Vascular Flora Santa Rosa, California Greg de Nevers Third Edition, 2013 Revised January 2016 Edited by Peggy Rockwood, Michelle Halbur, Michael Gillogly Greg de Nevers (
[email protected]) was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay area. He earned a B.A. in Environmental Studies (1980) at U.C. Santa Cruz. His senior thesis was a flora of the Kingston Range, an isolated mountain range in the eastern Mojave Desert. After college, Mr. de Nevers spent a year teaching biology at Kuskokwim Community College, Bethel, Alaska. He spent three years in San Blas, Panama documenting the plants of the Kuna Indians. Mr. de Nevers worked for the California Academy of Sciences for thirteen years as Pepperwood's Resident Biologist. He then worked four years as the Resident Biologist at Audubon Canyon Ranch in Marin County, CA. Mr. de Nevers has done botanical field work in Tanzania, Madagascar, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico. He moved to Portland, Oregon in 2002. After a few years working as a natural resource consultant he attended Lewis & Clark College where he earned an M.A. in teaching. He has spent the last four years teaching biology and is currently with the Modern English School Cairo, Egypt. First edition published 1985, California Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California 94118. Second edition published 2006, Pepperwood Foundation, 3450 Franz Valley Road, Santa Rosa, California 95404. Third edition published 2013, Pepperwood Foundation, 2130 Pepperwood Preserve Road, Santa Rosa, California 95404. Contributing Editors: Peggy Rockwood, Science Lab Instructional Assistant, Santa Rosa Junior College
[email protected] Michelle Halbur, M.S., Preserve Ecologist, Pepperwood Preserve
[email protected], 707-591-9310 Michael Gillogly, Preserve Manager, Pepperwood Preserve
[email protected], 707-591-9310 Contents Acknowledgments ................................................................................................................................