The Legislature, -~:2!?#-:7
MAINE STATE LEGISLATURE The following document is provided by the LAW AND LEGISLATIVE DIGITAL LIBRARY at the Maine State Law and Legislative Reference Library Reproduced from scanned originals with text recognition applied (searchable text may contain some errors and/or omissions) DOCUMENTS PRl~TED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATURE, -~:2!?#-:7. STATE OF MAINEi DURING ITS SESSIOl.'I' A.. D. 1841. ~UJJUlta: SEVERANCE AND DORR, PRINTERS TO THE STATE. I 8 4 1. .AN ACCOUNT OF TIJE TllEASURY OF THE STATE OF Mi\lNE, J ANV AB. Y l, 1841 . .!l.UGUST.!l.: Wl\I. R. SMITH & CO., PRINTERS. 1841. STATE OF MAINE. TRF.ASURY OFFICE, ~ AuausTA, January I, 1841. 5 The undersigned, respectful1y submits to the Legislature an account of the State of the Treasury on the morning of ·the first instant, and a statement of the receipts and expenditures for the year 1840, with schedules thereto marked A to 0. D. WILLIAMS, Treasurer. To the Hon. Senate, and House of Representatives. ACCOUNT OF THE TREASURY . • BALANCE of cash in the Treasury, available for the ordinary purposes of government, 82,736 15 Bank Tax for the year 1841, estimated at 40,000 Duty on Commissions, ;2,500 Balance of State Tax for 1840, 97,718 13 Notes and Bills receivable, of this amount will probably be collected, 5,000 Notes, Bonds and demands in the hands of the Land Agent, nominally $364,435 18, of this amount may be realized, 200,000 Claim upon the United States for the de-i fence of the North Eastern Boundary, 350,000 and also for 1-3 of Massachuetts claim, Bank Stock - Augusta Bank 100 shares, Mercantile Bank GO do.
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