All Together at Fort Irwin

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All Together at Fort Irwin In a desert arena nearly the size of Rhode Island, they exercise the AirLand Battle in realistic fashion. All Together at Fort Irwin BY JEFFREY P. RHODES, AERONAUTICS EDITOR PHOTOS BY GUY ACETO, ART DIRECTOR HREE hours after the dawn bat- T tle began, the fight is coming to a close. The 2d Brigade of the US Army's 2d Armored Division has made a valiant stand, but now it is being overwhelmed by the Soviet 32d Guards Motorized Rifle Reg- iment. Both sides are suffering heavy ca- sualties. On the US side, the 2d has lost eight of its original eleven MI Abrams tanks, twenty-six of forty- one M2 Bradley Fighting Vehicles, and most of its ten M901 Improved TOW antitank vehicles. The Soviet unit also is getting mauled, having lost twenty-one of forty-eight T-72 tanks, sixty of 106 BMP infantry fighting vehicles, and five of nine Above, the battle begins: At first light, a Blue Air 0A-10 pilot (one of the "good guys") BRDM-2 antitank vehicles. prepares for takeoff at George AFB, Calif., a short hop away from the training ranges at Fort Irwin. At right, the battle ends: After a hard morning of engaging BLUFOR In spite of their losses, however, tanks, OPFOR "bad guys" Capt. Robert Byars (commander), Pvt. Ronald Thomas the Soviet troops move within reach (gunner), and Sgt. Andrew Speer (driver) keep a wary eye on the battle's progress. of their objective—a facility that OPFOR is the home team at Irwin. houses the 2d Brigade's fuels and supplies. Then, having punched a gaping hole in the US line with help from MiG-29 aircraft, Soviet at- tackers pour through the gap, ad- vancing rapidly. "OK," a voice crackles on the ra- dio. "Change of mission." Forces on both sides grind to a halt. 38 AIR FORCE Magazine / December 1989 g A PRETTY typical battle out ing Squadron at George AFB, Calif. and first contact with the Soviet- PI here," says Lt. Col. James "All the players are in place to pro- style opposing force, or "OPFOR." Etchechury, the Deputy Regimental vide that environment, both in con- "The kindest thing you can say Commander of the "Soviet" 32d cert and separately, like no place about [troops of] the OPFOR is that Guards. The Colonel, who is actu- else." they are an uncooperative sparring ally Commander of the US Army's partner," says Colonel Knight. In- 1st Battalion, 63d Armored, means The Starting Lineups deed the "bad guys" are the home that it is a typical battle at the Na- Two Army battalion task forces, team at the NTC. It is a rare occa- tional Training Center at Fort Irwin, their brigade headquarters, and ac- sion when they lose a battle, al- Calif. companying combat support forces though keeping track of wins and Fort Irwin, home of the National are the "good guys" in each of the Training Center (NTC), covers near- fourteen training periods (called ly 640,000 acres of the blistering "rotations") held annually at the Mojave Desert, an area nearly the NTC. The 3,500 to 5,000 troops size of Rhode Island. The NTC is being trained (known as the Blue the Army's ultimate training experi- Force, or BLUFOR) usually fly to ence, the closest the participants nearby Norton AFB, Calif., and are can come to war without firing a bused to Fort Irwin. Some airborne shot in anger. Units spend up to a units make a flashier entrance, year preparing for their fourteen dropping in by parachute. days in the field at Fort Irwin. The first three days of a rotation Though the NTC's main task is to are spent in the Dust Bowl, an area give highly realistic training to where the BLUFOR troops set up Army brigades and regiments, the tents and draw food, ammunition, Center also plays an important role tanks, and other gear and supplies. in Air Force training plans. Rather than waste time and money "The NTC provides pilots and bringing their own assigned vehi- ALOs [Air Liaison Officers] with cles, BLUFOR units use a "rent-a- the most realistic CAS [close air tank" operation at the post, similar support] environment in the US," to drawing on prepositioned war- says Lt. Col. Duane Knight, Com- time stocks that are held in Europe. mander of the 4443d Tactical Train- Day 4 marks the start of the action The OPFOR takes the offensive: M551 Sheridan tanks modified to look like Soviet T-72 main battle tanks (top) and BMP armored personnel carriers (above) roll out to take on the defending BLUFOR. In many of the battles, the OPFOR has a large numerical advantage, a situation US tank commanders could face in a European war. 40 AIR FORCE Magazine December 1989 losses is not deemed important. The two forms—in the air and on the Army commander orders to saying OPFOR is actually the 177th Ar- ground. The flying program is called what the pilots need to hear" mored Brigade, but for the purposes "Air Warrior." During each rota- Some participants in the battles of the units that train at Fort Irwin, it tion, three Air Force units deploy are not really participants at all. is a Soviet Motorized Rifle Reg- aircraft to George to provide air They are the observer controllers iment. support during the battles. Typ- (0Cs), who play several roles. The OPFOR is thoroughly ically, the Blue Force at Irwin will There are at least three groups of trained in Soviet tactics and doc- be supported by crews flying seven OCs at any battle. One group (radio trine. Troops even wear Soviet-style A-10s for close air support and four call sign "Scorpion") monitors the uniforms. They ride into battle on OV-10s or 0A-10s as forward air infantry, while the "Cobras" American M551 Sheridan light controllers (FACs). The OPFOR's monitor the armor. The third group, tanks modified with fiberglass and air support comes in the form of five the "Ravens," is the second Air aluminum panels to resemble Sovi- pilots whose F-16s are used to rep- Force element in the ground war. et T-72s, BMPs, and ZSU-23-4 mo- resent MiG-29s. The Ravens, members of the Air bile antiaircraft guns. The units also The Air Force ground element in Force's 4445th ITS, serve as air op- use "Hummers" (M998 high mobili- the training at Fort Irwin comes in erations monitors. ty multipurpose wheeled vehicles, the form of ALOs assigned to spe- During engagements, OCs act as or HMMWVs) modified to repre- cific armored units. The ALOs are referees and have the power to de- sent the Soviet BRDM-2. the eyes and ears of the fighter pilots clare a tank or vehicle "dead" if the Army training doesn't take place and are the ones who plan for and crew strays out-of-bounds or suffers just on the ground. Units with avia- call in air strikes or provide last- a malfunction of scoring equipment. tion assets such as Bell OH-58 minute targeting information to the They also help ensure the safety of Kiowa scout helicopters, Bell AH-1 incoming fighters. the operations. After the battle, the Cobra gunships, and McDonnell "I have to have a good under- OCs coach the crews and help them Douglas AH-64 Apache attack heli- standing of the maneuvers and the evaluate their performance. copters regularly take part in the battle as it takes place," says Capt. BLUFOR combined arms team. Dave Brown, a 24th Tactical Air Eating Dust The OPFOR uses a pair of visually Support Squadron 0A-37 pilot who, During a rotation, the two modified Bell UH-1H Hueys to sim- as an ALO, is assigned to the 2d BLUFOR battalion task forces are ulate the actions of Mi-24 "Hind" Armored. "I am talking to the pilots trained separately and as a group. assault helicopters. all the time. Because I am a pilot, I While separated, one task force USAF involvement at NTC takes can go right from hearing what the moves to the NTC's northern cor- When their vehicle's amber strobe light goes on (under the machine gun), a crew has gone from being participants to being spectators with front-row seats at the battle. This BLUFOR M1 crew has been "killed" (as scored by the Loral MILES equipment) and is watching and waiting until "change of mission" is called. The MILES gear emits and receives laser pulses to simulate live rounds, and it has a "kill" hierarchy: an M16 can only "kill" infantry, while a main tank gun can "kill" nearly anything. AIR FORCE Magazine / December 1989 41 The targets can also "shoot back" defend from battle position, and through the use of Hoffman charges meeting engagement. Force ratios that produce a flash and smoke sim- between the OPFOR and the ilar to the firing of the main tank BLUFOR imitate, in numbers and gun. Other targets really do shoot types of equipment, what one might back. Styrofoam GTR-18 Smokey expect to see in a European conflict. SAMs—or, in the words of the Battles tend to flow from one day troops, "Nerf Rockets"—are actu- to the next. After the battle in which ally fired up and in the direction of the 2d Armored was defeated, for the BLUFOR vehicles to simulate instance, the OPFOR stopped, re- the Soviet AT-3 "Sagger" antitank grouped, moved to another part of missile. the central corridor, and dug in to The deployed Air Force units also defend its position.
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