(Mid-Devonian) Deformation 37, 44, 49-50, 192, 391 Acadian Orogeny 33
Index Page numbers in italic refer to figures or tables. Acadian (mid-Devonian) deformation 37, 44, 49-50, Ballydavid Formationn 150, 154, 156, 158, 165, 192, 391 166-7, 168 Acadian Orogeny 33, 50, 52, 63, 185, 312 cyclic deposition 167 Acanthostega tetrapod remains 557-9, 561,564 fluvial-aeolian architecture 157, 165, 167, 169 Achanarras Sandwick Fish Beds 474, 479, 480 stratigraphy 166 aeolian deposition Ballyferriter Formation 132, 150, 188 Ballydavid Formation 166 Ballymastocker Basin 40, 109-21 Beenmore Sandstone Formation 172-3, 175 Ballymore Formation 150, 153, 187, 188, 206, 218 Farran Formation 161, 166 Ballynane Formation 150, 202 Kilmurry Formation 178, 179, 190, 207, 209 Ballyoughteragh Member, Farran Formation 154, Sauce Creek Formation 168 158, 165 Agda Formation (East Greenland) 558 Ballyroe Group 155, 188, 189 Aglaophyton major 454 BaUytrasna Formation 251 Aglaophyton sp. 449, 455, 456 Baltica 32-3, 47, 417, 505 Aiculiretusispora sp. 361 Barr Group 463 Aina Dal Formation (East Greenland) 558, 559-60, Battery Point Formation 35, 36, 62, 63-82, 63 560, 563, 564 Beaconites antarticus 376 Albertbreen Formation 570, 573 Bealtra Volcanic Breccia 277, 279, 282-3 Albion Sands Formation 352-3 Beara Peninsula 231-4, 303, 305, 306, 307-11, 308, Ambitisporites sp. 366 312-13 Ancyrospora ancyrea 477, 478,478, 479, 480 basin faulting 311, 312 Ancyrospora ancyrea cf. var. brevispinosa 478 Black Ball Head Pipe 309-10, 311,312, 313 Ancyrospora simplex 289, 325 Caha Mountain Formation 275 Ancyrospora sp. 476 crustal stretching 313 Andr6e Land Anticline 589, 591-2 depocentre 224, 233 Andr6e Land Group 35, 42, 46, 568-9, 573, 575-6, pipe-like intrusions (lamprophyre affinities) 309-10, 578-9, 585, 603, 605 6 312 Andr6ebreen Formation 571 sills and dykes 307-8 Aneurospora sp.
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