California %ate Library facraminto 92 California Posters Mark Opening of_ Electioyt Campaign Spartan Daily Presidential Candi( tales 45 Enter Race SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE ,Ilapeftfr ls (sire *Full Story ma Two For 12 Offices 42 San Ioae. Tiler,. May 3. tr.i No. 133 ! Cottrell Hubbard In Competition A contusion of . 1.,. dotted the campy - Seniors Expect To Sign the Opening gun a; .1..1 ASK election ra.. Some 45 vandal, a s Long'sBand for June Ball ill competit tor 12 stun. yernment offices Fulling Seniors apprmed Johnny Longs idiot, explained that Long is maw_ gin Thursday and cent - band as their choice for Senior duled to play at a Stanford -dime. Friday. art-of-00in 5., i’. Ball music at yesterday's class and has several other commit- Tits,. Studer. a t chief ta- meeting. ments in this area. The class is Three I .e.

Alter listening to a record of hopeful he will accept their offer set aside - 1' his music, the class made the Mks Taylor said that Long is for 50 twit .I I.* . choice. Long still must accept their one of the most popular bands one in the I 1., Qtloil I offer, however, before the arrange- In the East. but is not too well area near th. Worm; . cs .; ment will be final. known on the Viaait Coast. He the third near tie Barbara Taylor, class vice pres- has picked up the Glenn Miller Building near 71/1 ane '-a style of dance musk', In addition streets: ertionquist to musician,., Long bring% a glee stitd..nts must pia,. .1,i. llu Phi Epsilon club and two singer, with him, dint tbody cards who I t, lie she said. said. They then will be a.. ta. The hall is scheduled to begin rorreet hailOts f. Will Present Senior Week activities on June 10 tneh I hey are members Ballots Pat Spooner, president, announc- must tie marked a oh th. rol,ber ed that graduation fees are pay - Marken Ramp .tanip nem iii. ti iii it ins, booth. Varied Concert able until May 15, Croonquist said Anv ether method The quarterly concert of Mu of marking. auch as use of pen in- Phi Epsilon, national music sor- JUNIORS VIEW ORIENT t.', II, will it ..1.. ballilt %stud ority. will be presented tonight at The Junior Class will meet to-! at 15 p.m in the Concert Hall of day in Room 24 at 3:30 o'clock to' the Music Building. view slides of the Orient taken by: (:am)tis (.1teA Classical. romantic and modern Dr. William Vatcher, political sci- I clia I I' or.o. ii ill he stationed compositions will make up the pro- ence instructor. when he was a I,, the slink id I mon *ore% do) giant. which will open alth the member of the U.S. truce team at this ot 4 4 50 p tit to pla; of the 1st movement of Panmunjom, Koren, Bob Lindsey. colle.d men. ..tit I loos. 'bur Rachnaininoff's Second Piano Con- class president, announced. lo the cert by Karin Kahl. She will be .0n, %%h.. There will be discussions on I :1111111ti, I he I 11/1 iii. 4,11111,4 followed by Marion Harp and spring activities for the class P. an I Wilt Is. hairman Phyllis Heim playine a Sonata Lindsey stated. Tomorrow the JIM- for 2 flutes and piano by J.J. lOrN will sell snow cones in the' Quantz, accompanied by Valerie Outer Quad under the chairman- Decides Nash. ship of Joanne Leise. (S :ourt "Ragion Sentare Addita" by Stradella, "Sandmaemchen" by. SlOPHOMOREs PLAN MINER Firm' Details Brahme and v"Mountains' by Ras- The main topic of discussion iv bach will be sung by Joanne Tral- the Sophomoic Class meeting y.,- ha accompanied by Bonnie Rob- terday was plans for the Frosts - For Elections ertson. Fa tty Swanson will play Snot] Mixer, to be held ,Time 3 at teo selections for the piano. Adak, Cr...k Lode,. "Dead Leaaes" by Delaiasy :oat The annual miyer is ill enst Ii %Tt:S tor the ,,,, iii student 1, :, "Improyisation" by Sell- Poulenc. eent per person. uhitih include% continue the eatopaign soing rag. st.,i. iii...1 erzo-Tarantelle ftir violin by. Wi. the use of the soimming pools. (heir qualifieations and Bois- :lieu, it . b. tell. Victor.. :old 1.1..ttorio. iawski will bi played by Iris Mann. of e pro 1.1. ntial candidate. is iii airpear 1 ttttt UM% volleyball eiiiirt and haseha.II I. Concluding the program will be plattorens iii ,th.'r candidates, to beat the opening Aidnigda diamond. F:Mertainment also will Barhaia Wells singing songs by Thlirsdav and (rids' he the big dav thy he provided. Durant., Puccini and alilotte. Fr (imp. (Mon for 1: student ott II is, Th., Council also is making plans The concert is op. e J the stu- to work on the Litterbug cam- dent body and p ,te five of paien. `11-e Need lour FIDISII HEAR CANDIDATES Mt ill.. for the So- e .lore )(mars I Board To CorNider Candidates office of ppe( for ollf`ek ,, phomore Representative to the . setting op p. a:,1),.. . eV need your blood. ' decalied 01 ; - .,-, has ale toe peal - I. !oats (,rolipino. Student Council presented siding Flo, II, .1. . r. their Bob Peeks. chairman 0, the Cam- est p. I. : II:. of donor", is ill be platforms yesterday at the 3:30 pu, Blood privy Grouping floats for next fall's awarded a trophy p.m. Freshman Class meeting Homecoming Parade ail' be dis - "as far, only 60 donors hae. Blood will he taken iii 511. "-din s 11,414.41,,,i; Plans for the Jointly -sponsor- ANA cussed today by the Homecoming 'signed up. The blood ...ninth in dent rition tomorrow b- , ' t.yrs Mixer were an - Committee when it meets at 130 ed Frosh-Soph the Santa ,f tars Valle% is e - of the Santa Clara V..1. . 1;1,4 hy Penny Lee MeCill- in the Student Union amrding to pounced tremely low, since contributions C’erit,r and (if ' Artier. teen Vie chairman of 14,10.1 Joe Vallenara chairman ingham, freshman are not keeping up is ith . ads." II AWS elections is iii 1.. ii 1.1 Suggestions for float grouping the joint committee. Peek, pointed out, Thiirsdas and faraday ies a ittu mad,. by a joint Inter-Fraternity Don Raan. class re esident, prais- ile urged all don' ii- oreetert in to 11011 ?WE'S the student hod% time. accord Connell and Panhellenic miading Mg the students' moperation in thy past for tempos use reason% to mg ta AWa et Itett last quarter will be conseletaal, he the paper drive, said "We accom- pledge again Blood cion:ited will Date Bids Closed plished all we set out to do and I he credited to th. null% idual and _ said. . . I ;,. tang tot MA ! Vallenaii invited students who appeciate the time, effort and en- the group In addition us proisa - ; protected date applications. ..; (ate. - 1, lemon, preaabait wish to express themselves on the thusiasm the freshmen put out to tionate share of the blood will he eoaline to Paul Sakamoto Stud. to Donny ; subject to attend t.)41,*., meeting. make this drive successful. sent to the I' S De -pas-ft-tun! of Activittes Board chairman II -t sae and Diane (am. - I retells, Marsha The SAII prof. env] dates sys- as pre -alma 'I .11e Briefs This blood o ill be assigned for lino first , orb' News ream-Yes dates for next year a pr. .1. Ann Johnson JO.- else tip) oar wounded in militate-A !fight int aetiy stile!. and I:map-410n- gut WOW and Jo tit l’irak. ssa'- 9 hospitals and for national de ;ad functions Notices is. ti' sent ' rl nt I ’1:11411. Mar tense stockpiling of plasista. he to SJS student organizatins woe. Carolyn Siallane 1...1 Cf Faulkner's 'Fable ; eently warning them of the ap- 'raid, I.tilo Members of Alplia (.1n.;:a Yen, Peggy .. ...1.1tie deadline Joan 04,1'1 secret trA Bon - are :loc.-pang blood pledge.. in lb. and a considet aide alma r of Sae, Joan It. ..1% .1,0 P Quad today and tomotony nit Outer quests ar. see. east by grinit Thorson tie:wan Tops Pulitzer List Peeks reminded that the a.. id. to Ardtvitie, Hoard t h. ., .11 b.. otisen.ei NEW YORK, May 2 I UP) The News. 7.11(1 1)ays 1.e1t. Astrology Rea(ler : we .01 distinguished Ifarrison F Salisbury of the Pulitzer Prize for 1111e. II Se S:1!<.ttntoto tot,. New York Times was awarded the Seititirs Ji fiction in 1955 was awarded yes- Still Frustrated The 'loanl meets at a. 3.0 luda arsied terday to William Faulkner for 1955 prize for international re- Sen /I" has.- and t "One of mA artistic talents, the Stud. ra t mon his "A Fable," an alleaory based porting. eou to tic meailied in thr or one of Inv cultural idea ma) on life in the World War I trench- SECOND VERSE shop Ocr theli raps sad cev ti-. get frutatrated today .. the earn- France, Pit. (won!) 414.4.1. t Jam*, J;614 es of iNTEREY, Calif . May 2 (UP) spoke ,t piUgming .,and flea aloud SS (4 Carriple. lit. The second expedition to Ha- Th. ; h. do....1\ ISO I The 1955 Pulitzer Prize for dra- ma he read from the Astrologv ! ter-hUI: rc.rnitteeis uti t.0- heard A 1. of ’&:.".(i must bi 1,,, it ma as awarded to Tennessee Wil- waii ended yesterday like the first Magarine. tomorrou a, the Relations the lane asovernent.. are Lilian liams for his play, "Cat on a Hot with a cold, wet, hungry and "Frustrated is right." cont. seasick crew being plucked off Commit,. citing at 330 pm in he explained Tisru doliars of 'is;' Tin Roof.- plained A bleached out ike,,,,,11 morning off tf.nom Zi, itemiding to terry Mc- it ill Is. t ! Whi ii it, rap ot The Columbus, Ga.. Ledger and their raft in the early comber. "the .:0. there Mill 'arthy, l'R Comtnites- c bairman goo n si ts Si:nday Ledger-F.nquirer w as the California roast. be Aariable todaA A report will he given la Its. I. d Mans. I A. Ii I,.. awarded the prize for sarvice ren- SHOT IN ARM oith occasional sunshine (hi'. Vallenari bead of the "Latter-bug- graiiitatatu anoo dered hy a United States news - WASHINGTON. May 2 (1'P) afternoon. High termierature for Pan), !rorrintittee, on the progress of pus- neat be ordered Ir. I: A little boy with blond hair brave_ todas is 70 degrees. {boo ruin ' ter n.akini: construction of Atkinson. Spartan Shot t . The 1933 award for National ly accepted a shot in the arm yes- ever get a 'south. rti California and the 'luncheon tables and tvaslt bins by said Both printed and Reporting went to Aethony Lewis terday to show everyone his dad tan? omega. ( :trek as. atailable of the Washington I Daily isn't 8 let scared of Salk vaccine. S Mph;. I'M 111.1.5% I/ %II 5 T'iesday, M:ty 3, 19'57) SB Chief Candidates Tell Background, Aims t &tit .lions plat we are still t-.ely I !hitt to proriu,te t eleetion apathy poll have shown.; quire more benefits for every stu- throughout the shopping art.'s I.., in. .11141 tor..1111., ,1 the tour lass,r1 as a small school spirit, gain more recognition over one-half of the students poll- dent of San Jose. ninit.o,s, %%ins; for th. '1)).K 1.r.-- If I’’ toil. I %% ill stir., to gam for SJS and bring about a better ed did not vote in the last election' silints..1 pont sr,. tw-lio% In terovnitior, lot the understanding between students so let's all get out and vote and Through this plan two things can h., elrution elf t ge. not only in the sports field, and merchants of this al e& I make this a record election. be accomplished. al A new St.; -

palber 04/ fortlis for the aii in the eyes of the people in feel I have the experience. time dent Union in the near future: (2) ortptizn interest to .ser..e :. eell as Recognition and cooperation / on .t In. Sllf110111dillg communities and and John Marken lii It... 11 your S' id., Body Pt.-. throughout the San Jose area. ,oi 'at ies Qualifications: ASli e sident, for 1 .1 ureol I believe our relations with the Hubbard Eris! Contra Costa J.C. I think we should have regular .. rueteliar ran lop greatly Don chairman student delegation to j meetings of the top officers in Jim Cottrell oved Ii %ey taken a year , loalit lest ions California State Junior Col.' council with the committee chair- the . men so that they know what is ....I., ill students lege Student Government Con-1 ;, 600.11ar in , Award. ( rimittee. ,,ention studying student goy.' going on. This will give us better Jose during a Meti ,:ege 141.- 1 immitte. nment problems. coordination and cooperation With a market this PI, s 1 Niu Pi. Pe Board, SJS. among the acting part of our stu- Meritt.i little Key. dent government. I believe that ItOte Kits ' hould be intitled A, live in Junior Class. stores. TN, Nfeintier Tau I)rItti this will centralize our activities I t.. 1.1 local ..: man Pre -Prom Party. .uli., Jicil I successfully parent_ Slerniter Silver sabels. ?ori-e are to re-: and get the different parts of the f.s 4.11.,’, I +to. I main goals 1 in Other c.tif, awl I se,. nu, is better community re- student apathy and get wider government to v. 04 k tag,thet as 1 I 1 /.11 NT% goal 4.4.11 Fly it r:itir:rit he done here lat.ons student bene- .1.-:ribution responsibility and i .,)I 111 't .1 %kith more of they should fos. and -1 eater student pal tiripa- ; 'ter public relations. th that ha. take, !pat till. ties 'Mere are 12(1 student organiri- 1,,, .t het- is a -, ,,,.,- tildis at SJS, which are compos,,.1

,’t55-.ct I.. - . ,. of memberse who hay.' some degi SHOW SLATE if 111t114St In 5011,01 activities. It itcre somemway of unit, 1110 , I. - se active students in a vi: 'Jo d r .t would profit the school, STUDIO CY 2-6778 , 10, of Hits 1,11, .,tnizations and the students t

0. " Drama of Teenage Terror 1' it.i, to put '0111 StL pioldern of student apathy wouid of Conon, rep and the Irownt....%!. Iii' on its way down. They turned the school Poisine-stnetis Association. we ran One attack on this problem is to into a Jungle ioI haps Plii-et a system of stu- have the ASTI sponsor a carnival, in MGM's RED SOX PARKING dent discount cards for the mutual at which each mganziation would vs of both students and flit')'. have a booth. The proceeds from "BLACKBOARD Late for Class? tnt SALINAS this 47:arm\ al %% could go to help the AS oult s% -I-to could prob.-lb- JUNGLE" We Park It For You individual organizations and the AT S,A1'4 m.orked out with the (10%11- ASB fund. GLENN FORD Ors.' MONTHLY PARKING ALSO , ioerchants a similar disrotint Wider distribution of responsi- ANN FRANCIS 50 could be Tune-up end Brake Service bility will tend to eliminate what LOUIS CALHERN MAY 1 .1 ,titan Shop. is ualled the "clique- that runs the Complete Lubrication would v.ieatly lenefit the stt/- Tuesdcii 34 7 43 lThis student government. plus of it is :vont. store Public relations with our faculty, vv'ert, Student Body Silva's Shell 1 Ione! qi a cooperative "MAN OF THE administration and community are r sot F and San Fernando CENTURY not up to par, especially with the A rose from Student Union There is a lack of student par- corn:minify. With the $10,000.000 Starring !potion in campus activities. One annual business that 5.15 brings to WINSTON CHURCHILL ty by which this lack of partici- the local merchants, it seems that dion can he partially remedied there is good likelihood that stu- by a revised method of applica- dent rates could he initiatist hod APiee-Yit ASR chat& ..;n for appointment to corn - as at I''. - This Mild he dont. by per- nwr have be'n several CALIFORNIA DRY CLEANERS and al application to the Student SHIRT LAUNDRY "Violent Saturday" As the results of the recent Hank Ramp We now have Launderette Service , n Shield VICTOR MATURE , Minimum Bundle 65c I ' RICHARD EGAN 0. Stop In by 900 Profs o 11)iscuss STEPHEN McNALLY alen ,. I tic Se,ic Out by 500 1*, ’ C.!, Com- SECOND and SAN CARLOS Semeqer 'Ieiii . ,1;out Com- - "CRY VENGEANCE" Chanty.. Tosilorrou A%%artled scholarship to Comp MARK STEVENS Milli%%anca. 1 I. , :is of the changeover' Assistant Director of Freshm ARCHIE'S STEAK HOUSE rii t he (0 ho rt er s%st cm to the Camp, fall, 1955. ;nester system." will be the sub- Assistant Director Spartacamp. . t uI eilas to be 0% en 1,3; Namiel to Who's Who in Ameri-- United Artists Ycu rni Breaded Veal Ilaitleioad. dean of instruc- can Colleges and Universities. CV 3-1953 William I; Sweerwy. I believe in enlarging the Stu- the finest Cutlets 85 ''I the ills Isuin of teacher pot- dent Union Fund so that we can "STRANGE LADY Large bottle it ii it tomorioto's misting of in, ahead %%Oh our plans of build-1 t;i.ahrite student Assn. ing a new Student Union. This can, IN TOWN" of Milk rh. to to, held in the be done through an all -campus and GREER GARSON Diem 1:nion at 7:311 p.m.. will community drive. By including the' ARCHIE'S 10: me slides by Dr James merchants and the community, we DANA ANDREWS .,,idinator of gratin- will bring the campus and the Plus 545 SOUTH SECOND 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. CV 5-9897 ! iititled "Travelogue.- community litgether. .1. de t1 with his trip to I believe that this can be dee "HELL'S OUTPOST" and that through it we ii n ROD CAMERON i'eg(isits NtPcielv MINIATURE GOLF New man (Alb 114 Ittis Tintstorrt)tr MAYFAIR THEATER Golferette ..t DatI(.4 i'latitie(i 1919 Alum Rock Avenue tie will he "White Feather" t A.- P I' I .1 the home -Carribean Mtainic4m- Pi itd. Asbury the th,me of the Newman Chili s: ROBERT WAGNER DEBRA PAGET -- t at 7 sot ing dance, to be held Saturda.' Fellows Bring a Date JOHN LUND litisin,ss concerning the editing front 9 p.m. to 1 a.m., at the Saha! LAME`, FREE on Mon. and Tues. Nights literary- magazine, Club in Capintlii, according to Bob. .1 Reed. campus plus of officer, Ix in he th,.. Finittrini, club president. Clpe, 7 11 p.m 1 12 p.m. and el;et ion Sat. and Sun. ,, Pads, selling for $3 per couple.' ,,. currently available at the! "This Is My Love" Newman Club. Fambrini said. The (ki; 4 LINDA DARNELL RICK JASON 1)(1 I II ba ily affair will be semi -formal. PATTY'S MINIATURE GOLF Dick Orr will provide the music SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE . Eighth and Ninth on Santa Clara Entered as utcontil class matter April 24 under 1934. at San Jose Celif., the act .5.1R1410G4 UN 7-1211 Open 12 12 Daily 01 March 3. 1879 kfivelsor Californl N Herm]. NN Newspaper Publishers' Alsociat on. Pub. 511 Isorc.iii %shi) have Students lished daily by ths Asiodtd tint most hl,.% at- ,0 San Jose State Colleg ascent Sat- 'Trouble in the Glen' temliince ay end Sunday. during the colIng (firms must (In so he - yo,ir on. ;ow. during each final *tannin - 1.11',. Thursday, ii cording to the of on weiti. K. gistrar'. Ofthe. al Telophon 4-4414 CYpress Ed.torial Est. 210: Adsalrtising Dept, 211 BILL FRIZELLE 1 Subscriptions accriptd only on B twit. Is Eiecled rernainder-o4ochool year basis: 1'; lit session of (alifor ii fall quarter, III: in winter quarter, $2: in spring quarter, $1 111, Reeteation Societs recent! \ El Rancho Drive-la Press of the Globe Printing Cr. I electcd lloward Bogie president "FAR COUNTRY" 1445 S. 1s1 St., San Jose, Calif the local chapter of the organi/ Ja'nes Stew -t Ronson Rep. at Law st ion EDITORGary EngeN other officers elected were Fs.' Maxey. %ice president: Pat BUSINESS MGR.Dick Blaustein 'DIAL 'M' FOR MURDER" Lean. secretor). and Alice Rohl,. Ry a -J Gc Kelly DAY EDITORJanine LeFehr treasurer. Dr. FaRico Will Speak (amp Counseling 1 Tuesday May 3 1951 SPARTA% DAILY X Program Centered Osborn, Alcock Place 1st. 2nd ' Two SJS ,ivvakers I U. On Place of Philosophy lawey front the US(' Penttithl, II - , Around Campfire Dr. Arturo B. Falimo protessor Ins itational this weekend with tot, ),;.i it . ; ; , of philosophy, will speak to the "Firmes anti Enti '.'.ili he the honors in one of the five ents collet' it ,! an Philosophy Club tonight at 7:30 theme of tonight's first camp rows- '.rst plae. it. O'clock in the Engineering audi- siding program to be held in Room 1 torium. His topic will is 22 of the %Vomen's Gym from 7 to !hovers Given 1.+1k,11 first in this I 111nil 311 Place of Philosophy in the General 5 3,1 dehates in which sh, has Jail. .pa Education Program." olught.s Program will be cen- -’1 I L24 ted thus topping the best sp. ar Fathers also will discuss some of tmed around a campf:re and in 151111(1 nti)CI1(er% in the 11 \t',..1; ii %late% lti. in the results of his year-long ins 1,- eludes singing, group games. stunts Munit said (1,o los Reg. 111 ir- gation under a Ford Foundatna, :old story telling, according to ...eond adsertising w Edith Aleock took is Fellowship on th. subject of phil- connie Groppe. chairman. .soarded the sec- NI:14'441p n sante men1 Miss Al','. er osophy in general education. This evening's activities will ond annual San Guild scholarship of $11W.1 at the has taken sart in Fallico has studied with the cel- mark the first program of foe in sesmal antnial Gridiron Darnel held Sat- ,, t. nwilinw 1:,,, u- ebrated Italian philosopher Rene- weekl) camp counseling sessions spensuard by Co unit() in th. Exposit 1011 hall of the , Debat,. at dette Croce and helped with the -Rig'. and II,- (1. I..... si translation of t he well known This series of meetings IN de- Count) Fairground,. I),,. I AlTIC11111 ..1,0 - _ _ _ hi Count Ciano papers. A professm signed to help prospective camp The award honors tlu menurs tounselors gain knowledge as to of Rtdd) latitch. forma. San .1,,s a, at San Jose State since 1948. Eal- lico has taught at Northwestern what will be expected of them in News sports editor. It is giseL FREE COFFEE and DONUTS University, Chicago Teacher's Col- camp and what their irsponsibilt- the basis tit need prisons( FOR TWO lege and the Philosophy Institute. ties naitht he." Miss Grotto.. said. applieant, ti..1.1 :in.! s to PAT A. BUTLER All students and members of the R.; ,stiation fee he Inc faculty are cordially iii' ti ; A new winner each day! "JULIES" the discussion tonight. - mmits svill be served. EDGEWATER CAFE DIERKS Group To Pick CAPITOLA where Spartans meet for the 17 Delegates Spanish Plate best coffee and donuts in town! Camp Leaders Enchiladas - Taco I 371 WEST SAN CARLOS I. is hoped that final non, Attend Confab oi counselors for Freshrmin Camp Tomorrow 17 r. II.. van be made this week. Sherty SJS International Relation, Club Nuernberg. chairman of Freshman journey to San Francisco to par- MI. %It'll 110 I %ELI( 0 Camp. said recent1). %peak. tonight ticipate in the four-day Model UN For the past I. w weeks the Session in the Opera House. eommittee has liven screening air HANK RAMP... The SJS delegation will he one . _ plications and there are only a fess ' of approximately 100 schools and more positions to fill. Miss Nuern. 1000 persons which will partici- to, To initiate berg explairusi. Fioshcamp mem- ASS PRESIDENT pate. SJS gm's into the confab Initiation% V. ill head the agen- today in SD-120 at 2.30 p.m with a coveted position that of da :it tonight's slier ting of .A1 - For the first time in its htstor). there will be two camps. The (:1'.' representing India, according to phis Chi Epsilon at 7:30 o'clock Jim Stan's. IR(' president. camp will run from Sept S to 1, in Room 17. j///) Heading the SJS committees and the second front Sept. 1.. 1,, (live 1/our 3or 1).A1 are Ca r 1 Pagter, discrimination; Iteluirt% ot tbe r..cent .%('F: 12. The reason for this is bee.e.s. Barbara Anderson, international consent' at kansa ( its. Mo.. of the large number of freshmen fir, ermrt: Barbara Grasso and Bob! %sin be gisen. expected to enroll at Lindsey. finance; Jean Isentwrg -- fall and Paul Swanson, membership: THREE GRADUATES Jim Starts, admission of Red Chi- I We are a large, established, Eastern company expanding in this to the 1'N; Sanford Weinberg, na training, International Labor; Dave Doer. area. For those qualified, excellent opportunities for and Ed 'terra, self detertnination responsibility, and later West Coast and Local Sales and Sales Bill Tinsley, charter reviow. atilt , eetings' Management positions. Mike Thompson. tri.steship. SALES TRAINING, GOOD STARTING SALARY. Class: Meet today in Alpha Chi Epsilon: lin: I.11 ion of! Junior PLEASANT ATMOSPHERE. SAN JOSE Clxarh- T() A(1(lress II, I 1111'10)0ES alld (1)111C101,,n IV- , 1{01/M 24 at 3 ;to p RI. Tra'ning program as bItlets filled. inter- p.m Is tonight at 7:34 o'clock. Room Phihrioph) club: "The Plao, w starts as soon Write for 1)S reltiolotiv (:lu) 1 17. Philosophy in General Edina' view giving brief biography, phone number, education and busi- hy Dr. Arturo B. Fallico toiri- ness experience, if any. Under age 35. Replies held confidential. 1)1 11,..nt Clark. proiessor .11, .V4.11 Public Relations C lllll mit- psych;,.. will ispeak on -Th. , 1....: ,d , , I tda it 3.3,, ion . 7:30 p.m. in the Engineering ;oat Write now: P. 0, Box 383, San Jose, California ii-1; re Amer nail Psychological As:(ocia- ; R oom '''.-). lion" at the meeting of Psi Chi , i it. 1 11,1.;.. i PI: MOVi 11/11101110%% to be held in Room Ifin at 7:341: El circolo Castellano: \ .i mem- .....:II 129 o'clock tonight. I bets 01%0(11 to atfend 1, ' mg to. r"ti CI", `Itcallt4. loda) at 7 311 solaurn, who a i ,, co,,,,hkrio...: i in., t.o.% at S pin.. SI)-1! . p In . Room lOth. membership ill Psi (21n. the Na- - Freq.liman Camp ( ..infliillt...: RallY ref"the ( ^ t tonal Honorary in Psycholog). torla) -I " I tomorrow 3:30 p 01 -Out!, ill : will he told of membership re- lionw,Hone. spartan Spinners: Meet tonight ouirements and plans for the ; ; ..tent in the YWCA base- spring initiation aceording to Neil I 1 i;(11 p McCallum. publivit) chairman. ;hid 4) kamanina: Island st;,- % els ( bite Nomination and Mee- dents insited to attend meeting to- t toil of of I me I'S I 01110111M In Room PreShlerianS night in Room 7 at 7:30 o'clock. 117 at 3:30 pm. I. A. Chub: Musk- today in I.A. WATs Sports: Softball today. Pielliek TO(1111V Lecture Room. 11:30 a.m. 4-:).30 p.m. at the 7th :old San Fer- Cars will be leasing Slit - nando field. Riding today. 3:30 (lent Y from 4:30 to 6 (,'clock this p.m. at Alum Rock Stables. afternoon for those students whit annitius Is*titql plan to at the Presbyterian The finest pipe made anywhere is th outing at Alum Rock Park, ac- !4JS Car Olt cording to Bob Poulson. chairman BAILING Security officer Ilars.-% Shaffer The Westminster Foundation is exclusively at Silte seven warnings to the own- sold sponsoring the affair which will rs of cars on the SJS campus last include swimming, supper. reem- CREST PIPE SHOP , week. talon and vesper service. 1 47 NORTH FIRST People who do not park their; T th.y should or commit ET ears where W 4A Carrot Sale other violations of campus regula- Better tennis A carrot sale, sponsored t.s the lions get a wattling the I irst time, 1. !!. 7 Women's At Assn., will he and a notice to see the dean of for you starts held today in the Women's gym. men the second time, Shaffer said. Cat-rot snacks will sell at five cents There have Ii. 'en no second no- right here ... apiece, according to Nancy Rog- s given this quarter. according civt 'PELletti

ers._ WAA publicity chairman. ,i Shaffer. The confidence you need to 41 Harry kvii.p lip still, ganic * 'It II * a into the. tine %paid Ing iatkci * * . . The Spalili.ig is eti Ii SI tie. 4( James . . Elect 11)4:1). all Ilk: led 1111 111.111:1 on. and his trot 11 b11111 0, lake MUSIC Sg:f ,C 11t1 and rne you top performanke. MAKERS Bus the ARO-HAI in %out sox ft BILL FRIZELLE weight .111.1 11..1 s,sct SATURDAY, MAY 7 sill icll s., . * hi tier 1, 4E * * In tie Club Howse at * * * BAY MEADOWS 41 Large * Race Course San Mateo ii at . . 1?ep. * * * SPALDING * * DANCING 9 to 1 * * SETS THE PACT * * Adm. $1.75. Inc. Tax * * * :*************************************************l 4 SPARTAN DAILY r sday M is ' 195, ( )nne", DSP, George, Dooley Shoot Nine Stops Tigers Dr KT Grab Win Over SC Softball ins 71's, Pace Paced by 71's by Ernie George Reschke end Peters (SC) def. George Upsilon, Tau and Delta Ksppa and Glenn Dooley, the Spartan and mots. (SJS) 3-0. 11 def. Lvar,y With 3-1 Setback Delta Sigma Phi sson their ripen- golfers posted their second win of Glenn Dooley (SJS) in National League Play. McConville 80 (SC). 3-0: Lao Amaya r. ( ifs I lie So, .1,,,. aii,,,u, do,ing in ing games the season over Santa Clara y' es- annti the Spartan Oriocci copped 2111 (ySJ.Sh deli RogderASullivanisedijs)(SdC)f, at:,, Iii..1 11414 tt.tcw, t:i and scoring the sec- on the San Jose Country insooLy.d ter e I ti in 31/ In the ti.p of the first fraftie its first game in International Club course, as they dumped the Iv! c2C o2n. v darSC),Sullivan 3-0. e . no. ).11.,11!: 111, p4hruiritt doutojed and was League action yesterday in the in - Broncos. 171-2-9'.2. the plate by Eirady's tramoral softball tournament. Although Santa Clara failed to Tip 1,1-, SWapPtl Sigma ('hi 13-1 ROBERT LAWS 04 I /II' Ihe led they 11 :%.6, Ion 1g.stne ,,i. off in the sixth with for their win. while Kappa Tau cop a single individual match, 1 1'1;3 the% . ,11,1 ,ariv.10, Reynolds managed to take the nod in two Chuck withstood a last inning surge to s

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