Property of the Said William Rhodes, Esquire, There Situate. Also to Make, Construct, and Maintain an Aqueduct Or Conduit, Comme
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5315 property of the said William Rhodes, Esquire, there of York, at his office at Wakefield, in the said riding situate. and also with the parish clerks of the said respective Also to make, construct, and maintain an aqueduct parishes of Otley, Addle, and Hare wood, at their re- or conduit, commencing by a junction with the said spective residences. intended reservoir, and terminating in the township of And it is further proposed, by the said intended Act Bramhope, in the parish of Otley, at or near the nor- (if need he), to alter, amend, extend, and enlarge the thern extremity of a certain tunnel, now in course of powers and provisions of the Leeds and Thirsk Rail- construction by the Leeds and Thirsk Railway Com- way Act 1845, the Leeds and Hartlepool Railway Act pany, and also by a junction with a certain stream of 1846, the Leeds and Thirsk (Knaresborough Extension) water, called Bramhope Beck, in a field, called Coppy Railway Act 1846, and the Leeds and Thirsk (Saint Crown, belonging to William Rhodes, Esquire, in the Helen's Branch Deviation) Railway Act 1846. township of Arthington, and parish of Addle. Dated this ninth day of November, 1846. Also to make, construct, and maintain another Barr, Lofthouse, and Nelson, aqueduct or conduit, commencing in the township of Solicitors. Addle-cum-Eccup, in the parish of Addle, by a junc- tion with the existing Store Reservoir of the said water works company, and terminating firstly in the London and South-Western Railway Acts township of Artningtpn, in the parish of Addle, by a Amendment. junction with the said intended reservoir, and secondly, Powers for London and South-Western Railway Com- at or near the boundary betweeen the said townships pany to raise further capital, and to purchase, rent, of Arthington and Bramhope, in a wood called Well- or subscribe capital towards, or to amalgamate or heads Wood, in the said last-mentioned townships. make other arrangements with the Companies owning Also to make, construct, and maintain another or working the Southampton and Dorchester ; the aqueduct or conduit, commencing in the said township Richmond; the Exeter and Exmouth; the Direct of Arthington by a junction with the said intended London and Portsmouth ; the London, Brighton, reservoir, and terminating by a junction with the said and South Coast; the Taw Vale Railway and Dock stream of water called Bramhope Beck, at or near a and Extension ; the Bodmin and Wadebridge ; the certain field, the property of William Rhodes, Esquire, Cornwall; and the West Cornwall Railways; the called the Ing, in the said township of Arthmgton, proposed London, Salisbury, and Yeovil; and Exeter, which said intended reservoir, and the said several Yeovil, and Dorchester Railways ; the Sutton Pool aqueducts, conduits, and works, or some of them, will (Plymouth) ; and the Proposed Sutton Pool Im- be situate or pass within, into, or through the several provement. And also to make arrangements with townships, extra-parochial, or other places of Bram- the Electric Telegraph Company; and powers to hope, Arthington, Addle Eccup, Addle-cum-Eccup, amend the Acts relating to the above several Compa- Kirskill, Brearey, and Weardley, and the several nies and undertakings. parishes of Otley, Addle, and Harewood, all in the OTICE is hereby given, that application is in- West Riding of the county of York. N tended to be made to Parliament in the next ses- Also it is intended to take powers to enable the said sion for a Bill to alter, amend, and enlarge the powers -water-works company to lay down, construct, and and provisions of the several Acts relating to the Lon- •maintain within the said several parishes, townships, don and South-Western Railway, that is to say, " the •and extra-parochial places, or some of them, proper and London and South-Western Railway Act, 1834;" necessary drains, sewers, pipes, tunnels, conduits, " the London and South-Western Railway Deviations •sluices, pumps, engines, machinery, and other neces- Act, 1837 ;" " the Portsmouth Branch Hallway Act, sary works, and to lay mains and pipes through private 1839;" "the'London and South-Western Railway lands, and through or along any streets, roads, ami Company's Amendment Act, 1841 ;" "the London public and private ways within the said several places and South-Western Railway Company's Wandsworth aforesaid, and to take and purchase, by compulsion Water Act, 1841 ; " " the Salisbury Branch Railway or otherwise, lands, houses, buildings, streams, waters, Act, 1844 ; " " The London and South-Western Rail- and other property, for the purposes aforesaid, or any way Company's Amendment Act, 1844 ;" " the Lon- of them, and to alter, repeal, or extinguish all existing don and South-Western Railway Metropolitan Exten- rights and privileges connected with such houses, sions Act, 1845 :" " the London and South-Western lands, buildings, streams, waters, and property, or Railway Company's Amendment Act, 1845 ;" " the which would in any manner impede or interfere with London and South-Western Railway Company's the construction and maintenance of the said works, or Amendment Act, 1846 ;" " the London and bouth- any of them. Western Chertsey and Egham Branch Act, 1846;" And also to lay, levy, and collect rates and rents for " the London and South-Western Farnham and Alton such supply of water, and to alter the existing rates Branch Act, 1846;" " the London and South-Western and rents now granted to the said company by the Railway Hampton Court Branch Act, 1846;" "the said Act, and to vary and extinguish exemptions from London and South-Western Railway Company's the payment of rates and rents, and other rights and London Bridge Extension Act, 1846 ;" " the London privileges, and also to confer other rights, powers, and and South-Western Railway Company's Basingstoke privileges. and Salisbury Extension Act, 1846;" and the powers And it is also intended by the said proposed Act to and provisions of the several Acts (local and personal) authorize the said water works company to raise a relating to the London, Brighton, and South Coast further sum of money. Railway, that is to say, An Act passed in the fifth and And notice is hereby further given, that on or before sixth years of the reign of His Majesty King William the thirtieth day of November instant, duplicate plans the Fourth, cap. 10 ; an Act passed in the sixth and and sections of the said intended works, and the lands seventh years of His said Majesty's reign, cap. 121 ; in and through which the same are proposed to be an Act passed in the-seventh year of His late Majesty made, together with a book of reference, thereto, con- King William the Fourth, and in the first year of Her taining the names of the owners Or reputed owners, Majesty Queen Victoria, cap. 119; an Act passed in lessees or reputed lessees, and occupiers of all such the first and second years of the reign of Her present lands and hereditaments, will be deposited with the Majesty, cap. 20 ; an Act passed in the second and clerk of the peace for the West Riding of the county third years of Her said present Majesty, cap. 18 ; an H2.