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Help Your Red Cross to Help Suffering Americans! -■ti

Average Daily Circulation For the Month of November, IM l The Weather Forecast of U. S. Weather Bereee * 7,010 Fair tonight and Wedweadajr, Member of the Audit warmer Wednesday, becomtaig Bureae of Clreulatloae lEuf nttt0 colder Wednesday ^ght. Manchenter~-^A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXL, NO. 65 (ClasalSed Advertising On Pnge U ) M A N C H E ST E R , CONN., T U E S D A Y , D E CE M B E R 16,1941 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI

Japanese Slaek Off Attaek;

Army Planes Renew Assaults on Ship

Women in Training for Defense

British Outflank All Respite Is Regarded

German Tank Units Only Temporary

Remaining in Libya Transport Dan

Smash to Heart of Main Bombers Active Off Le- German and Italian Steps Taken British Facing Observers Say Lel-Ul gaspi; Enemy Air Ac­ Mother Ship Position Despite Ter­ Probably Means Ja| To Mesh All Bad Situation tivity of Minor Char­ anese Moving Ad rific Bomber O f Jap Subs acter; Four Japanese tional Supplies tacks; Hit at A rm y Plans At Hong Kong Fighting Planes Shot serves and Rear; 100 Miles O ff Position Off

tie May Decide Down; No Ground Op­ Resting Pilots, Attlee Announces Pro­ May Have to Evacuate erations Reported in k hauling Planes Of African Campai^. gram to Coordinate Port; Serious Dan­ Indications Submarine The Philippines Today New, Powerful At Military Operations of Captured Had Made Cairo, Dec. 16.— (/P)— Brit­ ger to in

ish armored forces have out­ Britain^ Russia, 11. S. Fighting in Malay. Washington, Dec. 16.— (/P) Run of Distance to Mahjia, Dec. 16.- flanked and brought to battle —The War Department an­ Join in Jap Attack. Japan’s assault on the Pb all remaining German tank London, Dec. 16 — (>P)— MaJ. London, Dec. 16—(>P)—An in­ nounced today that Army pine IsIa^B slacked off bombers had renewed their forces in Libya and smashed Clement R. Attlee, lord privy seal, formed source said today that Washington, Dec. 18— (S')—The to an air ^^ck at Olonga Hong Kong might have to be eva­ attacks on Japanese vessels to the heart of the main Gqr- announced in the House of Com­ Navy Department indicated today, Naval base, northwest man and Italian position de­ mons today that “ all necessary cuated and that a serious threat to off Legaspi on the Island of in making public details of the Ja­ Manila Bay, 'but deffi Singapore had developed in land spite terrific bomber attacks, atepa" were being taken to co­ Luzon in the Philippines, se­ panese iwo-man submarine which forces regarded The resj the British high command ordinate the military plans of fighting on the Malay peninsula. riously damaging an enemy participated in the raid on Pearl only as temporary. Althon announced today. The communi­ Britain, Russia and the United "British lack of Naval super­ States. transport. Enemy air activity Harbor Dec. 7, that a Japanese there was no official expb que said a Britiah column carried iority has changed the entire situ­ was of a minor character, said "mother ship” or ships had ap­ tlon, most qhservers aald the out a wide outQanktng movement Attlee announced that a secret debate on the war would be held In ation in northern Malaya," the the department’s )2th communi­ proached within about 100 miles up probably meant that the\ which Bwept 30 milea paat Gaxala source aald. ‘The British land de­ que of the war, reporting on the of the Island of Oahu to make the neae wera moving addit to a point ISO milea deep In Lib­ fense was planned on the basis of situation up to 6:30 a. m., e.s.t., forces and suppUea. iato. posit yan territory, where H attacked (Continued On Page Tit) Naval Buperlority, but both the today. (Contlnned On Pa ge Twelve) off the Island coasts, resting the Axla reserves and rear. Britiah and United States fleets Members of the Ifaasachusetta women’s defense group, going through gmduaUon drllU at the Needham. Mass., lire aUUon, do a Four JapaneM fighting planes lots, overhauling planes and i May Decide Oampalga have suffered hard blowa. high ladder maneuver In yhlch they secure themselves to the ladder wera shot down, the communique shalling gaaollne, bombs and Back of this area, main British Reduced Age B e«l Threat To Staigapore with their legs, leaving hands and arms free. said without indicating whether munition for new and powe and Axis forces were Joined In a “ Now the Naval situation has they wera bagged by anti-aircraft Japs Report attacks. battle that may decide the fate allowed the Japanese to develop fire or by American fliers. Japan’s concentration on

of the British North African cam­ an offensive on a large scale. No Change In Situation Limit Urged paign. There definitely is danger—a real No ground operations were re­ Mass Raids (Contlnned On Fag* Twelvn) threat to Singapore by land.” ported in the Philippines, and the (Tbs London military commen- tator aald that the outflanking Several British quarters ex­ German Divisions communique said there was no On Draftees pressed doubt that Hong Kong movement threatened to cut off Change in the situation reported Near Manila Romen’a Army entirely, but that could hold out indefinitely against from other areas. the coaatal road northwMt from the concentrated Japanese attack. The text of the communique: (A BBC broadcast heard by Flashes ! the O a ^ a area to Tihiml and Roosevelt Recommends Smashed by Reds "1. Philippine Theater: Military Barracks Set I> m a waa atlll in Axia hands. The announced withdrawal of all “ Hhiemy air activity waa of a (Late Balletlaa of tbs (P) «Vlia)( Minimum Age for In- British forces from the mainland commentator aaid Rommel, prob­ minor character. Four Japanese Afire During Air At­ ably would attempt to withdraw to the island of Hong Kong. The fighting planes wera shot down. . duction Be Lowered broadcast said that on the Malay Take Over French Liner very rapidly toward the road, "American Arm y bombers re- tacks Northeast of '^peninsula the Japanese had de­ In Retaking Klin WashIngtoD, Dec. M newed attacks, on Japanese vessels which the British were threaten­ For 21 Years to 19. United States goverameat veloped their large acale offensive off Legaspi, seriously damaging City; Planes Destroyed ing.) through capture of airdrome* at took over the big French I__ Oontlaue Advance - ' one enemy transport. Washington, Dec. 16.— OP)— Rec­ Victoria Point, aouthemmost tip liner Normandie. The State Britiah forcea continuing their ommending that the minimum age “No ground operations report­ Tokjro, Dec. 16— (Official Rad.o phrtment announced that ths ' of Burma, and the Malayan border ed. advance aouthweet of Gaaala de- for induction Into military service airdrome at Kota Bharu.) ^:Z!:lE ight Elderly Received by A P ) — A Japanese Maritime Conunleslon wonM , ‘2. N o change in the situation Army communique today reported aptte "resolute oppoeition and re­ be' lowered from 21'-'to 19, Presi­ Chioeae Intensify Drive the liner over under exiatiag peated counter-attacka” by Ger­ repoHed from other areas." mass Japanese air raids on Amer­ dent Roosevelt said today that the A communique issued in Chung­ and that' fair and adequate a man and Italian Infantry yester­ nation should have a sufllclently king and reported by Reuters a j Legaspi is on the Pacific coaat ican air bases near Manila and said penentlon would be made te ' g C* . j Persons Die of Luzon approximately 200 miles day reached Alem Hazma, aome 15 large pool of men In its armed said (Jhinese forces had intensified ment seized; Gams In- v military barracks were set on fire owners. The action was milea aouthwest of Gaxala, the forces “ to meet all contingencies a drive against the flank and rear southeast of Manila. in an attack northeast of the city. in the announcement aa i___ communique related. now foreseeable." of the Japanese forces In an at- dicate Nazi Pincers / D u r i t l g F i r C Japaaeaq Fleet Ilonted (A1 4 p, m, today, Philippine that taken by the United The United States bsttle fleet, time, a Manila dispatch aaid there in the ca sa of the Swedlnh There they attacked "a defen- At Moscow Blunted. aive position held by strong ele­ (ContlnneS On Pnge Six) (Oonttnned on Page F oot) Kungshoinn and Other veast (ContlBoed On Page Twelve) (ConUnned On Page Twelve) other friendly powers. ments of one German and three j Seven Others Carried to Italian divlaiona supported by all Moscow, Dec. 16.— ( f l V - A the remaining German tank special Russian c o m m u ^ u e I Safety from Convales­ Denies Sinking French SUp atrength," It continued. London, Dec. IS — (P) declared today that more "A fter heavy fighting, during cent Home; Victims Britain charged today that

which the center of the enemy po­ Urges Widest Latitude than' three German divisions House Group Ponders man eubmartnes w e n sition waa penetrated in apite of were smashed with more Range from 68 to 93. French and Spaalak nsSr

two determined counter-attacka by than 13,000 of their men kill­ ships indlecrtrolnately German motoriaed infantry and Schenectady, N. T., Dec. 16— ^ . Ing the blame on Britela jte i In Price Control Law ed or wounded, sjid that huge tanka, progreaa was made. —Eight elderly persons. Including \ Own Probe of Attack new tronble and gain "is a e f | the eerioua inUiteiy aitnattaia' “The enemy supported their quantities of. ' heavy equip­ six women, perished today in a counter-attacks with their i m t I. ment were seized by the R ^ Russia and U bya." A BrtttabT* Hoover Wants Powers fire which raged through a con- mum available force of dive bomb­ British Bomb Arm y in its recapture of Klin. Expect to Call Knox miralty statement denied a ers and With other forma of air at- Given to Roosevelt; The special communique followed Valeacent home, reducing it to Quezon Plans communique charging that a ta<^, but our A ir Forcea effec­ an earlier official announcement ashes within gn hour. And Stark to Fix Re­ marine "presumably Brittak” .- tively countered these activities." Suggests 14 - Point •unk the French roerehnat Seven others wera carried to ' Ports’ Docks that Rlin, 50 milea northwest of sponsibility for Seri­ Denis and said that for the B«M!h Halegk U OM mub safety in their nightclothing Labor Corps Program to Congress. MOSCOW , and three key points In- eight weeks Oermaa ITie force which carried out the the .Tula spne had been retaken, through snow and 20-degree tem­ ous Losses Sustained. wide outflanking movemant. it was had been operating in the ' indicating that the Nasi pincer perature. Stated, had reached H a l^ b El Planes Attack Ostend Mediterranean where the Washington, Dec. Ifl.— (/P) around Moacow had been blunted. The victims ranged in age from Directs Creation Today; Washiogton, D ^. 16.— (;P) occurred. — Former President Herbert And Brest; Lay Mines 68 to 9$ years. • • (Contlnned. Oa Page FoOf) Tyro o f tbt three Nasi divisions Mrs. Lm a Smith, operator of Agriculture to Be Un­ I— The House Naval Commit­ Hoover asked Ckmgress to­ In Genpan Waters. decisred to have' been routed the home about four milea west Plotted to Aid Jspsness were motorised units. der Strict Control. tee today considered the' ad- Manila, One. . 16—($7— day to give President Roose­ of The General Electric Com­ (The Ruselsna previously ' had 'visabiliiy of making a sepa­ Philippines Secret Servlea velt the "widest latitude^’ in London, Dec. 16.— (P)—British pany’s Schenectady plant, told po- Britain Told Manlla, Dec. 16.—(P)— President rate Pearl Harbor investiga- nounc^ tonight that tbs legislation establishing war­ bombers attacked docks at Oa- of the sati-Aicwricaa (Ceatlaoed Oa Page Four) (CeatlBiMd Ob P$fa SU ) Manuel Quezon today directed the ition, paralleling the one to time control over prices and tend, Belgium, and Breat, Fnmce, ganlznUon hsd oonfeasad'^l last night and laid mines In Ger­ creation of a labor corps, compos­ be conducted by President W ar Costs commodities. “W e cannot ed of unemployed, to be placed Ganap had plotted to man waters, the A ir Ministry an­ dnpnaeso eonquer ten know what the situation may under the direction of American Roosevelt. Even before the nounced today. committee went into execu­ Tbr aanouacemeat aaid be a year or five years hence,” One bomber- waa missing from military authorities, and decided to subject agriculture to strict feaslon. of tee lender. Baa Commons Votes Fourth Hoover told the Senate Baiiking the operations. It added, and one Pledge Penny for Each tive session Representative Mott control. tile, had Implicated many Committee as he drew from his fighter' was missing from an at­ (R., Ore.), a member, declared fellow*. Twenty seven Billion • Pound C r^ t experience as food n^mlnistfator These steps, in addition to the tack on an airdrome ‘across the Enemy Plane Destroyed commandeering of food, were that Secretary of the Navy Knox of. Onanp, faM:lndlng Ma For ‘Fiscal Year. during the Inst World war to sug­ channel from England. and Admiral Harold R. Stark, nr ranted shortly aftes gest a l4-point progmm for con­ taken as part of a long-range pro­ gram to insure an adequate supply chief of Naval operations, “cer­ attack began trolling prices and commodities. tainly" would be caUed in an in­ charged with Illegal London, Dec. IS—<4V-Slr K b «a - NitsU Claim British MarshaU, Tex. Dec. 16—(P) A penny a plane doesn’t seem of essential foodstuffa aa protection ley Wood. chanceJlor o f the ex­ Beads Prepand Statemeat Would you give a. penny fpr every Uke much— but with two mUUon against blockade. quiry "to fix responalbUlty for the bordering oa treasen; chequer, told the Rouae o f Cbm- Stni ruddy-chasked, the only Cruiser Sunk by Sub plane shot down by United members ths rsoelpts on seven While details o f the - farm pro­ serious losses sustained in the • • • . mons today that Britain has apant living former president shook Bsriln, Dac. 16.— (Official Ra­ States forces? enemy planes shot down would gram were not disclosed, it waa bolt-from-the-blue Japanea* as­ Marfceta A t a OInnrs 3.300.000. 000 pounds ($SS,200,000,- hMds with nsarby aenatora and dio Received' by AW —The Gsr- That questoin waa aaksd 203 $140,000, Adams'pointed ouL sssiimwjl on* atm would be incress- sault on the Hawaiian stronghold New York, Dee. 16 000) to fight the war so far. wayad to veteran Senator Glasa man high command reported to­ Marshall clUxsns. Two hundred “Think how goec- German submarine in th* eastern hopea the idea will spread. 'OssMnlttes to Handle Maney now devoted to sugar cane, Chairman Walsh (D., Mass.), of Foreign Excbaai 000) war' credit for the current tatora were in the large commit­ Mediterranean off Alexandria. . Harry Adams of Msrshsll, who County Judge Paul Warren of­ may be diverted to vegetables and the corresponding Senate group flacal year. No quastiona wera tee room as he began hla testl- started the club bare and aigned up fered to help by appointing a com­ othcR crop#. had^ an appointment with Knox eraUy anehaagsd. ‘ The ahip, which waa part of a O et^- Mlisd; mony. cruiaer forniatlon, "apUt In two 300 msmbera la four hours, aaid mittee to work aa an affUlats of Several months ago the govern­ and’ Vinson aald be would try to U t j m j m DMly Bate Mr. Hoover aald he agreed with tbs plan waa outlined to him by a -the State Defense Board, tha com­ ment began storing up canned arrang* for the cabinet officer’s after a terrific exploston and sank Sugar Irregular; friend from the Argentine. In rsquestiiig this new loan Sir Leon Henderson, defense price ad­ in a few mlnutea," the communi­ mittee will handle money received goods. ' appearance. $6,666 Sola In Senth Amoricn Mstels Steady I Kingstey dlselassd that only 1330,- ministrator, that declarations of que: Sgid. from club members. •6 Sterakespets Arrested Msy Deteradn* Soaps XM.OOO ($900,000,0(W) w u M t of A South American club rapidly Carman,. Italian Thirty Manila storekeepers, hrsiMh* war had changed tbs sntlra attua- . Since Knott, after detailing tbs ■iie 43,000.000,000 ($13,000,000,0001 tloa Bine* the Honss niasid a prise draw $0,000 msmbera, whose eoai- planes dssU oysJ U. 8. forces would mostly Oilnese, wars arrsstsd for Weal zotsd alhcs March 31, and that control bill. tribuUons made poaalbla the pur- call fo r contributloas, according to refusing to contlnu* buslnsss un­ Navy's loasss for ths first tins aqnMattoa.'trad* London, Dec. Ifi.—(JTl— Reuters ysstsrdsy, announced that|Presl' Britain Is spending at ths m t* of "The problem has moved from chaae for the British of a flgbtar ths Marshall chib's rules. der governmant pries regulatkms. said today a Vichy talqgram from plana costing $76,000 snch moath, dsnt Roopevelt would maks a for- 113,000,000 pounds ($43,000,000) a the limited area o f preparedneaa Berlin anneunesd that a Osnaaa Chsrtss Hesrtalll of The Mar­ They are subject to mpriaonmsnt T rta s a iY A daaiqw M toM. shall News or iUM for closing thsir stores. BBBl tavastigatlon of tfi* attsnd- to the dlract field o f total naUooal aubmarlaa had totpadoad and sunk *^ylag that enditure wi mohlUration to fight a king and Msmbera —anyuB* may Join — sd with In rase QOS* to a call from th* iat elraimstaness. It sssmad svi- WashingteB, Di a Britiah erulasr oft Alexandria. are being sMud to drop thsir een- lioogvliw dsnt that ths dilaf sxseutlvs’s Otsly tn he iSOO.i 000 above the desperate war," the witness said. Army^ 80 voluntsSr blood doooi* pqsitioa of thsj E gyp t Th* erulasr was aald to tributlons In boxes to bs put up tai ths chib, and that Parker-ataitad 1 at S ta rn b ^ j hospital. inquiry would take prscedsnoa sad hava basa on* of a fonnation of Rscslpt^"' public plness. Funds win ba tuned organialag a Z^oagvlew chib imme- storing had dlturaa •V ^ j 7 over ova to ttS"t6dsr«l xsvanunant ' months. tc Oa Psgo lb > . MAWUHESl EK EVENING aERAU>., MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16. 1941

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1941 PAGE THRES- End Christmas Seek to Wipe fnmate of Wethersfield To Look Over SHOPPING DAYS Plenty Planes you earned more than your deduc­ given and an outline of those to average distances of safety. Leon 7 tions, you should consider separate come was given by Jay E, Rand, To relieve VKI Out Liberties Simple Rule^ Wardens Hear Holmes cited the aid which will be Misery of Party Now Arranged Eager to Aid in Defense State Guards \Bridges Advances Plan returns. ■' director of the school. given the wardens by crews of to Christmas For Americans Separate returns sometimes save I>e<-ture on .Ma|m iillllty workers and gave a list of UeoM money by avoiding higher sur­ Professor Vandeflij) of, Storrs warnings relative to handling live T ablets President Says the Axis Also GIVE On Filing Tax taxes. Talk on Bombs Valeo ty." "Oh Uttle Town of Bethle­ Hartford, Dec. Ifl.—(lO—"If *not gat paroled. If there Is any- Governop Order* Survey gave an interesting talk on maps wires and extricating persons in Noee lirepe lin Details Completed U.S. Defense S avings Next Year We Will Be To Aid Sea Transport For example, take the case of contact with high-voltage lines. hem.” sad “Joy to the World." Powers Alone Hale the there is anything I can do for na- thing 1 can do for National defimM to be prepared for the use of Air 666 Caosh Deeoe -43 tional defense In my spare time I **? apaf® time, I should be To'Reorganiee Various John and Mary Jones, a childless Raid Wardens which was of great Sessions Tomorrow Trf Rab-Mr-rUs*"—a WaaSatfM^J For First Affair o f T o Have 600 Preeente BONDS and Producing at Rate of Another A rticle ii| Serieb couple Each earned $2,500 and Sergeant Prentice Gives Bill o f Rights. Interest to the school. It wa* stat­ - Director Rand stated that the Ll«lai«iit Its Kind in That Dis* Tickets for the children to par- ^ u, ! , . « I "".ta'ys'cu.,n, Units Before Long'. On How to Make Out each had deductions totaling $2,V). ed this moriilhg by j the Defense STAMPS 50,000 Annually. Proposes Installation o f On a Joint return, their gross In­ l/eetui*e on Ex|iloHives; two final sesaions of the schofd will tlclpate In the Christmas party on Washington. Dec. 10.—./D — '■ccelved today have been received offering to vol­ Omncll that the Air Raid War­ be held on Wednesday night, Dec- triet of the Town. Tuesday evening. December 33, et the Connecticut state employ- I unteer for defense work. Hartford, Dee. ie.:_pp)_x sur­ I-abor-Saviiig Machin­ Your Return. come woiilcl he $5,0(10 After sub­ Other SiilijeetH Taught den's Precaution Committee is not * President Roosevelt told Ameri ment- service. at STORES • BANKS tracting total deductions of $500 e mber 17 at 7:30 and again* on will be distributed In the schools cans last night that aggressors ! Among them are a dairy fanner By Eleven Francts going to ask the local wardens to But the writer admits his avail­ vey of the economic and physical POST OFFICES and Joint personal exemption of Monday niglit, December 22 at the S w y detail for the firet annual at the Eighth District This wl}! were eeektng to wlps 3>ut the who was graduated some years ago New York, Dec. 16.—(P)—What­ ery to Hasten Shipping (Editor's Note: Paul Gesner study or make maps of their pre- .same hour. Modem, Old FashioDJ take in all of the elementary ability is somewhat limited—his status of the 3,000 merobsrs of tb« l t |6 $1:500, their net income subject to The lifth .session of the Ail' Raid tSttlatinaa Party and Community liberties guaranteed in the bill of from a mechanical endearing ever the outcome of the InlUaJ and John Berkley are present­ rhicts a* Mr. Labc-tge Geer, s grades and will be supervised by present address is Wethersfield school and several owners o f small State Guard, now under way, may War Supplies. •iurtaxes would be $3,000 The sur­ Wardeii H school in Higli school memi>er_, of the committee has La.st night's attendance at the rights but that this nation w-as phases of America's war with ths ing In their column a series of tax on this amount would be 6 per ■ic hcKrl was the largest to date and dn ( baa been completed. Today it Principal Thomas Bentley. determined "no power or comblna* state prison. His letter declares: businesses who will give them up lead to a reorganisation of that five articles, of whieh this is liall last night featured talk.s on drawn e'omjilete air raid wardens D A N C E 1 "Although ■ I am registered for cent on the first $2,000 and 9 per many questions regarding the sub­ : ma announced that Rev. Ferris Children who have not attained tlon of powers of this earth" would they say, to take a Job In factories military unit, which U now on Axis powers, the broad plan of San Francisco, Dec. 19.-^ ‘( ^ —A the second, explaining the fed­ 'High Explosive Bombs” by Dele •- maps of the town and, will later Manchester Saynplda, pastor o f the Second National Defense work, I wish to cent on the remaining $1,000. present to each air raleek a week from today for tha Christ- For two years and eight New York, Dec 10 i/l>i Haste On .separate returns, however I'liiveisity 01 (.'onneclieul and .Admission 44c, Inch Tfixv' at, St Bridget's and the North Square by a real live Santa Claus. has been advanoed by Harry | each would have total income of ' I'he (,'ooperatiou of I,he ulilitie.s Both Detective .Sergeant Pren­ "The isaue of our time, the issue tour of duty, deferred selectees ma* vacation and will reopen months before wre came to gripe makes waste on your tax return, Torrington, Dec. 16 Wor­ aethodlst churches will form the Every evening from now through Bridges to end west roast Water $2,500, Deductions of each would .ilti Air Raid Wardens ' iiy^^o'i tice and Leon Holmes gave lUe .M usic b y of the war in which wo are en­ snd volunteers might be recruited Monday, January 6. There will be with the enemy, U. 8. plane fac­ too. ' den B. fllngell, 77, s former slate Sackground singing which will New Year's will find the decora­ to relieve those who are hart hit front strife. be $2,50 and each would have a Holmes of the .Manchester Klec- .school a clejr conception of their officer of the (Vcniieetlcut Brlck- THE BARNSTORMERS iw gaged. is the issue forced upon the 20 days of ncbool in January. The tories were boosting their out­ Bridges, CIO leader, even, pro- rtart at 7 o'clock promptly. tions lighted up and impromptu Britain Told physically, by loss of wages or by put. Before you start figuring your personal exemption of $7.50 if they Irit Division. 1.subjects. Prentice describing the Ic^yc-is and Masons' Organization, Tha songs Include: decent, eell-reapectlng peoples of Recreation schools close again February 20 po»e»ma All Ye Faithful," "It the earth by the aggressive dogmas France wanted planes, begin­ machinery, long a bone of conten­ tem already Inatalled. in Industry. days Of school In February. choices you must make. If you After these deductions and ex­ SMm Upon a Midnight aear," of this attempted revival a t bar­ War Costs ning in the spring of 1939. When tion, because, hr said. "Hitlerism Brlgadler-Oeneral Itegtnal B. the wa# began in Europe, Eng­ make them correctly, it vvill save emptions. earh would have left an Tbe First Noel," "Good King Through its system of aerial barism; this proposed return to Center Items and Fascism will not bc\,defeated you money. tyranny: this effort to Impose DeLacour and Colonel Raymond F. The Board of Police Commia- land wanted planes. income of $1,.500 on whieh the siir- | IFenceslas," "Christmas Awake,” roots, one mangrove tree can grow (Continoed From Page One) Gates, the governor sM , were without complete national unity Should a married couple file s again upon the peoples of the Today: slqners will meet tonight at seven Today, in the words of John H. tax would be 6 per cent. Mingle Bells,” “The Quilting Par­ into an entire forest. calling in battalion commanders and maximum production In all Joint return or separate returns? world doctrines of ab.solutc obedi­ 6-9—Jimlor boys games roc o'clock. The question of making Jouett, president of the Aeronau­ vital defense Industries. Thia woidd mean surtax of $90 open E. S. and W. S. estimates for the fiscal year end­ for information on the status of Should a man with income of for each one or a total surtax of ence. and of dictatorial rule, and Purnell place a one-way street tical Chamber of Commerce ol "We want-to give Bridges every $3,0(K) 6r less use the optional tax 6- 7—Small gym open for boxinging March 31, 1942, Wood hinted the guardsmen, 1.200 of whom are America, “We have every reason $180 rompared with $210 on a of the suppression of tnith, and that the costs of the war in the now on a three-weeks tour of wrlll be discussed by the board to­ credit due him for his plan to Harry Bridges form ? of the oppression of conscience, E. S. to believe that an annual produc­ Joint return. Far East might result in the need duty. night. A report on the conditions secure maximum provliictlon on the These are decisions worth which the free nations of the earth 7- 8—Small gym open for hand­ there will be made by C^mrals- tion rate of 50,000 warplanes . . . Since married couples may di­ ball E. S. of new borrowing. Five Weeks of Duty docks," said Frank Folate, presi- as smoking on ships and docks: weighing carefully. have long ago rejected." alonar Tbomaa J, Rogers and will be reachrt some time in lent of the Water Front Kmploy- The law permits married per­ vide their per.sonal exenoption of 6- 7—East Sides and Indians The new credit “voted by Com­ The governor said that he hoped 1942. and for detection and exposure of Adoption o f the Bill of Rights in mons made a total o f £4,000,000.- CaUef of Police Samuel G. Gordon. er.s' Association of the Pacific. "He sons who were living together at $1,500 an^ way they see fit. It is 1791, he said. Influenced the think­ Jr., basketball period E. S: that the replacements might be­ Other Things ln\’olved any Fifth Column elements." advisable to give most or all of it (316,000,000.000) for the fiscal deserves it," the end of the year to lump sll ing o f all mankind and even now 7- 8— Women's plunge period B.000 come effective after five weeks of It would be folly to be sangiunt Bridges also proposed suspen­ to the spouse with the larger in­ year. active duty. Anderson-Shea Auxiliary, VFW, . ....Propones Joint Council sions qf working rules that inter­ income and deductions in a joint probably four fifths of the people S. about the future of American air Bridges proposed that a Joint return. come if that Individual is in the (S lid e -c ^ - 2V a ^ 7-9— Night school sewing class­ To Issue Now 'Security Some guardsmen are known to will hold their annual Christmas fere with nvaxlmiim production in of the world supported it, despite power in relation to the needs at higher surtax brackets .Surtax Sir Kingsley disclosed that the party tomorrow evening at 6:3U council be establlahed, with the 1n- loading or unloading war mater­ Home Hlmple Rules Germany, Italy and Japan. es E. 8. be physically unfit for the arduous the war front, baaing tlie pros- tematlnnal Longshoremen's and rates jump from fi per cent to 9 7- 10—Rec senior basketball government would issue “a new patrol duty. Others, with families, at the Manchester Green Home. ials and supplies aboard ship.a. Here are a fevy simple nile«*for Those children who were regis­ pecta entirely on warplane out­ Warehousemen's union and the per cent at the $2000 mark aqd The earth gets less than a two- league— 3 games E. S. special security which can be taken and other dependents, are con­ put married persons to follow in de.. from 9 per cent to 13 per cent at PHONOGRAPH/^ up for such amounts snd at such cerned by their loss of Income. In tered will receive a present, Santa Water Front Employers Aas'icia- ciding whether to file separate or blllionth part of the energy radi­ 8- 10—Bowling alleys reserved -Mniy olhi'i' factors arc, in­ tlon of the Pacific coast each nam­ the $4,000 level and so on up the ated by the sun. for P. Emond’s group E. 8. times as taxpayers find most con­ other cases, employers although will be on hand and movie.s will be Joint returns: scale. venient" volved: grltlng raw mnterlals, ing a representative, and the third Board to Deriilc* ■- willing to cooperate, report the shown and an enlertalnnicnt giv­ 1. If the combined income of you The securities will be Issued In loss o f needed workers. en. t". Inlng pilots, navigators, air delegate be appointed by the U. S. and your spouse was not over 13.- In those states where Income or Wednesday: denominations of £36 (approxi­ gunners, radiomen, mechanics and Msrltlme Commission. Bridges is On Prentice Case .'ilMl, file a joint return. It is easier either spouse is considered the AUTOMATIC 6-9— Junior boys games room In the light o f these develop­ bombardiers, and the Intelligence president of the ILWU. joint property of both, substantial mately 3100) and mulUpIes h e re ­ ments. the governor and General Christmas week, when there are and your tax may be smaller. You H-U-AWARC .7 open E. S. and W. S. of, and n»y be tendered In pay­ with which the planes are used Final approval by both the union cannot save money by separate ■savings can often be hiade by di­ DeLacour are preparing for a re­ parties at the British-Amerlcan viding the Income evenly between 6-6:46—Junior boys plunge pe­ ment of certain taxes. when they go Into service. and the Association awaits work­ At the- meeting of the Police returns. eteeu^s riod E. S. organization based on new recruit­ club building on Maple Blrcet, and But production, as a major ing out of specific details. the two on Joint returijs RECORD CHANGER Tbs new credit disclosed that ment. CommisslonerH tonight action will (2 1 If your wife had no income, 6- 7—Small gym open for band- the women who give eo much of problem, ceased being a bugaboo The longshoremen, however, be­ Britain recently has been spend­ The State Guard is now being be taken on granting Detective file a Joint return On a joint re­ s • ball E. S. their, time to eewlng and kiUtUng, to, the Army and Navy thia year. gan to put the plan Into effect ing at the rate of about £83,000,- directed by the First Army Corp.s will be busy ,1th their own Christ­ Sergeant Prentice leave of ab­ turn yon can, take advantage of Something new has been added 7- 8—Small gym open for boxing000 a week (3333,000,000). By next year the armed aervtces last Saturday, when they assem­ sence. He has been called for spe­ her deduction'c for such things as this year in the way of tax forms. E- S'. area from Boston, although Gov­ mas plans, it has been decided to bled and heard union leaders term He Indicated that the total of ernor Hurley continues to be eom- ought to be able to call up as cial work in the FBI. At the la.sl amusement taxes and contribu­ It is the Jlffy-qiilek. optional form 6- 8:30— Boys Intermediate bas­ close the British War Relief work­ many airplanes at any moment as the U. S. fleet "the first line of tions to charity. for individuals or married couples £4,000,000.000 in credits for the mandcr-ln-chlef of tha state mili­ rooms In the basement of building meeting of the Police Bfjard Pren­ ketball league E. S. current year ‘ would Include ap­ they want. battle." tice wa.s advancevl to the rank of For example John Brown eal-n- with incomes of not more than tary. Squads and platoons are sta­ all next week. "We've got to give it service," 7- 8—Beginners swimming classproximately £300.000.000 to be tioned along the seacoast. in in­ Jup> Underrated detective sergeant and has been eml Solv ...... 8 4 Air Force. needles to change— plays former Ruth Ackerman of Hart­ Con* E d is ...... 124 streets. Police gave him an oppor­ ford. who was recently married. Con* OU ...... 5 4 tunity to leave the scene and go 12 records. Oont Cau ...... 2 7 4 First Class Private Joseph Hllln- home, but he later was apprehend­ Com Prod ...... 4 8 4 skl of the M.P., Camp Blandlng, is ed driving a car. Hla license, it i* Del L A W n ...... 2 4 vlattlag his parenU, Mr. and Mrs. stated, waa withdrawn some time MAGIC BRAIN Open Forum Douglas A lro ...... 6 8 4 Stephen HlUnskl of 264 Oak street ago. Du Pont ...... 1424 He is obliged to leave on Saturtay. Samuel S. Smith of 698 Middle 4o» Eastman K o d ...... 1324 turnpike eaat waa held on counts Service on All {Radios and Appliances Pralaea High' School Boys Elec Auto-L ...... 214 The December meeting and of breach of ths peace and assault Gen Elec ...... 2 6 4 Chriatmas party of the Manches­ committed at his home yesterday. i 4 9 » ■•rVeSS”"'’" Editor, The Herald; Gen Foods ...... 3 8 4 ter Garden club will be held to­ I have never bad. occasion In the Gen M o t ...... 3 1 4 night at 7:30 in the social room of Dec. 22 is the year's aborteat past to B d d r ^ a letter to the Hecker Prod ...... 5 4 the Y.M.C.A. with the officers in day. except during Leap Year, Open Forum. However, 1 feel that Hershey ...... 41 charge. The usual exchange of when Dec. 21 Ir aborter. In view of the article which ap­ Hudson Mot ...... - ...... 3 gift* pertaining to gardening will peared on the back page of last IntInt Harv ...... 46% Lake place. Potterton^s -Saturday's Herald on the High Int Nick ...... 3 3 4 dchool puplla, that somebody NOW I n t T A T ...... 1 4 The Ikither League of Emanuel PLATING .ihef Sole* Manchester's Leading Radio & should speak tor them. I have em­ Johns - M a n ...... '6 6 4 Lutheran church baa changed its STATE ployed High School pupils fc the Kennecott ...... 35 meeting from tonight until tomor­ past ten years and wlth'only a few Leh V a l.R R ...... 2 4 row night, on account of the High Its’ Packed With Pleasure! Appliance Store col- exceptions have found them trust LtgK * My B ...... 70 school concert tonight. A Christ­ At the Center Parking In Rear 539-1541 Main St. worthy and loyal. Lockheed Alro...... 28 4 mas party will follow ths business % One week ago 1 aaked the High LoeW*...... 87 in charge of Mrs Erik Modean and The Heart Turns LoriUard ...... 13 4 School for^asAstanoe In establish­ her cpmmmlttee. All attending ^ *| 0O coiiofi ing Air Raid Listening Posts. The Mont W a r t ...... 2 6 4 are reminded to bring suitable response wss almost 100 per cent. Nash - K e lv ...... 8 4 gift* for the boys in the U. S. ser­ iMMMin OlDlEr Thia unoxing new way The boys who have been chosen Nat Blsc ...... 14 4 vice and for the AuguaUna Sea­ kuon have p^onned their duty h) Nat Cash Reg ...... 1 2 4 men's Inatltuta, Boston. EDDY. to plaj records means wmmmrnua Home At Christmas! way that U a credit to the High Nat Dairy ...... 134 School. They have bean alei^ and Nat D ts u n ...... 2 3 4 Plug.. .Rochelle Hndflon bi yoUdtali/i—HoomamtnIi "A Search for Santa Qaua” la It^scChribtmas (im,e.. .homecominK time! - II'h the e • (e aievrf definitely Interested ih dning the NY Central ...... '8 the title of a play to be presented **The Officer and the Liid^ 4 ^ 0 4 ^ 4 4 # * Job asslj^ed to them. NT NH A H ...... 5-82 ^ ev^ng at 7:30 at the Concor­ setUMin to show our devotion to the Rrandest folks on Fre n ch iVewesdIei ie worry atealf 1 think that the fins hoae which Nor Am C o ...... 10 . dia Lulheran church by the Inter- earth with gifts they’ll treasure! So this year why not JVeaiorsoA/eeriofMhls me- U referred to, has been In the High Packard ...... 3 medlat* Luthar League, under the T H U M D A T Param Ptet ...... 1 3 4 LYDIA give both to them and to the home made so dear? Give ekmmteal mottml School for over tan years and ih ^ e c U o o of Mlsa Dorothea and With MERLE OBEBON'^ FURNITURE i . . and give them comfort and beauty not a part of tha approved fire Penn R R ...... 1 8 4 Mlaa Grace SUvnitaky and Mlsa Beauty Shoppe Real Ufm (oyoar Kuule! Phelps D o d g e ...... 2 0 4 they’ll enjoy for many years to come! prevention equipment, lay parson Anna Tbumar. Home made **odier Solid I Xeeert* hut 'indafinitafyt familiar with fire equipment will P h» Pet ...... 46 and fruit punch will be sold iZccSrst^'- Pub 8vc N J ...... 1 3 4 Reoenfe play, stop, ehanga reallaa that a hose e^ ch has been the evening. , And be sure, to give your family furniture of . which ^automatically! 'f 71SIT US TODAY and see the folded In a case for sp long a time Radio ...... 2 4 TODAT Diablo klft A CHRISTMAS OFFER | Reading ...... 12. V remarkable features of would be of no value whatsoever South A.VD they can be proud.. .furniture with a 19>year reputation J and FeSeral taxes Incidental to yoor X In case o f fire. Rem R a n d ...... 9 4 Methodist, W AC.8. will meet to- W M l. for quality behind it! Givje them furniture from mMBHUiMt Wave. This means thnt French's nntionallv known I this remarkable instrument! Republic 8 U ...... 1 7 4 CIRCLE paHtj Pennnnents are stiu to be had at.. ■ I tphak it Is hardly fair to blame M h t at Mven o'clock at the Kemp’s! \^’atch the RoU-Out Record the bojrs as a whole for the poe- Ray Tob B ...... 344 church. SUPER GIANT SHOW;' _New_^1942_Modek-^Ad^ FEWER bnl FINER! Qiaiiger in action. Notice the stb|a acU of a faw. My experience Safeway S tfs ...... 41% Sears I^b ...... 57 THE N A 'nO N ’S .*^0. 1 ST.4B1 WEDNESDAY ONLY or Mnchineless.~ ' ' RCA Viclor is cooperiliog to the new tone realism provided bjr with the youth of today haa been 3 ^ Annie E. O'Connell of 284 Sensational Sale of full with oationil aafeqte priority that they are Just as flna and ih Shell U n ...... 1 6 4 Muth Main alreet wUl leave DECEMBER 17th pending Haircut, Shampoo and Styled Finger Wave. the Magic Tone Cell. See the Socony • Vae ...... 8 4 MICKEY ROONEY in requirement*. Because of these t«- many respects finer than the boys Thursday for a month's visit at Look At These Suggestions Sou. Pac ...... 104 I "Plenty o Ji** "fx# eo*« Nafionally Advertised Genuine qwemeats, shortage* exist in cer­ Automatic Record Changer at years ago. JacksonvUl*. Fla. “ LH’E BEGINS FOR ' Vary truly yours, South Ry ...... 15 tain raw materials needed forradioe play, stop and change records Std Brands ...... 4 Under $10,00 ' . DeLUXE yPrench Beauty Shoppe snd pbonopaph-radioe and there E. A, WsdsB Ueutenant W. F. Plcklea o f tha A N D Y H A R D r? 2n.FJ*TRIU nAIN SimEET PHONE S08S —^ by itself. You will be de­ Std Oaa A E l ...... Srl6 will be a nnireraal decrease la the Msnehaster, Cbnn., iW w ferment came home from $15 Underwood lighted. And remember—this December 16, 1941 Std o n Cal ...... 21% PLUS number of inatrumenta to be made. Uhip Blandlng, Sunday, and la Editor's Noth—All crsdlt to the Std on N. J ...... 44' to loftvo for tb# camp acaiii •VaaeaKe From Hoag Kaag" I COFFEE TABLES . front t 9.95 Hence, RC4 Victor products for instrument also gives rtu new ivory Cushion Grip youths who respond so rsadlly in Tex company ...... 44% OQ Saturday. Ha ia the aon of Mr. Keve Luke — KNth Dengma the home will ho /riser. But they Jewel'Ute Scaniw. Fli^hU " TIER TABLES . . . . from 9.95 Urns o f Bsed, but. nevsithslaM, Timken Rifil B ...... 43% and Mrs. James Pickles of Buck- clust Received Only 100 To Be SoM At This 1-Hour Sole will bejtnartbiD ever. For, a* are- Tone Bridge, Teletube Radio Trafiaanarlca ...... 4 w why sot potat out ths wash UnJes PLUS! A Tachnicolor Bpoelal! LAMP TABLES . . . from 6.7 5 By orroogemeot wUli the maonfoctaurer of thia — tIoooHy salt of defense work. JICA Wetor w m Un C a rb ld a ...... 70% I a advertieed 815 dry shaver, we are poefttvely United te lM oe*T and many other mod- /" - wherevsr thsy srs found T Union Pac ...... 6I 4 quality atandarda, always the high­ em engineering tri­ Tho annual ChrUtma* party for TABLE LAMPS . . .from 4.75 Get Tears Immediately—Umit S to a Coupoa^-Oa Sale Oaly iest, , era now mote aneting than erer. Unit A li« ...... *4% ^ lib era of tha Emblam aub Bunny Slippen . . . to umphs. Yet its price Unit Oorp ...... « . . . '% 6 WAY LAMP . . , .from wUl ^ bald tomorrow afternoon at 11.95 keep tiny feet worrit and WHITE IVORY CASE PIGSKIN POUCH UFETIME GUARAI L is aartaaingly low! Bfilt Oas la q i ...... 4 4 Ui* Elka botne in Rockville, nwdat- NO jCATCH t o t h i s — j u s t p a y AND TTS YOURS! »— *— *— ♦— *—*- Curb Stocks HASSOCKS ______.from 1.25 cozy on w'mtry momino*. S1.N SAMPLE ON DI8I US ^ b b e r ...... ; . . . 17% ^ direction of Mrs. Raymond Proven Picture Yoall get the thrill of your life whea you aae the new Uaderweod Dry Shaver. Jaal U8 Smelt ...... 4 6 4 H unt,chairman, and bar commit­ aochrt aad shave—ae water, blades, soap or brash. WiU pay for Itaelf; aothlag elm Ark Nat Qas A ...... ^ . u US Steel ...... 51% MmRORS ...... from 4.75 tee. Gifts to the value of 35 cants HABTFCWO TWs Undenvood Dry Shaver will be aoM for a higher price after Wedaeeday, ~ Asd Gas and, El A ...... j-S3 West U n io n ...... 284 A pair pf the** worm Anm S u p srp ow ...... i-gg '*'111 be exchanged aa is tha uonal West El A M fg ...... 774 TONIGHT CHRISTMAS onrr o b p e r s o n a l u s e KRAH’S RADIO SERVICE cats Sve ...... 8 ^ t o m at thia tiroa. Wedneaday aGppere wiN brighten the Woolworth ...... 36 ^ t n o q n a hei^eafter wlU ha d*vot-< 10:4S P .M . eye* of any youngster. a t a Sve P f d ...... w Elec Bond A 8h (Curb) .... % U Tea Oaa*t Attaad Thia Bale, leave M ea^ Befera Salo «67 MAIN STREET COR. FLOWER. raBcmdaadSh...... i *d to Rod Ck , work b y the club, / A ToU o f Witt the ptcaidaat, U n. Emma 7 6 3 aad ghavec Wia Be Held ter Tea. x.„| 'BELT OPEN EVERT NIGHT! 344 H arib n a n , VlTs par fiaat a t $a o t M ta s Usk and Mr oommlttaa la obarga. MAIN I HEAD. Ne N ^ Hud ...... nranusa is geoanUd hgr motor s Among C m Psnnroad ...... 4 . . . . . '...... 2% ST toroaee; eat ve^cles. a survey of the. Bureau Tha MMhars club of 8t Oarart K f M P ’S’"' ■hart hair. Gas ^ rt Biialneai Reaoaich o< Booteo WU4 Youth Uhl LtaadPow A ...... wQl meat tomorrow night with WESTERH AVTO 4 Unlvenity dtaeloaefc Mm. John Hart! a t TaloottvUlak ■'*' - ' • • 'v, '-C,'-./ KINNEYS ASSOCIATE STOI 8S« PAUL, M MBE, I Ensimsi MANCHESTER EVENTlfG HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16,194t^ m w w m MANCHBSTCB feVENTNO HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1941 p A o i f f m fense officials In. Boston yester­ Admini.strntion whereby local de­ day. Colonel Samuel H. Fisher, de­ beefi asked to intervene ta a labor joined the Army or found the Finnlah high command an­ number of tanka and guna, the Alter Alarm fense counctls throughout the dispute at The Wallingford Steel nounced today. . ly that Hong Kong "has neither fense administrator, announced to­ state .may secure temporary arm- Hurley Asked jobs. Germau Divisions British Outflank communique claimed. Daily Radio Programs day. The alarm win' be: Warning Company. \ ■> Trainor told the governor [ead of Lodge The battle oonBnues'to rage It also oaaerted that German British Facing the strategic value nor the fight­ bands for men and women in civil­ The requeat was made yeaterday over the a.*icient fMhing and hunt­ ing chance of Tobruk. We must be Groups Launch On Air Raid —a series of short intermittent ian defense. Colonel Samuel H. despite the Intercession of Smashed by Reds Nazi Tank Units bomtera set fire to Tobruk quays prepared for its fail.” Eaatert- HtaaarS TIum To Intervene by Frank Trainor, field tapreSenta- and Federal labor official* all ing grounds o f VeSpian Finns, and 'attacked the railway center of blasts. All clear— one long pro­ Fisher announced today. They tive of tbs Steel Workers Organiz­ Giveii Honors alMUt 200 miles northeast of Len­ tracted blast. will be made by the W.P.A. office forts of hi* organtsklloD to "«nt Abu Schaldan in northern Elgypt. Ba^ Situation Red Cross Aid ing Committee, who asserted thst direct negotiation* with tk« ooa ' In Retaking Klin ingrad. The E^nnlah communique In Libya Desert System to Conform to The change' in the alarm was in New Haven without charge 70 men had been "locked out" by eaid Russians attacked under cov­ *Very Heavy Fighting* made In the interests of uniformi­ Request Made in I.abor pany have met with aboolut* other than cost uf^ mailing. LckuI the management in violation of an fusal to meet with ua.” n* iRnth Waddell, Re* er of artUIeiy and trench mortars. Winchester Co. At Hong Kong Continues in Malaya Preparing First Telecast Rest o f New England; ty. Upon his return from Boston defense chairmen may order tem­ Dispute at Wallingford agreement. (Oonttnoed from Page One) “Battles and counter-measures (Continued from Page One) London, Doc. ifi—(*»>)—"Very Two Different Units Get thI.H morning, Colonel Fisher' porary armbarAs by writing or Clayborne asserted his firing Noble Grand, Re* are now-in progreaa,’* it added. Blasts, Warning. checked with New York and West­ S t^ l Plant. Company Head Denies Charge had a contract with the Indac Olebam, some 30 miles west of (CoBtlaned Frooi Fag* Oae) heavy fighting" between Japanese Started in Effort td telephoning Thomas E. Marston Tralnor’s description of the situ­ declared that 33 German divisions North of the Onega area, in the To Award Bonus and British forces is continuing in Of America Town Meeting chester county defense officials at the Si^ate Defense Council. ent Steel Workers oi ths Wol ceives Pin o f Merit. were smashed since the second south sectori of the east Karelian Gazala, by yesterday evening. Hartford, Dec. 16.—CkmnecU- and, as they have adopted the in­ ation aa a "lockout” brought,a tor mllU which, be said, bad major Nasi offensive against Mos­ From there, the communique said, tempt to relieve pressure on Hong Malaira, a military (mmmentator Raise $18,000 Quota. State ArThbry, Hartford, Conn. New Haven, Dec. 16—OP)—Gov­ prompt denial from Edmund Clay- front, the Russians also tried at­ Kong. aaid today. cut’e air raid alarm, adopted by termittent alarm, arj^nounced that chosen as collective Mr«. RuOi Waddell, retlrinif cow was launched last Nov. 16. tacks but were repulsed, the com-; they were "continuing their New Haven, Dec. 16—(A>)— The New York, Dec. 16—(/P)—Flrat i. Tuning tonight: The war— the fire chiefa of the atate last ("oi.ncctlcut would conform in It.s ernor Hurley, named referee of'all borne, president of the company, agent ta an election last Manb.^ (A BBC broadcast heard in New munique said. thrust” against the Axis reserves Winchester Repeating Arms (Com­ Near (Canton, some 75 miles “Owing to the very difficult na­ Two groups sUrted active prep­ telecast of America’s town meet­ Th^automoblle tire bill of the who oaid that 62 workers quit re­ IK^e grand of Sunaet Rebekah northwest of Hong Kong, the ture of the country,” he added, “it i 7:00 MBS; (;30 NBC-Red; 7:80 Hummer, has been altered to con­ air raid alarm with nearby states. United States would be reduced labor troubles In Connecticut In a The company employs about I tt-todge, waa algnally honored at York by NBC said 100 German and rear. pany, manufacturing war mater­ arations today to help raise the ing la being lined up for the Thurs-' I MLS; 8:00 MBS; 8:15 MBS; 8:55 firm with the system adoptcrl at Arrangements were completed labor-industry agreement shortly cently without alleging any griev­ workers. Clayboms aaid about, divlaiona now are In retreat and ials for the United States and Chinese were reported harassing is not always possible-for all the 318,000 for the local chapter of the day night broadcaat. It will be 2l)-'per cent if motorists took bet- ances. Some since have been taken j tlM meeting in Odd Fellows hall Besides inflicting many casual­ Japanese movements along the various bodies of troops we have CBS; 9:15 MBS; 10:00 MB8< 10:30 a meeting of New England De­ today with the Works Progress ir care of their tires. after the outbreak of war, has per cent of current production < last night when she was prcsent- largely exposed to Russian as.,aults Nmit Claim Severe ties yesterday the British de­ that bonuses amounting to be­ American Red Cross. Special gifts done by NBC for the New York I NBC-Blue; 10:45 CBS; 11:00 MBS; back, be said, while others have on defense, work. by the Inability of their rearguards tween 3500,000 and 3700,000 would Canton-Hong Kong Railway. there to keep in touch with each committee, chairman, Mrs. Horace area. ^ ; ad with a meritorious pin, by Miss Lo$$es Inflicted stroyed 300 tone of Axis ammuni­ The Chinese also were said in the other and consequently our supply I 11:30 MBS; 12:00 NBC, CBS; ' Valba Lsmrsen, president of the to cover them. It said a major tion, the communique said. In the be paid 12,000 workers Monday. Learned named her assistants and Cameraa and special llghUng 13:5S NBC, CBS. battle was being fought in the Berlin, Dec. 16—(Official Ra­ Employes with continuous ser­ communique to be attacking the of news la not good." Mrs. Fred Bllsb, Jr., chairman of equipment will be taken into the Rebekah Assembly. It is the only dio' Received by AP>—The Ger­ Gazala area itself British units Japanese in Hangchow Bay, some He said that all realdents of Vic­ (Other unlisted warcasts to be MM receired by a noble grand in Kalinin sector, one of the anchors man hi)^ command claimed today were said to have made “satisfac­ vice from January 1 throogh Dec*. the Veteran Groups Committee auditorium to be operated slmui- expected—all programs subject to of Moscow's defenses 90 miles ember 22 will receive two weeks' 70U miles north on the China corist, toria Point, in the most southern n.adc arrangements with Cbm- tancously with the NBC-Blue ' change). ^ Connecticut, and is awarded to that German troops had inflicted tory progress” against strong south o€ Shanghai, where they tip of Burma, had been removed. Mrs. Waddell for personally se- northwest of the capital.) severe losses “In local operations'’ Axis forces entrenched near the pay based on average earnings. mander Otto Heller of the' Dil- broadcast starUng at 9:16. How­ I NBC-Red—7:30 Buma and Al- OUR ARMY AND NAVY NEEDS THE RED CROSS-THE RED CROSS NEEDS YOU “According to preliminary and Employes hired between January claimed to have recaptured several The Tokyo radio, heard by Reu­ worth (Jornell Post No. 102, Amer­ ever, the telecast will begin at 8:45 JOIN . curing 31 new members during on'the Russian front and said Ger­ coast. strategic points. ters, said today that Japanese war­ I len; 8:30 Horace Heidt; 9:30 Flb- her term of office, out of a totai Incomplete figures.” said the spe­ man divebumbers had attacked the New Zealand troops at Gazala 1 and June 30 with continuous ser­ planes had made “a fierce bomb­ ican Legion to conduct a “Bingo" for the pre-broadcast discussion. I ber McGee; 10 Bob Hope; 10:30 cial announcement, “during the were Credited with capture of a vice through December 22 will get Continuous Heavy Gunfire party at the Legion homo on Topic for consideration is "Out­ ' Red Skelton. Of ST admitted during the year. It Murmansk railway in the north. Continuous heavy gunfire was ing raid" on Rangoon, capital of is the gift of the grand sire of a cupation of the town of Kiln troops Russian supplies being trans­ number of 75 mm guns, many a week's pay. British Burma. Tuesday evening. January 6. look In the Pacific,” with four CBS—7:30 Helen Menken serial; of the front captured from heavy machine-guns and 1,100 Those hired between July 1 and reported from both Hong Kong Members of the special gifts speakers. . 8 Missing Heirs; 8:30 Bob Burns; aovereign giand lodge, and is of ported over, the ice of Lake Lado­ and the Japanese occupied main­ hronae and green enamel. the Germans the following tro­ ga, in the Leningrad area, were prl.soners. Polish troops striking and Npyembfr 30 and still in the committee named by Mrs. Learned ! 10:15 Rep. Oscar Youndohl on phies: 122 tanks, 18 armored cars, also bombed, the communique said. west of Gazala took 200 addition­ service, wrlll receive a flat bonus of land point ot Kowloon following Japanese Aerial Include, Mrs. W. C. Cheney, Miss Both NBC and CBS now have ‘‘National Unity.” , Quests present besides the as- 310. the announcement that British Emily Cheney, Mias Anna Sanson. 'aambly prudent were Mrs. Loona more than 1,000 trucks, 80 guns, al prisoners, the communique said. disposed of their Artists' Bureaus, NBC-Blue—7:15 Mr. Keen; 8 120 mine-throwers, 250 machine- German and Italian detach­ The management said the base forces had withdrawn to the Island Operations Widespread Mrs. Charles Burr, Mrs. Ribert NBC being the latest to do so. The Treasury Hour; 9 Famous Jury Rsed, district deputy president of rate for workers was from of Hong Kong. . SCasaachusetts, and District Dep­ guns, 800 automatic rifles, over ments isolated at Bardla and Hal- 45 Batavia, Netherlanda East In­ Russell, Mrs. Sidney Brown, and action Is another outgrowth of the Trlls; 9:30 NBC Symphony, Juan 10.000 shells, over 2,000,000 car­ Hurley to S|>eak faya in the Egyptian frontier area cenu to 31.20 an hour. On the Malayan front, the Brit­ dies, Dec. 16.—(A*)—An air raid Mrs. Hamilton Bickford. This com­ federal communications commis­ Jose Castro. uty President Eleanor Johnson of ish announced that ' mechanized mittee will meet Friday afternoon sion report on chain broadcasting plstrict No. 19 and. Past President tridges and a large quantity of were attacked by, South African alarm In Macassar, on the island MBS—8:30 Ned Jordan, drama; other war material. Counting of troops, who took one Axis strong- Japanese troops operating under of Celebes, today Indicated wide­ at 3:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. The F(JC had Inferred that the bu­ 9:30 Songs for Marching Men; ; of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. the trophies is in progress. To Tool Makers North End Adds cover of dive-bombers had tmrsh- Learned 22 Forest street. reaus put the networks in the con- ' Bmma Lyons Nettleton. point, the communique concluded. spread Japanese aerial operations 10:15 Jimmy Dorsey band. 18,000 Lost By Oernmns cd their way into southern Kedah, over the Netherlanda East Indies. Commander Heller callod a filcting dual role of acting both as B3ection of officers resulted in the 100-mile-long northwestern It followed one last night at the meeting of the Legion CommltUe employers and as agents of (he What to expect Wedneaday; The the foUovring; Noble grand, Mrs. “In the fighting area of Klin, Hartford, Dec. 16—OP)—Gover­ To Fire Fighters Malaya state bordering Thailand. the Germans lost over 13.000 men nor Hurley will address a mass Italians Admit other end ,of the group in which, on "Bingo" last night at the Le­ artists. war— S ^' Arcelia Crawford; vice grand. British and Indian defenders a communique Said, "a number ut gion home and plans were Imme­ Morning: 8:00 NBC, CBS; 8:45 Miss Grace. Hatch; recording sec­ killed and wounded. The Hth meeting of the 5,000 workers at Raids on Ports withdrew after a five-day Japanese Although normal amateur sta­ Motorized Infantry Division of the NTm Bement Pond company Chief Roy Griswold of the Man­ not completely Identified—presum­ diately formulated to conduct the NBC-Red; 8:55 NBC-Blue; 9:00 retary, Mrs. Mildred Miller; fi­ chester Fire Department has olfensive which the British claimed ably enemy aircraft" were sighted affair for Mrs. Bllsh's committee. tion activities have been suspend­ nancial secretary, Mrs. Edith General Fuerst, the 36th Motorized In West Hartford at 6 p.m. t^ay. Rome, Dec. 16.— (Official Radio CBS; 10:00 MBS; 10:15 NBC-Blue- Received by AP)—The Italian augmented the Are fighting forces cost the attackers heavily.. over northern Sumatra, just across While all of the details were not ed because of the war, as was done 11:00 MBS; 12:00 CBS, MBS. OPEN THE FOLLOWING NIGHTS UNTIL 9 P.M. Smith; treasurer. Miss Emily Infantry Division of General Von These machine tool workers, a of the North End with the addi­ British Fighting Desperately the narrow Malacca strait from completed at this meeting the in World War I, the American Ra­ XlBsmann; trustee for three years, Werkateln, the Seventh Division key unit in the nation's defense high command today acknowl­ Afternoon; 1:45 NBC; 2:00 D*c*mb*r 19, 20, 22 m»4 23 and the 900th Training Brigade of output, asked the governor to talk edged R. A. F. raids against the tion of twenty-four volunteers. The Japanese tprust apparently Malaya. Legionnaires, who have had over a dio Relay League announces at MBS; 3:55 CBS; 4:00 MBS; 4:45 XlBS Ruth Porter. porta of Taranto, Italy, Bengasi. These men will be added to the carried them some 40 miles along It said, however, there was no year's experience had ^o st of the West Hartford, Conn., that hun­ CBS, MBS; 4:55 NBC-Blue; 8:00 The business session was fol­ Colonel Krause were routed dur­ to them as the day shift goes off ing the occupation of Klin.’’ and the night shift goes on. Libya, Augusta, Sicily, and areas regular roster of the department the road to the great British Navai enemy activity on Dutch soil in arrangements ready except in the dreds of amateur stations are be­ MBS, CBS; 8:25 NBC-Red; 6'45 lowed by a Christmas party. Car- around Brindisi, on the lower Ad­ and he said thia morning that at base at Singapore, 400 miles away, the past 24 hours and added that matter of prizee. All of the equlp- ing returned to the air by the de­ CBS, NBC-Blue. ede were sung by Miss Jessie (Reports reaching London from It will be the second large as­ Stockholm said the Russians were semblage of dsfense workers in the riatic. least as many more would be i'he British were reported lighting 'our maritime operations are con­ n.ent, cards, workers and the place fense communications board. They (Other unlisted warcasts to be -Dowling, Miss Florence Catron, The daily war bulletin said bit­ necessary during the emergency. desperately against better-equipped tinuing.” were offered and accepted by the are to supply communications fa­ expected). lUaa May Dickinson and Miss exerting great pressure also on Hartford area. The first was at Japanese. the I.,ake >I.,adoga front and threat­ 0>lt's recently. ter fighting continued on the For about four days the depart­ Red Cross. The complete program cilities vital to defense. 'The ama­ NBC-lied—1:30 I s t’s Bwtag and Qortrude Hermann, with Mrs. North African desert on the Ga­ ment heada have been busy on Where the British were now will probably be ready by the teurs operate under regular rules Sing; 3:45 Vic and Bade; 6 Indiana Thors Maloney at the piano. ening the Germans along the Ne­ The governor said that he would va river east of Leningrad. If this talk about the relation of this zala front and claimed the capture making all arrangements for add­ standing was not ciear but on the Huspilal first of next week. established by the FCC on an as­ Indigo. CBS—11 a.m. Buddy a a rk Christmas Decorations of a Brlti.sh commander. ed fire protection. Many of the i east coast they were believed en­ signed amateur band, but without time; 4 p.m. Songs of Centuries- Mrs. Mary Smith and her com­ advance continues as appears pro­ army of toolmakers to the defense bable, it was said, better commun­ effort. Fight Tenaelonsly who have been with the depart­ trenched somewhere south of Kota Admitted yesterday: H. A. Ham­ the usual "rag-chewing” of peace 6:30 Frank Parker. NBC-Blue— i r<,«' - • mittee had decorated the hall and ications between Moscow and the ment for a number of years are Bharu, whose airdrome the Jap­ Public Records times. 12:30 Farm and Home Hour; 2:80 tables beautifully with Christmas This noon, the governor address­ 'The communique said that Ital­ anese have captured. British air mond, 31 Holl street; Clarence The relay league says otheiwlse besieged nortliern city will have ed members of the University Club ian motorized and armored divi­ now engaged in defense industries Stetson, 93 Pearl street; Mrs, Into the Light; 4 White House re­ gteenery and an Illuminated been restored.) and it will require some time to raiders and Netherlanda sub­ that already nearly 10,000 licensed ception to Foreign students. MBS Chriatmas tree. Where the'tables luncheon. It was his first public sions, supported by large German Georgia Shipman, 105 Avery Warrantee Nazis Fighting Typhus appearance on non-officlal busi­ get the new men ready for active marines were believed checking amateur operators are engaged in —3.-30 WCAE airliners; 5 John \ tndlated from a central point, a units, were fighting tenaciously duty. lurther Japanese seaborne rein­ Ch-oaa street. By warrantee deeds the follow­ various direct war efforts. Sturgess, baritone. Chriatmas village had been con­ (Llce-borne typhus was reported ness since the war. and Inflicting heavpr losses. forcements. Birth: Yesterday, a daughter to ing property conveyances have structed with Santa Claus, and his In Bern, Switzerland, to have add­ British attacks on the Bardia The mountainous island of Hong Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Novelll, Glas­ been recorded at the office of the sMgh. small houses, snow cov­ ed to such German handicaps as garrison near the Egyptian border Combine Defense Kbng offers the British little op­ tonbury. town clerk; E. E. Hilliard com­ ered, and little rigures here sub-zero cold and supply difficul­ State to Di8cu88 were declared reptjiaed. portunity for aerial defenses but Discharged yesterday: Mary pany to Sara T. Long, a tract of WTIC snd there, all the work of ties. The Kaunas correspondent ol The communique said German Furphy, 187 Hackmatack street; property on Middle turnpike west; Kilocycles WDRt „ >“» the Stockholm newspaper Afton- it waa reported well furnished with Mrs. Anna Carlson, 32 Benson Kilocycles A eempleta Srttim a tabU Mrs. Fred Manning. Mrs. Man- fliers shot down six British planes Stamp Outlets anti-aircraft artillery and ammuni­ Jes.sle R. Horton to George Griffin. : Bing alao made the star-shaped blsdet said some German troops Bomb Shelters and three more were aald to have street; Joseph Zapadka, 318 Main Carroll road; George Griffin to Tueeday, Dee. 16 aniambta: ladudat a dranlag were infected by an epidemic tion to cover the chiefly-populated street; Miss Bernice Clemens, 27 Tuesday, Dec. 16 tabla wifh 2 drawara, Glothaan K n g g Ii o Ig D * tk ' candle container of wood, and been down over Taranto. The Ital­ The rush to purchase Defense areas against Japanese air raids. Daniel J. and Anna May Rice, Car- P.M. P. M. • 1 4 « Aft ckino bato fabfa lam p vrtb muRt* sprays of berries, and evergreen which had spread eastward from Hartford, Dec. 16.—(>Pi—Estab­ ians admitted the loas of two Middle Turnpike East; Mrs. Wini­ roll road: Manchester corporation 3:00—Against The Storm plaaiad tlirf and Hia aatal the Ostmark area of Poland.) Savings Stamps and Bonds at the The Island was believed to have fred Petlg, 23 Delmont street: Mrs. 3:00—Studio Matinee—WDRC Bta- mirror ibovn. color roM dacorafion. Stratcha'd typo idong the tablea were assembled lishment of air raid shelters for planes. local banks Is so great that a spe­ food .supplies for three months. to Alfred O. Barker et al. Deep- 3:15—Ma Perkins semble. 1 3 0 ibada vitli ribboa*trimmad adgat. and tied with red oil cloth by the Red Army blows upon the cen­ Connecticut residents and towns Waldo Cone and Infant daughter. wood drive. 3:30—Guiding Light tral front were pictured by the So­ cial desk is being set up for their Prepares Public For Fall West Wllllngton. 3:30—Renfro. Valley Folks. decorating and refreshment co.m- and cities is being studied by the I sale. Officers of the Savings Bank The British press seemingly pre­ Permit 3:45—Vic and Sade 3:45—News. Bdtteee. Mias Beatrice Clulow, viet Information Bureau as part State Defense Council after con­ 'Defensive Battles* Admitted today: Mrs. Marie Building permit for the erection 4:00—Backstage Wife of a vast counter-offensive over­ I of Manchester and the Manchca- pared the public for news of Hong 3:55—War Commentary. o cg chairman of the latter and her aa- ferences with British experts. Gov­ Muldoon, 93 South Main street. of a dwelling on McKee street by 4;15-TStella Dallas 4:00—Ad Uner. CK I walnaO running scores of German posi­ West of Tobruk 1 te. Trust Company this afternoon Kong's poasible fail. Birth: Today, a son to Mr. and Of fifiitK. Hot riflif lita, served delicious fruit sal­ tions, bleeding an invasion force ernor Hurley disclosed today. decided to combine their activities Ward Price, prominent commen­ Phfllp J. Rich has been awarded 4:30—Lorenzo Jones 5:00—Mary Marlin. ad, made by Mrs. Edith Dwyer and The governor said that Defense Berlin, Deo. 16.— (Official Radio Mrs. Clarence 'Tomm, 169 Summit bv Inspector David (Chambers. Cost 4;45—Young Widder Brown dr«w«rt, OHO do«p oiieti^k for already declared to have suffered in the sales of these stamps and tator writing in The Dally Mail, street. 5:15.;—The Oolcbergs. filin g . M oI dI porlod drawor $ 1 9 . 7 5 frosen at the local Dairy comr 6.1100.000 casualties. Administrator Samuel H. Fiaher Recrived by AP)—The German bonds. said the ultimate loss of Hong will be 35.000. 5:00—When A Girl Marries 5:30—The O’NellU. pany, crackers, i>otato chips, home soon would make public the results high command aald today that Discharged today: Valaiie Mon­ W'amnt«« 5:15—Portia Faces Life pullt. Top 22i 44 inekof. A convient location, at the rear Kong has been "long foreseen in ica, 56',1 Birch street; Lester Sei­ 5:45—Ben Bemie. made cookies and tea. The party of the study. At present, he said, German forces In Africa were of the bank lobby, has been select­ case of war with Japan.” By warrantee deed Frank J. 5:30—We, The Abbotts 6:00—News, weather. was enjoyed by more than 100, and Soviet Forces Begin shelter for school children in flim­ fighting "heavy defenaive battles” fert, Rockville; Alfred Isleio, East Schaub has conveyed Washington 5:45—News Commentary by Col. ed and clerks will be stationed at He said it was "Um near Japan Hahipton; Patrlcial Chartier, 87 8:05—Hedds Hopper's Hollywood. Auth*ntic Boston re char aach one took home a gift from sy buildings is the Immediate prob­ west of Tobruk. these desks to handle the purchase to be maintained as a Naval base. street property to Edward W. Jim Healey 6:20—Frazier Hunt—News. Gov. W inthrop the grab-bag. 'General Offensive* lem the council is trying to solve. Italian and German troops Pine street: Marilyn Barber, 36 Wisniewski and Catherine Weg- 6:00—News and Weather 6:25—Rhythmelodies. reproduction. Finish*d i* of the Defense Savings certifleates. . It waa a trading base and Cottage street. rzyn. Helsinki, Dec. 16—((Pi—Soviet English experts have been here "smashed strong sections of the This will make it poasible or b<5th Naval station. Both of these func­ 6:15—Strictly Sports 6:45—The World Today. black with typical gold Most insects live in the adult forces have begun a "general of- and Colonel Fisher 4s about ready enemy.” took several hundred Property at Main and Maple 6:30—Professor Andre Schenker 7 ;00—Amos *N’ Andy. fenslve'l In the Osta sector arotmd banks to transact the aales with­ tions are now suspended. Such a Large modern aquariums pro­ street has been conveyed by Anna $39.50 striping and oiden-tim* h a U ^ just long enough to lay to make known the plans for gen­ prl.soners including a brigadier, out interference with other bank loss would be sad but not serious.” 6:45—Lowed Thomas 7:15—Lanny Ross. the southern bend of Lake Onega, eral air raid ahelters. and captured or destroyed a large vide seven different kinds of wa­ J. Luby to the Sycamore Corpora­ 7:00—Fred Waring’a Orchestra 7:30—Helen Mencken — "Second stencil decoration. business. The Daily Expreas aald editorial­ ter for the various kinds of fishes. r tion of America. 7:15—News of the World Hustiand". From 000 of tKo botf dot! 7:30—George Buma and Grade 8:00—Arc You A Missing. Heir? > makDrt in tK« eountry; 4 tor* Sill Allen. 8:30—Bob Bums — Arkansas / ponfin* drawDft and corrocf 8:00—Johnny Presents Traveler. ifitarior; 4 ctaw*and*balf faat. 8:30—Musical Treasure (Jhest 8:55—Elmer Davis—Newa. Sfoek Hmifadl 9;(X)—Battle of the Sexes 9:00—We, The People. — 75 ONwr Desks from 9:30—Fibber McGee and Molly 9:80—HI, Neighbor. 10;j0—Bob Hope 10:00—Glenn MilleFfc Orchestra. S19.9S to $175 10:30—Red Skelton and Company 10:15—Public Affaire—Rep. Oscar — 100 OHwr Ckoirs, $11.75 t* 599 11:00—Newaand Weather Youngdahl. Cooperating For Defense i 11:15—String Ehisemble J0:30—Juan Arvlxu—Songs. 11:30—^Polish Orchestra 10:45—Jimmy Dorsey’s Orchestra. An I8z26-!nci) mirror plat* with 12:00—War News. Roy Shield’s 11:00—News, weather. •Isborat* gilded frsm*. On* of Orchestra 11:0j^2^Sporta Roundup. P l a t f o r m 11:15—Guy Lombardo’s Orchestra. 40 mirror choices et the Hirit- A.H. Bruc* store, if you shop eeHy! 1 3 0 12:55—News 11:30—Benny Goodman’s <^hes- R o c k a r In The Emergency! | 1:00—Silent tra. 12:00—Linton Welle, Newa \ RAID An authentic Victorian Tomorrow’s Prognm $ 2 9 - 7 5 ^ ^ Tomorrow's Pregram 4 ^ss sid* chair with tapestry 6:00—RevfiUa with Doye O’Dell 6:00—Sleepy Slim Serenade. cev*r*d stp s*«t *ng and Agricultural Newa 7:00—News, weather. ’1 2 ” reeebtid c«rv*d top rail.^ 7:00—Morning Watch Hei toft b«itton-tufted 7:10—Music. A l-«ay megiil bulb McUt F**tur* vale*! I The Savings Bank of Manchester | 8;0()—News and Weather 7:16—Toyland Revue. seet end innerspring beck. 8;l5—European News RoiUldun in raflacter bowl and thraa 8:30—Radio Bazaar 7:30—Robart Program. candta liahirai to givo 4 Exposed frame is mahog­ 7:40—Bond Program. ddforont’dogroot of Kgbt. t any finished: cover of AND 8:55—W-TICs Program Parade 7:55—News, weather. 9:00—^Playhouse 8:0()—The World Today. figured tapestry. 9:15—Food News 8:15—Morning Salute. 9:30—News Reporters 8:20—Shoppers Special. 9:45—As The Twig Is Bent 8:30—News, weather. 1.50 ■k lUDGET TERMS to I t The Manchester Trust Company ■ 10:00—Bess Johnson 8:35—Shoppers Special. ' 10:15—Bachelor’s Children 9:00—Preaa Newa 10:3(V—Help Mate 9M5—School of the Air of the Am­ JOINTLY 10:45—Road Of Ufa ericas. Sturdy motai lag folding e,ll:00—Mary Marlin 9:45—Stories America Loves. card tabla with a itraam- A telepkon* tabi* with 1. tinad top llthographod ia The Town of Manchester will have a trial of Its Air Raid Warning Signal System on Friday, December 11:15—Pejiper Young’s Family 10:00—Betty Crocker. %compertm*nt for direc* 19th at 2:30 P, M. » 11:30—The Story of Bud Barton 10:15—Myrt anC Marge. / wood grala dotiga. * 21:45—David Hamm • lO.’SO-^tepmother. tory, memo p«d, etc.: Announce The Opening Of Added 2. The purposes in having the trial is to see how widely the alarm system will be heard. The Alarm 12:00 Noon—Gene and Glenn 10:45—Woman Ot Courage. sturdy chair included. Signal will be a series of short blasts on the Are whistles, sy^lemented by a series of blasts on the P.M. 11:00—Treat Time W ith- Buddy Mahogany finished. 12:15—Luncheonalrea Clark. sirens and klaxons of the'flre and police departments. j 12:3()—Weather Man 11:16—TOe Man I Married. S. Last wfeek we announced a different alarm' system which wjis given us by the State Defense Council. 12:35—Day Dreams 11:30—Bright Horizons. Facilities For The Sale Of 12:45—Stagin' Sam ff:45—Aunt Jenny’s Stories, The State has now announced the alarm system in Paragraph 2 (above) as the uniform warning siraal l:00-^News, Weather 12:00—Kate Smith Speaka throughout the State. This conforms with the warning signal to be used throughout the whole United 1:18—The Little Show 12:15—Big Sister. States. __ ' " 1:80—Marjorie Mills 12:30—Romance of Helen Trent. 2:00—How To Enter A Contest 12:45—Our Oai Sunday. When the alarm sounds, each school in town will hold «n Air Raid drill. - and Win 1:00—Mews, weather. 2:15-^Medley Time 1:06—Main Street—Hartford. DEFENSE BONDS• ♦ ♦ The trial is being carried out in the interest of the'safety and welfare of the people of the Town and .2:30—Medical Talk 1:15—Woman Li White. 1 " the public is requested to cooperate. The Air Raid Precautions Committee is therefore isking all : 2:35—Concert Matinee 1:30—The Right To Happtaaas. MOOUN WALNUT 2:55—News l:45-Ufe CiSi Be BeaufifS. drivers of motor vehicles to park at the curb so that the streets may be cleared for Police, Fire, Am­ 2 :00—Young Dr. Malona To The People Of Manchester And Vicinity bulance and Rescue Squad apparatus. As this is primarily a test of aliirma and communications, p^es- —Girl Interne. triana and occupants of cars are not requested to seek shelter in buildings. 2:30—Fletcher WUey. Health Officer Is 8'*5—K*te Hopktaa — Angel of 6. Precinct Wardens will immediately report to their posts and check in by telephone to the Control Mercy. CEDAR CHESTS Special office space and competent personnel combine to CJenter. ^ ' ' Seen Satisfactory ,lttb esMTuar WolRMt, M akogoNy, M opio make the purchase of Bonds attd Stamps convenient for the 7. Chiefs of the following services will report to the Ciontrol Center: MAHOGANY public. ' ^ Would Underwrite \ • (s) Ambtdance Unit J. iNew London, Dec. 18—OP)_The _ (b) Demolition and Rescue-Squad^ ’Tfity Council voted last night to Fund for Rewards Ymir $ ^ % (^R o7S (c) notify State Health Commissioner Cheic* Conununications and A larm s' Stanley H. Oabom. attempting for (d) De-contamination Squad the oacond time in five yeare to Hartford, Dee. IS—(P)—Mayor («) Medical and First Aid Unit replace Benjamin N. Pennell, local Luzuriewi houdoh ^ health officer, ' with a Ucenoed Thomas J. Spellacy told tbe^m - moo Council last nliht that a Fameuc Lana coder choch In your choice of the and ottoman. Chair Buy Defense Bonds and Stamps As this is the lirst trial snd is primarily a trial of alarms and communications, it will not be necessary physician, that it was oatlofled thrM most popular fumHura tfyiat. Equlppod with to assemble apparatus ready for dispatching, such u Ambulance, Rescue Squads, Medical and Eirst- with the veterinarian’e eervlcca iroup of private tadividuala hen iARLY AMERICAN soft phanp loata omW and hod “ no intention of making had offer^ to underwrite a |l0o.- MAKE an innar tray that rites autematically as M it ratted. J and ottoman hat an Ald Services. , a change." W ^ d to be used in rewarding Hand-rubbod finM. Aroma-tight. th<^ alAng ta tbs arrsot and con­ {tachod pWaw top. A lt You Can. It Is The Privilege Representatives of the Public Utility Companies will report to the Report Center Dr. Pennell, health officer here viction of penons engaged ta auh- for 19 yeare, received the vote of vertlve aeUvitiea. The “AH Clear” win lonnd at 2':86 P. M. The “AH Clear” signal win be a long blast of the whistles, confidence after the council heard sirens and klaxoui. • I^. JooMh M. Oaney, in charge, of The mayor tadleatod tliat the Hundrodf of Otiior Spoelol G ift V o In o e UN-Advtrfitod! And Duty Of AIL the U. ff. Public Health Service in 1W a c o s j ^ providing 10 the Defense Council agreed, and ★ MM M Kft, tbor* h NO m k Im on funilfwro and yati m « itM . Cooperation frpm the citizens of the Tovtn in reporting fidlure.to hear the alarm la requested. If the thie area, deacribe Dr. Oabom as the fund’s applicabiUty eotad be ••y faiwHere m Kdget Tartw «p !• I| moatbs at FUeMmee's. ' alarm is not heard 1^ yon. please maO a post card to Mrs. Thomas Martyn, 110 Forest Street, Mao- a man-"who loves power." ' extended to other communitlea in • • "If Stanley Oebm gets his the Hartford area. cheater, Conn., stating slutebes on this town the way Im - wants to you’ll all be very eorry," “Air Raijd Alarm not heard.” * Dr. Oaney charged. Sign Name'”' - , - f b * . : The Savings Bank of Manchester Dr.'Ganey declared that at one Denvw-iP)—High School Soph­ State Addreec where you were at tone of alarm. lime when he was a member of omore Frank Quoy, obonivtag cold the State Health Council Dr. <>•- ■tarea and frowns ^om other oom,,attempting to reptace Dr. « ^ t w pnseengera. went home Pennell, offered him (Dr. Oaney) The Manchester Trust Comnanv R A I D precautions O m M l T T E E O F T H E and Chalked ta two-tach letter* on Am (be poaitica "if rd play ball with the back of hta leather Jacket: TOWN OF MANCHESTER DEFENSE COUNCIL. ^ «lm. . - "Don’t ahootl a Chtaamenl" ■V- A. Y ■■■ ■r ...jf > ..'.s 777TH


gated vlgoroualy." he continued. by complete coordination of gov­ sitates driving a truck anti the the udvertlzement in fbe Herald of today'a Keralil th.it v.e ace ac- The names of the Sector Wardens '‘Theirs Is the responsibility and ernmental and allied purchasing Steps Taken noise of same counteracts the fire last week, the question that you [educed Age It ought to Be determined whether Eight Elderly M anchester Gives Answer nouocing a trial air raid alarm, and Precinct Wardens will again agencies for each commodity. New I Magnetic Machine 'whistle and he doesn't always bear raised; namely, that a 10-second using the new' warning signal, either or both are Inefficient or ” 13. To give priorities.' be published in the paper In the HEtPSPRI To Mesh All it either at first. blast of the warning whistle would which to to be standard through­ very near future. Please seek the criminally negligent. They must “ 14. To provide for rationing if D ate Book Won’t you pleate lengthen this limit Urged be one or the other.” Persons Die A List O f The On Air Raids be Insufficient, has occurred to out the nation The trial to to de­ advice of your Precinct Warden or that hecomea necessary." Will Make Cosmic Rays time of warning? Hartford has a many people. In publishing the termine where the "blank" spots Speculation developed, mean­ Tonight Sector Warden. He to being train­ COLDi^Atttefinti One Of dosbig Witnesses 4 Army Plans five-minute .sounding. Please re­ fact that the air raid warning are in the Town of M mchester. We ed to help you. while, over the possibility that Hoover was asked to testify as Garden Club Chrtotmaa party, assure this one mother of Man­ sniffle or sign of nasal initttlan, put I On Draftees Secretary Knox’s report was the During Fire would be a single blast on the are asking the public to cooperate Chairman of the Air Raid few drops Of Vicks Va-awRol op 4 one of the closing witnesses la Y. M, a A. Wcw York, Dec. 16.—(ff5—A new slices of bread in a sandwich. The Defense Council Hcarl chester and I’m sure you will be whistle, we at the time were con­ by sending ua post cards telling basis of the Navy's own sugges­ that committee’s hearing on the Hlgk School Chriatmas carol (Continued From Page One) Newest Books Precautions Committee of nostrU. Ito quick octien ~ ilml of magnetic machine which baby tube is only 18 inches in di­ re-assurlng them all. forming to the plan for air raid us if they (lid not hear the warn­ the Defense Coundl of aids nature’s defenaas oan T a f Ome) tion that pending authorization for (Continoed from Page One) House-approved hlU. The commit­ sing at High school hall. A’ill make the first artificial coamic ameter. Replies to Letter Con­ Very sincerely yours, new ship building > be limited to Police Board meeting at Police theaHouse of Commons before warnings which was to be univer­ ing and stating where they were the Town of Manchester. aosinst colds. Feiktw tee is e x p e c t to begin considera­ rays and 100,000.000 volt X-raya The magnets drive electrons A Worried Mother. sally used throughout the towns of at the time. . 11m Pre*td«nt med* hla rcoom- lS0,000.tons at present. lice she believed the fire was caus­ tion of . Amendments within a day Headquarters. Christmas to discuss creation qf an \ F or You To cerning Local Signals. directions to folder. was announced to

SWt ■ M P A a t B lG V t UANCHE8TBB EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. ito D A Y , DECEMB^ 16,1941 MANUHESTBB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16,1941 PAGE N tN * ionis motorists ttast they will do Europe—2,400 miles from Ban svsryttalag they know Isn’t spsel> Franclaco. ing for Mlchallna Haraburda of couiW , others are attending Air 136 Oak street, filed notice of a flcally forbidden by law, an4 >n From Hawaii it is l.SOO mllta to New Blood SERIAL STORY Library Croup Send Donation Warden schools, while one young SifiHti9 9fn l5 Man About Manhattan Taverns Seen Possible ''claim by bis client for an alleged woman has joined the Wotnen'a addition, eeek to get aa«y with Midway, the flret in the chain of fall on the sidewalk at 126 Oak Motor Corps in Hartford. street in which asserted mishap ____roau auB D bt t k b violatlotas of what they know ac­ baaea wa have strung across the By O—rgB ' Type Found Submits Nain6 T o Aid British To Baffle Afghan ■anAuTTiuNTiMO CO. » a tually la law. HIS CHRISTMAS CAROL she fractured a finger and suffer, ti bumii airMt Pacifle. From Midway It Is 1,200 Centers of Espionage ed knee and other body bruises. The beautiful afghan given to ' ' HanoliMtaf, Caaa. New Tork, Dec. 16. I don’t f COPVWICHT 1E4 1 . SWEATERS It was a wise thing, then, to miles to Wake, where that valiant I think this to a record u. BY ADELAIDE HAZELTINE the society by^^s. Robins Saltera, THOMaB rBROUBOM Diflcovery of Divisidu NCA SCRVICC. INC. n 1 Engineer’s Beftort Qaacral MaMSfr put this law on the books, and It band of marines has been holding know who he wee. Can’t ever re­ squalled anywhere la the annals Miflfl Helen. Estes Pro* Ix>eal W orkers Cable which It was pQmned to raffle off of the theatiir.' Town Engineer J. Frank Bowen ' BowUM Oeto^T 1, H»1 ia a wise thing to see that it U member heeriag hie unme. But Explains Mysterious 800 or More Aliens Control of Air It Seen I at the Christmaa party, will be out And from Wake it U 1,900 posed as M(em ber o f reported that a sidewalk alab had $100 to Buy Clothing raffled off at one of the January BnMIahM Bratr Bvanlns BsMpt whoever he w m , long ego and far enforced. miles further to Guam, which Ja­ Bert AUerton used to be en oil On the wide main floor far be- ' Hold Permits to Oper­ been raised, apparently by national Bingo gemea. 'This was done In or­ Make •nntairi aaf HotldarA Bntarta at Transfusion Deaths. Necettary to Win War Board. action of the ground, about three tha Poat OfOea at Manehaatar. When it comes to enforcement, pan has apparently captured from away eome bleached out old eour- salesman, but he decided he would low Carol Fairfield could hear a For Infants. der not to Interfere with the sale Cana, aa BaaonA Olaaa Mail Mattar. dough elid off his tired burro In have more fun being a magt^ian ataady cUck of cash rogiatera and bi.alneaa was in prog- ate Drinking Places qrartera of an Inch at the p.lnt. however, it becomes apparent, in us. And from Guam it is 1,600 New York—(#)—Dlacovary of a The Board of Selectmen, meeting of tickets for the motion picture the late afternoon, equlnted Presto, he beilanie one, and consld- that psculiar melody played by the i r im i-. h..rt ^ The accident took place lait Nov­ Women workers at the local entertainment, Flrday evening in SOBBCIUPTIOM RATBB miles further to the Philippines, new (Uvislon In human blood. Into In Connecticut. Seattle, Dec. 16.—OP)—Rear ember 24. Oaa Taar tip Hall ...... It.ae Mancheeter at least, and undoubt- through the alkaU base, and sr yourself lucky if, on your rounds sh u ffirof hundrods of feat ’The | him Admiral Harry E. Yarnell, teat night, tabled action for two British War Relief Society became Orange hall, when Washington the core of our position in the Far ^ w le d , “ Thar'a gold In tham Chairman David Chambers of Par Maatk fey Hall ...... I .(0 ^ y In other cities where bus of New Tork, he drifts over to two broad claaaea which cut across per^mea qiingled ; f^ m ^ U ator“ She blinked ilback l!! former commander of the Asi­ weeks In the making of an appoint­ L.O.L. No. 117, bes arranged for Ideal ratta Blncla Copy ...... I .at hUU." your table. Bert deals in magic the ordlnaiy blood typos and which with tha odor of burning tapers. tha Board of Selectmen noted that interested recently In the work OalWarad Ona Taar ...... Il.oa routes pass achools, that even the East. And from the PhiUppinea, By The Associated Press atic fleet, aays the United ment to the town Ubrory commit' this le but one more Inatance of which Miss Laura DeLamater of the showing of ‘Tbumbe Up," end He was right about tha gold, all closs-up, and at our tabU at the explain some myaterioua trans­ Ths hum of voices rose an«f fell States will win the war of the "Thank You, America." law la not broad enough to cover it is l.SOO njlles further on to right, but he wan wrong about the In an or^esHra of sound. When khe ana BUI returned to Taverns and bars In Connecticut tee to succeed Mrs. C. R. Burr, "the sidewalk claim racket" which Wethersfield haa been doing at the MBMBBR o r Pierre the other ntgbt he hbanged fusion deaths, were described re­ ‘ ■ l( Pacific through control of the whose reelgnetlon from that body «HB AB80C1ATB0 PRBBS the altuatlon. Singapore, tha great British has* hUls. Them wraso’t hOli. What be It was Christmas owned by nationals of countries so far the town has not sought to Mothers and Babies hospital In the color and else of a deck of cently In The Journal ot Ekperi Mr. Herrick, air but it will take time. waa accepted with regret. The Tha Aaao«lata< Praaa la aaeluataa* upon which everything in the Far thought was hills could|i’t have cards, made sponges multiply and mantal Medicine. The People’s Store. ; with which America la at war ebete by legislation. Ths report Woolwich, England, and decided to )y aatItlaB ta tha aaa ar rapabtlaa- For, while some of the buses In In charge. I hope he "Whichever aide baa control llhrarv group haa submitted for WtaS ordered turned over to ihe make up 25 babies’ iayettea. Not BUT FOB LESS tlaa of all nawa diapatehaa eraditaa been anything but a brand new disappear, drove a glass tumbler The report Is by Dr. Karl Land- But In the balcony office which won’t snn, were pictured today as poMlble of the air will be on top," he W o^an to Quit Manchester which handle school East depends. copy of the New Yorker magaalne. had housed the management for * announce consideration as succeasor to Mrs. town counsel. only that, but they cabled her $100 to It or not otharwiaa eraditad In through a table. Oray-halred, but Steiner, Nobel laureate and world centers of espionage or propagan­ told interviewers. Burr the name of Mies Helen thia papar and alao tha local nawa traffic are officially labeled school The distance between any one I offer this aa proof: five sets of with a dapper black mustache, authority on blood types, and Dr. Not to Extend Bervtoe to use in the purchase of needed publlanad haraln. da activities by the State Liquor He predicted the United Estes, high school teacher. No articles for these infants. The lay­ His Oil Business At the . Alt nahta of rapubileatlon of buses, some of them are merely of these Pacifle locations is about playwrighU have dramatised five Bert Is one of those fellowe you Alexander S. Wiener of the New . M I . p S .-It* t ! States will take over that con­ other nameX were mentioned last The electric company notified apaclal diapatchea haraln ara alto different series of articles from feel you have known for years. York City Serological Laboratory. Carol aald, "L he—oh. Bill!’’ Control Commission. the Board that It will henceforth ettes, containing 28 plecee each, regular buses on routes which the same as the distance between The red-coated figure straight­ him. He hasn’t worked with Mr. trol in a desperate atruggle. night. have been completed and were raacnrad. the New Yorker into five out­ Best of his tricks has nothing to Only the white race haa been Dearborn as long as we have." Chairman John J. Fitzpatrick It "may take two years or It be unable to extend street lighting Dakar and Brazil. standing Broadway hits. ’That’s ened up, pushed white rayon whis­ The Board voted to authorize ■hipped from New York yaaterday, George WogmSn of 806 Oak RETAIL SALESROOM Pull aarvlea ellant of N. B. happen to pass achools. On some do with magic. He pencils some claasifled. Among white 85 per "We’ve been with him a long pointing out that "In no place la may take four, but make no Town Treasurer (Seorgs H. Wad­ aervlee anywhere In town if new All these distances operate in bonanza. That’s pay dirt the old bird tracks on a plMs of paper, kers impatiently from his face, information offered more freely materials have to be used. Such direct to Dudley House, London. street, who hoe been engaged In ■aralea Inc. runs, these buses are heavily load­ cent have a class of blood which leaving the body of SanU (Jtaus time. Bill," There waa gratitude mistake about the fact that dell to borrow $50,000 from Boston the long-range favor of Japan. In Silver City way. When I think how outlines them swiftly in black, and in her voice. than in drinking eatabllahmente,’' meterials now are unobtainable. From that point they wlU be sent of the Publltbara Rapratantatlaaa, Tha ed with children, who get off from Dr. Landstelner names RH plus grotesquely draped about the per- we wUl win." banks In anticipation of taxea. The to Nurse DeLamater. the ice and fuel oil busintse for hard they must work Just bending before you can aay Dniepropet- while the rest have KH minus. They found Mr. Hfrrick at his asserted that the comminaion Any new Inatallatlons will have to JnUna Mathawa Spaelal Acaney— comer to comer. fact. In all the Pacifle distances, over picking up the nuggets, I aon of Bill Reece. Interest rets at this time le up Yesterday’s Shipment several years has bsen compelled Naw Tork. Chlearo. Oatrolt and rovak there la your own name. 'The symbol RH describes a desk. He wbm aasiatant manager ‘Yecognlzea the serlousneBa" of the nearly three timea Ite loweat de- be mads by discontinuing present to dispose of his business berauae Boaton. there is only one which la threat­ have to ait down and rest. "Yes, Carol, he’s dead!" lights end sbifUng them to new Also in yesterday's shipment ’Theoretically—by the letter of lubetance which cauaea blood to She pressed her hands against ot the atore and made the moat of problem and waa attempting to asserted that when peace came "all presMon flguree of 23 one hun­ of falling health. Mr. Wogman ening to Japan. That Is the dis­ You want a tag to those lodes? It turned out to be a good break the title. He was a large man with • meet it. our privileges are restored.” locations. were two cartons of new clothing, HUMBER audit BUREAU OP the law—it is still permissible to coagulate. Agglutinogen la tha her mouth to suppress a choking dredths of one per cent, standing beys' blouses, pants and girls’ waa formerly engaged in the milk MANCHESTER CIRCULATIONS. They ]X>pped in thia order; (a) for Monica Moore when the Aus­ bushy blond hair and a belligerent New Haven —Navy recruiters, pass such buses, no matter how tance from Vladivostok to Tokyo name of thia substance. It la gasp. She must not make a scene. WIU Waive Sunday Ban now at 85 one hundredths of one The Hale Construction com­ dreaeas, and a large quanUty of business and is well known in Man­ Life With Father, (2) My Sister tralian girl came to these shores named RH because It -was first Jaw that protruded below an Meanwhile, Connecticut defenae flooded with applicanta alnca the per cent, it is explained that much pany was confirmed in Its bid for Tha Harald Printing Company, —650 miles, and we have no pres­ Eileen, (c) Pal Joey, (d) Mr. and As his secretary. Carol knew An­ knitted articles, all made by the chester. His oil business has bran many achool children they happen as a alnger with the International Identified In rhesus monkeys. drew Dearborn would expect busi­ aquiline nose. He had small, Industry waa given the "go ahead" Japanese raided Pearl Harbor, set money now le moving Into govern­ work of Instelling sanitary sewer purchased by Morlarty Brother!. Ino., aaaumaa no financial raaponal- ent way of knowing whether this Mrs. North, (e) Junior Miss. Caalno. 8ha has been kept busy greedy eyes. He coveted authority. a record, enlisting 53 men, more corps of loyal workers in this town blllty for typographical arrora ap- to be carrying, simply because Dangerous in ’Two ClreninsUhces. ness to go on. Business as usual. ■ignal for ’round-the-clock, aeven- ment eecuriUes. connections on Adams street. and vicinity. Next week the work­ KNITTING MILLS paarlng In advartlaamanta In tha di.stance will ever be an Allied aa- since, with an intimate kind of When blood containing thia co­ He worshiped power. He had al­ day-arweek production of war ma­ than the total ever before recruit­ To Vacate Tax Claima Prevlouily this firm, the lowest of UanchaatoT Evaning Harald. they are not officially labeled But wait, podnah, that ain’t all. He wouldn’t want even the end rooms will be closed, after they set. give-and-take which keeps supper agulating substance la given to of hia full and kindly life to In­ ways wantet more of both than terials. Responding to Prcaident ed In an entire week. ■ The town, by decision of the several bidders, had been author­ MANCHESTER GREEN PHONE 6S4» "achool bus." Comes next "Hotel Splendlde,” crowds (not bar, y’unneritan’ ) Mr. Dearborn gave him. He was New Haven—Army recruiters reopen plans will be made for tak­ These distances explain why it a person whose blood lacka It terrupt the gaiety of Christmaa Rooaevelt’s cell for not a wasted Board signed last night, la vacat­ ized to go ahead by a majority of ing up Red Cross sewing. XMAS PLAY TO^IIGHT Tuesday, December 16 Actually, the danger the law which was a New Yorker se­ from being self-conscloua. A two- shoppers. unanimously disliked. minute in defense plants, the state reported that 196 men had enlisted ing all tax claima to the Conti Board members so that most of the Open Evenings Until 9:00 quence, is already a book, and there la a tendency toward weak Close Cooperation Free Parklag I sought to avoid can arise just as is generally conceded that. If Ja­ week engagement at the Cafe Dearborn’s Is for the people," He grunted a greeting to Carol of Connecticut, Governor Hurley since war waa declared Dec. 8. property at Oakland and Wood- digging could be finished before a CONCORDIA CHURCH soon will be a Rodgers A Hart coagulation in the blood of the re­ and Bill, finished signing some The women are cooperating in pan should ever be able to carry Pierre stretched into months, to be cipient ’This li dangerous In two he so often told her. "All the peo­ announced,' wiU waive a statutory Fifty-two signed up laat Saturday, bridge streets. The stete, which dero freeze. INTERMEDIA’TES Battle of Pearl Harbor frequently with such buses as it musical. followed by 16 weeks this winter letters before he sat back 'and and 51 yesterday. every way possible with local de­ its assaults upon Manila, Singa­ circumstances. Dr. Landstelner re­ ple, Carol. Customer and employe prohibition againat Sunday work holdi a school fund mortgage on TTie Board accepted tentative fense and Red Cross activities. “ A Search For Santa Claea” can with chartered school buaea. "Life With Father,” ‘.’Pal Joey,” In the Letin Quarter at Miami alike. Not run merely to take their waited. for war Industries. the place, ,haa foreclosed it, and it layouts of developments on Well­ The best thing about Secretary pore and Hongkong, the future "My Sister Eileen" and "Junior ports. Some Ire • taking Red Cross Sale — Candy and Punch. Give it a thought, Mr. Motor­ Beach. When eome of the "we who One, if repeated tranafustona of money. But to serve their welfare. The Liquor Commission estimat­ is understood a purchaser haa been man, Turnbull, Westwood and Knox’s report on the Battle of course of the w^ar would be long Miss" are still running. Junior la are about to die” Australian pilots BUI cleared hla throat Carol Dreecher roads and on Grandview Adnita SOc; Children 19c. ist. Why not obey the Intent of this sort are given, death haa oc­ Where, efficiency experts to the ed that 800 or more aliens, many found who will take it over and Paarl Harbor Is his admission that the baby of the lot. and when it came to New York for a fling, contrary, sentiment plays a part." sat forward in her chair. Overnight News restore it to the tax list If the town atecet Advertise in The Herald— I't Pays and-difficult. ’They a|so explain casionally been the penalty. ’Two, "We've come to tell you.,’’ Bill of them citizens of enemy nations, both arms of our service were the law whether or not the bus arrived all the critica yelled in Monica was one of those who And for fifty years he had made hold permlU to operate drinking knock off past tax obligations. No propertey owners appeared the extreme difficulty "of rushing chorus, "The town has a new hit.” grabbed the checks. when this mUtake U made with began, finding It difficult to ex­ caught napping. Army aviation that stops ahead of you ia labeled pregnant women, even one trans­ it ao. This policy had built Dear­ places in (Connecticut. Of Connecticut The town's tax claims, it was said, as the Board held a short public quick reinforcements to such cen­ born’s from a small one-story press himsolf. "Mr. Herrick, we come second after a school fund hearing on sewer assessments on "school bus?” The absence, or fusion is dangerous. want to tell you Mr. Dearborn haa With the country at war. Chair­ By Associated Prece was caught on the ground; a ters of resistance—why the Japa­ building to the great emporium of man Fitzpatrick aaserted, the com- mortgage. While the town stands Campfleld road. A rate of $47.30 iTAKE presence, of a label, won’t mean watch the neighbor over Ms ’The report states that it now had a—heart attack.” Navy dawn patrol was out when nese may possibly have gained for mented by local treatment if activity It was this December mlaalon waa attempting to draft to lose about $1,000 in back toxes per lot was set. beck fence and you’ll know in a necessary. becomes of practical iihportance "He has?” Mr. Herrick snapped. the attack came, but wherever it much to a young life, maimed, a to classify blood donors as to plus morning. Mr. Dearborn had made new regulations to meet the prob­ Naugatuck—The U. S. Rubber and Interest, the Board felt that EASILY? themselves a period of some weeks aplit second If he Isn’t In line, The treatment of acne must be money, yes. Incidentally. Above "Didn’t know he ever had thent Company notified 700 employes of Often a iign that your resiatane* L was, it waa not organized and di­ family sorrowed, or to your own or minus RH in addition to the Can't you get a doctor? Do tha lem and would consider at meet- there Is no prospect of this sum The new Grumman fighter, first in which they will have a free and If he Isn’t In line, then the both local and conatltutlonal and all he had served his public. ite division manufacturing tennto ever being paid, and that the 1 .st low. Take Father John'i Medicine conscience in the future. usual typing. Reliable tesU are two of you have to sit there star­ lliga this week whether licenaea of a lot to be shipped to Britain, wluch not only rclicvee colde but rected to apot an attack which, hand to do their worst to the road that goea by hla property a number of measures must be The store had been hia inspira­ should be taken from enemy aliens shoes yesterday that the mill course Is to forego claims so that is powered with a 1200-horsepow­ The law simply provides that Isn’t In line for Improvement or available to identify the two class­ tion in life. It would bo his monu­ ing at me just because the old would close Dec. 24 and reopen buildfl up body resistance tbrouch even then, was well on its way to­ forces Britain and the United used simultaneuusly, in order to es .of blood donors. man's had a heart attack?’’ and whether this could be done .some new owner may step In and er engine, has a ceiling of 37,000 its rich store of CBTIiCD the motorist shall come to a full be hlmaelf Isn’t in line for a lit­ bring about the moat rapid reaulta. ment in death. legally. with reduced production Jan. 6 be­ keep up future tax obligations. AA D. • JWIn # ward the Island. States now have stationed at TbU difference in blood Is in­ "We got—a doctor," Carol man­ feet, and baa a speed of 350 mUea atop ten feet behind the bus, "shall tle road work when haying sea­ Constipation will usually be What ahatl we do?” Carol whis­ No ProMem After July cause of government regulations Attomejj^George C. Lessner, act­ an hour. Vseci years. MEDICINE Such wag the Initial destruction son Is over. herited. pered huskily Her blue eyes were aged to say wlU. a calmnen which these points. For the war In the present and requires adequate his temper had provoked. "Blil’s The problem won’t exist after restricting use of rubber to mili­ remain stationary unUI all pedes­ That’s the sort of human under­ It follows the usual Utpdelian widened in distreaa The pale oval tary purposes and articles vital to of our aviation that, when the Pacifle, the heroism of these measures for its correction. ‘Those laws In transmission^ by parents trying to tell you Mr. Dearborn la July 1, for the General Assembly trians or passengers shall be out standing which has been precious who are troubled with acne gen of her face framed by a shining haa barrsd aliens from holding health. No estimate waa available enemy withdrew, we apparently forces is Just as essential to vie to children. But, Dr. Landstelner halo of brown hair was lovely even dead!" of danger, and may then proceed and invaluable to Connecticut in erally notice that the pimples are "Dead?" Mr. Herrick glared at liquor permits after that date. of the number of workers likely had no capacity to follow the at­ tory as was the heroism of the the past, and on many such under­ says, this inheritance is not likely In grief. One small, manicured to be laid off. at a reasonable rate of speed." most profuse after they have al­ to be useful lir court in cases of her. "My God!" he muttered end Fltepatrick aald the commia.slon tacking planes back to their car­ few hundred Royal Air Force pl- standings such great things as hand swept over her forehead and waa worried about what might Why not make such safe proce­ lowed the Intestinal elimination to disputed parentage. The reason he sat upright "Why didn’t you New BrlUIn—A relative identi­ riers and make an attack on these the Roraback machine were built. remain sluggish. The patient smoothed the soft, already perfect say so?” happen in the meantime. Arjd fied a pedestrian killed Sunday dure a general rule? *ota who saved England in the is the small number of persona pompadour. RE-UPHOLSTER When we first read the ruling we would exercise "strictest survel]. carriers. The enemy was permit- summer of 1940. may do a great deal to encourage who have the minus kind of blood. Bill put hla arm around her "He dlec in his office. A few here' by on automobile oa John thought. Indeed, that Mr. PallottI a better functioning of the intes­ minutes ago. We didn’t let it be lance" of all drinking places. Janslnska, an employe of the city 3>Piece Living Room Suite S.HALL DEPOSIT AND 'ted to escape. waa merely pursuing an old score, ahouldera, urgeu her to ait down. The governor’s announcement tine through using a larger amount "Take it easy, Carol. I’ll phone the known. It might cause confusion. sewer department. .It la good to have these things The Need Is Stated an I finally declaring the Roraback of tha green leafy vegetables He wouldn’t have wanted that." that Sunday defense work would MacDONALD’S 1 POINT FEATURE doctor." Litchfield—Alonzo Finch, 27, of INCLUDES admitted. It would have been dif­ machine illegal. But we find it which provide bulk or roughage, She heard him dial the number Her voice rose and hung suspend­ be permitted followed a conference Arena, N. Y., member of a con­ $ What should be the aim of a difficult to believe that he would and through taking vigorous phys­ ed. ’They've taken him away." yesterday of leaders of labor and ficult to persuade the American Washington and speak quickly, very softly. struction gang installing a power ^ I. Stripe your furniture to the frame. proper price control bill has, at Connecticut cause ao much present anguish ical culture exercises each day of "Who waa with him? Mr. Her­ Industry with state officials, line along the rabroad right-of- people that our armed forces were Then he came back to her side. 2. Bebullde with new springs and Oiling laat, been clearly stated in Wash­ and prospective suffering through­ the type beneficial in atrengthen- ‘He waa a swell boss, Carol,’’ he rick asked. among them Attorney General way. her^.was kUled yesterday by A ■ ndded. (Dirislmiut SavtiMS €lub "BUI waa talking to him." - ■ »w mm wm mmm actually on the alert when the at­ ington. Price Administrator Hen­ out the state In a mere effort to ing the abdominal muacles. amid as they gazed at the motion­ Francis A. PaUotU who ruled aev- an electric Ught pole which crush­ Re-covers srith homespun. tack came/ The reasona why they Y ankee rewrite past history, and at any In tomorrow’s artlcls I will dis­ Daybook less grayed head. "Yea,’’ BtU said. "We were aral months ago that the chief ed hia skull. The pole swung out 4. Reatnlns the woodwork. derson waa testifying before the rate we Join .with the various se­ cuss The ’Treatment of Acne. laughing about what a youngster executive could not waive the sta­ PAY TO 'n il were not are to be investigated She reacheu for Bill’s hand. Big, of control while being hoisted with 9. Sngleee-proof construction. Senate Banking and Currency By A. H. O. lectmen and town chairmen of Watch for it in this newspaper. By Jack Stlnaett said to me. Mr. Dearborn told me tutory ban. In view (rf the war; a. winch. BETTER COVERS PRICED O M IN 0 6 _ officially; we hope this takes the good Bill. How calm he waa He to keep them believing in Santiu PallottI concurred in the new de­ 6. Free eetimntes and deUverles. Committee, and he had been out­ Connecticut In beseeching him to had thought of Mr. Dearborn al­ Hartford—Governor Hurley ap­ PROPOR’nONATELY LOW 7, Easy terms. Investigation out of the hands of The loyalty that children have reverse his ruling, so that our Questloas Aad Answers to play my part even with the boys cision, aa did all others attending lining the faults of the House bill (Two recent developments in most as a father, yet he controlled who tried to kid me. Suddenly his pointed William A.. Scott, president WE CARRY OUR OWN ACCOUNTS ______nni.i.aPB to Sugar candy was bom In imita­ small town roads can continue to air combat have Inspired lenders his shock. Thst wss his way. Nev­ the conference. arm-chair generals in Congress and the amendments he wanted voice broke off. He died—right A number of Connecticut de­ of the Hartford Central Labor be roads of friendship. (OomUnlag Foods) In that field to state that 1B4I er excited. Matter of fa ct Assis­ Union, aa an alternate member of Have Our Repreeentatlve CaU At Tour Home. Or Visit Our THIRD FLOOR Showroom. id elsewhere; whatever human made when Senator Tobey of New tion of how Connecticut select­ there." fenae plants began working Sun­ men and local political organiza­ Question: V. S. writes: "I am an will go down aa onaof the great tant in the display department A look of undisguised antlclpe- the State Board of Mediation and falling there was was more than Hampshire put in a comment. when he wasn’t playing Santa days before Pallotti’s ruling, and tions feel about state road money. extra in motion pictures and was years In aviation warfare. It tlon began to spread over Mr. continued doing ao when Labor Arbitration. He succeeds George compensated for In the unparallel- talking to a featured player the may be surprising to some to Claus. President of the employes’ Herrick’s face. "Well, I guess I’m A. Doyle of Bridgeport, recently ’’As I see it." be said, "the ob­ And Attorney General Francis HEALTH AND DIET store organization. He waa her Commissioner Cornelliu J. Dana- MacD4>nald Upholstery Go. •d heroism with which our men A. Pallotti's recent ruling that other day who tells me that he re­ know that what these men, in charge until the son gets here. given full membership on the jective of this bill is to prevent sort She like him. Sometimes ahe ber said bis department would board. 983 MAIN STn Hartford (American Industrial OTdg.) Room 302A CALL 2-4127 fought the attack once it bad de­ there must be competitive bids ADVICE covered from stomach trouble and among them MaJ. Oen. H. H. Have you notified him, Carol?” ignore the attorney general’s opin­ price rises which would justify haa greatly improved bis health “Hap" Arnold, cUef of the army waa tempted to believe that liking "No. The doctor asked me to." veloped. The important thing la for town aid road projects in waa enough. But her heart rebeled. ion. Meriden—An automobUe crash­ wage increases.” which the state's money Is In­ through following your rules for nir corps, referred to was NOT "Cable .ilm to return at once.” Must Obtain Permits ed through the North Colony street that it does not happen again; Furnished by the Hd'-oy She wanted love. The kind that "I wlU.’’ "That," replied Mr. Henderson, volved can only be compared to a Health Servtea good food comblnatiuns and taking “flying fortieasBi" or dttwr an- Governor Hurley said permlU railroad crossing gate Into the side the slanting board exercises which per-duper strntosplien bombera, waa a ahlnlng thing. The kind— She and BIU left the office to­ there is every indication that it “is the way Britain has done it deliberate attempt to assassinate ___ # ■he waa miserable when she for Sunday operation must be ob­ of a north bound train last night, Will noL Santa Claus. you recommend. I am puzzled as but landing fleld^ In two arti­ gether. "Mr. Heirick seems to rel­ tained from the labor commission­ but Its three occupants escaped and it seems the only practical ap .Address oommunlcattaaa to The thought of it—the kind she cher- ish the idea," BIU said grimly. "I It Is possible to wax rhapsodic to Just which foods combine well cles, Jack Stinnett, Washington liahed for Andy Dearborn, play­ er end would be granted only to with minor Injuries. They were The extent o f the. Japanese vic­ proach.” Herald, AtteatloD MiAlay with each other. Will you be good oolumnlat for The Herald, teUs suppose he’ll have hla own way bona-fide defenae plants. Miss EIsIc -F'erino, 34, Mias Anna on the system as it has operated boy son of the man who lay hare until Andy comes." tory waa great, but not aa great ’There, In a few short words, Is in the past, before the vile threat Health enough to outline some simple what these developomts are dead. Other developments in ConnecU- Maguda, ;i8. both of Kensington; rules for me to follow ? As you sre and what they wtu mean to air ’T’d bate to have to work for and FrodVrick Lange, 25, of New as they planned It to be, and not what this country needs—a bill of the PallottI ruling arose. Ths doctor came then, btisled him very tong.” eut's second week of the war: Acne Or “ PImplee” probably aware; being In pictures combat.) Hartford — TTie 0>nnectlcut Britain. AU were taken to the -Sa great as some American rumor which will freeze the cost of liv­ No funds have ever been ex­ htmaelf with Mr. Dearborn’s atlll "So would I. So would every­ pended with more loving care, is somewhat of a nervous strain, Wholeaala Milk Producers Council Meriden hospital with lacerations had it and find that my stomach misbe- form. When he looked up hla eyea body. He’s been bed enough with ing so that people can live on more complete unselfishness, than Acne is the medical name of an By Jack Stlaaett told them what Carol already warned Connecticut farmers and. abrasions of the face and h«vea unless I use only the sim­ Washington.—Highway parking Mr. Dearborn to hold him down.” body. One batUeahlp, the Arizona, is a what they have or what they are those funds which the state as­ Inflammatory skin disorder, usu­ knew. Andrew Dearborn had died In a moment, BUI asked, "Carol, against "being lured from the i_nd plest of mesls. As soon sis I try for war planes of every size from .1^ defenae wages." an Ite annual total loss. Another, the Oklahoma, making now. signs for the project of helping ally referred to by the layman aa sating anything and everything, of an acute heart attack. He had do you remember Mr. Dearborn its member towns provide them­ the little “air jeepa" to the giant report, the council aald that dairy­ la capsized in Pearl Harbor, and “pimples.” It produces the dis­ my discomfort comes right back." known he wouiu. Four months ago had me witness a wiU for him 7” If that la done, it will not be selves with better roads. four-engine bombera ia in the wind thia very doctor warned him to ex­ "Yet." ing waa "esaentlal to the defense Retired Colonel may eventually be brought back Answer: As you have discover­ for the United Statta. fyORr SOAP necessary for labor to seek an The great and praiseworthy tressing crops of red pimples top­ pect It any day. "What do you Imagine waa In effort In which this country Is now Into service. Other damage can thing is that those handling theae ped with pua which so often cause ed, you are not the only one who "FUght atripa” they caU them engaged.” endless chain of wage increases. If is aware that tha man or wonum and the kickoff came the other Bll certainly be repaired; some of funds for the towns have never ths hoy or girl In the 'teen age to ‘Ts hla sou in town?" the doctor '’Pidn''t M r.' Dearborn let you New Haven—Yale announced It Is Dead at 85 that ia done, our pensioners, our attempting to act before the cam­ day when the,? President signed the would operate year-round for the , It has already been repaired; the allowed themselves to become un­ feel embarraumenL asked. read it?" she evaded. hospitals, our endowed instltu duly obsessed with the problem era must' be careful of the diet. new defense highway bill. The duration of the war, eUmlnatlng rest of it may take longer. On LucMly, Cerol knew he waa sail­ "N a He asked the doctor and' tlons can live. For if the cost of of roads alone. They have, to the Such blemishes commonly ap­ Many of the stars watch their measure provided more than two ing the Dearborn yacht in the me to aign It but he didn’t let us summer vacations to enable stu­ Elmira, N. Y.. Dec. 16— (JV-Col. pear on the face, but may also be menus very carefully all of the this phase of the battle. Secretary contrary, been distinguished by hundred million dollars for de­ southern sees. Perhaps right now read It I sUppoae It aU goea to dents to obtain their degrees in John C. Fremont TUUon, retired living is sUbilized, the doUar we present across the upper back. time that they are working in a fense highways. The bill haa been “Ices then three" yeers Instead of ^Knox is necessarily not free with their talent for mixing human lying In the warm tropical aim Andy. What ds you think, Carol?" who served with the U. S. Army have today will aUll be an honest welfare with public works, and it Squeezing or "picking” of the pim- -picture. Here, are some Hmple booted around among various with Linda Julian. Linda with her "I don’t know, BUI.” four. President Cherlea Seymour I datalla; the Japanese would still plei>'(I^y lead to an unsightly scar­ dollar tomorrow. can be said, 'Mthout fear of con­ rules about food combinations for agencies. Congress and the White aleek, smooth beauty and her cool, But she did know. Tha terma of anticipated "many troublesome de­ In everjr campaign from tha Sioux < like to know what ships we are ring of the skin. The disorder niay you to follow: Proteins, such as House foruiearly a year. Even- In tails," but aaserted the university It is refreshing, after months of tradiction, that no such road was calculating eyes. 'After hla money, the. will were burned upon her Indian w an through World War I. Bow able to put to sea. However, be present over a period of yeara meats, cheese, fish and nuts, are Its final form, the President didn’t everyone said. It didn’t seem to memory. She had typed It end wee “determined that nothing ehali died last night at the age of 85. ever built without some pleasant and the sufferer usually triea most easily digested when com­ the secretary does feel free to discussion, debate, and delay, to human good being done in Ui^ like it and said ao. That made matter to Andy. She liked to play taken It td Mr. D eai^rn and hto stand between us and the best ser­ Oolonel ’pilson, who aided, in And the true objective of price process. variety of remedies during that bined with the Don-starchy vege­ news. What didn’t makes news -and ao did he. They made a per­ lancer, Mr. Benaon. vice we can render the countty." suppressing the C!hineaa Boxer re­ BtAte that the American fleet, time, with little ot no aucceas. tables. The vegetables may be . Nnsf Surrender Liberties control clearly stated by some one . Sneh a hniiiBBltBrtaB attitude wss s little proviso for $10,000,000 fect pair. "Do you want to maka It that bellion, was provost marshal of With battleShipa included in its Acne is moat likely to be found cooked or may be used in salads. for "flight strips.’’ “Better try tr locate him," the Greenwich—Prof. James Graf­ Peking after the cltYa capture In Washington. Is possible when there is Bot too Strong ?’’ cautioUB Mr. Benaon had Brray.Tla at sea. looking for the ainong thoae having oUy aklns Uomblne the starches, such as The paltriness of. the sum doctor was saying. “There's no one asked when be read it ton Rogers of Yale said many civil from the Boxers. His funeral will much red tape mixed Into gov- , bread, potatoes, rice, spaghetti, liberties guaranteed in the biU of '•mou. by J for a,j J '* i«Bcmy. There remains, unfortunately, erameat, aad ear readers In al­ and ia often accompanied by an caused one Army official to dub else." “Yea, I do,” Mr. Dearborn had be in Washington tomorrow with oily condition of the hair. Incor­ etc., also with the vegetables, but it "nothing more than a* ftrlp ‘T’U find him," Carol promlaed. repUed. “The people trust Dear­ r ^ t e must he “surrendered for burial In Arlington National ceme­ The fact that this report la ac- the aerioua questipn o f - whether most every town will be able not With proteins; and not with effteteney in fighting the war,” but warmly to recall the Instance of rect cleanaing of the excess oil tease." His humor struck pretty Men In blacl* came at last and born’s end I won’t have that trust tery. iBepted With relief by the people the kind of bill Price AdmlnUtra- from the akin plays a part In help­ aclda In using acid fruits, eat near the truth. Ten million dol­ slipped Andiew Dearborn away, betrayed. Not even by my own tor Henderson is backing can ever tome contractor who waa kind­ ing to causa fiirthar pliqples to ap­ thsm by themselves or use them carrying the long at$etcher to the eon!" y t 'America la easily and natural- ly given at least one Job oh lars is not going to line our stra­ get through Congress in An effec­ pear. with milk. Fata and oils may be tegic highways with "Right freight elavatoi end out the rear (To Be Conttnued) explained. The American peo- which ho could relax, and nn- ’The eauas of acna are_both. in-: combined with any other . foods. ia would much rather'accept un- tive form. It is a piece-meal bill, tnerons lastnacee of loyal work- strips’’ but it la a beginning and ternal and external—that, ia, they You are welcome to send for Dr. one which Army aviation engi­ t fact than remain In a which permlU of exceptions and Srs who might etkenirioo have epme from both tha Inside and Frank MeOoy's aillcle on “Food rapidly taka refuge In case the gone forever nasustalaed and Combinations,’' whMt you wish neers see as a forerunner o f the WOUtDNT it be wondcrfnl if someone said, “Here’* $50 of uncerUinty. We prefer coneeaalons. like a tariff achedule, the QUtaide. Of the two, the in­ day when -every important high­ main base was attacked or de­ Will Graduate SOMEnnNG for NOTHING? nnthanked for ouch nnsolflsb ternal cauaea are the ihore impor­ more eapllclt directions. This sr- truth to rumor. We don't and It can worked on by vari­ way will have roadside parking stroyed. Being no mqrs than for your Chiistmas shopping.*'* Then you wouldn*t have community servicea as the ring­ tant. Any of the folloising.. causes tlele Is available to any one who Bingla atripa (ruhways now aro ous faeUona and Interests. In the ing of the right doorbells oa writes to McCoy Health Sjwtem in for airplanes as'common as ham­ /Ahead of Time Because we’re strictly CASH A CARRY, our low «v e rh ^ it to have our leaders ladle us may operate to produce the dlaor- burger havens. ' , b e l^ made of ' « material that to cut down on lunchesy stop seeing shows and going on lesa ly of the soothing syrup that is Houae yiey worked on It ao thor- electloa day. der: Contliiued conatipation; over­ care' of this news|>aper and en- takes and hold paint) they could saves you up to 30% on your laundering and dry cleaning. There are many homely services cloaes a large self-addressed en­ of the totalitarian tech­ qugbly that nothing emerged. eating of aweeta, the use of rich be easily camouflaged. With han­ Our expert workmanahip gives you the best! expensive dates. Because yon*d have that extra money for which go Into the process by foods; lack of aunahlne; and too velope and six cents in stamps. The term “flight strip" almost New London, Dec. 16—(g)— The ie of waging a war. Our be-, They sent a zero labeled price con­ defines itself. It is nothing more gers and.ahope' appearing no more R aibow Mea’a Plalh Stota, _ shopping WITHOUT the ilsual dent ih your budget. which selectmen themselves got little exerclae. than one of the mlUion cliistera Coast. Guard Academy will hold ih our cause is great enough trol bill up to the Senate. Now into office, and |t Is an essential Some of the outside factors than a runway, 8,000 to 9,000 feet D R V Topeoata, Overeoate f l C T long and 190 feet wide, built along of barns and farm houses that dot pomp and ceremony to a m!nimum Henderson ia trying to get some­ part of the democratic system o f which aid in prolonging the disor­ iteel us againat any defeat; we the principal lanes of motor trav- the country side. at ite 96th commencement Friday, Ladlea* Plata Dre iiee THAT*S the way it will be if you start now to save for thing put back In the bill. jBut government that political parties der are the i^ceeeive o(l thrown Although first locations of the CLEANING erCrata not going to falter because be able to. live. ’The state has not out oo the s l ^ aurface, which oil Quotations ri- which WiU be highlighted by the 2 for $1.19 Christmas next year. You*ll never miss the small change are defeated once, or twice, or the odds are thIa kind of bill will .-The idea Isn’t new. At least ten flight strips have not been an­ graduation of 81 cadets of the yet prorided funds handsome causes tha akin to collect dirt nounced, It to considered certain tlmeg.' We imow what we naver get a fuU act of teeth, i enough to make it possible for easily; aad also the tendency to years ago. It was being put for­ claae of 1942—five montha ahead Three Economical Servicea lor Your Family Wash you put away each week and it wiU be just like someone ward by Ueut. Col. 8. S. Hanks, they will be dkmg the northeast­ of schedule. Ailiting for, as tha peopla of We think he, and the adminis­ two political pferties to live In any aqueeaa the pimplea and biack- I don't think'much of birthdays. ern seaboard and at other points JUMBO FAMILY GIVING you money to do your shopping. It*s a grand feel­ single town, and it ia little enough heada which-aervea to cause fur­ After all, what ta a year but a of the Army Air Corps. But like In previous yeara, commence­ SO FT D RY totAlitarian countries do not; tration, would be much further ther Irritation. Leek of proper most of the Innovations In combat near tha coast believed most vul- ment programs extended over a (AU flat work and haad- for the proper siutenance of one, man-made invention ticked off by nerebla to air attack. FAMILY BUNDLE ing! Open your account today! morale ia not based on the aa- along toward the protection o f the but it has been in ths right direc­ cleanaing of the skin and mis­ mechanical cIo<^? avlaUon which now are being four-day period, with the gradua­ don't loof y ttn c H I,,, BUNDLE Jrarchlefs completely Ireo- bailed aa the very latest things, it It’a just a start,' but Army air itkin that victory for ua people of thia country from the tion and baaed on tbs right prin­ guided treatment In the way of —David WarflcM, actor, oa 1 tion exercises on the final day. AU Everything ia ironed la ed. Wearing apparel nice­ amearlng on ointments, may also waa put by aa a lot of expensive officials see it aa the first step of the actlvitlea of this year’s com­ 2 0 Pieces . . . 9 9 c ly dried aad folded ta thto CHOOSE ONE OF THESE PLANS be either automatic or easy, needless tragedy of inflaUon If ciple. Furthermore, it is easy to 19th birthday. r" this aervice. see that a true enforcement of the InteaHfy the tendency to acne. fol-de^rol that weU could ba solving . the problem thst baa mencement WlU be crammed Into (A M U e ia l pleeea 4« on.) aervice.) tala report Secretary Knox they cast aside all auch hodge­ abaved out of the defenae budget plagued Germany and England in Friday. ' Wertek out, Mator. Thtow's a catch aMn^lMra. PallottI ruling would be a step Thera to considerable evidence Let them get licenses, but don't t Haahles nr 6 Ten Nap- 12 pounds,^, .^ c D eposit ’25c Per Week for 50 Weeks — Receive $12. act what should be the tone podge and clearly and forcefully backward rather than a step for­ to believe that in a patient who o f a peaceful nation. their air blitses—tha InabiUty to Dean Joseph W, Barker of the Juri 09 Umm la to that old Idaa obout haottag 40Pte<^ .. .$1.78 fctaa nr .S Waah CIoUm make it aa hard to get a Ucense Commercial aviation, however, get enough planes In the air at School of Engineering ot Columbia (Addftlonal ponnda ■ and Deposit government news policy during demanded the passage of a simple ward. If, in the past, it has been haa foUdwed wroug habits of liv­ as_^to get a Phi Beta Kappa key. wortar Indirnctly oU your houaa haoMrl Whan Eqnal 1 PIsMt 1 Shirt 50c Per Week for 5Q Weeks — Receive $25.1 ing, Nature attempta to bring did recognise the eatebUahed ona time to hold air auperlority— University, representing the Sec­ (Additional pleoea 8« ea.) Equate t Pleeea. war. It Is heartening to think ovOT-all price control, which would possible to t one party to- sustain '—Irving Cook, saeniiBg New SHlRTS-~7e each.) Deposit $1.00 Per Week for 50 itself miserably enough, in tha fu­ abemt a general cleansing of the principle o f motor traffic that and tha InabtUfy to provlda retary of the Navy, will give tha you figuro your raol coala you'll find that thoy Weeks — Receive $50.4 such a standard has been York peddlera. automobUe travel grew only aa enough emergency landing flelda graduaUon address. Desn Barker It’s the RAINBOW for Friendly, Personal Service! do what It is finally admitted ture, it will be no party at all, and body during the 'teen age at a time or# planly . , . in fual-, in otw uaa of your hmiaa Deposit $2.00 Per Week for 50 Weeks — Receive $100.4 we think public reaction and ought to be done—"prevent price It la not inconceivable that the certain important glands are de­ good highways grew. So commer­ for plants forcad down 1^ dam- to a member of the Academy Ad­ hnattng nquipaant. In alraining ita capacity. veloping, and that acne may be a 2f fe'S go oa in our personal end cial aviation aet up ite auxlUaiy agea, weather, or exhausted fuel visory Committee. Deposit $5.00 Per Wedt for 50 rngke it clear that this rtaea which would justify wage trend of eventa begun by the Pal- party quarrels, dlastpatlng our supply. b------Weeks — Receive $250.4 Ibttl ruling may culminate in the part of this cleansing process. or emergency landing flelda. That standard ths American peo- increases.’’ However, the young person who efforts, the dictators wUl have op­ is mosUy whst the “flight strip" h'fltho wiaa thing, today, to in a ^ o WhH^Mod complete dlaappearanca of the portunity to rejoloe and aay, “We Measles Cases WBUt to taava obtain through- town form of government, with Bil has followed correct habita of liv­ is, but It ts something more. Automatic <3oa Watar Hdotor. Hara'a tha thrifty ing Is able to go through this stage told 3TOU to/* Except .in the most mounUin- THIS IS THE THIRD WEEK OF tbs struggls ttast Ues staead. patronage diapenaed at Hartford M e n ] Juign Befeert N. WIDdn. Australia to Move haotor for you. Bailt to hoot walar only . . . ThB Pacific Distmneea alone. of devetopmeot without embar- oua. areas, there are tntervaU In State Jump THE NEW 1942 CLUB AmcrtcBa idcaa ' cd dietaweec Whea thM eaatmllaad, pat- rasHng ^mplea. I believe that along our highways wbart rights- Women, Children ond doao a Bwall Job for lillla monay. MONEL TIm S ch ool B ob L bw ronage and ths ir nnng if when they appear, they are a al| of-way oould be obtained suffi­ which, only a few days ago, con- that tha pgtlent ahoitld change li The publio la atUl ta the majori­ ciently level to construct these Hartford, Dac. 16—(g)—Reduc­ tankinauraaclaar,claan,ruadaaawatar. Phooa. would liBva thought the nooey losca a grant deal ef Its ty, and arUl not hold guUUcns him tions In whooping cough, scarlet ■Idorod Europe a long, aafs way tene. We have kaewn people wrong habits of living to bettsr stripe. Because o f terraiin. or pre­ today, for all tha facta. No obligation. who plays fast aad looss with ite vailing . wind dlrectioiis, they MelboniTM. Australis, Deo. 16.— And lobnr pncumonln would never liBve oon- from o«r sborea will have ta bo te ge te Hnrtfard aad got a fB- (g>—The AustnUani war cabinet It neoaBMiy, laat winter, The three changes which will do paaoe aad Ite aecurity. would not always parallel ths and p rise In m'eaeles were report­ drasUcally rovlaed when the ordi­ i ^ a ad thoa go baek hoaw eoa- the moat good are! Flrat tha ■Oh m Chaster Emireoa. Trtaity decreed today that chUdren and all ed todhy by the State Hea'th De- maa or party whe highways—but thsy would ba so BB act floftMding moto^ nary ABMrtcan gsta down to his adoption o f thoae raeasuren which CMhadial. CtovelaafL thst the higharay could woman axoa^ thoaa required foi 'artment. CIMiaKS&lAUMDERB THE SAVINGS BAN garo It to thena. Bat whoa, ao It' eaential services must be Removed pBBB Bdiool baBiB .Btoppad Buip od ttao Pacifle. vrlll bring about a thorough rlean guide lines. During the past week, a depart­ ,^|jiii«>liosf4>r DiY^ision from Darwin, aorthern Australian ment bulletin said, Uiere were 44 HA.'.AIS0H S t. MAHCH'-TER r dlBdiBrto Hawaii, oar eaatral baas of op- of ibo Intaatinal tract: ao AH I sraated at tha tima eras to road faado, tt to 2 S h « f tha use of the fast, foOowod port aa soon aa posatble. rases of whooping cough aa_ HarCford iBan Ca. • ■tatgreC: rtiw ea. dnto MXMeefealrem tha the atoghberly tkiag Cl. _ have aqp msauacript pubUahod—to' Within ^v e to 100 mitos o f bU' (Darwin to the neoycat Austrial- •hapiilBgc Open 7 A. M. to 8 P. M. sniUens iiii -the Pacific, U more by a wholesome, Mfliple diet: add -TO my name ia print against 68 tha preceding w e ^ 16 • 0 7 1 M9 Mock ftaae Baat Osatar atraet. OF MANCHESTER Jor Anny\ airports, they ~wouM i s Jb BB ugtir truth about than two-thirte ed the way to the loyalty erected to ' the oam et S M t ^ o f wash- ISB port to The Nathartonde East •cariet fever egalnat 89.and 16 g ermeiiji I I Dye Works. S a tu i^ y s: 7 A.M . to 4 P.M. A Mataal Ssviags Bsak a BMtn fetal itor eaa. Yea can Oaria M, ghiaflaal. oa trial Isr serve aa perfect dt^Mraal “porU". ladtos and to tha varioua Pacific tag ths atfoctsd areas, supple- to which a vast air force could lobar pneumonia -against 20. Msaslaa jump from 66 to ‘6 A '

u • .• 'fV.. n'T'Jt' 'tn


tors, Pasquala Batto, Lavlo JiUlan, Knox Reveals Pearl Harbo>r NavaloYosses' Stafford Springs Nelson Fiedler, Ernest ZoUetta, Navy Head Tells Losses Caused Damage Not as Bad John B. Panclera, Ernest Rogledl John O. Nrtte and Joseph Oldrini; auditors. W il­ BUY News From Manchester’s Neighbors liam Biilllvan, John B. Plccln and 472, Stafford Aldo Amprlmo; dues collector, By Jap Attack on Pearl Harbor As Most Anticipated Victor TonldandFl. It was voted to mens sH Angelo Serafm, 68. of Tolland purchase $100 of Defense bonds avenue, ia a patient at the Johnson and to sponsor an entertainment BY Minii. Wmahington, Dec. 16— lej—The Station, target of the enemy’s staggering under the concussion to 4:30 in the afternoon and 7 to Memorial hospital, following an program the proceeds to be dona­ I fiercest bombing, and straffng. of the rapid fire. Story Bluntly Told by port of Hong Kong. The London text of Secretery Knox's - state­ ! newspapers today appear to be 8. in the evening. accident Sunday afternoon on ted to the Stafford chapter, Ameri­ V^ith the ship already on fire from Rockville -7 Seeking Flying Cadets Bolton can Red O oot. . ment 4etaillng^ losses In the Japa­ Knox Calculated to Re­ preparing the public for the loss Bolton Firemen to Sponsor Main street. According to State repeated high altitude iKtacks. her Many Lives Saved Dr. J. Ralph Morin of this city, anti-aircraft batteric.s downed a of this possession which is one of Lswis U. Chapman Mrs. Clyde HarshaO Policeman John R. Fitzgerald, nese attack OQ Pearl Harbor fol­ in chairman uf the committee on Na­ Serafln received a po.ssible frac­ plane which crashe bul b>ve had Anyone wishing transportation held. Members on the raffle com­ The Zoning (Tommisalon was literally passed down through the reduced by heavy pontoons, de­ munition parties to maintain the the Briti.sh defense until Singa­ about five o’clock. The committee no word from him since. should call Mrs, Hutchinson whose mittee report a successful sale of unanimous -4n agreeing that fut- smokestack; stroyed an attacking Japanese flow of powder and shells to the pore can send help. in charge Includea Mrs. Nellie Three court cases were tried by ,tfllej?lionc.ls.7265 and she will raal e tickets on the drawing. ther violations be Investigated (B ) The old target ship Utah pursuit ship of thrice their speed. guns. Without doubt the whole Hunt, Mrs. Gladys Cannon, Mrs. Trial Justice Donald E. Woodward' arrangements. Each person is To Enforce Toning thoroughly and the proper action which has not been used as a com­ "Simultaneously throughout the spectacle was the greatest sponta­ Winsted Men Start Fund John Coleman, Mrs. Annie Sulli­ on Saturday afternoon at the hall. asked to bring their own lunch and At a recent meeting of the Zon­ be taken to insure compliance with batant ship for many years, and Navy Yard examples of personaU neous exhibition of cooperation, van of this city and Mrs. George I Rosario Deszarlals of Willlmantic beverage. ing Board of Bolton sections 425 the Zoning regulations. Which was in service as a training heroism developed. Several work­ determination and courage that To Replace Arizona Moving Fast Toward Heavy Army Wllliama of Manchester. was fined 810 and ebsts for speed­ This Red Ooss Sewing Group is and 430 of the "(Connecticut Public Copies of the Zoning Regula­ ship for anti-aircraft gunnery knd men of Japanese ancestry deserted th6 American Navy has been call­ Party for Hope Chapter ing. The case of Roland Trudeau, one division of young civilian de­ Acts, Chapter 29" were studied by tions for Bolton may he obtained dx^rimental purposes; their benches to help the Marine ed upon to make. The crew of Following a brief buslneia meet­ also of Willimantic, vTho was fense and one of the most Import­ the members of the Board. These from any members of the Zoning TH i NEW charged with reckless driving was (C ) Three destroyers, the Cas- defense battalion man machine-gun one ship followed it around on \\’insted. Dec. 16—ij*)—Three Guns Fired ing Hope Chapter No. 60, OES will ant ones. It Is your organist,tlon sections deal with the enforce­ Board; 'W’llllam A. Perrett, chair­ nolled. Another case, which was sin, the Downes, and the Shaw; nests. Two of them with hands its outside as it capsized, firing Winsted men have started a Equality in Sinkings hold ita annual CThristmaa party and you are urged to take pait In ments of Zoning Regulations and man: Walter Elliott, secretary; (D ) Mine layer Oglala. This was blistered from hot gun barrels, re­ this evening. There will be a nolled iipon payment of costs was ita work. the Penalties for Violation of Zon­ James Rogers. Jr., Anthony Ma- their guns until they were under fund with which to replace the that uf Mrs. fkiith Jackson of a converted merchantman former­ quired emergency treatment. Christmas entertainment with Jolly Club ing Regulations. This_matter was neggia. John Swanson. water. Those same men stood on U. S. S. Arizona, sunk in the Coaflt .4rliller>' Praclire Marlboro, who was charged with ly a passenger ship on the Fall “ Cool as Ice. the men who man­ Despite Head Start oi AT ake Island Mfirines Mrs. Rachel Pease In chaise. This The Jolly Club of QuarryvUle the dock and cheered as one of will be followed by an excinange of driving while under the Influence River line and converted into a ned the Navy Yard signal tower the more fortunate ships cleared Japanese raid on Pearl Har­ Sharpest Reiiiiiuler. of will meet this evening at the home ^ mine layer during the World War. from which flashed orders to the bor. Japan American Army' ^ gifts. of liquor. oyster stew served by Milton Hal­ the harbor and passed by, en route On Tuesday evening the Colum­ of Mrs. Ann Johnson and hold the tests on Sunday evening. ' Sc“out- anchored fleet, carried out their War in Hawaii. Members attending are remind­ annual Christmas Party. ing. ! PORTABLI ' . Homage Sustained after the Japanese. Of all the ac­ The fund, which its sponsors And Navy Closing Gap ___ ^ ed to bring their gift® for the Ma­ bia Women's Republican Club will leader Samuel isilversteln and his Companion a.ssignment under a hall of ma­ counts submitted on that memor­ (Iioir Rehearsal Bolton Brlefa assistant, Howard C. Chase, Jr., chine-gun fire and bombs from the hope will spread throughout Honolulu. Dec. 16.— — sonic Home ir. WtUllngford. Any hold a meeting at the hall with To Other Vessels able day, the record .shows a con­ In Number, Tonnage. Honolulu, Dec. 16.—(Jfi—Win­ useful article for the members at Miss Katherine Byrne, vice-chair­ (Choir rehearsal of the Quarry- Mrs. Albert N. Skinner, Sr., of were'preseivt at the meeting. enemy, as well as shrapnel from tinual demonstration of courage, the nation, has for a basis Take it for what it’s worth, dow-rattling vibrations like those QuarryvUle attended the meeting ■ “The Navy sustained damage to but thi.s i.s the story that has the home wrill be appreciated. man of the Stiitr Central Commit­ ville Methodist church will be held Models their own force's anti-aircraft bat­ bravery and fearlc.ssness of which chocks from Daniel C. Lavieri. Washington, Dec. 16- (/T. -Dc- Wednesday evening at 7:30 at the of the Rebecca Lodge in Man­ ' other vessels. This damage varies been circulating in Honolulu: of a slight earthquake punctuated Chrietmaa Bingo tee, and Mra. Frances Rcdick aa Pralaea Vigilance Of Guard teries. None loft his dangerous the American nation may well be Arthur DelNero and John Baz- •spite Japan's head start .in the home of Mrs. Ann Skinner. chester on Monday evening. I from ships which have been al- post. Fir.st to observe the invaders When Navy officials eslab- the .sunny quiet of Honolulu yes­ Rockville Council, Knights of speakers. proud." Battle of • the Pacific the second Oirlstmaa Party Rocco Fiano o t Birch Mountain, REG. $49.. ''ive, tonnage unstated CITY TAXI acking torpedo plane as it level- sigm-captains put their power- DaroagM measures— of the oangers of over­ Foster Streets DENNIS MtIRPHV. Prop. | i against his ship. driven turret machine guns into Battleship—Oklahoma. optimism. 9 P.M. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 24 NEWTIRES. HEATER. dying captain of a batile- immediate action, accounting' for "Other Vez8els"-^Unstated num­ “ A war remains waiting to be British batUeahlp Prince of Wales M 9 displayed the outstanding in- at least one enemy raider plane. ber. fought,!’ he said. and battle cruiser Repulse, Navy Will Use Reserve HRdnal barolsm of the day As he The premier reiterated asser­ Minister Admiral Shigetaro Shi- kafged from the conning tower Much Credit Must Go tions that Japan had declared war mads said the Japanese South- ^tha bridge, the better to fight only after exhausting all possible weatem Pacific fleet learned o f the Fluid for Bonds To Harbor Auxiliaries Free Ambulance means of a peaceful settlement, ~ ARTHUR DRUG STORE POTTERTON’S Hbtp, his stomach was laid com- British shipa leaving Singapore on 9 Ita ^ open by a shrapnel burst. “To the unsung heroes of the and charged the United States and Dec. 9, the day before the sink- BEAUTIFUL BLACK FINISH. I f u l td the deck. Refusing to be harbor 'auxiliaries must go much Service in Use Britain with responsibility for the ings, but was unable to reach them St. Cfiiarles. in.. Dec.. 16. ... BENSON FURNITURE & RADIO BURTON D. PEARL R M to safety, he continued to of the credit for helping stem the conflict, for a aurface battle. Mayor I. G. Langura and the City peg the action. When the bridge onslaughL Even the lowly garbage “Japan, though ardent in her Council laat night directed the city t lighters shared the grim task. One desire for peace, had no course left A Japanese aircraft carrier went treasurer to use the city's reaerve M W a blaaiag iofanio, two of' into action the following morning CLIFFORD MEN’S k BOYS’ SHOP NORTON CLOTHING Ig i attempted to remove him. came alongside a blazing ship Chicago, Dec. 16.—(;P)—(Chica­ her but to rise up with arms to fund to buy 8100,000 worth of go s first free ambulance service Immediately upon discovery o f the p Iw ordered them to abandon which threatened momentarily to safeguard her.prestige,” Tojo said. United States defense bonds. The 1RBU explode. Calmly the yardcraft’s and mobile operating room, equip­ Clalroa Aslans CooperstlBg BriUata fleet o ff the Malayan council voted unanimously to use SMALL MILEAGE. LOOKS LIKE NEW I aad save themseives. Only the ped for catastrophes and emer­ coast, he said. GLENNEY’S REGAL MEN’S SHOPS '3 sffbrts of a third officer en- Chsamander led firefighting both Foreign Minister ShigenoH Togo, the funds for the purpose. aboarff“tlia warship and on the gencies. went into operation today who also blamed the United States Because of the F ^ e ra l regula- them to escape. He climbed aa a war and health measure. gh the fire to a higher level surface of the harbor. He kept his and Britain for the war. Mid that Uon UnUtlng bond sales to 1^.000 O' The service is sponsored by Despnlrteg T o Blx-Tenr-Old K E LLE R ’S M EN ’S W EAR ' T R IP LE -X STORES B which be passed one line to Uny vesMl beside the larger one “ all Asiatic people had come for­ to one buyer in n calendar year. St. 'A for twenty-four hours. Provident Hospital and Training ward to cooperate closely with Cfitarlea' will purchase 850,000 this BdJoiiilng battleship,. and an- School, the city’s only all-Negro 1934 DODGE Sedan R to his trapped ah^mates. By “ Men's wUl-to-flght was tremen­ Japan, realising our real objective Wood River. 111.—(d»i— A radio month and 880,000 next msnUi, the dous. One seaman had been con­ •hospital. One ambulance haa facili­ SnKMkMag TABU—beady, adtty fragrance -area man K E ^ ’S WELDON DRUG COMPANY JUST NEWLY PAINTED. NEW ’HRES. Rrall means they made their ia to secure the emancipation and report that dto w ar had moved in mayor said. distnfbiag wbea worn on gowae or (nn whete it tetaains [^ s a fe ty . fined to his battleship's brig for ties for tran^iorting five patients prosperity ot the Far East” THE JEEFT-I iN CIVvTe? mliMmndulit a few days earlier. or 14 workers and equipment to Referring to Japan's relstions on n naw front brought despair to for d m even weeks. And b o w yoa ao longer have to t-l-i»w«iii»i«i When an. explosion tore open the care for 100 paUenU at the scene with Soviet Rusals, Togo ssid: one aix-year old bo^s heart when AUOB OOTRAN t o n ' l l wait for aoaaeone to bring yOor ptecioas T A B U Cioai M ARLOW ’S I WESTERN AUTO S’TORE Units Show he heard it: "They’ve Just invaded door, he dashed straight to his of an accident. The second will “There is no chsnge in the ■ Iqj- (Known Aa Queen AMea) nsM Sk * ' “ ^***'* R " NIMA. 7—Lm n I a Mm fsat , Cabe or Spaia,-- we have it bare. ^HfMlary Valor provide transportation for critical­ Toyland, mother,” he cried. “The SPIKITDAL MEDIUM ammo Ttimam s - inmi maht mima s -im n f^ndatita battle Kation «m an anti-aircraft perisl Oovemment’s sttltude (or man on the radio said the Japs 91.75 ANI> MORE. ^ s ship's ooBspaatos show- gun. On the Submarine Base dock ly injured paUenU who have been insuring security in the north.. . . ■•ventb OungMer of n ■aeenUi tea 4 - f swAlaincaciA. B-8»lilln8M»n|ilaa|za valor aad eoocdlnao gjven .first aid. , startstf bombing Toyland.” I t was Been WnbuVaiL mnwuww* a b u ma. io -48 a 4SJN nta n nm. Solimene and Flagg, tglvr a bluejacket, carrying a heavy As for the Soviet goveruBent. /itj Special equipment Includes a same time before the mother Bandings Dnl|« g A. M. «n t P. IL was thus erawdsd into machine-gun for which there was they repeatedly have empacistsd calmed him by explaining that ' I on board an aireraft pulmptoit acetylene torch, wreck­ their intention is to abide by thsir Or By Appotofment. ' In tha Sarv- no'Jnount immediately available, ing tools, surgical instruments and the invaded country was ‘Thailand too af the Paapla far Veaih. St the Naval A ir shot the yreapott' from his anns, neutrality pact with Japan.” 86 portable fire -fightinr apparatus. and, not tha winter quairtcra of Ifit Church StraaA Hartford, Conn. Telltng of the sinking o f the Sanfn Claus. g|l08fWELVt a&AMC'MlusiiiiK i!:vi!;mNU HKRALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 16,1941

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1941 Any MM wtatalBg I* enter should EmerKcney Doctoni PAGE THIRTEEN notify Mrs. Cleon Hurd, telephone Mothers’ Qub 1339-W2, not later than December Bishop, Native How Listening Posts .20, as the doorways will be viewed Dr, Edmond Zaglio and Dr.i Local Man Held Today Annual r arty by out-of-town Judges on the 21st.- William L Conlon are the Mr* siul K m . Harold Russell physicians of the Manchester Here, Killed have moved from Mason street in­ Medical association who will Of the Nation Operate respond to emergency calls to­ Duke Meets Oregon State at Durham on New Year to the home formerly occupied by On a Serious Charge I ’s Z>ayi ------. < Members Gather at the Mr. and Mrs. ClaYence Jeffries at morrow afternoon. Rt. Rev. F re d e ri^ B. have In connection with air raids Emanuel Church to Waterfront Manor. Along A ll Coasts of U. S. is that you will not be ready, that ’The wedding of Miss Sara Allen, Bartlett Dies in Idaho Police Say He Tried to Thousands of Watch­ you wlU not take the possibility Observe Joyous Event. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John M. Skidding Accident. Future Stars He ^8 a Honey of bombings seriously enough to Allen of Wall-street, and Allan Obituary Kill His W ife with Moriarty Brothers organize in advance. They cite Lathrop Rose, son of Mr. and Mrs. Japs Report ers Are on Duty Day TfienEmanuel Lutheran church, the case of San Francisco, on the Wilton L Rose of Ripley Hill, took Manchester friends were shock­ Chloroform as She! Turn in Good **r/T?7r'” FiU Tobacco Bowl And Night at Present. night , o f . Monday, December 8, which on several previou.v occa­ place Saturday afternoon Dec. 13 Mass Raids ed to learn today of the death in Was Sleepii^g. Lucks Under i a i ^ when a blkckout test left the out­ sions has been the scene of the at four o’clock in the Oongrega- an automobile accident yesterday Defeat Lee’s Esso of Right Reverepd Frederick B. Deaths TAkE^BOWAJFIKT By Joka Lear lines of the city plainly visible Mothers Qlub annual Christmas tlonal church, with the Rev. James J Loop Scores Tor Annual Contedtl from the sky. Dailey officiating. The attendants Bartlett, Bishop of the Episcopal Kenneth Tassle of 42 Oak atreet I 6CALIE TO AAAKE LONG HOP Fine Coaching Wuhington, Dec. 18— (/P)— An party, was chosen for the same Near Manila Church Missionary District of Ida­ Albert C. Borowakl , Moriarty Brothers opened th# All Caa Do Bit were Mrs. Herbert E. Rose, slater today waa awaiting arraignment Kcul Giant ariny of civUiane bigger than the event last night. The auditorium ho. Bishop Bartlett was bom in Albert C. Boroweki, of 194 Fern second round of the West Side | FROM AMATEURS TO NATIONAL Hollywood Scores i You, with your own bare hands, of the bride, as matron of honor, atreet, died at hia home early this In town court on a charge of a ^ Youngsters Start Early Prepare Plans for Big^ number of United States soldiers lends itself well to decorations of bridesmaids being Miss Louise A l­ (CoBtlBoed from Page One) Manchester 59 years ago, the son Rec lesgue last night with a 3 to | LEAGUE iINCE ANOTHER City Coilegp Coarh Is can do much to defeat the enemy, the Yule season, and last night of Bethuge J. Bartlett and the morning, following a long illni*). sault with Intent to Kill, lodged [ First U. S. Victory j at the time German Invaded Po­ len and Miss Margaret Sugrue of 1 victory .over Lee’s Esso Station Celebration; Duke.* a they say, if you want to badly with white candles in every win­ present Mrs. Nellie Chadwick, of He was born In Manchester, May To Learn Basketball NEW MORK RANGER/ land is oh the watch today against Willimantic. Keith V. Rose served had been no raid against Manila in against him after he allegedly at­ Making Basketball His­ enough. Because, they say, bomb­ dow, and at the beautiful altar a Hamlin street. 1, 1885, and has been a life long while Paganl's . West Bides LORNE CHABOT.PID IT Hollywood, Dec. 16.—As you Stadium Will Seat^ surprise air raids on this coun- as his brother’s best man. ’The ush­ '28 hours.) tempted to chloroform hia Wife Fundamentals; Boys might .suspect, first U. S. vic­ ing can have greatest effect only mass of red carnations and Christ­ The Japanese communique said Rev. J. Stuart Neill, of St. resldent'Of Manchester. He is sur­ early thla morning aa ahe .slept. squeezed out a 3 to 1 victory over 15 YEARi AGO. tory Every Year; Once tiy a coasts. when people are panicky. There ers were Herbert and Earle Rose, vived by two sisters, Mrs. Alfred Sllbro-s. tory over Japan com$s out of 50,000 Easily. mas green, it formed the proper brothers of the groom, and Everett four fighter planes were set on fire Mary’s EpiMmpat church here, a Probe Not Completed , Select Odd Nunies. Up and down the Atlkntic and will be no panic if you do your close friend of Bishop Bartlett tele- Leldboldt and Miss Emma Borow- Jimmy Tierney and Hank Haefs j Famous Star. Hollywood. the Paciflc and across the Gulf setting for the impressive pro­ and John R. Allen, brothers of the and 12 others. Including two bomb­ According to the police wh® part. gram of Christmas carols, present­ ers, destroyed on the ground. skl, both O f Manchester, and a have not yet completed their In­ led the Gas House Gang In the I A movie studio ba.seball tej^'^ Durham, N. C., Dec. — .| of Mexico, m ^ are ready day and bride. Wedding music was played brother Herman Borowakl, who is Uttle Jimmie Finnegan .ed his defeated an all-Jap aggrega- "If you want to volunteer for ed by pupils of the High school vestigation, the accu.scd, who haa | attack against Lee's Esso and. By Harry Grayson The scene of football's oldest and night to warn the land of enemy this civilian army, there are 14 dif­ by Mrs. Everett Allen of W illi­ •Attack .Air Bases a guard at the State Prison Farm George Bronkle and Joe Breen team, the Rough Riders, to a vic­ ttTTn, Dec. 7, the day Pearl Har- under G. Albert Pearson, organ­ mantic. had many di.sagrccmcnt.s with hia New York. Dec. 16 —Watching ; bombers. ferent kinds of activity for which Japanese planes operating over in Enfield, also a niece and a tory over the Seventh Grade )>or waa bombed. biggest extravaganza—the Roo* ist of Emanuel, and director of wife, this morning spread a hand­ rolled best for Lee. | City College of New York come | Like a safety belt 400 miles thousands will be needed in every A reception for 100 followed at Malaya were said to have attacked nephew. A1 Brown and Bert McConkey FBI gaents took the entire Bowl game- - shifted cross country r i the High school ensemble and the home of the brides parents. kerchief over her face while abe League. The R.A.F. bombed the Wide, they girdle the continent. city, town and cross-roads in the the west coast airbases of Ayerta- He waa a member of the Con­ led the Paganl machine In victory from behind after a discouraging | Jap team into custody at the today to the land of tobacco. Join the ranks, one government a cappella choir. Upon their return from a wedding waa atm aaleep and shook chloro­ Hawks out of the sky, 13-5. The land. You can type, file records or war and Ipoh, shooting down one cordia Lutheran church und the form from a bottle onto the hand­ while Paul Correntl and Mike start to beat a bigger and taller end of the game. official says, and you can fight the The singers filed in to the audi­ trip the couple will reside at Per­ Blenheim plane in an air fight and Suicides could not get ahead ot the F0NDNES< - War cancelled the big N ew operate a switchboard in the head­ torium as the organ pealed the Modem Woodmen of America. His kerchief. Mrs, Taaalc awoke tin the Zwiek played best for Bilbros. Oklahoma A. and M. team at the Year's day contest between Duke .,| Axis with your own bare hands. kins Comer in Mansfield. Mr. Rose destroying seven other Ble.iheims funeral will be held Friday after­ Racketeers and at the end of F O g ^ W . BUT quarters offices: act as a messen- well-loved carol, "Hark the Her­ fumes Interrupted her breathing, Wednesday evening the Para­ Garden the other night, you real­ University and Oregon State M i "You don’t need a gun. You is employed at Colts Patent Fire­ on the ground. Oil depots and noon at hia late home at 2 o'clock. regulation play the score was a p p e u a t i 6 n is gar, drive a car, serve as an auxil­ ald Angels Sing." and police were summoned. chute Company and the Polish ized more thaii ever that the boy far as the huge Rose Bowl Bta- 1 don't need a uniform. You don’t iary fireman or policeman: Join a arms Co., in Hartford, and the other military facilities were "set Rev. Karl Richter, pastor of the deadlocked. Gives (.'hrtstmas Message Held at Headquarters Americans meet on one alley APPROPRIATE NOW. wonder of 24 yeara ago has be­ dium, the tournament of rooe* and ”'1 need military training. You rescue squad, take up the hazard­ bride has been em ploy^ in the of­ on fire and blown up,” the com­ Concordlan Lutheran church will Eighth Grade Scores Three Games Miss Ella Washburn, president Taaaie wa.*) picked up and held while the West Side Dairy and HEY AS SWEET A come the old master. Pasadena are concerned. don’t need to be so many years ous business of disposing of unex­ fice of the Sterling Shoe Fiber Co., munique said. officiate and burial will be in the In this league the games were of the club, in her charming man­ at Eagleville. at the headquarters cell block for We.st Bide Tavern mix things on NETKEEPER AS In 1917, a callow youth who waa There waa little doubt that the .old, or have so many teeth. Even ploded bombs, be a raid warden or The attacks cost the Japanese East Cemetery. Friends may call tomorrow morning’s court session. the other siile. closely contested from start to .fin­ bareW 21, but whose name waa oh ner, delivered a Christmas mes­ one plane, the bulletin said. In Rec Loop game would be played here, Jsa. flat feet can’t stop you. a fire watcher: help in first aid, at the home Wednesday evening He came here from St. Albans, BUbros (1) ish. In the first game the Bulldogs HAS BEEN, every basketball follower’s lips the sage, greeting the choir, the guest (Ipoh lies on the rail line from 1. Governor J. M. Broughton Of , For this is America’s civilian tear down unsafe buildings and and until the hour of the funeral. Vt., and had been employed aa an Noskc ...... 115 11 0 ------226 downed the Gunners, 16-14. In the UNCOVEPEP IN nation over, came to City College speaker Mrs. Charles Nichols of Singapore to Thailand, about 275 North Carolina personally inter* | protection army. remove bomb wreckage, repair attendant at a Main atreet filling Chanda ...... 99 125 80—304 final game of the HorneU made M coach of soccer and Junior var­ Springfield, and the members who mUes northwest of SiWaporg and RECENT SEASONS This Evening vened and assured Washington ? Are All Volunteers streets or neutralize the effects of Andover station. Bolinsky ...... 95 100 104— 299 the Pirates walk the plank on the sity basketbal!. Everyone knew of Mayor Florella H. LaGuardia of had turned out In such great num­ just south of the proyinffi of excellent shooting of Ruflnl. The officials that the game would n o t'- gas attacks. It was stated this afternoon Correntl ...... 108 135 107—350 Nat Holman, as captain and star interfere with the state's defense " New York is its commander-ln- bers for this annual musicale, and Mrs. Maxwell Hntcfcinson KedZh, where the Japanese are re­ Funerals scores: Remember, too, the government that the accused \aa been In an Zwlck ...... 97 114 115—326 of the Original Celtics, waa one of program. He then announced. " I chief, and its personnel is exclu­ says, that they also serve who only expressing gratitude to the church 1S7-4, WIlUBsantle ported advancing.) upset condition recentr^ although Rough Kaldcrs basketball’s greatest players, but i Senior Circuit ConteHtN sively volunteer everyday citizens, who opens its doors so frequently Miss Aanetu McCXw Klein ...... — — 110—110 think the Army will give Its per- ^ stand and wait . . . if they wait what effect this might have on his P- B. F. T many doubt- d his ability to coach. mlsaion.” banded together in their own home quietly and cooly. for this purpo.se. The funeral'of Mrs. Annetta Me. actions this morning was not dis­ 0 Warnock, i f ...... j o 2 Named varsity basketball coach Promise Plenty of towns to protect their homes, their She gave a brief synopsis of the ’The three rooms of the gram­ Strategy of Surprise Caw, of 21 Walnut atreet, who died , 514 584 516 1614 2 Finnegan, r f ...... 4 1 9 Military expediency demanded closed. I r a n i's West Hide* (S) in 1919, Holman quickly dispelled families, and their way of life. program and called on the pastor mar school pupils will present Saturday afternoon, was held this 0 Schieldge, c _____ o 0 0 Action; Rivalry Is blackout of the game on the CXM* - Planned Earlier McConkey ...... 137 108 105-350 any lingering notion he might not Mayor LaGuardia has promi.sed of the church. Rev. T. E. Gustaf­ their annual Christmas plays to­ afternoon at 2:30 at the Watkins 0 Morrison, rg . . . . 0 0 0 be able to teach as well as he ~ Mounting Steadily. (omia eoast. Sixty thousand tick* that anyone who wishes may Join Respite Regarded son, who greeted the audience in night at the Town Hall. The music Tokyo, Dec. 16— (Official Radio Funeral Home. 142 East Center .Schubert ...... 113 107 107— 327 3 Islleb, Ig ...... 0 0 0 played. ets had been sold for approximate* Received by A P )—The following Brown ...... 117 111 110—338 his army. behalf of the church and made a Instructor, Mr. Green, has spent street. 'Rev. J. 8. NeiU, rector of 0 Plnkln, Ig ...... 0 0 0 H e waa one of a handful who at­ I'y $264,000. The money will be re­ dispatch was broadcast today by Hedlund ...... 109 101 107—317 V In this story, you may see a brief prayer. Miss Washburn then considerable Ume with the children Rt. Rev. Frederick B. Bartlett St. Mary’s Episcopal church offi­ Williuglon tracted attention aa baaketball Games Tonight funded by Individual check with ^ Only Temporary and the program promises to be Domel: ciated and burial waa In the East Keeney ...... 118 99 102—319 A t 7 O'clock Oregon State assuming the poM* place for yourself. presented Mr. Pearson, who need­ Miss Jeaiile H. Ctanreb ® 6 1 n coac.-os during a long period when fine. "The strategy of surprise which phoned to Boisf. Idaho, last night «m etery. The bearers were Joseph * Citizen's Club vs. Sport Centers age bill. Rose Bowl officials nope ' The front lines of this defense ed no introduction, and the first PhillyRink that profession drew little recog­ • • • force stretch over hills and tall (Continued from Page One) number sung by the cappella The young men of the town will was carried out with such success and learned that the accident F. McVeigh. Arthur W. Johnson, 594 526 531 1651 **• B. F. T Wilkie Leads nition. to recover at Durham $30,000 al­ building tops from Maine through choir was "Glory to God" by sponsor a dance Thursday evening by Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto, which causdd the death occurred ^*■‘8**^ James J. Rohan, All roads led to the Willlngton Lee’s Esso Station ( I ) 4 Stavnitsky, I f ___ o 0 (i City College has always met the A t 8 O'clock ready spent on game prellmlnsrlee. Florida, Texas and California and siege of Hong Kong, it was said, Bortnlansky. Other numbers were at the' Town Hall to raise funds commander-in-chief of the Japa­ in American Falls, Idaho. Bishop Albert Behrend and Robert Hath- Hill church Friday night and Judg­ McNalley .. . .. 92 82 91--265 0 Schrieber, rf . . . . o o o strongest opposition collegiate Tigers vs. Fairfield Grocers Fast on the heels of the an­ away. No Hindrance • • « up to the State of Washington. also may have contributed to the "Lullaby on Christmas Eve,” for their athletic activities nese combined fleets, wr planned Bartlett was driving his car there ing by the smiles, the large num­ Pongratz .. ...106 95 100--301 1 Stratton, c a ...... i o, 2 Legion Team ranks could provide, and Holman’s nouncement that the game would ;] throughout the winter. Every 32 square miles of land Philippines’ respite. Christiansen: "Sing We All Noel," by him earlier, according to the and hit an icy patch of highway. ber who attended had a jolly tima. E*onkie .... ___ 113 90 98 -301 0 Beckwith, ig ____ o o’ 0 \ . ------record to date ia 254 victories At 9 O'clock be played here as an offidal Roes ‘ Mrs. Clarice Yeomans, with able Yomluri (Tokyo newspaper). He was unable to negotiate a curve Elmer W. Dickinson The roaat beef supper, a favorite Angelo .... ___ 108 — -108 against 74 defeats, an average of P. A. Reoervee vs. Sllbroe Bowl engagement, came word from. lying within an hour’s flying time No new enemy attempt to Y'ork: and "A Star Shone Out," To Puck Stars * • • of any point on the country’s asal.stnnts. is mapping out the de­ "The Yomluri published a let­ and his car overturned, fatally in­ The funeral of Elmer W. Dickin­ with men. so abundantly served Breen ...... ___ 100 85 114--299 1 Newberry, rg .... i o j Local -PosI Coiitiniies to .774. Thla is remarkable, not only civic leader* that a celebration strengthen the three beach heads Davis. juring him. coastline has its corps of watch­ An innovation at this concert fense program thoroughly in town. ter which Yamamoto sent a close son waa held this afternoon at two with deasert of apple, mince and -Score at half, 4-2, Rough Raiders. in its conais’.ency, for none of his Three swell games on the sched­ though not as elaborate as ths wrested on Luzon island at heavy, J ers constantly scanning the sky. cost of men, ships and planes last was the fact that the singers sat Miss Raymond is listing facilities friend, dated Jan. 24 this year. Waa Here Recently o^clock from the T. P. Holloran squash pie with cheese, put all in 519 352 403 1274 Huge Johnny Mize, slugging first Keep Pace with New teams have fallen below the .500 ule this evening at the School tournament of rosea at Pasadena. - Bishop Bartlett was in Manches­ Hawks Quaker City Playing was in the making. Backstopped by the keen ears week or to establish new ones has around the table as do the English available for housing, Charles Therein Yamamoto, who said that Funeral Home on Center atreet. an expensive mood ready to Moriarty Bros. ( 8) baseman, move.s from St. Louis ^ritain Bowlcrg. mark, but in view of the fact, that .Street Rec ought to bring out the of mechanical sound detectors Wright has lectured at the school humiliation waa felt by all the ter 10 days ago. He had made a patronize the smiling women who Werner ...... 96 88 101— 285 r B F T he has never gotten top-flight ma­ Duke Stadium will seat more ■ been reported. The briefest war madrigal singers, making it more Rev. W. Ralph Ward, pastor Cardinals to New York Giants for 1 A. Klien, If ...... i j .Surface Not Up to biggest crowd of- the year when secretly located at strategic spots, bulletin yet Issued by the U. S. informal and altogether delight­ for instruction in alarms, etc., Mrs. Japanese Navy at the time the business trip to New York City chanted their wares. The dining Buchy ...... 92 108 8.5—286 ■, terial. than 50,000 persons and tickets and came to Manchester for an of the South Methodist church $50,000 and Pitcher Bill Lohrman these volunteer men—and women Army headquarters said at 4 p. m. ful. Man) newcomers in town who Lincoln Bathtlck will hold an in­ 1934 Naval disarmament confer­ officiated. The beartrs were, tables were arrayed festively with Tierney ...... 116 93 103—312 1 H. Flavell. rf ___ ! i o 0 0 The Legion bowlers led by Art Many bright prospects have the Senior league teams swing In­ will sell for $4.40 apiece, ’n w i overnight visil with his mother. and Catcher Keh O'Dea. 0 Harrison, f ...... o 0 0 Regulations; Four — report the minute a plane enters (2 a. m., e. a. t.) only, "No change were present, expressed surprise structive course in home nursing ence at . London failed, made this James Lennon, Raymond Lennon Jars of evergren and holly arrang­ Haefs ...... I l l 103 98—312 Wilkie, captured two games from foundered on City College’s rigid to action. The Sport Centers have Tournament of Roses will get tts ; His daughter. Mrs. John Skillem, scholastic shoalj!. It is difficult to the fleld of the glasses they sw'eep in the situation on the ground.’’ that we had such a fine , High on Friday evening at the Confer­ statement: RusseU Lenqon, Merlll Dickinson! ed by Mrs. George V. Smith, and McConkey ...... 113 — ------113 A Ig . r . . . . 1 0 2 Players Like “ Ice.” the Wethersfield No. 1 team at put In a lot of practice since the cut and probably determine he ence House. Mrs. Jessica Hyatt is was married last November 25 and red candles springing from green 0 Shubert, rg ...... o 0 0 hold practice due to hea\-y aca­ across the heavens. The direction Defense forces are utilizing the school choir. ’’ 'Any time war breaks out be­ Louis Laine and George Green. Farr's alleys last night and kept ^ first game one week ago and the remainder will be divided. lull to smooth out their organiza­ holding all day meetings for Red is now a resident of Malad City, candlesticks. ’The napkins of poin- 528 392 387 1307 demic programs. promUe to give the Citizen's Club With Laeh Lon gUner said th* water holes for emergency work. (Yamamoto was congratulated enter the ministr)-. Correnti Turns in High Season Last Night. too powerful. over the week end and are out Marked In Big Map. time” customs in other lands, and those 100 Miles Off ties many men will receive a neck­ 4 rotals ...... Quakei City so far this season. after a win against the P. A. A. C. transfer to the East coast would The fire siren is to be used as an by Emperor Hirohito for the sink­ Ills Pastorates tie (Jhristmas. .. 5 3 13 , 587 575 552 1714 As a teacher of baaketball, Hol­ Ten seconds later, the news has Rush to Grab Extras who listened for the first time felt Single of 150; Sedor Half: 9-4 R. A. F. On the night of November 22nd man is unsurpassed. This Is shown Reserves. But that goea Mao for make the task more difficult but air raid warning. In any emergen­ ing of the Briysh battleship After graduating from Trinity The teacbera of the Willlngton The South Windsor Advos .ei I Wethersfield No. 1 traveled another fast line to an Hundreds of civilians rushed to they had learned a great deal of the former Philadelphia line of Butler ...... 9f> 111 88—285 by the fact that there are more the Polish lads who are Just as "we’ll be in there doing our the Christmas Crippe and other cy when the siren can not be used Prince of Wales and Repulse by he entered the Episcopal Theolqg- (ConUnued From Page One) Hill Sunday school gathered at the Takes High Totals. Information center— if the, filter grab extras and news of the an­ by their high-scoring aces Charle)’ Racketeer* Center Boucher, Coiiings and Cal- H alllsey...... 99 107 103—309 City College players in the Ameri­ anxious to ^tn as their opponents even with these added odds against center knows the plane' not to be traditions. She recited several ap­ the whistle at the Case Fibre Com­ hlS Naval planes off Malaya. ical Seminary In Cambridge, church Sunday evening at 6:30 for nouncement In Washington spread surprise attack. The midget sub­ Muzykiewz and Wendell Kristofak e. B. p. ladlne moved into the Quaker 'City Erickson ...... 104 113 83—300 can Professional Basketball Lea­ so this ought to make for a real on a scheduled commercial flight. propriate poems, all of which were pany will be sounded in Ihe same (He was Japan’s delegate to the Mass., and after being ordained a session which was followed with T swiftly by word of mouth. marines, one of which was sunk, By the wide margin of 44 pins 0 McCurry, I f ...... U 1 a 0® members of the Rhode Island Glldca ...... 98 123 102 323 gue than from any other school. game In the final clash of the eve­ Now the plane is marked on a big­ greatly enjoyed. manner. 1934 London Naval Conference at waa assigned to the pari.sh in Ab­ a union meeting of the two young took an easy win from the AU- Previous communiques had -said during the Pearl Harbor raid, have the local bowling team trounced 2 Swain, rf ...... 2 0 4 Re-la^from Providence. Callsdine, Norton ...... 102 126 124 352 Holman’s books and articles on ning. ger map. Chorus Singing which the United States and Brit­ erdeen, South Dakota. He later people’s societies at 7 o'clock, led Rockvllle Big Five last night at Ferrell Seeks that the Army had things well in filled pastorates in St. Louis, Mo., a cruising radius of approximate­ the Hartford pin topplers at Mur- 0 Brower, c ...... 0 0 0 who ba.s since become one oi the and moving pictures of the game I f warnings from the observation ’There was chorus singing by the ain rejected Japan’s demands for by Wilbur V. Newby. Ell.sv.-orth Memorial High In South 0 Hagenow, Ig , . . . . AH l ’s tup snipers, got one of the hand at Vlgan and Aparrl in Naval parity. and on Dec 16, 1931 he waa con­ ly 200 miles at low speed, the . phy's last night. Hippo Correntl 0 0 0 499 680 500 1579 serve as primers wherever the outposts (hundreds of them have northern Luzon, and at LegaspI on audience, one of the numbers, being Mr. and Mrs. Rosco Usher and hit high single but three string Windsor, 43 to 28. 0 Brewer, rg ...... two goals credited to the Reds in sport is played. He is in demand aa secrated as Bishop of the Mission­ Navy said, and "there are indi­ Mrs. Exists Mendor of WiUiman- Muzykiewz acored 13 points, 0 0 0 Another Chance been heard from by the time the the extreme soi^theastem tip of "O Little Town of Bethlehem," and Hebron (Non-Japanese participants held cations that the submarine cap­ honors went to Bedor of the visit­ that match. H e ' had assistance a lecturer. regional Information center la after Pastor Gustafson had pro­ it waa Yamamoto’s insistence on ary District of North Dakota. tic visited the latter's parents, Mr. while the dimunltlve Kristofak sc Yvon Robert the island, where the Japanese ’Two years ago he was made tured on the Island of Oahu had ing team with a nifty 398. 2 2 1 5 from Frank Boucher, 2nd, and Unlike the bulk of coaches, Hol­ reached) indicate a raid, an Army were reported to have landed lim­ nounced the benediction, all ad­ The Jewish Synagogue at He­ the Japanese formula—at the be­ and Mrs. Benjamin Robbin.s Sat­ Manchester counted for eleven. Both also p.ay. Kulclde* "Ah Coiiings. Northern Players man will not sacrifice technique Miami, Fla., Dec. 18— Bishop of Idaho. His wife died made a run of 100 miles to Join in urday afternoon. ed outstanding floor games, with officer plugs iq a telephone line ited numbers of troops last week. journed to the vestry while Semper bron Center will be open for the hest of his superiors in Tokyo— the attack.” Keeney ...... 138 120 100 —358 P. B. That erstwhile Phllly left-wing­ and quick passing for height His Handsome We* Ferrell, burning at';j nearly-two years ago. The Willing Workers adult Sun- Muzykiewz capturing rebounas off F. T. Heads Card direct to the airfield nearest the The attack on the Olongapo Na­ Fidelis played and sung by the first time Wednesday evening of that torpedoed the conference and Sparry ...... 105 110 121—336 3 .McKoeam, If ...... 1 er, Herbie Foster, Invaded Uie fast-moving style of play, using 33 with a rookie-like ambition, A w ,- In June, 1940 when SL Mary's This would mean that a sub­ day school class in South Willing- both hackbosrds, while Kristofak 0 2 Report Saturday approaching invaders and orders val Base'Was carried out at dawn. choir. this week for Red Cross workers. ended the Naval truce In the Pa­ Fuller ...... 188 115 142-396 1 D. Beebee, I f ...... 0 City oi Brotherly Love as a mem­ pivots In a'l sections of the offen­ lieves he can make one of beSQ.-i ciflc. ) Episcopal church here observed its marine mother ship waa probably ton packed boxes at the parsonag® continually stole the ball from the 0 0 ' defender ships aloft. Watching the Army headquarters gave no de­ Mrs. Robert Grimason of the The movement is sponsored by Oorrentl ...... n o 117 150—877 0 Torrance, r f ...... 0 1 1 ber of the Cleveland Barons on the sive floor, has found enthusiastic ball's rare comebacks if som* Wff Mothers Club w w in charge of fiftieth anniversary Bishop Bart­ about 100 miles away from the for our boys in service for Christ­ Rockville club. Wrestlers Take Over at map, where the invasion movement tails of the raid, but it apparently Jewish women of the towm who lett was hdre and as principal f McKinney, c ...... ; 1 0 night .of November 27. He found followers throughout the country. league club is willing to be pa--) arrangements ^ for the program. great Naval base at Pearl Harbor mas. A Christmas program and 2 Montgomery, Ala., Dec. 16— ()P) 1 la plotted minute by minute, be was light, for Manila—50 njile's find many of them can work more speaker at the anniversary ban­ Touts ---- 491 462 613 1466 A quick sp)irt by the Advos 2 Beebee, c ...... 0 0 0 the rink so familiar that he hsd a tient. l talks into the earphones of the de­ Mrs. Carl Noren, Mrs. John Olson Japs Report Landing in order to let the underwater social hour followed. —War has added significance to Foot Guard Thursday "A ll I want la a fair chanc^’*3 away- had no alert. conveniently evenings than after­ quet. craft carry out its mission. Hartford brought them out to a 14 to 0, 2 Noble, Ig ...... 0 0 0 field nighL Foster turned on the 2 fender pilots, guiding them until and Mrs. Allan Coe, all members David Bugbee, son of Mr. and Montgomery’s Blue and Gray all- asserted the pitcher who** h air-; Respite of 28 Hours noons. Work will be done in the On British Borneo Wlnethrob ___ 97 94 95— 286 score ss the first quarter ended 0 Dlckaon, rg ...... 0 0 0 "red light" no fewer than three Lenios to Fight Evening; 3 Big Bouts. they make visible contact with of both Emanuel Church and the recreation room on the basement Mra George U. F^-bce enjoyed a Perlcino ...... 122 134 12e-f-S72 and, and a lone foul shot by times as the Barons won a deci­ star classic Dec. 27 because it waa splitting control once baffled Ow^ the foe. Failure of the Japanese to at­ cluh were in charge of refresh­ floor, and all arp urged to attend, Tokyo, Dec. 16— (Official Ra­ party in celebration of bis second Sedor ...... ISC' 137 131—8^8 "Stretch” Halloran was the first 9 sive victory. conceived in promotion of^national game's best hitters. tack Manila last night or during 2 1 s Wilson Tonight The Garden A. C. present* a big On other telephone lines, anti­ ments. ’The buffet tables were de­ without regan.' to denomination. dio Received by A P )—Imperial birthday. The guests wJre Lor- Patemostro ...127 140 99—366 score with two minutes to play in Half 2-2. 'unity. 'T v e been kicked around pretty^ the day gave the city a respite of Jap Transport Murdo McKay returned to Phila­ aircraft units are put on the alert lightful with Swedish Candidsticks The Jewish women have already headquarters reported today that Tolland ralfie, Norman, Helen and Howard the half, for the visitors who then delphia as a member, of the Buf-' Ita players are chosen from sen­ holiday bill featuring th* leading much ever sines the Boston R * ^ more than 28 hours from the in­ and moved about to harass the and other appropriate seasonal done much very good work at the Japanese exp^itlonary forces Bugbee, Henry Douda, Joan, kath- ToUls 476 505 461 1422 tallied four more nplnU. but Hugh ^ BoUdogs falo Bisona on the night of. No­ ior college stars on either side of Los Angeles, Dec. 16— (45—N. contenders for mat supremacy Sox traded me In 1937," he explahte.^ enemy. termittent alarms it has been un­ decorations, and an abundance ol succeeded in effecting a landing Mrs. John B. Steele Badly Damaged erine, Anne and Kenneth Usher.- the Mason-Dixon line, which rough­ ed. telling of his brief hitches w tth y Monday afternoon meetings at SL Greer's charges led by a count of B. F. T. vember 29. He notched two tallies B. A. featherweight champion next Thursday night. December IS. Air Raid Warning dergoing for the past week. delicious Swedish cookies, mints, 1178-8 Rockville Mr. and Mrs. George H. Bugbe® 25 to 5 at the half. ly divided the Union when the Washington, the " New Yo ‘ Peter’a Rectory, and those Who at dawn on the coast of British . Quito .^a Record 1 P. Cafro, If ...... 1 1 3 and played' an instrumental part In Jackie Wilson of Ihttaburgh, Pa., While all this is going on, a It was the second successive day and delectable sandwiches^ with Borneo despite a gale. recently entertained Mr. and Mrs. states went to war against each Yvon Robert and Marvin Westen- Yankees. Brookljm and the can do so will continue their in­ (Continued From Page One) A lack of reserves on the Advos 0 N. Ambuloua, rf .. 2 0 4 the victory that kept the Buffalo gives Richard Lemoe of Los An­ man who is not in uniform, an devoid of news concerning devel­ fine Swedish coffee was served to Edward F. Glanz o£ Vernon. .part allowed the visitors to at one other 81 years ago. berg, two brawny sons of grap­ ton Braves. terest there. Workers are invited The regular meeting of Tolland Peoria.— Bradley Tech football^ 2 E. Brown, c ...... 2 1 5 club's winning streak alive. Calla- geles a chance to regain the crown ordinary citizen like yourself, is opments on the Luzon land front. all. ' Wilbur. V. Newby of the ' Hart­ time come within 12 points of When it originally was conceiv­ "Once voU start slipping call at the synagogue to take While this is the first Japanese Grange will be held at the Com­ wearing, the scars of Pearl Har­ and basketball teams won 50 con- 0 W. Arendt. Ig . . . . 0 0 0 dlne, Coiiings, Boucher, Foster and in a 12-round bout tonight at the pling take the top spot In a pos­ •liding over the map a transparent Yesterday official reports said that The boys in the service were by material home if they cannot stay. ford Seminary took lor his subject . ference games out of 53. them, but timely hoops by Norm ed four years ago as a civic and Olympic Auditonum. (about 10 don't waste muck time with Japanese activity was Confined claim of a landing on Borneo, munity House Tuesday evening bor but In formidable fighting 1 H. Flavell, rg .... 1 0 2 McKay last year were members ot sible three fall® clash. Why, I pitched only four' Ir disk geometrically lined in three 1)0 means forgotten and a table Three sewing machines are urgent­ following the regular business Sunday at MeiAorial church, "Our Peterson and Joe Tracy took the 0 Zanis, rg ...... charitable enterprise, the late p. m. 1-a. m. Wednesday, e.a.t) ■solely to the air, including another Aneta, Netherlands news agency strength despite its losses, hunt­ 1 0 2 the Philadelphia club which play­ Mayor William A. Gunter an­ • ','Slldlng" Bill Hansen and Lee before Brooklyn dumped nw. \i differently colored circles. The in­ was filled with little remembrances ly needed. meeting. A children’s Christmas Freedoms," and Dr. Horace fi. KeDer's Counted fight out of the Rockvlll® club. The eastern Negro outpointed attack on Nichols Field near Ma­ reported last Tuesday that British ed the vastness of the Pacific to­ — — — ed auch fine hockey during the sec­ nounced the game’s primary pur­ Henning in the semi-final- feature had won a couple of games * ner circle is red. the second circle to be sent to them for Christmas, Mrs. Ernest Scott of Amston party with Christmas tree and day for the Japanese' fleet—and Sloat preached at the Hlil church, Jack JerguBOn's play at guard 4 ond half of last season and almost Lemds for the title here several nila. the gift of the club members. forces had broken up a Japanese 7 2 16 pose would be the promotion of bring together a pair of matmen was doing all right for th* I M * ip blue and the outer circle yellow. Lake is also opening her hom'e for landing party in British North Santa Claus will be among th^ vengeance. theme, "The Unjust Steward." New York.—Charley Keller’s S3 was ousUnding for the Advos aa Ounner* qualified for the play-offs. weeks ago, and was given a good This man is the civil air raid wam- Sunday, the .Japanese apparent- Red Cross workers. Copies have been received of th® was the play of "Stretch" Halloran North-South solidarity, through chance to repeat - that excel in rapid fire action, both last spring when they cut ^ m e o . festivities. Refreshments with The orders. In traditional Navy home runs for the Yankees last P. B. F. iag officer^ . l.v attempted to land more troops Philip Murray of New Haven, for the invaders. T. sportsmanship A clever, ringwise boxer. Pitts­ are slick ana slippery workers and loose. A British .eport later the same cocoa will be served. phrasing, were: "Seek out the JackwnviUc Journal of December season acored 66 nms. Ted W il­ 4 J. RIvoM ' V...... 8 - 1 7 As the raiders move along, the at LegaspI, but the Army said who figured in a motor accident Tracy and Peterson took up the It has brought many young men burgh Jackie prevented Lemoe full of fire-works. day said that the Japanese hac) The annual Christmas white enemy and destroy hlm.”^ 6 which was issued on the first an­ liams' 87 for the Red Sox ac- 1 H. Glgllo ...... 8 1 Promoter Visciisi center of the ^isk is placed on that Its bombers, resisting the at­ Dec. 4, on Raymond Hill. Amqton, niversary of Camp Blanding, Fla. counted for 63. scoring where "Muzzle" and Kris­ 7 to strange surroundings and in­ from landing hia knockout wallops A knock-a-bout special feature South Coventry attempted "a new landing and had gift offering will be next Sunday The grievous story of Pearl Har­ 2 R. Gates ...... 0 0 0 each plane. The yellow circle en­ tempt had heavily damaged two when the Western Union 'Tele­ Of apedal interest is a lUt of 122 tofak left off, scoring eight poinu termingled athletes from all re­ In the previous meeUng and won with Joe Oos. the Kansas CSJty enemy transports. been attacked heavily by British December 21st, observed at the bor had been told—a story that dis­ 0 Pisrksr ...... 0 0 0 gions in keen but friendly rivalry. compasses certain areas. In a graph Truck which he was driving Church School session. army and navy insignias giving apiece, while Halloran and Joe 0 P. Vetranff' ...... Postpones Fights by a wide point margin. Kraser and -Marty Jones, th* rug­ ’There was no mention of further Mrs. Elizabeth A. White of Rip­ and Australian bombers. British closed a fatal lack of vl^lance, but 0 0 0 The Blue and Gray Association ged Tehneeeeean as combatants THI switchboard in' front of him, the crashed into a Ponttac car owned ■Mr. and Mrs. William Wuerdlg rank and specialty marks of the Remky accounted for 15 of the 3 K. Jackson ...... 0 U. J. air attacks on the Japanese ley Hill announces the engage­ troops, it said, were engaged in a story, too, of_ epic drama, gal­ Rockville poinu. 0 0 has receive accLptancea from 46 Lefayetto Hopeful will keep the fans on edge while in officer and his aides plug in a yel­ by Louis Larinsky of Colchester, of Manchester were Sunday guests two branches of the service. Hia 0 Noske ...... Hartford, Dec. 16 — Tonight’s landing forces, either at Legaspi ment « f her daughter. Catherine fierce fighting with the Japanese lantry and plain fighting guU..And 0 0 0 of the nation's loading gridiron Easton, Pa.—Unless the services the opening number, ''irger” pm - PRACTICAL low phone line. was found guilty of vlolaUon of inhere. at the home of- Mr. and- Mrs. L. edition is dedicated to the army In the preliminary game the --- __ boxing show at Foot Guard Hall, Miles away, in little offices in or in the north. Pickering White, of-Middletown, ruiesi of the road at a court tried that official account gave/some stars who’ll report, Friday for a step in, prospects for the 1942 foot­ ker, Canadian lumbwjack will Ernest Hall. hlqt of the heavy score the Navy there. Rockville Polish-Americah Girts 10 6 , .,2 starring Beau Jack of Springfic i district, air raid warning centers, The Army’s morning com­ to Homer Wilbur Hills, son of Mr. before Trial Justice Carlton B. Borneo Vital Spot defeated the Advo Girls 31 to 13 14 tvyice^S-day practices starting ball season are bright at Lafay- have the wild and scrappy Bull Borneo is a vital spat in the Private Leon Chorchea, Co. A waa out to repay. There will be no Chrlstma® en­ end Abe Kaufman of Philadelphia, yellow lights glow, and some aver­ munique today, issued at 11 a. m.. and Mrs. Wilbur N. Hills of Gilead. Jones at Hebron Town Hall, and marking the first setback of the ^tu rday. Pre-game ticket sMea •tta Nineteen of this year's squad, Curry, combination fighter and Pacific. Second Platoon, 7th Medical tertainment at the churches this P Ire W ha* been postponed. Hetohtened In­ age citizen in each one. on duty (9 p. m. e. s. t. Monday), said No date has been set for the w'ed- was fined *25 and costs, with $15 Training Battalion, Camp Lee, With two forces the Navy season for Advo Girls. exceed 814,000, and sponsor* an­ inchidlng 12 regtilars, are sched­ grappler of Hartford for an oppo­ merely: ding. It is situated' strategically on year but there will be a tree. Misa P B F ■ T terest in the war is gi^en aa the ticipate they’ll be able to pack no It volunteer, throws a double remitted. Fime and costa amount­ Virginia made a brief visit with sought to learn the enemy's where­ Blsee Layton has bcen m is ^ who uled to be back. . nent. "There has been no major activ­ Fred T. Bdgertoh of South sea routes betweeri Hong Kong, abouts and dispositions. Th e main 0 D. Guido, if ...... 1 0 2 reason by Promoter L(OU Viscousl. more than a gross of $24,000 into of switches and speaks into ed to $15. The accident happened his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ws)s so active in the aocial life ot ity on any land fronts.” street, a foreman for the State Singapore an(l the Philippinea Pacific battle fleeL under com­ 1 T. Johnson, rf . . , . .2 0 4 The fight will be staged at a later Crampton Bowl, even if eveiy inch a telephone one code word. on the foggy morning of tfec. 4 Chbrehes Sunday. the Sunday school and young peo­ date. To Provide Liaison Highway DepartmenL IsnrlpaUient when visibility w ^ badly ob­ It Is 600 miles from North mand of Admiral Husband B. Klm- Iasi Night's Fights 0 L. Apdreo, c ...... 2 0 4 of standing room is sold.- ^ IB fifteen different towns The regular meeting of the Tol­ ple. 0 Sweet r g ...... tZOUndabout, the local air raid of- at the Windham hospital as the Re­ scured. However, Murray was Borneo to Manila and 800 miles land Juvenile Grange was held at mel, presumably waa operating .1 0 2 An official announcement, mean­ The Cheerio and Willing Work­ 2 J. Struff, r g ...... 2 _ . ■ '-5 .' [B cer gets the news in this one while, said that MaJ. Geral.d H. sult of an accident which happen­ found guilty of making a left hand to Singapore. The island lies north the Community . House Friday west of Hawaii. The smaller Asia- By The Asmiated Press 1 5 ed ip CDlumhia, whep he had both of Java. A t the' plosest point the Uc fleeL which Ukes ita ordera ers' classes have packed thirty-two 0 Burke, Ig ...... 0 . 0 0 With a prearranged tele- Wilkinson of the British Army had turn at the wrong time. The Pon­ afternoon at 5 o'clock .under the New York—Charles (Lulu) Con- legs broken beneath the wheels of southern or Netherlands East In­ from peppery Admiral Thomas C. Christmas boxes and mailed to our 0 B. McKeown, rg .. .2 0 4 signal, he warns the police been assigned to Lieut. Gen. Doug­ tiac was badly damaged. Murray supervision of Mrs. Grover Har­ boys in service which have .gone to atantlno. 128 8-4. New York, out- Grantland Rice Appeals T ex as r ang er ; the fits companies to be ready. las MacArthur’s headquarters to a highway gravel , truck, which pleaded nolo contendere. dies part of the island S ' only 300 row, at 8 p. m. the Orango spon­ Hart, ranged the South China Sea, camps and ports throughout tba pointed Joey Fontana, 188 3-4, 8 10 Is gets his bomb spottejTS out.. provide liaison between the Brit­ backed over him as he slipped and Military and Masonic Yuneral miles from BatavS. s o r^ a public card party. looking for the Japanese squadnon, iBipdoa S'Mfeir New York ( 8), 1 21 fell while working near it. Moreover, Borneo -S a fertile which got a4ray once under c ^ e r continent from Bangor, Me., to th® Hornets I In 20 niinutes the bombs may ish and United States forces in the services for Philip Motz were held Wednesday at 8ff)0 p. m. the Panama Chmal. Brooklyn—Terry Young, 183 3-4, To High School Coaches BELTS Lester Beebe of Colchester will source of some essential war pro­ of darkneas. 11iKi I I Cl I \ o \ ( P B F T ^egtai to fall. V western Paciflc. at the Hebron Congregational Tolland Comniunity Women's club Jesse Deardon- ia ill -and his New York- , outpointed Cffiarlle The Army urged volunteers to be the guest speaker tomorrow church Monda) at 2 p. m. Mr. ducts, notably rubber. will meet Lt the social rooms of N ay Take Eves Mentha T Thomaon, If ...... 1 0 2 As the raiders move on, the blue daughter Mrs. Ben Beardsley of Varre. 138 8-4, Brooklyn (8 ), 2 Ruflnl , r f ...... on the map in the regional report at Sternberg hospital In night at the meeUng of ,the Men’a Motz died Saturday at the New­ the church anu will have the an­ The capital realized, however, WA n* ttoWe "S-Vas* .8^ 0 10 New York, Dec. 16—Drafting ot ,first line of our national defense Is i m Club, which will he held in the li­ No InformatloB In London Monroe is visiting him. J -< 3 is rile Rauch, 0 Straw, 0 ...... 8 0 6 fgtatton move1 over the towns where Manila to donate blood so that "the ington Veterans’ Hospital, where nual Christmas party. Gifts, games that it might be days, weeks, or * 5 0 bsctosIrTlifseFaMt' 186, Trenton, outpointed Johnny 10,000 high school coaches and col­ the health of our children. Regard­ brary at 8 o ’clock. He will talk on he. was taken several weeks ago, London, Dec. 16.—OP)— British even months before the electrify­ Gardiner H. Hall o f South W il­ US leOs*. Crtfceeieee 4 McLaughlin, Ig . . . .8 0 6 yellow had been. Itie civil air supply for transfusion to members and fun for all Is being planned llngton and Willimantic gav® Boston, Allentown, Pa. (8 ). less of anything else, it is up to us the Gallup Poll. the cause being cerebral throm­ officSS said today they had no for the evening. All ladies in the' ing words—"action j.oIned’’— 0 Lee, rg ...... 0 0 0 lege athletic directors In the 1041- a id w an in g otOcer and his aides of the fighting forces may be main­ "Stubby," a pure white bull ter­ f . .... »MI- Chicago—BamiiSy decreet 147 to ‘help the youngster around our tained ’’ The pubUc U invited to hear a bosis. He waa 58 years old and information substantiating reports community are cordially invited. flaahed from th* fle e t The iffili- 0 Ford, rg ...... 0 0 0 42 "Fight Infantile Paralysla” cam­ it a bluS plug in the switchboard rier aa mascot to Oompiuiy 1-4, PitUburgh, outpoii,ted Willie own comer.’ p A a r e each yellow plug had been, Umely address on "defense and had been in the U. 8 . Navy for from Tokyo that Japanese troops Mrs. Ernest E. O’Neal is to have tary situation waa of more immed­ •nOTWy MIVCIIM. paign is underway. ■ Rice advised the coaches that Benigno Ramos, a Fillplnl radi­ 169th Infantry, Regiment 43rd at eewssto^ReSlecsd fce* il Ik* Joyce. 189. Ganr, Ind. (10). 7 os lights glow in the district cal leader who now is serving a Latin America’’ by Dr. W. Harri­ 30 years before retiring. He was a had landed in British Borneo. charge. iate concern, although it failed to 12 0 24 Grantland Rice, chairman'of the they will have the wholehearted As Advertised in Esquire son Carter, Jr., of the Economics member of the Fleet Naval Re­ Thursday the Union Missionary displace the Navy's official report Camp Blanding. He was with th® "3.W#s* fivts *«rt kefei* Ik* Harkins, Half 8-4 Hornets. Stars and a different code word penitentiary sentence for sedition. f^iiadelpMa, and Danny Sports Council of the Committee support.of 1,600 sports editor* who Department at the University of serve and of the American Legion, Society will meet in the church on Pearl Harbor as the No. 1 dis- company throughout the maneuv­ wtlfctrwMff •Vt spoken into the telephone. Out Wrote President Manuel Quezon Albany, N. T „ drew for the celebration o f the Presi­ are being organized throughout Conn., who will q>eak at a meet­ G. Merle Jones Post. Hebron, and for all day sewing for Red Cioas cusslon topic. ers in summer and ia now guard­ WUdcata/Winag dent’s birthday,, today sent person­ UM towns, the hospitals are that all Filipinos should forget ing the company street at Camp T M V E U N e (10); Danny Cox, 180, New York, the U. 8 . in the Fight InfanUle and factories are told to past differences and offer their loy­ ing of the Coventry League of was a Free Mason. He was also a work. The stout-hearted defenders of al appeal* to the nation's scholaa- Paralyaia Campaign. member of the Hebron Congrega­ Marlborough _ Wake and Midway continued flint Blanding. Ceeler ssriWee outpointed Wallace Croos, 202, closiBg down and putting out alty to the United States and the Women 'Voter* tomorrow evening ' -Mr. and Mrs. John H. Steele bad Eaat Orange, N. J. ( 8). Evanston.— Northwestern opens tic and collegiate leaders to Join “The National Foundation for at 8 o'clock in the Booth-DImock tional church. He leaves his wife as. recent guests several of their in the hearta of their (eras kUdee Its 1942 football season with Tes- the war against the dreafflul dis­ its. commonwealth. Mm. HoMrzrd Lord Bridgeport—Red Moffet, 146. Infantile Paralysis has a chapter bombers now are twrive Ubrary. Dr. Carter is u instruc­ and a daughter. Miss Rose. He was Wlllington friends. and several aenaton M. The Purple Ucklea Notre ease. Elach wss asked to dedicate in your county, or one nearby. The 884-2. Bast nsigplsn some effort be made Storm Oarrlea Dory Herns S »f^ (m bff* Devon, C2)nn„ won by technical away. tor In Intemafional trade and as­ bom at College PoinL N. y„ the Mrs. Emeat E. O’Neal waa hur­ Dame as uaual, as well as the one' sports event this winter to the chapter chairman and the bbalf- son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Motz, Marines.who have been battling UIb knockout over Eddie ForfeT 145. Are SlUI AdvaadM sists in the Latin American Course riedly called to meet her brother strongest tsasu In the Big Nine fight infantile paralysis campaign. mign o f the campaign in your com­ 8 r. He. also leaves a sister, Mrs. in New Jersey as he has been call­ off repeated Japaneee attacka on Newburyport, Mass.—(45—Ban toM'msera. Providence, R. I. (8 ).. for Christmas ^ raiders are still advancing, Told to Report , at the University. He colaborated Word has been received by Mr. Butlsr, a clam digger, left hia dory including Minnesota. Mlchigaa and "Never before," said Rice Inhla munity ore anxious to coopefate Sue Oerrish of College Point, and and Mr*. Carl Larson from their ed fromrpm v;ampCamp Blanding,Dianomg, rFlorida lonoa the two tiny ialand outpocts. , Ken Overltn, 162 Ohio State. the MfiOBal map. t U red disk with Professor Dodge on his book, on shore two miles from his Mer- plea, "has the need for aid In the with you. So, too, are yoipilocal AD. "Economic Geography.” two brothers. Frank of New Lon­ son. Ensign Carl E. Larson, that to thele Philippines. The sitiiaHan in the FhUippinee tUSINlSS 1-2, Washington, D. C.. outpoint- Texas Rongors hoy* sollepod .-Wbere the blue had-been. A At PubUc Schools rimac river wgterfront home rath- ed Mose Brown, 167, McKeesport, fight against infantile- paralysis s p o ^ editors who have bem draft­ Another speiUer will be Cesar don. and Alfred of Alaska. he S safe at Pearl Harbor where Rev.V. Ernest E. O’Neal had for appeared substantially unchanged, ReeiewMe ce*. Reverse ik* | Fordham End niea been greater.- Epidemics nigsd goes into the switchboard ar than try to row back through a ^ (10): Rsul CMrrabsntes, 150, ed Ih this vast war, readyfto throw right into tko wdrdrebos of Ruiz of South Coventry, formerly Puneral rites were conducted by he S stationed on the 8. 8 . Dobbin. his sermonermon topic Sunday menung _ ^ i h the Japanese landing forces ler sertille* leeer leli, throughout our nation thla year— lights glow In the dls- the Rev. George M. Milne, pastor, storm. The next morning he found 0 )11*. outpointed Ossie Hafria, 147, open their columns to publicizing collogo mofi Hio nation over. of Caracas, Venezuela, who will Frank W. Fuller and Fred M. worship service, "What Shall still holding thrse widely separat­ kesesiii e ses» RenMC feck. New York.—Sugar Bowl game Indeed w* have Just come through center and a sharper \ word and interment waa in St. i t e r ’s the. boat on hia front lawn. Th# arsl* vufcf.lkle *| fa* uilk 3 Pittaburgh ( 8). benefit events. It is our sim to have Dr. Robert P. Knapp, chairman give a first band description of the Islelb are patients at the Manches­ Separate Us”. ed beachheads on the main Island with Mieaouri to _14cw Orleans, ths three Worst years.Jn history. The vigorous stylo . . . tho into the telephone. was on "Christmas In Field. -San Francisco— Ray Lunny, 184, for instruction as a ^ c a ^ In the Toxat Rongof BoHs gtvo Indi­ [OiBg his audience. Refreshments will be cian. Pointing out that ths qwrts opentt* with him to th* fullest ex­ $1 to $2-oo M public school nearest them in served. hlght. Other Lands” presented |iy Doro­ San FVancisco, and George Latka, Naval A ir Service. viduality to campus togs. blawsnt is oostplets. their air raid predncL A 24 hour, watch is being kept Denver—(45—"People are nens> 184, Son Joe*, drew ( 10). world has playsd a generous role tent.’’ The Coventry Garden Chib U of- Every one S urged to attend the thy Gunther ano her committee. ous enough,” Gov. Ralph (hur was in previous Birthday OelebraUon mihiitss —. Dr. Knapp also BUtsd that ad- daily for air raids at Uie local ob- Civilian Defense meeting which is Monday and Tuesday evenings F ifty per cent-of oU funds rais­ faring a prize of flve.donars worth asjrlng, "without exciting them campaigns. Rice sold that this ed by th* sports world will be sent max say vaaesd courses in first aid will be •ervatjaa post at Godfrey Hill, being held at Richmond Memorial will be p l ^ rehearsals for the Amqr Stays la Leap StjfUdkfAdm five mtiptas depends of defense savings stamps for the ]ritb headquarters at Raymond About Town flirther.” He saw no need at pre*> years must bo th* greatest charity to the National Foundation for In­ ■tartsd at once and Red Cross first home displaying the most attrac­ Libniry tonight at 7:45. Christmas Candlelight service next New York.—Johnny UndeU led drive in sports h is t ^ . ^ all on y«if,'WIll you be - training wUl be expanded in Smith's, garage. Many volunteers Sunday evening D u m b e r 21. . ent for test blackout in Colorado. 789 Mmin Street West Point' — Army'a hockey fantile Paralysis to finance -n- tively decorated ^doorway during Two hours later the governor’s of* IntemaUonal League pltchera with "O f course, 2 fully rsalis* many .IPIB yourtsM bs raadyT local achooU due U ths emer- « r s keeping the watch, with The modem automobile uses r a wUl play only WUltsins, Col­ ceasing search by unselfish sdent- GLENNEY’S ^ cairistmas ssasoB. A number Th* University Club meeting flee and the rest of the statehoiue •a ®ara*d run average o f 2.05 and appeals are directed a t you GLENNi fear leaders George V. Bain as chief air ob- 11,000 n llo n s o f air -to each gallon Store Open (Arictiaas Eire gate and OorneU, arid* ftom home­ « • of eguaes and cures o f the / 78» MAIN STREET of sBtries have already been made. saiver. will be omitted th' aAnth, it was were blacked out for five the l^heet . percentage .882. Ha various war relief socieUea thee* mystifying malady. The remainder o f 'zaawlne. R e « ^ Hemld Advs; aniiouiuMd today. UntU 9H)0 9*Clock. land-home Pentagonal League w '. woo 88 and (oet four for Noavmrk . **Where The Good Mcft*s Wear CtMRfs Preai* , A fuse plug hsd blown. ries with Tale, Princeton, Harvard days,” Rice wrote. "Although we will be turned over to th* local In­ .■‘'"■it:,' to earn panther chance with the must net let these pleas go un- Stoio OpoR Christai|ps Evo Until 9:00 O'QodL -•'a' and Dartmouth. Yankaea. • fantile Patolyaia chapter to admin- aiwwer*d;"sr» should not forget the, later to aeedi of tnat community. GE POURTEEW MANCTTFSTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16,1941 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CON N . TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1941

RED RYDER Gf4 A Move On, Red BY FRBO aARHAII S; C'j S,SS RiD RtOtR'S lU Oj3 THF \ VJhS.b e -CU and Up ' Sense and Nonsense r-s. PAar _ t v . '. CO/APA.SJY ■ ■T«-= .S-OT.’ A Citiji Wants Classified For\bur Benefit Dantlat Chair Blues Boms friends visited ■ nearby It la unreaaonabla to expect 11 wish that J were anywhere town over Memorial Day, and others to act more reasonably I But sitting It. It dentist's chair, went to the cemetery to listen to than do we. I No' comfort hers — no slightest the program At the conclusion of 51 Lost and Found Announcements Help Wanted— Female 35. Household Goods Apartments, Flats, csss, the program, ths rifle gquad fired "Now, ladies end gentlemen” I No words are said but: "Wider, a ssluts and one of tha women of WANTED—WOMEN for sorting VENETIAN BLINDS. window Tenements -63 Seize Joint screeched the political orator, '7 LOST—PASS BOOK NO. 46364— MOTHER WOULD UKE number Trial Air Raid Alarm please". the party fainted. The four year want to tax you. memory!” "Great Notice, ia hereby ^ven that Pa.aa of children to care for in our small plants. In nursery ware­ shades. High quality Venetian FOR RENT—FIVE room tene­ old nephew yelled so everyone house. Long Job, warin quarters, blinds from $2.50. Show samples. grief!’’ groaned a man In the au­ Book No. 46364 issued by The home. Write Box L, Herald. ment. fumiahed, located In re­ Nazi Offices I My mouth Is stretched, my hands could hear it, "J —Ch—they shot dience. "Has It coma to that!" Savlnfs Bank of Manchester has good pay. C. L. Vanderbrook Sc Weekly payments may be ar­ stricted neighborhood. Available are clenched, my aunt. Son, 26 Lydall street. ranged. Capitol Window Shade been lost or destroyed, and writ­ Automobiles for Sale 4 after Christmas. McKinney Bros. In This Town Friday! I In perspiration 1 am drenched; Frofeeeor'e Daughter—Circum­ ten application 'has been made to CO., 46 Capen street, Ijartford. Tel. 6060 and 7432. I The dentist smiles, but cheers ms WANTED—EXPERIENCED girl Tel. 6-7018. Open evenings. Further Publication of Jock—And how do you Ilka your stances compel me to decline a said bank by the Persoh in whose 1941 PONTIAC stream liner sedan, to live In. Good home and salary, net. radio, Mac? marital arrangement with a man name such book was Issued, for He means; "Its going to hurt s 1937 Olds sedan. 1937 Willys call 5292. FOR SALE— CHESTERFIELD Suburban for Rent 66 Weekly Paper Vieweil To See How Widely Mao—Mon: It'e grand, but the of inferior pecuniary resources. payment of the amount of depo.sit sedan. 1936 Dodge sedan, 1936 sofa, one year old. In excellent lot”. wee light’s, a hit hard to read by. Student Suiter—Er, ah—I don't -represented by said book, or for A Thought Pontiac sedan, 1939 Pontiac sta­ w a n t e d — g ir l f o r house­ condition. Inquire after 6 p. m., 32 FOR RENT — COMFORTABLE As Improbable. Alarm System Can Be get you- the issuance of a duplicate book tion wagon. Cole Motors-—4164. work, four rooms one child, I And hurt It does; he drills and If you woi.lt- keep your friends Profeaeor’s Daughter — That'e therefor. Walnut street. room for two people. All con­ Heard in Manchester; school age. Salary S8 to start. veniences. $7 weekly. Telephone New York, Dec.' 16— {/Ti - The drllln- don't put them, to a severe test. just what I'm telling you. OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOU8K WITH MAJOR ROOPLV 1930 STUDEBAKER Commander Ho that hath two ooata, let him ! iMsKes me forget all other Ills; Call 7907. FOR SALE—HAND MADE hook­ Rockville 238. joint offices of the Free A.nerican What You Must Do. 8 sedan. Good condition, rubber. ed rugs. Quilts, crocheted cur­ Impart to him that hatll none; and : I Than, saddest words of tongue or A lawyer was always lecturing The typist’s Utoughts were wan­ Announcements Suitable for Service Station push intelligent g ir l for steady tains. 38 Lancaster Road. and Deutscher Weekruf und Beo- bo that hath meat, let him do his office boy. whether he needed dering. She got the letter to OH.THJtrS AM IDBA MRS. GARMBV TOtO BUT, ORfifT.'— SPUTT-TT/ WAGNT IT THE llkewlar.—Luke ,X:II. WB BUILT TKBEP car. Tel. 65?0 after 5:30 p. m. part time store work. Apply in Wanted to Rent 68 bachter, the German-American A trial alr-rald alarm wiU be I The dentist says: "Come bsck It or not. One day ha overheard Meaara. Angel and Angel down ME you FOUND S300 MARTHA, MV DEAR ,L LAST NEAR n e a r FOR SALE-H ALF price, ma­ a s * again” . ftABOTA«BB,S MAGAZINE CHRISTMAS GIFT person from 1 to 6 p. m. only. Bund and the German-American held In Manchester, Friday, Dec­ UiiH conversatlin between the boy all right, but then she addressed ’ ON WAaOM.^ WHY 0 0 you BRING HE SENT BEFORE subscriptions accepted to Dec. FOR SALE-CHEVROLET 1936 Thrifty Cleaners, 981 Main street. hogany Duncan Phyfe drop leaf WANTED—3 HEATED rooms, Business League have been seized and the one employed next door. the anvelope High Street, Wigan, FROM BOTHBRiM* ember 19 at 2:30 the Air Raid Pre­ The best way to keep gootl arts OUR. STUFF AT — RiSMT.VOU UP SUCH MUNDANE US THOSE H E B M E 20th. Gift cards sent on all orders. coupe, good condition, heater. extension dining or living room and bath in Mancheater, unfur­ by the U. S. 'Treasury Department. ,ln memory Is to refresh them with An ambitious young man, on en- Office B iy Next Doqt—How Instead of Centerville. Privately owned. Call at 99 Por­ cautions Committee of the local NJIQHT— IT lAORRS 816 RHINO,I'LL a j« T m a t t e r s w h e n I Phone 6981. 66 Hudson street. table. like new. Call 5666. nished. Employed couple. Write Further publication of the week­ new.—Cato. I taring the army, worked well. At much does he pay you. Three days later the poet of­ SttTTBa’M OUR. AU1DGRAPH60] US AU.» ter street, after 5. Hel|^ Wyited— Male 36 Box J, Herald. Defense Council announced today. > TAKE/AV USUAL 5 0 a m ly newspaper Weekruf und Boo- The trial Is being held primarily to ' the end of three months he was Law-yer'e Boy—1 get $5,000 a fice returned the envelope, mark­ TAKIRS AKl' STUFF. TRyiN&To CON- PHOTOS OF. ,SOC«%,o7vv AMVMVB. HBI SAWS SET AND filed, by hand Itardone. Bolton. Tel. 5234. Mrs. George Cheney, of Hart­ tloB of any advartlaamant ordered or machine, cord wood saws gum­ Equipment 54 ford road, was elected vice-chair­ DeMolay Gives motorists must pull Into the curb »»»»»»» 4 >»»»e»»»e«»s»»»t«e. MORt TAMCttD for more than one time. •IBIik ^gDPA im ur The Inadvertent omiealoo of la* med. General grinding. 15 years FOR SALE)— FIREPLACE and man. and Mrs. George H. Waddell, upon hearing the signal so that TV»Y..«iT0\O«s»A„ 1 Rooms Without Board 59 other members were added to the Chapter to Have Dance CVNi\CK\. regulations enforced by the publlah- regulate your piano or player 'H«u^hold Goods 51 executive committee. They arc not heard, mail card to Mrs. notes it will be exactly 5:45!" I ors and they reserve the right to piano. Tel. Manchester 5052. III Temple Dee. 2 7 ; Thomas Martyn, 110 Forest street, • edit, revise or reject any copy con- FOR RENT—LARGE furnished Mrs. L. T, Wood, Mrs, Stuart J. — ------■ KiOT 8s VCORO aldered objectionable. FURNITURE GIFTS!! Wasicy. and Mrs. John Pickles. stating: "Air Raid Alarm .Not .4 Bridge or Junior Lamps. . . .1 4.95 room, twin beds, suitable for 2 See Motion Pictures. CLOSING HdUUS— Claaained ada men. Telephone 2-0232. Express Gratitude Heard," signing name and place FU.NNY BUSINESS --- I to ba published same day must bo Help Wanted— Female 35 Beautiful Cedar Cheats . . . .$19.95 Gratitude was expres.sed at yes­ where you were at the, time the Britain Moves Troops ( reeotved by 11 o'clock noon Satur­ Occasional Pieces ...... $ 7.95 alarm sounded. t days 10:20. terday's meeting for the work of At the regular meeting of John To West African Port W a n t e d — c a p a b l e stenog­ Decorstive Mirrors ...... $ 5.95 ROOM AND BREAKFAST for the British War Relief organiza­ Mather Chapter. Order of De- The "All Clear" signal will be , Telephone Your Want .Ads 4 rapher for steady work. Write Period Design Chairs ...... $12.95 men only. Tel. 4804. tion in town, to Mrs. David Cald­ .Molay last night, five petitioners. given at 2:35 p. m„ long blasts on TyjOVEMENT of British troops, c ' Ada are accepted over the tela- Box K, Herald. Lounge Chairs ...... $19.95 well. Mrs. Harold Alvord and Mrs. Robert Gardner. James Elliot, whistles, sirens and klaxons. said to number more than c ghoaa at tha CHARGE RATE givaa Smoking Cabinets ...... $ 5.95 Donald Porterfield, Robert Blssell i- abova as a oonveneincf to advar- TWO ROOMS for rent, good loca­ .Samuel J. Kemp, Jr., for the 30,000, Into Freetown, Sierra Le­ WASH TUBBS Too Late BT ROTCRANB tiaara. but the CASH RATES will ba SALESLADIES WANTED for full Kneehole Desks ...... $16.95 and Emerson Rlckert. had the first s tion. Inquire 61 Winter street. bridges and .teas they sponsored one, leads observers to predict accepted aa FULL PAYMENT If time work. Apply F. W. Wool- Living Room Ensembles .. . $79.95 during the year and to the'tbwns- degree conferred upon them. Dur­ a paid at tbs business offica on 4>r ba- worth Co.. Manchester. Westinghouse Radios ...... $11.95 Meet Tomorrow military action In West Africa is fora tha saventh day following tha FOR RENT—FURNISHED room people for their donations of gifts ing the business meeting it was Just like a coal to get in and It Fitted Sewing Cabinets ... $ 9.96 and many for the Manchester boys announced that tickets were ready out of It because It buttons down Imminent. 'I llrat Inaartlon of aaoh ad otherwlsa WANTED—A FEW MORE good suitable for 2.. Gentlemen pre­ 'The stamp above. Issued in 1938, tba CHARGE RATE will ba collect- women for sorting. Apply Burr Bedroom Ensembles...... $79.95 ferred. Telephone 6040. in the armed force.s of the country. for the dance to take place in the Of Wardens Seliool the front this Is an excellent style in It od. No reaponaiblllty for errora la Breakfast Seta ...... $16.95 Hv-Laivs .\dopted Masonic Temple, Saturday, Dec. for all little girla because It en­ (hows a general view of the har­ r talephooed ada will W akaumad and Nurseries. bor that T il called the best on the thair accuracy cannot ba guaraa- Metal Utility Cabinets ....$ 5.95 FOR RENT-ATTRACTIVE sin­ A set of by-laws was pre.sented 27. Anyone not in touch with a ables them to drc.-is themselves! I ^ taad. Comfortable, Sofa Beds .. . .$39.95 gle and double rooms, in new to the membership yesterday and DeMolay boy or a Rainbow girl The next two sessions.of the Ait- tbit. too. on princess lines It is continent’s w^est coast. It can ac­ la Magazine Racks ...... $ 1.95 Raid Wardens School will be held commodate the largest fleets. Index of Claosiflcatiomi home, convenient to Aircraft. they were adopts. Mrs. Dannq- may obtain tickets through War­ flattering to all figures—it slims Innerspring Mattresses ....$19.95 Call 6759. her was complimented by the ren Wood at his residence on tomorrow evening and Monday De­ the chubby, and gl,ve8 full, pleas­ Freetown Is only 300 miles from t Births ...... A cember 22. Bagagsm.ntt ...... ■ Axminster 9x12 Rugs ...... $34.95 group of women on her work aa Woodbridge street. ing lines to the oVerly-thln chll-L Dakar, French Senegal, which is Ifgrrisg.s ...... c ARTHUR A. ALBERT'S—EST. 1911 chairman of the welcoming com­ After the degree Arthur Mayik At the next session two accom­ To give it a becoming finish, add a In the hands of the Vichy govern­ 5««tk s ...... a Waterbury Boarders Wanted 59-A mittee during the year. chaplain of the lodge, showed color plished and interesting speakers daintily lace or rlc-rac trimmed ment and which the Axis may use Card of Thanks ...... ■ Mrs. Pickles, the retiring presi­ pictures taken by his father on a will be present. Edward H. Davis white collar at the neckline—and la Memorlam ...... F KNOFLA as a base In the event of a South FOR SALE — CIRCULAnNG dent. thanked the members for recent trip through the Southern of the State Civilian Defense a band of the same trim at the ^ 4 ^ i Lost and Found ...... 1 heater, like new. Inquire 843 Main ROOMERS AND BOARDERS- Council will have as his subject American invasion. Aanounceranetia ...... t For their assistance in the wor'- of the States. Pictures which interested sleeves. Not only the English are inter­ III Parsonala ...... | street. Apt. A. Telephone 2-0194. Apply 49 Wadsworth street. "Prevention of Panic and the War­ auxiliary, and,hoped a like amount the audience most were underwater Pattern No. 8084 Is designed for ested in Sierra Ledne. American U ^ Aatoaobilea of cooperation woul^ be given her pictures of Sliver Springs, Fla. dens Cooperation wit hthe Police Aatomoblaa for Sale ...... a INSURANCE FOR SALE— BARSTOW gray WANTED— BOARDERS, short sizes 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 years. Size naval authorttlee were reported Autoroobllea for Ezchanga. g successor, 'rile members under­ After the pictures refreshments Department.^v Major Henry Hall 4 takes 2 yards 39-lnch roaterisi, combination gas, and Florence oil distance from Aircraft, newly will speak on "Civil Defense to ba seeking a base at Freetown jj Auto Accessoriea^TIrea ...... • Ask Your Neighbor! took as a preset the assistance of were served. Ai yard for collar. Altlo Repairing— Painting T burner range. Good condition. No furnished rooms, twin ^ds, all the Red Cross organization in Agaiqst Gas." to facilitate patrol of the South • COP! m i EY Wl 'Auto Schools ...... t-A reasonable offer refused. Phone conveniences, private bath, laun­ For this attractive pattern, send Atlantic. Aa yet, however, the 875 Main St. Phone 5440 making the fund drive a success. Jay Rand announces that at this 15c In coin, your names, address, |a Aatoa-~Shlp by Truck ...... • 5993; dry Included. Phone 8350. session he will distribute a printed N. S. Navy Is not represented at Autos—For Hire ...... • The women hope to enlist their Firemen’s Tourney pattern number and size to The ALLEY DOP Forward Oarages—Sarvlco—Storage 2d membership 100 per cent in the resume of the addresses given dur­ Manchester Herald Today's Pat­ the port • Motorcycles— Bicycles ...... 11 campaign. ing the seven sessions. It Is Im ^r- tern Service., 106 Seventh Avenue, In 1938 the British decided to Wanted Autos— Motorcycles ... It Is On Tonight tant that each one receive a copy convert the port Into naval base Baaioeas aad Prafeaslonal Servteeo New York. N. Y. a e U O K O IS &.Ui)nria Services Offered ...... II of this resume as It will be of great Home sewers will find many ex­ and built harbor defenses. At BIVOUACKleD IN Household'Services Offered . . . . t l - A Hose Co. Jrs., a youthful organi­ assistance In answering the qties- cellent patterns In our. Fashion that time, tension in the Mediter­ a - u TH E HOULCW... BuUdlng—Contracting^ . 1 4 S t . Mary’s Church AUCTION! AUCTION! zation In the setback 'Tournament tlonsi to be given In the written Book, a complete directory of our ranean and the possibility of a V >. f* T . OP4J Vlorlats— N'uraarlea ...... II test during next Monday's session. Knnaral DIractora ...... u of the Manchester Fire Depart­ pattern styles for the current sea­ captured Suez Canal prompted Hasting—Plumbing—Roofing .. IT AUTHENTIC ANTIQUES MODERN FURNISHINGS To Aid in Work ment have a commanding lead over son. Send for your copy today. them to guard the Cepe of Good “Hia wife always makes him wear them during the Inauranca ...... It their nearest rivals. In total points Nine out of every 10 traffic Pattern 15c, Pattern Book 16c, Hope trade route to the Orient holiday a ^ to n r llllltnary— Dreasmaking . . . . It AT REID’S AUCTIONTORIUM, BOLTON, CONN. they are 83 ahead of the rest of deaths have been laid to speed too One Pattern and Pattern Book Moving—Trucking—Storaga . *0 (ON I!. S. ROUTE a, S MILES EAST OF MANCHEHTE|i) great for existing conditions. Public Paaaenger Service .tO-A St. Mary’s Woman’s AuxUiary the tournament players. However, ordered together 25c. Painting— Papering ...... SI is sponsoring the Red Cross work it was learned this morning that a Prpfcaalonal Sirvlcea ...... St SATURQAY, DEC. 20, 1 9 i l AT 10 A. M. determined eflbrt will be made to­ TODNEKVII.LE FOLKS BY FON TAINE FOX Rapa'IrIng' ...... St (OVER 800 ITEMS: SALE WILL LAST UP INTO THE EARLY EVENING) project at St. Mary’s church, which Tailoring—Dyeing—Cleaning S4 begins tomorrow morning at ten night at the weekly sitting to gang Christmas Present for Baby ToHet. Goode and Service- . . . tl o'clock and will continue each up on the leaders. Wanted—Bueitteea Service .• INSPECTION Friday, Dec. 19, Afternoon 2-5, Evening 7-10 PVAP ALMOST WAKES UP WHILE MA IS MAKING CERTAIN ABOUT ft Wednesday until further noUc*. I Except for one or two, weeks KUui-nItoael this team has been out in front Couraee and Claeses ...... IT MANY APPROPRIATE XMAS GIFT ITEMS Mrs. Anna Wade has consented to THE SIZE OF THE NEW CHRISTMAS SLIPPERS Private Inatructlone ...... St serve as chairman. and going stronger each Week. For D ancing...... ,ta-A All womep of the church will be two weeks the Merz Barber’s head­ Musical— Dramatic ...... s» FURNITURE, RUGS, CHINA, GLASS,, BRONZES, BRIC-A-BRAC Wanted—Insiruciluna ...... welcome to come and sew any ed the playing, but due to the fact- K l’;\RTI.AI. LIST: Highboy In cherry. 2 VIctorInn Sofas (one with line rone carving), Victorian that ita sponsor, Matthew Merz. Flaanclal Rocker, Walnut Secretary, Atwiorted Antique Chairs. Candleatands, Set of 6 Chippendale Chairs time through t^e day, from ten Bonds—Stocks— Mortgagaa . . . •] o’clock on, or In the evening for has been devoting all o f hia spare Business Opportunities ...... U (reproductions). Walnut Dining i^t (small size), ll-IMece Oak Dining Set, verj' finely carved; 2 Elec­ time to the Chriatmas party, to be Money to. Loan ...... t l tric Ice Boxes (Grunow' and KeUlnator), OH Paintings. 4-Poster Mahogany Bed, Sewing Machines, those who are otherwise employed FRECKLES AND BIS FRIENDS If the Shoe Fits— BT-MERRILL BLOSSEH' Help and Sltuallena during the day. Volunteers who held next week, the team play Urenseni, Sheratou Style Sideboard, Rug (O'xlS’ ), Gas Stove, Upright Piano, Exercise Reducing Bl- suffered as a consequence, .Ulay Hel^ Wanted— Kemala . , . . 1 . . . tt cyclP, Boy’s Bicycle, and Many Other Itema. can can give all day to the work, Http Wanted— Male ...... It are requested to bring a lunch. Hot will start promptly at 8:15 this W tU ., 1 RA ISED MV vsay aMPtF , n S o I Jo«r B u r s I Oo/g so u Balaamen Wanted ...... It-A ^Chinese KImonfia and Robes, Few Fur Pieces, Several Small Oriental Rugs, Wide Aasortmqn't of drinks will be served. evening at Fire Department head­ QUOTA, FBBCK f HOW THS HOUMl A S K MV u m * BACK 7VMD b u c k s . s W Help Wanted— Male or F eaalt 17 A R S SOSt ODMMOf HAVe # S - « ; BROiMoia YCXJ'LL.EAiaW , Agonu Wanted ...... |7-A Old GUss. China, BrIc-a-brac. Silverware, Few Pewter Pieces, Etc. 150 Pieces New OUm (Helscy quarters. « ' and Lotus. Salesman’s 8am||^), Hostess Plates, Candlesticks, Compotes, Bowls, Pitchers, Goblets, IRNO M S ____ IB 4 ON 'lOUfc/OKAY/ t Bltuatlone Wanted—gebiale . . . II INveSTMeNT/ I ffs Bltuatlone Wanted—Male . . . . tl Etc. Baa on FliottigraphB E o n s F em aanit Title WHICH I KNOW Employment Agepclca ...... M H « HAS / , — Uve gteek— Prie— Pealtry— WIDE SELECTION OF NEW HAND HOOKED CHINESE RUGS. Some are all wool, assort­ ' Vehlrire ed sizes, 2\4, Sx5,i/x6, 4x7, 6x9, 9x12. Because o f the war. conditions, this nuiy be our lu t ship­ New Britain, Ded. 10—(>PVt-P o- Seattle—(JR—Tuffy was getting , poge— Birde— Pels ...... 41 ment of these fine rugs.'' - • tice dUef Wlllialh C. Hart today so plump they were beginning to I; Live Stock— Vehicles ...... 41 CHAIRS FOR ;\LL: HEAT! LUNCHEON! TRUCKMEN! AMPLE PARKING! announced that the taking of call him'Fatty. ’Then the four- Poultry and Stiupllei ...... 41 photographs in the city would be months-old setter pup disappeared. Wanted —Pete-^ Poultry—Stock 44 forbidden. Several factorleB pro­ ’They found him 24 daya later at " ^ 3 ROBERT M. REID & SONS, AUCTIONEERS ducing defense maUrlat are locat­ the bottom of an old well, leaq EST. 1907 ed here. Chief Hart Bald peraon|(, and hungiv but stiU breathing. 201 MAIN STREET. MANCHESTER, CON.N. PHONE S19S taking photographs any place In Goat’s milk, gruel aiid pound S WOODLAW’N STREET, SPRINGFIELD, MASS. PHONE 2-8271 the city except on their owe* prop­ meat brought ^im arouna. He’s erty would be arrested. earned permanent title to—^Tuffy, —— • f 1



‘THAT LB tt*l ITUP 1 0 ft* TO ^ Lfit OF-rvH! J am ufs

A wonderful Christmas gift tpr the friend who has a December or January baby! Keep It In mind, too. for those baby ’’rtiowers’’ and parties. To obtain complete knitting ih- etructlone for Hooded Baby Ope (Pattern No. 5ll0) Ulustrationa of ■tltchee used, amounts of ma- teriaU ■peclfied, send 10 cents CStaL'Tour Name and Addreoa on the Pattern Number to Anne (^bot The Mancheater - Evening Herald 106 Seventh Avenue, New York aty. • • fflN^ffgJs4U|a^ -r

TUESDAY, DECEMBER 16,1941, PAiE^ SIXTEEN iAattrlirBtn: Evening HervUt The Pariah Players, the the­ atrical orgaalaatlon connected PINEHURST — OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY! About Town with St. James’s church parish, will present a one act com^y to­ Ptumine a sale for the first Wednesday on which we are night at the K. of C. home in open all day.. .we selected a number of Ic deals which The Inasmuch Club of the N u - Hartford. All members are urged have just arrived and items selling under 25c. Any of arene church will meet this eve­ to attend as this la in compettUon Shop At HALE’S For These Gift these Ic deals give you at least a 10c value for Ic. ning with Mrs. Kenneth Meach- for a trophy. The program will get Buy 1 Ivory Snow and Get a Hostess Sewing Kit (7 nra of East Center Street. The underway at eight'o’clock. A 50 members of the club will meet at cent toy will be the price of ad­ qumls of thread, needle and thimble in cellophane 1 the church at 6:45. mission. Suggestions—store Open Wed. Until 9 P. M. I box) for ...... *iaii»ii»iiiiiian>iMiiitiiwi»iiaaiii»ii« wnwwiMVBiMiMiMWiiMi>iiHi>iiaawa a>p«— am MuaniiiamMiiMWMia Buy 1 package of Ozydol and get 1 Paring Knife | (razor edge) for only ------•■••••...... ■ ^ BEAUTIFUL I.ACE AND EMBROIDERED And Here’s a Bargain On the Latest Belly Crocker Hale’s for Xmas Hosiery Product... HALE'S SELF SERVE Buy 1 box of Vegetable Noodle Soup Ingredients J Full fashioned, first quality hosiery in Chiffon or Serv­ Scarfs and Vanity Sets and get an Extra Box for o nly...... ■ C The Original In New England! ice weights. Buy 1 Swan Soap and get an Extra Bar Lion Braqd Chiffon . . . ; ...... $1.00 Pr. for just ...... 1c AND HEALTH MARKET $1.00 Size 18”x36” Again reminding you that many people Gordon Oiiffon or Service ...... $1.00 Pr. are giving Foods for Christmas.. .no, W ednesday Specials Sheer 2 or 3 Thread Oiiffon .... $1.35 Pr,. . Other Scarfts, 69c to $1.69 in Sizes 18”x36” — 45”x54”. not ordinary foods...but for example, Nylon 45 Gauge ...... $1.95 Pr. Lace In white, ecru or colora. Alio the new embroidered all Dorset Fancy Soups. .Chicken Dishes.. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales! Sheer 51 Gauge Nylon ...... $2.25 Pr. white and ecru batiste. Cheese packed in fancy packages.. .and Store Open Until 9 P. M. Starting Tomorrow! All New Shades. THE id e a l GIF!'! of course, 52”x52’’ PRE-LAUNDERED FAST COLOR Pinehurst Fancy Fruit Baskets OoM Medal Kltehen-Teeted Not Expensive.. .And Sure To Please! F L O U R 241/x-Lb. Bag $1.21 Gift Handbags Printed Lunch Cloths Blue Label Wednesday Specials Gold Medal Genuine leather handbags in top handle and envelope Five colorful pattema In florals and fruit styles. Some with zippers. In Capo.skin, Seal or Goat- designs. Red, blue, gold, and green. Buy A New Item .. .Sliced or Whole White Potatoes.. .Cook­ for yourself or for gifts. ed. . .just heat and serve.. .a full size No. 2 can for only Bisquick Lge. Pkg. 2 9 c sldn. Colors: Black or Brown. Al.so Broadcloth $1.19 10c... buy one of each. .. the 2 for 19c. Fabric Bags. And Blue Label Grade A Largs 46-Oz. Can Wngner 1 20”x40” CANNON m . -g ^ SHOESTRING CARROTS— 4 (^lso^Beets0__^^___^_^^_^^^___^_____2_Cans^jttOC Grapefruit Juice (3an T9e a $2-25—$3.00—$5.00 I Bath Towels 4 $1.16 Plaid colorful Cannon towels In peach, blue, gold, and dusty Pinehurst Meat Suggestions... Hnle’a Quality rose. Tied with cellophane ribbon. A thrifty Lamb Stew priced at from 15c to 2.5c lb., or Ia MEATY SHOULDER LAMB CHOPS...... lb. .17c Orange Pekoe Tea a Christmas Greeting Cards BOOTT MILLS Good Cuts of Brisket and Middle Rib Corned Beef. a Chipped Dried Beef or Chipped Morrell's Ham, Vi lb. 23c a Personal or Family Xmas Cards 5c, lOc, 1.5c ______Lb. Pkg. 6 St a “Sorbtex” Dish Towels Calves* Liver. Broilers. Fowl. Ducks. a BOXED CHRISTMAS CARDS Maximum absorbing—quick drying. Fast a Pinehurst Fruit... Vegetables Pea Beans 2 Lbs. 15c a colors and sturdy. Colorful multi-color bor­ 15 card.*! In box. Floral, Winter der. Cellophane wrapped. Package of 8.... 8 9 c Birds Eye Asparagus Tips now in. Also Peas.. .T.imas a scenes or Colonial Doorways. __Com.. .Strawberries. Fresh, Juicy 5 0 c box SWEET—JUICY G rap efruit 4 for 17c SMART EMBROIDERED FLORIDA ORANGES, dozen 25c Ia a stark Red (Eating or Cooking) Apples, 16-qt. bskt. $1.25 a Toyland Fancy Baldwin.s, 3' lbs. 25c McIntosh. a Pillow Cases Watercress. Tomatoes. Pascal Celery. Pears 6 for 19c His & Her — Mr. A Mrs. Dainty floral $1.00 a Bowling A lleys...... $1.00, $1.98, $6.50 patterns. All colors with all white or col­ a Pair.' Boxed. •( A load of fun for the whole family! ored hems. HEALTH MARKET a Black B o a r d s ...... $1.00—$3.98

/ DIAl DIAL 4151AISI ^ 309302 MAIN STREET A good blackboard is educational and encourages the THE GIFT UNUSUAL! SATIN FINISH WEDNESDAY SPECIALS child to study at home. m W OF POST OFFICE - ON, KFROM sia u a rm o r

Mysto Magic Exhibition Set Plastic Place Mats JHiHnm«iinniHiin»niiHimwKiinifsawsa»K«(wtwt«K«w»g0iwifntwMiiw Scotch Ham Lb. 3 9 c Chuck full of tricks ami magic. What child docs not want to be a magician ? AlAn unusual gift and an unusual package. RevcReversible plastic placemats that are alco- hoi, grease and stain resistant. Package Sirloin Steak Lb. 35c of 4 $1.19 Tomorrow Night! BUY UNITED STATES DEFENSE STAMPS AND BONDS! 3 CORK PLACE MAT SETS ... >•••••••• .$1.19 pkg. Lb. Shoulder Steak 2 7 c ***W **{««*W «Ml»ltW M****«eil******«llW W ****|l<**W **ZW ****llW **<**W W *********«W l| r

B Young American Cheese I Housewares I R W’e Have Succeeded In I j Lb. 3 5 c * Obtaining Another Small a H Shipment of 4-Quart t 8 Luxury Loaf Lb. 29c t I " Presto Pressure r 130 Cookers

• ' Dill Pickles 3 f»r10c IN PRIZES I t $ 1 2 - 5 0

S ’The new cooking method. 1— $10 FREE GAME | ■ Cooks your food by steam. N » Saves your fuel—cooks with leas

26 Reg. Games for $4.00 Orders R I heat. Saves you money— makes economy cuts of meat 4— S4.00 Door Prizes R |c R tender and delicious in a very le short time. Cooks cabbage and R ALL FOR 25c R other vegetables In one to two — minutes. 111 R Tables and Chairs for Everyone! K COAL IS KING 1 G K DeTecto Gl’ARANTEED K R By comparison with other types of Bathroom Scales $50.00 SWEEPSTAKE l.ast Week the Sweepstake .\mounted R fu^ts^'ei^al takes the lead in efficiency la To $50.00 R Makes an Ideal gift ’ AU fully guaranteed. New Crysto Clear |t) R and in economy. You can’t find a |P- K Dial for easy reading. Regla- PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE! better way to keep your home heated tere every pound accurately up to 300 pounds. Colort: W^ite, at an even, healthful temperature. Blue, Black, Green, Ivory, Or­ chid. With coal heat you experigpee a sav*

ST. JAMES’ SCHOOL HALl1 ings that no other fuel can offer. ^ark Street R $3^49 Doors Open At 7 P. M. Playing Starts At 8 :00. S Better order quality Lehigh Valley coal today! We Have Jast Re«elved a New Lot of Beauttfol


Artificial Flowers A large variety, each one

i i t e ^ natur^ and lifelike. Makes a grand gift!

$1.25 and $ll98

o i e c a i t Shop kariy to tneure a better ~ choice.

SEE OUR DISPLAY OF DE LUXE MODELS An Attractive, Yet Praettcal. Gift for the Lady !■

Imagine the thrill shell get Xmas morning when she opens the beautiful G. E. Refri­ the Kitchen! gerator—the gift every woman appreciates. All Stainless Steel Hardware on our

DcLuxe Models. Something yon will not get again in refrigerators for a long time. Folding Step Stool

BUY ON OUR G. E. BUDGET PLAN. to harmonize with her kitchen coldra. Solid construction to

safeguard against accidents. ’Two-tone DeLuxe. ’Tubular ^ X he weather man nays metal tegs. Steel strap braoea. ment kill- G. E. WASHER *‘01d Man Winter is on his V/OMEN I Rubber cupped feet. White and ^ Red. No Omng ' ^ - I w>* way I” f WOVEN EVERYWHERE ARE Sealed G. E. Meehanism

You*l) want a fuel that re­ ’’ TALKING ABOU’ THE NEW $5-98 Alaminum Activator sponds quickly and bums flavor saver OVEN

l*Control G. E. Wringer Two-Tona All Wood steadily. Fill your bin with Step Stools Old Company’s Anthracite. All ()ar Stock Is Complete Weil Baluoed You’ll be ready to meet PHONE 3145 the i5iS5I|lS£ With Speedy Emptying Pump I winter’s bitter blasts in lUvai..

S Sizes: 6 Lbs., 8 Ll^s. and Giant comfort. Kl sew {Ml 10 Lbs. Size. White, Rad and W uta, and what F l a i r Mai Blue and Whlta. iw IfO.” I

The Manchester .

«BNBSA10IUICnUC Kitchen Step Ladders ’

EASY TERBIS! •he E. WILUS & SON, ivc. $ 1 . 6 9 CotU. I s a ile r, Maaon** Sitppliea, P aint Lumber and Fuel Co. tU JW.HA14 CORK


. 1-