1 The Girl of My Will in Jesus Love for All My Children, Jesus Volume 5 – Part B Les Éditions FJ 2 INTRODUCTORY NOTE The launch of this book took place in Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Canada, on January 18, 2015. It was translated into English, from its original French version, by Giovanna Clementi, with the assistance of Monique Pepin. In accordance with the wishes of Jesus — manifested through his instrument, The Girl of My Will in Jesus —, this document is made available to all interested per- sons free of charge, while remaining under the protection of the law governing cop- yrights. It may be read directly from the computer or copies may be printed, but with the express condition that it not be printed with a commercial purpose and that nothing be changed in the texts, including the punctuation. It may also be obtained in its original format, that is to say in book form, which may be purchased at a mod- erate price at the following address: Distribution : Librairie Médiaspaul 250 St. François North Sherbrooke Qc Canada J1E 2B9 Tel. : 819-569-5535 Fax : 819-565-5474
[email protected] Web site of The Girl of My Will in Jesus : www.lafilleduouiajesus.org DECREE As a testimonial of respect and obedience to the decree of the Supreme Pontiff Urbanus VIII, we declare that the facts expressed in this book merit the faith attributed to any human testimony. We also declare that the judgements expressed do not intend to anticipate those of our holy Mother the Church to whom the author submits devoutly.