OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (Aetrlcal ENERGY-I) KARACHI Barrack # I Lck 4-A Sindh Secretariat, Executive Enqineer

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OFFICE of the EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (Aetrlcal ENERGY-I) KARACHI Barrack # I Lck 4-A Sindh Secretariat, Executive Enqineer OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER (aETRlCAL ENERGY-I) KARACHI Barrack # I Lck 4-A Sindh Secretariat, Executive Enqineer. Electrical Enerqv-l. Karachi. NO.XEN/E.E-l/ If 3 /2018 Dated: , - -2018 NOTICE INVITING TENDERS (As per SPPRA Guideline) Tenders in sealed covers are invited on Schedule Rate / Offer Rate Basis for the following works from Contractors registered with Pakistan Engineer Council (PEC) in relevant Category having valid / renewed license of PEC, valid NTN and Paid up original challan of professional Tex prescribed S.No. Name of Scheme Estimate Cost Rs. Bid Category Completio Security as per nPeriod PEC I Establishment of Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical 24.300 (M) 2% 3000.00 15 days Complex at National Highway Near Razaka bad Bin Qasim after Town, Karachi (Electrification Work) (Remaining Work & First completion of Bldgs: Floor). works. 2 Establishment of Nursing Training Institute at KIHD, Karachi 2.24 7 (M) 2% 3000.00 (Electric Work of Cat: Ill Flats (08 Nos) TERMS & CONDITIONS. Tender Schedule shall be as follows: SCHEDULE DATE & TIME VENUE I Receiving of Application & issuance of Tender From 07-03-2018 Executive Engineer Electrical/Energy- to 27-03-2018 till I, Karachi 1:00p.m. 2. Dropping of Tender 27-03-2018. at Executive Engineer Electrical/Energy- 200PM I Karachi 3. Opening of Tender 27-03-2018. at Executive Engineer Electrical/Energy- 300PM l,Karachi I The lender documents will be issued to the contractor on submission of written request on letter head and on payment of Non-refundable cost of tender price through pay order from any schedule Bank in favor of undersigned. Bid Security in shape of pay order from any schedule Bank in favor of undersigned should be enclosed with the bid otherwise the tender will be rejected. 2 In case of any reason, if the tenders are not re issuance on the above dates, the next date of submission and opening will be 12-04-2018 and tender's documents will also available for upto 11-04-18 3 In Case, the date of opening or last date of sale is declared as a public holiday by the Government, the next official working day shall be deemed to be the date for last date for sale of submission and opening of tenders (as the case may be). The venue & time will remain same. 4 The total bid amount as well as the rates of items must be filled both in figures and words and in case any correction is made by contractor himself then each coriection must be initialed by the contractor, otherwise the tender are liable to be summarily rejected. 5 Minimum qualification / Eligibility Criteria checked during opening process of tender & if any one is missing then the tender summarily rejected at the moment by the lender opening committee. 1). Bid Security as mentioned in the NIT & Bidding Documents is furnished. II) All rates quoted including the total amount of the bid shall be in figures & words (both). iii) All corrections/overwriting shall be clearly re-written with initials & duly stamped by the bidder iv) The bid shall be properly signed, named & stamped by the authorized person of the firm and authorization letter for signatory shall be enclosed with the tender by the authorized person. v) Evidence of employing and Engineer as declared in the PEC License should be provided in shape of copy of Engineer's Registration certificate by PEC, Bank Statement showing the name and amount of the monthly salary of the Engineer/paid copy of the Income Tex challon in the name of the Engineer of the salary is taxable. vi) Bank certificate (original) in respect of financial capability/credit limit of the bidder not less than 30% of the bid amount issued on of after 10th January 2018 should be produced. vii Valied License issued from Inspecorate of Electrical License Sindh of the similar region. viii The 2% Earnest maney shall be submitted in shape of call deposit issued from scheduled Bank at the time of Submission of Bidding decuments in favor of undersigned ix Registration income Tax Department, Sindh Revenue Bowl, Sales Tax Department. x The Bidder should have experience of similar nature of works and should have completed at least 3 similar works (List to be the provide wit the Bid) I xi Affidavit to the effect that firm has not been black listed previosly by eny executing agency xii In case of public holiday/strike or due any un-towarts incodent . the date of opening will be the next working day with same time of 6 If any fake documents are found at any stage then the tender is liable to be rejected/cancelled with compensation and with penalty as per flJS8 z 7 Bid security of the unsuccessful bidder shall be released once the contract has finalized with the successful bidder or the validity period has expired ' 8 The procuring agency mpy reject%ll or any bid subject to the relevant provision of SPP Rules 2010 &13 U Executive Engineer (Electric/Energy-I) Not to Published: Karachi Director (CB) SPPRA GOS With a request to upload on SPPRA (Authority) Website & issue ID Number. C.C. to:- I Supenntending Engineer Works &Se,vices Department Govememnt of Sindh Karachi 2 The Director Information Department Government of Sindh Karachi, you are requested to please kindly publish above NIT in three leading news papers( English, Urdu and Sindhi (07 Copies) 2 Office File Exec e Engineer (Electric/Energy-I) hi U. c&.)VERNMENT OF S1t)l I 37 WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTME?d .,lli - l\lt(.III, date(I the 2 . _U I NOTI FICATION N. I;..W&S)3-9/9 1-14: With the :ippru' tl i cunpctdu1 authority, a oisuiLant oi Rearessai Committee in terms of Rule-7 of Sindh Public Procurernet R:i!es.2 C 'n'njed 2T Executive Engineer. Buildings Division-Ul.11l Electicai Energy- I &U Road & Transport c Exj Engineer, Highways Division, Karachi:- 1. Director General (Design), Works & Services Department, Chairman n.j ... I Government of Sindh, Karachi. 2. j Superintending Engineer, Provincial Buildings C,rcle. Karach. Representative of Accountant GeneraL Sindh Member 2. The Functions & Respunsibi!iuc oi th . ommiuee i! bc i!e Rule-3 1t4) and (k )) Of Sindh Public Procuiement Rule-01O. SEC1EF:RV i'() G()VERN.\1LNI 01 SL\I)II No. E&A(W&S)3-9/9 -2014 I<aric!i i, (hi ted the 2711 hi ii u.i r 1) I -. A copy is forwarded for information to:- • The Accountant General. Sindh. Kwichi. 2. The Managing Director. SPPRA. Karachi. 3. The Chairman / Mbers of the Committee 4. The Deputy 1)irector (\ k)n!torin; l'NI&k. Cell, \V&Sl). karachL 5. P.S to Minister. Works & erviues indh. Karachi. 6. P.S to Secretary. \Vorks &Services 1)epartment, Karachi. 7. Notification file. 1'' ). -,- sI:(:n' ) ()FFJ(:ER (GL\ LR..L) '1 FoR SECRETARY TO GOVT. OF SINDI I ' r' e gifl3er Executi •A) V ElectriC energy-i OJ \ Karachi. 1- v GOV1l\\1lNT 01 I\l)1-1 \ ()RKS & SER\ICES 1)FlART\1 FVF l.a r:iehi. IIatt(I the \riI. 2017 (()RRIGENI)tM 11&(\\ &S)3-)9 I - IT: lii p::. rn .rn.rn'n Jcfartn1Liu' \ttUicatI'i1 d.ted:O7.O7.2O 14. \\ii.h the approval ol (..ompetcm Authuii . a Re-Constitution ol Fri 1LUR'!1 cW I. (onimluec " ith the k il lo in composnion. in terms of R uk-07 of Sindh Public Procurement Riiles-20 I C) ( Amended 20 I 3 ) in the Ullice ot Ex&ctit i. e Evigincer. I Icti rica I l.ncrg I. Karachi. itli the Ilviin nipo.ition:- Procurement Committee:- 1 Executive Engineer Convener / Charrnan Elecrtc Energy-' Karachi 2 Execut;e Enqneer !.ember Ed 33 .Jorks Dsr- aci. 3 Executive Encineer ber Buildings Division-lH. The Functions & Responsibilities ol the (miuhttec ' ill he .amc as peeifle Rules-.S of Sindh Fuhite l'neurcinenl RuIe.-2() I) \mc:hled .() I sEcRl:r.Rv To (IOVF. 01 I \l)I I No. I;&A(w&s)3-9/91-2o17 I.traehi, date(I ihc .\pril.21) 1' A cop is lorwa rdcd for inlorinat ion to:- 1. The Accountant General. Sindh. Karachi. 2. The Manaing E)irecior. SPPRA. Karachi. 03 ftc Chief Ent.ineer (Buildin . H'. derabrid I 04. The Chairman / tvbers of the Committee. (is. I lie Deput I)iIeLtr \1;,l. I\I.'F Cf!. \V1ST), )i' I'S ti' eii.ti . \\.S I )e'ar'. iient ) tile. SECTION OFFICER lit FOR SECRFTARY TO GOVT. OF SINIM-! Execu we Enirteer Electricat Energyl Karacn i. ANNUAL PROCUREMENT PLAN (WORKS, GOODS & SERVICES) WORKS & SERVICES DEPARTMENT, GOVERNMENT OF SINDH, ELECTRICAL/ENERGY-I, KARACHI. ES TINMA TED FUNDS QUANTITY UNIT COST ALLOCATED SOURCEOFFUNDS PROPOSED TIMINGS OF S.NO. DESCRIPTION OF PROCUREMENT. WHERE REMARKS. (WHERE (1000) (ADPS NON-A DPS) PROCUREMENT. PROCUREMENT APPLICABLE APPLICABLE) MILLIONS lstQtr 2nd Qtr 3rd Qtr 4th Qtr ESTABLISHMENT OF SHAHEED 24.300 25000 ADP Singal stage--one BENAZIR BHUTTO MEDICAL COMPLEX envelop AT NATIONAL HIGH WAY NEAR RAZZAQABAD BIN QASIM TOWN KARACHI ELECTRIFICATION WORK REMAINING WORK & FIRST FLOOR). 2 ESTABLISHMENT OF NURSING 2.247 4000 ADP Singal stage—one TRAINING INSTITUTE AT KIHD envelop KARACHI (ELECTRIC WORK OF CAT: 1111W FLATS (08 NOS:) EXEC - EENGINEER ELECTRICALJENERG Y.I KARACHI STANDARD FORM OF BIDDING DOCUMENT FOR PROCURENIENT OF WORKS (For Contr?cts (Small) amounting between Rs.2.5 million to Rs.50 million) Executive Engineer Electrical Energy-I. INVITATION FOR BIDS Date: 02-03-2018 Bid Reference No.: 433 1.The Procuring Agency, Executive Engineer Electrical Energy-I [enter name of the procuring agency],invites sealed bids from interested firms or persons licensed by the Pakistan Engineering Council in the appropriate category( not requiredfor works costing Rs 2.5 million or less) and/or duly pre-qualified(fpre-qual/lcation is done for spec j/Ic scheme/project) with the Procuring Agency for the Works, Electric Work enter title, type andfinancial volume of work], which will be completed in 15 Days after completion of building work [enter appropriate time period] days.
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