I I' I . 1'\ PAGES Section One 12 Page~ 1 to 6 It -. THE :W.L\YNE HERALD I


~~t:v:~~~hl~~W~~ew;~~dOfw~:rn~f Boy seout (,Out t ~f hanOi, Wayne had prevIOusly been con- planned fur Mo.nddY mght, was traeted and Will be done as 'Soon postponed Indeflnltely The court as weather permits. Iwill not ~ held untli after weath- The gradmg south oJ Wa.kefleid Cl" fondltlOns have settled and roads is prellmmary to gravehng between ar¢ m shape to permit the troops Wakefield and Pender. frim other towns to attend. Fire at Hoskins G(Jllncil Approves Of Three Firemen Destroy.s Store W

Regular Sessiod. Wayne county board held regu­ lar busmess sessIOn Tuesday. !. T'·-.·." r :1,\1

I AYNE RE ALD. WAYNE. NE~~~K.A..Tk(hisDAY. FEBRUARY ~3, 193~,11 \ . ! \

":i1!I'~!:E.'JIUi~e'Coilllt~ -.Wayn~Men -~.iii ~ .. S~hr~oIIBo;rdi"" _. -Stz;d ~n'ts-T~-A~Pe~r, Ki~anis G~~up ... -- hal kept--;;;;em~rk~;;lYwell due· ments. Mr. -;;O~'I-;-~s~ ~;"~~c;;:;;-~ ,tu;;;;n. HO-;:;:-Y B~~mel' who had Ihc '; 'k:·II"I"i' '" ;~",' Att d M t· s 1 V· 1 mSi the cold weather The school the Democrat. stBltion, ~oved to Norfolk to'ac- ha, been remnrlmbly free from Miss. Romaine Sim.. m.erman be. ccto pOSItion in a hardwarc ,IOI·c. , In'Grip' ofStol'll1 en )~hen emg Monday Meeting n owe Reciml ;:' - Noon Session - '" t Dr.d Charlest f thF. t, supenn- M,ss *l,ce McGregor mezzo so· \ coqtaglOus dlsen"es'\' although a gan working Monday"at the Peo_ r. and Mrs. T. J. Copple of ,,-it hlCes the ~'ncu- the latter planning to go to Oma- da~ to spend a few days with the I' . V"t S.-t 109 se o~, plan to attend the gen- .' • college rI"dltorium Both'ar '1 I .I... baUon period of mumps at 4" to I It· lSI s. U\ ee, eral session programs f*r the. sixty- To Attend Meetmg. I P I "c'I'll d B' '. M' e PUpl s At AudIt~rlUm. 21 days and symptoms are de~crib- 1<:1 a cr. son and brother, LaITy Coppk, " - sixth andual conventio of the De~ . 0 1'0. I 01' all. l~S Helen J_ .,'" d' .. . ,Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilson nnd Wayne college studt'nt who I'; 1Il The most prolonged period of in- .t t f S . t d 8t School bonrd meeting was held Toy Dnd Dewayne Gramly, accom- ~lwaOls club h~cl, regular noon'; ~ as follo~s: Pam I? Jawor neck, son have moved to Hoskins where Wayne hospibl1 \vll{'re )]{' ~l:ld ,Ill teh.se~CQld"ot.the ~Oth c.entury is tal ~e~ a t ~pe~I~~~hencef . Monday ev~ning tit the office of panists are students with Prof. Al- day luncheon at aotel Stratton ~aw feels shff; swel~Jng below ear; Mr. Wilson has charge of an oil operation for ruptun'd aplwnrll.'..: file- way ijie lpast week's storm is F~:;:~'aJ'y022 ~o 2; e , ere rom the·city schoql superintendent with bert G. Carlson. Monday. Dnvid Sanders, voice fever. ~arents are ~s.ked to co~p- _. ._ dIJSCl'lbed' by weather 'records. C t· tI . fd tl t L. W. Vath, .r. C. Carbnrt, P. R. Miss McGregor sings "0 NuH de student at the Wayne State ~each- erate wlth the school m prcvpntLng ~~~MB fsn~;~;C;un~~i~~of,l~he1~c~~~1~ Mil~e~, ~~leetwood, :'M~in' ~he sp~en~ dis'~~sc p ~.~ And the more than 20 days of SUqN illg E. F;. B. W. Moi" mild Madel" by crs College, llang a negro spiritunl, of the by, ke.e - A. • '" 'zl..'l"O"weatber w~re D.ccorppnnied ~Y .. ~ 25 A. and Aria (01'- bY lng of If V" rp-o..., the " b ""right, r. Cnval:wugh Dr. Brahms; "R(,sltntlve lmg ~.Im ~81n. ~~.~. ~~~n~~ · .. deeds filed in Wayne I Postpones Party. General control: A. T. Cuvan- ecure egrees f?IWald tOt Ingham, seC'!etdlY Mrs J (J D,lV- county.:.the.past week are the fol- Faculty club party scl1f'dul{'d auah po.stage, $11.00.' Tht, Nebras~ Dr. A. B. SaW'ser. for'mer- Wi.1 .Yne onol

~£'1 '~~'n~~ae\~fOrd ~ Brow~ addition to ~~;.~~g~~I~~~l?~s~dfrl7iii~~~0::~a~~~~~it;,i,~~t'W~I\:I~(~(:' 'll~{il~t~~'ill:~la::~~.~: ~I{;l~~l '1~~;::n~~~~i~~St~~~eT~<'2~~~ ~~i~t:d<:lin l;:.~~d~('l'vict's; Tt'xb: second .<;(.mpslC'r, :Jcconl!ng to an_ Norfolk distrIct are the following: M. eoch day to receive and ex- Secures Teaching Position. fulness which made the long days Edumtionul MUSIC Bureau, mU.'lIC, nouncem{'nt made by Mrs. R. R. Knox <;,ounty, Crofton water amine all claimS"> against said Miss Mildred Lee of Bradish, shorter. Mr.s,J\I1ilo Kremke,. $9.26; UniverSity PUIJII~hll1g Co., Smith, who hns charge of the main, 35 }JC'rsons. $5.169. estate, with a view to their adjust- ~lud('nt at the Wayne State Teaefu_ $6.52; .J. B. LippineoH Co .. $8.74. work TIle sc,hool now has 120 Pierce county, Plainview water ,ment, ,md allowance. The time l'l"S College for the first semest~r Greece got her KitJg back, but Research Publlshing Co., $3.00: students who hove been given main, 22 persons, $2,370. llimited for the presentation of ~ay this year, has secured a teaching it's too early to tE'JI whether they Coward-McCann, Inc.. $2.15; New work under the provisions of the PIerce county, Pierce concrete claims ngainst said estate is three Theatre position in one of the ward schools wanted him for show or t went to Wakerrd1lj~ I'o'ad, 40 pel'son,s; $l,450. Wm. and Ohille Sherry were caught in the storm [It Nor­ plies, $7.95; Wetmore Declamation by train for Rubcck, <.llld thelshe~'''' Cedar county. Hartington Read Jhlia Lee,wright's.'. folk Friday and were obliged to ~~~Il{l ~~:" ':e~f::; B~lreau, $7.55; Wayne Boole Stort', iff ::llld deputy camp from Aurora main, 20 persons, $2,752.. II, $12.65; World Book Co., .. ie$ts, Tuesdny ito take him to that plncc. Thurston county, Macy 10unty remain over Saturday. Me und Mrs. Charles Mnrshall of man, appetizing ways • I $30.70; Mrs. Hattie Hancock, 'Sllb: i ronp, 42 persons. $1,131. I to pre aM'l and serve of Norfolk, came Mondny to visit a Orange .; ~~iCc~i~~'A~~~;;~t.usc~~~~al~bJ~~6\~; SCbut Troop Meeting. Cedar county, Hartington $chool, few days ''lith the latter's brother, Th~Cr~~~~'!rO~V~~;i~)g }t7~hcmt~~i;i~gt 6ee~~~n~6~~t;~e'RandoIPh:' L. W. Kratavil, and family. Navel equipment, $65.89; freight by Pow- 12 water Walter Savidge, jl'.. . Whicher is a March 4, 5, 6, 7. Schools tenta- = ley; Knox, J:'N. Schneider; Mndi­ former student of the Wnyne State tively assigned to the Wnyne tourn- • . 1 son,: Wnlter Purtzer; Piel'c'c; MI·s. ;:~~~ ~~~~t~ilA~np~;;~~~g6~~~r~da~~~ T. W. ,Weidman; Thurston, Edith Teachers College. Battery Hydrometel COffee Syru Watkins. To Sioux City Meetings. Hamel', Wayne Troining School. .. I DAPIAII Airway Brand Hubinger Gotden Motor Oil Cause th~'~a~~eNsia~~keT:~~~~~~to~o~: ~r~~~~;;~~~~~~~~::::,~~~~~~gi FREE ~~G ()f lege, wil~ go to Sioux City tomor':: teams are registered Clnd assigned 3 .. 49c Wednesday Fire EvelY . When motor oil which was being ~~~htoDr:et~ ~ me~ting ;fllthe for competition; this surpasses the With • 1. 1 Lb. Bag 17c t~f'nc~ ~ Battery warmed in an oven exploaed, a pl\r 't s I' e . all-time record of 496 teams, es­ Laaa cr· ,de-~harge blrz~ started Wednesday morhing W~ll 1~le1cfl:~i~~~~on~r on~ of a~~~ tablished in 1935. The 16 teams as- B~30: resid~nce. LB. at at thQ Fred Ellis h If d I t' signed Jar the Wayne tournament Pancake Flour N~~~~a,1 •• 1 Mr.! El!lis smothered the fire with a - aYI sec, IOns. are of Qbout equal strength and . 3 BAG 12c .lllIf:tell Recharge SOC Oaukee ' ~r~~c~~a~~.o;~~ ~l~r;:ea7:n~'e~lul~t~~ ! S~OLES ~)11~se~ompetition is expected to be »rand ••. _ 3~~j.fs Hydrpm.t.r Fr•• Peas '1_ . 2Sc tim~, · . t "Ranli . the fire department an ved. (BiY Irene McFadden,) Attendance in the training school Toma oes l'~ek,.,.. NO Z , iiIiiII • Offe; good in February 3 CJ\NS 2Sc · ·B d I ' Roley Jsom and Ed. Kenny were _ • Thank Yon I NO. W, Wr (ly~e Or en n. business coIlers In .Wnyne on Fri- • • d Pears Brand, _ ••• 2 CANS 29c B'~Xing d"~iss CHAINS $1·98 p NO. 2Jh Semi-Finals aent'ice Tift spent thc ,public Sale: 't Peaches ~~~;~:: ~nD , _ 2 CANS Way e Borden, Wayne cobege week-en~ in: Carr'oll with home . .= A well tempered chain that 29c stj.1den r is the onl.y remainin~ 10- folks. ' • will stand long wear. We also cal del gate cQmpeting in the semi- Ernest ILueck of Norfolk !':pent Watch Next have the Extra peavy cross finals '.of the Golden Gloves IbOX~ last Fri~ay ;:dternoon with hIs Week'6 Her(Jld bars. ~:u~or~~m~~t cO~Pl~i~~\o~~t~t fnmily h¢re. for th~ ~mnteur boxers. I' Miss LprrD.~ne Graf W!as:n Wed~ For det~i1ed anno\Ulce· ~~~E~~~IL nesday Qver~ight guest of Mjss, :' . 59c Mc!Fad~en. of: my public sale 2 Lbs. 23c Birth Record Irene ' ':r".$ •• Neats Foot A son v:.as born Feb;Uary '10 to The te~chers of the Sholes"school Mr. and Mrs. '" 'Charles M '85er-' i'Jere corrjpell~d to spend ~he wee\t­ HORSES ' CATTLE 23c ~chmidt Siou~ Pure Penn8ylvania of Woyl1e, in a City en? her9 due to the blIzzard 'on FARM IMPLEMENTS hosp'ital... '. i FrIda.y. , . And' 25c' A daugh~~r weighing feven Due to Ithe Ilmpassable roads and OIL, pounds was born to Mr.' nnd: Mrs bad weiher the c3::-nlval sCh.cd­ HOUSEH'iJLJ!) GOODS Wi..te~i Grade ROSSI~. Tl1de~, FridaY,IFcb~ ~eld ~rlday 22c anks of uled to e rvenmg, We carry: 3 Grades ruaIi': 7. Mrs. Hanks was fortlnerly was post on~~ until a later date.. To be hel" at my plAce Mi~slPorQthY Oul~iver. Wm. art~lng who has ibeen ,11 on' East S~venth Street, ISc A j·kon Rollin Glenn wasl born ,for near} two weeks, passed away Wayne-I Sunday.! February 9; to MrL and Sl,Inday a,1terPoon, This corp.munity 39c 49c· 5ge 49c 1\41'8.; R. C. Southwell of G~ri'ng, ext~n?s l~S : heart-~~It s:ympathy Sat~l'day Gallon ~.eb~'M. s~utQwel,I f~,rmer be~eaved rs. is-the to the family. , Jost try , can, .Yon wIll •• Miss 'Pauline' Judson, a, da ghter , Afternoon. ,~. 3u~ W~yne pleased and we Will save you. of "and Mrs: R, on of Nqr h'west some money: 'j wayfe. 'rhe other Chll~ 1~, the I ,. , '.. Fe~.·.2rZ: W.ell faII\ilyis ~a daughtCr, . (By tatlc.orr~sp.andent) Soul )"'I!'~ ,I I Jane ,. ,I Mrs, ~ :1: Roe and d'aUghters '.. ' I spen~ Mo dn:y afternoon with M.rs. D~nllers . To ~e Hel;~j Gereon A IvJn. ' -;rite ,Tc;:d ~awn' !lancers, lunder :M:r$. .~. Roe was in SioT.pc. auspices of the 'W:-ayne 8tBttf T~ac~.. Ci~Y Jast 'iVe~ncsd~Y, Thul'lsday and ":~e ,~Q~~~o~~~~'a~U~;t~:' ~~~ ~~ldh~rn~·fo\ue~~~s~:yL~~~r~~: ,amt(t9l'l~m.'·WeqrtesdElY-: ~ :evenip~, was ,a gu st~nt u trousl!le~~ ten fQr .::fu~~!illt~:,::~~~;(" ':~::\,iH',' 1(, ;~(:~:~:?i\~r:.;·!.:!>l~k)l~}.;,;,,",~~ ,,~~~,.fl~!!: ~~E ~~1:' ;~f'~~;~!~~~ );~,' i:;:~'li' r, <\;i:~', ,,':',, ':',S,,!, , , . ' i " ",' ~I!BRASKA, THURSDAY. FEBRUARV 13, 1936, PAGI! THIlIE Th~~II~W- ~f--;;;:-berea;~menL 111I111111I1111I 11111I111111I111I1 III II I I, II 1 II III II ",~" ~" • Southwest Wakelfeld the guests~~I':np~~~e~~u;:~r:.n~r.'1~~was served, South W;kefield- IJ~, Children dr ':W'"',. 'ake','f,'-Iel'd'De arlm,I"e'n! of the Way",n'e ",Id·,' ;====-, Joan(ByRubeckMrs, Lawrenceis spcnding!Ring) this l;';yMrs. Enoch Anderson and sans, St.(ByPaulStaffAidCorrespondent)meeting plannedl_O,_FeIL...---....----...---....a--- "'I,., ~~~. ~:~~~~~of~e::;d~;~le,n~~ ~~~ ~bne~~eSday ~fternoon with her grandparents in .. was' post-' AU CT1'0N " ,~iss 1\liriam IJ:use of the lIerald Staff is ditor of the department and will visit·Wakefield every Tuesday. Any news contr~bUtioDS:: Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Victor spent Mrs. Jewell Killion and Darleenc. Kenneth Baker and Gus Jaeger I: ,-' to these columns from t~\\'n or countr3' \\'11 -be gladly recei'fcd by her. She is als.o authorized to rec~ive new or renewal SUbSC~lptionso; Monday evening in the Herbert visited in the Louis Test home IlInllllllllllinlllllllllllll~nlllllllllllllllllllllllllll,111 If",; '! ";"',' ",' ",,' II "'11111111111111111111'111111"'11I11111111111111I1111I1111I11I'""111111111111111'11'1"11111""'; Grecn home. Southeast Wakefiel,t Tuesday evening last week. ~1 - bi~thday 31~ • The Freeman LUbbcrstcdt fam- (By Miss Ruth Hanson) nmoutnoIPtyenll~?dTh~edSdnaoYRoads south of Wakefieldtsh"nec~,'omth-ewere CATTLE, HOGS, ' ,01 p'\:.,: berg's Tuesday, Febru- Chapplcau 0 0 southeast of here Janu,ry we(c t'hlYe HSPeennrty WNeeldsnoenSdh"oY,'nee,Vening in MI'ss M,arJ'orie Leonald spe'nt manad"1 HO~.5ES, . I '''1 . 1 CALS' ary 4, about 12 ladies went to het Asbra.. 0 0 held Wednesday last' week at c.< c.< t: MULES, . home in ~he afternoon, J1.fter a Doan 0 0 Swedish Mission churdh with Rev. Mrs. Dick S~ndahl called at the ~~week m the James Leonard preceding Friday. SHEEP he 1*, 1 .~<. ':1, . program, r guests serve

qf;~il~' ~~~~1'~~~~~'e~~~~I~~1nt1~hl:I~~ ~eol~~g~I~~\~te~e~t;~g:u;~~~·hA~~~ Wi~~eB~~a~:i~db;~e~~:~fo~~~~a~ ~:~~ to Wakefield !vicinity in Ba~~~Ch~t~~~~onc~~;~~~g.at ~~t~ :a~~~~Sday and Thursday aftcr- ~~~s:c;l~ae:~~sBaker observed her EVERY MOIIDAY At 12:30 p. m, he.' had 'f1Ucnded H convention all served. mcnt will be h~ld at Wakefield M ~ I d' Jane celeb 'uted her fou,'tll bl'rth- Bernard and Genevieve Kinney b~rthd,aYdatnhmvferlsay .Monday eve- week., February 27 to 29. SchooJs partici- r.' 0 mes led 1,5 years ago. nlng an e 0 lOWing spent the ' Mrs Himes leaves f!ve sons and day that da~. ?nd Mrs: Vernon. Andcrson visited evening in the Baker home: Mr. If you want to buy Qr sell '"·Mrs.. C. L. Davis spent/ from \V~~.~~n,:a~~~i.Il~:rval Hinds cn- paUng are Belden, Magnet, Wynot, and' si~ daughters, Mrs. Ben Mrs. MelvJl1 ~?rsen an~ Mrs. E. in th~ Fled Harnson home Sunday and Mrs. Will Baker, Mr. and Mrs. live stock of any kind try the . 'rhursdl.lY to Tuesday in I Sioux Carroll, MqLean, Dakota City, Con- Haakansen and Mrs. :Guy "'Dye of W. Lundahl VISited theIl' grand- evemng. Otto Test and family, Gus Jaeger, Wayne market first. ~~titn~:~~~lter dilUghtcr, "s"Lee ~~~~~~:~;diln2'~1:noo~~~ff~::ss 1~~.~~~:; ~~:;tin~~~l;~t~~d :aOtl~'bU;;.inity Norfolk, Mrs. Jesse Houpt of Sioux mothel', Mrs. Otto Johnson, Thurs- Mr. and Mrs. Roy Sundell und Mr. and Mrs. Louis Test and fam- SAL~S .":' C. W, LO~lg was in qJbux City Wilson's birthday. The time was Dixon County Basketball Tourney. ;~~: :~~I~~e~;;~1m~~':~'~~~~= d;J~l~~~el~~s~~ WtlS snowbound in ~:~g~~%~ ~~~'~a~ ~~t::~o~~ ;~~= ily and Miss Gertrude Most. WAYNE g~.a1d.daugh~cr, itriday with his spent in .playing g.ames. Lunch The Dixon ,county basketball bin d E ld f W I f" ld Wakefield from Friday to Sunday ing Grandpa Sundell celebrate hi::: Card 0' Thank" Miss Jeanne C(imcll. he occaSIOn closed the nffair. tuumament will be hcld at Wake- an va 0 a fe Ie . COMPAIIY, hre. Miss Cornell's b rthday...... ! field Thursday, Friday, and Satur- and Lloyd Rubeck in Wayne for a birthday. We wish to express sincere ap- ,vas I W. D. NOAKES, Manager . Mrs. Sophie Borg who fell se\"- Prcsbyte"ian Missionary. day, February 13, 14 and 15. Postpone Meeting. simi.lar reason. . Mr. and Mrs. Emmett Erickson preciation to friends and neighbors ye~terday .Ifrac~ MasqniF lodge whic~ was to have La Porte cl~b to.Wednesd~yhave met With and children visited in the Levi for their many acts of kindness and Phone 304.W Wayne, Neb. 'On weeks ago and Presbyterian lU1Ssion

. - Total . 12 :j (j Dixon county declamatory contest ~~~ne~'}:::f7~t:.;;~~~~;·';:~~.~ °i~ Roy °A:der:o~~a:~'visitor with ~~~~{~~, r~:~s. ~~:~ c:r~~:~:cwe~~ Scc Us FOI' Olhcr NORGE Products Su<.'h A 3 Supe~visor Here. , ]·onca, 24 ;.1t PonCH next Monday, February .slow. ~bout 20 men accompanied Alfl'ed N~l:;on Wednesday evcning. uh~ble ito get out on the routes. n,,,efrigerators, Stoves and Ironers. 1\1:1'1 Lucile MOlWY of Crufton, Kncrl,' ~ J 7. ij\ EI AdS d - p._.E. S. 5UPCI'visor, WIIJ. be. ,~n ./\J;ldrew~, f {) The regular P.-T. A. meeting the plr,w Tuesday and they ex- aftc~~~~n nca~~:~n i~as ~e u~~ SU~~~rOfB~:l~e~tl~e~~i~~sdb;:~~~ Spe~"ial.Stile,fl All Radios W',ll'e ,'eld Monda,", Fe]Jrual'Y 24. 1Dl'

C. A. S'ar To Iowa He~r't:~:;' school at 10 a. m. de~~s~ ~~~ee'Pipel is spending this To Attend Funeral m.v. ung people's meeting at 4 p.l ;~I~:m~i~~ her sister, Mrs. Eddie -- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and then buy il C. A. Sal' left Tuesday morning Swcdisb Mission Church. were Saturday evening visitors in for Red Oak, la., to atte'nd the (ev. C. A. TurnqUist, pastor) the George Jensen home. funeral of his sister, Mrs. Emil T ursday evening, young pco- MI'. and Mrs. Roy Anderson and Lundgren, who died Saturday ple' :meetin~ with a program and family were Sunday evening visit- morning. The services were held refne~hments. ors in the Henry Nolte home. Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Lund- Shhday: SUnday school at 10 Rev. and Mrs. A. L. Peterson \ren was Mr. Sar's oldest sister a. were ~onday afternoon guests in and leaves her husband and sevet1 drning, worship in English at the Herbert Lundahl home. for Q5a month children. All the children are mar- 11. ., i. Oscar ·Lundahl·and Dean visited rie~ except the youngest daughter wedish services at 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Betty Lundahl apd the Her- who IS at home. Mrs. Lundgren 1__" man Andersons ,Thursday .after- had not been well the last few Salem Uutheran Church. noon. weeks. Arthur L. Peterson, pastor) Mr. and' Mrs. Albert Lundahl 1his Thursday, Ladies' Aid will and Alberta. were Sund,ay 'dmner Mother Of Local m~ew,hen Mrs, Oscar Bloomquist guest,S in. t,he Herbelt· LundRh,1 wiI ntertain ~t her home asssited home·. ' . WITh ,theusua!, ' low Lady Pa,sses Away by rs, S, M, I\nderson., Mr, and),VIrs,' Velmar AndelSon eiXt Sundaf: ,

Mrs. AI. Hirsch received word uhday school 10 u. tn., 0 and luncheon guests ~n the Ed. that her mother, Mrs. 'Ann'a MiI~er, nlglish servie~ 11 a. m: c"arlson home. . died Sunday afternoon at 4:30 at wedi:;h service 7·:30 p. m. 1\o1r. and Mrs. Roy Holm and her home five'imiles. 'north of '~wish to remind the members daughters and George Thompson. Mexico, Mo. Funeral services were of tHe Missionary society that the. were Friday evening visitors in the held TuesdaY,~orl).ing.Mrs. Miller shov.rer fot Blj!thphage will be re· Wm. Thompson home. . who ~,a4 ~.~:l};Jntf~r ~he:last four ceiv~d at OUrltlext mecti~g, Feb- Alice and .Doris. Htil,m. spent ye~~ an~,crlttcllnyIII th~ last ye~r, .rua 27.. I - Wednesday With ~rs. H,erman An~ :WDB"88,jS'ea'l'SL"ll:!m,9?t,~saryd _15 :r e .Dorcas SOC.lCtY po.stponed derson whlIe their parePlts attend­ Mrs.'M1UE!ir·suffercd a lastt eek will.bc held February 20. cd the..f!.!neral of OranqnD Rocber. ~1:lday evening whie~ . ~~t 1,l8 not' pCl'm~t this cqld wca- Mr. and Mrs, Veln)ar lAnders,on ·"death: :Mr.' and Mrs. th rlto bring our dhurch work to a and family were Satur43Y1 eveni~g IHi~sch .,li~~ bee,n, 1U M~>:ico,~ see IJt Il:d-IttiU. Even if our country guests in the AJ;,thUf. Hqllma~ Mrs. MII!er'at ThanksgIvmg tIme. fo Itt can't come t~, we who live home where Robert Hqllman cele~ I;>ecea:;:ed ,1eav"e"s" fi~"e' SO{lS,' JOh,"' i,n It4wn can ~urel~ Forne, to- ChU"rch, bratcd,his fjfth birthday WhiCh, ~c­ Peter, Albert, [Hill and Frank, ~nd if, we !lave health u"n,d strength curred SUnda,Yf FebruaF 2, and on four aaugHt~t$;,~nna~Hfrseh:Ma~dlcare.~o.. II ""r~" Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. W~,k~f!"e:l~.' .c.l~ra., M.p,l~r, L7~~, ~h" Peterson ~.~'ns to,' g~, to Elmer NC,ls0-9, Ma,"",·c;e j, qitsta,!sQ~ Ford ;al'iCl. Hattie McH~gh.· d~"'1'r1e, Iowa, to have charge of and Dewey Fredrickson wet.e Vlsit- , "," ,,' :" ",-"-.-,- ;, '"" ' t,,,~.,,Jservice in" ' O,$r church there org and,~Jg, o,enJOye"d "t~e bIrthday, Fu.i/.era',~" Service "~I' n x ,Sunday,eh'~here !\eyI'P:"PearsonSal~m.' will cake, with "c,andles, ,,', ,', !.', ,," 'F' M'"'··' -, ·':H' ,', h P e at NeJJJhbors came ,fo fie lierman r8~. ~ sa~~~i,lY; ,ev~iq.g: , ,Or _, . 0 n:zes ' ..1, ' An<;le.I:son. home. '·"·'·:"'7-"·"~' "i<~, ",-' ·i: ."': I~ 'n~Q Kai 0:£ p~nd;rt:1s.pent the 'to,'I1e~ihd' ,¥r. .Ahd:~~On, o~~::>~I/I;1;:li...I1:;,'; "·Fuhernf se~~Ices'.for ,M~·., pe~.r." ,~e·, J:.end In' ~he J~~rtm~c·.-Conger birthday ~n~v~:rsarY;.Wter =\: ,~o';', ' no:~es,. ':M'h6 'die~' at:."her. hom~ llon}e. .,:I . " cial evening l!Jllcheon, brought .bY /,....,,_ ..

,I '. , . . I • . , ' ", WA'l/IIJi:'RIia 'LD, WA'l/NIi:: Nli:IlUASKA, !l'lf(JRSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1936" "'"tUE vv:.~YNE -·-tfiI:R.ALn e to put bU~;!\~cy -;~d--~~aric-;--into TWo PATRIOTS. eign count-ri-es~w-o-U-I~' pay the know why it won't be fair to ,I),; ,:. "I J. er:p)oymg institutions. I Two 'notable birthday anni- Uqited States what they owe us in make cows coming ,from foreign " " W .. HUle, EditOr and Proprietor. Even in his circumscribed environm~nt, yersaries, that of Lincoln this war debts, they would be mare lands into this country meet the ,,' , t e Boston merchant ought to have known week, and that of Washington friendly. The fact that the goverp.~ same test animals raised in Ameri- " est EstabliShed 'Paper.in Wayne County. t at NRA was ten'ol'izing and strangling next weak, will, on' account of ~e~~ll~~~ ~~~e~%o:ft~~~s rr;~ll~~~ ~~t:00ci~e~l~~Ot~~ak~~:~~ has been .' ". ' PubllsJi~ BVerY·lJ1tr=y. 8-plaU businesses, and that its death knell our jumbled economic condi- Francisco, San Diego and Los These sarne dairy people are dis- : ~~ at the :p~toftlce at, Wayne, Nebraska, brought important momentum back of the ~:~~: ~:~~~g~~~S~~~O~Saltd"oe'n'aa-1 Angeles also helped to defeat this cuss10g the proposed new farm ,RS ~~u,ij Clil~ M~il Matter in 1886 undet:' the act recovery spirit bill. program. They are afraid if land is ,of ''M&raa 3, 1879. Known office ot publicationl I ' independence. Lincoln sel'ved In Wa)'Ae, ~e~ , The mere fact that a fellow gets into a major crisis. One blazed the The House ~favOrablY yes- ~~~~~ ~~tra~~i~~n~~::t~~~;/~;~~~ t~e United States senate is no 8ssurl\nce :d; ~he other pre~~~ve: what terday to appropriate forty million and producing a surplus of dairy t~at he is possessed of extraordirJRi"~ een d ac~~mp is ~e . "The Idollars to provlde loans for farm- products. These peopl~ felt that sElmse, On the contrary, he may empl orse a~ ggy ays 10 ers for seed, during the year 1936. if these lands are planted to judgment that w,ould discredit an eiQ"h h w~lch their power for leader- The Senate bill IS for sixty million grnsses, they should be plowed un- b~queathed graduate~1 S~n~tOl' q ?;hlP~ucceedlngwas felt, to Idollars. Those opposing this bill d TI' t b grade Pittman of Ne- generatJ?ns the gen- stated that it cost about five million cr. 11S ques Ion IS othel mg the 'pI'tated all att", T~, nn,Japan', on d I k t t d I fmm organlzotion leaders. 'lda, precl ~ 'I\, 'OJ_", IUS an p ~c . a lOven an dollars a year to run the set-up, t e floor of the senate.-.a gratuitous 'af- mallOe practICal Impl'ov~d meth- but those who said thClt the seed Another new bill which Wll1 be fliont at a time when the world is m.oving ods a;'1d means. In~crltance of loans must be made immediately mtroduced With a VH'W of help­ ·'..· ...... NP...U~feII ...... advlrt'llng "'Y 1;'" iri the direction of war and we are trying the smewy ~ashUlgton find showed thDt a large amount of thiS mg cooperative creameries IS one ,N rub Pre"'A lat'" Ito move the other way. People in the Lmcoln qUCll~tles has so far suc- money IS being paid back, and they to climmtood to mean a free living-a help~lVour- high $chool With diplomas of than he ('[Ill III Washlllgton tor Mr and MI·S. J. N. Einung were it -with innuendo, epithet and invective. Relf policy with no valueR involved or lqueR- grnduattion under thelt nrms dul'- $1200 n yeaI'. m Norfolk Fllday afternoon. T~o shining examples of this are the re- tions asked. A free government mears ing th~ past fifty years? Wh{'fc Henry Kugler who flas been III ~ceni speeches delivered by Professor Tug- protected human rights. and a fair and are thtry now :md what nJ'e thcy Congressmen rcpresenting dairy for

- ---- ~~~-ts-.T-~~~ening~as spent in i~~ ~of the ¢, a~ter' WJ1l~e held ~~l~~ over~--;~lub c arter ~~iCh-~'~uP s\Jia~ Truck R It· heretofore have beep de t d I . playing ards and in visiting. rueBd~Y Fetuary 25 when Mrs Robert KlItz i . till d' 1":2.cup lemon jUice egu a lOn most wholly to news~a·n;oe:1to~l.: The club' vill meet i two weeks Luelle ~Qn~ (Crofton, districi ranging, New ~e::~~~ :'e~~ ch~~: 1 tablespoon lemqn rind (grated) Is Before Group als," points out Harold Denny with Mis~ Evelyn FIber for an· super isor, it be here to con.. en for the club, names to be an· ~oak gelatin in cpld water for 5 Lincoln, Neb.-Chairman Hugti Moscow .corresponqenL.of the Nev.: evening 9f cat-ds. duc~ s hpQI t nstruction and to. nounced at a later mfeting. Mrs. mmutes. Separ~~e eggs. Beat egg H. Drake of the Nebraska railway York ~Imes. "They proclaimed insp~c p~er. IjI ... -'II II< the h J. J, Ahern who was scheduled to ~radu.allyyolks thoroughly, Add sugar commJssion said cost of regulating that vanousoys~ers,foods, from sausages to Bible Stddy Circle.' t· '" '" ' speak to club mel11bers ,on Old and beat'consta.ntly, un... motor truck lines may interfere IBlack Sen were now ob- Mrs. H~rry Howarth, who en- Have alJ]tiPe Party. Mexico, postponed her talk until tIl mixture. bacom~s thick. a~d with the commission's plans to talnsble at Soviet stores here. And tertained Ithe Bible- circle Tues- , ~rs A1bf t G. Carlson gave a the next mee~i~g~ '" lemon cplore~. Add lem~n JUIce prescribe certificates and require they were all paid adv~rtisements, day, l~d tpe lesson. Mrs. Charles Vahmtjine l'> rtf Tuesday after... and lemon nnd, and mix. Then filing of rate b t ucke There is no deadheadlOg eyen in ~:r~~n~j~r~~~,WI~~~eiS,itwO~si~ noof! ~t Pr t. Carlson's. piano T~e. state conference ~f the ad~ sof~~ed gelatin, Fold i~ egg "If we go Sve;y ~ar i~:~ truck th;, Socialist S~ate. slstjng will be Mrs. Frank eihe, U '" stUdiO) for I~UPilS' Mothers and Christian Students' tederatIon and whites, stiffly beat~n, and pile in regUlation it ma.y cost $30,000 a One advertisement by the l\dos- Mrs. Frank Gries and Mrs._,19yd gnUe~Stt.\..Meet,S.. Kratavll entertains friend were gl.fests. A short pro- Y. M: an~ Y. W. C. A. is being sherbet dishes to chlil. year," he said. "We don't' have ('o~ ~eat trust descnbed the great Conger. Mrs. W. H. Phi1liP~ \yill 'v gram ~ivenl a a follows: "Perl~ held 111 Lmcoln February 14, 15 the money." var:ehes of .meat .and game now "" '" "" .. winkl~" aqd, 'Sparleling ,Eyes," and 16. Kaga~a, Japan.ese Chrls- Frosted Creams. Although the certificate and rate ava.lIable at Its vanous sto~s here, ~;;:,~ ~~~v r::~1~e~~;~r~e:·~1t~~ For Bett~ Roberts. by A01.hont, ar~uerite Einung; tlan stUdent, IS the mam speaker (Mrs. E. W. Huse) filing proposals are pending before whIle the Moscow retail fish trust nted; reports of the district!Clm­ Betty Jttoberts entertained 12 "Sprin timf!:~' Chinatown," by tor the progroms, The Wayne State l' cup melted lard 01' butter the commission which last fall a!~- proclaimed Its various delicacies vention in Lyons will be g,v~n; little friends at the O. S. Rob- Rento. "A.r e 10 EtUde," by Teachers College i8 entitled to send 1 'CUI!r'Sugar ' sumed jurisdiction over truckers from smoked hernng to ca\liar. erts hom'e last Thursday after czern~ "'l'h U erlen," by Hey.. 25 delegates to the conference. Five '1 cup molasses Drake said these regulations alg~ "/\ factory kitch~n orgallization ~~~ ~,:;~n~~~~~st~vWle ~~n~~:~d school ftr her 11th birthday. nald" adertw ki's Minuet" and have been ch08en from the Y. M. 1 cup sour milk might prove costly. announced it was now prepb,red, in on. Mrs. RObr,rts served luncheon "A:fa ane!!l8 F stivity," Virginia ~. ~~p~~~e~~ ~~~m~~~~. ~i~e~t 2 eggs He ~s~imated it would cost the ~~s~S~~7f:,ot;h:e~~e~~~~es:~L~~n~ Rebekahs hold regular rjleet- :~te;a~e~1Young folks had plny- Lewis:I"Skbt n$" and "Scurry!ng body and will go to ~he meetings if na~~~fiPoo,n soda, 1 teaspoon cin· c.o~mls~lOn almost $3 for each cer- ished foods-chops, salte;d and ,,~ ClOl.~ds~" ,~~i::~~~~e ~~~~~~e~' ofF~~~~t~,~ g~ fl,ar;ner, Larhylla Whit- weather c:onditlons permit. The 1 tsp1~2 ginger tIflcate Issued and the members are ready to fry; pastry .battet ready will hove a Valentine party. Each With M s. B;u"g' er. more;J,"Thbfb,'st DaO£ing Les- first meeting of the' conference is 3 cups flour 110t sure whether they can ask the to put in the oven, aper t.uesd~lY s~~t\ng Rev. W. F. DIerking will speak I L. D. Club Meethrg•• dy,nce evening in the Mary Serdinski. The following 3 cups flour, 1 scant teaspoon Geneva and Avera Jesperson of Ivertising. They arc an ex- recreatipn twlJ. people were initiated into the club: salt, 5 ~easpoons baking powder, 4 Blair. ample lhemsc[ves by using the on "Patriotism-What?" Game:> 1,. D. club met ~tFsday eve­ · will be divel-sion part of the eve- Muriel Arends, Royce Benedict. tablespoons shortening, 1 egg, milk. L. 1. Frisbie of Lincoln, state club newspaper coltlmns liberally and nmg wlth Mr. and -Mrs. M. V. Margaret Drink, Margaret Conley. Mix a'n~ sift flour, l'lalt and baking leader, praised the farm youtbs for are urging business merl'and farm­ · rung. The committee in charge Crawford. C"rds were enjoyed K. Mf K. I~tld a business meet­ I Is Miss Kathleen McFarlane, ing Mo Id<-lY vening when a per­ Allce Cooper, Shirley Gibson, powdel1. Rub in snortening with their community and county l"CC- ers to advel·tlse their Wares and at­ and PrlZflS were received by MI'. conS\tu:l~n-:< Gwendolyn Harrison, Elnora Hep- two knives. Beat egg with 1-3 cup ords, considered to be among the tract buyers. It just gOt!s to show Mjss Helen Nuss, Miss Mad¢luinc and Mrs J. \V. Groskurth, MI'. manent' was adopted. finger, Sophie Musil, Marcella Re- milk a'ld cut into ~ry ingredients, best ever to be submitted by candi- tha~en In it buckwurd country > Kauffman, Miss Dorothy Wi$da Frank Heine and Oscar Jonson. zinecek, Joy Scuee and Garland adding Imore milk If necessary to dates for the top :< '" * ~ fIrst suit in Gov. R. L. Cochran's 10 a. m. Services at 11 a. J.Tl· . cal patient, is iinprovin: .:;ice-h.. met Wednesday at th 1 city ning last week. Four tables Were campaign to transfer judicial bank Feb!uary 15, catec.hehcaI m" Mrs. Fred Ahlvers 0 ayne, IS school. Mrs. E. O. StrI: In the case see S 0 Prof. Clifford Bail', Music Director. last Thursday. Kap~a o~ ~he Yout ' · ;h:o~i:~Ot~:e~i~~eW~~s~~~~ot~~:: Stul'k and Mrs. L. E, Day. Mu Epsilon had a regular transfer the recelVershlp Chl,lrch school at 10 a. m. Mrs. John Ulrich of 'Wayne, was meetin Monday ev~ning. Miss Merchants State ~ank et Wmslde Morning worship, 11. admitted Sunday with pneumonia. DeMolay Dance. Betty rosvenor spok~ to the club to Saunders, LUlkflrt today an- Colleae Christian EndeaVor, 6:30 Her condition is seriou~. I WAYNECIWY With Mr.s. L. W. Ellis. DeMolay chapter sponsored a memb 1'8 on "The Measuring of n.o~nced payment of a 5 J?ercent p. m. 'Miss Betty Atkins who had been Mrs. L.- W. Ellis enteI1tained dance Friday evening in the Time." Frank Ostapof~ who was to diVIdend or $1?,7~0 to depOSitors of Higq school Christian Ende~vor, a medical patient, was able to go the ClDterie club MondaYI wl~en college gymnasium after the have ~'ien the eveninlg's talk was the bank, brmgmg the total r~- 6:30 p~ 11m• to H. L. Atkins home Friday. AUDITORlYM bridge was diversion. Next Mon­ basketball game. A good sized snowb$und in Sioux City. A busi~ turned t~ them to 65 percent or An~m by the choir, "Send A daughter weighing 9 pounds day Mrs. W. C. Shultheis ent¢r­ crowd attended. Leon Alford ness meeting followed the eve- $139,760. , Forth 'Thy Spirit," by Schutk¢. was borl'f Sunday, February 9, to tains at home of Mrs. C. Shllll­ and his collegians furnished the ning's program. He also llnnounced payment of,a Mr. and Mrs. Albert Brader. FRIDAY theis. music. Dr. and Mrs. James E. final dividend of 5 percent to de.. St. II Paul's Lutheran ChurcJi. A daughter weighing 9 pounds Brocle, Prof. und Mrs. J. R. John~ SignPa Tau Delta n-Iet Monday positors of the First State bank of (Rev, IW. C. Heidenreich, 'Pastor) was born to Mr. and Mrs. 'Elhardt SU~daY ~. Februan},21 With Kathleen MCF~~anb. son, Mr. and Mrs. Russell Bar· I ' I h 26 -'1 b d St. Edward amounting to $4,98!J, :ochool at 1O a,. L Pospishll Sundt\y, February 9. te~s and Ralph Crockett were even l1g w t mem ers an making the total returned to them Div ne worsbip at 11 a. m,. ,. ,L~rry Copple of. Rosali~. college 8:15 It. rii. "', Miss Kathleen McFarla e en­ as~ ~uee:tttJ:~~:hn~~~i~.\~·tsS~i~~r:: s~udent, admltte~ tertained Nurses' club W dnf.­ sf/onsors.' Balloons favors. 60 percent or $59,824. CIa sin relic-ious IQstructlon sat.. was Fnday and day evening at the C, C, !Pet r­ w~re scattered on the dnncing viewirlg: Sinclair LeWIS' book,. "It urday at 2 p, m. underwent an operatlOn for rup- AI;! seats re~~~ved sen home. Dr. W:elcd !?y Mrs•. Hazel Br.s,ler r~e~lved the on of t e book an~ 'Plans for M- (375 d ) for ~5 to 3Q mlnU!:', the few, foUnd in M8tt~ew. ehae" I. pa,t' worlhy matron'. p.ln, th., I. I e meetings' followed. eurees tar ma, .,, beln pre,e Mrs. Luelle \ ~ . SS were sung py t1'o . )1 will 1(\11, yoll to como an4 (1\1.<1 " usl 'worthy I"' t e close ot the s"'lon. ' oul lIPW t~~ .I!Ulll'lli r~ce 1, ,fqllp,:\,,~ ~ ou~ o~ !'l r·' was iri- . '1.- 010 • "",j, " 'l' inc tne grogram of lite tonned about the new Eastern I Orpheo' tUb met Monday ev ~ ~rth ~$ Wl'ittep. by the aast\e.J.s, .; '; ~~~~i~::~~~cg~o~~~pe~:~a::..~~\~ ~ifug c~~\ IW~h:e~~~~~':~J~; g~g.< teachinus, By'1 ~tQt~r . E H 'RALD, WAYfNFJ, NEBRi\SICA, THU1\$DAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1931.

ing was cut short by reP9l't of the Ibeen staying in the Mrs. Mary Works Program Highway pirojeet 28 Lin. Ft. 18" Rcniforced Con_ aUoD of employment lists for this coming, storm. 4- brief I business Aaron home at Sioux City, spent No. WPSS-396 Federal Aid Road. crete Pipe. work, and to the fact that the con~ meeting was held nnd Iluncheon Monday at .home, returning there The proposed work consists of 12 Lin. Ft. 24" Reinforced Con. tractor and subcontractors will be served hurriedly so that tJi,ose pres- Tuesday. . , constructing 4.6 miles of Graded crete Pipe. bound by the regulations cfTec· ent might. be safely home by the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strate and' Earth Road. 62 Lin. Ft. 21" Corrugated Metal tive January 15, 1935, jointly pro­ time the worst of the stork struck. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schwede and The approxim&tc quantities are: Pipe. mulgatcd by the Secretary of the i The next mec.ting will be an a11- son spent Tlmrsday evening in the day session at the hom~ of Mrs. Edwin Strate home, the occasion ~~55~U~~ds~~ia~x,:~~,ag~~~rcte Pi~~. Lin. Ft. 46" Corrugated Metal i~~:r~~~Yp~~~;~~t~C~I~:t~~~V~~j~~~~ ~ C. W. McGuire the first Wledncsday being Mrs. Strate's birthday a'nni~ for Box Culverts and Headwalls. 80 Lin. Ft. 18" Culvert Pipe. of Public Act No. 324, 73rd COll_ • ~ ~_..,Iin March. Yers~ry. 15,108 Lbs. Reinforcing Steel for 356 Lin. Ft. 24" Culvert Pipe. gress, approved .June 13, 1!J34 (1B ~ox Culverts and Headwalls. 60 Lin. Ft. 30" Culvert Pipe. Stat. 948), entitled "An Act tu LESI~IE I Mr. al~~al~~s.InCl~:s~W~aker of Born tolJr:;.~,g:~~r~~nElmCI' Oh~ , 15 Lin. Ft. 18" Corrugated Metal 52 Lin. Ft. 42" Culvert Pipe. ~~~~~~:teco~~~1;~~~:u~~te~r ~~l ~~~:~ , ! ' (Mrs. Grace Buskil~l:-) I Wayne who were on t~eir way lund'Saturday, Febr'tary 8, an 8% ~i~~·Lin. Ft. 24" Corrugated Metal ~ci t:~: ~:: 1~:: ~~~~~~:i ~:~~. for for labor, by maltIng It unlawful tu ":' i,' ,, Friday to the George Busl irlt home pounq. girl. Mrs. Ohlund and in~ Pipe. Driveways. prevent anyone from receiving the J ·1';' Plans ,for the golden lweliding to get their. daughter, iss Mar- fant are at the Wm. Westphalen 17 Lin. Ft. 48" Corrugated Metal 240 Lin. Ft. 18" Culvert Pipe compensation contracted for there- ., Ct:1le~ ....ati.bn bf Mr. I\nd Ml"s. Is. c. 'garet Baker, who teaches n district home at Norfolk. Pipe. for Driveways. under and for other purposes." B:essler 'which ,,:aslioTues'day this 4, were unable to reneh their des- ' 196 Lin. Ft. 24" Culvert Pipe. 64 Lin. Ft. 24" Culvert Pipe for Plans (ind speCIfications for tlie week, were haltcii by the· storm , Hnation and decided to return Baby Girl. i 92 Lin. Ft. 30" Culvert ;Pipe.' Driveways. work may be seen and information 'and blocked roa~s of the past' home on highway 92. Their car Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Haase of i 48 Lin. Ft. 36" CJ.llvert PiPe. 20 Lin. Ft. 36" Culvert Pipe for secured at the office of the. County week-end. I was stalled in .snow near the Gust Norfolk are the parents of a baby L56 Lin. Ft. 4g" Culvert Pipe.. Driveways. Clerk at Wayne, Nebraska, at the Present plans '11'C ,101' the ob- Gartner home and Mr. nnd Mrs. girl born Thw'sduy, February 6. 120 Lin. Ft. Hl" Culvert Pipe Bridge at StatJOn 56: office of the District Engl11eer of . servance of the anniversary this Baker were unable to get any MI·s. Howse was formerly Miss l' Driveways. 1-40' and 2-20' Spans, Deck Steel the Department of Roads and Ir- Sunday, February lij. All mem'- farther. They stayed in with the Ruth Chapman of Hoskins. 24 Lin. Ft. 36" Culvert Pipe for Girder Bridge. rigation at Norfolk. Nebraska, 1)1 : bel'S of the Pleasant /Valley Ladies' Gartners until Mondriveways. Bridge at StatIOn 167. at the office of the Department of 'I Aid~:plan ,to attend t) c am~lversary Bakel' walked into Wakefield and Dinner Guests. ' 2.2 M. ft. B. M. Treated Timber. 5-20' Spans, Concrete Slab Roads and II'Tigation at LI11l'olll, Celebration. Mr. '}lfd Mrs;. August took a ti'ain to Wayne. Mrs. Bak- Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Cook en- The contractor in the execution Bridge. Nebraskil. Kai will also observe theil' golden el" visited at the John Kay home. tcrtained the following guest:) at of the work under the contract for The contractor in the executIOn The successful bIdder WIll be Ic- wedding 'anniv&'rsary Febf1Uarr 16. dinner Tuesday evening: Mr. and the grading items in accordance of the work under the contract for qUlrbd to furnish bond Jl1 ,Ill These o!d ti.r1e residents of the Shower For Bride. Mrs. Wilson Wenke, Mr. and Mrs. with the provisions of the speci_ the gradmg items on Project No. amount equal to 100',( of hIS CUIl_ commumty hye on farms three Mrs. Joe Wilson and Mrs. Lena Frank Coauwc. and Mr. and Mrs. fications and the special provisions WPSO-4l6 in accordance with the tract. miles apart and it is'an unusual Koch plal)oed a )niscellancous Andrew Mattson, all of Norfolk. to the specifications shall provide provisions of the specifications and. As un cVldence o[ good f,-lIth HI :occasion when old friends celC-1 shower Friday afternoon at the a total of not less than 10,120 man the special provisions to the specI- submittmg a proposal for thIs Jjl'ate a golden wedding the same. Henry Greve home honoring Mrs. Mrs. Chapman Returns. hours of employment to persons fieations shall provide a total of work or for any portion thercof as Dionth. . Emil Greve, recent bride. Mrs. Mrs. Chas. Chapman returned l-EarJ G. Maxwell, ~tate extension forester at the directly employed on the contract not less than 8,700 man hours of provided m the biddmg blank. the ".. -- Koch ,vas unable to attend the home from Chicago Monday after University of Nebraska College of Agriculture, who is secured from the designated Em~ employment to persons d.rectly bidder shall file, WIth hIS pro- VOl:at:e Packer is assisting at tile par.ty because. of badly' drifted spendirlg the past month ther~ in' charge of Clarke-McNary tree plaI1ting in Nebras. ployment Agency or certified for employed on the contract secured posal, a certified check made pay- H(!'f'bel't Utecht farm. roads. The afternoon was spent in with her children, Waltel'. Roy ka. assignment to the work by such from the designated Employment able to the Department of Roads , M~s. He~man Baker 'Visi~ed Mrs: :vrit~ng. recipes for the bride and and Esther. Roy Chapman left agency. A$:ency 01' certified for assignment and InigntlOn and in an amount · .A. W. Dolph last Thursday after- 1ll vlsltmg. L~ncheon was served. shortly nfter Mrs. Chapman al'riv~ 2-])1I1e.:; on the Chris Lauter f~~rm in Kearney county,' The contractor in the cxecution to the work by such agency. not less than the total amount, de- noon. Guests wer~: Mrs_ Henry Korth, ed there to f.hauue4r a family to planted ill 1926, protect the farm~tead from blinding of the work under the contract The contractor in the execution termincd from the following list. · Mr. and Mrs. Fred Jahde spent Mrs. Willie Korth., Mrs. Herby Florida. He N~?_return in May. snowHtorms and hold the moisture. for the culvert items in aecordaneG of the work under the contract for for "'any group of Items or eollcc_ ." Sunday evening in the' L. J. Bress- .Hanson, Mrs. Eric Albers. Mrs. A. i 7it~, the P~o~~siOns ?f the ~p:ci. ~het g~av~Urraeingitems on Pro~ ~~oen b~~ ~~os~~~~t~~~ms for whIch . ler home. " ·W. Dolph, Mrs. Emil Tarnow, Month Of "'-nu"'ry :~-A Nebraska windbreak., Here the entire farm8tead tolCatl,lOcnsspaCnC,.ll.caCt,.osPnc,c"ahaPllropvr'oSvlO,.dn.sl J\VCj~l IOh·c proSvO,.s-,'o'n6s ion atchccorsdpacn2,.c_ 1 Harry Fisher of Wal,teiield was Mrs. John Greve..Mrs. Carl Doose, ~"' iH 'protected from winds. c ltlt l II: Grading items, seven hundred a Thu,,"w.ay visitOl' at the Ray Mrs. Carl Brudlgam, Mrs. Art Sets N~W Record a total of not less than 3,225 man fiaations and the special provisions (700) dollars. WOrth home. L9nge, Mrs. Rudolph Longe, Mrs. G. B. sanbc:i contributes the Nebruskans are 1ll00'e fll'mly daily being cut for fuel have hours of employment to persons to the specifications shall provide Sand Gravel Surfacing Items, Cha~leS'Thompsonhas100 young Adolph Henschke, Mrs. FF~d Jahde, following about the weather: ~~~~inf~~d t~1a'~'vl;~~l~r~~f~rea~~ut~~ ~;a~I~~e~l~~~~;ka%tOath~e~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~;r~~Yde~i:a~~~~r:~r~~~ ~o~::l 07 ~:p~~~m~h:t t~,8~:r:~~ h\~ul;:;r~rcl~C~~; (;\~,~) dl~~l~~s;Cd lambs to .feed an'd care for during ~rs, W. A. Ger~es and .MISS Ethel InfOlmabon rc.ccntly. received every farmstcnd. They are also farmers in every section of the ment Agency or certified for as~ directly employed on the contract (200) d 11 t11~:~~~:~r~';:'¥l~~hur Kai anti ~1:eb~SgiTt~,e bnde recelved many on .weather condlbons In Wayne determined that Nebraska shall state will probably put more than signment to the work by such setured from the designated Em_ Bridg~ alrt~Jru;. seven hundred family were Monday' guests in the mdlcatc that the month of Janu- remain, "The tJ ee plantcr's state." 1,300,000 Clarke-McNary seedlings agency. plbyment Agency or certified for 00) dollars .... , £ ary, 19.36. ~et a new recor? for low SWirling ~110W whIch has swept an.d tra~splants into the ground "rhe Httention of bidders is di~ assignment to the work by such hc right is reserved to wan'c C~~;~rl;~~~~nKz:n=~d chiI~ren H·OSKINS tempelatules for the p.erlOd from Iacross the COUlltlY in one of thc thiS sprmg. The trees arc distrib- reeted to the Special Provisions agency. all technicalities and reJcct any or spent a few days the past week at J~nuary 5 to Febr~alY 5. Dat~ most wl11tel"s III the present uted through the UniverSity of covering subletting or assigning Thc contractor in the execution all bids. the August Kai home. Iflom the Umtcd States weathe't century helped I'emmd many Nebraska, college of agriculture the contract and to the usc of Do. of the work under the contract DEPARTMENT OF ROADS AND : Chester Hanson and LElster Mrs. W. J. Ohlund of Hoskins, burcau re~ords ~ased on t~m~era~ people or th' '>d ft. . und extension service 1- 1,= ~ Bal!;k t tnSt'te w'hole '%ountryside presents a "'{us born Sufiq.ay eveQing:Febru- DE;'ARTMENT OF ROADS AND The minimum wage paid to a.lI ~J '!: Cited As Example bright, !colorful picture. aty ~, to Mr: and MJ;s. Elh~rfIt Po~- I R~~~TIOS~' t E . , skilled labor employed on thiS Off the Car Lincoln Neb Feb lO-Striking The eys fOUtid considerable un- _~ish~1. ~~e ~th~t two children 10 ~. M~r;i~ Di~t~ictni~~i~~·er. contract shall be tifty (50) cents i' The Beat Soft Coal ,',I:.: 19,' b~ek at admini~trati~n attempts to rest in M~:dco; uneasiness over· tIe lam ate oys.· BertH.a Bcrr~s, County OXerk, PC;~~n.imum wage paid to all r~ce~vership l~bor ~ ~~~t;;:: an~l~~~:stg;a~~~ In Town .•..•• I = abolish the dual bank Central SocIal ClrlJle. Wayne County. F13t3 intermediat¢ labor employed on Bar Nonel I. "sy~tem.E: H. Luiltart, JUdlcialltrhe~ ~la~ fh Leys alri~ed in Monterey On aCCOQnt of'rbads, only s'[ew this contradt shall be forty (40) "l ,8 celver, sald today transf~r 0 e d. ". were able t"o go to the Elmer Phil- ~otlce To Contradots. ts er hour !',!'i,:1 = Merchants Bank of Winside "from a. grou of 5,0? laborers marche~ lips home last Thursday for Ge'l- Scalqd bids will be received at' ee~h/minimu~ wage paid to 011 ,c.: ,'. . the judiriial eto the political receiv- ddwn he maIO thorough far,: to trat SoCial circle. The- ch\(j '.meet!; tl).c office .of the Departp!ient of killed I bor employed on this Wayne Grain ::1~·rjt=', I ership system will cost depositors th~ .pIa a to, malke protests agal~st March-l'2 .in the Ray Perdue home noads and Irrigation in·th,e State ~:~traet sl1:11 be thirty (30) cents ,.S of that bank·$4QO;"· ~ '. capital and em;ploy~rs.. CarrYIng: for cove~ed"dish dil}ne.r~ H;ouse at Lfneob;I,. Nebra~ka. on h & Coal Co. 1;11 ~~"~ Ie" "l;.": t1[!': " ".. "My salary from this bank dur"; retlba ners anq. deSignating them- February'27, f936,' untl~ 19:00 per h oU~ie t' f bidders is a189 : 5 CLAS Y TRIED SOWS 5 ing tfi~ next ,Six: months during 5e~ves s the R~Cd. Syndic.ate they For Mrs. na.YPerdue~ , o'dock A. M., ,fln4 at that time dl~c;e; tont~~n!;ct that the ~tate John Kay, Prop. r:- • I.,' " '4' ~. D' GILTS Whi.ch: time the banlti will b'e final1:J ~p~ute l;'D~wn With Cal?ltal" an?, Mr. and Mr's.· W:' ·E. Back-' and PlJbllclY ope~~? ,,~Qd, ,rea~ for Director of Reemployment, Lin~ W Ph' 60 . '., liquidate.d will be, $12.5;b," the forr I;.abo must ave a fatr wag,e. Paul and Irma June and 'Mr, and GRADING, ~-fU'l,l?:G:JJ.4~SUR~ coIn, Nebraska, wUl exercise gen-/ ayne _ ~n~ ~ m~cwere dre.~sed Benn~tt frU~~l\TS, I I, '.' ";' ," , , = mer hea¢\>,of; tbOl.pAnkmg depart.. Sdme the well MIJs. Earl went"to·tlle Ray r!ACING1 .,: TWO, e.ral supervision over the prepal'- ---. ~ev~~a,~"~ t~~tfl~lding 1n~~vidlt~ 8 5I~.~~\ ~aid.. '. ' I ~~~eo~d~~ ~;~ '1~a:Se~~c~~~u~~:~~ ;~l:g~~ h~~~e:r~~a;pe~vef~:gIi~: ~n~ID~~~;I~E~~~8~~,~,t§.k ~ ~.*••••• 8 ~••, ••••••~.~••~<~~.:'!~:••: ~ worke,.~ ,. 'W,lt. e In The Olferrng :: Iy If S l Thursday - ~antedi walke out becausc they Pel·due's birthday. A cake haked WORKS PROGRAM HIGHWAy:: Notice 1" rmers' . : ', . .', It a. e. 1 hlgherl ages. ThE; follow- by Miss Lottia Bush decorated the PROJECTS NOS. WP$O_416 and - , "T.'2 < •• ,• -= ", 18 Most Successf" mg da the L ys.saw 50,000 em- table. Bridge was diversion after_ WPMS-416, FEDERAL' AID = t' 'Bfnae rendering plapt. Tbe only plant located = •\ l'vits Ethel Huff's sale 'of last p~oYer and .heir sympathizers ward.' . .' ROAD. 'L. ". ra ~O:~e~urNeb~ka able to glve you, proqlpt. courteous • -= '. e t"sel1 in the W~ynl Tn rch to pro\st to the 5,000 {. ".' ~. The proposed work conillsts of e J»r ice 0'- your d~d 'anllilals in the future as in jhe pas1.,Wfi = • ~hu~:.a~, ady r ~erY" SU~C~5fuj; ro, l'ch rs of th previous da~. Th,e, N9~Je~(To pontr~ctors.' constructing 5.$1 miles of GltiAVEL• i :~eV in nq waf.:, connected wJth .an~_,other. CO.QlPi'nies \yan#ng = ',= ~~~, h, r~:: wer~ not the bes, pro~e~t s~owed th~t t~e Ob!ect~:f> . Scaled~'9idS w~l, be" receiv.ed at ED ROAD. . '..' dead anihlals., U you hav~ one.hog IDr more call ::- ~~s~..'I;l~~~~. 1 • .~ j . g 't d· f . I've buyers al are' sli I m Ih mmorlly bul lIlat the otl'lce of,tli" Department of The approx,mate quanllt/es ate. or callie. I Bell l~ k f I _ U d s· C,· ,. a, arge; c OVf ~ ac 1 . hi they 11 e activ . Roads and lrrigatibn in the State 79,710.Cu. Yds. .Excavat~on. . We pa.y all phone eals, er ,o.age o,r e, ,e velie: • ~nde~: ~nd Qt~,::,;~gw:rt0~~n~ S.n~ W~ ~idei p~l,ce., .= ,the '., Mon erey ha about 600 'manu- House. at, .pnc.oln" Nebraska, ·,on 2,857 Cu. Yds. Gra,el Sur. = . bUY. ,at hlghesf market. ,. ....',> ' = ~~ie~~'e~~~'the' fatm north~ faeturi g PlantE, these being steel,. February~27, 1936, un~ill0. o'el.oek face, cour M~~Jiat."A" dpncre:tc.'= . WAtP BIND BING CO. . II o~ :~~ r~~~~~ g~~~~bgGi: "fo~~;~CUh~;~ts::iiYd Hea~waUs. ~ Ow~e: =: =east Wayne. :'i'be Walter Meye glasds, Q d otherrPlants using native A. M' II Milton (}rlllitli. and Manalter' :. := .• family will come from Concord a pro uc 5,' .' .opened .. , ~ .' Lb Re1nl . g. Sleel for •. ,N br; d19tf.· . Pho~e I!I ; soon a~ waather permits to live 0 ~he ,L~~:;j sp~nt. r~m. orcUl , , :-••':;~ ~,.'!.*i1...... i

~~r '

! ·11. ~_ . .,"~-..


~ift~~>i~"Mi;~ii."~;Field side. There ar~ ma~;~~~~;~------;_·'--;'t -~Ahoy! "~Toject 'Leadelis ------p;.s.t~;-;--C~-~.-~~t-· 1~:~;:st~~Ok,~:'c~~~~:;:nt;£:~~-t~~~~~~A~i~~;ucal Agent Walle,' · .i<,i g.,'::.~, r'M' 'M -' II £W ~t~~~: ~:~;~:;~~~Sc~r;i~'::h:~: To Meet In Wayne Is Heino Planned state contest get cash prize:! of $50, ,'C~.h sIn 0 rs. e or 0 ayne 'attempted the stl'qits without n The leader training meeting for '- -' 0 -' $40,. $30, $20, $10, $5, $;'i, $5, $5, $5. Hoskins Beef Club ]~n·ml·dge ~ '.' ' c('rtr-in ~ of til'" Io··t·,on cl b f W -- IA sllver trophy goes to the hIghest 1ect~ om <0 UW '" " ...'" women's project u s 0- ayne CFAarmer~ E:.I.~ lC"/' The. island of H< innn, just of[It.ry during the WOl'st of the trouble. of the reefs and of the tides have county will be held in the court Waynt; ounty re (unk.ing contestant in each county L- .' . PH~ m. ~.t southern oint (if Chi:nn~ Communistic or~a~izers came into Imet their doom-ship captains ncv- house Wednesday. February 1U, InvIted To ~nroll With IfUrnIS,I"~mg. ten or mOl:e contc~tan. ts Hosk.rn; Baby.r:c(.r club. :d II,; 11m; been tile home or 2f) years of the sclhlols of Chinn and banded er attempt to nnvigatl' them ;]t beginning at 10 o'clock. Miss Le_ Local Agent. A spccl. R. E. K. Melpr of Wnyne'IElaboratc blanks were- filled alit fronl. 24 to 36 ,hours. tharge'. Nebrl's temperature is very uncomfortable nounced todny by Agncl.lltUl'al I until 1. 10 rill' theIr t'ntry in bur Ruhlow; npws Lll- , l\'1l'1lor. p..l;a&:d ,peCore the students the because of the extrem1c dnmpness) Mr. and Mrs. James Holt of We~;t Agent Walter L. Mollcl·. All W,IYIH' tile idf.' ('ol1l,-','i1. Tlw 19.16 Li cile RuhIo\\'. Wm. w'd H:.linanisa tropica island, swept idea that they must be the oncs t.u which accompanies it. The brick Point, spent last Wednesday with c~lLlnty farmers are eligiblf' In P;Il'- nrJt rhdrkd 1111'('(' rljvi~ion,,, chosen ll:'uder nnd Arthur [khrm'I', by typhoons, ,and t e Nebraska save China, that the unedLlc,-~tl'cllhousesof the white population me Mrs. M. Kroger. tifip'lt~'. , 1,lst yC,I,' . r;I1)](', :1\1 /Kll'ti.ci- 8ssi-stant lC'~d~r. Otl1('r I[wm})p]'s }:now is the first iss Moninger were not .well enough versed in jihe ,heated by amr,}!e firpplacf's during ME J F 1 d PI'l1' I Ag,llll deSlb'1wd to show lhe P:ll1ts 111 (111(' ('Li~;.-;. WlIl- 8re Gerald SWlh;)rt, L:I\Ti"n .Jon!.·". fla~ .sli~n $ince 1928 19029, her last political situation. "The situat.iotl the cold days of the year. Frame ~ en~·Th~rsda t1e~~t~r~~on :iN~ ldl bett('!' p~lsture lind gT,lzing . ne-rs \~'ill n,Jnwd Oil the b~~is INorman Andersun, ,JIJhn Huh 1m,". ful'ltlllgh to the Uni d States. Her reminds me of the children's C'rll- houses me not built on the island J PIZ ? rIjlanugemf'nt, the 1936 (,;ontcst IS of theIr pastur(' iJnd dc- Florence End Everett .Nl'Wrn:ill i\lntion is a Ka~hek, ,bout 40 miles sndesofmedievaltimes,"Miss MOll- because of the white 1(ln who te~ch('s P. H. Elvin Chini'S0 desdE'nt. Th LO typhoons in 40 'yL'ar,,~thrc{' times nt Coleridge, spent fl'oim F. 0. Keim, W. Df'l'rid;, i'; H.le samel as ,the ~·acinl. tl'.ibes- all thl'OUg.h Chinn regnrdlcss of the thdl SUmmE'l' the. rice crop was until the first of the week in ILawritson, Val Kusk:1 ,mel }L('ople of S!t,Jncf' v./III sr'n'r' {If in,'~l.'r is stationed h 0, of the ):1- tht' Er:g!Jsh translation, also the i third i'urlollgh sIll' wpnt to Itlw ~:trllctors i~ reiigionl'a~!"f Chinese IRomal~lzed' ::md wh('re there IS IJnl' IH:lin<:lll III lUl:). ' nbbllns ;111(1 ~(']lOlnrs .sc~o·ol.\~ho C~lnCSE' W won'. a Roy Pierson spent Fridny lONG&HAN SfN You Get Greater Power ~1"lIg~ of the haspl I at the ml:;- cnt abode If It wen' not for my 'pin of intric.ltb ",lIvel fIlIgree 1l1- afternoon with MrS. John Crll~;_ SI(Jl1 15 a former Neb!Ska girl, D1 work Ilnld With llnc ('n,lmpllng Chmcse AT THE DRAWBAR with E"ther M. Morns of Hastmgs, d The Island IS mostly de\-oted to 1('1 nfts dnd ('lvl!l"al.lOn are 01del Almo....-t any sailor would like to be kl~~~~ice Mitchell was a Thul"s­ Established 1892 gtdduate of the Has mgs college agriculture 11ce bemg ih£' mam Ith~n th,lt of ,lny othf'l ('ountJ y ~nd be L'aptured by so channing a. pi- day overnight gucst of JO].:I·S in the .tnrI of the umverSlt~f Nebraska ciop and the- mam article of dlC't IllundwOIk of tbe n.ltlves of Hllll- rate as Olivia de Havilland, the Ray Farney homt:'o SIOUX CITY STOCK A ROw.. CROP ('ollege of medlClne D MorriS took among the lsJanders Uncleared.1ll III their rartJcuiar arts .Ire talented young film slar who has Mrs. Fred Becl\m~n :111(1 .Jo~lI1 State-supervised tests prove that the Oliver Row Crop hf'l mteInshlp in hos Itals In east- portions of the Island .llt' trOjJlc.,llmastcrlY 1he leading feminine role in "Cap- called in the John Dunkbu h()IIH! YARDS Cl?" .umted States. H rhome W\lS Jungle and the mtcnor IS mOlln- lain Blood," at Gay Theatre Feb- Thur!;dayafternoon. Tractor delivers 24.40 drawbar horse power and 29.72 . - oligmalIr at Stuart. eb \ tamous. The Island IS about 250 Mother Of"'Winside I'U~ry 16. 17. 18. Mr. and Mrs. Olto Sahs ,mrl belt horse power. It acfua11y delivers 82% of its belf lVIalarm lS one of the.. dlseasep miles southwest of Hongkong and I A Gene were Sund8Y dinnC'r guC'sts in AI Heldridge supervises thc - ~ always present in Hal an Cholera. It is there the Amencan group Man Passes way ---~-----~-- in the Irve Reed homf'. cattle (Jppartmt'nt. He holds borse power as pulling powerat the drawbar. ~W_·J(IYSenterYandbUbomllagUemU~; Reprf~~ent consultation with our sales­ outst~ goes to do necessary shoppmg Mrs John S Beny 74 of Bat_ Wayne Mrs. Albert Anderson ,mel 13e\'- Jnt'h daily in regard to mar­ If you are looking for fuel economy-foI i.1f1 i 'be ~ntch~dl ~s ep l~mlcs ~VI Trans-PacifIC steamel s do not stop IHe Creek dlt~d Satu~d8Y at hel erly Ann spent Monday ,lfh'rllO(J!1 ket possibilities on each con_ long li£e.-ease of operation-and the finest line of SP~~S" ';.om~g e~ru:: ~:ignment. ],Ih . n::=: the at the smaller ports nor do they home follOWing 0 lillgermg Illness At COllvf':ntion with Mrs. Herbert ThUll. and to make com­ mounted equipment in the world, let us tell you more g bI f 1925 t attempt the H,llnan straits whIch FUnCl::l1 5(>1\10('S wele held Wed- Mrs. Muthics Holt and daugh- parison between different d:i­ visions and market points. about the Oliver Row Crop Traclor. The valve-in-h.ad I commUni.st trOll e . om d .0 are very dangerous. Anyone le.J.v- II nesday. Mrs Berry leaves two tel' were snowbound at the D{',m i~~l~~~~~I~~IO:ga~S :::~ :s~;~:n tl~; He sells the fat ~attle in the motor Is force-feed lubricated at all points of high speed ing the'ida"nd must go on fl small sons, Byron··.J. of Winside, ,lOd Legion And Auxiliary Will Hanson home in the last of main yards. assjst~d by American missionarie in 1927 and steamer. Tide!; from off the roast Oran of Norfolk, and two daug~- Convene Next Year the week and tile of ihis. ea.rnest, a.mbitiou.. Floyd and heavy duty and is evenly cooled !rom top to bottom. Betz Her' Etler, a tireless It turns luel inlo power as ellicienUy as the famous Tip-Toe worker. with wide aCQua.ip.t­ 1928 to get them out QS the coun~ bO~il~in~to~t~he~s~tr~a~it~s~f~ro;m~elit~hie'i· :~~~' ~n:~' ~~~<;~kF~~r~h~O~)f(,I~"adf~~ In Wayne. Sunshine Club Meets. drive wheels tum power into traction.. If you are in the Norfolk. Wnynf' will enterbin the Sunshine club will mf'C.'t Thurs- :lnce. sells the stockers and ------nun1 Thlrd district Legion and day. February 20, with Mrs. Hoy fceders. Our contact man is market for a tractor, you Ole goipq to want this one. See I careful. conservative J..loyd Wayne IJoses Tw.o Auxiliary convention in Februn.ry, Pierson. Mrs. Harry Lessman \viH l.acy. I invite compa.rison of os lodayl jg37, occOl'ding to decision at the be assisting hostess. I their work with others. Yours very truly. Ra~kethall ~~e:;;.~f ~:~~~lU;~~~ie i~~o~Y~;:t staged a sudd0n 'air rittack Gat11eS Italy C. D. Grall, Vice-Pres. tId tl I t e in Ethiopia SundH.Y.. Haile f)elassl(' West Point And Oakland ~epr~~:~~c~nbY ~~::l~f:'~:: wae~d escaped without lllJury /Jut some Long & Hansen Win By Close Margin:s I Ml's. F. G. Dale, Mr. ,md Mrs. G. othel·S were killNl. . SATURDAy, FEBRUARY 14 - 15 Last Of Week., ~~h~S~~f:l~r.~~d ~l~~ :Z: J~~O;~ Friendly relations betw('cn Italy, COMMISSION COMPANY Germany and Japan arc soid to be "Ours Is A Trade That H. H. BACHMEIER Wa~ne high school took twp de~ sen, MI's C. E,. Wilsan, JYlrs. C. A,. forming. as; result of ·the naval Service Made" Withdd"~e:w~t:,,o:o:PCJ'jl~~~~III!!~~~~JJIl~ Phone 62 "Home of the Maytag" Wayne, Nebr. I'feats In basketball last week, \vhen 01'1', Mr". IILllTy McMillan and sancti"ons. ltalyj SuiIJday Roasts Z~os~~~~::j:~cl~\~h~e~~e~oi~i\~~~\~~c~~'s~tt~~~~~i.More thLln 100 from the Germ~n bOl~er. I--,=-.,..,--::==-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-='-"-:-=-=-=-==-='::'"'=~="====- Nice Beef Rofts of the usual Council Oak High Quality at 14 and I7e per pound or a nice juicy ~e~~~~~ e~t~ J~;i~~~'h,til:I:)atleCIfO;w;;;;;,ee,~~;.'~~t"~~It°,~n~n~:;~:~ ~~: At West Point on last Wednes- organization, those who have se­ ¥oU ,C ET M0 RE Fresh Pork R st at 22c per pound. day night the score was tiedI at 3 cured largest number of new mem- BEEF TO BO L, Per pound 14c all, 5 all, 7 all, 9 all, 11 all, 13 all, bel'S. Mrs. Joli!nson, Mrs. Jacobsen,' "- a~d then Wayn~ went ahead .~4.-13 Mrs. Orr, Mrs. Dale and Mrs. W~l- I PURE GROU D BEEF, 2 pounds ...... 27c ~~~e:e/et~e %~Jt:~1S ~~~~I~~ne~ ~~~l~l a~~(~~~;: l;l:O~~~r'~~:tr~i~~ ~~~ " F~, FRESH PORI{: STEAK, per pound. 25c as West Point connected on all gift state oUicC'rs presented favors to .R "0UR M0 NEY IN I shot and a couple of fielderls to the initi,lles und Mrs. Robert Arm­ move away 18-14, and Wnynelwas strong presented each with a gold able to garner only two points pencil. I ' For the we~~~e~~!~o~per pound 1 back. the game ending J8-16' fOl' M,.,. "tate Jegi,].luce ehaic- . on Round land Sirloin Steak. Cut to fry, bron or an West Point. on the year's pro- 0 LD5 M' 0 B I L' E Wnyne seconds measured the Mrs. Hahn, nation- , extra thick cit for aFi;bst. West Point serOIlds Jlj-l:l in:l good "e1,,,bili',,[ion chairman, spoke ' contest. , on work of hqr department. In the On Thursday night, in an extra memorial hour~ which was in period thriller, Oakland high school cll,Jrg{' of MiSs Mary O'Connor of walked off with a 31-29 victbry. LYOllS, MI·s. JClcobsen of Wayne '«:ATftSR pound ZOe The regular 32 minutes ended with flssi"ted e And' Wakefield A.e Gildersleeve. . _0 0 1 0 Chqsen !locations For Nelson ·..1·...... 2 1 0 5 ±I(,Athle"ic Event&. :Bmnhott '...... "_.1 Q 0 2, til rk long life .'.• Then consider this Penholl0V( , :.- _..0 1 1 1, ebraska hith school basketball 'BE Qlt ~rit.ca a9 you 1 e- _ Oldsmobile "The Car That Total ... ~...... 6 4 3] tou naments Jumber 56 this sea~ it's your money you are Has' Everythitlgt,'--is priced OL SMOBILE has eve~y

rdcred drawn on the respectIve funds as herein shown, Mrs, Wade had mfluenza and ElIzabeth 'Rayburnj Deceased. he available and J ead,lf fot delivery on Saturdar February . From Buying ,TriP. . 1 ¥argaret Wade was ill with Creditors of sfiid estate are here~ :1, 'I 1 Mr. and Mrs, A. L. Swan arrived whQQping cough. by notified, th~t 1 will sit at the Y~N~!JG'!bra~~a '. <, v . "I. 'G neral FufuI: . home last ~hursday from Chfcago ' The Ed. Kern sale of Duro~ County Court J;toom in Wayne, in ..;. CA , Whattcir where they; went sunday: before Jersey hogs at, Stanton broke al.l\ said County. on the 21st day of (Cont ued .0n'Page Six.) to buy spri 'g merchandise. ' with an average of $1,830. 11' , , 'I ' • ~, ~!,; ,;' lj~ ,\ ", ...., ",,"..~,",>,~'.'" -'''~,-- "., • , ,

tl}8t he is always glad to recognize meritorious work.

Dixon (;ounty Sum. Dixon counly l'('l'l'I\:cd $1,/l!j2 from th(' st,ltC' ,Jcl1lllill'y g;,solin,(. tax. .


The WPA project for new f'ducn- Hats BLOCKED She'll Appreciate And fl:lllged Oil ol1r I1P­ Legion Meeting, Ampl'ic;ln L('gion was to hove [l Lovely Toiletries to-dnt(' outfit fnl' only-. regular m0ding thi:;; TUf'sday ('V('­ mng. We have n larg-e vade~ (if perfumes, powden.;, i Community Club. creams, r () m p a (' t H , Community club will mcet next rougp, liJl~li('k f,rom Tursday pvcning at the LUUwran Com'()f'() Vicinity which to -"plpct. ('hun'h. /' In Crip of Storm --.­ PHONE 463 Rural Schools Closed. Also Nice Valentine Distnct 16 hnd no school Mon­ Candies For Free call and day. Miss Ethel Lewis is the teach­ Crews Open Road From er. District 21 of which Miss Mar­ Town To Highway Delivery Jorie Misfeldt is the teacher, will First Of Week; PresrriptiQJls FilIf'd Prompt~ have no sdwol all this w{"E'k. Iy and At'<".uratt"1y Concord and vieinlty were' snow­ bound by the Fl'iday storm. Hoads were badly drifted in both dirpc­ -.- Jacques tions and a CfE'W of men worked Monday to open the road to DIxon Wayne Cleaners - Tailors so be prac- becau~e of th~ storm. in the storm. They are overcome by that it was clear over the fences, ~Iooded shepherd dog and, really ll~cd that have made good. \Ve breed the Iwst that mOllC\' tically snowbound Sunday. Mail ChOIr practice Thursday at 7:30. the cold ,and snow, also bjy lack of and they used to go sleigh-riding up to. her na;ne. Every eve­ can buy. We ::;ell the ~amc, . carriers were unable to be out on food. Rev. L. A. Peterson ~as taken right over the fields; no one could l1Ing when 1t was time to mIlk the their routes Saturday and had only St. Paul Lutheran Church. a number of birds into hiS; home to tell where the road was, when the eows Grnndfather would say to her, DON'T FORGET THE DATE ---,- made part of them nIl last week (Rev. H. M. Hilpert, Pastor) thaw the ice from their heads. He fences were covered up, They rode 'Go way up and fetch 'em, Shep,' following the snow of February 3. Sunday. February 16: then places them in the barn and in "cutters," or one-seated sleighs, H~d .she would start off, up to the On Friday carriers walked a part Sunday school at 10:10. ~eeds them. The birds (}~e enjoy- all bundled up in heavy coats and :1111slde whe:c the cows \vere gr?z- Ed. S. Rennick (:J Sons German services at 10:30, mg the warm quarters and the fur lap-robes, with hot bricks at mg. By bmkmg and runnjng behmd I' of the dilstance on their routes, them~~111 Pilger, Nebraska Snow plows cleared the streets SnturddlY,. February 15:, food. I their feet to keep them warm. them she would round up Catalogs Mailed ion request. All Im·mUned. of Winside Monday morning and Saturday instruction at 9 a clock. Tr8vel which was largely sus- When Grandmother I~md Grand- and bring them down to the bnrn- op'ened ~he Winside-Wa)"nc high­ ~u:sdaY, ~ednesday, Th~rsday pended ~ver the week-end, re- fathel' were young married folks yard gate. Then Grnodfnther would 1:,iI-ij-iiii-iiiiiiiiii-ji---i-iii-i-'.-iiii-ii--lIli1ii•••-(' way. Some work: was done on the 'ips on fool. the euttee and send them colling in dlgnlhed way untJl eaeh one wa, No services were held in any of Trinity Lutheran Church. the snow. They did not mind t~is, III h,c.r place 1Il the barn ready to PUBL"",", Ie, ., SAL', E! the churches Sunday and the pub- (Rev. W. F. Most, Pastor) Fred K~~~hp~a~a~~,\P;~:~d ~enneth's ~~~l~p~a~rg~'hS:~c~h~t~~:~~f,r~g:l ~~~y ~il~~~n~t ::~ ~e~~~s~~~ ~~~~ climb in to finish their ride. them all back to pasture. She could "Did you ever go riding with go clear to the hill-top alld bring I will sell at public auction on my place, six and oncMhalf miles In With Pneumonia. south of Laurel, four miles west and six and one-ha.1f miles James' S~lUnders of Dixon, h~s them'!" asked Anne. down the sheep, too. north of .Wayne, and five miles east and t1u-ee and O:llc-half been ve~'Y ill with pncllrqonia this "No, I never even saw thC' ponies; "Didn't you tell me once that she miles north of Carroll. on - week. T? get a Laurel do~tor to his I just heard your grandmother tell hnd some little puppies?" asked place Mbnday a cl'ew of 'men dug about them," said Mother with a Anne. out hig~lWOY drifts Mono;:lY er thinking it the most ijidn't look much like Shep, but was postponed until thr second beautJiful country I had ever seem." that was because they were only Wednesday in March when the '.'Come on, Motl'l.er, tell us about babies. When they got older they same cOIjnm,ittee serves, I it,". begged ,BObby, pulling: his would be v~ry much like her, for Two Mead Horses I mother towdrd tJ.le big soi,a in front they were all pure-bred shepherds, Roan mare, w~ight !1,400. and bay gelding, weight 1,600• .. Movo to Laurel. o~ th~ fire~place. Mother' th9ught too. Grandfather didn't like to have m:V~~ th~:~~:k f~~~n~nfar~a:i~~ ~;k~~ui~e~i~~~l~~~Ul~I~~t~a~~ ~~u~:n:~~ilth;~~~s~eutthOtg~~;: Concord' to Laurel where they settled down with a child ~nugg~ed couldn't !{eep from petting theml­ bo~ght the Phil Most p~perty on up on each side 'Of her. :. tliey were so cute. ~ remember hQlw fo..r COWS th~ wes~ hill, Mr.'Benning took one "~ I ,have told you b'e;fore~" she I used to swing ,in the big chain Three milking noW and one to be fresh in the spring, load ov~r the last of the Iweek and beganj.·..Delawnre County, in _New swing by the wagon-shed, holding Em.~~~~e~w~UII!~'~~I~~~lr:'to~~:nnl.k_ Deering two.. row cuui tor, nrarly new with hiller; sixtecJ;1­ inch I'iding p~t;tw. Joh Deere manure spreader, three-seeUon har.fow, J~nkms hay, stacker. and sweep, two wagons, spring . wlj.JWn, 14-lnch P. & o. tractor gang plow. McCormick~Deerin.r . 10·20 ·tractor, 120 I'ods! of hog netting, sixteen..foot seli~feeder hog. waterer with lam,. set of harness, eight sma.II chicke..i cooPS. small table, dav~nport.and·mattress, gray enameled cook stove. laundrY stove, tw!> congoleuJ!l rugs 9x9. and 9x12; twen- ' ty..gaUon jar. Other articles tog numerous to mention. 35 8ushel. of I'lI"?od Irish' Cobbler Potatile.

USUA~ TERMS. '.' '." '1


---- -~----- ltar,b bloc. The bl1l was filed bf Old A p. L' 1 H h te ~ -- ='UUIllUUlIllllllllllllllltllllllU IIIU C~gressman Karl Stefan ~f thi ge enslon mCO'fl. e as en te.,.71:,", busi- :: BRENNA ~ district. It is designed to find Funds To Be Paid ness administratfon con~~e. =_2 (By S.oll Correspon.-t) =_is meora~k.et ~()r 15 million bushels df' Lincoln, Neh.-Payments of old World Eve"nto ...., UCJl ,. age assistance to Nebraska's lagcd ' i:"'l 5nm.ltllUmrnftUllnrnmnflfJlli Co'mes To Man.age I' indigent will start some time dur- Main proposal of the new AAA ing February, Assistance Director program is a sml conservation plan. Shirley Gay Lindsay was il~ last Golden Rule Store Irl Tolen said. Acreag'e of crop land" normally week: . I " Larry E. Brown arrived Friday Application blanks were rc- used for soil mrlint

M i~~~·s C3thel me -tenn~ I Cm81n3 ~~~~~n F~~~~~lll ~lun lJad taken lis northt'rn d~p' aoo Anna Fredlckson thIS Wel< on nc-' tern(}()n he drove west of tOViCn to m illY of tlH'm dy10g for ~~\~;~fu~~~~t'Il:l~ ~~~~l~:d Morris ~~~I~~a~t w:~~k.-Srnnd::e ev;~~~ ft&~tn-:lt~\?a~r:hf'O~r:t::it~~~~g<'l~~~~~lIC:I~;~ar::td':~tU~;r~:TeS~~tetrAa:~;:s ~l~~l~lt~lli:~nt~r;:st~.p ~;af~:d8=: count of the death of rss Fred- the Loll sen SChoOlhto bnng hi) SlS- lnck 01 .l'ld from exposure to ~_ Knie~che he»ne. JI) the Far NOTth. a. plan61 Ia.nd.\! at long: l'esL Gluth took. hIm on his unofT mudl long-er than In June. )r(jl ('ol)l ren!'loniDg the Galwood f,lIm, and Walter went home He did not feel W( II hdd 1[( 11 1Ilg"lng on the~ heads dnd .;l~e~~C~~~~,-~~ ~w~~c~~in:~~~d~ng_ L.l be only an Ignol"llInt I'J1'O~CrOl". ttle If'g out or the fil'e hore nnd brol,en hnd brou"llt him to the reaHzatlon \j I.age goes to the pinel' I thp Htn~ If>nough to eat Sllppel Ind. f'll1g made to grade I He ~olnts out tha.t he. ill their only "The tea Is hot already. I've around through the woods,."wfth tte- W('P[,;. brmg MISS L,Il11 1 Fl ('ClllCks(J1l to I n a . ,host!'ss 'fnd glavel .four UllleS we~t of ~~f:er~nes:,ulg~~~1ll~:~n~U~re~r~~: kept bnck Dad's share. I'll gIve It quent pauses In the Iflll1es.. Calloll from FIOInk Lobel g <.; \\ III 1I -- I \f/( st POInt. tel" the lon~ lourney. He Ins:I.U~ to him straight." When. severnI hOUrs filter.., Cbe, C~IJB~ ~Ohn~ :Riilliil1l:~a.4 '1\1"I:lS she stays whde ll'ddllllg Fum'I,11 <;('[ \ l( f''' W('l (' (ondud- AltOl13 I Art Bourk,!; and Andrew that the ot.hers help Ramill and "Yuu'li warm thut water." retnrned to camp. :\1IS9 , "vu.",~. -: jl EdJmrer Fe'e,dnclF Garth week with Mrs. Claude Bailey for safelY before dark. School W;l;J to WackeI' ~lIld Leonard Blecke was on into Omaha to see Mrs. Wendt souri ri,ver near Niobrara was ~o "They'll not be after II few dny~. around at Wm, the engineer'S CQld had foreseenp his three city camp­ work: and ~ocial time, resume here Tuesday. not held Sunday <:it 'St. Pelul in a hospital there They returned start thiS week. A crew of 25 Will Yoo'll wear the jacket also." assurance gave way to doubt. He mates had developed camp appe- Basketball games with Dixon church because of drifted roads. home Sunday ('ve~ing. Ibe employed on the project which A taste of hot marrow roust'!d the turned and went down to the take. tites. Better sUllo they were le.-ol,8 A'id on Wednesday. Friday and with the Norfolk Re- will eost $175,000. girl'S appetite. Hunger ovetcuIl1e, Miss Ramill's eyes wIdened. She Irritable. Their craving for dt(nk Mrs, J, H. Fowler and Mrs. Dowe serves SaturdaY were postponed Has Funeral Wednesday. Wedding Anniversary. A. E. Ward, brother of Mrs. Lulu her other cl'1lvlngs~ She said Mtb· glaDced· from hi~ st:: bll~~ if) ~h~ aod tobacco hu'd begun to feSseD. endn~f btl,~e d ~ o~ er~ ~ 'If,T, '.)" Love entertnined Methodist Aid because of the storm. No dutes Rev.: C. K Fredrick.sen was in Mr. nnd Mrs. Gus Albers cele- Waite who taught in Wayne, i$ Ing even when. at the llUckskint cIa t thea 1 At tImbernne HU:Iby. went up. the Wednesday at the fo~mer's home. h b' f Randolph Wedrn?sdny to condudlbtated their 19th wedding nnni- secretary of the Madison building meal. her fAtber drew on,...:s: Yls so lighty toe er Q r no trougA with the gold pan. Gatth The 'committee ~el'ved 'after regu­ r~I~~e~~ W:;~::~ too~:~;:~T~::: ;~~~;'~h:~i~~:C:~,;'O~i';:;~U~~;'~i~f~~::~'ih;~t~~:YLl~~~.;t~iC~U~~~ ~~~ ~;nan~ss;:~~~not$h:~~,oo;~ =[~:~d a~~t w~;~rG:;~h. clothes and ~~~~oo~~ ,~~a a~~~h~:~O~:::~~~; ~l~e~:.g~:m;~r;: :~~c:~tT:~~ lar busine~s. ~:~et~~:s ~~f:~y~nd Winsid(' comps tC'rnoon. ISeggerns, Eric Albers, Ed. Luth- bon~s a w~ek ago. , cH7IlhbO~~ ~;::hle~n~l:::~:e ~;k: ~~sC~~t1Dg over to the nD witll the :::g ~fJo;t~~~' ~:rm:~~g~ ~:~~~: Central ,Social Club~ Miss Jean Pasewalk wertt to her -- ers, also Mrs, Esther Albers and ~I~ L~~ ~~;?n fO~dBate;o~t~ ShOre'to tbe beginning of the mds- When she came to. the lesntl1 with to the tower end of the gfaele1"~ ~entr:iJ.l Social circle was to have home at Norfolk Friday evening Home fro.m Hospital. Warren, Ferne Luther, Marcella an aro . mg e 0 e I keg swamp. Then turned Rod sla~t- the almost sealdlng bot mirttlre of Wtlile he rested 10 a: snnn, mdt last Thursday for dinner and to spend the week-end and she was Mrs. Peter Hansen, who had }':otter and Don Winther. der, were marned F~bruary 2. ed grnduully up tlll'ough tIle b~lt boUed water and tea, her father Ilook on the rocky side (l,r the lat- ptQgram in the Elmer Phillips unable to return to Carroll until . ---~. -~ Among guests were Mr. and Mr~. (It gpruce trees notU the west side muttered. beneatb ~rOIlD9. that be era! DJorolne, bis daugbter went h me but members were unaole to undergone a .maJor operation at the Mortgage Indebtedness. Otto Test, Mr. and :Mrs. LOUlt of the trough was reached lIt tUn. did not want it. "No-no I Ob-oh·bJ down In front of the glucier w1t1lt g t ,there because of snow. M~~~:~~l high school :,>tudents Wayne hospItal, was rlble to come I The following shoy..rs the mort- Test and Mr. and Mrs. Augus berUDe~ He stoVped [0 look at fld:&::- Let me die-in peacet'· Garth. Tiley came to tbe, cha'.poel stayed with relatives and friends. in home ljas1. Thursday. Mrs, Hansen Igage indebtedness record of WaY'f)e Brudigp.rn of Wakefield, ~ by while' Mr. Ramnt NUJght hfs St'lC- Garth beaved np the lax hend where the milky stream &Wi!bed ont With Mrs. II. H. Honey. town the past week during stormy is i~p~r?Ving nicely, Mr: Hansen (Jount, Nebraska, for the month Miss Matgaret Lass of Emerson, ond wind. The mIning engineer BDd shoulders, aJld held the cup to of II tunnel cave In the bllJe-w'blte Delta Dek club met ',Friday af- who .IS ll1 nt home, remams about ending January 31, 1936: and Rudolph Blohm ot Martins- gaVe-DO heed to tbem. He wuhtu'(] the qnlver~ Jipe, "Drlnk,. or I'll iee. ' ternoon with Mrs. ij. I,H. Honey. wenther. the sa e. 16 farm mortgages filed', $104,- burg, were married Sunday last at work panning: (\ut gl'uel. midway 'pour It down yOGI' toroat." Gartb poInted to a shelf or roci Mrs. Charles Mills an4, Mrs. Ed. I -,-.-.-. ~OO.OO. week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gradert up to the discovery stake. A few minu~es later the- "dying" on the neal" side or the stream. He 0 ',Twrh"'UChIW,ehtne rheOCseteiVsesd seP:f.:eeds alWltOe~ Snowstorm Causes I BUl'resscS III West. , 8 farm mortgages released $65,~ and Mr. and Mrs: Henry Blohm of Garth led across to- t,.he east s~de millionaIre began to eat.. He bOIted walked Into the ctIve- a1 -og th~ ~,V Fred! Burress brother of Mrs 15000 Concord and Clarenc¢ Bartling of of the trougb.. Arter e'fery baIt :1'le down the juicy tender meat untll a'll1oothly polished led:~. ~mtb tla- course luncheon. Mrs. Charles Halt To Activit,'y J, V'~immer of Carroll and Mrs: 4' city mprtgages filed, $4,827.44. Wakefield were amOilig the gue-sts. 8[IUted the portly mHHonnh'e 00 sleep overtook hiw 1n the midst of mtll shmIdeted and gtaneed tip Mills entertains Februar~ 21 . I 'f W· 'd . d· 3't t I a d $6 A' move' to force 'continued liSe agafn 8S soon as he could draw a bUe. rearfuUy at the ste~' ~'\ler'.,.baDI~ I. 'LvorA orrI" °c J'f,"sJI e. alT,ve 1'0 3'010C01 y mor gnges re ~ se ,. ,- 01 cereal -ra,'ns'in' the .....anufacture a deep breath. ,'l'hough spoiled, Ufftfl was tar Illg Ice race thllt see~.di '~ove: ro y 23 ~- lI ay And 5,'de Roads as ge es, 4T QUeil\T"" for the c)ub members and husbands Plows and'shovels have bCEl!1; put "'0 i4A'Ve SUPPER _.. HOW LOt4q 5oT",,'" "f0 SUPPER . I·~L. this: spring. this to be i M~rch into operation and highways,. :a~d 00 YOU "TlIlfolt< HEllS VGS'M, COME RICI'tT with Ml',s. Elgin Tucker, Mrs. JOY side roads are ,opening. Many.,.pt GOI....C TO STA"J'I: ... HOME AF·:rERWARCS,·· Tueker, Mrs. J. C, Woods nnd Mrs. the drifts'have'to be scooped out N~clt Warth hostesses. as the snow is' so hard. :.; 'Sale This Thtu'Sd Y. ur:~~ :~u:~~o:~~eo~o;h:~~if~;~ 'J~ 'M. Petersen holds his f~Tm ,Parts of· the routes were carned sa~e this Thursday and a terwards the first of the week and it was, ,.,~~dEi!i;\1 plans to move to the Smith- expected the service would be near Hpvelson residence In C rroll. normal by mid~week. . Train service was sus nded Saturday, there: being no' t:r in last week after Fr,day evenin . The

rs and ~~~~:~e;i~~~~t~~~f~~~~roi~~ h~spi:tai longer ~t'!re ref!,,Uired' to open the \ . Mrs. Bloomfield branch. . School was dismi~scd ill. Carroll .. •"" ..~,,'C,,",.,w'··P'·'~·"'·""··· ",.~." .•= .. \'"."."."...... ,...... ,


i COUNTY BOARD. 225 Mrs. Esther Thompson, cash arlv. for office equipment "":"tl "£ "NATIVES OF SOUTH ARE Northeast Wayne I Orvil e Tuskiild Go.es i I $9.31; and stamps $1.00 ~;", ' (By Staff Correspondent.) , I--~---i~~fr;975PageThree.) 1~.31 To amble Meetlng 226 James H. Pile, cash advanced for groc. and coal for poor Hal~ f~rstllo~rvg~ ;~~~~~o~e~l~~:~~~:;~~~ and investigating family. .... 13.62 PARTIAL TO WARM BREADS MIS. s. J. 'spent the 1035 Wayne HO$pital" hosp. care and prof. services for poor t~ele, ~o ofI, last week WIth Mrs. Manlla I Des Moi es; Iowa, to 'attend the claimed $~2.00, ,examined and allowed at . 227 J. J. S. Co. Treas., cash adv. to poor for trip 12.00 Minneapolis for child ...... r 15.00 Tlbbles , eleventh annual sales meetmg of 4268 Lefebure qorpo~ation, supplies for 'Co. Cierk, claimed skPe~t OrganiZ~ion. 228 Carhart Lumber Co., coal for poor $4.00; lumber and "Miss'"Mal'Y Currier Tells Of Many Southern FtlOYdd Ha.leh.,uf IDelcattur, the Ga ble This I' $175.22, e:;qamined and aUolw03e6d at r.·.. ' 155.00 nails f)·.iO Sa ur ay mg, 0 as wee m meeting ill last two ays and is 'I 229 Andrew Johnson, fent for poor 1 Delicacies Popular In Section Of 6 5.00 th~~·~~dH~lr~.~Oo~~'HOl:stm~n a~d ~ad~:W is~~ ~;~g ~:::blein st~~~ m . ~~~~b.~.l.~'.r~·.y~~.~. ~.~.~.l.~_~.~.. ~~.:.'.. ~st.pay.~~~.~.~~ .. ~ounty 230 Lutheran Hospital, care of poor Dec. 26 to Jan. 2u 30.00 Tenness~ Which Is Her·Home. 231 Crowell Memorial Home, care of poor from Sept. to ~elPha spent Sunday cvenmg In manager ~nd Ga~ble.stOl"~ agency 187 Wayne He~"ald, printing. .... 1~~:~~ Feb., both inclusive 102.00 t le Charles Franzen home. operator In this d.stl'lct Will be in 188 Nebraska .Ij:>ernocrat printing 3631 I 232 Mrs. Alice Chance, care of poor fur Jan. ,th~~~~~:l S~~~J<~\~~~:' b~~~t~se : 1 Cra:'~lngs Bread. .Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Lessman ?f attendan c. 1~9 Winside Tribune p~inting .. - Y ····· · 64'36 .0.00 n~ver w~rm ~~~ ~~~ o~n~~rnmeal ~~~nZ;d~~eJ~~~l~da~o~~lers ft~··ci~~·I~ ~f Co~;i 233 Jay Dltlkc, timekeeper for WPA Jan. 20 to l"cb. 1, 1930 16.0U ~ ' coul.et ;fino any br'C,adt 1 In Merchandising plans fur 1936, 190 Huse PUbliShing' Co., supplie;...... "iJist 3:25 General Road Fund: said Miss Mary Currier, home ee- 3~4 cup of flour M d M n 'G Ithe past year's business, new mer- 191 ~. C;;. ~~s~O~~~~.~.'. ~up.~.~~~s . ~o~L~~' ~~~~.i.f~ ....$... ~.3..;..for 1.'3 'Commission Dist. No. I-Erxleben onomics instructor at the Wayne 1-2 teaspoon sodu r·Tahn drs. Herman e chandise" store problems and othcr 'J :ev.: q~ Wright Lbr. Co., COlli for county she'd State Teachers College, in her 1-4 teaspoon salt ~er; d u~ ay suppe~ gues s m business will be presented and dis- 192 Remington Rand Inc., McilntenalJlce service on··..:4 ltem~ C.Ull . J. J. Steele, Co. Treas., express ud\'anced 1.81 soft southern. voice. "I wa,s a~l~vaYs 1 cup sour milk l~ re ~ver6ann ~m~ It ' cussed by executives from the i ~~:i~~3:n~ .~. ROyal...~~~~.~I~~~.e.I:~. from .~.~-2~~~.~:~~.~~.a,..50 ~f Merchant & Strahan, Inc., gasoline and OJI 108.23 hungry-I really didn't thin one Cracklings are the crisp bits left er~ n~n ~ d' arenc;u~ t 0 lel'~ :general offlce. '. ~ ~ ,> Leon Hansen, plOWIng snow 48.80 .could cold breads but fte!.· after lard is rendered from fat. ~::~ inUthea~im~~~:ssma~~o~~. Mr. Tusl~ind \V!ll return from Ip3 J. J. Steele, Co. Treas., expressl advanced ...... 57 cat 'r .. 2a7 Geo. H. Lessman, plowing snow 48.80 being in the north rIor so 10 g. I Stir the dl'y ingredients together Miss Viola Hollman spent Sun- the el~nventlOn on Snturday, Febru_ 1~4 J. J. Steele, Co. Treas., postage f~t January 22.00 238 Coryell Auto Co., oil and repairs 13.25 · have learned to e them." and add the milk. Combine as for day afternoon of last week in the ary ;).... 1~5 Walter L. Moller, office expenseIand mileage ...... 20.97 239 Miller-Hasselb Weible's Store, Jan. groc. for poor 15.00 Commissioner District Claims: "'. One 'of the real dClicailes, Mi~s 2 cups milk last week and this week in the Mrs. Home from Chkag-o. :.; Hi Hill's Food Store, Jan. grQC, for poor. 5.00 Commissioncl" Dist. No. 2-Rethwisch , h h Julia Gildersleeve home. Mrs. Mmnil' 11. K,lgy ;11 r1\"l'd 217 .Jim Timlin, Jan. groc. for' poor 5.00 1935 f~~r~: t~:~:~~.:=r~;ldeh ~~t ~~~ ~ ~~gs;oon salt Ml and MIS Harvey RClbold Ihome l:.1st ThLllsdd) hOlm (hl( Igll 218 Farmers Union Store, Jan. groe. for poor 5.00 1151 for 15.40 4155 for 36.15 415(; tur 51.7j ham is smoke cured, co\' red with 3 tablespoons buttel spent Sunday evenmg of last week whcle ~he spent Sl \ II d d 1\ 0.; 210 Frank Krause, Jan. rent fort poor 5.00 4157 for 22.'10 W:3(i ~irlY ~51l cloth and packed in a dry 1 teaspoon bakmg pow del In the F W Franzen home Img SPIlI1g nW/lll lIHIII;( 220 Howell Rees Est., Jan. ren for poor 6.00 for 5UA!J for D.lO place. At two years th ham is Scald milk and add gradually to Mr and Mrs Hem y Barelvnan K~gy SdW dtl ( AC(lkrlt "piing ::;1:, If ~~; ~:~~~~~o~rt~m~e~o~~.~~~a~o~;/o;o~;o.r.... 1::~~ 257 Commissioner Dlsi. No. 3-Kul'h considered good and at t ree~ it is meal, salt and buttel Cool sllght- dnd family ""ele Sun~aYJa~telnoon sho\\ \\.hil~ gune' 223 MliforCl J. Wright, salary as bookkecper in Relief Office -, 1935 excellent, At the end of th eeyears ly and add well-beaten eggs and ~uests ldst v.eek In teo n Reeg ------Jan. 23 to Jeln. 31, inclusive I .. '18.90 4272 fur 1169.00 4273 for 6.25 .4214 the cloth is completely' covered at the last add the bakmg powder orne As to na\ 11 J IIJ III • b 11 1936 6.:1U 'th 1d h th ~ .T h' k II t d Mr

> Not so much beef IS ea~·n III th.c, loveliest part of the. y~ar, Miss in .the Ross Hanlm home fOl' a so~th. J1.'1ore popular mats are'l Currier declares. Leaves remain while. chicken and. pork and t . so~th- on the trees for weelts after they Dr. W. ,A. Emery. dentist. l!Z E ern cook serves a great de 1of fISh. have turned ~and the mountain 3rd st,. Plio.De -tI.iW. o24tf~ "The northern. cook do~s not use sides flame and glow with color. Mrs. Loren Andrews of Metl­ enough seasomng to S~It t~e p~l-l In the winter holly is I abundant dow Gr~ye, came Thursday and ate ~f tpe sout~erner, s Id MISS Iin the small ravines!..-pne never visited her folks, Mr. and Mrs. E, · C~rrIer: "Northern m~tho of flav- worries about the Chri4tmas tree L. N~akes, until the first of the ormg gl\;~s a very dehcate b~end to in Knoxville! If a field IS left un- week. food, whlfe th.e souther~ ,IS ~or cultivated fOl' a couple' of years, 'J. H, Kemp of Stockton, Calif., sharper feasorungs and. ric. ~r mD.'- '. it will be covered with '\Christmas who will attend an insurance turcs, So~thern food IS '~ch III I trees" of just Ithe right s zc for the meeting in Milwaukee, Wis., this ,cream .a:nd butt~r. One tung we holidays. ' month, plans to. come to W8yne neyer! n~ver do ~n ~hc so th-and A great deal of tobacc~ is grown the' last of February for a short f th~t .15 t~ u,se a cream s uee on in Tennessee, 'Some year~ ~go Miss stay with friends... . '1 , str~ng b~~ns." To a so therner, Currier was asked jf Uk tobacco Mr. and .Mrs. WIllard WIltse an~ II strmg b~a:ns 10 a sa~ce are a mess. plant bore flowel's' she was unable son of ;Wausa, cl;lme. Friday to viSit , The sau.thcrn w,?y IS to ook th.e to ahswer th~ qu~sti6n Iand later the Wm. Beckenhauers. Mr. Wiltse l' beans w~t~ ham. discovered th