
V'.c.t....A ?--xi GHEITO W ARZ PACKET (R. Luo, C. Meigs, B. Shapiro)


LITERATURE Although he chose not to call this poem an ode, the poet hoped that his transitions and "the impassioned music of the versification" would recall that form. Most sections take the form of recollections, made in towns and cities. In the later stanzas, the poet remarks that though he has lost his boyish fascination, he can now hear "The still, sad music of humanity," portending the sentiment he expressed more clearly in The Prelude a few years later. In the final stanzas, the poet calls out to his sister Dorothy, hoping to evoke "The language of [his] former heart." FTP, name this masterwork of William Wordsworth, written on a 1798 visit to the River Wye. ANSWER: Lines: Composed A Few Miles Above Tintern Abbev. On Revisiting the Banks ofthe River Wye During a Tour. July 13, 1798

After earning his PhD at Yale, he published Shelley's Mythmaking and ironically spent the better part of the 1960's attacking the neo-Christian and formalist aspects of New Criticism. Expanding on his pro-Romantic ideas in works like The Anxiety ofInfluence and Kabbalah and Criticism, he eventually turned to more concerted studies of Gnosticism and Biblical Texts, indicative of his later work. FTP, name this Yale professor and staunch defender of the Western Canon. ANSWER: Harold Bloom

It begins with an indecent phone call while the narrator is listening to Rossini's The Thieving Magpie and cooking spaghetti. Next, Toru Okada must chase down his wife's cat, Noboru Wataya, in order to save his marriage. This leads to a frightening series of misadventures involving two psychic prostitutes named Creta and Malta, an, a bizarre recounting of the battle of Nom on han, and, of course, an evil young economics professor also named Noboru Wataya. FTP, name this wacky, Pynchonesque tour-de-force by Haruki Murakami. ANSWER: The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle

Accompanied by a princess, a donkey, and a dwarf, the first enemy he encounters is Error, a half woman, half-snake who attempts to kill him by projectile vomiting poisonous books. More sinister are the falsely pious magician Archimago and the evil witch Duessa, who lead him away from his charge Una and into the House of Pride. Although he gets imprisoned by the giant Orgoglio, King Arthur saves his ass so he can go almost get killed again by Despair. FTP, name this hapless hero from the first book of Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene, best known for the symbol on his breastplate. ANSWER: The Redcrosse Knight (prompt on St. George)

Given a description from Harold Bloom's Genius: A Mosaic of 100 Exemplary Creative Minds, name the author FTPE. A. Bloom identifies this Portugese Nobel prizewinner as "one of the last titans of an expiring literary genre". You may know him better for works like The Stone Raft and Blindness ANSWER: Jose Saramago B. Bloom calls this gifted novelist and short-story writer one of America's foremost Gnostics, and spends several passages rhapsodizing her works The Violent Bear it Away and Wise Blood ANSWER: (Mary) Flannery O'Connor C. One of only four living American novelists Bloom views as "worthy of our praise", this Ad Executive turned novelist is most famous for topical works such as Libra and White Noise ANSWER: Don DeLillo

Identify the following works of Vladimir Nabokov from descriptions FTSNOP A. F5P, some critics have called this most famous novel, "A Tale of Old Europe Debauching Young America" and "The Only Convincing Love Story of our Century". Either way, it involves a filthy old Humbert Humbert taking several lurid road trips with Dolores Hayes. ANSWER: Lolita

B. FlOP, formally the most unconventional and involuted ofNabokov's works, this 1962 anti-novel begins with Charles Kinbote's commentary on the title poem, the masterwork of his friend and colleague John Shade. This is followed by bizarre narrative of Prince Charles Xavier ofZembla, who mayor may not be Kinbote himself, no one really knows. ANSWER: Pale Fire C. Published just after his 70 th birthday, Nabokov considered this last novel his finest work. Set on the vaguely fantastic Antiterra, it combines a bizarre treatise on the nature of time with a love affair between two cousins, Van Veen and the title character, who later turn out to be brother and sister. ANSWER: Ada or Ardor: A Family Chronicle (note: that is the full title, the part after the "or" is not an acceptable answer)

Identify the poet from poems, 30-20-10 A. 30) "The Revolutionaries Stop for Orangeade", "The Idea of Order at Key West" 20) "The Man with the Blue Guitar", "Peter Quince at the Clavier" 10) "13 Ways of Looking at a Blackbird", "The Emperor ofIce Cream" ANSWER: Wallace Stevens

Identify the American dramatist, given play titles FTPE A. The Play about the Baby, Zoo Story ANSWER: Edward Franklin Albee B. Resurrection Blues, The Crucible ANSWER: Arthur Miller C. Barefoot in the Park, Lost in Yonkers ANSWER: (Marvin) Neil Simon

HISTORY Many of the leader of the aggressor's cruel actions were attributed to his Irish hussy mistress, Eliza Lynch. Major battles lost by the aggressor included the loss of the river fortress at Humaita and at Tuyuti, and the campaign of Lomas Valentinas ultimately proved disastrous for the aggressor. Though the war began well with a successful invasion ofMato Grosso and the famous battle at Curupayty, the then strongest army in Latin America was eventually defeated. FTP, name this war whose defensive command was led by Bartolome Mitre and later the Duque do Caxias (CA W-SHE-AHS), and whose aggressor was led by Francisco Solano Lopez, a war fought between Paraguay and Uruguay, Argentina, and Brazil. ANSWER: War of the Triple Alliance or Guerra de la Triple Alianza or Guerra da Triplice Alianca

His praetorian prefect, Plautianus, was compared by many to Sejanus, and like this emperor, was born in Lepcis Magna. His famous wife was given the title mater castrotum, the first to gain that title since Marcus Aurelius' wife. His early reign was marked by civil war between himself, Clod ius Albinus, and Pescennius Niger, and when he died in York, there was contention for the throne between his two sons, Bassianus and Geta, the former of whom would kill the latter and became known by a nickname derived from a type of cloak, Caracalla. FTP, name this African-born Roman emperor from 193 to 211 who began a namesake dynasty. ANSWER: Lucius Septimius Severus First elected to Parliament as a Conservative MP from Newark, and among his early charitable work concerned working with faIlen women, and he was at times accused of using the services of these prostitutes. His last public moment came in 1896 when he denounced the Armenian genocides, and he was famous for his part in the two-day delay that may have proved fatal to General Gordon in Khartoum. Among acts that he led through Parliament were ones banning peacetime flogging in the army and arranging for the disestablishment of the Church of Ireland. FTP, name this generaIly anti-imperialist politician of the late 19th century, most of his career a Liberal, who tried to get Irish Home Rule. ANSWER: William Ewert Gladstone

His film debut came at age eighty-eight as associate justice Joseph Story in the film Amistad. A Harvard Law graduate, he began his career as a clerk for John Sanborn in the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Eighth Circuit, and after a stint as chief counsel to the Mayo Clinic, he was appointed by Eisenhower to replace Sanborn. He wrote the opinion of the court in Bigelow v. Virginia and Ohio v. Roberts, and was known as one of the "Minnesota Twins" along with Warren Burger. FTP, name this justice of the Supreme Court, appointed by Nixon, most famous for writing the opinion of the court in Roe v. Wade. ANSWER: Harry Andrew Blackmun

Answer these questions about a famous ambassador to South Vietnam, FTPE. A. This man, a senator from Massachusetts and grandson of a famous same-named isolationist, was named ambassador to South Vietnam in 1963, by the man who had famously defeated him twice, John F. Kennedy. ANSWER: Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr. B. Lodge was the Vice Presidential candidate for this man's losing presidential campaign. ANSWER: Richard M(ilhous) Nixon C. Lodge managed to become the only write-in candidate to win the New Hampshire Primary, defeating this eventual winner of the Republican nomination by 13 percent. ANSWER: Barry M(orris) Goldwater

Name these Balkan nationalist leaders who fought against the Ottoman Empire, FTPE. A. Winning battles at Mishar and Deligrad in 1806, he captured Belgrade. EventuaIly losing his aIliance with the Russians, he left Serbia, and was returned by Hetairia, only to be assassinated. His descendants started the dynasty that ruled Serbia until 1945. ANSWER: George Petrovic or Karageorge or Karadjorje B. He managed to unite all the Albanians under the League ofLezha, he held out against Ottoman armies led by Murad II. King Zog claimed descent from this man. ANSWER: Gjorj (pronounced George) Kastrioti Skanderbeg (accept either) C. A leader of the Philike Hetairia, he raised a Greek revolt in Jassy, in Moldavia, but the Romanian population did not join him. His brother Demetrios was a major leader in the more famous revolt, and this man's last name is the same as the location of Eastern Michigan University. ANSWER: Alexander Ypsilanti

Name these battles fought during the career of Julius Caesar, FTPE. A. This 52 BC battle was the last major engagement in the GaIlic Wars, as Caesar's forces managed to defeat the GaIlic rebel Vercingetorix after a lengthy siege. ANSWER: Battle of Alesia B. Fought in Thessaly in 48 BC, this battle was a resounding victory which saw Pompey forced to flee to Egypt, where he was murdered by Ptolemy XIV. ANSWER: Battle ofPharsalus C. This battle fought in Spain saw Caesar defeat the armies of Titus Labienus and Gaius and Sextus Pompeius. Fought in 47 BC, it was his last major battle before death. ANSWER: Battle of Munda

Name these things related to a famous death, FTPE. A. This son of Mu'awiyya was famed for his pursuit of the grandson of Muhammad, eventuaIly receiving his head after his army's victory at Karbala. ANSWER: Yazid ibn or bin Mu'awiyya B. This grandson of Muhammad opposed Yazid's corruptness, and his death at Karbala became a major source of grief for Shi' a. ANSWER: Husayn ibn 'Ali ibn Abu Talib C. Another major breaking point for Sunni and Shi'i Islam came when Husayn's father, Ali, was murdered by this defected group of Ali's former foIlowers, who began their own sect ofIslam. ANSWER: howarij or Kharijites

SCIENCE Strictly speaking, it is a function that maps functions onto sets of functions, with its value being the set of all functions that grow slower than the argument. First introduced by Edmund Landau, common classifications of it include linearithmic, exponential, and polynomial, with some tasks, like the factoring of integers, being superpolynomial but sub exponential. Refined by the theta notation, FTP, identify this mathematical scheme for classifying algorithm efficiency? ANSWER: Big-O notation (accept omicron notation)

In order for this process to succeed, Lawson's criterion must be satisfied, which states that the product of the density and the time must be at least 10 to the 20th power, at a sufficiently high temperature as well. Attempts to achieve Lawson's criterion can be either made by using very high densities over short times, using a technique caIled inertial confinement, or lower densities with longer confinement times, requiring apparatus like a tokamak. For ten points, what is this process which attempts to generate energy from the same nuclear reactions used in the sun? ANSWER: thermonuclear fusion

The most significant species of this genus are morsians and pallipides, while swynertoni and austeni are important in specific regions. The subgenusesfusca live mostly in forests, but the more important species cause the disease nagana in domestic livestock, which unlike wild animals, lacks immunity to tripanosomes. It is fortunate that their rate of reproduction is slow, unlike that of houseflies, and outside of a particular continent, they are only found in two locations on the Arabian peninsula. Encompassed by a single genus, Glossina, FTP, identify this insect of sub-saharan Africa, the vector of African sleeping sickness. ANSWER: Tse-tse flies (interesting fact: the name itself means "fly" in the Tswana language, making "tse-tse flies" the "EI Alhambra" of the insect world)

Most have 4 alpha hydrogens attached below the plane and beta angular methyl groups at CIO and C13 attached above the plane. Their rings are joined by trans junctions and labeled A to D. Oxygens are found at C3 and C17, which also harbors side chains that distinguish each member of this family of compounds. They include substances used to treat rheumatoid inflammation, that prepare the uterus for implantation, that emulsify fat, and an anabolic variety whose intake can cause liver cancer and sterility. Including cholesterol, FTP name this group of lipids abused by athletes. ANSWER: steroids

In a set of experiments conducted at the Institute of Cancer Research in Philadelphia in the 1950s, enucleated egg celIs from frogs were injected with embryonic nuclei, which, if in a young enough stage of development, helped zygotes develop into normal tadpoles. FTSNOP: A. FlOP, name either of two scientists whose work was extended by John B. Gurdon at Oxford, who showed that nuclei of differentiated celIs are totipotent. ANSWER: Robert Briggs or Thomas J. King B. F5P, another example of totipotency was this scientist's 1997 cloning of the sheep DoIly by fusing a differentiated ceIl from ewe's udder halted in G I phase and an enucleated ewe egg ceIl by electrical stimulation. ANSWER: Ian Wilmut C. FlOP, Wilmut created copies of sheep that produced alpha-antitrypsin, a drug used to treat this genetic disorder of the endocrine glands that clogs up the lungs. ANSWER: cystic fibrosis D. F5P, Totipotent imaginal discs were shown to develop into an organ other than the one originaIly determined by a series of transplants in this genus of fruit flies . ANSWER: Drosophila melanogaster

Identify the following compound classes from functional groups, FFPE. A. N, nitrogen group. ANSWER: amine B. SH, replace the oxygen in an alcohol by a sulfur. ANSWER: thiol C. 0, two alkyl groups joined by an oxygen. ANSWER: ether D. O=C-O, formed by condensation reaction of a carboxylic acid with an alcohol. ANSWER: ester E. O=C-N, similar to a ketone but with a nitrogen attached to the central carbon. ANSWER: amide F. C triple bond N, the only other main nitrogen-based class. ANSWER: nitrile

Identify these methods of accelerating particles FTPE. A. This simplest method uses two semicircular metal "dees" and an electric field to accelerate the particles between them. ANSWER: cyclotron B. This circular accelerator design used in the Tevatron at Fermilab and LEP at CERN varies both the frequency of the electric field and the strength of the magnetic field to maintain a constant radius. ANSWER: synchrotron C. This device for accelerating electrons uses a time-varying magnetic field to induce an electric field to provide the acceleration. ANSWER: betatron

Answer some question about named things in special relativity, FTPE. A. Perhaps the most famous refutation ofthe null hypothesis ever, this 1887 experiment provided experimental confirmation for Einstein's later derivation of SR. ANSWER: Michelson-Morley experiment B. Time dilation and length contraction are examples of these types of transformations, named after Dutch physicist Hendrik Antoon. ANSWER: Lorentz transformations C. Space and time can be unified in this 4-dimensional space, created by a teacher of Einstein who developed the ideas ofSR independently. ANSWER: Minkowski space

TRASH When asked to name the best Track 1/Side I cuts in High Fidelity, Rob Gordon mentions this band's "Radiation Ruling the Nation" from their third No Protection. Despite the word-of-mouth acclaim Grant Marshall and Andrew Voles gathered as members of the club scene in the 1980's, their debut album Blue Lines was a commercial flop. After several middling efforts in the mid 1990' s, they hit it big with the critically acclaimed Mezzanine, which contained the singles "Teardrop" and "". FTP, name these British Trip-Hop pioneers whose newest release is 2003's 100lh Window. ANSWER:

Her mother is the subject ofOutkast's song "Ms. Jackson", alluding to this artist's onetime marriage to Andre 3000. After working as a schoolteacher in Dallas, she caught the eye of producer Kedan Massenberg, who would later help put out the singles, "Apple Tree" and "Tyrone." After the success of her soul-infused first album, she put out the more -sounding Mama's Gun in 2000, which included the hit "Bag Lady." FTP, name this nu-Soul pioneer, best known for the relaxed "On & On" from her debut album Baduizm. ANSWER: Erykah Badu or Erica Wright Notable comic events in this movie include a scene with a hot tub filled with fat people, and when a devil­ worshipping hitchhiker named Chrishelle, played by Shannon Elizabeth, is picked up. The goal in this movie is Caruthersville, Missouri, where a family reunion including such characters as Uncle Earl awaits the family. Travelling through Kansas, Colorado, and Arizona, the family follows the same route as the Griswolds, only backwards, and the only other major difference is that the automotive comic foil has changed from a near-death station wagon to a souped-up Navigator. FTP, name this film starring Solange Knowles, Lil' Bow Wow, Vanessa L. Williams, and Cedric the Entertainer. ANSWER: Johnson Family Vacation

A 64 followed by an 84 gave him the ignominious record of being the only player in British Open history to have a twenty-shot swing from one round to the next. Despite only finishing in the top 80 of a major championship only once since 2001, his win at the Caltex Singapore Masters gave him confidence entering into this year's Masters. He was cut, shooting a second round 80. Major glory nearly came to him in 1998 at Congressional, and in the 1994 U.S. Open he was defeated by Ernie Els in a playoff, and the next year's PGA, where he lost to Steve Elkington in a playoff. FTP name this golfer saddled who would likely be "best player to never win a major title" ifhe were any good any more, a Scotsman who dominated the Order of Merit in the 1990's. ANSWER: Colin Montgomerie

FTPE, name these stars of the hit TV show "18 Wheels of Justice." A. He appeared as Burton Hardesty on the show. Born with the middle name December, he is perhaps best known for hawking Colt .45 liquor and for being the token black guy in a major sci-fi film series. ANSWER: William "Billy" December "Dee" Williams B. Playing tough crime boss Jack Calder, he spent five years in prison for crimes related to the Watergate scnadal. He was portrayed in the movie "Dick" by Harry Shearer. ANSWER: G(eorge) Gordon Battle Liddy C. Of course, tough truckin' hero Michael Cates/Chance Bowman required a tough truckin' female counterpart, and this was provided for one episode in 2001 when 18 Wheels cashed in on the Survivor phenomenon by hiring this truck driving star of Survivor I to guest star. ANSWER: Susan "Sue" Hawk (accept either)

Answer the following about the 2004 Lingerie Bowl, FSNOP. A. FlOP, name the winning team, or F5P, name the loser. ANSWER: Team Dream (Winner) or Team Euphoria (Loser) B. F5PE, the two teams were coached by what two men, one a former star running back and former Monday Night Football commentator, the other the most dominant linebacker of his time and star of Super Bowl XXV. ANSWER: Eric Dickerson (Dream) and Lawrence Julius "L.T." Taylor (Euphoria) C. F5PE, name the two starting quarterbacks, one a former Baywatch and I'm a Celebrity, Get Me Out of Here ! Star once married to a 90210 star, the other a modeVactress who starred in Another 9 Weeks and Bordello of Blood. ANSWER: Nikki Schieler Ziering (accept either last name) (Dream) and Angie Everhart (Euphoria)

Identify the following glam rock icons from descriptions, FTPE A. Although his career has gone through many phases, his album Transformer, produced after leaving the Velvet Underground in 1972, definitely had all the hallmarks ofa glam rock masterpiece ANSWER: Lou Reed B. Originally a member of Roxy Music, the cover of his first solo album Here Come the Warm Jets showed him dressed up in a feather boa, garish makeup, and velvet corset. You might know him better for his later pioneering work in Ambient Music. ANSWER: Brian Eno C. Although you probably know him now better for a string of sexual offenses in the late 90's, this garish British glam rock pioneer had some major hits with singles like "Rock and Roll, Part 2" and "Do You Wanna Touch Me" ANSWER: Gary Glitter or Paul Gadd Identify the following bands on the lineup at the biggest music event in California, this year: the Coachella Festival FTPE. A. This group is a bit ofa surprise, as most of the other bands in the lineup tend more towards indie­ rock than "robot music". That said, it would be criminal to exclude the Stuttgart-based duo that gave us the proto-techno hits "Autobahn", "Pocket Calculator" and "Trans-Europe Express" ANSWER: Kraftwerk B. Your question writer went apoplectic with joy at hearing that these indie gods are back together, some thirteen years after the release of Trompe Le Monde. Hopefully they won't sound anything like Frank Black and the Catholics. ANSWER: The Pixies C. Named either for a line from Jack Kerouac's Dharma Bums or a Smiths song of the same name, this Seattle-based quintet will probably be performing tracks off their first Matador Records release, The New Romance. ANSWER: Pretty Girls Make Graves

FINE ARTS He worked with the whole-tone scale in his most famous opera. His first important composition was a capriccio for piano duet written in Berlin while studying with Siegfrid Dehn. Travels in Italy, France, and Spain never resulted in a systematic musical education, but his songs based on Pushkin poems were well liked, as was the orchestral variation Kamarinskaya. FTP name this Russian composer known for adapting nationalist folk music in A Life for the Tsar and Ruslan and Lyudmila. ANSWER: Mikhail Ivanovich Glinka

After being fired from the WPA Federal Art Project in 1937 because of his alien status, he fell under the influence of Picasso and Arshile Gorky, releasing the first of his cubistic Women series a year later. Too poor to afford colored materials in 1946, he used black and white enamels to paint a series oflarge abstractions, including Light in August and Black Friday. Hired by Black Mountain College shortly thereafter, he turned out a darker and more Freudian series of Women before turning to the landscapes that characterized his later work, as in .. . Whose Name Was Writ in the Water. FTP, name this Dutch artist, one of the fathers of Abstract Expressionism. ANSWER: Willem de Kooning

Based on a play by David Belasco from a story by John Luther Long, it is the story ofa Japanese woman who kills herself after finding out her American naval officer husband has gotten married while back at the U.S. 5-10-15. A. F5P, name this opera by Giacomo Puccini. ANSWER: Madama Butterfly B. FlOP, at the beginning of act 2, Madama Butterfly sings this most famous aria, trying to convince her servant Suzuki that Pinkerton will return and imagining the scene. ANSWER: "Un bel di"; or "One fine day" C. F15P, the B. F. in lieutenant B. F. Pinkerton's name is not Blummy Francis, but stands for this person, a quintessentially innovative American. ANSWER: Benjamin Franklin

Given a planned city, name the designer of the plan, FTPE. A. Chandigarh ANSWER: Le Corbusier or Charles-Edouard Jeanneret B. Brasilia ANSWER: Lucio Costa C. Canberra ANSWER: Walter Burley Griffin

RELIGION/MYTH/PHILOSOPHY His brother was a victim of the warrior Elhanan. Amassing forces at Socoh, opposite the Vale ofElah, he came forth with a bronze dagger and a spear with a shaft like a weaver's beam. Asking a handsome lad "Am I a dog that you come out against me with sticks?," this man from Gath wears a plate of armour weighing 5000 shekels. Proposing that the Israelites serve as his slaves ifhe won in single combat, FTP name this nine feet tall Philistine struck with a stone by the sling shot of David. ANSWER: Goliath

Polites, Pammon, and Antiphonus' deaths were his contributions to the wiping out of Priam's progeny. He was killed by Macharaeus ofPhocis (FOE-KISS) after this man set fire to the Temple of Delphi. He gained from his grandfather the kingdom of Phthia and gave his mother to Helenus the seer. Among his supposed deeds is the killing ofthe young Astyanax, and after the Trojan War he settled in Epirus, where he established the royal line, allowing Olympias and therefore Alexander the Great to claim lineage to a great hero. FTP, name this son of De idami a and Achilles. ANSWER: Neoptolemus or Pyrrhus

He believes that Cognitive Science is basically reducible to Proof Theory - specifically, that semantic relationship such as thoughts can be simulated by syntactical processes, an idea first expounded in his 1975 book The Language a/Thought. After 27 years at MIT, he moved briefly to the City University of New York, where he publicized his view that Neuroscience and Psychology should be kept strictly separate. FTP, name this controversial professor from Rutgers University at New Brunswick, the staunchest defender ofCognitivism in American Philosophy. ANSWER: Jerry Allan Fodor

Given a description of an action figure from the Philosophical Powers! Series, identify the famous Philosopher it represents, FTPE. A. Strengths - Clear and Distinct Punching Action, Rationalism Weaknesses - Circular reasoning, susceptibility to respiratory ailments ANSWER: Rene Descartes or Renatius Cartesius B. Strengths - Poker-wielding ability Weaknesses - Teaching ability ANSWER: Ludwig Josef Johan Wittgenstein C. Take off his glasses and he transforms into the Overman! Weaknesses - Syphilitic, Crazy ANSWER: Friedrich Nietzsche

Answer these questions about Mayan mythology, 5-5-10-10. A. F5P, this is the feathered-serpent equivalent to Quetzalcoatl in Aztec myth. ANSWER: KukuIcan B. F5P, this is the creation story of the Mayan mythology. ANSWER: Popul Yuh C. FlOP, led by lords such as Packstrap, Trash Master, Jaundice Master, and Seven Death, this is the Mayan version of the underworld. ANSWER: Xibalba (SHE-BALL-BAH) D. FlOP, equivalent to Tlaloc in Aztec mythology, this was the Mayan god offertility, agriculture, and rain. ANSWER: Chac

Identify these works by G. W. Leibniz, 5-10-15. A. F5P, Leibniz's most famous work is a study of the windowless elements of dynamic force that make up the world. ANSWER: Monadoiogy or Monadoiogia B. FlOP, this 1686 treatise views a proposition as having a subject and a predicate, and a true proposition is one whose predicate is the subject. Its title is similar to a famous one by Descartes. ANSWER: Discourse on MetaphYsics or Discours de metaphYsique C. F 15P, this systematic discussion on Locke's Essay raises disagreements over Locke's idea of the tabula rasa. You may wonder at its similar title. ANSWER: New Essay 011 the Humall Understanding or Nouveaux Essais sur L 'en ten dement humaine GEOGRAPHY The only independent nation of this name featured coastline on the western part of Cape Palmas with its eastern boundary with modem-day Sierra Leone being the Cavalla River and major cities at Plibo and Harper, the capital. Its independence lasted from 1854 to 1857, and today it is the only state of Liberia that shares its name with a u.S. state. That u.S. state is home to the Pretty Boy Reservoir, and is home to such counties as Wicomico, Dorchester, Garrett, Cecil, and Anne Arundel. Home to cities such as Cambridge, Aberdeen, Salisbury, Hagerstown, and Frederick, FTP, name this state with largest city at Baltimore. ANSWER: Maryland (accept Maryland-in-Liberia on early buzz)

Answer these questions about regions and territories ending with the suffix "-stan," none of which is Karakalpakstan. A. An oil rich republic within Russia, it is the predominantly Muslim homeland of a group of Turko- Mongol invaders, with capital at Kazan. ANSWER: Tatarstan B. Known as Albania in ancient times, it had its historical capital at Derbent, and now this Muslim­ dominated Caspian Sea republic with capital at Makhachkala is clamoring for independence from Russia. ANSWER: Daghestan C. Its original name came from the Arabic for "liar" or "infidel," and that name was appropriated by the British as a slang term for blacks in South Africa. It is a region in Northeastern Afghanistan perhaps most famous for being the setting of Kipling's The Man Who Would Be King. ANSWER: Kaffiristan or Nuristan

CURRENT EVENTS Since leaving his previous job, he has begun work as director of Good Harbor Consulting, LLC and as a consultant for ABC News. Educated at the University of Pennsylvania, he began his first job at the Department of Defense soon after his graduation in 1972. After being elevated to the position of Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, he later helped coordinate the diplomatic efforts behind the first Gulf War and eventually took up a position on the US National Security Council. FTP, name this counter terrorism expert, who in his book Against All Enemies, claimed that President Bush asked him to find a link between Iraq and Al-Qaida. ANSWER: Richard Clarke

Once more the nation of Olden Polynice is tom by strife. FTPE: A. This four-time president of Haiti was ousted on February 29 and has since shown up in the Central African Republic. ANSWER: Jean-Bertrand Aristide B. This man, the former dictator of Haiti until his ouster in 1986, has requested a diplomatic passport to enter Haiti and many speculate that he might run for president. ANSWER: Jean-Claude "Baby Doc" Duvalier C. This group, formerly supporting Aristide and now led by Buteur Metayer, captured the city of GonaIves and declared secession as Artibonite after the murder of its leader, Amiot "The Cuban" Metayer, supposedly by pro-Aristide supporters. ANSWER: The Cannibal Army

ANY TOPIC/GENERAL KNOWLEDGE GHETTO Minor characters in this film include Mr. Parker, an angry midget who is cuckolded by the local preacher, and Ezal (EE-ZELL), the local crackhead. After being fired from his job at UPS for a crime he didn't commit (they couldn't see his head on the tape) Craig finally gives into his best friend's urgings that he smoke a blunt. This leads to a series of nonsensical adventures which culminates in an attempted drive-by­ shooting on Smokey and with Craig kicking Devo's ass. FTP, name this 1995 classic starring Ice Cube and Chris Tucker. ANSWER: Fridav Lesser known credits of this man included starrring in a 1976 movie entitled "Cannonball" as Coy "Cannonball" Buckman, a movie which proceeded the more famous "Cannonball Run" by five years. Like Eva Mendes, a career low came when he appeared in Children of the Corn V, but he may be better known for roles in the Mel Gibson comedy Bird on a Wire and a role in Mean Streets. He was Golden Globe nominated for his portrayal of Woody Guthrie in Bound for Glory, and fame came in the 80's with a major role as plantation owner Justin LaMotte in "North and South." Best known for his years on TV portraying Kwai Chang Caine, this is, FTP, what star of "Kung Fu" and "Kill Bill: Volume 2." ANSWER: David Carradine or John Arthur Carradine

The province of Dub_sari, recognized as technically within this nation, has ostensibly seceded and issues its own currency and stamps. This region, with capital at Tiraspol, joined the Turkic Christian region of Gagauz in seceding in the early nineties, though the latter region has rejoined this country. Bounded on the west by the Prut River, major cities include the aforementioned Tiraspol, Tighina, and Balti. Formerly known as Bessarabia, it is cut into two distinct parts by the Nistru, or Dniester River, this is, FTP, what landlocked republic with capital at Chisinau, bordered by only the Ukraine and Romania. ANSWER: Republic of Moldova (do not accept Moldavia)

Name these basketball players who got their talents stolen from them in the film "Space Jam," FTPE A. Though none of the Monstars visibly acquired the ability to put his hands up into the air and hope that that, along with the minimal force of his gangly white body, would stop defenders, this ex-BYU player and 7'6" draft disappointment had his talents stolen. ANSWER: Shawn Paul Bradley B. Apparently the only player not to get his talents back from the Monstars, that fact certainly didn't faze the New York Knicks, who added this high-priced ex-UN LV and Hornets star to their roster. ANSWER: Larry Demetric "Grandmama" Johnson C. This 5'3" guard was yet another victim of the Monstars. He spent his best years in Charlotte with Larry Johnson and averaged 8 points and 8 assists over his career. ANSWER: Tyrone Curtis "Muggsy" Bogues

GHETTO Given some movies they've appeared in, name the famous rapper FTPE A. Never Die Alone, Cradle 2 the Grave, Exit Wounds ANSWER: DMX or Earl Simmons B. The Wash, Starsky & Hutch, Half-Baked ANSWER: Snoop (Doggy) ~ (prompt on an overly familiar answer of Snoop) or Cordozar (or Calvin) Broadus C. Shaft, Finding Forrester, Halloween: Resurrection ANSWER: Busta Rhymes or Trevor Smith

Identify the college or university from bizarre mascots/nicknames, FTPE A. Jumbo the Elephant ANSWER: Tufts University B. The Fightin' Blue Hens ANSWER: University of Delaware C. Banana Slugs ANSWER: Qniversity of £alifornia at Santa Cruz