DAILY ]_ . _MORNING OCTOBER 26, 1887—WITH SUPPLEMENT. S2&*Kit'JflSISD PRICE THREE CENTS. MPKtIAI. NOTIl'EM. THE PORTLAND DAILY HOW ABOUT BAILEY ? vita him as rumsellers who had been AN OLD CRIME RECALLED. long declaration of war PRESS, against without apparent THE EUROPEAN BUDGET zens called by the Mayor to protest crowded to the wall by him. alarm. j against Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the the recorder (tearing the rase of O’Brien. He had never taken bribes from any one, According to their ideas, the “war” is be- A YEAR’S WORK. PORTLAND Qi kk.nhtowx, Oet PUBLISHING COMPANY, Fifty-four Bath Citizens Want Him never notified proprietors of that he How the Bank was Robbed ing declared by a few red-ttag who The Political Aspect of the Arrest 35.—The Magistrate shops Augusta flirters, has foibiilden at At 97 Exchange was about to search them, and did his best are better out of the order than in it. any meeting Middleton dur- Street, Portland, Me for Constable. In 1849. of Sir Wilfred Blunt. ing the time the to serve warrants. General Secretary Litchman didn’t have Recorder hears Mr. Terms- Eight Dollars a Year. To O’Brien’s appeal from the verdict mail sub- Hon. U. M. Heath appeared before the much to say about the matter, but, glancing rendered scribers. Seven Dollars a Year.il In advance him at paid Council as representative of 200 Richmond over the resolutions, he remarked that Leib Churchill Preaches on Ireland With against Mltchellstown for using se- Rates of Advertising—One inch ol Wakefield a Made ditions space Mayor Opposes With for the of The False Key by the Wingate could have done himself much language. Amnal Review of the American Mis- tbe length of column, or twelve lines petitioners, praying pardon good if lie America for His ncnpariel Lorenzo the Richmond Text, constitutes a “square.” Vigorous Speech. Turner, murderer. Brothers. had simply allowed his uauie to have been More Troops to Support. $1.60per square, daily, first week; 76 ceutsper He asked a pardon on the ground of insan- left off the circular. week PAids, Oct. 25.—In the Chamber of Association. after; three insertions or less, $1.00 con- ity and offered the certificate of the prison "That section,” said the General While Depu- sionary tinuing other Secretary Chamberlain Talks of America every day after first week, 60 cents. Is There More Drunkenness in Bath physician to show that Turner was insane. of the Treasure In the "which says ‘organizers’ commissions have ties today. M Rouvler, Prime Minister and Half square, three insertions or 76 cents ; Recovery Leg- With Fisheries for His less, Ex-Attorney General Cleaves and been refused to members who were known to Subject. Minister of • one week, $1.00; 60 cents week after. Than Before for Years ? County Halls. Finance, introduced a bill pro- per Fifty Attorney Buker favored a pardon in letters islative disagree with the methods of the Special Notices, one-third additional. riug,’ viding for the and presented. A sister of Mrs. Hinck- shows that is what extraordinary' army navy Under head of “Amusements” and Auction Turner, precisely revenge they credit of loo.ouo.ooo francs. (Jen. Sales,” $2.00 inser- ley, offered to give her brother a home in are after. I think 1 need to say London, Oct. 33.—The members of the Ferron, The Debt All Paid and in per square per week; three to the nothing Minister of War. submitted a bill for Something tions or less, $1.60. [Special Press.] Rhode Island. The Council voted to Augusta, Oct. 82.—The remarkable con- more to than that Lieb a spec- place explain myself was Irish League on all hands are rejoicing at ial of and Augusta, Oct. 25.—The old contest over Turner In the Stain the one man corps infantry artillery for moun- Insane Hospital for observa- fessions of young have recalled to whom a commission was re- the THE MAINE STATE tion. new bluBder, and the incentive that will tain service. the PJJESS. the appointment of James Bailey and Solo- the of the Augusta bank in fused at the Minneapolis convention. The Treasury. robbery be to cause. is Published Thursday at The Council adjourned until tomorrow, order took that action for good and sufficient given Ireland’s It admitted Against Cermany. every Morning, $2.50 mon S. Holmes of Bath as special consta- 1849. The bank had just moved into new a year; if In advance, a after a brief session this No actiou reasons.” that while the arrest of Sir The states that the Czar visit- paid $2.00 year. bles to the evening. Wilfred is tech- Figaro Advertisements inserted in the "Maine State enforce liquor law, which waxed was taken in the Bath case. and had its funds in the quarters placed as the was ed with the Press” a nically legal, district pro- Copenhagen view of taking (which lias large circulation in every so warm before the Governor and Council Nothing has been heard from either of the of December. The follow- THE WA8HINCTON WIRE. of tiie for for in- vault on the 30th claimed decisive part State) $1.00 per square first interested in the of con- against any meetings of the kind action in regard to Bulgarian sertion, and 50 for each two years ago, was resumed in the board parties appointment cashier found a hole in Executive Committee’s on ceuts per square subse- ing morning, the big that affairs, and that he has formed an the insertion. stables at Bangor. was intended, yet it is no less plain to Report quent today. The following gentlemen represent- of the vault and the safe Liquor Cases Will Await their Turn anti-German alliauce between Bel- the brickwork the at Dublin Russia, Address all communications to! people Castle that it is a most Sweden ing the petitioners were piesent, all of Bath. Suspicion fastened on a In Court. gium, Uolland, and Denmark. Whole Field. BANCOR’S locked, but empty. serious misfortune to PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. Francis IRON STEAMER. the government that Other powers are expected to join the alli- Adams, Esq., counsel; Rev. J. L. man who had been staying in the Oct. young city, Washington, as—The United States the affair ever happened. It will be the ance. Hill, of Wesley Church; Rev. T. F. White, and Col. W. one of the di- THE WEATHER. The First of the Kind Built In Amer- George Stanley, Supreme Court yesterday denied the motion on w hich their Foreign Notes. of golden peg opponents may Elm Street Baptist Church; Rev. J. Rem- rectors of the bank, finally secured a con- made Mr. The ica. by Packard of Chicago to advance their That the incident French steamer Uindoostan, which ar- ick, of North Street Asa hang arguments. at Baptist Church; fession from the culprit, who maintained si- lour prohibition cuaef from Iowa aud rived Marseilles Monday from New York, Washington, Oct. 26. liquor will be made the most of, and used on every took Palmer, Henry F. Nettle, some of lire last night and was burned. Work in .the South in The indications for Palmer, Capt. lence until shown his garments one from Georgia, standing on the docket as entirely Prosperous Maine are warmer Bangok, Oct. 20.—It is worthy of note that occasion to the confusion of the government She had 3,000 tons of merchandise which was Charles Patten, Capt. Parker Oliver, James which had been found buried in the snow numbers and weather, fair, light to fresh northerly the first iron ever built in America 1,018, 1,091 to 1,004, inclusive. cannot be doubted. If the destroyed. winds, and S. Hon. steamship and bore the marks of brick dust. The supporters, gov- Bailey, S. Holmes. J."W. young involve same A cable announces the of Trials. was constructed to run They the questions which were ernment so as despatch death by Spite becoming southerly. expressly between man had previously been recognized a proceeds far to impose a fine Pure. Wakefield, mayor of Bath, opposed the ap- by the drowning in a shipwreck off Madagascar of Absolutely and Boston. This steamer was named detective as Edward Wingate of Charles- presented’by case of Siebold and Ilage- upon Sir Wilfred Blunt or to seuteuce him pointment of Hon. Wm. of Bangor the Hungarian violinist. LOCAL WEATHER Bailey. Rogers town. Mass. His older brother was with lin of Kansas The to prison to serve a term, as it has done in Remenyl, This never varies. A marvel of purity REPORT. and her first and is already argued. Attorney Menzil Mark, one o( General powder Bath was in attendance. Bangor, history, last, was robbed. the case of the Nationalists, a more serious Boulanger’s strength and wholesomeness. More economical Portland, Ale,, Oct. 1887. him when the bank General of Kansas, who by reason of a mis- spies, has stolen from the coinmnmler of the 25, rather remarkable. She was built in 1840 error still will be than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold in Francis the by The Wingate brothers were very skillful apprehension, did not appear to argue the committed, for an appeal 17 A M | 3 p M |1() v m" Adams, Esq., opened hearing will gurrisonut PnemvsL, in competition with the multitude of low test, short _ Betts, Ilarlan & at machinists and worked where the new latter case orallv. WHS in th« court, room anil be taken, and without doubt the Austrian-Ualicia, for tlie the Hollingsworth Wilming- safe appeal the plans of three forts and tied with The of weigm aium or pnospuaie powders. Sold in Barometer.30.24 ,30.24 30.33 petitioners by presenting peti- would be sustained. The is be- them Story only ton, Del., and was a twin screw boat of 200 for tlie Augusta Bank was made. One day hlcu a petition for leave to make oral argu- government to Russia. Yesterday’s Proceedings Ho VAX. Bakiko 106 uu £«"«. I’owiikk Co., Wall Thermometer. 38.0 45.6 |38. wuu, nuttu nut in uauico. a u cAtiatb now to realize more than N.Y. Dew as the safe sat on the sidewalk in front of ment now, notwithstanding the fact that the ginning forcibly The 8t., tylid&wtf Point. 22. 27. 128 tons, old measurement, rigged as a three- ever English Home Rule Union has re- from tlie petition reads : the to be be court has taken the case that their attempt to subdue Ireland bv Told in Full. Humidity.. 53. 48. :66. manufactory waiting varnished already under ad- solved to continue holding meetings in Ire- masted schooner. On her way north from t.h« Kphpinp nf rohlkim? thtt hnnlr ahiiia try Htnir visement. coercion Is resulting in a series of mistakes Wind. W W “In thus addressing you we wish to represent land, the arrest of |W that the and blunders which will not be notwithstanding Blunt. STATE Velocity. 7 7 8 prohibitory laws now on the statute Wilmington, the Bangor called at New York minds. The key was in the lock and it was Pensions for Maine. forgotten, They will send another deputation. Weather. books are not enforced in this locality either by an matter to the out and but are being remembered, aud at Cloudy CloudylFair to laud and attracted a easy slip key take The carefully in the Freuch Chamber of a mo- the county or municipal officers, as passengers, great following Maine pensions were grant- each coming election for Parliament will be Deputies Mean dally bar...30.27 Maximum ther. ..45.6 manifestly an impression in wax. The key was then tion to a committee to shown by the numerous cases of intoxicated per- deal of attention there, as she also did in ed iuto and used with tell- appoint inquire into The Mean dally tlier..40.7 Minimum ther... .36.8 put back so as not to awaken any today: brought requisition the decorations American Missionary Association be- sons seen daily on our streets, the open and suspicion, scandal passed by 379 to 135 Mean Max. vel. wind... by the of her hull much and the safe was in due time ORIGINAL. ing effect against them. Although it is uot dally d’wpt.25.7 12. lawless manner that individuals on the bus- Boston, beauty being shipped to this in spite of the of the minister. gan Its session In this city yesterday after- Detective Mean cariy E. heard as a protest prime dally hum. .66.7 Tutal ttflinii'pri hv naiitipnl AYnarte Kh* hnrl lu»rth8 one of the brothers Daniel Wiley, Fryeburg. openly yet, decided murmuring Agency, precip.0 iness of disposing of intoxicating liquors, thus city, following soon af- A plot has been discovered to assassinate noon at 3 o’clock at the Second Parish Con- ter. The safe arrived here James W. Smith, Belfast. among the Tories is rising and in causing great disorder and suffering.” for before the vault growing Prince Ferdiuand and MM. Stambuluff eighty passengers, and an under-deck Win. H. Gilman. Bath. strength agaiust the author of their misfor- and gregational church. The church was crowd- Mr. Adams asserted was ready to receive it, and all of these Natitchvitch. It PORTLAND and LEWISTON. METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. that the laws were not of barrels. Michael P. Foley. Togus. Mr. Arthur J. originated with a slave carrying capacity 1,00 Unfortu* weeks the construction of the vault was John tunes, namely: Balfour, the committee at ed, and the platform was well filled with of- (Oct. 10.00 enforced the and local officers and Kennedy, Togus. Odessa. An emissary of the I wish 25,1887, P.M.) by county on her second to this watched the who visited Irish Secretary. to Inform the public that 1 have opened uately, trip port the by robbers, the RESTORATION AND INCREASE. committee was arrested. ficers of the association and other eminent a branch office In Observations taken at the same moment of time referred to the two when bank Lewiston. Also that X am hearing years ago, took and was run ashore on building every day. During this time Ireland and America. to at all stations. Bangor (ire, Long James W. Godin, Brunswick. clergymen and laymen. The late Ex-Got- prepared quietly and successfully work up an appointment was not made on account of the pair were making tbeir plans and cases Penobscot where she was burn- taking which require the services of skilled Detec- Thermo’ter Wina Island, Bay, measurements of the vaults so as to RESTORATION. Lord Randolph Churchill spoke at Stock- RAILWAY ernor Washburn was president of the Asso~ to one of the who was walls, MATTERS. tives. objections gentlemen all the iron shell of her hull. attack it where it was Osman Buckfleld. ton *-» ed, except The weakest. Warren, last evening. Ue said that the Nation- elation. Yesterday Vice President Alexan- asked for by the At that hear- After the safe had ® * petitioners. ashore all been put in the vault alist Place of ij passengers got right with just The Baltimore Endangered. leaders had made a tool of his friend THE CANADIAN CONNECTION. der McKenzie, D. I)., of Massachusetts, pre- ROBERT-A. DAVIS, £ j- w ® i ing, which was in November, they had what stood but and and before the front had been bricked Ring 1885, they in, cargo everything in, who was an Nut’l Bunk <*_> «r c one ol the robbers There is Blunt, impulsive man, and knew The Railroad Commissioners have sided. The meeting commenced with First Building. Portland. been given to belive that the law would be else went up in smoke. The steamer was af- visited the bank in the great interest here in the result of Just sing- ® u 2 £ £ *a® to the whatever of Irish affairs. the No. 8 lainbon Ntreet, Eevristou. Observatiou. Z £ terward rebuilt at Bucksport, sold to the gov- night try key they had made before the election in Baltimore. The fear of de- nothing He ad- rendered their decision as to the manner of ing hymn. enforced, but he couldn’t see any improve- left Boston. oct2C sneodim 8 ernment, and went out to Mexico during the tbey They key was found to be feat is vised his hearers not to attach much im- connection between the All hall the power of Jesus’s Name. “I I | ment a stirring the “regular” Democrats to Canadian Pacific Is since then. Mr. Adams spoke in praise war between that and the United perfect tit, which was a good test of their country to such of which more and Rev. Frank T. of Stale street S ^ Q v» to skill and advertise for voters. In the portance collisions, Bangor and Piscataquis railroads at Bayley, S of Mr. Bailey and said he was free from States, her name having been changed to ingenuity. All their arrangements papers large were now complete, so they patiently waited and advertisements in- might occur, the object being to make the Greenville. The roads are to be connected church, acted as precentor, and Rev. E. P. DYE HOUSE NO. 3. vices and his example was a good one for the Scourge. displayed appear, NOTICE, after the surrender until the treasure had heed transferred. government of Ireland and to to the Timing, M. D., of St Law- Eastport, Me 30.30 40 —4 W Immediately of Vera forming Democratic voters where they can impossible according plan proposed by the Cana- formerly pastor Cloudv young men. Mr. Adams did not believe Then in the night effected an entrance Portland, Me 30.32 38 —6 \V Cruz the celebrated expedition against Alva- they alienate electoral support frem the Union dian Pacific at the rence church In this city, presided at the or- ""Fair Bath was to the get free tickets. Not only is this done, hut expense of that company, NOW IS THE TIME TO HAVE VOIR Boston, Mass 30.38 46 —2 NW Pair a city of drunkards, yet tiiere was rado started from that port. Two previous building, worked their way into the bank, and the safe the men in the party. Looking at the determination and which is also at its own to gan. Dr. McKenzie read the sixth chapter Block island 30.38 130 —12 N Cloudy a large amount of intoxication; and he held attempts had been made upon Alvardo by opening with their key, departments have been told expense construct Nantucket... 30.30 44 NW the naval secured its contents. |From the promptitude with which the government was a station for the transfer of of Matthew, following the reading with ap- FADED or "4 Cloudy rum was forces of the United States, but bank, i that they are expected to vote. This, how- freight and pas- SOILED Nortbfleld... 30.30 34 —6 n freely sold there and many old drove to the now he believed that the Fair without success, and this third advance was they State House. At that time acting, League and The propriate comments, and then offered a fer- N.Y 30.40 30 —8 ever, only refers to the Democrats. The sengers. connecting road is to be along Albany, W "i! Clear stagers were allow ed to carry on their busi- made with a only one watchman was all the forces of disorder in Ireland would be New \ork... 42 great display of power. The employed there, the hill west of the and vent prayer. The was 30.40 -0 NW .... who few officeholders are under Bangor Piscataquis hymn sung: GAftMEITS Cloudy ness without disturbed. left Vera on was sleeping at his post, for Republican who still almost got by the time Parliament re- Philadelphia. 30.42 44 —e NW being expedition Cruz March 30,1847. evidently station, and to rise feet, let us our friends ...Cloudy the forced an entrance in the ! left heie and who vote in Baltimore have sumed work. twenty-two requir- Come, Join above. Washington.. 30.40 42 —8 N The of the for the The army was represented by regiments of burglars base- ing a- grade of about feet the for ...cloudy report attorney general ment also been notified that the of the Some sentimental were fifty to mile. Rev. Renovated Wiuter. Take Va. 30.32 48 -lo N volunteers from window, and from there went up into vengeance people shocked bv 1 be Henry A. Hazen, of Auboradaie, Norfolk, Raiui’g was Georgia, South Carolina connection when constructed is to be them to past year cited to show that w’hile in ev- the hall of the House of “ring” will be visited upon them if they these collisions with the police; but in was Hatteras. "" and Alabama, a of and a Representatives. j at Mass., appointed secretary, and Rev. E. squadron cavalry, : operated joint expense with the Jacksonville. 30.10 70 8 other in In front of the desk was a leave their desks on a America the people were not so Bangor +0 Fair ery county the State there had been section of artillery, the whole under the speaker’s large Wednesday. Quite squeamish, and Piscataquis Railroad M. Cousens of assistant Galveston.... 30.22 62 —12 N Clear even with the a number of these men have a de- knowing that it was to trifle with Company. Maine, secretary.'' indictments of men command of Gen. Quitman, while the naval drawer, floor, used to keep expressed impossible 30.14 68 —12 N by grand juries engaged sire to home and lawlessness NOTES. Mr. Montgomery ...Cloudy forces consisted of the vessels: legislative documents in. Taking this drawer go vote, but say they do in a country with large demo- Daniels, pastor of the Sec- New Orleans 30.24 68 —14 NE Cloudv in the in there were following not dare to liquor traffic, Sagadahoc out and tearing up some loose lose the because they are cratic institutions. For instance, had Mr. The Aroostook Republican says: “There ond Parish chnrch, addressed word* Foster’s Forest City Dye House, Cincinnati,O. 30.42 38 —4 NE Clear Frigate Potomac, sloops-of-war St. Mary’s boards,young day nune The of the marshal of crawled into this small watched, and should be absent on Blaine about tbe American as is considerable excitement Pittsburg.... 30.42 30 —0 N Clear report city and Albany, steamers Mississippi, Vixen, Wingate hole down they spoken police among dur pro- of welcome to the Association in NO. 13 PREBLE N.y. 30.48 32 between the floor of the hall and the i Wednesday they would be dismissed. They Mr. Gladstone had about the Irish vincial over the rumored construc- ST. Buffalo, —8 N .Clear Bath for the year ending March 1, 1887, was Water Witch, and Spitfire, brig Porpoise, ceiling spoken heigbbors the 30.40 30 —0 of the rotunda ; say they have been told as much. at Kiiderminster he would tion of a absence of Kev. Dr. Penn, who Oswego. NW ... five directly Here Evidently probably railroad from Quebec Tailors* Pressmen Cloudy quoted from, showing that there had been small-gun schooners, one bomb-ketch, underneath, through Employed. Cleveland.... 30.48 32 —10 SE ....Cloudy the gold and some 600 the "regulars” are badly by the Iiolicule expelled from public life. Northern Aroostook to Halifax via was prevented by illness in his Mr. oetl7 and the steamer Scourge (Bangor) which lat- silver, weighing or frightened Moncton. family. sneodly Detroit. 30.50 28 —8 N ....Clear 102 committals for drunkenness the 700 outlook in Baltimore. The Lieutenants are The of New It will be a during ter was sent on some in pounds, was secreted. every- legislatures York and other direct line from Quebec to the Daniels referred the Dodge City.. 30.32 34 0 8E days advance. Putting spiri' work of the ....Fair year, while an of thing back in and very gloomy. Gorman, rather than trust American States were fond of reso- sea. It is said that this road GrandHaveu 30.40 22 —8 E examination the police When the expedition approached its apple-pie-order clearing passing proposed Association as them Fair ail dirt had the any subordinate with the mission, came over lutions expressing sympathy with disturbers will run Caribou.” tending-^ all In Marquette... 30.42 20 8W records for the from 7 to Octo- destination it was met by some mes- up they made, robbers closed through +2 ....Fair period April the himself and held a and earn- of order in Ireland, out when a great and cause, /oJr of Chicago, 111.. 30.48 26 -2 SW sengers, who the information basement window from the outside, driv- yesterday long similar events good spoke the ....Clear ber 23,1887, showed 124 commitments. The brought est consultation with in the occurred at home the lies Moines.. 80.42 28 +6 8 ....Clear that the stronghold of which ing at once to Gardiner, the watch- Higgins police speedily used BASE BALL. pleasure it gave to the chirffcfles of Portland lAlvarado, Gorham was much and clubs aud the Duluth, Minn 30.26 26 +12 S Clear speaker stated that the law makes it manda- had twice withstood the attacks of ful watchman being none the wiser. Treasury. worried, military rifles. to welcome the Association, and trusted that 8t.Paul,Minn for the All this young Wingate told Colonel Stan- when s ked by friends as to the result, ids With reference to the free traders. Lord it would their interest in the Leaveuw’rtli tory the sheriffs to enforce the law and fleet had surrendered to the daring of The World’s deepeu great 30.60 34 +2 SE .... cloudy before he answe was far from The “re- that a on Championship. Lieut. Hunter, of the without loss ley left the cell at the jail. Hastly reassuring. Randolph argued duty imported work in which they were engaged. SautaFe.... 30.04 44 4-2 N ...Fair he didn’t think they had done their in Scourge, here have imbibed the of manufactures would turn duty or to the summoning his son, 1). and gulars’ blueuess the sapport of the Rev. Dr. who at this 30.26 24 +12 SW ....Clear damage latter. The brave lieuten- George Stanley, McKenzie, presided Asalpibolne.. his county. the Dewis D. Colonel the lea iers, and do not feel either cheerful country from the Conservatives aud AT CHICAGO. session made an St. Vincent.. 30.04 20 +20 8 ....Clear ant thus won laurels which might otherwise jailor, Moore, Stanley only appropriate reoly, la the took the or hopeful. secure the of the towns. A on Deadwoou... 30.4u 20 SW ....Clear Mr. Asa Palmer read a list of over SO rum- have gone to Commodore of the fleet prisoner, and the whole four started support duty Innings.1 23466789 course of which he paid a high tribute to the +16 .Conley Notes. would be Detrolts.3 0 0 ... 30.30 28 --12 for the State House a mile imported food useless unless high 0001 0 x- 4 character of the lata of the Cheyenne E ....cloudy shops in Bath, their in- and other officers; but his triumph was nearly away. St. president Associ- North Platte 30.30 3u --10 designating location, This was about 12 o’clock enough to make corn Louis.O 00002100—3 8E ...Clear short-lived, for, too shown at night. They The President has issued a growing productive, ation, Ex-Governor W. B. Washburn, de- 30.20 30 cluding He stated fear- having plainly proclamation and there was Base Denver,Col.. 4-18 NE ....Cloudy apothecary shops. the of his entered the building in the same manner as Nov. 24th as no popular demand for such a lilts—Detrolts, 4; St. Louis, JO. Errors- ceased. Halifax. 30.30 30 inefficiency commander, who had appointing Thanksgiving. -12 W .... Cloudy that the was the bank robbers Detroits, 4; St. Louis, 5. Earned Card. lessly law not enforced in twice failed, even with a to ac- did. To get into the hole duty. runs—Detrolts, The chairman then appointed the follow- Montreal. .. large force, St. ...130.44 30! —41 NW Snow on the 1; I-ouls, 2. Batteries—Detzeiu aud (ianzell. HI Bath. He had seen officers enter what his so Wingate was obliged to take off his clothes Chamberlain Fisheries. ing committees: to Inform old .. Bath drink- complish junior had done handi- and my friends and patrons that Faso..130.00 64| +12! W Clear to his LONG ANOSHORT HAULS. King Boyle. I now he was court-martialed shirt and stockings. Crawling into A was On Nominations—Rev Messrs. A. 8. Jbegmay be found with Allen & Company, ing saloons, stay to a drink, ly, (the Lieutenant) meeting held at Islington, today, in Walker, E. P. Jones. Pv’t sTci, U. S. A. long enough get the hole feet first, the and boxes of D IX. Rufus K. W. ». D. Ar- clothers and furnishers, 204 Middle street, corner and virtually dismissed from the service. All bags honor of Chamberlain. After Years. Harlow, Gage, Lx, of Plum. and come out wiping their mouths. Mr. were out one one Joseph Resolutions Many thur GEOKGE M. GOOLD. this was remedied afterward, however, by money passed by to the Interstate Commerce Commission- Shirley. were Oil Messrs. Charles H. Formerly with F. It. Farrlngion. octlhsntf Palmer made a stirring appeal for protection the President, public now more than astonished bank officers. adopted expressing satisfaction at (Ms [Belfast City Press.] Arrangements—Rev. MAINE. prompted by opinion ers Leavitt H. Prank was While Colonel to watch the Question the Railroad Men. on Mr. Daniels, Hallock, X.. Bayley, from Alcohol. He had Thus the old Bangor .connected with Stanley stayed appointment the fisheries commission, Joseph Shaw, formerly of Waldo, Wm. H. en. King never seen funds \Vinernto w»a talron haot -tail «ftor Penn. D. D., Dea. K. P Dui one of the most famous of the Mex- and he about whose fate there has Ou Business—Rev. Messrs. Oeo. M. Howe, Wm. so much drunkenness during the 50 years he episodes which the trusting that would be successful In been considera- RAMOND’S United Workmen at ican coast campaigns. money was taken to the bank, Oct. his 8. smith, J V. D. IX, Oeo. K. Hail, Augusta. Chicago, 25.—Judging by a commun- announced intention to promote harmony ble discussion for several ar- Kingsbury. had known Bath as for two years past. The Just to but a little part of it being lost. This was years past, Oeo. K. Street, Dr. Luther B. Morse, Janies O. [Special to the Press.] previous building the Bangor, ication sent to the of the various and good will between theUulted States and VACATION Messrs. accomplished at about 4 o’clock in the morn- managers rived at the home of his dnmrhtar Mra .lad Butterick, condition of things was dreadful. Betts, Harlan & Hollingsworth con- England. Chamberlain that he was Ksq. Oet. 25.—Great lamutms m replied Augusta, preparations structed two small iron steam ing, to the great relief of the citizens of Au- iuis country me luier-duue in last week. The article in the of the Asso- EXCURSIONS. Rev. J. L. Hill of who came canal boats for well aware the task was full of difficulties. Gray, Belfast, He is in some- constitution have been mane for the State convention of Bath, recently New York gusta and the officers of the bank. parties, and soon afterward an Commerce Commissioners are beginning to The was and involved what feeble and for a ciation defining the terms of membership was All from Scotland, was astonished to see the This was one of the best question complicated health, number of Travelling Expenses Included. the A. O. U. to be held here iron river named W. W. Wel- planned and moat enormous read by the The treasurer, H. W. W., tomorrow. side-wheeler, find .t that but few of the roads are fully interests. On several occas'ons years past has lived in secretary. amount of drunkenness in Bath, and count- den, to run on the Delaware, but the adroitly managed robberies which the histo- the Burlington, Vt. His Hubbard, Esq., read his of which the Grand Overseer Spofford of ar- Baugor with the and during present century it had gone far report, Bucksport, was the first iron ever ry of crime records, not only for its success- com; ying law. particularly wife, whom he married after Belfast Is an abstract: rived members uf ed 47 intoxicated persons in a few weeks. steamship launched toward amicable relations be- leaving following A WIYTUIt tuulgbt. Pi/tj the elder from nn Atnorioan ful but for the manner endangering He didn’t think the was yard. execution, in which the long and short haul section, and they tween two died last and he has are mayor in sympathy uie treasure was secured. the great branches of the Anglo- month, returned to pass — from and a xoung Wingate now Treasurer’s Report. — coming Bangor way special mean to institute measures that will Saxon whose IN with the temperance men, and asserted that was let out on bail and skipped the country. race, cordial amity must be the remainder of bis days auioug his children train will be run from Bucksport. MAINE compel the railroads to comply with the earnestly desired by every friend of agCKIPTS. the officials were with CRANCERS. Frederic, the eldest, was captured in peace and brothers. It will be city the liquor sellers. Quincy, spirit, as well as the of the law and civilization. remembered that, From Churches. Schools, Mis- Fell Down Stairs. Mass., brought to Augusta, tried aud con- letter, (Cheers.) Sunday Mr. Adams read an order introduced whether formal are to They all had seen the in 1870, Mr. Shaw while treasur- sionary Societies and Individuals...$189,483.30 into victed, and sentenced to State After complaints presented telegram stating that disappeared CALIFORNIA. uct. the Bath Common Council The Year’s Work and Crowth of the prison. them or not. The the Irish From Estates and Legacies 63.289.73 lewiston, 20.—Airs. Cordelia A. June 1st, 1887, in- a communication is: Americans would do all in their er of the town of serving number of years he made a key to Waldo, having considera- From Income. Snudry Funds 10,581.07 a structing the officers to enforce the law. The ■‘Are there any points the power to mar bis mission, and would be » ., xr oanonn .. native of Prosperous the upon railroads of able m, X! ..< mX flio mill 1...... V> IL'T'/W Bean, Jay, but living in Lewis- Organization. prison door, and one day while he was ble of the town’s money in his possession. From Tullloii and Fubllc Funds. 28,904.81 order was talded in the board of aldermen. your company, or upon railroad to its success. ~ alone with the he seized any operated by prevent The sources of the Some he was From Keius. 478.10 THURSDAY, November 10, in a ton, and known here tlie name of guard a stick of your under thought murdered, while oth- by Ladd, Kev. J. Remick gave his observations as to company, lease or otherwise, to or statement .might be it From United States lor to the wood, knocked him down and walked from trout doubted, yet repre- ers thought he had absconded. Government, New nud Magnificent Train of Veniibuled fell it is down the the enforcement of the law in [Special Press.] which Inter-State rates for passengers or sented an Education ol backward, supposed, long liquor Bath. the State a free man. undoubted fact, that the Irish Mr. Shaw that he Indlaus 17,367.21 Pullman PrIhcc t an*, with Pullman prison freight are made by your road alone, or in com- says remembers but lit- flight of stairs from the main en- He had seen much drunkenness and cited an Augusta, Oct. 25.—The annual meeting of Americans are ready to use effort to From Slater Fund, paid to Institu- Pnince Dfniux-Car Attached. leading bination with other r«>ads, which are than every tle about the events of that but has a instance where he the officers had greater a time, tions. 7.860.00 trance of the Lewiston thought the State Grange will be held in Coburn rates to or from In the same prevent settlement. There has never been faiut Fou Pasadena, Los Angelks,8anta Barbara. City Building from not done points direction over recollection of being in a mill iu a their duty. INVESTICATINC RAILROADS. the same Hue? If so state a time during the last 30 when the San Diego. San Francisco, Pine street to the Hall, Skowliegan, Dec. 20-22, the usual rates pleas* what Hues are years strange place. he was ill in a Monterey, first landing, this fore- Here the rested their case and so also state Irish in America Afterwards, $3o ,761.37 the petitioners treated; the rate so made to or from have not been willing to in the and Other Famous Resorts vvci mo ittiiuinua nuu ui. we llOUMS camp woods, but after recovering his noon, and was found in a heap upon the Hon. J. W. Wakefield made one of his char- Oeilig such points respectively, showing the higher and use the privileges conceded their on the Pacific Coast Effingham Nichols President the lower by adopted strength, escaped, and reached a EXPENDITURES. acteristic speeches in opposition to the ap- given. A full board of officers is to be Says rates charged. The foregoing Informa- country to sow dissension and dually new features will be Introduced in our tasselated marble floor near the inside doors. tion promote 111 place where some Frenchmen The South. Many of Crant Removed His could be collected from the tariffs on were building season. Tiains and pointment Bailey, speaking vigorously also two members Signature. readily feeling between Great Britain and America. a Excursions this of Elegant She is seriously injured. chosen, of the executive file in the office of the commission, but not with road. While here, the men who had had For church and educational work, emlbnled Car*, will three quarters of an hour. The burden of More than once had shown their l.uxurioiiN > be run committee in of out great labor and an enormous amount of com- they readi- him in charge at the land, his remarks was a reiteration of the place N. Ham and W. H. ness to camp, arrived and dis- buildings, he.$197,768.88 A«roH« the Continent f#r the firm time. bribery New parison and revision. of jeopardize the best interests of their a Blddeford’s Young Nimrods. Ginn. The order Yoiik, Oct. 25—Effingham H. Nich- Every manager can, charged gun at him, but killed one of the The Chinee*. Form-ela** mt ala in the Fine*! Dining* charges made against Bailey two years ago. has met with about the course, state at once or his o'wn how adopted and to avenge real or fan- ols, a knowledge country rreuchmen. lie was held sometime the 4'um ever Huilt. Special Trains with Special Biddeford, Oct. 25.—A was re- He was astonished that 54 respectable citi- same this promoter of the central branch of the the fourth section of the act to com- cied lie was uot by For superintendent, teachers, rent, dispatch gain year as last, 1100 new mem- regulate injuries. sanguine enough authorities as a witness, the affair Facilities for Sight-Seeing. A Choice of Three zens of Bath should come to Pacific was the merce Is practically at the stations on his to that on the taking etc. 7.684,96 ceived here today from United Augusta before bers which road, first witness put on the applied anticipate present occasion in Canada, near Routes in the Outward .journey and Five Routes Deputy having joined, after deducting own line. The work of the commission will be place Montreal From throe The Indians. the Governor and Council and attempt to stand in they would change their but was en- Nineteen 1C to the woods drop liquor time Thomas A. and opposition principle deepest Society nil I lie I,(tiding Pacific* C'oR*t Be on* in- gunning. from that and build a monument to have been and Hendricks Reverdy the law, >vlU be considered, and such were renin Christ. city their organized three old, dormant explana- dye. They earnestly desirous of an Called to 4,870.10 cluding The Raymond, East Pasadena. The Johnson were counsel tion will probably be of material assistance to the Lowell. Fur ot Ja memory more lasting than Scripture. “In stat ones for the road, but not amicable and honorable settlement, and support aged missionary, Arlington, at Santa Barbara, the new Hotel Livermore Falls News. reorganized. The total number of sub- commission In the performance of Us duties.” W. 1. ing the amount of drunkenness in our while these gentlemen held the office. The would not allow it to be A despatch printed In the Press yester- mater, 2.0,00 del Monte, and the Palace Hotel, San Fran- city,” ordinate is 10. jeopardized by party Publications Livermore Oct. 25.—Portions of he said, “it should be noticed that, as shown granges 109; county, The To say that the receipt of this document rancor or personal stated cisco. Falls, interest in Nichols’s testimony this morning feeling. day the High Street Congregational the the record of the collector of the membership is 15,000, the loss by death by the railroad managers has caused consid- With reference to the of For'‘American Missionary'' (22,600 big $50,000 pulp machine to be put in the by port, being was centered in that of it where he question commer- church, of had — portion erable excitement as well as Lowell, Mass., extender! a monthly),annual reporta, clerk hire, Dale* of Other California Exeumiou* John H. Raymond, over 18,000 sailors 150. The order is in a said genuine sur- cial union between Canada and the United addition built to the stop generally flourishing that the late Gen. Grant’s signature was call to Kev. Mr. postage, etc. 7,080.00 December 5 and 8: .January 2. 12. 16 and 23: recently Umbagog Pulp there many of whom are to prise is putting it very mildly. The railroads States, the Toronto Globe said Canada had Nichols, of Maine. The 7 and 8 and 12. annually, given condition. Mr. J. W. of Bowdoinham attached to the original map for the exten- Agencies. February 2. 20; March Mill are arriving daily. Only one of its intoxication.’ Lang will now be compelled to give evidence reached it of was luc<>rrect pat- sion. When clamor drew at- stage development where her despatch and should have said N EW York.—Associate W. RAYMOND. I. A. WHITCOMB. He has organized three new and reor- public public against themselves. There is no Corres,Rind- tern was ever built in the United States. It denied that there had been more intox- granges tention to the affairs way they choice must prevail over all considerations. that the church had ing one dormant This of the road, Gen. Grant can evade the called Rev. C. II Secretary, traveling espeusis, ication for two and one-half years past than ganized grange. year tore giving desired information. If That meant that Canada had a to fol- etc. £3r'Send for descriptive circulars. will make about eight tons of pulp board off his signature aud referred the mat- right Daniels, of the Second Parish circulars, 4,189.(8 at any time, for 50 years. On Sagadahoc county has gained three new they are making rates from any points or low her own interests without reference to Church, in New York.-Women's Bureau. Sec- W. subsequently ter to Secretary Bontwell. Gen. Graut was RAVMOND, daily and increase the production of the mill the from his granges and made the greatest of point on their lines (higher for a shorter dis- the views of the this circu- contrary observation there had percentage President of the United States at the time. mother country, although city. retary, travelling expenses, 290 Washington St., (0pp. School St.), BOSTON. one-third. been better order the two gain in membership. County Valen- tance than for a longer one they must inform the of lars, etc. 1,43433 during and a half Deputy Nichols said that he never one dollar subject disagreement might be among Speakiug of Mr. the QCtgftdMt tine of Oxford is at work the paid to the commission of the fact Daniels, Lowell For Farters District.-District Mr. W. P. years than ever before. During the two county among a son or they will make those expressly withdrawn from her Washburuc, son of the deceased there. or daughter of Adam, on behalf of the cogui- Courier said: “So without Becrelaiy,clerk litre, traveling ex- years of James Bailey’s administration as granges Deputy Brown is doing ex- themselves liable to severe punishment. zances by the constitution. Let that be far, exception, ex-Minister scheme. There were no bonds distributed applied penses. printing, rent, postage, sta- Wasliburne, accompanied by city Sabbath cellent service among Waldo county granges. to Ireland. If ever Ireland those who have heard Mr. Daniels have been marshal, especially oujtlie day, for the construction, but bonds were distrib- obtaiued a prac- tionery, etc. 4,389.77 his wife, left here last for to there had been an unusual State Lecturer Thing is employed in Wash- night Chicago increase of uted for loans. The witness did not know TUPPER AND CHAMBERLAIN. tically independent parliament, separation very much pleased with him. aud lie will Foh Westers District—District attend the drunkenness. The law did not ington county. J. W. Lang and Thomas H. would be at the discretion of that S’ clerk hire, traveling ex- funeral of their father, which oc- require him, the nature of the bonds. When asked if parliament. probably be reported l y the committee to- errtary, HATS! to enforce the law and Sprague are actively engaged in Sagadahoc Gladstonians not penses, etc. 4,803.87 $1.00 curs personally, serve there were bonds for the wit- might intend to bring about Wednesday. issued claims, as a man in warrants. He had told the men county; K. A. Allen in county. The Canadian a but were night who, their judgmeut,would Administration. who cauie Androscoggin ness became somewhat annoyed, and said Commissioner Makes separation, blind to the results to him if they would warrants J. W. Lang of Bowdoinham is mentioned which must follow be a good for For Corresponding Secretary, Asso- Striking for Their Pay. sign lie that sometimes bonds were issued for exist- a Speech to His Constituents. inevitably the adoption pastor High street,church. Mr. would see that were prominently for State Master; Dr. G. M. of their ciate Corresponding Secretary, they served. The ing obligations. He said: “Existing obli- policy. rCheersJ. They failed to Daniels is not a candidate for the position, Biddeford, Oct. 25.—There is fresh reading of the statutes was that the Twitchell, Readfield, for State Lecturer; W. see the example which Canada Treasurer and clerk hire. 11,931.81 mayor gations became a cant word on the central denrly and declined to come to Lowell to or trouble at & and board of aldermen B. Hunt, Belmont, Overseer; D. O. [Special to the Press.] if their was preach, Miscellaneous. Andrews Son's quarry on the jointly shall enforce Bowen, branch, and it was used as a test to find out showed, that, policy adopted, the law. Morrill, State Treasurer. The present offi- N. would have to all to take any step which would put him in For rent, care of rooms, furuiture. re- Pool as all the if a man was him to Halifax, S., Oct. 25.--In a speech to England give up control road, arising, preceding have, cers, with the of sober, by asking pro- pairs. fuel and bocks ami sta- Tlie tiring has simmered he to exception directors and nouuce his over the union and hand it to Parnell, or that light. He does not seek of light, from a lack of funds with down, said, the two words ly. constituents last night, Sir Charles Tup- change rent of safe which to pay the the question of not State secretary, have held office for five years. quick some successor, who be less moderate tionery, deposit box, appointing, con- stated that might pastorate, and ha is a possible candidate in clerk hire, men. It has come to an because I Bath is proposed as the for the per be had received a cablegram in his aud more postage, traveling expen- one to invest a dol- be old story for the stables, made no to the place sesj views hostile to British con- sense as knowu to have ses, Any wanting: opposition sion in 1888. from Mr. any only expressed expressage, telegrams, etc. 6.073.40 appointment ot these officers if ARRESTINC REPEATERS. Chamberlain, that it was nection. nice lar in a hat cin> get one of l#li, workmen to quit work when pay day comes tire Governor stating a doubt whether he could continue to under- Annual ting. 87».36 and Council see the of but for Gladstone Wills and estates 83 worth double the amount, ns this and and do necessity it. Solo- impossible him to visit Ottawa before go- Hopeful. go the work required of him in the large and 271 goes they not get the money due mon S. Holmes and WASHED ASHORE. account 899.77 James Bailey. 1 make How to Gladstone has arrived at the Payson Memorial church in Port- Annuity Fall lie will sell one with Silk them. As a They are Cettlng Ready to Vote 'ng Washington. If no other Marquis of prosperous Amounts sent to treasurer general thing these troubles no objection fo the former but I do not con- opposition land. It is that refunded, and it to be be residence. He made possible Mr. Daniels would mistake. 188.01 Trimmings guarantee have sider Mr. as a suitable man in Baltimore. offered to the reelection of the Canadian Itipon's several speech- by not amounted to much, but have been Bailey for the The Message Found in a Drifting not accept a call, but so much has beeu said All Wool. position. commissioner than that of the third es en route. At Leeds, he said that events in his amicably settled after a day or two, and it is party favor that the committee have felt that $298.783 80 Mr. Wakefield cited the records to Bottle. were police m Oct. 25.—Tomorrow’s candidate, Sir Charles will leave the to ripening weekly, the government’s they could not well do otherwise than to sub- Debt, September 30th, 1888 6,783.71 reasonable to believe that this one will term- _ Baltimore, Md., fight show that Mr. Bailev made but few seizures mit the ease to city election promises to be the most excit- take care of itself after his policy growing from bad to worse and the the church and society for de- 197 MIDDLE STREET. inate in the same and a few will of liquor as compared with the nomination, and oc8eodtl way days previous city Sandwich, Mass., Oct. 25.—A bottle was ing ever held. About 50 alleged repeaters tide flowing In currents cision.” |3u4,567.61 marshal. meet Mr. Chamberlain on his arrival in New powerful more Balan.-e on hand September 30th, find all the men back at work again. Last up on Neck near were arrested Each than he had ventured to j»ir. yv iiKeueia men picked Sandy Beach, Barn- today. party charges quickly hope, re- 1887 2,193.80 made specific charges the other with colonization of voters. York. him of BOOKS RECEIVEoT was the A _ lieving the felt re- Thursday regularly fortnightly pay- of bribery against and asserted em- stable, in which was found a slip of paper anxisty formerly Bailey colored politician today sued Bernard Car- specting the length of the $306,781.81 day, but no money was forthcoming, and the phatically that when in office had at with the words thereon; struggle. Bailey following ter, who charged him on the hustings with Aristocratic Home Rulers. A History or the Negro Troops in the men concluded to their souls in different times received bribes from rum- On Board THEOLOOK possess pa- Steamer Sidney Wright, I a conspiracy to vote repeaters, for $50,000. Stanley’s Progress. War or the Rebellion. 1861-05. Preceded AL ENDOWMENT ECND. sellers. He could sustain his assertions in a Earl Spencer, at con- tience until another .... Sept. 19, 1880. | Other suits are Edinburgh today, Private North Bloomfield, "A day. Thus matters To threetened. advices from Stanley Pool by a Review of the Service, of Ohio, Friend,” court of justice and dared Bailey to sue him Whoever May Pick This Up: the report Military Negroes for Tal went on demned policy of the government In Ire- ladega College. $709.26 until this morning, when a dozen or for libel. This marshal also We are about 50 miles off West with a that Henry M. Stanley has gone 130 miles in Ancient aud Modern Times. By W. sjoaav city had. taken Key George ARTH1NOTON MISSION ECND. broken crank and the sea land, and his belief that Gladstone fifteen of the quarrymen, about half of the illegal fees from prisoners and bad sup- pin running heavy. At expressed further up the Aruwlmi and has sent the Williams, LL. D., Counsel and late Judge Advo- 2 p. in, we are afraid we will never The Anarchists’ Case. Hillsdale. Mich., estate of Mrs. T. F. pressed search warrants in his reach home. would soon be returned to power and that a cate In the entire force, dropped their tools and left the possession. All are well at the time of steamer Florida back to for Grand Army of the Republic,author The affidavits of Thomas writing but trust that 25. —Mr. Stanley Pool Douglass. $100.00 W. Hyde, Hon some vessel see us Chicago, 111., Oc£. Home Rule measure would be of the of the Race works, to do more passing may and pier us up. Solomons, of adopted by more and men. History Negro In America. refusing anything until Wm. Wm. E. John W. Bal- supplies The natives show- The of Portrait Rogers, Hogan, U1® iS t0l

* A YEAR’S WORK. There has been (luring the year a quiet Christian Along all these lines of service the Woman’s Barnes, Rev. Charles E„ New Bedford, Mass., ] dordough, Mrs. A. C., Gorham, 231 Cumberland ITHMiKLLANKOiPI. VISANCU1.. A.1HKKWK,lTs work throughout the whole field, which lias borne Bureau has been successful during the Unite.i States Hotel. st. rrHJ^~lFuESS FROM FIRST especially [CONTINUED PAGH.l be- Tilss gratifying fruits, over 1.000 having confessed past year. Its usefulness Is greatly Increased Berry, C. A. and sister, Middletown, Mass., doses, W. F., wife and 37 Deer- Durai.i daughter, Bath, Christ tor the first time. The Sunday school en- cause It is au organic part of a larger Association, House. lng st. Mrs. dun WEDNESDAY MORNING, OCT. 26. (Ifiy.four. Six of these are chartered Institutions rollment lias Increased bv nearly 2,000. The and thus gains a wider field of vision. The range Bevin, Philo, East Hampton, Conn., 179 roe, Elbert B. and wife. Southport, Conn., NORTHERN BANKING contributions or these Cumberland st. Falmouth COMPANY, , fairly entitled to the rank of Sixteen churches also show a health- of its operations is constantly enlarging. Hotel. Colleges. ful Increase. Belirends, Kev. A. J ri 605 Geo. They contributed this for F ■ 1)., Brooklyn, dills. Her. E., Rochester. N. H. tth are Normal and year finances.—Heceipts. No. 53 Me. STDCKBRlDGE. For men to be Training Schools. Thirty-two are heurvolence, outside of their own Congress st. dcGiu ey, Rev. W. N. 73 Exchange St., Portland, who believe laws ought work, $2,322.- From Mis- A., Portsmouth, U., At Oct. 26th. common schools, scattered nine dif 51, and for their own church Churches, Sunday-schools, Bird, Jos. H„ 242 Cumberland st. Brackett st. City Hall, Wednesday Evening, abolished the throughout purposes, $10,014.- and indivi- Willis, Mass., off Chicago Anarchists certainly ferent States. 60, making a grand total of $18,337.01. This sionary Societies U1“*‘e, ltev. s. L., New London, Conn., United durrett, Mrs. J. W.. Staudlsh, 70 st. Utciitioii of investors is culled to our I Eli of Welsh and Choruses, lileo^ 39 States Me., Deerlng Allow your Clothing, Evening English seem to take ad- was an increase ever the previous of duals.$189,483 Hotel. derrlman, Rev. W. E. and Boston, Mass., H cent. Debenture 7 and and Part the very willing every possible in tUese year Estates and 69,266 73 wife, per Bonds, Songs by rj analyzing figures we find not a few eu. $010.90 in llielr benevolences, and $3,076.01 in Legacies. Black. Mrs. W. H.. St. Jnllan Hotel. 732 Congress st. or of law. Funds. 10,86107 Blaucha. Ellsworth, Paint, Woodwork, 8 per cent. Guaranteed Mortgag- vantage couragtng facts. One school has been added to the the total. This is an average contribution of Income, Sundry i, Kev. M.. E Weymouth, Mass., 73 N and Public Fhuids. 81 Bar member for woman ami child in Tuition *8,964 Brack, t st. washed in the old es, Harbor Illuminating total number under tho care of the $2.32 per every 478 10 Newport, Rev. Fred’k, 87 Lincoln st. Internal Collector Page of Ports- Association these churches. The Kents. Blanchard, Kev. st. Wilton, u cent. and other Revenue average membership of these •’ J, Wheaton, 111., 724Congress dichols, Rev. C. L., amt So. 135 Company's per Bonds, during tho last year. Two new schools stand in United ntates Government for Mrs. ,1. 41 Forest wife, Freeport, twisting, shown his lists to churches, planted among the humble people who Blanchard, p Holbrook, Mass, st. rubbing, securities which we Welsh “come dowD,” 21 Vaughan good Prize mouth, has of Education of Indians. 17,357 ave. ^ list Normal Institutes. Normal work was be- have no Congregational trend nor training, stauds [from Cardin, Singers will no Slater Fund, to Institu- Northrop, Hon. B. O., Clinton, Conn., 875 Spring wrecking way. Join offer for sale. Wales). a Maine officer, aDd longer continue at the encouraging number of 02 for each paid Bliss, Mrs., Hartford, Conn., 179 Cumberland st. st. gun by the A. M. A. In I860; uow we have sixteen church, tions. 7,060 00 Hiss Mary Davies and Miss Maggie Purvis, Sopra- lie has while the average membership for each Boutelle, J. M. and wife, Townsend, Mass, 237 that of to “protect his customers.” found well furnished Congrega- st. dourse, Dea. B. A., Westboro, Mass., 154 Frank- large army ni; Miss I.ucy Clark and Miss Annie Coii- schools, one greut purpose of which tional church west of the is 43. High lin st. INTEREST PAiD ON DEPOSITS. liavls, not Is to Mississippi only 31 ralto; Mr. Dan Beddoearwl Mr. Klchard W. Evans, that a officer is above the law. instruct instructors. And these in the South are #306,761 Boynton. Mrs. Clara Mass., 192 New- economical who public people loyal Congre- K. Andover, 'loyes, and Mass. sensible, people, Mr. John Wllllains and Mr. Porwerth 1-arge additions have been made to the accom- for the have been st. wife, Whitman, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED reimr; 8yd- gationalists Although “a wild olive tree and The total disbursements year bury ile basso. modations of our from have learned that Daniels, [Klsteddlodic Prize Winners), Garrett’s fears schools during Ibis year. Three in the of a decrease in the expenditures of Bodge, G. A., 84 Quebec, st. experience Young Rooert that Jay school grafted among branches, they partake #298,783.80, Hartford, Conn., O. NKI.OKM CO.IIIOR, rmUnl. rtiese Artists are singers from the most fa- buildings, ana two building used for In- the root and fatness of the olive tree.” The old that of last year of #13,407. We entered this Booth, Mrs. K. F.. Providence, it. I., 335 Brackett as picked are Jdlln, Mrs. A. F., Exeter, N. H., St. Julian Hotel. used nous cbolr In England; winners of uearly all the Gould will steal Maryland not probably dustrial training, have been erected. their brethren with a debt of The that James Pyle’s Pearline, CHAN. I.. M Tougaloo arguments urged by Baptist that year #6,783. problem Jsgood, Mrs. R. D. and Irleud, Ft. Fair Held, 40 AHSTOIV, StecreiBrjr, principal prizes in tbe celebrated Crystal Palace the citizens of rejoices in the completion of the two ISal’.ard build- the Bible tells of John the but nowhere taxed our skill aim was this: How can Bowker, Kev. S., Mass. 121 State st. directed on each saves shared by that State. Mary- Baptist, energies Ballardvale, Hramnall st. package, sep»24 eodtl 'ompetltions since 1881; they In National ings, one used for class rooms aud the other for of John the lias lost its we do the work which the Lord has put us. Boynton, 8. P., Mass Wlmoutb Hotel. appear land must be rescued from the hands of the iudustrial Congrrgationalist, power upon Lynn, JUs, Dea. H. W., Watertown, Mass., 22 Bnunhall tear. [lostumes; will be assisted Dy tbe training. These two buildings were to shake their faith in the cUurcli of Paul and and at the same time uot increase this debt? It Burehers, Rev. K, N. H„ 131 State st. time, labor, rubbing, wear and they charming eroctea Aiton, young reader, MISS JESSIE before by the students, under the direction of the John Robinson. An old black man arose at times, as though it would impos- Burleigh. Mrs., South 150 Fraaklln st. Gorman ring anyone will want to recently looked, prove Berwick, Jlipbant, Rev. C. Mass., 315 Brack- Superintendent of Mechanical was sible. For the Mrs. C. st. H., Methuen, Your Clothes are worn out more it Training, who In a prayer meeting and most solemnly, with eager the month of February receipts Burge, F., Hollis, N. H., 33 Sn.lth ett st steal also the were same _ architect. The saving In expense of voice and smphatic gesticulation, exclaimed: “1 #9,000 less than last year for the Burgess, Joseph J. W. and wife, Wurebam, Mass., WANTED. 122 P. than It is to building was not less than $3,000, aud the indus- am a and 1 mean to continue till month, and even so late as there was a fall- st. by washing wearing. Congregational, July Kuiery H. In spite of the plain law that “no officer or trial classes were thus giveu the best Instruction I get up ing oil of #17,000 for the mouth. The magnifi- Brewster, Mr. Geo., Wolfbore, N. H-, 302, Dan Plummer, M., Rochester, N. H. to Pearline. Portland matur- yonder, forth Patrick, Rev. H. your advantage try City Bonds, COUTHOUI, of in this department. cent rally in September brought into the treasury st. J., Newton, Mass., 74 Atlantic employe the government shall or ‘Where congregations ne’er break — — require The Girts’ Industrial School at up, the sum of and tbs was Buttrick, J. G. and Mass.. 660 Con- st. 1887, AND Tbomasvllla, And Sabbaths never end.’ splendid #64,700, problem son, Lowell, ing November, Miss York. — — request any working man in the navy yard Ga. lias just entered into its new aud commodious solved. gress st. Perkins, Clara K., Topsfleld, Mass., 815 JAMES PYLE, New AND home. This building accommodates forty board- They have found Congregationalism in their old Through carefully studied In the ex- Brown, Miss Mary Q. and sister, Newhuryport, Spring st. to contribute or pay any for economy Mrs. C. Bold Water Co. money political ing pupils, furnished rooms for teachers, two hymn book, which is (he next thing to their Bible penditures, by persistent efforts lu the collecting Mass., 1 Arsenal st. Perry, J.. Ellsworth, St. Julian Hotel. Everywhere. Portland Bonds, purposes, nor shall any workingman here- offices, dining-room, recaption room, kitclieu and At the annual meeting in Cleveland in 1882, in field, and by the large and generous benevolence Briggs, Rev. W. T„ East Douglass, Mass., 170V* Perry, Miss M. A., Holden, Mass., 142 Pleasant maturing 1,1888. and all the incuts of a the of the Committee on Church Is of the all under God’s Neal st. st. feb28 eod&wnrmly April moved or discharged for laundry, appoint complete report Work, churches, good providence, Mr.V.Hayward, political opinion,” boarding school. found the following: "The rate of progress dur- this has been accomplished. Buckingham, Kev. 8. E. and daughter, Springfield, Perkins, Robert 8., Esq., Danvers, Mass., 19 We offer in exchange, a Solo performer on Dulcimer and Bells,from Cardiff, it Is noticed that the Kings Demo- Tile Academy at Pleasant Hill, Temi., a school ing the last seventeen years has been unlfsrmly The current expenses of the year are all paid. Mass.. 39 Deeritig st. Frederic st. Wales. County • rholco line of securities. established for the mountain nas constant, about five churches per year • The The debt with which we the is all can- Bylugton, Kev. Geo. 35 State st. Phelps, Rev. L. and wife, St. cratic Committee are assessments people, just began year P., Boston, Gardner, Mass., levying dedicated a new and commodious building, to be question now comes, whether it is not now time to celled. and we enter this new year with the good Brown, Mrs. H. W„ West Concord, N. H„ 110 Julian Hotel. Good evening tickets SO and 76 eents; seats on the 60 cents: now on ranging from one to two per cent, of the sal- used botli for school aud church purposes. change the rate by doubling It; at least to quicken sum of #2,193.80 on the credit side of the ledger, Newbury st. Porter. Miss H. S., Topsfleld, Mass., 315 Spring stage sale at Stockbrldge's the Do the show Music Store: half fare on Ef I'. 11 R ■ 1.,...i. aries on the At Williamsburg, Ky., we have added an Indus- pace.” facts that this suggestion which will provide for the current expenses of the Baldwin, Rev. F. W. aud wife, Chelsea, Mass., 14 employes of the Brooklyn navy has M. & end T. It. It. trial Department to the course of study, and an been followed? Since 1882 fifty-five churches Association about ten days. Carlton st. Pierce, Rev. L. and wife, Blackstone, Mass., SWAN BARRETT, yard. unused factory has been purchased and fitted up have been organized, an average of elevon per But this has been a perilous experiment. The Brooks. Dea. E. P. and wife, Hollis, N. H„ 259 531 Cumlierhuid st. BANKERS, Note—Tbe doers will be kept closed during the for the accommodation of tho classes. year for the -five since 1882—more than work has none of It has been Brackett st. Phelps, Mrs, A. 21 Chestnut st. performance of any number on tbe programme These years suffered, although A., Ellsworth, IMG Middle Street, Portlund, Me. mountain boys who become skillful tu tho use of double the old rate of five per year. Auotlier illus- given up. The total number of missionaries lias Beard, Kev. A. D. York, Preble Phelps, Miss L. L., Ellsworth. 21 Chestnut st. oetlSO dlw The third and fourth class postmasters of F., D„ New oct l . kuiiAl..- Dr. McKenzie at this Catlln, G. 681 Con- $3,000.00 dition too intolerable in many respects to be to meat the needs of this de- point, referred to the W., Esq., Harrtuton, Conn., Cushman st. CURE Sour Heart- Invested In six ct. Denver cularged, growing gress it. Indigestion, Stomach, nearly $200,000 per At 8. activity in the church work. Five new fact that Dr. Edward Payson was once past- Bsv. 8. Mass United States Ho- duiuc. At *d a met mat tuo pay ui sum© ui I pattmeut. Avery Institute, Charleston, C., meeting Rev. 8. W. and 86 Powell, W., Otis, within a few months for a the the houses have been four or of the church with which the Association Clark, wile, Westpert. Mass., tel. burn, Colic and all diseases mortgages prominent damage wrought by earthquake has been erected; of these are among Lincoln st. Flatulency, the fourth class postmasters is too small, as l'ber« was serious of the the mountain people and oue the freedmeu was now its and he asked Perkins. I., and wife, Mass.. 01 Eastern Life Insurance Co. The class of mort- repaired. Interruption among holding meetings; Rev. 8., Wolfboro, N. H., 362 Danfortli st. Joseph Fitchburg, of the stomach; Costiveness, Inflamma- TEEMER GAUDAUR One new feature Iu our church Clark, st v7 has been shown in this State school work here, as tne fustitute could uot be work is tire organ- the congregation to sing the hymn written J. P. 162 Deerlug gages offered good as U. 8. Bonds. No notice, no conclusively Cleveland, and wife, Boxford, Mass., — for months, aud It was difficult then isation of two churches composed of Pike, John and wife, 947 Diarrhoea and diseases of the bow- AT opened [even principally by Mrs. Prentiss, the daughter of Dr. Cumberland st. Wilton, Me., Congress tion, rlsk.no expense to lender. Interest six perct. where there are not a few offices so lean that to the usual uumber of from the North, Pay- ■t gather pupils, on account Congregatlonallsts who have Calllster, Dea. M., st. of financial losses and the Intense taken their residence iu the South. son, Gardnei.Mass.. 70Gray els; Biliousness, Nausea, semi-annually, payable at your home bank. The not a Democrat has been found hungry excitement of up They More love to Christ. Cowles, ltuel F., New Haven, Conn., 108 Emery Q. Congestion,'® LAKE me puuuc umiu mcmcm to me ueeded and under the care Thee, O, Is a of our six MARANACOOK, e&rinquake. rne help organized of Am. st. Quint, Rev. A. H., D. D., Dover, N. H„ 207 New- Headache, Giddiness, Nervousness, Liv- following sample per ct. loans, and enough to want any of them. But as a gen- shows au Miss. Ass’n. we have no It was the Oct. enrollment attendance el ninety, two Although great Pente- sung by congregation standing, Crane. Rev. C. D. and wife, New Castle, Falmouth bury st. to be secured must be accepted promptly by wire, Tliunxluy, 37, 1**7. eral rule it has not been at all difficult for less than last year. these exten- costal baptism to record Ibis year, we reverently after which the er and all diseases Notwithstanding corresponding secretary, Crosby, Miss A. A. and uelee, Worcester. Mass., R. Complaint, arising to examination and sive enlargements, pupils have beeu turned away our thanks "that the Lord lias added to the ltev. M.E. read extracts subject approval by any A GREAT DAY FCR THE PEOPLE OF MAINE the present administration to find all the speak Strieby, from letters 208 .State st. Rice, James P. and wile, Boston, 290 Danfortb st. from a and liver. from several of our Institutions because of lack lu church almost dally, such as are being saved.” from gorged sluggish They banker or lawyer at our expense. letters of tire workers in the employ of Crussfhwait, N. A„ New York. City Hotel. Reynolds, Rev. L. and wife, Yarmouth, 60 St, Trains leave Portland 8.30,10.60 a. in., Bath third and fourth class it has school accommodations and teaching force. In reduce 3 on business block postmasters MOUNTAIN WORK. the Association, particularly in the South. Cummings. Miss Anna K., Albany, Me., 384 Cum- Lawrence st. congested conditions, break up 312.IIIK), years, 7.16, 11.05a.m.; Brunswick8.16,11.35 a.m.; Au- one school the Principal tells us of a lioy who ap- Larimer St.. worth wanted at the regular Rev. Dr. led in for the laborers berland st. ltlchardsou.'C. A., Boston, Preble House. 833,000. burn U.47 a. nr., 12.18 p. m.; Lewiston U.65 a. m„ price. Thirty-five for admission to the school. He could not When tlie Executive committee Gage prayer Esq., stubborn complications, restore free, Must have Oct. of the A. M. A. in the various of the Curtis. Mary G.. Brockton, Mass., 167 Pearl st. Richardson, Mrs. C. A., aud friend, Chelsea, acceptance by 12.26 p. m.; Augusta 0.40 a. m„ 10.00 a.in.; Ban thousand fourth class postmasters have been Slledtke him. lu a few days a leading busluess man "decided to offer these mountain parts field. Rev. Mr. Nov. 10. people the aid of Cole. Mrs., Wells, 33 Smith st Preble House. healthy action to the are 28, money by gor 7.16, 10.20 a. m.; Watervllle 0.15 a. ui.. 13.20 of the city called to lutercede iu the behalf, our even Spear of Massachusetts offered and organs. They 3 first-class founa in the three years since Cleveland boy’s system,” probably this far-seeing com- prayer, Cook, Mr.. Granby. Mass.. 14 Carlton st. Bicliardson, Rev. Nashua, N. 70 9G.AOO, years property p. m. Pares from Portland. Brunswick, Bath, Au- but every corner of the school was full. "If there mittee did ltev. Dr. Rankin CyrUB, H., Gray on St., not fully recoguize the magnitude of pronounced the benedic- Christie, Rev. G. W., Presque Isle, 683 Congress st. 14th worth $80,000. gusta and Skuwhegan, f Auburn, Lewiston came in, and we have never heard that Is a case of sickness or removal for auy cause, will the uer the tion. Reliable Oct. 1.00; yet work, grand possibilities of the field. st. Richmond, Rev. James, 43 Purely Vegetable, Strictly Acceptance by 25, money and Watervllle, 75 ceuts. (handler's, Lewiston you not promise to let that boy tiavs the first Tlie few feeble that Tapleyvllle, Mass., Nov. 6. anyone had to hunt very hard to do it. churches then existed are Evening Coffin, Miss Anna, Haverhill, Mass., 487 Cumber- Fore st. and by Brigade and Bangor Bands will be In attendance chance? pleaded his earnest friend. But this now iu Meeting. Absolutely Safe. 5 block six brick scarcely recognized the larger work that land st. Caroline 146 Frank- 85,2011, years, to enliven the event with their choicest music, Under these circumstances an unfeeling boy was only one of many such aud has The services in the Rogers, W., Ferrlsburg, Vt. excellent hoys girls. grown up independently of them and miles evening were intro- Chase, Miss Belle, New Castle, Me., 273 Spring at. lin st. For Sale by all Druggist*. Price 25 ct*. per bo*; houses, location, octao U8t At another lustitution the at iu 3 worth Congress will to the Principal reported away. Indeed, entering tills legion in 1882 duced an anthem a select Calef, Mrs. George F., Saco, He.. 6# Brown st. Mrs.. 146 Franklin st. boxes for 64 ct*.: or sent by mall, postage free, tm $20,000. Acceptance probably quote poor one time the that there were by by choir, after Rice, Ferrlsburg, Vt., during year twenty- we were only putting the plow into the fields, Choate, Rev. E. L., 1*0 State receipt of price. l>r. J. 11. Schenck Jt boa, Ptulad'e* by Oct. 25, money by Nov. 6. the “iron law of and five families who were Northbore, Mass., Robinson, Miss Mary G., Guilford, Conn., 815 postmasters wages,” waiting for an opening Iu whleh had been already turned pioneer labor- which Rev. President Strong, of Carlton •t, Dwelling House loans. $500 to $2 000, not the A. M. A. that by Brackett st leave them to the merciless that school, they might send one or ers of the A. M. A. Before the war a brave man Rev. E. Cumberland Preble *od4tw6mnrm-ce2wM over 60 per ct. of value; seven competition more there. College, Minn., read the 72d Psalm, and also Cousins, M., Mills, Robertson, Miss Bertha, (A. M. A. teacher) 231 sepl2 pupils had pushed his way hack Into these mountain House. per ct. lnt. We have calls for Is plainly all on the side of Uncle Bam the In a school room fitted to accommodate of the 10th of Cumberland st. fifty- fastnesses tn Christ's uame. He went under com part chapter Luke, including about $i;o,ooo. 14th ANNUAL BALL D. Rev. C. N. 48 Atlan- two pupils If every desk was full, 1 counted liiue- mission from the A. M. Ropes. F., West Concord, H., A. He opened a school; the of the Good and then tic st. Mrhoel Hands paving 7 per ct. semi-annual- and parable Samaritan, Dickinson, Miss Minnie A., 11 * — — capitalist.__ ty-six, the teacher shortly afterward his work was successful. Into Greenfield, Mass., In New on or THE reported his school be pu£ Cushmau st. Root, Rev. Augustine, Holllston, Mass., 51 Qnebeo ly York, constantly Hint one hundred and eight were present. It goes a library for the use of the In this offered prayer. The hymn was sung, hand. State law prohibits In an editorial in the Concord Monitor without that is pupils. library Douglass, Miss Esther, Oakes, N. 11 Cushman st. saying it impossible to do the best there wat a volume of the of C., bonded Indebtedness in ex- sort of school Wesley's sermons, and, “Jesus, very thought Thee,” st. Rideout, Silas M. and wife, Cumberland Centre, Senator Chandler in forcible work under sucli circumstances as among one the sin of cess of 3 cent, assessed has, language, these, against slavery. This after which Dana, Mr. and Mrs. W. 46 170 Oxford st per and the A. M. A. seeks to do the of the K., Saccarappa, Cush- Sufferers — these, the best work hook into the hands ef a preacher evening, Rev. valuation. Price called attention to the of got pro-slavery family It mau st. Rev. Preble House. FliOM par—and gravity the pro- One of ikrec things Is true iu reference was Roy, Dr., Chicago, evidently told that the preacher was teaching anti- Dr. A. J. F. Behrends of New entered S. accrued Interest. Portland Police the York, Davis, Mrs. N. 110 Richards, Rev. J. and wife, Alfred, Me., 56 Department! that have been on in the New to educational work of the A. M. A.: We doctrine. Franklin, Farnsworth, H., for reference. Entire ceedings going slavery Excitement 111 this back moun- st. Brown st. Cut this ont charge taken must sillier sacrifice the of the Newbury — — character the work, or tain region was intense. A mob was pulpit. of real estate—rents collected “Illustrated Den- AT Hampshire Legislature. The Concord Moni- reduce the amount ef work organized. Deane, Rev. O. 8. and wife, Holbrook, Mass., 122 Russell, Mr. and Mrs. W. A., Townsond, Mass., done, or have more They seized this missionary, bound beat DR. BEHUEXDS’S SERMON. ver” mailed free on application. Which shall It him, him. High st. United States HoteL tor has not entered actively Into the railroad money. be? and took him some two miles over the mountains Industrial bolds astlll more Dr. Behrends took for his text the Dtckerman, Rev. 8. G., Amherst, Mass., Falmouth Russell, Mrs, John, Bethel, Me., 167 Pearl st training Important and threw him into a cabin and left two men passage Severe on as _v fight either side; this utterance, there- than ever In the Hotel. CITY HALL, place course «f instruction in our guards at the doors, while they, with their habitu- in Jude 3, “That ye should contend schools. The new earnestly Dinsmore, Rev. John and 108 S. fore, is entitled to the more weight as pre- Industrial buildings at Wil- al delay, weut to their homes for their wife, llarpswell, and dinner for the faith once for all delivered to the Newbury st. Sawyer, Mrs. M. A., Danvers, Maas., 46 Carelton F, G. PATTERSON, free from the liamsburg. Tougaloo Straight are already oc- They 1 ntended to return and inflict sorer Thursday Eve’ng, Oct. 27. sumably heat and prejudice of with interested classes. punish- Dixon, Herbert M. and wife, Smyrna, N. Y., 82 st cupied ment and perhaps liaug him. Two mountain lads Saints.’’ TAHOK BLOCK. (01.0. the After Governor There are now at Vaughan st. Sawyer, Miss Mary L., Boxford, Mass., 104 Em- 1 DKVTEK, fight. quoting Sawyer’s taught Teugaloo. In industrial brothers, beard this outrage. Tliev were Music by Chandler. Tickets admitting gent and branches: pupils The words are from the Scripture but un- Dodge, Rev. J. E., Sterling, Mass., 17 Wilmot st. ery st. oct20 dlw reason for the veto of the Hazeu that Farming, Tinning. Blacksmithing, of tills godly schoolmaster and love'd him. Each Coughs oct20 ladles •1.00, dlw bill, Drury, J. B. and wife, Gardner, Mass., 201 New- Sewall. Key. D. B., York, 732 Congress st. Wagon-maklug, Carpentering, Painting, the use of oae, unknown to the other, went a different der their martial ring may be found the WEAK LUNGS, SPITTING of methods have been Steam Power In aud by bury st. Scott, Rev. Cbas. aud wife, Roadiug, Mass., 22 “corrupt extensively nawiug otherwise. The boy path to the cabin witli his rifle on his shoulder WE OFFER FOR SALE who a course of blessed spirit of peace. The is Duren, Dea. E. F-, United States Hotel. Carleton st. LADIES’ GYMNASIUM. completes instruction In the They knocked down the brutal man epistle short, Bangor, BLOOD, and the early stage of nsed for the promotion of its passage,” and who guarded Dutton, Rev. J. M. and wife, Great Falls, N. Shelton, Rev. C. W. and wife, Birmingham, Conn., wagon-making department can build, Iron, the took their cut but its is not so as it H., WATER and palut door, teacher, the nerds that spirit rough appears. 70 State st. Preble House. PORTLAND CO., SHALL open a School for Physical Develop- that “deliberate systematic attempts at and for market wagons or be- and, while he and The times CONSUMPTION should use prepare carriages, Doundhim, his terrified wife at then were peculiar. Heresies were Miss E. Skinner, Rev. C. 139 Franklin st ment of Ladies and Children at my Academy, ginning with iron in the bar aud timber In the his side climbed the Douglass, W., Springfield, Mass., 108 N., Waterford, 40 YEAR GOLD 4s, I wholesale bribe' the servants of the peo- mountain, pushing their way abroad and Jude aroused himself to meet- st. Spaulding, Joel and 235 Cum- rough. to the Ohio these stalwart Newbury daughter, Augusta, river, mountain lads those heresies. was in of Rev. X. 17 berland st SINKING FUND BONDS, Normal Class for Culture, In- ple In this Let ^ have been made. The Industrial training for girls shows similar back the mob Religion danger Davies, M„ Biddeford, Wilmot sL Brooklyn Physical kept with the threatening use of C. B.. New Falmouth Hotel. structor. The School will be conducted Mr. Chandler advancement. The work has been better syste- their unerring riflei. This being separated from morality. We, too. are E ■ Spahr, York, upon gopa on tosS*y that the ques- missionary and his he- Rev. S. L. 217 st. Which be If desired. Also many Scientific the latest meth- matized, and regular grades la and reto wife to take his spirit for our guide in the Eastman. Rev. W. and So. Spear, B., Boston, Newbury may registered Principles by approved housekeeping finally reached the river and escaped. exigen- R., wife, Framingham Rev. 19 other desirable Investment securities, ods. For further call or send tion thus raised by the Governor dwarfs all sewing have been established. Kltchee Now for the cies of our own and the JM&ss 79 Smith, Arthur, Scarboro, Frederic st. Adamson s yielding particulars, please garden- wonderful climax of that We times, apply wblcli Is the history. injunc- Squires, Rev. N. J., New Haven, Conn., 64 Que- from 4 to 6 per cent. Interest. for circulars. Respectfully, railroad all ing, aesthetic name for all sorts of un- have recently organized a tion of tne apostle to the ef Eaton, Mrs. Emily D., Brunswick,146 Franklin st. controversies, money questions, aestlietic household Congregational church promulgation bec st. City of Portland Bonds, maturing within six S. B. GILBERT, work, has beeu introduced where these scenes occurred. truth in these later times. Emery, Miss E. B., Gorham, Preble House. all and a thrilling Among We are to look at Rev. G. H., Mass., 74 Atlantic st. months, and Portland Water Co. Bonds, maturing octlSdtf 607Vs Street. expenses inconveniences of pro- luto several of our schools, In one Instauce the tlie members who Emery E., Sanford. 81 Federal st. Scott, Ipswich, Congress original united In tho bonds of the great truths for which we are Rev. F. and 125 State 1888. received In at rates A. M. A. lias beeu invited to primal to Emerson, Rev. F. R. Hotel. Stanton, G. wife, Boston, April 1st, exchange longed session of the Legislature, all other missionary organize freedom-loviug Congregationalism were those two F., Newport, I., City Botanic that it to classes for Industrial lu the contend. Miss Sarah st. will make the traiuiug white public men who when hoys defended this American Mis- Evans, 8., Louisville, Ky., at Cyrus Issues, into The whole schools of the on First—We are to contend for Staples, Rev. J. C., Littleton, Mass., 732 Congress T« EXCHANGE THE POPULAR DANCES OF THE insignificance. Leg- city, account of her superior skill sionary’Association teacher at tlie risk of the Biblical Nowell's, Ellsworth st. ADVANTAGE OP HOLDERS In in this lme. their st. THEM NOW. islature has been made an of teaching own lives. A neat little church stands doctrine of God. This underlies all moral- object suspic- The Connecticut near this F, Stevens, Rev. H.A., Bristol, B.I., 306 Congress st. Industrial School for Girls, al- prison cabin of the past, and the bell that ity. It is not simply the fact of his exist- ion, and Senator Chandler very that hangs A. Stearnes, Jas. M., Esq., sou an 1 grandson, Brook- Balsam. properly ready mentioned, began Its existence uude- in its whose tones fall now ence Farrington, Miss E., Wilmington, N. 108 belfry, upon no slave's ; not merely the unity of tho Divine C., N. Y.. Durant House. II. HI. PAYSOH & demands that when so far the baptism of a fiery persecution at re- was st. lyn. It has astonished most the CO., reaching a ques- Qnltman, ear, contributed by the wife of tlie but the of His divine attri- Newbury Kev. E. Atkiuson N. 139 of KERMIS persons; unity Stoue, <1., joices iu tbe bi i. -1 _ — TT- •_1 S. and Depot. II., great enlargement its facilities first missionary of this mountain region. Such liiifoa IIo Fellows, H., wife, Waurigau, Conn., 702 Phiisiriftns. IVhlle it. tion of honor or dishonor is involved, the for Industrial Unlike the st. Frauklln st. skilled an training. prophet’s ex- was the heroic beginning of the Association's work Congress will be repeated, with exhibition we can that one in His one in all His manifesta- StrattoD, D. D. and wife, Boston, Mass., 49 Carle- dtf Legislature shall remain in session until the perience, say “the Lord was in the among these mountains. God had not action; Fisher, Rev. H. P.. Ludlow, VL, 17 Wilmot st. cures the it tins oct632EXChangeStre0t' of followed a fire." forgotten tions. God is ton st. Cough strengthens game Lawn Tennis, by during the years that passed, the tears and righteous wherever He is Folsom, Rev. O. W., Bath, 121 Ernerv st. of have been sifted to the bloed Pmsum u Pan (J A Ulu.i 14(11 t'o ~ «o Prof. Richard and Bat*s eharges bribery Let us turn a moment now to note the record of and of these brave gracious; and gracious wherever He is Stanley, wife, College, system and the blood. prayers sufferers for Christ’s 342 Cumberland st. purifies PROMENADE CONCERT ! bottom. Already the State of New Hamp- the year’s work iu our six chartered Institutions. sake. righteous. We will come back to the French, Kev. D. E., Vassalboro, 127 Spring st. Lewiston, great An, iv-» Sold and — Atlanta has Fullerton, Mrs. and tjuiiiiivt, a,., iicnuuijpui, uiaoo., by Oruggista l>ealers. ON — shire has suffered a University wrought throughout The mountain work now is divided Into two truth that God so loved the world that he Jacob, Irieud, Boston, 78 grievous loss of reputa- the year, under various embarrassments. Melbourn st. Emery st. No one wellfletlned fields, both important. 1 he field iu gave His Son to redeem Price lO 33 c., and 75 c. FOR SALE human soul Mrs. 139 Frauklin WEOFFER tion on account of the scandals from has yet beeu found to take up the has for its basis every Foster. Kev. A. P. and Boston Highlands, Sumner, 8., Worcester, Mass., arising large responsi- Kentucky the Louisville and that trusts to him. wife, st. FRIDAY OCT. at CITY HALL bilities of the Presidency so successfully borne by Nashville railroad, which has been Mas5.. 61 Deering st. mh21 EVENING, 28, the great railroad fight. For the legislators the lamented built since our Second—Another truth Is Schwartz. Mrs. M., Bangor. 71 State st. eodSwlynrmem Pw.wl klaliauul DauL Cl.aL President Ware. The schools of the iiii.aiuiun iwtc great the real Farrar, Kev. Henry, Chatham, N. Cumberland uegau uieir work in tills H., Kev. A. F. and 8 Bram «« **«•*» wuvvsM n iiuuui au and the various fields of uature of the human soul. It is Terrace. Skeele, wife, Augusta, rHiucot prophets labor have beeu region. Tlie central point of this work is Wil- immortal; it Fancy Articles, Wooden Shoes and lee Cream for sale. scanned, but uo hull st. diligently Elisba has beeu found Here we have a is too great a prize to be lost. Its re- C. Portland Mills attempt to vindicate themselves will only liamsburg. large and prosperous lightly Skeele, Mrs. E. B., A 8 Bramball st. Rolling Stock, upon whom her Elijah’s mantle should fall. academy and church. Eleven whole ality, its moral its ugusta, Adwiwl« 30c. Reserved Sent. 73c. tend to fasten shame The counties are dignity, immortality Gage, Rev. W. L„ D. D., Conn., W. W. Snow, Kev. B. F. and wife, Cape Elizabeth, .231 upon themselves and iniquitous Glenn Bill disturbed the quiet of easily reached from this centre and makes it Harttord, Dexter & R. R. Go's Stock. the only one of very precious in God’s sight; and Brown's, Cumberland st. Newport On sale at morning, Oct. scholastic life of the University. It is not nec- these has as been Deering. Stocltbrfdge’s Tuesday the State. Senator Chandler is a man whose yet occupied. In addition to for these truths the Gates, Kev. C.U. and 82 Mrs. 8. 88 Federal st. oct24 UBth. d6t essary to refer at length to the barbarous propo- the work at great concerning soul, wife, Llmlngton, Me., Stevens, S., Augusta, —ALSO— Williamsburg, there are two primary we are to Spruce st. Mrs.. 290 Danforth st. career has been national rather than local; sitions of this bill. It failed to pass, but the bitter schools and five earnestly contend. Sturgis, Augusta, organized churches and constant Getchell. Mis. M. Dr. M. New Preble House. .inuai ion. iuc uuirusive visits ni politicians and Third—One other great truth is the immut- A., Hampton, N. H., 335 Con- Strelby, E., York, and while he may be no more to his ly lncreasing numbers of stations in st. Portland Water Co. Fund Gold duo 1927. X loyal the excited state of missionary gress Slocum, Rev. W. 8., Baltimore, Md., W. W. la-Toit-ET, MfPoWDEP— Sinking 4s, sip E O AL1 public feeling, have been a this field, have been ability and final of moral law. Chapels erected in 8 Wil- authority Kev. A. Wells. 83 Carleton st. Brown’s at State than many other New terrible tax upon tbc of those who were and is Gleason, K., Deering. Wo mill roooiro PeilUnd Wtloi Co. duo K.ritlug IKivl. MOW OM sale hi Ule IvUitwlllg: Hampshire strength liatnsburg Woodbine and are used for nubile Righteousness the onlv source of security Oloaoun, Bov. U. L. wa.l nilv, Uo. JJ ilolU, Aldas., •luuut, Act. UttU. O., CACIC1, W. tt. (kfiFm, Go, A|nd f, already burdened with the work el the ■service. A Has ana and men, be no doubt appreciates more fully than regular pastor Been settled over the happiness: religion never makes a 142 State st. Stereos, Kev. H. A., Bristol, B. I., 30d Congress Troubles 3 Stoddard Lectures together.$2.00 and $1.S0 University. Notwithstanding these discourage- church at Williamsburg and has taken the with the moral law. Grant, Kev. II. M. Grant and st. S^iN 1899, in exchange for the 4s, on farorahlo terms. 3 Concerts 8.00and 2.S0 others the which the ments, Atlanta up compromise wife, Middlobroro, Symphony together.... damage reputation of University has Increased the en- work with great efficiency. The general mission- truth is Mass., 699 st. Mrs. John, 220 st. di- Dicksns. 1.00 and .76 rollment of from Hill of Fourth—Another the reasonable- Congress Souther, Fryebnrg, Me., Spring and the State Is abroad from pupils last voar te 413. ary lias been relieved from the pastoral duties Green, Miss M. M. A. 227 Smith, Dea. Richard and G1 We also offer carefully selected Municipal, Water Slddons. 1.00 and .76 suffering the recent “The wrath of men snail nessjand necessity of a Divine revelation,and N., (A. teacher,) Cum- wife, Peabody, Mass., praise him,” is a truth which he has borne before, and has larger oppor- berland st. st. BUI .60 occurrences. that is true. the and of the Deering seases, Works and Nye. unhappy always tunity for outside work which is plenary authority inspiration Griffin, Kev. H. Preble House. Rev. J. President Carleton Company Railroad Bonds. Powers and Troubadours.50 and .76 Fisk has pressing upon word of whatever is the L., Bangor, Strongs W., College, University enjoyed a year of marked him. "Can we not have at least one pastor for God, plain teaching Gurney, Kuth C.. Brockton, Mass., 167 Pearl st. Nortnfield, Minn., St. Julian Hotel. hr use a fa Haydn and Germania. 1.00 and .76 The character of the work done each of the word of that is to the end If was the fate of the English people In prosperity. here is the painfully urgent pica of oue God, be of Gray, B. A. and wife, Salem, Mass., 95 I.lncol Btlmpsen, Mrs. Thomas Mass., 61 Recital. 1.00 and .75 Is of a high order. A county?” E., Peabody, *for scholarly French prelate of the faithful workers in this field. all controversy. What then are the Mrs. 14 Atlantic st. at. sfj oct24 dlw ene other great and calamitous crisis of their of ihe Romish Church who liad visited specific Gould, Hannah, Gray, Me., Deering avinp WOODBURY & many insti- The other field of mountain work lies the doctrines of the Bible for which we are to MOULTON, tutions in this found along oountry that their affairs should be man- country, recently his way to Cumberland mountains in Tennessee, Its base is H. tfje MuRSEffY Fisk He took contend? They are the incarnation and the Tuft, Kev. J. N. and Mass., 124 Em- BANKER*,’ University. in hand the classes in the Cincinnati Southern and the work wife, Lynn, a that was not in lAtiu railroad, atonement of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hall, S. J., and 89 st, PORTLAND THEATRE aged by government sym- and Greek, and put them through an ex- extends far back into the mountains. friend, Wincbendon, Mass., ery i» Twenty-two Carleton st. H. 48 j^thlqphonos with the acting and exhausting examination. He after- counties are here One thought more is that we are to believe Tallcott, Thus. L., Glartenburg, Ct., Atlau pdwoE^ Cor. Middle & pathy people, with those' who in accessible to our pastors and Ber. Exchange Sts. TWO NIGHTS, wards said to a friend that the work done In the teachers. We have in this field in the kingdom of God on earth, and Harbett, Clias., Searsport, 424 St. John st. tic st. UnnYaled. are called two flourishing preach Kev. Neat,clean,fa/iif England tbe “common class rooms of Fisk was Harmon, Elijah, 97 Pine Terry, Rev. Calvin, No. Mass., 190 people.” University as euod us schools, one at Grand View and the other away it to men. The whole rational world is in- WUmlDgton, Mass, Weymouth, in that of American st. State st. and efpfctlVe. \>w up FRIDAY and 28 and 29. The masses of England, who in those any school which he had vis- up on the Cumberland plateau, at Pleasant Hill terested in the of that Beai/flfally SATUROAYMJCTOBER days ited. This Is proclamation glorious 126 Pearl st. Rev. D, 14S Pearl Send biehts for unsought testimony of high value. Resides these schools, there are also churches Hague,-, Boston, Tappau, D., Topsfleld, Mass., box wilh>ufr. PO R TLA1 l> of restricted suffrage could make their influ- Fisk Is at kingdom. We ought to rejoice in our work, Miss Ellen. Dnrant House. st. constantly broadening and deepening her Grand View, Pleasant Hill, Slick Rock Hamlen, Augusta, fri« beauf/fijl colored Btcfure,m» work. the Robbins, for our message is keyed to victory—it|is the Haskell, Miss H. M.. 41 Forest ave. Rev. Cbas. P. and N. GREATEST PRODUCTION of THE SEASON ence felt upon the Here, tod, enrollment shows a decided and East a new Fryeburg. Tenney, wife, Chester, II., »2 only Indirectly govern- Helenwood, year school was herald of and Miss 144 VVoor^sAhorosco IVaJ/StNY Increase over that of last year. The names in taken under the care deliverance joy to the weary Hallett, Mary E., Augusta, 235 Cumberlaud Brackett st. were to the of the A. M. A. at Sherwood L. R. Shewell's Successful ment, opposed coercion of the the caialogue number d37, as 384 Tenn. We and The world needs to hear st. Timing, Kev. E. P., M. D., United Melo-Drama, against last year have thus surrounded this vast moun- oppressed. Brooklyn, »ep9 American colonies. —a gain of 63. the there tain once more the Hazen, Kev. A., D. D„ Deerfield, 35 Pine st. States Hotel. cod&wlynrmcF But this sentiment, re- During year lias been a region with our missionary forces. A gener- song of the angels on the quiet work of al Hazeu. Rev. Henry A., Auburndale, Preble Kev. G. pressed aristocratic grace among the students, both missionary has been put into this field during plains of Bethlehem. There is no place for Tewkesbury. A., Cambrldgeport, Mass., TRUST COMPANY by found itself House. forms, hopeful and helpful. the past and the work 3S8 Spring st. ELYS year opens upon him with mourning—the glad song of Rev. Impotent to extend to America more Talladega College.—Among those who took the redemption Haines, J. T. and wife, Litchfield Corner, Tewkesbury, Rev. G. A., Oxford, Me., 338 Spring SHADOWS any constantly increasing maguitudo. These people should be taken up by the and its 177 Pearl st. Catarrh title of B. D. upon examination was a young cler- are Americans in seuse of the church, st. First National Bank substantial relief than was in every word, nine — — embodied the gyman who, several jubilant strains cease not, until the whole Hatch, Rev. David P., Rockland, 121 Emery st. Thayer. Rev. P. B., Garland, 683, st. Building. or a during years of successful ty-eight per cent, of the population of some coun- Congress CREAM BALM words and acts of William ministerial labor in a world shall echo with the strain. Hayes, Miss E. P., Limerick. 108 st. Mrs. A. E. and 83 Pitt. In a hun- large church, carried on ties having been born where they now live. Those triumphant Newbury Tracy, friend, Foxboro, Mass., and Herbert, Miss Aline J., Colcor l, N. U., 316 State st. dred the systematic study prepared liiineelf for these who coino into the region from other of The was then years suffrage has been extended examinations. parts the hymn sung: Brackett st 33 Smith st. and Railroad and Talladega College lays great em- same State are foreigners. A in writ- Tripp, Mrs., Wells, Cleanses the! City, County Bonds, but even in a upon missionary “Just as I am without one plea.” Henry, Dea. j. E., 164 Franklin Thurston. Mrs. 16 greatly; yet, general election, phasis thorough scholarship. The course of ing recently from this field says: "I asked how Westboro, Mas]., Win, Newburyport, Mass., other First-Class Securities. Includes normal st. Avou st. Nasal Passages. the people ef tbe United do not study training, college prepar- many of them in the meeting had bibles the congregation standing. Kingdom atory, and in their Herd, Kev. J. W., No. Brookfisld, Mass., 97 Pine Thayer. Mr. E. N. and wife, Mass., 41 GREAT college theological departments. The homes, and out of fifteen or Holbrook, Pain and CITY! fam- Allays have an chance with the voters intermediate and eighteen After the sermon the communion of the st. Forest ave. equal of the primary grades of the normal ilies represented only two of them had bibles.” INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS Under the management of Chas. B. and Thoma. have their Lord’s Hodgden Mrs. E., So. >160 Franklin st. Mrs. and Mrs. Bethel, Me. ■ n 0 animation. upper classes, each of whom in department outgrown accommodations, Anotbei missionary asked a girl seventeen Supper was observed, the Berwick, Twltchell, Alpha Clara, JelO eodtl Jefferson, sons of the celebrated Mr. may vote and the has years following Mrs. B. J., 41 Forest 167 Pearl st. comedlaa, building been enlarged to accommo- old If they had a book In her house. “A nook, ministers Holbrook, Holbrook, Mass., Heals the Sores, Jefferson. Presented the cast many different to the dis- date them. The industrial officiating: Revs. J. W. Strong of ave. ltev. T. 167 Brackett Joseph by original places according departments are an what is a book?” was the astonishing question. A Thayer, B., Garland, Me., feature of the school Holden, Kev. F. A. East N. 100 st. Restores the! tribution of his estates. The Irish leaders important work at Tallade- book was described to her. “Oh! yes/’ she said, Minnesota, W. L. Gage, D. D., of Connecti- Barrlugton, H., nAGXIPICIffT SCENIC EVVRCT* ga. The Winsted farm oilers flue "I believe Oak st. advantages tor there was one in the cabin before W. Deekerman of V. Senses of claim that at the last general election a ma- agricultural and the Slater cut, George Massachusetts, Holt, Mrs. Abiel, Weld, 20 8t. Lawrence st. Taste] training, large shop grandmam died, but It was lost so ago 1 CROCKER k CO. localities in (Mid about Now York city. furnishes the with long L Kev. W. 65 Vaa Horn, Rev. M., Newport, It. I., 38 Smith st. PULLEN, Including of students for thor- how it looked.” J. W. D. Connecticut. A., Berlin, Mass., Bram- and Smell. jority tbe voters were favorable to them opportunity plumb forgot Cooper, D., Valentine, Rev. Thos. 46 ough knowledge of mechanical Industries. This is our Houghton, J., Dorchester, Mass., work. Only the edges of this The Prices 75, 60 and 36 cents; sale of seats com- and to Gladstone, the of The President writes: aims great following deacons served: E. F. Horr, Kev. East 148 Pearl Cushman st. although majority “Talladega at field.have been gleaned. Will you not let us tend Elijah, Boston, Mass., Bankers and mences Oct. 26. oct24dlw thoroughness and seeks to cultivate our D. st. W. Brokers, Wednesday, the votes were against them. So It seems the baud harvesters right into the heart of this ripening Duren, Gaylord, R. H. Hinckley, S. W. bead and heart." The enrollment In this K k Miss E. E„ 142 Pleasant TRY CURE. that college grain to gather in the name of our God. W. H. Hawley, Holden, Mass., Wade, Rev. W. G., Sanford, 137 Free st. the" again, after a lapse of a century, the shows a slight Increase ever that of last Larrabee, Hubbard, John Spalding, st. NO. 33 EXCHANCE STREET. Ticket", on sale Ibis morning to f he year Susan Durant House. A Is into each nostril and Is English flnd their Straight University, at New Orleans, gathers INDIAN WOKE. Elbert B. Munroa, Horatio J. M. Hall, Miss E. B., Warren, 26 Winter st. Waldron, M., Augusta, particle applied people government pursu- Its Staples, Kev. J. Island Pond, Brack agreeable. Price 60 cents at by mall .’neaubere of the N. V. Uteri Ext kau,,. Lecture by Kev. Joseph among students many of that bright and inter- The Indian work is in Harlow, Kev. K. R., Medway, Mass., 74 Atlantic Walker, N., Vt.,.316 Druggists; ing a course which do chiefly Nebraska mud Gould, Albert Currier. ett st. 60cts. ELY BROTHERS. 236 Green- they not approve' esting people known as Creoles, who have so of- is st. registered, Private Wire to New York ^°^0W^D6 the summary for the Rev. F. and Brockton, wich St.. New York. and Boston But between the democratic that ten furnished characters for sung and story. The Rev. Dr. Gage gave thanks before the dis- Hibbard, Kev. D. S., Caploma, Kan., 26 Arsenal Warfield, A., wife, Mass., sep3eod&wlynrm opposition Romish Influence Is year°*a* st. 806 st. very strong at New Orleans SUMMARY OF INDIAN WORK. tribution of Congress disapproved Grenville and Lord North and but an the bread, and Rev. Mr. Decker- 91 Federal st. during interesting revival with which the Hill. Miss Sarah B., and three friends, Manillas, Watson, Mr., Sanford, INVESTMENT SECTH1TIES FOR SALE. school was Churches. 5 man 80 Rev. A.. N. 61 PARKER, D.D., the blessed this not a few before the Pleasant st. Watson, Hampstead, U., Quebec democratic opposition that to-day arrays year, children of Church presentation of the cup. Coughs, Soro Throat, Influenza, these Caihellc homes professed Christ. One of members.370 Hubbard. W. H., New York, Preble House. st. NEW YORK [of City Temple, London,] Itself there is Added during At the close of the special service Dr. Hotel. COKRKnPONDKNTN, against Salisbury hardly a these desired to Join the University church. Her year.* 43 Gage Harlow, Kev. K. K., Medway, Mass., 74 Atlantlo Walker. Rev. A. S.. D. D., Boston, City Whooping Cough, Croup, Bronchi- Hchools. *** jo made st. Webb. Rev. E. B.. D. D., Wellesley, Mass.., 605 and point of comparison so far as actual power parents gladly consented, saying that if their in appropriate remarks, and the congre- tis, Asthma, every affection of the Job s Comforters; from Science." child could live a Pupils schools..’...*** [ co8 st. CHARLES HEAD & CO. Subject Sympathy better Christian life in that -Hammond, Rev. H. L. and wife, Chleigo, 111., 208 Congress and Chest aro Is concerned. The one had Pitt, tho other Missionaries and teachers. 61 gation sung three stanzas of the Mr. and Mrs. D. 22 Throat, Langs speedily church than In tlielr own, they were rejoiced that hymn, Clark st. Winter. B., Norton, Mass., Dr. Parker Is the most famous pulpit orator hi “I Love awl cared the use BOSTON, has Gladstone. But even Pitt owed his seat she should take this stop. The religious interest The repert shows an Increase in Thy Kingdom Lord.” Haskell, Miss Alice. Topsham, Me., 36 Beckett st. Carleton st. permanently by of I Europe. Tickets, Including reserved seats, 75 eta. church encouraging United in the school this year has been deep and genu- membership. This means the redemption Rev. F. T. Hopkinson, Mrs. David, Derby, Me., 487 Cumber- WebsterL Eben and wife, Haverblll, Mass., and 61-00, according to location. Tlcketsat Stock- In Parliament to the favor of an aristocratic of souls Bayley acting as precentor. The CHARLES HEAD & ine. from heathenism. land st. States Hotel. CO. bridge’s. Evening tickets to any of the other Ex- The The three exercises closed with the Mrs. M. C. N. C81 Con- family; Gladstone has only to say by what regular course of training at Straight in- principal stations in the North are benediction by Howe, Kev. G. M„ Lewistoa, Preble House. White, H., Wakefield, H., ffISTAB'S BALSAM Of WILD CHEBRE constantly tras now;on sale at 36 and 50 cents. cludes normal instruction, and teachers educated hantee. Oahe, and Fort Berthold. The work has Rev. Mr. Daniels. Hubbard, Miss Minnie, Hiram, Me., 226 at. gress st. ({notations displayed. of the of he Spring st. “Fisk Jubilee,” Sol Smith, Pinafore, ami Coo constituency people England here are found In many southern cities. At Vicks- been strengthened in each of these stations dur- Wlswell. Rev. A., Skowhegan, 87 Lincoln There was a which does not a and leave Stan let T. Pollen, Prank C. Crocker. thoul Matinee. Course tickets to the above five, shall be returned, and he has a score of burg, Miss., the superintendent of the colored ing the year. The Santee Normal School cele very large audience present, J. Wilder, Rev. C. 8. and wife, Madisou, 814 Con- dry np congh lieu- tha cauaa decl eodtl and schools, eleven brated Its seventeentli behind, but loo.ena it, rleausea $1.26, $1.46 $1.«5. tenants as public having tsachers under Ills birthday during the past and the exercises of the were Rev. E. Independent as he. Yet Lord was evening in- Jameson, O., Willi], Mass., 1242 Cumber- L. Port N. the lung., and Irritation, thua re. Half fare and late trains to Dr. Parker's lecture. direction, Is a graduate of straight and is an hon- year. It the first school of its kind estab- land Wllllams Rev. and wife, Leyden, Y., allays and st. movin* the cause of the oct24 seems to think that he can or to his aim* mater. The year closed lished among this Its fruitful teresting impressive. 61 Thomas st. complaint. CON. dlw Salisbury carry just showed nation,and history Jenkins, Kev. E. E.,and wife, Williamsburg, Ky.. SUMPTION CAN HE CCttEI) an enrollment of 618 In this school. abundantly proves the wisdom of its The Williams, Edw. A., East Hartford, Conn., Durant by a timely In Ireland a hand even pupils Indus- planting. programme for the is as follows: 316 st. reaort to Four Per higher than Lord trial classes have normal day Spring House. Ihla standard remedy, a. is proved Funding loan, Cent, For- been organized as a part of the Superior training is the students in Mr. and Mrs. B. this given Jenney, F. T., Manchester Green and 9 bund reds of testimonials. North attempted to carry in America. It is regular school work. In tbo law at school. The enrollment this was 195. FORENOON. Wood, Frank, Ktq. wife, Boston, Deering by Thapenaine PARK OAR DK¥, departmeat year Conn., 345 Spring st. * Is we have the students w'ere st. signed Rnttt on tho wrapper. true that their Straight remarkable phenomenon of Twenty-six gathered in'be theo- 8.00 to Mrs. K. 61 Lincoln Park. by geographical position and 9.00—Prayer meeting. Jacobs, W., Peabody, Mass., Deering N. St. Julian Hotel. BETH W. FOW'I.E ft Year, Fund Bonds. Opp. white colored students sitting down side logical department, of whom will doubtless st. Williams, Mrs., Exeter, H., SONS, Prof'rs, ty Sinking by become many 9.00 to 9.30—Business. 424 St. Uass. and by reason of many other side In the same classes. The whites come missionaries to their own Woodwell, W. 11., Newburyport, Mass., Y Boston, Bold by dealsrs generally. C. H. Knowcton,.Man son. disadvantages from people. Pilgrim 9.30 to Secretaries Jordan, Rev. E. 8., Cumberland Centre, 97 Pine the best Southern families, and are Church at Santee lias a 10.30-rapers by Kev. A. F. John st. tbe Irish are able to make no such there because enjoyed year of prosperi- Beard. D. D Kev M. E. st. Office Portland Water Co. I successful the instrucilon In the Straight law ty. Eighteen have been added Strieby. 1). D., and Kev. Woodworth, Rev. C. L., D. D., and wife, Boston, OPEN EVERY AFTERNOON and EVENING. department Is to the member- James I). D. Jameson, Mrs. E. 36 Beckett Portland, Me., Sept. 36,1887. [ resistance as did tbe Americans. so A from ship ; eleven ou the confession of Fowell, A., Topsham, Me., Preble House. But it is superior. diploma this department ad- their faith. 10.30 to 12. Mttwim ot the Bonds of this due Doors at at mits a 00—Discussion of papers. Mrs. H. P. D., Stalest. Company open 2.00 p. m.; Performances 2.30 student to the practice of law without ex- tbrce Wyman, Bangor,71 are at home, In England that Lord Salis- • HAt,5!!?£»bTdi«Atency Tillages, including 12.00 to 12 30—Addresses ia memoriam ot K. HOLDERSApril 1st, 1888, hereby informed that and 8.00 m. itself, amination. about 8000 Imlians. are open to influ- Hon. Woodward, Mrs. Dora, New Castle, Me., 273 p. missionary William B. Drs. S. by virtue of on act additional to and amendatory must meet his ar- Miss., Is situated ence. and the worU is Washburn, by C. Buckingham st. bury foes. The forcible Tougatoo, only eight miles being pushed with increased and M. E. Miss Josle (A. M. A. teacher), 231 Cum- Spring of Chapter 159, special law* of 186H, approved from the of the 8late. T'gor. .Jacob Good Doe. a Strieby. THIS WEEK. COMMENCING OCTOBER 25th. rest of Sir Wilfrid Blunt at in capitol There has been ad- converted Indian, was K«Uo^g. •lamiarv 28th. 1887. the Portland Wafer I'mnnanv Woodford, ded to the former course of at the Boniface in tills field. AFTERNOON. Mrs. O. 41 study Tougaloo a Kimball, A., Holbrook. Mass., Forest Skia-filarrr** Is In cases of Skin were authorized to issue Consolidated tli. ave. Naap peerless Fall Mortgage a Ronca BIG County Galway, Ireland, Is most startling department of Biblical instruction during the Among Indians, in Nebraska, the 2.00—Report on educational work, South, by for bath Bonds for the of its bonds work had been disease. Use toilet, ana shaving. purpose refunding year. The purpose of this denari Bent is to It the carried on with about usual re- Kev. W. F, Slocum, Md. Kingsbury, Kev. J. D., Bradford, Mass., 148 Pearl heretofore issued as shall come and for circumstance, significant of the crisis which sults. Baltimore, Palmer’* Mkiu Haceru has cured ol they due. studeuts for more efficient and Intelligent Chris- 2.16 to 3.46—Address by Bev. Dr. Mix, Rev. F. many ■ ■ ■ the further construction of Its works. the aristocratic The OaAc.—This Keyes, Mrs. tbe most stubborn skin and disorders. party of England is facing. tian work. Industrial departments of Touga- mission includes a training school F. Emerson, Rev. M. ICrosUiwait, graduate ol L. E., Wells, 33 Smith St, scalp In accordance with said act Its bonds have been loo are and eleven Ilere an especially complete and have been out-stations on the Cheyenne and Fisk University. Knight, Coluinbu9 and wife, Falmouth. 2 Hill st. thu issued in denominations of and is English Baronet, himself a mem- already Grand rivers. ib Worth |6iX) gliXKJ paya- mentioned. The appropriation of *3.000 from Nineteen have been added to the on mountain Rev. A. Kingsbury, Dea. A., South Coventry, Conn., 316 in the of Boston, in Gold Coin ber Report work, by H. st. bilk City forty years Specialty Company! of the Oahe on aristocracy, but a man of philan- the State was almost the only one In the whole church, confession of their faith, during Quint, D. D. Spring from date, (due 102*) with interest at the rale of See posters and small bills. MSI ui ions the A mail Kyle, Kev. R. 81,000. arrested and Kpprupnai voteo ny me Legislature for year. young has been ordained as 3.46 to 6.00—Addresses by Rpv. Mr. McCall, J., Windham. 427 St. John st. 4 per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually in thropic ideas, fcrcibly dragged school to the Admission 15 cents. Belts 10 and 20 purposes that was not reduced this year. missionary Indians, and enters the field on Rev. H. M. Grout, Kev. Dr. Phillips and Rev. M. TO ART HAH, February and August. The bonds may be regis- Reserved to while his a This fact Is Grand River for his La a oct24 prison, wife, “lady” by title, remarkable testimony to the value of life work. He has caught E. Jenkins, missionary among the mountain WOMAN OR CHILD tered at the pleasure of the owner thereof. cents extra. dtf the school those who see the spirit of Edwards, amd as well as In fact, isjleft to the sympathies of hy its immediate results. Elliott, and Brainard. vv uues. a* Nowell’s, Tlte Company hare established a Sinking Fund, Hev. G. S...... ^r^ebur2' Cyrus who is not blaasad with Pope, who has been connected with a year 01 prosperity. EVENING. the proceeds of which wdl be applied by its Trus- the crowd. All New work is ^El'lsworU^st.^' Hats this was done for no other its President for in this a tees to the rougalooas many years, has opening field. I quote froit Devotional exercises. Larson. J. A 100 India st. fair, htalthy Skin, or payment of the Bonds. been transferred to the a recent letter from Fort Morrison, of the reason than that Sir Wilfrid Blunt general missionary work Bertbold: --Since my Lawrence Miss G. A. 227 it Holders Company's Bonds duo April 1st. attempted in the last letter we Addresses—President Win. DeWItt Hon. W„ (A. M. teacher), troubled with humors. Tennessee mountains. Ills services as hate had very interesting and seri- Hyde, Cumberland st. 1888, have the option of an exchange for Ihe new to exercise ous Nelson Van Pliou Dr. W. H. 8. Au- the right of free speech in Ire President of Tougaloo have been characterized by developments. The Gros Ventres and Man- Dingley, Lee, issue until November 16. 1887, on the terms to dan brey, o! England. Lawrence. Mrs., Jelllcho, Tenn., 160Cumberland ▲ft Skln-fluccW ne great energy and faithfulness. tribes, situated 20 aud 40 miles from have drvcrlrtB,' be obtained ou to Portland Water land. It is more tyrannical an act to arresl us, 1 application Ttllotson Institute, at little or no Me. A Tie. Bkln-Buoeeaa Austin, Texas, Is the only religious Instruction, only as they Lincoln, Key. N. and 16 Gray 8o»p Company, by GEO. P. WKSCGTT, the Baronet than to arrest a man ol seliool we come to us. These wile, No. Brldgton, $2.50! English important have in that great empire of two tribes we are hoping OUR GUESTS. at. PUm* Ch.mlo»l Oo^H. Y. sep27ulm Treasurer. tlie some of our DRESSeolomLE Southwest This Is the child young men who are the people like the Irishman O’Brien; but it is youngest among away at school Lee, Van Phou and wile, Ntw Haven, Conn., 14 ■ irking of ike akin ransing torture and loss For the above price you can call the chartered institutions of the association, hut will be soou tu work with. Avon at. of Is banished more ready sleep, by Bkin-Suceess Soap. on THE and significant since it shows that the contlicl even tliis child Is crying out for enlarged accom- •00° miles to the west The Press’s of Their Names 8, and COE, HATTEK, IF YOU ARE n/oKS’ESS jftwvj}**,.?iu Directory Lewis, F., friend, Boston,9 Deering st. Use Skls-SarrrM Seep and skin THINKINC is not between and bul modations. The enrollment of the school shows a °L*,or.1 Bertbold, Washington Territory. The Lewis, Mrs. F. 18 Lewis eruption'' have a fashionable liat made to Englishmen Irishmen, \V., Melrose of children will be — church here and Highlands, and the skin — considerable increase over that of last year, and has also been blessed during the Whereabouts. prevented kepi order. OF HAVING A between liberalism and and the for the now is year with revival and spotless. conservatism; promise year opening still larg- Influences, four have united Littlefield, B. A., E. Mass., 36 State oct3 er. One building ouly answers all the of with it on confession of faith. Bridgewater, eodly-cMnrm SHINE’S that the privileged classes will not spare one purpesei Below is the list of names of in this institution. Here are the school the These Indian missions have been visited those at- Jas. Life Size or of their rooms, per- Llnsley, N. and wife, Colchester, Conn., 160 197 Middle Street. Crnyon own order even, if he espouse the teachers’ rooms, the President’s residence and sonally during the year by two of the tendance at the of the American Federal st. of the secretaries meetings cause of office, dormitories, rooms for industrial training Association, and the work carefully in- Bev. nKNNENUKR'M NOTICE. SEW YORK the democracy. But the attitude of 1 Missionary Association Lovejoy, Geo. E., Franklin, Mass., Preble Colored Picture STORE. of gil ls, library, dining room, kitchen aud spected. arranged alphabeti- men like Sir Wilfrid chapel, New Blunt, Sir William Har- laundry, and It is not a large building either. Are Santa'Ff., Mexico, still receives allied ap- cally so that they can be referred to easily. Office ef the (Sheriff of Cumberland of from the A. aBd wBe, Haverhill, Mass., yourself, your friends, or your children, call at court, Lord and Earl not these facts potent arguments for a new build- propriation M. A. for the Indian de- County. 50 Doable Koseberry Granville, of Its With each name is given the person’s resi- L?!96C4*rVessJstN- the piece* Width Ores* Hoods, ing? An industrial department has been added partment University, the superintendent Lyman, Henry E. 005 Con- shows tbo formidable and teachers being dence L., Hampton, Mass., in all the new at 21c a array of liberalism to the Tillotson ti ls year and a superintendent of appointed by the Association and also the place where the person is Kress st. State of Maine. Cumberland ss. October 18, shades, yard. nas Fourteen Apache have been 50 all which Lord is a lib- mechanical training been appointed. girJs among tbe pu- entertained in this Lane. Bev. David, st. A. D. 1887. wool Merges at 8w a yard; Salisbury confronting, the first city. Freeport, 46 Stone pieces In addition to this goodly list of institutions we pils during year—the Apaches that have aUd Ea9t °t‘9' worth 02 l-2c. eralism which not ever *“88 Margie’ Is to give notice, that on the seventeenth only rallies the masses point with prhle to Heaver and Hampton, plant- been gathered in our schools. They prove A. ileld.t 50 to be and karrlugton THISday of October, A. 1). 1887. a Warrant In pieces Cashmeres and Diagonal but draws in prominent members ed hy the association. Howard University also re- bright docile pupils. Adams, ltev. J. E., 11 Cushman st. Livingstone, Bev. W. 79 of the Bangor, F„ Jeffries, N. H., High was Issued out of the Court of In- Dress Hoods at 25c a ceives support in its of CHINESE Adams, itev. M. N. and N. H. Insolvency yard. aristocracy either by the of department theology. WOBK. wile, Uopkingtou, solvency for said County of Cumberlaud against justness Its prin- Such Is the brief record of the educational work 122 Emery st. Lockwood, Bev. Geo. 20 pieces Flannel Dress double Missions. 17 A, and wife, Kennebunk, the estate of said Hoods, ciples or through their fear of its vigor. It in the South during the year. Thurman paid a Adams, Rev. D. E. and wife, Southboro, Mass. Me., 147 Congress st. width, at 2ttc; regular 50c. tribute to John Brown when he said of Missionaries. 28 88 State st. AI.MON K. JORDAN, of Cape Elizabeth, price is true that at present the has splendid Fuplls enrolled. 044 H'!!i2’.K.ev- 0eorge, and wife, So. Berwick, Me., 20 pieces Plaids and Novelties, for Tory party him in reference to ills of the schools: Alvon, Rev. H. C. and wife, So. 74 St. Lawrence st. adjudged to be an Insolvent Debtor, on neglect Hopeful conversions. Weymouth, Mass., petition combinations a the advantage of "That he let his Greek accent slant in the ’lGO 13 Mechanic st. of said which was Hied on the aud trimmiugs, at oOc privilege, especially at the wrong Glvlug up M. Debtor, petition way in order to set human souls.” But Idolatry. 211 Miss 20 St. Law seventeenth of A. D. 18H7, to worth polls; but the which up right Armstrong, Mary H., Blddeford, U'’ aDd Mass., day October, and examine yard; $1.00. disadvantages hold those heroic teachers of the A. M. A. The report of the Is both rence st. wif*’ Georgetown, which date Interest on Is to be those on exhibition. dtf are straight- Superintendent Joyful M14’,h§ta®« st*' ABSOLUTELY PURE AID IIKALTHKI L. I claims computed. tseps back the are to what and sail. The numbers of those Mrs. H. That the or said people slight they were ening Greek accents, solving mathematical prob- who have given Atwood. M., Melrose Highlands, Mass. Marsh, Bev. all the of I payment of any debts to by idol and 18 6. W., and Lynn, Mass., 105 good qualities lems, anil the book aud the al- up worship those converted are Lewis st. x wife, possessing Debtor, and the transfer and of the in other days, especially in those when teachihg spelling hopefully 1110 St. powders, while it contains I delivery any prop- Opp. Falmouth Hotel. days for tlie same the largest it has ever been our to re- Rev. W. H. D. baking him are forbidden law. phabet general purpose, that they privilege Aubrey, S., D., L. L. D., London Marsh, Elisha none of their I erty by by sep28 d 1 Lord North drove America into but the work C., Brlmfleld, Mass., 108 Newbury Injurious Ingredients. a y indepen- may set up right human souls. Salvation is Hie port; has laboied under great em- Eng., 370 Spring st. I That meeting of the Creditors of said Debtor, barrassment in the to more ;u*- TRUNKS guiding of tills serious diminution of Rev. prove their debts and choose one or dence in spite of the better sentiment of purpose educational work. Tills funds. Anderson, Asbur, Bristol, Conn., 72 Lincoln aud Eng- is not The resources for the current work were st. KeJ- Paniel wife, Manchester.Mass., of his w la- a of In- purpose forgotten amid tlio rush and fret of neces- 231 Cumberland st. slgnees estate, ill held at Court land. The general convention of the Liber- school cares aud duties. sarily reduced by more than New doors Rev. F. D.. N. 79 solvency to be holdeu at Probate Court Room, In *3,000. Ayer, Concord, H., High st. Marvin, Bev. A. ;P„ Mass., 143 Neal are opening in this Chinese work. The Miss Carrie 8t. Lawrence Lancaster, said Portland, on the seventh of November, als at Nottingham, where the Radical Mor- CHURCH WORK. Japanese Allen, W., Bangor,43 st. day aro now ripe for schools and and a Alleu, Mrs. Lizzie 43 St. Lawrence A.D. 1887, at ten o’clock In the forenoon. Number of Ch churches, B., Bangor, st. J' L" 408 Cumber- next to Gladstone, the of the " urchcs. 127 small lias been made in Auburu. Me., Given under hand flrst above writ- AND BAGS. ley was, pet beginning tills direction. Allen, Mrs. J. M., Augusta, 85 Federal st. Mhmd stD0S' my the date THE KEY TO THE SITUATION. Missionaries. 103 This work is open to us, and the command to enter ten. H. R. SARGENT, hour, showed a vigor and determinatioi: Merrill, Mrs., Camden, 290 Danforth st. Churchmembers. 7,«ofl Is written iu the imperative. B. Deputy Sheriff, as Messenger of the Court of In- Added during the Lucia, Mass., 192 New- which must surmount the coniparativelj year. 1.107 WOMAN’S Babb, Rev. T. West 79 Andover, solvency for said County of Cumberland. Scholars In our BUBEAC. E., Brookfield, Mass., MerrUl^tMlss Before a Trunk of any kind, look at th® Sunday schools.16.109 High st. octl9&20 buying obstacles which the bettei four have MHls, Bev. C. P., 1 Arsenal slight prevent stal'sties show a Only years passed since the Woman’s Newburyport, Mass., J,,'.'*9H substantial gain over Baker, Alvin A., Colchester, Conn., 150 Cumber- from do last icar. seven Bureau became a recognized department of our sentiment of the England of to-day new churches have been organ- land st. I)r. Flower's Nerve PATENT WOODTRUNK. ized the work, it existed in for Mass., Pills *1 per bottle. during year. They are situated although reality many Baker, Rev. Smith, and friend, Mass., A1«’ Cambridge, Ing justice to Ireland. It Is the good lortum lows: ,1‘n before. These have Lowell, “SMoY.,.1*- liecatur, Ulvorsido. Plantation, years years abundantly Preble House. of mond I.a. Aia.^Hatn- its efficiency. It is useful MiUett, Mrs. Mary, 46 Carlton By Druggists. They 'will give rest sole for them, and warrants them Lord Salisbury to live In an England ; University Church at Sew (jrleans- proven especially along Beals, Mrs. A. tV., Holbrook, Mass., 41 Purest Dorchester. Mass., SOUTHERN YELLOW PINE you COE Is agent three tinea: First. In the women wiio made. Also Zinc, where the Petty. leAias; Combs. Ky., and assislmg ave. the strongest leather,Canvas, Ac. facilitiesof the for express Audersonville’ are as teachers to “Montezuma,” Preble heso hot people (ia. The hills and valleys o} tlie engaged understand and grasp II. 72 Lincoln st. House LUMBER AND TIMBER. nights. prison pen a iu Bartholomew, S„ Bristol, Conn., Moore, B C., st. ing their will are so much than Audersonville now echo with the their work; again, reaching the mothers aud Mrs. L. A. and Worcester, Mass.. 43 Fore better tliej songs ana l fe» Bartlett, friend, Worcester, Mass., aUd 754 Memorandums of I.umbar furnished at the low- sometimes, with the prayers of the sisters of the pupils with purifying Christian 189 Wlfe' Holllston, Mass., were a al those Negro disci Franklin st. est market prices from our stock on th« wharf, or century ago that it will, unless to tlie heart's core to Influences, as could not lie reached in MCougresiasrtC9 pies, loyal New England they any Beard, Rev. E. 8., Brooklyn, Conn., 100 Cumber- L. direct from our Southern Piue Mills, and lu the signs fail, be other and in B. Mass., 22 Bram- impossible for him to carry hii Congregationalism. way; also, bringing Information to laud st. Watertown, Dressing Cases In Plush and Leather, for present quickest time. the benevolent women of possible to Eive churches have been dropped from the list the North iu regard to Beard, Rev. W. 68 atlou or travellers' use. Nothing so compact, ueal WEDDIIVO blunder the deplorable limit the need H., Klllingly, Conn., Deerlng Tenn readied bj this year, as changed conditions of comniunltisi special of their degraded aud helpless st. ,aUdWlfe’ JtUlc0’ ’160 and convenient. Cheap at DKKR1NO, W1NISI.OW A CO., the of Lord continue them. sisters iu the South. The of their MiSmb?rlaTi.ditA Invitations engraved or W.W. UAVIS ministry North.' made it unwise to shocking story Beacb, Homer T., Vernon Center, Conn., 100 Oak LA.HROIUS Jewelry ■HI Commercial Sirrrt, Portland, Hr. printed. COE, degradation can be told Store, * 4 0., I liim Ilo.lon. j only by wonieu to women. st. petto eodOm Eagraitn, Hi., 1117 M;;^^TG^i^sno,uio?ikd^L,ord,“- octasdlf I n middle direct. Bend for samples aud estimates. sepl2eod2m TIiddle Street* — _■1.—' * me following are to-day’s quotations of Govern- Pea Beans...2 66®2 76|Casco White. 7V4 Harding, do; Belle Hooper, Gilkey, Savannah; nilCELLANBOUS. ■■■CILLMMIW'__ ment securities: Medium....2 16®2 26ICeHtenulal. 7% Lorlng C Ballard, Bearse, Kennebec. ___ jrjj^TpRKSS. United States bonds, 8s. Herman nid2 25®2 40| Raiaina. Cld 24th, sch San Domingo, Bennett, Galveston. New 4s, reg.126% Yellow Kyes.l 76®1 86!Muscatel.... 12 60®3 60 PHILADELPHIA—Ar 2ed, steamer Allentown OCT. New MORXIXG* 26. 4s, coup. 126*8 Potatoes.bush 70c®80c! London Lay'r 3 00®3 10 Portland; sch Cassle Jameson, Saunders, Bangor; ^ New 4%s, reg.108% doHoulton, 86ciOndura Lay.. 111®!Vic C G Lester, Kennebeo. New 4%s,coup.108% St Potatoes 2 60®3 601 Valencia. 9Vi®10 Ar at Delaware Breakwater 24th, sch Jennie F THE PRE88. Central Pacific lsts.116 Onions jr bbl 3 60®3 761 Satm Willey, Iron) St John, NB, for Washington. Denver 4 K. Ur. lsts.121 granulated kt ft.7 Sid 24th, schs Jas K for COLORED at th» Periodical Turkeys.22®24i Lowell, Galveston; W SATIN Depots of N. M.iv Ae obtained Erie 2ds J for New York. u. Horae Railroad 98% Chlckeus.lG&lslHxtraC.6Vi Lermond, PeLieodeu. Station; Marquis, Kansas Pacific Fowls Serin. E.& M. C. De- Consols.102 .18®16; NEW YORK—Ar 23d, ship Vigilant. Gould, 78 Exchange St.; Armstrong R. R. Nav. lted 9

kdccational. A VM'AI, DIEETIMGR. niRCUUNEOCM. ____ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, cool place, and will free themselves of all earthy material, in which condition the bird* I’ortlaml Widows’ Wood Published every day (Sundays excepted) by the INSTRUCTION IN ENGLISH AND CLASS Society. particularly young birds like them all the annual of the Widows’ PORTLAND PUBLISHING COMPANY, rflHK meeting Portland better. 'Ihis method of keeping wonts A Wood for the choice of officers fur At 07 h'xcHANGK Society, Street, Portland, Me might be well to remember when one ICAL STUDIES the and the it such A con- ensuing year, transaction WATERLOO HIGH Terms- a Year. sub- FOR Dollars mall PRICES ! Right To templates a-fishing. as the earth-worms other business as come before said going Given to private by the may legally scribers. Seven Dollars a Ycar.il paid In advance when pupils subscriber, meeting, will be held at their cleared of all earthy matter can be office, City Building, Kates op Advertising—One Inch ol space on October A. I). 1887. hung on hooks clear to the Wednesday evening, 2<>, the length of or twelve lines up shanks, and at seven and column, nanpartel will last as J. W. a half o’clock. constitutes a twice long. * COLCORI), S. 11. Sec. "square.” The C01.E8W0RTHY, *1.60 per flrst 76 cents per well-known mocking-bird food, used oct!2 d2W SPOT GASH in square, daily, week; Like and sold 143 PEAK I. STREET. Nothing and Selling week after; three Insertions or less, *1.00con- by all dealers, the receipt for the 24 Buying Jan iltf other after of which all Annual Meeting of the Cumberland County tinuing every day flrst week, 60 cents. making the dealers are more or Half three or less THEEducational will be held at square, insertions less, 76 cents; reticent about is as follows: One-half Association, one week. 60 cents Lewis’s Woodford’s Oct. *1.00; per week after. zwieback, one-fourth and one Hall, Corner, Deering. Special one-third hemp need, 28 and 29. State Superintendent Luce will be Notices, additional. fourth of Under head of "Amusements” and consisting ants’eggs.maw seedtpop- present, and l)r. Larkin Duutou of the Boston Auction and Sales,” *2.00 inser- py seed), beef’s heart. The zwieback Elocution! Literature Normal School, will lecture on the German per square per week; three tions or less. should be made of bread that contaius nei- Schools on Oet. 28. A large at- *1.60. Friday Evening. ther soda uor alum. The bread should be tendance Is and a tine programme will expected THE MAINE STATE PRESS. two or be presented. kept three days before converting It The Maine Central will sell round trip tickets CLOTHING Published every Thursday at lntozwieback.lwhicliis done in the following Morning, *2.60 MISS to those the Members should a manner: Cut the bread ALICE C. MOSES, attending meeting. year; if paid In advance, *2.00 a year. into slices of half an be tickets are careful to specify that rouiid trip -A.1NT3Z> Advertisements inserted 111 the “Maine State inch in thickness; in a slow oven till Portland & place a recent Graduate of the Ho.(on School of Or. desired. Free return tickets over the 1 hehs” (which has a large circulation in every browned. At ail German bakeries zwieback now Rochester and Portland & will tie of the ntory.ami employed lu the Portland schools, Ogdenslmrg part State) for *1.00 per square for flrst In- can be but it be safer to will receive furnished the Secretary of the Association to sertion, and 60 cents purchased, may private pupils or form classes for Eve- by per square for each subse- make it at home. The beef’s and Vornl those who have paid full fare over these roads quent insertion. heart, when nings Saturdays. Culture and Del. cut into sinull is nnrie Eiprrmion A class In Anicr- one way. dice, thoroughly examined, specialties. furnished to Ladies. Address all communications to' and iruu l.itcrnture, with illustrative will Free Entertainment will be ail fatty and cartilaginous material is re- readings, have been made with the Preble PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO. be orgaized as soon as possible. Arrangements moved ; It is then placed in a slow oven in a House and the Hotel, Portland, to accommo- Reference—Prof. Moses True Brown, Boston, City clean baking pan, on the bottom of which Mass. date gentlemen at reduced rates. Rates at the GENTS’ FURNISHING GOODS. which several at the *1.60 CARE OF BIROS. thicknesses of paper have For terms and call at 3 Preble, *2.00 per day; City Hotel, been particulars Peering and to local ion of room. Horse placed to absorb all possible that Place, ti lo 7 p. m.oct4eodtf *1.76, according grease cars from Woodford’s to Portland every half try out, and is baked till dry. Useful Advice for the tjtfp perfectly hour. Fare. 0 cents. LOOK ! Care of the All the materials mentioned are to a accommodation should PONDER! BEHOLD! ground Ladies desiring address, Pets. fine consistency, but not to a fine F. W. or MISS TINA moderately MR. DAVIS DAY, powder; the maw and seed C octl3eod2w Woodford’s, Maine. hemp can be ob- L’tCA., Oct. we for tained of all dealers in When wish- 100 Oil Tan Leather 8, bought Cash 50 Suits of tlie drugs. $7.00 Spot $15.50 cole, [New York Post.] to at about oil a 1 case $1.00 All ing make up a large for future Annual Meeting:. 3.92 50 cents dollar the braird Sawyer All W ool Wool Scarlet quantity Jackets at only $ The first meal-worms that were noticed by use, the mixture, after ground, will Annual Meeting of the Maine General entire stock of Boys' Clotoing of Cassinicres in all Shirts and Drawers at 74c being Portland Nrhool of Wlcuogruphy. The lowest ever known for Sacks, only the American colonists came from THEHospital will be held at four o’clock in the price X. John Little Ac Co. These sizes at England at goods $12.00 else It will sour; It Is then in Pupils thoroughly Instructed In shorthand and afternoon of TUESDAY, November 1, 1887, such excellent goods in New consist principally of the cele- 1(N) do/. 45c All Wool Hose at 29c *■1 English ship-bread and meal. Both the placed wide- type-writing. and evening sessions. the office of the Treasurer of the corporation In raouthed bottles with tight-fitting corks and Day tliii Pnrtl'jnil SIm vin n a ItonL' R n l/iln in PnpHoml brated Cassimeres. 70 $10 Suits at larva; and the perfect oeetle of the meal ■ a Send for circular. England Sawyer 6.50 We a kept in cool and dry place. To mois- for the of officers for the $7.00 Suits we sell for have number of bales of Agent fort he Culigrapyu purpose electing ensuing 90 Overcoats for 3.24 $4.00 worm is so common a nest on board ships on ten the mocking-bird food grated carrot Is of such other business as $0.00 $ 50 Satin year.and transacting may $6.00 Suits for 3.50 Elegant $30 lined Horse Blankets, and for want of that used. legally be presented. long voyages old sailors always knock Miss A. L. 537 SL, 50 $7.00 Indigo Bine Reef- Overcoats at 22.00 room we shall close Sawyer. Congress By order of the Directors. A rare them out at their ship-bread on the table before eating it; MOST ANCIENT ARISTOCRATS. Portland,^. F. li. ers at 3.60 opportunity. BAltKETT, Secretary. 100 aud cost. this action is to rid the Portland. Oct. 11,1887.octlleodtd 50 $5.00 Reefers at 3.00 $25 $28 Overcoats bread of the “bugs,’ with vest 5.00 Boys’ »t 90 200 20.00 cent Blankets for 65 rts. the beetle of the meal-worm, a habit that be- The Wealthy and How 100 $15.50 Worsted Over- pairs $4.50 Putman Osages. They Pants at ... comes so fixed in course of time tbat even af- 3.75 200 * ■ Live. coats in Blue and dozen 4 ply Linen Col- $1.50 Blankets for $1.10 Black, Ex. size to 50 W'aists for 4.00 larsnt ter becoming landsmen, and living on soft $1.00 per doz “ “ at Itrnml tho lannincr hahil iu c+111 Irani nn Brown, 12.50 $2.50 $1.50 [Kansas City Times.] Congress Street, Opp. City Hall, The raising of meal-worms for dealers in A visitor to the Osage reservation, If he has a PORTLAND. MAINE. cage-birds in the large cities is mostly car- mind to study the human race under ried on by Germans, who make considerable varying conditions, finds much of interest This Institution, established in 1863, offers su- IRA F. IRA F. CLARK, IRA F. profit by it. The methodlof raising them is He is Inter primos among the aristocrats. perior advantages for preparing young men and CLARK, CLARK, IRA F. women for CLARK, The business pursuits. Students may enter THE CLOTHIER. 482 very simple. Doth the beetle and the larva, Osage Indians are about the only exam- at any time for the full business course or for any Congress Street. Preble Opp. House. Maine. which is the meal-worm, can as a rule be ob ple now left in the United States of a real special branch of study. The 2Btli year will open Portland, August 1st, 1887. tained in feed stores, feed stables, bakeries, aristocracy. They do not depend upon gov- For circular or information, address aud mills. A dozen of each are ernment rations, as do the and augleodHm l„ A. GRAY, A. M.. Principal. sufficient; Cheyennes these are placed in an old fruit can into the others, at all, hut have enough as their own to sides of which numerous sma 11 perforations undisputed property make them the weat thiest community In the country. Besides have been made. On the bottom of the can the land of the reservation, which belongs to is an inch of bran and meal mix- placed layer them a title hard to have ed. In this first by assail, they PROF. layer a few meal-worms are about 5 Standard $7,000,000 beariug per cent interest in BROWN, placed.next comes a layer of three thicknes- Clothing Co., the hands of the government. The* are ses of flannel or wolleii then a of cloth, layer paid about $230,000 a in cash. This en- old biscuit or stale bread broken into year We are out this month the balance of the very tire tribe numbers only 100O, so that are closing small pieces, in which more meal-worms and they the richest of people we have. stock of a few of the beetles are placed. And so actually body lay- The Osages have all the attributes of an er after layer is built till the of up top the aristocracy. They own the land, de abso- can is reached, which is covered over with no work, have plenty of money, know netting or old tu lutely mosquito muslin, prevent nothing of barter and sale, and therefore not the beetles from es- perfect making their much of the meanness which characterize cape. The can is then in a dark placed all commercial classes. envy warm, location. When They nobody, slightly damp suppy- and are satisfied with themselves and their ing the meal-worms with fluid which food, customs. With the virtues of aristocracy they require once a month, sheets of straw thev have Its vices. With OverQoatS soaked in new ale or sweetened tea are generosity they paper haveshiftlessness and laziness iu introduced between the of perfection. layers cloth; Though magnificent pastures lie before them IHAAUFACTTBED BY TUB these sheets of will de- paper they eagerly for miles few of them take the trouole to so fond are the worms of the taste vour, of own cattle, the majority to malt tea, or sugar. preferring buy liquor, beef already slaughtered and cut up from the Tlie for worms in New York IETNAI price paid traders. They are not even hunters and ranges from ten to twelve cents per hund'ed, fishers. Their lives are in around and tlie asked bird spent lying Boston and Portland price by dealers is twenty under tents and shanties, eating to Clothing cents hundred. This seem exorbi- repletion, Company, per may and filling their blood with impurities which FOTUTACE In our stock be found tant, but the trouble of bunt- may feeding them, they do uot take exercise enough to gut rid The sales the And have never been seen them between the of great of Etna prove the fact that greater Bargains any- ing up layers flannel of. Bad habits have on it is the and of these nimble and brought bronchial where. We most desire those who counting slippery scrofulous diseases, which are to MOST SUCCESSFUL earnestly that creatures is, after considerable. The helping all, still further reduce their numbers. They The AND are for a Winter this season meal-worm is fed to soft-billed or insect-eat- OPTICIAN, looking Overcoat HARD have no faith in white physicians, and their LEATHER AND ing cage birds. When a bird or robin ELASTIC mocking own medicine men MOST POPULAR FURNACE RUBBER, have as much iuduence as Is now at the Preble House, room 6G; office hours should call and look over our as we are show- ceases to acts and ruffs its Now on the market. stock, sing, mopish, up a hundred years ago. 3.30 to 0.00 from 7.00 For Durability, Sim- a m amt to S.30 p. m. feathers, the first medicine prescribed by a The He has been annual visits to Port- plicity, Economy, an .. tacles they may need. will be FIFTEEN DOLLARS EACH. FLINCH >uui|i-j»uiuiru octl7dtfMRS. H. P. INGALLS, the ants that rush to the REVERSIBLE, they egg-chambers, I them, and they go behind the counters and 250 All Wool Beaver Overcoats in a hand- MARSH which are situated at the surface of the ant- Elysian PATENT, among the goods of the post traders as free- hill where the heat of the sun hastens the some to RADICAL ly as theywere proprietors. to a OATS. Blue color, size 33 44, $20.00 gar- CURE, of the each ant an though Up regular ENGLISH CROSS BODY. hatching eggs.and grasping certain point they understand business—deb- ORIENT egg in its mandibles, hastens to it to This Oat Is carefully selected from the best ments, and are an extra bargain at the price which convey it and credit—but not much beyond the sim- grades and tills the of Horses bet- a place of safety. In the meantime the egg requirements We would call special attention to our Water Pad plest forms. As might be expected they are ter than any other. They are manufactured or we are closing them out which is $15.00 and Rad- collector has placed masses of oak or other at, only icai Cure chronically in debt. They want to buy every- improved by machinery, the end or loose fiber Truss. By their use the most difficult forms of large leaves about the smooth ground sur- off and the oat all each. thing they see, and think little of prices, and clipped thoroughly cleaned and Hernia can be rounding the base of the ant-hill, on these dirt as well as objectionable stuff leav- retained. give away as readily as they buv. Other removed, small stones and lamps of earth are placed ing the oat plump and ready for 1 he hotM to en- Men’s and Young Men’s Full Satin Lined Over- tribes not so well provided with worldly Its not to feed horses to press them down somewhat closely to the Hartford, Conn. joy eating. economy poor goods are fond of visiting the Osages, and on or force coats in handsome Blue also to them As food them to cat dirt and refuse that Chinchilla, elegantly made earth,and keep stationary. these occasions the custom of causes heaves or other ailments. All who have each ant rushes from the nest with an r‘»moking“ Statement of Condition and and are a GEORGE C7 egg, presents works to the of the January 1, 1887, had experience In feeding oats, lind much that is trimmed, much better garment every FRYE, its first anxiety is to find a of disadvantage place security wealthier. Several hundred and objectionable in regular grades, which can only wherein to deposit it, and coining in contact poniea be avoided removal; 1-3 less of “SIL- way than one would from the It is the Corner of large amounts of various have thus stock, in cash $,1000.000.00 by nearly imagine price. Congress and Franklin Streets. with the leaves, it passes under them, property Capital paid up VER TIPPED” are eijual any regular depos- been given to the Kaws anu other graded in the at $18.00 each. its the egg. and hastens back to the hill for poorer Reserve (or re-insurance 386,944.02 No. 2 white as they outweigh in proportion to biggest bargain city _55122___eoritf tribes within a few years. that difference and solid another. As each community of ants con- are, practically speaking 250 Men’s Brown Can the Osages be civilized? Of course losses and all other liabilities, 84,655.32 meats. run also sweet and Seal sizes 35 sists of mauy hundreds, the chambers Outstanding They uniform, bright, Heavy Overcoats, egg they can. are non to be the in market. are soon The They civilized, sure, Net 132,886.45 elean, grading highest any They to sold in this at we are emptied. collector, when pos- rhey sueak little Surplus.- are the best and cheauest to also the nicest 44, being city to-day English and wear the blan- feed, $15, itive that all the eggs have been taken out of ket and Seed free from all substance breech clout; they allow their Oat, being foreign out the nest, pours salted water on it for the Total Cash Assets, $1,604,485.79 and no barm been done this lot at only $10 each. JUST women to die by scores in having them to prevent closing ARRIVED! of the ants from childbirth and preventing convey- growing. purpose compel them to do all the work ; are too 500 Men’s Scotch Wool cut ing their eggs bark to the nest during his ab- they GEO. B. liODWELL, Secretary. Any one who will give them consideration and a Heavy Suits, sack, lazy to raise cattle when pasture aud feed ru IU 14 \V 1ITTIVH llrAolilanf trial will be sure to use them, as are In all sence, wheu visiting his line of aut-hills, cost they made to sell for in sizes 35 to at neither money nor work; they up a first class and the most economical $14, 44, only $9.00 THE LARGEST which may extend a mile or so. Un keep respects oat, LINE OF reaching the dances aud paints, and cut their hair in ana best Feed for Horses. sale and in the last ant-hill on his he Ready per suit. route, proceeds to helmet fashion. All these creased demand has been established in the gather tlie eggs in a wooden and so things they do, markets elsewere become pail, but they could be easily to ado d the W. D.LITTLE & larger and have very We are the best of the season in works backwards to the first hill. As a rule taught CO., wherever known. The showing bargains customs of civilization. Five of popular manufacturer de- the ants finding their home saturated with years educa- sires to Introduce thtse oats throughout Maine on Men’s Double Breasted tion scientifically applied would make them AGENT, their merits and Suits, comprising Heavy salt water, proceed to collect all the eggs un- takes this manner of bringing equal tu the Cherokees in civilization and su- der the leaves into a so that the work- NO. 31 EXCHANCE STREET. them before the public. Blue Kerseys, Cassimeres, Fancy Mixtures, &c., mass, perior to them in force of character. octlO_ *>0d3w “SILVER TIPPED” can be obtaiued from the ing ants may go fortli aud prepare a suitable Portland firms who handle them direct at and safe wherein to till a following &c., $10, $12 and $15 per suit. place deposit them “SLEETOVER.” in car lots: WINTER new ant-fiill is constructed. 6 PER CENT. OVERCOATS, The eggs are either sun-dried or cured in an PARIS FLOURINC CO. EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IN BOYS’ CLOTHING. open oven of moderate temperature, to pre- The hew Russian Explosive tnat Does *S. A.&J. H. TRUE. vent them from “souring.". In this city Im- Away with ants’ are sold at wholesale for Heavy Artillery. *F. A. WALDRON & SON. We WINTER ported eggs First manufacture these in large quantities and of- SUITINGS, «>0 cents a pound, aud at retail fur Si. All Mortgage York KENSELL & TABOR. fer Special in &c. ants’ eggs coine either from Russia or Gi-r- [New Times.] CEO. W. TRUE &CO. Bargains Suits, Overcoats, &c., mauy. Ants’ eggs are fed to birds in the A Hussion Chemist is reported to have in- same of 500 of in sizes 4 to at proportion bulk as are meal-worms. vented a Fund *S. W. THAXTER & CO. pairs Boys’Knee Pants, II, gunpowder which, if it as success- Sinking Oue of the most curious aud new of all ful in NORTON, CHAPMAN & CO. only 25 cents per pair. bird special diets consists of cured Mexican actual warfare as it has been in the which low A.ful! line of Kilt in one or two mosquitoes, being fiyers, rise in preliminary experiments, promises to revolu- WATER CO. BONDS, *Bag Loti for, Half. Boys’ Suits pieces. GENTLEMEN’S masses during when mias- FURNISHINGS evening time, the tionize the scleuce of Priucipal and lutrreal Payable at au31 eod2m international caruage A full matic vapor begins to lift from aud stock of Boys’ Reefers and Winter swampy by doing away with heavy Overcoats, low grounds. For capturing these masses of artillery altogeth- Boston Safe and Trust Co. AND er. Deposit Suits now ready. mosquitoes a light upright framework of Ordinary gunpowder and gun cotton We offer a limited amount at branches is constructed, on which are fasten- explode by expanding with great force, ed large sheets of paper made from some STRICTLY ONE PRICE. either simultaneously in all directions or and Accrued coarse vegetable fibre peculiar to.tlie count!y; 100 Interest, as a on both sides of the sheets of a downward, result the guns from which Aud after careful examination recom- paper coating of is which is the are to be forced mend them for investment. NEW sticky vegetable glue spread, projectiles must be mad* soluble in warm water. The clouds mos- NECKWEAR, of of metal thick enough and stroug enough to with the wind strike these quitoes moving resist the of the BREWSTER, COBB & ESTABROOK, to be found in obstructions and become fastened to the power expansion. Henco, Portland, at cannon 35 Congress St., Boston. sheets of paper, which after re- heavy requiring bulky carnages and STANDARD all are taken down and move oct21 eodSm llOTHING maining up night, great power to them are absolute CO., placed in tubs of wann water, which soon to an army PIANO! requisites using heavy ammuni- SOLD MEDAL, PAEIS, 187b. dissolves the glue and sets the dead mosqui- tion in its operations, and the artillery has The sole agency of tills world renowned instru- ROCK BOTTOM toes free. These are collected in strainers become in uiauy cases the most Important BAKER’S FORMERLY BOSTON & PORTLAND CLOTHING PRICES! after ment. CO., and, being sun-dried, are put up iu branch of an army in the field. Heavy ar- packages. tillery, however, can only be moved slowly to the bird dealers CALL AND EXAMINE. Up present time, say and with great difficulty, and In the case of Cocoa. the cured Mexican mosquito, as a diet mountainous regions it Is almost impossible Breakfast — special Warranted absolutely pure SAMUEL for birds, has not come into much favor with to make it effective for an invading force, Cocoa, from which the ciccbb of THURSTON, 255 Middle Me. bird loving Americans; they stand by the on account of the natural impediments to its Street, . It has three Portland, INTO uieal-worm and the German ant’- Oil has been removed. Trouble to Sliow Goods l eggs. progress. The Kn-siau Inventor, if his dis- timesdhe strength of Cocoa mixed 3 Street Regarding the well-known substance called covery proves to be what It is claimed, has No. Free Block, Portland. C- there exists an erroneous im- with 'Starch, A rrowroot or Sugar, Manager. dtf cuttlefish-bone, solved the problem of making heavy shells octi5W- that the and is therefore far more economi- WARE,_-_- pression, quite general, only use of and halls available without the useot weigh- tlie cuttlebune for birds is as a hill or cal, costing less than one cent a IV. B,-A*k for the BURWFTT ORGAN sharpen- ty bulky guus. ' er aud bill eleauer. This is not so. Allseed The new is called cup. It is delicious, nourishing, explosive "sleetover,” jy!5 TUNING TO ORDER. dtf eating bird* like it for its salt ami its is (or se- strengthening, easily digested, and slightly quality; composition the preseut a FRED it seems 10 please uietr lasie jusi as me cret known to the di coverer and the ae R. only admirably adapted for invalids FARRINGTON, piece of lean salt bacon often bung in a rage War Office at St. Petersburg. The well as for persons in health. peculiar- | stands containing canaries, or the piece of salt cod- ity of the compound Is that it explodvs by Grocers all Sold It everywhere. tests! fish by Under Falmoutli Hotel, given to pigeons. German breeder* say expanding in one direction onlv, and that Presumpscot House, the salt acts as a mild tonic aud increases the the direetlun in which the projectile is to be W. BAKER & Mass, & relish for food. Cuttleboue is also eaten by carried—forward. No heavy metal is re- CO., Dorchester, Bitter the hen bird when the carbonate of saccarappa, ME. Quaker laying, quired to resist its expansion, either upward. lime going to form the shell material for her ui uu ruurr iu Is 208 MIDDLE uununaiu, iurTO 6X- subscriber respectfully Informs the public contain no STREET, ME. eggs; for the same purpose domestic directly In where It has noth- (X't22 PORTLAND, eodtl poultry pended front, CHEW FOREE’S THEthat he lias taken charge of the Presumpscot are supplied with crushed hone aud oyster ing but air to eucouuter, aud its jiuusr, (in uni n sirrrt ; mr smile Having ueeu shells. In ease birds explosive poisonous cage are not supplied power can be made euual, 1( nut superior, to tharoughly refitted and newly furnished, makes a with gravel will eat the comfortable and convenient home for I----- they cuttleboue as a tli.it of gunpowder and gun cotton, so that a or substitute, to or tbe eon- dru^s digest grind up food projectile can be sent by it as far as by the tainedthe gizzards. use of either of these explosives. It is said REGULAR BOARDERS and TRANSIENTGUESTS minerals. In the streets of all large cities in England that an experiment was made with a card- is It will be the aim of the'; Proprietor to please all cried about from door to door, board tube, and that a heavy projectile was patrons of the house. Terms Krnsonnble. froundselt is one of the most plentiful weeds, a shot from it by means of the “Sleetover" made Everybody satisfied and happy. course-looking annual about a foot without doing material to the tube. G. J. nigh, damage HESELTON, Proprietor. branched,and slightly unpleasant in odor; This experiment, of course, was to 0. L. HESELTON, Clerk. oct8d3w designed the tender leaves, buds, aud seeds have a show how light a material might be used in poziONrsK saltish taste, aud all cage birds like it. It is constructing the “Sleetover" guns, and CARD. MEDICATED to be found from the New England States there is no Immediate prospect of Russia’s permanently associated myself with to Pennsylvania.where it was introduced in aroiiug her artillery with cardboard tubes, B. A. Atkinson a Co., house V/e know that finer leaf and sweetening than is HAVING furnishers, cor- colonial times. The English plantain (Grey) but aluminum gnus, or tubes of some other ltainlmw ner Pearl and Middle streets, Portland, I shall be used in Koine's dues not exist. To deal- is one of tlie most thoroughly naturalized of light metal, which can be wbo do happy to meet my friends In the State of Maine at easily transported ers In tobaeco not sell Force’s Kalnbow. all and is on the my new English weeds, to be found grow- shoulders of nieu, are designed for we will, on application, for a limited time, send quarters. My twenty-five years expe- rience in the business with Walter & ing about dwellings and farmhouses. Ou ac- use with the new and the Rus- free ol charge a CO-cent plug for examination. Corey Co., explosive, six of which was as count of its the A. K. Mitchell & Co., Boston, Mass, spent manager (in connection following early pioneers and sian officers have great faith that they will with Walter L. Corey) of the Portland Furni- COMPLEXION settlers, the Indians named it the “white answer now served the octl!) eodfini every purpose by ture warrants me in a Brilliant to the Skin. Removes Co., believiug that I can All lmpurts Transparency man’s foot.” The part of the plantain most heavy artillery of the army. order entrusted to care to entire any my your sat- Discolorations. For Sale by liked birds is the long green Bower The revolution which this invention will isfaction. that we have one of the all Pimples, Freckles and by spike Assuring you when it is in some of make the of largest stocks of carpets, chamber sets and Goods Dealers. seed, though varieties in science war, if all that is parlor all First-Class Druggists and Fancy birds like also the and tender EMBROIDERY suits in the country to select from, I remain young leaves. claimed (or it Is demonstrated by actual ex- Yours very Respectfully, I know of many young bird fancier* who lay periment, will be understood by every sol- LORENZO F. OVER. in a stock of plantain every fall for winter’* dier. The heavy gun carriages which can- oct20 dft use. All large seed dealers keep or cap pro- not be dragged Utruugh mountain passes We have one of the finest lines of Fan- cure ttie seeds of the groundsel. The seeds will be discarded,and sturdy men will shoul- and would or root* of the and cy Work we have ever had, plantain chickweed, an- der the ulmuinum guns and carry them easily MARVELS other favorite diet witli invite the Ladies or Portland and vicini- OF THE NEW WEST. i 111 m_i mi'iiiiiiiiinm \ \ v\y\ '» green birds, can lie into places which hWterto have been inac- of town A vivid portrayal of the Htupeudoii* marvel* In obtained on the outskirts of all large cities. cessible to the of the examine before going out the vast wonder land west of artillery enemy. All ty f« the AUss.mrl River. Six In winter watercress and lettuce One lot of Rooks In one VoL Marvel* of ^POWDER. given to the heavy Uao>t>orta'.ion necessary to be done comprising Katun*, (o make their purchases. BITTERS birds once a will at .i cents MarvelHOf Race, Marvel* or Enterprise. Marvel* QUAKER QUAKER BITTERS the week he found to be will t* that of .lie'balls and other t reuel and Filloselle selling of Mining, Marvels of Stock Marvel* of projectiles, Raising, Cures Dyspepsia. Cure* Liver Complaint. very acceptable. and these can be carried in small loads with skein. Agriculture. Over 350 original flue Engrav- In tbe of per ing*. A perfect Picture Gallery, li lius more way dried fruits for winter use, comparative ease. The dangers from Ihe ex- Helling .jualitie* than any other book. FLAVOR YOUR black eurrauts, such as are used in cakes, plosion of cuiuiou, w h»u to AGEIVT& A rare BITTERS heavy subject WANTED. chance for live QUAKER QUAKER BITTERS I-1 when well washed and soaked till too a he agent* to make at once. Terms they swelt, great strain, will done away money. Apply very emeu nil Humor*. Cure* llcadnclir. and with, liberal. Meat, Game, Fish, Poultry the small, stoueles* raisin, are used by as "Sleetover” pushes only pi the front, ant) M. E. FAIRWEATHER, TUB HENRY BILL PUBLISHING CO., Nobwicu. Cl. bird fapeiers, Also dried wild cherries, requires the exercise of no resistance from BITTERS and elderberries the oct5 d(5w QUAKER QUAKER BITTERS ami pokeborrles, cedarberries, tube la which it explodes. The super- Pressing Scalloped are stored the No. 8 Elm Street. Curt's nil Impurities iu tlie lllood. Cures Rheumatism. up during summer and fall for iority of the new powder will be seen in winter use all bird octl 1 by large fanciers; these, many ways, if the claims of Its disco lerer ___dtl can be the fall are Oysters gathered during gathering of established, and Russia, so long as she BITTERS BITTERS autumn leaves. can nm n sTvrEs Aitwv. QUAKER QUAKER WITH keep the secret of its composition, will Abie bodied Vessel Cures Fever nnd Ague. Cure* Constitutional Weakness. WM. O. Sc CO.’H To keep earth-worms robins, thrushes, have a great wanted. To HEU. fci ITS for tile Owners. over Army advantage her military 21 ana and other birds several RECHUunmarried men. between tlie ages of (Boston, Mass.) fcif days, t'luce l|them neighbors. Sa'h secrets as this, however, it 35 years,are wanted for the Cavalry. Artillery and in an empty Hbvver-pot. the drainage-hole at Is Port Marine Railway has been thor- pleasant to reflect, arc not u-ually kept Infantry; good pay, rations, clothes and medical Clyde bottom of which lias beou closed witli a and Is now in readiness to the jung, aud it will be very il Ucrmauy attendance; young men are especially THEoughly rebuilt, HITTERS have been in the market 25 till the with strange hearty out ail vessels tu need of repairs. All work QUAKER years, and have been thoroughly tested; and to cork, pot coarse grass, which and other •» wanted for the both white and take the merits we every warlike power in Europe Cavalrj regiments, prove that they possess claim for them, any one purchasing a bottle of Quaker Hitters, has been cut into lengths of an colored. at dispatched quickly and satisfaction guaiaute“d. iuoli, dampen not uble to manufacture her own ‘‘sleetover” Apply 42Vi EXCHANGE STREET, ami after using two-thirds of it can show that they have received no benefit from its use, can have their SiS Me. W. C. 8TIMPSON, S=-D tlie grass aud and place them in it. When so before Portland, augl38&W13w Address, Jb., refunded,—and we hereby authorize all dealers to return the amount * the armies of the t sar are prepaied deciedtf Fort Clyde, Me. money paid. je20MW&P6m octl W&S3m will lor a treated, they keep long time in a tp Uiako practical use of the uew explosive. a replied Mr. “but THE HAMMERSMITH MYS- “Yes, little,” George; 1 day in setting up in type a report of the ucminkna tA huh. HALE HELP. AUENTM WANTED. mAARIM. TERY. am afraid uothiug that is much use to us at trial. K lll.liO %•»*• present.” “He’s got some delusion in his head about WAJ?T*£,*—A drug clerk who has had two or —Salesman can add A 1 line, this “It is not a ease of suicide?” trial,” said Mrs. Wafilles. „„„r5e y®*™ experlouce; must bring best of WANTEDsmall samples j one agent earned 83800; PACIFIC MAIL STEAMSHIP COMPANY’S Kuiuford Falls Railroad [London E. F. SHAW, Junction Fore others up to 82200 in ’86. p. New —LINK k Buck field Truth.] “J ndge for yourself. You remember that “Not so sure about that,” replied her hus- .inuS1r5,“c®® rleaaant „,Apply.to u. KOK 1371, FOB— streets. 25 1 York. is 1 ,!,M Mr. Martin Stuckey had been a Mall In *• prosper- at tbe inquest the Rev. Alfred Stuckey stated band. “He never had one before. Ask him California, Japan, China, Central Arrangement Kllttl#*1' ous colonial Salesman. 4111 Con- ilffVk merchant in his day, but at the that he returned with his what he wants to BROWN, father from Rich- do.” WANTEDgress 25-1 EETIAI.E and South America Portland, via (i. T. Railway, 1-1(* of street._ HELP. and Mexico. Uwlston Pl/SiT age fifty-five he encountered a succession Mrs. so. Itib fee- h.(M); Mceliumc Full.-* (n»ix**d mond‘about five,’and left a quarter of au Waffles did Mr. smiled From New York, pier ft*ot of Canal Bt., Nortk ^ of to till a vacancy as coi- 8.4A; arrlvIiiK at W. Minot y.o6; K. Hebron misfortunes which ultimately landed him in and said: to see Alfred—must W*STBOrA n!?n situation Kiver, for Mnb FrniK'iwco via The IwthiuuN «| hour later order to catch the 5:35 Metro- bly “Going STEPHEN motor etc., for an established business; by a protestaut R* Sumner 10.36; HuUn0n; BERRY, a good WANTED—AAmerican woman, to do Panama, ?AleAfle.ldCanton 1 In the Bankruptcy Court. When that crisis not sou collection route vacant; be for work light housework, 10.56; 11.16. politan train to King’s-cross.” hang my Alfred.” ready ''are "f CITY OF PAHA.sails Nov. Noon Room invalid. Address MKS. J. P. Tuesday. 1, Leave Portland 130 p. Lewiston was past he went to live in a small house at is asked Mr 67 Ap}.llv £HAS. STANBF1ELP, BA XI 01 Great reduction in rates to Ban Francisco. Meehanie m.j 2.00, “I do.” “What your name, sir?” Waf- ami Exchange St., City. 22-1 Kit, Peering St. 25-1 Kails 3.15; arriving ii w. Minot } From Ban Francisco. 1st and Kranuan Bts. 3.3o| Hammersmith with his his fles in a Job (gaui ■40;Buei#eld 3.60: K. Humner wife, younger “Very well. Now I have ascertained that loud tone. to work in Hartford 4.04; 8*7 W’ ANTKD-An experienced boot and shoe house, steady For Japan and t’hina. 4.12; Canton 4.27; tlilbertville 4.35 p. son, Ephraim, and one servant. Not the _- ,t;i-ga WANTED—Womanwork aud good Call on or to long Mr. Alfred and the deceased took a carriage “Stuckey. Martin Stuckey,” was afcrogn._ “olcsman ill our men's department. Applv pay. write CITY OF BIO DE at DEAN I. N. H1CHAKPSON, Me. 22-1 JANEIBO, sails Baturday after his wife died, and this last blow re- BROS., No. 455 Congress Street. 22-1 Steep Palls, 2 RETURNING—Leave Canton 4.30, 8.16 a. m.; at Richmond not long before four p. m„ but prompt response. « Oel.a», p.m. LAW arriving at Portland 8.25 a. duced NOTICE. For Freight, or m.. 12.06 p. m. the old man to a complete wreck. He as “Precious rum delusion!” observed Mr. at 88 situation ill a store or to work Passage, geneial Information were only driven far as Barnes, where, at WANTED-Aboy" PARK ST.; refer- to or address the NTAUK enoes WANTED—Amaklns' A LAvinvu^c ni., in kvsl utnci IU1UI* unreasonable as it was undutiful, for not have Alfred for it Stuckey was weak in his so is he. IlO witli large closet; will board if desired. cwtlou at Office, Railroad foot Johnsbury, Newport, Slier- only Stuckey’s word that head; B. & give Company’s Wharf, brooke, HI.Johns. Montreal, was THURSTON Call at 3 PEEKING PLACE, near of State street. J. B. COYLK. Burlington, Hwgnton, only Ephraim living rent-free in his the deceased ever went home at all. On the The name of Martin Stuckey’s second son is CD., Congress Square. 2a-i novSOdtf Oen’l Manager. father’s PRACTICAL WANTED. I*ort!aiicl to tier house, but old Mr. Stuckey’s main- other there is a npnraiui, auu uoesn t ue can hid t PRINTERS, MAN to "V liar t and iu hand, strong presumption jspnrann A take an office and a manu- terniediate h™*' ft7 1-2 represent rilO LET—House No. 10 Park Place, perfect station*, with HtagH connection* for tenance was fully provided for by the elder that some time after five o’clock that Put on your and come round Exchange St., Portland. Me. taeturer; $60 per week; small capital requir- No. Wludha.il, night things, Sally, ed- Sebago water, gas, furnace. 8. VV. Stamiish, U*lngton, SebagoNap- Alfred. ®^9 eotlif Address, wltfi stamp, MANUFACTURER, TIIAX1*. les, Parsonsfleld, Kezar son, Alfred, in his father’s palmy he found his into the with me to the police. will have a Box West Ml. (.alt Block. 20-1 Kails. Denmark, I.ovell, way river, having been, They 70, Acton, Mass. oct21d4t and also lor Conway Corner; No. Brldgton,* Harri- days, had been put into the Church. He son according to the medical testimony, knocked description of old Stuckey, and will very T° The lower tenement In house No. BOSTON and Waterford via Bndgton. was now a curate In a Midland M. C. J. 106 Green St., of six all in County par- on the head some one soon tell us what to do. Look sharp I SMITH, BO ABB. consisting rooms, Trains Arrare in Portland. first, presumably by They good repair, and very convenient, ish on a of £200 a out U. S. Claim Sebago water, III..M n. an. from princely stipend year, who had a motive for so, which a may be sentencing that poor devil to death Agent, good drainage, good neighborhood, will he let to STEAMERS. Bartlett and way stations. doing N..I3 p. m. from of which he contributed £50 a to his WASHINGTON, ». C. TO I.KT WITH IIOAKD—Two large sun- the right party at a reasonable rate. at Montreal, Burlington and West. year stranger to him would not have." this minute.” will Enquire carefully prepare claims for arrears ef A ny front rooms furnished or unfurnished, #4 Portland St., of 11. “AmIlTON- father’s to leave a pay CHA8. H. support—quite enough “You thiuk ho was murdered?” bounty and pensions. Superior facilities for speedy location, convenient to horse ears, steam C. Mt POYE. G. T. A* settlement of claims. Eleasanteat first and second floor. 221 SPRING ST. LEMAN._19-1 ONLY $1.00. Oct. 7, octTdtf margin of profit for Ephraim. If anyone, “I form no at It was a more than mo- Je22d6m 1887._ theory present, but I think usually painful 25-1 LET -Two offices, can be connected if de- _FARE therefore, had reason to at the SIMMER IRRANREMENTS. grumble pro- that Messrs. Alfred and Ephraim Stuckey ment when the jury gave their verdict. TOsired, windows on Congress St., second floor LKT WITH BOABD-A Union Mutual TUB FIRST-CLASS STEAMERS on# mil la™ of cm vi tuv latuci o mo u nas Wl. suite of Life Insurance Build- tuu^nniuu AllR'U. between them know more Close under the dock sat the white-haired M. MARKS Company’s about their fath- TOrooms, suitable for gentleman and or tor It must be wife, lawyera- mentioned, however, that there er’s disappearance than they have yet dis- rector of Alfred Stuckey’s parish, who had two gentlemen, hath room In house; good board cMANr^oiryfffc1 Apf8Yiat JOHN BROOKS »Vn.nER AKKANOE.YIENT9. was one small expectation lor both the sons guaranteed. Apply at BLANCHARD HOUSE, and TREMONT closed, and that the evidence we now have stood by his curate with and riTO more touching faith, Free 8t., a few steps from Middle St. 24-1 I.ET—One reut In the Thompson alternately leave FRANKLIN WHARF, Portland, On and after MONDAY, May 10, INI*r, upon their father’s death. Martin X No. week Stuckey’s offers a very convenient means of whose daughter was reported to be engaged Card Block, 117 and llu Middle St.; ground every day evening at 7 o’clock; arriving In Crains will run as follows squeezing Book, floor and a season for and well connection life had been insured in better for LBT WTTII BOABO-Two sun- good, dry. lighted basement with earliest trains for DEPAKTI IIBS, days the truth out of them.” to the He rose as the verdict was — — large on three prisoner. AH® TOny front sides, making it one of the most desirable points and the rooms, pleasant location, steam heat, beyond. E« / Auburn and £3,000, premiums upon the policy “Then what do as to comfort the first and second rents In the for jobbing or wholesale business Through tickets for Providence, I....sell, l.ewastou, 7.10a. in., 1.16 you advise?” given, though unhappy floor, unfurnished. 291 SPRING city and 6.37 m. ST. of any kind. Enquire of H. E. THOMPSON, No. M orcester, New Y ork Ac, p. had been kept un by the joint contributions ‘Tut man in the For all our information in the hands of box. Just beside him was _18-1 164 Brackett St. 3-4 leave INDIA C.orhxm, 9.30 a. ni., 1.30and 8.37 p. m. Returning, WHARF, Boston ev- For of the two men. But Mr. tisrhan, Montreal and 9.3 > young Stuckey the police. We shall never Ephraim Stuckey, who had been one of the ery week day evening at 10 o’clock. Chicago, prove suicide, Job I.ET-A rent of seven A m. and 1.30 p. ni. Printer Rooms. rooms in house 622 At! J. B. showed no likelihood of his sons to Jet COYLK. Manager. enabling audit it be a case of murder that does not principal witnesses against his brother. TIO Congress 8t., or would let the whole bouse, For Quebec, 1.30 p. m realize this ■lilltTEItlP of J. A. For HuckUrld and 7.10 m. investment. Since the break- the office. It not His position and the emotion he KXCUANUK, Inquire TENNEY, at house. 1-tf Canton, a, and help is, therefore, worth displayed I.KT—A furnished front chamber at $1.60 1.30 p. ni. down of his mind his health h d while his 97 l -a TO Derweek. at 120 FEDERAL bodily the Company’s while to spend money on giving evidence, excited much com- Exchange St., Portland, Me. Enquire ST., Boston and Savannah ABU7AI.R. much as not opposite Lincoln Park. 25-1 VI1 MCKEE AN ICO IS, improved, unfrequently hap- further inquiries. On the other hand, if miseration. He had grown deadly pale From l.ewistoa and Aubaru, 8.2E a. u.. FINE JOB 12.06, 8.16 and 6.36 m. pens In such cases, and his mental PRINTING A SPECIALTY. I.KT—Nice front room, hot and cold water, p. incapac- there be any fraud in the case, the truth when the jury returned, and when the ver- Co. Fl oor with or without board at 93 PI ST. 21-1 LJOEICKVIKN can find the celebrated New Steamship tiorham, 8.26a.m., 12.08and 5.46 p. ni. ity was not of a kind to TO NR causo anxiety. will very soon come out when one or the dict was given he buried his face in his All orders t>y mall or telephone promptly at- X York Police Bals. at BROWN'S, 461 Con- From Chicago and Monircnl, 12.06 and There tended to. I.KT- gress street. These are made Direct Line from New 6.45 p. in. had been at one time a question be- other of these is hands. uovlleodtf Rooms at No. 243 CUMBERLAND goods with broad, Only gentlemen arrested on a TO without heavy double soles and and will From Quebec, 12.05 m. tween the brothers about ST., board._ 21-1 waterproof tops, to Savannah. p. providing him charge of murder, which I expect we shall Tne judge, in the usual form, asked the wear a year._ 20-1 England Pullman Palace Bleeping cars on night train and with an LET-A furnished room. Thence to all South. Parlor care on train between Portland and attendant, but Ephraim was opposed see before whether he had pleasant Enquire points day another week is over.” prisoner anything to say. TO at 03 GRANT ST. 18-1 AI'KKNHIIAEMTM Hals and Congress, Montreal. to unnecessary and m Calf and expense, pointed out In this last conjecture Mr. George was not At that moment there'was some confusion Cordovan, all widths and sizes, FAVORITE ROITE TO FLORIDA. TICKET OFFICE that the old We <,iiu At your difficult feet. gontleman never left the house mistaken—he seldom was and stir in the well of the two or three FOR very about such court, BALE. BROWN, 461 Congress 20-1 EVKRYTIICRNOAV,at4P.M. from8a 35 Eichanga St., and Qeool Foot of India Street unless and St._ vaunah by invitation, that, while within matters. Within four or five from the persons, escorted by a policeman, Pier, Congress street, Boston. days pushing solid, durable A- doors, he was perfectly under the control of and tap sole, Grain Bals »eW.Mniup«on,C.K.R. Agent, 201 Wash- Tickets Sold at Reduced Rates to time when he forwarded his information to their way towards the solicitor for the de- SALK—Boarding lodging house, GENT’Sonly *2.00 per at BROWN’S 461 ington street. FOR central 20 rooms pair, Con- f'asada, those about even very location, furnished gress street. These Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukee, him, including the one Scotland the Rev. Alfred was fence. The saw and a hi Black Walnut and goods arc selling at rock 8. P. and W. Railway 01. Yard, Stuckey prisoner them, great Ash, good Tapestry Carpets, bottom 211 Cinciuuuti, Louis, Omaha, Uagiuaw, maid-servant of the b9 prices. 20-1 Agent, Washington street. 01. establishment—a trust- in custody, charged with his fa- change came over his face. large dining room, boarders, price $1200, part Paul, Ball I,ake City, Dearer, 0uu murdering month RH'lltKOSIIIll A Francisco. and all worthy young who had been with cash,can’t help making $80 net: rent Goat and Kid all H1R.VARD, points in the Northwest. woman, ther. “Only my lord,” he to $1000. HILL & 330 Boots, Jy27e,Ml3m Agents,Savannah Boston West and this, said, pointing CO., Washington street, COJI.VION-MKNMKgrades and prices, to fit 1’ier. Mass Soulhwesl. the family for some The truth Mass. tender, troublesome years. was When he appeared before the where Mr. Bib stood between Mr. and Mrs. Are Kou Familiar ill the Plans Boston, 24-1 leet, at BROWN’S, 401 St. 20-1 magistrate Congress JOSEPH that the old gentleman was so submissive the facts HICKSON,General Manager. detailed by Mr. George were sup- Waffles, “that there stands Martin Stuckey, SALK—Two Iron sound and WM. KDGAK. U. P. A.. — grey horses, MAINE that, If so ordered, he would remain in one OF THE ■ MEAN DM TEA STEAMSHIP COMPANY plemented by a piece of evidence of a most my father, whom I am accused of murder- FORkind, warranted all right everv way. Address VIK KM. May 18.1887._ J. STEPHENSON, 8upt. room for hours E. F. SHAW, junct. Fore and Pleasant Sts. 24-1 For NEW together, and, under these damning character. A tramp named Higgs ing.” YORK. it circumstances, really seemed that Ephraim was and SALK—1 18 Steamers called, he deposed to having seen At the next session of the Central Criminal No. Eldorado stove (i feet Harpswell Steamboat Co. leave Franklin Wharf on Wednesdays HALM CENTRAL RAILROAD and the maid were FOB a with 35 feet 1 ton and at 8 m. quite capable of looking the whom he knew member of the high, good heater, pipe; On and after September 10th 1887, steamer Saturdays p. Returning, leave Fler deceased, quite well by Court, another Stuckey fam- Fairbanks scales in 1 lead line lank East after him. This good order; Gordon, Capt. James L. will run as 38, River, New York, on Wednesdays and Onund aflrr Oct IShF. idea, however, turned out in 014x2 1 4 Long, dally HONDAV, 94, sight, company with another man on the ily stood in the dock. It was Ephraim this 5-(ix23/A feet; tank 16x214x3 l-« feet; follows: Saturdays at 4 p. m. J. B. COYLK, PuN«<*B|rr Train* will leave to be erroneous. currier’s table and other currier’s tools; benches Leave Orr’s septa Ueneral towpath between Hammersmith and time, and he was indicted for and for Island for Portland at 6.45 a. m.: 1-dtf_ Agent’ Porilaud a* follow*: The Rev. Alfred did Putney perjury Union and tables various sizes, one black walnut; 1 4Va Island Stuckey not often Mutual Bailey’s 7.00; Harpswell, 7.15; East End. For Auburn and A. some l.twuioa, 8.80 time after dark; to having overheard attempting to obtain money from the Monu- foot ash desk with two draws; platform truck Great Cheheague, 7 46; Is- m., visit London, but when he did so he about Jeuk’s, 8.00; Hope always an 414x314 feet; grindstone with foot power land 8.06; Ltttle Island something like altercation, the old man ment Assurance Company by false pretences. Cbebeague, 8.20; Long wick, 7.05 a. m„ 12.66 ill.15 p.m. For Hath, endeavored to spend a day with his father. attachment; clearing stones, one scotch grey; 8.40, arriving in Portlanu at o. 15 a. m. corner 1 7.05 a. m., 12.55 and 4.56 p. m., and on Satur- apparently refusing to go on, and the young He was found guilty on both indictments signs; iron ash barrel; tin cans; steel Returning will leave Portland for Orr’s Island BostoiU On such occasions he LIFE at 11.16 m. Kackland would generally take INSURANCE and try squares and other tools such as hammers and all intermediate days only p. and one threatening to chuck him into the river and sentenced to seven COMPANY, landings at 2.00 p. in. Philadelphia Knox and Lincoln K. the years’ penal servi- also belt manufacturers tools. K., 7.05 a. lu. and old gentleman out with him for the day, etc.; PORTLAND seplOdtf ISAIAH UAN1EL3. Manager. DIRECT STEAMSHIP LINE. if he were troublesome; and, finally, to hav- tude for the first offense and five for the BELTING CO., No. 136 Middle St., Portlaud. Me. 12.65 p. in.. Brunswick, Gardiner liallo- professing to think that he was too much wril, and Augusta, 7.05 a. m., 12.55. 4.65 heard two or OF ing three loud cries, after he second, the Judge observing that if he had POItTLAND, ME! _22-1 From BOSTON and tH.15 p. m. Farmington via Lewis- confined to the house. One day, about the tier; WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY. had passed. did not to iden- MALE—A desirable lot of laud situated ton, 12.50 p. m.; via Brunswick, 7.05 middle of Higgs attempt the power to pass a heavier sentence he October, Ephraim Stuckey in- FOBon Cumberland street, nearly opposite the a ni. and 12.55 p. m. Monmouth, M in fy the prisoner, but lie was sure that the should have been Froii PHILADELPHIA eien Wednesday and Saturday. formed the maid-servant that his pleased to exercise it. In Cathedral, suitable for a block of two houses. throp. Kradtleld, Oakland and Norik brother you realize that this old and com- .1 .. From Long W 3 man with the deceased was in a black this most that sterling Apply to JOHN F. PROCTOR, Centennial Bloek. hart, Boston, Anson, 12.50 p. in Wntcrvillr and Show was coat, people thought his Lordship Is a HOME ■'ali, ^ m. From Fine coming to town, and added that, if Al- DO pany INSTITUTION,chartered 22-1 £s p. Street Wharf, began, via Lewislon. 12.50, via Augaala, and closely resembled the in was In 1848 under the laws of "DAi at 10 a. in. fred should take prisoner height right. Maine? jnt.’'sv 'v FhUadolphia, 7.06 a. m., 12.65 and tll-16 p. m„ and Water- his father out, as he some- 1 insurance one-half the rate of and figure. With regard to the time he was dale or to i.kt-a bright rills Saturdays only 4.56 p. in. Belfast times you aware that this sunny vessel. did, she had better take a day’s holi- Company has paid to Fobhouse of twelve rooms situated No. 28 High •weKrw.ascrwsaimig and Dexter. 12.50 and tll.16 p. m. uncertain; but it was clear from his state- PORTLAND POST OFFICE. or their Freights tor the West by the Penn. K. R.. and AREpolicy-holders representatives more street; lot contains about 6500square feet; terms Banger via Lewislon. 12.60 p. In.; via day. than TWENTY-TWO ouuui vy connecting : or warded free of com- ments that it must have been within fivn MILLION DOLLARS? reasonable. Apply to ROLLINS & ADAMS. 22 lines, Augnalu, 7.06 A m„ 12.55 and til.15 m. In due mission. p. course the Rev. Alfred arrived, tixcnauge street. 22-1 Bangor A' Piscataquis K. It., 7.05 A in., and, minutes on either side of a quarter to six* Fall and Winter Mail has more than SIX MILLION DOL- Passage 9IO.OO. fCcund after a at Arrangement to-day Trip and (11.16 p. m. Ellrwoith and Bar spending night the he said IT LARS IN and over male — Meals and iloom house, This left time, as the ASSETS, THREE HUN- A desirable house, nearly new, included. Harbor, (11.15 and 12.55 m. Sit. prosecution showed, DRED For or p. that he would take his father by steamboat THOUSAND DOLLARS IN SURPLUS, IjSOKsituated on Fessenden street, Deerlng, near freight passage apply to sttrpheo Aroostook for the prisoner to catch a train at OFFICE nouns. calculated the fii. b. (Palais), Coaaty, to Putney by conservative standards of Maine shell road,contains 7 rooms; stable, Sebago water, NA.viPMo*, Amu, Ml. John. Halifax, oad the Provinces. Richmond for the day. The maid was ac- Cashier's a.m. and 31dtf 70 which he could Office, (Sunday excepted). 7.30 Massachusetts. cemented collar, good drainage; large lot, 60x123; l'«ug Wtsnrf, aud m Bridge by have reached St. to 7.00 12.60,12.55 (11.16 p. cordingly informed that she could have her p. m.; Money order department, 9 a. m. will be sold at a bargain, owner to leave the State. Pancras so as to travel to 6 m. O'-All trains timed as above Irom Commercial by the 7:10 down- p. liegistry department, 9.00 a. m. to 0 pays its losses promptly. Its policies are in N. S. GARDINER, No.40 Exchange street. 211 promised holiday. Then, a diffi- p. m. contestable after Street Station, stop at however, town train from that station. On this evi- IT three years. culty arose. The srlrl wished to irn raida General excepted) 7.30 a. ni. eok male-Iii Deerlng: new two dence the Delivery, (Sunday CONGRESS ST. STATION. magistrate, without hesitation, to 7.00 p. m. Sunday, 9 to 10 a. m. has liberal plans. Its affairs are Hoi'hestory house, with 6 acres laud; lull view of tanee, and could not be back carefully eight minutes later where tickets and before eight committed the Carrier’s Deliveries, (Sunday excepted)—In IT managed by Its Board of Directors and Offi- the city; on horse car line; price *2600. W. H. through prisoner for trial. hllHillMSS SHPtinn of nitv luituonii iTi.rh qiirl baggage cheeks may be obtained for o'clock in the on cers, whose and are WALDRON, 180 Middle street. 21-1 principal evening. Alfred, the other one integrity ability unques- East and West. (The Only other piece of evidence was India street at 7 and 10 a. m., 12.30, 1.46 and tioned. points night express with hand, had no intention of car keeping his father 6 p. in. In other sections at 8 a. m., 1.46 and 6 nai.e ok exchange-a good sleeping attached,runs every night Sundays adduced when the trial came off at the to out till that and p. m. at Post Office 9 to wise of Fobcottage house with about 4 acres of land, 30 Included, through Bangor but uot to Skowhe- hour, besides this, he had to Sunday delivery window, provisions the Maine Non-Fortel- TRADE Old but it had an 10 a. m. rom trees In cuts about 4 tons MARK. on Monday mornings or to Belfast and Bailey, important bearing Collections f street boxes (general) THEture Law apply only to the policies issued by young bearing, bay, return that night to his lor which 7 near 3 MAGEE FURNACE CO’S Knxter or beyond Baugor on parish, on the issue. It at and 11 a. m., 4 and 8 n. m. Sunday 6 p. m. this Company, and under its workings extended pleasantly located, villages; will exchange Is a combiuat Ion of the most remedies known Sunday mornings. appeared that when he had for potent Tralus are due In Portland as he must leave Insurance Is for in case of city property. Apply to N. 8. GARDINER, follows: The morn purpose St. Pancras Station at only. provided lapse. to Medical Science for the left the University, four or live ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS. 40 Exchange St. 20-1 preserving Fluidity and Ing train from Waterville, Augusta and Math about seven years pre- “BOSTON If E ATER" o’clock. Who then was to take NEW MAINE LAW PURITY of the Blood and the 8.46 a. in.; Lewiston, 8.60 a m.; day tralus viously, the prisoner was much in Southern and via Boston and Maine CONVERTIBLE Integrity of the very debt; Western, POLICY of the 8AI.E-1 second-hand 12 horse power from Bangor at 12.40, 12.45 p.in. charge of old Mr. in the railroad — THE UNION MUTUAL contains Blood Vessels, should you suffer from Dizziness or Stuckey interval? that he (Eastern division) Arrive, 12.16, 4.66 aDd one 14 horse with The afternoon trains from had lately been threatened witli sum- every desirable feature in a FORengine, power boiler Bangor, Waterville, “I dare and lip. m.; Close 8.00 a. m., 12 in., 6.30 and 9 PERFECT LIFE IN- This Furnace is of receut construction, Pressure lu say I can got home,” said Ephraim. p. SURANCE POLICY. heated pump, Inspirator and all fittings at a bar- Head, Spots before Eyes, Pain Around or Bath, Augusta and Rockland at 6.40 p. m., mary proceedings by some of his Oxford in.; Supplementary, 12.30 and 10 p. m. Address, BIDDEFORD STOVE FOUN- having been used with unparalleled suc- Lewiston, 6.50 m. Pullman “What time will you return?” intermediate If you will send your address to the Home Of- gain. Palpitation of Heart. Pain in Region of Heart with p. Night at 1. 60 and that on Boston, offices and connections, DRY, Biddeford, Me,6-4 cess the two seasons. a. m. creditors, the day of his arrival via Boston fice, or to any of its agents, we shall be to fur- past The reputation of “That on & Maine railroad, (Western division)— glad feeling suffocation, Ringing Sound in Ears, Limited Aral and depends father. Xot later than in nish full iuiormatiou in to the of the second none, Tickets, second rlmae, fog town he had been to an Arrive at 12.20 and 8.16 Close 8 a. regard Company — Magee goods being to advertising money p. m.; in. and male The two story brick house, No. Numbness or Prickly sensation of nil points in the Provineea an ante at roe. five o’clock in any case. As I have to 8.00 and its plans. so there is no Limbs, especially be at lender to p. m. FOR86 Winter modern discount but they have put duced rate*. endeavor to raise money on his St.; Improvements; good the Arm, Pain between Shoulders and In St. Pancras seven, I shall leave Eastern, via Maine Central Railroad—Arrive, tot of land. of o. G. No. 1 Ex- on the market the best Furnace. Side, Dry by here be- small 2 UNION MUTUAL to residents of Enquire BOYD, heatiug expectations from his father. In this a. m. and 1 p. in.; Close 12.00 m. and 9 p. m.: appeals street, or HOWARD E. No. Cough, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, or If PORTLAND, MT. DESERT t MACH’AS STEAM- fore 5:30." THEMaine for their because change SOULE, 201 This Furnace has the wrought irou tire suffering he had been Supplementary, 12.15 and 10 p. m. especial patronage, Commercial 23-tf from General unsuccessful. Here, then, as it is a HOME COMPAN Y, anu because of its street._ and the brick are Debility with Loss of Appetite, pro- BOAT CO. “I think I can manage to be back that Augusta, intermediate offices and connections, age, pot linings brought by counsel for the experience, financial sur- cure a bottle of UNTIL Crown did not fail to point via Maine Central railroad—Arrive at 2 and 9 a. strong, condition, large MALE-1 will sell at a (on ac- near the radiator so there is a great im- Antl-Apoplectlne, it not only TURTHKK NOTICE. time,” said equitable and attractive aud bargain Ephraim, “and there Is no harm m., 1 and 6.00 p. ra.; Close at 6.30 a. m„ 12 plus, plans conserva- Foilcount of ill health), farm situated In E.N. made the Steamer of out at the trial, was a sufficient explanation m., tive management. my provement and increasing the pow- City Richmond, Capt. Wm. E. in the for 4.30 and 9 p. m.; Supplementary, 12.15 and 10 Yarmouth, containing 100hundred acres of wood weather will leaving governor half-an-hour by of the motive p. er—the surface being at all times Dennison, permitting, make two for the diabolical act. For the m. land, upland and Intervale. water to kept round week on himself. If I am not Running trips per the route between Port- here when you return intermediate dirkctorm. near hot with a moderate of defence, every was made Farmington, offices and connec- buildings, church, school and depot. Inquire consumption fuel. land, Bar Harbor and Machiasport, via usual attempt possible to via Maine Central put him into that arm-chair, give him his tions, railroad—Arrive at 1 p. Hon. Josiah II. on the premises. J. H. BRACKETT. 6-8 We can give the most refer- landings, leaving Portland at 11 p. in. every Tues- prove an but none of Close at 12 Drummond, Portland, Maine, -j satisfactory alibi, the witnesses m.; m. j Supplementary 12.16 p. m. John E. ences of a number PREVENTS day and Friday, and at 4.00 a. in. pipe, and tell him la most DeWitt, Portland, Maine. that have used the but MachlAsport your impressive who Rockland, intermediate offices and Apoplexy, cures Paralysis, Rheumatism. Heart every aud thought that they had seen the prison- connections, Henry C. Hutchins, Boston, Mass. Boston Heater. Be sure and see Monday Thursday. voice that he is not to stir on account till via Knox and Lincoln railroad—Arrive, 1 and 6.00 Hon. Percival the Bos- PAYSON General any er elsewhere were Bonney, Portland. Me. Disease, Angina Pectoris, Chronic Bronchitis, Liver* TUCKER, Manager. positive about the time; p.in.; Close at 6.30 a. m. and 12 m.; Supplemen- Hon. F. ton heater before you purchase. F. E. BOGTHBY.Gen’l Pass. and I come in.” Marquis Kino, Portland, Me. FOR Complaint, Kidney and Bladder TicketAgl. 12.15 m. trouble. and in the face of the admitted fact that the tary, p. Thomas A. Foster, M. D., Portland, Me. SALE. Dys- Port lam.. (>ct.20.18M7. oct21dtt "Are you sure that he will be all Skouheaan. intermediate offices and connec- Hon. Fred. E. pepsia, Ac., Ac. right?" prisoner had travelled to and St. Richards, Roekport, Me. left Pan- tions, via Maine Central railroad-Arrive at 2 a. Geo roe L. For Sale "Perfectly. He would not move If the Deblois, Boston, Mass. by all druggists. Price 81 a bottle alx cras Station on that their m. and 1p.m.; Close at 12 m. and 9 p. m.; Sup- Edward A. night, evidence Noyes, Portland, Me. .SETTLE an estate, the stock, tools, and fix- TENNEY bottles for *3, Send to Da. F. S. PORTLAND & house were on fire." plementary 12.16 and 0.010 p. m. & HcTomxeo* A Co. WORCESTER LINE. came to Hon. Frederick Robie, Gorham, Me. TO tures of au old established stove and kitchen DUNHAM, nothing. The judge, who, unfortu- Auburn and Lewiston,—Arrive 2 and 9 a. m. E. Enoeburgh Falls, Ft., V. & for With this the Frank Allen, Portland, Me. furnishing store in Boston: storage pays rent. Ad- A., circulars, testi- understanding parties sep- for and 1 and 6 p.m.; 6.30 a. m., 12 4.30 Agents for Furnace Co's Goods. nately Alfred Stuckey, to have Close, in., dress Magee monials and n treatise on arated. happened and 9 12.15 “STORE,” Jy2o eodtf Portland & Rochester R. p. m.; Supplementary, and 10 m. _____ R4 a reputation for p. OFFICERS. oct25d3t Box 235. Boston, Mass. hanging, of which he is not Bangor.—Arrive at 2 a. m. and 1 and 6 d. m.; a little proud, put it to the jury that their Close at 6.30 a. m., 12 m. and 9 p. m.; Supple- ARRANGEMENT OF TRAINS 12.15 and 10.00 m. JOHN E. DeWITT, President It was between 8:30 and 9 p. m. on the mentary p. verdict must practically depend upon the Canada, intermediate offices and CHOIR LEADERS On and after Monday, October 24, 1S.M7, lame connections, HENRY D. SMITH, FARM FOR SALE. Passenger Trains will leave Portland: day when Mr. Ephraim pre- attached via Grand Trunk railroad—Arrive at 12.16 Secretary, are Stuckey weight they to Higgs’s evidence, p. m.; ARTHUR L. Ass't invited to make the ensuing season their most APOPLEXY! Tor Close at 1.00 m. BATES, Secretary. Worcester, Clinton, Ayer Junction. sented himself at Hammersmith Police Sta- which p. THOMAS A. successful one, by one uf Ditsou & Co.’s was not only consistent with all the N. H., intermediate FOSTER. M. D„ Medical Director homestead of the late Captain Thomas adopting Nnabua, W iudhitm and Eppina at 7.30 Gorham, offices and connec- books, which are most and al|g8___eodtf~ tion and asked for He HON. JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, Counsel. in Maine; house new and mod- carefully compiled, n. m. and 1.00 p. m. assistance. made at evidence as to the move- tions, via Grand Trunk railroad-Arrive at 8.35 a. THEMorse, Gray, contain the newest works of the prisoner’s previous commodious barn and out in best composers. Tor same time a m. and 12.15 p. in.; Close at 6.30 and 9 a. m. and ern; buildings, all Concord, and poixta North the statement from which, in but was AMERICAN ANTHEM HOOK. TRUE’S PIN ments, strongly corroborated by the 1.00 p. m. condition: tbree minutes walk from post of- (|1.25 or WORM ELIXIR I ^Manchester, addition to the above it ce and Maine Central R. R. tlie farm *12 per doz.) and Tor facts, appeared that witness’s identification of the Swanton, Vt., intermediate offices and con- Sood Station; Johnson, Abbey Tenney. Rochester, Nprlagvalr, Alfred, Wnien deceased, contains about 100 divided Pleases sales. Order with boro, and Nnco Birerat 7.30 n. in consequence of business de- nections, via Portland and Ogdensburg railroad— acres, nearly equally everybody. Large n., 1.00 unexpectedly There could, in said his be no BEN WILLIAM between wood, and Ditson A Co.'s and at 0.30 a. m. fact, lordship, Arrive at 8.50 p. m.; Close at 8.00 a. m. , pasture tillage; all excellent imprint.' (mixed) him In he had not for and farm would, make a Tor Gorham at 7.30 n. taining town, reached reasonable doubt that Higgs had seen the Bartlett. N. H., intermediate offices and connec- hay crops; splendid DHENMEER’N MAC HER SELECTIONS. m., 1.00, 3.00, tions, via Portland & of Eastern dairy or stock farm, or country place lor a man (SI.50 or *13.50 0.30, and (mixed) at 0.30 p. m. home until close upon seven o’clock. He on Ogdensburg railroad-Arrive Agencies. Dcparmen per doz.) Very large aud va- 4 deceased the tow-path in with business in the Tor Cumberland company at 11.10 a. m. and 8.60 p. m.; Close at 8.00 a, m. gUperinlenaant doing city. ried collection. Maccnrappa, Mills, Wra then found no trace of his The trains each on the Maine brook Junction father or of his some man, who was him with and 2.20 p. m. many way Central JEHOVAH’S! and Woodford’s at 7.3A threatening PRAISE. <»1.00 or *9.00 X and 10.00 a. after Rochester, N. intermediate offices and R. R. give rapid and frequent communication with m., l.oo, 3.00, 0.30 ar.d brother, and, waiting for the return of violence. The was H„ con per doz.) By L. O. Emerson, a new Church I< only question whether nections, via Portland & Rochester Lewiston, Auburn and Portland, and all points (mixed) *«.:ro p. m. the servant and railroad—Ar" JAMES Music Book of the best character. Many New X Tor making inquiries about the that man was the rive at SINKINSON east and west. Korea! A enne 10.00 a. m. prisoner, in whose com- l.SOp. m.; Close at 7 a. m. and 12 in.;' Anthems and Metrical Tunes. X (Drering) For and terms of 3iOOand tt.-JO m. neighborhood, he|had come to the conclusion Supplementary 12.30 p m. for particulars inquire a p. pany the deceased was proved to have been Manager City Agency, Portland. Other well komi hooks with Anthem Col- The I .OO p. m. train from Eastport, (tri via steamers Interna- oov6 good Portland connects at that on left alone his father for weekly) eodlf ARA CUMH91A.I, Auburn, Me , lections are:—Emerson’s Ol a wlttl being had, up to half an hour previously, or tional Steamship Co.—Arrive at 6 a. m., Tuesday, ANTHEM’S Tunnel Rome fot somebody or on I’KAISEs lleu-haw's Ml's the and at Union the first time on taken It Thursday and Saturday; Close at 4.30 the premises,aug22eod&wtf DEO; Palmer West, Depot, Worcester, fos record, Into his else whom no had been made to p. m, and 1 •rh attempt Monday, Wednesday and Trowbridge's MANTOHAI.; Leslie’s Tla Norwich Line, and all rail. head to out and had either Friday. a,lU *'!•' Via also go by himself, identify, and who had no motive for the Chebeague, Long, Cousen’s and Peak's Islands— HORSES FOR SALE.~ MllEPARU MprmgMeld, with N. Y. 4k N. K. B. K rrlce ol (“Steamer Maryland for lost himself or met with some worse mis- Arrive at 10 a. m.; Close at 2 p. m. PAIR roans, and one each. Route”) Philadelphia, crime. The jury naturally preferred the good carriage horses, *1.00 or *9.00 per doz. road horse, all sound and B,?."i.u,or*'’ Washington, and the Da nth, and chance. ONEvery good bay: Male Choirs or With Boston Ac former altenrnative, and returned a verdict Stage Malls, Ac. safe. Address J. I10PK1N8 SMITH. oc21d6t Quartets will find good music in Albnay K. K. for the WVat. ;MA,-K CHOIR. Y Close conuectloD made at W estbrook Junta events codfirmed the latter of Duck Pond, Westbrook, (*1.00 or lion Subsequent “Guilty.” Windham, Raymond Two For Hole on *9.00 per and Dow’s with through tralus of MalneCentral R. K. and and .South Casco—Arrive at 11 Houses Fessenden doz.) In Marred Ouar A GREAT DISCOVERY! a. m.; Close at 2 teu for Male ht Grand Trunk with theory. The Rev. Alfred Stuckey, on being Mr. and Mrs. Waffles were m. Voices. £2.00 *1.75 It Is to be the safest and Transfer, Portland, throngb much pleased p. Hired, Oakdale, Deerlng. Boards. Cloth, acknowledged bast, trains of Grand Trunk communicated with Ocean House most potent and effectual remedy known for Railway. by telegram next day, with their lodger, Mr. felt Bowery Beach, and Knightville— of said bouses contains fifteen rooms and Through Tickets to all polutsWest and Month Bib, though they Arrive at 10 a. Close at 3 this child-killing disease. that he had m.; p. m. bath room. Is steam heated; tor hot Also send for lists ol our 3000 Octovo piece* may be had of 8. H. replied left his father at home rather sorry for the old too. It South ONE piped Sold gall HKLLKN,Ticket Agent, Port- gentleman, Portland, Ferry Village and Willard— and cold water and has a commodious and extra costing 5 to 10 cts. each. Toy Criigglstai. land A Rochester Depot at foot of Preble Street. in his chair at 5:15 on the Arrive at 8 a. in. and 2.30 previous evening. was very sad to see him in his room p. in.; Close at 8 a. m. tluished stable connected. The other contains PRICE 3S«> 60c. and 81.00. •Does not stop at Woodford’s. sitting and 2.30 in. On the same p. nine rooms and In arrangement and of finish Any Rook Mailed for Rrmil Price. W. PETERS day Mr. Stuckey’s hat was alllday looking at or out of East style Dt. JOHN F. TRUE 4 _oct22dtf_J. SuoL pictures, gazing Dccring—Arrive at 7.30 a. m.; Close at Is peculiarly attractive. 00., Proprietors, found in the osier-beds at Chiswick. A 6.30 p. m. day the window with that blank expression on Said houses are within one mile of Market Oliver Ditson & AUBURN, MAINE. BOSTON AND MAINE R. R. or two later a had square, romana, auu convenient to me norse cars octll Co.,F Worms a Worms walking stick, which cer- his face. But, on the other hand, young Mr. wTape Specialty. Tape in effect Mundny, Oct. 33, 1887. and are among the most desirable bouses on removed In from one hour and minutes belonged to him was in the CITY ADVEKTISBMEhfT*. thirty tainly picked up Bib paid Mrs. Waffles an extra half-guinea Deeiing Land Company’s property. to three hours. WESTERN DIVISION. river at Also (or sale one hundred or mure house lots— Tnv Chelsea. The police continued the per week for an on Boston 7.30, 8.40 a. m„ 12.40 S.3(. a. m. keeping eye the old gen- CITY OF VIAIMC. Prices terms reasonable. PORTLAND, low; Enquire of Janl TuThS&Swly Boston far Portland 7.30, 8.30. A 1.00 hue and cry with unabated vigor, but after and had also several KOI,LINS A No. 22 m.. tleman, paid weeks’ ADAMS, Exchange 8t„ or 4.00, 5.00 p. m. Mcarboro Beach. Pine Poiat K. O. BAILEY A CO., No. 18 these discoveries only one theory of the old rent in which is no means Proposals for Granite Exchange St., Port- WINTER FOII NTRENOTH VIE Old Orchard, Mara, Biddeford 7.30. advance, by the Paving THIS is the land. 8.40. Blocks. of the |e21dtl 10.25 A m., 3.30, •5.30,6.16 m. gentleman’s disappearances soemed tenable. usual practice of lodgers in the neighborhood top gen- p. Kraarbank a.m.,, *6.30, 6.15 p. m. No was no PROPOSALS will be received by the uine “Pearl There motive to suggest his having of Kennington Park, where Mr. and Mrs. WANTED. Tails, Dorn 7.30, 8.40 SEALEDundersigned until October 27tli, 887, at 12 Top" Lamp BOVININCBil.h’. Fluid Fooil. Ka !V'rw'T*‘’.r roocnn tlmn ihnt exact label putrid •Via Eastern Dlv. to Scarboro meals if they had not been or early either by water conveyance or Crossing. forthcoming. spring, by of either sex to work on Boys’ 25 cents meat extracts. Is retained by the most irritable stom- his had cars, on either side of the city, as may be required each one of the WANTED—PersonsCards at their to Caps SUNDAY TRAINS day’s outing unduly excited him— That was why Mr. and Mrs. Waffles were so lloliday homes; $6 $9 per “ by the Committee on Streets. week Men’s Scotch rchs. Creates new and vitalized blood tor Boston 4.15 and had somehow fallen earned; steady employment; no oil painting; Cans 40 faster than any 1.00, p. m. via East Dlv, to Scar- into the river. It pleased with their Also for ten thousand tons of Granite Grout to no boro lodger. Pearl canvassing; all work mailed promptly. Address “ rther Sustains life for Crossing. was a considerable be delivered as above. Top National Card 76 Boys’ Soft Hats 35 preparation. months by injection, time, however, before the it therefore Mrs. Co., State street, Boston, Mass. gave Waffles, as she sub- The right is reserved lo reject any or all bids. 1*. O. Box “ s life in cases of EASTERN DIVISION. discovery of the body put the oid man’s fate Chimeys. 6092,oot26eod2w Driving Gloves 50 daily saving Phthisis Typhoid and sequently stated, “quite a turn,” when Mr. Proposals to be addressed to, and any further For Bhi« an 2.oo a.m., daily,t9.00a.m.,41.00. obtained from s 16.00 it). beyond During the interval information may be The dealer ami Men to Decor- Relapsing Fever, Diphtheria, Bright Oisease, Neural p. Ho.ton for Porilnml 7.30, Silk) a. question. Ephra- Bib came down stairs one young All other in a morning with his HERBERT G. WANTED—Ladlesate Holiday Novelties for fall and winter goods proportion for ni„ 12.30 m. (“7.00 dally), im Stuckey was more than once summoned BRIGGS, few pa, Pneumonia, ’nemla, Marasmus, and all Eissases p. p.m. tape Klin hat and overcoat on, and evinced the strong- Chairman of Committee on Streets, may say and trade; steady employment; $9.00 per week tlajs. belli. 9.00 a. III. (5.30 p. m. West. Dlv. Pass ) to different points between Kew and No. 18, City Building. earned: All materials furnished; work mailed >f Children. Builds up the system after severe "»>• 9.00 a.m., 1.00 p.m. Hiddeford 2.00. u.oi Bridge est Intention of out for a walk. surgical going Young Portland, Oct, octl2dtd think he has as N'KW BNULAND DECOR- a.m., 1.00,6.00 p.m. Hon.mouth, New burr Gravesend for the purpose of inspecting the 12,1887._ free-.Address rperations. Soothes and alleviates ulcerated and can- Mr. Bib had given strict Instructions that ATIVE WORks, 19 Pearl Street, Boston, pori, Salem, L)ss 2.00, 0.00 a. m., 1.00, 6.00 m ghastly human flotsam and of the but he not. Mass., P, O, Box 6078,octlleod2w :erous conditions of the stomach and p. Ameaburv 9.00a.m.. 6.oo m jetsam ills father was on no account has rectum, Is the 1.00, p. to leavo the good, tConnects with Kail Lines tor New York river, but without result. Four weeks had inly nutrient that will cure nervous house, as, besides being unablo to find bis Insist upon the exact label cash, second-hand Books, COE, permanently prostra- {Connects with Sound Lines tor New York. when he received WANTED—ForLibraries, Magazines, Ac. Call or address, Division- North nearly elapsed information was Discount ion and debility. it and feeble infants and Berwick to Scarboro he liable to Taxes! JOHN Upon puny way back, become danger- jn and O'BRIEN, 85 Pleasant St., Portland. CrofrtSg' that the body of an elderly man had been is that thdBlme allowed top. ihildren and ously excited by tile noise and bustle of the hereby given 20-1 197 MIDDLE STREET. their exhausted mothers thrive wonderfut- Through Tickets to all points West and South at the linen NOTICEfor the voluntary payment of taxes for the tor tale at ■>•• iland found Deptford, of which ap- On tli* two or Contains no Rlallss Tirket WRre and streets. three occasions when year under a Discount of one GEO. A. MACBETH & CO. salesmen to select y. medication whatever. 12 oz. contains the at I1 ills I present per cent., icltel ORre, ill Kichoair NI reel4 peared to have been marked with an “S.’ will at of on WANTED—Twenty-liveIn HletiM'iigcr'H Notice, he had called to see His father, young Mr. expire the close business, MONDAY, territory Maine, New Hampshire, Ver- itrength of 10 lbs. of meat. If your druggist does not JAS. T. KUKHKIi, “"TVu'ager The features were all but unrecognizable October 31st instant. II. W. HERSEY, mont, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connec- Dltlco of the Sheriff of Cumberland County, Bib had always repeated these instructions. Treasurer and Collector. Pa. fertile sale of The Excelsior-Self State of it, we will send a 12oz. ,tOStOI1‘ Pittsburgh, ticut, Wrtnglng- Maine, Cumberland ss. October 19, leep bottle, express paid on re- D. J. PLANDERS, Oen. P. A T. A but, after such inspection as was possible, in his to Portland. Oct. 24. 1887. oct24dtd Improved 1st, 1887. Caller write to -V. 1>. 1887. It was, fact, intention take his fa- Mop, Aug. leipt of One Dollar. A. P. BUSH & CO., *1. L. WILLIAMS, (ieu’l Agent, without hesitation ALLEN K. BaNoS, factory and salesrooms 267 THUS Is to give notice, that on the nineteenth Boston,' Mass. Ephraim pronounced the ther to a residence in the T’S 0<>t10 0Ct21JttPortland. away quiet country CITY of WRIO H Middle street, Portland, Me. Butterlck Pattern X day of October, A. D. 1887, a Warrant in remains to be those of ids father. PORTLAND, MAINE. Rooms. _____eoddm as soon as he had concluded certain business Best *0.00 Cabinet Photographs at 19-4 Insolvency was issued out of the Court of lusolv- •ncy. for said County of Cumberland, against the The Inquest which followed, and which which he had on hand. attention of housekeepers to estate of said $3.75 PER WANTED—Thethe special being offered at the was of course, held at Deptford, added only Mrs. Waffles accordingly placed herself DOZEN, bargains NEALC. of EXHAUSTED VITALITY. DOLLARS Have FIVE CENT STOKE, in tinware, THOMPSON, Portland, TEN taken the to secure crockery, glass, Bass’ A to above REWARD. lead and the opportunity Ale Ureal Medical one additional fact those stated. and rdjudged to be an on Work for before the door, explained to Mr. Bib these rates We em- Ac.; all kinds of kitchen furnishing goods at 443 Insolvent Debtor, petition English Young and will continue until Dee. 1st. above reward will bo paid for Information in coal 19-1 d said debtor, which was hied on the -v-AJ»’D— The medical evidence showed that there was could not leave the at ploy the most skilful workmen that can be se- Congress street; blgdrive bods. petition Middle-Aged Men. that lie premises pres- THEwhich will lead to the detection and conviction lineteenth of October, A. I). to which cured, care and attention to every de- day 1887, a severe contusion on the head, which had ent. of any person found of depositing on the being given to know that MRS. DR late interest on claims is to be guilty tail of the work. Our Is oue of the best computed. shore of Back Bay, any filth, garbage, dead car- skylight WANTED—PartiesSHERMAN has taken rooms at 135 F'ree That tlie payment ot debts to or said RUUSHf ESS’ been caused before death, and the in the city, and our and accessories any tty Deb- probably “Please—please," stammered the old gen- casses, excrement or kind of olfal or offensive instruments St., near tint transfer and STOUT, any are entirely new. Congress Square. Corns, outgrowing for.and delivery pf auy property doctor was strongly of opiuion that the de- matter. joints ana nails trented ID a skillful manner. Her by him are forbidden For Sale In tlie tleman in what was for him rather an ex- We finished 0,100 Cabinets during August and by law. Original Package by By order of the Hoard of Mayor and Aldermen. rooms will be open for Ladies’ and Gentlemen. That a meeting of the Creditors of said Debtor, ceased had been stunned by this blow, and Septen her. This we consider a very creditable r ~ cited tone, “can’t wait—my son, Alfred— EZRA Marshal. to prove their eights and choose one or more as- HAWKE3, City showing for a new then thrown Into the river. There was Portland. firm. _}8-l of his estate, w ill be look.” lie drew a newspaper from his pock- July 13,1887. Iyl4dtf Kvery visiter is and courteous signees held at a Court of assured of polite to know that M. G. Palm! Insolvency to be holden at Court __ nothing, however, to pointto a definite con- attention at l’robate Room, R. et and pointed to something in it. On pre- WANTED—Peopleer’s old Shoe Store, at 230 Middle St., lias in said Portland, on the seventh day of STANLEY & SON. and aftei of with a line of A. D. at KNOW clusion, hearing the evidence tence of looking at ij Mrs. Waffles drew him and PILES reopened good everyday Boots, November, 1887, 10 o’clock in the fore THYSELF. SB A Shoes and at LADKI- HtOll. More Than the Kev. Alfred Stuckey and nls brother as fly*1 H 1 ill treated without Rubbers, popular prices. IMPORTERS, One Million I ople* Said. into the parlor, where she saw that it was a G GV B "iri WRIGHT’S, 5181-2 GongressSt. CAN & MRLAHQH.18-1 Given under my hand the date first above writ- tlio uso of the jcl 1 eodftm Nervous and Physical Debility. Pr*ma- to the mental condition of the the ten. H. It. tur* deceased, which he had somehow knife or detention from also nil other dis- SARGENT, Decline, Errors of Youth, Exhausted Vitality, morning paper got business, a good reliable party, an In- as of 410 Fore butt returned a verdict of o/ Deputy Sheriff, Messenger the Court of In- Street. Minhood, Impaired Vigor and Impnritie* of too jury “Found Drowned.’■ was cuses the Jiootum. Cure guaranteed. WM. terest In a well established will Blood, hold of, and that lie pointing to the re- WANTED—By business, nolveuey for said County of Cumberland. and the untold mweriMH csuuHMinent tharwoo. A READ D. Harvard and ROBERT M. I N. Contain* :ttni certificate of this verdict, together with (M. 1842) LADIES furnish capital. For particulars, apply to 8. o»20«27 -2E2L_no pagan, substantial cm homed binding, full of the first in the trial _ port day’s proceedings READ (M. D. Harvard 1876), hvunt House, No. Do own Peerless GARDINER, No. 40 Exchange St. 18-1 Kilt, Warrant Oil the best popular medical treaties other documents to was your Dyeing, at home, with Dyes. pub hatred in tie* Price relating the death, Rev. Alfred at the Old Bai- 175 Tremont Boston. References will sold English language. only 11 by of the Stuckey Street, given. They dye everything They are every- and concealed m a where. a middle aged woman mail, pualpaid, plain wrapper. Ip subsequently lodged by the Ilev. Alfred As she read the over to humor Consultation free. Send for pamphlet. Office Price lOr. a package-40 colors. They capable luatratire sample free If you semi now. ley. passage have no WANTED—Bya situation as In a small fam- DR. E. B. as bours, 11 A- M- tq i f\ M. (Sundays and holidays equal fur (strength, Brightness, Amount Jionsekeeper REED, Clairvoyant PI BlsIN|||:i» by the milOllYYIKIIK AL Stuckey, administrator of the deceased, on The Is to do general him the old man kept repeating, “My son excepted.) In packages or fur Justness of Color, or uou-fad- ily. applicant fully qualified ISsTiTI'TKjsWo. t Mwlllnrh *>r.llo*ton, >lnaw. with the Monument housework and Is an experienced laund- >1. < Assurance Company, in me? no—not Alfred. ing Dualities. They do not crock or smut. For cooking; U II. PYKKIK, M IK, oil.,... Phv- Alfred murder No, feb eodv sale D. W. corner ress. Address HOUSEKEEPER, Saccarappa Ale and Botanic *w*iui», to whom all order* should be addmnwxi whoso office the insurance on Martin Stuck- by Ileseltiuc & Co., Druggists, Physician. ami Nichols, Box *07. Musn’t hang Alfred!'’ Congress Myrtle streets; N. Cl. Drug- ___11-2 Medical Rooms 03 Franklin 8t., Portland, Me. my ey’* life had been effected. gist, 787 street; K. W. 10eocmwly Now in the sat Mrs, Waffles’s hus- DR. HAM’S emigres*. corner Drove to a parlor Stevens, and WANTED—A good druggist buy drug REEI> treats all chronic diseases that flesh About a week after this was Mr. Druggist, corner Congress Parris Tv store stock and fixtures; long established mi §“yV"ml without the use ot knllo done, band his breakfast, for he was h com- Fred. A. comer Con- DR.is heir all cases that are as in- or taking streets; Turner, Druggist, miles to; given up I a* ligature, or detention from the manager of the and and doing a good busluess, not twenty from surable the and ) i, Capper, Monument in office of a and a gress Washington streets; T. J. Looney, by allopathic homeopathic phy- Uf positor the daily paper, Bangor; only store In town; to be sold at once; w LV; Mi'llse.lMcsolthw was shown INVIGORATOR Druggist, corner Middle ami Franklin streets; D. sicians, l ill take their esse to treat ami cure ; into the care W. ■ .VKcctum successfully treated Assurance Company, utterances made a P. terms cash. Address H. !i., J. Perkins -hem. I lit id that of ** ill late Mr. Bib’s deep Horr, 038 street; William about four-flftbs the cases for our Fall an*I **•'• * ■ riser, IS A suite UUIIU Druggist, Congress A Me. 30-4 ▼ f RADIES '• FiMH, UN office of Mr. George, the FOli s. and Free Co., Portland. riven up to die can he cured. Examinations at a Christmas to take ■| ■ILLUe. George Company’s on Waffles. lie was a man Banks, Druggist, junction Congress y trade, light, pleasant work Piramal SI., impression Mr, listance letter w ith full name and t their own to Anbura.Me. Streets; T. B- Pollard, Druggist, 212 Danforth by their place j homes; $l $3 per day can !»»* 7uiet t’uro solicitor. >f f made. guaranteed. At U. S. Hotel, Portland Room of considerable and, moreover, INTEMPERANCE. W. Perkins found on 61* residence nad one 2 cent and $2.00 El- Work sent mail any dlstauce. Fartleu- " intelligence, street; Cook,'Everett Si Pennell;.John fPTTTC T> A DL11) maybe at o«k stamp by from 1) a. m to 4 he resplt from the in- & and If. Ii. 1’. Rowell A Co’i News imination at the ofllce, $ l 00. Consultation free. canvassing. Address at once, UKKS- is,every Saturday p. n“ Kefe “Well," said, “any knew all the facts in tiie case Co., May ft Bon, Portland. Maine, I II I I Jb IV impel 2l® slices given. Consultation Stuckey by SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS, JUlco hours a a. m. to y m. FNT AKT 147 Milk street. Iloston. Mass. free. Send for oaiunh- in case?" FOR Jlyll eodly p. sepl4tl CO., ®L* 9 quiries Stuckey’s heart, having been engaged on the previous myao eoil&w6w J 10X5170. octtieod&wlm years caperleuce. lluudreds cured. eodtl