
इंटरनेट मानक

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“जान का अधकार, जी का अधकार” “परा को छोड न तरफ” Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru “The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 1885-16-1 (1968): Electrotechnical Vocabulary, Part XVI: Lighting - Section I General Aspects [ETD 1: Basic Electrotechnical Standards]

“ान एक न भारत का नमण” Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda “Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“ान एक ऐसा खजाना जो कभी चराया नह जा सकताह ै”ै Bhartṛhari—Nītiśatakam “Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”

1 .::, J .,

IS : 1885( Part XV1/Sec I ) -1968 1 Indian Standard ELECT~OTECHNICAL VOCABULARY


Section I General Aspects

( Third Reprint AUGUST 1990) ‘. . *“

[JJ.)C 001”4: 628”9/97

.-, ,, ‘..

@ Copyright 1968 ..


Gr 10 November 1968 IS: 1SS5( Part XVI/See 1 ) - 196S Indian Standard ELECTROTECHNICAL VOCAIWLARY

PART ‘XVI LIGHTING Section I General Aspects

Electrotechnical Standards Sectional Cornmi~tec, ETDC 1 I Chairman Rsprsssnting SHRST. V. BALAKSUSNNAN Bbarat Hea~ Electrical Ltd, Hardwar Members I ADDMTONALCHIEFENOIXEER DirectorateGeneralof Posts& Telegraphs( Depart- mentof communications) DIRECTOROF TULE~RAPHS (L) ( Alt.na& ) SSSRIG. K. AHUJA Inspection Wing, DirectorateGeneral of Su plies & Disposals ( Ministry of supply, ?echnical Development & Materisds Planning) SHRIA. S., NAGARKAT-IT( Altertsa&) SHRSv. w. cHBKauRKAR Indi~lcu~ctrical Mans&acturet# @xiation,

SHRXY. P. KAUSHIK( Ahemu&) ~C1’OR Electronics and Radar Development Establishment ( Ministry of Defence ), Bangalore &O?IG. D. JO~MUM Primary Cells and Batteriks Sectional Committee, ETDC 10, 1S1; and%xmclary Cells and Batteries Sectional Committee, ETDC 11, 1S1 Ssnu S. N. MURKRP National Test House, Calcutta PROFR. C. NARAYANAN General Nomenclature and Symbols Subcommittee, ETDC 1:3, 1S1 Smu A. R. NARAYANARAO Institution of Engineesa ( India), Calcutta %u H. V. F.JARAYANA RAO central Water & Power Comsoisskm ( Power Wing ) SHR]S. N. VINZE( Alternate) SHRSU. K. PATWARDHAN Transformers Sectional Cknnsnittcr+ETDC 16, 1S1 Smu R. RADSiAKRISHNAN Central Eiectro-Chemical Rese@l Institute ( CSIR ), Karaihs~ SHRSH. N. VENKOBARAO( Altsrnate) Ssms K. RAMANATHAN ‘ *VY Electrical ( India) Ltd, Bhopal SHsuS. K. BHATIA( Alternats) SHRSv. v. RAo Departmentof Communication ( Wireless . arming and Co-ordination Wing ) SHRSA, P. SEETSSAPATHY Switchgea.r and Controlgear Sectional Camnittce, ETDC 17, 1S1; anA POWW Frequency and voltages Subcommittee, ETDC 1:1, 1S1 I SNRIR. K. TANDAN National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi ( Gmtinad on/Ja#s2:)



-. IS:l$85(PM XVI/*Cl)=W68

( Coaiimdfiomj%sgu1) Mmbas &ia#usmf& Snr S. THIRIWENKATACWARX ‘lWfTn#C 24~#’m*t ‘Ctiond amtitt=” $&I V. VENUOOWJAN Insulator and Acceasoriw Scct@al Comnuttee, ETDC 3, 1S1 SHRI~. S. ZA= Rotating Machinery sectional Committee, ETDC 15, 1S1 SHRIY. S. VIJNKATMWMRAN, DirectorGeneral,1S1( Ex-@xb Mmikr) Director ( Elcc tech ) ( Secwtary:

Illuminating Engineering Sectional Committee, ETDC 45

Chaimw SnRI N. B. SATAnAWALA Railway Board ( Ministry of Railway9 ) Manbsn ADDITIONAL Cs-naF ENCXWER Central Public Works Department ( ELBC) Smu B. GUPTASAIWA[ Aitsmats SIiRIR. R. J%ADA i he Ahmcdabad M.illownem’ Association, Ahmcciabad DR G. N. BADAMI Cent;/rabi~ning Rcacarch Station (_!3SIR), SQ-LDRH. S. BHATIA Directorate of Tccbnical Dcvclopmcnt & Production ( Air) ( Ministry of Dcfence ), New Delhi SHR1N. C. GUHA( Altamah ) SHRXJ. P. J. BILLIMORKA Central nxbfic work Department ( At’*itect. Wi ) SHRIP. BOSE EasternT egional ElectricalContractors’Association ( India) Ltd,Calcutta SHRXL. N. M THUR ( Al&rnati) SHRIB. CUNNINGJAM GencrrcuEl#ric Company of India Private Ltd,

SHRI D. K. DMS ( Afti ) SHRXD. S. DtXHI Bajaj Electrical Ltd, Ftemba} SHRI S. U. BHOJWANI ( Al&matKJ SHRXM. P. GUPTA Philips India Ltd, Calcutta SHIUP. N. SRrNXVASAN( Aftem@) SHRIH. N. JAQTtANI Directorate General Factory Advici service and Labour Institutes ( Ministry of Labour, Bmploy- mcnt & Rehabilitation), Bornbay S~RI D. M. JAAUNOAR The Bo bay Electric Supply & Transport Under dg, Bombav SIXR1H. B. NAIK( Af&md ) SHRIA. MITRA 1 DiicNtur&w.G&lcrd of Suppli-a & Dab SKR1J. N. Vu ( A&na& ) SHRXB. K. Mumnrqaa NationalTat Ho&, Ca@tta SHRXT. K. KUNDU( Al* ) SHRKJ. R. NAHm - ~e ml Lighting Industria Private Ltd,

SXRIJAYANTR. PARI HindcoLig~tiagI@mtrks L@ -Y

, IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1)- 1968



o. FOREWORD ...... 4

1. SCOPE ...... ,.. >.. 4

2. RADIATION ...... 5




6. EYE ANDVISION ...... ,.. 34


8. THE PRODUCTIONOF ... ,.. ... 46

INDEX ...... ,...... 49

“J -. —mr--w- ——---- ,, II~m- -.-—- IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968 [ndian Standard I IWECTROTECHNICAL VOCABULARY PART XVI LIGHTING Section I General Aspects ! ) I O. FOREWORD

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institu- tion on 16 January 1968, after the draft iinalized by the Electrotechnical Standards Sqctional Committee in consultation with the Illuminating Engineering Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotech- nical Division Council. 0.2 This standard ( Part XVI/Section 1 ) is based, to a large extent, upon Publication No. 50 (45 ) on ‘ International electrotechnical vocabulary’ i issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission. Thk section deah with the general aspects of lighting, covering terms relating to radiation, calorimetry, optical properties of matter, photometric quantities and units, eye and vision and the production of light. Section 2 of this standard covers terms relating to Iuminaires and lighting for traffic and signaling and Section 3 deals with terms relating to lamps and auxiliaries. 0.3 A compromise has been made between absolute precision and simplicity in order to arrive at the most apt ddinitions. The principal object of this terminology is to provide definitions which are sufficiently clear so that each term can be understood with the same meaning in the electronic field. Thus, it may sometimes be felt that the definitions used in this standard are not sui%ciently precise, do not include all cases, \ do not take account of certain exceptions or are not identical with those \ which may be found in other publications designed with other objects and I for @her readers. Such imperfections are inevitable and sometimes have ‘ to be accepted in the interest of simplicity and clarity.

0.4 The elcctrotechnical vocabulary m being prepared in several parts, k each having one or more sections. ! 1. SCOPE 1,1 TM standard ( Part XVI/Section 1 ) covers definitions of terms used in the fie!d of lighting relating to the general aspects, namely, radiation, calorimetry, photometric quantities and units, optical properties of matter eye and vision and the production of light.


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2. RADIATION 2.1 Fundamental Concepts 2.1.1 Radiation a) EmMlon or transfer of energy in the forms of electromagnetic waves or partieks. b) Electromagnetic waves or particles. No’ra— In generaf,nuclearradiationsand radio wavesare not consideredin this vocabularybut only opticalratitions, thatis, electromagneticradiations( photons) of wavelengthlying betweentheregionof transitionto X-rays ( -1 nm) and the region of transitionto radiowaves( * 1 mm). 2.1.2 Irradiation — Application of radiation to an object. 2.1.3 Monochromatic Radiation — Radiation characterized by a single. frequency. By extension, radiation of a very small range of frequency or wavelength, which can be described by stating a single frequency or wavelength. 2.1.4 Complex Radiatwn — Radiation composed of a number of monochromatic radiations. 2.1.5 Vidde Radiation ( Light) — Any radiation capable of caus~g a visual sensation directly. The wavelength limits adopted by Commi- ttee E-2. 1.2 of CIE ( Vienna 1963) for the spectral range of this radiation are 400 and 760 nm. NOTE— The limits of the spectral range of visible radiation are not welI defined and may vary according to the user. The lower limit is generally takmt between 380 and 400 nm and the upper limit between 760 and 780 nm [ 1 nanometre (nm)=10-gsn]. 2.1.6 Infrared Radiation — Radiation for which the wavelengths of the monochromatic components are greater than those for visibk radiation and less than about 1 millimetre. NOTSS— The l~mits of the spectral range of infraredradiationare not well defined and may vary according to the user. CommitteeE-2.1.2 of CIE distinguishesin this spectral range: IR-A 780to 1400 mm IR-B l,4t03#m i IR-C 3pmtolmm 2.1.7 Ultraviolet Radiation — Radiation for which the wavelengths of the monochromatic Components are smaller than those for visible radiation I and more. thhn about 1 n“anom@re. NOTSS— The limitsof thespectralrangeof ultravioletradiationare not well defined and may vary accordiig to the user. CommitteeE-2.1.2 of CIE distinguishesin thisspectralrange: UV-A 315 to 400 nm UV-B 280 to 315 nm UV-C 100 fo 280 nm


1 1’ bm- . ---l-— ---.-m-.= III~ 1 - -- IS: 1$S5 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

2.1.8 Spectrum of a Radiation a) Spatial display of a complex radiation produced by separation of its monochromatic comp-onents. b) Composition of a comple~ radiation. NOTE— Examples of sense (b) : continuous spectrum, line spectrum. 2.1.9 S’ectrum Line — Image ( generally of a slit) produced, in a dispersing system, by a monochromatic radiation; Nom — Alsousedin thesenseof: A monochromaticradiationemittedor absorbed in a transitionbetweentwo atomicor molecularlevels. 2.1.10 Emission — Release of radiant energy. 2.1.11 Re@ction — Return of radiation by a surface without change of frequency of the monochromatic components of which the radiation is composed. 2.1.12 Tran.rmission _ Passage of radiation throtigh a medium without change of frequency of the monochromatic components of which the radiation is composed. 2.1.13 Absorption — Transformation of radiant energy to a different form of energy by interaction with matter. 2.1.14 D@sion — Change of the spatial distribution of a beam of radiation when it is deviated in many directions by a surface or by a medium. 2.1.15 Rayleigh Scatter in a Medium — Diffusion of radiation in the course of its passage through a medium containing particles the size of which is small compared with the wavelength of the radiation. 2.1.16 Refraction — Change in the direction of propagation of radiation determined by change in the velocity of propagation,in passing through an optically non-homogeneous medium,’ or in passing from one medium to another, 2.1.17 Dispersion a) Dependence of the velocity of propagation of a radiation on its frequency, whereby a separation of the monochromatic compo- nents of a complex radiation is possible. b) Property of an optical device or medium giving rise to the phenomenon, c) Quantity characterizing this property. 2.1.18 Interference — Attenuation or reinforcement of the amplitudes of the vibrations of a radiation, occurring where coilerent wave-trains overlap. 2.1.19 Dijraction — Deviation of the direction of propagation of a radiation, determined by the wave nature of radiation, and occurring when the radiation passes the edge of an obstacle.


—-.. - Is:1885(Pa1’t xvI/secl)-1968

2.1.20 Photon — Elementary quantity of radiant energy ( quantum) whose value is equal, to the product of Planck’s constant h and the frequency of the electromagnetic radiation. ~~ 2.1.21 Point Source — Source of radiation the dimensions of which are small enough compared with the distance betwetm source and receptor, so that they may be neglected in photometric calculations. 2.1.22 Un@t7n Point Source — A point source which emits uniformly in all directions. 2.2 Qumtities 2.2.0 General Distinction between radiant and luminous quantities — Pure physical quantities for which radiation is evaluated in energy units-are defined in this clause. Each one of these quantities correspond to another’ quantity for which the radiation is evaluated by means of a standard photometric observer. These two kinds of quantities are represented by the same principal symbol distinguished by adding the subscript e ( energy) in the case of physical quantities, and the subscript u ( visual ) in. the case of photometric quantities. TO have no possibility of confusion, the subscripts may be omitted. Use of tiu adjective cspectral’ — When certain quantities, such as emissivity, , transmittance, etc, are considered for monochromatic radiation, they are functions of wavelength ( or frequeney, or wave number, etc ); they may then be designated by the same terni preceded by the adjective spectral, and by the same symbol followed by.. ~ (or y, or u, etc ) in parenthesis; example: spectral emissivity, .s (~). If the spectral concentration of a quantity X is considered, it may also be designated by way of abbreviation by the name of the quantity preceded by the adjective spectral-as before, and by the symbol for the quantity with the subscript A (or y, or u, etc ), but care shall be taken to remember that X and X A are quantities of a different kkd because ~_dX

dh 2.2.1 Period — Size of the minimum interval of the independent variable after which the same characteristics of a periodic phenomenon recur. No-ra — In radiation the independent variable is the time and the corresponding quantity is known as the periodic time. symbol ‘F unit: (s) 2:2.2 Frequency— Reciprocal of the period. symbol f, y NOTS— Whentheindependentvariableis time, the imit of frequciteyis the her~ symbol H* ( 1 m 5 h-l ). (This unitisalsoealkd 6cyclepcrsccond’, c/1, )


IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

2.2.3 Wavelength — Distance in the direction of propagation of a periodic wave between t~o successive points at which the phase is the same-( at the same time ). symbol h unit: metre .( m ) Nom 1— The wavelength in a mediumis equalto thewavelengthin vacuo divided by therefractiveindexof thernediurn.IJnlessotherwisestated,valuesof wavelengthare generallythosein air. The refractiveindex of standardair ( 15°C, 101325 N.m-a ) lies between1‘000”27 and 1.000.29f~~visibleradiations. NOTE2 — The reciprocal of the wavelength is the wav.rnumbcfl symbol a unit: m-l 2.2.4 Radiant Ener~ — Energy emitted, transferred or received as radiation. symbol Qe, Q unit: (J) ( lJ = W.s ) Ncn’E — In ultraviolet radiation therapy and biology this quantity is called integrat do.. ( International Photobiology Committee, 1954 ). 2.2;!5 ; Radiant Power — Power emitted, transferred, or received in the form of radiation. symboj @e, Q, P

unit: (W)

2.2.6 Radiant Eficiency of a Source of Radiation — Ratio of the radiant flux emitted to the power consumed. symbol qe, q Nom — The radiantefficiencyof a sourcein a limitedregionof the spectrum-y also be considered,thatis,theratioof theradiantfluxemittedin thisspectralregion to the power consumed. 2.2.7 Radiant Intensity of a Source in a Given Direction — Quotient of the radiant flux leaving the source, propagated in an element of containing the given direction, by the element of solid angle. symbol Ie, I

I,=@ d~ unit: watt per (W.sr-1) Nont — For a source whichisnot a point source: The quotientof the radiantflux receivedat an elementarysurfaceby thesolida@c whichtidssurfacesubtendsat any pointof tiiesource,whenthisquotientis takento thelimitasthe distancebetweentbe surfaceand thesourceisincreased. 2.2.8 Radiance in a Given Directwn, at a Point on-#heSurfue of a Source or a ~ Receptor, or at a, Point on tk Path of a Beam — Quotient of the radiint flux leaving, arriving at, or passing throtigh an element of surfhie at tiu piint 8 IS: 1SS5( Part XVI/See 1 ) - 196S

and propagated in dhections defiped by an elementary cone containing the given direction, by the product of the solid angle of the cone and the area of the orthogonal projection of the element of surface on a plane per- pendicular to the given direction. symbol Le, L

L = dQ. dA.‘o’ COS8 unit: watt per steradian and per square metre (W. sr-’. m-’) NOTE — Three speciaf cases may be noted: Case 1 — At a point on the surface of a source, in a given direction,radianceis also the quotient of the radiant intensity in the given direction of an element of the surface at this point, by the area of the orthogonal projection of this element on a plane perpendi- cular to this direction ( radiant intensity per unit projected area).

L=~dA. cos @ Case2 — At a point on the mrfhce of a receptor, in a given direction, radmnee is also the quotient of the irradiance which is received at thii point on a surface perpendicular to the given direction, by the wJid angle of the elemen~ cone containing this direc- tion and surrounding the beam which produces this irrad-ce ( perpendicular irradiance per unit solid angle).

Care3 — On the path and in the dkection of an element of a ‘beam, in a non- diffusing, non-absorbing medium, the radiance is afso the quotient of the radknt flux d @e which transports the beam, by the geometric extent dG of the beam. The gemnetric exfent, which may be ddined by two sections of the beam of areas dA and dA’, of separation 1 and having angles o and o‘ between their normals and the direction of the beam is dG = dA. cur O. df), where the numerieaf value in of dfl is dA’. COS@ , I–z. d%~ Le+= dQ. cM. ti~ In the absence of~ it can be demonstrated m geometrical optical that the opticaf exteat,product of the geometric eatent of an element of ~ beam and the square of the refractive index of the mediumof propagation, is an invariant along the length of the beam whatever the deviations which it undergoes by reflection or rctkction ( dG. n~ = constant ). In consequence:the bmic foss%re. quotientof the radiance by the square of the re&wXive indea, is invariant along the kngth of an element of a beam if the iosscs by akrption or hy reflection arc taken as aero ( &. n-~ = constant ). 2.2.9 Radiant Flux ( Surftie ) Densi@ — At a point of a surfhce quotient qf the radiant flux at an element of the surikce containing the poin~ by the area of that element. symbol ...... d@e .. ... =— dA mm: watt per square metre (W.m-s) 2.2.* Irradiance at a Point of a Sur@e — Quotkimt 01 the radiant flux incident on an element of the surface containing the point, by the area of


* i’--t. -.-,.-.-,...,----T- .’ !!”!,---- IS: 1SS5 ( Part XVI/See 1). 196S

that element. symbol Ee, E Ee=~

unit: watt per square metre ( W.m-8 ) NOTSS— In ultraviolet radiation therapy and photobiology this quasstity is called dosu-rats( International Photobiology Committee, 1954 ). 2.2.11 Radiant at a Point of a Surfme — Surface density of the radiant energy received. symbol He, H dQe He=z = Eedt I unit: joule per square metre (J.m-s ) NOTE 1 — Fartrrcr~irradiation. NOTE2 — Equivalent definition: Product of an irradiance and its duration. NOTE 3 — In ultraviolet radiation therapy and photobiology this quantity is called dose( International Photobiology Committee, 1954 ). 2.2.12 Radiant Exitance at a Point of a Surface — Quotient of the radiant flux leaving an element of the surface containing the point, by the.area of that element. symbol Me, M

unit: watt per square metre ( W.m-2 ) NOTE 1 — The name radiantemittancepreviously given to this quantity is abandoned because it has given rise to confusion. Thus the term emittarw has been used to designate either the flux per unit area leaving a surface( whatevertheorigin of the flux), or the fluxper unitarea emitted by a surface( fluxoriginatingin thesurface). NOTE2 — The expression 4%diant exitance( Me, s ) infl=t~ hat tbe flUXconsid-d does not include reflected or transmitted flux. The expression thermalradiant .xitance( M,, th ) indicates that the fluxconsidered is produced by thermal radiation. These same adjectives ( self, thermal) are equally applicable to other quantities such as , etc. NorE 3 — In the case of a full radiator ( blackbody ) the radiance ~ is uniform in all direc:i:~]ls. In consequence, when the solid angle is measured in steradians, the radit~l,c (..itancc has the numerical value hf~ = x L*.

2.2.13 i’”;misskipof a Thermal Akiia!or — Ratio of the thermal radiant cxita~~ ~~ the radiator to that o:’ a full radiator at the same temperature. symbol e

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2.2.14 Directional Emissivity of a Thermal Radiator — Ratio of the ther~ radiance of the radiator in a given direction to ~t of a full radiator at the same temperature. symbol c ( 8, p ) Le,th ( 0, tp) S(e,lp)== ‘e,(c=l) where 0 and q are the angular coordinates dhing the given direction. 2.2.15 Spectral Concentration of a Radiometric Quantity: Radiant Flux, Radiant Interrsi~, etc — Quotient of the quantity, taken over an infinitesimal range on either side of a given wavelength, by the range.

X=, A=$

NOTE 1 — Frequencies, wavenumbers or their logarithms may also be used; if there is a risk of ambiguity this should be avoided by means of the wording: ~spectml con- cent ration in terms of frequency ‘, etc. NOTE 2 — See

2.2.16 Spectral Distribution Curve of a Radwmetric Quantity: Radiant’ Flux, Radiant Intensity, etc — Curve representing the spectral concentration of the quantity as a function of wavelength. NOTE I — See&ote 1 to 2.2.15, NOTE 2 — Commonly the relatiue @sctn4 distributioncum is used, that is the curve representing the ratio of the spectral concentration of the quantity to a certain value of the same quantity. 2.2.17 ( Relatiue Spectral) Energy ( Power) Distribution — llescription Of the spectral character of a radiation ( description of an illuminant ) by the way in which the relative spectral concentration of radiant energy varic.s throughout the spectrum. symbol S ( A~

2.3 Thermal Radiation — Process of emission in which the radiant energy originates in the thermal agitation of the particles of matter (atoms, molecules, ions ) 2.3.1 Thetmal Radiator — Source emitting by thermal radiation.

2.3.2 Full Radiator, Planckian Radiator — Thermal radiator which absorbs completely all incident radiation, whatever the wavelength, the direction of incidence or the polarization. This radiator has, for any wavelength, the maximum spectral concentration of radiant exitance at a given temperature.

2.3.3 Planck’s Law — Law gnw~g the s~ectral concentration of radiant ex~tance of a full radiator as z funct]o!l of wavelength and temperature.

—.- ---—T-–- -- S!n,T ——- IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

For the total radiation emitted (unpolarized ):

M=, A(A, T)=aMe~~T)=cl ‘-’(e:=-’il c1 = 2rrhc’ = ( 3“741 50+ 0“00009 ) x 10-’0 W.m2

C*= ~ = ( 1s438 79+ OsOOO06 ) x 10-’m.°K

( Numerical values according to E.R, Cohen and J.W.M. Dumond, Rev. Mod. Phys., 37, 1965, P 590. The error quot~d for c1 and Cgrepresents the standard deviation. The wavelength A is expressed in metres. In the text of the ‘ Internation Practical Temperature Scale, 1948, amended edition 1960 ‘, C2is taken as 10438 x 10-~ m.”k. ) h, Planck’s constant c, velocity ( speed ) of light in vacuum T, absolute temperature k, the Boltzmann constant

NOTE — It is recommended that the constant c1 is always used with the meaning indicated above. The numerical constants applicable to other aspects of the radiation ~~mi~~dare shown below. They should be designated c1 multiplied by an appropriate

rrhcg= ~ ( for the exitancc of the polarized radiation)

2hc’ = ~ ( for the radiance of the non-polarized radiation) . hcs = ~ ( for the radiance of the polarized radiation)

8nhc = ~ (for the energy per unit volume of the non-polarized radiation, etc). For example, the spectral radiance of the non-polarized radiation, which is often USd, zhould be written:

where f) Ois the magnitude of the solid angle et 1 steradian. 2.3.4 Wien’s Law (of Radiation) — Apprommate form of Planck’s law, obtained” by neglecting the term 1 inside the brackets in the formula for this law. This approximation is valid when T is sufficiently small.

i’JOTE- The approximationia valid to betterthan one part in a thousandwhen AT u smallerthan0002 m.”k ( for example, in red light for T less thao3500”K ).

Me,A (A, T ) = clA+e– ~


, ...... _...- .—.__..T. IS: 1S05 ( Part XVIjSec 1 ) - 196S

2.3.5 Rayleigh-.jeans Law — Approximate form of Planck’s law, obtained by neglecting in the formula for this law the terms of higher order in the series expansion of the exponential. This approximation is valid when AT is sufficiently large. NOTE— The approximation is valid to better than one part in a hundred when AT is larger than 0.72 m.°K ( for example, in the ‘infraredat a wav~length of 01 mm for T greater than 7 200”K ).

M., A(A, T)= ~~-4T = 2nc~-4kT

2.3.6 Stefan-Bolt~mann Law — Relation between the radiant exitance of a full radiator and its temperature. Me = crT4

IS= ~5n~c, = ( 5.6697 + 0-0010 ) x 10-s W.m-2 ‘K-4

( Numerical values according to E, R. Cohen and J.W.M. Dumond, Rev. Mod. Phys., 37, 1965, P 590). The error quoted represents the standard deviation. 2.3.7 Kirchhoff’s Law — At a point of the surface of a thermal radiator at each temperature and for each wavelength, the spectral directional emissivity is equal to the spectral absorptance for radiation incident in the same direction.

NOTE— The same equality holds good for any one polarized component of the radiation emit ted or absorbed by the thermal radiator. 2.3.8 Non-selective Radiator — Thermal radiator whose spectral em@tity is independent of wavelength over the range considered. 2.3.9 Selective Radiator — Radiator whose spectral emissivity depends on I the wavelength over the range considered. 2.3.10 G79 Body — Non-selective radiator whose spectral emissivity is smaller than 1. 2.3.11 Full Radiator Temperature (of a Thwmal Radiator) — Temperature of full radiator at which it has the same radiant thermal exitance as the radiator considered. unit: degree Kelvin ( “K) 2.3.12 Rads’arweTemperature ( Luminance I emperature ] of a Thermal Radiator for a Wavelength — Temperature of a full radiator for which the radiance at the specified wavelength has the same spectral cone entration as for the radiator considered. 1 unit: degree Kelvin (‘K ) Nom — In visualpyrometry,thereferencewavelengthu generally655 nm.


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2.3.13 Distributiori Temperature — Temperature of the full radmtor for which the ordinates of the spectral distribution curve of its radiance are proportional ( or. approximately so ), in the visible region, to hose of the distribution curve of the radiation consid~ed. unit: degree Kelvin ( ‘K ) NOTE— Both radhtions will necessarilyhave the same or nearly the same chromaticity. 2.3.14 Colour Temperature — Temperature of the full radiator which emits radiation of the same chromaticity as the radiation considered. unit: degree Kelvin (“K ) NOTE— The correspondingrelativespectraldistributioncurvesmav not be similar, but therewillbe a metamericmatch.


3.0 General 3.0.1 Many terms; among others ‘ light’ ( 6.24 ), may be considered from the sensory ( subjective) point of view; thh use is dealt with mainly in 6. They also have a physical meaning which is amenable to mathematical treatment; this is the point of view which predominate in this clause. 3.0.2 If, for particular ,scientific purposes, certain of the following definitions should refer to a V ( A ) [V’ ( A ) ] which is that of an individual observer, this should be stated explicitly. Unless otherwise stated, the photometric quantities refZr to the single and unique [V (?,)] [V’ (A)] - which is international and defines the standard/observer photometric. 3.0.3 Most of the following quantities and units may be defined in two different ways: for photopic tilon ( CIE 1924 ) for scotopic tilon ( CIE 1951 ) Unless otherwise stated, the quantity or unit always refers to photopic tilon ( see 3.2). If the quantity or unit is intended to refer to scotopic vision, the term should be qualified by the word ‘ scotopic’. 3.0.4 On the distinction between radiant and luminous quantities, and on the use of the adjective spectral, see and 3.0.5 The term efficiency has been reserved for the dimensionless quantity that is a ratio whi~h cannot exceed unity ( 100 percent). If the quantity has dimensions ( fhat is, it is a quotient) the term used is eficmy. 3.1 Light — See6.24. 3.1.1 Illumination — Application of tilble radiation ( light) to an object,


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3.2 Spectral Luminous Efficiency of a Monochromatic Radiation of Wavelengtht — Ratio of the radiant flux at wavelength Am to that at wavelength A, both radiations producing equally intense luminous sensa- tions tinder specified pliot9metric conditions and Am being chosen so that the maximum value of thi$ ratio is equal to 1. symbol [ V ( A ) ] for photopic vision [V’ ( A ) ] for scotopic vision

NOTE — Utdras otherwise indicated, the values used for the spectral luminous efficiency in $hafapic oision are the values agreed internationally in 1924 by CIE and adopted in 1933 by the International Committee of Weights and Measures ( see Table 1 ). ThesevaluesdefinetheV ( A )jhction or V ( ~ ) curve. For scotipic oision, CIE adopted provisionally in 1951 the values of Table 1 for the standard/observer ( young observers) photometric. 3.3 — Quantity derived from radiant flux by evaluating the radiation according to this action upon a selective receptor, the spectral sensitivity of which is defined by the standard spectral luminous eiliciencies. symbol @v, S#I unit: ( lm ) NOTE— Unless otherwise indicated, the luminous flux in question relates to photopic vision and is connected with the radtant flux in accordance with the formula adopted in 1948 by CIE, that is by the relation

doe in which ~ dA is the radiant flux corresponding to the radiation comprised bet- ween A an~”A + d A and V ( A ) is the spectral luminous efficiency, the values of which as a function of A are given in Table 1. Applied to the radiation of a full radiator at the freezing temperature of platinum the preceding formula determines the value of Km ( lm. W-l ) ( s~c 3.7 ).

TABLE 1 SPIWT%iL LUMINOUS EFFICIENCYFOR THE STANDARD OBSERVER PHOTOMETRIC ( Claws 3.2 and 3.3) PHOTOPXCVISION scoToPIa Vlssols A(nm) V(A) V’(A) 380 :~o ; 0000589 390 0“002 208 770 000003 0000000241 780 0000015 0000000139

3.4 Lumen — S1 unit of luminous flux: Luminous flux emitted within unit solid angle ( one steradian ) by a point. source having a uniform intensity of 1 ( adopted in 9th General Conference of Weights and Measures, 194S ). symbol lm


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3.5 Quantity of Light — Product of luminous flux and its dtiatibm symbol Qv, Q

Q,= @ v~t 1 unit: lumen-second ( lm.s ) 3.6 Lumen-Second — S1 unit of quantity. of light: Quantity of light equal to 1 lumen radiated or received for a period of 1 second. symbol lm.s NOTM— Otherunitis lumen-hour,thesymbolbeing( lm.h). 3.7 Luminous Efficacy of Radiation — Quotient of lumihous flUX by the corresponding radia~t flux.

unit: lumen per watt ( lm.W-l ) at about — 555 nm

For a complex radiation: symbol K

For a monochromatic radiation of wavelength I (spectral luminous .e$cacy ). symbol K ( A ) d@v @— K(A) +$=+ =Km V(h) d~ The maximum spectral luminous e$cacy, maximum value of K ( J), is denoted by the symbol Km; its value is Km-680 lm.W-l ( for the standard observer, photometric, in photopic vision). NOTE — Formerly luminow @ciency. 3.8 Luminous Efficiency of Complex Radiation — Ratio of radiant flux weighted according to V ( h ) to the corresponding radiant flux.

symbol V

0 @ex V(A)d?i K v = r-, =— K. ‘Q dh f o e,k NOTE1 — This ratio is also the ratio of the luminous efficacy of the complex radiation, K, to the maximum spectral luminous efficacy, Km.


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NOTE2— For the spectral luminous efficiency I V(A)= ‘~,Km ( see3.2). 3.9 Lusnin ous ~cacy of a Source — Quotient of the luminous flux emitted by the power consumed. “symbol TV, q unit: lumen per watt ( Im.W-l ) “NoTE— Formerly fuminou.s@img. 3.10 of a Source, in a Given Direction — Quotient of the luminous flux leaving the source, propagated in an element of solid angle containing the given direction, by the element of solid angle. symboI Iv, I


unit: candela ( cd) NorE 1— SWNoteunder2.2.7. NOTE2 — The termcandkpauwdesignatesa lurnino~intensity@ucsscd in candehu 3.11 Candela — S1 unit of luminous intensity: The magnitude of the candela is such that the luminance of a full radiator at the temperature of solidification of platinum is 60 per square centimetre (9th General Conference of Weighta and Measures, 1948). symbol cd lcd = 1 lm.sr-l 3.12 MeasI Spherieal (Luminous) Xntesssity da Source — Average value of the luminous intensity in all directions. NOTS— It iaalso thequotientof theluminous flux hy the solid angle 4X stcradhs. 3.13 ( Lumin 0sss ) Sector Flux — Of a rectilinear source of negligible cross-section, of infinite length, in a direction Perpendicular to its axia- quotient of the luminous flux emitted by unit length of the source in the sector included between two planes passing through the source enclosing the given directior and makkg between them an infinitesimal angle, by that angle. tl~bol J unit: lumen per metre and per rad~n ( lsn.m-l.rad-l ) Nemt— It isprcmmcdthatthe flux consideredin thisdefinitionis independentof thepartof theaourccconsidered. l% ilhrninancc,E, for a planeelementnormalto the directionand situatedat a diataneG1, on a pqendkulsr to the source is E=J.I-l. This formulagivesan


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swpration usefulin thecasewheretheendsof the sowce are @Tid&stlyfar away fromtheplaneelementconsidered. 3.14 Luminance in a Given Direetiom — At a point on the surface of a source or a receptor, or at a point on the path of a beamquotknt of the luminous flux leaving, arriving at, or passing through, an element of surface at thii point and propagated in directions defined by an elementary cone containing the given direction, by the product of @e solid angle of the cone and the area of the orthogonal projection of the element of surface on a plane perpendicular to the given direction. symbol ~, L

Lv= ‘o’ ddfl.cos 0 . unit: ( cd.m-’ ) Nom — Three speeial cases may be noted. Case1 — At a” point on the surface of a source, in a given direction, luminance is also the quotient of the luminous intensity in the given direction of an clement of the sus&aceat this point, by the area of the orthogonal projection of this clement on a plane perpendicular to this direction ( luminous intensity per unitprojectedarea). dI, “ = dA.co.s6– Gsse2 — At a point on the surfaceof a ‘ceptor, in a given direction, luminanceisalsothe uoticnt of the ilhsminance which is reeeived at this point on a sm%ce perpen % cular to the given direction, by the solid angle of the elementary cone containing this direction and iiluminancc per unit solid angle. L,=$

Curt 3—Ontbe path and inthedirection ofaneltmsent ofabeam, ina - diITusing, non-absobing medium, the luminance is also the quotient of the luminous flux d~v which transports the beam, b the geometric -t ~~h~ the beam. Tbe geons.stris cxtsnt, which may be c?ehe.d by two seetums beam of areas dA and dA’, of separation and having angle o and & between their normals and the direction of the beam is dG = [email protected]~, * *C numerical value in steradiaw of d~ is dA’.cos f) ’.l-~. ds/w da @v L “w= d$l.dA.co@

In the absence of d~usion, it can be demonstrated in geometrical o ties that the o}tiad exient,product of the geometric extent of a beam and thes square oi$hereiiactive index of the medium of propagation, is an invariant along the length of the beam what- everthe deviations which it undergoes by reflection or refraction ( dG.na = constant). In consequence, the basic hsosinoncs,quotient of the knninance by the squareof the refractive index, is invariant along the length of a beam exc6pt for kisses by abrptiosi or by reflection ( Lv.n-~ = constant). 3.15 Equivalent Luminance of a Field of Given Sise ad Shape, for a Radiation of Arbitrary Reiative Spectral Compoaitkm — Luminance vf a comparison field in which the radiation has the same


.m - . . . -.,_T.._.———-— 18:18S5(Part XVI/Secl)-1968

SpeGtralcomposition as that of a fu~ radiator at the temperature of freezing platinum and which has the same luminosity as the field considered under the specified photometric conditions of measurement; the comparison field shall have a specified size and shape which mayo be different from ~hat of the field considered. symbol Lea unit: candela per square metre ( cd.m = NOTE— A comparison field may also be used, in which the radiation ?w a spectral composition dflcrcnt fiwm that of a full radiator at o if the couivalcnt tw nance of this field is known under the same conditions of measurement.

3.16 Candela Per Square Metre — S1 unit of luminance. 1- symbol cd.m:s Nom — This unit is sometimrs named nit, symbol nt. Other units of luminance I metric : ( sb ) = 1W cd,m-a 1 (asb)=~ cd.m-~ Iambert(L) = ~ Cd.m-z

non-metric: fwtlarnbcrt ( fL ) a=3“426 cd.m-a

3.17 Luminous Phu ( Surface) Density at a Point of a Surface — Quotient of the luminous flux at an element of the sm%ace cotaining the dh point, by the area of that element mathematically expressed as ~. * + symbol ( tins%consiakration) unit: lumen per square metre ( Im.m-z ) NOTE— Sa also3.18and3.23.

3.18 Ilkninance ( Illumination ) at a Point of a Surface — Quotient of the luminous fi31x incident on an element of the surface containing the point, by the area of that element. 1 symbol ET, E

unit: hm ( lx ) i Nura— The useof the tcrrn ‘ illumination’for thisquantitycorstiictswith its more general use given in 3.19.


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3.19 , Lumen Per Square Metr+ S1 unit of illumimnce: Illumi- nance produced by a luminous flux.of 1 lumen uniformly dutributed over 1 square metre. symool lx 1 lx = Lm,m-~

NOIZ— Other unitsof : metric: 1foot...... non-metric:1fwkandle ( fc ) or 1 lwncn...... 3.20 Point Brilliance — Quantity involved in the visual observation of a source of light when viewed directly from such a dwtance that the apparent diameter is inappreciable. The point brilliance is measured by the illuminance produced by the source on a plane at the observer’s eye normal to the direction of the source. symbol EV, E unit: Iux (lx) 3.21 Light Exposure — Surface density of the quantity of light received. symbol HV, H dQv H,=== EVdt J unit: Iux-second ( Ix.s )

Nom 1— Formerly qaant~ of Uw”natwn. Nom2— Equivalentdefinition: Product of an illuminana and its duration.

3.22 Lux-Second — S1 unit of hght exposure: Light exposure produced by a quantity ‘of light of 1 lumen-second on an area of 1 square metre. symbol Ix.s

3.23 Luminous Exitance — At a point of a surfhce the quotient of the luminous flux leaving an element of the surface containing the point, by the area of that element. symbol MV, M

unit: lumen per square metre ( lm.m-z )

Nom 1— Formerlyluminousmitfanrt?. S0$alsoNote 1 lmder 2.2.12. Nomz 2 — On the w of tbeadjectivesdf and &ad, - Note2 under 2.2.12. Nora3-Inthe caaeofafullradiator (bkWy) thclumioamxL,isunikumin all dircctioru. In consequence,when tbe solid aogle is musurcdio stcradkmthe huninouscxitanccbaathenumericalWJUC W = I&


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3.24 Spectral Concentration of a Photometric Qpant)ty: Lun$nous Flux, Luminous Intensity, etc — Quotient of the quantity, taken over an infinitesimal range on either side of a given wavelength, by the range. dXV XV*A = ~

NOTE1— Frequencies, wavenumbers or their logarithms may also be used; if there is a ri?k of ambiguity this should be avoided by means of the wording: 6spectral concen- traaon m terms of frequency ‘. NOTE2 — Sss 3.25 Spectral Distribution Curve of a Photometric Qwntity: Luminous Flux, Luminous Intensity, etc — Curve representing the spectral concentration of the quantity as a function of wavelength. NOTE1— SeeNote 1under3.24. i NOTE 2 — Commonly the relative sfxc!ral distributioncurveis used. That is the curve representingtheratioof thespectralconcentrationof thequantityto a certainvalueof thesamequantity.

4. CALORIMETRY: FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS AND QUANTITIES 4.0 Preliminary Remarks 4.0.1 Many terms, among others ‘ colour’ ( 6.25), may be considered, as in , from the sensory point of view and from the physical point of view; the latter predominates in this clause. 4.0.2 In the distinction which has to be made between quantities which refer to an individual observer and those which refer to the standard calorimetric observer, the importance of the difference between the- indivi- dual functions and the standard functions is here greater than in photo- metry. Nevertheless, the rule is the same as in photometry; unless otherwise stated the quantities refer to a standard calorimetric observer: CIE 1931 or CIE 1964. 4.1 Light Stimulus — Radiation of defined physical characteristics, which enters the eye and produces a sensation of light. 4.2 Colour Stimulus — Radiation of given intensity and spectral composition, entering the eye and producing a sensation of colour. 4.3 Colosar Stimulus Fussetioss— The relative spectral distribution of the colour stimulus. symbol ~ @) NOTE — For light sources the colour stimulus function is the same as the relative spectral energy distribution S (A) of the source ( ste 2.2.17). For object colours tbe colour stimulus function is given by either the product S (A).~ (A) or S (A) “T (~), where B (A) is the spectral lumkmce factor and T (A) the spectral transmittance. 4.4 Trichromatic System ( Calorimetric System) — Systemof colour specification based on the possibility of matching a colour stimulus by the additive mixture of three suitably chosen reference ‘+imuli.


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4.5 Spectral Tristimulus Values — Tristimulus values, on any given calorimetric system, of the monochromatic components of an equi-energy spectrum. The set of spectral tristimulus values defines the colour-makhing -finctions or colour-matching curve.~ Nom 1 — Formerly distributioncoe~cients. Nomz 2 — The symbols used arc small letters with a bar followed by the letter ~ in parentheses; the letters chosen should correspond with those used for the reference stimuli. Example: Reference stimuli (R), (G), (B); corresponding spectral tristimtdus values r(A), g(A), bCt). 4.6 CIE Spectral Tristimulus Values — Tristirnulus values of the spectral components of an equi-energy spectrum m the CIE ( XYZ ) system. Nom 1— Formerly CIE-distributioncocjicientr. — In the st+ard system, applicable to observing fields of angular subtense b%e%~” and 4°, these tristirmdus values =(A), W, Z(A) areso chosen that the v~ues of ~ (A) are iciimtieal with the spectral luminous efficiencies V (A) ( seeTable 2 ) Nom 3 — In the supplcmmtwy system,applicableto obsfrvingfieldsof angular subtensegreaterthan4°, thesetristirmdusvalues iIO(A), 710(A), ZIO(A) are so chos~ that the values of YIO(A) are in accord with the spectral luminous efficiencies under photopic conditions with an observing field of angular subtense equal to 10° ( seeTable 3).


Spectral Stimulus Values

~(nm) =(A) 7(A) E(A) 380 O@Ol4 O“oooo 0“0065 390 00042 00001 00201 760 00002 00001 O@OOo 770 00001 O“oooo 00000 *Abridged version. ~ ( A ) = V ( A ) are rounded OEto four decimals.

TABLE 3 SUPPLERdNTARY CALORIMETRIC OBSRRVERCIE 19@4* ( Clause4.6) Spectral Tristimulus Values A(tun) ~lo (A) 710(A) 5KI(A) 3s0 Woo 2 00000 00007 390 0@24 00003 00105 760 WMO 1 00000 Oftooo 770 00001 00000 moo o ●Abridgedversion.


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4.7 CIE 1931 Standard Calorimetric System — Lkear and single- valued calorimetric system for evaluating any spectral distribution of energy with the aid of three functions of wavelength, the CIE spectral tristimulus values : ~(~), ~(~), Z(A). 4.8 CIE 1964 Supplementary Calorimetric System — Linear and single-valued calorimetric system for evaluating any spectral distribution of energy with the aid of three functions of wavelength, the CIE spectral tristimulus values : RIO(A),~lO(A), 210(A). 4.9 CIE 1931 Standard Calorimetric Observer — Receptor of radia- tion whose, calorimetric characteristics correspond to the spectral tristi- mulus values ~ ( A ), Y( h ), Z ( A ) adopted by the International Commission on Illumination in 1931 ( see4.61. 4.10 CIE 1964 Supplernesstary Colorirnetric Observer — Receptor of radiation whose calorimetric characteristics correspond to the spec~al tristimvlus values ~10( A), ~10 ( A), Z,O( ~ ) adopted by the International Commission on Illumination in 1964 ( $ee4.6 ). 4.11 Tristimulust Values of a Colour Stimulus — Amounts of the’ three reference or matching stimuli required to give a match with the colour stimulus conside~ed, in a given trichromatic system. Nom 1— The symbolsrecommendedfor thetristisnulusvaluesare: X, Y, Z in the CIE 1931 standardcalorimetricsystesn,and Xlo, Ylo, ZIOin theCIE 1964Supple- mentarycalorimetricsystem. I NcrrE2—It is recommendedthatthetristimulusvaluesof objectcolo~rsbe expressed on a scalehaving a tristirnulusvalue of Y = 100( or YIO==100) for a perfectre.6ect- ing dfiscr ( opaque samples) or a perfectlytransparentandnon.diilissingfilter( non- “diffusingtransmittingsamples), underidenticalconditionsof illuminationand observst- tion. NOTE 3 — The tristimulus values maybe obtained by multi#ying the colour stitmdus function ~ ( A ) by the CIE spectral tristimulus values and integrating these products over the whole spectrum:

4,12 Chromatielty Coordinates — Ratio of each of the three tristimulus values to their sum. NOTE— The symbolsrecommendedfor the chromaticitycoordhmtesare: x, y, z in the CIE 1931 stastckd calorimetricsystem,and X1* YIO,Zlo in the CIE 1964 SupplemcsttaryCalorimetricsystem. x Xlo Xlo= ‘= X+Y+Z Xlo + Ylo + 210


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Y ,-.,.,.. Y= X+Y+Z ’10= Xlo + ‘YIO + Zlo z Zlo ‘= X+Y+Z ’10= Xlo + Y~o +Z,o X+y+z=l Xlo + Ylo + 210= 1 4.13 Isochromatic Stimuli — Colour stimuli which, when acting simul- taneously in adjacent fields, give rise to identicalcolour sensations. The identity of co[our may result from the identity of spectral distribution .or it can occur when the spectral distributions are different ( metameric colour stimuli ). NOTE— In photometry it is usual to describe as isochromatic if they have the same chromaticity. 4.14 Heterochromatic Stimuli — Colour stimuli which, when acting simultaneously in adjacent fields, give rise to different colour sensations. 4.15 Matching Stimuli; Instrusnental Stimuli — The defined stimuli of an additive calorimeter. 4.16 Reference Stimuli — Colour stimuli, not collinear but otherwise unrestricted, whose additive mixture can be used to evaluate all other colour stimuli. Three reference stimuli are necessary and sufficient. for. this purpose. 4.17 Basic Stimulus — Standard stimulus ( usually achromatic) used to determine the units of the reference stimuli of any trichromatic system. 4.18 Cardinal Stimuli — Four standard stimuli by means of which the three reference stimuli and the basic stimulus of any trichromatic system may be defined. Monochromatic light stimuli of wavelengths 70~ 546.1 and 435”8 nm and standard illuminant B have been adopted by CIE in 1931. 4.19 Trichromatic Units — Relative units of stimulus quantity, appli- cable to any colour stimulus and such that the quantity of any stimulus, when expressed in these units, is equal to the sum of the tristimulus values. 4.20 Clsromaticity — Colour quality of a colour stimulus definable by its chromaticity coordinates, or by its dominant ( or complementary ) wavelength and its purity taken together. 4.21 Chrominance of a Colour Stimulus — Calorimetric difference, between the colour stimulus and a reference stimulus of a given chro- maticit y and the same luminance , expressible as the prcduct of the chromaticity diRerence and the luminance, NOTE — This term is used in the technique of colour television. The reference stimulus is usually achromatic. In colour space, chrominance is a vector in a plaqe of constant luminance;. and the components of this vector are called chrominancecomponents, Chrominance relative to an achromatic stimulus is the calorimetric correlate of the psychosensorial concept ‘ chroma’. 24 I

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4.22 Dominant Wavelength of a Colour Stimulus$ not Pnrple — I ~Wavelength of the monochromatic light.stimulusthat, when combinedin I suitableproportionswith the specified achromatic light stimulus, yields a match with the colour stimulusconsidered. i symbol Ad Nom — Whenthe dominantwavelengthcannot be given ( thisappliesto p~~ ), its place is taken by the complementary wavelength. 4.23 Excitation Purity — Quantity pe defined by the rela&&

Pe= x–x~ Pe=- or r\ Yd – )’w ‘d — XW ) where x and y are the chrornaticity coordinates of the colour stimulus consi- dered, %j and yd those of the monochromatic light stimuius which has the same dominant wavelength as the colour stimulus considered; xW’ and YWare the chromaticity coordinates or the specified achromatic light stimulus.

I NOTE1— For colour stimuli for which no dominant wavelength, exists ~he chromaticit~ coordinates to be taken for xd and yd are those of thecorrespomhgpointof the purple boundary. NOTB2 — Whether the formula in x or that in y is to be taken depends on which give3 the numerator the greater numerical value. NOTE 3 — In the CIE 1964 Supplementary $Morimetric System, the excitation pfity p,,lo is defined by the same relations in which Xlo and ylo are taken instead of x and y.

4.24 Calorimetric Purity — Quantity p. defined by the relation

where the symbols have the same meanings as in 4.23.

NOTE — In the CIE 1964 Supplementary Calorimetric System, the colofimetiic’ pu;ity pc,lo is defined by the same relation in which p,,lo and YIO are taken instead of pe and y. 4.25 Co~plementary Wavelength of a Colour Stimulus — Wave. length of the monochromatic light stimulus that, when combined in suitable proportionswith the colour stimulus considered,yields a match with the specifiedachromaticlight stimulus. 1 \ symbol & ( 4.26 Achromatic — In accwted calorimetric sense: a) For primary light somce$, the colour of the equi-energy spectrum (X=y== z = 1/3 ) is taken as achromatic, b) For surface ‘colours, t!ltelight source serving as illuminant is taken as achromatic.

NOTE — On this basis, a,, ideal kvhite surface is always defined as acbror-tic what. ever may be the colour of the light. 25


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4.27 Illnmissant –- Radiant energy with a relative spectral distribution defined over the wavelength range that influences object eolour perception.

NOTE — This term is not restricted to this sense, but is a general term used for any kind of light falling on a body or scene, and is also used to rcfkr to the light source it- self, including its filters if any. 4.28 CIE Standard Illuminassts — The calorimetricilluminantsA, B, C and D 6500, defined by CIE in terms of relative spectral energy distri- bution. Q Standard illuminant A, representing the Planckian radiator to 2 854”K. Standard illuminant B, representing direct sunlight with a correlated s colour temperature of 4 870”K. Standard illuminant C, representing daylight with a correlated colour temperature of 6 770”K. Standard illuminant D 6500, representing daylight with a correlated colour temperature of 6 500”K. 4.29 CIE Standard Sources — The artificial sources specified and recom- mended by CIE to represent the CIE standard illuminants A, B and C Standard source A — Gas-filled tungsten filament lamp operating at a correlated colour temperature of 2 854”K. Standard source B — Source A combined with a specified liquid filter, to give a radiation of a correlated colour temperature of4870”K. Standard source C — Source A combined with a specified liquid filtei, to give a radiation of a corr~lated colour temperature od 6 770”K.

4.30 Specified Achromatic Light Stimulus — Any specifiedilluminant capable of beingacceptedas whiteunderusualconditionsof observation.

NOTE— This includes the CIE standard illuminants. 4.31 Equi-Energy Spectrum — Spectrum in which the spectral con- centration of energy evaluated on a wavelength basis is constant through- out the visible region S ( A) = constant. 8 4.32 Additive Mixture of Coionr Stimuli — Mixture of colour stimuli ‘ acting in such manner that they enter the eye simultaneously or in rapid ! succtision and are incident on the same area of the retina, or are incident in the form of a mosaic which the eye cannot resolve. 4.33 Colour Eqaation — Algebraic or geometrid representation of the match of two stimuli, of which, for instance, one may be the result of an additive mixture. ~(C)= h(R)+ G(G)+ B(B) 26

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4.34 Colour Space — Manifold of three dimensions for the geomctrkak representation of colours. 4.35 Uniform Colour Space — Colour space in which the d~tance between any two colour points is intended to represent a measure.of the perceived difference between the corresponding colours. 4.36 CIE 1964 Uniform” Colonr Space — The uniform eolour space pro- duced by plotting in rectangular coordinates U*, V * and W *, where U* = 13 W*(U– UO) V* = 13 W*(V– VO) W*=!25Y~ -17 ( 1< Y <100 ( seeNote 3 under 4.11, u, v are defined in 4.41, and uO,VOare values’of these variables for the nominally achromatic colour. NOTEI — For object coloursthechoiceofthecodimt- oftheMunioantfor% v. is Satisfktos’y, Nom 2 — In thii system the measure AE of tbe perceptual size of the difkrence between colour ( U *1, V ●1, W *1 ) andCO1OW ( U **, v *SJ w “t ) ~ AE=[(u*, –u*2)2+ (v*, -v*2)~+(w*l-w*Ja]i 4.37 Colour Solid — That part of colour space which is occupied by surface colours. 4.3S Colour ‘.xis — Line in any three-dimensional representation of a colour system which denotes the direction of one of the reference stimuli. 4.39 Chromatieity Diagraxxq Colour Triangle — Plane diagram show- ing the result of mixtures of colour stimuli, each chromaticity bchig represented unambiguously by a single point on the diagram. 4.40 Uniforxn-Chrornaticity-Scale ( UCS ) Diagram — Chrpmaticity diagram in which the coordnate scales are chosen with the intention of making equal intervals represent as nearly as possible equal steps of d~rimination for colours of the satnc luminance at all parts of the diagram. 4.41 CIE 1960UCS Diagram — The uniform-chromaticity-scale diagram produced by plotting in rectangular coordinates v against u, where 6Y ‘= X+15 Y+3Z 4X u ‘X+15 Y+3Z 4.42 Colour Atlas — Collection of colour samples used for evaluating colours by visual matchkig. 4.43 Colonr Matching — Action of making a colour appear the same as a given colour. 27 IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

4.44 Spectrum Locus — The line ( surface) in a: chromaticity diagram ( CCI1OW-space ) containing the spectral stimuli. 4.45 Purple Boundary — The line ( plane) in a chromaticitv diagram ( colour space ) joining the ends of the spectrum locus.

4.46 Colour Gamut — An area ( volume) in a chromaticity diagrain ( colour space ). Usually that part of the chromaticity diagram ( colour space ) embracing all colours capable of being reproduced by a particular choice or parameters in a colour process. (L 4.47 Achromatic Locus — The area in a chromaticity diagram embrac- .% ing all colours capable of being accepted as white under given conditions i of observation. ‘1 4.48 Planckian Locus — The line in a chromaticity diagram represent- ing full radiators of different temperatures. 4.49 Alychne — Plane in colourspace representingthe locusof colours of zero luminance. This plane passes through the black point ( usually the origin of the system ]. It intersects any linear chromaticity diagram in a straight line which is also called t alychne ‘ and lies wholly outside the domain of real chromaticities. 4.50 Additive Complementary Colours — Two colour stimuli are complementary when it is possible to reproduce a specified achromatic stimulus by a suitable additive mixture of these two stimuli. 4.51 Metameric Co~our Stimuli; Metarners — Spectrally different radiations that produce the same colour under the same viewing conditions. / hTQTE- rhe corresponding property is called nukzrnerkrn. 1 4.52 Correlated Colour Temperature — The colour temperaturecor- I responding .to the point on the Planckian locus which is nearest to the point representing the chromaticity of the illuminant considered on an I agreed uniform-chrornaticity -scalediagram. j Unit: degree Kelvin (“K ) NOTE — The presently agreed uniform-chromaticity-scale diagram is the CIE 1960 I.JCS diagram ( se. 4.41). . \ 5. OPTICAL PROPERTIES OF MATTER

5.1 Regular ( Specular) Reflection — Reflection witho~~tdiflusion in accordan’:ewith the laws of optical reflection. 5.2 Diffuse Reflection — Diflusion by reflection in which, on the macro- scopic scale, there is no regular reflection.


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5.3 Mixed Reflection - Partly regular and partly diffuse reflection. NOTE — The irradiance or illuminance received from a point source. after regular ( diffuse) reflection, varies inversely as the square of the dlsranc~ to the. source ( diffuser).

5.4 Uniform Diffuse Reflections— Diffuse reflection in which the spatial distribution of the reflected radiation is such that the radiance or luminance is the same in all directions in which the radiation is reflected.

5.5 Retro-Reflection; Reflex Reflection — Reflection in which light. is returned in directions close to the direction from which it came, this property being maintained over wide variations of the direction of the incident light. 5.6 Reflectance/Reflection Factor — Ratio of the reflected radiant or luminous flux to the incident flux. symbol pe’, Fv’ P ‘P, +pd NOTE 1 — Where mixed reflection ( 5.3) occurs, the ( total) reflectance may be divided into two parts, regular rejectance( pr ) and diffuw rcj%ctance(pa), corresponding ‘respectively to the two modes of reflection referred to,in definitions 5.1 and 5.2. In general, the values of the various reflectance depend upon the mode of irradiation, the spectral composition and the state of polarization of the incident radiation. NOTE2 — On the use of the adjective ‘ spectral’, see2.2.0.2. 5.7 Reflectivity — Reflectance of a layer of material of such a thickness that there is no change of reflectance with increase in thickness. symbol pcc 5.8 Reflection ( Optical) Density — Logarithm to base ten of the reciprocal of the reflectance. symbol D

D = -loglo P 5.9 Regular ( Direct) Transmission — Transmission without diffusion. 5.10 Diffuse Transmission — Transmission in which difhsion occurs independently, on the macroscopic scale, of the laws of refraction. ., 5.11 Mixed Transmission — Partly regular and ~artly dMuse trans- mission. NOTE— The irradianceor illuminancereceivedfrom a point source, after regular.. ( diffuse ) transmission, varies inversely as the square of the d~tance to the source ( diffuser). 5.12 Uniform Diffuse Transmission — Diffuse transniission in which the spatial distribution of the transmitted radiation is such that the


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radiance or luminance is the same in all directions, in which the radiation -. is transmitted. .— .— --- . .. . . 5.13 Transmittance/Transmississn Factor — Katlo ot the transmitted radiant or luminous flux to the incident flux. symbol To’, TV’, 7

r ‘Tr+~d NOTE1— Wheremixedtransmission( 5.11) OCCUrS,the ( total) transmittancemay be divided into two parts, regular trahmittahe (7, ) and diffus6 transm~tf@ce( r~ ), corresponding respectively to the two modes of transmission referred to m definitions 5.9 and 5.10. In general, the vsdues of the various transmittances depend upon the mode of irradiation, the spectral composition and the state of polarization of the incident radiation. Nom 2 — On the usc of the adjective ‘ spectral’, wc 5.14 Internai Transmittance of a Homogeneous Non=difhsing Plate — Ratio of the radiant or luminous flux reaching the exit surface of the plate to the flux which leaves the entry surface. symbol 71 Nom — The internal transmittance depends on the angle of incidence. The fundamental concept is ‘ spcctrrd internal transmittance’ TI ( ~). 5.15 Transmissivity of an Absorbing Material — Internal transmit- tance of a layer of the material such that the path of the radiation is of unit length, and under conditions in which the boundary of the material has no influence. 5.16 Transmission ( Opticai ) Density — Logarithm to base ten of the reciprocal of the transmittance. symbol D D= — 10glOT 5.17 Internal Transmission Density — Logarithm to base ten of the reciprocal of the internal transmittance. symbol Di 1 Di = — 10g10Tj = 10g,o ~ i NoTrt – Sus Note under5.14. S.18 Absorption Cticient/Extinction CoeiHcient — Diflkrencebet- ween the logarithmto base 10 of the internaltrans~lon densityand 1. symbol (H) (A) 10 (H) (~) = I _ log Di (A) s log _ Di (A)


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5.19 Absorptance/Absorption Factor — Ratio of the absorbed radiant or luminous flux to the incident flux. symbol se’, av’, a

NOTE 1 — In general, the value of the absorptance depends upon the mode of irradiation, the spectral composition and the state of polarization of the incident radiation. Nom 2 — On the use of the adjective

symbol a –d@=a@dl al m loge 10 Di unit: m-l

NOTE 1— The linear absorption coefici~t is also the part of the linear attenuation coefficient that is due to absorpticm. NOTS2 — a/p, where p is the density of the medium, is called mass absorption co@cisat. 31

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5.24 Filter — Device which is used to modify by transmission the radiant or luminous flux, the spectral distribution, or both, of the radiation passing through it.

NOTE— A distinction is made between selsctim filters and non-sdsctioe ( rreutnd) ( .NastralGTV ) filters according as they do or,do not alter ther elalive spectral distribu- tion of the radiation. Selective filters are ,grey or cobsred according to appearance; usually filters appear grey or coloured according as the chromaticity coordinates of the filtered radiation arc nearly the same (by metamerism ) different from those of the incident radiation. 5.25 Neutral Wedge — Non-selectivefilter the transmittanceof which changescontinuouslyalong a path ( straightor curved) on its surface. 5.26 Neutral Step Wedge — Non-selectivefilter in which the transmit- tance changes by steps along a path ( straight or curved ) on its surface. 5.27 Transparent Body — Body in which the light transmissionis mainly regularand whichhas a high regular transmittance. Objects are seen distinctlythroughsucha body if its geometricalform is suitable. 5.28 Translucent Body — Body which transmits light principally by diffuse transmission. Objects are not seen distinctly through such a body. 5.29 Opaque Body — Body which transmitspracticallyno light. 5.30 Coloured Body — Body for which the spectral transmittance or reflectance varie~ with wavelength in the visible region of radiation. 5.31 Uniform Diffsssion — Ideal diffusion in which the spatial distribu- tion vf diffu~ed radiation is such Mat the radiance of luminance is the same m all directions. 5.32 Diffuser — Device used to alter the,spatial distribution of a radiant or luminous flux and depending essentially on the phenomenon of diffusion. NOTE 1 — A distinction is made between selectirudtjiiers and non-sd.sctiw diffieeers according as their diffusing properties depend on the wavelength of the incident radiation or not. NOTE 2 — If all the radiation reflected or transmitted by the diffirser is diffused, so that no radiation directed according to the laws bf ‘geometrical optics is present, the diffuser is said to be corn@tely difftuing, independently of whether the reflected or trans- mitted radiation is uniformly distributed in space or not. 5.33 Uniform Diffuser — Diffuserproducinguntiorm diffusion, 5.34 Perfeet Reflecting ( Transsmitiing ) Dfiser — Ideal uniform diffuserwith a reflectance( transmittance)equal to 1. 5.35 Diffusion Factor of a Diffusing Surface by Reflection or by Transmission — Ratio of the mean of the values of luminance measured at 20° and 70° to the.luminance measuxed at 5° from the normal, when the


— -.-..”””-, -.. .. —- .- ——.-— , Inl!ll!1, -1—-—-- T ‘“ ~ Is:lss5(Part xvI/seei)-136s surfaceconsideredis ihmina ted normally. symbol u ~ L(20)+L(70) c 2L(5) Nors 1- T& &hsion tkctork intended to give an indication of the spatial distributionof tbeditliud tlux. It is equal.to 1 foreverydorm diffii, whatever thevalueof tbe ditbaeretlectancc. Nors 2 — Thiswayofdctiningthediffusionfactorcan onlybe applied to materials for wbicb theindicatriaof Mlhsion doca not di6krappreciablykm thatof ordii drpolishedandO@ @wcs. 5.36 Half-Value Angle for a DMbing Surface by Reflection or by Transmission — Angle of observationat which the luminance has half the value of the lx ce of the difiused light at the angle of 0°, with perpendicularincidenceof light. symbol Y NcrrE— Fortheindicationof theshapeof tbe indicatrix of difbion it is rcmmmend- ed to use, in tbe caac of mtrongly diilbing --”W, the *ion hctor s and in tbe caacof poorly@haing materialsthehalf-valueangley. 5.37 Indicatria of Diffusion — Representation in space, in the form of a surface expressed in polar coordinates, of the angular distributionof ( relative) luminousintensityor of ( relative) luminanceof an element of sutiace of a body which diibes by reflectionor by transmission. Nom 1— In manycasesonlya meeidians$ctionof thisindicatrixisrequired. Nora 2- The term indicatrixis den uacdto denote,insteadof tbe mrf% the curve obtainedin a similarmannerin a planenormalto theelementconcerned. NOTE3 — In the caacof a -w b~~~- it is convenientto mp~ the indkatrixof MIksionin Cartcmn 5.38 Refreetive Index of a Wdiq for a Monochromatic Radiation of Wavelength X — Ratio of the vcloeity of the electro- magnetic waves in vacuum to the phase velocity of the waves of the monochromatic radiation in the mcdkm.

symbol n(A)

Nora-’’hixindexi sequalt othemtioofthehe aim of the angba of incidence ~ and refhction (Osj when a raycrinusthesurfaceacparatingvacuumandmcdiuin sin01 n= $in0, :.. 5.39 Radiance (,LuAusace )Fa@mr, ata Poiatontbe Surfhce Ofa Non-self ~ W9 h( ~ym U=der %peeMed Cooditiona of Imdatkm —Ratio of therdiance (h minancc) of the body to that of a pcrkct reketing or transmitting di&uscridenticallyirradiated(illuminated). ml *S. w P


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5.40 Reflectance Factor at a Point of a Surface, for the Part of the Reflected Radiation Contained an a Given Cone, assd for Ineides& ~~ Radiation of Given Spectral Composition and Geometrical Distribution — Ratio of the radiant or luminous flux rellectedin the directionsdelimited by the cone to that reflectedin the same directionsby a perfectreflectingdiffuseridenticallyirradiated ( illuminated).

NOTE— If the solid angle of the cone approaches aero, or 2trsr, the re9ectance factor approaches radiance or luminance factor, or reflcctanc~ respectively. In instru- ments called ‘ reflectance spectro-photometers’ the geometrical dutribution is in general intermediate between these two extreme cases. The readings of these instrumen~ corrected for photometric-scale errors, wavelength-scale erro~ and for deviations of the reflecting standard used from a perfect reflecting Wfisser, are spsctrulreilcctance factor. For a given sample, these values depend on the geometrical characteristics of the instrument.


6.1 Organ of Vision/Visual Organ — The group of structurescomp- rising the eye, the optic nerve and certain parts of the brain, which transformsthe light stimulus into a complex of nerve excitations, whose subjectivecorrelateis visual perception. 6.2 Eye — Part of the organ of vision, in which an optical image of the externalworld is producedand transformedinto nerveexcitation~. 6.3 Pupil — Variable aperture in the iris, through which the rays pro- ducing the image enterthe eye. 6.4 Retina — Membrane at the back of the eye which is sensitiveto light stimuli and composedof photoreceptors,the so called conesand rods, and of nerve cells which transmit to the optic nerve the stimulationof the receptorelements.

6.5 Yellow Spot/Maeula Lutes — Central part of the retina, containing a yellow pigment.

6.6 Fovea — Centralpart of the yellow spot, thinnerand hencedepressed, containingalmost exclusivelycones and forming the site of most dktinct vision. It correspondsto a regionof the externalfield 10to 2° in diameter.

6.7 Adaptation a) The processby which the properties of the organ of vision are modifiedaccordingto the Iuminancesor the colour stimulipresentedto it. b) The finalstate of the process.In particular,the termslight adapta- tion and dark adaptation are used, accordingas the luminance is of at least severalcandelasper squaremt!tre,or less than some hundredthsof a candelaper squaremetre ( seealso6.11 and 6.12). 34

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6.8 Cones — Special retinalreceptorelementswhich are presumedto be primarilyconcernedwith perceptionof fight and colour stimuli when the eye is adapted to light ( seephotopicvision6.11 ).

6.9 Rods — Specialretinalreceptor elementswhich are presumedto be primarily concerned with perceptionof light stimulus when the eye is adapted to darkness. Nom— The rodsprobablyplayno partin colourstimulusdkcridmtion(S* seotopicviaion6.12). 6.10 Vision — The appreciation of diiTerencesin the external world, resultingfrom the sensoryimpressionsproduced by radiation enteringthe eye. Nma— Vision= &al psrcefition. 6.11 Photopic Vision — Vision by the normal eye when adapted to levelsof luminanceof at leastseveralcd/m-8. Nom— Theconereceptomof theretinaareconsideredto be theprineipsdactive elementsunder these conditions and the spectrum appears coloured.

6.12 Scotopic Vision — Vkion by the normal eye when adapted to levels of luminance below some hundredths of a candela per square mare.

NOTE-- The rod receptors in the retina are considered to “be the principal active elements under these cond&ms.

The spectrum appears uncolored and the maximum luminous ctlicicncy is shifted to a shorter wavelength than in photopic vision. 6.13 Mesopic Vision — Vision intermediate between photopic and scotopic vision.

6.14 Spectral Lumin ous Efficiency for an Individual Observer, for a Morsochromatic Radiation of Wavelength A— Ratio of the radiant flux at wavelength& to that wavelength A, when by means of suitable experimental apparatus these can be judged equal in luminosity, the judgement being based either on visual equivalence or on the disappear- ance of some phenomenon,which indicatesa differencein the case of other ratios. Nom— Forspeetralhsn&ouscfficimcyfor thestandardphotometricobserver,far photopic vision and for seotopic tilon, Me 3.2.

6.15 Pnrlcinje Phenomenon — Reduction in the luminosity of a red light relative to that of a blue Iigh[ when the luminance are reduced in the same propotion twthoutchangingthe respectivespectraldistributions. Noms— 1sspassingfromphotopicCOscotopicvision,thespectralluminousdiiciencira change,thewavelengthOfmaxiomns@kiacy be~Rdisplaced towards the shortar wavelengths.

35 .

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6.16 Besold-Brueke Phenomenon — Change in the hue of the ( perceived) colour with change in luminance level within the range of photopic vision.

6.17 Stiies-Crawford BfTect— Variation of the luminosity of a light stimulus with positionof entry of the light pencil throughthe pupil.

6.18 Troland — Un”~tused for expressingthe magnitude of the external light stimulusapplied to the eye. When the eye is viewing a surface of uniform luminance, the number of trolandsis equal to the product of the area,in-squaremilliietres of the limiting pupil, natural or artificial, and the luminanceof the surfacein candelasper squaremetre. Nom— Incomputingretinalilluminance,absorptionandrc8cctionIosscsandthe dixnensionsoftheparticulareyeunderconsideration shall ~ taken .hto account. An allowance shall also bc made for tbe Stiks-Crawford ciTect if any rays passes through the pupil in an area signifieaotly sc~{.:wik%;l:~+:::’%f allowance for the Stiles-Crawford clTect may be express of reduced trolands, computed by multiplying the nmnbcr of trolands by appropriate factors which reach for example, the value of @5 for a pupil of 50 mrng area (8 mm diameter). If all these corrections arc negligible, 1 troland produces a retinalilhuninancc of approximately 2 X 10~ lumen per square metrc. 6.19 Perception — Complex appearing in the field of consciousness ‘and made of sense impressions supplemented by the memory. Visual percep- tions, in particular, contribute towards the formation of our concepts of’ the existence, form and position of objects.

6.20 Speed of Perception — Reciprocalof the time intexyalbetweenthe instantat which an object is presentedand the perceptionof its form.

6.21 Sensation — Element of the mental content of a sense impression which camot be analysed further. 6.22 Speed of Sensation of Light Stimulus — Reeiproeal of the time interval between the onset of a light stimulus and the initiation of the visualsensationit produces.

Nm—W&bd*ndtok@d~ti=ti~ti. I

6.23 Speed of Contra@ Perception — Reciprocal of the time interval betw~ -tie instant at which a cmtraat is prcsehtedand the instant at which It u perceived.

6.24 Light — Attribute of ~ thC --tions or aemationa WhiCh are peculiar to the organ of vision and which are produced through the agency of that o- Radiation capable of stimulatingthe organ of vision.


II -- -. ...-. G.e - . ..—= ___ ~ ,,, ,,,,, ,, . - IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968 I 6.25 Colour 6.25.1 ( Perceived) Colour — Aspect of visual perception by wlsich an observer may distinguish differences between two fields of view of the same size, shape and structure, stich as may be caused by differences in the. spectral composition of the radiation concerned in the observation. 6.25.2 ( Psychophysical) Colour — Characteristic of a visible radiation by which an observer may distinguish differences between two fields of view of the same size, shape and structure, such as may be caused by d~erences in the spectral composition of the radiation concerned in the observation. NOTE I — Psychophysical colour is specified by the tristimulus values of the radiation entering the eye ( see4,11 ) NOTE 2 — The adjectives ‘ perceived ‘ and ‘ psychophysical’ shown in parentheses are necessary only when the context does not clearly indicate whether the terms are used in the subjective or objective sense. , 6.26 ( Perceived) Chromatic Colour — Perceivedcolour possessing a ‘ me. NOTE— In everyday speech the word ‘ colour’ is often used in this sense in con- tradistinction to white, black, or grey. The adjective ‘ coloured ‘ usually refers to chromatic colour. 6.27 ( Psychophysical) Chromatic Colour — Psychophysicalcolour of greater than zero purity and hence possessinga dominant or comple- mentarywavelength. 6.28 ( Perceived) Achromatic Colour — Perceived colour devoid of hue. 6.29 ( Psychophysical) Achromatic Colour — Psychophysicalcolour 1 of zeropurity ( see4.26 ). 6.30 Colour Vision — Ability of an observer to perceive chromatic cdours. i 6.31 Unrelated ( Perceived) Colour — Colour perceived to”WIong tc an area with completely dark surroundings. i I NOTE— The colour appears self-luminous. 6.32 Related ( Perceived) Colour — Colour perceived to belong to an ~ area or object in relationto otherperceivedcoloursin the visualfield. 6.33 Non-self-luminous ( Perceived) Colour’ [ (Perceived) Surface I Colour ) 1 — Colour perceivedto belong to a non-self-luminousobject. 6.34 Self-luminous ( Perceived) Colour — Colour perceivedto belong to a self-luminousarea or object. ~ NOTE 1 — To obtain such a perceived coloqr usually requires the colour to be surrounded by other perceived colour$ all of conslderabl y lower luminosity, Nom 2 — If the surroundings are completely dark, the self-luminous colour becomes an unrelated colour.


IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

6.35 Non-object ( Perceived) Colour; Aperture Colour — Colour perceivedas non-locatedin depth as that perceivedas filling a hole in a screen.

6.36 ( Perceived) Object Colour — Colour of an object perceived either as self-luminous or non-self-luminous. 6.37 Luminosity ~ Attributeof visual sensationaccording to which an area appearsto emit more or lesslight.

NOTE 1 — In practice, the term ‘ ‘ is now reserved to describe ‘ brightness of colour’ ( that w the opposite of’ dullness’) as used in the dyeing industry.

NOTE 2 — This attribute is the psychosemsorial correlate ( or nearly so ) of the photo- metric quantity ‘ luminance ‘. 6.38 Hue — Attributeof visual sensationwhich has given rise to colour names, suchas: blue, green,yellow, red, purple,etc.

NOTE— This attribute is the psychosensorial correlate (or nearly so) of the calorimetric quantity ‘ dominant wavelength ‘. 6.39 Saturation — Attribute of a visualsensationwhichpermits a judge- ment to be made of the proportion of purechromaticcolourin the total sensation.

NOTE 1 — This attribute is the psychosensorial correlate (or nearly so) of the eolori- metric quantity ‘ purity ‘.

NOTE 2 — SeeNote under 6.42.

6.40 Lightness — Attribute of visualsensationin accordancewith which I a body seemsto transmitor reflectdiffuselya greateror smallerfractionof the incidentlight.

NOTE — This attribute is the psychosensorial correlate (or nearly so) of the photometric quantity ‘ luminance factor ‘. 6.41 Chromaticssess — Attribute of a visual sensation combining the hue and the saturation. NOTE — This attribute is the psychosensorial correlate (or nearly so ) of the COIOri- metric quantity ‘ chromaticity ‘. 6.42 Chroma — Ajtribute of a visual sensation which permits a judge- ment to be made m the amount of pure chromauc colour present, irres- I pective of the amount of achromatic colour. [ , Nom — For colours of the same luminosity and hue, equal sensation intervals of saturation and chroma are identical. In a series of perceived colours of constant saturation, the chroma increases wi (h the hminosit y. This attribute k the pgych~en. serial correlate ( or nearly so ) of the calorimetric quantity ‘ cbrominance’. 6.43 State of Chromatic Adaptation — Condition of the eye in equili- brium with the totality of colours of the visual field.


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6.44 Change of Chromatic Adaptation — Act of changing the state of chromatic adaptation. 6.45 lNight-Blindness; Hemeralopia — Anomaly of vision in which there is a pronounced inadequacy or complete absence of dark-adaptation. 6.46 Defective CloloUr Vision — Marked departure of the individual spectral tristirnulus values from those of the standard calorimetric observer ( whose vision is taken as normal colour vision ). NOTE — The following are the types usually recognized anomaloustrichrornaticvision,or anomaloustrichroma(ism; dichromaticmsion, or dichromaticrn ( partial colour blindness); monochromatic visian, or twmochromatisrn ( total colour bfindness, anomaly of colour vision in which there is perception of luminance but not of colour ). Both anomalous trichromatism and dichromatism occur in three distinct forms called respectively /wotanomalous vision and protanopia, d@sranornaloasm“rionand deuteranopia, tritanamalous viswn and tritanofiia. 6.47 Visual Field of the Eye or Eyes - Angular extent of the space in which an object can be perceived when the head and the eye (or eyes ) are at rest, The field may be monocular or binocular. 6.48 Visual Acuity Sharpness of Vision 6.48.1 Qualitatively — Capacity for seeing distinctly ob~t very close together. 6.48.2 Reciprocal of the value ( generally in minutes of arc) of the angular separation of two neighboring objects ( points or lines ) which the eye can just see as separate. 6.49 Accommodation — Adjustment of the eye, generally spontaneous, made for the purpose of lookin~ at an object situated at a given distance, 6.50 Absolute Threshold of Luminance — Smallest luminance perceptible. 6.51 Luminance D~erence Threshold — Smallest d~erence of luminance perceptible. symbol A L 6.52 Contrast a) Subjective Setie — Subjective assessmentof the diilerence in appear- ance of two parts of a field of view seen simultaneously or successively. ( Hence: luminosity contrast, lightness contrast, colour contrast, simul- taneous contrast, successive contrast ). b) Objxtive Sense — Quantities defined by the following formulae ( for the case of luminrrncecontrart ): La – LI a) ~ 1


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c) * 1 NOTE — Example (c) is better known as luminance ratio.

6.53 Contrast Sensitivity — S Reciprocal of the minimum relative luminance difference perceptible. symbol Sa L ‘“m 6.54 Flicker — Impression of fluctuating luminance or colour, occurring when the frequency of the variation of the light stimulus lies between a few hertz and the fusion frequency of the images. 6.55 Fusion Frequency — Frequency of succession of retinal image above which their differences of luminosity or colour are no longer perceptible. 6.56 Talbot’s Law — If a point of the retina is excited by a light stimulus whose photometric value undergoes periodic variations at a frequency exceeding the fusion frequency, the visual sensation produced is identical with that obtained from stimulus emitted equal to the mean value of the variable stimulus over a period. 6.57 Amplitude of Fluctuation of the Luminous Intensity of a Source Run on Alternating Current — Relative amplitude of the periodic fluctuation of luminous intensity as measured by the ratio of the difference between the maximum and the minimum luminous intensity, to the maximum value. Imax_ I~in Im- 6.58 Unsteadiness of the Light Emitted by a Source — Irregular ‘or slowly periodic fluctuations of the luminous intensity. NOTE— Thesefluctuationsareunrelatedto the frequencyof the electricalsupplyif thesourceisfed by alternatingcurrent. 6.59 Stroboscopic Effect — Apparent change of motion or immobiliza- tion of an object when the object is illuminated by a periodically varying light of appropriate frequency. 6.60 Glare — Condition of vision in which there is discomfort or a reduc- tion in the ability to see significant objects, or both, due to an unsuitable distribution or range of luminance or to extreme contrasts in space or time. 40

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6.61 Disability Glare — Glare which impairs the vision of objects with- out necessarily causing discomfort. 6.62 Discomfort Glare — Glare which causes discomfort without necessarily impairing the vision of objects. 6.63 Direct Glare — Glare due to a luminous object situated in the same or nearly the same direction as the object viewed ( seealso 6.65). 6.64 Indirect Glare — Glare due to a luminous object situated in a direction other than that of the object viewed. 6.65 Reflected Glare — Glare produced by the specular reflection originating from luminous objects, particularly when the reflected images appear in the same direction as the object viewed, or in a near-by direction.

Nom — Commonly this concept includes also other ill effects, sueb as deterioration of contrasts. 6.66 Equivalent Veiling Laminance — Luminance which has to be added to the adapting background luminance in order to make the luminance diiTerence threshold in the absence of disability glare the same as that experienced in the presence of disability glare. 6.67 Colour Rendering — General expression for the effect of an illuminant on the colour appearance of objects in conscious or sub- conscious comparison with their colour appearance under a reference illuminant. 6.67.1 Colour Rendering Profierties — Effect of a light sourceon the colour appearanceof objectsin comparisonwith theircolourappearanceunder a referenceilluminantfor specifiedconditions.

6.67.2 .ColourRendering In&x of a Light Source — Measureof the degree tO which the perceived colours of objects illuminated by the source conform to those of the same objects illuminated by a refkxence illuminant for specitied conditions. . Nom. — S@cial colaur zedring indix is restricted to a ~“cular object ( or a group of objects of which the particular object is an adequate representative ). General colour rendering index refers to a group of dhwme objeets.

6.67.3 C’olorimetric Sluft — CWange of chromaticity and luminance factor of colour of an object due to change of the illuminant.

6.67.4 Adafitive Coiour Shift — The change in the perceived colour of an object caused solely by changb of chrmnatic adaptation. 6.67.5 Resultant Colour Sht@ — D~crcnce between the perceivedcolour of an object illuminatcd by a test source and that of the same object illuminated by the rcfeence ilhuninant, taking account of the state


IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

of chromatic adaptation in each case. ( Resultant of calorimetric shift and adaptive colour shift. )


7.1 Primary Standard of Light — Standard light source reproducible from a specification by which the unit of light is established. NOTE— The present international strmdard is a fidl radiator at the temperature of freezing platinum. 7.2 Secondary Standard of Light — Constant and reproducible light source, the luminousintensity( or the luminousflux or the luminance) of which has been determineddirectly or indirectlyby comparisonwith the primary standard. 7.3 Working Standard of Light — Light sourcein regularuse which is calibratedfrom time to time by referenceto a secondarystandard. 7.4 Comparison Lamp — Light source having constant, but not-- necessarilyknown, luminous intensity, with which a standard lamp and the light sourceunder test are successivelycompared. 7.5 — Measurement of the quantities associated with radiation. .,,, 7.6 Radiometer — Instrument far measuring radiation in energy or ‘, power units. \ 7.7 Spectroradiometer — Instrument for measuring the spectral con- [. centration of radiant energy or radiant power. i { 7.8 Spectrophotometer — Instrument for measuring the ratio of two !i spectral radiometric quantities. j f 7.9 Calorimetry — Measurement of colours, made possible by the pro- perties of the eye and based on a set of conventions. ~ ! 7.10 Calorimeter — Instrument for measuring the tristimulus values or ~ the chromaticity coordinates of a calour stimulus. 1 NOTE— This term, or the term #hotwolorimetcr,sometimes also rovers simplified spectrophotometers for measuring spectral transmittance or reflectance with substantially ., monochromatic radiation isolated by means of selective filters. 1 7.11 Photometry — Measurement of quantities referring to radiation evaluated according to the visual effect which it produces, as based on certain conventions. I 7.12 Visual Photometry ( Colorbetry ) — Photometry ( calorimetry) in which the eye is used to make the comparison. I NOTZ — In photometry the methods afcomparison cbielly employed are: luminosity match of two adjacent surfaces, adjustment to equality of contrast, or adjustment to minimum flicker. 1 42 -

1.,. P*, 1 --, - -.-”-a--., ------.1 , ,, “ . . . . . - Is:1885(* 2M/secl)-1968

7.13 Physical Photosnetry ( 91010s4metry) — Photometry ( calori- metry ) in which physical receptom are used to make the measurements. 7.14 photometer — Instrumentfor measuringphotometricquantities. 7.15 Visual Photometer ( C&s4meter ) — Photometer in which equality between radiation under test and comparison radiation is establishedViSldy. 7.16 Physical Photometer ( Calorimeter) — Photometer ( calori- meter) in which a physicalreeeptmof radiationis used. 7.17 Photometer Besseh— Bench designed to support a photometer head and lamps in sucha way that the diitances between the lamps and the head may be readilyalteredand measurd 7.18 Integrating Photometer — ApparatuswhichenablesIumintmsflux to be determinedby a singlecomparison.. The most commonlyusedform of integratingphotometeris the Ulbricht sphere with associated photo- metricequipment. 7.19 Integrating ( Ulbricht ) S@mere— Part of an integrating photo. meter. A sphere which is coated internally with a white diffissing paint as non-selective as possible which hI providedwith an associatedqsipment for makinga photometricmeasurementat a point of the inner surlhceof the sphere. A screenplaced inside the sphere reventsthe point under observationfromreceivingany radiationdireetlyrrom the sours.

7.20 Flicker Photosrseter— Viwml photometerin which the eye sees an undividedfieldilluminatedalternatelyby two sourcesto be compared,the frequencyof ahemation being conveniently chosen so that it is above the ftion fiquency for colours but below the fusion frequeney for luminosities.

7.21 Equality of Luminosity ( Equality of Contrast) Photo= meter — Visual photometer in which the parts of the compation field are viewed simultaneously and are adjusted to equality of lumin~ity (of con- trast ). 7.22 Photometer Head — The part of a visual photometer in which photometric comparison is ef%cted, or the part of a physical photometer containing the receptor.

7.23 Photometer Test Plate - Plate, having known properties for photometric purposes, which is ilhtrninated by the light under test, 7.24 Comparison Sarface of ti Visual Photometer — Stice, the luminosity of which is compared visually with the luminosity of some other sus%ace.

43 IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

7.25 Surround of a Comparison Field — Area which immediate] y surrounds the field in which a photometric ( calorimetric ) comparison is being made, its luminosity tiecting the result of the matching only in so far as it may affect the visual organ, 7.26 Photoelectric Photometer ( Colorimecer ) — Particular type of physical photometer using photoelectric receptor.

7.27 Illumination Photometer or Footcandle Meter — Instrument for the measurement of illuminance.

7.28 Luminance Meter — Ins@!ment for the measurement of luminance.

7.29 Refiectometer — Instrumentfor the measurement of quantities per- taining to reflection. 7.30 Densitometer - Photometer. for measuring reflection or trans- mission density. 7.31 Exposure Meter — Light-rneasuring instrument for ascertaining the setting ( lensaperture,shutterspee~$etc ) of a camera for correctlight exposureof the photographicmaterial.

7.32 Goniophotometer — Photometerfor measuringthe directionallight distributioncharacteristicsof sources,lightingfittings,media and surfaces.

NOTE — A goniophotometer for measuring the spatial distribution of luminous inten- si’y is also called a distribution photometer. 7.33 Gloss of a Surface — Directionally selective reflecting properties responsible for the degree to which reflectedhighlights or the image of obiectsmav be seenas superimposedcmthe surface. 7.34 Instrument tor Glossmeter — Apparatus for measuring gloss expressed as a function of the regular and diiliuse reflectance of the ss.u%ce of an object. 7.35 Colour Correction Factor for a Physical Photoaneter — The factor by which the readingsof a physicalphotometershall be muhiplicd in order to obtain values in conformity with the V ( A) functioh, for radiation of a relative spectral energy distribution diRercntfrom that by which the photometerwas calibrated.

7 .3ti Ihspersioss and Mask ( Template) Method — Method of physical photometry and calorimetry in which the conditions needed to give results in conformity with the V ( A ) function or the colour-matc~g functions are obtained by dispersing the light into a spectrum and masking this with a diaphragm of such a shape that it transmits the desired fraction of the flux at every wavelength.


~m. . . -—-——— --- , ,,, ,, -- rs:l@5(Part xvI/seel)-1968

:I 7.37 CXwcaae (.Ste&by-Step ) Method of Comparison — Method of heterpchromatic photometry in which the colour diiikrence between two lights is bridged by makmg a series of intermediate comparisons, each with a small colour difference. 7.3S Life of a Lamp - Time during which a lamp has been operated before becoming useless or considered as such according to certain specifications. NOTS— The life is generally expwwed in hours. 7.39 Rated Life of Type of Lamp - Declared life determined by means nf life tests on lamps of the same type. 7.40 Life Test — Test m which lamps are operated under specifiedcon- ditions for a specifiedtime and, during which photometricmeasurements may be made at specifiedintervals. 7.41 Physical Receptor Radiation — Instrument in which a mea- surable physical effect is produced by the action of the radiation it I receives. 7.42 Photoelectric Effect — Interaction between radiation and matter resulting in the ahsorption of photons and the consequent liberation of electron% 7.42.1 External Photdectric Effect — Photoelectric effect in which electrons are ejected from the material. 7.42.2 Internal Photo&ctric Effict — Photoelectric effkct produced in a semiconductor by th* movement of electrons to a higher energy band followed by the appearance of free electric charges in the interior of the material. 7.42.3 Photovoltaic E&t — Internal photoelectric eflkct characterized by the production of an electromotiveforce in the neighborhood of a pn junction.

7.43 $moudary { Electron ) Emission — Electron emission due to the bombardment of a surface by electrons or ions. 7.44 Photoelectric Receptor; Photocell — Physical receptor that dependsfor its action on an externaIor internalPhotoelectriceffect. 7.45 Phototube; Photoemissive Cell — Photoelectric receptor com- prisinga vacuum or gas-filledeletttronictubecontaininga cathode capable of emittingelectronsby the exter&d photoelectricefht.

7.46 Photoannltiplbr — Photot&e in which the electron current emitted by the cathode is ampliiied by $ocondsry electron emissiin from one or generallyseveralintermechte eleetkodeain successionknownas djmoder. I 45

J --.” II ) ,,,”,. ,. ,. IS: 1885 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

7.47 Photoconductive Cell — Photoelectric receptor utilizing .fr semi- conductor in which absorption of radiation gives rise tg an increase in conductivity by the internal photoelectric effect. 7.48 Photovolt~ic Cell — Photoelectric receptor in which absorptiosa of radiation in the neighbourhood of a p-n junction between two. semicon- ductors, or of a contact between a semiconductor and a metal, produces a change of resistance, depending on the current direction. 7.49 Photodiocle — Photoelectric receptor in which absorption of radia. tion in the neighbourhood of a p-n junction between two semiconductors, or of a contact between a semiconductor and a metal, produces an electro- motive force. 7.50 Phototransistor — Photoelectric receptor utilizing semi-conductors in which the photoelectric effect is produced in the neighborhood, of a double @ junction (#-n-p, or n-p-n) possessing amplification properties. 7.51 Photoelectric Current — That part of the electric current in a photoelectric receptor which is produced by the photoelectric ,effect. 7.52 Dark Current — That pa: t of the electric current in the photo- electric receptor which still flows when the receptor receives no radiation capable of producing a photoelectric effect. 7.53 Thermal Receptor of Radiation — Physical receptor in which a measurable effect occurs due to the heating of the part that absorbs the radiation. 7.54 (Radiation ) Thermocouple — Thermal receptor in which the absorbed radiation produces, by the heating of a contact between two conductors of different kinds, an electromotive force by the thermoelectric, or seeback, effect. 7.55 Radiation ( Thermopile ) — Thermal receptor comprising a number of thermocouples. 7.56 Bolometer — Thermal receptor in which the heating of the part that absorbs the radiation gives rise to a change in its electrical’ resistance. 7.57 Pneumatic Receptor of Radiation — Theimal receptor in which the heating of the part that absorbs the radiation gives rise to a change in the pressure of a gas.

8. THE PRODUCTION OF LIGHT 8.1 Primary Light Source — Surface or object emitting light which is produced by a transformation of ener~. 8.2 Secondary Light Source — S@lace or object which is not self- emitting but receives light and returns it, at least in part, by reflection or transmission 8.3 Lamp — Source made in order to produce light.


- —-- -—- —— ,,,,11,-,”-- p-”- ‘ IS: 1885 (Part XVI/See 1)- 1968

8.4 Excitation of a Gas — Elevation of the atoms or molecules of a gas to higher energy levels.

$X Energy Level — Discrete state of excitation of an atom or molecule, characteristic of the excitation energy which it holds. 8.6 Life-Time of Excited State — The most probable length of time for which an atom or a molecule remains in the excited state.

8.7 Resonance Line — Spectra! line which appears both as an emission line and as an absorption line and which is the result of direct passage from an excited state to the ground state, or vke versa, without going through intermediate levels ( for example, Hg 253”7 mm).

8.8 Luminescence — Phenomenon of the emission by matter of electro- magnetic radiation which for certain wavelengths or restricted regions of the spectrum is in excess of that due to the thermal radiation from the material at the same temperature. The radiation is characteristic of the particular material. Nom — In lighting,thiitermisgmerallyr&tricd to theemissionof radiationin the visibleor nearvisiblespectrum. 8.9 Incandescence — Emission of visible radiation by tnermal excitation.

8.10 Electrolaarainescence — Luminescence of certain substances, generally solid, under the action of an electric field. NOTE— FormerlythistermhasheenusedCKMYfor theluminescenceof a gasunder theactionof anelectricdischarge.

8.11 Photoluminescence — Luminescence caused by ultraviolet, visible or infrared radiation. 8.12 Chemi-~uminescence — Luminescence due to the energy liberated in a chemical reaction. 8.13 Tribe-Luminescence — Luminescence due to the fracture of crystal lattices.

8.14 Fluorescence — Photoluminescence which persists for an extremely short time after excitation.

Nom — This time is generally leas than about 1O-Us. An exact definition of this phenoiiu$non is beyond the scope of tbii vocabulary.

8.15 Phosphorescence — Ph@uminescence which pmsisfi for ~i appreciable time after cxcitatioti~. Nom — Thistimeisgenerallymumthanabout 10-~s. An exact dfition of this phenomenonisbeyondthescope of thisvocabulary.


..- ,,,,.,,. , . . .-. p. . . —. l$:W5(PartXW I/S&l) -1968

8.16 Cathode Fall — The dtierence of potentiaidue to the space ckge near the cathode. Nom— In thecamof a glowdischargea distinctionismadebctwccnthenonnd cathodefall,whichoccurswhentheglowdoesnotcoverthecathodecompktcly( the currentdensityremainingconstant} andwhichis indcpcndcntof thecurrctttb the discharge,andtheabnormalcathoabfd, which occurs when the glow covers the cathode completely (which incrcascd current density) and which dcpti& on the current in the discharge. 8.17 Electric Discharge in a Gas — The passage of an eleetric current through gases and vapours, by thk reduction and movement of, charge carrier under the iniluertce of an efectric potential. This results in the emission of electromagnetic radiation, the effect of which is basic in all applications of this phenomenon in lighting. 8.18 Glow Discharge — Dischar in which the secondary emission from the cathode is much greater than”r e thermionic emission. Nom — Thk discharge is charactcrimd hy a considerable cathode fdl ( 70 V or.more ) and by low current density at tbc cathode ( some 10 A-m-s; 8.19 Arc Discharge; Electric Arc in a Gas — D~harge characterized by a cathodefall which is small comparedwitkthat in a glow d~charge. NOTS— Theelectroncnussionof thecathodeis due to varioua causca ( thenmonic emission, high field cmisrion, ctc ) acting simuJtancoudy or wparately, but secondary emission playa only a small part. 8.20 Arc — The luminous column of gas in an arc discharge. 8.21 Crater — The cavity which in a direct current arc lamp is produced at the end of the positive carbon. 8.22 Starting Voltage —The lowest voltage between the electrodes which is needed to start the discharge in a lamp 8.23 Lamp (Tube ) Voltage — The voltage between electrodes of .a discharge lamp during stable operating conditions ( the effective voltage m the case of alternating current).

( Continuedfrompsgc2 ) Mcntkrs R@resmting &HRl S. S. RAOHAVM i@i~m###cf’s Branch, Army Hcadquartcm,

g; ~ss&sAnmA National Physical Laboratory ( CSIR ), New Delhi B&at Blcctrical Industries Ltd, Calcutta S~& H. SINEM( Alfmnak ) .$HIUH. Smw Hlutninating Engineering society of India, Calcutta SHRXK. K. ROHATOX( A/tmaU ) SHRtY. S. VaNmmrawUAN, Director General, 1S1 ( J%x-o&o Member) Director ( Elec tccb ) &srctqy Siiat T. RAJARANAN Deputy Director ( Elcc tech ), ISI



~~: 1885( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968


NoTx—This index has been prepared in accordance with IS: 1275-1958*. Index numbers are clause numbers.

A CIE spectral tristimulus values 4.6 Absolute threshold of luminance 6.50 standard Absorptartce; absorption factor 5.19 illumiuants 4.28 Akrption 2.1.13 sources 4.29 coefficient 5.18 1931 standard calorimetric Absorptivity of an absorbing material 5,21 observer 4.9 Accommodation 6;49 svstem 4.7 Achromatic 4.26 1960 — ( UCS ) diagram 4.41 colour ( perceived ) 6.28 1964 colour ( Psychophysical) 6.29 supplementary colorirnetric locus 4.47 observer 4.10 Adaptation 6.7 system 4.8 Adaptive colour shift 6.67.4 uniform colour space 4.36 Additive Calorimeter 7.10 complementary coltmrs 4.50 Calorimetric mixture of colour stimuli 4.32 purity 4.24 Alychne 4.49 shift 6.67.3 Amplitude of fluctuation of the JUminous Calorimetry 7.9 mtenslty of a source run on alternating current 6.57 Colour Arc 8.20 atlas 4.42 discharge; electric arc in gas 8.19 axis 4.38 correction factor for a physical photometer 7.35 B equation 4.33 Basic stimulus 4.17 gamut 4.46 Bezold-Brucke phenomenon 6.16 matching 4.43 Bolometer 7.55 ( perceived) 6.25 rendering 6.67 c index of a light source 6.67:2 properties 6.67.1 Candela 3.11 solid 4.37 per square metre 3.16 space 4.34 Cardinal stimuli 4.18 stimulus function 4.3 Cascade ( step-by-step) method of com- temperature 2.3.14 parison 7.37 vision 6.30 Cathode fall 8.16 Comparison Change of chromatic adaptation 6.44 lamp 7.4 Cbemi-luminescence 8.11 surface of a visual photometer 7.24 Cbroma 6.42 Complementary wavelength of a colour Chromatic stimulus 4.25 colour ( perceived ) 6.26 colour ( psychophysical ) 6.27 Complex radiation 2.1.4 Chromaticity 4.20 Cones 6.8 Coordinates 4.12 Contrast 6.52 diagram; colour triangle 4.39 sensitivity 6.53 Chromaticncss 6.41 Correlated colour temperature 4.52 Chrominance of a colour stimulus 4.21 Crater 8.21

‘Rulesformaking dpkbeticaiindex% 49 IS: 18S5 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) -1968

D Gloss of a surface 7.33 Dark current 7.52 Glow discharge 8.18 Defective co)our vision 6.46 Goniophotometer 7.32 Densitometer 7.32 Grey body 2.3.10 Dflraction 2.1.19 Diffuse H reflection 5.2 HMf-value angle for a diffusing sufiace by transmission 5.10 reflection or by transmission 5.36 I%ser 5.32 Heterochromatic stimuli 4.14 Diffusion 2.1.14 Hue 6.38 factor of a diffusing surface by reflection or by transmission 5.35 I Dkect tzlare 6.63 Directi&al emissivity of a thermal Illummance ( illumination) at a point of a radiator 2.2.14 surface 3.18 Disability glare 6.61 Ilhuninant 4.27 Discomfort glare 6.62 Illumination 3.1.1 Dispersion ~ 1.17 photometer 7.27 and mask ( temdate ) method 7.36 Incandescence 8.9 Distinction b&we~n radiant and luminous Indicatrix ofdifhtsion $.37 quantities Indirect glare 6.64 Distribution temperature 2.3.13 Infrared radiation 2.1.6 Dominant wavelength of a colortr stimulus, Instrument for glossmeter 7.34 not purple 4.22 Integrating photometer 7.18 E ( Ulbricht ) sphere 7.19 Electric discharge in a gas 8.17 Interference 2.1.18 Electroluminescence 8.10 Internal Emission 2.1.10 absorption of a ho~geneotts non- Emissivity of a thermal radiator 2.2.13 diflising plate5.20 Energy level 8.5 photoelectric effect 7.42.2 Equality of htminosity ( eqtsali& of transmission density 5.17 contrast ) photometer 7.21 transmittance of a homogeneous non- Equi-energy spectrum 4.31 dimilsing plate 5.14 Equivalent Irradiance, at a poirstof a surface 2.2.10 luminance 3. ~5 Irradiation 2.1.2 veiling luminance 6.66 Isochromatic stimuli 4.13 Excitation “ of a gas 8.4 K purity 4.23 Exposure meter 7.31 Kucbhoff’shtW 2.3.7 External photoelectric ctkt 7.42.1 Extinction coefficient 5.18 L Eye 6.2 tip 8.3 F ( tube) VOklgC 8.23 Life FMer 5.24 of a lamp 7.37 FIicker 6.54 test 7.39 photometer 7.20 time of acited state 8.6 Fluorescence 8. Id Fovea 6.6 Light 3.1,6.24 Frequency 2.2.2 exposure 3.21 Fusion frequency 6.55 stimulus 4.1 Lightnem 6.40 Listear G Glare 6.6o a%x&5T”t ‘f”a’-h


IS: 1SS5 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) - 196S

Linear ( Contd ) Phosphorescence 8.15 attenuation (extinction) co-eOi&nt of Photo-conductive cell 7.46 an absorbing and diffusing medium, Photodiode 7.48 for a collimated beam of radiation 5.22 Photoelectric Lumen 3.4 current 7.51 second 3.6 effect 7.42 Luminance receptor; Photocell 7.44 difference threshold 6.51 photometer (calorimeter) 7.26 in a given direction 3.14 Photoluminescence 8.11 rncter 7.28 Photometer 7.14 Luminescence 8.8 bench 7.17 Luminosity 6.37 head 7.22 Luminous test plate 7.23 efficacy of Photometry 7.11 radiation 3.7 Photomultiplier 7.46 source 3.9 Photon 2.1.20 efficiency of complex radiation 3.8 Photopic vision 6.11 exitance, at a point of surface 3.23 Phototransistor 7.50 flux 3.3 Phototube; photoemissive cell 7.45 flux (surface] density at a point of a sur- Photovoltaic cell 7.48 face 3.17 Photovoltaic effect 7.42.3 intensity of a source 3.10 Physical (1.uminous) sector flux 3.13 photometer (calorimeter) 7.16 Lux photometry (calorimetry) 7.13 lumen per square metre 3.19 receptor of radiation 7.41 second 3.22 Planck’s law 2.3.3 Planckian locus 4.48 M Pneumatic receptor of radiation 7.57 ihlatching stimuli; Instrumental stimuli 4.15 Point h4can spherical (luminous) intensity of a brilliance 3.20 source 3.12 source 2.1.21 Mesopic vision 6.13 Primary Metameric colour stimuli; metamers 4.51 light source 8.1 Mixed standard of light 7.1 reflection 5.3 Pupil 6.3 transmission 5.11 Purkinje phenomenon 6.15 Monochromatic radiation 2.1.3 Purple boundary 4.4.5

N Q Neutral step wedge 5.26 wedge 5.25 Quantity of light 3.5 Night-blindness; hemeralopia 6.45 Non-object (perceived) colour; aperture R colour 6.35 Non-selective radiator 2.3.8 Radiance Non-self-luminous (perceived) colour 6.33 in a given direction, at a point on the 0 surface of a source or a reeeptor, or at a point on path of a beam 2.2.8 Object colour (perceived) 6.36 (luminous) factor, at a point on the Opaque body 5.29 surfa:e of a non-sdf radiating body in Organ of vision; visual organ 6.1 a gwen direction,. under specified P conditions of irradiation ( illumination) 5.39 Perception 6.19 tern erature (luminance temperature) Perfect reflecting (transmitting) diffiir 5,34 01’ a thermal radiator for a wave- Period 2.2.l length 2.3.12 51

,– .,. ,,,.,, ,!, ,“...... _+-. . IS: 1885 f Part XYI/Sec 1 ) -1968

Radiant Secondary ?fficiency of source of radtation 2.2.6 (electron) emission 7.42 energy 2.2.4 light source 8.2 exitance at a point of a surface 2.2.12 standard of light 7.2 exposure at a point of a surface 2.2.10 Selective radiator 2.3.9 flux Self-luminous (perceived) colour 6.34 radiant power 2.2.5 Sensation 6.21 (surface) density 2.2.9 Specified achromatic light stimulus 4.30 intensity of a source 2.2.7 Spectral Radiation 2.1.1 concentration of a Complex 2.1.4 radiometric quantity; Radiant flux, Full; Plankian 2.3.2 radiant intensity, etc 2.2.15 Infrared 2.1.6 photometric quantity: Luminous fhm, Monochromatic 2.I.3 luminous intensity, etc 3.24 Non-selective 2.3.8 distribution curve 2.2.16 Selective 2.3.9 of a photometric quantity: Luminous Ultraviolet 2.1.7 flux, luminous intensity, etc 3.25 Visible (Iigbt) 2.1.5 luminous efficiency ‘ Radiometer 7.6 of a monochromatic radiation of Radiometry 7..5 wavelength 3.2 Radiator temperature (of a thermal for an individual observer, for a radiator) 2.3.11 monochromatic radiation of Rated life of a type of lamp 7.38 wavelength 6.14 Rayleigh scatter in a medium 2.1.15 tristimulus values 4.5 Reference stimuli 4.16 Spectrophotometer 7.8 Reflectance; Reflection factor 5,6 Spectroradiometer 7.7 Reflectance factor at A point of a surface Spectrum for the part of the reflected radiation line 2.1.9 contained in a given cone and for locus 4.44 incident radiation of a given spectral of a radiation 2.1.8 composition and geometrical distri- SDeed of bution 5.40 “-contrast perception 6.23 Reflected glare 6.65 perception 6.20 Reflection 2.1.11 sensation of light stimulus 6.22 (optical) density 5.8 Starting voltage 8d2 Reflectivity 5.7 State of chromatic adaptation 6.43 Reflectometer 7.29 Stefan-Boltamann law 2.36 Refraction 2.1.16 Stiles-Crawford eiTect 6.17 Refractive index of a medium, for a Stroboscopic eflect 6.59 monochromatic radiation of wave- Surround of a comparison field 7.25 length 5.38 Regular T (direct) transmission 5.9 (specular) reflection 5.1 Related (pe’rceivcd) colour 6.32 Talbots’law6.56 (Relative spectral) energy (power) Thermal distribution 2.2.17 radiation 2.3.1 Resonance line 8.7 receptor of radiation 7.53 Resultant colour shift 6.67.5 Thermocouple (radiation) 7.~ Rayleigh-Jeans law 2.3.5 Thermopile (radiation) 7.55 Retina 6.4 Tramduscent body 5.28 Retro-reflection; Reflex reflection 5.5 Transmission2.1.12 Rods 6.9 (optical) density 5.16 Transmissivity of an absorbing material s 5.15 Transmittance; transmission factor 5.13 Saturation 6.39 Transparent body 5.27 Scotopic vision 6,12 Tribe-luminescence 8.13


ISs 1SS5 ( Part XVI/See 1 ) - 196S

Trichromatic v system (calorimetric system) 4.4 units 4.19 Visible radiation (Iigbt) 2.1.5 Tristimulus values of a colour stimulus 4.11 Vision 6.10 Troland 6.18 Visual acuity-sharpness of vision 6.48 u field of the eye or eyes 6.47 photometer (colonmeter) 7.15 \J~riglet radiation Z. 1.7 pbotomctry (calorimetry) 7.12

chromaticity scale (UCS) diagram 4.4o colour space 4.35 w Wlhsion 5.31 diffuse reflection 5.4 Wavelength 2.2.3 transmission 5.12 Wicn’s Law (of radiation) 2.3.4 .. point source 2.1.22 Working standard of light 7.3 Unrelated (perceived) colour 6.31 Unsteadiness of the Iight emitted by a Y’ source 6.58 Use of the adjective ‘spectral’2.2.o.2 Yellowspot;MeculaIutea6.5




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