A. iEthelred II, large output of the Small- Cross issue of, 29. > ("A" horizontal) mint-mark on Lundy ,, last type of, continued by coins of Charles I, 138, 139, 142. Cnut, 28. A (for Anglorum) after the Danish royal ,, mules of coins of Cnut title on Danish coins of Cnut, 30. with a type of, 32, 33 A mint-mark for Lundy mint of 34, 35, 36, 52, 53, 62. Charles I, 134 et seq. penny of, with remains of "A" mint-mark of Charles I, sugges- copper or iron attach- tion of Henry Symonds that, indicated ment, probably used as a Appledore, 134. pendant or amulet, 245. A mint-mark on Lundy coins of JE their ed II, The Genesis of the Scandi- Charles I, 136, 137, 142. navian Coinages and its bearing on the "A" over Eh mint-mark on Lundy Chronology of the types of, 245-247. coins of Charles I, 136, 142. yEthelstan, coins of, 70, 72, 75, 78, 81, " Abbey pieces," theory that " Penyard 82, 83, 84, 89, 290. pence " may be identified with, 244. ,, the Northampton and Abervstwith mint of Charles I, 121, Southampton mints of, 128, 135. 69-75- Aberystwith-Oxford mules of Charles I, ,, to Eadgar, find of coins 122. from, in County Louth, Achelei = ac oak, and leak clearing = 77- Oakley, 197. Aetius probably placed the Britannias Acorn on Bucks token, 181. under the authority of the Saxons, ALXEPO = Axport, 67. 15- Adams, W., medal awarded to, 255. Alfred, coins of, 81. Afghanistan medals, 239. JElie, son of Hama, 21. Albuhera bar to Peninsular medal, 239. jEthelflsed, 70, 74. Aldulf, Abbot of Medeshamstede, 71. Aethelheard, Archbishop of Canterbury, Algiers bar to Naval General Service find of a coin of, at Brixworth, 251. medal, 254. jEthelred II and Cnut, need for a large Allen and Moore, medal by, 286. output of coins, temp., Allen, Sergeant H., medal awarded to, 60-61. 254- coins of, 27, 32, 35, 79, 81, Allighur bar to Army of India medal, 83, 87, 88, 89, 90, 254, 256. 91, 246, 247, 251. Alma bar on Crimean medal, 235, „ of, prototypes for ,, etc., medal awarded for Gallantry coins of Sihtric III at, 236. 55- Alswith, son of Hama, identified with ,, death of, 61. Alia the Bretwealda, 16. inclusion of the word Altrincham, Pitt Club of, 216. ANDLORUM universal Ambritone = Embertone = Ember d- under, 58. estone = Emerton = "Eanbeorht's farm " = Emberton, 174. 326 Index to Volume XIX.

American Numismatic Society, dona- Anglo-Saxon coins at " Stora Sojdeby,"' tion to the Library by the, 258. find of, 54-55- Amond, Richard, entries from parish „ tribute money, coins register re, 168- struck for, used as pro- 169 totypes for early Scan- „ ,, token of, 168-169 dinavian issues, 246. Amtun Urb coin of iEthelstan = Anglo-Saxons, period when, were dis- Northampton, 75. carding the runic alphabet, 229. AMPTVN. VRB mint of .Ethelstan, 69, Anlaf invades Mercia, 74. 75- Anne, counter of, 248. Anchor mint-mark of Charles I, 123, ,, milled Scottish coins of, 151,152,. 124, 128. 156. ANDREW, W. J., F.S.A. :— ,, patterns of, 230. The Ring of " Ehlla" and other ANSCOMBE, ALFRED, F.R.Hist.S. :— Early Inscriptions numismatically The Richborough coin inscribed considered, 228-229. " Domino Censaurio Ces," 1-23, Andrew, W. J., equestrian portrait of 294-295. Charles I, in collec- Anscombe, Alfred, on the name tion of, 248-249. Hambledon, 178. ,, „ exhibits by, 226. Ansirus, Duke, concerning the identity ,, „ on a Derby coin of of, 19-20. Aethelstan, 290. Antrim, seventeenth-century tokens of ,, ,, reference to his work County, exhibited, 280. on "A Numismatic Antrim, The Seventeenth-Century Tokens History of the Reign of County, 283-285. of Henry I," 107, Antrim, token of, 284. 275, 276. Anund, Jacob, weight of the coins of, Andrews, William, token of, 283. 62. Angel and its development into the Appledore, suggestion of Henry Sy- Touchpiece, 109. monds that "A" (mint-mark on coins Anglian coins of , The, of Charles I) indicated, 134. 25-67. AR ligature, the, 5. Anglian title on some coins of Cnut, Argaum bar to Army of India medal, struck for Denmark, 25. 252, 253, 254. Anglo-Danish period to Edward the Aries, Constantine III defeated and Confessor, alterations of standard killed at, 2. weight of penny in the, 55, 62, 63. Arms, shield of family, on Bucks token, Anglo-Gallic jettons, 241. 189. Anglo-Hanoverian coins, 301-302. Arnold, Notts, tokens, 301. Anglo-Saxon coins in the " City " in Arthur, King, 19, 21. 1872, find of, 54. ,, „ elected " Dux Bello- 1) ,J a in Finland, find of, rum," 17. . 35- Arthur, son of Uthyr Pendragon, 21. a a tt in the House of Arthur, Thomas, medal awarded to, the Vestals, Rome, 235- in 1884, find of, Artillery Company, Honourable, medals 72. relating to, 237. tt tt it in the Isle of Man, Ascanor, Duke in Roman Britain, 23. find of, 83. Ashby, William, entries from parish it a tt in " Nesbo," find of, register re, 197. 36, 54- ,, ,, tokens of, 196-197. tt tt it at " Ryfylke," find Ashmolean Museum, Anglo-Saxon ring of, 54- now in the, 228. 327 Index to Volume XIX.

Asseerghur bar to Army of India medal, Baldric, moneyer from .Ethelstan to 254. 255- Eadgar, 76, 78-79, 88, 89. Assye bar to Army of India medal, 253, Baldwin, A. H., coins of, 207. 254. 255- exhibits by, 226-227. Atcheson, Nathaniel, founder of the „ & Son, badges of, 218, London Pitt Club, 213, 282. 281. Atton family, token issuer of Bucking- „ ,, exhibits by, ham, short account of the, 161. 240. William, token of, 160, 162. Ballymena, tokens of, 283, 284. AV for 0, 9, 295. Ballymoney, tokens of, 283, 284. Aurelius Ambrosius, 21. Baltswell, Edmond, entries from parish Aurifaber, the, 278. register re, 185. Australia, Commemorative florins of, ,, token of, 185. 1927, 252. Bank of England, Spanish coins Ava bar to Army of India medal, 252, counter-marked by the, 201-202, 253, 255, 257. 204. Axminster, coin of Cnut attributed by Bar Cent, the, 299. Hildebrand to, now allocated prob- BARB AD AS, Dublin token reading ably to Exeter, 66. IESPAR • ROADS, 231: Axport mint of Cnut, 51, 67. Barbadoes, coins of, 231. Aylesbury mint, coin of, formerly attri- Bardney, coin of Cnut attributed by buted to Harthacnut, now Hildebrand to, now allocated to ascribed to Cnut, 67. Barnstaple, 66. „ mint of Cnut, 39, 50. Barnaby, Francis, entry in parish regis- ter re, 181. ,, ,, tokens of, 180. Barnard, Professor F. Pierrepont, and B. his work on " Satirical and Con- B mint-mark for Lundy mint of troversial Medals of the Reforma- Chares I, 134, et seq. tion," 273. " B " mint-mark of Charles I, sugges- Barnes, Robert, entry from parish regis- tion of Henry Symonds that, in- ter re, 184. dicated Barnstaple, 134. ,, ,, token of, 184. " B " mint-mark on Lundy coins of Barnett, Thos. G., exhibits by, 230, Charles I, 139, 142. 259, 276-277, 301. Badajoz bar to Military General Service Barnstaple, coin of Cnut attributed by medal, 236, 254. Hildebrand to Bardney, ,, on Peninsular medal, 236, now allocated to, 66. 239- „ mint of Cnut, 39, 42, 44. Bagnall, A. E., donation to the funds of 47, 66. the Society by, 263, „ Henry I, 95, 107.. 305- 273, 276. ,, exhibits by, 230, 258- suggestion of Henry Sy- 259, 296. monds that " B" mint- Baker, Sergeant J., medals awarded to, mark on coins of Charles I indicated, 134. 255- Barton, F. R., C.M.G., " History of the Wm., Nottingham, token of, Nickel Coinage," by, 240. 301. Basque Roads bar to Naval General Bakers' Arms on Bucks tokens, 183, Service medal, 254. 184, 185. Bate, Matthew, Rector of Maids More- Balaclava bar on Crimean medal, 235. ton and Leckhamstead, extract from, „ etc., medal awarded for gal- 185-186. lantry at, 236. 328 Index to Volume XIX.

Bath = " Acemannes beri " = " Ace- Bird, E., engraver of Pitt-Club badge, mannes ceaster" = " urbe 217. Acumanensi," 72. Birmingham, Pitt Club and badge of, „ mint of Cnut, 31, 33, 39, 44, 47, 216, 217. 5i, 9r- Pitt-Club medal, 281. „ ,, „ Harold I, 56. Bjorko type, Scandinavian pieces of „ „ Henry I, 95, 274. the, 246. „ Order of the, 232. Blackburn Hundred, Pitt Club and „ Star and badges of the Order of badge of, 2x6, 217. the, 23S. Pitt Club and badge of, Beauchamp, Earl, miniature of Eliza- 216, 217, 218. beth dispensing Maundy, in posses- Blackmoor's Head mint-mark of sion of, 110-112. Charles I, 128. Beaurains, near Arras, find of Roman Blantyre, British Central Africa, vul- gold medallions at, 276-277. canite tokens issued by the Kabula Stores, 298. Bebbanburh (Bamborough) = Urbs Bebban, 71. Blond, Charle, solar dial by, 230. Bede's fifth-century chronology, 20. Blyth, George, medal awarded to, 255. Bedford mint, coins of, 83, 84. Boar's head mint-mark of Richard III, 299. „ of Eadwig, 81, 82, 85, 86. Boia or Boiga, moneyer of Eadwig, 76, „ Eadweard the Martyr, 81, 82, 83, 86, 87. 78. Bolton, Pitt Club of, 216. „ „ Cnut, 39, 42, 44, 47, 76. Bombay, coins of, 296, 298. Bedfordshire, token of Oakley hitherto Bombay Pice of the English East India attributed to, now allocated to Bucks, Company, The, 299. 197. Bombay Presidency, gold Champion- Belden, Bauman L., author of " Indian ship medal of the, 239. Peace Medals issued in the United Bonner's Perspective Itinerary No. II States," 258. and " Penyard pence," 243, 244. Belfast, seventeenth-century tokens of, Boscawen, Admiral, medal of, 228. exhibited, 280. Bossington, Hants, find of an Anglo- ,, tokens of, 260, 283, 284, 286. Saxon ring at, 228. Bell-founder's token, 160-162. Boules, Alice, tokens of, 187. Bell in Winslow parish church, lettered Boulter, Wm., medal awarded to, 236. THOMAS • SMALBONS • C W Boycott Expedition, Lough Mask, medal 1670, 177. for, 236. „ mint-mark on coins of Elizabeth, Boyle, token of, 245. 289. Ih for Bristol mint of Charles I, 134. of Charles I, 125. BR monogram on Bristol coins of Bells on Bucks tokens, 160, 173. Charles I, 234. Belt Plate, Officer's, 239. Brackley token, 161. Bennett, John, token of, 167. Brakhan, Soldat Carl, medal awarded Beornwlf, King of Mercia, 84. to, 254. " Beowulf," reference to Hama in the, Braize, Samuel, medal awarded to, 255. 15-16. Breamore Church near Salisbury, re the Berkshire, Reading and, Pitt-Club inscription'in, 229. badge of, 216. Brearey, Surgeon J. B., medal awarded Bhurtpoor bar to Army of India medal, to, 236. 253. 256. Breden, William, token of, 191-192. Bideford, Bush ell and his mines at, 133. Bredy, coin of Cnut formerly attributed Biggar family, token issued by the, 284. to, now allocated to Bridport, 67. John, token of, 286. Brewers' Arms on Bucks token, 169. 329 Index to Volume XIX.

Brice, Robert, Auth., token of, 283- British Museum, CENSE on a coin in 284. the, 6-7. Brichella = Parva Brichulle — Little- „ ,, coins in the, 20, 22, Brickhill, 186. 40, 41, 50, 52, 76, Brickhill, Little, token of, 186-187. 77, 78, 82, 85, 86, Bridgenorth, a burh built at, 70. 88, 89, 90, 91, 136. Bridges, Thomas, token of, 174. ,, ,, runic coins in the, 22. Bridgnorth, coin of Cnut attributed by ,, South African Company, medals Hildebrand to, now allocated to issued by, 240. Bridport, 67. Brixworth, find of a coin of Aethelheard, Bridport, coin of Cnut attributed by Archbishop of Canterbury at, 251. Hildebrand to Bridgnorth, Brooch, find of an Anglo-Saxon, at now allocated to, 67. Icklingham, 251. coin of Cnut formerly attri- of Roman work found at buted to Bredy, now allo- Rheims, 248. cated to, 67. BROOKE, G. C., M.A., F.S.A. :— „ mint of Cnut, 44, 47, 51, 67. The Change of Coin Types in the Brihtnoth, moneyer of Cnut, 30, 32. Eleventh Century ; its bearing on Brill Potteries, token of the, 159. Mules and Overstrikes, 278-279. ,, short history of, 157. Brooke, G. C., exhibits by, 277. ,, tokens of, 157-159. Brotone = " enclosed marsh land," 159. Briot, Nicholas, 239. Broughton, token of, 159-160. Brunic or Bruninc, moneyer of Eadgar, ,, „ engraver to Charles I, 88, 89, 90, 91. 121, 123, 124, 125, Brunswick Museum, Anglo-Saxon cas- 126, 128. ket in the, 229. pattern penny of, 125. Brushfield, A. N., coins of, 146. ,, suggestion of, for coins Bruton mint of Cnut, 39, 42, 44, 47. of small denomina- Bruun bequest to the Royal Collection tion, 124-125, 126. of Coins and Medals, Copenhagen, Bristol, coin of Charles I formerly attri- Catalogue of Coins and Medals of the, buted to, now allocated to 296. Lundy Island, 140. Buccingahamme = the hamm, i.e., " en- „ mint of Cnut, 39, 42, 47, 51, 53. closed land " of Bucca's people, 160. „ ,, William I, 231. BVCKINGGAM or BVCKINGGAME „ „ Henry I, 95, 273, 274. = Buckingham, 162, 163, 165. ,, ,, Henry VI, 231. Buckingham, a burh built at, 70. ,, ,, Edward IV, 231-232. ,, mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47. ,, „ Henry VIII, 232. „ short history of, 160. „ ,, Charles 1,134,135,136, tokens of, 160-167. 137, I38, 140, 141, Buckinghamshire Trade Tokens issued 231, 232, 233-234. in the Seventeenth Century. Part II, ,, ,, William III, 230. 157-198. „ Pitt Club of, 216. Bucks tokens, find of, 159, 163, 173, seventeenth-century tokens of, 182. 230. ,, unpublished seventeenth-cen- ,, taken by the Parliamentary tury tokens of, 158, 159, 163, forces, 1645, 131. 165, 166, 171, 172, 173, 178, „ ,, ,, the Royalists, 233. 182, 184, 187, 190, 194, 198. Bristol, The Coinage of, 1643-1645, Burden, William, entries from parish 233-235- register re, 191-192. Bristol, Thomas Bushell establishes a Burgis, John, token of, 192. mint at, 233-234. Burgred, coins of, 85/229. 330 Index to Volume XIX.

" Burgus " (burh) and " civitas," some- Caius Censorinus, ligature on a coin times applied to the same place in bearing the name of, 5. Domesday, 73. Calendar, copper, 241. Burh identified with urbs by William Callander, Staff-Surgeon John, medals of Malmesbury and others, 71. awarded to, 236. Burh = a walled town, 69. Cama-or, 21, 23. ,, the meaning of, 70, 71. Camaor of the Legend of Grimaud Burh, urbs the Latin equivalent of = Hama, 14, 16. Anglo-Saxon, 69, 70, 71, 72. Cambines, Duke, of the " Morte d' Burhella or Brehillya) = a hill, 157. Arthur," identified with the Hama, Burhs, establishment of, by Edward Camaor and Cham of other documents, the Elder and the Lady of the Mer- 16, 20. cians, 70. Cambridge mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47, Burmese War, First, medals for, 254, 5i- 257- Pitt Club of, 217. Burton, F. E., donation to the funds of Cameo medallions, 227. the Society by, 305. Cancer or Canfer, King of Northumber- Burton, Frank E., exhibits by, 227, land, 17. 273- Candles, man making, on Bucks tokens,. Busaco bar to Military General Service 174. 187. medal, 254. Cansari < Canseri < Cansiri

CANTVN VRB, W. C. Wells on the at- Carlyon-Britton, Major P. W. P., refer- tribution of a coin of iEthelstan with ence to his paper on a find of Anglo- inscription, 72. Saxon coins in the Isle of Man, 83, " , Ccesar in Britain in the 84. Fifth Century," The So-called " Coin Carrickfergus, tokens of, 285. of a Second," 1-23, 294-295. Carrickmacross, token of, 260. " Carausius Caesar," no record of a, dur- Carriers' tokens of Bucks, 178. ing the reign of Constantine III, 2, 3. Carter, Dr. E. C., exhibits by, 227, 290. Carausius, correct reading of the inscrip- Carter, John, token of, 181. tion on the coin attributed Cas in Early Old English Casere (> Can- to a Second, 4-9. sari) postulates CaEs (Latin) and Cans ,, historical objections to the (Old High German), 13. identification proposed for Casere (O.E.) = CSsarius (Latin) = a coin of a Second, 2-3. Cansari and Canseri (Alamannic, misreading of the inscrip- Suevic and Old High German), tion on the coin attributed 14. to a Second, 3-4. ,, on the meaning of, in " Widsith," ,, Sir Arthur J. Evans and the etc., 13-14. find of a coin of a Second, Casnar for Canser, 16. 1 et seq., 294-295. Casnar Wledic (= Duke) of Old Welsh " Carausius II," " A new coin of," by legends, identified with the historical F. S. Salisbury, 6. Censaurius Cesar of the Richborough Carausius II, find of a coin attributed coin, 14. to a, at Richborough, 6. Casnar Wledig, 17. Carlisle mint of Henry I, 95. Cassanauth = Kasnar Wledic, 18. Pitt Club of, 216. Castlechichester,token of, 283-284. ,, siege piece of Charles I, with Cater, Thomas, entries from parish hall-mark, 250. registers re, 158. CARLYON-BRITTON, D.L., J.P., F.S.A., token of, 157-158. Major P. W. P. :— Cavendish, Sir William, Knight Trea- Some coins of Henry I, 93-107, 274- surer of the King's Chamber, temp., 276. Edward VI, warrant to, 118. Carlyon-Britton, Major P. W. P., and Cayenne, two-sous pieces of, counter- the attribution of a marked, 302. coin of Cnut reading Ceadeles fnnta = Celfunte = " Ceadel's TOMP = TOMW to spring or stream " = Chalfont, 167. Tamworth, 67. CENS the first syllable of the Rich- ,, ,, Major P. W. P., coin borough coin, 8. of Cnut attributed " Censaurio Ces," " Domino," The by, to Islip, now Richborough coin inscribed, 1-23, regarded by H. A. 294-295. Parsons as of Danish CENSAVRIO, Mr. Anscombe's reading origin, 32. of the name on the Richborough „ ,, Major P. W. P., coin coin attributed to a Second Carau- of Cnut attributed sius, 8, 295. by, to Ryburgh, now Censaurius Cesar, 21. allocated to Ribe ,, (or Kasnar) marries Tewer, in Denmark, 26-27. a daughter of Bredoe, Major P. W. P., on 18, 19. the attribution of a ,, the Alaman, 15-16. coin of iEthelstan, C3S1S0RI and CENAOKI FC on Roman with inscription British dishes, 8. CANTVN VRB, 72. Censoria, the name, at Chichester, 10. 332 Index to Volume XIX.

Censorius, a count in Gaul and a legate Chester, coins of Cnut 'attributed by of Aetius in Spain, 10, 295. Hildebrand to, now alloca- Censorius Caesar, 23, 295. ted to Leicester, 66. " Censorius," occurrences of the name, ,, find of coins temp., Eadgar 9-10. and iEthelred II at, 87, Censorius, rarity of the name on inscrip- 90. tions in Roman Britain, xo. ,, mint, coins of, 83. „ references of Hydatius Lemi- ,, mint of iEthelstan, 81. canus to, 11-12. ,, ,, Eadgar, 81, 82, 86, ,, variations of the name, 9-10. 87. " Ces," on the spelling, for Cesar; ,, „ Eadweard the Martyr, Caesar, 3. 81. Chalfont St. Peters, tokens of, 167-168. „ iEthelred II, 81. Change of coinage, the object of, 278. „ Cnut, 35, 39, 42, 44, Chapman, Josias, entries from parish 47. 66. register re, 192. ,, ,, Eadweard the Con- token of, 192. fessor, 91, 277. Charles, medalets on the Birth of Henry I, 96, 273. Prince, 251. Chew, John, entries from parish regis- Charles I and his authorization to ters re, 165. Thomas Bushell to sur- Chichester mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47, 51. render Lundy Island, 132. ,, Henry I, 96, 107, charities of, 120, 121, 122. 273, 276. coins of, 121, 122, 123, 124, Child, John, entries from parish register 125, 127, 128, 129, 131- re, 193. 143, 231, 232, 233-234, ,, tokens of, 192. 239, 250, 251, 258, 290. Childe, William, entries in parish regis- equestrian portraits of, and ter re, 170. history of same, 248-249. token of, 169-170. ,, heart-shaped lockets con- China bar on Transport medal, 237. taining Memorials of, Chronology of the coin types of Cnut, exhibited, 285. 61-65. ,, leaden plaque with portrait Chrystler's Farm, bar to Military of, 248. General Service medal, 255. ,, Maundy requirements of, Church, William, entries in parish regis- 120. ter re, 179-180. medals of, 248, 250, 251, token of, 179. 277. " City " in 1872, find of Anglo-Saxon „ milled coins of Scotland coins in the, 54. temp., 145. " Civitas " and " burgus " (burh) some- the variations in the half- times applied to the same place in groats of, 127. Domesday, 73. Charles II, coins of, 274, 290. Ciudad Rodrigo bar to Military General lead token (?) of, 248. Service medal, 254. milled Scottish coins of, 145, ,, ,, bar to Peninsular 146, 147, 148, 153, 154. medal, 239. ,, the Bombay pice of, 299. Clarianus, King of Northumberland, Chesham, tokens of, 168-173. 17, 19. Chessham, Thomas, token of, 169. Clark, William, entries from parish re- Chester, a burh built at, 70. gister re, 158. „ coins of Cnut attributed by ,, token of, 158. Hildebrand to Leicester, Claudius, denarius of, 251. now allocated to, 66. Clausthal mint, the, 302. 333 Index to Volume XIX.

Cleopatra, earliest bar on Naval General Cnut, mule types of, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, Service medal issued for the Nymphe, 51-52, 53, 54, 62. for the capture of the French, 256. need for a large output of Clofesho, the Council of, 84. coins temp., iEthelred II and, Clothworkers' Arms on Bucks tokens, 60-61. 168. ,, new die-sinkers appointed by, Clough, S., medal awarded to, 253. 34- Cnobheres-burg (Burh Castle, Suffolk) = ,, Notes on the mints of, 66-67. Cnofheres-burg = Cnobheresburrug ,, proclamation by, to his Anglian = urbs Cnobheri, 71. subjects, 63. Cnut, a possible trial or pattern issue ,, reasons advanced why main of, 38-39> 50, 64. type I of, is different in charac- ,, and the levy required to pay off ter from the types of iEthelred the Viking host, 61. II, 57- ,, chronology of the coin types of, ,, the gradual dropping of the 61-65. territorial title on the succeed- ,, coin of Aylesbury mint formerly ing types of, 58. attributed to Harthacnut now Cnut the Great, reason for the multi- ascribed to, 67. plicity of types ascribed to, 25. ,, coin of, possibly a Danish imita- Cnut the Great, The Anglian coins of, tion, 46. 25-67- coins of, 81, 83, 88, 91. Cnut, the use and omission of the coins of Hildebrand Type A and territorial title on coins of, B, attributed by him to Eng- 57-58. land, 30-32. ,, varieties of coins of, hitherto ,, coins of, hitherto attributed unpublished, 45, 46, 48. to England now allocated to ,, variety of evidence governing his Continental types, 26, the chronological sequence 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 38, of main issues of, 53 et seq. 66. Coad, Alice, token of, 173. ,, coins of, probably contemporary Cock on Bucks tokens, 175, 186. forgeries, 31, 33, 34-35, 66. Coin-scales and weights, boxes of, 252, ,, coins of, which may be of 259, 280, 297-298. English or Danish origin, Coin Types in the Eleventh Century, The 30-32. Change of; its bearing on Mules and death of, 65. Overstrikes, 278-279. ,, description of the regular types Coined money in Anglo-Danish period, of, with probable dates of issue, concerning the export of, 54. Coins in the Anglo-Saxon era of last 39-53- issue of one king used by his early issues of, not struck con- successor with royal name only currently with the later types, altered, 28. as suggested by Hildebrand, „ the limited striking of small, 54, 60. 125-126, 127. '* emergency " types of, 34, 35, Coke, Sir Edward, bronze plaque with 38, 53, 62. portrait of, 259. ,, establishes mints in Denmark Colchester mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47, and the consequence thereof, 5i- 54- Henry I, 96, 273. „ H. A. Parsons on Types I and II Pitt Club of, 216. (B.M. Cat.), of, 28-30. Cole and Co., silver tokens of, 206, 207. „ large output of the Quatrefoil Colebroc = Collebrooke = "Cola's brook type of, 29. = Colnbrook, 173. 334 Index to Volume XIX.

Coleraine, find of a half-silver ingot at, Cork mint of Edward I, 281. 5- Cornelis, Fort, the storming of, 260. College of Arms manuscript describing " Corpus Nummorum Italicorum," the Maundy ceremonial under the donation of vol. x, of, by H.M. the Tudors, 114-116. King of Italy, 285, 305. Collings, Thomas, token of, 174. Corry, John, token of, 284. Colnbrook, token of, 173. Corunna bar to Military General Service Comet of A.D. 442, the, 12, 21. medal, 254. Connecting-link between the moneyers' „ ,, to Peninsular medal, 236. names and mint-names temp., iEthel- Corygaum bar to Army of India medal, red II to Cnut, the changes in the, 59. 255- Constans, 1, 2, Countermarks, oval, on coins of George ,, coin of, 1. II and III, and London and Middle- Constantine and Licinius give the title sex halfpenny token, 290-291. of Ccesar to Constantine Coxall, John, donation to the Library the Younger, 3. by, 273. ,, of Cornovia, King Arthur's Crab, Robert, " the mad-hatter," 168. grandfather, 19. Crauelai = craue crow, leak clearing, ,, the in Britain, 2. " crows' clearing " = Crawley (North), ,, the son of Constantius 196. Chlorus, receives the title Crawley, Elizabeth, entries from parish of Ccesar, 2-3. registers re, 162. ,, the Third, 1, 2. „ ,, token of, 162. ,, the Younger receives the Crewkerne mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47. title of Csesar, 3. Cricklade mint of Cnut, 37, 39, 42, 44, •Constantinus Magnus, electrotype of 47- gold medallion of, 277. Crighton, J. G., medal awarded to, , electrotype of gold 23 7- medallion of, 277. Crimea, French medal for the, 235. ,, Chlorus sent into Gaul medals, 235, 236, 239. with title of Caesar, 2. „ Turkish, medal, 235, 236. ,, defeats and kills Constan- Cromwell, Oliver, cast medallion por- tine the Third, 2. trait of, 227. presbyter of Lyons, 9. coins of, 239, 251. ,, II, coin of, 1. Crook, Endymion, medal, 237. CO/XT A of the inscription, Sir Arthur Cross, Military, 238. Evans and the, 1, 295. Cross-crosslet mint-mark on coins of Cooke, W. H., extract from, on " Pen- Elizabeth, 285, 288, 289. yard pence," 242. Crossing of the upright staff to indicate Cooks' Livery Badge, 241, 249. an E, the, 8. •Coombe Martin, Bushell and his mines Crouch, William, Aylesbury, and his at, 133. notes on Bucks tokens, 159, 182. ,, ,, mint of Charles I, 134. CROWTHER-BEYNON, V. B., M.B.E., Cooper, Edward, tokens of, 193. F.S.A. :— Coopers' Livery badge, 241. A note on " Penyard Pence," 242- Coorg (Southern India) medal, 241- 244. 242. Crowther-Beynon, V. B., exhibits by, Copenhagen Royal Collection, coins in 231, 235, 241, 248, 252, 259, 277, 280, the, 46, 65, 66. 297-298. the Director of the Royal Cudbert, George, token of, 283. Collection of coins and Cumae, find of an early silver ring at, medals, donation to the 259- library by, 296. Cuneator, the, 278. 335 Index to Volume XIX.

Cunobeline, find of a coin of, at Irches- Derby, Sept. 1 st, 1927, and a probable ter, 251. connection of the coins with the " Tut- Cuthred, King of Kent, 84. bury Find, June 1 st, 1831." Notes Cutlers' Livery badge, 241. on a Find of Pennies of Edward I Cylm, moneyer of Eadgar, Eadweard and II at, 291-293. the Martyr and ^Ethelred II, 88, 90. Designs as a guide to fixing the chrono- Cytel, moneyer of Eadweard the Mar- logical sequence of the main issues of tyr, 88, 90. Cnut, 53, 57. Devon and Exeter, Pitt Club of, 216. Dials, portable French solar, exhibited, 230. D. Die-sinking centres in places other .Dag-rune, the, 22, 23. than Winchester and London, possible Daly, J., medal awarded to, 255. opening of, temp. iEthelred II and Dartford (?) mint of iEthelstan, 70. Cnut, and its effect, 61. Dauber, Friderich, box of scales and Dies for the southern mints not pre- weights by, 297-298.. pared in the same place as those for Davadys, John, token of, 285. the mints in the north, theory that Davis, John, entries from parish register the, 59. re, 193. Diocletian, electrotypes of gold medal- „ ,, token of, 193. lions of, 276-277. Rise, token of, 170. ,, sends Constantius Chlorus Davison & Hawksley, Arnold, token into Gaul with title of of, 301. Ccesar, 2. de Cusa, Cardinal Nicolas (surname Distillers Livery badge, 241. Krebs), 231. DNDENITI, coin of Cnut with mint- de Silva, Guzman, and his account of name, probably a contemporary for- the Maundy ceremony, 112. gery, 66. Deacon, James Hunt, donation to the Dollar, and its parts, the introduction Society's collection by, 252. into Scotland of the, 147. Deccan War Medal, 239. Donation to the funds of the Society Declaration of Parliament Medal, 260. by:- Deig, Battle of, bar to Army of India A. E. Bagnall, 263, 305. medal, 254. Frank E. Burton, 305. ,, Capture of, bar to Army of India Miss Helen Farquhar, 263, 305. medal, 254, 255. Major W. J. Freer, 252, 262, 303. Denmark, coins of Cnut struck for, R. C. Lockett, 245, 261-262, 303. ,, bearing the Anglian title, E. H. Wheeler, 263, 305. 25- Donation to the Society's Collection „ early coin's of, 246. by:- Derby, Leicester, Northampton and James Hunt Deacon, 252. Rutland shilling token, Notts, Donation to the Society's Library by:—- 208. The American Numismatic Society, ,, Leicester, Northampton and 258. Rutland shilling tokens, 207, The Director of the Royal Collection 208. of Coins and Medals, Copenhagen, ,, mint, coins of, 83. 296. ,, „ of iEthelstan, 81, 290. John Coxall, 273. ,, ,, „ Eadgar, 81, 82, 86, 87. Harrold E. Gillingham, 230, 296. „ „ Cnut, 39, 44, 47, 51. H. H. King, 280, 300. ,, ,, Henry I, 94, 96, 107, His Majesty the King of Italy, 285, 275, 276. 305- Pitt Club of, 2x6. Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., 240. 336 Index to Volume XIX.

Donation to the Society's Library by:— E for Edinburgh on Scottish coins of Oxford University Press, 273. Anne, 151. Spink & Son, Ltd., 245, 293. e (Germanic) remained in Old English, Doncaster, Pitt Club of, 216. 14- Dorchester mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47, 51. E presented by the sign +, 8, 295. Henry I, 96, 273, E, the examples of the custom of 274. combining with another straight- Dorrien and Magens, the shillings of, stemmed letter, 5-7. 201, 204. 6, the use of the rounded, on the late Douglas, find of coins temp. Eadgar at, types of Cnut, 60. 89. ea (Old English) postulates au (Ger- Museum, coins in the, 89. manic) and 011 (Alamannic), 14. Richard, medal awarded to, Eadgar and iEthelred II, find of coins 238. temp., at Chester, 87, 90. Doular, William, token of, 283. Eadgar, coins of, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, Dover mint of iEthelred II, 91. 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91. „ Cnut, 39, 42, 44, 47, 51, ,, find of coins temp., at Douglas, 89. 53- „ „ Eadweard the Confessor, first and second charter of, 277. 87-88. Henry I, 96, 107, 276. ,, " King of the Mercians" or Dowling, S., medal awarded to, 254. " of the Engle," 87-88. Drapers' Arms on Bucks token, 193. Northampton and Southamp- Dress of Elizabeth as shown on her Early ton mints of, 88-91. Silver Coins, 1558-1561, The, 287- Eadmer, moneyer of Eadgar, 88, 89. 289. Eadmund, coins of, 75, 76, 77, 7S, 81, Dublin, early coins of, 246. 82, 83, 89, 91. ,, penny token, 231. ,, no coins known of, of Ham- tokens of, 283. wic or Hamtun, 75-76. Ducat, scales for weighing the Hun- Eadnoth, moneyer of Eadgar, 88. garian, 297-298. Eadred, coins of, 70, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, Dudeman or Dudemun, moneyer of 81, 82, 85, 89, 90, 91. Eadwig, 76, 84-86. ,, no coins known of, of Hamwic Dudley, Pitt Club and badge of, 214, or Hamtun, 75—76. 215, 216, 217. Eadweard the Confessor, alteration in Dundee, Pitt Club of, 216. the standard Dunkley, Serjeant, medal awarded to, weight of the 23 7- penny in the Dunstone, William, group of medals Anglo-Danish awarded to, 235. period to, 55, Dunwich mint of Cnut, 39. 62, 63. Duok, Hugh, token of, 284. Chester mint Durand, moneyer of Eadgar, 86, 88. of, 277. Dyer's tongs on Irish token, 284. coins of, 81, 88, 91, 277- 278. E. Dover mint of, )) }} E, changes in the form of the letters S 277. and, temp. Cnut, 59-60. last type of Hart ha cnut E, concerning the ligature of the letter, continued 5-7- or 11 for E, examples of, 5-6, 295. by, 28. 337 Index to Volume XIX.

Eadweard the Confessor, mule of, with Edward I and II, at Tutbury, find of Harold, 278. coins, temp., 292-293. ,, ,, omission of IV, coins of, 231-232. the territorial ,, VI, the charities of, 114, 118. title continu- ,, VII, coins of, 277. ed, to some Eglinton, Earl of, then General Mont- degree under, gomerie, military horn of, 226. 58. EGNATIA ROMANA, the ring of, 229. ,, Wallingford Egyptian War Medals, 239. mint of, 278. " Ehlla," and other Early Inscriptions ,, ,, Worcester numismatically considered, The Ring mint of, 277. of, 228-229. Eadweard the Elder at Northampton, Ehlla = Eulla and Eolla, 229. 73, 80. Elizabeth as shown on her Early Silver ,, ,, coins of, 81, 290. Coins, 1558-1561, The Dress of, 287— ,, ,, the Northampton 289. and Southamp- Elizabeth, coins of, 111, 124, 125, 241,. ton mints of, 250, 285, 288, 289. 69-75- dispensing Maundy, minia- Eadweard the Martyr, coins of, 78, 79, ture of, 110-112. 81, 87, 88, „ extracts from Acts of the 89, 90. Privy Council in reference „ „ Northampton to warrants for supply of and South- small coins for Maundy ampton mints purposes, 119. of, 88-91. grants arms to the Water- ,, ,, Stamford mint men's Company, 235. of, 258. Eadwig, coins of, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, no milled pence other than 82, 83, 84, 85, 89. patterns of, 124. ,, Northampton and Southamp- patterns of, 250, 288. ton mints of, 76-88. ,, penny of, ill. Earl's Barton, find of an early British ,, the charities of, ill, 112, gold quarter stater at, 251. 113, 114, 119, 124. East Denmark and Sweden, the stand- the interest of, in her por- ard weight of the coins of, temp. Cnut, trait on coins, 287-288. 55, 62. Eltham, find of a base-metal "coin" Eccles, Hugh, token of, 284. (or " Peny-yard" penny) in, 243, Eddinberge = Edidfesberga = Ead- 244. wulf's beorg, barrow or hill = Edles- Emberton, tokens of, 174. borough, 173. ^ for EN, 4, 8, 295. Eddisbury, a burh built at, 70. Enniscorthy token, 298. Edlesborough, 196, 197. Eolla as Bishop of Selsey, W. J. Andrew tokens of, 173. and his theory that the Anglo-Saxon Edmund Ironside, 53. ring with EhLLA was that given son of iEthelred II, and by the King to, 229. death of, 61. Eomer = Eumer, 229. Edward I, Cork mint of, 281. Eormanric, the King of the Gotas of Edward I and II, at Derby, Sept. ist, Old Saxony, 15, 16. 1927, and a probable connection of the Epaticcus, coins of, 301. coins with the " Tutbury Find," June Epino the Grig, son of the King of 1 st, 1831. Notes on a Find of Pennies Northumberland, 17, 19. of, 291-293. Eton, tokens of, 174-175.

Z 338 Index to Volume XIX.

Ettone = Old English eg-tun, e.g., an Exhibits by:— island in a marsh, tun farm, an island Miss Helen Farquhar, 248-249, 285. farm = Eton, 174. L. L. Fletcher, 231, 241, 245, 249, Evans, Sir Arthur J., reference to his 260, 280, 286, 293, 298, 301. paper on a coin of a Second Carausius, Major W. J. Freer, 235-236, 249, 277, 1 et seq., 295. ' 281. 286. Evinghehou = " The hoh of Ifa's Alan Garnett, 236-237, 241, 249, 281. people " = Ivinghoe, 184. L. A. Lawrence, 227, 273. Evreham = Iver = Ever from yfre, R. C. Lockett, 277-278. " edge " or " escarpment," 183. Thomas K. Mackenzie, 227, 237-238, Exchanges, the, 279. 252-253, 281. Exeter, coin of Cnut attributed by J. 0. Manton, 241-142, 250, 253, Hildebrand to Axminster, 290, 298, 301. now allocated probably to, Lieut.-Colonel H. W. Morrieson, 231, 66. 285, 301-302. Devon and, Pitt Club of, 216. E. E. Needes, 253. „ mint of .Ethelred II, 76, 88. H. Alexander Parsons, 245, 250, 273- Cnut, 27, 39, 42, 44, 274, 290-291, 294, 298. 47- 5i. 53. 66, 88. B. Walter Russell, 238-239. „ Harold I, 88. The Marquis of Sligo, 281, 294. „ Harthacnut, 88. S. M. Spink (per C. Winter), 231-232, „ ,, Eadweard the Confes- 257- sor, 88. H. W. Taffs, 228, 232, 239, 250-251, ,, ,, Henry I, 97. 253, 274, 281, 294, 298-299, 302. Charles I, 123,134, 251. F. A. Walters, 232, 251, 253, 260, 274, penny of Charles I, suggestion 278, 281, 286-287, 291, 299. that the, may have been de- W. C. Wells, 251. signed for the Maundy use of C. Winter, 232-233, 239-240, 254- Henrietta Maria, 123. 255, 260. ,, Sir Richard Vyvian's privilege of erecting mints in Devon- shire and Cornwall with head- F. quarters at, 134. styled a burh in Anglo-Saxon F = Sir John Falconer, Master of the Chronicle, 72. Scottish Mint, 145, 146, 147, 153. styled "urbs" by Henry of Fair, Brigadier Alexander, medal Huntingdon and by Florence awarded to, 252. of Worcester, 72. Fairfax, Lord, 132. Exhibition, London, 1851, medal for Faitta, Marco Antonio, Secretary to the International Industrial, 286. Cardinal Pole, and his account of the Exhibits by:— Maundy ceremony of Queen Mary, W. J. Andrew, 226. "3- A. E. Bagnall, 230, 258-259, 296. FARQUHAR, Miss HELEN, F.R.Hist.S.:— A. H. Baldwin, 226-227. Royal Charities (Second Series), Pt. A. H. Baldwin & Son, 240. IV. The Maundy Coins, 109-129. Thos. G. Barnett, 230, 259, 276-277, Farquhar, Miss Helen, coins of, 127, 301. 128. G. C. Brooke, 277. „ ,, donation to the Frank E. Burton, 227, 273. funds of the Dr. E. C. Carter, 227, 290. Society by, V. B. Crowther-Beynon, 231, 235, 263, 305. 241, 248, 252, 259, 277, 280, 297- ,, „ exhibits by, 248, 298. 249, 285. 339 Index to Volume XIX.

Farriers' Livery badge, 241. Finds of coins :—• Fastolf, moneyer of Eadgar, 82, 86-87, Anglo-Saxon coins in the House of 88. the Vestals, Feilden, Henry, token of, 181. Rome, in 1884, Fellows, J. M., Nottingham, tokens of, 72. 301. at Ryfylke, 54. Fenni Stratford or Fenny, or marshy ,, „ at St or a Sojdeby, ground on the Watling street, 175. 54-55- Fenny Stratford, short account of, 175. Henry I, at Canterbury, 93, 275. tokens of, 175-177. temp. Edward I and II, at Tutbury, Finch, Daniel, entries from parish regis- 292-293. ter re, 173. base metal " coin " (or " Peny-yard " ,, Daniell, tokens of, 173. penny), at Eltham, 243, 244. Find of a dragon-headed ornament in Henry IV, at Highbury, 260. the Thames, 229. Bucks tokens, 159, 163, 173, 182. ,, a half-silver ingot at Coleraine, Finds of coins as a guide to fixing the 5- chronological sequence of the main ,, a Roman brooch at Rheims, issues of Cnut, 53, 54-55. 248. Finland, find of Anglo-Saxon coins in, ,, an Anglo-Saxon brooch at Ick- 35- lingham, 251. Fioduan (= Fodwine), moneyer of Ead- ,, an Anglo-Saxon ring at Bos- gar and Eadweard the Confessor, 86, sington, Hants, 228. 87. ,, an early silver ring at Cumae, Fisher, Samuel, gold badge of the 259- London Pitt Club, presented to, 214, Find of Pennies of Edward I and II at 282. Derby, Sept. 1 st, 1927, and a probable Fitzgibbon, A., medal awarded to, 236. connection of the Coins with the " Tilt- FLETCHER, LIONEL L., F.R.S.A.I. :•— bury Find," June 1 st, 1831, Notes The Seventeenth-Century Tokens of on a, 291-293. County Antrim, 283-285. Finds of coins :— Fletcher, Lionel L., exhibits by, 231, Roman bronze coin at Richborough, 241, 245, 249, 260, 280, 286, 293, 1, 294. 298, 301. Coin attributed to a Carausius II, at Forty-Fifth Regiment and the Capture Richborough, 6. of Louisburg, 227. Roman gold medallions at Beaurains, Fowler, John, entry in parish register near Arras, 276-277. re, 198. Early British gold quarter stater at „ token of, 197. Earl's Barton, 251. Francis, Grant R., award of John San- Cunobeline, at Irchester, 251. ford Saltus medal to, 225. Aethelheard, Archbishop of Canter- Fredegarius Scholasticus, references to bury, at Brixworth, 251. Censorius (or Caesarius) by, 12-13, 295. iEthelstan to Eadgar, in County Freer, Major W. J., donation to the funds Louth, 77. of the Society by, Eadgar, at Douglas, 89. 252, 262, 303, temp. Eadgar and Ethelred II, at exhibits by, 235-236, Chester, 87, 90. 249, 277, 281, 286. Anglo-Saxon coins, in the " City " in " French Colonies and Protectorates," 1872, 54. " Notes on the Decorations and ,, ,, in Finland, 35. Medals of the," 296. in the Isle of Man, FRIBEBRIHT, the moneyer, 69, 75. Frome Selwood token, 299. 83- in Nesbo, 36, 54. Frothgar, moneyer of Eadwig, 85. Z 2 340 Index to Volume XIX.

Fuentes D'Onor bar to Military General George III, scarcity of silver coinage, Service medal, 254. temp., 200, 202. ,, ,, bar to Peninsular George IV, coin of, 250. medal, 236. „ Coronation medal contain- Furruckabad rupees, 296. ing portraits of English Fusiliers, Royal, medals of the, 239. Sovereigns, copper box with cliche of, 252. „ proof of, 259. George V. coins of, 277. German Town, medal for, 22S. G. Gerontius revolts against Constantine, Galahad, Sir, and the Round Table, 21. 2. Galerius gives Constantine, son of Giffard, Walter, Earl of Buckingham, Constantius Chlorus, the title of c. 1152-8, 195. Ccesar, 2-3. Gillingham, Harrold E., donation to Gallantry medal, Conspicuous, 237. the Library by, 230, 296. Galway, tokens of, 283. Ginand, moneyer of Eadgar, 88, 89. GARNETT, S. ALAN :—• Glasgow, Pitt Club of, 216. Pitt Clubs and their badges, 213- Gloucester mint of Cnut, 39, 42, 43, 44, 218, 281-283. 47, 5i- Garnett, S. Alan, badges of, 217, 281. „ Henry I, 97, 107, exhibits by, 236-237, 273, 274, 276. 241, 249, 281. Goa, rupee of, 299. Garraway, Abraham, token of, 170. Goldar, William, entries from parish re- Garter, Star and Garter of the Order of gister re, 158. the, 249. token of, 158. Gaul = Old English Walarice, 13. Good, Jarvice, entries from parish re- Gawilghur bar on Army of India medal, gister re, 167. 252, 253, 254, 255. token of, 167. Geldum de moneta, the tax, 279. " Gotha " mint of Cnut, 39, 51, 66. Gensing in Sussex, dialectical form of " Gotha " or " Iotha " mint of Cnut GANS in, 14. variously attributed to Jedbergh, to Gent & Co., Northampton, token of, Idbury (Oxfordshire) and to Ythan- 210. burgh or Ythanceaster in Essex, 66. " George," the Order of the lesser, Gown, substitution of a money grant in 249. lieu of a, at the Maundy cere- George I and II, Anglo-Hanoverian mony, 112, 113, 114, 11S. coins of, 302. the gift of a, at the Maundy cere- George II, groat and threepence intro- mony, xi2, 113, 114, 115, 116, 118. duced into the Maundy set temp., 127. Grant, Capt. Chas., London Pitt-Club „ halfpenny of, with oval coun- badge for, 281. termark, 290-291. Gratian Municeps declared Emperor in ,, medals of, 226-228. Britain, 2. George III, cameo medallion portrait of, " Great War," medals of the, 239. 227. Greece, Order of the Redeemer of, 238. „ forgeries temp., 199. Grevenberg, Caspar, box of scales and „ halfpenny of, with oval weights by, 297. countermark, 290-291. Greyhound on Bucks token, 167. „ patterns and proofs of, 258, Grid (= Grind), moneyer of Eadweard 259- the Martyr and ^thelred II, 86. „ scarcity of copper coins, Griffin, George, silver tokens of, 205, temp., 199. 206. 341 Index to Volume XIX.

Griffin on Bucks tokens, 189, 190. Hama, seneschal of Canser, King of " Grimaud," " Histoire de," 17, 20, 23. Northumberland, 14, 20. " Grimaud," " Histoire de," evidence = the slth or companion of of a King of " Nortomberland" Widuga, 14. called Canfer, Cancer and Kanser in Hambledon, Bucks, coin of John Lane, the, 17. hitherto attributed to Groat in copper dated 1711 E, 152. Hampshire now alloca- Grocers' Arms on Bucks tokens, 159, ted to, 179. 175, 193, 194. ,, short account of, 178. Grome, William, token of, 170. ,, token of, 178-179. Grover, John, entries in parish register Hamelan-dene = Hameldene = Hamble- re, 170-171. don, 178. token of, 170. Hampshire, Pitt Club of, 216. Guildford mint of Cnut, 39, 42, 47. „ token of John Lane hither- Guillim's "Display of Heraldry," and to attributed to, now Penyard Pence, 242-244. allocated to Hambledon, Guns, crossed, on Bucks tokens, 189. Bucks, 179. Guome, William, token of, 170. Hamson, T., Northampton, token of, 210-211. Hamtun coin of ^Ethelstan, 69. ,, coins of Eadweard the Elder to Eadweard the Martyr, 69. H. ,, mint, no coins known of, for Haberdashers' Arms on Bucks tokens, Eadred, 75-76. 182. ,, of Eadwig, 81, 82. " Hada," a mistaken reading for Hama, „ Eadgar, 88, 90. 22. ,, ,, ,, Eadweard the Mar- Hada = a monk, 22. tyr, 88, 90. Haddenham, tokens of, 178. „ iEthelred II, 81, 90, Hcedanliam = Haeda's homestead = 91. Haddenham, 178. ,, ,, with moneyer Leofhelm, Hakon the Bad, coins of, 246, 247. 86. Halifax, Pitt Club of, 216. Ham[tun] or Han[tun] mint of Eadwig, Hall, Thomas, token of, 171. 82, 83, 84, 85. Hallelujah Victory, St. Germanus and " Hamtun " replaced by " Norham " the, 18-19. in reign of Stephen, 69. Halliday, engraver of Pitt-Club badge, Hamwic mint, no coin known of, for 217. Eadmund, 75-76. medallist, 206. „ of Eadgar, 88. HAM mint of Eadwig, 83, 84. „ ,, ,, Eadweard the Martyr, HAM mint with moneyers Mantat, 88. Hancrent and Ginand, doubtful allo- „ „ Cnut, 67. cation of coins of, 89. Hancock, engraver of Pitt-Club badge, HAM, moneyers of Eadwig whose coins 2x7. are inscribed with, 76 et seq. Hancrent or Nancrent, moneyer of Ead- Hama, and coin or medal of, 21, 22, 23. weard the Martyr, 88, 89. Hama = Camaor of the "Histoire de Hanoverian Guelphic Order, Star of Grimaud," 14, 20. the, 238. = Duke Cambines, 15, 20. Medal for Waterloo, 254. (or Camaor) Duke in Roman Hansell, Asst.-Surg. Wm., medal Britain, 23. awarded to, 254. ,, reference to, who " chose en- Harold, mule of Eadweard the Con- larged authority," 15-16. fessor with, 278. 342 Index to Volume XIX.

Harold Sweynson, King of Denmark, Henrietta Maria, suggestion that the no coins known of, 62. Exeter penny of Charles I may have Harold I, coins of, 56, 88, 89, 91. been designed for the Maundy use of, ,, ,, similar in design to 123. type 5 of Cnut, Henry, Serjt. John, medal awarded to, 57,65. 239- ,, use of privy marks temp., 56. Henry I abolishes the tax upon mints, Harp mint-mark of Charles I, 127, 290. 279. Harris, Stephen, entries from parish coins of, 273, 274. register re, 188. „ find of coins of, at Canterbury, ,, „ tokens of, 188. 93- 275. Harthacnut, coin of Aylesbury mint „ Nottingham mint of, 273. formerly attributed to, " Henry I," reference to W. J. Andrew's now allocated to Cnut, work on " A Numismatic History of 67. the Reign of," 107, 275, 276. coins of, 83, 88, 91. Henry I, Some Coins of, 93-107, 274— ,, ,, similar in design 276. to type 5 of Henry II, coins of, 76, 279. Cnut, 57, 65. „ relinquishes the system of ,, last type of, continued by dues levied on change of Eadweard the Confes- type, 279. sor, 28. Henry IV, find of coins of, at High- ,, struck at York, concern- bury, 260. ing the coins of, 34. ,, London mint of, 260, 286- the word ANDLORUM 287. rarely occurs on coins Henry VI, coins of, 231, 253, 291, 294. of, 58. Henry VII, charities of, 118. Hartlee, John, tokens of, 162-163. ,, coins of, 245, 278. Hartley, John, entries from parish regis- Henry VII and VIII, extracts from the ters re, 164-165. Household account books with refer- ,, „ tokens of, 163-165. ence to expenses of charities of, 116- ,, Junior, John, token 01, 163. 118. Hartwell, token of, 179-180. Henry VIII, charities of, 116, 117. Harvey, Wm., medal awarded to, 254. „ coins of, 232. Hasted's " History of Kent," and the ,, forbade Katherine of Ara- base metal coin (or Peny-yard penny) gon to keep her Maundy, found in Eltham, 243, 244. 123. Hastings mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47, 48, ,, grants Charter to the 5i- Honourable Artillery Henry I, 97, 107, 276. Company, 237. Hat with feather on Bucks tokens, 177. Herdewelle — Hertwell = Hart-Spring, Hawley, Thomas, Clarenceux, manu- i.e. where the stag waters = Hart- script of, detailing the Maundy cere- well, 179. monial under the Tudors, 114, 117. Hereford mint of Cnut, 39, 42, 43, 44, Headberht, Bishop of Worcester, 84. 4 7- Hearda, 179. „ Ethelred II, 81. Heart mint-mark of Charles I, 128. Henry I, 94, 97, 107, ,, on Bucks tokens, 162, 163, 195. 273. 275- Helmet, the substitution (for the crown) Pitt Club of, 2x6. of the Norman-French conical, on ,, Public Library, Bonner's Per- coins of Cnut, 63-64. spective Itinerary No. II, Henrietta Maria, marriage medalet of in the, 243. Charles I and, 251. Herolf, moneyer of Eadgar, 86, 87, 88. 343 Index to Volume XIX.

Heron, nondescript, on Bucks token, Hughenden Manor, 180. 162. Hull, Pitt Club of, 216. Hertford, a burh built at, 70. Huntingdon, a burh built at, 70. ,, coin of Cnut attributed by ,, mint, coins of, 84- Hildebrand to Retford, ,, of Eadgar, 86. now allocated to, 66. „ „ Cnut, 40, 44, 47, mint of Cnut, 39, 44, 47, 48, 5i- 66. „ „ Henry I, 97- „ „ iEthelred II, 81. Husa, Bishop, 78. Herts, token of Northall hitherto Husebald, moneyer of Eadwig, 76, attributed to Middlesex or, now 77-78. allocated to Bucks, 196-197. Hydatius, Bishop, 21, 295. Hiberno-Danish imitations as a guide Lemicanus, Bishop of Chaves, to fixing the chronological sequence 10. of main issues of Cnut, 53, 55. Hythe, coin of Cnut formerly attributed Hickey, Sergt. S., medal awarded to, to, now allocated to Lydford, 66. 255- Highbury, find of coins of Henry IV at, 260. I. Hildulf, moneyer of Eadwig, 76, 82, 83- i, the mounting of an upright staff for, .Hilliard, Nicholas, miniature by, of upon another letter and examples of Elizabeth dispensing Maundy, 110- same, 7-8. 112. Icklingham, find of an Anglo-Saxon Hitchenden or Hughendon, token of, brooch at, 251. 180. Idbury, &c., Gotha or Iotha mint of Honduras, Order of the Rose of, 239. Cnut attributed to, 66. Honnor family, entries from parish re- Ilchester mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47. gister re the, 175-176. India Medal, The Army of, 255-257. ,, Robert, tokens of, 175. India Medals, Army of, 252, 253, 254, Honorius, the Emperor, 2. 255. 256. Hooton, Richard, entries in parish regis- „ ,, rarity of Army of, and ter re, 194. cause thereof, 257. ,, ,, token hitherto read as, representations resulting should possibly read in the issue of the Rob. Hooton, 194. Army of, 256. ,, Rob., entry in parish register Indian Peace Medals issued in the re, 194. United States, donation of, 258. „ ,, token of, 194. Ingolferth, moneyer of Eadgar, 86, 88. Hopper, Capt. Ed., medals awarded to, Ingot, find of a half-silver, at Colcraine, 253- 5- Horse on Bucks token, 184. Inkerman bar on Crimea medal, 235. Horseshoe on Bucks token, 179. „ etc., medal awarded for Gal- Horwood, Great and Little, tokens of, lantry at, 236. 181-182. Inns, William, entries in parish register Horwudu = Horrewde — horh, wudu or re, 176-177. filthy or muddy wood = Horwood, „ „ token of, 176. 181. Inscription on the fifth-century coin Hoy, John, token of, 260. found at Richborough, A. Anscombe's Hrothgar, jewels presented to Beowulf interpretation of the, 9. by King, 15. Inscriptions as a guide to fixing the Huchedene = Hichenden, from Hycga's chronological sequence of the main valley, 180. types of Cnut, 53. 57~6o. 344 Index to Volume XIX.

" Iotha," "Gotha" or, mint of Cnut, Java, Field Officer's gold medal for variously attributed to Jed- Capture of, 260. bergh, to Idbury (Oxford- Jedbergh, etc., " Gotha " or " Iotha " shire) and to Ythanburgh mint of Cnut attributed to, 66. or Ythanceaster (in Essex), Joannes V, weight of, 230. 66. Jobson, George, tokens of, 199-200. mint of Cnut, 39, 51, 66. Jones, Evan David, medal awarded to, Ipswich mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, 51. 255- ,, ,, „ Eadweard the Confes- Jones, Paul, medal of, 228. sor, 91. Joy, Colour-Serjeant H., medal awarded ,, ,, Henry I, 97. to, 236. Iraq bar to Persian Medal, 239. Joyse, James, entries in parish register Irchester, find of a coin of Cunobeline re, 171. at, 251. ,, ,, token of, 171. Ireland, The Monetary History of, Part Julian, son of Constantine III, 2. I, 280. Ireland, Hie Monetary History of, Part II, 300. K. Irish nineteenth-century tokens exhibi- ted, 249. Kanser or Kancer, King of Northum- ,, tavern tickets exhibited, 249. berland, 17. ,, tokens with rhyming legends, Ivars, Turkish medal for Defence of, 260. 236. Irun, gold medal for, 236. Kasnar Wledic, references to, in the Irwin, Thos., medal awarded to, 237. Old Welsh Pedigrees, Isle of Man, find of Anglo-Saxon coins 18-19. in the, 83. ,, ,, references to, in the Islip, coin of Cnut attributed by Major Welsh Mabinogion, P. W. P. Carlyon-Britton to, re- 18. garded by H. A. Parsons as of Danish Kasnauth = Kasnar Wledic, 18. origin, 32. Katharine of Aragon forbidden to keep Italian origin, box of coin scales and her Maundy, 123. weights possibly of, 252. Kensington, dialectical form of GANS Italy, His Majesty the King of, dona- in, 14. tion to the Library by, 285, 305. Kew, John, token of, 165. Iver, token of, 183. „ possibly an older variant of the Ivinghoe, tokens of, 184. name Chew, 165. Keys, crossed, on Bucks token, 197. Kidstone, J., medal awarded to, 237. King, H. H., donation to the Library J- by, 280, 300. Jamaica, tokens of, 294. Kirke, George, 122. James I, charities of, 1x9-120. Kirkee and Poona bar to Army of ,, the Maundy issue for, 126. India medal, 255. James II, milled Scottish coins of; 148. Krebs, coin-weighing scales and weights 154- by, 231. „ tin halfpenny of, struck for Ireland, 298. L. James VII of Scotland, milled coins of, 148, 154. Lace, strip of, on Bucks tokens, 165, Java bar to Military General Service 166. medal, 254. Ladies' badge of Cutlers Livery Guild, „ coins of, 298. 241. 345 Index to Volume XIX.

Lake, Admiral Sir Willoughby Thomas, Leathes, Addam, token of, 284. Star of the Order of the Bath Leckhamstead or Lekehamstead = of, 238. Lechamstede (leacham- ,, General, 256. stede) = " leek-home- Lamb, paschal, on Bucks tokens, 166. stead '' (leac-tun) = Lambarde, William, and his account of kitchen garden, 185. the Maundy ceremony, 112, 113. „ token of, 185-186. Lambert, Samuel, token of, 194. Leech, Major Robert, star and badges Lanbriht or Lanbinit, moneyer of of the Order of the Bath of, 238. Eadgar and Eadweard the Martyr, Leeds, Pitt Club of, 216. 88. Leeuwarden coin, the, 22. Lancashire, token of Jeffrey Willison Leicester, coins of Cnut attributed by hitherto attributed to, now allocated Hildebrand to Chester, to Bucks, 195. now allocated to, 66. Lancaster, coin of Cnut formerly at- ,, coins of Cnut attributed by tributed to, now allocated Hildebrand to, now allo- to Langport, 66. cated to Chester, 66. Pitt Club of, 216. ,, Diocese, badges or tokens for „ Thomas, Earl of, and his the Hallowing of the revolt against Edward II, Church and Cathedral of, 292. 235- Lane, John, entries from parish register „ mint of iEthelred II, 91. re, 179. „ Cnut, 37, 40, 44, 47, token of, 179. 51, 66. ,, Thomas, entries from parish re- „ Henry I, 98, 273. gister re, 188-189. ,, Northampton and Rutland ,, „ token of, 188. shilling tokens, Derby, 207- Langport, coin of Cnut formerly attri- 208. buted to Lancaster, now allocated to, 66. ,, Northampton and Rutland ,, mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 66. shilling tokens, Notts, ""Largesse" of Charles I, the necessity Derby, 208. for small coins for, 125. „ Pitt Club and badge of, 216, 217, 218. Laswarree bar to Army of India medal, 254, 255- Lenney, Serjeant J., medal awarded to, Lauderdale, Earl of, and his defence 236. of the issue of private tokens, 203- Lewes mint of .Ethelstan, 70. 204. „ „ Cnut, 40, 41, 44, 47, 51. Launceston mint of Henry I, 98, 107, „ „ Henry I, 98, 107, 273, 276. 275, 276. Lavendon, token of, 185. Leofelm, moneyer of Eadweard the Lawe{n)dene = Lavendene = " Lafa's Martyr, 88, 90. valley " = Lavendon, 185. Leofinc, moneyer, 86, 88. Lawrence, L. A., and the find of coins Leofnel (= Leofhelm) moneyer of Ead- of Edward I and II gar, 86. at Derby, 293. Leofsige, moneyer of Eadgar, Ead- ,, coins of, 76. weard the Martyr, and ^Ethelred II, ,, ,, exhibits by, 227, 273. 88, 90. ,, „ on Penyard pence, Licinius, Constantine and, give the 243-244- title of Caesar to Constantine the le Sueur, Hubert, order to, for an Younger, 3. equestrian statue of Charles I, 248- Ligatures or tied letters, concerning, on 249. coins, 4-5. 346 Index to Volume XIX.

Liming or Lyme, coin of Cnut attri- Londinium (Roman) = Saxon Lun buted by Hildebrand to, now allo- donia, 229. cated to Lympne, 66. London and Middlesex token with oval Lincoln mint of Eadgar, 87. countermark, 291. ,, „ Eadweard the Martyr, ,, Entry into, electrotype of gold 86. medallion commemorating „ „ Ethelred II, 81, 83, the, of Constantius Chlorus, 86, 87, 91. 277. „ „ Cnut, 26, 27, 32, 33, ,, = LondoniEe urbis in Eadgar's 37, 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, charter to Westminster 47. 48, 51. 83, 91- Abbey, 72. „ ,, Cnut, coins of, prob- ,, = " Lunden-burh " in Anglo- ably more numerous Saxon Chronicle, 72. in Denmark than ,, mint of Aethelstan, 290. other English pen- ,, ,, Eadweard the Martyr, nies, with the pos- 81. sible exception of Ethelred II, 81, 91. those of London, 27. ,, Cnut, 26, 30, 31, 32, 33, ,, ,, Harold I, 91. 35. 36, 37. 40, 42, 44. ,, ,, Harthacnut, 83, 91. 45. 47. 49. 50, 5i. 53. „ ,, Eadweard the Con- 56, 59- 9i- fessor, 91. ,, ,, Eadweard the Confes- ,, ,, Henry I, 98, 273. sor, 81, 91. ,, to York and vice versa, moneyers Henry I, 94, 98, 99, frequently migrated from, 100, 273, 274. 87, 88. ,, Henry IV, 260. Lion and Sun, Persian Order of the, „ Henry VI, 291, 294. 239- Pitt Club and badge of, 217, Lis mint-mark on coins of Elizabeth, 281. 285, 288, 289. ,, ,, ,, dinner of the, in of Charles I, 120, 127, 1808, 213-214, 129. 282. Lisburn, tokens of, 283, 284, 285. „ ,, ,, short account of, Lisle, Lord, blockade of Lundy Island 213-214, 218, 281, by, 131 et seq. 2S2. Liverpool, Pitt Club and badge of, 216, ,, Volunteers, Loyal, medals re- 217. lating to, 237— Livery Badges, City Guild, 241. 238. Llara, son of Casnar, 18, 19. ,, „ medals relating to Locket with lock of Nelson's hair, 253. the, 237-238. Lockets containing Memorials of Long Service and Good Conduct medal, Charles I, heart-shaped, exhibited, 235- 285. Longdon, Lieut. John, military horn Lockett, R. C., coins of, 48, 66. of, 226. ,, ,, donation to the funds Longeville and Ltmgeville, see Newton of the Society by, Longville, 195. 245, 261-262, 303. Lord, Charles, token of, 187. „ ,, exhibits by, 277-278. Louisburg, Capture of, medals of, 227, Lockhart, William, token of, 284. 228. Lodovicus = Ludovicus, 229. Louth, find of coins from iEthelstan Loggerheads, two, on Bucks token, to Eadgar in County, 77. 169. Lucknow bar on Mutiny Medal, 236. 347 Index to Volume XIX.

Lund in Denmark, coins of Cnut hither- Magens, the shillings of Dorrien and, to attributed to LUND in 201, 204. England, now allocated to, Magheramorne, token of, 284. 26, 28, 38. Maheidpoor bar to Army of India ,, ,, Denmark, coins of Cnut hither- medal, 255. to attributed to Norwich, Maimana, Shir Ali's Star for, 236. now allocated to, 28. Malakoff Tower, etc., medal awarded Lundy during the Civil War of Charles I, for Gallantry at, 236. 131 et seq. Maldelmes-burh, or Maldufes-burh ,, Island, coin of Charles I formerly (Malmesbury) = Maildufi urbs, 71. attributed to Bristol, Maiden, a burh built at, 70. now allocated to, 140. Maldon mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47. ,, ,, surrender of, 133. Malmesbury mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, 91. „ Thomas Bushell and his Malune, Corpl. A., medal awarded to, defence of, 131. 255- ,, ,, Thomas Bushell and his man-rune, the, 22, 23. terms for the surrender Manchester, Pitt Club and badge of, of, 132-133. 216, 217. „ mint of Charles I, description of Mangod, moneyer of Eadwig, 76. the coins of the, 135— Mantat, moneyer of Eadgar and Ead- 143- weard the Martyr, 88, 89. ,, ,, ,, Charles I, tables of ob- MANTON, J. O.:— verses with reverses, Buckinghamshire Trade Tokens and reverses with ob- issued in the Seventeenth Century. verses of the, 143. Part II, 157-198. Lundy, The Coinage of, 1645-6, 131-143. Notes on a Find of Pennies of Ed- Lunnd, William, unpublished token of, ward I and II, at Derby, Sept. ist, 230. 1927, and a probable connection " Lusitania," copy of German medal of the Coins with the " Tut bury on the " Sinking of the," 249. Find," June ist, 1831, 291-293. Lydford, coin of Cnut formerly attri- Manton, J. 0., exhibits by, 241-242, buted to Hythe, now allo- 250, 253, 290, 298, 301. cated to, 66. Marcius, ligatures in the word, on a mint of Cnut, 40, 42, 44, 47, coin of Caius Censorinus, 5. 51. 66. Marcus Censorius, a native of Gallia Lympne, coin of Cnut attributed by Narbonensis, 10. Hildebrand to Liming or ,, declared Emperor in Britain, 2. Lyme, now allocated to, 66. Mark, King of Cornovia, 19. ,, mint of Cnut, 40, 47, 66. Marlow, short account of, 187. Lys on Bucks token, 174. ,, tokens of, 187-190. Martin, George, token of, 283, 284. Martinique bar to Peninsular medal, M. 239- Martlet mint-mark on coins of Eliza- M for M[erciorum], 79, 80, 81, 85, 86, beth, 285, 288, 289. 87. Martyli = Mertola, 11. Mabinogi, definition of a, 17. Mary, coins of, 287. Mabinogion, references to Ivasnar the charities of, 113. Wledic in the Welsh, 17-18. ,, the dress of, on her coins, 287. Macartney, George, token of, 284. Mashonaland medals, 240. Mackenzie, Thomas K., exhibits by, Matabeleland medal, 240. 227, 237-238, 252-253, 281. Maundy ceremonial under the Tudors, McRae, Alex., medals awarded to, 254. account of the, 114-1x6. 34§ Index to Volume XIX.

Maundy Coins. Royal Charities (Second Mints in the Canterbury find of Henry Series). Part IV. The, 109-129. I, not known at the time of W. j. Maundy coins, the extension of the, Andrew's work on the coins of from the silver penny, 109. Henry I, 107. „ miniature of Elizabeth dis- M~0 to ON, the transition from, on the pensing, 110-112. late types of ^Ethelred II, completed " Maundy," the name, not to be applied in reign of Cnut, 59. only to those coins struck after the Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., donation introduction of the mill, temp. to the Charles II, 127. Library Maximianus Herculeus, electrotype of by the gold medallion of, 277. 240. Maximus elected Emperor, 2. ,, ,, ,, medal Medallists, John Sanford Saltus Gold, of the, 223, 271. 240. Medals, the agitation prior to the issue MONETA (or abbreviations) on coins of war, 255-256. until the reign of ^Ethelred II, 59. Medeshamstede = Peterborough, 71. Monetagium, the tax, 279. Medjidie, Turkish Order of the, 235, Money temp, the Stuarts, examples of 238. purchasing power of, 175. Members of the Society, list of, 309-323. Moneyer, office of, largely a family one, Menai, Pitt Club and badge of, 216, and evidence of same, 56. 217, 218. Moneyers, the introduction of double Mercers' Arms on Bucks tokens, 158, names of, and reason for same, 56. 171, 172. Moon, at the Half, token of Brill, 158- Merelafan =Marlow(laf, "remainder"), 159- 187. Moore Lane, unpublished token of, 230. Merit, Spanish Order of Naval, 238. Morefield, John, tokens of, 178. Mertola, in Southern Portugal, 7, 11. Morgan, Henry, die-maker and medal- Mervin, Nicholas, agent for the Stowe list, and tokens made by, and Cobham estates, 183- 206, 207, 208, 209, 210. 184. „ Humphry, token of, 198. Nicholas, token of, 183. MORRIESON, LIEUT.-COLONEL H. W., Mickey, W., medal awarded to, 255. F.S.A.:— Middlesex or Herts, token of Northall The Coinage of Bristol, 1643-1645, hitherto attributed to, now allocated 233-234- to Bucks, 196-197. The Coinage of Lundy, 1645-1646, Milbourne Port, coin of Cnut formerly I3I-I43- attributed by Hildebrand The Dress of Elizabeth as shown on to Mylton, now allocated her early Silver Coins, 1558-1561, to, 67. 287-289. „ Port mint of Cnut, 44, 47, Morrieson, Lt.-Col. H. W., and the 67. classification of pennies M litary General Service medals, 236, of Charles I, 127. 254. 255- Lt.-Col. H. W., exhibits by, Millar, Serjeant, medal awarded to, 237. 231, 285, 301-302. Minchin Marlow = Little Marlow, Lt.-Col. H. W„ and the Ox- (Myncen = nun), 187. ford Declaration penn}? of Mine-sweeper's badge, 235. 1644, 122. Miniature of Elizabeth dispensing „ Lt.-Col. H. W., reference to Maundy, 110-112. his " Table of the Silver ,, possibly of Spanish origin, Coins of the Tower Mint 248. of Charles I," 128. 349 Index to Volume XIX.

Morte d' Arthur, references to " Duke Nelson, Tassie gems with head of, 253. Ansirus " = Duke Canserus in the, Nelson's hair, locket with lock of, 253. 19-20. Nepaul bar to Army of India medal, Mostyn MS., references to Kasnar 253, 255- Wledic in the, 18-19. „ Hon. East India Company M.T. = T[otius] M[ercise], 86. medal for, 254. " Mule " coins as a guide to fixing the chronological sequence of main issues Nesba, find of Anglo-Saxon coins in, 36, of Cnut, 53, 54. 54- Mule types not a regular feature of the Neutone = " new enclosed land with fiscal system in the Anglo- dwellings upon it " (a village), 195. Danish period, 52. New York, the evolution of, as depicted „ of Cnut, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, on a military horn, 226. 5i, 52, 53. 54, 62. New Zealand tokens, exhibited, 286. Mules and Overstrikes. The Changes „ ,, war medals, 240. of Coin-Types in the Eleventh Century; Newark siege pieces, 239. its bearing on, 278-279. ,, tokens, 301. Mules as fraudulent issues, 278-279. Newcastle-on-Tyne silver tokens, issue ,, the possible explanation of, 278- of, 202, 203. 279. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland Mullet mint-mark of Charles I, 129. and, Pitt Club and badge of, 216, 217, Mullingar, token of, 260. 218. Mundy, Lieut. G. C., medal awarded to, Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire and, Pitt Club of, 2x7. 253- Newport = Neuport — niwe, port, " a M.unns, Edward, token of, 245. town possessing market rights," 191. Mursley, tokens of, 190-191. Newport Pagnall for Newport Pagnell, Muselai = Mureslea from Myrsa, an archaic personal name and leah " open 193- country," 190. Newport Pagnel for Newport Pagnell, Mutiny medals, 236. 192. Mylton, coin of Cnut formerly attri- Newport Pagnell, tokens of, 191-195. buted by Hildebrand to, now allo- Newport Pannell for Newport Pagnell, cated to Milbourne Port, 67. 193, 194, 195. Newport Paynell for Newport Pagnell, 193- N. Newton Longville, token of, 195-196. ,, or Newnton, short account of, n before s, examples of the dropping I95- out of, in Latin words, 6. ,, Sir Isaac, bust of, on copper N with a well-defined mark of contrac- Calendar, 241. tion above it = N[orS], 79. Nichols and his account of the alms- Nagpore bar to Army of India medal, giving of Elizabeth, possibly also the 255- ceremony depicted on the miniature Seetabuldee and, bar to Army by Nicholas Hilliard, 111-112. of India medal, 254, 255. Nickel Coinage, History of the, 240. Naval General Service medal, 254. Nidaros, the Congress of, in A.D. 1028 Need for a large output of coins temp. or 1029, 64. iEthelred II and Cnut, 60-61. Nisting of Amsterdam, coin-weighing Needes, E. E., exhibits by, 253. scales by, 280. Needlemakers Livery badge, 241. Nive bar to Military General Service Nelson, Dr. Philip, and the siege pieces medal, 254. of Charles I, 250. ,, to Peninsular medal, 239. Nelson, memorial ring of, 259. Nivelle bar to Military General Service medal, 254. 350 Index to Volume XIX.

Nivelle bar to Peninsular medal, 239. Northampton mint of Henry I, 100. Nolan, John Patrick, The Monetary His- ,, ,, „ Stephen, 251. tory of Ireland, Parts I and II, by, „ W. C. Wells'theory 280, 300. that Eadweard " Norham " for " Hamtun " in reign of the Elder estab- Stephen, 69. lished the, 75. Norman, John, in Newport, token ,, the earliest mention of, hitherto attributed to in Anglo-Saxon Cornwall, now allocated to Chronicle, 73. Bucks, 194. token for Perkins of, John, tokens of, 194-195. 211. Norry, P., solar dial by, 230. ,, token of Gent & Co., North Crawley, token of, 196. 2x0. [North-] Hamtun, the earliest mention ,, ,, ,, T. Hamson, of, in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 73. 210-211. North Healh = " a corner or a recess = Northall, 196. Northamptonshire, The Eighteenth- and Northall, tokens of, 196-197. Nineteenth-Century tokens of, 199- Northampton and Rutland shilling 211. tokens, Derby, Leicester, 207, 208. Northamptonshire, token of Hartwell Northampton and Rutland shilling hitherto attributed to, now allocated tokens, Notts, Derby, Leicester, 208. to Bucks, 179. Northampton and Southampton Mints, Northumberland and Newcastle-upon- The. Part II,, 69-91. Tyne, Pitt Club and .Northampton as a fortress, 73-74. badge of, 216, 217, ,, coins of Eadgar origin- 218. ally attributed to York, ,, Earl of, the charities now allocated to, 82- of, 124. 83. " Northumberland " shilling of George ,, Eadweard the Elder at, III, 200. Northwich, Pitt Club and badge of, 73. 80. 216, 217, 218. ,, eighteenth-century to- Norway, early coins of, 246. kens of, 199-200. Norwich mint of Eadweard the Con- ,, in the tenth century, fessor, 81. 73-74- „ „ Cnut, 28, 30, 31, 33, ,, mint of Eadweard the 40, 44, 47, 51, 53, ,, ,, ,, Elder, 69-75. 81. „ ,, ,, iEthelstan, 69- 75, 78. ,, ,, Henry I, 100, 107, „ „ Eadwig, 77-78, 274, 276. 80, 82, 86. „ Pitt Club of, 216. „ „ Eadgar, 79, 82, Nottingham mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, 89, 90, 91. 5i, 9i- ,, „ ,, Eadgar and ,, ,, Henry I, 100, 273. Eadweard the „ Pitt Club and badge of, Martyr, 88- 216, 217. 91. tokens, 301. ,, ,, Eadweard the Notts, Derby, Leicester, Northampton Martyr, 89, 90. and Rutland shilling tokens, 208. „ ,, iEthelred II, Nymphe for the capture of the French 83, 90, 251. Cleopatre, earliest bar on Naval „ ,, Cnut, 40, 42, 44, General Service medal issued for the, 47, 67. 256. Index to Volume XIX. 35i

Oxford mint of Cnut, 31, 33, 40, 44, 0. 47, 51- 0 for Onglorum, 85, 87. „ „ Henry I, 100, 107, 274, 0 pronounced U, runic letter, 229. 276. Oakley, tokens of, 197-198. „ „ ,, Charles 1,122,123,128, Obn, moneyer of Cnut, 30, 32, 33. 129, 231, 232, 234, Oda, moneyer of Eadgar, Eadweard 239- 251- the Martyr, and iEthelred II, 86, „ the Maundy ceremony of 87- Charles I, at, 122. Offa, Anglo-Saxon ring similar in work- ,, University Press, donation to manship to coins of, 228. the Library by, 273. ,, on coins of Aethelheard, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, 251. Officers and Council of the Society, Session, 1927, 221-222. „ and Council of the Society, P. Session, 1928, 269-270. PACX pieces of Cnut, the, 64. ,, and Council of the Society, Pakenham, the Hon. Sir Thomas, R.N., Session, 1929, 306. decorations of Captain, Olaf Skotkonung, coins of, 246. 232-233. ,, ,, weight of the coins ,, the Hon. Sir Thomas, Gold of, 62. medal for defeat of French Olaf Trygveson, coins of, 246. ist June 1794 to, 232. OLTHUS, coin of Cnut with mint name, the Hon. Sir Thomas, gold probably a contemporary forgery, naval badge awarded to, 66. 232. ON = "of," "at," the introduction of ,, the Hon. Sir Thomas, short the word, on the Anglo-Saxon coins, account of the services of, 59- 233- Orberique = Cor Berique = Cor Benic Palavasum, medal awarded to, 255. = Corbin = Binchester, 20. Palestine, coins of, 273. Ormond crown, the, 239. Panell and Pannell for Pagnell, 191. Ornament in the Thames, find of a Parker, Alice, token of, 187, 188, 189. dragon-headed, 229. Parry, Blanche, in a miniature by Orthes bar to Military General Service medal, 254. Nicholas Hilliard, no. ,, ,, to Peninsular medal, 239. PARSONS, H. ALEXANDER :— Osferth, moneyer of Eadgar, 88, 89, 90, The Anglian Coins of Cnut the Great, 91. 25-67. Osmod = Osmond and Osmund, 229. The Bombay Pice of the English Oswald or Oswold, moneyer from Ead- East India Company, 1672 to 1678, mund to Eadweard the Martyr, 82, 299. 88, 89, gp. The Genesis of the Scandinavian Ottley, of Birmingham, medal by, 286. Coinages and its bearing on the Overend Lime Works (Cumberland), Chronology of the Types of ^Ethel- ticket of the, 293. red II, 245-247. Overstrikes, the origin of, 279. Unpublished and Doubted Milled Oxford Declaration Penny, 1644, prob- Silver coins of Scotland, A.D. 1663- ably a definite Maundy issue, 1709, 145-156. 122, 129. Parsons, H. A., coin of Cnut attributed ,, Memorial medal of Charles I, by Major P. W. P. Carlyon-Britton 277. to Islip, now regarded by, as of mint of Eadred, 70. Danish origin, 32. 352 Index to Volume XIX.

Parsons, H. A., coins of, 39, 42, 43, 45, Pitkin, Henry, entries from parish regis- 46, 48, 50. 146, 147, ter re, 191. 148, 149, 150, 153, ,, ,, token of, 190. 154- 155, 156. Pitman, Henry, token of, now read as exhibits by, 245, 250, Henry Pitkin, 190. 273-274. 290-291, Pitt, cameo medallion portraits of, 227. 294, 298. Pitt Clubs and their Badges, 213-218, ,, on the mint of Brid- 281-283. port, 67. Pitt Clubs, medals of the Country, 214, ,, ,, on Types I and II 215, 282. (B.M. Cat.) of Cnut, ,, ,, the formation and object of 28-30. the, 215, 282. „ „ reference to paper by, Pitt, death of, medal, 218. on " Symbols and „ portrait of, by Tassie, 217. Double Names on ,, William, short account of, 215. Late Saxon Coins," ,, ,, Wedgwood portrait of, 28. of, 281. Pattenmakers Livery badge, 241. Plume mint-mark of Charles 1,127,128. Peers (of Lisburn), token of, 284. ,, ,, on Lund\' coins of Peirceson, John, token of, 174. Charles 1,134 et seq. Pellet mint-mark on Lundy coins of ,, — Oxford plume with bands on Charles I, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, coins of Lundy mint of Charles 142. I, 135. 137. 138, 142. Pellets as mint-mark on pennies of Plumelet = small compact Shrewsbury Charles I, 127. plume on coins of Lund}' mint of „ two, mint-mark on Lundy coins Charles I, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 141, 142. of Charles I, 140, 142. Plymouth, Pitt Club of, 216. Pellew, Captain E., afterwards Lord Pontefract siege pieces, 239. Exmouth, 256. Poona, Kirkee and, bar to Army of Pembroke mint of Henry I, 101, 107, India medal, 255. 275, 276. Postmaster's token, 283. Peninsular medals, 236, 239, 253. Potteries, the Brill, token of, 159. Penny, silver, alone required for Maundy " Potters," early bell-founders called, ceremony, temp, the Tudors and 162. Stuarts, 109. Presidents of the Society, 223, 271. Penyard Pence, A Note on, 242-244. Prince of Wales and Princess Alexandra Peny-yard, Castle of, 242. of Denmark, marriage medal of, 286. Perkins' token for Northampton, 211. Privy marks, the use of, temp. iEthel- Perrott, Thomas, entries in parish regis- red II and Cnut, 56. ter re, 195. Proceedings of the Society, Sessions token of, 195. 1927 and 1928, 219-308. Persian medal, 239. Procopius Anthemius declared Ccesar, Peterborough = Medeshamstede, 71. ,, silver tokens, 205, 206, 3- 207. Pye, Wm., medal awarded to, 236. Pyrenees bar to Military General Ser- Peverel, Amos, medal awarded to, 238. vice medal, 254. Pingo, T., medallist, 227. ,, bar to Peninsular medal, 239. " Pionius" (O.E. Beona), Duke of Pyx trials at Westminster in 1628-29 " Neufchastel" (Newcastle-on-Tyne), and 1630 were concerned with 17- Briot's activities, Henry Sy- Pipes, crossed, on Bucks tokens, 170, monds of opinion that the, 128. 174. „ trials temp. Charles I, the, 128. Index to Volume XIX. 353

Ricyebyrig, coin of Cnut attributed by Q. | Hildebrand to, probably continental Quebec, military horn representing Danish, 66. Siege of, 226. Ring at Bossington, Hants, find of an ,, Taking of, medal, 226, 227, Anglo-Saxon, 228. 228. ,, ,, Cumae, find of an early silver, Queen's bust crowned, on Bucks tokens, 259- ~ 187. Rings, finger, exhibited, 259. Queensland tokens exhibited, 286. Rivers, Peter, token of, 189. Robertson, John, tokens of, 202, 203. Robins, George, entries from parish R. register re, 167. ,, token of, 166-167. Rafn (= Rafen or Raven), moneyer of Robinson, Richard, token of, 174. iEthelred II, 86, 87. Robinson's " History of the Castles of Rea, J., medal awarded to, 254. Herefordshire," reference to Penyard Reading and Berkshire, Pitt Club of, Pence in, 243. 216. Robison, James, token of, 283. Reformation, Satirical and Controversial Rochdale, Pitt Club and badge of, 216, Medals of the, donation of the, 273. 217, 218, 281. Reid, Serjeant, medal awarded to, 237. Rochester mint of iEthelred II, 91. Relief token, 1876, Indian, 299. „ „ Cnut, 32, 33, 40, 44, Rennals, John, tokens of, 165-166. 47- Rentiers & Co., Calcutta, token for, Roettiers, Jan, medallist, 248. 299. Norbert, medallist, 250. Report of the Council, Year 1927, 261- ,, possible engraver of some of 265. the Scottish coins temp. ,, ,, ,, Year 1928, 302 Charles II, 147. 306. Rogers, Rev. Edgar, and the altered Retford, coin of Cnut attributed by die of 1691 for the Maundy penny of Hildebrand to, now allocated to Hert- 1692, 126. ford, 66. Roman-British dishes with names Revett, and the equestrian statue of C3M30RI and CEN30fcfl FC, 8. Charles I, 248-249. Roman bronze coin at Richborough, Reynoldes, Peter, token of, 166. find of a, 1, 294. Reynolds, John, entries from parish ,, gold medallions, find of, at registers re, 166. Beaurains, near Arras, 276- Rheims, find of a Roman brooch at, 277. 248. Romanis, token and brass ticket issued Rhode Island, 1778, medal for, 228. by, 260. Rhodesia medal, 240. Rome, in 1884, find of Anglo-Saxon Ribe in Denmark, coin of Cnut origin- coins in the House of the Vestals in, ally attributed to Ryburgh in Norfolk 72. now allocated to, 26-27. Romney mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47. Rich family, Livery badges of the, 249. ,, ,, Harold I, 89. Richard III, coin of, 299. ,, ,, Henry I, 94, 101, 107, Richborough coin inscribed " Domino 275, 276. Censaurio Ces," The, 1-23, 294-295. Romsey Abbey, re the inscription on Richborough, find of a coin attributed the Rood of, 229. to a Carausius II at, 6. Rose bush on coin of Eadgar, 82, 83. ,, find of a Roman bronze ,, crowned on Bucks token, 181. coin at, 1, 294. ,, mint-mark of Charles I, 127. Richyla, the King of the Suevi, 12. Rothesay Mills, token for the, 298. 2 A 354 Index to Volume XIX.

Row, Durmajee, medal awarded to, St. Michael and St. George, Order of, 255- 238. Royal Charities. (Second Series). Part St. Patrick, Star of the Order of, 238. IV., The Maundy Coins, 109-129. St. Sebastian bar on Peninsular medal, Rudge, W., medal awarded to, 236. 236. Rules, proposed alterations in the, 290, St. Vladimir, Russian Order of, 238. 296, 300, 303-304. Salamanca, badge of, with cameo of Runcorn, a burh built at, 70. Duke of Wellington, 253. Russell, B. Walter, exhibits by, 238- bar to Military General Service medal, 254. 239- ,, bar on Peninsular medal, Rutland shilling tokens, Derby, Leices- 236, 239. ter, Northampton and, 207, 208. Salisbury, J., medal awarded to, 255. shilling tokens, Notts, Derby, ,, mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, 51, Leicester, Northampton and, 53- 208. „ „ Henry I, 101, 274. ,, unrecorded token of, 253. Saltus, John Sanford, gold medallists, Rutupiae or Rutupium = Richborough, 223, 271. 1. „ ,, ,, medal, award of Ryburgh in Norfolk, coin of Cnut origin- the, to Grant ally attributed to, now allocated to R. Francis, Ribe in Denmark, 26-27. 225. Ryfylke, find of Anglo-Saxon coins at, San Fernando, Spanish Order of, 238. San Sebastian, Iron Cross for, 236. 54- Sandwich mint of Henry I, 101, 107, 274, 276. S. Sarawak tokens with J.B. Sept. 24, 1841, 299. S and E, changes in the form of the Sardinian War Medal, 235. letters, temp. Cnut, 59-60. Sarus, general-in-chief of Honorius, 2. 2-like object on coins of Cnut, 27. Saye and Sele, Lord, and the surrender S plume = Shrewsbury plume without of Lundy Island, 133. bands on coins of Lundy mint of Sayer, Rear-Admiral George, C.B., Charles I, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, medal awarded to, 260. 142. Scaldwell, Anthony, token of, 174. S, the symbol, reversed, peculiar to Scales, coin-weighing, and weights, 231, coins struck at Mercian mints, 78, 85, 252, 259, 280, 297-298. 86, 90, 91. „ pair of, on Bucks tokens, 159, s: to the rounded S, transition from the 174, 179, 181, 184, 188, 191, straight, temp. Cnut, 60. 192, 193, 194, 195, 196, 198. Saddleworth, Pitt Club and badge of, Scan Omo bu, the " Ascanor " of the 216, 217. Grimaud, 15, 20. St. Andrew, Anglo-Hanoverian coins Scandinavia, circumstances which in- with effigy of, 301-302. fluenced the issue of coins in, 246. ,, mine, Anglo-Hanoverian Scandinavian coinage based on Anglo- coins of silver from the, Saxon pennies, 246. 301-302. Scandinavian Coinages and its bearing St. Edmundsbury mint of Henry I, 101, on the Chronology of the Types of St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, 9, Mthelred II. The Genesis of the, 245- 18-19, 2i- 247. ,, of Auxerre and Censaur- Scarborough, Pitt Club of, 216. ius, 18-19, 21. Scarlett, Elizabeth, token of, 159. St. John of Jerusalem, Order of, 238. Sceat, Anglo-Saxon, 251. 355 Index to Volume XIX.

Sceptre mint-mark of Charles I, lis to, Shires, the formation of, temp. TEthel- 127. stan, 74. ,, the introduction of the, on Shirley-Fox, J. S., coins of, 294. coins of Cnut, 63. ,, ,, on the find of coins Schuntermenn, Asst.-Surg. C., medal of Edward I and II, awarded to, 254. at Derby, 293. Scotland, Pitt Club of, 217. Shrewsbury mint of Cnut, 32, 33, 40, Scotland, 1663-1709, Unpublished and 44. 47, 5i- Doubted Milled Silver Coins of, 145- ,, ,, „ Henry II, 76. 156. ,, ,, Charles 1,128, 234. Scottish coins of 1689 were probably Shuttle on Bucks token, 190. assays or trials, suggestion Sidnaceaster, coin of Cnut reading that the, 149. SIBESTEB, allocated by Hildebrand ,, mint, temporary closing of to, 40, 42, 67. the, 147, 148, 149. Sihtric III, coins of, 246. Sebastopol bar on Crimean medal, 235, ,, coins of, closely copy the 236. issues of iEthelred II, 55. ,, &c., medal awarded for ,, the only one of the Dublin Gallantry at, 236. Kings in the Hiberno- Danish period to strike Seetabuldee and Nagpore bar to Army coins with intelligible in- of India medal, 254, 255. scriptions, 55. Sequin, the English equivalent of the Silver tokens, general issue of, 202 et Venetian golden, temp. Mary, 113. seq. Seringapatam bar to Army of India medal, 256. ,, ,, the agitation against and defence of the issue of, Service, Meritorious medal for, 239. 202-205. " Seven-years War " in America, 1753- Simon, Thomas, engraver of Scottish 59, military horns relating to the, exhibited, 226. coins of Charles II, 145. SIBESTEB (Sidbury?) mint of Cnut, Severa, daughter of Maximus the British Emperor, 20-21. 40, 42, 67. Slave Trade tokens, 232. Sevin, P., solar dial by, 230. " Sligo family " tokens, 281, 294. Shad well, Philip, medal awarded to, Sligo, The Marquess of, exhibits by, 281, 236. 294. Shaftesbury mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, Smalbons, John, entries from parish 53- register re, 177. „ ,, ,, Henry I, 94, 101, ,, ,, tokens of, 177. 102, 107, 274, SMALBONS, THOMAS C W, 1670, 275, 276. bell in Winslow Parish Church let- Shakespear's Mulberry Tree, box - of tered, 177. scales made from wood of, 298. Smith, James, token of, 253. Sharp, Stratford-on-Avon, coin-weigh- John, token of, 175. ing scales and weights by, 280. ,, Joseph, medals awarded to, 253. Stratford-on-Avon, tobacco stop- ,, Thomas, entries from parish per by, 298. register re, 189. Shaughnessy, M., medal awarded to, ,, ,, token of, 189. 236. William, token of, 284. Shears on Bucks token, 170. Somersetshire, Taunton and, Pitt Club Sheffield, Pitt Club and badge of, 217, of, 217. 218. South Africa bar on Transport medal, Shields, North and South, Pitt Club of, 237- 217. ,, medals, 239. 356 Index to Volume XIX.

Southampton mint of Eadweard the Staffordshire and Newcastle-under- Elder, 69-75. Lyme, Pitt Club of, ,, ,, ,, iEthelstan, 69- 217. 75- ,, enamel, badge of, circa „ ,, ,, Eadmund, 76, 1800, 277. Stamford mint of ^Ethelstan, 84. 77- ,, ,, ,, Eadgar, 81. ,, Eadred, 77. ,, Eadweard the Mar- „ Eadwig, 76, 77. tyr, 81, 258. ,, ,, ,, Eadgar, 88, 89. „ „ ^Ethelred II, 81. ,, ,, ,, Eadgar and Ead- .. Cnut, 38, 40, 44, 47, weard the Mar- tyr, 88-91. 5i- „ „ „ Eadweard the ,, ,, ,, Eadweard the Con- Martyr, 88, 89. fessor, 87. „ Cnut, 40, 42, 44, ,, „ ,, Henry I, 103. 47. 67. Stanley, Thomas, Comptroller of the Southampton Mints. The Northampton Mint, temp. Elizabeth, 287-288. and, Part II, 69-91. Star mint-mark on coins of Elizabeth, Southampton never a fortified town, 285, 289. the old town of, 74- ,, under bust on some of the Scot- 75- tish coins of Anne, 152, 156. ,, the new, becomes en- Stater, early British gold quarter, find titled to the designa- of, at Earl's Barton, 251. tion burh or iirbs, 75. Steele, Nicholas, token of, 196. Southwark mint of ^Ethelred II, 81. Stephen, coin of, 251. „ „ Cnut, 40, 44, 47, ,, " Norham " adopted in place of " Hamtun " in reign of, 5i. 53- 69. ,, „ ,, Henry I, 102, 103, 274. Steyning mint of Cnut, 44, 47. Spanish coins countermarked by Bank Stirling, Pitt Club and badge of, 217. of England, 201-202, 204. Stockholm Royal Cabinet, coins in the, ,, coins countermarked for cur- 41, 49, 51, 65, 66, 78. rency in the West Indies, Stora Sojdeby, find of Anglo-Saxon exhibited, 302. coins at, 54-55. ,, dollars, issue of silver tokens Stuart, Lieut. C., medal awarded to, from, 206. 254- " Spanish Orders of Chivalry and Stubbins, Serjeant E., medal awarded Decorations of Honour," donation of, to, 236. 230. Stubbs, William, token of, 285. Spanish specie, temp. George III, the " Successes of 1759 " medals, 227, 228. capture of, 201. Sudbury mint of Cnut, 38, 40, 41, 44. Spence, the arms of, and Penyard Suffolk, Pitt Club and badge of, 217, Pence, 242-244. 218. Spink and Son, badges of, 214, 218, 281. ,, Pitt-Club Dinner Tickct, exhi- „ ,, donation to the Library bited, 281. by, 245, 293. Summary of varieties of the Milled S. M. (per C. Winter), exhibits Silver Coins of Scotland A.D. 1663- by, 231-232, 257. 1709. I53-I56- " Sri," a Hindu Divinity, 242. Sunderland, Pitt Club and badge of, Staes, Joannes, coin-weighing scales by, 217, 218, 281. 280. " Sutherland," The, on a military horn, Stafford, a burh built at, 70. 226. „ mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47. 357 Index to Volume XIX.

Sweden, early coins of, 246. Thames, find of a dragon-headed orna- standard weight of the coins ment in the, 229. of East Denmark and, temp. Waterman's badge, 235. Cnut, 55, 62. Thelwell, Sir Bevis, 122. „ the acquisition of part of, by Theodric, ruler of the Franks, 15. Cnut, and the issue of coins Thetford mint of Ethelred II, 81, 91. therefor, 64. Cnut, 40, 44, 47, 51, Sweyn Forkbeard, coins of, 246. 81. „ King of Denmark, 28. Henry I, 104, 274. of Denmark, no English coins Thirty-Eighth Foot, medals awarded known of, 53. to, 236. S., W.F., on token of Newport Pagnell, Thombe, William, token of, 283. 195- Thompson, William, medal awarded to, Symbols and double names, the use of, 254- as a guide to fixing the Thorcetel, moneyer of Cnut, 30, 32. chronological sequence of Thoreth, moneyer of Cnut, 30, 32, 33. the main issues of Cnut, 53, Thurferth, moneyer of Eadred, Ead- 55-57- wig, and Eadgar, 76, 79, ,, main reason for the use of 80, 81, 85, minor, temp. iEthelred II the jarl, 73, 80. and Cnut, 55-56. Thurkil the Tall, 61. Symonds, Henry, and the mint of Brid- T.M. for T[otius] M[erci£e], 79, 80, 85. port, 67. Tobacco, roll of, on Bucks tokens, 171, „ „ reference to his work 192, 195- on the "Mint-marks ,, stopper stamped " Shake- and Denominations spear's wood, Sharp, Strat- of James I," 120, ford-on-Avon," 298. 126. Token, lead, 248. Syria, bar to Naval General Service Tokens, eighteenth-century farthing, medal granted for services off coast exhibited, 301. of, 256. issue of the eighteenth-cen- tury, 199. Tokens of Northamptonshire. The T. Eighteenth- and Nineteenth-Century, Taffs, H. W., exhibits by, 228, 232, 239, 199-211. 250-251, 253, 274, 281, 294, 298-299, Tokens, suppression of the seventeenth- 302. century, 199. Tailor, Abraham, token of, 186. Tomes, John, token of, 184. Tamworth, a burh built at, 70. TOMP = TOMW = Tamworth, 67. mint of Cnut, 47, 67. Toome, token of, 284. ,, ,, ,, Eadweard the Con- Torksey mint of Cnut, 38, 40, 44. fessor, 91. TOTEL mint of Cnut, 44. Tassie gems with head of Nelson, 253. Totnes mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 51. ,, portrait of Pitt by, 217. Touchpiece, the Angel and its develop- Taunton and Somersetshire, Pitt Club ment into the, 109. of, 217. Toulouse bar to Military General Ser- ,, .mint of Cnut, 40, 47. vice medal, 254. Henry I, 103, 107, ,, ,, to Peninsular medal, 239. 274, 275, 276. Tournois, double, and the denier, Irish Taylor, J., medal awarded to, 254. tokens struck on the French, 283. Tealby type of Henry II, 279. Tovry, I., solar dial by, 230. Thaler, box, with miniatures in oil, 250. • Towccster, a burh built at, 70. 358 Index to Volume XIX.

Tower and Sword, Portuguese Order of Uthyr Pendragon, 21. the, 239. Uxellodunum = Ellenborough, 10. mint of Charles I, 120-121, 122, 127, 128. Trade Tokens issued in the Seventeenth- Century. Part II. Buckinghamshire, V. 157-198. Trafalgar bar to Naval General Service Valentinian the Third declared Caesar medal, 254. at Thessalonica, 3. Transport medal, 237. Van Dyck, plaque with portrait of Treasurer, Report of the, Session 1927, Charles I after, 248. 264-265, 266-267. Viborg (Denmark) mint of Cnut, 31, of the, Session 1928, 32. 307-308. Victoria, coins of, 249 Trecher, Samuel, entries in parish regis- ,, patterns and proofs of, 259, ter re, 172. 296. „ ,, tokens of, 171-172. Victorian Order, Royal, 238. Tree on coin of Eadgar, 82. Vienne, Constans Caesar slain at, 2. Triangle-in-circle mint-mark of Charles Vimiera bar to Peninsular medal, 236. I, 122. Vintners Livery badge, 241. " tun," a burh sometimes erected ad- Vittoria bar to Military General Service jacent to, or around, a ' wic ' or, 71. medal, 254. " tun," or " wic," the terms, 71, 75. ,, ,, Peninsular medal, 236, Tuns, three, on Bucks tokens, 180. 239- Tutbury, find of coins temp. Edward I " Voce Populi " coins, 260. and II at, 292-293. Vortigern, 20, 21. Twynham (otherwise Christchurch) „ the Brythonic Chronology of, mint of Henry I, 104, 107, 274, 275, 20-21. 276. Vyvian, Sir Richard, and his privileges Tyler, John, entries in parish register of erecting mints in Devonshire and re, 172. Cornwall with headquarters at Exeter „ token of, 172. 134- Type, early change of, one of the first acts of a new King, and reasons therefor, 29. W. Waerin, moneyer of Eadwig, 76, 77. U. Walarice (O.E.) = Gaul, 13. Wales, Pitt Club of, 217. h on Anglo-Saxon ring formerly as- Wallingford, coin of Cnut formerly sumed as letter H, now thought to attributed to Welmes- be U, 229. ford (now Wansford), Ulf the Viking, 61. now allocated to, 66. Unattributed mints of Henry I, 106. ,, mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, Uppingham, token of, 253. 51. 53. 66. Uppland, runic monument in, and the „ ,, ,, Eadweard the Viking levy, 61. Confessor, 278. Urbs identified with burh by William of „ „ Henry 1,104,107 Malmesbury and others, 71. 274, 276. Urbs on Anglo-Saxon coins, 69, 70, 72. Walsingham mint of Cnut, 40. „ the Latin equivalent of Anglo- Walters, F. A., exhibits by, 232, 251, Saxon burh, 69, 70, 71, 72. 253, 260, 274, 278, 281, 286-287, 291, „ the use of the word, 74. 299. 359 Index to Volume XIX.

Walthamstow Tokens. The, donation of, Wells, W. C., and the allocation of token by the Author, John Coxall, 273. of Hartwellto Northamp- Warbury, a burh built at, 70. tonshire, 179. Ware, Richard, entries in parish register ,, coins of, 69, 78, 79, 81, 85. re, 172. ,, ,, exhibits by, 251. „ token of, 172. ,, ,, on the attribution of a Samuel, entries in parish register coin of iEthelstan with re, 172-173. inscription CANTVN „ token of, 172-173. VRB, 72. Wareham mint of Cnut, 40, 47. Welmesford (now Wansford), coin of ,, „ ,, Henry I, 104. Cnut formerly attributed to, now Warmington, coin of Cnut tentatively allocated to Wallingford, 66. attributed by Hildebrand to, now Welsh Pedigrees, references to Kasnar allocated to Warminster, 67. Wledic, in the Old, 18-19. Warminster, coin of Cnut tentatively West Indies, Spanish coins counter- attributed by Hildebrand marked for currency in to Warmington, now the, 302. allocated to, 67. ,, ,, Spanish coins imported ,, mint of Cnut, 44, 47, 67. from, for token pur- Warrington, Pitt Club and badge of, poses, 206. 217. Westham, token hitherto attributed to, Warwick, a burh built at, 70. now allocated to Chesham, 169. mint of TEthelstan, 83. Wheeler, E. H., donation to the funds „ „ Cnut, 40, 42, 44, 47, of the Society by, 263, 305. White, Edward, token of, 168. „ ,, Henry 1,105,107,276. Whiteare, Richard, token of, 298. Washington, cameo medallion portrait Whitehead; Wm., medal awarded to, of, 227. 255- Watchet mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47. " wic " or " tun," a burh sometimes Waterloo medals, 236, 254. erected adjacent to, or around a, 71. Webb, engraver of Pitt-Club badge, Widmere, Silvester, entries from parish 216, 217. register re, 190. „ medallist, 281. „ tokens of, 189-190. Webster, W., The English Numismatic Widsith-Hama, references to Censorius Medal, published by, 260. or its variations by, 13-14. Wedgwood medallion with slave, 232. Willeatt, Hugh, entries in parish regis- Weight of the first coins of Cnut struck ter re, 181-182. 1 for Denmark, 55, 62. ,, ,, token of, 181. Weights of the coins as a guide to William I, casts of, with altered ob- fixing the chronological sequence of verse dies, 277. main issues of Cnut, 53, 55, 63. „ coins of, 79, 231, 278-279. Wellesley, 256. William II, coins of, 79. Wellington, Duke of, badge for Battle ,, of Scotland, milled coins of Salamanca with cameo of, 148, 149, 150, 155. of, 253. William III and Mary, coins of, 126. Duke of, gold pendant with „ „ „ milled Scottish lock of hair of, 253. coin's of, 148, WELLS, WILLIAM C. :— 149, 150, 154, The Eighteenth- and Nineteenth- 155- Century tokens of Northampton- ,, coins of, 230. shire, 199-211. „ milled Scottish coins of, The Northampton and Southampton 148, 149, 150, 155. Mints, 69-91. William IV, coin of,'250. 360 Index to Volume XIX.

Willison, Jeffery, entries from parish Worcester mint of Eadweard the Con- register re, 196. fessor, 277. ,, ,, token of, 195. „ „ William I and II, Wilson, engraver of Pitt-Club badge, 79- 217. ,, ,, ,, Henry I, 106, 274. Wilson, John, token of, 159. Wreight, Charles, Pitt-Club medal Wilton mint of Eadgar, 81. issued to, 2x7. „ iEthelred II, 81. Wrightson of Lisbum, token of, 285. „ Cnut, 40, 44, 47, 51. W.S. on coin of Henry VIII, 232. ,, ,, Henry I, 105, 274. Wulstan or Wulfstan, moneyer from Winchcombe mint of Cnut, 40, 44. iEthelstan to Cnut, 86, 87. Winchester mint of Eadwig, 76. Wyly, Alexander, token of, 283. „ „ ,, Cnut, 40, 42, 44, Wyon, L. C., engraver, 258, 47. 48, 49- 5i. ,, P., engraver of Pitt-Club badges, 59- 217, 218. „ „ ,, mule of Eadweard T., Junr., engraver of Pitt-Club the Confessor badges, 217. with Harold, 278 William, designer of the Army of „ „ Henry I, 94, 105, India medal, 256. 106, 107, 274. ,, engraver of Pitt-Club 275- badges or medals, Windsor, R., medal awarded to, 255. 215, 217. Winemund or Wihtemund, moneyer of Eadwig, 76, 84. WINTER, CHARLES :— Y. The Army of India Medal, 255-257. Winter, Charles, exhibits by, 232-233, York mint, coins of, 83, 84. 239-240, 254-255, 260. „ of Eadgar, 87, 88. Witham, a burh built at, 70. ,, ,, Eadgar, coin originally Wolfe, General, medals on death of, attributed to, now 226, 227. allocated to North- „ „ relating to, ampton, 82-83. 226-228. ,, ,, Eadweard the Martyr, 87. ,, silk work picture re- „ ,, /Ethelred II, 83, 87. presenting death of, „ ,, Cnut, 30, 33, 35, 36, 40, 227. 44. 46, 47. 5i. 52, 59. Wolsey, the charities of, 123, 124. 83, 9i- Wolverhampton, Pitt Club and badge ,, ,, ,, Henry I, 106, 274. of, 217. ,, ,, Charles I, 120, 124. Wood, Robert, of Great Horwood, Wm. ,, Pitt Club of, 217. Crouch of Aylesbury and a token of, ,, the Maundy ceremony of Charles 182. I at, 121-122. Woodcocke, Francis, entries from parish Young, Matthew, and the dies of the register re, 182. sixty-shilling piece of James VII of ,, ,, tokens of, 182. Scotland, 148. Woodiar, Raja Vera Rajandra, 241. ,, Robart, token of, 284. Worcester, a burh built at, 70. Ythanburgh or Ythanceaster in Essex, mint of Cnut, 40, 44, 47, &c., "Gotha" or " Iotha" mint of Cnut, attributed to, 66. 5i-

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