Reprint A Journal of © Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim DOI: 10.1002/cctc.201901084 Full Papers

1 2 3 Facile Synthesis of Fe/N/S-Doped Carbon Tubes as High- 4 Performance Cathode and Anode for Microbial Fuel Cells 5 6 Wei ,*[a] Jun ,*[b] Linghan ,[b] Li,[b] Wenli Wei,[c, d] Jia En ,[c] and 7 [c] 8 Shaowei Chen* 9 10 11 As arenewable energy technology, microbial fuel cell (MFC) has ahalf-wave potential of +0.81 Vvs. RHE and electron 12 been attracting increasing attention in recent decades. How- transfer number of 3.98 at +0.6 Vvs. RHE. The Fe/N/S-doped 13 ever, practical applications of MFCs has been hampered by the carbon tubes also exhibited aremarkable performance as an 14 unsatisfactory electrode performance, in particular, at the MFC anode by facilitating bacterial growth and electron transfer 15 cathode. Herein, Fe/N/S-doped carbon hollow tubes were between the biofilm and electrode. In fact, an MFC based on 16 prepared by afacile two-stage procedure involving hydro- the carbon tubes as both cathode and anode showed a 17 thermal treatment and pyrolysis at controlled temperatures. markedly higher performance (maximum power density 18 Electrochemical studies showed that the obtained samples 479 WmÀ3)than the control MFC based on agraphene aerogel 19 exhibited an apparent electrocatalytic activity towards oxygen anode and Pt/C cathode (359 WmÀ3). These results suggest that 20 reduction reaction in both alkaline and acidic media, aperform- Fe/N/S-doped carbon composites can be used for the fabrica- 21 ance comparable to that of commercial Pt/C, and the sample tion of high-efficiency MFC electrodes. 22 prepared at 800 °Cstood out as the best among the series with 23 24 Introduction improvement in the performance of air cathode MFC.[3] 25 However, the power output of MFCs remains unsatisfactory 26 Microbial fuel cell (MFC) represents an energy conversion with regards to the need of practical applications. The perform- 27 technology that uses anode microbes to catalyze the oxidation ance of an air cathode MFC has been found to depend on a 28 of organic substrates for electricity generation, and achieves range of factors, such as the electron-transfer rate from bacteria 29 power production and wastewater treatment simultaneously.[1] to anode surface, kinetics of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) at 30 Of these, because of the simple structure and air breathing the cathode, ion diffusion/migration between anode and 31 design, air cathode MFC has been attracting extensive attention cathode, substrate supply in biofilm, and ion diffusion in 32 in recent years.[2] In fact, significant progress in material cathode catalyst layer.[4] Among these, the construction of 33 synthesis, electrode design and operation parameter optimiza- anode and cathode stands out as the most important factor 34 tion has been achieved and contributed to anoticeable influencing the MFC performance. In particular, the sluggish 35 ORR kinetics at the cathode has been recognized as aprimary 36 bottleneck that limits the MFC performance.[5] Platinum-based 37 [a] Dr. W. Yang catalysts have been widely used to facilitate the ORR process, 38 State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering but their high cost, scarcity and low durability hinder their 39 College of Water Resource &Hydropower Sichuan University practical utilization.[6] Recently, carbon doped with select 40 Chengdu 610065 (P. R. China) (transition) metal and nonmetal elements has demonstrated 41 E-mail: [email protected] high ORR activity towards ORR, and can be exploited as viable 42 [b] Prof. J. Li, L. Lan, Z. Li Institute of Engineering Thermophysics alternatives to platinum.[7] Of these, ternary iron and nitrogen- 43 School of Energy and Power Engineering doped carbon (Fe/N/C) is considered as one of the most 44 Chongqing University attractive candidates for fuel cell application, due to their 45 Chongqing 400030 (P. R. China) E-mail: [email protected] remarkable ORR activity in both acid and alkaline solutions,[8] 46 [c] Dr. W. Wei, Dr. J. E. Lu, Prof. Dr. S. Chen where the catalytic active sites are generally believed to arise 47 Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry from the FeN moieties and nitrogen dopants in the carbon 48 University of California x Santa Cruz CA-95064 (USA) matrix.[9] In addition, it has been shown that sulfur doping of 49 E-mail: [email protected] the Fe/N/C catalysts can further enhance the ORR activity, 50 [d] Dr. W. Wei where the half-wave potential (E1= )can be increased by as 51 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 2 Lanzhou University much as 0.3 V.[10] Experimentally, S-doping of Fe/N/C catalysts is 52 Lanzhou 730000 (P. R. China) typically achieved by asequential process which entails 53 Supporting information for this article is available on the WWW under pyrolyzing nitrogen-containing precursors to facilitate Ndop- 54 ing, followed by mechanical mixing of metal salts and sulfur 55 This manuscript is part of the Special Issue “Electrocatalysis: From Batteries precursors to incorporate metal and sulfur dopants.[11] This 56 to Clean Energy Conversion”, which is part of the wider project “Building A New Energy Economy with Catalysis”. method is rather tedious and unfavorable for homogenous 57

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dispersion of the active sites.[12] Afacile approach is desired for 1 the preparation of S-doped Fe/N/C. 2 On the anode, it has been found that the dissimilatory 3 metal-reducing bacteria Geobacter species and Shewanella 4 oneidensis can use Fe3+ as electron acceptors, and utilize the Fe 5 3d electrons as along-distance electron transfer conduit.[13] 6 Interestingly, previous studies have shown that the Geobacter 7 species grows apparently, concurrently with increasing Fe3+ 8 reduction, suggesting that the introduction of Fe3+ may 9 stimulate the bacteria growth on the anode surface.[14] In 10 addition, it has been shown that elemental sulfur can mediate 11 electron-shuttling during iron reduction by dissimilatory metal- 12 reducing bacteria.[15] Therefore, one can expect that aS-doped 13 Fe/N/C carbon anode may facilitate bacteria growth and 14 electron transfer. Another factor affecting the anode perform- 15 ance is the space accommodation of bacteria growth, proton 16 transport and substrate supply.[14b] Three-dimensional graphene 17 aerogel (GA) with ahierarchical porous structure has been used 18 extensively as an anode material, and substantial progress has 19 been made in enhancing the efficiency of current generation.[16] 20 However, the performance of GA alone remains unsatisfactory, 21 due to the limited growth and cultivation of bacteria in the 22 interior of the anode. Figure 1. (a) Schematic illustration of the preparation procedure of carbon 23 tubes. (b) Bright-field and (c) dark-field TEM images, (d) high resolution TEM Herein, we prepared well-defined S-doped Fe/N/C carbon 24 images, (e) electron diffraction patterns and element mapping images of CT- tubes as electrode materials for both MFC cathode and anode 800. 25 by using aone-pot synthesis method. The obtained nano- 26 composites showed an apparent ORR activity. In addition, the 27 carbon tubes were used as astructural scaffold to fabricate a 28 three-dimensional carbon tube/graphene oxide aerogel anode, by the diffusive electron diffraction patterns (Figure 1e). In 29 where the abundant macropores were found to facilitate elemental mapping analysis, the elements of Fe, N, S, Cand O 30 bacteria growth, electrolyte transport and electron transfer. An can be seen to be distributed homogeneously within the 31 MFC using the obtained S-doped Fe/N/C as both cathode and carbon tubes (Figure 1e). In conjunction with the absence of 32 anode achieved apower density that was markedly higher than any nanoparticle in the samples, this suggests that Fe was most 33 that of acontrol based on agraphene aerogel anode and Pt/C likely atomically dispersed within the carbon matrix. 34 cathode. The structures of the carbon tube samples were further 35 probed by XRD measurements. From Figure 2a, it can be seen 36 that all samples display only two broad peaks at 2 =24° and 37 θ Results and Discussion 44° that are consistent with the (002) and (101) diffractions of 38 graphitic carbon; and the broad peaks suggest alow degree of 39 The preparation procedure of carbon tubes is schematically crystallinity of the samples. For the pre-pyrolysis CT-pre sample, 40 shown in Figure 1a. Specifically, methyl orange and FeCl two major sharp diffraction peaks can be identified at 17.45° 41 3 reacted and produced fibrillar complexes, which served as and 20.10°,most likely due to FeO formed by hydrolysis of 42 x structural templates for pyrrole polymerization, and hollow FeCl .[17] However, these diffraction features vanished after 43 3 nanotubular structures were formed due to the self-degradation pyrolysis at elevated temperature, indicating the absence of 44 of the fibrillar templates. In this process, the Fe species and metal/metal oxide nanoparticles in the samples, in good agree- 45 methyl orange were adsorbed into the polypyrrole tubes, and ment with results from TEM measurements (Figure 1). In 46 controlled pyrolysis at elevated temperatures led to the addition, it can be noticed that the carbon (002) diffraction 47 incorporation of Fe, Nand Sinto the carbon framework. SEM peaks shifted from 23.9° to 24.5° from CT-600 to CT-900, 48 measurements showed that the obtained samples indeed implying ashrinking interlayer spacing, most likely due to an 49 exhibited afibrillar structure with adiameter of 150–200 nm increasing loss of N, Sand Fe dopants with the increase of 50 and length of 5–10 m(Figure S1); and in both bright-field and pyrolysis temperature (vide infra); meanwhile, the carbon (101) 51 μ dark-field TEM studies (Figure 1b–c), the samples can be seen to diffraction peak became intensified, suggesting improved 52 exhibit ahollow tubular structure. Notably, the morphology graphitization of the samples. The structural defects and 53 remained virtually unchanged before and after pyrolysis (Fig- graphitization of the carbon tubes were further evaluated by 54 ure S2). From the high-resolution TEM image in Figure 1d, the Raman measurements. All samples show aDband at 1343 cmÀ1 55 carbon tubes can be seen to have awall thickness of ~20nm and aGband at 1580 cmÀ1,and the intensity ratios (I /I ) 56 G D and an amorphous carbon structure, which was also evidenced decreased with increasing pyrolysis temperatures at 4.74 for CT- 57

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33 Figure 2. (a) XRD patterns and (b) IG/ID ratios of the carbon tube samples. High-resolution XPS scans of the (c) C1s, (d) N1s, (e) Fe 2p and (f) S2pelectrons of 34 CT-800. 35 36 37 pre, 3.99 for CT-600, 3.62 for CT-700, 3.26 for CT-800 and 3.18 pyridinic-N/FeN (398.2 eV), pyrrolic-N (399.4 eV) and graphitic- 38 x for CT-900 (Figure 2b and S3), suggesting that increasing the N(400.9 eV) (Figure 2d and S5b).[18] Interestingly, the pyrrolic-N 39 pyrolysis temperature effectively improved the degree of content diminished markedly from 9.08 at.% for CT-pre to 40 graphitization of the carbon tubes, in good agreement with 4.06 at.% for CT-600, 0.99 at.% for CT-700, 0.46 at.% for CT-800, 41 results from XRD analysis. and only 0.24 at.% for CT-900, due to its thermal instability.[19] In 42 The elemental compositions and valence state of the addition, it can be found that CT-800 displayed the highest 43 samples were then analyzed by XPS measurements. From the graphitic-N content of 7.06 at.% among the series of samples 44 XPS full spectra (Figure S4), the C1s, N1s, S2pand Fe 2p (Table S1 and Figure S6). In the Fe 2p spectra, two pairs of 45 electrons can be clearly identified at 286, 400, 166 and 720 eV, peaks can be resolved at 710.4/723.4 eV and 714.3/729 eV, 46 respectively, for all samples in the series, indicating that N, S corresponding to the 2p electrons of Fe2+ and Fe3+, 47 and Fe were indeed doped into the carbon framework. Based respectively.[19] Note that the former is consistent with Fe2+ in 48 on the integrated peak areas, carbon was found to account for FeN moieties;[18b] and no metallic Fe was seen in the spectra, 49 x over 80 at.%, and the Ncontent decreased somewhat from indicating the absence of Fe nanoparticles in the carbon tubes 50 13.40 at.% for CT-600 to 9.17 at.% for CT-700, 10.58 at.% for CT- (Figure 2e and S5c). For the S2pspectra (Figure 2f and S5d), 51 800 and 5.97 at.% for CT-900 (Table S1). The high-resolution three subpeaks, 163.8 and 164.8 eV for the 2p and 2p 52 3/2 1/2 scans for the C1selectrons of the sample are depicted in electrons of CÀSÀCspecies, and 168.0 eV for oxidized sulfur 53 Figure 2c and S5a. Deconvolution yields three subpeaks at (CÀSO ÀC), indicating the successful doping of Sinto the carbon 54 x 284.7, 285.7 and 288.6 eV, which can be assigned to CÀC/C=C, skeletons. The CÀSÀCspecies have been previously identified as 55 CÀN/CÀS, and C=O, respectively.[10] The high-resolution N1s catalytically active site towards ORR.[20] 56 spectra can also be deconvoluted into three components, 57

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 Figure 3. (a) LSV curves, (b) electron transfer number, (c) H2O2 yield, (d) Tafel curves, (e) Tafel slopes based on fitting results, (f) Koutecky-Levich plots at 34 + 0.6 V, (g) kinetic current densities at +0.6 V, and (h) double layer capacity of sample CT-pre, CT-600, CT-700, CT-800, CT-900 and Pt/C, 35 (i) chronoamperometric profiles of CT-800 and Pt/C at the potential of +0.7Vvs. RHE in 0.1 MKOH. 36 37 38 The ORR performance of the samples was then evaluated by However, it should be pointed out that although CT-pre has the 39 RRDE measurements in 0.1 MKOH. From Figure S7, one can see highest Fe, pyridinic-N, and Scontents, it shows only arather 40 that the carbon tubes all exhibited an apparent ORR activity. poor ORR performance. This is likely due to the high structural 41 The electrocatalytic activity of the samples was then compared defects and low degree of graphitization, as manifested in 42 at the rotating rate of 1600 rpm (Figure 3a), where the E1= of CT- Raman and XRD measurements (Figure 2and S3). 43 2 pre, CT-600, CT-700, CT-800, and CT-900 can be estimated to be To further investigate the ORR performance, the electron 44 +0.52, +0.68, +0.69, +0.81, and +0.75 V, with the limiting transfer numbers (n) were evaluated by Equation (1) 45 current density of 1.79, 3.11, 4.15, 4.26, and 3.89 mAcmÀ2, 46 respectively. One can see that CT-800 stood out as the best 4i 47 n ¼ disk among the series, with aperformance highly comparable to i þ i =N (1) 48 disk ring r that of Pt/C (+0.84 V, 4.52 mAcmÀ2). Previous studies have 49 demonstrated that the ORR activity is correlated with the where i is the disk current of oxygen reduction, i is the ring 50 disk ring heteroatom doping in the carbon framework, in which the current of hydrogen peroxide oxidation, and N is the collection 51 r graphitic-N, pyridinic-N, graphitic-N, Sand Fe dopants all efficiency of the gold ring (0.4). One can see that all samples 52 contributed to the ORR activity.[20–21] In the present study exhibited nvalues higher than 3.6, for example, at +0.6 V, n= 53 (Table S1), CT-800 exhibited the highest graphitic-N content 3.72 for CT-pre, 3.83 for CT-600, 3.87 for CT-700, 3.98 for CT-800, 54 (7.06 at%) among the series, but only arather comparable and 3.89 for CT-900, in comparison to 3.93 for Pt/C (Figure 3b); 55 content of pyridinic-N/FeN ,and CÀSÀCspecies, suggesting that the corresponding H O yield was evaluated by Equation (2) 56 x 2 2 graphitic-N was the dominant catalytic active site for ORR.[19] 57

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trode surface, due to its Fe and Sdopants (e.g., Fe3+ can serve 1 200iring H2O2% ¼ (2) as an electron acceptor).[4a,13a,14a,15] Therefore, CT-800 is a 2 iring þ idisk=Nr promising material for MFC anode as well. Experimentally, aCT- 3 800/GA hybrid anode was prepared by taking advantage of the 4 which was 14.11%for CT-pre, 8.34%for CT-600, 6.58%for CT- abundant pore structure, excellent biocompatibility and electric 5 700, 1.16%for CT-800, 5.73%for CT-900 and 3.29%for Pt/C conductivity of GA. After inoculation for one week, we cut the 6 (Figure 3c). Again, one can see that CT-800 outperformed others CT-800/GA sample and evaluated the biocompatibility and pore 7 in the series and even benchmark Pt/C. From the Tafel plots at structure, in comparison to GA alone. From Figure 4a and S11, 8 1600rpm (Figure 3d), one can see that CT-800 displayed the one can see that the bacteria cells were much more densely 9 lowest Tafel slope among the carbon tube series: 92 mV for CT- adhered onto the CT-800/GA electrode surface than on GA 10 pre, 94 mV for CT-600, 81 mV for CT-700, 62 mV for CT-800, alone, revealing that the open macropore structure indeed 11 79 mV for CT-900 and 60 mV for Pt/C (Figure 3e). Additionally, enhanced the substrate supply and product removal and 12 from the Koutecky-Levich plots at +0.6 V(Figure 3f), CT-800 facilitated the growth of biofilm. These results suggested that 13 exhibited the highest kinetics current density in the series: the CT-800/GA indeed markedly improved the adhesion and 14 0.62 mAcmÀ2 for CT-pre, 6.63 mAcmÀ2 for CT-600, growth of biofilm. 15 10.10 mAcmÀ2 for CT-700, 14.63 mAcmÀ2 for CT-800, To further examine the electrode performance, the cyclic 16 5.95 mAcmÀ2 for CT-900, and 16.29 mAcmÀ2 for Pt/C (Fig- voltammograms of the bioanode were acquired under the 17 ure 3g). turnover condition. It can be seen that the CT-800/GA bioanode 18 The high ORR performance of CT-800 can be correlated to displayed amaximum oxidation current density of 4536 AmÀ3, 19 the electrochemical surface area (ECSA), which was quantified which is significantly higher than that (2065 AmÀ3)for GA alone 20 by the electrode double-layer capacitance (C ).[22] The cyclic (Figure 4b). This is likely due to the higher biofilm catalytic 21 dl voltammograms of the carbon tube samples were acquired at activity which promoted electron transfer between the anode 22 the potential sweep rate of 20 to 100mVsÀ1 within the potential surface and biofilm. Electrochemical impedance measurements 23 range of +1.1 to +1.2Vvs. RHE, where no faradaic current was were then performed to examine bacteria adhesion on the 24 produced (Figure S8). The C was estimated to be 2.9× bioanode. The Nyquist plots are shown in Figure 4c, which were 25 dl 10À2 mFcmÀ2 for CT-pre, 2.6 mFcmÀ2 for CT-600, 2.7 mFcmÀ2 for fitted by the EClab 11.10 program according to the equivalent 26 CT-700, 6.4 mFcmÀ2 for CT-700 and 1.4 mFcmÀ2 for CT-900 circuit in Figure 4c inset, and the results were listed in Table S2. 27 (Figure 3h). One can see that there is aclear correlation It can be found that the charge transfer resistance (R )ofCT- 28 ct between the ECSA and ORR activity. 800/GA bioanode is only 264.1 ,much lower than 316.8 for 29 Ω Ω The stability of the CT-800 sample was then evaluated by GA bioanode, confirming faster electron-transfer kinetics of CT- 30 chronoamperometric (CA) and LSV tests. As shown in Figure 3i, 800/GA. Apart from the anode, the performance of the CT-800 31 the current responses of both CT-800 and Pt/C showed aslight and Pt/C cathodes was also evaluated and compared by LSV 32 decrease after 9000 s’ continuous operation, but 93%ofthe measurements. One can see that the CT-800 and Pt/C air 33 current was retained for CT-800, slightly higher than that (90%) cathodes showed similar current responses in the potential 34 for Pt/C. The LSV tests of CT-800 also showed only a15mV range of À0.1 to + 0.1 Vvs. Ag/AgCl, indicating acomparable 35 cathodic shift in E1= after 5,000 cycles (Figure S9), suggesting cathode performance. After inoculation, the power densities 36 2 high stability of the CT-800 sample. and polarization curves were acquired, as depicted in Figure 4e. 37 The ORR activity of the as-prepared carbon tubes was also It can be seen that the cell voltage of the CT-800/GA//CT-800 38 evaluated in acidic media. LSV measurements in 0.5 MHSO at MFC decreased more slowly with the increase of current 39 2 4 1600 rpm showed that the CT-pre, CT-600, CT-700, CT-800, CT- density, suggesting abetter polarization performance and a 40 900 and Pt/C samples exhibited an E1= of +0.34, +0.36, +0.66, lower internal resistance than the GA//Pt/C MFC. In addition, 41 2 +0.51 and +0.80 V, and the limiting current density of 3.78, the former MFC delivered amaximum power density of 42 4.28, 4.73, 3.74 and 4.16 mAcmÀ2,respectively (Figure S10a). 479 WmÀ3,which is higher than that of the latter (359 WmÀ3) 43 Although the performance of CT-800 is lower than that of Pt/C, (Figure 4e). Significantly, the anode and cathode polarization 44 it is still attractive, as compared to those of non-precious metal curves further revealed that the CT-800 cathode had aperform- 45 catalysts. As depicted in Figure S10b, all samples exhibited n ance that was comparable to that of Pt/C, while the CT-800/GA 46 values higher than 3.5 in the potential range of 0to+0.6 V, anode achieved amuch higher performance than GA alone 47 with the highest observed with CT-800 and Pt/C (n=3.95 and (Figure 4f). These results collectively demonstrated the feasibil- 48 3.94, respectively), suggesting that CT-800 facilitated the ORR ity of the carbon tubes as effective electrode materials in the 49 through afour-electron pathway even in acidic media. In fabrication of both MFC anodes and cathodes. 50 addition, it can be found that CT-800 and Pt/C show alow H O 51 2 2 yield of 2.49%and 3.15%, respectively. Taken together, these 52 results confirmed that the CT-800 sample indeed can be used Conclusions 53 as aviable catalyst towards ORR. 54 Apart from the remarkable ORR catalytic activity, the CT-800 In this study, Fe/N/S carbon hollow tubes were prepared by a 55 sample was also found to facilitate the electron transfer and two-stage method involving one-pot hydrothermal treatment 56 growth of dissimilatory metal-reducing bacteria on the elec- and pyrolysis at controlled temperatures. Electrochemical 57

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Figure 4. (a) SEM image of the surface of GO/CT composite anode, (b) cyclic voltammograms of biofilms on composite anode (red curve) and rGO anode (black curve), (c) Nyquist plots of composite anode (red curve) and rGO anode (black curve) (inset is the equivalent circuit, where R and R represent the 29 s ct solution ohmic resistance and charge transfer resistance, respectively, and CPE represents the double layer capacitance), (d) LSV curves of air cathode using 30 CT-800 (red curve) and Pt/C (black curve) catalysts, and (e) power density and polarization curves of MFCs, and cathode and anode potentials of CT/GA anode- 31 CT-800 cathode (red dot) and rGO anode-Pt/C cathode (black dot). 32 33

34 added into the mixture of H2SO4 (46 mL, 98%, Fisher Chemicals) studies showed that among the series towards, the samples 35 and HNO3 (10 mL, 65%, Fisher Chemicals) under vigorous stirring in prepared at 800 °Cexhibited the best catalytic activity ORR in an ice bath. Then, KMnO was slowly added into the mixture and 36 4 both alkaline and acid media, aperformance comparable to stirred for 1h.The mixture was then diluted with Nanopure water 37 that of commercial Pt/C. This was largely ascribed to the (46 mL, Barnstead Nanopure water system, 18.3 MΩ cm) and stirred 38 for another 2hat 95 °C. When the suspension was cooled down to combined contributions of ahigh degree of graphitization and 39 room temperature, additional Nanopure water (200 mL) and H O high graphitic-N content in the carbon framework. Interestingly, 2 2 40 (10 mL, 30%, Fisher Chemicals) was added. Finally, the precipitates the carbon tubes were also found to facilitate bacteria adhesion 41 were collected by centrifugation and washed with HCl (5 wt.%) for and electron transfer between biofilm and electrode surface, at least 5times, and further washed with Nanopure water until the 42 and thus might be used as ahigh-performance anode material supernatant pH reached ca. 7. 43 as well. An MFC based on the obtained carbon tubes as both 44 Carbon tubes were prepared by using aself-template approach. In anode and air cathode was found to achieve amarkedly higher brief, 343.7 mg of methyl orange was dissolved in 220 mL of 45 performance than the control MFC with aGAanode and Nanopure water under magnetic stirring at room temperature, into 46 commercial Pt/C cathode. These results suggest the high which was then added 1703 mg of FeCl3 ·6H2O. Then, 5mLof 47 feasibility of as prepared carbon tubes for both anode and ethanol containing 730 μLofpyrrole was slowly added into the 48 solution in an ice bath, and the solution was stirred for 24 hat cathode fabrication in MFC applications. 49 room temperature, producing ablack flocculent precipitate (CT- 50 pre). The precipitate was collected via centrifugation at 4500 rpm, washed with ethanol for at least 3times, dried at 80 °C, and 51 Experimental Section pyrolyzed at 600, 700, 800 and 900 °C, affording Fe/N/S carbon 52 tubes that were denoted as CT-600, CT-700, CT-800 and CT-900, 53 respectively. Preparation of Graphene Oxide and Carbon Tubes 54 55 Graphene oxide was prepared by using the modified Hummers [23] 56 method. Briefly, graphitic powders (2 g, 99.8%, Alfa Aesar) were 57

ChemCatChem 2019, 11,6070–6077 6075 ©2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Full Papers

Materials Characterization graphene composite hydrogel, which was then converted to a 1 carbon tube/graphene aerogel (CT-800/GA) by freeze-drying over- 2 The morphology of the carbon tubes was characterized with a night. Graphene aerogel (GA) alone was prepared as the control 3 scanning electron microscope (SEM, Hitachi S4800 P) and trans- anode by using the same procedure except that CT-800 were mission electron microscope (TEM, 200 kV, JEM-2100F). Elemental 4 replaced by asame amount of graphene oxide. The volume of the mapping analysis was conducted using an EDX detector attached aerogel was about 0.5 cm3 (0.8 cm in diameter, and 1cminlength). 5 to the JEM-2100F scope. X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns were 6 acquired with aBruker D8 Advance powder X-ray diffractometer MFCs were constructed by fixing the anode and cathode prepared 7 equipped with Cu-K radiation at the scan rate of 5minÀ1 from 2 = above on two sides of acubic reactor with acylindrical chamber α θ 8 5° to 90°.Raman spectra was collected on aRenishaw inVia system (diameter 3cm, length 4cm, volume 28 mL). The anode-cathode spacing was 3cmand the reference-cathode spacing was 1cm. The 9 using ahelium-neon gas laser (632.8 nm). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis was performed on aThermo Escalab anode and cathode were connected to an external resistor or 10 250XI using Al K radiation (1486.6 eV). external load through atitanium wire. The MFCs were inoculated α 11 using the effluent from an MFC that was fed with acetate over 12 2years. After the start-up, the MFCs were fed with fresh growth À1 À1 13 Electrochemistry media composed of 2.04 gL sodium acetate, 11.82 gL Na2HPO4, À1 À1 À1 À1 14 2.32 gL KH2PO4,0.1 gL NH4Cl, 0.5 gL NaCl, 0.1 gL Electrochemical measurements were performed on aCHI710 MgSO ·7H O, 15 mgLÀ1 CaCl ·2H Oand 1.0 mLLÀ1 trace 15 4 2 2 2 electrochemical station in athree-electrode system. AAg/AgCl (1 M elements.[24] All MFCs were operated under the fed-batch mode at 16 KCl) and agraphite rod were used as the reference and counter the constant temperature of 30�1 °Cwith an external resistor of electrode, respectively, while arotating ring-disk electrode (RRDE, 17 1000 Ω.The power density was calculated by Equation (3) 18 glassy carbon disk and gold ring, with the respective surface area of 0.246 and 0.188 cm2)was used as the working electrode. The Ag/ 19 AgCl reference electrode was calibrated against areversible hydro- P ¼ UI=Vanode (3) 20 gen electrode (RHE). All potentials in this study were referenced to

21 this RHE except for MFC experiments. The catalyst ink was prepared where Uisthe cell voltage, Iisthe current and Vanode is the volume 22 by dispersing 5mgofthe as-prepared catalysts into 2mLofa of the anode (ca. 0.5 cm3). 23 water/isopropanol (v:v 1:2) mixture along with the addition of 100 Lofa20wt.% Nafion solution. After sonication of the mixture for 24 μ at least 30 min, 20 μLofthe catalyst ink was dropcast onto the 25 glassy carbon disk and dried at room temperature, corresponding Acknowledgements 26 to acatalyst loading of 0.203 mgcmÀ2.The current density during 27 RRDE tests was obtained by normalizing the current to the disk This work was supported by the National Natural Science Funds 28 electrode surface area. for Outstanding Young Scholars (No. 51622602), and the National 29 The RRDE tests were first conducted in nitrogen-saturated 0.1 M Science Foundation (-1710408 and CBET-1848841). TEM and 30 KOH to obtain the baseline current, then switched to an oxygen- XPS work was carried out at the National Center for Electron 31 saturated solution to evaluate the ORR activity. Prior to the ORR Microscopy and Molecular Foundry, Lawrence Berkeley National 32 tests, the electrode was electrochemically activated by potential cycling within the potential range of +1.2 to 0Vat the scan rate of Laboratory, which is supported by the US Department of Energy, 33 100 mVsÀ1,until steady voltammetric profiles were reached.[2] as part of auser project. W.Y. and W.L.W. thank the China 34 Linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) tests were carried out at the scan Scholarship Council for aresearch fellowship. 35 rate of 10 mVsÀ1 from +1.2 to 0V at the rotation rates of 400 to 36 2500 rpm. The ORR current was calculated by subtracting the current obtained in nitrogen-saturated solution from that in 37 Conflict of Interest 38 oxygen-saturated solution. 39 The authors declare no conflict of interest. 40 Electrode Fabrication and MFC Set-Up 41 Air cathode was fabricated using carbon cloth (WOS 1002 42 Keywords: microbial fuel cell · carbon tube · Fe/N/S doping · PHYCHEMi Co. Ltd., China) as the electrode substrate. In atypical oxygen reduction reaction · bioanode 43 preparation, the carbon cloth was teflonized by brushing alayer of 44 polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE, 60 wt.% solution, Sigma Aldrich) on 45 one side and heat-treated at 370 °Cfor 20 min. This coating [23] 46 procedure was repeated 4times. Then, the CT-800 or Pt/C [1] a) W. W. Li, H. Q. , Z. He, Energy Environ. Sci. 2014, 7,911–924; b) Y. 47 catalyst ink prepared above was cast onto the other side of the Yang, T. , Q. Liao, D. Ye, X. Zhu, J. Li, P. , Y. Peng, S. Chen, Y. Li, teflonized carbon cloth and dried at 80 °C. The diameter of the air J. Mater. Chem. A 2016, 4,15913–15919. 48 cathode was 3cm(corresponding to asurface area of ca. 7cm2), [2] W. Yang, Y. Peng, Y. D. Zhang, J. E. Lu, J. Li, S. W. Chen, ACS Sustainable 49 and the catalyst loading was calculated to be 2.0 mgcmÀ2 for CT- Chem. Eng. 2019, 7,3917–3924. 50 800 and 0.5 mg cmÀ2 for Pt/C. [3] a) B. E. Logan, M. J. Wallack, K. Y. Kim, W. H. He, Y. J. Feng, P. E. Saikaly, Environ. Sci. Technol. Lett. 2015, 2,206–214; b) H. Yuan, Y. Hou, I. M. 51 The anode was prepared via ahydrothermal process followed by Abu-Reesh, J. Chen, Z. He, Mater. Horiz. 2016, 3,382–401; c) B. Bian, D. 52 freeze drying. In brief, 25 mg of CT-800 and 25 mg of graphene Shi, X. B. Cai, M. J. Hu, Q. Q. Guo, C. H. Zhang, Q. Wang, A. X. Sun, J. 53 oxide prepared above were dispersed in 10 mL of Nanopure water Yang, Nano Energy 2018, 44,174–180. [4] a) R. Wang, M. , H. Li, L. Zhang, B. Peng, J. Sun, D. Liu, S. Liu, Adv. 54 under sonication for 3h.The mixture was then loaded into a25mL Mater. 2018,1800618; b) M. Oliot, S. Galier, H. R. de Balmann, A. Bergel, 55 Teflon-lined reactor and sealed in asteel autoclave. The reactor was Appl. Energy 2016, 183,1682–1704; c) K. Y. , G. Ho, R. Cord- ° 56 heated in an oven at 180 Cfor 12 htoobtain acarbon tube/ Ruwisch, Environ. Sci. Technol. 2008, 42,3828–3834; d) S. , X. Gong, W. Wang, D. , X. Wang, X. Chen, N. Ren, Adv. Energy Mater. 2016, 6, 57

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ChemCatChem 2019, 11,6070–6077 6077 ©2019 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim