26 April 2016

The Manager Australian Electoral Commission National Office Locked Bag 4007 CANBERRA ACT 2601

Via email [email protected] and facsimile 02 6215 9999

Dear Sir or Madam,

Opposition to the registration of the proposed logo for the ‘Australia First’ party.

The Australian Worker’s Union is Australia’s largest blue-collar union with a history dating back until 1896. Our union has been central to the industrial and, on this basis, the AWU feels qualified to oppose the logo registration proposed by the so-called ‘Australia First’ party.

While not wishing to provide the Australian Electoral Commission with a history lesson of which it is no doubt aware, it is vital to understand the cultural underpinnings of the Eureka Flag.

Put simply, the Eureka Flag is central to Australia’s history and its working class values. It has a legendary status and understood meaning in the community.

The Eureka Flag is central to the iconic Eureka Stockade dispute of 1854, an event that many unions jointly lay claim to in their historic and cultural underpinnings. The original flag still exists in the Fine Art Museum where it stands as an icon to working Australians. The AWU encourages the AEC to closely consider and investigate the rich history of the symbol.

Such national cultural icons are not for political hijacking. They should not be the plaything of those who seek to benefit from their appropriation.

The AWU notes that the Electoral Commission can refuse to register a logo of a political party if the logo “is obscene; or so nearly resembles the logo of any other person that it is likely to be confused with or mistaken for that logo.”

For the ‘Australia First’ party to attempt to hijack the Eureka Flag offensive to all trade unionists past and present. It is a clear attempt for a fringe party of questionable value to associate itself with Australia’s greatest founding institution – the union movement.

The use of the Eureka Flag would represent a deliberate attempt to mislead voters that the is somehow aligned to the values of the Australian Workers’ Union and the broader union movement. This should not be allowed by the AEC.

The ‘Australia First’ party is a right-wing nationalist party. There are many right-wing nationalist symbols they could use that would be more appropriate and informative to the voting public.

We look forward to hearing from you.

Yours in Unity Signature redacted