A Daw Across the River Inspection of Troop

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A Daw Across the River Inspection of Troop RED BANK RECxISTER limid Wukly, Enured at Second-Cliia. Mittet at tha Fool- VOLUME LI, NO. 32. omen at Rid B«nk. N. J.. und.r th« Aot of Mireb I. I17H. RED BANK, N. J., "WEDNESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1929. $1.50 PER FEAR PAGES 1 TO 12. CHABLES BENNETT'S VENDUE. in the budget for lights on the street3 NEW MEN IN AN OLD FIRM MIDDLETOWrS BUSINESS. In Question AN AERO CLUB BANQUET. THE HOUSER POOR CASE A DAW ACROSS THE RIVER INSPECTION OF TROOP. VandorburR Farmer Will Sell Out to A resident of Hllleklo near Nave- sink, told about the need of lights Take Position at Holmdol. THE 1929 BUDOET TASSEI) ON MOTION PICTrUES OF LIND- .M[I)I)M<;TOMrN TCMVNfilHP WTIX CONFERENCE ON THE tBOJECT FKDERAL OFFICERS TO BE AT THREE FABTNERS JOIN WITH on Atlantic avenue and the need of Charles A. Benriptt of Vanderburg 1'IHST HEADING. repairing Chestnut nvenviG -^h* mat- BEIIGH'S TO I'll.. TO JiV SHOWN IWT IMSlTTlcn 11OAKD IlICM) JLAST.WEElt. BED BANK FEBRtAllY 11TII. will havo a sale, of his live stock, EDWARD S. ALLAIRE. ter of lights waa referred tc tho crupa fend farm Implements on Tnurs- An Increase of $10,580 In Amount to lighting committee and thp matter of Tho Banquet AVI) I 'he Held Lnti* In n«t the Township Officials Expect to Adtllson Sanborn, Who In lh« I-oader iK Contest tn End the Same day of next week. Tho auction will The New Men Are Burton T. Dorc- r .Night—Inter-Troop l'ulu. TIUIIIM to lniiB, Hubert M. Furrow and Rob- I.So Iiii l by Taxation—Committee repairing Atlantic avenue- was turned February—It Mill bo a Oft-Tugutli- Culli'ct thn jvii>nry Later l rum tbe ot tho Pro|io»i'd Mlvor Improve- bo a Inrgo one and; it will start In to Fight to Keep FFlngini v at FalFll over to Mi. Bay. <\r Meeting Uillr Talks ov thp PnM firnndclilldrpii *— Another 1'ublln ment, Much Eiicouriiginl l>y a Bo- l>o Orgunlzod—ItaNlietbali Team tho morning and probably take up ert G. Mncdonaid—Now Concern llcfouted by Fort Hancock. Hturts In Business on Friday. View Crossing. A request was made that a light and Future of the Clu!>, Discussion About the Mutter. cent Ofllclal Conference. nearly all day. A caterer will be on IJU placed oh Monmoutb avenue, near Addjson Sanborn of niver Plazn, the grounds. Wnltcr D. Fields of The cowniiiilp committee of the The Bctl Banlf ncro club will Tho cjucijtion of who ahould pay Pieparationo uro being made by •On Friday of this week the Edward Navc-slnk. Commltteeman Carl Grofl- ht who lias boon lomllni; a movement tho lied Bank cavalry troop for tho Colt's Neck will bo tho auctioneer. S. Allaire real estate und insurance township of Mlddletown passed tbe Vij'r'Z"'sihXca'thht"hT'h&d" Inve'sTl" " « banquet the last week in Feb. ?7f>0 to Mrs. Supnn Truex for tho to have a dam built across Hie river annual federal Inspection on Feb- Mr. Bennett will move to tho Daniel neency will havo three new partners first i^diui; of the township budget r;d (>:l8 m!]Ucr ,&sl' [v^' . iruory 'fo r member— s o'••f th- e organiza'-- hoard of John Houanr of Mlddletown nt noil Bank, above Cooper'H bridge. ruary 11th. A regular army ofllcer P. Schcnck farm at Holmdel to act an In tho concern, which Is an Incor- of expenses lent Thursday night The '^ he btc! been told by a reprt-SL-ntatlve tion nnd their friend.;. J'lana for the towiiFhip has beon temporarily net-' RtatOB that ho la much encouraged an and hi** utaff will malto the inspec- superintendent of this place and of porated company. Mr. Allaire has amount to be inlut-d by taxation Is I of the electric company that on nc- party worn formulated at laat tied. The township of Mlilclletown. (ho result of a conference which ho tion. Dm Ing tbe dny the-armory and two other farms recently bought by for some time been desirous of shed- 5,104,'J75.4fj, whteh is an Increase of count of peculiar condition* It would mooting. Sr IX. Bakt;r. a representa- through the Inwnship conimtttnot hn« and Assemblyman Thomas M. Gop-tho c(|ulpnicnt will bo'Inspected and Ecrnon S. Prentice of Rumaon. Tho ding somo of the i oapon.tibllltii?.s of J10.5hO.3O ever Iiist year's tux le.venuo coat 4-100 to put up the light. Mr. tive of tho Standard Oil enmiiaiiy, tnkoti ros|)onniblllty for the debt. lUit elll held laat week with tho chairman at night there will be a review of farm now occupied by Mr. Bennett lo his business and of having mot c of $£7,705.19. Tl.o Increases arc all Gu.:-.slr,j.'iir Et»ld the committee could ill address tho banquet, nnd J\\OW a tlio township olllriala have not given, of tho auao board ot comroevco and owned by his father, Jamoa Bennett most *;;r.tlrely due to demuitds for irn- motion picture ill in ot Ooi.m^l up hope of making tho nine grand- the troop mounted, Tho ceremony timo for the enjoyments of life. Tho not afford to spend that much money 1 navigation. Mr. Sanborn atatos that at night is open to tho public. of Marlboro. buulncsa was established by his fath- prGVUnerils and inctoastd pufollc ser- for oiie light, but thnt an attempt Charlrs l-Iiidberph'u tour of tin rhildren of Mr. Houuer pay tho bill for Inn bonrcPln thn pnHt and also fof the chairman of this board favored Inspection night will mark tho clos- er, Edward S. Allaire, in 1R73. The vice. would he made to make conditions United States Mr. Baker wns fonn nn appropriation by the legislature Among tho appropriation increases er.iy a lieutonant in the United .Stales i tlio futuii1. Mr. IIou:;*u' pa.'iflc-d his ing of a contest for new members. first olllco of this real estate and In- safer by placing- a- reflector light yat 1 to build the dam and that as a pre- Tho troop lint) been divided Into surance bualricss was at the home of arc $1,700 for police, $],250 fur fire this point. army ,.nnd ho now'pivo.s lefturr ^ on C'.'lh birthday lar.fe week. liminary atop tho board would recom- FRIENDS MEET IN PERU. the lubrication of airplane "inotorrf. Mrs. Truex conducts a prlvatd teams In tlie contest. Tho trooper tho elder Allaire on the north side, oX "•'jTicport WD,H brought In on tlie as- 1 mend tho passage of a bill by the who obtains tlie most members will East Front street. In lS73','wiien tbe 'for"ii'j'i>tK,'$i,o66 for I»or.r and $2r>(j lor sessments for sidewalks on tlie north- In his travels lm JJOPS Uy nil plain . home nenr Acbury Park for aged and legislature for n survey of tho river. receive a nllver cup. Tho officers of TWO RED BANK FLYERS HAVE Allulrc real estate and Insurance the townnhlp library. Tho total fire ern end of Applegatc -street. The as-Mr. linker Hjiokn to the Red" Hnnk indigent persons. Mora than tw.» Mr. Sanborn states that the bill will the troop will give a dinner for the business was sfarted, all the insur- appiupriation Is $33,209, as against club mtinibci-a last Fnltritary. year:! aj;'* Mr. Houser wna sent to AN ACCIDENTAL MEETING. | sessment commissioners were Wil- parry an appropriation ot 510,000 for members <if Ihrf team getting the ance and real estate agents in Red S;,1U.()I)D lust wur. The Increase was J Ham C. Johnson, Frank Sieh nnd An enlrrhiinriient by I Inn-home on an order mndo by Lea- ho survey. moiit members. Ho far flvo now mem- Bank maintained Ihelr oflleeu In their due to the f'jimillion ot a new fire George Kaney. The total expense of actors \vi!i be jKirf. of i\u: program at | tcr"' Wailmg of 12nlford, w\i was nr. bers havo joined tho troop, they toe- Tlio Men Wero Walter Wpprechl homes, Later on the Allaire buslne.1;;* company til River- Plaza. the ban'iurt and nn attonipt t wililll bbe that tinin tjverneer of the poor of Mid- nnd Georgo H. Johnson, Who Had the work was $1,728. Tlie report was Mr. Sanborn says that a large num- ing Samuel Hoffman, Percy McDon- was moved to offices on the second A resolution was passed that I', wab !connrmcj Sidewalks wore put down mado to havo all : clul- members dlclnwn township. The board bill for ber of persons who, own property ald, Lester VanPelt, Delbeit VanPolt Uocomo Acquainted nt tfio Ked iloor of the Sickles & Parker gioccry tho uenso of tho committee that the !on the entire street with the excep- present. There will ho talkis at lUe Mr, Ilouaer i;i ;>7 a wetli. Fora tlni'i rlonir both Hirtoa of the river and and Arthur Capcn. ISunU Flying Field last \ear. house on the cast side of Broad street, prtsent number of flro companies tion of a stretch in front of George banquet on tliy financial uonditiun | the townnhip paid the "board and for many persona whose lands-would be Walter Wlpprqcht, a Texas aviator which building Is now occupied by iihould not ho increased and that. If and civic work of thVolub, and thn I a timo tho grandchildren paid the Fifteen mombora of the troop are who wan employed laat Bummer as Day's property.
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