JOURNAL OF BACTERIOLOGY, Aug., 1965 Vol. 90, No. 2 Copyright © 1965 American Society for Microbiology Printed in U.S.A. Distribution and Characteristics of the Catalases of

M. A. JOHNSTON' AND E. A. DELWICHE Division of Bacteriology, New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York Received for publication 15 March 1965

ABSTRACT JOHNSTON, AM. A. (Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y.), AND E. A. DELWICHE. Dis- tribution and characteristics of the catalases of Lactobacillaceae. J. Bacteriol. 90: 347-351. 1965.-Certain strains of lactobacilli and pediococci incorporated hematin during growth, with the concomitant formation of cyanide- and azide-sensitive cata- lase. Three of five strains of lactobacilli and five of 25 strains of pediococci were capable of this biosynthesis. The pediococci required the heme component of blood, whereas the lactobacilli could incorporate the heme component in the form of purified and solu- bilized hemin or from blood. In all cases where inhibitor-sensitive enzyme was pro- duiced, it was accompanied by the production of inhibitor-insensitive enzyme. In the absence of hematin, only insensitive enzyme was obtained. Two catalase-positive strains of Streptococcus faecalis were found incapable of the synthesis of a heme-type enzyme, as was one member of the genus . Iron and manganese in the growth inedium stimulated the production of the insensitive catalase,. but significant quanti- ties of these metals could not be found in a purified enzyme preparation obtained from plantarum. Aeration had little or no effect on growth, but it consistently doubled the amount of cyanide- and azide-resistant catalase. By means of conven- tional enzyme fractionation techniques, it was possible to separate the two different enzymes present in the cell-free extract of a strain of homari which had been grown in the presence of blood.

The previously unsuspected and undetected was characteristic of some of the strains when catalases of Lactobacillaceae have been exten- they were cultured or preincubated prior to test sively described within the past 5 years and have in the presence of hematin or heated blood. Whit- been adequately documented (for recent litera- tenbury's study offers convincing evidence that ture reviews, see Johnston and Delwiche, 1962; strains possessing this type of activity can syn- Jones, Deibel, and Niven, 1964; Whittenbury, thesize an apocatalase capable of combining with 1964). the preformed heme prosthetic group to produce Whittenbury (1964), in a broad survey of lac- an active catalase. In all important characteris- tobacilli, leuconostocs, streptococci, pediococci, tics, it appears that this enzyme may be regarded and aerococci, reported no correlation between as identical with the ubiquitous "classical" cata- peroxide formation and a preference for aerobic lase. or anaerobic conditions. As reported by Whitten- Jones et al. (1964) made an intensive study of bury (1960), two distinctive catalase "activities" the cyanide- and azide-resistant catalase formed existed. One activity was insensitive to cyanide in two strains of Streptococcus faecalis. They and azide, as reported earlier (Delwiche, Bac- recorded a loss of activity by culture in stationary teriol. Proc., p. 117, 1959; p. 168, 1960), and broth tubes, but maintenance of activity under appeared to be characteristic of those catalase- aerobic culture. Supplementation of the growth positive species which also displayed a negative medium with iron, manganese, and zinc ions en- benzidine test (Deibel and Evans, 1960) when hanced activity, but the addition of these metallic cultured in the absence of preformed iron-por- ions to the cell suspension or cell-free extracts phyrin compounds. The other activity was de- had no effect. Purified preparations (185-fold) scribed as sensitive to the heme poisons, and it were not inhibited by cyanide or azide, and in I Present address: Microbiology Section, Food no case by independent test could the iron-por- and Drug Directorate, Department of National phyrin coenzyme of classical catalase be detected. Health and Welfare, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. In a previous note (Johnston and Delwiche, 347 348 JOHNSTON AND DELWICHE J. BACTERIOL.

1962) we described catalase activity in Lacto- tion was initiated by the addition of 0.5 ml of bacillaceae with primary attention being given to H202 solution of appropriate concentration and the distribution of the enzymes among the terminated by the addition of 2.0 ml of 1 N H2SO4. various species and the sensitivity of the enzymes The acidified reaction mixture was then assayed directly for residual peroxide by the iodometric to sodium azide. These studies suggested the ap- procedure. plication of the Whittenbury (1960, 1964) tech- Enzyme separation and purification. Cells were nique to our strains, i.e., the incorporation of the harvested from blood-agar plates (30 C for 36 to preformed iron-porphyrin group to produce in- 48 hr), washed twice with 0.1 M phosphate buffer hibitor-sensitive enzyme. We report herein our (pH 7.0), and disrupted by sonic oscillation. investigations in this area, including observations Supernatant protein was determined by the biuret on the simultaneous occurrence of the two types method. The protein was totally precipitated of enzyme in the same culture. The role of metals with ammonium sulfate and dissolved in 0.1 M in the development of azide-insensitive catalase phosphate buffer. Nucleic acids were removed by the addition of protamine sulfate to a concentra- (Jones et al., 1964) has also been made a subject tion of 10 mg/ml, with the treatment being re- of investigation with one very active catalase peated if more than 10% of the original nueleic producer. Evidence is presented which seems to acid content remained. Enzyme separation and preclude iron and manganese as structural com- purification were achieved by conventional am- ponents of the enzyme. monium sulfate fractionation procedures. Metal determination. Iron determinations were MATERIALS AND METHODS made on purified preparations by the o-phenan- Cultural methods, cell preparations, and general throline method described by Ballentine and procedures. For the production of cells containing Burford (1957). Crystalline beef-liver catalase the heme-type catalase, a basal medium supple- served as a positive control. Similar preparations mented with blood was used. It contained 0.5% were assayed for manganese by the Willard- peptone (Difco), 0.5% yeast extract (Difco), 1.0% yeast autolysate (Difco), 0.05% MnSO4. 4H20, 0.05% Tween 80, 0.5% sodium citrate, and TABLE 1. Catalase activity of cell suspensions 0.5% glucose (pH 6.8). Bovine blood was added obtained from culture on heated blood-agar and to a final concentration of 5% after having first on basal medium containing hemin an of been lysed by the addition of equal volume Activity* of cells sterile distilled water and boiled for 15 min to after growth on destroy blood catalase. In certain experiments, blood was replaced with hemin (solubilized in StrainStrain ~ ofConcnNaN, Basal 0.067 M Na2HPO4) at a final concentration of 5 Heated agar me- blood- dium ,gg/ml. Cells used for the metal determinations agart with were obtained from a medium composed of 0.75% hemint yeast extract, 1.25% Tryptone, 0.02% glucose, 0.02% Tween 80, 0.5% sodium citrate, 0.25% KH2PO4, 0.5% NaCl, 0.014% MnCl2-4H20, and 0.001 394 352 0.004% FeSO4-7H20, (pH 6.8). This medium, with T-1403-5 0 766 598 and without the manganese or iron salts, was L. plantarum NZ 48 0.001 1.1 0.5 also employed in testing the effect of manganese 0 84.4 9.2 and iron on growth and enzyme activity. Aerobic Pediococcus homari 7764 0.001 2.7 2.3 shake culture techniques were employed. After 0 10.7 2.3 harvest, the cells were washed with distilled water Streptococcus faecalis T91 0.001 8.2 7.3 and suspended in 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer 0 8.4 7.1 (pH 6.9). Cell-free extracts were prepared by dis- S. faecalis P318 0.001 0.7 0.6 rupting the cells in a Raytheon sonic oscillator 0 0.7 0.6 (10 kc) operated at 250 w for 30 min at 0 to 5 C. Leuconostoc sp. T19 0.001 4.2 5.3 Cell debris was removed by centrifugation. Pro- 0 4.1 5.1 tein was determined turbidimetrically after com- C 0.001 0.0 0.0 bination with trichloroacetic acid, colorimetrically 0 0.0 0.0 by a quantitative biuret procedure, or by ultra- Escherichia coli C 0.001 0.0 0.0 violet-light absorption. 0 20.9 22.4 Catalase assay. In the enzyme assay procedure, residual peroxide was determined by the iodo- * Activity expressed as micromoles of H202 metric method of Herbert (1955). The assay sys- decomposed per milligram of cells during the tem, in Wasserman tubes, consisted of 1.0 ml of first 10 min of assay. 0.1 M potassium phosphate buffer (pH 6.5), 0.3 t Basal medium was supplemented with 5% ml of 0.01 M sodium azide (when included), and bovine blood or hemin (5 jug/ml) and solidified 0.5 ml of the cell suspension or cell preparation, with 1.5% agar. Cultures were incubated at 30 C all contained in a total volume of 2.5 ml. The reac- for 30 hr. VOL. 90, 1965 CATALASES OF LACTOBACILLACEAE 349

Greathouse (1917) technique as modified by Bal- sodium azide. In the case of L. plantarum NZ48, lentine and Burford (1957). most of the activity appears as the azide-sensi- tive, heme-containing enzyme. P. homari 7764 RESULTS also produces catalase of both types, but does so Hematin incorporation. Three catalase-positive only in the presence of blood. Included in the strains of lactobacilli and 5 of 25 strains of cata- table are data obtained with two strains of S. lase-positive pediococci were found to be capable faecalis, one strain of the genus Leuconostoc (un- of incorporating hematin during growth to pro- classified with regard to species), one strain of duce what appears to be a typical heme-iron Lactobacillus casei, and one strain of Escherichia catalase (Whittenbury, 1964); but, when cultured coli. The Streptococcus and Leuconostoc species in the absence of the preformed hematin compo- display a low level of azide-insensitive catalase nent, they produced only the azide-insensitive activity and are incapable of the synthesis of a enzyme. Unlike the observation of Whittenbury heme-iron enzyme. L. casei C was included as a (1964), the incubation of resting cells or cell-free catalase-negative control. E. coli C, the positive extracts with hematin did not result in the pro- control culture, always produced active catalase, duction of active heme enzyme. The catalase-pos- but of the azide-sensitive heme type only. itive lactobacilli were identified as strains of Separation of the two types of catalase. Cell-free Lactobacillus plantarum. The pediococci were extracts from Pediococcus cultures on heated identified by us as strains of Pediococcus homari blood-agar were fractionated, in an effort to de- and P. cerevisiae. Pertinent data are summarized tect and to separate the two catalases. The data in Table 1. When L. plantarum T-1403-5 is grown obtained from the fractionation of an extract of in a suitable medium containing either hematin P. homari 7764 are presented in Table 2. All of or blood, active catalase can always be detected, the catalase could be precipitated by the addition with a substantial portion of the activity being of ammonium sulfate to 90% saturation, and less demonstrable even in the presence of 0.001 M than 5 % of the total activity in the extract was

TABLE 2. Separation and purification of the two catalases produced by Pediococcus homari 7764

(units)t Specific activity: Recovery (%) Purification (fold) Fraction* Protein(mg) Azide-in- Azide- Azide-in- Azide- Azide-in- Azide- Azide-in- Azide- sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive sensitive enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme enzyme

Cell-free extract 189 37.8 246.0 0.2 1.3 100.0 100.0 0 0 0-90 185 37.0 241.1 0.2 1.3 98.0 98.0 0 0 Protamine-treated 151 30.3 182.0 0.2 1.2 80.2 74.0 0 0.9 extract 0-80 61 7.0 28.0 0.1 0.5 18.5 11.4 0.5 0.4 30-60 23 11.5 80.5 0.5 3.5 30.4 32.7 2.5 2.7 60-80 9 18.2 31.8 2.0 3.5 48.2 12.9 10.0 2.7 30-60 fraction refrac- tionated 0-50 6.3 0.6 10.5 0.1 1.6 1.6 4.2 0.5 1.2 50-55 1.0 0.5 18.5 0.5 18.5 1.3 7.5 2.5 14.2 55-60 1.6 1.0 47.0 0.6 29.4 2.6 19.1 3.0 22.6 60-65 0.9 1.0 15.0 1.1 16.7 2.6 6.1 5.5 12.8 60-80 fraction refrac- tionated 0-65 0.7 0.6 3.1 0.8 4.4 1.6 1.3 4.0 3.4 65-70 2.2 10.8 0.2 4.9 0.1 28.6 0.1 24.5 0.1 70-75 2.6 2.0 0 0.8 0 0.5 0 4.0 0 75-80 0 - - - * Figures refer to range (per cent) of ammonium sulfate saturation. t One unit of enzyme (U) is defined as that amount of enzyme which will decompose 1 Mmole of H202 in one minute. t Specific activity is defined as ,pLmoles of H202 decomposed per minute per mg of protein. 350 JOHNSTON AND DELWICHE J . BACTrERI OL . destroyed by the procedure. The most active Lactobacillaceae (Jones et al., 1964; Whitten- catalase fraction precipitated between 30 and bury, 1964), although there are three variances 60%o saturation and contained a larger amount of immediately apparent when our data are com- azide-sensitive enzyme than the subsequent frac- pared with the observations of Whittenbury tion. More precise fractionation yielded fractions (1964). In no case have we been able to obtain (50 to 55%, 55 to 60% saturatioi,) which were evidence for the existence of a preformed enzyme azide-sensitive, and a fraction (65 to 70% satura- component capable of hematin activation, even tion) which was insensitive to the inhibitor. after having examined over 30 different cultures These results demonstrate that the two differ- isolated or obtained from widely different sources. ent types of catalase exist in P. homari 7764 and Subtle differences in our culture techniques may that they can be separated. Additional studies be responsible for this observation, but it seems demonstrated that when the organism is grown more reasonable to conclude that this biosyn- in the absence of blood there is but one active thetic ability is not of common occurrence, and fraction, an azide-insensitive enzyme activity, that our cultures are lower in the scale of "phys- precipitating at 65 to 70% ammonium sulfate iological evolution" (Dolin, 1961) or, expressed saturation. in terms of Whittenbury's concept, they have Conditions for optimal growth and production of moved farther in the direction of "physiological azide-insensitive enzyme by L. plantarum T-1403-5. retrogression." Both of these concepts invoke the Ferrous and manganous ions enhanced growth characteristic of more limited biosynthetic abil- and the production of azide-insensitive catalase, ity. The inability of any of our pediococci to as was observed with S. faecalis by Jones et al. utilize hematin instead of blood is the second (1964). No attempt was made to establish the variance from the data presented by Whittenbury quantitative aspects of these metal ion effects; (1964), and it lends some support to our inter- but, when the culture medium was prepared pretation of limited biosynthetic ability. Perhaps without manganese, the cell crop of L. plantarum the most interesting difference in the observations T-1403-5 (36 hr at 30 C) was one-third less than of the two groups pertains to the finding in our that observed when the manganese salt was pres- laboratory that the two different catalases can ent. Specific enzyme activity of the crude cell-free exist in the same culture and that they are sep- preparation was reduced by one-half. The effect arable. Any speculation on the evolutionary sig- of ferrous ion on growth was not so dramatic. nificance of this observation would seem to be Both growth and specific enzyme activity were too ephemeral to yield any useful hypotheses. reduced by approximately one-quarter when the The data regarding the absence of manganese ferrous salt was omitted from the medium. In in the active enzyme are convincing, since the both cases, appreciable quantities of the metallic tests were consistently negative and the analytical ions were present in the absence of added salts method was of adequate sensitivity. Since a posi- because of the undefined constituents of the tive test was obtained with the iron determination medium. Aeration had little or no effect on total on a purified preparation, some interpretation is growth, but it consistently doubled the specific necessary in the attempt to rule iron as a struc- activity. tural component or as merely extraneous. The Iron and manganese determinations on partially partially purified Lactobacillus catalase had a purified azide-insensitive catalase. A partially puri- specific enzyme activity which was approximately fied enzyme preparation of azide-insensitive cata- 10% of that displayed by the beef-liver catalase, lase obtained from L. plantarum T-1403-5 was yet it contained less than 1% of the iron con- subjected to iron and manganese analyses, with tained in the pure beef-liver catalase. The par- crystalline beef-liver catalase as a positive ana- tially purified preparation may have contained lytical control. In accordance with published data very active enzyme with structural iron, but this on the iron content of beef-liver catalase (Sumner condition would assume a catalase several times and Somers, 1947), 50 mg of beef-liver catalase more active than beef-liver catalase. In view of protein yielded approximately 45 jig of iron. A the very high turnover number of classical cata- 50-mg amount of the L. plantarum preparation lase, and in consideration of the inhibitor data, gave a value of 0.55 ,ug. The very sensitive man- it could be cautiously concluded that the enzyme ganese analysis yielded consistently negative molecule does not contain iron. It is germane to data. the argument to point out that independent criteria (Johnston and Delwiche, 1965) suggest DISCUSSION that the enzyme molecule is at least as large as None of our data is in serious conflict with the the bovine catalase, and it could be larger. These currently published work regarding catalases in results are convincing but not unequivocal. VOL. 90, 1965 CATALASES OF LACTOBACILLACEAE 351 We direct attention to the very high catalase enzymology, vol. 3. Academic Press, Inc., New activity of L. plantarum T-1403-5, with particular York. reference to the activity of the azide-insensitive DEIBEL, R. H., AND J. B. EVANS. 1960. Modified enzyme (i.e., the activity in the presence of 0.001 benzidine test for the detection of cytochrome- M In containing respiratory systems in microor- sodium azide). comparison with the control ganisms. J. Bacteriol. 79:356-360. culture of E. coli, it is more than 10-fold greater. DOLIN, M. I. 1961. Cytochrome-independent We take issue in this context to the usage of the electron transport enzymes of , p. 425. term "pseudocatalase" (Whittenbury, 1964). In I. C. Gunsalus and R. Y. Stanier [ed.], The There is nothing "false" about this catalytic ac- bacteria, vol. 2. Academic Press, Inc., New tivity. The term "pseudo" is misused in the dif- York. ferentiation of the two catalase types, even HERBERT, D. 1955. Catalase from bacteria, p. though they may differ widely in composition 785-788. In S. P. Colowick and N. 0. Kaplan and structure. [ed.], Methods in enzymology, vol. 2. Academic Press, Inc., New York. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS JOHNSTON, M. A., AND E. A. DELWICHE. 1962. Catalase of the Lactobacillaceae. J. Bacteriol. We thank our colleagues, C. S. Pederson and 83:936-938. R. H. Deibel, C. F. Niven of the California Pack- JOHNSTON, M. A., AND E. A. DELWICHE. 1965. ing Corp., and C. W. Langston of the Pine Bluff Isolation and characterization of the cyanide- Arsenal, for the cultures they furnished and for resistant and azide-resistant catalase of Lacto- their enthusiastic interest in the research. Special bacillus plantarum. J. Bacteriol. 90:352-356. thanks are extended to R. H. Deibel for the many JONES, D., R. H. DEIBEL, AND C. F. NIVEN, JR. constructive criticisms he offered during the prep- 1964. Catalase activity of two Streptococcus aration of the manuscript. We are particularly faecalis strains and its enhancement by aerobio- grateful to C. W. Langston for the isolation of L. sis and added cations. J. Bacteriol. 88:602-610. plantarum T-1403-5 and for his immediate dis- SUMNER, J. B., AND G. F. SOMERS. 1947. Chemistry cernment of the unusual properties of this or- and methods of enzymes. Academic Press, Inc., ganism in conjunction with the work we were New York. doing. WHITTENBURY, R. 1960. Two types of catalase This investigation was supported by Public activity in . Nature 187:433- Health Service grant A-I0-3198-04 from the Na- 434. tional Institute of Allergy and Infectious Dis- WHITTENBURY, R. 1964. Hydrogen peroxide forma- eases. tion and catalase activity in the lactic acid LITERATURE CITED bacteria. J. Gen. Microbiol. 35:13-26. WILLARD, H. H., AND L. H. GREATHOUSE. 1917. BALLENTINE, R., AND D. D. BURFORD. 1957. The colorimetric determination of manganese Determination of metals, p. 1015-1016. In S. by oxidation with periodate. J. Am. Chem. Soc. P. Colowick and N. 0. Kaplan [ed.], Methods in 39:2366-2377.