Sailplane Grand Prix Slovenia 2017 18M Class

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Sailplane Grand Prix Slovenia 2017 18M Class Sailplane Grand Prix Slovenia 2017 18m class Organized by Aeroklub Celje Bulletin Nr.1 – March 2017 30/03/2017 Bulletin Nr.1 1 Location Aeroklub Celje, Medlog 20, 3000 Slovenija ICAO Code: LJCL Coordinates: 46°14'36.89"N / 015°13'31.63"E Elevation AMSL: 244 m / 801 ft Contacts Aeroklub Celje, Medlog 20, 3000 Celje, Slovenija Website: Telephone: +386 35 472 030 Mobile: +386 30 60 88 50 (airport manager) E-mail: [email protected] GP Website: 30/03/2017 1st Bulletin 2 Schedule Discounted entry until May, 15th Final entries closed June, 15th Unofficial training August, 15th -18th Official training August, 19th Registration August, 16-19th First official pilots briefing August, 19th at 10.00 Opening briefing August, 19th at 10.00 Opening ceremony August, 19th at 11.00 Contest flying August, 20th – 26th Public Day August, 26th Award ceremony August, 26th 31/03/2017 1st Bulletin 3 Competition Officials Competition director: Erazem Polutnik Referee/CSO: To be defined Task setting: Erazem Polutnik Scoring: Uroš Krašovic Event management: Toni Šibanc / Andreja Erjavec Public relations: Kinga Kore / Toni Šibanc Meteo : Teodor Mirnik Website: Toni Šibanc / Uroš Krašovic Competing gliders The contest will be held in the 18m Class. There will be no wing loading limitation. Gliders must have a valid Certificate of Airworthiness or a Permit-to-Fly not excluding competition flying. 30/03/2017 1st Bulletin 4 Competition Area and Airspace The tasks during the Sailplane Grand Prix Slovenia will be set to Alps region towards West or into the flat land in East direction towards Hungary. The task setting is going to take into consideration multiple factors including: • Possibility for the public to follow parts of the race both from the airfield and from scenic observation points in the contest area; • outlanding possibilities and safe terrain clearance; • airspace restrictions. 30/03/2017 1st Bulletin 5 Rules and Local Procedures The competition will be run according to the SGP rules which can be downloaded from: 338/sgp-rules-v8.0.pdf The local procedures will be published on the competition website immediately after approval by the SGP committee. Insurance requirements • Third party liability insurance, not excluding competitions, or equivalent (1’500’000 SDR up to a MTOW 999 kg) • Personal medical insurance is required for all pilots, covering accidents and sickness, including any local hospital costs and the costs of transport back to the team member's home country. 30/03/2017 1st Bulletin 6 Pilot criteria According the SGP rules, pilots: • Must have flown at least 250 hours as a pilot in command, of which at least 100 hours must be flown in sailplanes. • Must hold a pilot License or equivalent document issued or recognized by EASA. • Must hold a current FAI sporting licence. Number of entries The maximum number of entries is 20 pilots. If at the preliminary closing date of April 30th, 2017, there are more entries than allocated, the top 20 IGC ranked entrants will be accepted. Registration The pilot registration form is available at http:// information/pilot-entry-form.aspx 30/03/2017 1st Bulletin 7 Payments The payment must be executed via Bank transfer to: Account holder: Aeroklub Celje Holder address: Medlog 20, SI-3000 Celje, Slovenia IBAN: SI56 0510 0801 4206 321 SWIFT: ABANSI2X Bank: Abanka d.d. Bank address: Slovenska 58, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia A pilot who enters but withdraws before the event, will be entitled to a refund on the following basis: Before May 15 th, 2017: full refund of all payments. Before June 15 th, 2017: refund of 50% of payments. After June 15th, 2017: no refund available. 31/03/2017 1st Bulletin 8 Entry fee Entry fee is 270 EUR before May 15 th and 350 EUR after this date for each participating pilot and covers all airfield operational costs, except aero tows. Aero tows Per launch, 50 EUR; release altitude depends on weather conditions and will be as decided on a daily basis by the Competition Director. Dinner Every evening dinner with different menus will be served at the airfield, price per adult is 20 EUR including one drink. Camping Camping might be possible at airfield. Price per person for complete period is 150 EUR 31/03/2017 1st Bulletin 9 Helper We can organize personal helper for period of competion for 400EUR. Transport In case you would like to arrive without car, we can organize daily transport from hotel to airfield for 60EUR and transporation from Ljubljana airport and back for 70EUR. Packages We have prepared also package deales, which includes above costs in a package. In package aerotows for the non- flying days are not refundable, except if the competition will have less than 3 flying days. 31/03/2017 1st Bulletin 10 Package A Includes entry fee and all aerotows (excluded towing from other airfields) for 685EUR. (610EUR before May 15th) Package B Includes entry fee, all aerotows (excluded towing from other airfields) and dinners for 790EUR. (710EUR before May 15th) Package C Includes entry fee, all aerotows (excluded towing from other airfields), dinners and hotel single room with breakfast included for 1080EUR. (990EUR before May 15th) Package D Includes entry fee, all aerotows (excluded towing from other airfields), dinners, helper, transport and hotel single room with breakfast for 1480EUR. (1390EUR before May 15th) 31/03/2017 1st Bulletin 11 Accomodation There is a lot of accomodation around airfield. You can check them on We can arrange accomodation in selected hotels with special prices. Hotel Celeia Price per night including breakfast for single bed room is 49EUR. Hotel Faraon Price per night including breakfast for single bed room is 45EUR. 31/03/2017 1st Bulletin 12 Other activites • Visiting Celje castle (, • Having “borovničev štrudl“ at Celjska koča ( • Guided tour downtown Celje with dinner in local restaurant ( • Visiting coal mining museum in Velenje ( • Visiting Pekel Cave ( • Taking bath in Thermana Laško ( • Guided tour downtown Ljubljana ( • Guided tour around lake Bled ( 30/03/2017 1st Bulletin 13 .
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