your suits to us to be to sit up at his hom6. Mr. ileatlc Is Helen Ronald and Alice Kennedy, J. four farm wagons, twelve barrel box body, farm wagon, sixteen barrel, "THE GREEN HAT" the borough meehnaie. - Edward Wilson, Frank Parker, high seat, with racks. dry cleaned. Michael Calandrlello, son of John George Sturroclt, A. Adams, Howard Calandrlollo of Fair Haven, Is ex- Four hay shelvings, two hay rake grass seed sowers. Christie, John, Jr., and Clark Ken CULTIVATORS—Three Planet Jr. riding cultivators, three iron frame pected homo from the Long: Branch nedy. Prof. Samuel C. Prescott, Sc. hospital Saturday. Michael has been riding cultivators, Planet Jr.; two one-horse Planet Jr. walking cultivators, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, February 4th^ 5th, 6th a patient at thn hospital since Janu- Joseph Kennedy was chairman of Iron edge walking cultivator; D., Mass. Institute of Tech- ary 2d when he underwent an oper- the committee of arrangements. His PLOWS—Three walking 401 Oliver plows, three-horse riding Oliver nology, says: "It is every- ation. He was shot in tho leg four assistants ware Mrs. Tsobel MacGreg- plow, two-way riding Oliver plow. years ago and the operation is theoi*, Mr. and Mrs. William Hanley, Mr. HARROWS—Two spring tooth > harrows, three-horse disc harrow, where recognized that clean- result of that Injury. Ho is being and Mrs. John A. Kennedy, Potor dbublo disc harrow, two iron harrows, two Acme harrows. liness is a prime factor in attended by Miss Dorothy Dictx of Forbes and R. S. Flndlay. MOWING MACHINES—Five-foot cut McCormick mowing machine, Riverside avenue, a graduato nurse A permanent Bobble,Burn3 society six-foot cut McCormick mowing machine, five-foot cut Walter Woods mow- both individual and commun- of the Long Branch hospital. will be formed and many of thoso ing machine, nine flvc-foot McCormick knives, twelve six-foot Buckeye ity health, and that dirt and GcorRO Kcough, • who conducts n present at last Friday night's cele- knivcB. bration have agreed to join the or- ALSO—Five-row wceder, land roller, McCormick-Dcering hay teddef, disease are likely to be asso- Was jus flee in ~ nowspapor stand on Monmouth street, Is confined to his homo on ganization. Quail hay tedder, Schenck potato sprayer, Standard four-row potato duster, ciated." Maple avenue with grip. Decrlng reaper, Superior grain drill, 1926 Ford truck, 1925 Chevrolet se- Frank Madure, a West Front street dan, 1927. Fdrdson tractor with saw attachment, two fourtccn-incli bottom Church Notes. tractor plows, three pair hay poles, three pair ring swivel trees, three pair barber, has moved from tho apart- The ciders and trustees of Ihc HABITS OF MEN! ment over his barber shop to a house Theodore Aumack stiff swivel trees, flvo stiff neck yokes, two rlnp neck Presbyterian church will .hold.a.-.joint yokes, 100 barrels of potatoes, Emerson potato dlgeer, Hoover potato dig- he recently bought on Riverside ave- session on January 31st to prepare Men devote much of life to nue from J. Trafford Allen. ger, one-horse sleigh, two-horse sleighs, 45 tons hay, baled; 4O0 bushels tho annual budget. The trustees met corn, forks, hbes, shovels and articles too numerous to mention. habits. Good appcavancj , Mr. and Mrs. Clark Holbroolc of Monday night at Albeit W. Wordcn, : North Prospect avenue have gone to Jr.'s, on East Front street. HOUSEHOLD GOODS; conies from the- habit of Miami, Florida, for tho remainder of On Sunday night of this week the patronizing LEON'S always. the winter. senior Christian Endeavor society of DENNIS CARNEY. - mi SMIII? GEORGE H. ROBERTS, Auctioneer. Get the habit of a refreshed e Potor Plngltorc, son of T. A. PJjngl- Atlantic Highlands will meet at fled tore of Lelghton avenue, has ontdrcd Bank with tho senior Christian En- ALEX. McCLEES, Inside Clerk. suit each week. It will boost Esther the University of Pittsburgh Peter deavor society of the Red Bank JAMES E. GRIGGS, Outside Clerk. your stock personally. graduated last year from tho Rod Presbyterian church In observance of f)o I C-f-ftn The Greatest Sensation Yet ! Bank high school. the 47th anniversary of the Organ- TERMS:^FIfly dollars aiw under, cash; over fifty dollars, seven Felix Zachold of Gold street has ization of tho Christian Endeavor so- months' credit with approved security. 5%'discount for cash over fifty Arc you on our weekly call Ka I &I.OH Paramount** All Talking given up his position as Janitor of ciety. A special program Is being dollars. the Rod Bank Catholic high school arranged. list? and tho position is now held by James Tho ushers at . the Presbyterian xc«»:«^^^^^ James Hall Comedy Sullivan o( River Plaza. church for February ore Arthur B. V —Also— White, Edwin F. Heir, A. Trumbull CLOTHES DO HELP YOU PARTY FOR EATOICTOWN GIRL. Smith, Norman C. Gardner, Ellwood 1 UPPER LEHIGH-All that the D. Powers and G. JJoward Llpplu WIN. AH Talking Sketch It Was Held Last Wednesday at COtt. ,; , West Asbury Park. At the meeting of the Presbyterian DRY CLEAN THEM women's league last week a lino talk name implies. That good clean Mrs. Elizabeth Hurley of West As- ori Spain was given by Miss Arlene OFTENER! bury Park had a dinner party last Hooker, teacher of Spanish at the Wednesday night to celebrate, the Red Bank high school. A program birthday of Mies Margaret Messier, of piano music was given by live pu- daughter of Rev. J. J. Messier of pils of Miss Hazel Scott. Piano trios Xatontown. Among others at thewere rendered by Miss Edith Head, party wore Mrs. Hurley's aon Austin Helen Mllho and Evelyn Kennedy and Miss Ruth Furler of Pompton and dialogue Interpretations were Lakes. given by Doris Hurst and Melville Mrs. Hurley was a neighbor of Mr. Reid, who woro colonial costumes. COAL Messier, when ho lived at West Vocal SOIOB were rendered by Miss Grovo, Marie LaBrccquc, who was accom- panied on tho piano by Mra Knth- Leon's BED BANKERS FLY TO FLORIDA crlno Throckmorton. Selections were Phone 2306. given by the lcopruc chorus. WHERE RUGS AND Mr : I Irving Hay nnd Robert Llnton on a Rev. Archibald H. Sutphln of Rivev Business Trip to Miami. Plaza will preach next Sunday morn- ing and night at tho Red Bank Bap- HOUSEHOLD GOODS •>* Irving Hay and Robert Linton, tist church. The Sunday-school win liOlh of Red Bank, left Saturday conveno at a quarter to ten o'clock l:i Inc. ARE BEAUTIFIED. morning by airplane on a ten-day tho morning and the young people's Lawes Coal Company business trip to Miami, Florida. The meeting will be held at a quarter 10 trip fa being: made in an airship oeven o'clock At'night. -Mtsa Evelyn ownod by Mr. Hay and Vav3ntino Harrison will have, charge of this C&rlton Theatre VanKouren. The men flew to Balti- meeting. Tho regular monthly busi- MAIN OFFICE & more tho first day and they made tho ness meeting, of the church will bo RED BANK, N.J. remaining distance the second day. held tonight after prayer service. \ PLANT: Barnstorming In Florida. Foxwood Park House Rented. 70-76 White Street, Stewart Chadwlck-of - Freehold, an Mr. and Mrs. H, L. Henenbcrg have COMING SOON J airplane enthusiast who Is well known •'entcd tho IIOUH'O on Silvcrton nve- Red Bank, New Jersey. by rnsldonts of Riid Bank and vlclnr nuo at Foxwaod Park which Is owned Fuel Oil Wood Ify, In barnstorming with his WncrfN by William Tobla?, Jr. The rental i "THE TRAIL OF '98" airplane at "Dayjiona Beach, Florida. was mado by. Carl B. Hose. i Phone. 1545-6-7. drov* to th* pond with automobiles th. oaftterls. at tha township and brought th* boys borne. - school at Leonardo. TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN Mrs. Mary Wilson of Btlford re- lira. Edna Whitney of Balford lias 666 turned horn* Saturday from Lang returned home from tht Long ' COLD FEBRUARY Is •' Prescription i Contractor and Builder •MXTOBD nBE COMPACT TO Island'-'city, where she intuit five Branch hospital, vrher* she was a pa- APPROACHES. Dengue, SPECIALIZING IN JOBBIN wstks with h«r daughter. Whlli away tient. She is well on tlia road to re- CoU*. Grippe, Flu, SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING CABD PABTOS8. ah* was alkk moat of the time with covery. Malaria. SCREEN AND STORM ENCLOSPBES KEEP COMFORTABLE WITH fever and ISO Bridge Avenue, Bed Bank. VU. bronchial pneumonia, but aha Is now Bev. H.'Plorce Simpson will b* the II k tftt mail spaed> remedy known Telephone 84»rvlc« in obsamfte* of Ash A ciam chowder supper for themouth has boon called to Tottenvllle W*dn«»day will ba held at All Saint* b.neflt of St Mary's churoh of Mew by the sickness of her parents. church at Locust Point Wednesday Monmouth wilt be held Friday night, William Boblnaon of Keansburg morning, February llth, at ttn February 8th, at tht flrchcrase of In-visited old friends at Campbells o'clock. Throughout Lent a isrvlet dependent lire company of Btlford. Junction on"Monday. will ba held each Thursday night at Suppsr will be served from five until FUEL OIL Mrs. William Kelly of Now Mon- HOW CAN WE the church. tight o'clock. mouth is making a stay with rela- Thirty persons who art not mem- Malvln L«ek of Belford Is enjoy- tives at New York. bers of tbe New Monmouth Baptist ing' a week's vacation from his work Frad Skoldlng of New Monmouth church but who ara frlandly with at Tllton's City Dairy near Bed is out after a slckness-of a week. Bank. Mr. and Mrs, Leek ara spend' FredD.WikoHCo, church have bought bonds or eer- Mrs. Thomas B. Cay of East IMPROVE THIS Xtts to help the church building Ing part of tha vacation at NewKeansburg Is very sick. RED BANK N. J. fund. The church members hsva not York. Mrs. William Seeley of Belford Is yet bsen canvassed. Some of the Mr. and Mrs. John H. Wermert, slok with pleurisy, church officials, In speaking about John H. Wermert, Jr., and Mies Flor- OFFICE: 18 W. Front St. this the other day, stated that the ence Roche of Belford spent Sunday Phone BS2 loyalty and devotion of th* church with Mils Lucille Roche, who ts a UA2XET NEWS. v:,jJ OLDSMOBILE student at Georgian court college at YARDt Map!* A**. * Barg.n Place; members was well known and that before asking them for contributions Lakewood. Mrs. Lestor V. Walling Entertains Phon* B84 It had been thought wise to Ust out Capt Williams of the Brooklyn fire Auxiliary of Fire Company. • the feeling of the friends of the department and Mr, and Mrs. Louis Mrs. Leater V. Walling was hostess church. DeMaris and children of Brooklyn to the ladles' auxiliary of Hailct lire Charles Hesse of Bslford has •pant Monday with Mr, and at her home on the Beth- for 1929 bought three new ford dump trucks Thomas J. Caster of Port Monmouth. any-Matawan road on Thursday af- for his contracting buslhess. Rosa Compo, daughter of Philip ternoon. After the business,session, NOTICE OF SBTTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT made for th. tllowinc. of oommdslons md The sixteenth chapter of John will Compo, has returned home from e. a social hour followed. Refreshments Kitatt of John Wasn.r* daavaavd. fcounul faea. 1 before changing Oldsmobilc at all, big high-cornpremion engine now ba studied at the mid-weak service hospital at Newark, where she was were served. Mrs. Samuel H. Wall- Notlco !• hcrtbjr glvin that tha aooounts D>Ud Dfcumber It, A. D. 1828. of th. .ubtoclber, «x«outor of tU. «iut* THE FAKMKR3 LOAN AND the tngintcnHg staff of the Olds develops 62 horsepower. »t the Beltord Methodist church to- operated on tor throat trouble, She ing will entertain the auxiliary mem- of aald d.°»s.d, will b. audlttd mid stated night At the meeting of the men's Is much Improved. bers and their husbands on Thurs- b/ th. SurrogaU of th. County of Mon- TBUST COMPANV, Motor Works consulted Oldstno- moQth and rcporUd for ««Ul.m«nt to the £2 William Btr«Jt, N«w York CHr. bile owners, dealers, salesmen, auto- Radiator shutter design' was im- club of the church tomorrow ttlght Mrs. Anna Wallmtn of BeKoid has day evening, February llth. Court o( ntd County, on Thurt- Paul I. Radcay, principal of the Mld-recovered from sickness and she has Mrs. Joseph L. Lovett Is confinedd»r, th. fourtMnth d.r of F.bru.rr, A. D. The Register's motto—"A .paper In motive experts, and engineers at the proved. The shutters now run dletown township high school at resumed her duties as manager of to her home with sickness. IMS. at nhich tlm« ap;U»Uon «IH beevery home."—Advertisement. General Motors Proving TJround entirely to the top of the shell. ; Leonardo, will give a talk on the re- ,.. invitfng criticism. cant trip which he made around tno Oldsmobile has adopted the new world. Special music will be given. They found that Oldsmobile was adjustable front seat, recently in' All men of Belford and vicinity have too good to change fundamentally been Invited to be present 'i Je junior troduced by Fisher, which may be choir of the jchurch will meet for •-that it was ahead of its time— quickly and easily regulated. practice Friday night. A communion that it offered many features not to service and reception of members be found in cars within hundreds Interiors have been made even will be held Sunday morning. of dollars of its price. more luxurious. Upholsteries are subject for the sermon Sunday night * richer. Seatcushian* will be "Playing Fair With God." But certain im- - are. deeper and At the Mew Monmouth Baptist provementg were softer. church Sunday morning Rev. H. Three Courtesy Days Precede recommended. And Pierce Simpson will preach the third these ha've been NEW LOWER PRICE Four Lovejoy hy» of a series of sermons on "The Old TWO DOOR SEDAN Testament" His subject will b* "Blue made. draulic shock ab- Sunday, the Fourth Commandment" sorbers are standard Piston pins are now Chapter No. 48 of the World Wide Bamberger's equipment. Oulld of the churoh met last night pressure • lubricated at the home of Mrs. 3. Crawford —a feature hitherto $875 And in addition, Compton. The ladles' aid society of characteristic of Oldsmobile. annouiu the church will meet this afternoon high-priced cars. SPARE T I R B N D ce* a substantial at the home of tin. George Acker, with Ursl Charles Baldwin and Mrs. FEBRUARY Ad Oldsmobile's BUMPERS EXTRA price reduction! HuldaMorford as hostesses. Charles A. easier and Harold Woodward of Belford spent Sunday at DoBows with Nathan Caller and SALE©IT: with th* latter's step-son, Trad Tay- 0.1 Dj§MOBILE lor. Nathan easier and Mr. Taylor are confined to the house with sick- ness. Mr. and Mrs. Veaulauw and SILKS her daughter Florence of Manaaquan ED. von KATTENGFJLL and Mrs. Phoebe Johntry of West Long Branch wara Sunday guests of Monmouth St. & Maple Ave., Red Bank. Phono 213 Mrs, Charles A. Caaler. February 1,2 and 4 ATLANTIC GARAGE GEORGE G, GRAY The Ice on th* pond near th* bast- 45 l'hrockmorton St.. Freehold ball grounds near Navaslnk waa^too 158 First Ave.,. Atlantic Highlands thin for skating Sunday, but some WILLIAM 3. MAJOR boys tried to go skating there. The The«e days are «et aside for Bamberger's out DAVID LEWIS 69 South Main St., Atbury Park, result was that several of tht boys 18 Washington Co. EVERY ITEM ATTRACTIVELY "ONE OF AMERICA'S GREAT STORES" \^ PRICED TO APPEAL TO THE , THRIFTY SHOPPER. AGAIN WE SAY FOR BETTER QUALITY AND LOWER PRICES— "CHARLIE'S" SIRLOIN OR ROUND STEAKS . . 38c lb. PORTERHOUSE STEAKS . . . 44c lb. Best Cuts of PRIME RIB ROASTS .34c lb. TOP ROUND, BOTTOM ROUND Motor to Newark or CROSS RIB ROASTS . . . i$c lb. ^Three Parking Areas Will Serve You BLADE RIB ROASTS . . . . % 29c lb. CHUCK ROASTS ...... 24c lb. OWNED ANT) OPERATED THAKE advantage of the THREE CONVENIENT BY CHOPPED MEAT- WAGNER MARKET CO. It's Different; Try Some : ;•T 29C ib. -*- PARKING AREAS available tp Bamberger patrons. Two indoor garages (with special rates to Bamberger patrons); an outdoor parking area ARMOUR'S STAR HAMS with free parking for the i^rst three hours. ,-T LARGE SKINNED BACKS, Whole or String Half, 25c lb. To enjoy these rates have your parking ticket Legs of Genuine FRESH LAMB 34c lb. stamped at any of the Bamberger Service Desks. ROASTING CHICKENS, { 4to4ilb.each . . . . • 44c lb. SMALL PORK LOINS, = FulIRibHalf . ... . 23clb. ~ . SAUERKRAUT ... .Icib, :" "'"^ OF AjkEBICA.!« CREATISIORES• * CHARLIE'S WONDER STORES / " • EXCLUSIVELY MEATS & POULTRY. Nearest Stores:—7 BROAD ST. & 22 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK. RED BANK EEGISTER, JANUARY 30, 1929. Patre MB coal Dustness, axiajr jinying' been laid up with Injuries he received LITTLE SILVER'S BUDGET. a short time ago in an automobile ac- cident. FX-V TODAY! A SLIGHT INCREASE OVEB LAST The Lawes coal company has put a coat of cinders on the Its YEAR'S 'EXPENSES. FUNERAL coal yard. ' , i Chain Store Prices with "Service Plus" is the ROTH'S "Merchandizing" Airview Flying Service, Inc. Albert Buckalew and family expect * Policy. Buy your meats at ROTH'S Markets from Experienced Butchers- Action Taken to Buy Seven Acres of to mave shortly from Monroe,avdnue land for a Memorial Playground to a White street house, owned by plus every courteous Service, • RED BANK, N. J. and Park to be Named for the Late Mrs. Patrick Curley of Holmdel. John T. Lovett Frank Curley and family, who now * ANNOUNCES the Addition of a The mayor and council of Little occupy Mrs. Gurley's house, will move Top Round Steak,or Roast Sirloin Steak or Roast Silver last Wednesday night passed to Miss Louise Yorg's house on White the flrst reading of an ordinance street. FOUR-PASSENGER which requires $34,026 to be raited by David Emmons was a week-end 39c n>- taxation. This is $2,938 more than visitor with Long Island friends, the amount railed by taxea last year. . Miss BCBSIO Lano has given up her "BLACK HAWK" LEGS OF FRESH-KILLED Mont of the • Increase In accounted position at Robert Johnson's radiq SMOKED PORK FRESH YOUNG Fairchild Cabin Plane for by an appropriation of ?l,500 for store at Red Bank. YOUNG FOWL a new chemical Outfit for the firemen TENDERLOINS LAMB ((1 11>. average) HEATED. and for Inuring the firemen against MARLBORO NEWS. death, injury or sickness resulting ft. REASONABLE RATES. PHONE BED HANK 1730. from flre-flghting service. The coun- Cafeteria Supper at the Clinpel 33c 37c "•• 39c * cil passed a resolution to Insure the , Makes Profit of »10O. > firemen for the fullest coverage pos- "BLACK HAWK" or "(AI'ITAL" BRAND sible. It waa stated that the cost of About $100 was cleared at the cafe- such a polloy would be $276. Coun teria supper held in the chapel on REGULAR SMOKED HAMS oilman James Wilde will arrange the Friday evening. When sending floral 271 27f details of placing the policy. The Wlllett family la moving back b to tho city. tributes Another cause for the Increase In Mrs. David Wlnan and son have the appropriations Is that of having returned from a visit with friends FRESH CALl HAMS PRIME CHUCK ROAST a tax map made. Still another cause at Cranford. ? Call Red Bank 872. is an Increased appropriation for lights. The budget ordinance will Mrs. L. McQueen of Brooklyn Is I7c lb. come up for a hearing and final read- visiting Mrs. L. A. Conover. '• • • •' Dean's HOBCI O Specialty* Ing at an adjourned meeting next Miss Nina Magee, who has Wn pe Business Follows Wednesday night. sick Blnce Christmas, returned, to tho per normal school at Trenton on Monday. t 1 09 n Yorkshire Country BUTTER -i 09 The flrst reading of an ordinance A. J, Griffin, who fell from his hay roH roll Modern Lighting waa passed to buy seven acres of loft a few days ago mid apralned lib % J." 2-ft. Rolls A land from the John T. Lovett'estate ankle, la able to be around again. * The above specials at all New Jersey Stores this Friday and Saturday. for $8,000 for a playground and me- Mrs. Leon Conover and two small Speeding along the state highway, milo after morial park. As prevously told In children are visiting friends at New The Register this land adjoins the York. mile through the murkey night, suddenly a rear boundary of the sohoolhouse town shows up. There was something property on Prospect avenue and has Several people of are at- a frontage on Markham road. Two tending the bible school held In Free ROTH <& COMPANY you wanted to buy... maybe only cigar- weeks ago a public meeting was held hold on Monday evenings. ettes, or gas, or dinner... your trade with regard to buying thin property and the purchase was favored by a The Super-Salesman. 4 Monmouth Street, TELEPHONE soe Red Bank, N. J,, was worth having. ..might lead to Probably not as many people pa33 large majority of the citizens present. your house in a month (is read tho EXCLUSIVE RETAILERS OF QUALITY MEAT SINCE 1888. more extensive purchase. . .BUT— ' The playground and memorial park Want Advertisements in The Regis- is to be named for the late John T. ter each week. Tho Register goes AND THIS WAS THE POINT— Lovett. When the preqent school- into more than 7.50O homes weekly; The Super-Salesman. house becomes too small to serve the that means a big Register family oC Luko Longhead in The Register if the town didn't "look good" more than 35,000 persons.—Advertise- talks to over 36,000 people every borough It is proposed to build a new week.—Advertisement. Give Luke Longhead the Job of Supplying Your Wants. you didn't stop I What made it one on Markham road. The ordi- ment nance for buying the land will come attract you? Brilliant, modern, up for a hearing and final reading City Lighting. BUSINESS Wednesday night, February 13th. It is proposed to pay for the land in two Profit FOLLOWS BRILLIANT years—W.000 this year and |4,000 next LIGHTING. What better year. Thin year's payment will be ic only drug store glviug United Drug Stores You get what you ask for'at Whelan's made from the surplus revenue ac- Certificates with each purchase \ — Plus unexcelled service investment in the 1929 count of the borough, so that there 7 tax budget that's being will be no Increase in taxes on this account. . made up this month, than MORE AND Mrs. Edwin Hobbs, the borough clerk, was Instructed to advertise for BETTER LIGHTS. bids for cinders to be placed on the streets of Foxwood Park and on Headquarters with each $1 purchase Hance road and Ridge road. Bills to the amount of $96 ware or- dered paid. Baby needs • at LITTLE SILVEE NEWS. top Missionary Society Meeting—Poverty JERSEY Sociable Friday Night Whatever mothers .need for the care and feeding of babies, they'll find at Whelan's. Fresh, clean (The Rid Uank Rtitlsttr gu »• bougbt CENTRAL ••oh weak lo Llttla Sllvir >t tat Union merchandise of reputable make and finest quality—and at prices everyone can afford. We HBWI Stand ii t|i« dtpot ind «t Oeom Ouaekinbuah'. **n«nU Itore.) specialize in things for babies and carry a most complete line. Come to Whelan's first Thirty m~-ibers of the Wenoriah missionary . .ilety attended a meet- —-you'll get what you want, at greater savings. United Certificates with every Ing last Friday night at the home of Mrs. Sarah Bruce at Rurnson. Two purchase will get many things for baby without cost to you. letters from Miss Mary Lovett In In- dia were read. Mlsa Lovett Is In charge of a girls' school there and V the missionary > society has contri- BABY FOODS OTHER BABY NEEDS buted money toward the support of the school. A talk on medical work in foreign fields was given by Rev. Dryco (Hospital size) $1.98 Bath Thermometers ... 35c to 59c William P. VanTriea of Rumson. Piano duets were given by Mrs. Mellin's "...„ .67 LACO Baby Castile Soap . 1. . 20c George Ivlna and Miss Ella King and vocal Boloa by Kenneth Bruce and Robert Bruce. Miss Marie Wllby was Borden'sMalted .Milk.... - ,.:.- .69 Baby bulb syringes . . . 35c to 55c in charge of tho games. r Hereafter the society will meet en Robinson's Barley .47 Teething Kings and Pacifiers . . 15c the third Friday of every month. Made of pure, rubber The next meeting wlU be held Feb- mmmammmm KM™ 85c ruary isth at the home of Mrs. K(n- in various shapes, sizes DE VILBISS SPRAYS nle E. Harvey of this place. The com- Dextro Maltose . 61c and colors. mittees for the meeting are Mrs. BONSERDOLLS 6, 8 and 10 ounce ... round Minnie Harvey, Mrs. K. Lehutts, Mrs. $ 49 ! and oval ..... Sc' to lOo Harry Docker, Mrs. Annie Carver, l for2 Olive Oil> No-Tum-Suk 35c Mrs. Raymond King, Mrs. L. Wymbs, Also Pyrcx narrow neck 8-or. up Set of doll bottle 25o i and Mrs. Zachary Taylor, refresh; An effective rcnicdy merits; Mrs. Benjamin Shoemaker twlna pack- Conti's , 55c| Hygcia bottles, 20c and 25c We carry a full and Mrs. Lawrence Slebert, garnet; ed in an at- that docs what the tractive box line of this fa- and Miss Natalie Pharo, Miss Elea- Pure, imported name implies. nor Pharo, Rev. Dwlght L. Parsons with cello- NIPPLES mous make of atomizers for p h a u o every borne use. For child or and Mrs. Myron L. Campbell, enter- covering. GO TO WHELAN'S Anti-colic, C Thru, Sarilro, tainment. Tip Top and Iljgcla... Made GO TO WHELAN'S adult. Tho men's club will meet tonight at CO TO WHELAN'S of pure gum, Sc to 15c each. St. John's new parish house. BOOKS Water mains will be laid on Willow COD LIVER OIL drive from the railroad station to DRUG SPECIALS Rubber Panties 59c Parker street and on Parker street Tint Bottle 59p for the Family 75c its ontlre length. $1.00Lysol ...... $.74 Extra Large—79c Mrs. Wlnfleld Walnrlght and her TALCS FOR BABY We carry a large selection of daughter Mildred have moved to Red 1.00 Mulsified Cocoanut.Oil . . .63 Pure rubber, in flesh or Grosset & Dunlap'a famous Bank. J & J . 20fl books. Come in and make Clifford Herbert has bought a new Mennen - 21o •white. .60 Barbasol Shaving Cream . .43 your selection. Ford sedan. . -. Squibb's : 25a The Oceanport Methodist Epworth l.OOZonite ...... 67 Olio et Claire 2So league will hold a poverty eoclable Rubber Gloves, 59c Beggars of Lifo "on Friday night of this week at the .60 Calif. Syrup of Figs . . . .35 RUBBER SHEETING The Cossacks home of Mrs. Clifford Herbert. Durable, soft rubber in [ Dracula Mrs. Minnie Harvey Is spending .79 Cod Liver Oil (Pt.) . . . .59 $1.55 to $3.45 a week with relatives at Plalnfleld assorted colors and sizes. Mannequin •Double and single facing. and New Brunswick. .25 White Pine and Tar ... .19 Mantrap At a meeting of the Woman's club White and maroon. Conies Oil ...Rtford-braaktaf ulas of th« new Oakland All— this afternoon William H. Crawford, ' in ono to two yards square. Household Rubber American Six havo «w*U«d our «tock of fin* usad a reporter on the New York Times, Liquid Alholene Flam for Coughs Aprons . . 29c Shackled Souls cart. Th«*a[cBrs must b« «old and w« hav* will speak on the topic "Reminiscen- OO TO WIIELAIV'S 1 „ dropped pricai to tha bottom dollar In order to ces of a Reporter." Attractive colors, and Show Boat montham. Tb« c»r» on «nl» are all "Good Will" 30c 60c Sorrcll & Son reconditioned, which meant that they will gIvo SHREWSBURY NEWS. designs. axcallant aanrlca for many thouianda of mllM. Healing, soothing for A popular remedy much in T))fy ara as different from ordinary utad can aa John Hamm Empolyed as Watchman treating Lead colds. demand for relieving coughs. GO TO day from night. At those rock bottom pricM th«y at the Powers Factory. Electric ut a naw atandard of what your dollar will buy. . Higli-prado llnppiurss. km madt 'Good WiW car, stills and equipment for the manu- FREE 25c worth Tobacco ; /*« fa tint silling on the A beatitlful car at tha low prlco of I on and Assorted 4'lkocolnlcs ...... !>9o msrktt." SBOO. facture of liquor confiscated at that Edgewortli, Revelation, Dill's Best, Paul Jone.% Model, S tar-Rite time are still in the building. 1 Total Value S1.29 1037 CHEVBOLET SEDAN.—Almost Old Briar, Herbert Tare j ton, Barking Dog . .. makes. 1924 George Daniels and family'have Complete with attach- n now car. Low mileage,'driven by moved from Monroe avenue to Long With any pipe, 50 cents or more OAKLAND elderly couple. Fully equipped; r«- Branch. Mr. Daniels Is employed In ments. Con lie uscrf both Both for $1 marliablo value. $325. one of the American stores at that \ except 83.50,84,87 and $10 pipes on direct and alternating placo. , ' — TOURING 1020 FONTIAG COACH.—Low mile- CO TO WHELAN'S turrciil. <;o ro Winter top, perfect age, one owner. Fully" reconditioned. Mrs. May Bagwell has moved to OOTOWHEUS'S condition: good tires. Monroo avenuo from a house on A model that la In groat demand. Broad street, owned by George Buco finish; completely At tho reduced prlco of $350. equipped. Thin model Hughes of Tinton Fals. Mrs. Bag- Is hard to find on tho OIIEV KOLET SEDAN.—Tires al- well's new homo on PatterBpnayenue WROFiT SHARING _ used ear market most new. Perfect mechanical con- will be ready for her occupancy In a FREE dition. You oan't beat this for cheap, short time. PHONE day afternoon to put out a grass fire Broad and White Streets at Oriole Park. through Mid-year examinations were held United last week at tho public school. GOOD WILL USED CARS The addition, which was being built to James Casey's home on Sycamore Share in profits (Ccrtificqtes\ at Whelaws avenue has been completed. • \ It Pays to Advertise in The Register. Ray Sanbortf fi"as resumed chargt RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 80. 1926. man for tn» Red Bank Motor* com- Appearance Is Half the Battle ! J. H. PRICE SUNDAY-SCHOOLELECTION pany, agent* for th* Chevrolet car*. hut im keep your fcce and scalp In proper condition. Expert attention. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Lydla Barry, Keith vaudeville 1 REPAIRED. hcadllner, has been visiting Mr«. Women's and Children** Hair Cutting a Specialty Violim • SpecUlty. BED BANK BAPTISTS HOLD Richard Lancaster of Lakeside avc> ' Service. Cleanliness and Court*iy--Oiir Motto. Bowi Rshdrcd. nue. F RE E! THEIB ANNUAL MEETING. 28 We it Front 3kw» THE VOGUE BARBER SHOP (Over Chambers Paint Shop.) Walter L. Davis Re-Elected Superin- UNION BEACH MEWS. FRESHMAN ALL ELECTRIC RADIO-VALUE $120.00 « WHITE STREET (Near Postofflce) BED BANK, N. J. tendent and Many Other Officer* He-Elected—A Travelogue on Je-Mri. George Ponzena B«celvei'Gift GIVEN AWAY ABSOLUTELY FREE THROUGH THE COURTESY OF rusalem to be Given to February. of an Auto. N Walter Lv Davis was re-elected su- Mrs. George Ponienc, wit* of perintendent of the Red Bank Bap- Councilman Fonteno, has been pre- ' EMPIRE] GARAGE tist Sunday-school last week at thesented with a new Whippet sedan by The Greatest " annual business meeting and sociable her father, Captain' G. Campbell. Mr. AL&AN FROST, Proprietor. - of the Sunday-school. Mrs. Albert Campbell is a ship captain and while x Djodge Brothers History Scott and her daughter Marlon re- on leave Is visiting his daughter. tired as superintendent and. assistant The girl scouts have changed the Freshman, Majestic, Eveready, Howard, Freshman Masterpiece superintendent of the home class de- data of their card party to Tuesday, partment They received a reading February 19th. It will be held-at the Goodyear Empire Tif6ir^Electri'cal Battery Work--- k lamp from- the - Sunday-school 93 a Congregational hall As this Is their gift of appreciation for their good first card party th« girls are work- Authorized Dealer for Freshman Masterpiece work during ten years of service- In ing hard to make It a success. that department The presentation Miss Margaret Hoffman la confined 21 EAST FRONT STREET, RED BANK, N. J. was made by Mr. Davis. A pocket- to her home with a sor« throat Opposite Globe Hotel. Phono Bed Bank 209 book was given to Miss Ruth Scatter- Mrs. Jean O'Brien and daughter good by the Sunday-school in recog- Marcella of Brooklyn have been visit- THE RADIO IS ON DISPLAY AT ABOVE STORE. nition of her work In arranging the ing her aunt, Mrs. Jean Stleger, Christmas cantata. The officers and Charles Rotter of Flushing, Long A Ticket Given Away With Each Purchase of 50c at the Following Stores: heads of various school departments Island, Is spending a few days with his broftier, Fred Rotter. reported on the work accomplished Phone Conn. Phone Bed Bank 2198 Phone'Bed Bank 151 the past year. The reports showed Edward Cuiien, M!BS Helen Sappah, the school had a prosperous flnancfal Mra. S. Suss and daughter Mary mo- MEN SHOP AT and'social year. About 100 members tored to Orange last Saturday. Monmouth of the Sunday-school were at the Frank Brody of New Tork spent Sol Bragar meeting. A program was given which the week-end with his cousin, Wil- Finkelstein's jMarket comprised a piano solo by Miss Alma liam Whltaker. Cigars, Stationery, Confectionery Harrison, a violin solo by Sherman Mr. and Mrs. Otto Rleg and Mrs. Clothing, Hats, Haberdasher; ' Paul Zambrano and Bro. , Bed Bank Waiting Boom Vlnlng, a vocal aolo by Miss Kath- Lawrence of New York were guests arine Conklln and humorous read- of Mrs. Belle Herren last week. 12 W. Front St., Tbo Best In Fruits and Vegetable* 23 W. Front St., ings by Mrs. H. Harding. Miss: Mary Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kennedy enter- 48 Monmouth St., Mount's class served refreshments. tained Mrs. Kennedy's parents, Mr. Red Bank. - Red Bank. and Mrs. J. Joyce and daughters of Red Bank. These officers were elected: Irvlngton and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas NEW Superintendent-^-W»U« L. ,D»vl«. Smith and daughter Hilda of New- I-hone Bed Bank 2669 Phone Bed Bank 189 First assistant superintendent—Frank E. ark. They motored to Keansburg to Frank Puglisi Gray. ; ' - see the vision on St. Ann's church. Second assistant superintendent—Albert Anthony's La Rose DODGE M. V«nNo»lrand. Miss Sadie Burton of Washington Station Shoe Repair Shop Recording secretary and collector—Jos- Heights City visited her mother and Dress Shop eph S. Harrison. her sister, Mrs. Belle Herren, last Tailor Shop 'First assistant secretary—John Green. week. All Hand Work—Shoes Shlned ' B. Welntraub, Prop. BROTHERS SIX Second assistant secretary—Clarence J, ' 35 Monmouth St., Oray. « DRESSES inspired by WALTER P CHRYSLER Auditor—Paul Revers. Leonardo Newt. Red Bank. 172 Monmouth St., Treasurer—Joseph G. Hagennan. (Thhe« BRe. d Bank Register oan b« bought 54 Monmouth St., each week In Leonardo at the store of Fred Librarian—Russell Tetley. y Meyers.) Opp. Telephone Bldg. Red Bank. Red Bank. Assistant librarian—William Meyer. Til .7 Dodge Brothers Six marks the Superintendent of the cradle roil—Mrs. Mrs. Edith Phllllppl has returned farthest advance of Dodge dcpendabUity, Frank House. home after having spent a week with Phone Bed Bank 013 Phone Bed Bank 244S-J Phone Bed Bank 1870 Superintendent beginners department— her daughter at Westfleld. just aa it represents a new and greater at- Mls» Knth SiVttersood. Miss Adclo Frost spent the week- Delicatessen and tainment of Walter P. Chrysler's genius. Assistant superintendent—Miss Evelyn end with friends at New York. Andrew Citarella Harrirton. Mrs. Andrew Watts Is confined to American Bakery Superintendent primary department— the house with grip. Fresh and Smoked Meats Restaurant Here in one car are combined all the Miss Anna Butcher. of nil Kinds T. Wctzel, Prop. Assistant primary superintendent—Miss The Leonardo sewing club met on Frits Errath, Prop. qualities, distinctions and characteristics Dorothy Brown. Friday night af the homo of Mrs. Al- Fresh Eggs—Poultry—Olivo Oil so long associated with these two eminent Superintendent Junior department—Miss bert Johnson. Home Cooking Alma P. Thompson. Philip Carnie has recovered from 152 Monmouth St., 20 Broad St., names—Chrysler—and Dodge Brothers. Assistant junior superintendent—Misa Influenza. 73 Monmouth St., Murit'l Duche*. TH« New DODGE SENIOR •m 1 «» Red Bank. Red Bank. Red Bank. Here in one car is offered more prestige, Superintendent intermediate department New Factory at Freehold. —target, handtomnt and —Mrs. Frank It. Conklin. more ability, and greater dollar-for-dollar Superintendent senior department—Mrs. The Deauvlllo garment company of ftnm$t product of Dodge Annnbt'lle Mnttcaon. New York has taken' a faotory on Starting Jan. 19th—Ending Feb. 18th. Tickets must be in by Feb. 20th. Brothers craftamanihip. value than has ever before been available Superintendent adult, young peoples' de- Stokes street at Freehold and is It baa the enthuilm- partmtmt--Mrd. Hazel Ryerson. manufacturing ladles' coats. At pres- Co-operative Drawing to be held at the EMPIRE GARAGE, tlc »plrit of all Chrysler at or near the price. .iyiv'Hiuendcnt home class department— «chler«inM»t»Dd that ster- ent about 25 persons are employed 21 East'Front Street, Red Bank, N. J. The new Dodge Brothers Six is the new Mrs. Stanley Brown. there. When a larger factory Is se- ling dependability which nsirftant lioiinj class superintendent™ cured this force will be more than On February 21st, at 9:00 P. M. •IwaycIuraGterizca Dodge year's most spectacular innovation. Mr«. Grace .Schenck - — Brother* can. Pianist—-Mrs. Adele Conover. doubled. Assistant pianist—Miss Alma Harrison. Trustees for two years—Joseph G. HaK- srman, T. Harrison Stiles, Warfen Mlnton. Many of the old officers were re- FRANK VAN SYCKLE elected. Among the new officers are Arthur Macdonald, Clarence J. Gray, I AM NOT CUTTING PRICES! JOHN H, BURNS, Mgr. 149-151 W. Front St. Miss Buth Scattergood, Misses Eve- Telephone 1296 lyn and Alma Harrison, Mrs. Hazel Byerson, Mrs. Stanley Brown, Mrs. I merely establish a price that Best Meats can be sold for, at Branch of Perth Amb'oy. Grace Schenck nnd Mrs. Adele Con- over. The other officers hold the NO a small margin of prof it. same positions as last year. The Sunday-school has arranged for Stephen Haboush, known as "The Shepherd Boy of Galilee," to give u travelogue at the .Sunday-school room Thursday night, February 2Sth. "Jerusalem and The East" will be the title of the talk. Mr. Davis is general An noun cing chairman of the arrangements com- mittee. His assistants are Mildred Harrison, Mrs. Annabelle Mattesgn, Miss Anna Butcher, Miss Alma Thompson, Mrs. Frank R. Conltlin, Mrs. Hazel Ryerson, Eugene Magee, Mrs. Albert M. VanNostrand, Mrs. [LOW PRESSURE Adele Conover, and Franklin and Clarence Gray. 2653. 21WestFrontS edBnnRNJ. 2653. KUMSON NEWS. Electric: ReMgeration WHERE ALL THE BUSSES STOP ! School Election February 13th Hearing: on Budget Tomorrow. (Tbo Red Bank- Register can bo bought each week in Rumion at. Kinneriy'i gen- r For This BEST QUALITY 0 171717 Sirloin or eral itore, at Boyle's grocery, and at Joho Anderson's confectionery .tore.) h Week-End Only ! DtLr Round STEAKS Tho election of school trustees will be held on Wednesday, February fb 13th. The terms of Bertram H. Bor- den,. Harry A.'Kettel and Lewis Nsu- Whole or Half Fresh Lean ^Welsbach hauser expire and they will bo can- didates for re-election. The budget '"T'HE most remarkable electric refrigeration ever pro- of school expenses this year amounts Fresh Hams Chopped Beef to $44,09.0. TJie various appropriations 1 duced. That is the verdict of engineers and refrigeration in the budget are teachers' salaries Large Best $ 19,500,.jnn(tors' salaries $3,000, (uel experts who have seen the new Low Pressure Electric $2,500. dentist $1,560, doctor $100 nurses' association $100. high school Skin-Back Hams Chuck Roast Refrigeration by Welsbach. tuition $3,500, bus fare $700, lext books and .supplies. $2,500, repairs Welsbach refrigeration is achieved at such low pressure S0.00O, transportation $4,000 and in- Strip Bacon or Steaks surance S300. • ...... that vibration and strain are banished. Quietness of a new Owing to the lack of a quorum no meeting of the commissioners order follows. Economy never before equalled has been was held Thursday night. Edward Print Butter c Loin Pork c made possible. The usual causes of service interruptions O'Brien'and1 Lewis Wilson were the only members of the council pres- Brookneld or Cloverbloom lb Either End 21 ent. The commissioners will moot SI lb have been eliminated entirely. • on Thursday night of this week, at which time a public hearing will be . All Pure Pork Blade Cut The Welsbach organization is nation- held on the budget. A Chevrolet sedan was found ally known. It has been established as abandoned on the Rumson road in Sausage Meat Rib Roast front of Thomas N. McCartcr's es- a leader for fprty years.. The guarantee tate one night last week. Tho car SHOULDER was towed to a garage. Tho next day or Links of this great company is behind this John L. Olsen of Soabrlght appeared remarkable product. - at tho police headquarters and said CENTER CUT Spring Lamb ho was tho owner of the machine. H? said the car ran out of gasoline and We are proud to announce this new con- he left it at tho aide of the road and Pork Chops Shoulder Veal nection and to. place our own organiza- walked home. Threo autolsts were arrested last tion squarely behind Low Pressure week for violating the speed laws. Small Milk-Fed Frying or Roasting, Chickens Morris Shamus. of fted Bank was c Refrigeration- by Welsbach. fined $10 and Joseph Maynard of c Keansburg. and John K. Knight of 4 to 5-lb. Milk-Fed Best Fowl Fair Haven were fined $5 each. Two lb Porterhouse Steaks lb of the autolsta were arrested by Po- 39 39 liceman Charles Blaessius and the other arrest was mad^ by Edgar Seaman, special officer on the bridge. Prime Cuts Hind % Genuine A pre-Lcnten card party and dance will be held BOOH at Holy Rosary hall. Rib Roast lb Spring Lamb Pistol practice was held yesterday 3, 3y -lb. Size Long Island Come in and see these at police headquarters. 2 beautiful new Welsbach Donald Quackenbush of Atlantic Highlands was arrested Sunday for Fancy Fowl Fancy Duxs Cabinets at our showrooms, violating the "Stop Street" ordinance and for failing to stop hla car whon or telephone for an expert Policeman Henry Kruse blaw—hja^ whistle.. He waa fined $30.50 by Riy Yes,, it's Home-Made JELLY-AE Kinds, and Marmalade "'-"•"" "••* 7iocall. . .,- ••• * eorder Jere J. C&rew. Paul Hlntclmann of this place and ^ Apple Butter, , . . . . 2 for Joseph Hannrahan of New York are on a trip to Bermuda. William Murphy, who recently "sold IF YOU CAN'T COME—CALL RED BANK 2653. hla hotel property to Joseph McCue, SEACOAST ENGINEERING CO. will move to ABbury Park. A. B. Walling of Lnfayt-tto street CHARLES SCHNEIDER'S MARKET is a patient at tho Long Branch lios- 1112 Main Street, Tel. 2340 * Asbm-y Park, N. J. pltal. . 21 West Front Street, RedBank,N.J. • A. OENBERG, Sales Manager. •' Edward G. Kellett of Lafayette mat baa taken a position an a sales- RED BANK REGISTEK. JANUARY 30, 1929. Pacre Twenlv.Ona •»••»••• WMMMM1MMI RESTAURANT BURNED. HIS FAREWELL SERMON. Silver Slipper aj Long Branch De- stroyed Saturday. Look for the Large Advertisement BEV. JOSEPH T. CUKTIN LEAVES Baugh'sand WEDNESDAY AS GOOD AS MONDAY The building at Went End operated SHREWSBURY PASTOBATE. in Next Week's Issue of The Register, as a restaurant under the name of Silver Slipper was burned to the Trenton We have been serving a number of our cufr> - for the Sale of He Has Been Suffering From Injuries ground Saturday night. It contained tomers in Red Bank and vicinity for over three Received In the World War and He fifteen rooms and was fully- -far» Will be Under Hospital Treatment nlshed. The loss Is estimated at years and we are making a prompt delivery. Jot Several Week*. |1WH)O and Iniurnneg on tho property Thoughts. You no longer liave to have ilm wajblug done on Monday. C. W. VANSCHOICK Rev. Joseph T. Curtln preached his amounted to 520,000. The flre is be- In the middle of July farewell sermon at tho Shrewsbury lieved to have been of incendiary Fertilizer That ancient prejudice was shattered when modern laundry eerv|e« on COURT STREET, FREEHOLD, N. J., Presbyterian church last Sunday. origin. It started In the basement and appeared. •'. When you're melting with the The Montnouth Presbyery lias given when the flames broke through the —ON— enclosure of the bulldlngr a heavy Today, Wednesday Is Just as much a wash day as Monday, heat, him a lett«r of reference to the New Both of these 11 Then the thought of good cold | •York Presbytery. wlh3 qulcltly spread thefJre" through • Thursday"afifl Friday as "much as Tuesday. You can send tb* ; ice' . Mr. furtln has been Buffering from all parts of the building. Within an are old and family washing to us on any one of these five days and b« assured v Friday, Feb. 15,1929, at 10 O'clock. Injuries received in the world war hour after the alarm had been sound- the same high quality of work. In fact, we may be able to return ed the building was destroyed. The . Is particularly sweet. and from which Injuries he was in a reliable brands. your bundle a littlo more promptly If It is given to us th« latter Thirteen head of horses, farm machinery, Now York hospital long • after the property was owned by Mis. Mlia- But when Winter holds the world half of the week...... ; In his hard and frozen mitt five thousand bushels of corn and contractor's war was over. Of late hn has been belli of Elizabeth. attending the Presbyterian'hospital t • m ' • , QUALITY AND SERVICE GUARANTEED. Then the thought of using ice tools. • at New York three days a week, hut Helped Build New Plane. , Somehow doesn't seem to fit. for some weeks to come he will be a Lewis H. Height, son of Mrs. Sarah Baird, Davison TERMS:—Fifty dollars and under, cash; permanent patlont there. When he Sr~Hslght~of" "Wahamassa, was as- Yet the thought of luscious food, over fifty dollars,, seven months' credit with ap- leaves the hoipltal he will enter a sistant engineer in designing and Fresh and pure in every way, proved security. sanitarium, where lie will remain un- building a new cabin monoplane Is a most delightful thought til he has completely recovered. which has been constructed by the Single System Laundry , Be the season what it may. Sale Worth Whllo Attending. Nearly tho entire membership of Alexander aircraft company In Colo- 16 West Street, the churoh attended Sunday morn- rado. Mr. Height Is a graduate of Broad and First Streets, • • Keyport, N. J. WALTER D. FIELDS, Auctioneer. Ing's service to hear Mr. Curtln Colorado university. Red Bank, N. J. Telephone: Keyport 767., And the stubborn- fact remains preach his final sermon. Tears were ' That you cant keep fresh foods SWNNSt in many eyes when he left the pulpit It pays to advertise in The Register. K right and many of the congregation re- mained after tho service to express 'Less you keep them upon ice their sorrow and regret over his Winter, summer, day and leaving- Mr. Curtln succeeded Rev. night. Dwlglit L. Parsons of Little Silver as 1 pastor at Shrewsbury more than two So tho winter winds now roar, years ago. _i< If you'll have -yourhealth stay Rev. James H. Owens of Red Bank, good, pastor emeritus of the Red Bank You'll enjoy the thought of ice— Prp.ibylorlan church, was named Show Rooms: Freehold, moilei'ato'r of this Shrewsbury church And you'll buy it as you Ii3t week by the Monmouth Presby- should 1 tery. The ciders of the Shrewsbury New Jersey. Hlurch have received more than forty 21 West Main St. applications for the pastorate. 1 rhB Finest Fuel OU Available. Mi . Curtlri's daughter Betty, who lived at Shrewsbury^ V.lh heY' father, FACTORY DISTRIBUTOR FOR A. &.M. KARAGHEUSIAN WILTON RUGS Naturally we are not producers of will hereafter make her homo with iuel oil—we ara simply distributors. her sister, Mrs. Beatrice Dick of MADE AT THE FREEHOLD RUG MILLS. But that very fact loaves us free to Glen Ridge. select the finest possible oil for dis- tribution. We offer exactly thin In the oil -which wo are telling a» Sea- board Fuel Oil. It Is the finest fur- nace oil Uiat comes Into thlg terri- tory. Let uo show It to you and at I Where Does Your Laundry Travel ? •: EATONTOWN OFFICIALS AST) the game time discuss your oil-heat- ing problem. We are really expert In | Does it travel the highways of sanitary AUXILIARY ENTERTAINED. thtg field and aro confident that we can show you how to lower your oil • safety? Or does it go through alleys, The Dinner Was Given Last Woi-U bills and at the same time Increase ;• into surroundings at which you would ut tho Municipal Building by the the efficiency of your heating plant. Fire Company—Collar OrnamenU Got In touch with us. shudder? Presented to Former Chief. The mayor arid council of Eaton- Be Safe! town and the firemen's auxiliary of that place were guests of the Eaton-. Grace Is Quite a Jlnfler. .let us take your Intlniato garments nnd linens Into town fire, department at a beefsteak spotless surroundings, and deliver them back to- dinner last Wednesday night. About Ice Is good for you and me jyou sweetly fresh..clean. sanltary...... and|at Jess ex-_ 100 persons were present. TBe Sin- And you spell it I-C-E. pense, actually, thaii M>y other metno(j; ner was held In the Eatontown mu- If you use it all your days nicipal building,. Xt Is art annual event You will find it surely pays. OUR ENTIRE STOCK The LAUNDRY f of the fire department. You'll keep health. I Benjamin VanKeuren was toast- Add to wealth, does it best • , t maator. Talks were given by Rny- And from sickness you'll be free, ' mond Stl|lman, president of the court' If you play ell; Harty. Truax, borough attorney:1 Safe each day Daniel S. Morris, borough collector, And keep using I-C-E. • RUMSON LAUNDRY, Inc. Wesley Watklns, chief of the flro de- GRACE GREEN. partment; Fred 8. Morris, secretary (38 Btth Av«,. Long Branch. 20 CENTER ST. Tel. Rumson 329. of the fire department; W. E. Morris and George E. Smock; who gave a Quality Furniture, Lamps, Bedding "Kvery Day Is Visitors' Day" history of the fire department slnco 1880; Mrs. Earl Hathaway, president Really Unusual Coal. «<•»•«•»»»•»•»•»•<»••»••••••»••••»•»»»•»••<••»••••» of the Bremen's auxiliary; Frank Kelicher, a' retired captain of {he Orange Disc Coal Is unusually low- Newark fire department; and Mrs In ash-content, and that means that It i Benjamin VanKeuren. &c, is priced decidedly low for this sale. The mosf Is unusually high in heating value. THURS., FRI. and SAT. SPECIALS ! I A set of e*-chlefs gold collar or- This superior coal Is positively Iden- | naments was presented to Spencer tified by tho combustible orange dlaca I Patterson, who was chief of the flre convincing proof is a visit to our store which are scattered through It, bear- department last year. Vocal soloa Ing the name of the individual mine , were roniertd by, Earl Jollne. He was by which It was produced. These accompanied, on the piano by Wil- orange discs protect you against sub- bur Gardner. stitution and guarantee the coal itself to be of the high quality represented. I —•—•» • * — Try Orange Dlao Coal once and you fciVTONTOWTf'BOIMMJGH DOINGS. will never want to go back to non- AMERICAN descript coals of uncertain origin and There Were Thirty-Four Fires hi the unproved heating efficiency. ' Borough tast Year. Wilton Rugs At last week's meeting of the Eat- 1 ontown borough council Spencer Pat- i terson, cx-chlef of the fire depart- 8.3x10.6 9x12 All This It Nonsense—Ejpeclnlly FOOD CO. { mont, reported that the firemen had the Last Line! I attended 84 fires within the borough Sailing on a whlskbroom, 3 BROAD STREET. ' and four outside fires during the past i year. There was an average attend- .50 Bating -with an axe, ance of twenty firemen at each flre. Aiming through a mountain; Clarence Hyslop and Andrew Tay- Regular Retail Prices, ' Blasting It with wax; lor, taxlmen, complained of unli- 'Ogling like an oyster. censed taxlcabs operating In the b,or- Angling after mice. SjUgh. »TheU; complaint wag referred 137.5Otojg0.OO Running up a moonbeam— to the pollcrcommlttee for Investiga- DOING WITHOUT ICE! tion. . VIRGINIA M. BnOWN, Legs of Lamb 35» Workmen's . compensation Insur- 129 Shwribury Av... B

A Tip to the Thrifty. SEABIUGHT NEWS. the finest Wilton Rugs, that you would - A dish of this or a plats of that Should not be thrown to the dog or Lord's Supper to be Observed Sun- ordinarily pay from $137.50 to $150.00 in cat. lb day—Increase In Budget, If kept on Ice all fresh and sweet, (Tbfl Red Bank Resliut oau b« bought any store, Roast 24 brl(bt «i th< atom ot 'Twill make your next day's lunch a treat. M. D. Dntar and B. Ulkowlta.) The Methodist junior league will L. r. PARKER. meet this afternoon at the church 89 Myrtlt Av«., Long Branch. Prayer service will be held tonight. On Friday night of this week Rev. 97.50 Sirloin, Porterhouse Samuel K. Latbam will preach at He Uked It, Tu. Kingston, near Princeton, where he was formerly pastor. The church at Prices good only until present stock is disposed of. There was an old man In Peru that place Is observing Its fiftieth an- Whose teeth weren't able to elm; niversary. Th» Lord's supper will be He bought him some ice and Round And cut off a slice observed here nexUSunday mornliiR. And ate it with no more adu. On February (Jth ^Ir. Latham will If you are thinking of getting new Rugs," by all means see these. The quality, de- preach' at the Oceanport Methodist | i oil call, , • . | signs and color combinations are among the finest produced in this country. ,_ _ Stop right this way with your con- Mr. ahd'Mrs.Addlson Howland and tribution. Ono real dollar Is yours If Mrs. Edward Howland have gone to -You have hundreds of Rugs to select from in Oriental, Persian and Chinese designs. it's printed, — - Miami, Florida, 1of the" rest' of tSd winter. ' 'I Many lovely colors in Gold, Blue, Rose, Black, Mulberry, Taupe and Seal Gray that will Mlfis Slgrld Nelson entertained a , tiumaor attcteads &t a. bridge paity Wend perfectly with any color scheme you have in mind. Saturday night. . { Addren Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfleld Fary spent Steaks Sunday with relatives at Fair Haven.,: The rich, deep pile, closeness of weave and silky sheen will appeal to lovers of MR. SEABOARD A publlo hearing on tho budget of i expenses for 1920 will be held Feb- fine Rugs. • Y facajfcof ruary 8th at the commissioners' meeting. This year the amount to be raised by taxation Is $32,030,78, aa against 527,000 last year. Seaboard Ice Co. Andrew Johnson has returned from a fishing trip to South Carolina and Take advantage of these specials which include the new Spring designs \ has been laid up with sickness. RED BANK, N. J. The Register's motto—"A paper in T.Uphona Red Sank 248. svory homo."—Advertisement as BED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 80,1929. MEW BASKETBALL TEAM. WESTSrDE TEAMS BEATEN. VICTORY AND DEFEAT. It KepresenU the Jersey Central Hirer Street Sohool Bwlwttrtl Play- er* Meet With Two Defeats. RED BAKK QUINTET DEFEATED rower and Light Company. A now basketball team ha» been Th« boy*' basketball team of the PRINCETON-LAST WEEK. formed at Red Bank to represent the River street school of Red Bank was Blatchley's Ducks Jersey Central power and light com- defeated on Its home court last High School Basketball Tossers Won Thursday by Neptune high school by pany. The team played its first game v Are still to be had at the same popular By a 8coro of 25 to 21, But Lost to last week against a team of Asbury a score of 29 to 22. Walter Jackson Final Clean-Up Atlantlo Highlands Earlier in thoPark employees of the same com- and Floyd Glover starred tor the Bed price—88 cents per lt>. We also have very Week by a Score ol 28. to 24. pany. The contest took placo at the Bank team. On the same day and Keil Bank lilgli scliool scored Its Itivei street ttelioolhouse court and on the same court ft gamo was played fino young Roasting Chickens fresh-killed first victory over Princeton high the Asbury Park aggregation won between teams of. girls representing nchool In nn athletic contest Frirtay by a Bcoro of 28 to 25. Last Wednes- the Red Bank Junior high school and on order. We ship by parcel post or you day night the Red Bank team of tho River street echool. The junior Our January Sale of Footwear night when the homo town basket- high school girls won by a score of may call at our place, . ball team triumphed dver Prlnce- electrical employees played a toan) of I ton's quintet by a score of 25 to 21:West Red Bank boy* at tha Rive* 13 to ft On Thursday afternoon- of 1 Tho game was played In the Redstreet schoolhouse and won Jjby a luret week the River street boys' scoro of 28 to 20. , team will play at Asbury Park I Bank gymnasium and was largely at- against an Asbury Park team. J8LATCHLEY BROS. Fast Drawing to a Close tended. In past engagements in foot- The company has appropriated $65 ball and basketball between the twoto buy basketball uniforms for the EAST FREEHOLD, NEW JERSEY. schools the best Red Bank could do Finding; a Job. - team and tho uniforms are expected One of the quickest ways to find • Pbone Freehold 368-F-3. was to tie Princeton. Red Bank and to arrive In a few days. The mem- a lob Is to advertise In The Regis- The remaining broken lots of our January Sale have Princeton shared the class B foot- bers of the team are Benjamin Ayrcs, ter's Want department—Advertise- ball title last fall. Two years ago inHarry Auihack, Bert Northcott, Ken- ment. basketball, Princeton defeated Red neth Vale, Spencer Miller, Thomas been put into three classifications for Quick clearance Bank 18 the Interscholastic- -tourna- Scott, Everett Blakely and - Daniel ment for the state title. As the re-Francis. Thomas Scott is captain oi sult of these and other contests the the team. In our window we are showing samples of schools have becomo keen rivals and a victory over Princeton is consid- YOU $—.95 ered more important to Red Bank Ladies' High-Grade Footwear ^ w high school pupils than a triumph BOYS' CLUB OFFICERS Pair over schools near by. that have been selling from our regular stock up to $12.00 Ja Red Bank Btarted off In fine style SHREWSBURY YOUNG HEN HAH INVITED and made five points before Prince- per pair, now going at the remarkable FINAL CLEARANCE +m^ ton dropped the ball In the basket. ELECTION LAST FRIDAY. Then Strode and Rose of Red Bank PRICE of v •••• • each contributed a field goal making Monday Night The Club's First one the score 9 to 2. Turnock, Red Bank's Second Basketball' Teams Defeated ^DINNER On one of the display tables in the front of our store you(fc center, made a nice..long shot for Red Bunk Bosketeers at the Blvei a goal, Pierson of Princeton droppe Street SohooL will see a big assortment of S? .95 a foul In the basket and then Strodi Charles Reeves, Sr., was elects made another goal. The quarter ond president of tho Shrewsbury youn{ Pair ed with the score 13 to 3 in favor oi men's club last Friday night a LADIES' FOOTWEAR Red Bank. In tho second quartci Christ .church parish house. - Th< that have been selling up to $7.00 per pair—rat the remark- both teams slowed up and the onl other new officers are: At The Mandarin Grill 2 polntB made were two fouls by Rosi Vice president—John W. Farblr. able FINAL CLEARANCE PRICE of and Smiths The score at the end o: the half was 15 to 3. Secretary—John Robertson. Treasurer—William T. Parker. In the third quarter Red BanP Trustees—John McNally, Edward Call* Where Many Families Are Dining Another table shows a varied assortment of made 6 points while Princeton gatli han, John Farter. ered 9 and the scoro stood 21 to 1 The club has rented the gymnas- At Least One Evening \A Week In favor of Red Bank at the end o ium of the River street publlo schoo' Children's Shoes and the period. Shortly after the fourt] at Red Bank.for basketball gamei •00 period started. Strode dropped in twi every Monday night until tha latte held goals in succession, giving the part of March. Monday night th< In mid-wfoter, when monotony is easily nurtured.. .many folks have Men's Felt Slippers Pair home team a lead of 13 points, club's first basketball team defeated learned that to dine occasionally amid the pleasant, refined surroundinga Princeton made ft s^urt in tho lau tho Arrow Five of Red Bank by a at the Berkeley-Carteret, is to defeat that monotony and add an eagerly These are broken lots and they must move quickly at our few minutes and caused the Re score of 49 to 22 and the club's sec- looked-forward-to part of the week. . 1 Bank rooters not a little anxiety ond team trounced the scrub team FINAL CLEARANCE PRICE of With the gome almost over Reddin^ of the Red Bank Uncas club by a 10 of Princeton dropped in two fouls to 14 count. Dinner For Your Family 'At Pierson and Lutz each made a fiel The first team game was one-side The Mandarin Grill Will Cost REMEMBER:^-THE ARTICLES REFERRED TO ABOVE ARE FROM goal, Lutz then mado a foul an with the Shrewsbury boys having an Paraga netted a field goal. The flna advantage duo to lack of teamwork But A Little More Than At OUR REGULAR STOCK OF HIGH-GRADE, DEPENDABLE FOOTWEAR. whlstlo blew with Princeton 4 point; on the part of their opponents. Ed- . Home. And, Decidedly Worth 111 IF YOUR SIZE IS IN THE ASSORTMENT YOU SURELY GET THE behind. ward Leuck, left guard and captain Strode was the star point getter of the Shrewsbury team, shot on BIGGEST FOOTWEAR BARGAIN EVER OFFERED IN THIS SECTION, for Red Bank, making five field goals field goal; Robert Sagurton, rlghl Rose made two field goals and foui forward, caged ten goals; John Park' The fouls for a total of 8 points. Turnoci; er, left forward, made 21 points; Dan- dropped in two field goals and Grob iel Dorn, center, pocketed two goals who-was substitute, madp, nna,flel while in action^and WilHam Parker, BERI^UIY-CAIITERET HQHL goal. Smith made one point. Bot right guard, contributed one field Smith and Jacoubs at guard made goal to his team's score. fine showing. Merdico substituted for Georgo Smith, center on the Arrow Asbury Park Albert S. Miller Jacoubs near the end of theJgame. five, made four field goals and Car- For Princeton Lutz made 10molnt3, roll Morford, right guard, threw Page i, Pierson 3 and ReddfiCg nn seven goals from tho court Frank FOOTWEAR AND HOSIERY THAT SATISFIES. Paraga 2 each. Gardcll wffirrcrorne, Warner, right forward; William Lod- Princeton's second defeateci dy, left forward; and Claude Way- IJed Bank's second team by a scorf land, left guard; did not score. 18 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. of 17 to 13. Bruno scored 8 of Rec Ralph Riordan, Frank Lane, Rob- Bank's points, Nary and Ackley mad ert Tlcehurst, John Robertson and 2 each ond Libovsky mado one. John MnNally represented t.h' On Tuesday of last week Red Eanli Shrewsbury club in tho second team was defeated by Atlantic Highland game. Tho Uncas club players' were high Erhool nt that placo by a ooor niaiitln Wnyland, Stophon Carter, of 26 to 24. The score at the end ol Grover Carter, Charles'Burr and J. the first half was 16 to 10 in fnvoi Clayton. Alfred Englos was a sub- AUTHORITY of Atlantic Highlands. Red Bank out stitute. played their opponents in the last Next Monday night tho first, team half, but were unable to overcome of the Shrewsbury club will play OT ITS CLASS! the lead of 6 points. Red Bank iised Red Bank team captained by Waiter eleven players. Points were made b Leddy. Rose, Grob, McDonald/ Strode an! Turnock. EED BANK SCHOOL SWIMMERS. on For Atlantic Highlands Simpson was the, star, getting 10 points. H They Will Tako TarMn a Meet a played forward. Murphy, the, "other Flainfleld February 14th. ' NCW FASi+I©N$'"$HlTf$ hippet forward, got 4 points. Mooney at cen- Tho Red Bank high school's newly ter made 7 points, Gorier and Bow- formed swimming team Will take tell, guardB, made 4 points and onepart Thurorday night, February 14th, 4 PRICES point respectively. in a swimming meet at the Plainfleld high school. The Red Bank,team has POSTOFFICE IN THE LEAD. been training under the direction of You SavelO% toM% From Regular Cash Prices. S. O. Skakandy at tho Asbury Park Mall Men In First Flaco In tho Com natatorium. They are preparing to WHIPPET 4-COACH merclal Bowling League. meet a team from the Middletown We Believe in a Real Sale or No Sale at All! With 27 games won and 9 lost, the township high school, and swimmen Postofflce team is leading the Com from the Trenton higlvschool, the merclal bowling league of P"d Bank Barringcr high school of Newark and Average Saying Easily 20? on The standings of tho teams arc as tho South Side high school of New- follows: ark. The Red Bank hoys will also Conix51, tSSSi Seda5n |S9S| compete in tho annual state swim- Bosdater »485| Tourlas The Most Complete Stock in Monmouth Co. £175* Commercial Tin Hieh ming meet at Rutgers university in ChuaU t.365. W L Avc Scar, the spring. Postoffica 27 9 STl 90. Clothiers anil Insurance 2ft in RR1 1001 Tho team is composed of Hurry THE greatest selling event in our history marked the open- WHIPPET 6-COACH Eisner Company .... 23 13 Sr>3 97H Gage, flfty-yard swim and relay; Jo- ^•Bearing Cranksbaft Bakeri Bill) Grocers ... 23 13 810 912 seph VanBIerck, 100-yard swim; Ber- 's ing days of this event. This week the Sale goes on with Commercial Chauffeurs S3 13 SO !*fi2 nard Hurwitz, Carl Schwenker, Her- renewed energy because of new lines added. People from Automobile Men ...... 22 H S"o 930 bert, Ewing: and William Higgins Broad Street Bank . 17 19 S29 101 distant points are buying with the comfortable assurance that ' Telephone Company* .. 16 20 7;>'.» 99-1 back stroke; William Mack, 200-yard "695 Gas and St«am Fitters 10 20 SO.T T76 swim and relay; Leonard Compton, it's about impossible to equal our strong combination of CoaM$695t Coop* (with Washers 1125 733 8S2 diving and breast stroke; Edward CHEATER BEAUTY. LARGER BODIES rumble seat) %125\Sedan Quality, Service and Rock Bottom Prices. We are miles »760;SrHirtI>eLuieno«H- Shoemen anil Engineers 7 29 747 862 Broderson, 100-yard back stroke swim PUBLIC API'ltOl'AL AT STATION'S AUTO • tor $S5O (Including rum- Second National Bank 6 30 757 S54 and relay; and Joseph Dlxoli, diving away from Broadway Rents. ble seat and extra*). All ' Bowlern having the five highes! and relay. **.» * RECORD SALES EVERYWHERE! Willys-Overland prices f.o.b. Toledo* Ohio, and averages are Dennis 189, R. Hurley •pacifications lubJMt to 183, Sharkey 182, Helm 170 and Tut. Luke Longhead In The Register 25 Bed Ropm 25 Dining Room With longer bodies—higher radiator and hood—graceful change without ootlo*. tie 178. In spares Tuttlo has 174 talks to over 35,000 people every Merrill 164 and Hall 158. With a high week.—Advertisement. Suite Specials. lines—rich, harmonious colors—sweeping one-piece full score of 246, Arthur Slattery was Suite Specials. crown fenders—the new Superior Whippet definitely . awarded a necktie, offered by Philip 5-PIece Burl Walnut combination, 10-Pfe'ce Mahogany "Voneer, now de- T. Jlannlne. with gunnvood. sign. establishes an ultra-modern style trend for Fours and ...... Repairing He*. Trice, ?210; NOW MPA Value $200; NOW 'A'A A light Sixes. GIRLS WIN AGAIN. OF WITH THE NET WATCHES, CLOCKS 5-Plece Berkey & Gay Suite, matched S-Flece hand-carved Bcrltey & Gay Mechanically, too, the new Superior Whippet furthers 4 Bed Bank Basketball Tossoni De- walnut with dust-proof mahogany Suite, consisting of Buffet, Tablet and its distinguished predecessor's long lead over competi- FI\CKK-T1P feated Matawan Last Week. and JEWELRY interior. Six Chairs. tion. A higher compression engine gives more than 20% By a score of 35 to 23 the Eed $310 Value at. $265 Value; offered at CONTROL" Bank high school girls' basketball Accuracy, skill and ex- added horsepower, effecting fnster speed, quicker pick* team defeated Matawan high school perience enable us to .'225 up and greater hill-climbing ability. Low consumption A •Lntle totton, la Uw cen- Wednesday afternoon at Matawan Many Now Spring Styles at ter of the steering wheel, do the most delicate re- Winter "trices. of gasoline and oil, and dependable performance, make •tart* the motor, operate* It was Red Bank's first.victory over 500 New Rugs 1 the Ughta and aonnd* the Matawan in four years. The Red pairing., We guarantee this new car qualified to carry on Whippet's unsur- bon). You can keep your Bank players were Marguerite Zwei- satisfaction, Our prices 9x13 Seamless Axmln. Rugs, $10.05 passed reputation for operating economy and minimum foot jJway* on th«i brake fel and Jessie Thomas centers, Mil- 9x12 Heavy Seamless Axmln. Ruga, . Living Room Suites when starting or r*-tUrUag dred Scheldt, and Bernlce Soule for- will please vou. $29.50 Karpenand Other Guaranteed Mate service c*sts. Order now for early delivery. •n a bill. wards and Grace Partrlck and Mar- 9x12 Heavy Seamless Velvet Rugs, $230 Grade 3-Pc. Suite, NOW $181) garet Hackstaff guards. In the sec- Silverware Repaired 131.50 $120 Grade 3-Pc. Suite, NQVK..••',.# ond half Jean Walker replaced Jessie 9x12 Heavy Royal Wilton Rugs, $48.00 Full rango grades and prices. Thomas at Center. The Red Bank and Replated Like New. tearahasnotrloata gaitliSso far this . Ijundrcdii-of-Small-Bugs-at - Big Bargains!- year. On February 8th Red Bank REUSSILLE'S 0 SUPERIOR will play the Freehold high school 40% to 60% Off 300 Reed and Fibre Suites and Odd Pieces girls' team at Red Bank. The mem- 36 Broad St., Red Bank bers of the Red Bank team have used as Samples. mni* SIXES been promised gold basketballs if the A GHEAT ORPOBTUNTTY TO SECURE BARGAINS JN SMGHIXY team Is undefeated during tho sea- SOILED PIECES. son. Sore Throat? TEAM VICTORIOUS. Don't Gargle West Furniture Co •, r Former High School Players Defeat- • MAURICE SCHWARTZ ed quadrangle Club Last Week. Quicker and Better Relief With KEYPORT. NEW JERSEY O. 128 West Front Street, Red Bank. The Red Bank Jiigh school ajunmi Famoua Pre»trjption. basketball team defeated the CJund- Dont suffer from the pain and sore- ,-« .:,-..»,.'•, . • ,M Telephone 537 .'...-;.>.•<, •'•>.. ngle club lait week at high school ness ot sore throat—gargles and gymnasium by a scoro of 22 to 21. salves are too slow—they relieve only The score was close throughout tho emporarlly. But Thoxlne, a famoua R. C. BOWER, LonS Branch, N. J. Physician's prescription, is guaran- contest At the end of the Hist half oed to givo relief almost instantly. CHARLES BARCLAY, Freehold, N. J. he alumni team was leading by a Thoxine has a double action—re- score of 11 to 10. On the alumni team icves the soreness and goes direct to ACKERMAN" & FL1TCROFT, Inc., Keyport, N. J.. were McKnlght and Stevens for- ho internal cause. No chloroform, wards, Noble center and Murphy, iron or other harmful drugs—safe J. LAIRD HULSE, EnBli»ntown, N. J. Omstead, Hance and Schroeder and pleasant for, the whole family. guards. Those on the Quadrar.glo Also wonderfully effective for rellev- team were W. Lcddy and P. Strode ng coughs. Quick relief guaranteed 'orwards, VanDorn center and Park- >r your money back. 35c, 60c. and 1.00. Mold by Lewis', and all other tr and Ebl« guards. ood drug stores. ^- • :\ VT-•••.-,• -'••<• ••• RED BANK REGISTER, JANUARY 80,1929. Paste Twenty-Thwi.

Eeacoast trust company at Asbury AIR HAVEN BUDGET ADOPTED a card party and.glance Monday night at the Methodist church. Mr. er home at Flint, Mich., after a visit Party at St Mas*'* Park. ..--'-. -<• -— -' ••- •• •—• night, February Xlth, at the Klng- Belting will retire as district super- with her son, John J. Scully. St James court ot Catholic O«agb« •> AN ODD RELIGIOUS CASE. Pastor, Hendrtflkt, (mount to be Raised by Taxation sley Arms roof garden. The boat club intendent and take up a pastorate. Edward Lund has returned from a ters of America realised UM last \ •i Mlw UVm. D. Carter, daughter of ' Boey—flaoe. This Tear Is »t6,0SLO5. Wary met last ntgbt with Mn. Miss Ellnore Smallwood spent the trip to Florida, making the trip by night at a card party and d*nce at WQHAX KEEPS HER 80MB OUTMr. ana Mrs, Thomas 3. Ca»l«r of kllss Margaret M, Hoey of Asbury Harry Welsh of Red Bank. week-end with her parents at their motorcycle. the high sohool auditorium. About >' Fair Haven's budget of expenses Members of the fire patrol are OF SCHOOL. Port Monmouth and-Chester Hen- Park and Norrls Place of Fair Haven Joseph Humphreys, Jr,, ot New homo on Center street 200 persons were present Mrs. Bars j,. as adopted by the commissioners Tork, who has been sick with pneu- Tbe officers of the Oceanport fire making plans to purchase a new drlcks of Red Bank were married were married si few day* ago at if that place last night. A public Harding was chairman of the party • She Say. He* Religion Wont Jrennjt Saturday afternoon at tbe home of Rumaon by Recorder Jere X Oarew. monia, has been spending a few days company and the Fortaupeck. tire. truck. committee and the profit* will be tearing was held, but no objections at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James company have farmed an association. The Colored Jubilee singers will l Her to Beit* Them to (toUooWShe the biido'e parents, The ceremony Mr. Place Is employed as a talesman vere made. The amount to be used for charity. I* Scheduled to 1M Sentenced To- was performed by Rev. A. H. Sutphln for Stelnbach'a department itore at Chadwlek. Abram Welter was elected president. give an entertainment In Calvary raised by taxation this year la $26,- Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Fred V. church on February 28th. morrow lor Doing Xhle. if River Plata, assisted by Rev. H, Asbury Park. 131.08. A dance will be held at the Port- NO NEED FOR WORRY. "lerca Blmpson ct New Monmoutb. Bowers, who are spending the winter aupeck flrnhotise on Saturday night Ml«« Stella Coble of Asbury Park Judge Jacob Steinbaeh Is scheduled The wedding party stood under a Petitions ashing for curbing and at Hollywood, California, have re- Miss Margery Hendrlckson, Mrs. has been visiting her sister, Mrs. he establishment of a grade on Mc- The New York Man Had No Cauie to pronounce; sentence tomorrow on very attractive floral arbor ot laurel ceived postal cards from them. Mr. Beggett and eon Edward and MrsEdn. a Ogden. (or Anxiety on Count'* Account. Mrs. Christine Walling of Port Mon- and artificial roses end morning Carter avenue and Hendrlckson place Bowers is taking part in talking pic- J. Klrby and children of Freehold Mr. and Mra William Chadwlek Games la the Commercial I/Wgue In were referred to the street commit- There was a New York mnn whose moutb, who was found guilty last glories, with white crepe paper form- Past Week, tures. were guests at the home of Mrs. Mi- have been spending several days at daughterghter, during.durig a wintewlntpir toIn wko Nico,. month on a charge of violating the Ing a ttalll«. Suspended from the tee far a report at the next meet- chael Ryan over the week-end. Lakewood. - . —. . ing. " " ;•"•: ••" Mr. and Mrs. LeeUr England, Ed- ot engaged to a certain Count -child welfare net. The charge waa trellis was a huge white wedding bell, The two bank teams had a match ward Little and George Curtis at- The pupils of the Oceanport school Mayor Raymond L. Wyckoff will Beau de Beaumont The New York based chiefly on the laot that Mra, The stairway was festooned with ar- last week, the Broad Street Bank The borough attorney waa Instruct- tended the' New Tork motorboat have finished their mid-year exami- address the Keyport improvement as- winning three games from the Sec- ed to draw up an ordinance chang- man waa ricihh at the timei , bub t a ffew Walling had kept her two eons, tificial flowors and there were erepa show last week. nations. ' sociation at their meeting on Feb-weeks before the date set for the Frank and Jamas, aged respectively paper decorations In the living room ond National Bank. High score for ing the name of East Front street Mrs. John Hobrough, who has been ruary 4th. the match was madaby Louis Con- Frederick Ed«on of Pprtaupoek la wedding he went to sm&bb. twelve end thirteen yearn, out of and dining room. o River toad. laid up two weeks with sickness. Is spending two weeks in Florida. Dr. and Mrs, J E. D. Sllcox left for "My dear Count Beau de Beau- eenool. Thq boys have never attend- over, who rolled 232 In the first A letter was received from the able to be around again. Florida last week, whore they will .Mrs. Harry Thlesmeyer of Jersey game, The scores were:' Miss Margaret Ryan and Miss mont, ho groaned that night, "I'm ed sohool but have been taught at Grand View club asking the borough Lois England Is sick with mumps. Catherine Curley of Red Bank were spend a month. They made the trip City sang "O Promise Me" and the to build a dock at the foot of Pearl very sorry for you. You are to mar- • home by their mother, according to BBOAD STBIET BANK Miss Carol Little has taken a po- recent guests of Mrs. Michael Ryan by auto. ry my daughter—you were to hava played the wedding march. Leading Hall .....I i«t 1B» l«0 itreet. The letter was filed. statement* made by her. Mra, Wall Bltlon in tbe office ot VanBlerck's ot Main street Mra. FreS Clark of West End has had $35,000 a year—but the crash ' ing claims she has Instructed her the wedding party down tha stairs UrUud 148 1(0 136 A motion was passed to Improve been visiting Mr. and Mrs. 5L P. DIs- was Doris Cpmpton, a niece of the gtrykir ...;. ...125 114 1*4 boat works. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grlggs and has come. I'm ruined now. How • sons In nil subjects exoept history, the fire alarm system at a cost of Miss Marlon Harm has been kept Raymond Ryan spent the week-end brow, Jr. , sorry I am, count!" ., tha pages ol which she claims are bride and a daughter of Mr. andI» Conovor 288 178 171 $137. A floater battery system will Mrs, J. Crawford Compton of Bel- Hqrlcy 188 160, 148 Indoors with a cold. at Newark and New York and made Rev. John C. Farrell, assistant at But Count' Beau do Beaumont "bloody." Mrs. Walling says It Is >e installed. Mrs. Samuel H. Cleeland, Sr., of a tcur of tbe shows. St Mary's cathedral et Trenton, ha» gave the New York man a roossur- against her religion to eend her chtl ford, Doris strewed roses and other Fair Haven and Little Silver of- flowers in the path of the wedding , 642 801 788 Philadelphia will arrive tomorrow Alfred Canevarl and Clifford Cam- been assigned to the administrator- mg slap on the back. "Oh, don't drcn to school, It Is claimed by eom« SECOND NATIONAL BANK ' ficials have reached en agreement for a visit with her son, Councilman mus visited friends at Jersey City ship of St Joseph's church, duo toyou worry about me, sir," he said, law experts that Mrs, Walling has party. She was dressed in yellow regarding Ridge road. The road be- georgette. Hurl.y 168 148 16! Samuel H. Cleeland, Jr.. over the week-end. the prolonged illness of Rev. Joseph with an easy laugh. "With a title a constitutional right to her re- Its lit 107 tween Hance road and Harding road A. Llnn&ne. The bride wore a white satin gown Charles Hascall ba« returned from Mrs; Vincent Gray is recovering like mine, you know, I can find an- ligious beliefs, no matter how er- Jaffrar 8T 100 J2S will be covered with cinders at a Georgia. He Is now employed by the Mrs. S. D. Walker and daughter other heiress tomorrow." roneous they may be, and that the with flouncon ot imported lace and Bal«a . .IBS 145 173 cost of $1,500 and each borough will from sickness. Clancy 141 148 15a Hexter baking company. Mr?. Edward Worthley, Sr-, whoBetsy Ann and Mary Lou, and Mrs. law which gives her this right also with a veil of Belgian lace. She car- ay half the cost. Emma Sclilegcl sailed for Florida gives her the right to Keep her chil- led a boquet of white roses and or- has been sick for some time, is able A Compoiition en Docks. 005 666 727 Recorder Elmer Walhrlght Invited to be out again. last week, where they will epend sev- dren cut of school If she can demon- ange blossoms. Miss Mildred Caller, the officials to attend a beefsteak OCEANPORT NEWS. eral weeks. A schoolboy who waa told to write strate that this is her real rollglous a stater of the bride, was bridesmaid, The Telephone Company captured, dinner which Mr. Walnrlght will give Mr. and Mrs. Louis Millar and son a composition on ducks, submitted, belief. . Sho wore a costume of peach oripe three gamee from the Washers last Monday' night for the members of Leigh were guests of Mr. and Mrs. the following: week. The winning te»m had four Boll Call of Methodist Church Next Charles VanMlddlesworth on Sunday. If Mrs. Walling has any such con- de china, and Oliver slippers, She the fire company. Sunday. THE LADY AND THE GROCER. "The duck lg a low, heavypget stitutional right she Is not trying to carried a boquot of pink roses, Ir- men and the losing team three men A bus check for $58.12 was received A covered dish supper will be giv- bird composed mostly of meat tend vin Beaver of Arlstes, Pennsylvania, The scores were: The third annual roll call of the en by the ladies' aid society of the He Gave Short Weight But She feathers. He is a mighty poor sing- assert It. She claims that her re from the Boro Busses company and Couldn't Call Him Down. Ilglan docs not allow hor to resist was groomsman. Ho and the groom TELEPHONE COMPANY. Recorder Walnrlght turned in $25 Methodist Episcopal church will be Methodist church on February 26th. er, having a hoarse voico, caused by prosecution and that regardless of woro Tuxedo suits. J. Crawford MoN.ll 109 121 172 fines. Bills amounting to $507.08 were held Sunday afternoon and night Tbe members of tbe society have "You know that grocer of ours?" getting so many frogs in his neck. Compton, Jr., a brother of Doris VanBrunt IS! 168 184 Mrs. Johnson of Long Branch spent been raising money in various ways exclaimed a lady, excitedly, last Sat- He likes the water and carries a toy whether She la sont to jail or not she Dummy 100 100 100 paid. will accept her punishment as tho Compton, was ring bearer. Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. and the teams will bring In their of- urday night. balloon in his stomach to keep him Bharkar 194 Its 118 Charles Walling of Main street. ferings at the supper. Each guest Is "Yes, answered from sinking. The duck has only, will of God. Mra. Walling and a low After the wedding a reception was Marrlll J.... 171 169 S01 HURT IN AUTO ACCIDENT. her husband. other Port llonmouth persons who held. Those present, in addition I" Mrs. Rebecca CasIer, 81 years old, asked to donate a dish of food. "What about him?" two legs and they are BO far back hold the same beliefs moot every tho parties mentioned, were Mr. nnd T7< 7«8 108 Thomas Scott ot Red Bank and Miss who died yesterday at the home of "Ho gave me short .weight this on his running gear by nature, that Sunday at hor homo. Tho matter of Mrs. Everett Caster, Mrs. Rose Van- WASHERS Helon Amondt of Holmdcl Injured. her son, Joseph CasIer of Long KEYPORT NEWS. evening." they come pretty near missing the the boys not going to Bchool vjaa derhllt, Mrs. S. C. Werner, Mrs Kutnn lit ISt Branch, was a xeBldent ot Ooeanpor "Why didn't you call him down body. Some ducks when they get big , first brought up more than a year Charles Soden, Mrs. M. C. Osborn, Burdii 16S 159 Thomas Scott of Oakland street, for many years. The land now occu- Bev. John O. Farrell Now In Charge for it?" have curls on their tails and are ngo and It has been in tho courts In Mr. and Mrs. Harold C. Woodward, Bray 164 101 Red-Bank, and Mlsa Helen Amendt pied by Fort Monmouth was former- of St Joseph's Church. "I didn't notice it until after . called drakes. Drakes don't have to various forms since that time, Daniel C. Irwln, Mrs. John Lentz. Dummy 100, 100 of Holmdel were injured last night ly the property of the CasIer family. had paid him a plugged half-dollar, set or hatch, but just loaf and go Dummy 100' .100 (Til* Bed Bank Beglattr can ba bonibl swimming and eat everything m Mrs. Charles Caaler and Mrs. Frank In an automobilo accident on Liberty Miss Anne Brlggs, who teaches at «aon weak lo Kerpork at Cbarlea Lebn'i and then what could I do?" street at Long Branch. They wore in tho Holmdel school, spent the week- sight. If I was to be a duck, I would Andrews of Belford; Mr. and Mrs ' 65! 67B SD4 aton.) OABD PARTY AND DANCE. George A. Caalor, Mr. and Mrs. Wil a Ford coupe owned and driven by end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Jacob Rlppen and son Ralph And He Knew Her rather be a (' A new record for high total o: liam N. Thompson and Mr. and Mre. Harry Aumaclt of Red Bankt Mr. Frank Brlggs of Portaupeck. have returned from a vacation at "You say your wife is going to It Will Bo Held March 17th at St P. Elmer Thompson of Freehold three games was made- last week In Scott and Mr. Aumack aro employed Sixteen dollars was cleared at the Lokewood. Two D«elr«ra. " ' the match between.the PostofAce and spend the balance of the summer in James's School Auditorium. Mrs. Kdwaid Novack, Russell Hen- by the Jersey Central power and light cake sale held at the American store LeRoy Btultz, W. P. Morris and E. Europe?" He—How is this? I come back un- drlcks, Mrs. O. D. Padgett, Mr. and the Bhoemen and Engineers when company and they are members of by the ladles' aid society of tbe Meth- F. Crtstlanl have returned from a At a meeting of the parent-teach' Arthur Slattery of the Postolflce "So she says." expectedly from my trip and find' Mrs. A. C. Emmons and Kenneth' the basketball team representing that odist church. gunning trip in North Carolina. you * flirting with another man. You? era' association of St. James's school team rolled 671. The record bad been company. They were scheduled to "Do you know that it will cost you Friday night arrangements wero be- Novack of Red Bank; Russell C. Caa- Mrs. R. H. Ktngsley was a recent Dr. A. Petler has been seriously 11: at least a thousand dollars?" have deceived me. • ler, Mrs. Georgo Martin, Miss Mil- previously held by George Dennis ol play at Long Branch last night and gun for B card party and dance to the same team with a score of 658. guest of Mrs. Frank Brlggs of Port- at his home with grip. "I figured it at about that" She—Not any more than you. dred CasIer, Mrs. Emmor W. Clay- they were on the way to the game aupeck. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Hendrlckson You told me you would be away, bo hold March 17th. Mra. Georgo F. Tho scores of the match were: when Mr. Aumatk's car was hit by "But, good gracious! Is It worth Grauso has donated $5 in gold, which ton, Mr. and Mra. Robert N. Seeloj Rev. Herbert Belting, district su- have returned from a tea days trip that much to have her travel for a eight days and here you .are back- will bo disposed of on tho co-opera- and Miss EdnaSoeley of Port Mon- BHOEMEN AND SNOINEERS. Bulck automobile. Mr. Aumack's perintendent of the New Brunswick to Fine Bluff, N. C. couple of months away from you? j again the next day. Have you not tive plan. Tho commlttoo will moo mouth; Miss Dorothy Thlcsmeyor ol Van Noitnnd ISO 166 168 machine was turned over twico and district, will preach next Sunday Mrs. Eugene Herr has returned ti "I think so." I alto deceived mel on Friday night of this wcok In thoJersey City; Mrs. DeMarls of Brook' PaUniod 124 102 badly damaged. Miss Amendt waa auditorium. lyn; Mrs. Jane. Kollock of Eaton- Crate 140 138 bruised and cut on her shoulder and town; Mrs. A. H. Sutphlit of NewMitchell 167 116 Mrs. August Schwoers Is chairman Mr. Scott's knee wa3 bruised. Mr. Monmouth; Mrs, H. Pierce Simpson Wc»t 141 102 Aumack was.not hurt. of the committeo and her assistants of New MonraoutU; M. C. Hendrlck Minton .178. 161 are Mrs, Julia Sweeney, Mrs. Joseph After tte^ccldent all three Inmates and Mlsa Doris Hendrlcks of Brlsto 700 735 082 of the car wont to tha game. Mr. ISray, Mrs. George Kaney, Mrs. Pat- Pennsylvania; Miss Mazle Bonnet lick Kennedy, Mrs. George Relss, POSTOFFICE Scott undertook to play, but after a of Holmdel; Miss Louise Palmer oi 224 few minutes he waa obliged to desist. Mrs. Joseph Breslin, Mra. Thomas Harmony; Mias Emma Taylor ol SlatUry 201 I-lttle, Mrs. Bernard Mulligan, Mrs. Sehroedar 116 He waa^ unable to go |to work thlB Mlddlotown village; Mr. and Mrs.Wrn-ncr 146 morning. His injuries are painful I LeRoy Snyder,. Mrs. Arnold Soden, William Flelschman of Keansburg Mrs. Jerome Bloyan, .Mrs. William Darby but not serious. The Red Bank team d MI Chltt W Gurchln i. 198 iss lost the basketball game by a score Decker, Mn.-Nora Long, Mrs. Fred and MISBBS Charlotte. W. Morse, g","" 18S Jones, Mrs. John Lang, Mrs. John Catherine Minn, Almeda Bennett, Dennii 209 186 of'28 to 10. Gaul, Mrs. Joseph Ryan, Mrs. Elizabeth Schenck, Jane McCue, . » i » Michael Ryan, Mrs. John Hughes, Catherine Graham and Mary Burke ' 015 864 BASKETBALL AT ST. JAMES'S. Mrs. David Emmona, Mrs. Laurence of Atlantio Highlands. The Clothiers and Insurance won ••••••••••••••••»••••••••••»•««••••«••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Kocho, Mrs. Glenn Blngham, Mrs. After the reception the bride and two out of three games from the Au- Tho First and Second Teams Lost John O'Nell, Mra. Dennle Meade, groom left for a wedding trip to At- tomobile Men Last week. The scorci Monday Night at Keyport Mrs. David I*Roy, Mrs. Richard At- lantio Cltyr Upon their return they wore: The first and second basketball trldge, Mrs. Harry Copperwalth, Mra. will live temporarily with Mr. and CLOTHIERS AND-: Vincent J. Kdk, Mrs. George Huw-Mrs. Compton. Laterlhey.WllI move teams of St, James's high school Irins, Mrs. Alice Leddy, Mrs. John to a house in the Bayslde JJelghts Helm . 171' 212 19 wero defeated Monday night at Key- Jlanlnn* 211 175 21 port by the Keyport public school J. Travoro, Mra. William Shanahan, .section of Belford whfi5TT*{i«gr<)bm Slocum t 146 208 16i Mrs. Frank Golf, Mrs. William his bought; The groom to employed basketballers. The score of the first Maaee. 1S6 16: team game was 32 to 11 and the final' Sponce, Mrs. Robert .Herring, Mrs. by the Schenck S, Thompson com- Kridel 1T0 Charles Thompson, Mrs. Michael pany of Rod Bank. .., • Ivina ...... i 163 170 count in the second team contest was Tcomey, Mrs. George Grauso, Mrs. 17 to i. Allen Conroy, George Mar- Walter Layton, Mrs. Thomas Salmon, 8S0 8S5 03 tin, John Sammon and Patrick Cal- Mrs. Charles Hoffman, Mrs. Morton Bergin—Wallace. AUTOMOBILE MEN. andriello did Red Bank's scoring in Planltz, Mrs. Thomas Gill, Mrs. Miss Catherine Berglnj wha hasAndnion 16S 14: the first team game. Other firs' Charles Giblln, Mrs. Thomas Kelsey, boon living with her sister, Mrs. Wil- Johnson ,. . 144 team players and substitutes wen Mrs. William Snyder, Mrs. Anna. liam Guyon of Rumson, was married Ward 175 149 15 George Gill and Daniel Calandrlello Chrlstman, Mrs. Robert Reid, Mrs. last week to Richard Wallace of Port Gullm«tt« 1E0 126 14 The players on St James's secont John Splllana, Mrs. Frank Marchant, Monmouth. The ceremony was per- Strykar 178 175 14 team were Edwin Kennedy, Joh; Mrs. John Hogan, Mrs. Ogdcn Mills, formed at Holy Cross church at Croptar 207 211 19: Sammon, John Hartnedy, Geor^t Mrs. John Muivlhlll, Miss Mar; Rumson by Rev. John E. Murray, the 876. 805 771 Grauso, Daniel Calandrlello, Alien Burke.. Mrs. Mae Ryan, Mrs,. Frol reotor. Conroy, George Fitzgerald and Pat- The Automobile Men won three rick Calandrlello. Rochell, Mrs. James Anderson, Mrs. Miss Beatrice Rlordan of Shrews- games from the Second National John Molln, Mrs. Edward Me- bury was bridesmaid and Harold Bank Monday night, the scores were: Friday of this week the Red Bank Donough, Mrs. Edward MoKaown, Kruse of Keansburg was groomsman. first team will play the Manasguan Mrs. Peter Lang, Mrs. Elizabeth De- Tho bride was given away by h«r AUTOMOBILE MEN high "school team. . George, Mrs. David Sheridan, Mrs. father, Alfred W. Bergin of Now Anderaon 143 1(7 William O'Brien, Mrs. Theresa Her- Ward 1B0 180 York. She was attired in pearl gray Guilmette 1(8 154 UTE SAVING CUSHION. old, Mrs. Laurence Carton, Mrs. Har- georgette and also wore a hat to Stiyker ISO 175 ry Brady, Mrs. Thomas Crews, Mrs. match. She carried a boquet of car- Cropsey 172 189 It Is Being Made for At Chambers, James Power, Mrs. Edward Brasch, nations. . The bridesmaid wore a blue Bed Bank Druggist. Mrs, Francis K(j8n, Mrs. Joseph dress, with, a hat to match. She aleu 848 854 Laurlno. carried carnations. SECOND NATIONAL BANK A leather cushion to save persons from drowning is being made ut After tha ceremony a reception was Dummy 100 100 1 100 George Curtts's upholstery shop a UNION AUXILIARY'S PARTY. held at the bride's home. Those pres- Dummy .' 100 ent besides the bridal party were Mr. Relia 140 202 Fair Haven for Al. Chambers, owne and Mrs. William Guyon. Jr., endDummy 100. of Chambers's pharmacy on Broa' They Made 825 last Friday Night McFarland •.*•••....*.. IIS street. The cushion will be 16x1 at the Firehouse, Raymond Daly of Rumson, Mr. andClincy 148 1S9 Mrs. Carter Krahnert, Mrs. Anna Inches and will be filled with gram] The ladles' auxiliary of Union fin Predmore, William Reynolds, Thom- 688 74S 64< lated cork so it Will float. It will havi company realized $25 last Frlda. handles on three sides. A long rop as Cleary and Michael Bergin of Red The Telephone Company took tw night at a card party at the flre- Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rlordan will be attached to the cushion. Mi houne on Shrewsbury avenue. Flft out of three games from the Gas anc Chambers lives at Gooseneck Point A Veritable Treasure Chest of Shrewsbury and Mr. and Mrs. Wil- Steam Fitters Monday night. Shar persons were present and varloui liam Guyon, Sr., Franklin Ouybn, near the shore of South Shrewabuij card games wore played. Mrs. Irem key of the Telephone team rolled river. When ice Is on the river ;i Richard Cleary and Alfred Bergin high score/of 248 In one of the game Van Sauter won a box of candy an uf Now York. large number of people go skating Mrs. Beatrice Murphy won a lace The scores were: noar Mr. Chamber's home and he. it. ties Hidden In Our Tho couple have started housekeep- TELEPHONE having thr ciifhion mnolo to aid *;• yoke as door prizes. ing at Fair Haven. The bride'wns Tho prize wlnnors at cards woro Wlnana 166 rescuing anyone who boa broken formerly employed In tho premium MeNall 147 through the ice. • Mrs. H. Woolley, Mrs. J. Bambach, ilopartmont of the Whelan drug store Classified Section VanBrunt 1J3 Mrs. John Mertz, Mrs, George Grob, nt Red Bank. Mr. Wallaoo is em-Sharker Mr*. Ned Crelln, Mrs. Harry Mc- ployed by tho Central railroad com- MarrlU 166 State Aid for raving. Cormack, Mrs. Howard Applegato, pany. Mrs. James Neluun, Mrs. Robert Monmouth county has been grant- AVE you a house to rent—a bungalow for sale? 800 783 88 ed {28,000 toward the cxpondlturo of Norman, Mro. ilonry Bennott, Mr«. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS T Slclllano—Kcale. $175,000 In the paving of 3.6 miles or H Do you need a cook, a maid, a nurse, a gardener? , . Chadwlek und Misses Holcn Hunt- Mlas Lltlzla Slclllano, daughter of JelTrey W 140 18 the Eatontown-Frechold road. The I er, Esther Crelln, Elizabeth Murphy Mrs. Margaret Slclllano of Bed Bank, M. WhallD 1Z3 177 21 ; Do you want to-buy or sell a car? Are you looking nnd Anna Malone, John Rider, Leon sum of $5,000 Is also advanced for and James Reale of Newark were Mlll.r 167 140 16 aid In paving the one mile stretch I for a new position as clerk, as salesman, as manager? Kchollln, Albort Snlffen, M. Kecgan, married at St. Anthony's church at CItary 160 214 16 .T. Victor Carver, Mortimer VanSau- Aumack 128 1S2 14 of Shrewsbury avenue between Bed I Red Bank Sunday afternoon by Rev. Bank and Shrewsbury. I Have you lost or found money, a dog, a car, a fur-. tcr, Howard Applegnto, Robert Nor- Nicholas Soriano. Mlsi Fannie Pur- man and Allwi Trafford. . 750 ass i piece? i ' celll of Red Bank was bridesmaid 1 Mrs. Howard Applegat-) was ohalr- and Salvntore Giovenostea of Newark The umpires for next week Fire In George VanBrunf s Home. .man of the party committee.and.her was groomsman. The bride wore a matches are as follows: ~ The" Red Bank fire department was No matter what you have or want, you'll find our assistants' wore Mrs. Frank Lover- white eatln dress trimmed with lace Harry Oullmatt*. Broai Btr««t Ban! called out shortly after seven o'clock sldge, Mrs. Beatrice Murphy, Mrs. and she had a lace veil caught up varaua ShDaman and Enrlncara, Fflbruar; Monday night to a fire In George .-classified ad columns a veritable store-house of useful Elliabelh Estelle, Mrs. LeBtor Shlbla, 4th at Red Banli. VanBrunt's home on Waverly place. with orange blossoms. She carried a Waltar Sobro.J«r. Gai and SUam Flttt; ' information, a treasure-chest of Mrs. Mortimer VanSautcr and Miss boijuet of white roses and lilies of varaua Elmer Company,' February 4th i The fire was put out with vory lit- Father Crelin. the valley. The bridesmaid wpre a Eatontown. : tle damage to Mr. VanBrunt'B prop- pink dresB and she carried pink Jonph Wfcajen, Bakers ana1 Oroea: erty. GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY CHURCH TRAINING SCHOOL. roaes. The wedding march was varauIII a Commaretal Chauffeur*. Februai Chicken Salad-Supper. played~by ttisr MariirMaraloto" and -Pero " *y ^htte, AatomobUe Men yeraua It Opened Last Night at I,ong Branch a eolp was sung by Miss Mildred La- Waahtn, February «th. The ladles' Improvement society of An advertisement of thirty words costs you only With an Enrollment ot 65. Manna. A reception was held at the George Bray, Second National Ban! the Red Bank Presbyterian church 25 cents and is carried into over 7,600 homes. The loaderBhlp training school of home of the bride's mother and thevanua Poitofflee, February 7tQ. will have a chicken salad supper lollglous education being conductod newly married couple left for a trip Qua Colmorgan, Clotbl«r« and Inim Tuesday, February 26th, at the to Washington. Upon their return' >noa verlua Teltpbone Company, F«1 church social ball. by the Long Branch district council ruary 8th. they will live at Newark, whore the »i» of religious education opened last The Commercial Chauffeurs wl night at at. Luke's Methodist church groom Is employed. The bride re- FAIR HAVEN NEWS. at Long Branch with an enrollment ceived many fine gifts, bowl the Freehold Ramblers on Feb _of-8B.-Tha school'cpurso_vvli| bo con- ruary 7th st Freehold. Michael Fred Guild Card Party February 7th— erlcka la captain ot tha Ramblers. Party for Boat Club Auxiliary. ducted every Tuesday night until " Merle—Vamvas. Cfh. R.d Bihk Rtslitar can ht loutht March 12th. Courses are offered for Miss Louisa Merle, teacher ot aaoh wwk In tha aton of HamrSKurUs «ml all Sunday-school teachers. French lm, the private school con- " Missing Olrl Located. at tha Gold Cadars, Fair Hnven. Sub- Those who enrolled from Eaton- Mrs..George Dlffenderfer of Oak «cribor» can Kit thtlr paper! at tha poal- ducted by Miss Peacock and. Mlns olace WednoidM af<*««s

•-''• • •'""' •'••'•.. ..' ' '..'.. \ ' •'{-• ? •• :: ••• . :Vr • /. ,-*4r;'V 1929.

INTWWATIONAL PAPER COMPANY, Tha witnesses were Jacob Z. Stiles . WOMBS/ DEMOCRATS. RwUcw NighU » Nature's ^ r Jfffw York. l)«cember 36th, 1028. TUXEDO MANY WILLS PROBATED. and Judgon Btlles. -Tk* BtuutS of Director* hava deeland m Joseph Camp of Upper Freehold Signal,of "Danger Ahead" «i«i»i «tMUt*orty dividend or *Utr (60) cent* i Club Entertained County •(•hut «UM •hwtp #n th« common Diode of thli com township left all bis property to bia Organisation Saturday. Geo. V. Sewing Mr.. B. pmuy, fiayabi* February 15th* 1989, to com- SUITS SEVERAL WEBB FBOM THIS wife, Martha Camp, as long u li nem itmfcbolitar* of record, at tb« cdoss of dub ot "Com. or wri btutQMi February tit, 1S29. FABT OF TJHE COONXY. CONTRACTOR LllbUttd Duohu (K l«r Formul) 19W. •• Ita ujrth. .. Gheeki to b« mailed. Trans far BOOIER For and BUILDER uts en bladder uu worn aaltt do en Tha Bro»d Street National Buk *f Awl will not aloie* Among Them Were-Those of Mils in equal shares to his children, toltowels. DDrivei s outt foreign deposit" «nd Bank. H«w J«««r. iol» «»«Uio»i ylf tt*a •»> OWBN SHEPHEBD, Sarah It. Everett, Louise V. Bead, O'Hagen, John Camp, Joseph Ca iMsem neMilve Mldlty, ThU Hllevei Utt of B»r»li B. EvtMt*. *SB » *J» fJ Viet Fieiident and Treasurer. H. W. Mounts of Spring Lake made RED BANK. N. J. the irriutlon that, ecttlng u» ulehti. li hereby given to \bi ««41tore o< Mid Thomas Lane, Augusta Griggs and Jr., and Nellie Haverstraw. The will an Interesting fd.drew. Mrs. Char- Thy tablet! cost 80 wdh at all dm* «(!«.. deceusd to «>>'• New Monmouth, N. J. Many of East Sunset avenue, RedA Twentieth Birthday Celebration g tho contract price within ten days County of Monmouth and reported for set- brother, Richard Everett If any bal- •after award of contract. tlement to the Orphans Court of said coun- ance was left after the payment of Vice Chancellor Gives Sheriff John- By order of the Council of tho Borough ty, on Thursday, the twenty-first day of Of Littlo Silver, N. J. February. A. D. 1029. at which time appli- these two legacies she directed her son Week's Stay in Inquiry. I EWA3 S. BLACK, cation wilt be made for the allowance of executor to pay tho following be- Mayor. commissions and counsel fceB. quests: $300 to Harold E. Smith, $200 Sheriff Harry N. Johnson was be- Attest:— ' Dated January 7. A. D. 1929. to Sara E. Spare, wife of Russell fore Vice Chancellor Buchanan, at • ELIZABETH R. HOBB3, Clerk. DALTON PARMLY, Trenton yesterday in answer* to a ruli S 2Oh. 1929. Rumsou, N. J. Spare; and $200 each to Mary Gladys Everett and Margaret Louise Everett, to show cause why he should hot be judged ln contempt of court Tbe being two of the children of Edward V/wi E. Everett; $100 each to George R. complaint against Mr. Johnson w Smith, Louise Smith, Mary E. Smith, made by Judge William Newcorn of PERSONAL. Llda Crater, wlfo of Charles Crater; Plalnfleld, receiver for the defunct Mary Elizabeth Kitchen, daughter of State mutual Insurance company. Mr. BE IT EVER SO HUMBLE Red Bank, N. J., Newcprn claimed that ho had ffot re- Robert and Elizabeth Kitchen; and ro January 20th, 1025. ceived a complete accounting on a '- -••«?™-™w SEAR BILL: • Lena Tilton, wife of William A. Til- •ton ton. Fifty dollars each was left to number of executions sent to i~" 1 understand that you aro looking for a good re-con- G. Russell SmithV Walter E. Smith, sheriff'a office despite the fact he h ditioned Dodge, so thought I would let you know I stopped Robert E. Gordon, Ella Gordon, wife written several letters and made sev- at the Dodga Agency, 149 Weat Front Street, yesterday, and of Robert E. Gordon, Louise Nlvlson eral telephone calls. Sheriff Johnson •aw aeveral mighty good-looking ones—and the prices were and Sara Nlvlson. Tho sum of $150took the stand and declared that right, too. was bequeathed to Musconetcong Everything had been accounted for Valley Presbyterian church at Hamp- except one check. He said he gave The manager told me all their used car prices had this check to William O'Brien, chief boon reduced to make room for the new Dodgre Sixes. ton, Now Joreoy, tho interest from which is to care for the plots of Miss clerk ln tho sheriff's offlce, with in- f HERE is an old prejudice against using one s nome as It will pay you to look thorn over, old man. Tou can Everett's dead brothers, Joseph W. structions to mail it and had written 6ave money. My best regards U> the "wife and yourself. Everett and Richard Everett, ln theMr. Newcorn to this effect. Mr, New- cemetery of that church. The will corn claims there are other execu- collateral for a loan. One uses stocks, ooncw, — his Sincerely, tions still outstanding. Vice Chan- JACK. states that if there should not be a sufficient balance remaining to paycellor Buchanan gave Mr. Johnson, a , lest income producing personal property. But if these go, all of these legacies, except the leg- stay of one week and ordered the acies to tho children of Richard Ev- sheriff to have the entire matter set- it is of small value to have a home that one cannot afford. erett, they are to be pro rated in pro- tled by then. '. .i-U portion to the legacies of eacH. The witnesses to the will were Henry DAIRY COMPANY: GETS $83. WILLIAM O'BRIEN Campbell, Edw|n R. Conover and Kenneth H. McQueen. Several of tho They Asked for $500 In a Damage persons to whom legacies woro loft Suit Against William Costello. HE modern tu«ti?s.s man prefer^ to jn wliich there is no manufacturing; by Miss Everett had died subsequont to tho making of her wili. The Shrewsbury dairy company of Tcany a mortgage on liis property.. It Buildings;' Professional properties, tucxi M Shrewsbury was awarded $93 last Augusta. Griggs of New Monmouth week by Judgo Leo j; Warwick of enhances marketability. • tnose occupied oy* doctors and lawyers; Public HIGH GRADE SERVICE mado her will April 4th, 1924, with tho Long Branch district court In Howard W. Roberts arid Carrie P. their, suit against William Costello/ Garages, veil located. ' Roberts of New Monmouth as thoJr., of Bergen place. A car, owned •fa Etc manner,«ome morw Approved and Improved witnosses. Sho left pieces of furni- and driven by Mr. Costello, ran Into ture and other household goods to the rear of one of the dairy's milk er preatJge tLan otner». ••— " Applications may tie made in -writing, orpc*> Heating Plumbing Roofing various nieces and nephews. All the wagons several months ago on Broad rest of her property she ordered di- street at Shrewsbury. The wag sonallj, to any of the office* of C . Water Systems Copper Work vided into six equal parts, two parts was damaged and a large quantity of Tke Etlelity Union standard is recognized to- go to her nephew, Benjamin W. milk was lost. The dairy company Earthen and Iron Pipe Griggs, and one part each to nsued for $500. u found and conservative. A Lome or btwi- The Company is the largest title anil ntott> We Handle the American Radiator Company's nephew and nieces, James E. Griggs, Thomas Schweitzer of Red Bank, nest property carrying a iiaelity Union gage institution in the State. Its.judgment o* ARCOLA HEATING SYSTEMS Mrs, Louise Griggs Hllleary, Mrs. who was driving the milk wagon, also Belle Griggs, Paul and Carrie A. brought suit against Mr. Costello fok* mortgage ka« marketable qualities wliicn a New Jersey real estate is authoritative RED BANK and SEA BRIGHT Griggs. James E. Griggs was named $500 as compensation for injuries he as executor. received ln the accident. Mr. Schweit- property carrying a less favorably known » » » Miss Ella Hendrlckson of Middle- zer at the trial last week asked to town township bequeathed a wed-have his suit discontinued. Theodore mortgage might not' nave. ding breast pin formerly owned by Labrecque of the Quinn, Parsons and At Your Service*—'The name of this Com* Miss Hendrickson's grandmother, Doremus law firm, represented. tjiOi Mary Lloyd Hcndrickson, to Marydairy company and Mr. Schwertter. Tnis Company sol its applications fo. .ort- pany is made up of two words, "Fidelity— Harris Taylor of Ovcrbrook, Pennsyl- Fischer & Crowell were Mr. Costellp'fl vania, who also received a bequest of lawyers. - • gage* oa improved property and on Union". Its contacts are state-trio^iV $1,000. To her nephew, Charles John Hendrlckson, she bequeathed the MARRIED FOURTEEN YEABS. properties under construction In New and no matter in what section of Nev walnut' desk formerly owned by her father and a grandfather's clock, to- The Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Jet»ey,sucn asDwellings; Apartments; Jersey you may te located, yre eeiAr gether with $1,000. She left $100 each Mrs. Alfred Bobbins. Stores ana Store and Loft Buildinos ally invite you to let «» serve y»«. to Charles G. Bennott, Mary H. Ben- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Robblna of nett, Edward H. Bennett and Susan- Littlo Sliver celebrated their fourr, Was*1.85 na P. Bennett, who are tho children teenth wedding anniversary Satur- of her niece, Susanna P. Bennett; day night with a party at their boma- Slalt^nis Aputj Soviet S100 each was also loft to Anna H. They received many gifts and every- Gorham and Louise Hendricltson ono had a delightful time. The guests Hartahorne, who aro children of herwere Mr. and Mrs. Lester Davis, Mr. nephew, William Hartshorne; $100 to and Mrs. Charles Townsend, Mr. and Jan« Hcndrickson, daughter of herMrs. Paul Ervlng, Mr. and 4&!**i nophow, Charles John Hendrlckson; James Daly, Mr. and Mrs. Eugen* and $100 each to hor cousin, Fred P. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. William.A. FIDELITY trtSTION Wlkoff, and to his son, Fred P. Walsh, Walton Culllngton, M..B. ljiu> Wlkoff, Jr. All tho rest of her estate Icy, William Davlson, James Wise, If you've never worn she bequeathed in equal shares to Jr., John Larkin, Thomas Donahue, TITLE & MORTGAGE GUARAKTY COMPANY v two nieces nml n nophnw. Lonisp John Destribats, Vincent Layton»and r, AA Hartshorne, Susanna P. Bennett and Thomas Welsh, before—gel acquainted now I Wiljiom Hails hor lie. The win was \St ^ -M"" Street, BroaJ anJ Banl Streets ; 291N. Brotd St. iJ/ mndo Juno 30th, 1026, and tho ivit- m'ssi's "•••,.. Ms tun Beekman and Es- SUIT FOK INJURIES. >