Lemonabe Than Even an H-Bomb with It* : Be Decided by the Reply." , Airidppi Valley Generating Co

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Lemonabe Than Even an H-Bomb with It* : Be Decided by the Reply. V V. ^1’ ■l;r- THURSPAY, JULY 19, I W Aveimge Dmiljr Net PrcM Riui . '■ 1. 4' l i e W etiN r A ^ ■■ "•' Pur tbu WaUi KfMM . X July 33. INd PWeeoM'a«lKlL#hew ■ioiM It I* requested that the mem­ A daughte/, Debra Dawn, was Memorial Tample, PythiM. Bti^. A bou t Tow n ber* of Sunset Council No. 45, De­ botn 'July 23 In Rockville City tera,’ will meet at T o'clock to­ l i ; 2 8 3 Ur gree of Pocahontas, meet tonight Hospital to Mr. and Mr*. William night at the corner, ot Summit SkywQtch Schedule ruCthu Auat at 8 o'clock at the John B. Burke H. Smith, of 13 Campbell. Ave., and E. Center St*.. to pay re- *r OtreutattMi atday. • ngh hi arid 33a> ap^ta to Mrs. Carrie Samlow, a The Recreation Department will Funeral Home. 87 E. Center St., V’ernon. 'They have( another to pay re.specta to Mrs. Carrie B. charter member. r - Moneheeter^A City of VUlage Charm conduct two dances tomo^ow daughter, Cheryl Jean, age 9. The .Frkky, July *• ........................................... eVfnlng at the West Side TeiM s Samlow, who waa a member. maternal grandparents are Mr. Midnight - ^ a.m............. .......... .Volunteer* Needed Members o f the Polish Ameri­ .......... ... Volunteer* Needed Cotirts. The first dance will begin (tnd Mrs. George Hooey of Center 2 *.m.—4 a.m. ............... VOL. LXXIV, NOb 254 (POtyRTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 29, 1955 AirarUtkig.Mi Pafu 13) PRICE FIVE CUNTS at 7?«0 for the younger children. WBA Jtfniors are reminded to St., and the paternal grandmother can Club are requested to meet to­ 4 a.m.—6 a.nt> ........ I..Volunteeni . .Volunteer* NeededNeeded^ At . 8;3fi^.the teenagers dance will (leet at 'the Mary Cheney Library is Mrs. Charles Smith of The night at 7:15 at the clubhouse, 106 6 a.m.—8 a.m. .......... Philip Brady. JeSjfKMsrcel begin. Both dances will have music * \ l0 a.m. Saturday to attend the Ridge, Willimantlr. Clinton St., to proceed from there 8 a.m.— 10 a.m. Bill/Evan.s ^ ( by records^-The dances will he con­ p i^ ic at Martin Park in East to th’e Holmes Funeral Home to 10 a.m.— Noon .. .Guv Mullins ducted by , Jtm Herdic. superin­ H a r^ rd . Those attending should The WBA Guard Club held Us pey re.specls to Daniel P. Sokolow- Noon—2 p.m. n . .F.theleen li/wts • \ tendent of reobedtipn. and Mr. and b rin g ^ lunch and the gnr'* are re- snnual picnic last night^at Martin .ski, a member of the club. Thomaja^^axwell. Bill Barrett ■* f 2 p.m. -4 p.m. .. Mrs. Nell LswrNjC’e. mlndedXthal they must have bath- Park in East Hartford." A pot- 4 p.m.—6 p.m. .. .C rater'd Allen WITH ONE STOP SHOPPING iiig,. capsVfor swimming. luck supper was enjoyed. Movies will be shown thli even­ 6 p.m .--8.p.m . .Jobfr McCsuley Sr.. Mary Bushnell .Ohenev Auxil­ ing beginning at 8:15 in Center Evelyn McCauley Ui* our p«J-lctn|: Int . have iary. liSWV, will meei^at ’the John Town tflet^ Samuel J. Turking- Members .of Mystic Review No. Park behind the Mary Cheney Li­ 8 p m. 10 p.m.......... <01ive Rsv. Grace Anderson PINEHGRST Burke Funeral Hohne. 87 E, 2, WBA. will meet at 8 o'clock brary* T h ey will last approxi­ .........................................Mr. and Mr* Herbert Benson check* cashed . (mail box ton Jr., toda\ requested that doc­ 10 p.m. Midnight Center St., at 7:30 tonight to pay tors who wish Vp present bills for tonight at the John B. Burke Fu­ mately one hbiir. These movies ai'e Skvwalch Post locsted on top of Msnrhestei Police Station. Introntl. Free carry out ISOPEN espects to Mrs. Carrie S5mlow, signing birth certificates do so be­ neral Home to pay respects to featured for rhildren, but all par­ Volunteer* mav register at Civil Defense Headquarters M micipw / to your car . ibo' tipptni;i member of, the auxiliary. \ fore Aug. 10. Mrs; Carrie Samlow. ents and adults are welcome. Building, Manchester on Monday, Wednesday. !■ nday fi P- UNTIL 8:30 . save time and enerfj'. je t all your "G O O D THURSDAY and THINGS TO EAT ’ at Pine> FRIDAY NIGHTS hurst. Unmanned^ ere to G lobe in M inutes Travelers weather service promises nice days for Friday and 90 Saturday (warmer Sunday), so roast your lamb leg. or nb roast beef, or cook your pot roast or Plnehurst tendercure corned beef ahead and be ready for an easy, relaxlhg Sunday. Shave and Haircut K e fa u v e r IN ANNISTON, AlASAMA, AT NOtll- New U.S. Weapons Eisenhower niHfOY NOm lb* eW tradUieei N Usual top qualit.^at an 20 Bits and 10 Cents aeeeMy wM eealllr en«sll. Tbirty Ntbsi unusually low prieV . at seek smN *« *bi«b iMt Uab BseM IslTpiMli Choice Pinehursi Blasts SEC By THE A9BOC1ATED PRESS Bares Plan •r Based on H-Tests The price of haircuts in Sp^cM Lamb Roost union Stamford barber shops D ixon Bias will be increased from 11.30 For Science 4 -1* lt« *f % <•* ealM* LAMB Washington, July 29 (/P)^The government said today it to $1.60 Aug. 1. the Master has begun producing weapons vrho.<ie design is based on the Barber* Local said today. At t up. mM betb, freeee or Washington, July 29 (/P)— the same time, thy coat of spectacular 1954 hydrogen bombi-tests in the Pacific and Wuhington, July 29 (/P)— % op Wereader* M Up. leN LEGS Sen. Kefauver (D-Tenn) ac­ shaves will increas.* from 75 hint^ these are of several types. |It said also that the pros­ cents to $1. Prcflident Eisenhower today I cused the Securities and Ex­ approved plans for bnildinK to 7’^ Lbs. pect* for developing an airplane change Commission (SEC) to­ In Waterbuiy. the cost of Start your oven at 450F or hoL Spriif At HALE’S Self $( rve and Meat Department driven by an atomic power plant haircuts in union barber shops and launching the world’s Us lamb with salt and pepper, plara io havr "conalderably brightened" In Japan Protests day of having decided in will be increased from $1.10 first msn-made satellites. roaster and add 2 cup* water. Roast the last sixNpontha. favor of financial arrange­ to $1.35 Aug. 9, Local 4 Wa- They would be the silt of 40 mimitcs or until meat N browa N A B IS C O \ the Atomlb, Energy Gommls. ments for the Dixon-Yates terbury Master Barbers an­ (water is afanoM evaporated at this MEAT DEPARTMENT . eion ( AEC). which made the**-dis- nounced today. Children's basketballs and carry only In- point). Mis Worcestershire sauce, cat­ U.S. A-Caiinoii power project in advance- of Lb. rlnsuree, wa* «* cl<»e-.iioi.lhed as haircuts will jump from 85 strumenta for coUccting sup. M cup water, lenson juice, salt WESTERN STEER lEEF usual in it* 18th sehU-«nnu41 re­ hearings wiiich he called ‘*a cents to $1 Tuesda.vs through scientific information. and tugar lopether. Half of this is used GRAHAM port to Congrea*. TheXePOrt cov­ fraud and a sham.” for bastinj, the other half for pravy. Fridays and to $1.35 on Satur­ still in the planning stage, ered the flrit half of this , For Far East Kefauver *lso derlar^ SEC per­ days and days before holi­ Roducc oven temperature to 325P or BONELEGS c h u c k The commission Said thaVnll of mitted iteeJf "to be used" by Dixon- days. The cost of shaves will government scientiats say slow and bake the roest for 3 hours, PINEHURST CRACKERS It* activitle*— which Include p r o ­ Tokyo, July 29 iJT} .y The arrival Vates to avoid regulation by the Increase fromcents to 75 they think the first aRtellitc brashfaij the surface.every tS minutes duction of atomic and" thermo, of six U.S. Aj-my atomic cannon state of ^ n n e,‘ see. , cent*; can be launched in tiro years. with besting sauce. Reoibvc roest to clear weapons—continued durin, ^fenrf* 8EC MISSISSIPPI Okinawa roused-political fire Increa.sed operating costs The announcement was piitter and keep warm whil* you make LOCAL GRADE A IMPORTED FANCY this period "at a growing rate and J. Sinclair Armstrong.. SEC were given as the 'caviae for LI. with Increasing effectiveness." in Japan'! ■ Diet iparlia- made at a White House news the gravy. Spoon ailfai from drippings, LARGE SOLID PACK PREMIER Pot Roast chairman, pwnded a table and the, change in prices in both add 1 cup water, ether half o f hasting SLICED Some scientists have speculated menf spoke up "in d*f*nse of the SEC cities. conference held by James A. lauec to drippfail*, script aU brown THK .MOST FLAVORFIX CUT—AT LOWEST-COST that one-device tested In the A E C s Unde rritlcal opposition ques­ foe a very unWarranted conclu­ Hagerty. press secretary, af­ solid* from sides of pen and beat until BACON, lb. 53c E G G S . BONITA FISH "Operatioir Castle" at It* Pacific tioning,, Pitme Minister Ichiro Ha- sion." he said Kefauver had drawn.' ter the President had left for •dightly thick. Serve over hot sliced Holu't chickun parts oru eurtainly gaining populari­ proving grounds in the spring of toyama said Lhe United States had "I testified the ^ r y first Uiihg," | lamb. Enough for $. Doz. last year may have been a "hydro­ not informed JApan that the atom­ he said, "that the S&C d^'iled the ' Governor Calls.
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