Rockland Gazette : April 8, 1880
The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVEBT THURSDAY AFTERNOOH t»T ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTER. Having every facility in Praaaca, Type and Material, to which we are constantly maHng adittttana, we are □lepured to execute with promptneaa and good atyla 2 I O Main Street. svery variety of Job Printing, including Town Reports, Catalogues, By-Law* TERMS: Posters, Shop'Bills, Hand Bills, Pro If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2 grammes, Circulars, BUI Heads, If payment is delayed 6 months, 2. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor If not paid till the close of the year, 2, ,63^ New subscriber areexpected to make the first ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills payment in advance. of Lading, Business, Ad A3** No paper will be discontinued until ALL AR- dress and Wedding beabges are paid, unless at the option of the publlsh- Cards, Tag3, Labels, Siugle copies five cents—for sale at the office and I & c . , at the Bookstores. VOLUME 35. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, APRIL 8,1880. NO. 19. PRINTING IN COLOKH AND BRONZINO Z. POPE VOSE. J. B. PORTER. will receive prompt attention. encircled her beautiful features was of black- The countenance of the yonng girl at trying to read in his venerable countenance ' bank to 20 to dinner, be gave “ English ] °us Frank Howard alias Billy Forrester, JOHN LOVEJOY, straw; the silk gloves, mended in several once assumed n grave expression. Her the marks of misery and snffering, ho con- H arry” the cue. Harry, with the aid of nowjnstont of Joilet state-prison, and who places served to cover her hands, but cer mother perceived the change, hut before tfnne.l: ’ the duplicate key is now searching after his wife who ran farm, harden (Successor to J .
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