I I' I . 1'\ PAGES Section One 12 Page~ 1 to 6 It -. THE :W.L\YNE HERALD I FIi~~Ui~~t~}iAT ' DIES SUDDENLY TO OLD MEMORIES NEAR llJAKEFI'ELD rrHI-.; "WOl st BlJ:i.Z<l1 d o[ the " CenLUly,"cxplallled as mean- ing the twC'ntlcth century, was Cold, Snow And Wi~ Mal<ie Prof, :Bow_rGivea.iAddre.s the stal tlll1g" newspaper head­ Mrs, G, A. Johnson SuHers One Of W orol BIiiz"ards . On 8irthdR'Yt-Anniveflsary line used the fLrst of the week Fatal Attack Wednesday Most old-timers are inclined to In RecoJleclion. H~me. (!If Wa,,"f!residenl. stick to their oft-repeated stor­ Morning At ies that by contrast nothmg Mrs G Alfred Johnson died much has been seen yet. R R. suddenly at about 9 o'clock Wed~ Smith who landed in Nebraska nesday mornlOg at her home four fiftyflve years ago thlS week, miles south and one east of Wake_ and because of an lOsuperable field She was apparently all right blizzard, cam~d the fIrst mght whcll::vIr .Johnson and son rose In an mhOspltab1c snowbank, and went to do the chores. When manIfests surprismg uncertamty they 1 eturned to the house they about companson of late savage found Mrs Johnson was not up yet cleme!'lts WIth those wlthm hIS ISO they went 10 hel' room and recollection He cxpl,llns, how- found hel' lifeless It IS thought ever, that he was m Texas on she suttered a fatal heart attack January 12, 188B, when the I Wayne county hIghway plow mcmOl<tbly tough short-course was sent to open the road so th,ll blizzal'd swept the country. relatIves, doctOI" and undertakel" Those who remember that could reach the Johnson home. storm believe more snow fIlled The snow-blocked roads were the all' then, but that the mer- cleared by Wednesday evening cury did not slllk sO low As to Funer,.l1 arrangements have not quantltles of snow, pIOneers yet been rn<lde trot out the winter of 1880-18Bl Mts. Johnson, whose m,lldcn as an example of outstandmg name was MISS Len<J Carlson, was excess Snow covered the I born Itl Sweden and was 72 yeaIs ground 1Il October of that wm- old last September She came to tel' and remaltled unUI the next 'I thIS country as a young woman May. PIoneers WIll awaIt fur- and was marrIed at Wakefield In ther developments th1S season IJune, 1892, to G. Alfred Johnson before decldmg that the 1880- IDeceased leaves hel" husband, two 1881 dating perIod has been d1S- I daughters, Mrs Jewell Killion of quallfled BUlldmgs, groves <lnd IWakcfleld, and Mn; DaVId Cham­ other protectIOns must be t~ken I ben; of Thurston, and one son, mto account In maklllg com- Ellls, Ll~me A daughter, MISS parlsons In connectIOn With the II Edltll Juhnsnn was kIlled In an ae­ 1atc spell of wmd and snow we ('Id('nt III CaltforOiR four years ago. learn that Saturday was the I ThcIl' .Ire two grandchildren, Dar_ fIrst time 1n twentynme yCLlrs : kT'{' k..1l1!!)]'" <lnd DaVId Lee Cham­ that all Idllway trams hele- 'h"s MIS .Johnson IS also :mrvlv­ about:; were annulled for onc rl l t l olliiil F k d Ed whole day. Also Saturday llIght I ~'dr;~on\\I~f"lfmrtl~'gt~~~ a~~ one marked the fnst tIme wlthm I blOtllCl In Swcden our recollection that most local G Alfred Johnson lS a brother busmess houses, recognlzmg of ehalles J uhnson of Wayne. storm-furced 11 adl' suspenSIOn. ~~~_t71~~r~ry \~~:1Jflln<J~:'~~ ~~~~ I Goes To Minnesota youngsters may rCdsonduly delle I To Visit Mother ... from thts pellOd \ H E SIman left today by tram for Slewartvllle, Mmn to sec hIS ~;~!~~~~~l~~~~ :~~l~~~::tv~: ROAD PROJECTS but v,a., unable tq. leach there be- cau,e of the ,ta'm, h" tram bc- \ mg ~talled <It Alden, Mmn. fUI 48 ASKED haUl s He was oblIged to return tu BiOS ARE r Wayne withuut rea<:hm~ hiS qes­ tinatlOn. He leaves today in an­ Improvements Near Carroll other attempt to see his mother Aug W!lk,e{i!'Ill,Will Be who is Pllst 97 y~ar~ of age.. Contracted Soon. Among the coad proje", on Weather I nterferes wh>eh bid, w,ll be received at Lin- With Office Here. coIn February 27 by the state de- TreaSLllCI· J J Steele rep , ,I ,~ partmcnt arc Imp~ovements ncd!' 1282 car plates sold to - ~arroll and Wakcflel~ T~e former Wayne county. We<J.ther has- ._ mcludes gradmg, gravclmg, <:u1- eled many from commg in. Last vetts and two bridges on fIve mIles 1S<Jturday was the flISt day wilhm of Winside~Belden highway, th1S Imemory of <Jny at the court house being north and south of CarrolL when not a smgle payment was The other proJcct consIsts of grad- made Into the county treasurer's ing 4.6 miles on the Pcndel-Wakc- fund 1n person or by mall. field hIghway ro~h~I~~~~:::f~~tV~:;~~tan:~~\;t;dScout Honor Court outlet as the pcoJect wdt ,onncct Date Is Postponed ~~t:v:~~~hl~~W~~ew;~~dOfw~:rn~f Boy seout (,Out t ~f hanOi, Wayne had prevIOusly been con- planned fur Mo.nddY mght, was traeted and Will be done as 'Soon postponed Indeflnltely The court as weather permits. Iwill not ~c held untli after weath- The gradmg south oJ Wa.kefleid Cl" fondltlOns have settled and roads is prellmmary to gravehng between ar¢ m shape to permit the troops Wakefield and Pender. frim other towns to attend. Fire at Hoskins G(Jllncil Approves Of Three Firemen Destroy.s Store W<lyne cIty counCIl, at regular mectmg Tuesday evening, allowed bills. The selectIOn of Dr. L. F. Peny, Walter Pncss and L. W. Ellis as new fIremen was approved. Regular Sessiod. Wayne county board held regu­ lar busmess sessIOn Tuesday. !. T'·-.·." r :1,\1 I AYNE RE ALD. WAYNE. NE~~~K.A..Tk(hisDAY. FEBRUARY ~3, 193~,11 \ . ! \ ":i1!I'~!:E.'JIUi~e'Coilllt~ -.Wayn~Men -~.iii ~ .. S~hr~oIIBo;rdi"" _. -Stz;d ~n'ts-T~-A~Pe~r, Ki~anis G~~up ... -- hal kept--;;;;em~rk~;;lYwell due· ments. Mr. -;;O~'I-;-~s~ ~;"~~c;;:;;-~ ,tu;;;;n. HO-;:;:-Y B~~mel' who had Ihc '; 'k:·II"I"i' '" ;~",' Att d M t· s 1 V· 1 mSi the cold weather The school the Democrat. stBltion, ~oved to Norfolk to'ac- ha, been remnrlmbly free from Miss. Romaine Sim.. m.erman be. ccto pOSItion in a hardwarc ,IOI·c. , In'Grip' ofStol'll1 en )~hen emg Monday Meeting n owe Reciml ;:' - Noon Session - '" t Dr.d Charlest f thF. t, supenn- M,ss *l,ce McGregor mezzo so· \ coqtaglOus dlsen"es'\' although a gan working Monday"at the Peo_ r. and Mrs. T. J. Copple of ,,-it <l;.~ ~:l -- en en 10 e Wa ne public • -- prano, <1 d Oavld Sande~s, barlton; 1-- •• number of cases of ~umps have pIes Natural Gas company office. Rosalie, came Monday and L, ~ 'l'l.O~t ,~,vere Winter Spell sc?Ool, and Dean H. H.:Hnhn, sup- Reelection Of Teachers Is present ... public debut recl'tal th,'s Plan Anntl Ladles' Nlg'ht· been reported In tl~e city. The State M' D. J d . I t· h ermtendent of the W4i t I ' '" B ISS ons u son IS ass s mg er, Copple of Minneapolis, can:l' Tues. ' Of Twentieth Century . hI' ,yne ra UN Discu8sed-School Head Thu'rsday evening at 8: 15 at the ftOl" Next ondny Evening ureal! of Health t>hlCes the ~'ncu- the latter planning to go to Oma- da~ to spend a few days with the I' . V"t S.-t 109 se o~, plan to attend the gen- .' • college rI"dltorium Both'ar '1 I .I... baUon period of mumps at 4" to I It· lSI s. U\ ee, eral session programs f*r the. sixty- To Attend Meetmg. I P I "c'I'll d B' '. M' e PUpl s At AudIt~rlUm. 21 days and symptoms are de~crib- 1<:1 a cr. son and brother, LaITy Coppk, " - sixth andual conventio of the De~ . 0 1'0. I 01' all. l~S Helen J_ .,'" d' .. ,Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wilson nnd Wayne college studt'nt who I'; 1Il The most prolonged period of in- .t t f S . t d 8t School bonrd meeting was held Toy Dnd Dewayne Gramly, accom- ~lwaOls club h~cl, regular noon'; ~ as follo~s: Pam I? Jawor neck, son have moved to Hoskins where Wayne hospibl1 \vll{'re )]{' ~l:ld ,Ill teh.se~CQld"ot.the ~Oth c.entury is tal ~e~ a t ~pe~I~~~hencef . Monday ev~ning tit the office of panists are students with Prof. Al- day luncheon at aotel Stratton ~aw feels shff; swel~Jng below ear; Mr. Wilson has charge of an oil operation for ruptun'd aplwnrll.'..: file- way ijie lpast week's storm is F~:;:~'aJ'y022 ~o 2; e , ere rom the·city schoql superintendent with bert G. Carlson. Monday. Dnvid Sanders, voice fever. ~arents are ~s.ked to co~p- _. ._ dIJSCl'lbed' by weather 'records. C t· tI . fd tl t L. W. Vath, .r. C. Carbnrt, P. R. Miss McGregor sings "0 NuH de student at the Wayne State ~each- erate wlth the school m prcvpntLng ~~~MB fsn~;~;C;un~~i~~of,l~he1~c~~~1~ Mil~e~, ~~leetwood, :'M~in' ~he sp~en~ dis'~~sc p ~.~ And the more than 20 days of SUqN illg E.
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