Official Programmes
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Radio Times, September 26th, 1924, B.B.C. PLANS FOR THE WINTER. By ARTHUR R. BURROWS. ——— wanicasrEs———_ LEE =“PAB ate fee ey | aia : SWANCAEATS 2 StrrencLo {fn oe ar TriAh Pageie Fa DIO” acerecoe! THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE B.B.C. _ Vol. ot No. 53. binaisierid ab tle eh, ee ie aDu EVERY FIRIDAY. “vie Pence. OFFICIAL The Yearandand the ‘Day. PROGRAMMES By J. Cc. W. Reith, Managing Director of the a HE Walitor’s unexpected request for & peneral,. and on their se tion of my aerial in THE BRITISH messed for this first birthday number of partiouler, I sli sitll Say Leese rh ary Ci miss The Reelin f nee reacherl ee by Fa tiatamnt the opportunity of giving a word to the roaders narthern home, whither Thal nepadned with the Of thik Thaeasine Al the encl of phe fire Veer. BROADCASTING excugalie, seven laikshle, bot oom paratively Tie Kadio Times waa not launched without futile intention of secoring a bael reapibe from considenble thought and investizntion. Those COMPANY. the cares of broadcasting Whe ore ocyoainted with the problems, hopes; When his telepram arrived—the sort of mee: ind fears which pertain to the start af n- mew sage which ts Tess of a snegestion than of ap paper will appreciate the mixed feelings with For heWeek taaconn mitimation, and mare of it inetroction than which we watched the ¢arliest stage af the SUNDAY, September 28th. tither—my BbbeME LOT Wes Coa fades with: that roves. Would the venture bea suocess ? "Wie mysteri es ariel deeply Le rarer spectacle, the had net long to wait for the answer, The first asaembling of the awallows preperatery to therar gues were ail solid aut, and within a few weeks LONDON CARDIFF ainwal migration Lo wirmer chines. I -had wit ii wae obvious that snecess wie -assurad: to-dny ABERDEEN GLASGOW ressed this same performance in other years, —ita firat anniversary—it is phenomenal. BIRMINGHAM MANCHESTER and in the-same locatity. A neighheour’s house It 4 perhaps not a novelty fora journal with somTithe ttince away, with a series of pables a popular appeal to achieve # circniation BOURNEMOUTH NEWCASTLE and convenient projections, had been their running into six figures: within a short period, BELFAST vathering ground, This 7ear, however, the but nol many can point toa weekly tale of awallows hid tranalerred their favour to my readers, within one year of the start, of 600,000 erstwhile abole. I think my comspicnous and —a crcolation which is-steachly incressni ane SHEFFIELD (Relay) highly-eficient twin aerial was the sttraction, will continue to increase as the fireside evenings % i ia * econ: mor attractive There is littl doitht PLYMOUTH (Relay) In any event, there they were, one minute that the number of wireless recetving Ticenena EDINBURGH (Relay) swinging and wheeling in hundreds above my will grow Jargely in number this aniuma and LIVERPOOL (Relay) head, and the next crowded im-two lines along winter, New stations are being opened and the standard and interest of our programmes are LEEDS—BRADFORD the wires, aa many as could obtain foothold, (Relay) and the others perched on poste, roofs, telephone being steadily increased: the circulation ofthis HULL (Relay) wires, ail-all the adjacent-trees, ‘To-night as I journal should grow almost part pase with the look ont they are with os, To-morrow 1 depart ligenmes, NOTTINGHAM(Relay) Fy vk a Ea early for PSL Hull, anid it may be they will have ditappeared in the night, leaving no Luke most undertakings which have attained SPECIAL CONTENTS: straggler or late-comer in sight; There are a considerable measure of sneeess, The Kado Pimea, in its original conception, was a moloat MIND, mysteries here which we cannot fathom. I MUSIC AND YOUR creature, Tt was to embody, ina handy and By Sir Robert ArmstrongJones, M.D. have never yet monaged to attend of an actual departure; all [know ts that whereas day after convenient form. the etalions' programmes for IF.1 PLANNED “THE WOMEN'S HOUR." day, evening after evening, they were there, one week, Ome realived that thedistener woold By Mrs. Belloc Lowndes. gathering and sporting in their fantastic flights, take an intelligent intersst in the fare to be one morning they are gone, leaving oa with the provided in the forthooming week, Tt was “HEICH-HO ! COME TO THE FAIR!” fecling of loneliness and of simmer departed, realized, further, that, without such programmes The Story of the: Famous Song, but atl with the eure and happy expectation of in «a handy form, items of a special character their return next year, wotld be entirely missed by many listeners, SONGS I LIKE BEST. + ; r * & But it was immediately evident that the bars By Herbert Heyner. programmes were not gomg to. be sofort, Se Much ag I resented being disturbed in my OFFICIAL NEWS AND VIEWS. reflectiona on the migration of swallows in (Confined overlay in goluunn 3.) Ms _RADIO TIMES -—- [SEPTEMBER 26TM, Lee‘ B.B. C. Plans for the Winter. The ties and the Day. (Ook ted from iin pretties joe,) By Arthur R. Burrows, Director of Programmes. Comments on the programmes and news of the Company's activities were obviously demanded. OME «abosed wireless : others: blaniedd ach waliable dite as can onby be forthcoming so the scope of the project was increased, Wembley. Whatever 1h have been the through teste under tric working Cee Litres, a 4 b + Cater, rie over. By the law of Great. Britainand but thousands in the Metropolis will be able peeaseall fe i Chit journal of ours. is, Th eonsiler, rif the Ireland, and-soech other rain-soaked Little islands to adjust their long-wave receivers for immunity very createst importance to the suchess oof an are pleased tc be known as the United from Jondon's signals, adask which ie difficult British broateasting, Tt ahenld be the eor- Kingdom, we have cast away Trom the long for thie nopraciised when beth Stadion are necting link between the brondesster, idi- diya of secondary depressions and primary tranemitiing the same programme, vidual or corporate, and the great listening thunderstorms antl set sail in that peril of In framing the programmes for the winter public, It ia so in great degree already, and months we have striven to provide the cretest dark nighte and warin fircsides formerly knowtt by all the means in our power we shall endeavour as the winter mith, possible variety of entertainment: At the risk ito make th so cin. till preter degree, (Corban Let's call this perio! * Fado Fime ” antl make of expoaing otfselyes to eriticiam by thos limitations are imposed opon it, mast of which the play to fit the bill, who cannot dissociate certain typea of fuusic we Volintarily aecepted owing ta the possibility Earher Transrm‘ssiong. from m set metlind of perlormatice, We are en of detriment to established journals which did Kadio Time will begin on Monday next, deavouring, a4 far aa ia reasonably possible, net possess the fundamental and unique attrac- September 29th, From thie day onwards, tas provide at Jexnet two chisses of entertain: tion of comprehensive programme publication, most programmes will hegin half an hoor earlier ment each evening. Wher, for instanes, we But we do not wish to feel that the magazine than i9 at present the case. Ruch midday trans. ive an hour of serious music, we shall generally it bought in such large numbers entirely on nissiona aa are given will continue at the present provide, as a set-off, an hour of htamour or music acemint of the programmes. Thiv will natorally hiir, but the afternonti Lrarisnissiond anil of the light and tuneful order remain the paramount appeal, but that ia not Children’s Hour will -be advanced thirty minutes, Tragedy and Comedy. good mech IF the broadeeast service ia to ‘The evening peorrnme of entertainment will im- So with mir plays, these will be chosen to attain the maximumefficiency, and the letener mediately follow the informative talk succeeding provide contrast—just that balance of tragedy ta reap the greatest: benefit. it can only be secured the first News Bulletin, In all cases this pro- and comedy which makes for an ideal entertain- through # consitlerible degree of intimacy ar gramme will continue without a break until ment. Care da heme taken to avond as far as understanding between the two parties oon- the socom! News Bulletin at $90, Then will possible a too frequent recurrence of any one cerned in the undertakine, come a second talk and a short light programme tvpe of performance, but it may happen from a i. * euch as we hope will send the seekers of health, time to time thet circumstances over which we witthth, and wietom to bead at De) pon. have no-comtrol—for instance, an opportunity at lt is disappointing alike do Us and to youif As hardly any two of our Stations have short neice for briiadcasting a tar performance special events are not racternkued! as they shoulel exactly Lhe same time-tabli—a seeming anomaly, from «@ concert ball or thestre—will pact our be, and a little study of fhe paper will soon bot actually a predict of local considerations plans. Sach « disturbanes of cur intentions reveal what we heave in ow minda, and that we would ask you to make a particular atucdy will only be permitted when we are satisfied things ore done with a purpdae and in a syetem, this week of the timings for these Stations in that the nett resolt will be a ‘definite gain for andl with all the thoroughness and attention of which you are particularly interested.