Pg 1 The Seven Church Age Messengers Study

For use in early logic stage and through to Rhetoric stage (ages 10+) Part G William Branham : Unit 7 William Branham Born: 1909 Died: 1965 Theses pages are free for Sunday school or home freeedu are or Theses school pages for Sunday Location: U.S.A

*The Maps and the writing lines on the notebook and notecard pages all print out clearly despite the fragmented and blurred appearance in this pdf.

A space has been created down the left hand margin of each page to allow room for hole punching, or spiral binding, once the entire unit of all 7 church age messengers, and the scripture memorisation, Part A, of this unit study has been completed.

cational use cational for not are resale. and We’ve used the colours in the spectrum of the rainbow to group each church age mes-

senger’s individual pages together. Part G: Unit 7 of this study introduces the student to: The Laodicean Church Age, &, William Branham , and is colour coded violet. Please be aware that this unit has more reading, and will therefore take longer to go through than the other units in this study. An Autobiography & Biographical options that can be used with this unit:

Design • My Life Story by Brother Branham ( Scroll to the bottom of the page for audio and pdf options .) © Little Bethlehem ©ChurchFamilyLittle 2012 • One Man in the Hands of God: The Story of the Life and Ministry of William Marrion Branham (190-(190 -1965)--1965) by Owen A. Jorgenson (downloadable .pdf) • Message Companion: The Changing of the Ministry of William Branham from 19591959--1965--1965 Compiled by Markus Becker (available for purchase) A complimentary set of chapter books to read aloud with younger students for this unit on the life of Brother Branham is:

• Supernatural: The Life of William Branham By Owen Jorgenson (vols 1-6)

The audio downloads: Other links for youngers:

• Story’s Brother Branham told :

• Colour in Pages :

Graphics used in the main portion of this unit are sourced from Public domain images. William Branham : Unit 7 William Branham Born: 6 April 1909 - Kentucky , U.S.A Died: 24 December 1965 - Texas, U.S.A

Instructions for use of PAGES included in this pdf.

Pg 3: Together with older student/s read through the scripturesscriptures for the Laodicean Church AgeAge, Revelation 3: 14-22, along with An Exposition of the Seven Church Ages; The Laodicean Church Age , by Brother Branham, if not already read.

With younger students read (pgs 321-323 The Laodicean Age ), (pgs 323-331 The Messenger ), (pgs 338-331 The Message to The Laodicean Age ), (pgs 361-365 The Consummation of The Gentile Ages, & , The Last Warning of the Spirit ) and (pgs 366-381 Resume of the Church Ages) together.

NB: Adjust the amount of reading to suit the ages of your students.

Pg 44: Copywork PagePage. Print on paper

For older students to copy Rev 3: 14-22 print as many of these copywork pages as each student needs to complete writing out the scripture.

Pg 5: Notecard templatetemplate. Print on lite weight card stock. Pgs 6 –––8:–8: Notecard clip art pages. Print on paper. Pg 15: Photographed examples Pg 9: Notecard Page. Print on paper. of completed lapfolds and

Paste completed notecard on this page. notebooking pages, etc...

Pg 10: Map 2 Print on lite weight card stock.

Once the selected time line figures (pg 12) have been glued into place on the world map (pg 10)10), allow the student to select coloured pencils of their choice to colour in any countries that have been referred to in each timeline figures facts portion.. (see pg 15). Be sure to colour in those countries that relate to your own family’s history too. Older students may prefer to create a numbered map key instead. (ie: 1:: New Zealand ~ Where I live, 2: Cuba ~ First Communist State in the Western Hemisphere)

Pg 11: U.S.A Map . Print on paper. Instructions for use are found on pg 8

Pg 12: Timeline figures Print on paper.

Pg 13 &14 : Some World Events, and People Living during Brother Branham’s life time. Print on paper. (The extra timeline figures can be used on the Mapping Pages pg. 10 or pg. 11)

Pg 15: Example of pages assembled (Detailing Unit F: John Wesley)

Pg 16: Extra Notebooking Page. Print on paper. Pg 17 & 18: Quotes of Brother Branham, and, ompanion Copywork Page. Print on paper.

(Please select any quotations that you would like your students to copy. I’ve chosen these longer pieces for our high school aged children.)

Theses pages are free for Sunday school or home educational use and are not for resale. Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 Pg 3

Unit 7: William Branham _tÉw|vxtÇ V{âÜv{ Tzx REVELATION 3: 1414----22222222 Messenger: W.M. Branham

And unto the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write; These things saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God;

I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.

So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.

Because thou sayest, I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing; and knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:

I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment, that thou mayest be clothed, and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear; and anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see.

As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent.

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with me in my throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with my Father in his throne.

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.

Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012

_tÉw|vxtÇV{âÜv{ Tzx

______@VÉÑçãÉÜ~ @ ______

Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 Pg 5 Notecard template for William Branham

See page 15 for a visual example of this completed lapfold

Print this page on light weight card then cut out the entire rectangle below. Fold neatly

Paste this side and attach to notebook page.

Front of Notecard

William Branham William Branham William Branham William Branham 1909 -1965 1909 -1965 1909 -1965 1909 -1965 7th Church Age 7th Church Age 7th Church Age 7th Church Age Messenger Messenger Messenger Messenger

Optional: Choice of Timeline Figures to use on a wall timeline, or in a timeline book.

Theses pages are free for Sunday school or home educational use and are not for resale. Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 Pg 6 Clip Art options for note card template and notebooking pages.

Page 1 of 2 pages

See page 15 for a visual example of this completed lapfold

Died: Died: Died: Died: Died:

WilliamM. WilliamBranham M. Branham WilliamM. WilliamBranham M. Branham

Born: Born: Location: Location: Location:

Born: Born: Born: Location: Location: Location: William M. Branham

Born: Died: Location:

Instructions: Print on paper Select and then cut out the clip art pieces (from this page, and perhaps the map on the next page) that you’d like to use to complete your notecard . Once your notecard (pg. 5) is created, paste the completed item into the box on the notebooking page (pg. 9).

Suggestion: With the pillar of fire photograph, left, refer to pg. 117 in Message Suggestion: With Seven Church Ages Companion: The Diagram, above, refer to pg. 173 in Changing of the Ministry Message Companion: The Changing of the of William Branham Ministry of William Branham from 1959-1965 from 1959-1965

Compiled by Markus Becker Compiled by Markus

Theses pages are free for Sunday school or home educational use and are not for resale. Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 Pg 7 Clip Art options for note card template and notebooking pages.

Page 2 of 2 pages

See page 15 for a visual example of a completed lapfold using the clipart for John Wesley (Unit F)

© Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 LittleFamily Church © Bethlehem Design Design cational use andresale.are not for cational use U.S.A. Map Map U.S.A.

Theses pages are free for Sunday for pagesschool Theses orare edu free home Instructions for use are detailed on pg 8

*The Map and wording on this page all print out clearly despite the blurred appearance in this pdf. Pg 8 Clip Art options for note card template and notebooking pages.

Page 2 of 2 pages

Student’s Instructions:

Print the map on paper. Cut out the map on pg. 7 and add a few details about areas of interest or importance in Brother Branham’s life. ( ie: 1: Birth Place, 2: Branham Tabernacle, 3: Move

to Arizona etc... ). With details written in glue the map to the inside of the notecard which you have already cut out (pg. 5).

Once your notecard is created paste the completed item into the box on the notebooking page. (pg. 9) © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 LittleFamily Church © Bethlehem

Design Design Teacher’s Instructions:

** For those that have the book Message Companion: The Changing of the Ministry of William Branham from 1959-1959 -1965--1965 Compiled by Markus Becker, referring to pgs 174-175 will give you a list of events you may like your students to select from, and include on their maps also.

If you don’t have the Message Companion book, for additional events you could refer cational use andresale.are not for cational use to this online timeline: Alternately, you could also have your students use the bigger map on pg 11 as a stand alone, more detailed mapping project. To label the rest of the States on both maps refer to (We ensured that our student/s were familiar with what the Seven Church Ages book says about the Laodicean Church Age messenger. (pgs.323-331, THE MESSENGER) also that they knew the biblical criteria for a prophet, and why God sent a major prophet in this age. ) In the lined area on the notecard page assist the student with gathering and

Theses pages are free for Sunday for pagesschool Theses orare edu free home writing a few key points from William Branham’s life. Autobiography & Biographical Choices available:

• My Life Story by Brother Branham William_Branham_Biography.htm (Scroll to the bottom of the page for audio and pdf options .)

• One Man in the Hands of God: The Story of the Life and Ministry of William Marrion Branham (1909(1909----1965)1965) by Owen A. Jorgenson

• Message Companion: The Changing of the Ministry of William Branham from 19591959----19651965 Compiled by Markus Becker fxäxÇà{V{âÜv{ Tzx ‰ _tÉw|vxt AD 1906 -


William Branham ______

During William Branham’s Lifetime

Pg 10 Pg 11 The of America of TheStates United During William Branham’s Lifetime ~ Map 2 Map ~ 2 Lifetime Branham’s William During Pg 12 Time line Figures Instructions: Print on paper for mapping pages. An additional set can be printed on lite weight card stock for a wall timeline. Select the figures you’d like to use to compliment your biographical study on the life of William Branham . (There are more cards that spaces). The pictures compiled here can all be found in the public domain. Cut out and sort into date order; we suggest using the start date for this exercise, then paste into the mapping boxes on page 10

William “Billy” Graham H.M. King George VI Granville “Oral” Roberts William. M. Branham 1918- U.S.A Fanny Crosby 1895-1952 AD England 1918-2009 AD U.S.A 1909 -1965 AD U.S.A Southern Baptist preacher 1820-1915 AD U.S.A Became the King of the Pentecostal televangelist and Laodicean Church who rose to celebrity status Blinded in infancy. American United Kingdom and the a Christian Charismatic who’s A mighty prophet to the as an American Christian mission worker, lyricist, Dominions of the British healing ministry brought last Gentile age. evangelist. Became a composer and poetess. Commonwealth after his American Pentecostalism into William Branham fulfilled spiritual advisor to several Fanny wrote over 8,000 brother Edward abdicated the religious mainstream . Malachi 4:5 & 6 American presidents. hymns and gospel songs. the throne.

Biography on F.F. Bosworth:

Sir Winston Churchill Sir Edmund P. Hillary 1919-2008 AD New Zealand 1874-1965 AD England Mountaineer, explorer and Statesman, orator, & author. Fred F. Bosworth Fidel A. Castro Ruz Laura Ingalls Wilder philanthropist. He & climber, As prime minister during 1877-1958 AD U.S.A 1926 - Cuba 1867-1957 AD U.S.A Nepalese Sherpa, Tenzing WWII he rallied the British Close, personal friend to Revolutionary Politician, Author, educator, journalist. Norgay were the first to reach people & led the country from Brother Branham. Pastor, Prime Minister 1959-76, Well known American author the summit of Mt. Everest. the brink of defeat to victory. evangelist, author and early President 1976-2008. gospel radio personality. A Created first communist state of popular “The Little House” books. Estimation Chart: man of great faith. in the Western Hemisphere.

President J.F. Kennedy Aldoph Hitler 1917-1963 AD U.S.A Nikita S. Khrushchev Albert Einstein 1889-1945 AD Germany 1894-1971 AD Russia Sir Keith Holyoake 35th president of the U.S.A 1879-1955 AD German Born (Austrian born) Leader of Nazi (former U.S.S.R) Serving as 1904-1983 AD New Zealand At 43 yrs old, the youngest A secular Jew, Einstein was Germany (1933-45). Initiated premier from 1958-64, lead 26th Prime Minister of NZ. elected president, and the a self proclaiming agnostic. WWII. His policies resulted in the former Soviet Union Only person to hold both first Roman Catholic head Physicist who developed the the death of (estimated) 40 during the height of the cold offices of Prime Minister of state. Assassinated during theory of relativity. briefly in 1957, & 1960-72 and million people; including 6 his 3rd year in office. war. Governor-General 1977-80. million Jews in the holocaust. World Events There are so many people, and events, we could have included for this era of history; however, we’ve had to focus on just a few here. Please don’t feel compelled to use the timeline figures we have detailed on this page, perhaps create some timeline figures that you feel hold more importance for you and your students.

Suggestion: The World Events box will cover 3 squares on page 10. Use page 13 to select out some events you’d like your students to write Theses pages are free for Sunday school or home educational use and are into the box before pasting it in place. not for resale. Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012 Some World Events During Brother Branham’s Life Time

1906 San Fransico Earthquake 1907 Independence of New Zealand 1912-49 Communist Revolution in China

14-15 April 1912 The Titanic Sinks 1914-18 World War I 1915-16 Battle of Gallipoli 1916-21 Irish Rebellion 1917 Bolshevik Revolution 1918-19 Influenza Epidemic William Marrion Branham 11 November 1918 Armistice Day Born: 6 April 1909 - Kentucky , U.S.A 1919 Treaty of Versailles Died: 24 December 1965 - Texas, U.S.A

13 April 1919 Amritsar Massacre in India 19 Feb 1945 Battle for Iwo Jima 1920 USA Grant Women Right to Vote 1945 Formation of the United Nations 1920 League of Nations Instituted 1945 Cold War Begins ( ends in 1991)

1920-33 USA Prohibition Period August 1945 Hiroshima & Nagasaki Bombed

July 1925 Serum Run To Nome, 1945 Iron Curtain falls over Eastern Europe

1929-33 Stock Market Crash & the Great Depression 8 May 1945 VE Day in Europe 1934-37 Oklahoma Dust Bowl 1947 Independence to India 1935-45 Holocaust 1948 Israel Becomes a Nation 1936-39 Spanish Civil War 1949 Communist Rule Begins in China

30 September 1938 Munich Pact Signed 1950-53 Korean War

9 November 1939 “Kristallnacht’ Night of Broken Glass 1954-75 Vietnam War 1939-45 World War II 1955 Warsaw Pact is Formed

10 July - 31 Oct 1940 Battle of Britain 4 Oct 1957 Soviet Union Launches Sputnik I 1940-43 WWII in North Africa 1960 Seventeen African States Decolonised

7 December 1941 Bombing of Pearl Harbour 17 April 1961 Bay of Pigs Invasion 1941-45 War in the Pacific 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

23 Oct - 4 Nov 1942 Battle of El Alamein 1963-72 Apollo Program

1942-43 Battle of Stalingrad 31 July 1965 Cigarette Advertising Banned on British TV

20 Feb 1943 Paricutin Volcano Explodes 4 October 1965 Pope Paul VI becomes 1st Pope to visit Western Hemisphere 6 June 1944 D-Day

** This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it does detail some of the events happening around the world between the years 1906 and December1965 Pg 13 Some Additional People Alive During Brother Branham’s Life Time

William Branham 1906 -1965 John G. Paton Florence Nightingale David Ben-Gurion 1886 -1973 AD Israel 1824 -1907 AD Scotland 1820 -1910 AD England

1820 - 1910 Florence Nightingale 1820 - 1913 Harriet Taubman 1824 - 1907 John Gibson Paton (Scottish Missionary to the New Hebrides) 1840 - 1926 Claude Monet 1847 - 1922 Alexander Graham Bell Pope Paul VI Martin Luther King, Jr. 1847 - 1931 Thomas Alva Edison 1897-1978 AD Rome 1929 -1968 AD U.S.A 1848 - 1919 Mary Slessor 1859 - 1936 Jonathan Goforth 1859 - 1919 Theodore Roosevelt 1886 - 1973 David Ben-Gurion 1859 - 1941 Kaiser Wilhelm II 1888 - 1935 T.E. Lawrence of Arabia 1863 - 1947 Henry Ford 1888 - 1957 Richard Evelyn Byrd 1865 - 1936 Rudyard Kipling 1892 - 1973 J.R.R. Tolkein 1865 - 1936 King George V 1897 - 1978 Pope Paul VI 1866 - 1943 Beatrix Potter 1898 - 1963 C.S. Lewis 1867 - 1912 Wilbur Wright, &, 1902 - 1945 Eric Liddell 1871 - 1948 Orville Wright 1902 - 1970 Gladys Aylward 1867 - 1934 Marie Curie 1902 - 1974 Charles Augustus Lindbergh 1874 - 1922 Sir Ernest H. Shackleton 1905 - 1987 Baroness Maria von Trapp 1874 - 1926 Harry Houdini 1913 - 1994 Richard Milhous Nixon 1879 - 1953 Joseph Stalin 1924 - (James Earl) Jimmy Carter 1880 - 1968 Helen Adams Keller 1925 - 1968 Robert Francis Kennedy 1881 - 1973 Pablo Picasso 1929 - 1968 Martin Luther King, Jr.

** This is by no means an exhaustive list, but it does detail some of the people alive during Br. Branham’s lifetime Pg 14 Pg 15 Pg 13

Use map 1 (below) as an opportunity to incorporate some geography review into your study. The student selects their own colour code to match up the countries mentioned in each timeline figure and then also colours the location on the map.

Clearer pictures may be viewed on Little Bethlehem Family Church’s website Church Age ~ Laodicea

______The Age ____

______A.D. 1906 --- ______Messenger ~ William Branham ____


Map ~ Life and Ministry in the U.S.A

Pg 17

______Quoted by William Branham ______“” And if you want to get somewhere with God, never let an arrogant spirit ever come around you. Don't let no malice come in. No matter what anybody does, if they are wrong, don't you never build up a complex against that person. See? You be sweet and kind. Remember, God loved you when you were in sin. And if the Spirit of God is in you, you love the other person when he's in wrong. See, just pray for them, and love one another. Humble Thyself 1963

And I want you to get built up now in the... this Holy Oracles of God, in the Faith, the Faith of this hour. The Faith! It's going to take more faith than ever was in any age, for this has to be rapturing faith, be taken up. And so we want you to believe tonight in all that you have seen, heard, the Word that you have heard preached, the signs and wonders that you have seen done. We want you to accumulate all that together in your heart, and consider it, whether if that be God or not. Is like Elisha of old, said, " If God be God, then serve Him ." And if Jesus is the center of all things to the Christian, then I think we ought to let loose of everything else and cleave to Him. Remember, He is the Center, He is the North Star, He is the Ultimate, He is the Absolute. And if He is the North Star, there's only one thing that'll point to the North Star, that's your compass that you're sailing with. And the Compass that I'm trying you to sail with is the Word, and the Word always points to Him. Spiritual Food in Due Season 1965

Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012

______Quoted by W.M. Branham ______@VÉÑçãÉÜ~ ÉÜ W|vàtà|ÉÇ @ ______

Design © Little Bethlehem Family Church 2012