Division of Professional Studies Spring 2021 Newsletter
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Bridgewater College BC Digital Commons Division of Professional Studies Newsletters Division of Professional Studies Spring 2021 Division of Professional Studies Spring 2021 Newsletter Bridgewater College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bridgewater.edu/ professional_studies_newsletter DIVISION OF Economics and Business Administration PROFESSIONAL Health and Human Sciences Spring 2021 STUDIES Teacher Education Program Newsletter MESSAGE FROM THE BC SIGNS ARTICULATION DIVISION HEAD AGREEMENT IN COACHING I’ve spent most of my life being competi- tive, as anyone watching March Madness with me would likely ascertain. I grew up WITH RANDOLPH playing sports, which meant that someone won and some- On Jan. 20, Bridgewater and Randolph College in Lynchburg, Va., entered one lost. I love into an articulation agreement for students interested in pursuing a career in competition and coaching. BC graduates with a coaching minor who meet minimal admissions suppose that has requirements for the Randolph College Master of Arts in Coaching and Sport bled into my life Leadership (MACSL) program will be guaranteed one of three reserved slots in areas outside of annually. Bridgewater College’s sports. coaching minor is accredited This year, howev- by the National Committee for er, has led me to the Accreditation of Coach- Dr. Barbara Long reflect on the spirit ing Education (NCACE) and of cooperation. was the first undergraduate The pandemic has separated us in so many program at a private, four- ways, but, above all else, I have marveled year liberal arts college to be at the cooperation I found around me. At accredited. Aimed at preparing the beginning of the school year, I needed competent and quality coach- an adjunct faculty member, and immedi- es, the BC program is aligned ately four different local institutions tried to help me staff the position. with the NCACE Standards for Sport Coaches. Throughout the year, colleagues have “Providing an opportunity offered their ideas to one another about for our graduates to enhance strategies for teaching. Families have jug- their already sound coaching gled child homework, professional work education through guaranteed and duties around the house. Techno- logically savvy people have shared their acceptance into Randolph knowledge with those who never used College’s MACSL program is Zoom or FaceTime before. a wonderful opportunity for our young coaches to grow In this newsletter, I highlight many good and become impactful profes- things that our faculty or students have sionals in their future careers,” done this last year. The one thing I cannot show in an article is the way they have co- said Dr. Barbara Long, Division operated to achieve a successful academic Head. Providing this oppor- year. So here’s to cooperation and all the tunity for BC students enables ways we bring ourselves together while those students to further striving for common understanding. their education while team- ing coursework with practical Best wishes, coaching placements in the Barbara Lynchburg and surrounding Dr. Barbara Long areas. [email protected] 1 BRIDGEWATER COLLEGE SHRM Endorses New Master of Science in Human Resource Management Program In February, the Society for Human program fully aligned with the 2005 exam. In reviewing national salary data, Resource Management (SHRM) SHRM Human Resource Curriculum SHRM reports that SHRM-CP credential announced that the Bridgewater Guidelines. BC’s MSHRM graduates will holders have a salary that is more than College Master of Science in Human now be able to apply for the SHRM 20% higher than that of employed Resource Management (MSHRM) Certified Professional (SHRM-CP) human resource professionals without the designation. Dr. Barbara Long said, “From the beginning, Dr. Roslyn Vargas, Director of the MSHRM program, had the foresight to ensure all courses in the program included the key competencies and objectives required of SHRM- aligned programs.” The MSHRM program is now also listed on the SHRM website, bringing the program greater visibility. With more than 300,000 members, SHRM is the premiere advocacy and professional organization for human resource practitioners in the Dr. Roslyn Vargas world. with students. Carr Receives Mednick Fellowship Dr. Jennie Carr, Associate Professor of Education, is the 2021 Virginia Foundation for Independent Colleges (VFIC) Mednick Memorial Fellowship recipient. “Math Matters Too!” is a virtual math mentorship project be- tween a math methods course and a rural Title I elemen- tary school designed to strengthen students’ foundation- al mathematical understanding through movement and manipulatives. The project will team preservice teachers (undergraduate teacher education candidates) with up- per-level elementary school students. This research is attempting to evaluate mitigation strat- egies for lagging math development in elementary students following learning disruptions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Providing mentorship opportu- nities in which teacher education candidates are able to work individually with a third-, fourth- or fifth-grade student may improve those students’ math skills reten- tion. Using quantitative research, Carr will identify if these students grow in math proficiency as the result of utilizing math manipulatives, virtual discussions and digital pen pals. The project will also examine participants’ beliefs about math enjoyment and ability to do math, on the part of both the elementary school students and the preser- vice teachers. The study will run throughout the 2021- 2022 academic year, with approximately 30 preservice teachers and 60 elementary school students. 2 Economics and Business Administration, Health and Human Sciences, Teacher Education Program | SPRING 2021 Students and Faculty Present at VAFCS Conference While most conferences have moved assisted several nutritional science to remote delivery, student and faculty and health and exercise science presentations have continued. Dr. Donna majors in their presentations. Hoskins, Department Chair of Health Lewam Gidey, sophomore nutri- and Human Sciences, and Prof. Deborah tional science major, presented, Dunn-Frederick, Instructor of Health and “Gastritis: What Is It and What Is Human Sciences, helped their students the Medical Nutrition Therapy?” secure several presentations at the Vir- Jenna Claire Ashley, junior nutri- ginia Association of Family and Consumer tional science major, presented, Sciences (VAFCS) state conference held “Epilepsy and The Ketogenic Diet,” April 16-17. Hoskins and Lauren Shippa, while Lynsey Taylor, senior nutri- senior family and consumer sciences tional science major, presented major, presented, “The Effects of Parental “Comparing the Medical Nutrition Thera- senior health and exercise science major, Guidance on Children during COVID.” py Approach to Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus presented on “Nutritional Needs for Likewise, Professor Dunn-Frederick in Adults and Youth.” Courtney Cooke, Preterm Infants.” COMMUNITY NUTRITION STUDENTS PRESENT TO BRIDGEWATER RETIREMENT COMMUNITY Independent living residents at “Healthy Food is a Happy Life - Feel Bridgewater Retirement Community Good with Smart Choices” was delivered (BRC) heard students from Prof. Deborah by Lewam Gidey, sophomore nutritional Dunn-Frederick’s community nutrition class science major, and Lynsey Taylor, senior deliver a 40-minute presentation on eating nutritional science major. The presentation healthy. Organized by the registered focused on healthy snack options and dietitians at BRC and Prof. Dunn-Frederick, reading food information labels. 2021 Retirements in Professional Studies The Division of Professional Studies is warmly sending off three retiring faculty at the end of this academic year. Prof. Tom Rosengarth is retiring after 16 years as an Instructor in the Department of Economics and Busi- (Clockwise): Prof. Deborah Dunn- ness Administration, from which Prof. Frederick, Prof. Tom Rosengarth Ron Kline is also retiring after 13 years and Prof. Ron Kline of service as an Instructor. In addition, Prof. Deborah Dunn-Frederick is retiring from the Department of Health and Human Sciences after 13 years as an Instructor. 3 BRIDGEWATER COLLEGE 2021 COLLEGE AWARD WINNERS EDUCATORS RISING COLLEGIATE COMES ECONOMICS AND BUSINESS HEALTH AND HUMAN SCIENCES ADMINISTRATION Excellence in Academics TO BC Robert L. Hueston Endowed Scholarship Rachel Petterson Tyler Fink, Torie Shifflett, Joshua Trapp Excellence in Leadership and Service Educators Rising Collegiate of Bridgewa- David G. and Margie Messick Smith Jacob Pangle ter College is a newly formed club for BC Endowed Scholarship Family and Consumer Sciences students in the Teacher Education Program. Emily Senger Major of the Year Educators Rising Collegiate is affiliated with David E. Will Endowed Scholarship for Calan Sparks Phi Delta Kappa International, a professional the Support of Public Accounting Health and Exercise Science organization for teachers focused on social Tyler Fink, Torie Shifflett Major of the Year Outstanding Senior in Economics and Gemma Leonard justice, engagement, excellence and results. Business Administration Award Health and Physical Education According to their website, Educators Rising Kayla Cline Major of the Year Collegiate chapters “help grow the profes- EDUCATION Claire Mocarski sion by offering supports to keep students Virginia Scholars Award Nutritional Science on track to graduate and get certified.” Michaela Deputy Major of the Year The new club recently hosted an advising Lynsey Taylor Teacher of Promise Awardees support night and has designed a teacher Raegan Baker, Elizabeth Haldane, education T-shirt for sale as a fundraiser. Plans Brianna Mathura, Brooklyn Mitchell, for the fall semester include working with Claire Mocarski Student Life to welcome first-year students who plan on careers in education to campus and hosting a meet-and-greet with faculty. Bridgewater College is an Equal Opportunity Provider. 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