Thinking with Beverley Skeggs Editor Annika Olsson Thinking with Beverley Skeggs editor Annika Olsson Thinking with Beverley Skeggs Publicerad av: Centrum för genusstudier, Stockholms universitet 2008 ISBN 91 - 87792 - 40 - 0 Copyright: författarna Layout: Henning Brüllhoff Språkgranskning: Simon Moores Kan beställas från: Centrum för Genusstudier Stockholm universitet 106 91 Stockholm Telefon: + 46 (0)8 16 22 22 Fax: + 46 (0)8 674 73 00
[email protected] Innehåll 7 Intro – Thinking with Beverley Skeggs Annika Olsson 9 Drive-by Shaming Reflections on the Emotions of (Dangerous) Car Driving Dag Balkmar 21 Renewing Class Theory? Exploitation, Individualization and Culture Elias le Grand 29 A Focus on Victims of Crime in Social Work Why and for Whom? Carina Ljungvald 39 The Production of Bodies Thaïs Machado-Borges 49 Emotional Archives and Body Politics Towards an Analysis of Early Lobotomy Praxis in Sweden (1944-45) Ulrika Nilsson 65 ‘In Persia I was called “The Blonde”’ An Attempt to Analyse how a Jewess Practices Whiteness Susanne Nylund Skog 75 Thoughts on Being a Respectable Homo Academicus Annika Olsson 83 In Dialogue with Devaluation Young People’s Life Choices as Social Positioning Practices Ann Runfors 95 A Feminist Sustainable Development In Between Politics of Emotion, Intersectionality and Feminist Alliances Juan Velasquez 104 Participants 5 6 Intro: Thinking with Beverley Skeggs It’s not every day one has the opportunity to really ‘think with’ in real life someone who is a great source of intellectual inspiration. It’s a rare gift and should be honoured as such. During the spring of 2007 we were a number of people at the Centre for Gender Studies at Stockholm University who had this unique opportunity when Professor Beverley Skeggs was the Kerstin Hesselgren Professor at the Centre.