California %ate Library facraminto 92 California Posters Mark Opening of_ Electioyt Campaign Spartan Daily Presidential Candi( tales 45 Enter Race SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE ,Ilapeftfr ls (sire *Full Story ma Two For 12 Offices 42 San Ioae. Tiler,. May 3. tr.i No. 133 ! Cottrell Hubbard In Competition A contusion of . 1.,. dotted the campy - Seniors Expect To Sign the Opening gun a; .1..1 ASK election ra.. Some 45 vandal, a s Long'sBand for June Ball ill competit tor 12 stun. yernment offices Fulling Seniors apprmed Johnny Longs idiot, explained that Long is maw_ gin Thursday and cent - band as their choice for Senior duled to play at a Stanford -dime. Friday. art-of-00in 5., i’. Ball music at yesterday's class and has several other commit- Tits,. Studer. a t chief ta- meeting. ments in this area. The class is Three I .e. Alter listening to a record of hopeful he will accept their offer set aside - 1' his music, the class made the Mks Taylor said that Long is for 50 twit .I I.* . choice. Long still must accept their one of the most popular bands one in the I 1., Qtloil I offer, however, before the arrange- In the East. but is not too well area near th. Worm; . cs .; ment will be final. known on the Viaait Coast. He the third near tie Barbara Taylor, class vice pres- has picked up the Glenn Miller Building near 71/1 ane '-a style of dance musk', In addition streets: ertionquist to musician,., Long bring% a glee stitd..nts must pia,. .1,i. llu Phi Epsilon club and two singer, with him, dint tbody cards who I t, lie she said. said. They then will be a.. ta. The hall is scheduled to begin rorreet hailOts f. Will Present Senior Week activities on June 10 tneh I hey are members Ballots Pat Spooner, president, announc- must tie marked a oh th. rol,ber ed that graduation fees are pay - Marken Ramp .tanip nem iii. ti iii it ins, booth. Varied Concert able until May 15, Croonquist said Anv ether method The quarterly concert of Mu of marking. auch as use of pen in- Phi Epsilon, national music sor- JUNIORS VIEW ORIENT t.', II, will it ..1.. ballilt %stud ority. will be presented tonight at The Junior Class will meet to-! at 15 p.m in the Concert Hall of day in Room 24 at 3:30 o'clock to' the Music Building. view slides of the Orient taken by: (:am)tis (.1teA Classical. romantic and modern Dr. William Vatcher, political sci- I clia I I' or.o. ii ill he stationed compositions will make up the pro- ence instructor. when he was a I,, the slink id I mon *ore% do) giant. which will open alth the member of the U.S. truce team at this ot 4 4 50 p tit to pla;..ne of the 1st movement of Panmunjom, Koren, Bob Lindsey. colle.d men. ..tit I loos. 'bur Rachnaininoff's Second Piano Con- class president, announced. lo the cert by Karin Kahl. She will be .0n, %%h.. There will be discussions on I :1111111ti, I he I 11/1 iii. 4,11111,4 followed by Marion Harp and spring activities for the class P. an I Wilt Is. hairman Phyllis Heim playine a Sonata Lindsey stated. Tomorrow the JIM- for 2 flutes and piano by J.J. lOrN will sell snow cones in the' Quantz, accompanied by Valerie Outer Quad under the chairman- Decides Nash. ship of Joanne Leise. (S :ourt "Ragion Sentare Addita" by Stradella, "Sandmaemchen" by. SlOPHOMOREs PLAN MINER Firm' Details Brahme and v"Mountains' by Ras- The main topic of discussion iv bach will be sung by Joanne Tral- the Sophomoic Class meeting y.,- ha accompanied by Bonnie Rob- terday was plans for the Frosts - For Elections ertson. Fa tty Swanson will play Snot] Mixer, to be held ,Time 3 at teo selections for the piano. Adak, Cr...k Lode,. "Dead Leaaes" by Delaiasy :oat The annual miyer is ill enst Ii %Tt:S tor the ,,,, iii student 1, :, "Improyisation" by Sell- Poulenc. eent per person. uhitih include% continue the eatopaign soing rag. st.,i. iii...1 erzo-Tarantelle ftir violin by. Wi. Bois- :lieu, it . b. tell. Victor.. :old 1.1..ttorio. the use of the soimming pools. (heir qualifieations and iawski will bi played by Iris Mann. of e pro 1.1. ntial candidate. is iii airpear 1 ttttt UM% volleyball eiiiirt and haseha.II I. Concluding the program will be plattorens iii ,th.'r candidates, to beat the opening Aidnigda diamond. F:Mertainment also will Barhaia Wells singing songs by Thlirsdav and (rids' he the big dav thy he provided. Durant., Puccini and alilotte. Fr (imp. (Mon for 1: student ott II is, Th., Council also is making plans The concert is op. e J the stu- to work on the Litterbug cam- dent body and p ,te five of paien. `11-e Need lour FIDISII HEAR CANDIDATES Mt ill.. for the So- e .lore )(mars I Board To CorNider Candidates office of ppe( for ollf`ek ,, phomore Representative to the . setting op p. a:,1),.. eV need your blood. ' decalied 01 ; - .,-, has ale toe peal - I. !oats (,rolipino. Student Council presented siding Flo, II, .1. r. their Bob Peeks. chairman 0, the Cam- est p. I. : II:. of donor", is ill be platforms yesterday at the 3:30 pu, Blood privy Grouping floats for next fall's awarded a trophy p.m. Freshman Class meeting Homecoming Parade ail' be dis - "as far, only 60 donors hae. Blood will he taken iii 511. "-din s 11,414.41,,,i; Plans for the Jointly -sponsor- ANA cussed today by the Homecoming 'signed up. The blood ...ninth in dent rition tomorrow b- , ' t.yrs Mixer were an - Committee when it meets at 130 ed Frosh-Soph the Santa ,f tars Valle% is e - of the Santa Clara V..1. 1;1,4 hy Penny Lee MeCill- in the Student Union amrding to pounced tremely low, since contributions C’erit,r and mmt.rs (if ' Artier. 14,10.1 teen Vie chairman of Joe Vallenara chairman ingham, freshman are not keeping up is ith . ads." II AWS elections is iii 1.. ii 1.1 Suggestions for float grouping the joint committee. Peek, pointed out, Thiirsdas and faraday ies a ittu mad,. by a joint Inter-Fraternity Don Raan. class re esident, prais- ile urged all don' ii- oreetert in to 11011 ?WE'S the student hod% time. accord Connell and Panhellenic miading Mg the students' moperation in thy past for tempos use reason% to mg ta AWa et Itett last quarter will be conseletaal, he the paper drive, said "We accom- pledge again Blood cion:ited will Date Bids Closed plished all we set out to do and I he credited to th. null% idual and _ said. I ;,. tang tot MA ! Vallenaii invited students who appeciate the time, effort and en- the group In addition us proisa - ; protected date applications. ..; (ate. - 1, lemon, preaabait wish to express themselves on the thusiasm the freshmen put out to tionate share of the blood will he eoaline to Paul Sakamoto Stud. to Donny ; Flamm...id subject to attend t.)41,*., meeting. make this drive successful. sent to the I' S De -pas-ft-tun! of Activittes Board chairman II -t sae and Diane (am. - I retells, Marsha The SAII prof. env] dates sys- as pre -alma 'I .11e Briefs This blood o ill be assigned for lino first , orb' News ream-Yes dates for next year a pr. .1. Ann Johnson JO.- else tip) oar wounded in militate-A !fight int aetiy stile!. and I:map-410n- gut WOW and Jo tit l’irak. ssa'- 9 hospitals and for national de ;ad functions Notices is. ti' sent ' rl nt I ’1:11411. Mar tense stockpiling of plasista. he to SJS student organizatins woe. Carolyn Siallane 1...1 Cf Faulkner's 'Fable ; eently warning them of the ap- 'raid, I.tilo Members of Alplia (.1n.;:a Yen, Peggy .. ...1.1tie deadline Joan 04,1'1 secret trA Bon - are :loc.-pang blood pledge.. in lb. and a considet aide alma r of Sae, Joan It. ..1% .1,0 P Quad today and tomotony nit Outer quests ar. see. east by grinit Thorson tie:wan Tops Pulitzer List Peeks reminded that the a.. id. to Ardtvitie, Hoard t h. ., .11 b.. otisen.ei NEW YORK, May 2 I UP) The News. 7.11(1 1)ays 1.e1t. Astrology Rea(ler : uti.in we .01 distinguished Ifarrison F Salisbury of the Pulitzer Prize for 1111e. II Se S:1!<.ttntoto tot,. fiction in 1955 was awarded yes- New York Times was awarded the Seititirs Ji arsied Still Frustrated The 'loanl meets at a. 3.0 luda terday to William Faulkner for 1955 prize for international re- Sen /I" has.- and t "One of mA artistic talents, the Stud. ra t mon his "A Fable," an alleaory based porting. eou to tic meailied in thr or one of Inv cultural idea ma) on life in the World War I trench- SECOND VERSE shop Ocr theli raps sad cev ti-. get frutatrated today .. the earn- France, Pit. (won!) 414.4.1. t Jam*, J;614 es of iNTEREY, Calif . May 2 (UP) spoke ,t piUgming .,and flea aloud SS (4 Carriple. lit. expedition to Ha- Th. ; h. do....1\ ISO I The 1955 Pulitzer Prize for dra- The second from the Astrologv ma he read ! ter-hUI: rc.rnitteeis uti t.0- heard ma as awarded to Tennessee Wil- waii ended yesterday like the first A 1.
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