Felix Issue 212, 1965
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l.c A QUEEN MOTHER COMES THURSDAY T HER OWN REQUEST Her AMajesty Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, will only meet student officers of Imperial College Union and a member of the Biochemistry Department at tea on Thursday. 4 November. Prior to this she will offi- cially open the Biochemistry Depart- 4dLINSTEA. WEDNESDAY 3 NOVEMBER 1965 D221 mentHIT. S OUT JN HIS DELIVERY at the Commemoration Day cere- mony the Rector was to have de- claimed the Government for a false sense of values. Due to indisposition, however, the text of Sir Patrick Linstead's speech had to be read last Thursday by the Pro-Rector, Sir Owen Saunders. He spoke of the six-month post- ponement of the starting dates of " buildings in the public sector " as a grievous disappointment. Three major projects and some smaller ones had been stopped or thrown into doubt. These were a part of a long-term plan to provide a balanced technological education at the highest level. "To hold up this development was surely the falsest of economies." The extent to which IC contributed to public work was shown by the way " Whitehall seems to look rather fre- quently across Westminster from Big Ben to the Queen's Tower. " This country had a balance of payments to meet in human gold reserve too, and should not allow its stock to become depleted. On Friday Felix was unable to ob- Sir Andrew Bryan accepts his Fellowship of Imperial College from Lord Sherfield. tain any comment from Government Departments or Labour or Conserva- tive Party Headquarters. Other Com- NOTTING HILL AGAIN ACCEPTED memoration Day news back page. 'TWO PEOPLE were elected unopposed to the Ents. Commiittee, a change in the Constitution was passed (" This is serious" said Molam), and this year's Carnival Charity was chosen, at the first Union meeting of the Session. reading," uem. con. The meeting opened, late as usual, If this last motion is passed once and after the regular business was more with a two thirds majority, those summarily disposed of, Dr. Weale six members of the Council which gave the financial report for the last previously have been constituent Col- year, and was given a vote of thanks. lege representatives, need no longer Pam Pocock and Alan Friend were b; equally distributed between the returned to Entertainments Committee, Colleges. and a constitutional change, proposed The rest of the time was devoted by the President, was given a lir.J to a virulent debate on the selection of the Carnival Charity. Ken West gave a passionate rehear- sal of the evils which the Notting- How The Voting Hill Housing Trust seeks to remedy, and David Reich gave a very compe- tent delivery of h/s perennial speech in Went favour of the Imperial Cancer Re- JN THE PAPER ballot following search Fund. The most novel charity the IC Union Meeting on was the Family Planning International Campaign, proposed by Graham Thursday week a tie arose for Thompson, Chairman of the Huxley elimination between the Notling Society. Hill Housing Trust and the Im- The speeches from the floor brought perial Cancer Research Fund. up the obvious bogey-man—the feel- The second was eliminated by use ings of the Catholics, inside and out- of the second choices of those in side the College, on the question of favour of the Family Planning Inter- family planning. In fact we heard national Campaign, after three re- more about the vices and virtues of counts. FPIC, than of either other charity. The voting figures were :— The most moving speech, from a FP1C 142 Roman Catholic housewife who practices Family Planning, received NHHT 126 66 The exponent for Family ICRF 126 45 much applause, from the floor. On the second ballot in which the Chris Hocking, representing the He was disappointed—the show of Planning exhibits his wares votes for Cancer Research were re- Carnival Committee, spared us the hands was indecisive, and under the Comment—p. 4. distributed, Notting Hill drew ahead usual platitudes about all pulling to- system of balloting employed, the Chris Hocking and the Carnival by 204 votes to 181 in favour of gether whatever the charity—he told charity chosen was the Notting Hill Family Planning. us to choose Cancer Research. Housing Trust. —p. 5. 2 FELIX White Magicians in THIRD WORLD WAR? By Peter Combes Flying Saucers " QAN WE PRESERVE PEACE ?" That was the subject to be discussed at Communist Socie'y meeting last Tuesday evening. ATOMIC POWER is not as new as it seems. This was one of the But the subjects actually discussed varied from Welsh Culture to observations heard at the meeting of the Aetherius Society on Neville Chamberlain. instead of talking about peace in the The speaker, Ken Knox, Chairman Monday, 25th October, which also discovered atomic power, present day they went back to the of the Kensington and Chelsea Coun- The talk was given by the founder dragged himself from the atomic slime First World War. cil for Peace in Viet v.in, started the of the Society who was given his in- and founded the civilisation of Over coffee the arguments warmed meeting off by attacL.rj the belief of formation by the voices of space. Atlantis. Again, atomic power was up, and from the First they progres- the inevitability of war. He main- The speaker detailed the history of discovered and the civilisation des- sed to the Second World War; here tained that peace would be preserved. man, beginning with his occupation of troyed, but not before the interplane- the Speaker came into his element and The socialist countries, he said, the planet between Mars and Jupiter. tary intelligence had intervened and began on a long analysis of the ac- were the main forces for peace. Un- The discovery of thermonuclear power; removed the while magicians in Hying tions and motives of Neville Chamber- fortunately he could not give much power from the hydrogen atom re- saucers to Mars. Man then formed his lain at Munich. This proved absorb- evidence to back up this statement. leasing all its energy instead of the present civilisation. ing, but at 10.30 the Third World His talk was well presented and ap- mere fraction available today, dest- The Earth, however, has suffered War had not been reached and this peared interesting but did not contain royed their world when an atom of for long enough now and is beginning was put off for another day. very much that was concrete to verify hydrogen was exploded—completely to get the energy she is entitled to. his statements. Ken West, Vice-President of iisintegrating the planet. This will result eventually in 100 Millions of lifestreams were released per cent bombardment of the earth Afterwards the audience of seven R.C.S. proposing the Notting into the astral world through this by ultra-violet and cosmic rays. put forward their views. But these Hill Housing Trust at this year's soon wandered from the point and ;atastrophe. With rebirth necessary, Those among us who are sufficiently Carnival Charity at I.C. Union til other planets apart from Earth advanced to progress into the great Meeting. jnsuitable, the Earth was approached millennium will be hardened to en- ind duly gave her permission. dure this, the rest will be removed to NHHT won by 23 votes After man had been reincarnated, a distant part of the Galaxy to start le built up another great civilisation life again. G. BOLCH PETE AND DUD AT GLAD RAG BALL ACCORDING TO London Students Carnival, proposed highlights of this year's London University Carnival (expected to take place November 1st to 20th) is the " Glad Rag Ball" which would feature star groups (as yet unnamed), and an hour long cabaret, with Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. Theatre to put on a " student show," This Ball would be expected to pro- and to hire one or two of the Classic fide most of the profits for the Car- cinemas for special film shows. A lival (i5,000 according to Chairman, debate in Senate House will be tele- Vlax Williams), only £1,000 being vised, and street collections are :xpected from the other events. planned with busking musicians. To avoid last year's " Six Bells" The doubt referred to in the last iasco, an all night beer cellar under issue of LSC still exists, but our i central London car showroom is latest information suggests that it will planned, and, more ambitiously, a go ahead, despite the boycott by the lance in the Park Lane underground six largest colleges, and the bad 3ar Park, featuring the Animals. accounting of its organisation last It is hoped to acquire a West End year. encyclopaedic Marconi Electronic and mechanical engineers, designers, system planners and nanufacturers of telecommunications, broadcasting, maritime and aviation radio equipment; radar, television, specialized components, microelectronics, data processing equipment and navigational aids on land, at sea and in the air The Marconi Company Limited MARCONI HOUSE. CHELMSFORD, ESSEX. ENGLAND FELIX 3 CHRISTIANITY IN INDUSTRY TENORS WANTED By Chris Evans " THE CHURCH is an introverted organisation only concerned pOLLOWING ITS HIGHLY successful tour, the Gilbert and with the faithful few." This opinion was disputed in a recent Sullivan Society's production of " The Mikado " returns to Col- weekend course at Luton Industrial College. lege for four nights on November 9th-12th. Seven I.C. men attended the course This first tour attempted by the whose theme was " Industry." The Society, proved a near overwhelming eleven lectures in the course ranged problem in organisation. A cast and orchestra of fifty stayed in caravans understanding " to " Shop Stewards." at Folkestone for a week to do five Besides giving a background know- 1 shows.