anlifornia kat* 14.brarr flaeranasto 9, California ELECTION FEVER INCREASES .S1:411fiN Spartan Wilt y )4omentum Rise; SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE 42 1.11.1F1)1{Nlt. ,1/%1. NI kl 4. 195: "., ''rtnI Rush to Poles \untie. t:aidion at political. !-, ' t.1,e its lid tomorrow' their . Blood Earns Free Headline , . to the polls in acce-i - I the at spume goat ter dent t Doughnuts Extended A gain hallottne bali,o, teas la til stiatent Clam, 11, Strums mill hint' i the Coffee, sch..i. to be nwasined for caps al .1 ..., t s be,atoe in the I" '-n. Campus blood donors will en- , .I Lk teat I. .ti ion tOrniairtni. alnr- for graduation the ,spartan :Shop Rules on Pro joy free coffee and doughnuts at- i noon. according to Bo h Peeks.; announced yrslelliay tion oon.iiirst s , ter contributing a pint of the I chairman of the Campus Blood Tho tis .stended be- cpth:i le is precious life-gis mg liquid in the Drive. cause many s.mois ha e not coin, To Be Tighter - - "Veterans previously turned to the Spartan Shop to be mea- down because of malaria and yel- Stil F(111 Sentester %tat. More Books low jaundice contacts may con- When sizes are taken, a lee of Tod:, . tribute to the drive. Their blood $5 50 must be paid. Two dollais of hal, boon stud' Twill be used specificalls. for phis - tins is a deposit %% Inch will be re- tightened in the revision to go into ch"'" To Be it ma." informed Peeks. !mated %shun thi cats. and emits effect with the beginning of the " Peeks emphasized the need lot are returned. semester system next fall, Dean more contributions. AP1u0 mern- Flit lay is also I he deadline for Stanley Bene Personnel Commit. Mt, I or Librurv bees are stationed in the Outer ordering personal name cards to tee chairman. explained yesterday said accompany eraduation announer- . .1,, I Library needs for real Quad throughout the day to sign A student will lie played on pro- at t'a. merits Both minted anti isnei,,,.(41 proposed 8510 F-11: enrollment to- "P donors - bation it he ha. a deficienes of ft"n" '1"-"s! ".!!"1. gs-m and in the timer Quad tat almost twice the numb. 'I' oh "There ale approximately -1"' ’1111’. in"ilabl!! 'fit.'tw more spade points below a wall tit* at 9 all! 1..0 . ' books now in the Library blood centers in the U.S.- explain - if average in any on.. semester, ems.' l .1 pm I Inder standards recommended ed Peeks. "Members may trails a cumulatise deficient-% of seven an 3 pi. F by the state college librarians in fir their Word credit to any Board .aci, April, the Library should have these centers." Standiii.- 250,0(X) volumes for the 8510 en- The local blood center pref. ,,, 'f..11 t oilmen? figure Th.- I ribraly now It'd by the American Red Oros, Present Sion. has 131,000 books in ifs staeks. the Santa Clara County Meoi.:. The Ameriean Library Association Sosiets for the community Pis -k- Staff to Council in a recent study of SJS tt!_tores pointed out that it operates or 111, S.Ill! up to 300,000 books as a principle of neiehbor helpine tipieh- Tito /1,11 a.,.1i ir and pow,. )lee(' liatifi licient number. The association bor. There is no charge tot ih. .1 le, In, L'..1 . basis of I ponds an A 3 101 indicated that SJS Library tacit- blood itself, the' or113" east to th- 111.11, 1111. !..11,1111t C111i11- ne's are now on a liberal arts col- recipient being service churi.,.;,. at th., tn.,. tine ot !nein O-II-, tor 2an tot"h. .(. 1 fur AMIN\ i I 11)erf(irni lege leyel, according to Miss Joyce in connection with the .aboratory 1-1,11 otfic 3:341 pin in the' hal ion can las eleared to Backus, Librarian, tests and actual transtusion it Union MAIM.; a el sire the in NI 1. With the additional Members of the SCVBC and the 'to 1..10 1'1 1 11111.11- sentest. r in the tirsd case arid shill 111, AR(' mill he on hand to greet .11011: 111,1111i ii ill of the 1.ibrary extension. tip to making tip the cumulatise deft - blood contributors from 2 to 5 p . 141. fr11111 171).000 could lir %filler/IA ill but riptides during the following tiSti Peeks said. The winner of the discos, Set10.1. Iii' extension will not be com- semesters pros ided a 'C a%vrage Campus Blood Drive mill an- th. . %mit plott d until late in 195ti. be Az attained during Bits nest semes- nounced as soon as contributions the Childi slop- buret The state legislative auditor ap_ ter Failurts get "C! average tion of a some pasta-. parently sees a total of 130.000 as "1'. "bulati’d atter being Plaerd pro bation other co,.., tit ed- sufficient for any state college a failure to niake rlinilllatiVe de- itcalional W,11 a., \l library and recommended that all r ' ficiencies all. Imo semesters a osiers Ileum The question was ii .! ka II,. ., space for book stacks in tlw 114,VI failing grade L71 Imt-thud of a S. - week and referrix1 I addition be eliminated. \lee:. Back- ( rooster's proglain (Ii;.', F. stilt in class councils to LT? LAO II, its said. It was 'It squ alit te at a m Jena -up Drive lion of stodent opinion ,tine t'41 41 ,I11.111 41,4’ffi., 4 (If the proposed state budget 41!!..I.!! !!.. ir,i,. the sjs !Aran. $12,000 will Don't ix, a litter bog' posters money to that (hardy will. -..t Is- i . , ) 1111 , cOnlii, fo \I. I i f , mill mark the beginning ot a clean- mg obligated to other charities 11 , rt)iii, 1 ii III ,7. Is' used to fill spin- s left to weed_ .11i .1y. l *rests deemed up campaign by the Public Ftela- which apply to the Council for It ing out operations I of 1h. , out of date will be tslegated to lions Committee next week. nancial support Followine the meet in-. II Conic ti, limo,' other state educat lonal inst it ii - "We have to get this campaign ) ur(ule council is invited to di: . , lions, The auditor approsaal a $13, going if it is to fulfill its purpose ,:rourane ot ni,... ., t ions whieh fairs are h. .1 te. I ', WO neW book purchase by the the home of Dr I-:iiv. aid V. t r..i,i 1-1- of cleaning up private Si', %kW ... 1...1 1".P""). ents and his wil. il is the come itomeeiiiii,,,, Ii..:eli, suggest - brary. ii a' and stopping the complaints from eirs ad% i,,. lareer IF, id ed Homecoming householders that are still coming by th. Corntnit- Whet. him', i tee yesteistas in a tentatoe list into the office of Dean of Student, of MUM( Ii’-’ Committee Plans s 'lesrules for the eent Stanley C. Benz," Jeri,. ., I here to I. ,t ti, ,., will he t ito thy, P.R. Commit tee . Juni OrS RCA 1 1.11. Th.-n dAisions. - . I ,,. .. and independents. in said. the l'erit o For Frosh Camp ; . .’1, if t he l'illf`s :us . approved Information for the Mercury orch, I . !!! fur t his 1 41 C ()1411- at twat Tuesday s tn.-..tine Also News Sunday column "St tact I: Jiti)ari solo' -, y, s Freshman Camp have been i a limit ol $250 would ta., set as the Sparta" is badly needed accord in. Jatiati is both , approved, and will be announced ii -"11. l'Is' "it's maximum exisaulittns- loi an in- to AlcCaiths- and may be submit California ill siie anti climate. Eve, . Sill/lily, Sherry Nuernberg. chair- but iti, lona,... , .,,toat regardltss of IA hi-.111- led any time before 1230 p.m, oolitic a ill 11 1 ihan of the Freshman Camp Com- simihrit,,,s net thes,.: said .r or not organizations join to Tuesaw.s in the Public Relations mittee announced yesterday D r tt. Ili an 1 V a t .1 asst. 1 an t pro_ build it At yesterday's meeting of the Ofliee tor publication on the fol- ,tiand Flea 1{4...4iri I fritsoi of Political Seienve in he. FratiaretieS anti sraordies would (4,rninittef. it was lowing Sunday. decided to com- ; deride m heti,' ot ti,? thr% %till 7,,, I Ni. lpf ibitii,, The dtvelopment of a talent flit! Ill.'. Millen' of slides pile a list of faculty to paiticipate a combine lo 1.10 A flOal the corn - was taken ener Norm Scheid in the -inip. Plans for a 1,11,4'1111re Japan lo a .alrill f.-f'olli, or In"' 111141ef (1.!(.,loil It :ill itili'll:11117.tillOn to he assistant liairrnan th. eoinnlit- ei to incoming freshmen ol:Ited illnlOrS I.slrillay! ellOSI lio OI!!i!. II :ti, -ta.thor groan awl Ii aisler students mere com- tee. Joanne I.eis.. chairman of slam- 1.' flan'. """ k Oar"' in a pleted The brochure su It:e- -This is a chance for any organ - l' ased May 15. fiat ion or variety show to consult cone sale. announced that rriinlbeis Ill’i".’:. ''' ''''' .- ''' - '' . "." The commit t ee also the tor entertainment posse (.1 tir. -Iiinicir Class mall ....II sr.. -as v. tat th1' sCht‘dUlt for tb. tn,, .-.1a117:-.. bilifies," MeCarthy said. tovitoir.v ill I.. ftfplfl II41,d. Out

World News Briefs in order tr. raise i th,- hi 2 Niq)11i. kllies: Russ ia Disagree IT 41t%ivi; TI) N i. VIENNA, May 3 .F1'. Th, salt ’S fr-e-power conference attempting But he would not confirn7

to work out an Austrian State .ny reports that American troops t held Thin stIay trat Friday ..I.n_- Treaty was reported tod:* to have perhaps a full division, may be k. ii it h 1 lie .1 i itl..nt body i heal. rim into tremble on ths, problems based on the Chinese Nationalist a fist' h *Ill) iiiaN ileCOVIIIIIV I.. BO \VIM I" AWs !skit`, II Pei, curtain refugres and the island president t.iaiie'd it -1)-101. froiti 11 Din 01 Austrian army. ; to Miss tfelen P. E. REPRIEVE Candidates runn .A\l'S of- o- easasment between Russia Aim y,1 1.1:u Frida and SACRAMENT( May 3 (UP. fices arc and the Inited States, Britain and peilormancea at Donna Larson, Allen., Hammond, ,,ee flared into the open on You older college students who sold (Sit of tick- 1)eatts liver lien don't like to do pushups and run Marsha Hodgson and Dlane Can- , parts of the treaty et, is 75 tents tor genetal ad- A Iv . around the infield six times in t lino. first vice president (lane . 0 morn, , mission and 50 cents student of ettiteatee, I 4 litMOSA TROOPS pnysical education can relax. I ig CiMer, JoAnn ' (pie Wood Jeers ss during Ter ASIIINGTON, May 3 The leisisiature has appmved a and Drake, Th, mit., on I Iri. C1audette Mar- the early days of 'talky movies State Von Arthur W. Radford, chair- hill which provides that no veter- on' prosidrIlt gin, Carol :of , Pat Cr.. opened its run before a full house SJIi camp' '71:.11 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff an or enleste stialent 25 yrars of associate arcoiding t.. Iven. Carole lado and Joan 4 ! last Frida) John Kert day, said today the U S military train- age or older need take Pls 11111(!hs secretais, Bonnie Soe Joan !teal, Itit1l'5Mt of Mama is chrectmg dean of education., ing mission on Formosa "probab- he wants to, , and Ramona Thorson. treasioar- tIe pla) Summer Semanci at r 1,%111 Ma., 4

Fdiforial Thrust and Parry re.. amount of indifference %Al tend to lems could prove the basis for i tfril'i/ . . . //IP tiII develop Since the former condi- and effective participation in . His S0.02 Worth and , is .:intisti t.. t..on enjoyed by (30 a fest stu- student government, would and latter prevails at much toward reducing student at. h. tint. It . Lp..trd that tin- .A1111.11..1,3111 ,,,rnr-tor., To dents the 7-1 apa- ithy Imo 11,1i! 1 iiated On the approx:rn:ite ratio of ff.,ncerrunq student Ltusern- F. C. Klitza, AS1.1 4312 1,111i.i/. - I. I hat. }..-.ti a:, deehm. :,r rner.t is una:.oldatile. I/ t.. los tit.: 111 Lt.-tiara'. _tont: foil A Reply For Paul e -t .r- rho if olop :: rd v,-ith ..xription a Public 1"’c.T: 1 I.! sIr r. .1 f aff11.11.. 11.111; Air. IN /Ia.- ''! 5-JS -:;:afetr. class. ti.' cuiric.ila at SJ:s Paul Swanson wrote a letter. ilI 7 ( sran-d from criticism as if it . .1 10 I/ o k r :I1 ii II. it %.61111 11./411 Ufl we do reply: m %ere -hallmned- from age's No To this I. I... a I.Irlifit1...1 if 11 .111 1111 a lie. been considered students pref-:- r.ot Your opinion's eye to eye. ch al.,e a --oft t t low, I We do see is .4 good one, ,ired opuses could tn The issue 1: ' ..1. ’1 - if 1 111.- I ol-lif 14. 14--. 1 ii flails ,, !! :-’,t Dear Paul. you are so right .1 .1 11, It i- -’ pi.1 111ii,. 1. .ler. 111111 annum. Finn.- . NS'e'd like to hear what you

. ti .1 ...1.10..r. that (worth.. I,s ttI !:. o..,: . Wiiat I Inr9s.d it isp.itcd that -,tene. Prol-40se. Ha lit Si, L.’0t majors comp'.ete the,e cour,e, ;., TO thr 4. 1/0 1.1 .1 III. .11/1, 1 %I'd 111i- flirl, loafIl 'ltiiI !mar t:.:. is It I., : la sort 01 aitcithonght. gettimf A's , ASB 66:15 r II,. I, !1..1 I- It tce tid 1 ia, in -1. and ET. with A stniletit ASII 4616 IS .t thnt .1... -1. .-1,t noJri- l: :"’ x.41-10. mien,. I required to rn nioriie a eel` ASH 1619 at -I p- Flc.j.lf r.l.j /.9 f 1 ii- Ia. 1.1.19 a- he fl 10 stile, --Sira iies V. ill amount or 11:11,1 C11,-,h1I11 ci 1.11' ASK 6944 A 111 II ..f 1- /- ir 1.I. pl- : d. a: fin- the . lia is required to corresi.snd sc 11 ...f. 1 if tip11 11/.0- %.111 ,’on z- life 'dotted squares (in an I11M II,' .1.111 1 Ilk. Ilit f 1.141. .111.11 Itflti -11/-11 If tiom ..e tr pr Wrig con- ' three tan, s (platter In stor certain leases the st:ident must done 'A rif h., ataiit to SLATE - Orate SHOW I 1.I. .iltiiii,I. I... (1.1w..11 foil.' of rotr 1 1111101.. .111.1 has memorized but I to -Is ski ., that p. has. hard. us fa. t. r-nr1- :option lacc;:siona.. 1#1,11 111. if 10,11 11 ad. Iii of.1.-f III 111. tit-. tont pus Chest ,aon "occurs.- but I; tiii- STUDIO CY 2-6778 I' ..rk r. it !tot it'. loft Ul tr. tin 'Iwith the timetable: it is tt I rges 1,rimps i.Lted Drama of Teenage Terror They turned the school 14,41.1 I . \ Tcatio Sine.' lb.' students must TIo 1111 .11 ()Il es- into a Jungle I read the text The student 1-- ;n MGM's A,I . fl!.; led on what he is able to ' Al:o t,, the Irom the instructor's "BLACKBOARD Delegation f,11. individual st i'i!. of related tot. Ill( 4*iinp JUNGLE" th. as pos.. is Tidisoc(..,fruri.iii.:1. her pert GLENN FORD at..1,11n1.: to Joan Uhlrich s _ ANN FRANCIS Represents India rt11,1 cltairfrli111 LOUIS CALHERN Cella Cross still he stationed it. I, 9 1111. A puma, iji i N rnion to cuilect mon . Sian ups ( f)ntintie - plus - ..! It..1 1 Ito 0t n .. *0 1 he dell...v.:at 1011 C0111f11 troth 1 10 pan das L "MAN OF THE the- 11, on laarliatnentar pt ssrek It., final total %%all tic r or attire School , .1 1itii , and 10.10...:11 r1.01n.ed To....riaN The (lilt.' 1., CENTURY \ . I. . I. it ITO:. ,1 Frittas frioll..) h. Starring ot ' .r 1041 .feleg..tust will hr. thenti rtilrieh siorLs ct ’-’. !it Coast Nature School ir. WINSTON CHURCHILL r ..i. ti I a f 1011 h.P.N. 11 .95 flu- W11114111111/ IlotiI is contin ang in Room S-100 dur- . s pt, 1.1 1’.11411Sift14 - III 1s 111,11 ' inc the hours of 8 a.m. to 12 noon 11 ()iris 11. ’ NlisIaj forfaidaft 4141111/11, .11111'11 55 I riS and 1 to 5 p.m. weekdays, 'ac 1111f1ii 1111 a11111-1,114 . cording to Jean Ilird. secretarv '111 itli 11(irl)ecti() -more than 4i) students hiRe MAYFAIR THEATER ia the rtlIted '410i signed sip for the college camp i1,- Ispotut. III V1111 niake thc '.51.1111(11 AtaIt111, at s 11111101 group at Sef11111111 Nattellal Park. - Students 500 Anytime sp.alai and i Ii tine %vi- 1.. Olen(' the annual AWS-WAA said Miss 1111-11. "The school is a,- its 11;11 roti 0 c port. will Meow barbecue litchi) at 5:30 planning an enrollment of alsmi : e ,-hrtt 1110 /7'.1115 H It 'sill take plane at the tin students tor the June 19-25 s. - "Desfry" pits in front of the %VI,- skin AUDIE MURPHY 1 ' in, suit %sill cost .54) cents Tv.o quarter units in Natural MARIE BLANCHARD ;.ei person Science mav he cat tied attend- JacTie Wood. nustiess of Ci‘r- ing one of the sixth*. rt ;. Itth ! -Plus--- fulini.... 1.1111 111111Illet it plovrani sessions without camp ,,- "SIX BRIDGES TO CROSS" \Milan 111111101* featinint; the Alpha (111 ()mega h. held June : Nat,. a pantuntine art and Leaf I.ak. and .1 . "2'4' cut's delo4,11.,t ration of baton lit 1. bruin Pines Miss Hod - na I ist, I goiliolit I , .t1 sislalates isansouf for AN CALIFORNIA FREE COFFEE ond DONUTS (;ratl., Hear of FOR TWO to KAY VON TILLOW 141 Torrr Salt, chiarter SIs itch "Violent Saturday' ’1-1 t 3 .t. oi, 1, 011 111j ii rieAr winner each Joy! .110. VICTOR MATURE ..o.11.! ii - 1,. 0 I. 111 1 / .1111,9 11.,11..149,r., \ , i ! wiz ,)1 hi' S .r,ifillatoS--cc 19111. 1 ,1111111111 .110. 11141.11 I. RICHARD EGAN toor_lit I lr I ; DIERKS 11. iI 'Woe l ol ...A\ I McNALLY 1.09 Sc their ...spiv. t Ii STEPHEN 11.:(,1 teachet ed- 1 -1,:i okito .111.1 .1 luuils .5 fl .11 uciition Iii est (of!. a its in town! 1 1. 1 1.: .11. --/ irk 11111 I and Fied -Plus- 1ii 11111 I 01 /1. 11. dean of instruction %yin speak 1111 I 371 WEST SAN CARLOS o 1 t t1 ii.- S11111 11,11 I the A11131111'111011% of the Change - "CRY VENGEANCE" I I r. It ..1.strr1 that additional lover front the Quarter S,.steirt to MARK STEVENS p , tmli not ha or+ fi 41. Pric I the Serneser Sstatn The meat- 1 Sc, tit 11111 of st ttrasn and ' .1.: still Ise held in Studant Union Why not dine in Son Jose's finest atmosphere? ih. 10 1/1. 191111 bcforg i..11.11111'y 1 7315 o'clock II Dr. James W Ilrown, TOWN HOUSE RESTAURANT Our of graduate study, will show United Artists slides on Ins trip to F:iirope Breakfast - 40c and up Luncheons - 75c Major. CV 3-1953 Complete Dinners -$1.35 War Siwkikor 1.11 IF F 's 11111 5(51 N.1. "MAN WITHOUT ( (-AIN ETC FOUNTAIN SERVICE - 5!I .\. ".! I -I' a, ont to A STAR" at International ilium:it , "i Open 7 m. - 9 p.m KIRK DOUGLAS %% ill speak to th. le tlii ,ht \ob. to clot' in JEANNE CRAIN Yp'e... 3 6354 30 souTH FIRST STREET 1/1 001's Iti/rIlOrr(IN if 1_ hol',11 it totlaN lo as- dispit. . pall 111 filo. out Little Th.iiie. ,- millet., CLAIRE TREVOR lecs frum t. ., We cater to parties, banquets, and to forth 1 kVilltatils ninth in flu- - Plus_ Istsine.,, and el.,' Vigo, a ill spi.ak al., "BIG TIP-OFF" .ung College Or:admit, in RICHARD CONTE SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE MOTHER'S DAY, MAY 8 I --- I v11% I. grant'. !Alan Fseia. lecceni clam rrtthor Apr31 24, 934 ot Jos Cal-I,. ustlin the act .5ARATOGAI ITN 7-3014 MOTHERS' DAY CARDS and GIFTS 148--1, 3 1879 tr4o,,bor California Pubrsitrs. AsSOCIOI011. Pub- -d d. y by tkal Assoc;ared Studanis LOVELY BOXED GIFT STATIONERY i S., Jos* State Coilog solcpt Sot I 'Trouble in the Glen' 1,eit and during coll..). FOUNTAIN PENS . on ;5%,.. during each rin4 samin- I. on suoilk. ORSON WELL ES

BOOKS ON HER FAVORITE HOBBIES Tleptiois CYp.13 4.64t4 ET.or;s1 Let, 210 Adsstri'ssg NO 211 Subscriptions ccoptnd only on si,idor of-sctool yoor - quarts:, $3: iii w;st quarter. $2 is so,i.g quarter Sc El Rancho Drive-in \It'. S. 1018(11 asross ots t::i sGt lae tr P jr gc Co.i ; "UNDERWATER" i JANE RUSSELL Your Friendly Store Pius_ EDITOR -Gary Engell 80 SOUTH FIRST cTREET CV press 5-7633 BUSINESS MGR. -0;c1( Blaus+e;n "DESTRY" L:E MURPHY DA 'f EDITOR-Eloa,or Norrs Pat Daughert Wednesda) NI** 4, 193., ,rRTVN 1111I ' Girl Scouts Seek Former Student Camp Coun.elors Ila\saiiaI1'IiflurCa1)tL1I'( The proia lir. (.1r1 II il needs %%omen N olleN ball Tournament counselor,. It t'. ill hold inter - %Jens tortiorrim tr 1-5 p.m. Tops in Talent I II. film-. 11%liii 11.11, .11 ;liii,. is iii, 111:1 pl .11111, 11.3111.4.1 Idyll Mill hold in the 11, a!! ,..11. _ 1..1,1, .1... id Um, 1-:11.111)11% int er% ieu I- rida% t rom former re- "'ail ',tate niii-ic -Indent. l'at Dangliert,. 1-5 pail. It n.. ii'. men and Moo - hmrt. en !ram. t. iticred iti , roils %son fir-1 place in the \\ ....tern elimination rif the lirm% 111.111 I- 44444 Dolor*. .tecostill phe, %still,. I ,* !hit,* 1...1.1.1. 11.I I (...11..t. buld al tire Pre-iiiiir in 'an Fl.1111,1....11. 'sign up tor the., utterteu 11-.01.11\ pre-eiii. I t,i I ii mi II.. ,.i,i.*._, ii iii.- Haw III, . %sinner for the 111- rin I in.& lit Niw Nod, ,,i) at the Placement 011ie,.I:.,. ken. I). %jai dui- rainiest appearing gm the %%here jot, deserintlun aro I: Ilklisan shots ot June 12 .1%ailahle. ,. MT, 14.1cetion DaughertN. director of III. I.. :111.1 VA Outlaws Army Male Chorus at the I 1,411.1 . ,11 sidio. won the r..gional title ., I et s Club Holds Take.. 3 1)aN%. '. 011 a,-. N111'1%11 \ ing All The Things You Are , 'Nothing-down' 'I he Milner Spartan wis grad,- Martin I.. t...: froni SJS in 1953 with an All Elections TodaN .1.b. 111.1. et music Ile studied %Mee tinder Tli sail Vt .tia ( et ion 0: \ 1. GI Home Loans . lase. and sang in the A Can- NA 1 1-1CC111111S for mast !or the coming II is 1\ \ c.1 home mortgages that remit:- iwIla Choir under William J. EA- ' . at Its meetm. I,!, tonight, all fla. llama! .. II , tirri io down payment or closing mison. Daugherty plans to 11.- In. in Room 117 , .1 Frida%-. 'until I p.m. in" :,1 bven outlawed. No mil 'mm to SJS in September. upon to Don Canipb,11. pro,_ dont Y. ;recording to the I", ’, ors will be gisen to veterans I as separation from the scrOce. man. \lartin. eseentise , it I.urchase shoddily-construct - 1)on Campbell and II.. 1.1.,111111l, I I -I ,1 houses. according to a Veterans Pegasus Elects have 110111.11:i1L41 Er 1' .1..,11111 It. Ailminist rat ion annotincemi'nt. ill 111.. Bob Zancl. Ea: I I .,:.1 This week tho VA will issue a Election of officers will be held nes and Dean Latter, o.,

At 's% Thcmas J. S \ at the meeting of Pegasus, honor- ,Iteni John Vn''''' assistant deputy administrator and Tom Nixon have hi --n ii- 1 .1131; iter411114 llemb41- a V it mug soctet3.. tunight at the tor , et)" VA loan guarantees. said. De- 11,.. i,,ri i:,ults on GI loans have been "mea- home of Dorothy Pritchard, 99n The club has two nesk 1' -,:cably higher" in eases whero the Asbury St. at 7 o'clock. Major Edgar Collatim 1 ,.., 'WM' Oft ID. us ti ill er has no cos,] investment. The Business cora-tuning the editor... Deam M. Bressler. R&M ’ \ .. FrldH3 Or nation will bar GI's from guar- of Reed. campus lit. rary pined K A Rome:, . ,,1%%-ill !Maier. and : hr ' on this type of loan. zinc, win hi' IIISCUSSed. pinfessor ni loisinrss. Itett,at, N1,1 1:', t I . VA plans to counter a major II the build fast -sell fast "The multitude is ri,tk- "To lose oneself is the I ito mg his West polio ear, .c11. .1 by "people in this of books 10110140M I 'irm. iii who ilon't know ing its ignorant.- Muntalwl, Of mu Itle-long roman, Glenn Ihr% is -.cored 51 11 1:.



WHAT'S THIS? o see paragraph below.

mudent I Board SPCOOTTI MIRED PlC. WHO w./LID Ho, 'Al INC ST TWAT wITIP LAN I DO WITH II ill 1101d Dinner mid Dance" is the theme of the pro- gram for the second allli '1 CTOOLI- Mill Dinner. The divine, ,pon,or- -d by the Student Board, will he held Ft t- ing at 6:30 p.m., in the Parish 666e)66666 Ball of the Trinity Episcopal Church at 2nd and S t. John oreets. Featuring the program will be Beamer a n it Holoatimoku A WONDERFUL SLANT on smoking! You'll i it iii Fardcn. who will portray ancient 'it modern tiane-s of Ilawaii. Ar- the Droodle above, titled: Tourist enjoying better- ; Air.ements for the presentation tasting Lucky PINNILISS WORM TINTING AMMUNITION FOR S., sNooTi hme lieen made by Dr. Ruth Mc- Strike while leaning against tower of TO M1.1 INDS WIT Kenzie. associate professor. and Pisa. If your own inclination is toward better taste, Mrs Courtancy Brooks, assistant professor. of the Speech and Dra- join the many college smokers who prefer Luckies. ma Department. Deadline for purchasing tickets From any angle, Luckies taste better. They taste toi. the affair is tomorrow at 5 p.m. -7-19A-Cr-EV; are as front the Stu - better, first of all, because Lucky Strike means tine 1. at Y. Public i'Initit,ns I )(lice f Graduate V magers (it fici' tobacco. Then that tobacco is toasted to taste better. 401as*ePc'er. --',1,1ent tickets i, 1. and the -.1 I. cl 51, "It's Toasted"the famous Lucky Strike process tones up Luckies' light, good -tasting tobacco to make it taste even better. Little wonder that ',tickles tower above all other brands in college rtopularity! it inif )i Prt. OLD COM 13etteft taste Ludaes COLLEGE SMOKERS LUBRICATION PREFER LUCKIES! TIRES and BATTERIES WCKIES , t.t..1).1.-. iii 1.t11 Is I. PICK-UP and DELIVERY coileg. FICIrfirdillg 1.1;111 VAllaTIS11\ l NELSON'S (JIM'S) TASTE BETTER 1-43-111;it ii llege survey. "I 1 re,. -on hit , 4111141.41 Richfield Service CLEANER, FRESHER, SMOOTHER! 360 E. WILLIAM Open 7 a.m. 8 p.m. es. , T 1 r V,1114.2n CA/6atir0-trylersty AMERICA'S LDADING. AllANURAt 7 UPI. Or CIOATIRTRID 4 1! ! 't 'f '1 Bilishms’PT.ta Student Explains 1,roup, OutAine \1 Mschool? In expensive help

. . by the world . $te -Yr. ,rter trL.n studeLts frorn di osel Iliost I Fed, ration. "These OT Mir.neseta' exceptioiall bid stopp,i. usually provide just a $ It seeras a reven w is T rr. SJS gradual. . id; is- places over sour head," he admits, at s.latr). -.4 44 a which re- en touring Europe as a membei . . - 4 the American Youth Hostel the prices are low." A night's _ X-sn ging costs between 25 and for sopp..r It is extremely inexiwri.sive when cents A hot meal ,mpareci with other ways to tra- provided for about 45 cents and $ . ,broad. and you meet persons roll and coffee for breakfast - : own age who share a corn- ally costs 20 cents. ! the to see dif- Hostels. in the northers coun- s Tal. explains en - tries are located about ever or TO miles. Everywhere they !. not h. especially are used by cyclers, hikers. ski- t.ermans. El.-nail% speak ecell- ers and canoeists. Their purpose eat English. !Sunie r%rii %peak is4,, enable south to travel. better than we do,- he streased. In Enron. it is the custom to .rir St,,dent Co .11 t!-$.,1 if one is interested in edu- e -2S- prce.ecutir.: attorney. abe w'as cation.- Tarr explained. "Euro- -at T.arter with a de- .... It .nng :rotuated ',van south an- broadly and thin - , h 4;re, in P -.: Administration, oughlv edialited and they prize I) Europe irnong took a lac:. ie ip through their learning dearly." b..11 1:st ,.irnmer with an SJS friend. European youth are more an - Phut \Nilson. His itinerary, mile- in meeting other persors :,*. an organized tour. took 1 7`."`"(',_ pend,.r.t mericans are Their object )o England. Holland, Ger - t Ian A where a stranger is mans Pals and France. is to find from, how he lives and what h -X, members of Youth Hos- thinks .2. and his friend w. -p -' !WI )j :-eepted e fellow travelers and 11 igiius t roff Trains to Leap veal I- iatizens. But the, iII expei-ted to be well versed st 1 on both internal and foreign pol- -1 1 I 1 '. I roviK I/ 14.4s 1111. tit fl. St :11401 ...I. alt. 1 fiat Hsi . Illti() and ._tginaS. Chi icies of their homeland. I .1.1.. 111.-41-44..iii lull .51.1 1. . than $1500 and a troplr. is "Youth abroad are hungry frr 111 1, ....Ling n. ....its ...lin.tot.111. tor oriel- information about the f7nit..,I I', fir: s.'re p.rflpiri.2 tifIg 4,, . of this year's features. I-ri'I 11..le 11.1 01.04. lot Sit..., They I ,t ('Olin?, States. want to see the 1*.S tht !Atli ti (..11,1... was the 01)- 5,,11- Pi's entry or if they cannot, they at leas) !Frog Ji.nip (-hall. ni:e to Sigma mon .4 an expedition into lower want to Cottle to some part of th ('hi and Aipha Phi trim, th$ in tl . m where their four-legged Western If, misphere," he related. 'qudent Engineers Run ..1 1 ege iiampirmhip valid Tarr recommends any kind of The eontest will be held Ma 2( adang prodigy finally was bag- C.1111 travel as the most profitable 1 21 and 22 at Angels Camp in Cali- gcci and delivered to the local way to spend a vacation. Since -- Mother Lode country A by chapta- for framing directed there is ...I 1111101 to see when SWUM Turbine in Lab inter-colltciate competition (Ion Larrs Larsen. t ray iling. he advises limiting Is si 1111 I IN.,. bin.' is ..irrorindrol .. nudge of los grand prize money totaling Larsen Ls a man of integrits yourself 10 one specific field or rme stedin sieves, And Irtrr aid Chuck Bucaria, chairman of subject so you will have a more I es f root the fraternity's frog arrangement- ia inretec impression of what you the iou,, 1...i1. r r41, in I h.. ed.- Sj 1.6; IN iStittite He has had experience in flea ells- witness. 11111.1in:: 511.1.ii I" cum!: and cock -f igh ting as will Ilis field was the history- of alt. the 1.111111, 1111.1.-r .0 lit ....lire. a and has guaranteed to win the It took him to cultural centers, /410 lim.111111, 1444 .0111.1r. 1i.. II, and Second ill .S. jump by fair means or foul.- , east le. museums and national It,.- tortilla,- at 'tenet Ii'.). .te 01 111(1.i -- Sigma Chi fraternity claims it i monuments along his -route, le I. ge-r In. 1, trial of the two un- recentls flew' its sweetheart, Nan- I It is ass to join the American 111. 11,4111 id Ito- riervaduate in-tit,ite, in the Uni- cy Main. to middle Slobovia in a Youth Hostel Assn.. he explains. is the VW- 4,1[14,1 otfn at tiirhai. ted States has been taking on Nits "Comzar" jet fighter to bring You get a membership pass that . fed at sonic big ta.1.4.4, accot ding to As- back the best jumping frog that 'entitles you to use its lodging la - 'ate to re- ..astant Professor if, Paul F:cker, could be eaptured in the famous edifies. Then all you need is a 95 i s- assistant director marsh wastelands The amphib- !"sheet sack." which is similar to tupt dne nw next iiag, trig a,1i ian catch was christened "Vuet." I a sleeping bag, in addition to your 1.11," ,eh can be in June when officials from -Viler- is presently in training peistonal belongings. "And its best 1111 there t approximabdy 117) Santa Clara in the Als ;so sloughs because it re- 'it travel light .,bite Valles inthistrial f irrns: meet in sembles his natural habitat ar I,. the A.,!:’ for a con - also ttecaue it wa rumored that % I, o If .I. illtole ., Hilt; p. i 1,i -en,"' Its.? tut' Alpha ['hi Ihuega had sent Nation's Favorite Cassie Band p.111, .1 .11bIII. 11.1.11. 111. lot - $are aid o Th,. Ss Op Intl, III, homer training itorl iiii it % for -1.1,1,111, t" "1"1 lb. I..,- Pear Basiii. Mlle Er ludigI %II 111.i1 s 111.1111. I. 11.011. with tbes, upiselitato.- EARL BOSTIC to tilk1. Is...... 11.1. It. 111.. 111,i ii .i...11 1.4 di., Is,. 111, irI,I, 1,1 . ilk. RIM ,:tI AND p..11.11. 111 Ii. 11 I It, fir- gt'.% ihSph/ ..I 11 lilt the prograii, sliO ' (-hi in the .\ liii,. Ii. .1 .111.1.-r HIS ORCHESTRA ‘1!"1",". i Camp pr. ....Ire- L L...... I . 11.11.1r - I :1'; '1H' .1 I 'iii I. III ;mt.. a111.1 still gt.1 RI' I. 1. .01111,111 !IL APh)() III 1111, ...., trio 11.. Oval itiiiitioire - Dance s5..1 I, 111,1 ma Chi in t tin: i heat ut ii. II.10i I 1 I,I .1. 1 11 is lo Id. t r. situ, jump %%hen the Sig's frog got $ 1.1..-1111L .01 I hi. kind CIVIC AUDITORIUM st sri. 11 I little m.irldled and dorm,: if. hours of.1,11.i.d is t I.. .uuslituite. illniPod ' t .. %swats after out -leaping the .111n -tit.: in 19i0. the SATURDAY, MAY 7 14111:11141,1 1 t he ' s,. Is the , in the first two - institute en a pioneer in 1154. Ili %%hi, 11 11 St II, is pot %%heti This is the first try -.I I 9 p.m. - 1 .m. -. , .1, ,114,1. For ht. mans inst Th.' 1,,I 1114,W- completTI A ,vater pimp will tie pimping for the Sigma r s ',5 ,or inaterizrailUate instita.a hooked to it the tilim al- are going to have connwiition HEAR 1110STIC PLAY nell l’niersit% Ecki.i -, .1 eimilrue.ed ,,,ni the Theta CM'. at Stanford "Flamingo" -Sleep" A wage clinic was held .!. ! s. I and toitigoll k into the !.iiiversity who ha',,' their 'is,r- Velvitf Samar "Motabostic' .1 problems isaIer to hc Illtie..1 Into [IMF.. I" ied entry chained ,lownin then . I. ind 'is is Melody of Lose- -Off Shore - strain %%hid' in till Ii 1% LS) hael 1"1"almn This h. ' " ziternit.% house awaiting the an- Cracked Icel. and many others t hrtkieb t iie III 1.1. ::um Inds h.- " float rom/saition t-’. ,t it wit; !of a. I, commented Direu tau; the institiite is 1/r 11 ird 1:111 pro 4 1 ..1'1011 iiiii 11 also ha.. Specializing in , , .1.1 015 ..1 pot It.. r.../ is iuf 1.11...r PIZZA SPAGHETTI RAVIOLI \la% it the Enemet !ea: 'pen It., el hostiles.. 1111111E11 .! COLLEGE ma, 1,111CI..1 MileCt it BOWL , with ben/ tiliq 1.1) II eel tmsg e ty,: CAFE livinLt. employ ' Home Cooking To Take Out meet to. ri-IA Med- ! . S‘f/ AI I es and .0111 of plan I' Ope- weekdays: 7 am.- I I p.m. Fri., Sat.: 7a.m.- 2 a.m. look lot the is ,,ta.n 44-111 Nl'e % leer. ai tin making is a egkpija ci hichlicht ,ti,e . t of F Closed Tuesday Flower 111. 'Imiloo .1 et tonal K1' lien 11.,,,11 oruanited tiate-,t/ iii Retail at 17, CYpress 79961 EIGHTH and SANTA Shop I,, ti. hootoi It ...ler,. under- CLARA Mus -43ml %tie reri. llllll noth_ and r 1.r..1. MAIM. 41 is .1 uionti i!ns oft .101. oi I. 1.imIr organ liorona - Underwood - Royal - Remington Pio Iv - 7-9 1.1..111.111. of a Ii. - Personalized Ave 11 Service ....witrositit 011, TYPEWRITERS 1, To Suit YOU 4! , For Rent 1 Come on Across the Street Special Rental Rates for Students 4 and Meet 'Dink' 11%...1 Steederd a nd Po rlo’ %.4 - I, I 0 (er-Spartan net star) -- Elio P1-4-. P - SAN JOSE TYPEWRITER CO. 'Dink' Clark's Tennis Shop 1 Free Parsing Nei+ Doer 24 S. Second St. CY 3-6383 Sixth and San Carlos Perkins Leads sl' %I: I kX DUI Mr. Dom did(' lAocking Race Net Squad Beats in Perkins. letterman center. _ taken an early lead in the .,,,petition for the Mr. Downfield with 66 points for downfield Santa Clara, 7-2 ...,ing in the first six days of The Spartan netters ti. -I hark I ht \ it T ICI th N11,11(Li hen he' football practice. the Santo Clara I. 11111, ,.i111 tor deto..1.-11 Joe Norton in a ihal-’ and ne Sanger Gene Krumm, the second time this lth match , sophomores up from last sea- 7-2 \ OEN OVer the Bin', 'it t,. Spartan it this will pla -, Spartababe eleven are tied the 14.wkesto Park courts smt Ft, on first spot in the race for the claN the Back. s aiiri :II p in Pass Protector laurels. Sanger, Jack I-MITA came trom 1.1,155.1 . ,, de. a tackle, and Krumm. a guard. after falling behind. 1-7i, in la. ' ThIS nave each blocked successfully on second sat to capture his N.. I. their ;ill seven of scrimmage tries. , singles match with Santa (.1.11a Four other linemen are pushing . Ed Pugh. 6-0, 7-5. ui S:olger and Krumm for the lead_ 11 Dirk Ilooper made his SI I t . 1 / Orzell has five for five while arsity debut. with it 64). 6-1 i o, s .i.. Ruse, Eli Gardiner and Tom timph river Ileums N1iiek in the N. l, s, , have each connected on four 6 incl... match r ailed l;, if four blocking assignments. s s -- leads the centers. Phillips, senior end, shoved Iveterans 11 -in - If into contention for down- tdoeking honors in Monday's , maize, collecting 28 points to In In t ram u r'. 1 .t his total to 59, Monday's moved Phillips into first Satin:II Action .1,41 among ends, ahead of Clar- Wessman, who has 57. The Veterabs Club knockAt liii It Ramsey leads the tackles, ? Ninth Streeter, front the lints -an -I 35 while .Jim Hughes holds, ranks in th, Anurivan Associat..- sPARTAN Jack Har- atipeting taw *An jos, Mate II (tier Mph, spot among the guards with with a 14).7 \ cti'y in 116, rah tlispl.e.%. the sere that ha. hi first t. thi season pt.ints. !mural siatball tournatra -, pia him In the No. I singles another ear at 1day. The game scheduli it tudtiti , berth tiCs season. Darrah, Is a graduating ...Mar. .1 \\ .1, The Fugits and the AFR4Ire )\ - Refresher Course Sims postponed The Water Safety Instructor re- Vets sow, a1 up 116' vont. her course ,.. \Vaise, will be offered to- in the third with :in eteht ruin ow. til .11111,I.,teS fat morrow night from 7 to 10 o'clock burst aided by live errors In thi \. in the Men's for )) l'etwirt Pool holders of Trackmen Finish Ninth Streeter-. Streeters ,7alid Water Safety Instructor's came back to score tua ruins in Tit, m,,,, rt.ii la Me , aids. their half tit the third and one Elmo Patterson, San Francisco Dual Meet Season in the fourth to nuik. some Tu...1,.,g mud Tim, it, m Area Office, will conduct the 9-7 n is tinting Saturday's 86 '2-44 Lit. shi_llackir7 It 61 ti in almost 'VI() " t 0 1.30 ti 111 1.'1 '11. i It course. S t tide nts participating of. the lets hit a round-tinipei by Stanford ended the Spartan he quart. ilk.'' must furnish their own suits, tow- ti t farther than his best effort with one man on to ilecount for trackmen's dual meet season and and cap. last year. Bill Ileekts, topped 50, the Vets' final rum also snapped their winning streak 1..I for he first I w hen he I The Ninth Streeter. t ire .-11(irtil after six straight. The Indians filled 111. 14 third Satiirda with a throw I on thi, were the only collegiate team te bases in the last inning with mil% i ,, it tick in the shot put mit, hot si inning pitch. I It:. .1 . OA% et defeat SJS in dual meet competi- one t he next I is tilt .1 - II tion this season. Jaek I tI nd tliebey tiara le rcisatial Ills.' Iit., alit ' 1. th. The San Jose stale Ail -Com- 111,11 t flit hi. iZittlIe rtassiC lboilthh. ..ester-; ha- I Engineering ers meet Saturday and the san Iii- performance of the Tortor Alpha Tau kmega torc h) %%inning the Ina hurdles 'fit. ti Xi 10-15 p.m iii.. dlternoon. FOR RENT Jose State Pentathalon May 27 playarl at 4 se( Is. and tying the " i faces A call nas placed to the rue %tIll wind up track acti dies at in 13.3 and Kai p Alpha 414)1 Furnished Apt. 2 or 3 students reiairil lie holds. Ed !trey - I.andicia Chi Alpha 1411-11 at 5.15 d,,partment by all - Wk. to college, CY 3-6116. !QS for the 1,0104011. colt:igen Ia a el.. ...WWII' in west it 'nu, an alter steam INQ;111 Olit Saturday was the first tint.- tin. on the 108 5. 12th St. modern furnished 'WI, at *M. I. anti barely lost Whitofeet I 11-11) Iltert Or. of the cooler steam a a. vale history that Stanford had eon,. hiolex, suitable two to four adults. ill the high hurdle. %t hen he 0-01 al 4 p 11' by the unit tI\ ttl 11,01 Itt: to Spartan Field for a dual in., I I i I I I'. i I.. 11 i ' OIL AI, 4 blocks from college. Fa- loin .! st bled clearing the final him- irtinion Grabbers and the Indians apparently I -0,zate nnies for four. Two large bed- e'r Wading 111....1 ..f the \lie,- n 11 ..t d ' the SJS track to their liking. T' r . ooins. Private kitchen. Bath and it en the e et diamond 1-’’-’ tit ei teen of them posted all-time a st .11151y. Reasonable, fall or summer. marks to enable Stanford to row I.v nn Gown, set a MIN' meat ******************************** 3-17 S. 12th St. $ ***** ************ the Spartans. !.vo,d in the javelin 1-w thp,w ,i1,7 Rooms for boys, with kitchen Several Spartans, led hy Iii,- -pear 228 ft. in. Don Him- * 'loges. 202 S. 9th St. $24 a To Wright, made excellent shim - Lail pulled an upset When he WI, r mth. 1t11.!: to bring some sunshine int,. ia wit es Wit king and Ci sEtet-IcEs iii otherwise Ii leak afternoaa. og of Stanford for a fit III, mile rim Elect at home. Terms, thesis. Wright again tided his lc. Mrs. Kent. Cl. 8-5220. FOR SALE 41 1partment size gas range. 4 ’ .rners. oven, broiler. Good condi- ' in. See Mrs. Boyer, Music De- s BILL FRIZELLE ;.., ment Office. eetin Used tennis rackets bought and "ml. $4 to $12. Dink Clark's Ten- Alpha Gamma: .lenilry v... t\', if 2 I. lit shop, 6th and San Carlos. shop tonight at 7.30 o'clock 11.r:ululate student Slides 1 tonight ii 7 NI 0- MISCELLANEOI'S B-5I . ( anterburs ( iiih: Meet in Student 1 mon S..mior, Rep. at Law * 'tours! Four square-inch Viiginia I - ' * dent NV. i730 pm tomorrow racluate outiants in: ilit. I'lantation once owned bY Th omas , Radio Engineers and Christian Science Organization: Jefferson. Your name on handsome ' AI ' math. i Meet tomorrow at 7730 p.m. in liailiii Club: Sis-aber torniorOW * 'bailment to prove it. (We 12 :t.1 pill itl E-1113 Sillojeet Will Ile ! * 1:4/11 taxes). Given free to each '.ChaP'T i ****************************** ***************** *74 College Reba' Council limas- "1:imiry Como an; ’ ..,,w member of the Confederate ing survey Group: Sleet tomorro5.55 Pi (hams Pi: 7515...t loth\ .5t 3 31); - -dates lifetime membership only in Student l' .0 2 30 p.m. 1, 0, in Room 129. I 't:1. Each member is given honor- Games and social (lane- la al Iv t:sceuthe Conimitter:: ivy rank of Colonel in the Army tro-Reet at 730 p.m. in %Yee .`.1,-, t today :it 3.30 11111 in St,atent 1 et the mg tomorrow Confederate States and re- 1 mon -elves handsome colored Colonel i men's (;"1- Upsilon: Meet 1,: situdeni 1. -111e his. stigation,- eertificate with your name in Old I Delta Phi tomorrow ...iim.ct of general meeling tonight I F.nglish lettering. Pnnt your name Room 161 at 6:45 p.m. ..t ;730 o'clock at Student Y. 9th , And address and send with $1 to- ()IK'n l" Pl’Ag’’’’’ ince.- :nil ...;:in Antonio streets lay to: Confederate Headquarters, . El Circuit, Castellano: All nusditc .101 Club: Meet In nominate and PO. Box 884, Charlottesville, Va. hers ins ited to attend a ' iat 3-30 pm ifl, We ship promptly. tonight at S o'clock. Sli-118 . _ Engineering siin ici%: tip ill I 117 WANTED '0 IA I ...porta: S'A it71111171,! Counwelors for Girl Scout camp Salt ... 1 .% 1 ;o111 MUM have previous camping exp ------.,nd be 21 or over. $125 plus main- tenance for S weeks Interviews' STUDENTS Your Parents' Comfort 7-9 p.m. May 6 at 1120 Hopkins Ave.. Palo Alto. Is Our Concern . . . Call . LOST For Reservafic-s biasses, Naxy blue frames It ST. FRANCIS MOTEL found, please contact Caro1 I'II 2222 THE ALAMEDA AXminster 6-4330 I cY 7-9983.

AUTOMOTIVE SERVICE A9ke"ci AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSIONS CYpress 74493 I129 E. SAN FERNANDO 4. 1955 S 11.1%11.1t Wednesday, May Three seeking vice-presidency

State _Aims Recording sec's Three seek ASB list platforms treasurer's job Jim Faletti s, huh includes the Board of ('iii' - Pro! and Coll,e,. Service Funds .Judie Brooks non, coritint . Ridly Cent - -Being an accounting major, I Committee. 1 will report all find - Intl’’, (Jct.., tii -partacainp - itionsote qualified Mrs, information and suggestion, -Itectallite tary is a veil !feel confident that I am Treasurer. of those committees to the Stu- '4/he'd)" Coln- importi.ot /., ,,,tly does she for the position of ASB financial re- dent Council for better manage- .- . tato- lb. ,t ..ach meeting, I am aware of the tit,n sponsibilities connected with this ment of Student Body Funds." for the of t011 stoi takes part I', c ,11G. tap-Ilion and I promise to carry in ii ri ,.idine ',Lin:. I hay.. had th..' If hP. them out to the best of my ability. Ed Klein les to Utilen1 th, every ;Itoritpo.1 and f./ang I de; ire 1.., p,ople ai'quiring I further promise to attend nack4round: Argo): n!ceting required of this office. p !piton.- of Student hon.. In :1,1...trirri, nt by a bettet anti treasurer of .1 op to datt and in gc.od order, s).’-lern 1.i Board member for 5 years, student manager of the basketball team r.11 1S01.11,1 Ito lin. best to .5.1.1 . for 3 years, in business world to Student Coop ote 111. 11:11f years before coming to SJS, Senior .1 t1. 'III P!' laden, body Ita% Freeman social welfare major. I -1 will not make any campaien .11.1 Not. I' .1 Ilubhard did WO , promises as such because I I- 1 ol.oe:t or qualltieations red tape office of treasure,.d. :11 platforrn to No to eut that the not warrant them, but I will . if elected lout orders of the Council as it.- meted. - bett. Aileen Sherry di5, 511,1,5: I tat...tor of Spar-I lege Jim Morley inv, !Ht., il,ore Class E'oun- M priri tal , Background: Served on Student Council. Council since February as elect, ,1 'ilernbur JuniorClass -7 id !, soph Mixir. f:Il .1 enior Itepresentati,,e; leader it -114,1 honorary t. rtacitiep. -The students' welfare will be t:te prime considetation in th, I V.' I.. ,111.(14(11 p.7 - indling of studeftt ttrirty t!:11, ‘ 'ii fairs, if I am elected .;\ IL: !In is tt!\ 11..:1 Ir. r, t Clas .1 1'1' 101- sent; 111S ill Ulf` assis ern Pern Can, 111'(.(111 V offic lists S. I.,

WM'S ra pill,"11 C1111(lidail`.. 'SN or!, am ttn,Itiott 11111)1-11rigtients rVily Fstablist.tnent of a t (pi , iefle altatte. it, rl with sioeifir On eloOrlenCe vanq .Ificn Odell problems. SI11111 :LS lw1th r althmigh in tiortlt1 seek .:ocial Arian , elIMOV011ea t inn.; h I is' e n ii \s,S, itlitiSeisuiI t' eon-mutt...5 and more roop- illooker. I l ironic chairman. tration. !vItnit tee. pprostitiatelv 33 candidates to early otit niN 1., -1 . 12 pn-ations (4)7110 into . .0 is.. Council. fist', I %walla like to cut ate a atai- the Public Relations Director. ,-Ipetttan Daily Office to pie- trai clearing hoIlse 111S11:10.1 which , t heir pl;tt forms and t III Camp Counselor. .11 planning email go, instead of qualifications for Spat i 'Plp CotinselOr. positions. A fe contact'. 13a hiving the neccssao however. %%WO unable to in various Fres !sioad :ill over the campus. Sit - 'I 1' '111. 01111..1. if' tor interx,eleS, ht. name: past three Itt II 1dent ioivernilitlit this Near alreadN t: 1,1.1w/teal .experiene, ot these persons are under the part of nn, tat" ' has improt-(1 this matter by ;1 !II a specific platform tile of the office for which they tivities II' ter. i :Teat deal. kid with fill four major are running. ii ent, I wontil Vent "In order to bett.a. "it bet sill - -tilicommit tees, my exper. I Carter dents for positions. 1 wiaild like to ! applicak' to the office I ti,;Is I. t partiematien have an inters iew committee to ..,, .4eeking Th, ,,ti ot vice 'west - :111. .I1 itm ,p,estion each applicant separilt, d, 7 1 7.7.,1 king wigth all "I studi pr iii. 11t by the stii hat a fan* chotee may be mad.. , toil coordinating pUs I 1 . 11 Pell:SW.11 .t 14.1. the varitei-- 'The third plan could he faculs- III., It ',HI `444110111,1, 7.''. ii 1.), a -.minittee is :iroh t ores ga%vk-h,:.; 1 Ns.: .,, ." .t.i t. ; Ht.,. itionship - "nee month, . . it. the tarr! . WWII, .t.tilents and demandeil. to which .or, et :1 ab,ence of the president, ARTISTS! dent ,r, at San Jos*. eapeciati% bzincii problem -r. -ollents should pick one able

ii ,i...%1;!..%% wheati..1, merchants .1.: I .111,iits nt committe, 111.1.;11 . pt the Joh ot cixtrdinato! Mate a soi.d oalt picture t A .11% rest in .t'i isiite for studim ii is' si I not tnforce .tis.ities of all orizatu/a1:ois Ready to assemble parts not .11 to, it II year thin t-!.,iirled by this campus come in all sizes. Come in 11.. -.Ind. titi have mi.,. hnn Loso lone siteritnce as 111N plattotni I t ,1 to t and see how cosy it ...; , t., take part .t. I an capable of helping .d; I, Gloria Brown 's to do the t 1 -at-Went ',lions on this campus II \ If. I '''I'.' Ti! ! .1. 11 s In 4Chr r see. candidate -Pert inunt to all election. i- Ba inenita .11111 11.1%0 i’o 1.1, beeka... 1,..iSed , I 1'1.11,-7 , s i.t int; 1 his, I hope, will nit an 1110ri tunan . 1 the .1 ;tudent 114...1% .! c, as a member of the year 111,ttplic in a I And adVi.1411 . .1 .1. d Student Body, us I - r - histo 11.'141 t t.. he st talent hod). art I :0"1 ,t1111,1/1 ’ SJS Obi, a , in .1,,,; N. put there by all ot that SAN JOSE PAINT "It Se/1141r ilitiiiet) 1,1 . closci t lorMillp of Junior Cl:- lord and same student hods 11..itholit %of, & WALLPAPER COMPANY dent ' 11. Lim% It It'. I. hard% SO IWO' 1.1ic Relation- flut r, 1 -`4. no politic. IQ S. 2nd ST and III Ii-lp to JOISe t1i. I %Nook] bk., ''.1 the t Teddy Gehr . ton ti it Ii,'' ************************ ***** ** ************* ************ Id sI is %%At/ file peopii Or the tient! it iit .chool should he icinitN and other schools If Voi- of ti -.1. ter tht bknefit of the stn. le pondence is kepi up 10 date and Iii ,n .-d, III it, entirety 'The handled in an efficient manner the Stud day should he -fit government will 1 r inter ,,dents and the equipped to handk outside ;if - Elect 1,1 isentatives fan s 5. FRIZELLE. BILL VI .1. nt ERUC1 JOE REY E& S REMNANT BAR ., ^V. DA( Rot Rep. at Service Large Quality Convenience COTTONS 5 Expert Barbers ... . REMNANTS ',IR R. -4 CLUB BARBER SHOP -68 E. SAN FERNANDO -,44144114*******41****41414I*************** ***** 28: May 4. 1955 ednesday. :I’AIZI.VS mut.? 7 Representatives list platforms --- ed. I would have 1.1', r "PI.ort14". ' .114)ph oin 10 Rep. Mah, ity to evaluate and t I . . Lu nd Calls (Iu t I ote gestiorts mace-Red throti"ji t % a Rep.-ot-Lar,Lte I 11. polis are mailing for vou a- member- of the. -Bolen* laid% mg poll conducted In our class I Sheila K. Emerson te, ca Noor found the stazgestions to be can- -1 sole tot .... rrou for the animal re-peopling of AII.1..ut structive, arid. if put into actiet council Al Behr go%rilliit.ut offlEv-. 1-..11 -four eandi.1.0,-. have put their beads I believe many of these Itleas coiCei eine of most ( lass Background: Freshman repre-i highl% election - increase stud,to interest- in 1, representative 11i a Potd- in recent %ears. ton that enables one to serve are illative to Student Council. So- ti ons omore Class president, represen- Now the -licee-s of %slink 1- up to you. oti class as well its 103111 a great deal ?iv, at large to the Rally Corn- % iii, it finked payroll', ne iii theor% Joel in practice. i- tee Judy Fogarty ,bout student ;ZIACIIIMent we have. more interest ttee, and Freshman Camp coun_ -eire,--full. lour robber -tamp on the ballot le your lib should Backgroun,-. 1 :. e. al student governnient and more Ilance iii 11.1%t .1 %Hire in neI %var., gout Vote! membereFresi end Sophotnewe females in our c??Irt,.?1, 1,0,1 ; believe I have the quidifica- itteerels., and certainly have the desire at s tions If 1 trt lame'. Couneds , carry out the duties of this ot- ,%%. hest to -- President. Finance Coley - .i.... I think the representative-at- more Class ti., : .: ae should have definite office. Harrison Gibbs Board of So urs to meet with any- students dergraduates on Student Council. like to see that class receive all its Background Attu' s .d should attend class council I will if elected. endeavor to give privileges and rights. I want to "I feel I. tot, a Public II, Letati, Commit. help the class and suggest better -along the .1:111 eetings as well as Student Coun- the graduates more representation. FreS 11 I11 a n 1.1 1., meetine-- " ideas for school and the senior the Student . Being a recent undergraduate, I in Spat tin SM. ..1- class." tIOns from the Suitt ilt 1. Spartacamp would be familiar with the needs1 Bill Frizelle the 'lass council If elected ' pre- and wishes of the majoiity of the Leo Fancey Note.: I MI II. 114011 111.1 ...1:itlye. I ..t of llackground. Freshman. Sopho- student body and attempt to carry Ba s..; I-, lust of .1...dito .t 1..11, ability to ,tan.I and first quarter Junior them out. not submit a .s Councils, Spartan Shields past president Spa; and a CALrOpigill:11 p'..11.,rin 1.. I If. o tor n'it ,h11 he ut Sophomore justice on Student Kay von Tillow temocrats, ASH student body %ice S partan Dant ,to..c1 up for 1 tea to eurt. president at San Mateo J.C. do as good , 1,11 of - Background. Freshman and So- "I would like to work towards 'I enter the campaign for the Elizabeth Heath fieers hay, - phomore Class Councils. Public better relatkais between the col- office of Senior Council Represen- Background s. pi ,-:. Relations Committee, chairman of lege and the city of San Jose. tative with the intention of mak setTPt ary Don Ryan the cancer drive, Panhellenic rep- investigate the 50 cent admission ing no promises in an attempt to 'If I am elected tumor repie- Ilackgr,,,nei I '1% - I a II., ti (lass resentative. price to Santa Clara-SJS basket- capture the false hopes of the sliu. entative. I ((ill attempt to pro- president "As representative-at -large, I ball games, and work for more dent body. I have no eommjtments mote better public ii litton'. oetle 'I t-a% Fr. simian ('la-sr. would like to present the problems and will make non.'during thi. student control of the Spartan the student hill .11111 Pre-,:dent 11 ;.,,i year and I and ideas of the Associated Wo- Shop with a discount system for campaign, but feel a sincere desire faculty I will tt' to curate mon ..ave tried ' mt.. 11... eh. of men Students of SJS to the Stu- to, if elected, serve the Seniors the students' interest in the class meettnia, and. -..14 into A '0, .1 glY/011 dent Council, and help promote of the college. More at uden t to make the activities of the Class; would r(prtsetit class projects and work to increase should participate in student go% Bob Weiss of 1957 successful and to promote Dos ...lass Relive- more student participation in ernment " coordinated ,ct i% it 111111 the -entative hes-, .- 1 feel I know Background: Former Freshman school activities" (lass president. Sophomore repre- !other classes I %%ill accurate ly re. the problerrs sentative to the Student Council. Dale McPherson ' Part all stud,",' hod% reentionettela- eountered brt assistant director to the Frosh Wale Background. Junior Bisin,,, ' twos and inf.,: matioti eoneerniti ter a,u, sophea Camp this year. Administration major. Sisal an the activities ot tIi, student hod% 'I feel I'm qualified for this Senior Justice Shop Board. Junior Class Council and my clas au CON11111011110 office because of my taist exper- Recognition Committee ience in student government, If I Johnny Arreola "I feel that the senior year ,t Kathy Ogilvie am elected to the office, I will do San Jose is one of the most Background: Transfer from Bacitgroura Ii,.,: MING everything within my power to portant years of a student's col- , mate, Jun,, Hartnell College, where he was co- wher’ reflect the students' opinions on all leg.' career as far as class founder and past president of In- aenvi- was on AWS Cabinet and a in, it. campus matters." ties are concerned. With Senior looks cooler ternational Club. her of the A.sociated Club ('mitt - At SJS, he is a Week, Senior Ofientation, gradua- past president of ISO and a co- ell At SJS 11. has been a cooler! Fenfaie (ion, etc.etc, it is important that the. her of Junior (lass Conti.11 and is founder and past president of Co-seniors he well represented on the -ordinating Rally Contrnittee and part, .1 Council for Internation- Student Council This is the reason tight but sturdy, Rep.-at-Large al Campus m the Froech-.4-oph Miser. Organizations. I am a candidate for this office.- cooler and drier, "I believe in justice for all I ' As the 113111.. 11111.11c, tho pit Kay Daly am a supporter of the constitution tEd. Note: Mart Platt did not representatx -..,;1,1 represent soieet and satrsfri and believe in honest and fair ' submit a list of onalifIcat "lass and m I to b Background Sie.ertan pe a r s, judgments on matters presented to and a campaign pi:Morin to the the class C. 'II,. and W. 'AJUSTOMATIC' Freshman and Sophomore Council. Spartan Dail% In close Litton ((Atli ov the court for considerartion " eate-'ed Si! Rally Committee, AWS, represen- (Ed .Note: Hilt 8r in did not oouncils tative to Rally Executive Commit- submit a list of qualifications Junior Rep. $2.95 tee, delegate to AWS national con- and a ramp:sign platturm to the . Bill Squires vention, attended Spartacamp and spartan DAM,. Bark gre eta . LUXE was a counselor at Freshman Dick Arrington truttee. Pub, DE ("amp. Chuck Bucaria Background T . a S Oil tee, Fresh. (P"h L $1.95 "I hope to better coordinate the S01410 C0110 - (lass combril. Background: Junior Justice of FrIShOlall 3r1ft ttttt student body with the various cam- ,-amp INTERCIONChill. f Student Court in charge of court's pus organizations by furthering in- my experience% in the "If elected to, , . , , SOWS 95t past case history, three years on "Through terest, publicitv and cooperation. and Sophomore Councils I shall psit fiat' 1,% us ii. I. . I IMPORT! class council, two years on Revel- Freshman I want to work with AWS and is it h the effort In repl-...ent at 1,,11 BRIAR ries Board. and my participation carry through their desires to Stu- class. I feel that I have thequali 'lass ott tho Student "Through my experience on Stu- dent Council " necessary to represent hall repott to my I I 1 dent Court I have become familiar fie:ilk-Ins the Student meetings with 1-1ar 011,1,0 - Ed. Note: Barbara Fisher did with the present ASH Constitution them as juniors on Council" ports of the Student rotine.! not submit a list ot qualifica- and have helped to draft sugges- redings tions and a eatilpaigli platform tions to he incorporated in the new to the spartan Dail( 1 Constitution. I feel that the know- Joe Clark ledge which I have gained in the Background. Drill team, attend- The friend that makes us lose Sara Thompson activities can be an asset to the ed Spartacamp, co-chaii-man of the is a declared netny Backgr, ,und. Freshman. Sopho- student body II! am elested to the Sophomore. poll of student voting 14.111114111T CO , Mceiesty the only %Ore S more and Junior Class Councils. post of senior justice." apathy Attended Sophomore Coun- York 13,N when you anele for ta.ei,e 101 loility S hew year member of Rally Committee. cil meetings all year historian of Alpha Gamma, local Senior Rep. 'I will carry the idea, of the. anompalap art fraternity, one year. Junior Class to the Student Coup_ "Interest is sadly lacking in stu- cal. also to mdaiduals I will urge dent body affairs and elections. Ray Bitterman more student partmipation in class and I would attempt to promote Background: Transfer student meetings and activities NOW there the realization, on the part of stu- from Sacramento Junior College are not enough students in cam- dents, that these directly effect all where he served as student body pus government. - of them. A representative should vice president, chairman of Rally bring students' questions to the Committee and assistant yell lead- Sally Ferris Student Council's attention, and I er miekgrniimi ;ind So- intend to do secretala this RAMP "My reason for running for sen- phomore Class Councils. HANK ior representative is that I want to Sophomore Class for fall qui:el- Gretchen Umland to be active with the student hotly ler and co-chairman of the Voting Background: Female senior jus- f I would like to represent Pod tice on Student Court, member ’: Senior rh-, torc;111,,.I IAroi!,1 A, a riu,'MI 1. (-4.1ln AS. PRESIDENT Senior Class Council. Student Y. ..1ftir .111, California Assn. of Health, Physi- cal Education Recreation and WRITE IN AWS. "Since I will be a graduate stu- dent next year and a rep-at -large ami qour represents both gradwo s 'end un- ROBERT LAWS JOAN ERENO ( ) the 1111 -3)1(11.11) 1, 111 ) dee! / ASB 288-90 Pork Ave. CY 5-9215 CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Free Parking in Rear 'Aednerirtav NI:co L. , , $20 a 1)a. Just-a-wanderiSn' 4' EN -('Ill For 11)0iipr Noiliiii().... k vi 1 i lia 11`( :()11I I ()III r t. I. I one:. I a Fehr. exchange editor L il i , A. . What a rat race k I )4 )11S( )16(1(1 11\ ntatittw(1 But Lu],if 1)011n S ., , . - oineers '. 1 Ir, 7: ( ..i : 1 i tr:.. ; ’ *Georg, - (0! f( 'Ns .!..- I.-irs I I ofd..1 .. ol.: .1 , .. n. i ia ea, i.. ,.. n i,:,,i -..,-..a. oo li'.:. ,10!1.4;1. at :7;tatilie I. rcioited that on a r, ' ' "at !State (*olio. It so - ' -... , : Oanwing ,r, tl'hoi, n,.,,’7.11:,(1."0,’ , , ..1, ,.. ri .! t,!ii o. iii. 12..itin toot high White :Mountain lab at o . ' '' o. i,:,,,.... .,1,11, , ,.;.., becNine listless, Inst weight and .ippetite ssio..- .... ,ole for -tudeolts to do not - re 0 toy 11 ti rnam..1 Ii; ck and burvzry ; or, :, $241 a day, When- 7 At in Montreal d at 1 Wafer, wafer, all over the joint the"'-), week McGill students, .., , !erlys await their than to lie o, ..1s,cr. faller ii:oteh their %ten nest time thm get the a little nater light time, Up iii Pal-, those ote red SC/Mid-IWO/1 , . I %.10111 'A ;15 rtbUted cubieli and do at.. rtoo - is,.. (Ifni I/1 0111s I ii11111’1i gotten into. trouble nothing, with school apt. : .,1 it ., l'Itir lioane last at the :-, IMO ona of the redskins was swenini.; around water c.. 111111 still pick up a fat .1 what did crash into but the President's station ww.:.: ..,. hich 1 cheek , rr: 1/11. io .411V 1 . l:. I ,C:11I-1Pri vet. No one was injured and no charges' were filed but :

1.4.1, 1/1110 'Ho 111111 &mkt, t *on 11..r.. r, - 1, Bolt there are a few cat, h.- e.itilil ti.ite toer. rough. Particularly if the President had been driving t, Im ne I:. ,,,-essful. sso Oh $7.0.. .-01.. I rpon entering the sound r,..: C. nrse it seems kind of silly to mention it here. cause Spart,or- 11,Cferl nor the time room. the student "ettinooa-pi_! , .. I, IS-r. water fights, do we7 7 Coo thane is staged to increase kept flow got till the slig,htest - :. the fund- I..! th. ir.nvaleseent sory stimuli by coverinu his .,... Pig nips Sun Devil horn, fo ; dofroon, with translitectit goggles and o ', 4 ,tudent at Arizona State who will watch when' to.' Is In re encasite.. his hands in thick glw - I:. 7 7. . , - 1,- ' , r .- \I t Hue. Don't know %ow, but seems this Ag stud.-11l Then the student n. instructed :. ,. 55,41,-i,,! ,,:,.. nith her little piglets (or whatever they're called) To Elise Car Dail% nitions do nothing. , ..I ti,',..t I !wig- he knew, he was in the infinualy with a sow bite This isn't tho suit touch it o, Wonder if our Health ()ffice can top this 7 11,1,4 04; rikllo: Allan Ilan- pears to be. though. I'roosti-ai. l'roblein II '11I'S seeing nothing h. :iting notion, I,, t *, v.110 and I -.04.,. e. enough 0.. Boy, what dreamers in .4 1,k, n ;ifi,"ng r In for herself (in% o it/ ly our possible future Spartans, at San Jose High, ;. studeuts hnil seeral ideas for making their life more enjoyable. sio log I "ri all lovers has Mind. iii .\mong the items suggested were passionate pink blackboards w ith ni I,. / I dread After a few hours of the sil.. iolet chalk, answer books instead of question books, escalators el- lit 11,1111.1--A lep.iirer of broken treatment, the student begin- lad of stairs for the tired students and grade-it -yourself report cards. have weird hallucinations. Co Tioi Iasi item I could really go for. Oh -groan. blue cards SI/

’,1 tritalifil.11, Meth- women with rid caps and Or, - r: SOPMS like we just registered. . XPOtlf.1111. mouths processions of little son I 01ri. 'H" tHh1.1S that rels niarehing across the Something to ponder over i ,poken in jest with parks on their harks, prelti--, In her thought tor th, N.Incy Yeekey at Kent (Ohio) State. 1.11111111111,11A (1,11 hoth orn s ant o-'ko'n a pan 0 had this to say: "If IR. ..,:ois at college do not use their priv-ilesTe VII 0\ 4.1" a fast ohs. mho-oohed hands arising 1101111,u %ming. why should tl.. , allowed national privileges.' I I., r t ., 40 . ’Inc appropl late rino, !.4partan, too, doesn't it


S I. DI ". *Ng

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fr.11.111. ;I 1 11 11,. I 11141 ',its Ihe llllll I.. 010111 "I've got LaM...and VI hill. 1,,,I11101 t, 11. SI I 7M) LaM's got everything!" 1:carli Sets Cluarih liceoril 1.11,1111.11,101111P.....1*Nt itea , tl



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