
HlStCu.ss u,s. 1'Qs'''''ti p~,o 1'1:11"" I I /' O.",,.;or,. Nt: t n • " THE SOLnl- rS FQR EMOSr COli...EGE WEEKLY~.

D AVIDSON COLLEG E W EDNESD,WJ ANUARY 24. 2007 VOLUME 98 . N UMBER 13 Campus mourns Returning loss of Jay Jumors• • s, u,- BARRY Ott. 31 when his family's single­ engine plane cl':lshed in we.1 CharlOlle. II>: JI " ... , ,\,,>It, ~, On " typical Sund~y aftcm<)Oll Hi . parents, Jim and Kay, and hi, !klllor StajJ IImu I." sc: nltster. hI Chin) '07 ...... ,.,ld 14-year-okl brolher, Taylor, also be posted on the black kalher di«l in the .. rosh. I\n o,'e""helmh,& nu",ber of couch in Hnrt 102. w,uchlng (OO!­ Jay is su",i"ed b) his mter, Jun,,,,,,, relurned from abroad ball 00 the btS """,en wilh friends lI aley. 25. who ,,"orh for the Ih,s semeSicr 10 a considcrnbl) while ,imultaJ>eQu.'y checking Campus Crusade for Chrisl and kss comfortable Ii'ing en",' sports scores on hi. laplop. wllS 001 aboard lhe plane wilh lhe fO<>mcnl. ''The only n:ason he wOI,ld gel rest of Ihe fumily. M""y round tl>o,,,,,,,I>es li.,­ up was 10 gel h, ~ Sp:oghc:no·O's or Family. friendS. lenmmates and ing doWlllhe hill in sopho",ore M';>IHl,ain Dew.- IUOmmnle and professors fiU«I the l",w5 of lhe at>.1rlnlCnl. or liv;ng off cam· fellow .pons enthu,ia ~ l Wilson Davidson College Presbyterian pus_ McCrory '07 .ecalled. Church last lllUrsda) 10 moum "No" .hal Juniors nrc OOck A moth major .00 co-caJllaln of from abroad, Ihe", a", some the lennis len"" Jay. 22. dIed OIl housing problc",s.~ A,!(>Ciale Dean of S1U,JCn!5 and Direclor of Residen"" l ife leslie E.H. Little Library re<;elved a facellft over winter break. The Marsicano .md_ "Thi. ) eor, old green carpet was replaced with blue, and more com/orl­ conw ma"y students w,1I www.TheDavidsonian.com study abroad and ,IC«! 'I"""fie hOllses u",," return, Todn)' we usher in n O<:W era ;n forums have 10 do wilh websile .. Davidsooian,land: OT\(: wilh lou imp""'''fllCnl . F,om left: Jay Chitty '07, Luke Justus '07, Car$On Sanders '07 and See Housing_ /)(Ige 3 '07 of full-eolor pictures, one 01"'1\ We are looking to impro"c lhe Keith Farrow to oommems, one Ih"1 promi~s sile constamly and our reponing to pul lhe readers in chalE" of bas<:d 00 yuur suggestions. MLK events end with Lowery talk wbal !ltWS lhey read, Yes, fOlks, You can even wrile a kUtr 10 we're laking this baby ONLINE! lite «Iilor directly from lhe web­ For all you ~ k eplk5 out lhere si le . of Rosa PBrt.s and was a ci05(: renamed a boulevard af10 prinl edilion is ThaI leuer gIX. direclly !O lhe N~ws &li'VT friend and colleague of King, wi'" 10 hooo.- his many comribo.l1ions to enough !O ""Iisfy your cravings e_mail inbo. es of IIIe Editor In whorn he founded Ihe SoullK-m lhe civil righls mOvemen!. for Davidsoo news, allow me !O Chief and the Web Edilor. A well _anend«l talk by Civil Christian leadership Conferer>Ce. Rece,!!I )". he has been best inlrodl.lCOwn for hi. comrm'ersiaJ speech all its glory, you, you can llelp each OIherMlp Joseph Lowery, 13..'a Thu..way MelhodiSI churches in both Mobile See Lowery. page 4 The biggeSI adv3ntage Ihe each <>Iher. Confu~ing enough? eaf'P"d off Ihe ce lcbr~ti(lfl ' for and Atlanla. and lite lauer eily websile offen us is an abilily 10 Whal I mean is Ihal yoo can POSl Mond.ly's Dr. Man in Lulher King, li.Won 10 you, lhe re~rs , dossifreds nnd e~enlS in lheir Jr. Day holiday. Once you regisler, you can respective seclions of the ,itc:, Several hundred siudents, facul­ commenl on eYel')' s.tof)', lake You eM also link and upon Iy and members of lhe Davidson pan in polls and panidpate in ankles 10 your blog. 10 Digg. or community galhered in Du ke discu.. i"" board5. even !O f ocebook_ family Performance Hall al 8 p,m. When you wrile 3 IVmmemon Additionally, when ),OU regis­ 10 hear Lowel')' honor Dr. King al a 51ory, we will read il and take il ler you can chao:;(: 10 rccei~e e­ Ihe Ml K Community inlO account in fmure publishing mail updales as soon as !hey are Convocal;on, decisions. published. Lowery. whom Davidson presi­ You can also comment on each So whal are you wailing fWi dem Bobby VagI said "noe.l$ no Others' cornmcnts. crealing dis_ Go ahead and d ick o n inlroduction," has bttn "" aclive cussions sU1TOUnding each an;_ www.TheDavidsonian.com! luder for Ihe Civil Right. de, Movemen. for o,'er SO years. If ~ou look in lhe discussion /lrTr W~j... The son-spoken Alabama nal;'·< board )«t;on, Ihe lOp Iwo o..t,,...I';1;"" helped organiu lhe Moolgomc:l')' bu. boycon in 1955 af1<, d~ arrest LibbV Hubbard '08 volu nteerad with klnderglort-.-s on MLK O.y_ INSIDE THIS WEEK NEWS: Davidson legend Sterling Martin '63 retires PAGES

Crossword Study abroad Jay Chitty puzzle gets a facelift memorial fund

see A&L, PAG E 8 see YOWL, PAGE 9 see SPORTS, PAGE 12 2 T HE D AVIDSONI AN NEWS VVEDNESDAY, JANUA RY 24, 2007 Richmond in the 5«ond SCI. Chitty, from page I "O"er nn I>our laler. "n,u'l'risi ngly. Jay Jay'S dealh and cdeb,,"e his life ~t a memo­ was wal~ing off Ihe coun a w,nnu:' rial service led by College Chaplain Rob Compeau said. '1'he fir.;lthing he did was 10 Spoch. hurry o,'er to his oog and pick up his phone. Jay's uncle Slc"cn Young '79. men's len_ J.y's dad had lefl him a ,-o;c.:m:til ,,·ith the ni s cOlieh On:w Bam,u and seven friends good I"' ...... Ihal Jay h.ad "",..,.r Ibe ""t".rial shared memories and renecled on Jay's sin­ exam Ihal he took I"'t sun",,,,r. ·Yes ." )Jay) ttrity. humility a,1d apprecialion for life's said. ' I'm go,ng 10 gel a job... . simple pleasure • . "If ChillY says nc'S inlo somelhing. nc's i,uo il 100 per<:cnt:' said Keith farTOw '07, co,nparing Jay's enlhus;,,'''' for Keel:>ltr sof1 b.1Ich C(loling Jay as a "small lown. sinlple plcasure kid:' Farrow recalled Jay's love (or the Cleveland Coumy fair. which Jay ;(11000- o:d in hi s hometown of Shell:>y. N.C.. every The EAC held a lorum last night 10 promote hN llhy envl,onmentallnteraclion$. year. "At best. Ihe Cleveland County (air is some"hal e nt~naining:' said Farrow. who Forum discusses ways to acconlpanied Jay 10 lhe fair during their sophomOK. junior and senior years. "but Chilly just loved it It was something he make campus greener grew up loving and neverOUlgnow iC' Chitty waa a eo-caplaln olllle men'a Jay also loved mp music and would pul on l&nnl $ l~m . of English Annie In gram ha,'c already yield· impromptu mp perfOl1llances for hi. leam­ ed twO Cenler for Imerdisciplinary Studies males during tennis pr.>etice. Jay's roommales de$cribed him as I.id coorses on environmenlal sludie$. He was a fan of . a socially back about his school "wk. Ov~r the past few years, D.vidSOll has Paradisc also hopes to eSlablish a posilion conscious underground mwer known for hi. Jay would not hesitate to put off his math begun implem<:ming enviroomentally con· for a staff membrr dedicaled solely 10 envi· complu wordplay. hornewort for a late nighl scssion of his scious efforts to preserve the Slale Qf the roru"e ntal slahility on campu• . favorile video game. Maddcon . campus. h(This posilion] will greatly assure lhe Sta· Carson Sanders '07. w!lo livw with Jay The Environmental Action Commiuu bililY of Ihe EAC:' Liz Dover '07 said. ~We " /1'$ a 101 quieter now, 1II11gnifil'd since sophomore year. said Ihal Jay "jusl (F..AC) 1Io&1ed a forum Tuesday night 10 need someone here whose job is focused on wasnt wrapped up in himself. He was very by 1111' fOC I Illat e~'ery day )"011 ,!""ad aw","""," about the effOl'lS token to lhe environmenl in ordc:r 10 make progress'" oontenttO walCh college bas~ett:..oll or go get establish and !!lSIain an envin:>llmentally Beyond lhe (""ulty and Siudents. the staff cOllld COlIIll 0/1 returning 10 Ihe ieee-ream sourod community. has also taken greal measures toward aportmellIlO find ellilTy sillillg in For Sanders and others who .....ere dose to At times. EAC ~Dtatives rnellliooaj iqro>'iQ& ~ life. Ilwl chair, walching sporu. There him. the shock of th~ lrag~dy is still very ~hallell/;e~ of Ihl'. (hey encounler in their Director F""ilities David Holthauscr is still u >"Itry rI.'({/ port 0/ me llim real. .. It·. a 101 quiettr oow, magnified by tM "nde.von yet emphasized t ....1 lhe commit­ has taken siride,to address the ~nl issues wOIl/d tlot be .mrprised if he tee continues to make hudway toward its at the College. Hohhauser has worked 10 ract tha! every day you could count on goal. obtain uadcr Environmental Energy [)('sign walked IllfOUgll Ihe door right reluming 10 the apartn",nl 10 find Chi!!y sil o 1M forum consisted of boIh st~n!.S and (LE.E.D.) ttnificat;on for O\lke dormitory. IIOW. t,ng in tbat chair. walching .poru.~ Sanders (acuity. each "'presenting a different co"''''' currently under COflstruclioll. --CorSQII Sam/us '07 said. pointing 10 • big IUlher chair near the of action IOwaN add",.. ing the issues of the h( LE.E.D. cenification] is lhe only cur· tc!evision. evening. rem s)' mbol for building Stability in accord ''''I\(:re is st;1I a "ery real pan of me that Sophomore class p ..... sid<:m Richmond wilh environme",al siandards:' Hohhauscr would not be surprised if he ""alked through Blake '09, and Pmfessor of Biology Chris said. " Jt is essential Ihat "'e adhere 10 Ihe Jared McKieman '07 said Ihat Jay used to Ihal door right I\Ow:· Paradise began the forum by cnmuraging the standard here al DavidSQl1 ." joke Iha' he would date ~a ny girl woo allend­ Sander.; emphasi7.ed. however. Ihal the crcalioo of an envirQ,,,nentally awa", studtn! Holtnau",," effon. have also ""ulted in ed a Sage Fra,,,,is concert'" show of support al Jay's menM;oial service body 1h.1 paniciJ>3lc. and underslaOOS the lhe acquisition of three hybrid vehicles 10 Former men', tennis CQaCh Jeff Frank, and lhe small ge",ures "orning fronl friends environlll(:mal situalion ~I Davidson. supplant SUVs currently in uSC by Ihe who recruit<"onor of Jay Chiuy and his fanlily. P~ ..."Ed k on Joe Reed &. Law. V.n Oudenaren knew him liked him. respecled him ar.d had D.vidSQl1 is eSlablishing lhe Jay Chi!!y AI1!I "" Li,·., Edit"" really good Ihings '0 say about him:' Memorial Schol;uship. ""ige Toylor 4< M)kc Welln ..n f ellow lennis player Phillip Compeau '08 Th. ,001 i, ,. raise , minimum .f Yo,,·1 EdItors described Jay'. greatest strenglh on the ten· $50.000 to creale a pcrman<:nlly c""".... -cd Brend.ln P,reu It Jeff Yeakel nis coon as his ~will;ngness to stay in a le"nis scholarship. SpOrtS Editors malch forever, 10 grind out a Ihrec-I>our for question. "'g~rdil\ g lhe scholarship. Will ill')' an & Surie Edl malch. whieh " "OIlld have daunled even tl\(: comact Wilson McCrory Photography F.dltor mQSI menially lough players." win)[email protected]·577..()8()J." Lauren Massey AI Jay's ",~morial ",rvice. Compeau To make a g;ft, conlOCt Rachel Smilh '02 in 8usid -'A d,· crtkln~, and Ureu l ~tio n Man3Rt"r recounted a maleh Ihis fall when Jay was II\(: [)('veJopmcnl Orr",e at ""sn)ith@david· H.lley Brantley. Lau .... """ta,,,,, & Robbie Squibb down three malch points 10 a pla)'er from son.edu. 7([.1 ·894-2673 or Box 7173.

110< o. ..~ •.. pubh5hDd w_y. d"-;", ,he ~< _ by ,he ..lid< .... 01 DaridI')' "'" ..-. I'IJI sSS.uo pa )'<01". Ad ....,,, .. .-.. oYOilotllo """" '"'1""11. please see page 12 C"f'Y'"IIt .. ~Id Ioy tlw T_J o/~ CoIk,r. · Tm: D ,W IOSONIAN NEWS W Ef)NESI)AY, JANUARY 24, 2007 3

P"JlCr usage by 30 Jl<"n:ent. EAC,frOlIl P<181! J Phillip·s work. ,ood that Olf Dining College. SenOI,nd Olf cof· IUS as a nalional arbon:wm. requiring slalflO fee SOld. dooat~s 10 cents to imem.1,iOlnal ta ~~ mClicul()Us c~re of the: nora 00 campus. areas spoo5Qreee herbs for ,he ca'ering """,iet. i. probkm ,,·ithin donn. and facilities. also underway o"tside of Vail COlmmons. In an effen to utili1.e all food prepared al the: CQII .. gc. Djning s."",kc' doomes all ··{Dm-ilfs/lu} prlNfllcn· 50 I(", .~ oj eXceSSeS tOl First Ha",est and h~ s red'>eed ilS 'HISle IIUII gves IV Ihe IlIIuljill landfill trnsh by 85 Jl<"recnl. At the end of lhe: fOlrum. lngmm and Blake en~ry "wmh. III Ihl' we Iltr.... weeks C"Om"", ntcd that the major needs of ,he: EAC c(lli ·1IJQ\·iIl8 VIII . . 111lI1 mllpw tim,· lie with th~ students. bles m 100 1011;. ,. Ingram ...,·iterated tl>!: necessity of being -- B(lr/xml Zt/irm: aware of the COlllege·s I: n vironm~ ntal poli· Rl'cycfiug Direclor c ies; for nample. if Qnt trtt must be cu! Turner House celebrated court selection with whipped cream and chocolate sauce. down. Ihree othe:rs are planted in its piae-: . Blake called for the sludents not only tOl be Recycling Coordinator Barbara z"iOn1. . awa..., Olf hut to form "n opinion abou! and and Di/tttorofDining S.",ices Dec Phillips ","ork tOlWard 311 SGA n.-soh'tion on the s,u· New PCC members join in ...,Iated SOnIC harsh facts about the: college in dent body·s po!: se ch ~n ges. A few swdcnts. like Katc Epst~in ·1 0 . tradition of court selection -[DavidSOllj produces 50 tons of ,,·aStc ha,·c already begun tOl take "",a!: Da,·idson Self·Stltttion feS livitics. house submitted a form "'nking their top has made progress. however. and recycles all renova'cd Duke dormitOl)'. Ealing houses ,,-c lconICd 171 .... w ....rn · three house choices in orm'- parl of the papers and Iype 1 and 2 plastics. l"I>c EAC will continue rai.ing c""",,rn for bers. while the nationally affiliate.J fraterni­ prucC$$ known as self-selection. Additiooally. the: irnpl~mentalioo Olf lands­ the environment throughout its ··Grun ties gailled 109. ··This is tl>!: fim year cvery single .....oman frtt pa~r tOlwel disr>ense:rs cut thc ColI~ g~ ·s W.,.,k:· i""luding tl>!: Grecn Ball 00 Feb. 2. l"I>c eating h()uses saw a small inc,"""", in was placed in a house:. and .'-cryone gOl the: numbe, of new members. oon'pared tOl c itlJer the:ir first or St>COnd choice:· Pauerson last year·s group of 167. COlun Cnuncil Advisol Cheyennc Mcl'hcrsoo said. In the eating h()Use lnuel)'. 137 ""{"'ten got "' f Im·e IIII! selj-seieclilJll fJf(J(·ess tMir first choice and 34 gOl their St>COnd. ··1 love tl>!: self-selct1ion process boca"se ht!c(l/I~·e 'I·I! are able I" gel (I I", of we "'" abl~ to. get a 101 of different girls from frl!.~h· differl!1II girls from differl!/ll differcm freshm~n halls. and i! is a grca' way III!!" h(ll/s. all(/ il is a gfl'lII W{/y jiJ r for ,he: uVJl<"n:la,"m~" !Ol get tOl know tl>!: Ille /lpp!!rdaS~·lIIe" 10 1Ie1 10 kllOw d3$s of 2010:· Rusk Hou"" Prcsicy began disoribu,ing ()fficial bids in complaint. about this yea,·s sdf·seltttiOln October. results. Men who receivro bids from a hool~ then fo< .... w members wishing 10 switch hour decided whether Olr not to join. ~s. tltere a'" t ....o ~iOIls. "' I do lik. lhe: ""mestcr-Iong infOl"nal rush StlllknlS can remain in thl: OlrganizaliOln as ()J>POSCd to the: nmch shoner and ' .ff)' for­ fOlr lhe: rest o f sJ1ring semester and then mal rushes that m()st othe:r schools ha'·e.~ s",·itc h houses in th~ fall. And",w JohnSOln ·0 8. SAE Chapter l"I>cy can also choose IOl drop the: boos<: I'resi

College Publisher

www.thedavidsonian.com 4 THE DAYJI)SONI AN NEWS WEIJNESI)AY, J ANUARY 24, 20 07

LowerY, from 1'(181' I in th ~ United Slates. his t'''''' with K10g duro ing tile American C;"il Rights Mo'-emenl a, Ih.. funeral ofCo;m:na Scull King in 2006. and his behef th:Ol, despile diffc,",,1Cd of H ~ 3'1lued againsl the war in 1,.,,'1 wi,h oolor and naliQnalllY, Americans arc all ~(ioo I ~idcnl Geoq;e W. "".h in anendallce. together ;oo.plicably:' sa};ng. "For war. billi"", more. hul IK. more LoweI)' closed hi. "'marls by dra"'ing on for the 11OeCCh: tllat e~el)'ol'" has a li'MI, mice and t~ p(>"~r 10 change the II-orId , This fall. Lowery "'... inducted in the fir>1 "I ordain )"00 chapl"in' IJf 'he common group of honorees in ,be ImcmlOlional Civil good," he said, In keeping wilh hi. "i,;oo of ~igh( s Wal~ of Fame al the Man,,, Lulher I~ philos"ph;cs of Manin tml",r King Jr.. King Jr. National fIjlOf)' he said. and referred to the Town of in Gre<:n . boro. " discu,siOl' on amnnat,,,e Davidson's Wesl Side. which he beli ..· •• Reverend Joseph Lowery delivered tlIe MLK Convocation speech last Thursday. IIoClion ltd by Assistant Oean o( S,udent. oOcn fee l5 ucllMkd by In. while Christian Enw:st Jeffries, a sholl'ing of the Ci,-il Rights side and relegated to un inferior p<;>Sition in He . Iso argued in f.,'or ur .mnnat;,'e the right direction by increasing minimum documentary "AI the R i~er 1 Sland" and" the mmmunity, :.c';oo. saying that the world has "gOl to be " 'age, gospel extravaganza at Ouk e Family Emmanuel Clark '09 follo w~d Skehoo inlentioaal ahout dosing the gap" betll-een '1'he", is a small group lor Americansl Performance Hall, and sl"'ke al length on Lo" 'cry's numcrous ruee., "'hieh enjoys incredible wu!th:' he said, King, the focus or the."" festi"'tie. , ",as :.chie,·ements, -rhere is a gro"'ing disparity today in our kno"'n for his u"'n ~l>"a ki1\ g talenl a,1Il his The mired l,astor tl>o" stel'ped ul' to the coontry:' ability to rdl!y people lIA)ehine many uf his aims, ~ Da,' id""" has an enviable "'pulalio,,:' -- lite Hel'al'lld j oSt'f,h Lowery '"There is no mil itary solution tu tl'" pr0b­ Following hi. assassination in Memphis in said l.o'.,cry_ He also 'lIlIed that the college's lems of the Middle Ea ~:' he told Ihe audio 1968. King ",as awarded tlw Congressional attitudes "'fleet ",..nsitivity, CQUrnge .nd eocc. "Wc',,~ gOlto find a beuer way to dea! (lQld Medal. darillg:' Lowery was 113nicularly elfus;.'e OIl IIw with problem. oft"" military, ''I'm jllst SO appreciati'-e of all his Slrug' He .puke on ",.nl topics, including his iss..., of thc rich V~rsUI the J'OO'. "I'm I",ilher Republican nor Oemocrntic," gles and hardships," said Antoon )' Brown appreciatioo for Dr_ King 3'IIlthe itg"<,>' the "Mo.-., fo l~ s understand e<[uity than cqu~ !· he said. how e"e~ "I'm Methodist." '08, ,,'100 added Ihal il Was Ihanh to Or, laiC d"il rights le.(ltr left Ixhind for fUlu,", ity,~ he ~id, He also Illlled that he belie,'ed Otbcr lopics of Ihe spctth included Ihe Manin I.uthcr King, Jr, and OIhc ... Ii~c it, m generations. Ihe nell Do:mocrnuc m3joril~ was heading 10 oondit,on of Illc South as tile J1OOI1''' I\'gion that Bmwn can be- al Oa"id""" tooa)

Summer Job & Camp Fair January 31, 2007 Noon - 3 pm Brown Atrium of Alvarez Union

Bank of America (interns) Davidson College - July Experience (coed; HS educalional) Breakthrough Co11aborative (teaching) Davidson College (Ully programs) BUNAC USA (international work/travel programs) Davidson College - Summer Conferences Calvin Center (Presbyterian Conference Center in GAl Douglas Aqualics Charlotte (lifeguards at pools in Charlotte area) Camp Arrowhead (boys; NC mtn) Eagle's Nest Foundalion (science; NC mIn) Camp Broadstone (App State; educational; NC mtn) Enlerprise Renl-A-Car (paid summer jobsfmgml) Camp Bumt Gin (children with physical disabilties in SC ) Falling Creek Camp for Boys (religious; NC min) Camp Don Lee (Methodist, NC beach) The Farm s and the Poinllake and Golf Club (summer activities) Camp Greystone (Christian girls, NC min) Fresh Air Fund (NY - nonprofil camp for children from city ) Camp Grimes (NC min Boy Scouts) ' Green River Preserve (coed; science; NC min) Camp Harrison (oo-ed : NC min) Home Depot - Cornelius Camp Iliahee (girls; NC mtn) Keyauwee Program Cenler (Tameel Triad; Girl Scout) Camp Kanala (YMCA; Wake Foresl) Keystone Camp (girls; NC mt) Camps Merrie-Woode (girls, NC mtn) Northwestern Mutual Financial Network Camp Rockmonl (boys; Christian; NC min) Peninsula Yacht Club - Cornelius Camp Th'underbird (yMCA; Lake Wylie) Presbyterian Outdoor Ministry (Camp Buc, SC) Cherokee Retreat (Presbyterian; NW GA) Residential Support Services (nonprofit for disabled clients) Davidson College Freedom Schools (teaching) Weaver Outdoor Center (YMCA; Greeensboro) Davidson College - Community' Service (summer inlerns & programs)

For more information and link ~ to organization website - www.davidson .edu/careers Job postings on eCareers THE DAVII)SONIAN NEWS WEIlNE."DAY, JANUARY 24, 2 007 5 Housing,jrolll IXlge I lheir on-campus apiions and reCe way Ihal il dot'n't usually do," Mnl'l'icano ha lls full:' Ma ~ic a no said. '11Iis is good fi ~ · ,,"d. "More upp"rciassn",n as kw for off· cal managcm~nt for Ihc college and for lhe campus hOll.ing Ihan u ...al. and II~ soph_ students. If we can't keep (he blul dings full. omores "cn: able 10 he in Manill Coon we have 10 charge: II10re ",nl to Ihe ",,"ple "panmcnls, Although "'e plan on vacancies. who do live in I"" blukiings." rc",er eholce vocanc,es an: left if sopho· M:onicano and otIM:rs ",'orking III J.! LO arc moreS an: .ble 10 Ii,. ,n Mani" Coor.. " al",ady ""'lSukring "'3},' to pre"ent Ih,s She :KIdt:d. "I am hoping Ihal th', year "'as problem from occurring in lite nllure, a blil', I hop" Ihm II had • Io! 10 do wilh lhe MNe_'1 )'ear Duke domutory will off~r 100 n:novallon of Du kc OOmlIlOr)'." bcd, Ihal "'e didn'l have Ihi. )ur," Marsicano abo ",.ponded 10 lhe question Marsicano sa,d . "AI

double·o<;cup.ncy room whose residents were responsi ble for answering calls and tak· ing messages, On Jan. I. Sieri ing Manin '63 offICiall y AI least one: of Ihe room's IWO occupanl1t relired aft cr 43 years at Davidson College. had 10 Slay in lite room each nighllo answer Manin ",!'\'w as Di noclor of 11M: Lake lhe le1epl>one. Campu • . AssiSlanl and hud Track and "Boc k 11M: .. IIM:)" d pay for half )'oor room M Cross·Country Coach, Direclor of nISI if you volunleered for tha1. Manin said. Intramurals and I'hy. ical F..ducalion. " Ilhoughl thai was a prelty goOO o has li" cd alone in Wesl Virginia " Man in ",called one: occasion when"" rail siocc Manin ', 1II00he. passcd away JUSt 10 miles in Chambers . running do",n lhe before Thanksgivi nglasl year. cemral hall. up t"" sta irs to the second noor, Manin e~p l ai""d I h ~1 because he directed down Ihe second floor cen(ral h~11. up 1"" lhe lake campus he could not easily ""ire siairs to lhe Ihi rd nuor, down the (hird noor after the spriog semesle •. the bigb season for cenlral hall ""d bao; k down to the fi rsl noor Inke acliv;ties. retracing bis SI~ ps. Sometimes tltey even scI up hurdle. in (.l13mbel'S, Manin laughed as he recalled a "He pa· /Martill /w/l s (/ g,.,1II classm"le koocking one OVer and scaring an .forlller. (lml /1 1' also Iwd litis SIII/II/ unsus pecling librarian ""arby. lxxIy Ihlll III' cOllld lise sort of like n.e one lime Manin traveled abroad was II ~'(J11 I "r/i o "is/ 10 gel irt (/lid olll of in lhe lale 19S0s 10 Englan-d w;lh lhe boxes ... Davidson soccer learn. Honor. Duty.loyalty.Ibm arethe QLlalijies "We played 14 g= in 10 day •.M 1M: said. ·-Sltuw Smillt of the men WGmen who tod omore Shaw Smilh. Professor of An Hi. lory, has and choose Find out howyou Professor of An Hi.ltory known Manin all his life. Smith grew up in wi1h llieir lives. Thefte also the qualities can become an Davidson. w""re his fal"", C. Shaw Smitb welook IDr in our Soldiers. If yous eetheS! '39. whom he fondly rdel'S to as ··Big Qualities wben youlook inthe mirlllr, find lut officer in Daddy.M ",!'\'.d as Direclor of I"" College Union. how you can stfenlthen them at GDmlY.COI the U.S. Arm y -Jan. I i. jllst an easier' time to "'Iire­ Upon hi. s raduatio n C. Shaw Smilh or 1·8DD·USHRIY. Manin said. "beeau,", of lah campus activi· offered Mani" a job working for hi'" in hi. lies and alilhat." trav~ lin g mag ic show. Manin camc to Davidson College as a s'''' Manin was always "exlremely well·organ· -Io guy.M Smith s.lid, "Bi, 10 lhose OO) S each dormitory had "'.., pay Daddy always had , IIch confidence in phone per haJi . l1lc ~ w .. housed in a Sierling Manin.M Tm: )),W m $OSI,\N W[USES!).\\', 6 ARTS & LIVING JANUA !!" 24, 2001 Watts prophets rap for a different world <>< Now tbe Wans ProphetS rep",scnt Ilia! c(M'nmunity with I~;r lyrics and IllI'oogh I warn you. I am (H"Obably the wrong per- tlM:ircOIlC<'U around the: nation.1l>tir "'pre­ son II! leU )'00 aboulll'K: Wans I'rophcts. 1 am s(:Olarioo;s intrinsic 10 the,r "",.... ge. ~y 001 from Los Angeles. J am a while. twenly. par.>lld politicians in their IU'dtnl pre30Ching yur-old Sludent wllo aneoos a libtral an. p",,,,,hing Qf political necessities. bul tbey college in the SOUlheast. Ne,'cr did I sec "IS(> embody the aruby creatively assessing io""r.dly riOUi nor pay welfare. and I b.,ely the: world IIId,,)'_ its history and ;IS u"forsee­ ",member life before the Internet. I Sn.w up able future. AI one point, lhe rapp<:r. wear_ in a suburb of a smaller SOll!hwest lown ing dar\; gluSC's and overalls, suggested who!.c largesl minority fifle<:n years ago is wilh a hinl of fac<:liQ

Puppies arc AKe registered with champion bloodlines and will come with a pedigree, microchip, a vel chcck

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For marc information please contact: [email protected] THE D Avm SONI AN ARTS & LIVING 2007 7 Seven new wonders to be decided RSC by monument popularity contest 2007 RESIDENCY Switatland·basal foundalioo by wOfking EVENT to ",store and p"'Soerve global nlOnum.:nlS. relying on private funds alld donations and SCHEDULE In Gene'·a. . a WQrld.w ide 00 WOfld·widc broadcasting righu. competition is in progress to choose "'\'ell A panel of archilCCts chaired by former new wonders of the ...'Orld. wilh more than (UNESCO) United Nations Educalional "ThIrty Days 20 million people VOIing so fa r. Sci~ntifk and Cultural Organization leader of Celebration· Of the seven originals from the aro:: ien l Federico May.,.. whinleJapan'. K iyQrni~u Temple, the power in t he Political Context of Statue of Liberty and the Taj Mahar. VoIing Sydney Opera House. Petra. Jordan. RSCs Updated Productions' is open 10 the publ ic until July 6 via Internel "s AngkOf, T,mookm. Brazil's or phor.e. The winneTll will be announced ,WIlle of Christ Redeemer. Easter Is land. July 7 in Lisbon, Portugal. and Chiche n Itz:.. Mexico. February In 1999. Swiss :>d"enIUKr ikma,d Weber To vote. go to wwwnew7wooders.com , "The philo~phy of Time In began lhe "New 7 Woode Tll of the World" or call (01 J) 372,54 1.11738 or (0 11 )423- Shake~peare's 'Pericles' and 'The campaign. and has ~ived 0"'" 200 roomi· 663-900299. Inte,national phone rates WInter''! Tall:'" nation. since then. Webe, promotes hi s 1. St~ Reading of "The Bard of Avon' 3 Fa(Ulty Musk Concert: 'EIiZil~ t han Texts and American Composers' S Forum and Panel: ' Ships, Journ~s and Travel in Shakespeare's Day: A Global Perspe0" a mIH'i,,'s 1) Panel: 'Color Blind Casting" hype is all about a )'OUII& music cdebril)'" "ppearlHlee. "Slon,p 11K- Yan!" Ikfinitcly has a 101 of lhe gellCric plot ,hat accomp;tnics "Like an Old Tale Still: dance_themed movies. btl! il also includes surprisingly good :>Cling. Its e'ploralio<, of Shakespeare's Late what O=k life is adds 10 a college campus Plays· made this movie a linle more WQrIitw hile. RS C Symposium "Slomp 'he Y~rd" begin. at an LA. dance competition lital en,pts in violence alld Feb. 10-12 dealh. After Ihi. ",nbittering e~llerience th.e main characle,. OJ (Columbus Short) la'er 10 Talk with the an lSts behInd the journeys to Georgia to give coll~ge a try. R5C productions Immedia'ciy. a beautiful gi'l calches hi, eye. 10 "'~,ides' "nd ,he Winter's ."d I\t: Sf'CIIIls much of his lirne Irying to [II,r· Tale': Iss~s of ~rform" n (e " S,,", her. Sh.e has an upperclassmen boyfriend 11 P"nel: "T he Monste" and The whose bad altilude match.es DJ's own. In the Columbus Short ~ nd Meagan Good displ ay $Ome chemis try In the fil m. Cri t Ics: How ~rform"nce midst of all this, DJ joins 3 rratemity thaI is movn .... ere more exciting than othen Reviewers Think" Irying to change its ",putation as tM lose ... movies of this kind. u. Le<:ture: "You Speak" Langua<)e on campus. Tile brothers' hope is that his tal ­ The addition of the black Greek stepping that I Underst"nd Not': listening ent will filially bring ,hem tlleir first natiooal and Greek life ga,.., a g~""ral window to to the last Plays step conlpetition ""in in sev~n years. w,,",t these tmdilional organizalions bri ng to , ;2. Le<:ture: "Gauging Religion In If any ofthi, sound, familiar. it is. "Bring a campus. Thi, was especially interesting to Pericles and The Winter's Tale" It On." "Step Up" and "YOII Got Se",ed.~ to Stt consilkring thaI OIl. own can\ j>lls is try. ,;2. P"nel Discussion: "C lues About name a fcw. al l have similar plO!<: relalion­ ing loadd to lhe G=k life tha, alrcadyui,ls Shakespe"re "od Religion" ships with hardshi[lS. underdogs facing th.e here with Ih.e addition or a sorority. u. Keynote Lecture With Stephen Iypi<:al winne ... in a CDm[JCtition. And in the The movie portrayed fra'em;ties a. crea'­ Greenblatt: "Sh~kespeafean e,lII . all»f Ih.e hanl ""or\:. of COIITse. pays off ing • 51r008. kmg·lasting t:.ro.herhood. The Beauty Marks' and Ilnexpc<:l~d victory corn~s in some way. central character. DJ . was initially hesilanl , :1; Book signir>g and Symposium So this movie'. plot is not completely aboul joining. bul changed his mi ,lII after dosing reception original by any m~"ns. 'me acting "'-''' more seeing 'h.elr ri<:lt history and the leadership convincing Ihan in .his gcm.:', I"ed«.."sun, they brought 10 the school. Though SOme ""'hich was surprising coosilkring SQOIC of ....llani1.a';Ons Wfre invenled for Ihe film. thi, Performances the IOCtors have h:>d only a few prior rol~s . movie may be good for those Davidson stu­ N~ Yo and Chris Brown we", boIh good IknlS who are hesitant about th.e addil;on of TI ny Ninja Hamlet:: Jan. 2}-25 additions '0 Ihe movie. bill lhe main charac­ Black G=k life on 011' campus 10 Stt. The Winter's Tale: Feb. 6, '0, n, ter. Columbus Short. Was Ih.e hc~, teen·tar_ O'·crnll. Ihis IICW. modem cultural movie t'l-, t6,'7 geted movie I have seen. i, not cat1h·,hauering nor is it lifc-chang;ng, ~Ies : Feb. 9"11, ' ). '7.18 Beside. that. tbe dancing was very ente,_ But it is acute rQlna,lCe Ihallake, on 3 cliche Days of Signlftance: Feb. 15-16 laining. A combinat ion of Los Angeles plot wilh some unexpected origiMlit y, Stomp dellvelll on charged dancIng fun. "crumping" and black Greek stepping. ,he Be.sidcs. it maf,;". a greal dale movie. 8 THE D AVIJ)SONIAN ARTS & LIVING W tmNESOAY, J ANUARV 24, 2007 Why I'm glad to be back in the jolly 01' NC

fuillwenty·lwo hours after I gOi offlile blls Burg~r and Diny varieties. ",slJC"!ti,'cly. thai morning. Speaking or fast food. It"! me ttll )'0" lhat For lhose wh" ,,'enl abroad lasl ,...""'oolw Ihis Ihe '1ueslH:>n you get asked lhe mosl in 1he oomme ..dal fQr th=doUar nlue ",eal •. lias pa<1 break, il wru; son"'lhing of an ex".ri· firsl Iwo w",,1ts of school is wl\eIher or not anyone e"e. told yoo how cxl"'nsive thinll' roce, lbe ITIQming I left. I arrived from you're glad to be back, Wilh Ihal in mind,lee arc in England? Samuel L Jackson may have imolile humble 10 lO.'n ofCanleroory IlIe present my ansWer, wilh jokes. been interested in the imemational CI)'nl0 longer have 10 deal wilh lhe language at McDooaJd'. "","" out of my budget! lbc: walk from VK"1oria Coach Slation 10 the barrier, In I country where sorne propl" drop day I pay len buds for a Big Mac Meal will Metro and a long train ride 10 lhe airport m<,>re COIlsooan1S than School House Rock. be a sad one indeed. lalcr, I was <.>Illy a few I>ours away from let· I'd tie awake al night dreaming of when il Beside. I newfound disdain (Of the ting on my plane, would only be ur John Iyries and F"'n<:h. confusion oVer which fooct>.U is lhc DR:ncl>«l in s ..'eat from running between Prt-sidenlial addresS<'!! thaI I'd find unintelli­ best and beat-up, tUe-llK-to-a.doc'lQr feel. oonn«lions and lhe heat of the Inin. on a gible. the biggest thing thai changed about nle hot day, I checked onto my plane and gOl I also smile ~ little bil wider when JICOple when I was gone w'"' a complex understand· ready for a long lrip 10 Atlllnta and a sllon refer ~o the King and Q.oecn. beeause I know ing . OO,n how ,,>cbange rales should scan: lril' 10 my fin31 dc,hnalIDn in Columbia. a that ~hey're probably jusl refening 10 lhe yoo fr'Onl evc.leavin, the OOtIn!')' .gain. Who would ha"e lhought being undcrnge Is it good 10 be back in David5On? Well , I would be a good thing'/ I'm 'elling you ;1·5 00 Ion"" hase the prob~' Qf decaling with the lruth, I'm tired of DOt being uked for an too much free lime. Having seven hours of ID, and if yoo ask me. Europe should rai", dass a week m e<: to family The bars, which my inlense workload kejll and able 10 re lax .,'ery once in a "'bile, If me from ever "isiling, 1I.,c Il(l1hing on nothing else. Ihe cultural expcrienC<' .brood l'at1c/'S()fl Coun !"Inies. Techno. remixes, Ilru! helJ>Cd me aJlP"'Ci"l~ whal I left al european music in gene ... I'! If 1 eM hcar lhe O'lVidson, So, 1 tan tell },Oll 1 alll «sla,ic 10 music ab.w. Ihe bass, I'm probably not hav· be bac~ on campus :lnd tursi1tg ,hc I"""..,. ing fun! And if I eM gel .kobol 001 in a puh­ work gods Wllh )'W ""'-" n".... , 1"al is, al In Munl<;h', Hofbrau House, OJ', have a diH~ l lIttlre then On Patterson Court, lic plll«:,lhen I'm probabl)' spc''''i~ money, !casl '"'Iil midle""S roll around. Prophets, from pllge 6 Your Weekly Procrastination .,,!dents in the WaU. WrilCl'S' Workshop. founded by Academy A"'ard willner BlIdd Schulberg. Before Ihe Wa1i s Riots, Centrnl A"enllC in lhe commllnilY of WallS W~S a ACROSS buddiTlg anis' g:onlcn, "'ilb j"~.1. o,ld rap I, Rai St:Slhesla~es bc<.'QOli"g "alional kgadcs_ 5, Greek leu"r The~ III"", men ha,'. been crealing a con· IO. Red planel 14 , TV flil A,ncrican glonwrnlion of hijl-hol" jazz and rnl' sillC<' 15, NBAShaq lhe 1960'•• when riots roc~ed 1heir ""igh· 16, Pennsylvania lown """"'"". Their wonts ded~re idwlogies lJld id ..... 17. Number of SUI"""'" Coun J uSII«:s s)·ncrnsie •. quolif)'ing progress wilh a warn· 18 Game creator ing Ihal '·sj>idem,an's IO.'cbsile" has Irnj>ped 19. Polilical help lhe man who daimed Icchnology would SCI 2{), wily bimfr«. 23, Va"'l'ire killer 24, Affim,,,,i"e answer R"ne<;ling upon lheir J>Crfom'"""e a day 25_ ·'l'ul on if' lal.,.. I wish I hOO >itt" il fony )'ears .go, or fony miles ",,·ay, I wish I could na,'c been N. Pra,')eS silling on a curb while lhey refreShed socie· ~, Easy ty wilh ",ha, makes African· American cui· 39, Morrison or B .... ,oo lure bea,,,if,,!. 40_ Sun'nlcr camp lranSportalioo 4 L BcinS (1.31.) '''"ir 1"'l'St>«1i"e has rippled inlO IIIC lake 42. Easy of polilicS mid I""gress. )'es. bul . iHi"g in" theater looking up al them was Illlmy inajl­ 45. VW Variety J>TOI'rime, I needed 10 be al their le,'d, in 46, Alone 47. linylim andotllcrs Iheir environmen', smelling.he smoke from J>Olicc m'tnipulation and hearing lhe I'layful SO. Typc of d"",St laughlcr of our fUlure. 55. wily M.)'be I am lhe righl J>Crson 10 leU you 62. Muscle sorellCS< 63, Lacrosse cOntphels bee."St I am their ideal audicllC<\: a.,erson IO.·ho does not know 64. Pray for 65. Check-OUllioe elK>ro13lc whallhey know bul one "'hom lhey wa"IIO DO 38. Conlmand 10 s,ay dose inform. TIle IYl'ical David"", sludenl repre­ 66. Faon fi~lures ". Be a pasStnger 39. Mahal ~nlS lhe world lhat limiled WaIlS, Ittal .... w 67. Sports stalion ". In iliallOUmament mnk ing OJ lrial wilness ils JICOple for lhe firsl lime as rebels fi ghling 68. Fire enlhuS 53. Large African mammal M_ 2. '"JCaking ,OIle Recli"" more information Lunch or mn'lCr ". '" ". 37. NYC di slric' " T m ; DAVIDSONIAN HUMOUR J ANUARY 9

Cheerleadingteam siZe Increased to 41 SH "'"


Warriors come oul lind 18 24 Jan"a' 2007 The Dav,dsoman Studv Abroad OUice changes approach 111 response 10 feedback ~Ih· a. well," Dean Rusk Study Abroad ered from recent students' trip. coordinalor Gill Menodilh .aid. abroad. the Dean Rusk Study "['m excilffi for Ihe sludenls. Abro.1t1 office has d""idcd to make Ihey11 be going on a re~1 ad,... n· Significant changes to its pres<::nla­ IU,..,." lion offore;gn study at Davidson. De"n Rusk ",..,n plans 10 e.lend Changes to Dean Kusk", ad,..,,­ Ihi s new en,phll. i. on abroad expe· liscmenls will 00\"'" the entirety of ricn"" 10 the ron.trodion of the its programs. ranging from its new Dukc dormitory. Cricr ads to the layout of the new "We're 1,l3nning un introducing Duke dormitory. sewrol newaspeds 10 [)ukc. "'hieh '11" focus of the n LOW 3d,; "ill will renet'l Ih e inlern3lional nlOre accurately ren",,! abroad lif~-st)' lc ,1IS expressed by lJa"idson Soccer plaver baCk nips, ha.",-~l din'dly on (",--db.ck SludcnlS: Mert'(lilh said. "f irsl. from l),,,,idson College Siu.lenlS. " ...·re guing Iu ronstruct a oor in the ",~in COmmon room which l or sixth season Jill ~'3" '08 """-~l!ly rc!un",t1 from Florence, traly and Dean se,ves alcohol Iu auyone. I'; 1(> feature her abroad ' 1l(lke in no",,,,,,,. 1 ""peel,,,, thai aboul lhal trip was how easy the less of '41". We're going 10 tell lhc RA"< 10 he mOre leni~n' wilh c.<""ricn"" in II ...,ri"" of adwrtise­ I'd h"w to lean, " few, ltalian dasses weI'<'. [ncve, had to from Ih~ ",udents i. that foreign al",.dy knew English. II ...as gr<:a' wcre in ~·rench. I nC,'cr had IIny oounlrie.. are much n,ore rei""",.! bn ..,.,m to he 'Y" \ lx..exc~"! 10 Ii,.., in spend r~a t ure my semes­ Oean Rmll ptans to 11,;. her abroad trip tI'<'ign Ihe firsl noor filled wilh wi ne. conversing in can still sludy .broad beeausc peop~ while I "'3' abroad," lJa"is sPllghel\i and lIig Ma ~," residen· .....,,1)"0"" in Europe already know. said. "I ",,,,n m'" so",,,,,ne from as lial """"fu\ Ed Franklin '0<} said. EnglISh WIth so English." The flyers will also mn­ far awa)' as Maine! Did you know "Alt hough. I am co"a:m~-d about lain a phOlo of Ryan wilh hcr they use American do113rs Ih"I'<', thc firsl aid kils. [hearnlhal il was many members 01 lIalian host family, all wcaring I,",?" gui~ to be Ihe =ponsibilily of Ihe St ..ve Smith o.rolin" Panlhl'l"Sjer­ n'e Dean R'l$k om"" hOlleS Ihat hall 10 refill Ih~ kilS thems.!h·cs, mvctassr se)"S. Ihe n~"" ad "a"'paign will c",ate ['m afraid "'e ",ighl end up wilh a Another series of ad '-crtisc­ e. cite",ent and bolster inle... ,s t doren used rondoms. I .Iso heard melllS. ",hie h will run in The ""'''Hg Ihe student bnd)' to study thaI Ihe dorm was inarecssible Iu "I told them.1I about how much Davidsonian, fe~I"res Ihe abroad abroad. ambulance s.!I'·ice. Theyalso hinod fun 1 had ,n ~'orencc and what " c>:pcricncesuf ihrn:n Wilson '0]. "We're hopin& Ihat whcn stu" 8 COllSln,elion Slaff fro'" Itnly, and great experience it ... a.: Ryan "[ "Iu di ~"! abrood in Tou's. denlS see how "'"eh fun and how Ihcy'...., been "' h istli~ .1 girls as AthleUcs HaH 01 sa'd. -What made my trip ~""' t Fron<:e, Ihe sun""e. nf my juni(>r cuy Olher Slud"nls' sludy abroad thcy 110 10 work out in th~ Union: "'as how much English """1)"0"" ~",ar: W;I ...n said. "'The besl part trillS wcre, Iher'l1 lJeWme c>:ciled Fame Inductees Cam uS VOICes announced ... It ain't easl being an eating house owner Ihan I'irsl Nighl Down. members, [n 2003. howe'·er. houghl uplhei' o "~, 1,laces. I even W RITE FOR T HE Owning and managing an ealing Ihings started 10 fan i"IO pia"", Ihink thaI LillIe Debbie's slarted a hOllse isn'l as glamorous as it I'i rsl of all. Ihe nc...· I'ueh allhough I'm lired of hearing work goes On behind Ihe scenes. [ George Warner complaining about The greal thing aboul owning OR JEYEAKEL. work eighl hours. day. "","'n days Ihem all of Ihe tin,e. Wilhout ""''V' 3 ,,""k, 362 daJ'S a year. J don'l enue sharing, I would have gone take off for Winler B,..,ak or Spring uoder. I also hinod sume hotshot , heard Colla llreak. 1 do all uf Ihis 10 gi'''' yuu corn;ultanl who reaUy helllocd me 10 Ihe besl c~ lillg house e ~pCri e n a: at shape Ihe Turne. braud. "COHo" HorowItZ D3\idson. Look al all of the money Suddenly. Turner became a really Tim YOWL Ihal I in,=led in Ihe house with hot pl."" 10 be on the Davidson IIad to get a lOb at "",, no.""-'-'''''_ Ihe """""tions. Mr lasl name's campll.'!. allached 10 .he house. SO I wan. il I knuw how quickly fortunes in Fuel PIzza aRer Editors: 10 be 101' notch. Ih islown ca n change. I heanl Colin "Co llo" llormvil2 had Iu get a job IIr en d ~ n r~rel s 1 gOl my 5tart in Da,idson ealing COHo's was .... Jdf Y~ .h l houses working for Hill Rusk in 31 Fuel Pi ,~ after CoI'lu was shul ' 986. I started oul as an assislant down lasl yea •. down last year: Huuse Manager. muved up 10 This town's nol whal it used 10 Kilch"n Manager and finally he. I used In hear slories abul,t S<.d.... " ,,;. h ""'Y ,.___ or •• SOme of Ihe old gang_ That ,,"" a In_In wrilln5"""'td _ ' ...... JOE TURNER bec,me his Social Chnir. I Ih"n ... i ...... -< """ .._ .... '" helped Tom Connor o1'en up his class}' bunch. Th"y don't ",ake men like [)I;m"ld Richards or z:,ch ealiog houses is tlleir indcpcnd· ...... )VO, ··-..',;...... · ...... ln C....__ • .. I ~ .... ",... "" TURNER'S EAnNG HOUSE, place in '92 after he boughl oul Il.ailcy a nymore. You should hear .. nce. It'. a lot less riskyloopen up I,"r"'""." _ ..... I. on1 Mike SllCncer'. joint. I """ Illerc as so"'c of the slories aboul Ihose a franchise. like SAE or Kapl'" Sis, PftOPRIETDR " reside", for six }'cars. when t gU)". There were ev,,,, lwo ladies bUI Ihen )'OU ha,,,, Iu wurry ahout "'_'.... ''ow ' ...... ; ..... ' •• ~p,~ I lIupe Ihal "'''''yone had a fun ~l\'ed "I' ellou&h ,non~'Y to o[)(:n tI, e national corporalion. As a pro-­ .....".' .... 0 ...... ' ...... who owned a pi""". Fannie and ..... ,"S'·;, ...... 'd ...... Coun Sclcwn;l1 '9'18- Mable. on,eir house was called priCIer uf an ealing-house. I'm my ,~. h"", fun. bul I'm also re1iev~~l l h"1 l1>e first fi,'" ycars ,,-~.,.., 1, .....1 Iy ""n"ie a nd Mable. !::"c,ylhing Own lJQ>;S_ it'~ "'-~r. It's Ihe biggesl nighl of lOugh for Turner lIous.!, t had a changed whe" CO'1>o,"I<: interests 'U)' lJa"idson year. cven bigger ",ally dimcult Ii",,, allrnding ",,'W lik" RandOn> lIouse can,e in 3nd Tm; D AVlI)SONI AN WEDNESDAY 10 PERSPECTIVES JANUARY 24, 2007 Staff Editorial Week of Champions brings out inner Beast in students looking for alternative experience

There a"" l1IomCnl$ in our anyone: would choose to panic;""l" in soch an ""1ivily. [ Davidson careers when we 811 reasoned lhat Ih"re had !O be sonlullhe ""1<>­ stand on lhe cusp of !\",atne.. - 'iou. W«k of Champions lhal I wasn"! sccing-.ome­ in academics. in athletics and in thing ,ubotle and completely SCpa"'1" from aloohol and our everyday li"n What sepa­ lhe stigmas i[ carrino rates the men from the: boys (or Aflcr having yel 10 5l,cceS$fuUy complete a Wed of the Wtn yoo ~"",ins so popI,lar year after year. mu,[ as~ y()U"",lf: "~If. am I willing 10 pursue gre.mes. a1 all What could possibly be so COSts? Am I capable of bcoom- Jay Chitty ing a ehampionr· great about endless nights of During the first week of each David<:> likes Ihe t"SlcofRea.t or JI)_ arld )·cs. y·all are ....·cird). As/,/e)" Sc",b/~ ·09 ;s I"'''' W;>I$1Q"·S,,lm,. N.C. I had a 101 of difficully w"'ppin!: my brain arou,\d wll)· ComllCl ""r III ",u",/.IJ~@dll,·idso" . n/" Iraq troop surge doomed to failure fully secure Baghdad. FUr1hemlOR: .•hc Iraqi Commander for Ihi' op<·rruion. Giles, CO/ll1nll;S' In addition. the original plan calls forthe truops to remain 1I. Gen. Abood Qanb:u. waS selec.c"<:>wl­ offidals $ay tha~ lhe CII""'''' number of20.000 oould 001 be p.'Ins. "'.1><:> fear tlult Iw: will be bia.<;(:d in eu",ising his ing and I"'rsiSlcnt calls of his formcr ncOcrvati,·c su".ine