Bruno Skulte

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Bruno Skulte Bruno Skulte kamerkoris FORTIUS (1, 3, 14), Sieviešu koris BALTA (12, 13), Sapņu zeme diriģente Māra Marnauza Skaņdarbi korim kamerkoris AVE SOL (2, 4, 8, 11), diriģenti andris Veismanis, jurģis Cābulis (9) 1 Sapņu zeMe 3:00 2 Bāliņš un Malējiņa 2:44 kamerkora AVE SOL vīru grupa (5, 6, 7, 10, 15, 16), diriģents andris Veismanis 3 Tumsa nāka 2:54 4 TuMša nakTe 3:35 5 kūlēju dziesma 1:17 ierakstīts latvijas radio skaņu ierakstu studijā 6 aijā 2:35 2016. gada 4. un 5. aprīlī un no 22. līdz 25. augustam 7 paSaCiņa 1:40 Skaņu režisors Varis kurmiņš 8 nakts 1:50 anotācijas: arvīds Bomiks 9 VeCā pirTiņa 3:10 angļu valodas tulkojumi: Vilnis Baumanis Māksliniece dita pence 10 zieMassvēTki 3:19 producents andrejs jansons 11 BērnīBa 2:17 12 lūgšana 2:53 13 Ciešanu laikā 2:27 izdevējs Albany Records 915 Broadway, albany nY 12207 uSa 14 dieVnaMā 1:46 © 2017 albany records Bruno Skulte 15 zieMassvēTku roze 2:14 16 dieVa dārzS 3:22 atbalstītāji: kokpārstrāde 98 kopējais laiks 41:52 pētera Skultes piemiņas fonds pasaules Brivo latviešu apvienības kultūras fonds daugavas Vanagi Land of Dreams rīgas latviešu biedrība TROY 1655 Choral works AVE SOL Chamber Choir / Andris Veismanis, conductor FORTIUS Chamber Choir, BALTA Womens Choir / Māra Marnauza, conductor DAUGAVAS VANAGI Bruno Skulte Land of Dreams Bruno Skulte, 1958 BRUNO SKULTE (1905–1976) – a talented his first compositions. Later he was named artistic composer, a dynamic conductor and organist – director of the opera of Liepāja. drew most of his inspiration from the culture of his By that time World War II had erupted, and homeland, Latvia. Regardless of where he lived – independent Latvia had ceased to exist. When in Latvia, Germany or the USA, artistically he kept a second Soviet occupation became imminent, reaching out to his homeland. Bruno Skulte left Latvia for Germany – together Skulte received his musical education at with thousands of Latvian refugees, who were still the Conservatory of Latvia in the 1930s, studying shocked by Soviet atrocities four years earlier. composition and conducting under the tutelage of In Germany, after the war, he resumed creative Latvia’s distinguished composers Jāzeps Vītols pursuits, composing, organizing choirs and, in the and Jānis Mediņš, earning his diploma in 1937. city of Oldenburg, even founding a Latvian opera Having further polished his conducting skills with company – an amazing feat for ill-provided refugee masters in Germany and Austria, he worked at artists. Latvian Radio as musical director, also creating 4 In 1949 Skulte emigrated to the USA, where but after emigration left it incomplete. The he found work as organist at the rapidly growing instrumentation was finished by US educated Latvian Lutheran Church of New York. He served as Latvian conductor/composer Andrejs Jansons. organist and conductor of the church choir, as well In 2011 the opera saw its fully staged production as two other Latvian choirs. Having settled in their at the Latvian National Opera. new country, the former refugees soon renewed an What gives Skulte’s compositions their old musical tradition – the Latvian song festivals – Latvian flavor? According to critics, his musical with hundreds and even several thousand singers language – apart from his colorful arrangements on stage. At these festivals Bruno Skulte – tall, of folk-songs – is not particularly ethnic; it is lean, with sharply chiseled features and a lock deeply rooted in the traditions of 19th century of hair over his forehead – presented a dashing Romanticism. His choral compositions are artistic figure. He became one of the most popular sonorous, lyrical, emotional, at times dramatic, conductors, admired for his dynamic ability to but always sincere. The Latvian coloring is created rouse up the huge choirs. Apart from these mega- mostly by the lyrics. When selecting poems for events, his regular choirs gave numerous concerts vocal compositions, Skulte most often seemed to in New York and other US cities. look for those that express Latvian sensitivities: Meanwhile Bruno Skulte continued deep love of nature, love of country and other to compose, showing great versatility. His virtues taught by the dainas – the ancient Latvian compositions include works for men’s, women’s folk poems. and mixed choirs, cantatas, an opera, ballets, Bruno Skulte passed away in 1976, in New instrumental and vocal chamber music, symphonic York, never having revisited his beloved Land of works, works for solo voices, for the organ and for Dreams. the Latvian folk instrument kokle. During the Soviet occupation of Latvia his works were enjoyed only by the exiles; in his homeland they were forbidden. The Soviet regime considered them too patriotic, or simply too “Latvian.” But, since Latvia regained independence, they have found their way back. An especially tortuous way back was taken by Skulte’s only opera Vilkaču mantiniece, that during the composer’s lifetime was only half-born. He had hoped to produce it in Germany, in the 1940s, 5 Chamber Choir Ave Sol / Kamerkoris Ave Sol THe Chamber CHoir AVe Sol – recognized and performing works of various styles, world-wide – was founded in 1969 by imants periods and genres. Along with innovative works Kokars, who served as its artistic director until by Latvian composers, the choir’s repertoire the year 2000, when he passed the baton to his includes many masterpieces of the Baroque era son Uldis. But since 2013 the choir has been (Vivaldi, Handel, Bach), as well as large-scale under the direction of Andris Veismanis and works of the Viennese Classical and romantic assistant conductor Jurģis Cābulis. often together periods (Mozart, Beethoven, Shubert, Berlioz). with renown symphony orchestras, Ave Sol has The choir also performs some of the most striking renowned in the most distinguished concert halls and difficult works of the 20th century. Ave Sol has and cathedrals all over the world. The choir’s made numerous recordings: 18 vinyl records, repertoire is vast – from simple lullabies to opera. 30 CD’s, also DVD’s. Unique is a 12 CD set of From its beginnings Ave Sol has sought new Latvian choral works. challenges, developing a rich and colorful sound 6 Andris Veismanis (b.1965) received his education as choir conductor at the Jāzeps Vītols Music Academy of Latvia, studying under the tutelage of imants Kokars and Jānis Dūmiņš, obtaining an MA degree. in later studies he took a special interest in older forms of music. As a conductor, he has won top prizes in competitions, including the Latvian Grand Prize of Music (1993, 1998). Since 2006 he has served as conductor at the Latvian National Opera and Ballet. For a number of years (1989–1997) he was the artistic director of the chamber choir Sacrum, but since 2013 has directed the distinguished chamber choir Ave Sol. He is one of the principal conductors at the Latvian Song and Dance Festivals and teaches choral conducting at the Latvian Music Academy. Andris Veismanis is highly praised for his interpretations of baroque music. He has directed choirs in Taiwan, South America, USA, Canada, Russia and other European countries, receiving fine reviews. He has many recordings to his credit. 7 Chamber Choir Fortius / Kamerkoris Fortius Women’s Choir Balta / Sieviešu koris Balta Chamber CHoir FortiuS has earned top prizes Māra Marauza (b.1963) graduated with honors in a number of international choral competitions from the Jāzeps Vītols Music Academy of Latvia, and festivals in Denmark, Sweden, Lithuania, where she studied choral conducting with Mendelis Austria, Switzerland, Czech republic and other Bašs. Holding a doctorate in education, she countries. Its repertoire is abundant: along with the prepares educators at the Academy of Pedagogy works of classical and modern Latvian composers, and Pedagogical Leadership of Riga. Concurrently, the choir performs choral music from the world’s she acts as musical director of the academy’s repertoire – music from various periods and women’s choir Balta and mixed chamber choir styles, from the Renaissance era to popular music, Fortius. She has served as conductor at the Latvian musicals and jazz. Led by its artistic director Song and Dance Festivals, as well as other choral Māra Marnauza, Fortius regularly participates in festivals. Ms. Marauza has won international prizes creative projects abroad, together with important in conducting and taught conducting master- contemporary musicians from other countries. The classes in a number of European countries. She is choir has made many recordings including 10 CD’s. the author of many professional publications. 8 Women’s Choir Balta / Sieviešu koris Balta WoMen’S CHoir BAltA – is presently the best women’s choir in Latvia. Since its founding in 1999, it has won top prizes in competitive festivals at home, as well as some 15 international competitions abroad. Outside Latvia, the choir has performed in concerts in Germany, Norway, Austria, Lithuania, Czech republic, Slovakia, Poland, Spain, Italy and elswhere. The choir has participated in master-classes with renowned conductors abroad. 9 Chamber CHoir AVe Sol Andris Veismanis, conductor Jurģis Cābulis, assistant conductor Sopranos Altos tenors Basses Mārīte Apsīte inga Baltā Viesturs Andreika endijs endelis Gerda Griķe Sniedze Kaņepe Jurģis Cābulis Ģirts Gailītis Sniedze Prauliņa Kristiāna Krieva Aivis ohramejevs Austris Kalniņš Sanita Sējāne elīna Selga Jānis rožkalns ronalds Krūmiņš Aija Veismane Laura Tumase Jānis Ungurs Krišs Pozemkovskis Aija Ziņģīte indra Veismane Armands Zavadskis Uģis Zvejnieks
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