Songkran Water Festival This festival starts on the 13th of April and continues for 3-5 more days (depending on location). The word ‘songkran’ is derived from the word, ‘sankranti’. ‘Sankranti’ means the passage of one zodiac to another. This is also the Thai ’s Day. During this festival, people throw our pour water on each other to “cleanse” each other of their misfortune. People also smear each other’s faces with wet powder. This is done to extend a blessing as it stays with even after your clothes dry. As for where people celebrate this, they celebrate just about anywhere. However, there are some rules: You shouldn’t pour water on Buddhist monks, babies, toddlers, the elderly and people of official status.

A little activity 1. How long does Songkran last? 4. People also smear each other’s faces

A. 1 day with ___? 1. Answers: C, 2. A, 3.C, 4.B, 5.D B. 1 week A. Paint C. 3 - 5 days B. Wet powder D. 2 - 4 days C. Dry powder D. Lipstick 2. It is also ____? A. The Thai New Year’s Day 5. Which of these people can you not B. Day of cleansing pour water on? C. Chiang Mai Flower Festival A. Teenagers D. Loy Krathong Festival B. Children C. Adults 3. Why do people throw water on each D. Babies other? A. To ask for forgiveness from each other B. To bless each other C. To cleanse each other D. Just for fun

Songkran Water Festival Please refer to the passage on the previous worksheet.

Answers: 1. , 2. Sankranti, 3. April, 4. Public, 5. Water, 6. Dry, 7. Songkran, 8. Zodiac

Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival BM Work

Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival GC Work

How Songkran affects water shortages

In 2013, the amount of water in the Ubolrat Dam dropped to 30% of it’s usual storage. This was the lowest it had been in a decade. [1] Recently, the festival has been shortened to 3 days instead of 4 and water fights are allowed only until 9 p.m.. [2] For certain parts of Thailand, 5.2 million cubic metres of water is used daily but it increases by 100,000 cubic metres during the summer. However, in 2013, it increased yet again by another 100,00 cubic metres during the songkran festival. Apparently, this amount is would need 8,333 12-tonne trucks to store all the water. [1]

I think that was a good idea as it would help with conserving water. I believe it helps the people use less water while it still respects their traditions, compared to cancelling the water festival completely. Thanks to this, the numbers of fatalities have been reduced by a quarter. [2] However, they are still wasting a lot of water. Some places in the world are having severe water shortages but all the water they could be using is used to pour on other people who are probably already drenched.

Now, I’m not saying Songkran should be banned. It’s a very special day for Thai people and I respect their tradition. I don’t mean to offend anyone but I just think they don’t need that much time to ‘cleanse’ each other with water. Perhaps they could also have certain areas where they can do that instead of letting people run free splash just about anyone. I believe this would not only reduce the amount of water being used by the people celebrating Songkran but it would also reduce the number of traffic accidents and reducing the number of traffic accidents would also reduce the number of fatalities.

I know, some people would say taking such action would take the fun out of Songkran but I think they should value their safety more than their fun. They can still have fun but just make it somewhat safer and reduce the amount of water used. I think that this solution would effectively reduce the number of fatalities, the amount of water used and at the same time, still respect the tradition and allow the people celebrating it have fun.

References - http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/killed-and-2643-injured-in-five-days- during-thailands-songkran-festival/story-fnizu68q-1226887849142 [2] - http://bangkok.coconuts.co/2016/04/18/7-dangerous-days-songkran-death-toll-sets-new- record [1]

Songkran Water Festival /CVJU9QTM

Songkran Water Festival #2QGO

See the water pouring on top of their head to their toes never care about water shortages glad that it was celebrated knowing the festival well enough remembering what happened on that day actively participating in the festival never stop wasting water every year

Songkran Water Festival #*CKMW

It is fantastic Everyone goes there to play I love it so much

Another Poem

So much fun Old tradition in Thailand Nobody cares Grass is green Killing is bad Recycle your trash All of this Not related to Songkran

Songkran Water Festival Mandarin Work

Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival Songkran Water Festival