BC Digital Commons Vol. 83, No. 1 | Fall 2007
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Bridgewater College BC Digital Commons Bridgewater Magazine Journals and Campus Publications Fall 2007 Vol. 83, No. 1 | Fall 2007 Bridgewater College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.bridgewater.edu/bridgewater_magazine gallery events SEPT. 3 -OCT.5 NOV.15 "Art and Society: Expressions on War,Prison 7:30 p.m. in Cole Hall ers, Materialism, and Politics"- Mixed-media Dr. Richard Wagner: Peace Psychology and its International works by Bridgewater Artist Robert Bersson. Aspects OCT.10-NOV.7 (Visit www.bridgewater.edu/convos for specifics.) Oct. 12: Reception in the Miller Gallery, 5-7 p.m. NOV.19 "BC Art Alumni:My First Ten Years"-BC Alums who 7:30 p.m. in Cole Half worked with Professor Michael Hough during his frst 10 Geraldine Kiefer:Virginia Byways,Panama Overlays:Trac years as an a rt profssor at Bridgewater. ings in a Traveled Landscape -Works in mixed drawing DEC.7 media on watercolor paper and in colored pencil over Kline Campus Center main lobby, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. photographs. Student Art Sale Kiefer is assistant professor of art history at Shenandoah NOV.12-DEC.14 University and an art historian with a Ph.D. from Case Western Nov. 19: Artist Talk, Cole Hall, 7:30 p.m. (see "Lecture" below); Reserve University. Reception in the Miller Gallery, 5-7 p.m. Information on the Winter/Spring Lectures will be listed on the "Nimrod Textures and Traces:The Venerable Tree and college Web site at www.bridgewater.edu/convos Smith Family Cemetery Series"- Photography and Draw ings by Shenandoah University Professor Geraldine Kiefer. music OCT.2 lectures 8 p.m. in Carter Center OCT.18 Faculty Recital- Dr.Timothy Weir,Trumpet Convo on the Road: Blackfrairs Playhouse,Staunton, OCT.13 Virginia 7:30 p.m. in Carter Center Discounted Ticket Cost: S 12.00- Seating Limited Homecoming Concer: BC Chorale and Jazz Band OCT.23 OCT.16 7:30 p.m. in Carter Center 8 p.m. in Carter Center David Radcliff,Director New Community Project -"War of Lyceum Series: Krista Rivers,Mezzo So the Worlds" presents the choice of a world of peace and prano in Recital prosperity and a world of confict and inequality. NOV.6 A Virginia native and graduate of Bridgewater College and 8 p.m. in Carter Center Bethany Seminary, Radcliff lives in Elgin, IL. Bridgewater College Symphonic Band Sponsor: WeimerChristian Vo cation of Peace& PeacemakingLectures NOV.17 & 18 NOV.7 8 p.m. in Carter Center (Sunday at 3 p.m.) 7:30 p.m. in Cole Hall Bridgewater College Oratorio Choir Gail Hand:Taming of the Brew Dr. Jesse Hopkins, Conductor � -Interactive program fcuses on NOV.27 realistic alternatives to drinking and 8 p.m. in Carter Center drug abuse on campus. Faculty Recital: Dr. Larry C.Taylor, Piano & Prof. Nan Covert: NOV9 Paintings and Piano 7:30 p.m. in Cole Hall Dr. Jesse Hopkins, Conductor Swiftkick Presents:The Secrets Behind MySpace and Facebook Sponsors: W.Harold Row Endowed Lecture Series & Eagle theater Productions NOV.1-4 NOV.14 8 p.m. in Cole Hall(Sun., Nov. 4 performance 7:30 p.m. in Cole Hall is at 3 p.m.) Camille Cooper:What Price Beauty? -"Discover the Truth" Theatre at Bridgewater College Produc addresses issues of women in Hollywood and how the tions: "Macbeth" by William Shakespeare media porrays the"perect American girl'' Sponsor: W. Harold Row Endowed Lecture Series For more infrmation on all the events fr 2007-0, please refer to our Arts & Events brocure or vij wbrigewater.edu Th Ceo Drier Mier Art Galery: Second floorof the Alexander Mack Memorial library. Open daily. Call 540-828-5413 for hours. Evnt Tckeu: Required for lyceums and Theatre at Bridgewater productions Other events are FREE. ...... lyceums:$13 adults/$10 seniors, non-BC students, children. Ticket sold at tnedooc one hour Arts before the performance 9 -I Thate at Brigewate: $6 adul ts/$5 seniors, nm-BC students, children. Gill540 -828- -I Events 8000 for moreinformatirn. ,. BRIDGEWATERTHEMAGA COLLEGEZINEo/ A G ' T BRID E v v nA J E R BRIDGEWATER is published by the Office of College Relations College Box 180, Bridgewater, Va. 22812 (540) 828-5720 [email protected] www.bridgewater.edu Alumni Association Officers Rescue! Robert E. Thurston, '81 -President Eric R. Gehr, '72-Presidcit-FJect When five young people went missing in one ofWestVirginia's Krista Kerns Shonk, '98 - Secretary biggest and most perilous caves, some 130 people descended Kathy G. Wright, '81-PastPnsident into the heart of darkness to rescue them - including Pete Barlow, President of Bridgewater College Dr. Phillip C. Stone a 2004 BC graduate. His, in fact, was one of the first new voices the missing cavers heard after more than 48 hours in the damp, Board of Trustees cold and ever-encroaching blackness. The Hon. G. Steven Agee Mr. J. Allen Layman Stor Charles Culbertson Mrs. Doris N. Alba.1gh Mr. Marion E. Mason by Dr. Glenn R. Barnhart Mr. Nathan H. Miller Mr. Volcy Beauplan Mr. Jerry F. Morris The Hon. Pasco M. Bowman II Mr. L. Manning Muntz ing The Rev. L. Clyde Ca,ctec J ,. M,. Wilfred E. Nolen The Pause That Refreshes Mrs. Violet S. Cox Mr. F. Gary Osborne Five BC faculty members who have recently taken, or will soon Mrs. Susan L. Craun Mrs. Anne M. Reid take, sabbaticals, talk about the research and writing prjects M,. William S. Eachart The Rev. Judy Mills Reime, that consumed them during their semester-long break from The Rev. Matthew P. Fike Pcof. C. Ray Smith Mr. Yancey W. Ford Jr. Mr. Rodney I. Smith teaching. The Rev. Harold D. Garber Mr. Robert I. Stolzman Stor by Charles Culbertson The Rev. Lawrence M. Johnson Mr. James H. Walsh Mr. James L. Keeler Dr. J. Paul Wampler Dr. Michael K. Ky les Mr. James L. Wilkerson Dr. Phillip C. Stone Junk Bonds Take a pickup truck full of discarded construction materials and mix well with one Bridgewater College art graduate. The result? EDITOR Charles Culbertson ART DIRECTOR Debca L. Sheffe,, '80 A work of art fit fr a museum, courtesy of Dave Fouts, '92. Here's CLASS NOTES EDITOR Macy K. Heatwole how- and why- he did it. EDITORIAL ASSISTANTS Mary K. Heatwole, Sandra J. Hottel, Stor by Charles Culbertson Ellen K. Layman, '65 CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Cha,cles Culbectson, Karen Doss Bowman, '91, M.:tt Barnhart, '03, Louise Cooper, Wendell Esbenshade, Mary K. Heatwole, Ruth Jones, '04 Esprit de Corps PHOTOGRAPHERS Charles Culbertson, Brian Masney; Ben Blankenburg, Tommy Thompson, Bill Storage When a career in professional baseball laid itself at the feet of Anh1 poos coures of AexdrMak Memoral lbrar 1961 BC graduate Thomas Kincaid, it seemed like a dream come PRINTED BV McClung Companies, Waynes.boro, Va. true. And then, out of nowhere, PresidentJohn F. Kennedy made DIRECTOR OF ALUMNI RELATIONS a speech ... Wendell Esbenshade Stor by Louise Cooper VICE PRESIDENT FOR COLLEGE RELATIONS Dr. Karen W. Wigginton I The Boxing Balladeer He was a good-looking kid, and could sing like a bird, which led a Bridgewater (series 064-960) is published four times per year by lot of guys to assume he was soft.When they pressed the matter, BridgewaterCollege, Bridgewater,VA 22812, foralumni, parents, fc Ray Fike, '63, showed 'em his left was just as good as his larynx. ult, staff and Fiends ofthe College. Br1dgewaterCollege is a mem Stor by Ruth Jones, '04 berofthe Council for AdvancementandSupportfor Education. Peri odic I postage paid at Bridgewater, Virginia, and additional offices. BRIDGEWUER Across the Mall ........................................... 2 COLLEGE Coaches Corner ......................................... 28 -- Bridgewater, Virginia --- Eagle Sports .............................................. 30 Class Notes ............................................... 35 college of character I community of excellence Ttmelines ................................................... 40 Coverphoto by BillStorage BC Launches $40 million Every Student, One Commitment Campaign n Sept. 14, Bridgewater College officially launched the public phase of a campaign to 0 raise $40 million for endowed scholarships, academic enhancement, facilities improve ments, laboratories, equipment and information technology, and the Bridgewater Fund. Nathan H. Miller, '65, of the Harrisonburg, Va., law firm of Miller Earle & Shanks, has been named campaign chairman. "The Every Student, One Commitment Campaign for Bridgewater College is a wonderful opportunity to make a lasting contribution to something truly good," Miller said. "It is really that simple. The young adults we educate at Bridgewater College leave here with values, integrity and a strong work ethic, as well as important skills for succeeding in whatever life they choose. We can never measure the lasting contributions they make in their communities or their professions, but we know they make a difference." The silent phase of the campaign began in July of 2004, and the public phase will extend through 2010. More than half the $40 million goal has been met. Areas for which contributions are being sought are: Endoed Scholarships - $11 million More than 95 percent of Bridgewater students receive financial assistance; many would not be able to afford Bridgewater College without it. From its own operating budget, BC provides more than $10 million annually, a figure that increases as federal and state funding for students dwindles. A more robust endowment is critical if the Col lege is to continue to attract academically strong and deserving students. Academic Excellence - $10 million To attract and retain exceptional teacher/scholars, the College must offer competitive salaries, funding for scholarly activity and reasonable teaching loads. As well, the College must offer another important measure of institutional distinc tion: endowed chairs and professorships. Bridgewater seeks support to acknowledge faculty excellence as well as for several fully endowed chairs or professorships to Nathan H Miler Campaign honor and support the individuals who are so committed to Bridgewater College.