anlifornia kat* 14.brarr flaeranasto 9, California ELECTION FEVER INCREASES .S1:411fiN Spartan Wilt y )4omentum Rise; SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE 42 1.11.1F1)1{Nlt. ,1/%1. NI kl 4. 195: "., ''rtnI Rush to Poles \untie. t:aidion at political. !-, ' t.1,e its lid tomorrow' their . Blood Earns Free Headline , . ..sh to the polls in acce-i - I the at spume goat ter dent t Doughnuts Extended A gain hallottne bali,o, teas la til stiatent Clam, 11, Strums mill hint' i the Coffee, sch..i. to be nwasined for caps al .1 ..., t s be e.sas,atoe in the I" '-n. Campus blood donors will en- , .I Lk teat I. .ti ion tOrniairtni. alnr- for graduation the ,spartan :Shop Rules on Pro joy free coffee and doughnuts at- i noon. according to Bo h Peeks.; announced yrslelliay tion oon.iiirst s , ter contributing a pint of the I chairman of the Campus Blood Tho tis .stended be- cpth:i le is precious life-gis mg liquid in the Drive. cause many s.mois ha e not coin, To Be Tighter - - "Veterans previously turned to the Spartan Shop to be mea- down because of malaria and yel- Stil low jaundice contacts may con- When sizes are taken, a lee of F(111 Sentester Tod:,%tat. More Books tribute to the drive. Their blood $5 50 must be paid. Two dollais of hal, boon stud' Twill be used specificalls. for phis - tins is a deposit %% Inch will be re- tightened in the revision to go into ch"'" To Be it ma." informed Peeks. !mated %shun thi cats. and emits effect with the beginning of the " Peeks emphasized the need lot are returned. semester system next fall, Dean more contributions. AP1u0 mern- Flit lay is also I he deadline for Stanley Bene Personnel Commit. Mt, I or Librurv bees are stationed in the Outer ordering personal name cards to tee chairman. explained yesterday said accompany eraduation announer- . .1,, I Library needs for real Quad throughout the day to sign A student will lie played on pro- at t'a. merits Both minted anti isnei,,,.(41 proposed 8510 F-11: enrollment to- "P donors - bation it he ha. a deficienes of ft"n" '1"-"s! ".!!"1. gs-m and in the timer Quad tat almost twice the numb. 'I' oh "There ale approximately -1"' ’1111’. in"ilabl!! 'fit.'tw more spade points below a wall tit* at 9 all! 1..0 . ' books now in the Library blood centers in the U.S.- explain - if average in any on.. semester, ems.' l .1 pm I Inder standards recommended ed Peeks. "Members may trails a cumulatise deficient-% of seven an 3 pi. F by the state college librarians in fir their Word credit to any Board .aci, April, the Library should have these centers." Standiii.- 250,0(X) volumes for the 8510 en- The local blood center pref. ,,, 'f..11 t oilmen? figure Th.- I ribraly now It'd by the American Red Oros, Present Sion. has 131,000 books in ifs staeks. the Santa Clara County Meoi.:. The Ameriean Library Association Sosiets for the community Pis -k- Staff to Council in a recent study of SJS tt!_tores pointed out that it operates or 111, S.Ill! up to 300,000 books as a principle of neiehbor helpine tipieh- Tito /1,11 a.,.1i ir and pow,. )lee(' liatifi licient number. The association bor. There is no charge tot ih. .1 le, In, L'..1 . basis of I ponds an A 3 101 indicated that SJS Library tacit- blood itself, the' or113" east to th- 111.11, 1111. !..11,1111t C111i11- ne's are now on a liberal arts col- recipient being service churi.,.;,. at th., tn.,. tine ot !nein O-II-, tor 2an tot"h. .(. 1 fur AMIN\ i I 11)erf(irni .aboratory lege leyel, according to Miss Joyce in connection with the 1-1,11 otfic 3:341 pin in the' hal ion can las eleared to Backus, Librarian, tests and actual transtusion it Union MAIM.; a el sire the in NI 1. With the additional Members of the SCVBC and the 'to 1..10 1'1 1 11111.11- sentest. r in the tirsd case arid shill 111, AR(' mill he on hand to greet .11011: 111,1111i ii ill of the 1.ibrary extension. tip to making tip the cumulatise deft - blood contributors from 2 to 5 p . 141. fr11111 171).000 could lir %filler/IA ill but riptides during the following tiSti Peeks said. The winner of the discos, Set10.1. Iii' extension will not be com- semesters pros ided a 'C a%vrage Campus Blood Drive mill an- th. %mit plott d until late in 195ti. be Az attained during Bits nest semes- nounced as soon as contributions the Childi slop- buret The state legislative auditor ap_ ter Failurts get "C! average tion of a some pasta-. parently sees a total of 130.000 as "1'. "bulati’d atter being Plaerd pro bation other co,.., tit ed- sufficient for any state college a failure to niake rlinilllatiVe de- itcalional W,11 a., \l library and recommended that all r ' ficiencies all. Imo semesters a osiers Ileum The question was ii .! ka II,. ., space for book stacks in tlw 114,VI failing grade L71 Imt-thud of a S. - week and referrix1 I addition be eliminated. \lee:. Back- ( rooster's proglain (Ii;.', F. stilt in class councils to LT? LAO II, its said. It was 'It squ alit te at a m Jena -up Drive lion of stodent opinion ,tine t'41 41 ,I11.111 41,4’ffi., 4 (If the proposed state budget 41!!..I.!! !!.. ir,i,. the sjs !Aran. $12,000 will Don't ix, a litter bog' posters money to that (hardy will. -..t Is- i . , ) 1111 , cOnlii, fo \I. I i f , mill mark the beginning ot a clean- mg obligated to other charities 11 , rt)iii, 1 ii III ,7. Is' used to fill spin- s left to weed_ .11i .1y. l *rests deemed up campaign by the Public Ftela- which apply to the Council for It ing out operations I of 1h. , be tslegated to lions Committee next week. nancial support out of date will Conic ti, limo,' Followine the meet in-. II ) ur(ule other state educat lonal inst it ii - "We have to get this campaign approsaal a $13, council is invited to di: . , lions, The auditor going if it is to fulfill its purpose ,:rourane ot ni,... ., t ions whieh the home of Dr I-:iiv. aid V. t r..i,i iii.st fairs are h. .1 te. I ', WO neW book purchase by the 1-1- of cleaning up private Si', %kW ... 1...1 1".P""). ents and his wil. il is the come itomeeiiiii,,,, Ii..:eli, suggest - brary. ii a' and stopping the complaints from eirs ad% i,,. lareer IF, id ed Homecoming householders that are still coming by th. Corntnit- Whet. him', i tee yesteistas in a tentatoe list into the office of Dean of Student, of MUM( Ii’-’ Committee Plans s 'lesrules for the eent Stanley C. Benz," Jeri,. ., I here to I. ,t ti, ,., will he t ito thy, P.R. Commit tee . Juni OrS RCA 1 1.11. Th.-n dAisions. - . I ,,. .. and independents. in said. the l'erit o For Frosh Camp ; . .’1, if t he l'illf`s :us . approved Information for the Mercury orch, I . !!! fur t his 1 41 C ()1411- at twat Tuesday s tn.-..tine Also News Sunday column "St tact I: Jiti)ari solo' -, y, s Freshman Camp have been i a limit ol $250 would ta., set as the Sparta" is badly needed accord in. Jatiati is both , approved, and will be announced ii -"11. l'Is' "it's maximum exisaulittns- loi an in- to AlcCaiths- and may be submit California ill siie anti climate. but , ... , ., Eve, . Sill/lily, Sherry Nuernberg. chair- iti lona, ,toat regardltss of IA hi-.111- led any time before 1230 p.m, oolitic a ill 11 1 ihan of the Freshman Camp Com- simihrit,,,s net thes,.: said .r or not organizations join to Tuesaw.s in the Public Relations mittee announced yesterday a t .1 asst. 1 an t pro_ build it Ofliee tor publication on the fol- D r tt. Ili an 1 V At yesterday's meeting of the FratiaretieS anti sraordies would ,tiand Flea 1{4...4iri I fritsoi of Political Seienve in he. (4,rninittef. it was lowing Sunday. decided to com- ; deride m heti,' ot ti,? thr% %till 7,,, I Ni. lpf ibitii,, The dtvelopment of a talent flit! Ill.'. Millen' of 101.red slides pile a list of faculty to paiticipate a combine lo 1.10 A flOal the corn - was taken ener Norm Scheid in the -inip. Plans for a 1,11,4'1111re Japan lo a .alrill f.-f'olli, or In"' 111141ef (1.!(.,loil It :ill itili'll:11117.tillOn to he assistant liairrnan th. eoinnlit- ei to incoming freshmen ol:Ited illnlOrS I.slrillay! ellOSI lio OI!!i!. II :ti, -ta.thor groan awl Ii aisler students mere com- tee. Joanne I.eis.. chairman of slam- 1.' flan'. """ k Oar"' in a pleted The brochure su It:e- -This is a chance for any organ - l' ased May 15. fiat ion or variety show to consult cone sale. announced that rriinlbeis Ill’i".’:. ''' ''''' .- ''' - '' . "." The commit t ee also the tor entertainment posse (.1 tir. -Iiinicir Class mall ....II sr.. -as v. tat th1' sCht‘dUlt for tb.
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